gloryy-vs · 1 year
it’s a crime there’s not enough tsu’tey fics in the world.
speaking of i need a stepdad!tsu’tey fic.
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galaxy-of-me · 2 years
i cannot wait for pantalone lore. i mean absolutely normal abt that fella
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rakiah · 25 days
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goosita · 6 months
being young!politician!snow’s secretary, continued—
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the lingering gazes continue, even pick up in frequency. coriolanus greets you every single morning, says “thank you” earnestly for every fresh cup of coffee that awaits him when he arrives to work, and gives you his most dazzling grin each time he walks past your desk.
the days grow colder as december stretches on, most mornings bringing fog that clings to the windows. you wonder if coriolanus knows that you can’t stop staring when he peels his leather gloves off, the way his wrist muscles flex and jump as he adjusts his cufflinks. you watch him smooth back his pale blonde waves, the way they lay perfectly shiny at his crown. at only 25 years old, he holds a masculine grace that most men could only dream of well into their older years.
and its bitterly cold outside, but in his office, it only grows warmer and warmer.
“good morning, miss (y/n),” he greets as usual. coriolanus makes no effort to hide the way his gaze sweeps over your body behind your desk. “is that a new blouse? it’s beautiful.”
“thank you, mr. snow. i bought it over the weekend.” you give him a smile, trying hard to mask how his compliment reddens your cheeks. this is new too, the way he compliments you casually, like it’s nothing. it’s everything.
“well, you look as lovely as ever in it,” he says, voice calm and alluring. his phone rings in his office and you can see the crack in his carefully held expression, annoyance causing the slightest downturn to his lips. “barely in the door, and already on the clock it seems.”
coriolanus ducks into his office and closes the door to take the phone call, leaving you to deflate slightly.
the next time you see him is around lunchtime, when he meanders out of his office doors and over to your desk. it’s hard to continue typing and checking emails when you watch him rustle through your little candy bowl, plucking out a small lollipop to unwrap and slip into his mouth unceremoniously. coriolanus’s gaze settles on you, watching you work.
“everyone’s gone to lunch, you know,” he states, tongue working around the hard candy.
“i know, i just want to make sure i get all this done before i forget,” you reply, keeping your own focus on the computer screen. he lets out a little hum.
your heart hammers in your chest as he leans over the desk to see what you’re typing up, one palm flat on the dark stained wood while the other keeps the sucker firmly in his mouth. from the corner of your eye, you can see that it’s red. cherry flavored; your favorite.
“was there something you needed, mr. snow?” you ask, keeping your voice as steady as possible despite the way it feels hard to breathe.
“hm? oh, no. just being nosey is all.”
coriolanus waits for you to be brave enough to meet his eyes, smirking around the lollipop stick when you finally give in and glance up at him. the candy has stained his mouth red, lips shiny and plump with sugar and food dye. your thighs press together under the desk at the brief thought of tasting the cherry flavor from them when his tongue slips out to glide over his pillowy bottom lip. you wonder what he would do if you took it from his mouth, if you kept your eyes right on his and slipped it between your own li—
“well, i’ll let you get back to it, miss (y/n),” coriolanus tells you, taking a step back from your desk. he sticks the sucker back into his mouth, twirling the stick between his thumb and pointer finger. you watch him leave and swallow hard when he pauses at his office door, slowly pulling the lollipop from between his lips.
“thanks for the candy, by the way.”
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Drag king Julie my beloved <3 Biting him biting him biting him <333
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spoomkeearts · 9 months
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I’m literally sobbing
This song, this animation, this ENTIRE EPISODE IS SO PERFECT
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iheartkirkhammett · 8 months
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madame-mongoose · 5 months
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i need him to kiss me so bad it makes me look stupid
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merakiui · 7 months
breaking news: my third eye is open again and i'm falling for lilia and his charms.
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faeriekit · 11 months
Health and Hybrids (III)👽👻💚
[I can't remember the original prompt posters for the life of me but here's a mashup between a cryptid!Danny, presumed-alien!Danny, dp x dc, and whatever prompt made the one body horror meat grinder fic.]
PART ONE is here PART TWO is here and this is Part Three 💚 Ao3 Is here for all parts
Where we last left off... Boy had a break down, stole a medical cot, took a nap. Bone Appetite. Oh yeah and maybe he made a friend. Maybe
Trigger warnings for: body horror | gore | post-dissection fic | dehumanization (probably) | my awful attempts at following DC canon. On with the show.
Sleeping in a puddle of your own fluids gets really gross after a while.
Danny grumbles quietly. Ew. It’s all…blood and plasma and goo and ectoplasm and various other nasty body liquids he doesn’t actually want to identify.
Gross. He’s soaked the mattress some too.
And he wants food. He can feel the empty cavern where his stomach ought to be rumble with wantwantwantwant. It makes his core whine—when his body is too damaged to be human, sometimes it treats itself as if being human is his obsession. He wants, because having human food and water and safety will make him more human again.
…Maybe he can snatch another one of those NastyRibs today. They’ve got meat. Protein.
Danny’s tail lashes as he considers going to the cafeteria again. But what if he gets lost? And loses his cot? It’s a nice cot. Much better than dirt and far superior to the container.
Maybe it is just smarter to go to sleep again? The more he explores, the more likely it is for someone to see him. To find him. To put him back in the container.
Danny presses closer to the cot mattress, his fluids squelching up around him. And what if the one thing finds him?! The thing he couldn’t bite?? That’s not safe! He can’t get picked up by it again! He can’t fight back! What if it crushes his core??
His curtain pulls back with a sharp skkkhsk of metal rings on metal bars. Danny bares his teeth and hisses, and—
—Oh. It’s the buzzing human again. Danny slowly lets his damaged muscles relax. It purrs in a language Danny can’t hear (did he lose his tiny ear bones??) very quickly and very pleased as it chats about something. Whatever. It’s not a threat and it’s a good distraction. Danny rolls onto his side so he can watch.
It makes a sad noise. Danny perks up. Why is it sad? Why would it—? BAGEL! Actually it doesn’t matter why the human is sad because it gives him a bagel. With cream cheese. Untoasted!!
Carbs go down sooooo smoothly. He doesn’t even get any crumbs stuck between his mostly-present teeth. It’s good. So good.
The buzzing human buzzes away, leaving Danny in a cloud of agitated air and a vague sense of concern. Concern? Did something happen?
The immature human voices come back. Danny perks up. They sound familiar, but they lack the vibrational quality of the buzzy human. It will be harder to tell what they want and where they are.
A face pokes past the curtain. Danny’s sight is too poor. He can’t recognize it. He hisses.
The buzzing child slides back in with a hvmmmmvm to put itself between Danny and the new face. Good. Bad, if the human gets hurt, but good that it doesn’t want Danny to get hurt either.
The new face doesn’t attack them either. It makes a long, drawn-out noise that Danny is mostly sure is a complaint or three, but the buzzing kid hops around, free and light, and zips off and zips back.
Danny peeks from under his arm.
Oooh. The new human has clean blankets. He does want those. Maybe they’ll sop up the fluids he’s sitting in. Now…will they offer them? Will Danny have to fight them for it?
His tail flickers. If they’re more like ghosts, he’ll have to fight. Danny doesn’t want to. They’re young humans. He might injure them without realizing. But he really wants those sheets. Maybe he could steal them very quickly…?
Danny doesn’t have much time to wonder though because he is snatched off the mattress??
He almost bites the buzzing human before he recognizes the buzzingbuzzingbuzzing under the skin of the human holding him in its grip. Why is he being held?! Is this a threat??
Is he going back to the container??
There are more young humans here suddenly, taking his bed and—hey! Taking his cot! They pull off the mattress, drag it off somewhere, and Danny won’t bite but he will phase through the arms of the small human and leave.
So he does.
It’s not comfortable to find another empty conference room and to hide there. But young humans are impatient.
They’ll leave Danny alone.
For now, though he’ll just hide his core under the table. It’s scratchy carpeting and hard wood on his sensitive core and he’s cranky and tired and he misses his cot.
If that red and blue thing tries to pick him up again, he’s going to bite him.
The hand that wakes him up is not the blue and red human this time.
Danny thinks it is, at first, and bites it as soon as he reforms. But this human yells and drops him, so it is not! Fantastic. Danny slides through the wall—
—And the human tugs him back into the conference room by his tail. Hello?! What?? Ow??????
Danny barely has time to bare his teeth before the whole world is spinning and moving fastfastfast and—
He plops onto his cot. Or. Danny is plopped onto his cot. He’s. On his cot?
The hell?
It’s. Danny sniffs. Pokes the mattress. There are new sheets on it. One layer underneath feels bouncy and tense, like it’s rubberized. But it’s his cot. Undoubtedly. It still sort of smells like all his juices rotting.
The buzzing human zips into the curtain that hides Danny’s cot. It and the new adult human start arguing. And then the adult starts buzzing.
Danny’s back is all tense and he doesn’t understand. Weird. Weird. Weird. Weeeird.
The adult goes away. Then Danny’s left with the younger buzzing human, and three strangers.
They’re so blurry. At least the humans that vibrate endlessly are red. The rest are a random mystery to him—splotches of warm reds and yellows on black, which is just dark enough to screw with his recently lacking depth perception. Fantastic.
Danny presses his face into the pillow.
His more-familiar-human buzzes off and is back in a flash—this time with a half-dozen different fancy breads.
They smell nice.
They look nice. Probably. Danny inches closer. There’s some spots of red, of blue. There’s probably fruits in them. Sugars, carbs—if there’s a lot of oils in them, that’s good for fats as well. Danny really needs the extra calories at the moment.
He almost goes for them. He does. But he doesn’t want to encourage that stupid picking-him-up behavior, so he leaves them be and pretends they’re not there, in the hopes that the young humans go away before he starts showing off his teeth about it.
The red human inches closer, and makes cunning little Don’t You Want It? noises. Danny’s neither a baby nor an idiot. He keeps a narrowed, half-formed eye out.
The buzzy human buzzes closer.
Danny stretches out his claws. A little twitch of pain and they solidify nice and sharp in the yellow light.
The buzzing human wisely takes a step back. And leaves the breads on the end of the cot.
Danny doesn’t touch them until all four humans are long gone, their voices lost to the base. After that, though? Each pastry is gone in one bite.
Danny makes himself invisible, wishes for darkness, and he rests.
There’s more food on the end of his cot when Danny wakes up the next morning.
Granola bars. Dried fruits.
It takes forever and makes his back and tail ache like crazy, but Danny swaps his cot with one of the other little cots in this large, medical wing. His aura flares in the hopes that he’ll cut out cameras, but who knows if it will actually works.
Of course, it would work on another ghost, hopefully, and warn them to Stay Away! I’m mean! if they wandered into his territory. But otherwise, who knows? Maybe Danny’s too sick to actually be scary.
Danny sleeps behind a new curtain that night.
He doesn’t like that things that remind him of the container are chasing him.
The red human buzzzzes back into his old cot space the next day. When it sees that Danny is gone, it cries.
Danny carefully makes himself invisible. Just in case.
The human buzzzzzes away and doesn’t come back for a moment, until it does, bringing back one of the darker human-shaped blobs. One talks, and then the other, their voices as chattery and annoying as when birds get upset with other birds.
More whining. More noise.
Danny rolls over, puts the pillow over his head, and pretends he doesn’t exist.
He doesn’t hear any footsteps. He doesn’t see the curtain jiggle. Danny thinks he sees feet poking out from behind his curtain, just the once, but he doesn’t—
Something touches his invisible form. Danny flinches back into visibility, and—shit. Shit. Shit. They’re touching him. They’re touching him on purpose.
He tries to go intangible. The hands slip through him, but it’s not enough; they know he’s hiding here now, and now something is going to come get him.
A hand brushes his core. Danny whines.
The hand. Stops. Pulls back. Something— it’s flesh-colored and soft and is held out for Danny to investigate.
Brown-black tears plop out of Danny’s sockets without warning.
…Oh. It’s a band-aid.
It’s. It’s so simple in its familiarity. It’s soft. It’s rubbery between his fingers. The little paper peel. The—its—
…It’s probably fine. If. If they’re bringing him a band-aid.
  Everything still hurts, but the background ache is easiest to bear when he sleeps it off, hour after hour of praying his body knits itself back together. He tries not to think about the things he’s lost. The physical, tangible flesh he’s lost. The brain matter. The organs. The…hopefully he hasn’t lost a limb, but he has a feeling chancing a transformation to look isn’t going to go well for his overall health and wellbeing.
Danny’s core keens. He wants Frostbite. He wants Mom and Dad. He wants Jazz. He wants someone to put him into a safe bed with ice packs and to bring him soft foods and to lay beside his core and purr and he wants someone to take care of him.
He wants someone to take care of him.
Danny needs someone to take care of him so badly.
…Danny drops his intangibility. Some of his body becomes borderline corporeal, even. He has no idea what he looks like or how bad the damage is exactly, but he hears a muffled gasp and an acute intensification in the buzzing, sharp and high and scared.
That’s not a proud, smug response. That’s not a mean, gleeful response.
Maybe…Maybe Danny is actually safe here. Maybe this won’t hurt too.
Danny doesn’t remember everything, but he does end his session slathered in clear cream, wrapped in cloth bandages as well as two young humans can manage, and with a band-aid stuck against some cavernous hole in his forehead.
He’s even awarded a blueberry muffin for his bravery.
(Good for him.)
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
Okay you're making me obsessed with Sabosan- I'm in need to posts about them
Just an AU where they meet during childhood, like, Sabo and his parents go to Germa bc of some politic shit and he don't want to be there so he just walks around.
And be accident he finds Sanji outside the castle, crying, and he knows he is one of the princes since they were already presented to each other. But the boy is hurt and crying so much that Sabo can't not help him.
In the beggining Sanji is scared, but soon he notices the other blonde don't want to beat him like his brothers. They talk all the day and for the first time in Sanji's life, he feels like he made a friend.
When Sabo's family has to go back to Goa, both kids are sad but hope to meet again soon. After this, everything in Sanji's past happens (Sora's death, he being locked and running away).
Month's later, the nobles from Goa go again to Germa and Sabor receive the terrible news that Sanji is dead. This broke's his heart 'cause the boy was sweet and kind and even just being with each other during one day he was sure the prince was amazing.
Since Sanji were 8 and Sabo 9 during this, ge just meet Luffy one year later and all he can think sometimes is how much the two would love each other. But don't matter now, his friend is dead.
Everything happens, and years later he remember everything and all he can think is how he forget them? How he let other person he loves die? The boy is broke bc he lose another person.
And he is going to meet Luffy's crew, hearing his young brother talk about them when he says about a guy named Sanji and- Sabor freezes, he ask about him and this boy is identical to his dead friend- but can't be him, right...? He can't have hope.
When they arrive in the ship, he's knowing everyone and then he go to the kitchen with Luffy to meet said boy and- it's Sanji, alive. Breathing, older and so much beautiful.
And Sanji is looking at him too and- both are in shock. Luffy is there, confused and looking at the two. "Luffy, can I talk for a moment with your friend?" Sabo asks intenting to not show how he is emotional.
"Uh? You know each other?" Luffy ask but go outside the kitchen anyway, they still are silent during some minutes. Sanji is read to say something when Sabo hugs him.
"I thought you were dead" is all he says and the blackleg hugs him back, feeling bad for making Sabo think this.
Both don't say much, but they are happy they're together again.
Agh, you all know I am extremely weak for childhood AUs!!!!! This is beautiful :(
I can't stop thinking about Sanji obviously getting forced to meet Sabo, but he doesn't really want to because he always hates it when important people come over. Yes, his father is more distracted with them, but that leaves them a free day from training, and sometimes those are even worse than regular days. Because even if his brothers already make fun of him and beat him up when they train, whenever they're not doing anything it's even worse because they take their time and it's a complete nightmare. Besides, introducing himself with the name Vinsmoke has always made him want to throw up, even from a very early age, and there's this uneasy feeling inside of him whenever Judge speaks about him normally instead of saying how much of a disappointment he is. He prefers that rather than him lying to strangers because he knows what he says isn't true. He doesn't consider him his son, and he doesn't see him as his father either. It's nauseating.
When Sabo and Sanji get introduced along with the other Vinsmoke siblings, Sanji doesn't want to look up. He has to, of course, but he doesn't feel like being there at all. But he's even more scared of what might happen if he doesn't do what Judge says. When he looks up, he can tell that the kid in front of him doesn't want to be here either. He's good at pretending, though. He smiles politely and shakes their hands and it's obvious that he's been trained to act that way, but he doesn't look at all like a noble. He has a missing tooth and scratches in his hands and face and it's quite obvious that he tries to cover it (not him, his parents) but it isn't working for Sanji. Besides, there's this rage in his eyes that Sanji can't quite place but he knows something is going on with him. That just scares him even more, because, even if it's not the same rage his brothers have in their eyes, it's still rage. If he was a simple kid like all the others that have come to their kingdom with their families, Sanji would not be that worried, but he isn't. And Sanji fears the worst because he can't figure him out.
On the other hand, Sabo wants to jump off a bridge. He would rather drown than be here. Get the kid out of there!!!!!!!! He didn't want to come at all but his parents wouldn't stop pressuring him and tbh it was easier to end this quickly so he could go home even quicker (home being Gray Terminal and next to Ace, thank you very much). So he's on his best behavior so he can just quickly go back home. He hates them. The kids, he means. Rich, spoiled brats that are modified to be that way. To be selfish. To kill. It's disgusting and he despises how the father talks with so much pride about it. But- But he never, not even once, mentions the blond. He talks praise about all of his kids except him, but he also doesn't even mention him. Sabo can tell his name is Sanji because his brothers won't stop teasing him about stuff Sabo can't understand, but he knows enough to get that something's off. Whatever. Not his fight. Not his siblings. Not his responsibility.
But his sense of responsibility and morals are already strong enough to make him overly sensitive to this stuff, so he watches the behavior of the kids carefully. Their parents tell them to go do whatever because they're talking about "grown-up stuff" and they need to form "royal bonds for future needs" or whatever bullshit they keep making up. And, uh, Sabo fucking hates it. The kids are scary as fuck. Like, creepy. Type of thing he wishes Ace were with him for because this is way worse than the things they've seen happening at Gray Terminal. The way they speak about the staff and human lives is just disgusting. With no emotion in their voices other than plain selfishness and cruelty. They show Sabo around the castle and- And Sanji isn't around anywhere? Apparently? When he asks where he might be, that's when his brothers start trash-talking him. Calling him a coward. A weakling. Worse things Sabo does not want to repeat but- But it's just extremely fucked up. But again, not his fight. He can keep an eye on them but not intervene because he really, really wants to go home soon. And he's pretty sure this is just the way siblings talk about each other. Rich, noble siblings, at least. Even if Sanji seemed different, he's still one of them.
Sabo eventually gets bored of them, and also they're disgusting to be around. So he just disappears and hopes they don't give a fuck about him to look for him. That's when he finds Sanji crying outside of the castle. He really knows he shouldn't intervene. He never does when he goes to these meetings. But Sanji seems different. He's crying. These kids, in theory, should not be able to feel like this, right? There's just something so human about him, from the first second they saw each other, that Sabo can't help but want to protect him. He's not much older than him, but still. Sanji looks way weaker and shorter in comparison, and,, And in need of someone. Like he's always asking for help.
And so they talk. Sabo approaches him and the first thing Sanji does is flinching. He thinks Sabo is going to hit him, apparently? What the fuck. Sabo instantly kneels beside him to tell him that he is definitely not here for this, and why the hell would he even think that?? Sanji doesn't reply, of course, he just hugs his knees closer to his chest and looks away, hoping for Sabo to not ask more questions. But Sabo notices this glint of hope in his eyes that he doesn't want to show. Like begging for him to get him out of there. Sabo just sits beside him in a very nonchalant and very not noble way and starts talking. He tells Sanji how he doesn't want to be here either, and trash-talks his family and nobility and starts saying all of these things he only tells Ace about. He usually doesn't trust people so easily, and Ace would kill him for this, but Sanji needs this. And apparently, it doesn't bother him at all to give him this. Sanji starts opening up little by little, hope in his eyes and excitement starting to come out of his voice when they change subjects. Sanji, apparently, isn't like his siblings. In any way. And he likes cooking and sea creatures too! Sabo has a lot of stories to tell about those! And they keep talking and talking and hours pass and suddenly Sabo doesn't want to go home. It's not only fun to be here, but scary to leave if it means never seeing Sanji again and leaving him here. Especially when he tells him about everything his family does to him (because they end up talking about that) and he has to hold Sabo back from yelling because he has never been angrier in his entire fucking life. What the hell does this family think they are? Sanji doesn't deserve this. He's nice. Cute, too. Smart. Extremely sweet and empathetic. Selfless. Kindness itself.
But time moves quickly and they have to return to their ship. He hates leaving Sanji. He really does. But they promise to see each other again! He even gives Sanji his white handkerchief. The one he likes. The one that's all ripped and worn out. Because it's the one he uses the most. The one he uses when he's with Ace! And it has his initials engraved there, but the S is the only thing that can be seen, so it's okay! Sanji keeps it like a reminder of freedom and the fact that they'll for sure see each other again!
But they don't.
Because the news of Sanji dying reach Sabo and he's devastated. It's so unfair. And it's true. He knows he's dead and he can't do anything about it. But he also knows his family had something to do with it because he's not stupid. He has to move on past the rage, though, even if it's extremely infuriating and frustrating. He has to move on. Sanji, on the other hand, doesn't let go of the handkerchief and Sabo's words, even if he has lost all hope. Yadda, yadda, yadda, you know how the story goes. So Reiju helps Sanji escape and he knows he'll probably never see him again, but he still hopes. Sabo thinks, meanwhile, when he meets Luffy, that he'd love Sanji. With how much he keeps talking about food and dreams! And Sanji would love being here too. Well, not really, because Gray Terminal doesn't seem at all like something Sanji would enjoy, but it for sure would be better than Germa. And Sabo would be able to protect him too. It doesn't matter now, though.
Time-skip moment. Sabo remembers his childhood and his brothers and Sanji. And Ace just died. So great. It seems that the world is always against him. He doesn't have much time to think about Sanji because right now the only thing he has in mind is Ace, his fruit, and finding Luffy. But Sanji's image, for some reason, keeps appearing in his mind. He isn't sure why, but it's still engraved there. He tries to forget him, but now that he truly wants to forget, he doesn't. Fuck it. Well. Dressrosa happens. Yay! He got a brother back and Ace's fruit. Yadda yadda. We know how it goes.
He doesn't actually get to meet Sanji in Dressrosa because I'm trying to be loyal to the timeline, so let's say that this is post-wano and pre-egghead (and Sabo is fine and he isn't in the huge mess he's in right now). Sabo goes "oh, I want to pay an actual visit to my brother's crew. I didn't get to meet everyone properly" and that's when the cool stuff happens.
You know, he tells Robin first about it and she informs the crew and stuff. When Sabo gets there, the only one on deck is Luffy, so of course he gets all excited and jumps to hug him and keeps talking about his crew and how much he's gonna love everyone! Like Nami because she's super smart like him!!! And Usopp because he has the coolest inventions!! And Sanji because he is the best cook-
Wait, Sanji?
And it can't be, because his Sanji is dead. His Sanji can't be Luffy's Sanji, right? Impossible. He guesses it might be just a coincidence and tries to move on from Luffy's words. But then he starts meeting everyone and Sanji gets out of the kitchen to greet him and- Oh. Okay. Yeah. That's definitely him. He has not forgotten those eyebrows and blue eyes and bangs. He could tell it's him from a mile away. Sabo thinks it's his memory playing with him, but then he remembers Sanji's sudden death without any explanation and blames his young self for not realizing sooner what truly happened. What's funny is that Sanji had the same reaction, because when Luffy talks about Sabo for the first time, he freezes at the name. But he guesses it can't really be him, and Luffy doesn't talk enough about him for Sanji to make the correlation.
But no, yeah, it's definitely him.
As you said, they both freeze. And it's actually kind of weird because everybody is looking at them, but they're only focusing on each other so it's also extremely romantic. Sabo tries to act calm and collected when he asks Luffy if he can speak to Sanji in private, and Luffy instantly says:
Luffy: It's to ask for extra food, right?! I am not going to steal yours like when we were kids! I don't do that anymore! Usopp: He still does that. Luffy: But Sabo can have whatever he wants! Sanji will make it! But not more than me. I'm sure you're gonna do it just to piss me of- Sabo: Luffy, you can have all of my food if you want to. Just let me talk to him for a second. Luffy: ?? But why?! It's been so long. I want to be with you! Sabo: Because- Sanji: If you let us talk in private I'll give you two desserts. And more meat. We'll have whatever you want tonight. Luffy: OH! AWESOME! Nami: What is this about again? Franky: Yeah... It looks like you two know each other. Sanji: Who says we don't? Luffy: YOU TWO KNOW EACH OTHER? Sabo: No. Not- Luffy. Give us a moment. *They go into the kitchen together* Zoro: First he's a prince and now he's fucking Luffy's brother. Are we sure Curly doesn't have anything else to tell us? Luffy: He's not- Nami: Shut up!! I can't listen to their conversation through the door if you keep talking!
(She doesn't hear them at all, actually, because the others keep talking and Sabo and Sanji are pretty quiet and she gets bored of trying to spy on them).
They don't really know what to do except to stare at each other. Sanji is about to make some joke or something to make things lighter, but Sabo goes and instantly hugs him tight. Sanji feels he's about to start crying. Especially when Sabo says "I thought you were dead" / "Well, I am not" / "I can see that" / "I- I'm sorry. I truly hoped we could meet but- Things have been a little- Fuck. Just. I'm sorry. Judge- My-" / "Yes. I know. I mean. I don't know, but it's obvious you don't want to talk about it now and I know it's your shitty father's fault. Don't worry about it" / "... Alright" / "Is it weird if I don't want to let go of you?" / "Shut up. You're the one making it weird" / "You grew up. Quite a lot. Remembered you so tiny and cute" / "Oh, fuck you, I am not-" / "Still cute, though" / "You were nicer to me back then" / "You were less sarcastic" / "Touche" / "Hey! So you finally got to be a cook! And for the future king of the pirates! How does that feel?" / "Tiring. Exhausting. Frustrating... A dream come true" / "....... You look happier" / "I am.... Hey? Can you keep like- Holding me for a while? Because-" / "It's okay. Yes. If I let go of you I might start sobbing. This is fine. As long as we don't move, we're fine" / "Great". (Also have in mind that this is post-wano so Sanji is extremely sensitive and wants to kind of sort of die. This is probably the best thing that has happened to him lately. Or ever)
And this is getting reaaaally long already so to end this just say that they definitely end up kissing at some point and dating and then uh, things™ happen. But just think about them having a happy ending. I- I want to write a fanfic now. You can't do that to me. Ughhh. What if I did- What if I did write this fic- Thinking thoughts.
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iron-sides · 13 days
shaking and frothing at the mouth like a small rabid dog. i have thoughts about the perfect court that do not and cannot exist in any language but what's important here is that you HAVE to under that fundamentally. fundamentally riko moriyama is a scared little boy who has been told since birth that he is nothing, and that the only way he can change this is to be the best: he can be the best or he can be nothing, and the default state here is nothing. and he knows somewhere deep in his gut that he will never be the best. he grew up with kevin day and saw the way kevin lived and breathed exy and knew there was something different about him, knew that they way kevin lived and breathed exy was somehow more than the way he did. and so he lied, he drew numbers on their faces he beat kevin down however he could because he could not stand to be nothing ever again. and it still wasnt enough.
#GODDDDD IM SO NORMAL ABOUT HIM!!!! WORST GUY EVER FOR REAL#DESPERATE TO FEEL IN CONTROL OF ANYTHING HE CAN BECAUSE HE CAN NEVER CONTROL THE IMPORTANT THING#which is to say he will never understand WHY kevin is better than him. because the answer is so simple and so contradictory to everything#he has ever known:#fundamentally riko plays exy because he needs to be something more than nothing. fundamentally kevin plays exy because he LOVES it because#he knows nothing else because its what he has left of his mom because he is incredibly autistic about it#and that level of love of fondness of drive of passion is not something riko will ever have#because riko doesnt love EXY#he loves BEING THE BEST. he loves the spotlight the attention the being more than nothing#this is why hes better with the media than kevin: he plays exy For This and kevin does media For Exy#aaaaaaa. anyway <3#riko man. im so normal about him#my thots#aftg#also i think its important to understand that (i think) (to me) kevin KNOWS THIS#he knows exactly why riko does the things he does and thats why he makes so many excuses for him#because that's his brother. because it isnt rikos fault he was raised to believe he could be the best or nothing#but its not kevins fault that hes the best. and its not jeans fault he exists#<- because it was never about jean. it was never even about kevin! they were both collateral damage#of the way tetsuji raised riko#and im not totally sure how much of that jean knows ill have to read tsc again#but yeah. anyway ^-^#kevin day#riko moriyama
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enden-k · 1 year
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AAAAA finally reached my wife <33
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znerac · 2 months
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lickwick · 2 months
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crowe from where winter crows go
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maybe i have a thing for green haired men with interests in stem
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remyfire · 9 months
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Don't talk to me or my son ever again.
My incredibly talented friend Rosie (@allcanonisrelative) has been making some ADORABLE Sidney Freedman dolls, and I'm so excited that I get to have a one of my own! This is Lil Sid, he's stuffed with lavender for stress-relieving purposes, and he is the love of my life and has not left my side for a week now. A million out of ten, highly recommend your own little therapy doll for when you need to nuzzle something safe and comforting in this big scary world.
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