#BLESS BOBBERY.... and Arthur and Toshi tooo!!!!
justiisms · 2 years
"I know it's a little odd to ask you come outside, but I promise it will definitely be worth it!" *bobbery has a proud look on his face as he's standing right beside the hammock, patting it in a gesture for her to sit*
"It wouldn't do for our special lady to have to stand during her day, would it? Now please direct your attention upwards because any minute now-" *and before he can finish speaking, the sound of a loud whistle can be heard in the distance before a firework suddenly goes off! and then another! and another after that!! the sky is alight with a myriad of shapes and colors, loud laugher and cheering heard coming from the front of the house where toshi and arthur are busy setting them off!*
"We saved a few fireworks from last month and thought it would be nice to end today with a little show! Happy birthday from all of us, haha~!!"
"Hm? Oh, sure, I don't mind! What's Bobbery got in store for me, ooohhh~?" A curious smile lighting up on her face, following him to the hammock and sits down as requested.
"Haha aww, such a gentleman~!" Then she gives a nod, saying- "Oh, okay!!" Before looking up towards the sky. The whistling sound makes her eyes widen, followed by a gasp when she fireworks pop into the sky! "Ohhh!!!" And as more fill up the sky, her eyes practically sparkling as she gazes in awe.... "Ahhhh....so pretty....!!!"
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She also heard the loud cheering of the two, making her laugh as she yells out: "These are amazing, guys!!! Hahaha!" Loud enough so that they hopefully heard her, before turning towards Bobbery with a beaming smile as she listens to him.
"Ahhh, I see! Oh what a wonderful surprise this was, I love it!! All the different shapes and colors.... so beautiful!!!" She claps, truly loving the wonderful firework show they put on for her....and once it's over, she'll hop off the hammock and pull Bobbery into a giant hug!!
"Thank you, thank you, thank youuu~! You guys are the best!! That was the best firework show ever!!"
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