tubablog · 1 month
CEID 100 Final Assignment
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tubablog · 2 months
Module 12
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tubablog · 2 months
Module 11
As technology rapidly evolves, emerging technologies such as 5G, blockchain, ioT or facial recognition carry immense potential to shape a more positive future. Although there are many ways to leverage these transformative technologies, here are three ways to utilize 5G, facial recognition and blockchain;
Enhancing collaboration with 5G: This technology goes beyond faster internet speed. 5G provides more reliability, availability and network capacity. It can help facilitate communication, collaboration and accessibility on a global scale. This technology can help facilitate real-time interactions such as remote work, Online conferences and immersive experiences. With the use of 5G's ultra-low latency, individuals can work and collaborate online seamlessly. Online conferences and streaming services are useful in providing education to students in real-time across the globe. 5G technology has given rise to augmented reality and virtual reality. Gamers can now enjoy the immersive gaming experience.
Promote efficiency through facial recognition; This technology can help to enhance security and convenience. Facial recognition can replace the traditional method of access control systems such as a key card or an access code. This can be beneficial when streamlining authentication processes such as accessing phones, social accounts or bank accounts. Moreover, facial recognition is useful in providing personalized experiences. This can be done by analyzing facial expressions which businesses can use to tailor their products and services.
Promote sustainability and trust: Blockchain Technology has the potential to revamp how we verify and exchange information across sectors. This technology can also gather healthcare data and protect confidential information. It can be further used to ensure the authenticity and ethical sourcing of products, combatting issues such as forced labour. Lastly, blockchain can help to build trust by enhancing electoral integrity and voter participation.
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tubablog · 2 months
Module 10
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tubablog · 2 months
Module 9
As the Chief Technology Officer of Connectopia, our aim is to help individuals connect and create meaningful connections with those in their communities. Connectopia hopes to target and reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation by creating a sense of belonging within communities. AI will be leveraged to collect and analyze large amounts of data, including behavioural trends and user preferences. This data will be collected through individual accounts owned by the user. User preferences and interests will be used to match individuals with similar interests in the local community. Whether someone is interested in hiking, or volunteering, our platform will connect them with someone who shares the same passion. Our platform with have an AI-powered recommendation feature which will suggest any ongoing or current community activities tailored to fit each user’s interest. These activities could include hiking, volunteering, or social gatherings. Through the use of National Language Processing, AI will extract insights from a user’s interactions to create comprehensive profiles. It will have the ability to understand patterns, and sentiments in order to match individuals with compatible community events in the future. Moreover, NLP will extract large amounts of data from the community event descriptions and user reviews to curate and provide personalized recommendations. This can be of further assistance in creating meaningful connections among individuals of diverse backgrounds. This feature will allow individuals who have diverse linguistic backgrounds to engage in conversations and participate in community events. Lastly, NLP is of great benefit for community feedback analysis. This feature will analyze feedback from the user about their experience with local community groups. This will allow Connectopia to improve its recommendations to best meet user needs. We hope that Connectopia will create a future where everyone is valued and connected to their communities.
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tubablog · 3 months
Module 7
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The screenshot above exhibits that my app, Einstagram, survived four cyber-attacks. During the game, I encountered different malwares with malicious software’s downloading on the application. These were done through phishing emails or user interactions. I had to identify the differences between two different emails and select the email that is a phishing email. Tips such as checking senders’ email, name, URL, and site prefix's helped me to identify phishing emails.  I also encountered a data breach regarding passwords. There was a concept of brute force attack within the game and the module. Brute force attack is a method by hackers to gain unauthorized access to system or account through the use of  computing power. This was utilized in the game where I had to figure out passwords. It was surprisingly easy how easy it was to crack passwords through the game. I learned that I need to build strong passwords by utilizing numbers and symbols. I utilized the tips I received from the module to stay secure. Overall, this game taught me a lot of new ways to implement in order to secure my security. I also enjoyed the different challenges that helped me to code and learn new skills. 
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tubablog · 4 months
CEID - Assignment 5
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Misinformation refers to false information that is shared without the intent of causing harm. The link that corresponds to this category is a tweet which claims that a famous celebrity’s wife had made certain statements about her late husband. The reason why I believe this tweet is misinformation is because while the claim is untrue, it does not seem to cause any harm. The person making the claim does not have the malicious intent of causing harm since the statement paints both Lauryn London and her late husband in a positive light. The statement although untrue, implies that she thinks very highly of her late husband, her late husband was a good man and their relationship was a very positive and healthy relationship.
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Malformation is the practice of sharing information that is untrue which causes harm without the existence of deliberate intent to deceive. The reason why this tweet falls in with this category due to the miscommunication and misunderstanding on the part of IGN. It seems that IGN confused the word latter half with latter stages and continued to make an untrue statement. Although IGN likely did not intend to cause any harm, the untrue statement can still have a harmful consequences for Sony. The product has 4 more years in its life cycled but IGN suggests that the PS5 is reaching the end of its life cycle. This untrue statement impacts the product perception and company reputaiton in a negative manner. 
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Disinformation occurs when untrue information or statements are deliberately made with the intent of causing harm. This tweet falls into this category as Ben Domenech made a statement with the intent of damaging Donald Trump’s reputation. It is evident that Ben was trying to paint Donald Trump as a hypocrite. However, as clearly seen below on the community notes that Twitter provides, Donald Trump has had family members serve in the military. Ben could have easily done research to find this information, however, decided to deceive his followers to paint Donald Trump in a negative light. 
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tubablog · 4 months
CEID 100 Group Proposal
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tubablog · 4 months
CEID 100 Assignment 3
Below are screenshots of the site that I visited; Amazon. ca, which has the highest number of trackers. This was in comparison to to Bing.com, Youtube.com, Hotels.com, Reddit.com and Wikepedia.com
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tubablog · 4 months
Assignment 2
Below is a link to a webpage that I annotated for webpage accessibility using Hypothes.is.
My handle for Hypothes.is is Tuba.ahad
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tubablog · 5 months
Assignment 1
This is a post made by LifeofSal, who is the owner of a brand called FarsaliCare. FarsaliCare focuses on providing individuals with high-quality skincare products that best fit their skin care needs. LifeofSal has previously shared his reasoning and motive behind the brand. He has shared the struggles his wife had faced with her skin after giving birth. This is an example of self-presentation as LifeofSal is able to display vulnerability, empathy and compassion when sharing his new product. This allows him to connect better with the audience. Int he video, another makeup artist emphasizes that nobody knows how the serum created by Life of Sal benefits an individual's skin. Life of Sal thanks Mikayla for the review and continues to explain why the benefits of the serum are not widely known by the audience. He gives a rundown on the previously used strategy by the brand. He also shares moments of honesty by highlighting how the brand mostly focuses on visuals rather than educating the customer on the benefits of their products. This post follows tip #6 and tip #9 for best practices in regard to online interactions. Life of Sal shares his expertise and knowledge about his products. He promises to implement a new strategy within Farsali by expanding their focus beyond visually appealing products and rather highlighting the ingredients and the benefits. Life of Sal also thanks Mikayla Nogueira for her feedback, even if it was not positive. Instead of shaming Mikayla or being passive-aggressive, he thanks her and takes accountability.
This is a video posted by Mathew Stevens on his TikTok account. In the video, Steven addresses and backlashes another TikTok creator, Mikayla Nogueira, for the wrongful usage of his tanning product and for failing to promote his product in a timely manner. He continues to state that he has lost over $10,000 because of Mikayla. He discloses multiple personal conversations between him and Mikayla in regard to the tanning product and promotion deal. The conversations covered topics such as the pay and when the promotion would occur. He continues to accuse Mikayla of purposely reviewing a tanning product created by his competitor four days after requesting her to review his product. Mikayla addressed it by ensuring Steven that it was a coincidence and promising to review his tanning product soon. He also accuses Mikayla of lying and pretending to use his tanning product, but instead, she gets a spray tan. This was debunked when Mikayla proved it was the saturation effect on her video that made the tanner look orange and that she had never gotten a spray tan. This is an example of a post that does not correspond to tip #9 of the online netiquette. He flamed others and disclosed dirty laundry to the public. He was passive-aggressive during the entire video instead of politely asking questions and raising concerns.
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