f1daydreamers · 1 year
𝐀 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨 [𝐋𝐒𝟏𝟖] 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐
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photo credits: Pinterest
Pairing: Lance Stroll x Fem!Reader
Summary: Asking the driver of the team you work for to attend a wedding with you as your fake date is possibly one of the dumbest ideas you’ve had ever.. but also one of the best.
Warnings: fluff, friends to lovers, one bed trope oop
A/N: Thank you all so much for the love on the first chapter, you guys are incredible :') Here's Part 1 if you haven't read it yet or want a recap!
Word Count: 2.1k (8 minutes reading time avg)
"Your Dad, your sister, your brother, they're great." You didn't add anything on to Lance's sentence, heading out of the venue your brother had extravangantly booked for a rehearsal dinner.
Being a lawyer marrying a real estate agent must have its perks.
"Your mum is.. certainly a character." You scoffed, knowing he probably had no intention of clearing up what he meant, assuming you'd understand what he was trying to say.
The sun had barely begun setting, the weather was cooler, and your home wasn't that much of a walk so somewhere between the few minutes it took for you both to leave the venue and reach the corner of the street, you decided walking would be the best option.
Lance just inattentively followed you, knowing you were his only navigation system.
He took a few brisk steps to catch up with your pace, the only comfort offered to you that you'd accept after a long day would be under the covers of your bed.
"In a rush?" You exhaled through your mouth, watching the puff of air escape from your lips.
"No, just want this day to end." You felt bitter about how your mother was acting, ignoring Lance then shooting you looks as if you were in the wrong was so typical of her.
Yet you were still surprised she'd go that low on such a celebratory occasion.
"You're.. chipper." The corner of your mouth twitched upwards and you mumbled a barely coherent word of confusion.
Lance laughed at your expression, "I heard one of your uncles say it, I like it."
You breathily laughed, shaking your head. "Trust me, no one says that anymore. My uncle uses slang he thinks would make him fit in. It doesn't."
He shrugs, stretching his arms outwards and only satisfied when he hears an expected 'pop' sound. "I think he's pretty cool."
Your lips curve into a smile, turning your head towards Lance who has a similar grin on his lips. "You should tell him that, he'll blush bright red."
You undo the latch to the front gate, pulling it wide open so the F1 driver can slide through, then you shut it behind him.
"Do you have a key?" Lance asks you, hopping up the final step of the patio. He extended your purse out to you in case it was in there but before you could answer his question, you paused.
"Why do you have my purse?" Trying to recall if you handed it to him but nothing sprung to mind.
"You left it on the table, I recognised it from this." He fiddled with the Aston Martin keyring Sebastian left the entire team as a parting gift in Abu Dhabi last year.
He brought it to your line of sight, proudly smiling.
You smiled back at him, "sharp eye Stroll."
"Thank you darling." That same look of confusion arose on your face again.
You looked away, your face warming slightly as you kicked the corner of the doormat to reveal a familiar key beneath it.
"Another one of my Uncle's terms of endearment?" He chuckled from behind you, the keyring making a faint clank sound as it hit the chain of your crossbody bag.
"Afraid so." You shook your head for the second time in this conversation, bending over to grasp the key between the pads of your index finger and thumb.
Slotting it into the hole, you pushed the door open and similarly to before, Lance easily maneuvered inside and past you.
He toed off his sneakers and picked them up with his two fingers hooked into the back.
You pulled open the drawer to the shoe rack, and he pushed them inside one of the empty spaces. You followed in his movements.
"Hungry? Thirsty?" He accompanied you to the kitchen. You flicked on the light switch and he went over to the kitchen island, leaning his elbows on the cold marble counter.
"Nah, I ate my weight in almonds already." He grinned, watching you pull out a jug from the fridge.
"Sucks having a rehearsal dinner with no dinner." You commented.
You poured yourself a glass of some freshly-squeezed apple juice. Your mum was always hellbent on having fresh everything when you were growing up, guess that habit still hadn't faded over time.
After a brief moment of chatter, you slung your bag around your neck, both you and Lance ascending the stairs to your bedroom.
As you pushed the door open and your hand searched for the light switch on the wall, you came to a sudden halt when the room was eventually illuminated.
Your heart sank to your stomach as you stared at the double bed in the center of your room.
He shut the door, wondering why you'd stopped moving all of a sudden before the realisation dawned on him and his words faltered halfway in his throat.
You glanced at him as his shoulder ghosted yours to stand besides you, his gaze met yours and both of you had a very similar look on your faces: the one that said 'this wasn't part of the deal'.
"Do you want me to open a window? It's a bit stuffy in here." He nonchalantly questioned.
You refrained from telling him that it wasn't stuffy because of the humidity, it was stuffy because there was an obvious elephant in the room that needed to be addressed.
You don't answer him, your mind in somewhat of a haze as you're trying to comprehend when the fuck two twin beds that you remember moving out from suddenly turned into one double bed.
"I'll open a window." Lance states, passing the inanimate bane of your existence to crack open one of the windows.
The idea of sharing a bed brought on a sudden discomfort, and without obvious reason. You'd shared beds with so many people before; friends, cousins, on sleepovers, girls' nights.
You dismiss the memories of physical contact earlier: Lance's hand resting on your thigh, fingers intertwined, and his touch on your back.
Consequently, you also disregarded the subsequent surge of butterflies in your stomach.
Those butterflies could have been easily set aside as mere surprise, and you also had no intention of experiencing them again. It took a considerable effort to convince the F1 driver to accompany you as your pretend date for a four-day weekend, so the thought of him ever entertaining any connection with you seemed entirely implausible.
Plus, you don't even like him like that.
Lance noticed you deeply lost in thought, biting the inside of his cheek.
"I can take the floor." Your eyes snap up to him stood on the other side of the room, leaned against the window pane.
Your eyes then flicker to the wooden flooring beneath your feet, shuddering while imagining how wildly uncomfortable that would be for a whole night, nevermind three nights.
"It's cold, and hard."
He shrugged, not caring much for his own discomfort. He reached over to grab his gym bag besides your suitcase, your parents had brought them in from your car this morning.
He unzipped the front pocket, fishing out his toothbrush.
"I dragged you out here so the least I can do is give you a bed to sleep in. I'll take the floor."
Lance hummed in disagreement, giving you a firm look. "Nope, not happening."
He pulled off his hoodie and dropped it on top of his gym bag, heading straight for the bathroom, already knowing where it was having had it shown to him before by your sister.
You took the time to change into your pajamas, digging through your open suitcase for your toiletry bag and simultaneously waiting for him to finish up in the bathroom.
After he had, he entered your bedroom once more and you found yourself staring at his bare arms, flexing with every little movement as he moved to sit on the edge of the bed.
The image of his muscles burned into your mind as you swiftly exited the room and set foot into the bathroom, locking it. You exhaled a shaky breath, taking out your toothbrush from your bag of skincare.
As you brushed your teeth then veered off into your skincare routine that followed, you only prayed that this weekend would go by quickly and smoothly. Something you'd been praying for since your brother had announced the dates of the ceremony.
After you finished up, you turned the light switch off and with a hesitant movement in your feet, you pushed open the bedroom door that hadn't been closed the entire way. Yet.
You saw Lance preparing to lie on the floor and told him to wait, hoping that if your parents hadn't been clearing out the remnants of your wardrobe as they had been with your bed, you'd find..
"Yes!" You exclaimed, tugging out the air mattress, keeping a hand on the tower of clothes you never took with you. Lance helped before laughing, you met his eyes as you lay the deflated cloud on your floor.
"Why do you have an air mattress in your room?" You blushed, "because of my sleepovers. I bought it spontaneously and look, now there's a purpose for it."
"Pump?" You whisked around again, now on your tiptoes as you tried to feel around the top of your wardrobe for a familiar cardboard box but ultimately failing because of your height, or lack thereof.
"Let me," Lance interrupted, extending his arm easily to the top. You looked down to the floor so your gaze wouldn't fixate on his bare bicep twice this evening, and eventually he lowered the box so it was within your grasp.
After pumping up the mattress, pulling on a fitted sheet and throwing him two of your pillows, you also threw him your thicker duvet.
Before he could complain, you stopped him. "I took the bed, you take the duvet. I've got a blanket." He gave in, sorting it out on his bed for the night, laying on his back after what felt like days.
You slipped into your blanket, resting your head on your pillow.
"Y/N?" You hum in return to his call of your name, turning your head to see him staring at the ceiling.
"The light's still on." You chuckled but before you could swing your legs over to the side, Lance was already up and going over to the far wall.
"Thanks." You add. He cautiously steps in darkness back over, careful as to not hit anything or hurt himself.
You wake up to find sunlight peaking through your windows, the cause of your slumber coming to its eventual end. But the man who fell asleep beneath the window isn't there, the blanket half falling off of the air mattress, the pillows tilted slightly.
Your eyebrows furrow when your eyes adjust to your room, but you also manage to half-remember that the blanket you were seeing on Lance's mattress was the one you'd fell asleep with a mere 8 hours ago.
The duvet you'd thrown at him now covering everything below your hips. You realised he must've swapped them at some point during the night when you were sound asleep.
After a few minutes, you sat up on your bed and left to brush your teeth, retying your hair into a low bun and splashing cold water over your face.
You skipped down the stairs, walking into the kitchen where most of the voices you were hearing were coming from, Lance's distinguishable accent being one of them.
"Morning sleepy," you smiled at him as he turned away from you and to the coffee machine, looking around to see only your sister and one of your cousins who'd stayed the night meeting your tired gaze.
"Where's mum 'n dad?" Daisy shrugged, "out."
She turned her attention back to your cousin so you headed for Lance, who, with a freshly brewed cup of coffee in his hand, swung around to see you.
You groaned happily at the sight of it, excitedly taking it into your hands. Coffee cheered you up. Lance chuckled, noticing the genuine twinkle in your eyes when he extended the mug out to you.
"Thank you." He nodded, and after a short moment's of silence, you looked at him.
"Did you.. swap the duvet 'round?" You questioned quietly, making sure the others in the kitchen couldn't overhear.
He smiled, taking a swig of his coffee before answering.
"You were shivering." He didn't add on anything else and from the gesture alone, that damned flurry of butterlifes erupted out of their cages again in your stomach.
"Well, I appreciate it. I guess my body did too." You joked, Lance nudging your arm with his elbow, a grin on his lips.
Part 3
Comment if you want to be tagged in the next part!
Taglist: @tororossoseb-blog @hiphopdancer101universe @hc-dutch @love4lando @chonkybonky @angstyeighteen @natasharomanoffisbaebby @little-angel-07 @voidskywxlker @flowerchild-96 @vildetry06 @sharllec @aundercover @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @spicyclover @mloyer @alesainz @e-lisa-bettan @hockey-racing-fubol @cinnamonroll2003
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 8 months
Heyy, love what you do. You're amazing.
I was looking for sterek fics where Derek has a dirty mouth, even porn couldn't compare to the things that come out of his mouth when he is with stiles. ♥️♥️♥️
Cover your ears ya'll.
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A quickie in the janitors closet by pizzz_10
(1/1 842)
Stiles wanted to go lunch after class, but Derek has other ideas
Something to Remember Me By by 1lostone
(1/1 I 5,038)
At a graduation party, Derek makes some assumptions.
Stiles sets him straight.... so to speak.
Gordian Knot (Of Sex) by tourdefierce
(1/1 I 5,859)
Losing his virginity was hard enough when Lydia Martin was his sole focus. Now there are werewolves involved and this is way crazier. For one, there are a lot more dicks involved. (To be fair, in some of his fantasies, Lydia Martin had an impressive rubber cock.) Either way, Stiles doesn't know why he thought getting rid of his pesky virginity was going to be easier with Derek involved—the guy is practically allergic to doing anything the easy way and that includes Stiles. Being done. Because he's easy. What.
Things We Know, Unsaid by uraneia 
(1/1 I 6,036)
Stiles accidentally finds a trunk full of Derek's professional dom gear from when he lived in New York. They don't talk about it. Then Stiles turns eighteen, and they do.
If he thought Derek would be angry or embarrassed at Stiles finding a trunk full of quality BDSM gear in his closet, he’d have been wrong. “I used to do it professionally, in New York,” Derek says easily, and Stiles—Stiles doesn’t know how to process that. Because he’s seventeen and has eyes and an unfortunately vivid imagination, and if he lets it go there he’s not going to get any use out of any body part except his dick for several hours.
Feel You Breathing by sugareey
(3/3 I 8,400)
Derek: So, you need a distraction.
Stiles: Maybe Stiles: It’d be better if you were here to help me with that. Stiles: ;D
[Or: Sexy things start late one night when Derek gets a text from Stiles and escalate from there. A few secrets are revealed along the way.]
Melt Me Slowly Down by maichan808 (maichan)
(1/1 I 20,307)
The last thing Stiles expects when he walks into Lydia’s exclusive S&M club is to rescue a sub who’s obviously been mistreated for a long time. His name is Derek, and when he awkwardly reaches out, asking Stiles to be his Dom, the urge to shield Derek from more pain is too strong for Stiles to resist. But Derek is still recovering from his past and learning how to set boundaries, so they have to take things slow.
Incredibly Gifted Fakers by Fortem
(21/? I 76,596)
Stiles desperately needs a new scene partner and Derek desperately needs a job. They may just be able to help each other out, if they remember that this is all supposed to be acting.
Yoda Said It Best by OKDeanna
(21/21 I 99,128)
Derek Hale knows he as a problem. Contrary to what some might believe, he isn’t stupid. He knows the Jeep has meaning to him, real meaning. The kind of meaning that he doesn’t want to think about, let alone stop and have to analyze. Except… his son keeps pushing him about it, prodding at him, and then before Derek knows it, Stiles is back in Beacon Hills, driving the one thing in the world Derek wishes he never had to set eyes on again. If Derek isn’t careful, he could open himself up to a fall, and that would affect more than just his son but also his own traitorous heart. Because with Stiles back, Derek finally has hope again, and its making him want the things he knows better than to ever crave: a home, a future, a life—love.
Domestication by Arver7, Moit
(37/37 I 280,892)
Derek and Stiles are heat partners, but neither realises how invested the other one is. When Stiles winds up pregnant, their relationship gets more serious, even if neither of them knows how to handle it.
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vintagetvstars · 17 days
Bea Arthur Vs. Lily Tomlin
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Bea Arthur - (Golden Girls, Maude) - Okay okay where do I even start!! Bea Arthur is incredibly attractive. She has a SUPER deep voice (stunning), a sort of regal, statuesque way of moving and talking, and she can kill you with a single piercing look. Like seriously. Her Looks have become a thing in both shows she plays a lead character in. Did I mention: TWO characters were *written for her*!! When she did Maude in 1972, she'd appeared on All in the Family as a side character and the people there loved her so much they went "this woman needs her own TV show". SO THEY WROTE IT. And made 6 seasons of it. That's how good she is. When the pilot for The Golden Girls was written, creator Susan Harris described the part that Bea would end up playing as a "Bea Arthur type" before they'd even cast her in the role. She was Jewish, she served as a typist and truck driver in the marines during WWII, she had a whole career off and on Broadway behind her by the time she started her career in television, and she was an ally to the gay community — there's even a shelter for homeless queer youth named after her. And did I mention her voice?? Because she can sing too!
Lily Tomlin - (Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In, Saturday Night Live, Murphy Brown) - “Lily Tomlin is, I believe, a great artist. I find that her work succeeds on every level: She is a great actress; she is a brilliant comedienne; she is a coruscating commentator on our times and on her place in the world; she is frighteningly clear in her ability to see and to share what entered her mind and her heart; she is amazingly generous with her material. The final point is one that you will not understand until you begin to create your own work, and you will know the brutal difference between those who give a great deal and those who give according to fashion and whim. Trust me when I tell you this is a brutal point.” — Tennessee Williams
Master Poll List of the Hot Vintage TV Ladies Bracket
Additional propaganda below the cut
Bea Arthur:
She was just so funny and compelling onscreen. She had great timing. And she was beautiful no matter what age and she was an incredibly LGBT+ ally.
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I think it's a very common experience to start watching The Golden Girls and immediately develop a crush on Dorothy Zbornak - and it's not a coincidence. Between her statuesque figure, her regal poise, her sharp wit and her wonderful, deep voice, Bea Arthur brings so much to the table that it's impossible not to be head-over-heels in love with her from the very first moment she appears on screen. Career-wise, she's a legend of the small screen; she received the third most Emmy nominations for Lead Actress in a Comedy Series (an incredible 9!). Her guest appearance as Maude in All in the Family impressed both the public and the executives so much that they made a spin-off series *especially for her*. She led Maude - the sitcom - for six incredible seasons to critical and public acclaim, and this would already be enough to nominate her among the greats, but then - as the true queen she was - she went on to star into *another* legendary show, The Golden Girls, as *another* legendary character, Dorothy, and won another Emmy (as well as several nominations) for it, just because she could. As for her private life, she was known as a private, introverted person, who loved the simple things in life; all her fellow TV stars (including Angela Lansbury, who was a dear friend of hers) recall her as a kind, decent person and a wonderful professional, with impeccable work ethic and truly immaculate comedic timing. We do not support the military complex here, but we do support girlbosses winning, so let me just mention that she was one of the first women (ever!) to join the US marines; she was also a licensed medical technician. All in all - a legendary lady who definitely deserves your vote!
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how many people can dress up as the Statue of Liberty and look this good?
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have you ever seen a woman so beautiful you started crying
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soft butch queen. Who else could rock a papillon like that?!?
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1982 Bea Arthur - Fifty Percent.avi
Beatrice Arthur, Down in the Depths, 1980 TV
Lily Tomlin:
She's beautiful and hilarious! Her smile is so bright! photo of her and her partner Jane Wagner:
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crit20art · 1 year
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[ID: a traditional sketch of Jonathan Sims and Martin Blackwood from The Magnus Archives as they might appear as a woman and as a non-binary butch, respectively. Jon is a small, thin British-Pakistani woman with short curly hair. She wears a large cardigan with a cami and business casual capris. Martin is a tall, fat Vietnamese-Polish person with glasses, many freckles, and short hair with an undercut. They wear a tank top, leather jacket, and jeans with a carabiner clipped to their belt loop. Martin stands with one hand in their pocket and one hand on Jon’s shoulder, smiling fondly at her. Jon rests her hand on Martin’s at her shoulder and cuts her eyes back at them with a loving expression. End ID]
uhhh @tdogkarate said the words “butch lesbian Martin” and i blacked out and this happened. it’s v messy and i won’t vouch for the proportions but im sharing cause it made me happy and also filled me w So Much Gender
honestly this would change very little about them (including names i love them being girlies named Jon n Martin…) but here are some lil headcanons:
they/them lesbian Martin (yeah we’re openly projecting now what of it!!!!!)
Jon n Georgie started transitioning at the same time at uni and when Jon felt like she had to change her name, it was Georgie who assured her that it was ok to remain Jon
HRT did not affect The Voice much for Jon but she owns it and it’s sooooo sexy it’s fucking insane bonkers gorgeous. Martin has written no less than four poems about it (finding one of these in s2 may or may not have greatly softened Jon’s opinion of Martin)
Jon is hit a bit harder by concerns about her appearance after the coma, bc her head got shaved (goodbye beautiful gender-affirming hair) and she’s lost a lot of the weight that defined her figure. She gets angry at herself for even caring and it snowballs into her snapping at Martin at some point, but Martin, who’s Been There w body issues, reassures her as much as they can and takes her on a very nice trip down to Aberdeen to get some clothes other than Basira’s old athleisure wear. and after several hours of Jon being stared at starry-eyed by Martin and being told with soft awe “yeah you look incredible in that” like 500 times, she feels a lot better
anyway jonmartin rights in every universe forever i love them sm. also i love you women i love you butches i’m frankly feeling a bit insane abt it all right now
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mamahersh · 1 year
Mamahersh’s Post-MAG-200 Fanfic Recommendation Mega Thread
In celebration of us finishing The Magnus Archives (even if I admittedly fell off around S2 and have been mostly lurking since then), I have compiled all of my fave post series fics for your enjoyment! I will be grouping them in some big, general categories, which I’ll list above the read more here. Depending on the size of this post, it might start looking a bit like that “Do you like the sky?” post But I can assure you that I have read all of these and can give them my stamp of approval!
If you finished the series and were wishing for your best boys to finally be happy, then boy howdy do I have some fanfiction for you!
Time Travel
Somewhere Else
Uncategorized JonMartin Fluff
By these categories, we should hopefully cover all the recommendations I have, and I hope you all find some new fics! (or enjoy rereading fics you haven’t enjoyed in awhile)
where there’s a will, we make a way by bubonickitten
"So, what does happen if an Eye learns to See within itself?
What happens is this: the Archive Beholds the Watcher – and the Watcher blinks first."
Jon goes back to before the world ended and tries to forge a different path.
Probably my fave time travel fic in this fandom hands down; it is also currently the longest whilst still unfinished. While I try not to recommend unfinished fics that I am uncertain of their return to activity, this is a big exception and personally I love everything about it! It’s got Jon dealing with trauma through the lens of his speaking only in Statements, Martin being saved from his downward spiral into the Lonely way earlier in S4, Georgie actually sticking around, Basira having a better grasp of the situation and being more understanding about it, and everyone generally sticking close to character while managing to buck parts of the narrative. I cannot recommend this fic enough, and I very likely already did back near the start of S5.
Something’s Different About You Lately by thesnadger
Jonathan Sims has been head archivist for just a few months, but he has memories of holding the position for years. He remembers monsters, and darkness, and the end of the world. Somehow, he'll have to keep everyone safe from what's coming. Meanwhile, his assistants can't understand why their prickly jerk of a boss has gone sappy all of a sudden.
So TMA time travel fics that focus on Jon going back tend to come in two varieties. There’s the “Jon’s mind goes back and replaces himself/inhabits his past self’s body” and then there’s the “Jon physically goes back so there’s two Jons”. The first two on this list are of the first variety, and if I remember right this was one of the first I ever read. However, I recommend this one specifically because this has an amazing ending. Like, it might just be me, but many of the endings in these feel relatively unsatisfying because there’s magically a third option where Jon comes out unscathed while saving his S1 archives crew from the Horrors. For whatever reason, it was incredibly satisfying having a fic that didn’t shy away from the options presented in S4 and S5 and I love how they characterize everyone in this one as well.
100 Seconds to Midnight by starspangledbread
Jon and Martin find themselves back in 2011 after attempting to release the fears from their reality. The world is the same one they left behind, but now something has come back with them. They have a chance to destroy the fears once and for all, but it proves harder than expected. Who knew that the best laid plans could be thwarted by nosy co-workers, office romance, the inevitable learning curve of being a time traveler turned grifter, and the refusal to believe in subtlety?
Did someone say Extinction!Jon? This also is a part of a series, though the true sequel to this one is currently unfinished (though it should eventually be completed and only has one chapter to go). An excellent romp, I definitely recommend if you’re looking for something kinda dark, some comedy, a little OOC, and Martin being able to embrace his crime side in the name of saving the world.
Yesterday is Here by CirrusGrey
"Who the hell are you?" Jon could feel his hands shaking. The man laughed, taking a step forward and raising a hand to point at him. "I'm you, from the future!" he said, then swayed, eyes going unfocused, and collapsed to the floor in a dead faint. -------- Post-season-four Jon and Martin time travel back to the season one Archives.
Written by my fave (and most prolific) JMart author, we have a perfect example of the other kind of time travel fix it fic in the form of Jon physically travelling to the past to try and save the world. As expected by someone I am calling my fave JMart author, we’re going to be getting double dose on the JMart. I highly recommend if you’re looking for something that starts a little bittersweet, but then ends in copious amounts of fluff.
Reverb (Series) by Wolftraps
Undoing the apocalypse would have been enough for Jon, if all his people survived. Without them, Jon's only recourse is making it so it never happened in the first place. He's going to do better this time.
Summary from the first fic in the Reverb series, I highly recommend the first two fics in this series for different reasons. “The Reverb in These Holy Halls” is a great time travel fic that takes some really interesting turns by the end and unlike most fics actually has Jon try to keep Tim safe by keeping him out of the Archives pre-S1. However “Gossip” I recommend if you enjoy those fics formatted to look like official communication of some kind. It’s got people outside the Archives trying to figure out what’s wrong with them during the events of the first fic, and while it would be very confusing to read without the first fic, I’d almost say it’s worth it if you aren’t feeling the tags on the first one. Really fun and entertaining, you can’t go wrong with either one.
The Triumph of Galatea (for Acis is transformed) by TheOestofOCs
Statement of Hazel Rutter.
Jon couldn’t stop reading.
The Fears, however, are a bit more powerful than Jonah gave them credit for. Jon opens the door, but the world can’t hold what’s on the other side.
Time falls through, instead. Past becomes present, and the future is undone.
Statement begins.
Another fic I definitely recommended back at episode 160, but is well worth the second recommendation and/or re-read. Time Travel, but what if Jon could control as well as go into the dreams of the assistants/other Eye aligned people instead of just his victims’ dreams? Very good, even if unfinished, though the author seems likely to finish someday. Check out their other work as well, it’s all very good and has my fave Circus themed fic written to date.
a map of what matters most by gruhukens
“Is that a body,” Tim blurts before he can stop himself, rising to his feet. Martin looks, if possible, even more scared.
“He’s alive!” he hisses, almost defensively. “It’s not - it’s not Gertrude again, I didn’t kill him, he just – I don’t know what happened to him, I just found him in the stacks like this.”
“And you dragged him up here?” Tim says, and then registers several things at once – the build, the hair texture; the little round scars peppering a pair of thin hands and an awfully familiar face. “Wait, is that Jon?”
Jon stumbles back into an earlier Archive, looking for a way to fix the world. (Or, mom says it's my turn for the obligatory time travel au)
Directly inspired by CirrusGrey’s fic that I recommended earlier, this is another: Jon travels physically into the past fic. This one though is far more bittersweet than “Yesterday is Here”, but still an excellent read and does a great job at fleshing out the relationships between all the characters.
Saving the Universe: For Dummies by GhostChoir
Finding a man bleeding out in the alleyway was not what Elias wanted to do today. And he certainly didn’t mean to befriend him. But things never did go how he expected.
****** A Post-MAG200 Jon meets a 1970s Elias, an Elias from before he was corrupted by Jonah. Together, the two of them learn to cope with grief, drink more tea than any two people should be able to consume, and commiserate over shitty bosses. Oh, and just for the hell of it, they stop an apocalypse along the way.
Now for a change of pace: What if Jon time travels to the time of early Gertrude and Elias pre-Jonafying? A very good fic is what! While it’s been awhile since I read this, I do remember it’s quite good and deserves a chance. Note: this is NOT Jonathan/Elias, so my apologies if you were looking for that, but it is two very lonely men getting to just have a reliable friend in times of trouble.
A Little Game of Cat and Mouse by Paptato
“Jonah Magnus.” The cloudy silhouette snarled as it’s hand clamped tightly around Jonah's ascot. That was indeed his name, but Jonah couldn’t begin to fathom what he did to have it spat out with such hatred.
But nonetheless, Jonah was a gentleman and he would kindly address the angry figure as politely as possible, “Yes, and you are?”
“What?” The form spluttered as it slowly came into focus. Ah, yes. That probably wasn’t the proper response to being held at gunpoint by a random stranger. Must have been the blow to his head.
(Or in which Jonathan Sims goes back in time and tries to pull a Terminator, but fails and Jonah Magnus finds a new mystery to solve.)
This is that Jonah Magnus/Jonathan Sims enemies to lovers fic your friends warn you about in a good way. It’s not done, but I think it’s still being updated very slowly. Even if all I ever read is the currently released 11 chapters, I will consider it my one exception to my dislike of Jonah/Jon. As you can probably guess by the description, it’s a time travel fix it where Jon gets shunted back in time to when Jonah was still very human and still trying to figure out the Fears. The Web keeps Jon from explaining his circumstances or anything to do with Jonah’s future in particular, but this is a good thing and they both get to learn how to be more human in a world that previously was very antagonistic to those goals. It’s got a heavy dose of comedy, plenty of romantic tension, and lots of both surprising and unsurprising cameos. If you enjoy Dracula Daily, you’ll probably enjoy this imho.
Déjà Vu by CirrusGrey
Sasha remembers being unmade. Tim remembers being Unknown. Jon and Martin remember being unwound. All of them think they're the only one. -------- The S1 crew wakes up in the past with memories up till the moment they died.
So, here’s another one that’s got quite the spin on it. As you can see from the description, this one is where S1 crew all get their minds sent back in time to the time right around Jon’s first statement if I remember right. Another CirrusGrey fic, so it heavily leans on JonMartin, but otherwise it’s a wonderful exploration of the four S1 characters and ends on a very hopeful note!
oh my darling, just a moment of your time by IceEckos12
The Institute is visited by a pair of time travelers, and Jon has an important question for Tim.
Have you ever had a oneshot that just kinda guts you unexpectedly? While this might not do this for everyone, this is an amazing oneshot that gets right the point. I love it a lot, because of all of the fics where future and past meet each other, it very rarely if ever is addressed that past Jon was a douche. Or well it is but past Jon doesn’t necessarily have a character moment from it. Here he does, and despite the briefness of the fic, the author does an amazing job of giving Jon and Tim a moment while making an almost critique of the TMA time travel genre. Highly, highly recommend, and it won’t overstay it’s welcome if it doesn’t end up being your thing.
The Severing of Webs by chlodobird
After Jon kills the world, he travels back in time. Once there, he gets ready to change the future, to save his Assistants, and to watch as everyone learns to hate him again.
Unfortunately, the tapes wrap around him like a fly caught in a Web—he can't move. He's trapped reliving the original timeline, stuck acting out his past actions like an actor rehearsing his lines.
Sasha will die. Tim will die. Martin—
(Jon screams inside his mind, and someone hears him. Fate is not as immutable as he fears.)
This one is a brand new one! While basically all of the others on the list have been out/updating for over a year at this point; this lengthy oneshot just released this month. tbh, very excellent, which is why it has made the list. Also, quite the twist on the usual premise, where being sent back into his head is actually a bad thing this time. Ends with a giant pile of fluff, but who would I be if all my time travel recommendations were not also fix-its?
Somewhere Else
it will be this, always by bluejayblueskies
Jon coughed again, and blood stained his lips and blood stained Martin’s hands where they pressed against Jon’s back and blood stained the floor beneath them and help, they needed help.
Martin doesn’t remember shouting. He barely remembers the faces that had surrounded them, wide-eyed and terrified, all utterly unfamiliar.
Jon and Martin wake up somewhere else. Jon begins a slow path toward physical recovery, and several important, long-put-off conversations are had as they begin to navigate a new world that they hadn’t thought they’d be alive to see.
So, I’m sure you all have gathered that I have qualms with how much disparity there is between canon and fanon Jmart. This fic is painful, but is the most in character depiction of post 200 JMart fallout I have ever read. The ending is very cathartic, and takes a “realistic” approach to what happens to Jon and Martin as they begin to navigate their relationship after they both had betrayed each other so thoroughly in the leadup and culmination of MAG 200. If you don’t want them immediately making up, this is the fic for you. They get there, but by all that is good do they take their sweet time getting there.
Out There, Somewhere by Artyphex
"I'm sorry, you were found alone."
Jon survived the apocalypse and now will go to the end of this new, unfamiliar world to find Martin again.
So I think I’m just getting all the angsty ones out of the way first lol. Another slow burn, this fic is Jon’s recovery in the new reality while he also searches for what happened to Martin. Since I don’t post the tags, I will say this ones does feature “Eventual Happy Ending”, and I do promise that both Jon and Martin made it to the new reality and lived. But Jon and Martin both get to pine and cope for a while before that happy ending tag comes into play. It’s incredibly well done and explores their characters really well. Personally, I kinda enjoyed the Reddit saga because people mistaking Jon’s pleas for Martin as an ARG is very typical internet and 100% I would have bought into that at age 13.
Of course I need a therapist. I need ten therapists, working round the clock building me a bionic coping mechanism. We have the technology. by MartinKBlackwoodESQ
A story set somewhere else.
I’mma be real with you all, if I believed that characters could write and publish their own fanfiction, I would be halfway convinced the name is accurate. All joking aside however, this is a “crack treated seriously” fic but with characterization so on point I can consistently hear the voice actors when I read this. Admittedly, it’s made easier by it being written in transcript formatting, but if you’re looking for a hilarious time where TMA is suddenly is turned into a buddy cop adventure where Jon and Martin go to a universe where the Fears hadn’t been till their arrival, and they have doubles that already exist there who are living fairly normal lives till the TMA Jon and Martin crash land into their reality... Well this fic is one I cannot recommend highly enough. It also has a sequel, and it is also well worth the read, even if it appears to be on a bit of a break in it’s updates.
Worlds like phyllo pastry by neworld
After episode 200 Jon finds himself alone in a world very much like the one he left but fractionally different. It's so similar he finds versions of his former friends existing happily in the world. Unfortunately they have never met him in this universe and have no idea who he is.
This one’s unfinished, but personally it’s well worth the read as is. Not sure how I feel about the most recent chapter, but the story up till that point is a really fun spin on “Jon and Martin get shunted to a new reality” where Jon learns how to feed in a way that doesn’t cause problems facilitated by the new reality, and re-meets all the people who he lost till this point and has a very silly antagonistic relationship with his alternate self. While fic might be more of a guilty pleasure, it still is written in such a way that I would rank it high enough for this disorganized list.
Death Is The Easy Way Out by traveller19
After having killed Jonah Magnus and ended the Change, Jon and Martin should finally be able to rest. Rest, however, proves impossible when Jon falls ill. What's more, he begins having vivid dreams of their dead friends - Tim, trapped in the destroyed Archives, and Sasha, trapped outside of them. As Jon's condition quickly worsens and the line between dream and reality begins to blur, love is all he and Martin have to hold on to, because hope is a dangerous thing.
Did someone say sickfic??? But for real, this fic has an amazing balance between an A plot and a B plot, and keeps both at the right level of tension throughout. While this is a sickfic heavy one, it also features Tim and Sasha as ghosts trying desperately not to be. There’s also a lovely sequel and plenty of fluff by the end, but this is a rough ride. ALSO, if you or a loved one had covid / any respiratory illness that caused them to be hospitalized with pneumonia and it could be trigging to read incredibly on the nose descriptions of that experience, this fic is not for you. Or very cathartic. :/
Castaways by CirrusGrey
Welcome to the Castaway Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing a safe and secure landing to those lost souls banished from their home worlds by the influence of Fear.
If you wanted saccharine JMart in a new reality where they get therapy and meet old friends from different realities, this series of (mostly) one shots is for you! As you’ve probably come to expect when I suggest CirrusGrey, the writing is fantastic, the ship dynamics are exemplary, and the character are on point. There is so much to say about this series, but mostly, if you want Jon and Martin healing and then settling together and becoming the stereotypical married couple, then this is it. It’s not done, but it is wrapping up, and I hope you all if you haven’t seen this yet enjoy it as much as I do. And for those long time readers who have been reading it longer than I’ve been in the fandom, here’s your friendly reminder that it exists.
Do Before I Die by SupposedToBeWriting
Somewhere Else, Jon can't seem to shake the strange apathy that now plagues his life. Everything reminds Martin of the end of the world. For a change of pace, he and Martin rent a campervan and go on a road trip. Their mission? To fulfill the 'bucket list' Martin made when he was eighteen and lonely. Jon's looking forward to the beach.
Jon and Martin go on a Road Trip accross Britain. It’s just a wholesome and hurt/comfort as it describes. An excellent romp, and the character studies are wonderful. The Planetarium still sticks with me.
ours is a distant shore (series) by pantsoflobster
“If they ever found out about us, we could make things really complicated for them," Jon said. Martin gave a thoughtful hum and then a loaded pause before he said, “Or simpler.” “What?” “We could, you know…” Martin then made mischievous eyes at him in lieu of expanding. “What?” Jon said, thoroughly lost. “Wouldn’t it be a bit fun to sort of... nudge them in the right direction?”
Months after they arrive Somewhere Else, Jon sees himself in the shop.
Summary is from the first fic in the series, this is a fun little romp for those who hated Martin’s defeatism over his and Jon’s relationship in MAG199 and want to see what would happen if instead he accidentally kick started an alternate version and his and Jon’s relationship Somewhere Else. It’s all very silly, tho the last fic does lean more into the hurt/comfort tag than the previous two. Over all though, if you’re looking for a little crack, a lot of fluff, and Jon and Martin being silly this is a good time.
Written in the Stars Will Have to Do by GentlemanCrow
“Yeah well, god knows why, but he thinks you hung the moon, so you might try treating him at the very least like a human being once in a while.”
It was such a small thing. Small words for a small feeling cloaked in a chintzy veneer of idiomatic dismissal. A trembling little bird cupped in his scarred and battered hands and smothered. Or so he thought. Sometimes trembling little birds turn out to be phoenixes, and those who looked to someone else to hang the comfort of a wise, silvery moon in the sky already have the hammer and the picture wire at the ready.
As far as Jon was concerned, the moon only rose on their Somewhere Else because Martin deigned to pull the strings every night, not him.
This is another one of those JMart Somewhere Else fics masquerading as a Safehouse fic that made me want to cry. It’s just, so wonderful, and once again we have themes of healing, but this time through getting a hobby and sharing it with your significant other. The writing is lovely and really gives off the stuffy academic musings I would expect being in Jon’s head (which we are for the duration of this fic) but adds a layer that I didn’t realized I needed till I read it.
On Errantry by ZaliaChimera
Somewhere Else, Jon and Martin discover that their new home has a very special sort of guardian, and Jon seeks judgement from an unexpected source.
They do say that cats purring can heal...
A cute one shot that deals with Jon’s lingering guilt from S5; this is a wonderful tale from Somewhere Else featuring a giant Cat, Martin being supportive, and Jon trying to reconcile his second chance. Very sweet and fluffy, guaranteed!
Lost, Unfound, But Not Forgotten by Elynn
They didn’t find bodies. Or anything pointing to where they may have gone. In the center of the rubble, what Georgie assumed to have once been the top of the tower, was a puddle of dried, crusted blood, and the outline of bodies in the dust and scorch marks. And she knew that wherever the Fears had gone, Jon and Martin had gone with them. The last victims, snuffed and dragged away with them. --- In the weeks after the Eye-pocolypse, Georgie Barker begins the painful process of mourning her best friend.
So, I know I’m very focused on Jon, but I have one fic of Georgie here that’s 10/10. Post 200, Georgie and Melanie eventually goes to clean out Daisy’s cabin of Jon and Martin’s things for Basira (or something like that) and Georgie finds a journal of Jon’s that he kept whilst there. It’s just as bittersweet as you’d imagine, but it’s fantastically cathartic to read and in our MAG 200 feels, this is a good one for closure.
Not Quite Somewhere Else by hawkfurze
Or you can find it on Tumblr HERE
A special entry to finish out this section, I have a long running comic from Tumblr user @hawkfurze who made a TMA x Infinity Train crossover. While I had not watched the show previously (only seen the trailer/pilot from back before it got picked up by CN), the comic is still easy to understand and explains the Infinity Train parts in such a way as to not need any prior knowledge. I highly recommend this comic for anyone who wants a visual treat delving into the relationship and psyches of Jon and Martin as they try to escape into the next reality.
Two Graves by SupposedToBeWriting
Jon sends the fears far from Earth and flees London, leaving the others to assume the worst. He settles in a small village and opts to live there quietly until he dies, a self-imposed penance. This plan is foiled when the first former Avatar shows up - and Jon realizes that every domain-keeper in the apocalypse still has some faint connection to him.
After a year of being a shoulder to cry on for confused and distraught former Avatars, Jon leads a moderately happy life. He has a flourishing garden, a cat, and some company. All of that comes crashing around his ears (or his head) when a familiar face shows up to his cabin, demanding answers.
This fic is in my top 5 fics of TMA fandom. No contest. It has some of the best healing from MAG 200 for Jon and Martin and tbh the world I’ve seen. It’s got that incredible hurt/comfort and the ending makes me cry tears of joy every time I read it. If you read any JMart fic on this list, please read this one if you can only read one. While I was tempted to put this in a different category, this seemed like the best place to put it.
What Comes After by Mornrandir
More than a year after the apocalypse, the world is starting to move on. Georgie, Melanie, and Basira have learned to move on and get back to living their lives. Then Martin reappears- without Jon- and they have to learn to begin again.
A series based around the initial above description, each entry in the series follows the healing of first Martin, then Jon, then both of them together. While I am a Jon-centric woman, if you are of a more Martin-centric leaning, this first fic in the series should scratch that itch. The final entry is very sweet, and the second definitely has a unique reason as to why Jon shows up so late to the after-Fears party.
The Watcher’s Cows by lenioia
He still remembers the first cup of tea Martin brought him. That’s where it began, not with the dog incident. A sweet and strong blend, reasons for appearance unknown, how could it taste so good, also unknown. Jon stares at what will be the last cup between them. His miserable parting gift. Where it’ll end.
Alt Mag 200, or in a slightly kinder universe which differs by exactly one cup of tea, Martin is the one who switches plan last minute, and Jon’s last half-backed scheme, for once, works.
An AU splitting off MAG 199/200, where Jon’s plan actually happens, but instead of it being quite so bleak he finds a new path with the help of Martin. I know the original ending of the series is probably the most hopeful one realistically, but we all enjoy our fixits here, so this is a really sappy “by the power of love” Jon and Martin save the universe and still get to live in it AU. Highly highly recommend, and it finished within the last 8 months, so it’s “on the newer side” as it were. If you haven’t read it, give it a shot, and if you’ve read it and it’s been awhile now’s a good time to read it again.
The Eyespot Chronicles (series) by SupposedToBeWriting
To Martin Blackwood's surprise, he wakes up in the ruins of the Magnus Institute. He thought he would be dead. The world is back to normal, the Entities are gone, and everyone realizes that it's finally over. The only sticking point is that Jon isn't exactly the Jon that went into the apocalypse. Never one to give up, Martin is determined to make a life for himself and his boyfriend. Even if he is a giant moth.
Summary taken from the first in the series, this trilogy of fics covers Jon and Martin’s attempts at healing in a world that remembers what happened. The first fic focuses entirely on Martin’s struggles, the second on Jon’s, and the 3rd (as you might guess) focuses on them both. The series is excellent, and if you’ve got the fortitude for canon-typical emotional constipation after having just experienced MAG-200 it’s well worth the read.
Another Guest for Mr. Spider by Dribbledscribbles
Jon isn't eating his statements like he should.
Mr. Spider doesn't like it.
Written in transcript format, this AU considers the idea of what if the Web was more hands on it it’s approach to getting Jon to Become more monstrous; or at least not starve himself out. Incredible read, you need an AO3 account though. But I have never been that spooked by a Statement or encounter before I read this fic. If you DO NOT like spiders on you or in your mouth and you don’t like reading about it either, potentially hold off on this fic, or at least skip from where Mr. Spider says “Open your mouth. Do not move.” to when he says “Wash it down with this. Now.” But yeah if you didn’t get enough spider trauma from canon, this fic gives it in spades! (And if you want Mr. Spider getting his comeuppance, you get that too ;) )
Illicio by ThatOneGirlBehindYou
As the new Archivist debates between life and death, the Eye ponders on what to offer him in order to avoid an encore of the unfortunate situation with his predecessor.
Gerard Keay opens his eyes at what feels like fuck-ass in the morning, inside a room with far too little space and far too much dust.
A long form AU of what if Gerry Keay was brought back by the Eye to convince Jon to stay on team Monster if you will. Goes all the way through MAG-200, has some great twists and turns, and manages to turn into an “Everyone Lives AU” as well. While it is currently updating, it’s updating every week on Saturday till it finishes, and she only has 2 chapters left. If you’ve managed to never read this, now is certainly the time for it! It is Jon/Gerry/Martin, so if that’s not your exact cup of tea I’d still say give it a shot.
we should ride this wave to shore by ClarionGlass
“archives research & statement envestigation” Timothy Stoker renamed the group “drinks drinks drinks” Timothy Stoker changed Sasha James’s nickname to saucy sash Timothy Stoker changed Martin Blackwood’s nickname to martini kart Timothy Stoker changed his nickname to stonked stonked: so how bout it lads saucy sash: oh god. A TMA group chat fic where the worst problems they have to deal with start with "h" and end with "angovers"
Right, I don’t tend to read chat fics, I’m going to be honest with you all. I have two exceptions and this is one of them. It goes interesting places, the characters are not completely OOC, if it they are at least it’s consistent OOC and not in a grating way. But in all seriousness, I recommend this because of how it ties in with MAG 160 and 200; as well as how the sequel deals with canon S5. The sequel isn’t finished and is slow to update, but I am still recommending at the very least the first one. It’s a good romp and I highly recommend.
Ask an Exec: How to Navigate Cultish Colleagues, Soul-Stealing Bosses, and the End of the World at Work by shinyopals
I've recently been unexpectedly promoted to lead a department in my organisation, wrote the anonymous emailer.
As there was no one working here when I arrived, my manager, who is head of the organisation, had promised me the choice of my own assistants. However, without warning, he simply presented me with an additional assistant. This new assistant’s first act on his first day was to let a dog into the office. It took several hours to catch and clean up after this dog and it has only been downhill from there. I admit I'm not entirely sure what to do with this assistant now I'm stuck with him. I'm hoping you have some advice?
Kind regards, New Manager
Abigail Bailey runs a successful management advice blog. One frequent contributor is from a workplace with some... issues.
While this isn’t quite an AU and is basically canon compliant, I’m putting it here because it’s a “what if Jon was an avid seeker of advice on a management advice blog?” AU. It’s beautifully formatted, and features very in character interactions. If you are a sucker for the TMA trope: how do normal people react to the weirdness at the Institute, then this is a great fic for you. I know it’s probably one of the most popular things to have hit the Jonathan Sims tag on AO3 in recent months, but this is just me reminding you all it exists and well worth the re-read.
JMart Fluff
Author CirrusGrey
Literally anything by them. I think I probably recommend them every time I talk about JMart, but I think on AO3 they are both the most prolific and one of the best writers for the tag. Pick almost any fic they’ve written for TMA and it’s probably JMart. There’s too many fics of their’s to recommend, so I’ll just link you straight to their profile and you can go swimming from there lol.
Jon’s Moving Castle by IceEckos12
Martin Blackwood may not have a perfect life, but he does have a good one. That is, until a series of magical encounters leave him with an unfortunate curse. Out of other options, he goes to the wizard who lives in the moving castle for aid.
Life never goes how he intends it to, though.
Basically Howl’s Moving Castle, but with a TMA spin. You don’t need to have seen the movie to understand what’s going on, and honestly while it sticks fairly close to the movie, it doesn’t stick so close that it feels constrained by it in places where it wouldn’t make sense in the AU they’ve set up. It’s a very sweet JMart fic with a satisfying conclusion.
The 101 Kidnappings of Jonathan Sims (and Other Inconveniences) by beetlejoos
Martin Blackwood never applies for a job at the Magnus Institute. The universe seems determined that he meets Jonathan Sims anyway. But is it Fate, or something more sinister, that keeps bringing the two of them together?
Right, this mostly crack treated seriously. It’s got hurt/comfort, but it’s fairly light hearted throughout. As one could guess by the title and description, Jon is repeatedly kidnapped and brought to wherever Martin is living/working at the time. While it’s not done yet, and not on a schedule, the chapters that are out thus far are well worth the read. That and there’s some cute fan art for it that’s linked to in the end notes. But I recommend this because it’s got that vibe of S1 Jon meets S1 Martin outside of the Institute and romance (eventually) happens. Very fun read if you haven’t read it yet.
i think we’re alone now + alone-verse (series) by milliganopen
Just a couple of guys breaking into a basement. What could go wrong?
Getting trapped in your apartment with your boss, that's what.
Season 1 re-imagined if Jon and Martin had been trapped by Jane Prentiss together.
Initially I recommended this back when we had hit MAG039/022 because it was a great AU to Martin’s Statement where Jon also gets trapped in Martin’s apartment during Martin’s no good very bad 2 weeks of worm siege. HOWEVER, the author has since continued this series and is slowly working their way through canon one season/fic at a time. They’re currently on S3, and I am definitely keeping an eye on it for whenever the next update happens. If you haven’t had the time to check it out, it’s got some very good JMart moments, and their relationship manages to move faster than a glacier.
Fate, or Something by HermaeusMora
"You can't be serious." Jonathan Sims raises his eyes at last to properly look at Georgie, expecting her to laugh and make some quip about finally getting him to put the damn book down, at least.
"Well, I am," she shoots back.
He sets his book aside and turns fully towards her, betrayal clear on his face. "A blind date, really?"
Jon makes the frankly terrible decision to go on a blind date with one Martin Blackwood. Fate ensues. AU where Jon and Georgie are still friends, Georgie likes finding dates for her friends, Martin doesn't work at the institute, and everyone is just a bit happier while canon spooky stuff goes on in the background. Takes place juuust barely pre-canon in the beginning but catches up quickly. Inspired as usual by the wonderful conversations with my friend RavenXavier/somuchbetterthanthat.
A fun AU that challenges the idea that Jon and Martin are incompatible a la MAG199. Excellently done and well worth the time to check it out.
Diary by luftballoons99
Not for the first time since they ran away together, a camera reel of all the things they don't know about one another whirs behind Martin's eyes, and he can't help but look at all the sprawling magnetic tape and wonder if they’re going to wind up a romance or a tragedy.
or: Office parties, garage bands, and the joy of being known.
A bit of a bittersweet mostly fluff oneshot focused on Jon and Martin having a night in at the Safehouse and talking about good things from their pasts. (Warning, the sequel is rated E(xplicit) for a reason, so I am only recommending Diary. Both are stand alone however.)
Weaving My Heartstrings by arms_full_of_hyacinths
At least he was someone. Someone who could deal with the spiders. That was probably the source of the nerves unspooling like magnetic tape to fill Jon’s stomach with buzzing static butterflies.
Yes, Martin was much bigger than a spider. He was probably the kind of person who cupped them in his hands and talked to them as he walked them out into the garden, which shouldn’t be giving Jon a burst of warm feeling at all, since his preferred method of spider disposal was simply to squash them on sight.
Martin likes Jon almost as much as Jon hates spiders. When a statement from an institute employee sends them spiraling into the center of a complicated web, they'll need to rely on each other if they want to make it out alive.
Bit of an odd suggestion to close us out, but this one is a fun almost episodic plot about an original Statement and the shenanigans Jon and Martin get into trying to research it. It’s very good, features some very on point S1 Jon and Martin along with a bit of a fast forward on their relationship throughout.
And with that, I’ve probably overstayed my welcome lol. I hope you found something new to read! If not, I at least hope that you had fun rereading some old faves. This has taken me a day or two to compile and format, so I hope you all enjoy in whatever capacity that ends up being! Happy end of A Mag A Day, and it was a joy walking alongside you all. Congrats to A MAG A Day blog owners on all your hard work for the last ~210 days and with this post I wish you all a very fond farewell.
243 notes · View notes
mrwavellswaps · 1 year
A Worthy Replacement (Part 3)
(Written for @bodyswappingandshit ❤️)
Read Part 2 Here!
Martin found himself waking up early the next day. He must’ve forgotten to close his curtains last night as the morning sun immediately blinded him, prompting him to keep his eyes shut for a bit longer. As he did, he lamented over the amazing dream he’d had last night. In it he’d not only got to see the incredible Chris Bumstead in person but he also ended up transforming into him somehow and taking that award winning body all for himself! ‘If only that were real’ he thought. Only as the seconds ticked by, he started to remember more and more details strangely enough…
After a minute or two he rolled over in bed a little only to find that his weight and size felt off, not to mention the facial hair he felt rubbing against the pillow. His waking brain swiftly began to connect the dots causing Martin’s eyes to snap open and look down at himself. The very first thing he saw was a pair of thick meaty pecs that lead down to what looked to be a massive body hidden under the covers. That was no dream. He really did become Chris Bumstead and now he was waking up in his body!
A giddy smile soon crossed Martin’s face as he went to town feeling and groping his body once again. Tweaking his bodybuilder nipples with glee as he threw the covers off himself to admire everything he had now. Running his hands along his abs, giving his meaty thighs a hard slap, squeezing his colossal biceps and of course massaging his huge pecs with glee. And the best part was that he had Chris’ morning wood! Naturally he just couldn’t ignore it for another second. He wrapped a hand around the meaty shaft, one significantly thicker than his old one, and didn’t waste any time. He was too horny to tease himself or go slow, instead jumping immediately to jackhammering his new cock with no remorse.
The real Chris, in his underwear form, was still sat across the room atop a pile of clothes Martin had left him on. Forced to bear witness to his own body pleasuring itself. Having to listen to Martin grunting with that stolen voice as he pumped away. That alone was already torturous enough. Yet, just as he didn’t think it couldn’t get any worse, Martin started groaning about how much he loved being Chris Bumstead and having such a giant sexy body all to himself.
It felt as though it went on for hours with this imposter furiously beating his meat to the point where hearing him moaning about finally cumming seemed like a mercy. Martin tensed his abs and, with nothing but pure lust for his new form in his eyes, shot a huge load all over himself. His muscular torso gaining a healthy coating thick cum as he couldn’t help but lay back with a huge grin on his face. How the hell did he get so lucky he wondered.
The bodybuilder took a minute or so to bask in the afterglow before sitting up. He reached over towards the bedside table, grabbing a box of tissues before pulling a couple out. He gave himself a good wipe down, making sure to get right in between the ridges of his thick abs where the cum had pooled. It was only as he tossed those used tissue into the bin across the room that the pair of underwear atop the clothes pile caught his eye. He couldn’t help but smirk knowing the real Chris had seen everything that just went down. Was it mean? Yes. But was it hot? Absolutely!
He pushed himself off the rather small mattress and planted his heavy feet on floor before getting up with a long stretch. With that he stomped over towards the discarded clothes and picked up Chris in his underwear form first of all before grabbing Chris’ gym clothes from yesterday. After all he was still in his old apartment and none of his old clothes would ever fit a body like this. As such, Martin made a mental note to head down to Chris’ house today and check it out for himself. With that in mind and his clothes in hand, Martin promptly made his way towards the bathroom.
Chris found himself being dropped onto the cold bathroom floor along with the rest of the gym clothes he’d worn yesterday before that Wavell guy came and fucked everything up. He could just about see Martin stepping in front of the mirror with a gleeful look on his face. As expected it didn’t take long for him to start checking himself out again. Flexing his arms and bouncing his pecs joyously. Even digging his nose into his armpit and getting a whiff of that fresh morning scent.
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Martin just couldn’t get enough of it. The raw size, power and smell of his body was nothing short of intoxicating. That along side his gorgeous looks make him feel on top of the world. He admired every defined ridge of muscle as if he were the one that’d sculpted them. Feeling every bulge with a look of pure satisfaction crossing his face. Truly nothing could beat the feeling of being a complete and utter muscle hunk. Hell being a muscle hunk was basically his job description now!
Though before he moved to brush his teeth, there was one last thing Martin wanted to do. He shuffled a tad closer to mirror and started pulling a bunch of silly faces that you’d almost never see the original Chris doing. It was so surreal and hilarious at the same time. He did all sorts from sticking his tongue out to a huge cheesy grin and even giving his reflection the puppy dog eyes. By the end he certainly got a good laugh out of it and weirdly enough seeing this face move completely under his command helped him feel just a tad bit more in tune with his new body.
After having his fun, Martin made sure to give his face a good wash and his teeth a clean before finally getting dressed. Naturally he pulled on the possessed underwear first and the moment he did, his mind was flooded with complaints from Chris about having to see Martin jerk off the cock that he stole, shouting about how it’s his body and demanding that Martin find a way to fix this immediately. Martin tried to be nice at first as he pulled on his shorts and tank top but Chris just wouldn’t let up. In the end it took Martin losing his patience and threatening to toss him in the washing machine at max spin for Chris to finally pipe down.
Half an hour later Martin found himself finishing a rather large bowl of oats along with a small smoothie he’d whipped up as per Chris’ suggestion. As he dunked the bowl into the sink to be washed, he began to wonder what the hell he should even be doing right now. After all he couldn’t just go to work like usual because, if Mr Wavell’s spell did what is was supposed to then, his former identity should’ve been erased altogether. Not to mention he was now an extremely well known body builder.
“So uhmm… what do you do for money and all that? I mean it can’t all just be the Olympia money right?” Martin asked curiously.
Chris rolled his metaphorical eyes at the question before answering reluctantly. “I run two businesses that I mainly advertise online. Cbum Fittness and Raw Nutrition. Just another reason you need to find a way to fix this because I know you’re sure as hell gonna crash and burn both of them. Especially since everyone probably thinks I’ve gone AWOL for the past day already!”
That was right, Martin remembered now. Cbum Fitness was Chris’ clothing brand and Raw Nutrition was his supplement brand. Unfortunately he was probably right about the last part as well. “Alright fine, I’ll head down to your place later but you’d better fill me in on everything I need to know about your friends, family and businesses. Otherwise it’s gonna be your fault when they crash and burn as you say.”
“Ha! I’m not gonna tell you shit! The less I tell you the more of a chance I have of people figuring out you’re a fucking imposter that somehow stole my body!” Chris scoffed.
Unfortunately Martin couldn’t exactly force the information out of Chris and it didn’t seem like the man turned underwear was gonna budge on his stance. That is until a certain naughty little idea popped into Martin’s head. Luckily for him, he was able to block his thoughts just enough for Chris not hear what he was planning…
Seconds later Martin grabbed his phone off the counter before swiping over to the camera. It was only when Martin pulled his shorts down, allowing Chris to actually be able to see, did the other man begin to question what he was doing. For a second Chris was worried Martin was gonna follow through with his threat about the washing machine but, unfortunately for him, Martin had something far better in mind.
“H-hey!?” What the fuck are you doing??” Chris shouted internally as Martin proceeded glance over his shoulder to take photo after photo of his thick muscle ass as it pressed tightly against the fabric of his underwear. Really making sure to get plenty of low angles that would make it look as juicy as possible despite all the protests. Once he was satisfied, Martin brought his phone back up and began scrolling through all the photo’s he just took.
“Oooooo… that one’ll do nicely!” He smirked before exiting photo’s and hopping over to Instagram. Upon logging in he was delighted to see that his assumption was correct. Instead of his own account, Martin was logged into Chris’ official and verified Instagram account instead! With a sinister grin he immediately jumped to post a new story on the account. He grabbed the best of many ass photo’s he’d taken and selected it for the story before adding the caption *‘Who else thinks my ass is lookin thicc as fuck today?’* Then with one final smirk Martin pressed the post button and watched as within seconds the story was getting likes, DM replies and reposts galore! Not too surprising considering he now had over 15 and a half million followers!
It was getting increasingly difficult for Chris to read any of Martin’s thoughts as the latter got better at hiding them. But he was able to gather enough to know he’d posted something to Instagram. That coupled with the pics Martin had just taken threw Chris into a panicked spiral. “Oh no no no! What the hell did you just do!?”
Martin didn’t say a word. He simply opened up the story again and lowered the phone in front of his crotch so that Chris could see for himself. Needless to say he was absolutely mortified to see an admittedly rather alluring picture of his thick ass posted on social media for everyone to drool over!! After a moment or two of shock he went ballistic! Screaming and threatening Martin to take it down right away but the man now in possession of his body was completely unfazed by his madness. Instead he opted to set up a tripod before opening his camera app once again and placing it on said tripod.
The hulking man took a few steps back after hitting the record button until his full body was finally in frame. Getting a glorious shot of Chris Bumstead himself stood in only a tank top, briefs and gym socks. The real Chris was both confused and very worried as Martin spun around to show his backside once more. Martin proceeded to look over his shoulder towards the camera once more with a grin before squatting down a little and arching his back. But it wasn’t until he began to feel a certain up and down, almost bouncing, motion that it dawned on him what Martin was doing…
“Mmmm wow… look at my ass shake!” Martin chuckled as he proceeded to twerk like a pro for the camera. “Fuuuuck… even with all the muscle there’s so much recoil to it.” He complimented himself, starting to feel his dick stir once again at the sight of his big muscle butt jiggling like it was. He made a point to show it off as much as possible, rotating his hips a few times before squatting down a little more and really throwing it back as if he were a porn star trying to make his living.
Chris was utterly appalled by what Martin was forcing his body to do. Let alone recording it!? He tried telling the man to stop but by now he should’ve known that was pointless. Instead he just had to sit and endure it whilst feeling every shake of his own ass against his fabric body until Martin was finally satisfied.
“Now *that* is a hot video. I’m willing to bet there’s people out there who’d pay hundreds to see yo- *me* twerking like this.” Martin commented as he watched the recording back, knowing full well that before all this he would’ve done anything to get his hands on a video like this. “So now you’ve got two choices. Either you tell me what I need to know or I post this video of me shaking this gorgeous ass of mine. Simple as that.”
Chris was silent for a moment but that alone was telling enough. “Fine… I’ll tell you.” He mumbled at last just as Martin knew he would.
Over the next couple hours, Martin took a crash course on the personal life of Chris Bumstead. Making sure to ask every important question he could think of about his new life to which Chris reluctantly answered. Though it’s not as if he had much of a choice with the threat of him twerking going viral looming over his metaphorical head. Martin tried to memorise the simple things but wrote down a few other details he might need just in case. After all the last thing he needed was his new family and friends interrogating him and thinking he had amnesia or something. But eventually 11:00am rolled around and Martin decided it was about time he hit the gym before checking out Chris’ place.
It didn’t take long for Martin to gather up his stuff and make a quick protein shake before tossing it all in a bag. Chris had asked a couple times if Martin could take him off and wear some normal underwear to the gym but Martin refused. After all he might need the bodybuilding champion’s advice for certain exercises. And so Martin tossed on his sneakers, getting flashbacks to when he’d been huffing them just yesterday, before heading off to the gym. A place where he’d probably be spending a lot more time at from now on.
Upon stepping foot inside the gym once again, Martin couldn’t help but feel a wave of nervousness flow over him. One would think that with his new body he’d feel confident, cocky even, knowing he was bigger and stronger than most of the men here. Yet he couldn’t help but blush and feel incredibly shy as he noticed people looking at him, clearly recognising him for who he was. It was swiftly becoming clear that being a celebrity was something that would take some getting used to. For now he just tried to mind his business and make his way into the locker room.
Upon opening Chris’ locker, Martin found the spare clothes and towel he’d left in there last time he was here. Well at least now he’d have something else to wear after the gym until he got his hands on some more clothes that actually fit around this tank of a body. For now he proceeded to drop off his stuff in the locker and close it up before taking a deep breath and heading towards the sound of clanking weights and grunting men.
Martin looked around the gym at all the various different pieces of equipment. Of course he’d used most of it before and back then he wasn’t worried about making a silly mistake here and there. But now? With the feeling that everyone would be watching? He couldn’t help but let his nerves get the best of him at first, instead opting to start by walking on the step machine for awhile to build himself up. During which he took his sneakers off as it was usually best to do such during leg day. Allowing the pungent scent from his socks and feet to be freed. Even now those socks were wet with sweat and they would only become more so as his session went on.
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During this he found himself having a bit of an inner conversation with Chris. The man was telling him to stop complaining and just get the hell on with it. Besides they’d already gone over Chris’ whole leg routine for the day so all Martin had to do was man-up and get it done. He also made a note of saying he wanted it over with as soon as possible as he was already beginning to smell a faint aroma of sweat of which he wasn’t particularly fond of…
Martin took what Chris had said to heart before jumping off the treadmill and making his way over towards the leg extension machine. Come on! He was Chris Bumstead now for crying out loud! He couldn’t let the fear of judgement get in his way. Instead he got himself sat down on the machine after adjusting the weight to the exact amount Chris had suggested. 120KG! Martin hesitated for a second as he’d never been able to do that much weight on a leg extension before but looking down at his gigantic quads gave him all the confidence he needed to give it a shot.
Though the weight was heavy, Martin found himself managing to crank out two full sets without too much issue, pushing his big smelly feet up into view of everyone at the gym with every rep. At which point he decided to up the weight from 120 to 140. After that he was finally starting to feel a burning in his quads but it felt incredible! Like that burning sensation of pushing your muscles to work hard and grow was something this body was truly addicted to and he loved it!
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After a couple more sets he found himself satisfied and ready to move onto the next exercise and if memory served then it was over to the hack squat machine. Planting his damp, socked feet on the pad as Martin began his low weight warm up set, he would’ve noticed the few wandering eyes from around the gym if it hadn’t been for Chris already complaining about the smell. Martin was starting to build up a bit of a sweat and nobody was more aware of it than the pair of sentient underwear that had to absorb it. And absorb he did as Martin continued to work up more and more of a sweat once he put some proper weight on the machine. Making sure to go nice and deep with every squat. Beforehand part of him had been dreading the idea of having to workout everyday to maintain this body but now he was here, Martin had no idea why!
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“Fuuck I’m so damp…” Chris mumbled in the back of Martin’s mind as the hunk finished up his last set here. “God it fucking smells…” he continued on, referring to Martin’s cock and balls stinking him up as they got sweatier along with the rest of his body. Though just hearing those comments made Martin’s dick twitch. Knowing Chris was being forced to sniff it all up. It was basically the equivalent of if he’d been forced to shove his face into his own crotch and was unable to remove it. It was making Martin so horny but he had to keep his cool for now.
This cycle ends up repeating itself throughout Martin’s entire routine. As with every new exercise Martin would only find himself sweating more and more, leaving a seemingly endless supply of sweat for Chris to unwillingly absorb into his fabric body. After the hack squat he jumped to leg press machine, keeping his feet to the bottom for quad focus upon Chris’ instructions. Though Martin couldn’t help but notice the subtle slurring of Chris’ words as he explained. Yet he continued on, pushing himself further and surprising himself with how good his form was thanks to muscle memory.
Before long Martin was drenched in sweat after completing a few sets of Bulgarian split squats, which were hellish even with his incredible new body. But as he made his way over to a weighted calf raise machine, Martin couldn’t help but notice how quiet Chris was getting. Throughout that entire last exercise, all he heard was “Sooo moist…” along with a couple other murmurs that he couldn’t make out. I seemed like having to absorb all that sweat and musk was having more of an effect on Chris than Martin thought it would…
The hunk didn’t take long with jumping into calf raises, tugging on his large sneakers once again beforehand and entrapping his musky scent inside them once more.
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As he did he found himself glancing around the room again. Seeing all these people of different shapes and sizes. And yet… he was biggest. Huge all over with pure muscle that made him look like a beast. He couldn’t help but feel a certain sense of pride in that fact but he tried to stay humble all the same just as the real Chris would. Of course that didn’t stop him checking himself out a little in one of the many wall mirrors after his last exercise before finally heading back to the locker rooms.
He pulls out the bag with the spare clothes from yesterday along with a clean towel before getting undressed. He figured he could probably get a shower at Chris’ place but it was probably better to take care of this workout stench ASAP. Proceeding to wrap the towel around his waist after taking off his possessed underwear and tossing them in his locker for the time being, still slightly concerned about the lack of communication from Chris as he headed towards the showers.
Naturally part of Martin wanted to do a replay of last night where he’d been worshipping himself under the steaming water but he couldn’t even begin to imagine the headlines if people heard him pleasuring himself in a local gym. Nope, now he was a celebrity he had to be more careful about those kinds of things. Which certainly meant he couldn’t go around stealing other men’s sweaty clothes and sniffing them, even if that was how he managed to get this incredible and famous body to begin with.
Thankfully he managed to keep himself under control despite not quite getting used to how erotic it was to wash such a huge muscular body. Martin stepped back into the main locker room with the towel around his waist once again before reaching into his locker and grabbing the clean clothes Chris had brought with him the previous day. There was a clean pair of underwear as well but Martin decided to put on Chris anyway to see if he’d gotten over whatever weird haze he was in earlier. After all, there was still so much he needed to learn about his new life.
Martin locked himself in a changing cubicle, ironically the same one in which his transformation had occurred, and pulled on the underwear first and foremost. Right away he could hear Chris’ voice in his head once more. “Yooouu fuckinn asshole… Give back… my… my… mmmm musk… fuuuuuck…” Chris mumbled. He was slurring his words like hell as if he were drunk out of his mind but at least he was talking again. With a sigh of relief, Martin threw on the rest of his clothes before grabbing his stuff and marching his way out of the locker room. Next stop was his new house so he could start figuring out his new life for real!
The next couple days were a headache to say the least. Trying to integrate himself into another man’s life wouldn’t easy for anyone, especially one as famous as Chris Bumstead. It didn’t help that the real Chris was still quite reluctant to help out of spite half the time and Martin usually had to resort to blackmailing him again with the video he’d made.
When he first arrived at Chris’ house it was quite the whirlwind. He had friends and family alike all asking where the hell he’d been prompting him to come up with some elaborate lies as to why he’d gone awol for a day and a half. Not to mention half of them having seen his Instagram story which was a little harder to explain. Guess he hadn’t thought that one through entirely at the time. Regardless, by some miracle, he was able to convince them he was the real Chris. After all its not like anyone could’ve stolen his body because that’d just be insane right? Nonetheless Martin did get a couple comments that he seemed a little… off. Luckily he was able to convince everyone that he was just struggling with some ‘Personal Stuff’ that he wasn’t ready to talk about just yet.
After that he found himself settling into Chris’ life pretty well for time being. He had a decent place for sure. Not too big but still fancy enough that anyone could tell he was well off. Martin had already gotten glimpses of the place before when watching Chris’ YouTube video’s in the past but it certainly looked a little different now. He could only guess that was because it no longer had Chris’ former fiancée’s touch due to Wavell’s reality spell making it so they were never together.
It was then that an amazing idea came to mind. He was single now but the world still thinks Chris is straight so what better way than to introduce his new self to the world than to sign up to a gay dating app! Sure he could try doing some big public announcement and get all the social media praise but that wouldn’t be as fun.
Besides that Martin continues to run his new businesses as well as he can while keeping up with the workout routine Chris had guided him through. Well sort of anyway. It was like every time Martin went to the gym these past few days, Chris was getting more and more drunk on the sweat and musk. Always slurring his words when they communicated and making off hand comments about how he wanted more sweat. How he wanted the smell now rather than rejecting it. Martin even resorted to washing Chris despite the protests in an effort to get him back to normal which didn’t work exactly how he’d planned. If anything it just pissed him off, saying how it felt like he’d been forced to eat soap. Sure it made him a tad more normal for awhile but it didn’t take long for him to start groaning about musk again once Martin continued to wear him.
The hunk knew he should probably stop wearing Chris so often as to preserve his mind but he so often found himself needing to ask questions. Not to mention he couldn’t help the fact that hearing Chris groan about loving his scent turned him on like hell. Even now after nearly a week of his new life he was back at the gym again and wearing his Chris underwear like usual. Just doing what was now supposed to be his normal routine while trying not to get a boner because of how much loved his new self and how much he adored hearing Chris moan.
It was chest day for Martin and he was really trying to push his limits with bench pressing to see how far he could go. However, after putting a bunch of weight on the bar, he found himself struggling to push the bar up for his final rep. Arms shaking a little as he started to contemplate shoving the bar off to the side so he doesn’t end up crushing himself. That is until another man walked up and grabbed the bar, helping Martin put it back safely on the rack.
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“Hey bro. I know you’re a big dude and you know your shit but you should probably have someone spotting you if you’re gonna press weight like that.” The man said with a smile as he offered a hand to help sit Martin up. As he did, Martin was able to get a better look at this guy. He was pretty huge that was for sure. Thick, powerful muscle that would’ve intimidated the hell out of Martin if it weren’t for the size he’d adopted from Chris. Instead he simply found himself trying to hide his lust for it as he briefly checked out this man’s other features. Cropped strawberry blonde hair paired with a short and well trimmed beard. A sharp, handsome and masculine face fitting for a meathead type of dude with some charm. Not to mention to layer of hair coating those bulbous pecs of his that looked as though they were spilling out of that tank top.
“Oh uhhh yeah of course. Pretty fuckin stupid of me to go that heavy without a partner. Thanks man.” Martin replied, trying not to make it too obvious how badly he wanted to fuck this man right now. More importantly he was trying to remember if Chris had ever mentioned a dude like this. Was he somebody he was supposed to know? A workout buddy of Chris’? Or was he just another dude at the gym? It was questions like this that’d been giving Martin a hard time since taking over Chris’ life.
Before Martin had time to figure it out, the man spoke up again. “Hey, how’s about we finish our routines together. I’m hitting chest as well so we can spot each over yeah?” He suggested cheerfully to which after a moment of thought Martin agreed. “Alright! That’s my man! Now move over so I can get my own bench press in!” He chuckled.
Martin stood over the bench from behind as this strange man heaved the heavy bar up and down. It was impressive to say the least. Sure Martin had just been doing that weight but he had the body of Mr Fuckin Olympia on his side. As he spotted, he tried to question the real Chris on who this man might be but he wasn’t a whole lot of help. He was already part way into his workout so Chris was already getting to that subtle moaning stage where he hardly replied. Despite that he couldn’t help but get a strange feeling that he should know this guy somehow.
The two continued to exercise together, taking turns using machines and spotting each over when using weights.
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The pair of them making small talk as they went with Martin still trying to figure out a smart way to ask who the hell this guy was without making it obvious. Though he could swear this dude was flirting with him with all the comments was making about how incredible Martin’s body looked all the time. Some of which Martin couldn’t help but return.
Eventually though, after plenty of hard work and really putting themselves to the test, the two gorgeous hunks found themselves at the end of their shared workout. Sweaty and exhausted yet both loving the pump they’d gotten. Seems this guy was just as addicted to feeling the burn of a good workout as Martin’s new body was.
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They headed into the locker room together when suddenly the mystery hunk said something strange. “You still haven’t realised have you? Who I am?” He smirked.
Martin turned with a raised eyebrow. “W-what do you mean?”
The other man took a few steps closer. “I mean it makes sense. After all I certainly didn’t look like this the last time you saw me.” He said while gesturing down at his impressive muscled physique. “I picked a good one, that’s for sure.”
Martin narrowed his eyes a little as he turned to look at the hunk properly again. Scanning over his body once more as the cogs in his brain began to turn. Surely not. It couldn’t be right?! “Who are you?”
“About time you asked! Well right now I’m going by my current body’s first name, Kyle. But you would know me better as the friendly wizard next door, Mr Wavell!” He exclaimed with a joyous grin on his face.
Now it all made sense. That weird feeling he got earlier. How friendly and flirty this guy had been acting with him. It all made sense! This was somehow that crazy magic dude that’d made all this possible in the first place! “Oh wow…” was all he could say initially as he processed it all. “…So this is the new body you and your boyfriend picked out huh?”
“It is indeed my man. This youth and muscle looks fucking incredible on me don’t you think?” Kyle Wavell praised himself as he flexed a little, showing off his goods. “This body makes me feel like such god damn hunk!” He kissed one of his bulging biceps with a cocky grin. “But I’ve got to confess. This isn’t the only new body I took. I may have gotten a little greedy and took two that I can transform between as I please.”
Martin almost couldn’t believe what he was hearing right now. Had it not been for his own situation then he definitely wouldn’t have. “Wait two!? What does the other one look like?”
Wavell wagged a finger and tutted. “Sorry big man, I’ve dubbed today ‘Kyle day’ so I won’t be shifting into my other self as of right now. Sorry to disappoint. But hey maybe next time I see ya I’ll introduce you to my other body who wouldn’t you know it is also called Chris.” He explained, clearly having way too much acting like a meathead today. “But now for the real reason I’m here. I wanted to ask if you’d received any of Chris’ memories yet?”
“Memories? Nope. I’ve just been asking him a ton of questions mainly. Although he hasn’t been as helpful lately. He won’t stop grunting and going on about my smell.”
Wavell grinned as it seemed Martin hadn’t figured out another little aspect of the magic he’d placed on Chris and Martin. “Well faking it might get you through the short term but eventually you’re gonna find yourself tripping up trying to juggle Chris’ life if you don’t have the all memories you need to do so. Luckily for you however, all you need to do is ask.”
“What? What do you mean ask? Like he can just give his memories to me whenever he wants?” Martin questioned.
“I guess you could say that. The way it works is that all you’ve gotta do is ask Chris to give you his memories. If he agrees they’ll automatically be transferred with you. After that you’ll be all set.” The Warlock continued while scratching his beard nonchalantly. “And guessing by what you’ve told me… I’m willing to bet he’s already pretty suggestive.”
Martin glanced down at his crotch. Was it really that easy all along? All he had to do… was ask?
“Well as much as I’d love to stay, chat and suck each over off, I promised Dane I wouldn’t be long. I’m surprised he hasn’t showed up already to see what’s taking me.” Wavell chuckled. “Besides I can already tell you’ve got plenty of other men lined up and ready to suck your cock judging by all the notifications from that dating app you installed.”
“How did you know about that??”
“Magic.” Wavell said as he waved a pair of jazz hands at the clueless sculpture of a man before him. “Anyway I’ve bodies to swap, people to transform and a boyfriend to please so I’ll leave you to it bro. I have every faith that you’ll squeeze those memories out of your friend down there and be living your best life soon enough!” He clasped his hands enthusiastically. “So until me meet again Chris.” He smirked before vanishing before Martin’s eyes in a swift flash of purple smoke, theatrical as always. Hardly giving Martin a chance to say goodbye.
And so the bodybuilder was left on his own once again. Now he knew exactly what he had to do in order to truly make this new life his own. And he was going to take it.
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The door to Martin’s new place swung open as he got home from a jog back from the gym, already having worked up a decent sweat and for good reason. He didn’t have anything lined up for the rest of the day as far as he could recall which meant he had the place to himself. Perfect.
“So Chris. Not sure if you heard what that crazy magic guy said but I’m gonna need you to give up ownership of your memories!” He proclaimed out loud after tossing his shorts off and across the room. “So you gonna give em to me or what?”
Chris groaned a little as he tried to comprehend Martin’s words. “Mmmm… fuuck… what? Memories?… N-no. They’re mine… you can’t have them.” He just about managed to reply despite his seemingly drunken state.
“Oh yeah? Well let’s see if I can help change that tune of yours. You like feasting on your own sweat don’t ya?” Martin jumped on the treadmill without hesitation, tapping a few buttons before the thing started to move.
“Yes I… No… I don’t absolutely fucking love that sweaty scent. No fuck!…” Chris battled with himself and the new urges that’d been growing inside him over the last few days. Urges that’d becoming increasingly hard to fight against to the point where it was burdening on addiction. But he couldn’t give in! He couldn’t let this imposter win!
Martin soon found himself turning the treadmill up from a jog to a run. Hearing the machine creak slightly under his weight with every step. More and more sweat dripping from every pore. Soaking his tank top and more importantly his underwear more and more with every second. Pushing himself to go for as long and fast as possible. Running until he felt as though he’d just stepped out into heavy rain with how drenched he was. So much so that Chris was becoming overwhelmed by the intensifying smell. More or less shouting internally about how much he fucking loves the smelly scent and that he wants to absorb every last drop of sweat like a mad man.
“Ready to… give up those… memories yet!?” Martin shouted down at the pair of sentient briefs between heavy breathes as he slowed the treadmill down at last. Hoping that the overload of smell and sweat he’d just given the former Mr Olympia had been enough to wear him down.
“Fuck! Fuck! So sweaty! So fucking smelly! Smells soooo good! I-I-” Chris stuttered as he finally processed what he’d been asked again. “I… said no! You can’t have my memories!!” He continued to protest despite it all which came as quite the shock to Martin.
He really though that would do it. Martin started to think that maybe he’d have to give it a few more days. Wait for Chris’ mind to hopefully corrupt a little further until it was more malleable. Maybe then he’ll be able to get the answer he wants. However, just as he was about to give up for now, an idea sprung to mind causing a devilish smirk to spread across Martin’s handsome yet stolen face.
The massive hunk of man hurried his way to the bedroom after kicking off his sneakers and peeling off his shirt. He soon found himself kneeled on his new king sized bed facing the huge bedroom wall mirror that covered the closet. Damn he loved his new place. Almost as much as he loved pleasuring this new body of his. A body didn’t ever plan on losing.
With that Martin sunk a hand down into his briefs, earning a strangely satisfied grunt from Chris as his fabric body was stretched. After which grabbing his already half hard cock and giving it a few strokes. Now usually this would be the point where he pulls down his briefs some more to unleash his cock completely but not this time. No sir. Those briefs stayed right where they were as Martin kept pumping away at his huge manhood despite the constraining fabric.
“H-hey? Mmmm fuck… W-what are you doing!?” Chris panicked a little while battling with his urges, trying hard not to moan out again about how much he adored the scent he was absorbing. Unfortunately for him Martin didn’t answer. He simply continued to jack himself off while glancing at his own reflection in the mirror and talking to himself about how fucking huge and sexy he was and that he’d never go back in a million years.
It wasn’t long before Martin’s fat cock started to leak precum and, just like all the sweat so far, Chris was forced to drink it up and taste his former body’s pre. He tried to ignore how good it tasted at first but it was impossible. It was even better than all the sweat he’d been guzzling so far. So sweet but salty at the same time, yet so so addictive. He wanted more. No he needed more! It wasn’t long before he was begging for more precum to spread inside even more so than getting more sweat.
“Yeah you want it? You want my cum? Well I can give you a whole fucking load if you want!” Martin promised, continuing to jerk with vigour.
“Yes! Yes please give it to me! I need it so badly! I need to taste it!” Chris begged in a frenzy. God if only his former self could’ve seen him now. Trapped as a pair of briefs and begging to be cum inside. “Please just blow your load in me!”
That was it. Martin he had him at last. He kept pumping for a few more minutes and letting Chris soak up as much precum as possible before finally answering again. “Alright I’ll give it to you. But only on one condition. Give me those fucking memories!!” He demanded.
Chris was silent for moment. It was clear that he was battling against himself right now. He wanted so badly to say no but he just as badly wanted to have that load. It was tearing him apart! So much so that he ended up shouting out an answer on impulse. “Yes! Fine! Take them! Have my memories! I don’t care just blow your looooaaaaadddddd…” Chris trailed off as suddenly the very memories he’d just given up started getting sucked out right out of his mind in one of the most pleasurable sensations he’d every experienced.
“Holy fuuuuuuucckkkk!!!” Martin bellowed out as an entire life began pouring itself inside his head. Core memory after memory showing up in his mind one after the other as if he actually experienced them. All of Chris Bumstead adventures, experiences, ideas and skills swiftly becoming his. An entire identity all being transferring in one go, instantly skyrocketing to the number one most bizarre thing Martin had ever felt and probably ever will feel. Quite literally having a life flash before his eyes.
Before he knew it the sheer intensity of the transfer caused Martin to bust one of the biggest loads of his life, soaking the underwear even more so than it already was with his thick virile seed. Some managed to push through the fabric and drip onto the bed sheets but most of it was absorbed rather quickly for… obvious reasons.
“Yessssss… cummmm! I love cum! Cum and sweat! Soooo delicious…” The original Chris mumbled mindlessly. With all his memories drained he hardly even knew who he was anymore. Now he was nothing more than a piece of horny sentient fabric with a one track mind.
Gently Martin slipped off the underwear, dropping it on the floor in a messy pile so he didn’t have to hear those horny moans any longer. Instead he took a step towards the mirror and looked at his reflection again. Before he’d always felt like an outsider. And Imposter parading around in someone else’s skin. But now? He was the real deal. That man staring back at him in the mirror. It wasn’t some other dude who’s body he’d stolen. It was him! He was Chris Bumstead now! And nothing was every going to change that!
“And I’ll be a better version of Chris than you ever were.” He muttered, looking back at the discarded cum filled underwear on the floor before turning back to the mirror and kissing his reflection. God he fucking loved himself. And he was gonna love his new life even more!
With that the new Chris made his was to the bathroom so he could wash up and get all this strong manly stench washed away for the time being. After all he was planning on meeting a guy tonight and he wanted to make a good first impression. It was time to reveal to the world the new and improved, very gay Chris Bumstead.
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Epilogue coming soon…
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loversj0y · 10 months
For your 200 follower event you should do Invisible String with Wil! Maybe inspired by him being on tour, and once you guys connect, you realize all the similarities/close calls you’ve had to each other?
invisible string
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event masterlist
pairing: wilbur soot x gn! reader
tws: bars/references to drinking
notes: this might be tphe longest one bc it felt wrong making it Not long, i guess so i hope you enjoy :3
word count: 2.5k
taglist: @l0veb0mb1ng / @core-queen / @zooone / @lillylvjy / @melunnek
You hated heartbreak and the way it seemed to accompany you like an old friend. Several bad breakups led to the collective feeling of needing to leave, wanting to run, so you did. It wasn’t hard to find a university you could study abroad in and accommodations, especially with the proficiency in your courses meaning a scholarship wasn’t hard to find. Choosing a place to go was the hardest part; you knew you wanted to go to the UK, but you didn’t know where. Thankfully, there was a pretty simple solution: throwing a dart at a map. Leading you here: Brighton. The taxi drove you to your new apartment, and there was a rock song playing you’d wished to have gotten the name of before you got dropped off. 
After a week of unpacking and settling in, you’d gotten notably bored. So you decided to look for a place to go, or something to do, and you stumbled across a pretty small club that seemed quite nice. You walked in, and at first it reminded you of the dive bars back in America, but a bit nicer. You went up to the bar and ordered quickly, trying to speak a bit quieter given the glaringly obvious American accent. It wasn’t enough to entirely hide it, though. Once you got your drink, a blond boy who’d been next to you at the bar spoke up, loudly.
“Are you American?”
You looked at him and nodded. He seemed a bit younger, but given that he was in here meant he was probably at least 18. “Yeah, I just moved here.”
He perked up, grinning, “Follow me!” He didn’t give you much a choice before grabbing your arm and dragging you over to his friends, “My name’s Tommy, by the way! My brother Wilbur loves America, so he’ll be excited to meet you, c’mon!”
You chuckled, allowing yourself to be dragged over by him. He brought you to a group of five people, two of whom were incredibly tall. All five of them were giving an incredulous look at Tommy, making you laugh a bit. 
“Wilbur!” Tommy basically yelled as he pulled you over, “I found an American!”
You fought the urge to hide your face in your hands, instead taking a sip of your drink.
One of the taller guys, who you presumed was Wilbur, sputtered at Tommy, “Tommy! You can’t just drag someone over because they’re American, for fucks sake.”
“Yes, but you love America and you needed some cheering up, so ta-da!”
Wilbur just facepalmed, sighing and looking over at you now. He was an attractive guy, light brown curls and a tall frame, plus a good fashion sense if the Doc Martins were anything to go off of. “I am so sorry he abducted you. He is a child with no sense of manners.”
You chuckled softly, especially as Tommy gasped dramatically in response. “It’s alright,” you smiled softly, “Beats the alternative of sitting alone at the bar for an hour, so.” You shrugged.
Wilbur gave you a bit of a thoughtful look, but before he could speak up, the girl next to Tommy spoke.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, even if he literally just dragged you over. I’m Molly, Tommy’s girlfriend.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” you smiled softly, before Tommy took charge once more.
“Yes, right! Introductions! I’m Tommy, obviously the coolest one here, Molly is my wonderful and only wife, Jack over there is an dick, don’t be friends with him, but that’s his girlfriend Ellie, she’s too cool for him. You spoke to Wilbur, my lame brother, already, and the only one taller than him is the very gorgeous Ranboo,” he explained.
Not a single person looked pleased with his explanation, but they also didn’t exactly look surprised by him.
“Right, well, nice to meet you guys. I’m Y/N.”
“So, you’re actually from America? Are you visiting?” Jack asked, a kind smile on his face.
“Yeah, uh, I just moved here actually. I just needed a change of pace, I guess, so I actually transferred to the university out here.”
He nodded, and you could feel the entire group’s eyes on you for a moment. It was a bit unsettling, but that was more just the nerves.
“Cool, fellow American,” the tallest one, Ranboo, spoke up. You looked up at him (he was really tall), and you smiled. 
“Glad to know I’m not the only one out here. How’d you end up out here?”
“Uh… work, actually. It’s kind of a long story, but I had to move out here for my work stuff, so I did.” He shifted his eyes a bit as he spoke, and you just nodded, assuming he didn’t want to be pressed on the matter.
“Wilbur,” Tommy spoke, “tell them some cool America facts.”
“Tommy, they very likely know them better than me given that they actually lived there.” Wilbur chuckled softly.
I smiled softly at Wilbur, “I’d still like to hear them. Maybe I can tell you if you’re mistaken about any of them.”
He looked over and gave you a grin, and the conversations paired off. You and Wilbur discussed America and where you lived, and the fact that Americans need to stop building parking lots, which you agreed with.
After nearly an hour and a half, he disengaged, turning to Tommy, “I have to head out now, Toms. I’ll see you tomorrow though, yeah?”
Tommy nodded, then gave Wilbur a bit of an evil grin, turning to you, “Did Wilbur tell you he’s a big musician? He’s got to leave early because he’s got a gig tomorrow and has to do boring musician things.”
“Really?” You grinned softly, “That’s really fucking cool.”
“Yeah, well, Wilbur’s lame, but his band is cool. You should come to the gig!” Tommy exclaimed, and Wilbur’s cheeks dusted red, eyes widening at Tommy.
“I’d love to, but, only if it’s okay with you, I guess,” You looked up at Wilbur, raising your eyebrows.
He nodded a bit stiffly, “yeah, no, that’d be great. The more the merrier. I’ll see you both tomorrow then.” He waved, heading off quite quickly after.
“Is… he going to be mad at you for inviting me?” You chuckled, looking over at Tommy.
“Eh, he will be at first. I’ll probably wake up to an upset text, but it’s just because he gets nervous playing in front of people he wants to impress. Once he does fine after, he’ll text me all ‘Oh, Tommy, you’re so smart and right, thank you for inviting them since I was too much of a pussyhole to ask myself,’” he mocked Wilbur’s voice, and you laughed a bit. You blushed slightly at the implication that Wilbur wanted to impress you.
After a bit longer, the group dispersed, and you headed home. You actually ended up living pretty close to Tommy, who was about two blocks down from you. As you headed inside to your apartment, you smiled and got excited at the idea of going to the gig tomorrow and seeing Wilbur again. You fell asleep excited and wondering what type of music you’d hear from him and pleased with the people you’d happened to find. 
You managed to get to the gig without too much trouble the next day, and you were shocked by the sheer amount of people waiting outside. Tommy had texted you about going to a back entrance, which thankfully wasn’t too hard to find. He was waiting by the door to help you in as well, and you felt immediately starstruck. 
The place was pretty big, and Wilbur was already standing in the centre of the stage, practicing something on his guitar. The lights were hitting him perfectly, and he looked like an angel. You struggled to look away, until Tommy came up and basically draped himself against you.
“Stop simpin’ after Wilbur, c’monnnn, we’re heading backstage. He needs his little ‘rockstar-practice time’ or whatever.”
You flushed, turning away from Wilbur, “I’m not simping, I’m just in awe. This is really cool.”
“Yeah, yeah, well,” he walked further backstage with you following him, “you should’ve seen how long it took him to get used to it. Whole band did a bunch of fake shows to get used to performing.”
“Really? That’s smart, actually.”
Tommy just shrugged, taking you to room backstage where there was a much larger group of people than the night before. You recognized Molly and Jack, but the other three were complete strangers.
“Oh, Y/N, you came!” Molly grinned, waving. You waved back at her, nodding a bit. 
“These lot are more of the band. They are much cooler than Wilbur, you’ll find. That’s Ash, Leandra, and Mark.”
You waved, saying a quick hello, before allowing yourself to become an observer of the conversation.
The show started not too long after, with you, Jack, Molly, and Tommy watching from the side stage. You quickly discovered that the band, Lovejoy, was incredibly popular, and their music was fantastic. And Wilbur.
Wilbur was something else on stage. He was fully in his element, lights covering him in halo glows. His voice was melodic, and it made you want to melt. From the side stage, you could see how he leaned against the mic, the passion in his voice, and the intensity he matched in each song. It was about halfway through the show though, that you felt you blood run cold.
The song you’d heard in the cab when you moved in. It was their song. And if that wasn’t just the biggest coincidence slapping you in the face than god knows what was. You didn’t know what to make of it, other than feeling incredibly overwhelmed by fate and the new friends you’d made.
By the end of the show, you felt strange. You felt incredibly uncertain about your place in the world most days, but for some reason, as you watched Wilbur approach you and the group, you felt like there was no where else you belonged.
“Hey,” he walked over with a grin, “You came! What did you think?”
He looked almost nervous as he asked, sweat still dripping from his forehead as you chuckled, “It was amazing! I actually recognized one as well!”
A startled look crossed his face for a moment, “You did? Which one?”
“The, ah, I didn’t catch the name of it originally, but I want to say it’s Call Me What You Like if the setlists are correct. It was playing in my cab when I was dropped off in Brighton.”
He grinned, “Really? It was on the radio?” 
You nodded, “Yeah! I thought it was fantastic, but I didn’t have time to catch the name. At least now I don’t have to worry about forgetting it.”
“Oh, trust me, I wouldn’t let you,” he gave you a grin that shined brighter than any light on that stage, and you felt butterflies flood your stomach as you considered that maybe it was fate that brought you here.
Sometimes you didn’t consider the ways that time worked. In the span of one year, so much more had changed than you’d ever even considered. You moved to a new country, started a new school, made new friends. You cut your hair, changed your wardrobe, got a better music taste. You became much more social, started dating Wilbur, learned to feel more confident in yourself. 
The relationship probably was the most shocking of anything to happen. But it happened quickly, and it felt so right and so easy, as if your previous heartbreaks never occurred. You still had problems, mind you, however, there was something within you telling you it was fate constantly. 
You thought about fate a lot when you thought about your relationship. The random effect of the universe tended to have a weird way of making you think about stuff like that. The statistical chances of choosing to move to Brighton by throwing a dart at a map, of hearing Wilbur’s song play in your cab. Then there were the numerous things you’d learned over time, small coincidences that pointed to a string of fate tying you together. Of the color of his first album being the color of your first prom dress. Of the time he visited America and ended up staying twenty minutes from where you lived. Of your first boyfriend sharing Wilbur’s middle name. Of all these tiny clues of parallel moments within your lives that you could only see now in retrospect. 
The biggest thing within this string was the connection you felt to him that first night. It felt like that little string pulled you straight into that bar. When all of a sudden, all the stress and feelings you’d had about heartbreak and needing to run felt soothed, all past mistakes feeling fuzzy in comparison to something that was so right. 
“Darling,” Wilbur chuckled softly, “What are you thinking so hard about?” He smiled, walking over to where you were already laying down, ready for bed. 
“Do you ever think about fate?” You asked as he gently pressed a kiss to your forehead. 
“Not often, I guess. Why?”
“I just think about us, and I just feel like there’s been a string connecting us, tying us together, and we just couldn’t see it.”
He smiled softly, slowly getting into bed next to you, “You think?”
“I don’t know for certain. But I know that there’s way too many coincidences to be normal. And that in one year, just by moving here… I don’t know it feels like I wasn’t living before being here, and even more now that I’m with you. I actually feel in charge of my life. Like time just changed everything for the better, and I have to at least believe that maybe it’s because fate brought us here.”
He wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you into him, “Yeah. I’ve never quite thought about it like that. I like that idea though. I mean, the chances of us actually meeting were so slim. As much as I don’t love the concept of fate, I’ll love fate for this. Because if fate is what brought me to you, then I owe it so much.” 
You smiled lovingly at him, leaning forward to kiss him gently, “I owe it so much too. That- that little thread of gold tying us together.”
He held you a bit tighter, turning off the lamp next to him, “You think it’d be gold?”
“Oh, absolutely.”
He chuckled, “Why is that?”
“Because it’s your last name. And the leaves were gold when I moved here in the fall. What about you?”
“Hm,” he hummed, “Gold could be fitting. But I think it’d be some sort of blue or purple, like the sunset we watched on our first proper date.”
“That’d be nice,” you smiled softly, “I’m just glad it was there, if it is real.”
“Me too, love,” he whispered, before pulling you into a slow and gentle kiss. 
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infernalodie · 1 year
𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞 || 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐬-𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧
“𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘪𝘵𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘎𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘐'𝘮 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘵𝘰 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴“
Inspo: Bryson Tiller - Finesse (cover) Bryson Tiller - Leaning Ft. Tory Lanez, PARTYNEXTDOOR PARTYNEXTDOOR - Come and See Me ft. Drake
Pairing: Tara Carpenter x Black!Fem!reader x Chad Meeks-Martin
Summary: Their finesse was just enough to have you hooked...
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Warnings: Angst, smut, threesome, Sub!reader, Switch!Tara Carpenter, Dom!Chad Meeks-Martin, oral, virginity loss, bulge kink, mommy kink, daddy kink, poly relationship, just incredibly soft.
Words: 2725
The blunt smoke filled the small confinements of your bedroom, mixing with the smoke from your bedroom after your shower. Music playing through your laptop resting on your dresser. Bryson Tiller’s lyrics play beautifully through your entranced gaze, lips mouthing the words. Humming whenever you were keeping the end lit, staring at the burning herb intently with a growing suffocation in your chest. The loud bustling streets of New York kept you up throughout the night and you were lucky to live with two people that could give a shit about what you did with your free time out of work.
Over the music, you knew Sam and Tara were awake. Either watching a movie or experiencing the same thing as you. After the attack in Woodsboro and the very long night with Richie’s family, sleep had become a second thought. And if you did sleep, you did it with the assistance of weed that clung to your senses. It was only those times that you felt at peace with the shit around you and you enjoyed it.
It also helped remove your hearing from Tara’s room that was next door to yours. Her moans, Chad’s groans, it fucked with your head. You were surprised you had managed to stay here as long as you have under the conditions you were placed under regularly.
Lifting your head at the sound of knocking, you hummed loud enough for the person to hear. The door cracked open a bit, revealing Sam with a soft smile. “You wanna have dinner with us? Chad and Mindy are here.”
“It’s 11:23 PM, Sam. You don’t think this might cause a noise complaint?” You asked, placing the blunt between your lips as you looked around your room for some pants to wear.
“You are the only person that would worry about that,” Sam teased, laughing softly. “Come out when you’re ready. We can wait.”
“Wait. I didn’t even say I would-” Your words fell short with the door clicking shut, silencing whatever protest you had. Your lips pursed, dropping the towel covering your top and bottom and searching for some clothes. In the aftermath of the attacks, taking care of your personal space fell short as well as your health. And the addition of two people you had crushes on fucking in the room next to yours didn’t help with getting back on track.
So, with a heavy heart and an annoyed mood, you slipped on some boxers and a thin white crop top. Placing the blunt between your lips before you opened your door to get sight of the kitchen. Seeing the core of the group standing around talking and laughing. But more notably, Tara and Chad were hanging onto one another.
Although your chest ached at the sight, you had to admit that they were cute together. Anyone either of them were with made them an ideal image of what should be expected from a relationship. Tara was soft and confident, not afraid to show off who she was with like they were some sort of higher being compared to her. Chad seemed like a douche with his varsity jacket, but he was loving to the ones closest to him. He defeated the image people gave him years ago.
They were perfect for one another and that’s what makes it hard for you.
But you had managed to keep it obscured by compliments for the couple and smiles that would deter them from thinking otherwise.  And so far, you were able to convince yourself there wasn’t anything else on your end except happiness for the two.
The clicking of your door shutting grabbed Mindy’s attention. Her lips tilted into a smile as she walked over. “Hey, sweetheart,” she greeted softly.
You smiled, pulling the joint from your lips, soaking in the warmth of the girl's arms, hugging her firmly. “Hey, M.”
Although you couldn’t be sure, you had a suspicion Mindy knew of your feelings for the pair. Or for one of them. She didn’t make it well-known. Only giving you a sympathetic look whenever you were caught staring at the couple longingly. And to be honest, you preferred it that way. The less one knew, the better.
“Are you having dinner with us?” Chad inquired, smiling. “I heard Sam made your favourite meal.”
Pulling from Mindy’s hug, feeling her arm slightly tighten around your waist, you hummed. “Uh, I think I’m just going to sleep. You guys enjoy yourselves.”
Tara huffed, pouting. “C’mon, Y/n. You haven’t had dinner with us since we moved to New York,” she whined. “Just tonight, please.”
Having them both plead and almost be interested in you attending the diner made your heart swell. But you couldn’t just hang up your feelings and feel relinquished by their effect when you were near them. This whole crush thing was still very new to someone who had felt protected by it because of them always wanting the best for you. So, those two - the pair that never wanted you to date someone undeserving - just turned out to be the ones to hold the keys to your heart. And with something like that, it created a fear of what might happen if you tried to get closer.
Being friends was the only option.
So, you placed the joint between your lips and walked away. Closing your door with a soft click before you pulled the joint away and exhaled heavily. Staring out the window to look down at the busy streets of New York. 
“It’s going to be a long night.”
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If you knew that Chad would’ve stayed the night, you might’ve had your music playing louder to hopefully block out the noises from next door. Or you might’ve done a hit off your dab rip and knocked yourself out so you wouldn’t have to listen to them at all.
But it was too late and you were forced to listen to the moans that fell from Tara’s lips. The faint slapping of skin against skin with Chad’s groans and guttural moans imprinting on your mind. No matter how much weed you smoked, it wouldn’t change the growing ache between your thighs that appeared. And the drug only intensified the knot beginning to wind and curl together into something you didn’t have the power of breaking on your own.
That’s why you would just blame the drugs for what you were doing. Stepping down the hall quietly, hoping the floorboards wouldn’t wheeze under the pressure of your feet. Hand resting against the wall, supporting your hazy mind that tried to formulate the multitude of lustful thoughts filling it.
Soon enough, you stood at the door belonging to Tara. It was closed, clearly. And there was still so much time for you to back out on this. Just leave your desire to be dealt with on your own. But you were greedy. For once in your life, you wanted to finally experience or see something you’ve dreamed of for years.
Your hand shakily reached for the knob and slowly turned it. Your face scrunched up, slowly opening it and praying the hinges didn’t give you away. But when they didn’t and you had a sizable hole to look inside you leaned against the frame. The noise coming from the pair was louder now and your imagination was put to shame.
Tara’s back was to you, her hand findings support with their place on Chad’s chest as she bounced on his cock. Her head lulled back with a moan. Chad’s eyes rolled into the back of his head, holding the girl’s hips and forcing her to grind against his pelvis. His chocolate-toned skin has marks of red along his neck with Tara’s nails continuing to mark his skin viciously.  There was a faint tremble of his legs when Tara arched her back, hands falling back to his thighs, displaying her chest to the man.
Their movements, the sounds they made, and the heat that had built into the room were incredibly intimate, in their own rough way. It made those desperate thoughts take hold of your hand that slipped past the hem of your pants. Tips of your fingers brushing over your sensitive clit that sought out the need for stimulation. And you were keen to be a little selfish.
You gasped, pads of your fingers pressing to the bundle. Keeping your eyes focused on the fat of Tara’s ass and how easily she took Chad’s cock. It was incredibly hot. Glossing over the girl’s body, you could spot something faint along her stomach. Something bulged with each perfect thrust of her hips. Each time she did so, a whine slithered past her swollen lips.
This was wrong, but it also felt like there was no other possible way to relieve yourself of this ache. Not when you are already this far in. You looked down, seeing a faint damp spot along the apex of your sweatpants that had leaked through your boxers. And it came as a shock to hear Chad hum in approval, earning your attention. Finding him staring with a smirk made you gasp sharply, your body tensing under his gaze.
“Tara, look at that.” Following her boyfriend's stare, she found you staring with your hand still in your pants and a desperate look in your eyes. “Our baby is so needy. Should we help her?”
A slow mischievous smile pressed Tara’s lips. Her eyes rolled up and down your body and absorbed each little detail exposed to her. “C’mere, baby.” Tara’s luscious voice lured you in. Like a lost puppy, you walked in with a guilty layer over your face. Eyes unable to meet theirs for understandable reasons. And soon, you stood by the side of the bed, able to see Tara’s breast which looked better than you had imagined. Or Chad, who you’ve seen almost entirely naked, but with wounds from previous attacks giving it more character and beauty.
It defied every little thing you had once thought.
Tara’s hand reached out to you, gently grabbing you by the hip and pulling you forward to the point that your thighs were pressed to the side of the mattress. She tilted her head, looking down at Chad as she felt his cock twitch inside of her. So, with an idea, she began to rock her hips. It elicited a groan from Chad, who stared at you intently, trying to stop his eyes from rolling back in pleasure.
“Do you like when Y/n watches, baby?” Tara inquired with a quiet laugh. “If you don’t come, maybe I’ll just ask her to join us.” And then she looked at you, seeing you swallow thickly. “Would you be alright with that?”
You nodded a bit too vigorously. It made Tara laugh softly, tracing her hand down your stomach and to the hem of your pants. Chad followed his girlfriend's hand, wanting desperately to see you crumble underneath Tara. “Can I?” Her silent request was answered by a shallow “Yes”.
She breached the hem of your sweatpants, fingertips guiding her toward your slick cunt. You closed your eyes, relishing in her touch until she finally grazed your clit. A whimper spilled out from between your lips, shamefully thrusting, searching for that same splash of stimulation.
It brought a smile to Tara’s lips that parted, diving her fingers through your cunt and moaning at how damp you were for them. “You were right, Chad. She’s fucking soaked.” If you weren’t embarrassed before, you sure as hell were now. Especially when Tara pulled her hand out of your pants and inspected her digits. Scissoring and watching at the strings connecting between her fingers. Lowering her hand to Chad’s lips which parted eagerly, taking his girl’s fingers and sucking them. A deep hum blossomed from his chest.
“You taste- nghn!” Tara interrupted him with a sharp slam of her hips, walls convulsing around his cock
“Why don’t you hop on, baby? I’m sure Chad wants to taste you for himself.” Tara smiled.
Nervously, you stripped yourself of your sweatpants, shirt, and panties before awkwardly getting onto the bed. And the two watched in amusement as you sat above Chad’s face. But the restraint Chad had once had slowly relinquished with her hands grabbing your hips. “I’m tired of waiting.” He yanked you down, heat pressing to his lips.
You gasped, looking down and seeing Chad’s tongue just barely peek out before he licked a thick stripe through your lips. A very loud slurping sound came from beneath as he feasted upon your engorged clit. Humming deeply, sending vibrations through your body in tidal waves. Causing your legs to twitch, lightly squeezing around his head.
Through the haze of pleasure, Jenna grabbed your cheeks, squeezing gently and forcing you to meet her gaze. Finding her lips etched into a grin. “Do you like his tongue inside of you, baby?”
All you could do is nod, melting in her touch. Allowing her to bend, turn, and inspect your body as she saw fit. Giving up full control to the man between your legs and the girl sitting in front of you, getting off on Chad’s cock and your own pleasure.
The knot in the pit of your stomach was growing tighter. Strings keeping you grounded beginning to tear. And Tara got lost in your short gasps, eyes clamped shut, and high-pitched whines.  Your hips grinding messily against Chad’s face, but the taste of your juices and the texture of your puffy clit was too good to care.
And when the strings finally snapped, it was a flash behind your eyes. Body tensing and shivering with a trembling cry tumble from your swollen lips. “Fuck, Daddy!”
That was enough for Chad to become unhinged and wrap his arms around your thighs and keep you seated on his face. Feasting off you like it would be his last meal. And the reaction he earned was well worth it. Legs shaking, nails biting into his chest, choked pants, and a drunken expression on your face.
Tara could feel Chad’s cock twitching with each roll of her hips. If she’d known he had a kink like that, she might’ve used it a while ago. And something about seeing you like this and the acknowledgement that you were bringing out the most feral sides of them wanted her in on the action. “Fuck her with your tongue, Chad.”
He did as he was told. His slick tongue pushes past your fluttering entrance and curls with each thrust. Meanwhile, Tara pressed her fingers to your clit and rubbed tight and quick circles. Sending you into cloud nine as you cried. “Mommy!”
The three of you came undone one after the other in seconds. Beautiful sounds fill the small bedroom with your bodies trembling under the blissful heat of pleasure.
When you came undone once more and the pair’s dual efforts brought you down from the high, you shakily tried sitting up. Your thighs shaking, weak from the ministrations and sensitivity of your cunt. Able to at least move enough to the side to lay down and place a hand over your chest, trying to calm down your thundering heart.
Both of them watched and listen to you in the post-orgasm and could already feel the arousal pooling once more. Your knees were bent and twitching, choked laboured breaths falling from your lips. It inflated their ego’s more than they needed to be.
“I hope you know we aren’t done, sweetheart.” Tara’s words had you lazily turning your gaze to her. Following her figure disappear behind you and lift you to lean against her chest. Her hands squeeze your breasts and make you let out a mewl at the touch. But when you looked at Chad, he was situated between your legs, cock still hard and resting against your stomach.
He leaned down, pecking your lips that you tried to reciprocate to the best of your ability. Pulling away, Chad grabbed the base of his cock and gently tapped his red angry tip against your clit. Smiling in amusement at your sharp cries, your body tensing with each shock of pleasure. “Oh, baby,” he muttered, pressing the tip to your entrance that squeezed around nothing, your body already communicating what you couldn’t. “We’re going to fucking ruin you.”
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laura1633 · 26 days
Whenever I get reminded of a teenage Max not being fully welcomed by drivers on the grid and media outlets too it’s more than a little sad. He didn’t have a karting friend group like the others to fall back on either and you can tell he was a bit isolated. You’re right I do feel that’s why he’s so welcoming to younger drivers now, none of them have a bad word to say about him.
It’s what’s so good about his friendship with Lando- they just immediately clicked and having a friend in the same lifestyle and a similar age to let his guard down with was so needed. Their joint bond with Martin too!
It’s also what’s so incredible about his bond with Charles even in a non rpf way- their friendship was never easy and despite knowing eachother for a decade they didn’t get close when Charles first joined the grid although you could tell they were still significant to eachother. It really is the bond of someone who’s always understood you and been in your orbit but you could never quite click with perhaps because of your similarities and then it took time but it does click and feels so so natural. Max just looked so so happy on that podium and in that cool down room and you can tell how comfortable he was.
He’s just become so much calmer on the grid and a lot of that is due to his friendships and it’s so lovely to see. It’s what I love about the omega max universe too- he truly deserves to feel welcomed on the grid and at times I don’t think he was.
(Purposefully leaving Daniel out here as for some reason I do have conflicting thoughts on Maxiel lol but he was significant too)
I completely agree anon, it does break my heart a little to think back to some of the reactions he received when he was literally still a child. It's why I am so happy he has had the success that he has and that he seems to be a lot more relaxed now and enjoying himself during the weekends.
Given what we know about the way he was raised and the way the media and other groups of people have tried to make him out to be a villain throughout his career I think it's so special that he doesn't appear to direct that negativity back out to other people. He always seems so supportive of the younger drivers coming through now and I am sure that is in part because of the reaction he received.
The way his relationship with Charles has grown is so lovely. It seemed to take them quite a while to get to where they are now so it doesn't feel forced or for PR, at least not to me. They have their shared history and clearly enjoy being around each other or they wouldn't gravitate so much towards each other all the time after races etc. I just love that they seem so comfortable around each other now and that Max just seems more comfortable in general.
And yes - I love, love, love omega Max and I think it's because I want him to have all the softness and kindness in the world ❤️
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mordenandmerry · 2 months
I got bored so here’s all tma character’s enneagram numbers :)
Also yes all of them are the unhealthy versions of their types because this is the Magnus Archives
- Jon is a SCREAMING 5 because look at him. Fucking look at him. Probably 5w6 though.
- Martin is a 2w3. That man is very loyal and will put other people’s needs over his own but can also be very manipulative and aggressive when stressed.
- Jonah!Elias seems like an unhealthy 3w2 which is probably why I hate him :)
- Tim is definitely an 8w7 that covers his 8 with his 7 wing until s2
- Sasha wasn’t there for long but I’d say she’s a 1. I couldn’t say what her wing is, but 9 and 2 would fit.
- Melanie is an 8. She doesn’t even really need wings because DAMN is she an 8.
- Basira is a 6w5. She’s incredibly loyal, but very analytical.
- Daisy is an 8w9. She’s a very reserved person at times and sees both sides, but will gladly challenge people when necessary and go off at people (and also murder people but we don’t talk about that)
- Georgie is a 6w5. She somehow manages to keep a group of people alive through the apocalypse. She’s also a nerd for research.
Here’s some rapid fire ones:
Gertrude is 1w2, Peter Lukas is a 9w1, Gerry’s a 4, Simon’s a 7, Nikola Orsinov is a 3w4
I love the enneagram please debate with me over this or if you don’t know about the enneagram please research it.
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lostonehero · 16 days
This is stupid and I just really love Martin ok?
In which I make Martin's mother even worse
Tim sighs. "Why are we even here?"
"Because it's mandatory fun." Sasha snickers.
Jon crossed his arms. "Martin's running later, which isn't a surprise."
"Dude, chill out he literally just moved flats." Tim raised his brow, realizing Jon was saying this because they should all be together.
Jon sighs, his hair tied up in a bun. The heat outside was a lot for summer, and he would rather be inside.
Sasha points to a man with red hair, and his back turned to them. "Tim, where's your bidar?"
Tim followed her, pointing, and he could feel himself grow red in the face. The man was tall and chubby, but the fat was hiding muscle underneath and had intricate tattoos littering his body that poked out from the tank top, and they covered his legs that were shown from his shorts. "What department does he work in?"
Jon swallows that man could crush him, and he just wanted to be carried by him. "I'm not sure he must be a new hire."
Sasha rolls her eyes and approaches the man. "Hey, so my... oh!"
"Oh, Sasha! Sorry, I got turned around in the crowds, and I may have missed the train this morning. I made it, though, and I feel a bit underdressed, but it is quite hot today." Martin looks over and waves. "Oh, hey!"
Jon physically pales he just assumed Martin wasn't.... He wore big clothes and his face was soft. He makes his way over, and he can see the tattoos close up, and he furrows his brows. "I didn't think you would be one for tattoos."
Martin's face falls for a moment. "I didn't get them on purpose, but that isn't important. I'm glad I managed to find you guys. I ran into Elias and his ex husband that wasn't a fun conversation to get away from. Elias did look confused when he saw my tattoos he didn't even say something about being unprofessional. Anyway, I also passed some fun fair food they got from America that looked cool."
Tim nods. "I didn't know you worked out? You could have said something we can go for a run together, maybe even go on a hike."
"I just do some free climbing. It's nothing special, but hiking sounds fun." Martin smiles as Sasha grabs his arm.
"Ooo, show me the booths and spill the tea on what the big boss man was arguing about." Sasha chuckles.
"Oh, alright, yeah, so it turns out Elias's ex-husband is Peter Lukas. You know the Lukas family...."
Martin sighs as he returns to his flat. He's incredibly embarrassed. Everyone saw the carvings, well they called them tattoos. He knew they weren't tattoos. His mother wasn't a kind person and used him as an experiment of sorts. 3 fears all across his flesh, he was an avatar of all of them. Jon was becoming the archivist, and Jonah was keeping him unaware till he couldn't. He knew it wouldn't work out well.
He served the Web the End and the Vast. Not really serving, they treat him like they are coparenting him, not their true nature but due to his mother they were infected by humanity and all three worry for him and don't want him hurt. He likes to think they don't want to lose their capacity to learn and understand. He actually doesn't know the reason, but he really doesn't think it's because of himself. He sighs and takes out his phone.
Martin: Anyone still awake?
Oliver: Late shift?
Martin: Not really.
Annabelle: Martin, don't be upset your marks are beautiful. Mother loves you dearly.
Mike: Stop.
Martin: Thanks, Mike, and I mean I know they're a part of me and everything, but also my coworkers saw.
Oliver: Did they push? I know you're working with the new archivist.
Martin: No? Tim asked me to go hiking with him, and that's not an invitation Mike to fuck with him.
Mike: :)
Martin: Mike, I'm serious, or I'll make you share bodies with Gerry again.
Mike: :(
Oliver: To be fair, Gerry does like being out of the book like that. He won't accept my offers, I don't think he likes me.
Mike: That is not the issue.
Martin: I can house Gerry for a bit.
Annabelle: Please do he promised to come to our knitting club
Martin: Are we still good for Saturday?
Annabelle: 👍
Mike: Yeah, promised Simon I make him a hat. Don't know why he asked for eyes on it.
Oliver: Oh yes, I'm working on my crochet plush, and I've made Oliva a little sweater.
Martin: Oh! (He sends a photo of a cat sized spider in a little nest she's wearing a crochet hat, and a little crochet eye is hugged by one leg.)
Annabelle: Such a big baby. I love her.
Oliver: I'm so happy she likes the little eye.
Martin: I think she thinks it's her baby she's got a mind like a cat.
Mike: she won't let me pet her :(
Martin: You tried to toss her in the air
Mike: I was just playing.
Martin: You're lucky she didn't bite you.
Mike: I love her, though she has to know that.
Annabelle: You can tell her on Saturday.
Mike: fuck you I will.
Annabelle: (a photo of Mike curled around a broken spider web, obviously drunk, and Olivia blurred skittering away)
Oliver: :)
Martin: :)
Mike: fuck all of you I'm going to bed.
Martin smiles as he shuts his phone off. At least he could trust them with his secrets. They were his family more, so then his actual family was. He shudders, and he knows some his carvings are glowing as he hears a soft oof.
"Sup, Martin." A skinny goth floats above him.
"Hey, Gerry, feeling better?" Martin smiles.
"Anytime out of that book is great. Oh, right, congrats on the new job. I hope you're being unhelpful as shit." Gerry smiles, showing off his tongue piercing.
"I'm trying not to be awful, just clumsy. Besides, Gertrude is dead, and the new archivist is kind of cute. He was also a part of that band we looked up." Martin hums sitting up.
"Dude, no way the Mechanism?" Gerry floats eagerly around Martin.
"Oh yeah, but he completely shuts any of that down. He totally thinks he has to be professional like all the time. He wasn't expecting the promotion, so he's over compensating." Martin hums. "Tim and Sasha are great too, but they treat me with kid gloves in a sense since Jon yells at me. I honestly don't mind it, but I just wish I could tell the truth, but nothing freaky has happened yet, and so they will just think I'm crazy and Jon is playing super skeptic."
"Ooo sounds like an office comedy in the Magnas insistute. I bet Jonah is having a field day." Gerry smiles. "I wanted to ask if I could stick around longer this time. I want to help you out, and I have experience dealing with Jonah."
"Gerry, you don't have to do anything for me. I'm happy to keep you around as long as you like. I know the book is painful, and I don't mind sharing my body." Martin hums. "Just don't borrow it while I'm working, please."
"Oh, absolutely not. I don't want Jonah knowing I'm hitching a ride." Gerry hums. "Anyway, what I want to do is sleep. Oh, how I miss being able to turn my brain off."
"Yeah, yeah, your flimsy excuses for me to practice a normal sleep schedule are getting worse." Martin hums, stripping off his clothes to put on pajamas.
"I thought that was pretty good." Gerry chuckles, tossing back his black hair. "You know I'm so happy I dyed it before I died, and my tattoos perfect also the piercings."
"I'm not getting any piercings." Martin rolls his eyes.
"Damn, I'm 0 for 2 now. Eh, at least you're taller than I was." Gerry chuckles. "Alright, time to sleep, and I'm going to make breakfast, I'm dying for an egg sandwich."
"America ruined you." Martin snickers crawling into bed.
Gerry gasps. "Take that back."
Martin chuckles. "Good night, Gerry."
"Goodnight, Martin." Gerry smiles. "Happy to be back."
"Why are we sneaking into a random basement?" Gerry floats next to Martin.
"Because it's a progression, Jon asked me to look into the statement so I am. I highly doubt I will find a ghost spider, but it shows initiative." Martin sighs as he drops down from the basement window. "I'm also channeling my inner you."
"I'm touched, Martin. Now let's get a matchbook and burn the place down." Gerry chuckles at Martin's eye roll.
Martin turns his flashlight on his phone on. "Besides, we have to find evidence so I can eventually come clean. I don't want to lie to them forever, and I don't want them to end up like Gertrude's assistants."
"Understandable, and honestly, I don't blame you. This stuff is tricky, and I know your three patrons sure as he'll don't want what the Beholder does. I just hope things don't go sideways...." Gerry stops and looks at Martin. "Are you even listening? What has your attention... over..... fuck me."
Martin's light is shining at a woman in a red dress her skin is open pours full of worms. A hacking sound is heard from her. He steps back, and he knows he stepped on the silver worms because the woman cracked her neck to stare at him. "Hey, I'm sorry about that."
"Do you hear their lovely song?" The woman steps forward as worms spill from her lips and her body directly at Martin.
Martin steps back and looks to the window and focuses on the sky, and suddenly, he's in the air flying. "Fuck!"
Gerry takes a breath for his dead lungs. "I would of said warn me before you fly up but fuck I rather this then the worms. I don't even have my body, and I can feel it in my very core. Fuck the corruption."
Martin groans as he flies through the air. "Should I even go home? I don't want Olivia to eat those things if she follows me."
"Fuck no, and I can't believe I'm saying this but go to the archive, make up a story please." Gerry shudders. "I fucking hate the corruption."
Tim intercepts Martin. "Dude, you look like you fell from a building. Are you ok?"
Martin gasps. "Tim, I saw Jane Prentiss. I was investigating the ghost spider, and she was there, and she was like a living hive. I need to find Jon, I I have to make a statement."
Tim grabs his arm. "Martin, breathe, please. If you're ok with that, come on." He leads Martin's to Jon's office.
Martin hopes he isn't laying it in too thick, but again, he is panicked from the worms. "J-jon I have to make a statement."
Jon looks up a frown on his lips. "What happened to your investigation?"
Tim huffs. "Dude seriously?"
"Tim, it's fine." Martin sighs. "I went to investigate, and uh, Jane Prentiss was there. Yeah, uh, she was like a living hive." Oh, he just realized the patrons are going to be pissed when this gets back to them.
Jon nods. "Ok, I believe you are you ready to make a statement?"
Martin nods.
The tape clicks off, and Martin sighs. He's so grateful Jon doesn't have the compulsions yet. He would have had to explain everything with his mother and the other avatars.
"Statement ends...." Jon takes a breath and slams a book down on a lingering worm. "Martin, I uh I'm sorry."
"It's ok, I mean, it's not, but you didn't try to fill me with worms." Martin frowns. "I don't want to go home. I'm worried that if I do, she'll find me."
"I have a cot here." Jon gave a rare smile.
Martin smiled back.
Jon nearly crashed into Tim. It was late, and it's only been a week since Martin started to live in the archives. He could hear him talk, and he knew Tim heard him too. "I uh you're never here this late."
Tim sighs. "I was dropping off clothes for Martin he wasn't wrong his flat is surrounded by those worms. It's also cobered in cobwebs." He pauses, staring at Jon. "I won't say anything if you don't."
Jon frowned but nodded both men, leaning by the door opened by a crack listening to Martin talk.
"I don't know. I just panicked!" Martin was pacing, but they couldn't see that.
"Panic is such a strong word when dealing with the corruption. I say you acted accordingly." A male phone emitted from the phone neither Tim nor Jon recognized.
"I mean, it does suck we have to reschedule our sewing day until further notice. Actually, the craft club sounds better or avatar tea time." A soft, nervous, sounding male voice answers. "I uh actually it would be good timing they changed my schedule at the hospital and have me working more doubles because suspicious deaths. I can't exactly tell them about fears because I'll be sanctioned."
"Why do you still have a normal job, Oliver? Mother would gladly accept you." A female voice interrupts.
The nervous voice Oliver sighs. "Because I have a doctorate, and I'm not going to waste it because I'm an avatar of the End."
"Fuck off Annabelle." That was Martin's voice but something was off. "I swear you're the definition of insanity."
"Gerry!" Three voices overlap.
"Man, I don't even care if Jonah sees me. Fuck the corruption, also fuck Gertrude while I'm at it." Not Martin chuckles. "Anyway, I'm the one to convince Martin to hide away here so Olivia doesn't eat the worms."
"Oh, that's good. I wouldn't want the baby to get an upset tummy." The unidentified male voice responded fondly. "I will get her to love me."
"She won't." Annabelle chuckles.
"Right, well now, the words out the corruption well attacked, so what have the patrons said?" Not Martin gave a heavy sigh. "Martin won't tell them even though he knows they could feel it when one worm got to him."
"Mother isn't pleased.... you really shouldn't go into the tunnels." Annabelle hums softly.
"Simon isn't worried because you know Jonah and everything, but the Vast gave me a heads up to drop in. I fucking swear if The Vast makes me join the fucking archives I'm going to be pissed I fucking hate being underground." The male voice groans. "Shit I'm giving them ideas. I dunno fuck it I'll visit tomorrow. I'm sure the new archivist would love a statement.... wait is he even that far yet?"
"No." Oliver speaks up. "He's still quite human."
"Huh." The male voice pauses. "He's also still in the dark so..."
"Don't you fucking dare." That was the real Martin.
"But it could be fun." The male voice chuckles.
"Mike, I swear, I will send Gerry to you right now." Martin huffs.
"Oh fuck yeah I'm the threat." Not Martin finishes right after. "We're totally going to paint our nails."
"Almost worth it." Mike huffs. "If it happens, I'll take Gerry."
"I don't understand why you hate it so much, Gerry seems quite nice to spend time with." Oliver seems to have returned to his phone. "Sorry, but would you rather I come by? The End isn't pleased and doesn't mind rushing things with Jane... if you get what I mean."
"Of course we do Oliver, but man fuck I never thought I would ever see the End get upset." Mike whistles. "Anyway, I'll show up tomorrow , and uh, I'll return your scarf. I finally made a new tackier one. I put clouds and stars on it, a pretty fun project."
"Guess I'll have to try harder next time." Martin chuckles. "Annabelle, if you come by, you'll give Jonah a heart attack, which please don't, it's bad enough that we have Peter in our group I don't want him to force himself in." Martin sighs.
"We can watch them divorce live." Not Martin snickers. "Serious though, does anyone know if Peter is ok?"
"He's fine he doesn't know how to accept group calls." Annabelle hums. "He's gotten better at texting, but it's still awful."
"For a man stuck in his 20s, he sure does act his actual age." Oliver hums. "Do you think if I'll ask hell, bring some fish from his boat?"
"If you're willing to listen to him talk about his ship." Mike adds dryly.
"Oh, of course, we love chatting about the sea together." Olivier hums.
"That can mean so many things, and I don't want to know any of it." Not Martin mutters.
"I still haven't convinced him to our crafts yet, but he is making them." Annabelle sounds giddy. "He made Mr. Spider a lovely jumper."
"Pics or it didn't happen." Mike interrupts.
"Already sent in the chat." Annabelle chuckles softly. "Are you sure you don't want a job working with Mother?"
"Oh, he hung up." Oliver hums. "Annabelle, you shouldn't tease him. He likes spiders like Martin does."
"They are cute." Martin adds. "But I have to go, it's late and I have to make sure Jon isn't staying late. He needs more rest than he gets. He has the right to enjoy being human while he is."
A noise of agreement, then Martin hangs up his phone. And the abundance of the door opening and two falling men.
Martin gasps. "Fuck."
Tim and Jon look up at him.
Martin sighs and pinches his brow. "You're both supposed to not be here." He sighs again and shuts the door behind them. "I'll explain, but no interruptions."
The two men barely nod as Martin begins his story.
"So the not you speaking is a dead guy that we have statements on called Gerald Keay." Jon blinks.
"Fuck that, Elias is Jonah Magnus?" Tim interrupts.
"Uh, yes, to both er kind of." Martin hums not elaborating, scratching his chin. "I'm sorry I've been in this mess for a long time, so I'm used to these things. My mom did carve my skin as a toddler..."
"That's really fucked up." Tim frowns. "So why here? Why are you pretending here?"
Martin sighs and frowns. "Jonah has this idea of the Watchers Crown, which will be a disaster sure the fears will have a feast, but it will come to an end. It's not some renewable apocalypse it's finite, and honestly, the fears fees are better here than there, but the eye watches and never truly learns, which again is stupid. I don't fault Jonah he is going off what his patron desires, but you can't exactly confront an eldrich horror on why its desires are bad for everyone."
"Could I? I mean, you said it yourself the archivist is more than a job." Jon bites his nail in deep thought.
Martin chuckles. "Jon, you're still human barely touched at this point. You can barely get through one statement a week. You can try to force yourself, but you have to let yourself adjust. You don't even have a hunger yet. Mike will be coming by, and his statement can help since he is another Avatar, but again, you're still so early that being touched by any other power can lead you to be an avatar to them. I never have a choice, and well, you kind of don't unless you want to gouge your eyes out."
Jon shudders and Tim looks a bit sick.
"So if you want to discuss things with the Beholder, keep moving towards becoming the archivist, or you can tall to Jonah, but I don't think he'll be much help." Martin frowns. "I'll try to keep you both safe, but it's not going to be an easy task, especially here."
Tim had a conflicted look before settling on determined. "Fuck it I'm in. I don't know about you guys, but I don't want the world to end either, and I think I would like to pick one of the fears that are infected, as Martin said."
"Oh you have a options then, The Web, The End, The Vast, and The Forsaken but that one happened by accident they have basically bonded to Peter in such a complex way that they are intertwined. All have pros and cons. Mike likes to joke that Peter is Forsaken's special little man." Martin smiles.
"Can I talk to the other avatars first?" Tim hums. "But thank you for not hiding."
Jon nods. "I appreciate not being kept in the dark."
"I'm glad I can help. Anyway it is late and I need to get some food." Martin sighs.
"Monster food or actual food." Tim raised his brow.
"Actual food." Martin rolls his eyes. "And I promised Gerry to grab kebas."
"Is it weird sharing a body?" Jon vaguely motions to Martin.
"Not really. Gerry's a cool guy, and I met him when I was 18. He didn't exactly get a choice on being stuck in the book. Sharing a body gets rid of the pain of existing in that book. I'm happy to help him out." Martin smiles. "It was weird in the beginning, but it's not so bad anymore."
"Can I ask Gerry questions?" Jon leans forward.
"After dinner. He's getting a bit impatient." Marrin chuckles. "He knows I'm hungry and can be little like a mother hen for whenever he is possessing." He laughs softly. "He's like a brother to me at this point."
Tim chuckles. "That sounds about right."
A man with black windswept hair and a large scarf covering his neck and lower half of his face. He has a pair of aviation goggles on his face. "Hey, I'm here to make a statement to the head archivist."
Rosie blinks and can smell ozone oozing off the man and a feeling of vertigo making place in her mind. "I uh... i"
A man stepped out behind hee coming from the hall. "It's ok, Rosie. I can handle this." The man smiles and motions for the man to follow.
The man sighs. "Fuck.... fine ok." He follows behind the shorter man, by an inch.
The man sits behind his desk and smiles. "Care to explain why you're here?"
The man rolls his eyes and pulls his scarf down to reveal his scar that travels down his face to his neck, then chest and arm. "I'm not here for you, Jonah. You should already know why I'm here."
"Enlighten me." Jonah continues to smile.
"Fine. Martin got attacked by the corruption following a lead, and he asked me to come by to make a statement and introduce myself to everyone, but you already knew that and wanted me to tell you the actual truth because you can see Martin due to the web." He smirks, knocking the nail on the head.
Jonah scowls. "Will you be interfering?"
"Depends on my mood. I can always ask Simon to drop by." The man smiles wider.
"The Beholder hasn't changed, and I will do my best to complete their desire." Jonah sighs, leaning back. "But you aren't here for that. I suppose I should be happy, but I can't say that I am. Don't kill my archivist." He pulls out a vistor badge. "This should get you inside. Please don't kill any of them they are still new."
The man smiles and takes it, and adjusts his scarf. "Pleasure as always, Jonah. It also makes me so happy to know you still haven't figured out what Martin is." He chuckles as he leaves.
Jonah rubs his temples.
"I'm excuse me unauthorized people aren't allowed down here." A woman with coffee colored skin and long curly hair and large glass puts on a polite smile.
Mike pulls up his scarf and holds up the visitor pass. "Oh right, sorry. I just got my pass from Mr. Bouchard, I'm here to talk to Blackwood and uh the archivist."
"Oh! My apologies, my name is Sasha it's nice to meet you." Sasha smiles and hums. "Jon's in his office with Tim and Martin like a little boys club."
Mike nods. "I'm Mike, by the way. Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you, Mike." Sasha smiles and guides him to Jon's office, then knocks on the door.
Jon opens it, revealing Tim crossed his arms and Martin eating a kebab in the corner. "What is it, Sasha?"
"I have a person who is here to see you and Martin." Sasha motions to Mike.
Jon nods. "Oh uh hello come in."
Mike nods and waves to Sasha before the door shuts behind him.
Martin gives a warning look. "Mike."
"Martin, you told them?" Mike raised his brow and lowered his scarf.
"I didn't have a choice." Martin sighs. "Why are you here? Are you still going to give a statement?"
"Maybe." Mike sighs, sitting himself down in a chair. "Honestly, I was worried. The corruption is expanding into the buried territory, and that's a nasty fight happening. Thought you got caught into that."
Martin looks between Tim and Jon, then shakes his head. "No, it was a woman named Jane Prentiss, just a lone hive, but I don't exactly come off as an avatar unless I'm using my abilities. She would have followed me home so I just came here. Well, it was Gerry's idea, and I couldn't argue with logic."
Mike sighs. "He's right. This place sucks but it can survive an attack. Anyway, I'm here, and they probably want answers. I don't know how help -" he clutched his head, then scowls. He huffs. "I was joking!"
Tim raised his brow. "What did you do?"
Martin smiles. "Gerry wanted to say hi."
Mike leans back, and his shoulders slack as he kicks his feet up. "Dude, stop shouting. we both know that doesn't do shit. Besides, we both warned you." He rolls his eyes. "Anyway, hello again, it's Gerry, and I'm basically keeping Mike from feeding on either of you. We both know you are not hungry, and if you do it to Jon, you're playing into the Beholders' hands. Yeah, jokes can wait until the Beholder gets common sense."
Martin sighs. "Gerry, you can let Mike back out."
Mike sits up straight and huffs, crossing his arms. "Fucking goth bitch. As I was saying, the in fighting is getting annoying, and The Vast is strictly neutral until well that happened." He motions to Martin. "I'm not exactly good underground, but I'll help out. I'm trying to keep Simon out of the loop, but thankfully, he's busy with his space projects."
"Simon Fairchild?" Jon raised his brow.
Mike nods. "Yeah, he's one of the first Avatar of the Vast, well before they figured out consciousness and whatever and won't exactly let me keep aging like him. Don't really know how it's going to go. I'm still young." He frowns. "However, I am here to help so when the worms do come use, co2 kills them pretty well."
Tim hums. "Could you explain your patron? Martin went over all of them briefly, and if I'm going to have to lose my humanity to keep up with this and stop the end of the world, I would like to know my options better."
"You are not showing him an example." Both Martin and Gerry using Mike's body says at the same time.
"Fuck you guys are no fun." Mike sighs. "Think the sky the vast openness then falling or just too much space no end to it no matter how far yoy go you're still to far from anything. Don't get us mistaken for the Lonely. Even if we are similar, we are quite different." He frowns. "But you have three other options, and you don't seem like the type for the Forsaken. The End might suit you but I don't know enough about you."
Tim furrows his brows. "Alright, I don't know how I feel about following something that sustains off death."
"Oh, Oliver would hate that you said that." Mike snickers. "He would be too polite to say anything, though. Our patrons feed on fear and the emotions surrounding what they are well, the four that have mentioned do the others are strictly fear since yaknow no pretense of a thinking mind. The archivist here might be able to change that for the future of the Beholder, and before you ask, why not Jonah? Because the man is at the mercy of his patron, and is strictly being used as an eye the only reason why the Beholder hasn't tossed him aside is because he's useful and the Forsaken has an invested interest because they adore Peter and they know Peter likes Jonah. Also, I think the Beholder enjoys picking out new bodies for the man, but I'm probably projecting."
Jon frowns. "So I'm the only hope?"
"No." Mike rolls his eyes. "You're a good chance, but not the only option." He sighs. "Whatever, let me give you a statement, and I'll be out of your hair."
Martin gets up and taps Tim's shoulder. "We should give them privacy. Uh, wait, before I go, I can take Gerry back."
Mike shakes his head. "Nah, I'm fine..... please don't tell Oliver." And Martin couldn't tell if it was Mike or Gerry speaking or both.
Martin smiles softly. "You're going to have to tell him." He guides Tim out and sighs.
"So what's up with the Oliver guy?" Tim raised his brow as the door shuts.
"They both have a massive crush on the man, and neither of them are able to confess. Hence why Mike is always adamant to keep Gerry out." Martin snickers. "It's really funny Oliver is completely clueless."
Tim smirks. "Ok, tell me all the freaky tea like now."
Martin nods.
Eli: Jonah's busy being pissy about Peter
Martin: Welcome back
Annabelle: Jonah has not figured out your passwords yet?
Eli: Oh, absolutely not, nor has he found any of my hiding spots.
Annabelle: Mother would love to have you.
Eli: That isn't possible. Also, Jonah is terrified of you.
Annabelle: ::::)
Peter: Elias.
Eli: My sailorman! How much longer till we get you back?
Peter: Forsaken is being picky.
Eli: Ah.
Mike: Oh, let me tell him.
Eli: We've tried Mike.
Peter: The Forsaken does not want me to be with you. That is entirely the opposite of my patron. You and Jonah have these debunkabke theories, and I keep..msjeih
Annabelle: Rip
Mike: rip
Martin: Rip
Eli: Proof Peter! Everything you argue, you lose control and phase through objects. Just come home. I already put the marriage papers in our normal spot. Besides, Jonah is insufferable and refuses to admit he misses you.
Peter: A week.
Peter: Elias?
Oliver: Oh, welcome back, Peter.
Mike: Old Jonah took back control.
Peter: Can you let them both in here?
Annabelle: Before Mike answers, I believe the answer is still no.
Mike: This is Gerry, and as much fun as that would be, we've agreed that Jonah can join when the corruption is out of the archives.
Peter: I'll handle that.
Oliver: uh
Annabelle: That wasn't supposed to...
Martin: fuck
Mike: Oh fuck is he there?
Martin: Gerry isn't leaving you for the next three years.
Oliver: I think that's a sign I need to sleep.
Mike: Fuck.
Annabelle: Mother is very confused.
Martin added Tim, Sasha and Jon to the chat.
Martin: Ask them questions
Tim: Spooky Discord
Jon: Tim be polite.
Oliver: No, he isn't wrong.
Sasha: Someone explain why the archives are trapped in a dense fog
Mike: Ah we fucked up.
Oliver: No shit. Peter doesn't get sarcasm or your jokes.
Mike: I knew I was forgetting something.
Sasha: Peter, as in Peter Lukas?!
Mike: Yeah, the one in the same married to Elias.
Annabelle: Currently divorced, nearly married again.
Tim: I'm sorry what
Sasha: Someone preferably not Mike explain. I literally have no idea what's going on.
Mike: Fair
Oliver: Oh, I'll explain. It's good to be distracted when surrounded by the lonely.....
Voice call ends
Sasha: Ok, that makes sense.
Tim: Who's Eli?
Jon: Yes, everyone else has been accounted for.
Oliver: So funny story...
Mike: Wait, wait, WAIT.
Mike: Don't tell them - Gerry
Martin: I mean, you're probably right.
Tim: Now we have to know.
Sasha: What is Eli, Elias, or something?
Annabelle: ::::)
Jon: Please tell me you're joking.
Mike: I get why he didn't make Sasha archivist.
Oliver: Honestly, she would probably become Gertrude 2.0
Sasha: Why would that be bad?
Mike: After I died, she trapped me in a book im in constant agonyif im nit sharing a bkdy woth someone. -Gerry
Oliver: She has more blood ok her hands than I do, and I'm an avatar of the End
Martin: She did attempt to kill me, but I was a teenager.
Jon:.... I'm sorry, what?!
Martin: I mean it wouldn't be the first time.
Tim: You get how that's worse, right? Right?
Sasha: Ok, not going to be Gertrude.
Martin: I'm fine, my mom didn't kill me, and neither did she.
Jon: Martin, how many people have tried to kill you?
Oliver: I have a spreadsheet
Martin: Oh, update it Jane needs to go on there.
Oliver: I knew I was forgetting something.
Tim: Why the fuck do you have a spreadsheet?
Oliver: It's better so our patrons don't go on rampages. They tend to be quite protective of their avatars. I guess that makes us possessions.
Mike: fucked up but true
Annabelle: Mother loves us in a way that isn't human.
Martin: To be fair, it's more love than I've ever received from my own family.
Jon: Oh lord.
Eli: Oh boy, new people..... anyway, the old man is pouting because Peter messed up his archives, so I'm back, also because Jurgen Leitner is hiding in the tunnels.
Mike: Fuck me that's where that asshole has been hiding? -Gerry
Mike: I will suffer underground to watch you beat the shit out of him.
Oliver: Bring a camera
Annabelle: I'll let you keep one of my babies if you sent me video.
Mike: kk already on it.
Sasha: Who are you, Eli
Eli: Technically speaking or literally? Because both are loaded answers.
Jon: literally?
Eli: Elias Bouchard, the actual one.
Tim: what?
Sasha: wtf
Jon: bullshit
Eli: To be fair, Jonah has been in control the majority of the time. I'm a passenger in my body during work hours for the most part. Anyway, Martin, can I get a picture of Oliva? I wanna make her out background to piss off Jonah.
Martin : (a picture of a cat sized spider in a green eye jumper seemingly sleeping in a giat web nest)
Eli: Perfect cheers, and I'm out.
Jon: first what the fuck is that Martin, and second what?
Sasha: That looks oddly cute, Martin.
Tim: So Jonah Magnus and Elias Bouchard share a body?
Oliver: Basically, hit the nail on the head.
Oliver: However, just because the Beholder did this for the first time, we still aren't certain that the Beholder is sentient enough to understand that the Watchers Crown is an awful idea.
Annabelle: Normally, the people Jonah possesses are already dead.
Oliver: Fun fact the End doesn't hate this it thinks it's really amusing to watch. The original body of Jonah Magnus lived till 100, which is quite impressive considering the time period.
Martin: To add, Jonah doesn't actually get to choose his new body. The Beholder dies, and it seems the Beholder has a specific type picked out.
Mike: assigned twink at swap.
Mike: fuck I was going to say that - Gerry
Tim: that's hilarious in a fucked up way
Sasha: is Elias ok?
Martin: As far as I know, he's happily married and actually enjoys Jonah's company
Annabelle: it's a polygamous relationship and Jonah is the only reason Elias ever figured out his sexuality.
Jon: huh I don't know what to do with that information.
Tim: that's one way to accomplish that.
Sasha: good for them.
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vintagetvstars · 7 days
Nichelle Nichols Vs. Carolyn Jones
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Nichelle Nichols - (Star Trek) - She speaks for herself. Legendary, iconic, at the forefront of feminism and civil rights in the 60s, she is a triple threat who did so much more. She volunteered from 1977 to promote recruitment diversity within NASA, including some of the first female and ethnic minority astronauts. Martin Luther King Jr. compared her work on Star Trek as a 'vital role model' to the civil rights marches. She refused to be dismissed, fought for visibility and shone whilst doing so. As a woman in stem, and simply a woman she means the world and stars above to me.
Carolyn Jones - (The Addams Family) - The OG goth queen! Admit it, you're still not sure if you're in love with Morticia Addams, or if you want her to adopt you? Maybe both?
Master Poll List of the Hot Vintage TV Ladies Bracket
Additional propaganda below the cut
Nichelle Nichols:
She is the original badass babe. She was a black woman in a leading role on TV in the 60s, a trailblazer for black actresses for years to come. She is so beautiful and so awesome.
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she's fantastic. have you seen her? paved the way for black actresses on TV even while her lines and scenes were being cut and improvised the most iconic uhura line in the series. (sulu: "I'll save you, fair maiden!" uhura, pushing him away: "sorry, neither!") she's incredibly talented and it's a crime the show didn't give her more screen time (or make her sing more often because she also has a beautiful voice!)
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“Sorry, neither” in response to “fair maiden” was ad libbed by her. There’s a lot more I could say but what else do you need??
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A sci-fi icon!
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She was such a trailblazer, and Uhura was such an important character for so many people to be able to see on TV. Apparently Mae Jemison (the first African American woman to go into space) cited her as a reason she wanted to become an astronaut. She was just an absolute legend!
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The story of Martin Luther King telling her not to quit Star Trek gives me chills. Representation matters. “Thank you so much, Dr. King. I’m really going to miss my co-stars.” Dr. King's smile, Nichols recalled, vanished from his face. "He said, 'What are you talking about?'" the actress explained. "I told him. He said, 'You cannot,' and so help me, this man practically repeated verbatim what Gene said. He said, 'Don’t you see what this man is doing, who has written this? This is the future. He has established us as we should be seen. 300 years from now, we are here. We are marching. And this is the first step. When we see you, we see ourselves, and we see ourselves as intelligent and beautiful and proud.' He goes on and I’m looking at him and my knees are buckling. I said, 'I…, I…' And he said, 'You turn on your television and the news comes on and you see us marching and peaceful, you see the peaceful civil disobedience, and you see the dogs and see the fire hoses, and we all know they cannot destroy us because we are there in the 23rd Century.'"
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She shared the first interracial kiss on Star Trek, helped propel real life African American women into space-related careers, and looks divine in a mini skirt.
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Carolyn Jones:
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Hi , i love and appreciate the sense of poetry in your writings it catches my attention and excites me to keep reading . Can you please tell me where you get the inspiration from ? Are they books? Perhaps it's your studies ?
Ty and what a lovely question 🩷💋 There are so many things to list such as the obvious nature, music, other people but yeah, there are some specific little things that inspire me!
Baring my soul here really but here we go:
I consider myself an animist so the works of authors who have an animist mindset as well inspire me very much. Such as Martin Shaw (please go read Courting the Wild Twin or Scatterlings) or Peter Grey (Apocalyptic Witchcraft. Incredible.) or David Abram (Spell of the Sensuous 💙) They all write magically and very poetically, I can feel their writing in my body & soul so that's always a plus.
Also most artists who've written for the Dark Mountain Project (their manifesto is insane btw) or poets such as Gary Snyder, Rainer Maria Rilke, T. S. Eliot set me straight when I feel like I'm lacking in words. Also Anaïs Nin! I know some people can't stand her but I think she's brilliant.
I absolutely love depth psychology, Jung opened the doors for me to understand archetypes, myths and recurring themes in stories. His works and the work of Jungian scholars who've studied fairytales, female initiation and the animus are very dear to me. I think without their influence I wouldn't understand what I'm writing or wouldn't be writing at all.
My studies, sometimes, yes! I read a lot of papers on ethnology and anthropology but it's mainly folklore and myths that are my main interest and inspiration... I'm actually in the wrong field but that's ok ;_;
Also your "regular" psychology, I love to study how the human mind works, I'm especially interested in traits that are considered pure evil such as the Dark Triad. I used to be very interested in war history but nowadays I lean more into reading about the psychological impacts of war. A bit gruesome to list these as "inspiration" but it does inspire me to look monstrous things in the eye and not shy away from them. Especially when writing about traumatized military cocks lol 👹🩷
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inchidentally · 4 months
Why do I feel like Oscar is intentionally keeping Lando at a distance because he assumes it would never work out? And Lando kind of wishes Oscar would show an interest but he isn't so Lando pulls back too? Maybe I'm totally crazy but feels like they're doing a double fake out. If not then why not just be friendly the way they are with other guys?
@twinkodium helped talk me through this ask so a huge thank you to her <3
gonna put below a cut and include some other asks that aren't necessarily of interest to everyone and are kind of in the same vein (note the tag)
okay so "why not just be friendly like they are with other guys" is a pretty good thing to focus on bc when you actually break it down, Lando and Oscar define themselves as being pretty shy and they conceal a fair amount their lives and closest friends from the public. and truth is that it seems to take both of them at least a year of knowing someone before they open up - and even longer before they're as friendly as we see them with guys like Logan, Zhou, Carlos or Daniel. Lando lists the guys he's known since as far back as karting as his closest friends. so after just one season together, what we already have in terms of friendliness between Lando and Oscar is pretty damn good!
but honestly we can't say that either of them are really holding back at all when we've got Andrea and Zak constantly emphasizing how in sync they are and then of course how big they both show up for each other's wins/poles etc. whatever we don't get in terms of fun fandom content, we've got them showing each other mutual respect and support and sharing the same priorities. that's... really good imo.
it's what cracks me up abt everyone who went all 'planetf1 angry white dad in oakleys selfie in a truck comment section' over that recent Oscar quote. Lando's literally had everyone saying the same thing to him, directly and on social media ?? did they also decide that Martin Brundle, Natalie Pinkham, Lawrence Barretto and Jenson Button all despise Lando and want to take swipes at him by saying that his public flagellation feels of no use and worse, that it's probably a hindrance to his mindset? did Lando suddenly became loathed by all these people who SEEM to openly like or love him bc they said that ??
or did they expect Oscar to respond to that question with "oh no yeah it's cool that my teammate who I actually like shits all over himself and gives his haters ammo y'know to each their own whatever man" bc that WOULD actually be incredibly cold and hurtful asgajsgfljasf
I know fandom can go way off track and start expecting these men to talk like fan fic but the truth is that they view each other as professionals and fellow drivers first and friends (if they are) second. I won't repeat myself bc I've posted about it enough but none of the grid are a significant part of Lando or Oscar's life outside F1. Lando and Martin did a stopover in Perth (and apparently Martin even had work there?) for one day to ride dirt bikes at Daniel's ranch and Lando went to Carlos' sisters' gigantic state wedding lol. doesn't compare at all compared to Lando's time spent with Max F, the quadrant folks, his family, his Monaco friends and definitely not Martin Garrix. it also doesn't mean that they're not still friends with those guys on the grid - it's just not the same.
so the fact that Lando and Oscar aren't out here dishing out bromancey stuff where fans can see and hear definitely doesn't say that those bromances mean the drivers are actually any closer. Oscar relied on extroverts like Robert and Arthur to give him something to play off and Lando relied on Carlos and Daniel for the same. so when they're left without a gobby extrovert they do that cute thing of giggling and handing back and forth to each other. to me personally it's always kind of sweet ?? that Lando and Oscar do the thing of looking at each other for support to get through the cringey and awkward to camera stuff. sometimes when Lando is really feeling himself Oscar can just kick back and watch him. and as we saw w that helmet design video, even when Oscar isn't filming w Lando he hangs around offers support.
wow apparently I cannot stay on track today anon but idk I just personally think that it's the opposite of a mutual fakeout and they've bonded pretty well over both being shy, both being equally focused on their careers and also needing to switch off sometimes. finding out they spent the night after Lando's crash in Vegas together sharing "commiserations" is like, one in a long list of us hearing that they chose to hang out alone together and not publicize it.
all of us are on the outside of their friendship and as much as that suuuuucks for not getting as much content as we want, it's also really sweet and kind more likely to be genuine and lasting since they consider a lot of that relationship as private <3
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askgfka no prob!! tbh a lot of the stress and anxiety in other Lando ships is down to ppl getting way too comfy w the idea that real life partners either aren't "real" or that they're the only thing standing in the way of their ship becoming real.
and bc for some reason landoscar makes me want to write all of these essays I feel like it's kind of my responsibility to be like yeah, there's even more than just assuming ppl's sexualities and their real life partners stand between two ppl we like to imagine together actually getting together. rpf is heavy on the f and mostly what we're all actually enjoying are friendships. and as someone who is lucky to have them, I personally wouldn't be one of those ppl who said romantic partners and friendships are on some sliding scale of importance. they're just different!
ever since landoscar became a thing, Lily's been in Oscar's life and Lando's been pursued by every man who sees him and burning through baddies on Raya on a literal global scale. it's important to come back from rpf to that fact so we don't end up attraction those legions of people calling real life girlfriends "PR beards" or that Lando's dating app horniness is some front for him meeting up with Carlos or Daniel or whoever lol.
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oh I am so not the person to answer abt this since I can't relate to wanting couples to get married or thinking that it's all that significant! I'm a huge romantic and I theoretically enjoy the idea of weddings/marriage but all the ppl I know who've gotten married out of college are already regretting or cheating it so it's put a real damper on it for me.
but that's as much as I want to speculate abt them bc I don't want to put anything out in the universe for ppl I'll never even know !!
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marypickfords · 2 years
5 brazilian horror movies
since it’s october i wanted to make a post to recommend some of my favorite old brazillian horror movies. i tried to add links to watch them but not all have subtitles unfortunately! this is mostly in the order i thought of them, not exactly of content/quality/whatever. i haven’t watched many myself yet but i figured this would be a nice introduction to anyone who is interested!
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1. as filhas do fogo (1978) dir. walter hugo khouri 
ana & diana are a couple who go on a trip to diana’s family estate - an old house owned by old money, german colonizers. there we learn about diana’s family, her controlling & wwii-obsessed grandfather who wanted to get away from everything and bought this land & her mother who commited suicide years ago. we also meet the groundskeepers who live there, including the mysterious mariana. a heavily atmospheric, dark (both in content & the poor quality of the available print..), quiet, haunting & wonderful movie. khouri was mostly disregarded by critics because he seemingly went against the grain: while directors at the time were documenting concerns re the brazilian working class, khouri was mostly in old big homes, filming the ennui of a middle to upper class. that’s not to say that his movies are without a critique, however, and as filhas do fogo is a good example of his cinema that was well aware of, not only the history of the country, but the current political climate of a dictatorship. besides all that, most importantly.. it is so creepy! this is my favorite from khouri (and not just because it stars a lesbian couple) and possibly my favorite movie on this list.
watch on archive.org (w/ eng subtitles)
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2. barão olavo, o terrível (1970) dir. júlio bressane
in this lovely experimental film, bressane pays an homage to horror & insanity in a very brazilian manner. the titular baron olavo owns the home which is the central point of the film and the inspiration for bressane, who saw this 19th century house as a laboratory of light. there’s no central plot exactly, but a spectacle of colors, horror, tenderness, absurdity and indulgence.. i love it. and yes, maybe lesbians are involved too.
watch on archive.org (no subtitles)
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3. estrela nua (1984) dir. josé antonio garcia & ícaro martins
a very recent watch, estrela nua is a movie that could be easily paired with perfect blue or any of those 2girls1persona films. carla camurati plays glória, an aspiring actress who is suddenly cast to substitute troubled actress ângela, who has recently died in a car accident. ângela was working on an incestuous erothic thriller, and as glória starts working on the film she begins to.. maybe blend with said dead actress?? obsess over her?? dream about/with her..?? you know where this is going. there’s the clear element of a film within a film in this, but as it ends we realize we might have watched more than a couple movies - and they all work. carla camurati & cristina aché are phenomenal and the great selma egrei (from as filhas do fogo) also shows up as a lesbian actress.. it's just so strange and good.
watch here (no subtitles)
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4. excitação (1977) dir. jean garrett
i opted for his garrett instead of a mulher... even though i consider both great brazilian horror films. both lean heavy on the erotic (or rather, the pornochanchada) and deal with, among other things, The Gaze. but i think excitação’s atmospheric beach scenes fit this list better. helena's husband buys a beach house hoping that she'll be able to rest & recover from whatever has been ailing her (hysteria..? paranoia..?). there, she finds out the past owner killed himself and that perhaps is what has been haunting her.. or is it maybe all the electronics in the house? excitação is, as i said, incredibly atmospheric. helena is mostly isolated, away from her husband, walking around the beach alone at night. she looks and looks: at the sea, at beautiful women, at every possible machine around her. this is one for the psychotic women enjoyers. kate hansen is so good.
watch on youtube (no subtitles)
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5. as noites de iemanjá (1971) dir. maurice capovila
as noites de iemanjá is in my mind reminiscent of 40s val lewton films like i walked with a zombie.. both in the sense of women at the beach & also the vital element of african religions/deities, in the case of this movie the afro-brazilian iemanjá. and also because while that is the background (and it is very important to the story), the movie centers women that aren’t exactly a part of said religions, even if they are influenced by them. it’s a mysterious one, i can’t remember much of the dialogue, but joana fomm is hypnotic in this. she plays a nameless character who goes to the seaside with the lover because she is ignored by her husband. there, they watch together a group of people making offerings to the sea, to iemanjá. after this her lover disappears. it’s another good example of the mix of horror, folklore and the erotic, so characteristic of these brazilian movies of the time. this one (along w/ as filhas do fogo) shows up on kier-la janisse’s folk horror doc and it was a lovely surprise! 
watch on youtube (no subtitles)
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soul-controller · 10 months
Working His Body(Suit) III (Teaser)
In the midst of a lewd act, Martin is caught by his hunky new manager Tony at S-C Fitness. Upon encouraging him to finish, Tony then takes a moment to help Martin get acquainted with his new physique and learn about his job responsibilities while wearing the suit. Through doing this, Martin discovers two interesting secrets that make him even more intrigued about his new job...
Throughout their entire conversation, Martin was confused by the fact that Tony kept referring to his form as his “new identity” rather than his “new body”. As a result, his inquisitive mind was unable to stop itself from asking more questions. “What do you mean by new identity though? Like they just give you a new bodysuit and that’s it right? It’s not like you become somebody else entirely…”
To Martin’s horror though, Tony shook his head to deny that idea. “Nah, it’s an entirely new identity bro. New body, new name, new everything. They do some witness protection level shit to give you an entirely new identity so no one could possibly know who you used to be. Hell, I heard they even have the ability to make sure that you forget about who you used to be to make sure that the company’s secrets never become unveiled.” 
After reaching deeper into the box that had once contained Martin’s bodysuit, the man then pulled out a shiny new name tag. “Ah see, when you’re working here, you don’t even go by your real name anymore. Like, my name isn’t even Tony! From now on, it seems your work name is gonna be Emmanuel,” the manager revealed, grabbing onto the name tag and holding out for Martin to see.
Upon doing so, there was a bizarre sense of both panic and excitement about this reveal. Although he was quite happy with his name and family and thus didn’t want to lose that aspect of himself, the concept of turning into this hunky bodybuilder seemed like a dream come true. Hell, even his new name sounded hot to him and fit his new body much better than Martin!
“Ok, before we have you get out there and start working,” Tony began, ”we should run through some basics so you’re not completely thrown to the wolves out there.” This caused the nervous new employee to eagerly nod his head in agreement. Upon doing so, Martin listened as Tony gave tons of pointers about how to appropriately help their members do their best possible workouts like reminding him to have them lift with their legs rather than their backs.
Upon finishing up after rattling off a few more tips, Tony then ended his lesson by pulling off his shirt and revealing his ripped physique. Martin unintentionally gasped at the reveal, which caused Tony to chuckle and give a friendly wink in his direction before continuing to speak. “Alright, so we also have a bunch of bodybuilders that love to come in here and get help perfecting their poses before their shows. This is most likely going to be a popular task for you, especially given how incredibly large you are,” Tony explained, looking the man up for a moment and slyly licking his lips. Grabbing a hold of Martin’s callused hand, Tony led the duo to a large full-body mirror so they could both stare at their muscular physiques.
Out of nowhere though, Tony began to rattle off countless poses and tell Martin to do them. Although his mind had no idea what he was talking about, it seemed as though the bodysuit had some sort of muscle memory as it began to immediately move on its own accord and make Martin to do the desired poses. This initially freaked out the young man, causing him to frantically ask what’s going on until Tony explained that it’s all natural. Upon asking what he was talking about, Martin learned from his manager that the suits were embedded with a breadth of fitness knowledge that would allow any employee to effortlessly assist any gym member without having to stutter and be unsure of an answer.
“While working here, Tony explained, “there’s nothing you need to worry about. Just sit back and enjoy every perk of that incredible body of yours.”
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To read more about Martin and his experience with the bodysuit, click here to join my Patreon!
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