s-h-a-s-e · 5 months
the ultimate lifeform my beloved <3
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justiisms · 2 years
"I know it's a little odd to ask you come outside, but I promise it will definitely be worth it!" *bobbery has a proud look on his face as he's standing right beside the hammock, patting it in a gesture for her to sit*
"It wouldn't do for our special lady to have to stand during her day, would it? Now please direct your attention upwards because any minute now-" *and before he can finish speaking, the sound of a loud whistle can be heard in the distance before a firework suddenly goes off! and then another! and another after that!! the sky is alight with a myriad of shapes and colors, loud laugher and cheering heard coming from the front of the house where toshi and arthur are busy setting them off!*
"We saved a few fireworks from last month and thought it would be nice to end today with a little show! Happy birthday from all of us, haha~!!"
"Hm? Oh, sure, I don't mind! What's Bobbery got in store for me, ooohhh~?" A curious smile lighting up on her face, following him to the hammock and sits down as requested.
"Haha aww, such a gentleman~!" Then she gives a nod, saying- "Oh, okay!!" Before looking up towards the sky. The whistling sound makes her eyes widen, followed by a gasp when she fireworks pop into the sky! "Ohhh!!!" And as more fill up the sky, her eyes practically sparkling as she gazes in awe.... "Ahhhh....so pretty....!!!"
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She also heard the loud cheering of the two, making her laugh as she yells out: "These are amazing, guys!!! Hahaha!" Loud enough so that they hopefully heard her, before turning towards Bobbery with a beaming smile as she listens to him.
"Ahhh, I see! Oh what a wonderful surprise this was, I love it!! All the different shapes and colors.... so beautiful!!!" She claps, truly loving the wonderful firework show they put on for her....and once it's over, she'll hop off the hammock and pull Bobbery into a giant hug!!
"Thank you, thank you, thank youuu~! You guys are the best!! That was the best firework show ever!!"
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prizzzyyy · 3 months
*Sanji exists*
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stanharu · 2 months
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Quote from Orange Studio's Twitter:
BEASTARS IS BACK Coming 2024, 2 part final season will begin. The story of Legoshi transcends from school gates and ventures into the wild society- Only on Netflix
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galaxiabunny · 3 months
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Theyre just taking a break in the underdark, just having a little snack (ノ∀`♥)
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arleniansdoodles · 1 year
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On their way back to Midgard, Atreus and Calliope visit Skjöldr’s place, Denmark (formerly known as Skjöldrland, the happiest place on Earth)! There, Calliope meets her new chaotic older sis, Thrúd, and dorky older bro Skjöldr XDD
I adjusted Thrúd’s design to make it more Valkyrie-like, given that she’s likely finished her training by now. I have another version that includes the fur skirt she wears in the game, but decided to leave it out for this drawing XDD Also, I couldn’t decide on which coloured version to include, so I went for both of them! (let’s imagine the second version is when they’re inside a lodge or something loll)
Also, I think Skjöldr could use a hug ^^;; Being the future king of Denmark is hard work! So I thought of a scene where Calliope brings him a flower crown; she wants to thank him for having her outfitted in a new dress to suit Midgard’s cooler weather!
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will41n · 6 months
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IT WAS MEANT TO BE A B-DAY GIFT BUT..SCHOOL.. 10 DAYS LATE AHHH ( • ᴖ • 。) @shepscapades !!! HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY HAVE THIS ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ you mean the world to me i literally created a tumblr account just to start following you YOU MADE ME A TUMBLR ARTIST •ᴗ•
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overstuffednpadded · 12 days
Aaron woke to a wet feeling around his bottom for the second time that morning. The first time he had woken up, he had been too hungover to do anything about the fact that he was urinating. Going out for drinks the night before had been a bad idea for so many reasons, but mostly because his bladder simply could not handle that much alcohol.
Now, he groggily sat up in bed and pulled the wet sheets off himself. He didn’t have the energy to get mad at himself or the brand of diapers he was wearing for the huge wet stain that spread to the far reaches of his bed. He reached down to feel the waterlogged diaper that sat between his legs. It was soaked yellow and leaked a little when Aaron touched it. It was as if he had started peeing as soon as he fell asleep and hadn’t stopped until he had just woken up. And oh gosh, it smelled awful. He was lucky for the mattress cover, or he would have had to throw the whole thing away. Today was definitely laundry day.
Aaron removed his wet diaper and shirt and left them both on the bed. He walked naked to grab a trash bag, his hamper, and a new diaper. He knew he should shower first, but he wanted to rid the smell from the room asap, and he was unsure how long cleanup would take or if he was fully empty. Sure enough, as he dumped everything into the washing machine, he felt a trickle in his diaper. It wasn't nearly as much as before, but if he hadn't been wearing a diaper, he would have had to mop as well.
With everything in the wash, Aaron stretched and yawned as he made his way towards the shower. His diaper was wet again, so he smelled even more like urine than before. He barely got the bathroom door open when his alarm went off. He picked up his phone to silence it, then swore when he realized what it was for. It had been going off for 30 minutes to remind him that he had a Zoom class at 10. It was now 9:55. He rushed to his computer to log in before remembering that he was completely shirtless. He slipped into the first T-shirt he grabbed just as the class started.
This professor was, unfortunately, strict about having the camera on. She didn't care about being muted, but she wanted to make sure everyone was at the very least paying attention. The rule was that if you had to turn your camera off, it was only twice and for five minutes unless you had a good excuse. Aaron would have used one of his times to change when he realized the shirt he'd grabbed was an ABDL T-shirt with cute animals flying planes, but he didn't want to draw attention to it. Thank goodness it wasn't a more obvious one, but he made sure not to stand because this particular shirt doubled as a onesie. Halfway through the class, he felt something pressing against his bottom. He was glad he was muted because the gas that shot out of him just then was like a firecracker. He hadn't even eaten today, but the results of last night's disaster were finally making their way out of his colon. Aaron did his best not to make a face as he quickly switched off his camera. It was coming out, and he barely had time to stand up before something painfully snaked out of him. It stung as his bottom opened up to another solid mass of poop, warming the back of his diaper with another filthy release.
"Mr. Millards, I'm timing you," the professor said, referring to Aaron. But he could barely hear her over the sound of his diaper filling. It took three minutes before he felt like he was okay enough to stop, though he could tell he wasn't empty. It wasn't lost on him that he didn't have enough time to change, and he grimaced as he looked back at the bulging brown and yellow padding wrapped around his waist. He held his breath, carefully lowered his bottom into his seat, and cringed as he felt the hot oatmeal texture spread around his bottom. The smell was immediate and rancid. He wondered what the hell he ate last night and swore to avoid it the next time he was blackout drunk. He wiped away his sweat, prayed his diaper wouldn't leak during class, and returned to the Zoom session.
Aaron felt each minute of the rest of class drag on, each second making his stomach twitch. When it finally ended, he'd never turned his camera off so fast. His next class wasn't for another three hours, so he rushed to grab a new pair of clothes, deodorant, cologne, and opened up his ottoman to grab a fresh diap-
His face fell.
Aaron kept all of his diapers boxed up in an ottoman at the foot of his bed. He'd grabbed the last diaper from one of the boxes this morning, thinking the others were full. They were not.
He didn't know what to do. Aaron ordered all of his diapers online. Even with same-day shipping, they weren't getting here until tomorrow. His next class was in person; he didn't have time for that! His best bet was to head to the nearest store to buy some generic pull-ups, but there was still the problem of his full diaper. He'd worn diapers for so long now that going out in underwear wasn't an option. He could try to use the potty before he left, but with his stomach in turmoil, there was no telling if he'd still have an accident. His heart sank when he realized that not only was he going to have to go out in a filthy diaper, but he also needed to pee again.
The only outfit Aaron owned that was loose enough to hide his diaper bulge was a pair of loose joggers and an oversized T-shirt. They didn't really match, but more importantly, they were light-colored. There was no hiding it if he leaked. He checked himself in the mirror, hyper-focusing on his bottom. You really couldn't tell unless you were looking really hard...or if you smelled him. He tried his best to cover up the smell with cologne, but that almost seemed to make it worse. He was just going to have to not stand close to anyone.
He opted to walk to the store for obvious reasons. He couldn't focus on driving and not squishing his diaper. The walk to the store wasn't far, but it sure felt like it with every crinkling, squishy step he took. He hoped the sound of cars driving past would cover up the sound, and the nearby dumpsters could take the blame for any lingering smells. He couldn't stop thinking about how much his poop had spread around in his diaper. It was smushed into every crevice and felt like cold mud on his bottom. He knew his shirt was long enough to cover his bottom, but he felt like if his pants fell even a centimeter someone would catch sight of his toasted marshmallow bottom.
Aaron breathed a sigh of relief when he finally reached the store. Despite his anxiety,  no one had seemed to notice his predicament. Or if they did, no one had pointed it out. His mind began to calm as he walked the store aisles, and by the time he grabbed the pull-ups, he felt okay enough to change in the store bathroom, as long as it was empty. Maybe they had a family bathroom he could use? If that was the case, he figured he should grab some wipes. He blushed, thinking about how big of a mess he had made and how he couldn't wait to get clean.
As he walked out of the diaper aisle with his supplies, he felt his stomach drop. Instinctively, his hand reached back to cover his bottom, and a splortch echoed off the linoleum walls. He felt eyes on him, but he was too focused on holding back a flood, his body trembling as he strained. He had just let out a handful of mushy diarrhea into his diaper, and he could tell there was more to come. He stayed there until he felt safe enough to move, then carefully made his way to the checkout aisle. His tummy rumbled angrily and his bottom hurt from holding it in, but there was no way he could go right now. He approached the self-checkout and whined anxiously when he saw the line. It wasn't that long, but his stomach thought otherwise. People could hear it groan audibly, and he tried his best not to make eye contact with any of them. By the time it was his turn, he could feel the whole store staring at him, the anxiety making his situation worse. He tried to focus on scanning; he only had two items. He just had to scan them, pay, and then he could run to the bathroom and use his diaper in peace—
It was so loud it caught Aaron off guard, and he was pushing out another load before he knew what was happening. He let out an involuntary grunt of pain and effort as muck poured from his bottom and joined his previous mess. His knees shook as he pooped, and he gripped the register to balance himself. His body took that as a signal to keep going, and his bottom let out another wave of diarrhea. Of course, it was too much for his diaper to handle, and he felt the explosion before he heard it. Liquid brown spilled out of the leg holes  of his diaper and ran down his legs, staining his light-colored pants. When he pooped again, everyone saw it bubble out of his diaper and travel down the sullied parts of the fabric. Aaron tried not to think of all the eyes on him as he painfully soiled his diaper for the second time that day. He felt his phone buzz in his pocket, reminding him that he had a class in a bit.
He definitely wasn't going to make it.
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kaname-v-kuran · 8 months
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kaname actually looks so good here??!!
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pinklikeroses · 2 months
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Late night Beth x Beautiful sketch ~🐺 🔮💕
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skitskatdacat63 · 6 months
For everyone who wanted bullfighter Nando when I mentioned it the other day, here you go :D
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+ this one I don't feel like coloring yet(imagine he's in Ferrari colors!!!)
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#did you know bullfighters dedicate their kill to a friend or member of the public by giving them their hat?#i really wanted to draw silly vettonso where fernando offers seb his hat#seb retires from bullfighting(yeah its an au now) and fernando in his green costume is like;#'here is my hat. now will you come back from retirement? 🥺'#but yeah feel very abnormal abt that ^ and also the thing abt them having someone who helps them get into their costume as a sacred ritual#theres just a lot of thoughts and ideas floating around in my head bcs of it#anyways i liked drawing this but it was very suffering too and took me like 5 hours#its like. you see the intricate embroidery and im like ah! omg! i love painting details!!!#and then remember im not the best w coming up with ideas for the embroidery pattern itself#so pls bear with me 😭😭 mainly i was trying to reference the diamond logo of renault#but most of it kinda just ended up being austrian knots i guess bcs thats what my mind defaults to#i thought the shoulder pad would be the most difficult but that came together the easiest and made the rest actually work in my head#aaahhh also im surprised w the angle of his face! im usually not good at side profiles as well as tilted down heads#but i think he looks pretty good honestly???#also w the sketch i just wanted to post it bcs i liked his face okay 😭😭😭#i wanted to paint it too but I realized im so naive thinking i could paint two of these horrifically detailed things in one session#but his face 🥹🥹 i like it!!! theres some renault era pic of him i really like where hes sun drenched and angry looking#^ and i think i captured the vibe well so!!!!!#well anyways mayhe ill draw more of this. it was fun but also like sucked my life force out bcs it kept going from easy to 'I CANT DO THIS'#the pictures of matadors are just...insane to me. tiny waist fat ass flamboyant costume. im dead 🫠#f1#formula 1#fernando alonso#catie.art.#fa14#matador au
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teecupangel · 2 months
Eyy it's Titanoboa! Desmond anon and I found a new snake for Desmond
Nonny, I saw the video and my first thought was this scene from Anaconda: Blood Orchid.
Just imagine redcoats trying to cross a similar body of water and they just start getting taken out one by one.
Hell, we can change it up a bit and have Desmond’s natural habitat being the bayou in New Orleans. Have Aveline be the one to first meet Desmond who is stalking the entirety of the bayou. He recognized her from Ratonhnhaké:ton’s memories so he doesn’t hurt her and even try to assist her whenever he can.
Aveline believes him to be a smart snake who just so happen to have a taste for the people that can be considered as her enemies.
She considered him an ally that she needs to be cautious about.
Desmond just likes to chill and help out whenever he sees Aveline.
The first time Ratonhnhaké:ton joins Aveline in the bayou though…
Desmond just curled around him and tried to snuggle him. Aveline was worried Desmond wanted to eat him for like… a second or so before she realized that, nah, Desmond is just, strangely, affectionate towards Ratonhnhaké:ton.
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Hi Im having anxiety about 1st day of new job may I take your screm into void literally for a minute okay thanks
*deep inhale*
why yes of course! you may scream into my void for as long as you’d like lol
and I do sincerely hope the first day of your new job goes well!!!
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sunnibits · 4 months
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poor little magpie, caught in a web
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cathalbravecog · 11 months
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i like it when ppl draw this freak with pants like that. woe. ms paint gwam be upon ye. mole if u see this, this is dedicated to u
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niallsdaya · 8 months
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Read the full wga agreement here
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