kirstydreaming · 3 months
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Mori Lee 👗
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5sospicturesque · 2 years
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Clearing out my camera roll 9272/?
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jwonsociety · 1 year
idk wtf was in the milan air but jake was SPEAKING DIRECTLY TO MY SOUL
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ZAKAT PROFESI 0812-9026-9272 Panti Yatim Terdekat Kalimantan Utara
ZAKAT PROFESI 0812-9026-9272 Panti Yatim Terdekat Kalimantan Utara, PANTI YATIM DHUAFA Rumah Zakat Terdekat Kendari, SEDEKAH RAMADAN Panti Yatim Terdekat Bau Bau, SEDEKAH LEBARAN Asrama Yatim Piatu Terdekat Sulawesi Barat, SEDEKAH GURU NGAJI Tempat Sedekah Subuh Sulawesi Selatan, WAKAF ASRAMA YATIM Panti Yatim Piatu Terdekat Gorontalo
Yayasan Prakarsa Amal Mulia berprakarsa bagi kemuliaan derajat anak bangsa secara umum dan golongan yang lemah-tidak berpunya secara khusus. YAYASAN PRAKARSA AMAL MULIA didirikan dan dilatar belakangi dari keprihatinan terhadap kondisi generasi bangsa yang masih dalam keadaan lemah, banyak yang putus sekolah dikarenakan biaya, belum terbinanya mental anak-anak yang sudah tidak ada bimbingan orangtua, belum lagi kondisi lingkungan yang tidak kondusif, kian hari kian banyak yang sudah tak lagi menunjukan kebanggaan terhadap bangsa dan agamanya, gelombang modernisasi dengan globalisasinya kian memberikan ruang yang amat luas pada generasi negeri dan umat ini untuk mengakses banyak hal dari luar, yang sayangnya ternyata lebih banyak pengaruh negatif yang diikuti dari pada efek positif yang ditauladani. hal ini lah yang mendasari didirikannya YAYASAN PRAKARSA AMAL MULIA. YAYASAN PRAKARSA AMAL MULIA berdiri sejak Tanggal 18 Agustus 2018, Diharapkan dari yayasan ini akan lahir generasi muda yang akan menjadi daya tarik serta mempunyai nilai yang berharga serta Mandiri, Cerdas, dan Berilmu sehingga mampu menjadi dambaan masyarakat, bangsa dan negaranya, bangga menjadi diri sendiri tanpa ketergantungan dari Negara lain, dan bisa membawa perubahan terhadap bangsa Indonesia yang sangat kita cintai bersama.
Yayasan Prakarsa Amal Mulia: Jl. Alternatif Bukit Indah Kp. Cikopak RT. 031/ 011, Ds. Mulyamekar Kec. Babakancikao, Kab. Purwakarta 41151. Telepon (0264) 839 1620 WA 0812-9026-9272 https://wa.link/jaa1u8 [email protected]
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astrometrych · 2 years
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Astronomy #Space #Espace #Astrometry
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Six health-care worker placement agencies are no longer eligible for Quebec public contracts for the next five years, Radio-Canada is reporting.
According to information from the Autorité des marchés publics (AMP) obtained by Radio-Canada, the agencies are now registered with the Registre des entreprises non admissibles aux contrats publics (RENA) because they do not meet integrity requirements. 
The AMP oversees public contracts in Quebec. More than 2,400 companies are currently banned from contracting with the government.
Several major agencies that provided hundreds of nurses and orderlies to hospitals and CHSLDs in Quebec are among the list of ineligible companies.
After the AMP conducted audits, it found that three companies — 24/7 Expertise en Soins de Santé Inc., 9272-4095 Québec Inc. and 9159-2634 Québec Inc., doing business under the name Confort Élite — had, through their respective managers, participated in a scheme to submit strategically defined prices with the aim of encouraging an award and award of contracts favourable to them. [...]
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @newsfromstolenland
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randomreasonstolive · 10 months
Reason to Live #9272
  Entertaining friends at my new apartment. – Guest Submission
(Please don't add negative comments to these posts.)
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the-bar-sinister · 2 days
The Mechanics of Emotion (9272 words) by VickytheSnake, thesavagesabretooth Chapters: 2/? Fandom: 逆転裁判 | Gyakuten Saiban | Ace Attorney Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Athena Cykes/Simon Blackquill, Bobby Fulbright/ Simon Blackquill, The Phantom/Simon Blackquill, Athena Cykes/The Phantom, Athena Cykes/Bobby Fulbright, Bobby Fulbright/Original Character(s)
Characters: Kidzuki Kokone | Athena Cykes, Yuugami Jin | Simon Blackquill, Ban Gouzou | Bobby Fulbright, The Phantom (Gyakuten Saiban), Houzuki Akane | Ema Skye, Naruhodou Minuki | Trucy Wright
Additional Tags: Polyamory Negotiations, Developing Relationship, Angst with a Happy Ending, Case Fic, Drama & Romance, POV Athena Cykes, POV Bobby Fulbright, POV Simon Blackquill, Angst and Romance, Sharing a Body, Childhood Trauma, Hurt/Comfort, Redemption, Mutual Pining, Therapy, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Romantic Comedy, Dark Romance
Summary: Athena Cykes has a problem. For years, she built her life around rescuing the man who had saved her, Simon Blackquill. She'd been imagining a fairytale ending. A kiss. A ride into the sunset. But real life isn't as simple as a dream. Athena got her kiss, but there was no ending– there was a complication. Bobby Fulbright was suddenly back in Simon's life in an unexpected twist of fate, and it turned out that he and Simon had been together for a whole year. Athena gave them her blessing, she was happy for them. But now she feels like an outsider.
Things aren't all sunshine and roses for Simon and Bobby either. Simon had spent the past year living like it was going to be his last year on earth– because it was. But now he is still alive, and there are questions unasked that demand answers. Just what is his relationship with the detective going to be going forward? And what complications of his own does Bobby Fulbright have up his sleeve?
Not to mention that there are two more members of the Phantom Organization who've been captured that Simon now needs to prosecute, and Athena must defend. Love and chaos in LA. In justice we trust– but who understands the mechanics of emotion?
Important author's note under the cut:
So. This is the sequel to In Justice We Trust.
I already know that some of you are going to be disappointed, confused, or even potentially angry. To those of you who are, I am genuinely sorry. Please close this fic now, and pretend that it does not exist. You can consider that "In Justice We Trust" is canon, and that this fic is fanfiction of it. It's not real and it can't hurt you.
Please let "In Justice We Trust" stand on its own, and forget about this fic.
To those of you who are wondering why– why include Athena in this relationship? Why not just let their relationship stand as friends? All I can tell you is that 'the heart wants what the heart wants'. If you're interested in a detailed explanation of my feelings about romantic relationships and found family, you can read about it on my blog.
In Justice We Trust started off as a one-shot. I did not expect it to be popular. I did not expect the wonderful, amazing, overwhelming reaction to it that I got. I didn't expect to base a whole longfic on a single fragment of a moment. I am polyamorous, and a poly shipper at heart. That's just who I am. IJWT grew in the telling, and I will admit I pruned it, like a bonsai, as it grew, to keep it in line with the expectations of others. I kept Athena's romantic feelings out of the story so that more people could enjoy it.
I am not expecting this fic to be popular.
But those of you who have not yet clicked back, or even blocked or muted me on AO3-- I am asking you to come on a journey with me. A journey of romance, and twisted feelings. A journey of people who were children no one understood. A journey of people who might grow to understand each other, despite all the things that would keep them apart.
I am asking you to let me tell you The Mechanics of Emotion.
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ohabeeeeeee · 1 year
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Image exists, 9272 revived 28757 healed
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original url http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Palms/9272/ last modified 2006-02-10 02:54:31
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charliemonroe · 2 years
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Решила узнать про блоки больше. В дизайне кухни, думаю, хороши. Сейчас их на заказ делают. Внизу историческая справка, укоротила пост, там длинная копипаста, гуляющая по интернету.
Первый стеклоблок придумал американец Джеймс Пенникуик. Он запатентовал свое детище еще во второй половине XIX века. А для того, чтобы начать зарабатывать на этом деньги, Пенникуик создал фирму «Luxfer Prism Company», через которую впоследствии он и стал их реализовывать. Несмотря на то, что оспорить первенство американца невозможно, его изобретение все же разительно отличалось от тех блоков-кирпичиков, которые стали использоваться в строительстве во второй половине ХХ века. Изобретение Пенникуика больше напоминало металлическую решетку со стеклянными вставками-призмами. Эта решетка, согласно задумке американца, изначально была предназначена для замены обычных окон в подвальных помещениях.В 1930-х годах стеклоблоки были несколько модифицированы и приобрели привычный для нас вид. Тогда же их стали применять не только в оборудовании подвалов жилых домов, но и для строительства внутренних и наружных стен и даже окон на лестничных пролетах. Так, постепенно, вслед за расширением сферы применения, стеклоблоки расширили и территорию своего «обитания». В 1960-70-х годах они завоевали огромную популярность во многих европейских странах и в Советском Союзе. В СССР стеклоблоки производили в 3-х цветовых гаммах: зеленые, синие и желтые, а их поверхность могла быть как гладкой, так рифленой. Причем при строительстве обычных жилых домов стеклоблоки, как правило, использовались не часто. Различные элементы из них включались советскими архитекторами в проекты заводских зданий, городских бассейнов, бань, поликлиник, школ, столовых, санаториев, домов пионеров, административных учреждений.Наверняка многим советским гражданам казалось, что подобные стеклянные стены или окна были сделаны исключительно для красоты, однако это не совсем так. Несомненно, конструкции из стеклоблоков выполняли роль декоративного элемента, но это была отнюдь не главная их функция. В первую очередь стеклоблоки (как, между прочим, и задумывал Джеймс Пенникуик) экономили электроэнергию. Пропуская свет ненамного хуже обычного стекла, блоки в то же время скрывали от любопытных глаз то, что находилось за ними: например, кабинет одного из отделов в заводоуправлении. Недаром в тексте ГОСТа 1975 года (9272-75) коэффициент светопропускания блоков упоминается в одном из самых первых, а, значит, и самых важных пунктов. В этом же ГОСТе также отмечается, что стеклоблоки должны были выдерживать перепады температур до 40 градусов, то есть данный строительный материал был еще и термостойким. Кроме того, стеклоблоки отличались влагостойкостью иэ прочностью. Как указано в ГОСТе 9272-75, предел прочности блоков при сжатии не должен был быть менее 1,5 МПа (15 кгс/см²). Для примера: согласно ГОСТу 530-80 для кирпичей и камней, некоторые их марки имели аналогичные параметры прочности. В общем, стеклоблоки обладали таким набором полезных качеств, что превосходили по ряду характеристик некоторые традиционные строительные материалы.
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kodalane85 · 1 year
You don't have to worry about being too clingy with me. I was never loved right. I used to beg for attention, so please don't hold back. Call me randomly and tell me how your days been, double text me if I don't answer fast enough, send me 9272 memes. It won't bother me and I'll actually believe you care.
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nirvi80 · 1 year
Rdr discord 😎
Made a very silly server
My discord is torq#9272
Dm me to join 😘
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ZAKAT PENGHASILAN 0812-9026-9272 Rumah Yatim Terdekat Jogjakarta
ZAKAT PENGHASILAN 0812-9026-9272 Rumah Yatim Terdekat Jogjakarta, TEMPAT SEDEKAH Yayasan Piatu Terdekat Surabaya, SEDEKAH HARIAN Tempat Donasi Terdekat Depok, SEDEKAH SUBUH Tempat Sedekah Terdekat Bekasi, ZAKAT PENGHASILAN Rumah Yatim Terdekat Jogjakarta, SEDEKAH BARANG BEKAS Gerai Donasi Terdekat Bandung
Yayasan Prakarsa Amal Mulia berprakarsa bagi kemuliaan derajat anak bangsa secara umum dan golongan yang lemah-tidak berpunya secara khusus. YAYASAN PRAKARSA AMAL MULIA didirikan dan dilatar belakangi dari keprihatinan terhadap kondisi generasi bangsa yang masih dalam keadaan lemah, banyak yang putus sekolah dikarenakan biaya, belum terbinanya mental anak-anak yang sudah tidak ada bimbingan orangtua, belum lagi kondisi lingkungan yang tidak kondusif, kian hari kian banyak yang sudah tak lagi menunjukan kebanggaan terhadap bangsa dan agamanya, gelombang modernisasi dengan globalisasinya kian memberikan ruang yang amat luas pada generasi negeri dan umat ini untuk mengakses banyak hal dari luar, yang sayangnya ternyata lebih banyak pengaruh negatif yang diikuti dari pada efek positif yang ditauladani. hal ini lah yang mendasari didirikannya YAYASAN PRAKARSA AMAL MULIA. YAYASAN PRAKARSA AMAL MULIA berdiri sejak Tanggal 18 Agustus 2018, Diharapkan dari yayasan ini akan lahir generasi muda yang akan menjadi daya tarik serta mempunyai nilai yang berharga serta Mandiri, Cerdas, dan Berilmu sehingga mampu menjadi dambaan masyarakat, bangsa dan negaranya, bangga menjadi diri sendiri tanpa ketergantungan dari Negara lain, dan bisa membawa perubahan terhadap bangsa Indonesia yang sangat kita cintai bersama.
Yayasan Prakarsa Amal Mulia: Jl. Alternatif Bukit Indah Kp. Cikopak RT. 031/ 011, Ds. Mulyamekar Kec. Babakancikao, Kab. Purwakarta 41151. Telepon (0264) 839 1620 WA 0812-9026-9272 https://wa.link/jaa1u8 [email protected]
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a FOOLISH Manokit Warrior wielding a magic sword!gift for Luna Berry#9272 on discord!
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weirdsatellites · 2 years
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Dispatch #9272 from █████ ███████ ██ (Q CLEARANCE) 1. Grimdark Code 2. Sumerian Light 3. Grotto of Salmon
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