#5 pages I said. let me imagine the rest of this comic in my brain
birdmenmanga · 2 years
you know I usually suck at stylized faces for whatever reason but you have to admit I went off on these
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I’ve posted a lot of misc doodles/drawings of my dear daughter Daisy Fullbear-Zanotto on my Twitter (cosmignon) which I didn’t bother crossposting… until now :))))
We got ourselves, in rough chronological order
- some toddler Daisy’s being dramatic and weird
- a drawing of Daisy meeting my first webcomic protagonist, Anna, after I realized I reused some design tropes for both… bc I think red headed pigtail girls with big noses are a cute lil kid design
- Daisy, having finally brought Helmut back to his senses, and unloading a lot of Issues she has with Bob bc he’s all overprotective and never lets her do anything! Helmut is like :(? confused but hears her out bc like that’s his kid too
- Daisy as seen in Bob’s head, ages 2 and 10… the glass case is a reference to the little prince, Daisy’s the specialist flower of all and needs to be protected… but she’s a growing girl that won’t fit under that glass forever
- Messy doodles imagining the resolution to Daisy finding Helmut’s brain: Helmut gives her a big ol hug in his head, and she goes back into the real world to convince Bob to listen to her and trust that she knows what she’s saying when she’s found something really important and Bob comes along with her and reunites with hubband… all is well
I have rotated so many thoughts in my head abt Daisy it’s ridiculous, I can’t believe I said I’d maybe only draw her once when I first posted abt her. Guess that’s on me for being embarrassed about posting a fankid. Cringe is dead long live cringe ect ect
Full image descriptions under the cut
ID #1: A rough sketch of Daisy and Bob sitting on the couch as Daisy dramatically looks off into the distance, singing the line “sometimes I feel like my only fwiend” with two close ups of her face. Bob is trying very hard to not laugh. End ID.
ID #2: A rough comic of Bob reading a book on a couch while sitting as far away from a scary, eyeless baby doll as possible. He looks over to it and thinks “it’s just a doll… a really freaky doll.” There is a close up on the doll to show it’s scary face, with a neutral expression, bald head, and hollow eyeless sockets. A panel then shows Daisy has put the doll directly on Bob’s lap, which he nervously smiles about as Daisy says “There, now you can babysit.” and Bob responds “Thank you, sweetie.” End ID.
ID #3: An illustration of Daisy Fullbear-Zanotto and Anna Jenkins talking with each other with looks of curiosity. Both girls share similar designs and color schemes, including teal clothing, bright red hair with twin braids and curled bangs, large noses, and brown eyes. End ID.
ID #4: Rough sketches of a conversation between Daisy and Helmut. Daisy says “It’s SO cool that you’re my dad! WOW!”, and Helmut responds “And you’re the raddest daughter!”. Daisy continues “you’re like WAY cooler than my normal Dad.”, which makes Helmut look confused and slightly concerned as he says “I - uh, ok?”. End ID.
ID #5: Rough sketches of a conversation between Daisy and Helmut. On the top of the page Daisy is standing, facing Helmut, as she says “I wish you were my dad instead of Bob.” Helmut looks concerned as he says “What uh,.. Why?”. The two are then sitting next to each other, Helmut has an arm around Daisy’s shoulder. Daisy’s saying “And I just want him to have more faith in me.” On the bottom page Helmut looks away as he says “Geeze. It sounds like so much has changed. But hey, you can’t trade us out, it’s a package deal kid.” Helmut turns toward Daisy as she sighs and says “OK”. Helmut then boops a finger on Daisy’s nose, which makes her smile. He says “I’ll talk to him about it! You’re a good kid, I’m sure he’s doing something right.” End ID.
ID #6: An illustration of Daisy as a young baby/plant hybrid resting in a terracotta pot. She has an old fashioned baby bonnet that resembles the petals of a daisy, and she’s swaddled in leaves. Daisy and her pot are housed under a protective glass case with a small metal handle. End ID.
ID #7: An illustration of Daisy as a child/plant hybrid wearing an upside down terracotta pot as a skirt. Daisy’s head is wreathed in daisy petals, and she’s wearing blue/green/pink glasses meant to resemble seaglass. She has 2 leaves that act as arms, and a third leaf at her front that acts as an accessory to cover her upper body, which is clothed in a teal shirt with brighter teal lead patterns and the previously mentioned pot. The pot has blotches of multicolored paint all across it, and there are cracks where roots from Dasiy’ lower body are growing out. These roots also grow out from the bottom opening of the pot, and some of them have cracked open the bottom of a protective glass jar that surrounds Daisy. End ID.
ID #8: Rough sketches of Helmut, Bob, and Daisy. On the top of the page Helmut is hugging Daisy, then beside that sketch Daisy is shown to be saying something with Helmut’s brain in a jar in her hands. She looks serious, and Bob is shown to be listening to her with a concerned expression. On the bottom of the page there is a sequence showing Bob and Daisy opening the jar with Helmut’s brain in it, an arrow pointing to a psychoportal, and a second arrow pointing to Daisy and Bob reuniting with Helmut. There is also a sketch of Audie-O holding Balance. End ID.
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jisungful · 3 years
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summary :: breaking into an old abandoned elementary school isn’t always the best idea.
pairing :: chenle x gn!reader x jisung (platonic)
genre :: horror/thriller
warnings :: all characters are kind of dumb (first person to die in a horror movie type beat), breaking and entering, implied serial killer!au, murder, blood, descriptions of gore, psychotic actions, character death, all that stuff :D
word count :: 2.4k
a/n :: as I was writing this, I practically scared myself D: also the ending is kinda rushed but oh well
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The end of the school year was supposed to be fun, full of surprises, and that one surprise was Chenle clinging onto you like a koala with a tree. Up to this point, you hadn’t thought of how much of an interesting boy he could be--but him giving you physical affection? You could never believe it.
Chenle let go of you before saying, “Come to the library with me and Jisung,” His hair was messy, as well as his uniform shirt. You assumed he just went around hugging other people besides you. He grinned at you, “We’re planning to do something fun as a celebration for the last day of school! Let’s go!” He grabbed your wrist tightly, but not enough to cause circulation loss, at least. You began contemplating whether or not it was a good idea to follow suit of the boy, knowing him. Nonetheless, you were curious.
You both arrived at the library, seeing Jisung already sitting at one of the tables reading a comic. Sitting down in front of the boy, he closed the book once he felt your presences. He greeted with a small smile, you and Chenle doing the same. “Alright listen,” Chenle started, clearing his throat before broadcasting the plan aloud, “We’re going to go to my elementary school—but with a twist.” He grinned before continuing, “It’s been so long since I’ve been there, so it’s abandoned now and I’m pretty sure no one monitors it anymore. Although... it is still intact so we need to break in.”
“Woah, wait, we are not going to break into an elementary school.” you cautioned.
Chenle rolled his eyes and rested his palm on his jawline. “It’s not like it’s haunted or anything. As I said, no one monitors it anymore--you guys just aren’t fun.”
Jisung clasped his hands together before letting out a sigh, “I thought you were joking at first and just wanted to go and play on the playground or something. But seriously?” He shuddered slightly, subconsciously flipping the pages of the comic he was reading earlier. You nodded at him before returning your gaze back on Chenle. All that was written on his face was smugness.
“We have to try it once. Think about it! It’ll be fun, you know? It’s like in movies, we just have to be cautious of our surroundings.” Chenle assured.
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You can’t believe you’re doing this. You really can’t. It was 3 fucking am and you decided it was a great idea to go along with Chenle (out of everyone else in the world) and his plan to break into his old elementary school just for fun.
You packed your backpack with a few essential items: a flashlight, a few bottles of water, a baseball bat, and a crowbar. You kept it unzipped at the top so they could all fit, keeping your phone in your spacious hoodie pocket. You put on a mask and a beanie to keep yourself covered in case of security cameras. You put on your backpack, adjusting to the heaviness. If you were being honest, you had this rush of nervousness flowing through your body, the fear of not knowing what will happen to the three of you once you break in and enter the abandoned building. Nonetheless, you head to your front door to walk to Chenle’s house as the three of you decided to go to beforehand. Step by step, your body grew warmer as anxiety rose. It hadn’t hit you that you’d never done this before--you were always the type to stay in and not go out doing reckless activities; but here you are, doing that exact thing.
Immediately as you stepped on Chenle’s rug that was placed in front of the door, it opened, him now in front of you. He moved aside for you to enter the place. “You got everything?” He questioned and you nodded. “Jisung’s not here yet, so I guess we have to just wait.”
You both sat on his leather couch, staring down at the empty mug with thoughts roaming your brain. It wasn’t breaking in that was scaring you--but the thought of getting caught and living with the guilt that you had done something illegal was. Attempting to engage in conversation, you spoke, “How did you even come up with this idea?”
Chenle chuckled lightly, fiddling with the watch on his wrist. “It just came to my head out of nowhere, I guess.”
Hearing the sound of knocking on the door, you stood up abruptly, Chenle following after. You both headed to the front and opened it for Jisung. “You have everything, right? We should go now.” Jisung nodded and let out a breath he was previously unknowingly holding.
You three went inside of Chenle’s car, with Chenle driving and Jisung and you seated at the back. You took off your backpack and placed it on the floor of the car, the weight removed gave you sudden relief on your shoulders. Jisung plugged his phone into the aux cord and played soft, lo-fi music to soothe the nerves that were getting to you unknowingly.
You sighed, laying your head on the headrest of the car seat, looking out the window. It was a rather peaceful night despite what you were going to do in a couple of minutes—stars beginning to deem visible across the vast, dark sky, with only a few cars passing by in which you could count with your fingers. That was when you felt eyes boring into the back of your head, and you turned to see Jisung staring at you. You furrowed your brows and muttered a ‘what’. “I’m nervous, Y/N,” he breathed out, fear clearly laced in his voice.
You bit your lip. “It was Chenle’s idea, we can blame him for all of this.” you joked.
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The elementary school definitely does not look as you expected--before coming, you imagined it to be completely abandoned, having growing moss on the walls, windows that were broken or punched, or even having “caution” tape around it. You guess it only happens in movies. But this school looked almost normal, for some reason, with only overgrown trees around it as the leaves fell on it. You let out a soft sigh, relieved that it looks fairly approachable and safe to go into.
“This is crazy, it’s been so long since I’ve been here. Let’s go!” Chenle beamed. You looked at Jisung for a moment, giving him a reassuring smile and a nod before putting on your heavy backpack and exiting the car as he did as well.
The three of you stood outside of the back door of the building, looking around for any suspicious cameras though found none. You pulled your mask up further before checking on Chenle and how he’s putting up with his attempts at opening the door. “I can’t find any key,” he grunted. You offered him the crowbar that was hanging off your backpack, and to your luck, it worked on opening the door. Jisung let out a surprised sound as he stood behind you.
The back door led to the gym in which you stood. It was empty, except for the lone basketball that sat in the middle of the vast room. The lights didn’t work, so you came to the conclusion that it would be best to use your flashlights, instead. You followed Chenle as he was the only person that knew the way around this place. He went toward the door which led to the hallway of the school, which connected to the many classrooms. The atmosphere felt terribly dismal, and it didn’t leave you with a good feeling. You couldn’t help but focus on the smell that hadn’t been freshened up for years.
“This is my 4th-grade classroom,” He slid open the door and across the room were sprawled out desks and chairs--it was like a forest, avoiding all of these objects just to get to the other side was like a journey in itself. In the back of the room were stapled class pictures of old students and teachers on a corkboard. Chenle desperately searched for the photo with him in it, searching across what seemed like around 10+ photographs. “Ah, here’s me!” He said, gesturing for you and Jisung to come to him. He pointed to his 10-year-old self, shining a flashlight on it to show it clearer. “It’s crazy how it’s still here.”
“You were cute,” Jisung commented.
“Are you saying I’m not cute now?” Chenle scoffed jokingly. He removed the photo from the corkboard and shoved it neatly into the small pocket of his backpack, thinking of showing it to his parents later today once he figures out a good enough excuse to where he found it.
You yawn, eyes getting tired minute by minute, second by second as you continue your journey throughout the huge school. You entered room 3B, which seemed like a music room—chairs stacked in 5’s, music sheets laying on the scattered desks, posters of musicians and guitar and piano chords on the walls begging to fall down to the ground as the tape holding it up collects dust. A piano lies near the corner of the room and Chenle sits on the bench that stood in front of it. He plays a mellow tune as you and Jisung look at all of the instruments that were isolated in a metal storage cabinet. You take out a recorder and try to remember the notes of the infamous ‘Hot Cross Buns’—however your memorization skill isn't the best and you end up with random noises. Jisung laughs at your attempt and you laugh back, putting the instrument back to where it was placed. You head towards Chenle, who was heavily concentrated on playing the song that was on the sheet on the music desk. You listen to the pretty sounds until he stops for a moment.
“It sounds beautiful,” you say.
Chenle chuckles before standing up and ruffling his hair, “I know, I’ve been playing practically since birth, you know?”
You both stood there, the moonlight reflecting on your skin through the thin glass. You turn your head, “Where’s Jisung?” You had thought the boy would follow you when you were walking toward Chenle—but he didn’t. There was no third shadow moving alongside yours and the boy beside you; the atmosphere grew cold. You beckoned Chenle to come with you before walking towards the classroom door to once again enter the hallway.
“Jisung! Are you an idiot? Where are you?” Chenle shouted out loud but there was no voice that followed. A curse word was muttered, you begin scrambling out of the music room to find the 5’11 boy that suddenly vanished into thin air. You knew how afraid he was during the car ride here and you never thought you would leave him alone like this. You stuck by Chenle’s side as you searched through most of the classrooms in the building.
No sign.
You were startled as you unlocked the door to the janitor’s closet, shining your flashlight down the stairwell that was somehow built in the tiny room. “Chenle, come here,” you beckoned. He rushed to you quickly; his eyes widened once he saw what was hidden inside the room.
“I’ve never seen this before,” he chuckled, “Maybe Jisung went in here, but for what?” You shrugged at the boy’s assumption, furrowing your brows before stepping in. Jisung was always curious about the world—you might think it’s his first life and he’s fascinated by every small detail that the universe could give him. Though, you would never expect that he would be curious about this particular stairwell.
A horrid smell hit you both once you reached halfway down the staircase. You muttered a curse word, “Fuck. It smells rotten in here,” Chenle agreed, nodding at you. You continued your way down to see Jisung’s body lay flat on the floor like a ragdoll. You took in a sharp breath as you quickened your steps down to see six other bodies lay in front of him. You rapidly shout out the boy’s name as you frantically attempt to shake him awake, wishing in the back of your mind that he hadn’t ended up like the bodies that were obviously sitting beside you.
Jisung groaned, sitting right side up as he held his head. “What happened to you?!” You question, helping him stand up. He looked around the room once more before taking two steps back when he watched the dead bodies lay on the floor.
He shook his head rapidly as his hands held onto your wrist. “I-I just saw that and I don’t know what happened but…” he shut his eyes. “I should’ve stayed with you guys. I’m so so so sorry.” You hear footsteps nearing you, both of your heads turn to the sound.
“Jisung!” You yell out. You froze once you see crimson flow out of his neck. Your eyes follow the holder of the knife’s arm to his face slowly. You stared with wide eyes and raised eyebrows. “Chenle, what the fuck are you doing?!” you breathed out.
Chenle tilted his head back with a slight close-lipped smile, enigmatic. Your eyes filled with tears as you watched Jisung’s blood drip, his arms holding onto what he thought was his best friend. “It’s so fun doing this!” he giggled, eyes crinkling through his smile. He pulled out the knife before quickly stabbing it back inside Jisung’s neck. “Is little Jisung whimpering? I’m just playing with you!” His psychotic laughter soon filled your ears and your breath quickened once you watched as Chenle stabbed him in the stomach laying on top of Jisung, a dark red pours onto the floor steadily. You wanted to look away but your body could do nothing but be full of shock.
Chenle’s head jerked toward your direction. You gulped as he stood up to walk toward you with an innocent smile. Once he cornered your back to the wall, he dragged the knife covered in blood along your jawline. You winced as the sharp blade cut through your delicate skin, you clutched onto nothing making your knuckles turn white. “P-please…” you whisper.
His smile dropped once the knife entered the side of your torso. “Now, you two can be with me forever.”
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On Supergirl
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Figured I should put up my thoughts about Kara in the wake of her first film appearance being announced, and the final season of her TV show fast approaching. Short version is: Kara is very cool and DC needs to stop messing with her. 
My Introduction to Kara
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I was introduced to Kara the way most millennials/Gen Zers were I imagine, via the Loeb Superman/Batman arc which brought the traditional Kara Zor-El Supergirl take into Post-Crisis continuity, after years of DC attempting to have a “Supergirl” without violating the editorial mandate that Kal needed to be the literal “Last Son of Krypton” (an example of one of the dumb ways DC fucked Kara over). Story goes that one day Dan Didio was in line at the Superman ride at Six Flags (I love that ride even though it’s stolen my glasses every time I’ve ridden it, even when I left them in a locker!). The ride had signs that talked about various Superman characters. Didio was reading the entry for Supergirl where it talked about her not being Clark’s cousin but instead some weird merge of alien shapeshifter, angel, and human girl, and he realized how fucking stupid that was, and he went back to the office and told Loeb to bring Kara back. 
Years later I would also be standing in line at the Six Flags Superman ride (probably at a different park location but who knows?) as a youngster and would read the new Supergirl sign that trumpeted that Superman had a cousin who shared all his powers, an update reflecting the new Loeb origin. I thought she sounded pretty cool, made a note to see if my library had any Supergirl stories next time I visited, then got on the Superman ride and promptly lost my glasses like an idiot because I wanted to take them off while I was riding and pretend I was changing from my “disguise” into Superman mid flight. My dad grounded me for this afterwards, but it gave me a funny story to tell at family get togethers and isn’t that what Six Flags is all about?
A month later (and with spiffy new glasses), my mom dropped me off at a new library next to where she worked, and they had one of the best Superman collections I’ve ever seen to this day. I was in heaven and while reading every Superman book I could find (I couldn’t check them out because I didn’t have a card, my mom’s card didn’t cover the area the library was in, and my mom wouldn’t have checked them out anyway since comics were “too violent”), I found the trade collecting Kara’s new origin. I read it and I thought both she and Superman were really cool, and Batman was a  punk who had to beat Darkseid by cheating, the loser. Turner’s art to my young eyes was the best I had ever seen, and the panels got engraved into my brain. 
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I still get downright nostalgic whenever I see Turner Superman or Supergirl stuff. I also got my parents to rent the animated movie adaption of the Superman/Batman arc from Blockbuster (remember those?), and that sealed the deal. Seeing Kara hold her own against Darkseid convinced me she was as cool as her cousin. Next time my mom dropped me off at the library next to her workplace, I went looking for Supergirl stuff to read. I found the first volume of her new volume by Joe Kelly taking place after the Loeb arc and dove in.
It was... weird. 5 years later I might have enjoyed it but at the time I was majorly put off. Kara took a secret identity for a day and then ditched it because it was “stupid” and the kids bullied her. She was always getting into fights with Kal, and there was this weird plot that I couldn’t follow about how her dad had sent her to kill Kal, maybe or maybe not? Also she could grow crystals which I thought was dumb, and said she was stronger than her cousin which I couldn’t buy for a second given he looked like he was carved out of marble, and she looked like she relied on sunlight instead of food. I put the volume back on the shelf and kinda gave up on reading the character after that for a while. 
I followed her via the DC wiki updates just like I did Superman, and everything I read seemed dumb and convoluted. She was split in two, moped around a lot, made out with an alternate version of her cousin, and basically just flopped about the same way the rest of the Superfamily did during the 00s. Nothing made me think I had made a mistake dropping Kara until I read the latest update to her wiki page.
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I was super into what I was reading about the Busiek/Johns era of Superman online. Lex was back and making a big revenge scheme that involved all the other Rogues! Old Superman Rogues were getting revamped and made cool again! Johns reintroduced Brainiac and made him a big threat, with Kal and Kara teaming up to fight him! Busiek was revamping Prankster and telling big ambitious Superman stories! For the first time in a long while, the consensus on the Internet was that Superman was good again. My “home” library had zero Marvel books and no Superman or Batman books, all their DC stuff was Flash or Green Lantern, mainly written by Johns. Insane to think back on now. My hopes that because Johns was involved with Superman, Superman books would show up at my library were fulfilled. They started bringing in Busiek and Johns collections, and someone there also ordered Sterling Gates’ first volume of Supergirl, and I checked everything out since I was old enough to have my own library card, and my parents were worried more about the violent video games I was playing rather than comics.
I read everything and loved it. I also really liked Gates’ take on Kara. She was still an imperfect teenager but she wasn’t insufferably angsty or constantly fighting with Kal. She was going to give the secret identity another try and Lana had “adopted” her. It’s funny remembering how I enjoyed all that given my current thoughts on how Kara should work, but it was great at the time. I liked Gates introducing new foes for Kara, some classic Superman Rogues adapted for her like Bizzarogirl, others crafted specifically for her like Reactron. Gates’ basically rekindled my enjoyment of Kara the same way Busiek & Johns rekindled my enjoyment of Superman.
Of course it ended terribly like everything Superman-related seems to.
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I’ve got a whole post I want to do about New Krypton and what came after. In short that is the most blatant example of “hitting the reset button” that I’ve ever seen. All the potential got wasted, and afterwards everything except Lex’s Action Comics stuff just didn’t appeal to me. Gates got booted off Kara for Nick Spencer who ended up leaving himself later, a promising Teen Titans line-up with Kara on it didn’t happen, and the last proper Pre-Flashpoint Superfamily story was a crappy team-up with Doomsday against Bigger Doomsday (thank God for Cornell’s final Luthor/Superman confrontation at least). When news of the reboot arrived, I was honestly happy. The Superline needed an enema.
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Controversial opinion time: I liked New 52 Supergirl. It’s weird because a lot of the stuff I hated about Kelly’s run was here, and a lot of the stuff I loved about the Gates’ run was not. This was angry, moody, emotional Kara again, fighting with Kal and not fond of Earth. But I was in my teens at this point, and I didn’t want happy go-lucky Superman or Supergirl. I wanted my heroes angry, scared of the future, ready to go out there and smash some cars. Morrison’s Action Comics was 100% my jam (still is once I really understood the deeper meaning beneath the work) and this Kara felt like a natural fit for this universe. Plus we got Asrar on art and that guy made it damn pretty to look at, lots of cool science fiction stuff going on, even with the dumb H’el storyline.
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I loved all the new Rogues Kara got. I loved her new Fortress under the ocean. I loved how traumatized she was by the loss of Krypton, that she wanted more than anything to go home, that her cousin was like a stranger to her since they had been apart for so long. I found all of that incredibly relatable. A lot of the New 52 Supergirl stories might have been schlock but it was my type of schlock damnit, and I enjoyed it!
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I kept with her New 52 series all the way through the Red Daughter Saga (which I loved). As someone who grew up on Johns GL (since that was the only comics my home library had), seeing a Supercharacter join a Lantern Corp was the hypest thing ever. I loved the finale about Kara finally letting go of her anger and losing the ring while smashing her foe into the sun, it was incredibly cathartic for me as an angry teen myself. I finally stopped following her series sometime after since I was no longer enjoying the Superline or really DC as a whole. It wasn’t until I heard that New 52 Superman died and the “old” Superman was back, that I checked back into DC.
DC Rebirth & How I Think Kara Should Work
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I did not enjoy Supergirl Rebirth, and I think I’ll talk about my problems with it alongside how I think Kara as a character should work since the two are related. A pet peeve of mine that has formed over the years is this: I don’t like it when Superfamily members get turned into Clark clones. Kon wearing glasses and going to Smallville High. Kara going to high school and being involved in journalism. Jon more or less being written as a copy of his dad personality-wise. I hate that kind of stuff because it’s boring. What’s the point of a Superfamily if everyone is just copying Clark? It also doesn’t fit the characters especially in Kara’s case. Why the hell does she want to be a journalist? Were there journalists on Krypton? I don’t remember ever seeing one! Shouldn’t she want to be, I dunno, a scientist? That seems to have been the El family tradition, wouldn’t she have been groomed for that?
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This one-off by Shea is honestly the only acceptable outcome for Kara going into journalism for me. She realizes she’s just copying her cousin and switches to something she wants to do. So Orlando copying the show, which already basically turned Kara into an expy of her cousin, just did not appeal to me at all. What had worked for me under Gates way back when was not clicking for me this time. I wanted to see Kara embody the principles of the S-shield in a different way than her cousin did. So I really enjoyed when Rebirth ended and we moved into the Bendis era with Andrekyo relaunching the title as Kara in space.
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Kara in space has always felt like a good fit for me. Unlike Kal I’ve come to believe that Kara really shouldn’t be all that fond of Earth. For him it’s home, but for her it’s just where she ended up after her real home got destroyed. I think Kara works well as a sort of nomad, occasionally making stops back home to Earth to check on her cousin, but otherwise? She’s more comfortable out in space than she could ever be on Earth. Out in space she can be Kryptonian (which is what she should think of herself as in contrast to Clark being torn between his Kryptonian biology and human upbringing, and Jon/Kon identifying as human), be her true self, not have to pretend to be human to fit in. Kara founding a moon refuge was one of the best ideas for her that I’ve seen, I would love if DC made her Future State refugee center on the moon canon. I’m excited for more Kara adventures in space with the upcoming Tom King story.
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Also love that her and Krypto are getting tied together, if they don’t want to use Krypto in Superman’s stuff, let her have him! Bring on cosmic adventurer Supergirl!
Personality & Other Traits
Kara to me should be more hot-tempered than her cousin. All the Superfamily members should have a temper in my opinion, I see that as the “Deadly Sin” of Superman and his family. But while Kal is like a simmering pot that will explode if it’s left cooking for too long, Kara is like dynamite. Light her fuse at your own peril because she will go off on you.
I also like the idea of Kara being rash. Kal’s got a maturity that came from over a decade of having to live with Lex Luthor constantly getting away with all his evil schemes. He’s patient because he’s been forced to be. Kara? If you ask for her help she’ll give it, but beware because she doesn’t really care about the long term impacts of her decisions. She’s an invulnerable teenager after all.
Really liked that Venditti Annual where Kara got tutored in history by a reincarnation of Hawkman. Kara having a passion for history is a neat trait, would be nice to see her teach Kal or Jon some Kryptonian lore, or have her lead a Kryptonian holiday celebration for the Superfamily because she’s the only one who remembers how to do it. 
Sexuality wise I know a lot of people ship Kara and Lena on account of the chemistry between the two in the show. I haven’t watched the show myself but I’m fine with making Kara bisexual, the Superfamily could use some LGBT+ rep, and Lena hasn’t done anything of worth as a villain, so undo that and throw the two together. If we’re letting Harley and Ivy get away with murder I think we can let Lena off the hook too, undo the Ultrawoman weirdness and put the two together. Could be fun seeing the two building that moon refuge together.
All in all I think Kara is a great character who is a stronger embodiment of the immigrant experience than even her cousin in some ways. I hope King does a good job with her, she’s treated better than her cousin on the film side, and that overall the 20s are a better decade for Supergirl than the 10s were.
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niksixx · 3 years
Plus One
Welcome to part 5 of Plus One. We are approaching the end of this mini fic, but do not worry my loves. We still have a few parts left. I hope you enjoy part 5, and please remember to leave comments, reblog, and add tags. It motivates me to continue writing for you all. 💜
Note: Just a reminder, though this fic may seem fast, it takes place over the course of a few months!! 
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*Pia’s POV*
Eight bright, colorful beanbags are scattered around the floor in a private room at the back end of the library. It’s quiet, far away from small children who squeal excitedly when they spot their favorite comic book and a good distance away from the college students who gather at the old wooden tables to recite chemistry flashcards in one big study group.
Black coffee and burnt wood is the signature smell of the book club room. Only a few windows are open, allowing just a bit of sunshine and breeze to fill the room. The aura is comforting.
“Okay, everyone,” I say, setting the book in my lap. I believe The Catcher in the Rye is a classic, but various opinions, both positive and negative, have been directed toward the book over the years. Romance is the genre I’ve always been drawn to, fiction or nonfiction, but I can certainly appreciate a coming-of-age novel. “How did we feel about the story?”
Margaret, an elderly woman with curly gray hair and silver glasses, raises her hand timidly. It’s the first time she has volunteered to speak since the start of our club. I give her an encouraging smile, nodding. “I enjoyed it very much, though it was slow at times.”
A small contribution, but a contribution nonetheless. “Thank you Margaret. Would anyone else like to share?”
Shayne, a third-year college student, wiggles his fingers and clears his throat. “I would.” He snaps the book shut with one hand. “The book itself is enjoyable. There’s a lot of important themes that are entwined in the storyline. But Holden, and let me be clear, I feel terrible for saying this about a sixteen-year-old, was insufferable.”
“I thought I was the only one who thought so!” Stacy chirps from her beanbag. The thirty-year old mother of two crosses her ankles, drumming her fingers on the spine of her novel. “I was under the impression that Holden believed he was better than everyone else. His personality alone was enough to make me despise the book and it’s a shame. I wanted to love it.”
“That’s an interesting point, Stacy.” Setting my book on the ground, I adjust my legs deeper into the beanbag while the rest of the book club eagerly sits forward, awaiting my response. “And this is why I love reading so much. Whether the story is true or not, we know Holden Caulfield is not a real person, though there have been assumptions that J.D. Salinger modeled Holden after himself. Stacy, you said that Holden’s personality gave you enough reason to not enjoy the book. We certainly have to appreciate Salinger’s talent as an author. He was able to create a character that made you feel such strong emotions.” The club nods in agreement before I continue. “Now Shayne, you mentioned themes. Explain a bit more for me.”
“Gladly,” he answers eagerly. “Innocence. It’s the main theme. Holden, for lack of a better term, is obsessed with the preservation of childhood innocence. I do think that’s admirable, and while he was intolerable in my opinion, I can understand his desire to conserve one’s purity.”
“I assume there’s going to be a but in your next statement,” Charlie pipes up with a chuckle. The forty-seven year old retired firefighter wears a kind smile on his face.
“But,” Shayne smirks and holds up a finger. “Holden is one big contradiction, and here’s why. We know how much Holden hated the adult world and it’s “phoniness”. It’s the whole reason he wanted to preserve innocence wherever he could. Holden himself was a phony, a fake. He condemns adulthood but is seemingly unaware of his own phoniness. I now hate this word, by the way.”
A collective chuckle sounds in the room. I shake my head but can’t help the growing smile. The book club has been the highlight of my week so far.
“Anyway,” Shayne continues. “He’s deceptive and a compulsive liar. Holden is the epitome of what he hates.”
“That is a fantastic observation, Shayne, and thank you for sharing.” He bows dramatically before slinking back deeper into the beanbag. “Before we conclude our meeting and I introduce our new book, I have a question. Does anyone know why Holden’s name is symbolic to the story?”
I can see the wheels turning in their brains, and for a moment I think I’ve stumped them. Charlie looks like he wants to answer, but nothing comes out of his mouth. I take the chance to speak up. “First, does anyone know what a caul is?”
Stacy’s hand shoots up in the air. “I think I learned about this in one of my birthing classes but forgive me if I’m wrong. But isn’t the caul a part of the amnion that protects an unborn baby? Near the head, right?”
I snap my finger and point to Stacy excitedly. “Yes! And what does the name Holden sound like?”
“Holden...hold...en...hold...hold on?” Charlie asks skeptically.
“Exactly right,” I grin proudly. “Put it all together.”
“Oh my gosh,” Margaret says softly. Everyone turns toward the older woman. “In the book there was mention of Holden imagining children frolicking in a rye field. I just realized it now. He’s the catcher in the rye field, protecting the children. Holden Caulfield. Hold on to childhood innocence.”
I grin wildly, clapping along with the rest of the book club members. “Incredible, Margaret. You’re exactly right.”
“So, what’s our next book?” Shayne asks, hands tapping his thighs. “I’m feeling a mystery book.”
“Or Sci-Fi,” Charlie answers.
“Oooo, Sci-Fi,” Shayne murmurs excitedly.
“Neither,” I say, giggling at their frowns. From my purse, I pull out a purple paperback book and show it to the group. “Historical fiction mixed with romance. Our next book is The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie. I’ve never heard of it, so I’m sure you haven’t either. It’s about the same length as The Catcher in the Rye, maybe only a few pages more. Let’s all try to read the first five chapters and we’ll meet again next week.”
Stacy, Charlie, and Margaret bid farewell. Shayne stays back with me, shooting me a smirk as I gather my belongings. “Another romance novel, huh? Something you’d like to share with the class? Maybe his name?”
A slow smile spreads across my lips. I sling my purse over my shoulder, clamping a hand down on Shayne’s. “He’s a dream, Shayne. I’ve known him forever, but it’s finally official,” Two months ago, I used to cringe on the word official when it wasn’t. It still isn’t, but something between us feels different, feels real. The more I’m with him, the more I don’t want to pretend.
Shayne slings an arm around my shoulder, leading me out of the room. He’s had his fair share of relationship issues as well, but at twenty-one, he’s still young. “I’m glad one of us isn’t having boy trouble. Philip called me the other day, said he wants to get back together.”
“Are you going to?”
Shayne makes a face, opening the front door of the library. He scoots aside, letting me walk first. “Hell no, Sweets. He was a terrible boyfriend,” Shayne considers for a moment. “At least the sex was good. You think he’d settle for friends with benefits?”
I laugh heartily, pushing Shayne’s shoulder. “That’s a recipe for disaster, my friend. You want my advice? Spend some time on yourself. Find out what you really want in life.”
I head off to my car, Shayne walking the opposite way to his. Before I can slide into the seat, Shayne calls out to me. “Is he the one?”
I don’t have to think about it. It comes out naturally. “Without a doubt.”
Janielle has outdone herself, but I never expected anything less. Desserts are on every counter in her kitchen, from cupcakes to brownies and pastries. Outside on the back deck, a long white table is filled from end to end with finger foods and appetizers. With a beer in his hand, Dominic flips burgers expertly at the grill, shooting his wife a goofy grin when she utters a stern ‘be careful’. The rest of the adults gather on the patio, laughing and drinking, while the kids swim excitedly in the pool.
It’s the hottest day in August so far, and I can’t tell if my cheeks are red from the heat or from my constant ogling of Nikki’s shirtless chest. I watch from the deck as Nikki, Vince, and Amanda clink their bottles together and down their drinks. Nikki wins, throwing his hands up in the air dramatically, before turning his head to shoot me a wink. I laugh and shake my head, holding up my glass of wine that is still half full.
“So, you and Sixx,” My laughter is cut off by Dom, whose eyes twinkle with the same amusement present in his voice. “How about that?”
My stomach flips just at the mention of Nikki. “Going on almost four months,” I answer proudly, swirling the wine in my glass. “We’ve got nothing on you and Janielle, though.”
Dom smirks, carefully plating more burgers. I take the plate from him, and he nods in thanks. “Hey, not everyone knows who they’re going to marry at sixteen years old.”
This time, my heart beats faster just at the brief mention of marriage. I try not to let myself think of a long-term commitment with Nikki just yet. To everyone else, we’ve been official for a few months. But to myself and Nikki, we’re just two best friends playing a role.
“It’s too early to talk about marriage just yet,” I reply with a soft grin.
“But it’s a possibility in the future, yes?” Dom asks, stacking the last few burgers on the plate.
All I can answer with is a subtle nod just before I feel an arm snake around my waist. I crane my neck to glance up at Nikki just as his lips press a kiss to my jaw. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Dom’s lazy smile and it puts me at ease knowing that Nikki and I have done our job at convincing everyone that what’s between us is true.
“Hi gorgeous,” Nikki greets breathily. “You doing okay?”
“Never better,” I answer truthfully, leaning back into his chest. I hand off the plate of burgers to Dom before directing my attention back to Nikki. “Are you?”
Nikki nods, arm tightening around my waist. “I’m perfect.” He holds up three empty beer bottles. “Come with me?”
I nod and take his hand, letting him lead me into the kitchen. While Nikki rummages through Janielle’s fridge for more beer, I steal a cannoli from the dessert tray, biting into the sweet cream.
“I’m having so much fun with you,” I blurt out honestly, licking the cream from my lips.
For a brief second, something flashes across Nikki’s face, almost as if my statement mimicked a bitter taste in his mouth. It’s gone just as fast as it came, replaced by an easy smile. “I am too, P.”
I bite my lip as Nikki opens the three bottles, eyes lingering on his tattooed arms. He catches me, smirking. “Pretty girl, you’re not exactly trying to hide it, you know.”
I blush, looking away like I always do when a compliment from Nikki is directed my way. And because I look away, I miss Nikki freeze in alarm, eyes wide, studying me.
When I turn back around, I notice his lips are in a thin line, jaw clenched ever so slightly. “P, I think we need to talk about something.”
His voice is serious, more serious than it’s ever been, and momentarily I fear the worst. Nikki’s fingers fidget nervously, and I can tell whatever is on his mind has been there for quite some time. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, yeah,” It’s not a convincing answer, but I don’t say anything as he continues. “It’s more of a question, actually.” His hands fall at his side as he steps forward, exhaling a strangled breath. “Are we...what we’re doing…” His voice goes low. “We’re still pretending, right?”
There’s a lump forming in my throat, and I try my best to speak around it without giving off the impression that I’m either extremely hopeful he wants to make this real, or going to start crying because he wants to call everything off. “Yeah. Unless…unless you don’t want to pretend--.”
“No, no,” He says all too quickly, hands skimming my arms. “I like pretending. Pretending is good, safe. I just...wanted to make sure we’re still on the same page.” He grabs my hands, pressing a gentle kiss to each, before grabbing the bottles from the counter.
And as he leaves Janielle’s kitchen with a smile, I’m left standing alone and more confused than I’ve ever been.
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jeidafei · 5 years
D.Gray-Man Chapter 234 Translation Notes
I haven’t posted a note for many chapters, but this chapter dropped so many reveal-bombs I just can’t i just can’t aaaaaaaargh gurglegurgle
/regain composure /why am I listening to “Send In The Clowns” on loop while posting this?
Ahem. So, in short, this chapter is super LIT, but also a headache to translate. As with all reveal-heavy chapters, there is no knowing how disastrous the ramifications of one tiny misinterpretation can be on future reveals. Whoops! 
So let’s peruse the story page-by-page, word-by-word, unraveling the story plus a little ramble on the Japanese language. 
Warning: this post is incredibly long
(You can skip to 5 for my wild theory on The Pillar)
1. Gawd, I’ve always hated these opening captions T T
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Because they always give me this feeling of I think I kinda understand what this means but I don’t know how to translate this so it makes sense!  
I think I spent time on this one sentence even more than the rest of the chapter. Despite it being the first thing on the first page, this is honestly the last thing I translated this chapter.
Word-by-word, 紐解かれる (himo-tokareru) is the passive form of the verb 紐解く (himo-toku), which by definition means:
1) Unbinding and opening a new book 2) Unraveling (i.e. memories, history, the truth, etc.) 3) A flower blooming
紐 (himo) and 解く(toku) are also actually two separate words used normally in daily life. The first one means “rope” and the second means “to solve, to untie, to unravel etc.”
So, in essence, this word refers to something hidden, a secret being revealed. No surprises here, since we’re talking about D.Gray-Man. 
かつての (katsute no) means “Once”, “Used to be” whereas 別離 (betsuri) means “parting, separation” but the furigana indicates must be read as わかれ (wakare) for some reason, and means farewell or separation as well. 
I take it that as Mana and Nea were once separated by death, but now Nea has returned to Mana as he vowed to, the “farewell” is no more; it just used to be a farewell.
So now that we have all the pieces...
You saw how it turned out above. To be frank, I’m still not satisfied with it, but as my period cramps are killing me and I’m literally typing this to distract my mind from it because I can’t sleep yet with this pain, and my brain is out of ideas, as always...
I’ll leave it to you guys to interpret freely!
2. Nea’s last words 
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Just when I thought I’d skip that troubling caption and start on the dialogue right away, manga-kun messes with me again! Who was Nea talking to? In the background, Nea is reaching up to Mana while decaying away. However, on the next page, turns out it is Cross recalling those words. 
So I walked over to my bookshelf and picked up DGM volume 17 and 22.
In volume 17, in their last meeting before Cross disappeared, Cross told Allen that Nea promised him that he’d return to Mana if Cross kept watch over Mana. 
In volume 22, however, Road reveals to Allen that “Don’t stop, keep walking.” were Nea’s parting words to Mana.
Um...so...which is it, exactly?
So if context doesn’t help, then should we turn back to the literal word? If it were some other language I might’ve said great idea! But this is Japanese; a douchebag of a language that assumes all parties must be native speakers and privy to the conversation beforehand. And thus omits subject, verbs, and objects whenever it pleases to screw foreign learners and outsiders alike. 
Why, Nea’s sentence has no subject and object!
まってろ。必ずマナの元に行く。「アレン」が目印だ。 それまでは立ち止まるな。 
Literally this says “Keep waiting/Just you wait. (I will) definitely go to where Mana is. ‘Allen’ is the sign. Until then, don’t stand still.” 
While Nea using Mana’s name might imply that Nea’s not talking to Mana, but to someone else, otherwise he would’ve used “you/your”. But in Japanese, usually people will refer to their convo partner by name as well, i.e. Lenalee and Allen refer to everyone by name instead of “you”. This is considered neutral and politer than the textbook pronoun “anata” (which is kinda condescending actually...so why do they still keep it in the textbooks!?). 
In case you’re not that close with the person you’re talking to, and not sure which pronoun you should use, using their name is the safest bet to avoid offending them. (Don’t go calling your client omae, of course lol!)
So, back to Nea, going by this rule, he also could’ve been talking to Mana himself as well. See? Curse you, nihongo!!! 
Anyway, Nea didn’t talk to Mana/Earl that way when they met in recent(?  I dunno, my sense of time is already warped from too many hiatuses and hopeless waiting) chapters; Nea refers to Mana using the pronoun “anta” which is the shorter, more casual form of “anata”. And judging from his overall language, he’s not that polite or soft-spoken either, so the possibility is lower. 
Also it’s kinda weird to tell someone who’s sitting right in front of you that you’ll “go to” where he is.
So, using my spidey sense plus all things considered, I finally concluded that since it’s Cross’ flashback, Nea was talking to Cross this time. 
Looking back on this, I don’t know if I’d be able to translate DGM even with 50% accuracy had I not read the series from the start and have the volumes stacked on a bookshelf nearby just in case. Screw you, NIHONGO!
3. Pierrot, Clown, Auguste, Whiteface, Harlequin; What’s the difference?
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In Lost Fragment of Snow, Mana is described as a Pierrot whereas Cosimo is a Clown. As I’m not well-versed in clown traditions, I did some Googling and Wikipedia, and learned the art is even more interesting and richer than I once thought:
In this informative blog , it’s explained that while in appearance, the Pierrot and the Clown are almost the same, there is one rule that sets them apart: 
The Pierrot has tear marks under his eyes, whereas the Clown does not.
The Pierrot’s tear marks:
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(I just noticed Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker also has tear marks)
The blog is long and detailed and very interesting, but in short, though both the Pierrot and the Clown are supposed to make people laugh by doing foolish things, while the Clown intentionally acts foolish to be laughed at, and can also  joke back at and laugh at the audience as well, the Pierrot will always have to be laughed at and made fun of by the audience. 
Deep down, though the Pierrot is hurt and sad, he must act as if he’s not, to conceal it from the audience. Thus the tear marks indicates a deep, profound sadness.
(*pause to sob for Allen and Joker*)
Back to Mana, we can clearly see he has a tear mark on his right eye. But Cosimo has what looks to be a tear mark and a star under his eyes as well. 
So...aren’t they both Pierrots? Grrrrrrr! DAMMIT HOSHINO!!
Anyways, moving on. I think we remember that back in Allen’s epic showdown with the Earl in Edo, this scene happened:
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The Earl compares Allen to the White Clown/Clown Blanc and himself to Auguste. In classic tradition, Blanc and Auguste are often paired together, and it is said that this originates from the pairing of the Pierrot and Harlequin.
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No no no obviously I’m not talking about this one lol
Ahem, back to serious-ass clown lore: 
Both Blanc & Auguste and Pierrot & Harlequin are similar in that the former (Blanc and Pierrot) is more sophisticated, stern, serious and melancholic, whereas the latter (Auguste and Harlequin) is the happy, clumsy, grotesque, sometimes rude fool that does the former’s bidding, to comical results. 
In Lost Fragment of Snow, Mana is said to always be smiling and extraordinarily kind, and that he is an enchantingly elegant, beautiful clown, but when he smiles, he always looks as if he is actually crying, dying inside. 
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I mean, pretty much everyone has had that moment in their lives, no? 
Okay, back to seriousness, again; Yes, Mana is the ultimate Pierrot, the Whiteface, the Blanc. The sad fool who must always be laughed at by the world. 
And now Allen, who has taken on Mana’s personality, became the melancholic laughingstock of the world himself, constantly being pushed down and trodden on and used, but having no choice but to push on with a smile, hiding his pain deep underneath the white greasepaint.
Cue the music!
I started a joke, which started the whole world crying But I didn't see that the joke was on me. I started to cry, which started the whole world laughing Oh, if I'd only seen that the joke was on me.
(Bee Gees - I Started A Joke)
4. Great, Cosimo had a hard life too. One more confirmed-dead character I have to cry for!
I hated Cosimo. Still do. Heck, EVERYONE HATES COSIMO. I mean, until now, the guy totally has no redeeming qualities and no justifying reason behind his relentless cruelty.
But in the recent chapters, there are reveals not mentioned in LFS: 
Cosimo was bought and forced to work as an errand boy, like Red, before he somehow crawled his way out and became the circus’s top performer. While drunk, Cosimo would also complain about how he was actually born a noble (this last one is also mentioned in LFS).
Imagine that. Your parents abandoned you for whatever reason (maybe he’s a bastard child?) and you ended up sold to slavery in a circus. After years of being worked to the bone and abused, you struck it big and thought you had it all, then new guy waltzes in with his stupid dog and takes your spotlight. 
Heck, you don’t even have to live such a rotten life to feel bitter. In Toy Story, even brave and fair Sheriff Woody was reduced to a jealous wreck in the face of Buzz Lightyear stealing Andy’s attention from him, wasn’t he? And I think we can all relate to that. Most of us have been jealous of someone before.
Cosimo’s unforgivable actions towards Mana and Allen the Dog may have been fueled by insecurity, trauma and fear as much as jealousy. His abuse towards Red is a result of long years of being abused himself; his own way to cope. 
While Red/Allen blames himself for his pain and not inflict it back upon others, Cosimo did the opposite, because everyone reacts and adapts differently. However, to be clear, both of these traits are not healthy. 
There’s also the fact that Red was saved by the kindness of Allen the Dog and Mana while he is fortunately still young enough to regain faith; whereas Cosimo suffered alone all through his life, surrounded by selfish, two-faced scumbags like that guy handing out leaflets. Had things been different, who’s to say Red might not turn out the same as Cosimo?
In a nutshell, Cosimo is simply a product of his harsh environment. While I still despise him, I can’t help feeling some pity for him and understanding where all that evil had come from. I don’t believe he is inherently bad. Nobody is. Had he been raised with love, I’m sure he would have been a very different person.
5. The Pillar
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I know, this is what y’all are actually here for. I mean who cares about Cosimo’s tragic life or the difference between a Pierrot and a Clown when there’s an honest-to-gods HOLY LIGHT SPLITTING THE SKY APART AND OBLITERATING THIS WHOLE WORLD FULL OF SINNERS!? And it’s even teased, like, waaaaay back in Timothy’s Arc (gawd how old was I back then?) !!
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First, a recap of this chapter: 
7,000 years ago, The Pillar destroyed the world (which seems pretty modern). The Noah survived and held a grudge against The Pillar for forever destroying their world, leaving them with nowhere to return to. Once they found the reborn Millennium Earl, they pretended to be his family, but instead are using him to exact revenge on The Pillar, because it is predicted the Earl will one day become The Pillar and destroy the world again. Cross however took pity on the Earl and chided Road for believing in that prophecy and causing the Earl so much misery.
Some IRL tidbits: 
Hoshino-sensei revealed she traveled to Ground Zero of WTC for inspiration, now we finally get to know which scene that inspiration is for. And IMO, the instant obliteration coming out of nowhere on one fine day, the Pillar etching a line from sky to ground amidst the pile of rubble, reminds me of the A-bomb’s mushroom cloud over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And we all know which country Hoshino-sensei comes from, right? Could there be a link? 
Now, my personal analysis (or rather, pointless rant with no answers coming out whatsoever): 
This chapter both confirms, clarifies and also debunks important things we have believed from our time with the Order, listening to the Order’s side of the story. 
1) In the very beginning, Komui tells Allen about the previous end of the world 7,000 years ago. The Bible calls it “The Great Flood”. The Cube calls it “The Three Days of Darkness.” However, we now learn it is neither rainy nor dark. Nope, one day all of a sudden, a blindingly bright shaft of light struck down from the sky, and The Capitol suddenly became The Scorch. How did it achieve that? No clue! 
2) Komui tells Allen that the end of the world was caused by a war between the wielders of Innocence and the Earl + the Noah Family, and the ensuing flood that destroyed the world scattered the Innocence around the world. 
However, in this chapter, we learned there was no war. There was no flood. Just the Pillar that appeared suddenly one day. And surprise, the Noah Family hated The Pillar for destroying their beloved world, their only home (wait, aren’t they supposed to hate the Innocence?). 
Yet now the Noah are working with the Earl, who wants to destroy the new world and would someday become the Pillar and destroy the new world too? Yet Cross says they’re just using him for all this time? 
My super duper wild theory is that since 1) The Earl is the Pillar-in-Making,  2) The Noah show hatred for The Pillar as much as they do for the Innocence, 3) The Pillar, like Innocence, could trigger their Noah Memory to threaten to swallow them, then it’s kinda implied that;
Mana = The Millennium Earl = The Pillar = The Heart of Innocence
And the Noah, knowing this all along and wanting to prevent the end of the world from happening again, tricked the Millennium Earl into thinking they’re helping him fulfill his raison d'être of Harbinger of the End of The F***ing World (sorry, another reference, heh), not telling him that he’s actually the Heart of Innocence itself, watch him go after Exorcists he suspects are the Heart, and gleefully accept his orders to kill those Exorcists looking for the Heart, in order to prevent the Black Order from ever getting the Earl aka the Heart on their side. 
They also let the Earl create legions of Akuma to fight the Exorcists and destroy all the Innocence shards, literally using the Earl to destroy himself, keeping him away from his true allies, chipping away at his lifeline one shard at a time, like Harry crushing Voldemort’s horcruxes one by one, not knowing he’s a Horcrux himself. Until finally, when there is nothing left but the greatly weakened Heart with no army to protect it, then will the Noah have the chance to defeat it once and for all. 
And of course while they keep the Earl busy searching for the Heart, old man will never pause and think hmmm, maybe I am the Heart? 
Perhaps this is why Wisely said that all humans who have awoken into Noah will accept their duty once they learned of Noah’s mission. Since Noah’s mission now seems to be preventing the end of the world at the hands of Innocence, which I take as God’s power, and God’s weapon for “cleansing” the world whenever he deems it too sinful. 
After all, we have seen the horrors Innocence can do, the lengths Innocence will go to punish people it judged to have sinned. Innocence is said to be a crystallization of God, and like God, it has been foreshadowed numerous times to have that ruthless, merciless, unforgiving streak within it that could alienate even Allen himself.
Anyway, I typed this one without checking the earlier volumes that much. I expect there will be several loopholes, so be sure to point out any inaccuracies and also please, please do let me know what you guys think of these reveals as well! I’d love to hear differing theories!
Other tidbits
The Garvey Troupe, not Garbeigh. Sorry, everyone. Phonetically, Japanese does not have the “v” sound. Nowadays, you can write it out by adding the mark on the ウ (u) letter like this: ヴ, but most words would still transliterate it to the “b” sound, and most Japanese people will still have trouble pronouncing the “v” sound properly anyway. For example, “Violin” could be written both as (v)ヴァイオリン or (b)バイオリン, and most people would pronounce it like the latter.
Do you think Road’s memories of the End of the World has anything to do with Lenalee and Allen’s shared dream of the End of the World as well? Though Lenalee’s nightmare features the Black Order in ruins and not the modern skyscrapers of Road’s. 
So Cross knew Nea and Mana from childhood!? I’ve always thought he met Nea by chance when they are grownups and he was forced to do Nea’s bidding. Interesting!! 
So, that’s it for this chapter! Phew! That was uber long. Thank you so much for bearing with me this far. Hit me up in comments!
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meimi-haneoka · 5 years
Thoughts on Chapter 32 of Clear Card
Mwahaahah everyone, welcome to the review of this Cardcaptor Sakura doujinshi Clear Card chapter, we’ve reached number 32! 
Yessir you heard me, the manga that was supposed to be a one shot has actually come this far, and CLAMP have waited all this time to turn Clear Card into the dream of many fans, a doujinshi!! XD Why am I saying this?
Well, since these ramblings have really no sense nor order to respect, let’s start from the bottom (after the cut, cause I don’t want any of you on my coscience for dying of cuteness, eh)!
Honey, I shrunk the kids
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Istg I can’t calm down whenever I look back to this page XD I mean, I don’t know about you but in all these years I’ve seen TONS of doujinshi and fanarts imagining how Sakura would deal with a younger Syaoran and vice versa... I’m pretty sure CLAMP must have seen them, I mean, come on. And now they delivered, they really did turn Syaoran into a little kid, through Sakura’s strong and uncontrolled magic. He’s really the cutest thing and I want to hug him so badly! <3 I found so sweet that Sakura thought about how it would’ve been if they met earlier than they did. I mean, I think that’s a pretty common thought in couples in love. ”I wish I would’ve met you sooner”. Especially as a result of making up after a rough period. You feel so full of love that you would want to catch up even for the time you couldn’t spend with your loved one, because you didn’t met them yet. And I also want to say THANK YOU to CLAMP for making Sakura express the doubt that Syaoran only came back for a “duty” (which was still in her interest, but maybe it would’ve pushed aside the romantic factor).  Syaoran replies with a very firm and even slightly upset expression, like “hey love, are you really doubting my feelings?”, but his “I wanted to see you as soon as possible” is really a breath of fresh air, it eases even more the tension (especially in the fandom, for all of those doubting Syaoran’s feelings). I’d dare say CLAMP did it to let rest once and for all the question “are Syaoran’s feelings sincere?”. That little blush on his cheek was absolutely adorable too!! But after the due squealing, we better analyze the situation. Yes, Syaoran is very cute and I’m pretty sure Sakura will notice that. But after the initial surprise and feeling of tenderness will wear off, I expect Sakura to panic. Because Syaoran can’t obviously stay like that, and now she knows she’s the one causing this, and this will make her even more nervous to find a solution. When one is panicking it gets harder to think and find solutions. Syaoran didn’t want her to know as long as possible for a precise reason, it’s because her being conscious of it will make it even worse. We’ll see how CLAMP will deal with that. At the end of the chapter there’s this text put by the editorial department, talking about a “new development you can’t tear your eyes off” which makes us believe this will probably not be a thing of a page or two! Furthermore, story-wise it’s already evening, almost dinner time, and you can’t leave a child this small to live on his own. Hell, he looks like 4/5 years old at best. We’ll see if CLAMP will choose the comical way or the serious one!
Nakuru and Suppi are back!
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Complete with a suitcase and a fancy dress, Nakuru became the embodiment of a meme we, the fandom, have often associated with her. XD CLAMP never cease to amaze me for how they’re tuning in with the fandom! XD But her (and Suppi’s) task this time is far more important: they’re here for an info dump and to be Yue and Kero-chan’s “batteries”, to keep them awake, especially in crucial times. It’s basically starting a new cohabitation that I’m sure will spark many funny moments. No matter what Touya might have to say about it XD The info dump turned into another fandom-oriented moment: during the more than 2 years period I’ve been chatting on the CCS discord server, I’ve often seen fans theorizing “Eriol is probably not coming to Tomoeda yet cause otherwise who knows what Kaito could do to the airplane bearing him”. Turns out, our fears were featured in this chapter! XD Kaito’s morality is still pretty unclear by Eriol’s words, but one thing is sure: Kaito’s got the degree of power needed to drop the airplane bearing Eriol, but he wouldn’t go that far since it would mean involving too many people and getting hassled by investigations...So yeah, he probably wouldn’t do it, but between the lines Eriol (and so, CLAMP) is telling us that it’s not because he wouldn’t want to kill Eriol. Or at least, this is what CLAMP want us to believe at this stage of the story (remember, it’s still all Eriol’s reasoning). To be honest, I’m still shocked that CLAMP would introduce this concept, this idea at all in a manga like CCS. It’s creepy and thrilling at the same time. I’ve been saying forever that they’re raising the bar in Clear Card, and they really are.
Kaito’s turmoil
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I don’t really know how to interpret this, but this is the second time Kaito makes weird and sad faces while talking about how Sakura is loved by people and how she’s got great memories because of them. Is he relating this to Akiho’s experience? Is he relating this to his own experience? Is he feeling a bit envious there? Momo’s following statement “Akiho loves that girl a lot too” and his wordless reply only adds to the concerning moment. HOW should we interpret that? Does his plan include to hurt ot treat Sakura in an unfair way? So maybe he was silent because he was guiltily aknowledging the possible consequences of his actions on Akiho? Or maybe something else, like he was thinking of how the bond between the 2 girls will be crucial to the success of his plan? While brain storming, I had a lot of thoughts about this scene. It’s unsettling, but it’s interesting precisely because of that. And then, how can we not mention the cute scene where Akiho blushed? XD I’m pretty sure Kaito said that without implying anything, he didn’t even realize how what he said could be interpreted...for him it’s just (a part of) the truth! But Akiho’s loving heart of course couldn’t help but beating a little faster! (a little??) Let me tell you that Momo was GREAT when she said she would kick him once she went back to her true form!!! XD  It must have been because how cheesy he sounded, and yet he’s not realizing anything!! 
So that’s it for chapter 32, this chapter was great but I’m pretty sure next chapter will be EVEN MORE great, with the baby Syao madness!! Will our heroine find a way to fix this mess??
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ff6webcomic · 5 years
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[Final Fantasy VI Webcomic UPDATE]
Hello everyone, how have you all been? ^_^ After all those Christmas and new year's holidays I'm finally back to give an update about the comic! I'd like to let you all know way before but I wasn't even been able to access social medias T_T I think my brain just said "NO" to everything and that was it. I don't know how it works but I already stopped asking that to myself and just accept that my brain is tired xD
Anyway, we haven't seen a comic update in a while, the latest page came out in october and at that time I was sure that I could continue the comic normally again (1~2 pages per month)! But things didn't went as expected ... I was struggling with the scenery on page 139, I was working for weeks on the same page over and over. I was getting frustrated and wondering how I could create pages in a faster pace. I thought about making black and white pages, even though I wasn't too fond of the idea (I like the comic in colors, so I started to color everything from chapter 2 onwards), I even made a poll on DeviantArt asking if people preferred it on that style. But that was not the solution, a few days later I realized what's the point of making pages faster and not being satisfied with your own work? so I decided to discard that idea! 
So after a while, taking a break from commissions, trying different things like livestreams and not touching on social medias, the scenery from page 139 came out smoothly as it always did! So I believe that no matter the time between one page and another, the comic will not cease until it reaches its end. The pages don't have to be black and white to be made faster, if you're doing everything with passion and you feel that sensation of a job well done, everything is in perfect harmony :)
Therefore, I'm pumped to work on the comic like never before! It's amazing how a simple break from everything brings your strenght back to do the things that you usually do, I feel that my creative juices for comics are finally coming back. :D I really wanna thank you all for you continuing believing in my work, it means the whole world to me, really! So I'm sorry if I can't keep you updated constantly as I want to, even writing a text like this requires a good amount of energy (depression and anxiety sucks but I know I'm stronger than them). One thing you can rest assured, FF6 comic is in my head all the time and I'm always thinking of new ways to bring more content to you! ^_^
And finally about the attached picture, these are some sketches I was doing while watching a playthrough of the game on YouTube, I like to imagine how I would do some future scenes! The doodles on the top-left are sketches that will show up on the following pages, I've been working on the final pages storyboard from chapter 5 and I'll post them still in this week on Patreon! ^^ Speaking of Patreon, I always share these kind of sketches and storyboards on my Patreon, so if you'd like to see more of these and still support the comic at the same time, consider being a patron! Any help is more than appreciated, any amount like $1 will help the comic IMMENSELY and I'll be able to dedicate more time to the comic!
www.patreon.com/clarakerber (link to Patreon here!) 
Sorry for the giganormous text, thank you everyone for your understanding! Page 139 will come out this week so look forward to it! stay safe o/
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maiji · 6 years
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Process and wip images for A House That Holds Long Limbs (Part 4)
Previous process and wip documentation: Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Read the pages for part 4 here (full complete version will be linked from YYH North Bound master post)
This is a rare glimpse into how I tackle action scenes!! It’s rare because I rarely do it. Action is honestly one of the hardest things for me to draw, and as I’m sure I’ve said here many times before, I have the utmost respect for shounen manga artists whose works are steeped in them. It’s a really impressive skill to be able to do it well - to create a cinematic, dynamic sense of motion that doesn’t dissolve into visual confusion and incomprehensibleness.
This was as interesting for me to document my thought process as it hopefully is for you to read and discover what the heck was going on in my head (a big honking mess, that’s what). There was much screaming and crying while working on this hahaha.
Aside from Hokushin’s beautiful face (lmao), Part 4 is packed with things I don’t usually draw. Specifically: action, things taking place in the dark, and corpses. For things taking place in the dark, I heavily referenced the dark room rounds from the tournament for Genkai’s successor in volume 4, because it involves action and Togashi used practically zero screentones in it and I didn’t want to either. For the dead rokurokubi, I looked up photos of skulls and drew on my memory of various horror comics I’ve read, like Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service. (At one point I also googled photos of rotting skulls, but TBH I didn’t really want to spend a lot of time looking at detailed photographic references of corpse and decomposing bodies for obvious reasons, especially as I usually work on these comics late at night before I go to bed. The last thing I need is for images to get stuck in my brain when I’m sleeping.)
The rest of this post focuses mainly on action and redrawing things.
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The original script for this section actually ran a little further in the story than what’s shown here, but in order to convey the sequence effectively, I ended up stretching a number of key moments out and have booted the later ones to be completed for Part 5.
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In the thumbnails above, you’ll notice quite a few are redraws of the same page as I struggle - pages 31-33 repeat immediately in the rows after, page 37 was attempted three times, etc.
Page count growth
A script of 8 pages turned into 10 pages at the thumbnail stage, and then ultimately netted out at 12 pages in the final version that was posted. As you can see, effective action sequences generally take me more pages than I think they will. With an exception (documented below).
Thumbnailing/storyboarding things out should theoretically minimize the page count creep! But because I tend to treat my thumbnails as such a loose stage (to avoid later disappointment when I can’t recreate it as nicely in the final page), I rush through them. Unfortunately, action sequences require me to think a lot more carefully through the scene as a director - staging the shot and the experience of the motion and coordinating people’s limbs and all the items in the scene more carefully and whatnot than, say, just a couple of heads talking. So inevitably, when I rush to get ahead to the finished pages, that’s when I realize it doesn’t flow as well as I was imagining (or not really imagining it).
As a result, the actual “live” pages turn into constant mental checks and runthroughs of the panels, realizing it’s not flowing as well as I’d like, and restarting. By restarting I mean mentally reenvisioning the sequence, sometimes quickly doodling alternate thumbnails (I didn’t bother in this case, so I have no alternate examples from after I started redrawing), and erasing and redrawing and adding pages. I guess I could probably avoid this if I just stop and put more time into thinking through the thumbnails… but it seems like I end up revising no matter what. So, constant juggling forever.
The evolution of the key action sequence
In my head, the main sequence was:
Hokushin lands.
He gets up and feels something in the dark.
He discovers the rokurokubi corpse.
He turns around to discover a swarm of hands in the dark!
Ahhh hands!! Ahhhh!!
Then he gets sealed and stringed up. End action sequence, back to people standing - or hanging out, I guess - and talking.
I roughed out my panels and pencils for all the pages following my thumbnails instead of doing one page at a time, because I’m impatient and also tend to think of all the pages as a wholistic narrative and then drilling down to the details on each page (big to small perspective).
As I went back over each page and detailing the base pencil art more, I began noticing more issues with the flow of the action and the pagination. Things started really shifting and changing at point 4. Here’s essentially how my thinking played out as I drew:
He turns around to discover a swarm of hands in the dark! - WAIT he just sees the corpse and then turns around? I should have him sense something is behind him first to get you more into his head and experience. OK, insert another panel of him sensing and whatever. THEN he can turn around. This is also good because I can erase the panel where he’s turning around and give the first panel a bit more room so I can draw more of his body in the first one and make his startled falling back motion a bit clearer.
HANDS!! AHHH HANDS!! - Wait, I have hands coming from BEHIND him and don’t effectively show that before they just appear to grab his hair. Which I suppose they do, but when I review panel flow it seems jarring, like a poorly directed cut and something was missing. Let’s try adding some hands behind him in the panel where he looks shocked. Never mind, this looks dumb and he looks dumb and basically seems even more like an afterthought. Ooh, better idea: let’s have him dodge the first wave of hands. That’ll be kinda cool and more interesting. And then he can land and be like OH SHIT MORE HANDS FROM EVERY DIRECTION
Ahhh hands!! Ahhhh!! - Hmm, maybe I should add a page here to better capture his dodge sequence. So the panels will be hands, dodge, and then the next page is he lands, then he realizes there are more hands behind him. How crouched down should he be? I guess in the later pages I basically drew him in a practically fully upright position… eh.. Working this out...
*starts drawing extra page* … Mmm, thinking about this again, no. It stretches things out too much. Now it feels like he lands, the new page adds an extra pause that could be interpreted unconsciously as he thinks he’s ok, then he gets attacked by hands from behind. But that’s ridiculous because he’s a rokurokubi, he KNOWS the hands can come back around or whatever, and he’s a good and cautious fighter, the extra pause doesn’t seem to fit. Thinking this through, basically I need it to feel faster - he lands (typed “he hands” there first time around haha), and he doesn’t have a chance to react again before it turns out hands are coming from all directions. So, I’ll keep it to the one original page and draw the reaction to the sound of the hands coming from everywhere. Done. (one of the few instances where I reduce page count in an action sequence)
Oh yeah, I forgot about his arms and legs getting sealed. Er, add another page. OK done.
For comparison, below are photos of the pencils for pages 35 and 36 before the above process:
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... and after:
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I generally try to avoid redrawing an entire image/page from scratch if I don’t have to.  Even if I don’t like the overall drawing, I’m still terrified of effing up the parts that turned out OK the first time around. However, sometimes you gotta know when to cut your losses and start anew and save yourself time and grief (I’m definitely still learning how to know lol). I do have a few strategies to ease my mind - I often take photos of something before I proceed to the next step or change direction (which is where many of these wip photos come from). This helps calm me down because at least now I have a reference for what it was before I took the leap of faith to move forward. Another option is to just leave it and draw on a completely new blank page.
Page 37, where Hokushin is getting his head pulled back by the hands, was an incredibly rare instance of the pencils for a page turning out almost exactly how I wanted on the first try, so I was loathe to redraw or adjust it. This means I basically forced myself to shuffle things before and after to accommodate not having to change it.
On the flipside, page 40, where the shot backs away so you can see Hokushin tied up with the hands, is one I full-on redrew from scratch. I was having a hard time with his pose and how all the hands were wrapped around him and how everything was actually working. I wasn’t happy with the drawing the first time around, but inked it anyways to see if I would like it better the next morning (sometimes this works, to wait and look at it with a distanced frame of mind). Spoiler, I didn’t lol. However, the process of inking the entire thing helped me better hone in on what parts I liked and didn’t like, so when I sketched it out again I was better able to adjust.
This photo shows the original (with the words REDRAW :/ at the bottom), a sketch I did trying to figure out his posture and where all the hands were/how the wrapping actually worked, and then the pencils of the redraw.
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Final miscellaneous things
The end page of Part 4 is once again a last minute addition that resulted because I was facing a blank page (again!) after adding the page where Hokushin gets his arms and legs sealed. I changed the spoken line multiple times. First it was a line that’s been pushed to the upcoming part 5, then it was the “You certainly found my “treasure room” quickly” (that’s on the previous page). In the end, I just wrote a completely new line for it. It seemed to work better with the panel and closing off this part at a good point.
Last but not least, I somehow broke my pen inking this part lmao. Fortunately it’s a Muji pen so I only broke the tip off the cartridge somehow, probably in my intense scribbling/shading at some point. It’s not super clear in the photo but if you look closely at the point you’ll see this thin line coming out of the tip of the pen - it was this metal filament that basically scratched the paper without any ink coming out. I had to make an emergency run to two Mujis, neither of which had the black refills, so I ended up just buying two pens with similar thicknesses. Worst case scenario, I would have just inked with my blue cartridge, since the scanning would turn everything black and white anyways... the original pages would have just looked weird.
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Phew! Hopefully it worked out and isn’t a totally incoherent mess!
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kierongillen · 7 years
Writer Notes: The Wicked + the Divine 30
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Spoilers, obv.
And another quieter issue, where we primarily delineate the other other half of the issues of 28's reveals, while putting those final few dominoes in position. It's also, art wise, a relatively undemanding one.  The rest of this arc is brutally hard, so an issue where the team could take a breath is also worthwhile. A comic series like WicDiv is a marathon made of marathons. You make it all uphill at your own peril.
It's also one of the more classically structured issues for a while. The issue's effective lead is Dio, and his 3-encounters-in-the-underworld structure the backbone which everything else is built around.
I suspect notes on this one will be short, by the way, but whenever I say that, I'm always wrong.
Jamie/Matt's cover:
That this isn't the best cover in the arc only speaks to exactly how great issue 32 is. Some startling design elements here.
Meredith's Cover:
She's always been great, but seeing her cover for East Of West was the thing which prompted us to go and try and talk her into one. It was a pleasure to work with her – all her design ideas were smart and interesting. We ended up here, because frankly, who can resist hot pink? Not us.
Jonathan Hickman's Cover
Talking about East of West. I've always been envious of Jonathan's designer string to his creative bow, so when we were asked if we wanted to be part of the month of his variants, we jumped at it, if only to see how he'd reinterpret our mythology. This is very much the cult-sci-fi novel alt dimension take on WicDiv.
Page 1-3
I'm always interested in the history of the second page reveal. Old school comic writer guides normally suggest opening with the big image, to throw people in the world. That – and, I feel, especially in the 00s – got changed into the delayed reveal. Enter the world in a quieter way, and then do the big reveal. That means you can create some context quickly, and use that big impact for something a little more complicated.
(It also means if you go to a 2-3 page splash, you can make the image bigger. If I remember correctly, almost all the New 52 books hand that rhythm, which I have to presume was an editorial guideline. I may be misremembering though.)
It's worth noting I say “a little more complicated.” I don't say “sophisticated” or even talk about effectiveness – complicated says nothing about a piece of work's quality. I just mean there's more moving parts involved before the reveal. Look at someone like BKV and his love of the opening splash to see how effective the HELLO, HERE I AM, LOOK AT THIS THING! Can be.
In our case, we have this little conversation between Woden and Cass, and then show what we've done to Valhalla. We've been talking about the plans for this gig for a long time, so we really needed to show what that means. Clearly, the gig is going to be key to the back half of Imperial Phase II, so we really let people have a good stare.
The best thing Jamie did here was make sure there's a stage built into Valhalla, as he correctly guessed they'd be one required for next issue. SMART MAN, THAT MCKELVIE.
This is the sort of page which is primarily expositionary, but by having the characters get together and basically scheme it out hopefully carries it. As you can imagine, there's going to be a statement of exact goals next issue in a similar mode.
(Why not say them here? Efficiency. Don't need to know it yet, and we'd have to repeat it next issue anyway. Why burn the page count twice?)
Cass speaks my own frustration at how people use facebook, I suspect.
The idealist/realist exchange on the first page is a good example of what happens when you have the broad strokes of what's going on, and then let the characters respond to each other. Woden has the Valkyries back? How does he act now? How does Cass respond? Where does that take us?
Page 4
I wrote this  with no interstitials, and decided to add them later, when we saw how the issue was working. I looked at the page turns, and decided pushing everything forward one page would be most effective. Plus that the black of the interstitials does lead us into the underworld.
Page 5-6
And we show Dio where we left him last time. There was even the option to use the same panel if Jamie wanted to cut a corner. He didn't.
The page sets up the rhythm that runs through the issue, which happens three times. This is pure fairy-tale, folklore myth structure. It's also joke structure, in the rule of three way. First statement shows a situation. Second statement shows it is a pattern. Third statement subverts the pattern. It's just a very efficient way of doing basically everything... and that natural rhythm being used everywhere means that it always feels part of some longer, primordial sort of storytelling. I think the six panel is leaning into that – I only want five beats. Establish/show Dio's current state/arrival of Morrigan/Dio's response to Morrigan/Morrigan's final statement. Throw away everything which isn't needed for the folk tale.
(The final “Yeah, you won't” leans into the folklore. Dio signals that this is not just stubbornness, but a plan.)
Have I mentioned the Underworld being the inverse of Young Avenger's mother dimension? I probably have. It serves a similar purpose in terms of a direct thing which allows us to strong arm an atmosphere while also being relatively “cheap” to do in terms of Matt and Jamie's resources. I've done 32 of these. I'm sure I'm repeating myself all over the place. These really off the cuff.
Despite knowing everything I knew about the Morrigan at the start, I found it hard to articulate the key difference between her and Dio succinctly. Eventually, it hit me. Dio wants what's best for people. Morrigan thinks she knows what's best for people. Morrigan will sacrifice a lot, as long as they obey her entirely. When I had that in my head, Morrigan became easier. Easier, anyway. She's never easy.
Another two page scene – the issue very much runs off those short scenes. The hard cut rhythm is a key part of Imperial Phase II, I think.
I wrote the bottom of Page 7 with three panels, in a “Write minimum numbers of panel.” Jamie adds one to really sell it. He actually does a similar thing next issue as well, which proves he must like eight panel grids more than he claims.
The trick of this scene is signalling to the reader that Woden has done fuck all to any of the equipment. A reader would remember that Woden has a camera on Amaterasu from way back in issue 14, but this confirms it's more general than that.
(There's clues elsewhere – his timing when he turned up in issue 12 was more than a little suspicious, right?)
Of course, lying and sarcasm is one of the hardest things to pull off in comics. Comics, for some reason, lends into credulity in the reader. I'm not sure why, though have my theories. In which case, we really push it – look at all the “Er” and the bolded ADDED in the first panel of page 7.
Oh god. Page 8 had me really fuck up in lettering. I originally wrote Cass being snarky here, and glaring at Beth... having failed to remember Cass wasn't in this scene. Beth basically just teleports Cass to where she is. My brain, it no good.
Page 9-10
I basically said everything in the first iteration, right
Hmm. Badb is oddly unsweary here.
Jamie's working the shadows fascinatingly here – the last panel of Dio is also one of the best.
Page 11-12
This is the one sacrifice to the earlier interstitial – that the instagram pages don't appear on a spread. The loss is solely a visual effect.
These are the “two pages I comic but half a page of work for Jamie”. Clearly, Persephone is absent this issue, and we needed to keep her absence a presence, if you see what I mean. Plus the instagram is a way to do the montage-of-time and events. Its placement here is a lot to do with selling how long that Dio has been down this hole.
I actually wrote considerably more comments for each instagram, but there wasn't room to include them in the framing. It's okay. Don't read the comments.
When wrote Amaterasu's Instagram text and then put my fist in my own mouth out of embarrassment. My next career move may be bullshit internet motivational sentences.
Page 13-14
Third iteration.
As I've said, WicDiv is that conflict between this over-planned structural thing and also the discovery you undergo as a writer when exploring these people. Throughout, I couldn't quite work out why I never had a place for Gentle Annie in the story. I actually like writing her – it has the added bonus of her voice really annoying Chrissy, and I'm very pro annoying my editor. But no – Annie's just not around much.
Clearly, thinking about that leads to this scene, where it's the part of Marian that isn't really getting much play any more. It's probably my favourite Annie scene, which is lucky, I guess, considering where the issue goes. The mixture of twee and utterly scary motherfucker was always the line I wanted to walk with her.
Page 15-16
As much as this scene flirts with total disaster, in this ominous fucker of an issue, it's a relative moment of light. Also a chance for Matt to really push the palette. I will never get bored of his Baal lightning.
The Sakhmet cosplay is delightful.
The reds of Amaterasu's lightbeam form, and the blue of Minerva's chair is another great choice.
There was an editorial discussion over whether Amaterasu appearing in the final panel was too much or exactly the amount of too much. We clearly went that way. This is a playful scene.
Page 17-19
Yeah, this isn't. I'm kind of amazed this is only 3 pages. This issue is tightly wound – there's no scene longer than 3 pages, and the majority is 2 pages – but this feels especially so. It's telling that it's here we move to the eight-panel, that most Phonogram of structures.
(A modified eight panel)
I originally had a different idea for the flashback, bringing Leila back to essentially insert scenes into issue 16, but the space wasn't really there, and felt like formalism would be distracting around here. This is complicated stuff, so let's keep it clean. Notice how Jamie changes the panel shapes to separate the sub-narrative from the main narrative – obviously the blue-greys of Matt do most of the work, but it can't be underestimated.
Let's call out some panels – Baph in the seventh panel of 17, hiding behind the shades and the wise-crack. The fifth panel of 18, which in its blissed certainty, the possible single scariest panel of Morrigan in WicDiv. Oh – and Dio's heartbreaking on the third panel of page 19.
Anyway – boys, sitting in the dark, and trying to talk.
Page 20-23
The second interstitial I added, and a little annoying. I thought I had to add 2 to maintain the final page, and in fact I only needed to add one. As in, my first draft didn't end on a left, and I needed to correct that. I suspect I'll drop this interstitial for the trade, and regain the page turn.
In the end, the reveal that Sakhmet is waiting for a chance to strike at Morrigan isn't a huge reveal – it's a telling one, but not one which breaks the scene in a huge way. And of course, people on digital have all movement between pages be page turns.
I didn't actually have any dialogue in the second panel on 21 at script, which is very much me in a “I have no idea why I would do that – that panel clearly needs a sign that Persephone is rushing to the door or something similar.”
“Beware the Honest – they will hurt you just to feel clean” is one of those lines that has been lying around in my notebook since the start of WicDiv waiting for their scene.
The warm browns of the room and Morrigan's cold blues seem really interesting to me here. Strong choices, Matt.
The final page was also an awkward one – I knew the images, but the actual exact nature of the dialogue refused to be wrestled down precisely until the last lettering pass, where it coalesced.
We do kissing, and it's depressing kissing. WicDiv takes the fun out of everything.
Anyway – next issue is at the printers now and will be with you soon.
Thanks for reading.
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tribeworldarchive · 5 years
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Interview with the Script Consultant on The Tribe - Harry Duffin
In this interview, we are pleased to put forward questions to Harry Duffin, the script consultant on The Tribe. You can find another interview with Harry Duffin in his role as the co-devisor of The Tribe by clicking here. We would like to thank Harry Duffin for his time in answering these questions. THE INTERVIEW 1. What is your name? Harry `Running Wolf` Duffin. (Not really, but I was brought up on Cowboy and Indian films, and when I visited Monument valley recently, I felt like I had found my spiritual home.) 2. What do you do (in one sentence)? I supervise the writing of all the scripts for the series. 3. How do you do this? What are the processes involved from start to finish typically? Every month the writing team (currently eight writers) meet for a day and thrash out the stories for the next eight scripts. We all throw ideas in, And it`s up to me to decide which way we are going to take the stories. (There are many different routes to go each time, but someone has to make a decision, right or wrong, or we`d be there all week). For the first series I then went away with the bare outlines, fleshed them Out in more detail and then commissioned individual writers to write one script each. On series two I have two other writers who help me develop the storylines from the meeting, as it was getting impossible to do justice to all the stories and characters on my own. (As the series develops, so does the back story, and it takes more than one brain to keep all the plates spinning). When the writers are commissioned they all send me a scene by scene breakdown based on the outline I have sent them. This is the structure of the episode. A famous writer once said, screenplays are structure, and that`s true. This is the chance for the writer to use their craft in teasing out a story in the most gripping way possible. You know how some people are just natural storytellers? Whether in the playground or the pub, they know how to weave the story to hold our attention. That`s what the writer does with the structure. They can`t change what in the episode, but they can choose how they tell it. After I`ve seen the structure, the writer has about ten days to write a first draft script (about fifty pages in TV script form). I then read that, make notes on continuity, character and the dramatic quality, and try to make helpful suggestions, (if needed). The writer then incorporates those notes in a second draft. Most writers need a second draft `cos none of us are perfect. If the second draft needs a little `tweak` here and there, that`s my job. No script leaves my pc for New Zealand until I`ve approved it. 4. Which other departments do you work with in the process and in what way? Naturally, Ray Thompson, the executive producer and creator of the series Has an input throughout the scripting process. Even though he is based in New Zealand and can`t attend most of the writers` meetings, he and I talk regularly on the phone about the way the series is shaping up, and he will often have brilliant ideas that take us along a route none of the rest of us have seen. (It was his idea for the tribal gathering in series one, for example.) If we want to do something in the scripts that i think may be a problem logistically, I call our production executive in N.Z., Geoff Husson, and talk it over with him. Generally, Geoff comes up with a way of doing the most difficult things. And I think you have to agree that the production values for the series are terrific. The beauty of this series is that there are so few people who have the final say on the scripts. That`s heaven for a Writer or script editor, who often have to suffer (and act on) inane comments by everyone from the office cleaner to the producer`s cat! (Ask most writers who`ve worked in Hollywood, where they have teams of executives, all with their own ideas, and all of whom think they are great writers just because they can write their name on a cheque.) 5. What are the factors that affect and inspire a script or a storyline? Heavens, what a question! There`s loads of factors! Continuity of story and character, balance between short-term and long-term stories, high drama and low comedy ­ that`s where the actors often have the greatest influence. Until you`ve seen an actor on the screen you are writing blind in a sense, because the actor rarely looks, sounds, or even acts as you`d imagined in your head. The actor playing Jack, for example, was a total revelation to us. A wonderful sense of timing for the comic line. So, we write more comedy for him. However, Antonia (Trudy) has a natural affinity with high-drama, so we are steering her stories in a certain way. The actress may want to play comedy, but too bad. Sorry, Antonia, I`m sure you`re a great comic actress too! The same with the rest of the cast. I`m sure youıll agree that we have assembled one of the finest ensemble groups of young actors the world has ever seen. (Don`t let that go to your heads, guys, you`re only as good as your next line!) This is too big a subject to cover here, youıll have to wait until my book on screenwriting comes out!
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6. Can you describe a typical working day - what is your routine? Typical working day? I`m usually at my desk before eight, sometimes much earlier if I wake up in the dark with an idea to make a problem in a script work. No point in making a mental note and going back to sleep, it`ll be gone in the morning. I work all day with a brief break for lunch, and a walk (or swim) in the morning and afternoon. Exercise is one of the best ways of revitalising the brain. Sitting down all day is the worst way to create. I`ve had some of my best solutions to a clitch in a script when walking by the sea, or through a park (preferably empty). I usually finish when my wife, Chris, calls me for dinner, around seven. That`s if things are working well. If not, it`s back to work after dinner, and no wine till I`ve finished! The work is reading scripts, liasing with writers, polishing final drafts to E-mail to N.Z. trying all the while to keep the stories for about sixteen episodes spining in my head. It`s easy to miss an important character point If you don`t keep referring back to earlier scripts. When there`s a problem (when isn`t there?) I work weekends too. That`s a pain for my wife and my friends, but for me, it isn`t work, `cos this series is a joy to work on. And I think it shows all the way through the production. Pride. 7. Are there any ideas or approaches that you considered but did not use in The Tribe? If so, what are they - and why were they not used? Yes, there are some subjects that are just too edgy for the age-range. I won`t go into details, but we did develop a storyline for one character, and even wrote the scripts, and then ditched it. It was a series in itself, and a very dark one at that. Maybe in series twenty [or thereabouts] we`ll dig it out again. Other than that, weıll use anything thatıs appropriate, and that pushes the envelope a little if we can. Production time pressure means having to make decisions and stand by them. With our schedule there`s not the luxury of going back time and again. Some people think we were crazy to kill Zoot, for example, but once we`d done it, we couldn`t turn back the clock, and it`s given us masses of great material That will only really come into its own in series two. A brave decision that is paying off, in diamonds. You wait and see! 8. Time - how long typically does a costume take to make? Or a script to write? First draft script, nine or ten days; second draft two or three days more. So about two weeks in total. 9. What`s your favourite thing in the tribe you have contributed to and why? Too difficult a question. What do you like best? I like some of the intense emotional scenes I`ve helped create, because our young cast play them so well. Do you remember Trudy, desperately trying to get Bray to make a commitment to her? Or Salene confessing to Trudy she left her to die? I sat on my couch with a box of Kleenex! Being a teenager is a time of very intense emotions, both highs and lows, and I think our series reflects that brilliantly. Am I blowing our own trumpet too much? Maybe I`m just a teenager at heart.
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10. Do you have any heroes or heroines in your field - if so, who are they? Anybody who can make a living and survive some of the appalling treatment That is often meted out to writers in television. And William Goldman, Woody Allen, and have you ever read David Mametıs screenplay of `Glengarry, Glenross`, or seen the film? Pure magic! 11. How did you get into your field? When you were younger, did you always want to do what you do today? Fifteen years jobbing in theatre as a stage manager, designer, director and, finally, a writer. What you might call an overnight success. I learnt what craft I have by reading, watching plays, films and, of course, television. But I`ve wanted to be a writer since I was ten and won second prize in a school essay competition. I wonder what the winner`s doing now? 12. What advice would you give to people who wanted to do what you do? Nowadays there are tons of media, film and writing courses for students, but There`s no substitute for having an instinct for drama. I`ve worked with too many script editors, in particular, who can spout all the current jargon about writing, but haven`t an ounce of dramatic feeling in their entire body. If you love drama, if you spend a lot of your days creating scenarios about your life (or other peoples`), most of which never turn out the way you had planned, then you probably have the instinct. From then on, it`s just hard work. Read a lot of plays and screenplays from Checkov to Tarantino. Watch a lot of films in particular. Talk about them with friends (and not just about how gorgeous Brad Pitt was!). That way, even if you donıt make it as a writer, you`ll have a lot of fun! Final word. If you haven`t got the skin of a rhinoceros, forget it. You`ll need that, and very good friends who don`t mind getting soggy shoulders on a regular basis. 13. Can you give any statistical or trivia facts about your role and Involvement? I tried to calculate once how many words I`d written as a writer and gave up. All I can say is, if I had a pound for every one of them, I`d finance the third series of `The Tribe` myself! The writing team are just itching to get into it. It`ll be sensational, or my name`s not `running wolf`. 14. What`s your favourite episode - or moment in the tribe - and why? Favourite episode? The next one. I can`t wait to find out what happens!
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So I wrote for the school magazine but this was never published because we ran out of time. Long story. Just gonna post this here.
Lina’s Completely Self-Indulgent To-do List for You and Me
Most of these listed items are pretty mature. By that, I mean high school and older.
Upcoming Movies: Dunkirk Why don’t we just watch all of Christopher Nolan’s movies while we’re at it? Dunkirk is, yes, another WWII movie on the side of the Allies, but it’s a Nolan film, so I’m not complaining. Nobody’s complaining. Like Nolan films, it’s incredibly star-studded, with his usual Cillian Murphy, Tom Hardy etc. Nolan really hasn’t given away anything by his short and simple trailers, other than what people already know about the Battle of Dunkirk. (Spoilers, they get rescued.) Release Date: July 21, USA
Spider-man: Homecoming Can I just say, I am loving new spidey. That guy is ador(k)able. Marvel is finally giving us the sassy teenage Peter that we didn’t know we needed. Release Date: July 5, Finland
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets Luc Besson, director of /Leon, Nikita, and The Fifth Element/ decided to turn the futuristic sci-fi time-traveling comic series, /Valerian and Laureline,/ into a movie starring Dane DeHaan and the beautiful, beautiful Cara Delevingne. (I was slightly obsessed with Cara Delevingne in 2016.) Let’s just hope that Cara is better at acting here than she was in /Paper Towns/. Release Date: July 21, USA
Detroit From the only female director who has won the Academy Award for Best Director, Kathryn Bigelow, director of /The Hurt Locker and Zero Dark Thirty,/ comes another possibly scarring, possibly life-changing movie based on modern historical events. (By modern, I mean 50 years ago.) This time, it’s about the Algiers Motel Incident, taken place during the 1967 12th Street Riot that left three black males dead and two white females and seven black males brutally beaten by the police. Remember when I said this would be scarring? It stars John Boyega and many other beauties. Release Date: August 4, USA
The Dark Tower This is the beginning of a possible movie franchise adapted from Stephen King’s novel series of the same name. Starring Idris Elba as our formidable hero and Matthew McConaughey as our mysterious villain. If you’ve read any Stephen King or seen any adaptations, notably I’ve seen /The Mist,/ you know they’re chilling and terrifying and scarring. Watch with caution. Release Date: August 4, USA
Movies If you’re a nerd who likes to spend most of their life in a screen like me, just invest in a Netflix account (unfortunately, I get nothing out of this promo). And, all the Netflix original shows are top notch because Netflix goes all out on their shows. (Edit: DON’T TRUST NETFLIX. THEY MIGHT CANCEL YOUR FAVOURITE SHOW.)
Patriots Day (2016) It’s about the 2013 Boston Marathon Bombings. Apparently watching it the first time around is the best, according to my brother who watched it twice. For the first 20 minutes or so, you’re so tense because it’s just people getting ready for the marathon and you know what’s about to happen. That was interesting, because the movie did try to tense us up, but it didn’t try that hard. It was mostly our knowledge of the bombings that did most of the work. Most of the characters are real people, except for the main character played by Mark Wahlberg, who is fictional. It leaves you sweating from your pores (and tear ducts) at the end of the movie so drink some water before starting.
Moulin Rouge! (2001) If you’re into music, beautiful people dancing and singing, renditions of pop songs like “Smells Like Teen Spirit” or “Like a Virgin,” you should watch this sort of rom-com/rom-tragedy starring Ewan McGregor and Nicole Kidman. Go read my other article on page * for some extra info.
Inglourious Basterds (2009) Glorious cinematography. Glorious deaths. Glorious acting. The opening scene is pure gold. It’s one of those scenes you get completely lost in. It also gets you sweating from your pores. Everything from the cinematography and the acting and the set and music and everything is just so well done. Everyone who has seen this scene knows what I’m talking about. And of course, Mélanie Laurent is (one of) the main character(s) so that’s a lot of, em, eye cleansing.
Twilight (2008) Just kidding.
TV The Get Down Go read my other article on page *. Tl;dr: About the origin of hip hop in 1977 Bronx told around beautiful brown young adults with voices of angels.
Lost You have probably head of /Lost/, whether it’s something good or bad. Lost is infamous for its bad ending, which, I don’t think is that bad, but who cares about an ending when everything else is good? The premise is, a bunch of people were on a plane going from Sydney to LA but it crashes on an island. For the first couple episodes, you might think it’s just another survival show, but boy you are wrong. The episodes vary from present to flashback, the centric-character changing every episode. Try not to cringe too hard as Daniel Dae Kim completely ruins the Korean language. Lost is one of the shows I only watch when I have a lot of time because it and its soundtrack completely emotionally ruins me.
Books Sorry, this list may be shorter than the others because I shamefully admit, I don’t read as much as I watch. (Stop judging me, I know my brain cells are dying.)
Harry Potter Need I say more? If you haven’t read Harry Potter, where have you been and where is your integrity?
13 Reasons Why I read this book in the summer of 2015 and it was one of those books I couldn’t put down, not because it was so fun to read, but because my stomach was shaking with uncomfortable angst and I had to get it over with in order for my life to move on. It’s about a teenage boy who gets a mysterious tape one day. On the tape is a recording that a sort-of-friend/ex-crush, Hannah, made before she killed herself. The thirteen reasons are, yes, why she killed herself and are directed at 12 people in total (it goes to a person twice). It deals with some pretty mature content like sex, sexual assault, and obviously suicide. I think I was a little young to understand the book to its full potential, because the book is heavily about the relationship of Hannah and everyone around her and I didn’t realize relationships were so hard at the time.
Percy Jackson Yes, I can hear you snickering about how big of a nerd I am. I admit, I was obsessed with Percy Jackson, still low-key am, but to be fair, so was my mom! Whenever we would get a new book, my mom, brother, and I would pass it around none too patiently. Percy Jackson is definitely more for younger kids, i.e. middle school, because the level of darkness and death sort of stays the same throughout, unlike Harry Potter that matures along with us, becoming darker and darker. If you don’t know who Percy Jackson is, he’s the son of a mortal and Poseidon. He then struggles to save the world every book. The series really educates you in a fun way on Greek (and later, Roman, Egyptian, Norse, and who knows what next) mythology and it’s fun to see how the writer portrayed his Godly characters. It’s just a really, really fun read. Another perk is Rick Riordan seems to keep writing books, so the series doesn’t seem to ever end.
Hamilton If you’re into American history, people of color, hip-hop, bromance, and death, listen to this amazing cast album of Hamilton: An American Musical (or watch the bootleg). Basically the story of Alexander Hamilton’s life, through childhood in the Caribbeans, coming to New York where dreams are made of, the American Revolution, trying to set up a government and finally his death. Will you become a non-functioning human for a couple days while you finish it? Yes. Will you start violently sobbing when you hear the name John Laurens? Yes. Will you start breaking into song and rap when you know you can’t sing or rap? Yes. Is it worth it? Yes.
Harry Styles Following the classic tradition of naming your debut album after yourself, Harry Styles comes back to the music industry with this album that is completely different from One Direction (before they started writing their own songs, so this album more like MITAM). After a year (and a half) of being in the new Nolan movie (life goals right there mm mm.) and chilling in the Caribbeans, he randomly dropped news of his single “Sign of the Times” and the rest of his album in April. The album is like a time capsule from the 2007s with a mix of the 1970-80s, giving off rock god and sappy indie breakup band vibes at the same time. I’m actually listening to it as I’m writing this right now, and gosh it is good. It’s Harry doing everything he couldn’t do in a band, every song has him straining his vocal cords and (*wipes away proud tear*) you can just imagine him jumping around stage and having the time of his life.
Duolingo.com (Like I said, I get 0 money out of this.) Duolingo is a website for, you may have guessed it from “duo” and “lingo,” learning languages. It’s completely free, these people don’t even require you to “upgrade your account” to do all the languages. There are most of the European languages, some Asian languages like Vietnamese (Japanese and Korean etc are in progress), Swahili, and Klingon (in progress). You can choose how seriously you want to learn and set your daily XP goal. It sends you an email and application notification so you don’t forget (but of course you can turn it off) and there’s an app too. If you do it intensively (really intensively, like a couple hundred XPs a day), I think finishing a language course during the summer is possible. It’s such a good and wholeful website/app. I’m currently learning Norwegian so if anyone wants to join, halla at me!
Learn How to Box Finally, a non-nerd item on this list! More broadly, get in the habit of working out. Whatever we’re going to do in the future, we need the stamina for it, even if you’re just going to sit at a desk all day. I’m only putting boxing up there as an example because it’s fun and it makes you feel powerful. Not that I’m an expert or anything, I did like four months and quit (lol) but I still work out in various ways. Grab a friend and convince them to go with you. Working up a sweat, even for a short time, generally makes you happy. I don’t know how much this applies to other people, but personally, I spend my workout minutes giggling most of the time. When I’m doing something really challenging, I start manically laughing. This is also an excuse for you to get your mom to let you out of the horrible cycle of hagwons and tutors!
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buckyismyaesthetic · 7 years
Punk (Chap. 3)
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Summary: You’re head over heels for your best friend Bucky and hate the nickname he gave you as it doesn’t exactly scream romance.
Word count: 3324 (I know, long.  But it’s because idk when I’m gonna have more time to write the next chapterssss)
Warnings: Cursing, low-self esteem, chubby!reader x bucky, idk….
A/N:  I’m overwhelmed with the feedback on the first 2 chapters!  love you guys and i can only hope to live up to your expectations with this and all future installments!
If there was one thing you hated more than anything else in the world it was clothes shopping.  OK, that’s not entirely true.  Hydra was definitely up there…and commercials’ whose volume was louder than the show you were just watching so you had the crap scared out of you by some lady who was dancing and trying to get you to buy tampons so you’d ‘have a happy period’ (no such thing)… you really hated when you stepped in puddle on the kitchen floor while only wearing socks…any sort of insect…when you bought a book series but, for some unfathomable reason, the individual books weren’t the same height, because that’s just ridiculous.  Why would anyone think it’d be acceptable to have books 1, 2, 3, and 4 to all line up perfectly on the shelf then have 5 be slightly taller only to then revert back to the original proportions for 6 and 7?!  It’s was utter nonsense and the people responsible for inflicting such depravity on the literary world should—
Rap! Rap! Rap!  “Get dressed!”  Nat hollered from the other side of the dressing room door.  “I’m going to pay for these.  Meet me at the register.”  The clinking of hangers and rustling of clothing signalled her departure as you hopped back into your jeans and slipped your “Talk Wookie to me” T-shirt back on.  You let out a sigh at your reflection.  Can’t wear this anymore, you thought dejectedly. It was your favourite shirt. Faded, thin, and baggy from having been thrown into the wash so many times it was a shadow of what it once was.
But this was your decision.  You asked—begged—Natasha to get you some girlier clothes, and that she did.  Though she had to drag you through the stores kicking and screaming. She was a real trooper.  She’d found things that emphasized the boobs you don’t have, and dresses that cinched to give you some semblance of hips and a waist, and there were heels—God, where there heels.  Heels with pointy toes and heels with opened toes.  Heels with straps to hold you in and heels without straps designed for you to fall out.  And the pants—why were they so freakin’ tight?  Your legs felt like they’d been sausage wrapped.  How were you supposed to sit or breathe or eat?  And why was your underwear always showing when you sat down?  And how come all those shirts were so flimsy and short and see through?  You had to buy second shirt just to wear under the first one!  The injustice!
But it really didn’t matter what she had picked out; you felt like wolf in sheep’s clothing nonetheless.  Even when Natasha swore up and down that you looked nice in everything you tried on, you couldn’t see it. You believed what your eyes showed you, not what your friend said.  You could still see the fat rolls fighting straining fabrics, pulling at the seams. Nothing looked like how you’d imagined it in your head.  And everything just seemed too tight and uncomfortable.  And though you were trying on clothes, you couldn’t help but feel naked and exposed as you glared at your reflection in the floor-length mirror.
With a heavy sigh, you trudged from the dressing room to meet Natasha.  She handed you back the receipt and your credit card and you almost passed out in the middle of the mall.   “This is obscene!  This is a down payment on car or a home or a kid!”
“Could’ve just made Tony pay for it,” Nat sing-songed.
“No, no one can know about this!”  
“Oh, yeah, because you suddenly walking around like Malibu Barbie won’t be suspicious at all.”
“Shut up, Natasha.”
Being the incredibly skilled spy that she was, Natasha managed to sneak you back into tower without running into anyone besides F.R.I.D.A.Y who didn’t really count as a person and who didn’t really care about operation-get-Bucky-to-fall-madly-in-love-with-you.  Natasha didn’t know about the name…
Your bedroom was down the same hallway as Bucky’s and Steve’s, past the kitchen, but closest to the side balcony where Tony had set up a little garden.  You liked to go there and read.  Or sit in the sun with your fat black cat, Ferdinand, who liked to chase butterflies and lounge in patches of sunlight.  And occasionally you’d wander out there to feed the pigeons which you and Bucky had dubbed “Sam’s babies” after you two had lured him out there, thrown a loaf of Italian bread out after him, and locked the door.  He’d shrieked “Rat’s with wings!” for days afterwards, jumped whenever someone cooed, and twitched whenever a bird flew past a window.
But you didn’t have time for those sorts of shenanigans anymore, you thought wistfully as you flung the shopping bags into the closet, slammed the door, and listened to the bags crash against it.  You’d clean it up later…probably…
A knock sounded at the door.  “Yeah?” you called as you pushed against the closet door and glared, practically daring it to open and release the mess from within.  
“Hey, Punk,” Bucky said as he stepped over the threshold.  Punk.  Ugh.  What? No, hey Y/N, you’re looking exceptionally spectacular today.  And by the way I love you.  He eyed the shirt he’d seen you in a thousand times before and gave you a smirk.
“Hey, BB,” you replied with an embarrassed tug at your collar; it was the little pet name you had for him and only you got away with using it.  Peter had tried once and ended up getting shoved off the end of the couch rather unceremoniously.  “What’s up?” Bucky made himself comfortable on your unmade bed and, as it usually did when Bucky sat in your room, heat crept up your neck as your brain exploded with thoughts of oh my god he’s in my bed, he’s in my bed!
Ferdinand, as he was prone to do, interrupted Bucky before he could speak, chirruped and snuck out from having been hibernating in the dusty, dark corners under the bed for the majority of the day.  He wound his way through Bucky’s legs and rubbed his face all over his boots.  “Hey, Ferd,” Bucky chuckled, scratching the cat’s ears.  Ferdinand purred like a motor boat and flopped onto his back, exposing his belly.  Having fallen prey more than once to this so called show of submission, Bucky leaned over and rubbed Ferdinand’s tummy with his metal arm.  Ferd pounced, claws and fangs extended, but not even the ferocious tenacity of a house cat could dent that metal and he huffed and hopped onto the bed, content with leaning against the soldier’s thigh and falling asleep.  Bucky chuckled and pet his fur.  You smiled.  Ferdinand, like his owner, loved Bucky, though he was far more comfortable showing it.  You often found them snuggling in the living room and, though he denied it, you were pretty sure Bucky slipped Ferd table scraps and was the one who got him hooked on catnip…
“What’s up?” you repeated.  The awkward silence had extended long enough for your liking.
“Nothin’ much.  Jus’ wonderin’ if you wanted ta come train.  I’m meetin’ the rest of the boys down there in a few,” he said pulling the first stuffed animal he could find onto his lap where he tugged absentmindedly at its ears.  The movement caught your attention and you groaned inwardly. Ugh!  You’re stupid bed.  Grown women had tasteful throw pillows and bed skirts…and sheets!  Your room looked like the love child of a frat boy and the winner of a Dungeons and Dragons game.  Nobody would walk into your room and think; hmm I bet some sexy supermodel lives here.  No.  Their first thought would be; please find the twelve year old boy who lives here and introduce him to a vacuum cleaner!
Distractedly, you looked around the room.  It was your safe place…or at least it used to be. Where you could be Y/N.  Where it was okay to have movie posters and memorabilia, where your costumed jewellery could be displayed like the Crown Jewels, where each video game system had a place and shelf, where the DVDs took up a book case all their own, where fantasy books could fill all the crannies and all the nooks.  And though he’d been in here a thousand times before, Bucky’s presence, all of the sudden, made you embarrassed of this place and everything in it.  Ashamed of everything that you loved because it wasn’t ‘cool’ enough, wasn’t ‘feminine’ enough, wasn’t ‘good’ enough…not for Bucky.
This room wasn’t like Natasha’s or Wanda’s. It wasn’t a woman’s room.  It didn’t have a woman’s touch, or smell, or style.  Instead it was filled with toys and posters and the sheets clashed with the pillow cases.   Nat’s room, when not being taken over by Clint and his mess, was filled with guns and knives and grown-up books like “Zen and the Art of Assassination” and “How to Build Your Own Supercomputer without Really Trying”.  Her room had candles and art.  Real art. The stuff they hang up in museums. Paintings of cottages and fairies painted by old, dead, Italian guys.  The pictures on her wall weren’t purchased at Comic Con.  And Wanda’s room didn’t look like it was designed from a page in the kids section of the IKEA catalogue.  The Sokovian’s bedroom was filled with puffy cushions and potted plants.  Everything was soft and pale and radiated warmth. Her style was minimalist.  Things looked clean; her room was clean.  She actually vacuumed. And dusted!  She used coasters!  Her furniture matched; she’d bought a bedroom set.  You, on the other hand, bought your night table from the thrift store and paid some college kid three hundred bucks for your mattress after hitting the first link you found on Craig’s List.
“Hell-oo?” Bucky’s voice pulled you out of your musings.
“Yeah, hi, sorry.  Huh?  What’s up?” you gushed, Good.  No, that’s good, not at all weird.
Bucky smirked and you wanted to smack his stupid, beautiful face.  “I asked if ya wanted ta come train but ya spaced out.”
“I did not.”
“Did too. Thinkin’ about Star Wars again?”
“No.”  Though the new move was spectacular.
“That show with the dragons?”
“Game of Thrones, you know what it’s called you watched it with me.  And no.” You pulled the stuffed animal from his hands and tossed it on the chair where you’d piled up all of the freshly laundered clothes you hadn’t bothered to put away for three days.  Ferdinand opened one eye and gave you a nasty look. Apparently the movement had disturbed him.
“Oh yeah,” Bucky said with exaggerated understanding.  “The one with the naked people!  Is that what you were thinkin’ about?  Porn?” He waggled his eyebrows teasingly and gave you sly grin before swiping his tongue over his lips.
“No!” you yelped loudly.  That little tease of tongue got you all flustered.    “I wasn’t!” Great, now he thinks I’m lying.
He blew out a disbelieving puff of air from his nose and said sarcastically.  “Sure, sure.”
Your face heated up as if you were standing in front of an oven and you were pretty sure that he could see sweat stains forming underneath your arm pits.  You crossed your arms over your chest and huffed, “Really, I wasn’t!” 
Bucky, with a mysterious gleam in his eye, cocked his beautiful head to the side in thought.  He’d recently cut his once long hair into a shorter more modern do that left a layer of soft, dark curls on top that made your fingers twitch with desire to card through.  He nodded. “Yeah, you’re right.  You wouldn’t think about that stuff at all.”
The fuck that’s supposed to mean? You felt your eyes widen fractionally with shock and your brain went into overdrive coming up with interpretations to what Bucky could’ve possibly meant.  What, fat girls can’t think about sex? Is that too repulsive of a thought? To think that someone who doesn’t have a body like a porn star could ever fathom getting down and dirty?  You could be dirty.  Hell, the things you imagined doing with Bucky, doing to Bucky were downright sinful.  NC-17.  Rated XXX. Not suitable for all audiences.  The things you pictured he could do with those hands, that mouth, that body.  Oh lordy, you spent many sleepless nights with visions of you two perfectly entwined, writhing together, gasping for air, moaning in ecstasy.  
The silence stretched on for what felt like eons before Bucky slapped his palms on his knees, irritating Ferd who yawned and crawled up to sit on your pillows, and got back to his feet.  “You okay, Punk?” He asked gently.  The way his voice lowered in a soft whisper seemingly full of concern had your heart fluttering like a hummingbirds.  But then he had to go and ruin it with that stupid nickname.  The nickname that didn’t relay any hint of affection.  Punk punk punk punk.
“Yeah, just tired,” you lied.  “I was shopping with Natasha all morning.”
“We went over this; no more books until you get another shelf.”  He motioned to the pile of books you’d arranged next to your bed since you’d run out of room on the book cases. 
You smirked.  He had a point.  “We were clothes shopping, B.”
Bucky blinked his big, beautiful eyes stupidly at you.  “What? Why?  You hate clothes shopping.  You never go clothes shopping.”
You rolled your eyes dramatically.  “I buy clothes.  I need clothes.”  He glanced at the mountain of folded clothes on the chair and raised a skeptical eyebrow. “Different clothes.”  
“What’s wrong with the ones you got?”
Everything. So many things.  They’re wrong.  “Nothing, just—I dunno, tryin’ somethin’ different, that’s all.”  It came out all mumbled and you refused to look him in the eye, instead watching your slipper clad foot graze the hardwood floor.  Maybe you hadn’t thought all this stuff through quite right.  Yeah, you wanted him to notice a change, why the hell otherwise wold you blow an entire pay check on a bunch of getups you didn’t even like? But you didn’t think he’d notice. Like ask questions.  You thought it would be like in those teen movies where you walked down the stars looking all lust worthy and he’d stand there, mouth agape, at a loss for words by your breath-taking transformation into a certified bombshell.  But noooooo. You hadn’t even put anything on and he was suspicious of you.  Asking questions.  Already looking freaked out.  Faaaaacccckk. 
“Okay, I was—” but he didn’t finish his sentence as his phone buzzed in his pocket.  “Sorry,” he said, picking up the device and looking at the screen.  
You smiled, remembering it was you who had taught him how to operate it.  You’d found him a ringtone and showed him how to set up backgrounds, even forcing him to take a selfie with you and making it your icon for when you called him. Vaguely, you wondered if he still had it or if he’d decided to go back to leaving it blank, instead of having to look at your abominable face.
“Change of plans, we’re goin’ for a run instead,” Bucky grinned.  “Relax, you’re off the hook.  I’ve seen ya run,” he laughed lightly.
Um, what? What the hell’s that supposed to mean? Sure, you despised running in every form and you didn’t exactly keep quiet about it.  But that didn’t mean you couldn’t do it, maybe not very fast or for very long, but that was beside the point; you could run.  Immediately you became self-conscious.  ‘I’ve seen ya run’.  Oh god, did he see your thighs jiggle with every heavy step as you practically Hulk-stomped the pavement?  Did he notice the slight waddle you did as your legs shook with the effort to keep pace?  For the love of all things holy, please don’t say he noticed your thighs rubbing together or how you’d have to stop to pull up your leggings as your muffin top bounced loose and pushed the fabric down and under the roll.  Subtly, you pulled on your shirt to make it baggier, so as not to emphasise the fat underneath.  
“Anyway, I gotta go, Punk.  We’re goin’ out tonight.  ‘Round ten.  You in?” He asked.   
You weren’t up for a repeat of last night. Your self-esteem was already shot to shit and if you had to watch another flawless woman wrap herself around Bucky you might just spontaneously combust in a jealous rage or attack any woman within a ten foot radius of Bucky like a rabid dog.  You sighed heavily.  Just the image of Bucky with someone else had you feeling uglier by the minute.  
“Uh, no thanks.” 
“Really?  Again? You always come out with us,” he argued.
“I have plans already,” you lied.  “With, uh, Nat and Wanda.  Girls Nite.  We’re goin’ out.”  Lie.  Lie. That’s a lie.
Bucky nodded, lips pursed in amusement.  “Since when do you do ‘Girls Nite’?”  He made the finger quotes in mid-air.  
His incessant questioning was getting on your nerves.  You hadn’t planned on having to come up with so many lies so early in the game.  This isn’t how it is in the movies!  The dude isn’t supposed to ask so many questions!  Just accept the metamorphosis and move on! You replied, annoyed with his over emphasis on ‘you’. “You don’t know everything about me, Bucky.” Oh, yeah! Be a lil’ sassy!  Be mysterious!  Natasha’s gonna be so proud.
Bucky smiled at that.  “I know more than ya think, Punk.”  He gave you a wink and your heart dropped into your butt.  Oh god, does he know?  Please don’t know.  I’m not ready, I’m not ready.  I haven’t practiced what to say or do, I was gonna make a speech and, fuck, I’m wearing this stupid fucking shirt— “Alright, I’ll see ya at dinner then. We’re orderin’ Chinese and rumour has it that there’s pie for desert,” he teased and gave you a poke to the ribs that made you squirm away, not wanting him to prod the blubber. 
Ugh, he knows I eat!  But, fuck, I do love pie.
“See ya later,” and he clapped you on the shoulder and strutted out the door.  Mm mm mm!  That walk!  He was a typical ‘hate to see ya go but love to watch ya leave’ kinda guy.  The sexy lean, the hip swivel, and hot damn that ass! You could watch Bucky strut his stuff all day long.  He was one fine piece of man-candy.
You shook your whole body like a dog shaking off water. Calm yourself, woman!  Be cool. Be cool.  Once the Bucky fog lifted, you couldn’t help but dwell on your conversation and the conclusions you had drawn, mainly that you were fat and ugly and decidedly not sexy.  It wasn’t news to you, but the fact that Bucky was even minutely aware of any of those things made you want to fling yourself in front of a bus…at least then your stomach might be flat.
And thinking of that, you looked down at your Pillsbury Doughboy tummy and poked it angrily.  “Go away,” you scolded it.  “You ruin everything.”
With a deep, resigned sigh you gave up and changed into workout clothes, keeping your back to Ferdinand so as not to give the little perv a chance to oogle. Maybe some kickboxing would make you feel better.  You could imagine your face on the bag as you punched away.  And while you were at it you could talk yourself into a night on the town—OH MY GOD I DIDN’T TELL NAT AND WANDA!
You raced out of your room, hoping that Bucky hadn’t already run into either woman and mention the plans you’d made for them without their knowledge…Operation-get-Bucky-to-fall-madly-in-love-with-you turning out to be a lot more complicated than you had originally thought.
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Homestuck Liveblog #153
UPDATE 153: All the Pieces are Here
Last time Gamzee had completely fooled Terezi, and by extension, me. Yeah, he’s right now beating her with no remorse at all, and it’s awful to see. Yikes. Also, Jane is now asleep but her body, still under control of the tiara, has latched on Aranea like a tick. So let’s continue from there!
Writing this paragraph before starting. I’m predicting there’ll be a minimum of dialogue, the next fifty pages should have lots and lots of images. It’s bound to pass through real fast, isn’t it? Maybe I’ll go for 100 pages.
All these glitches make everything more ominous, in my opinion. It’s as if the world is going to shatter into pieces in any moment. Chances are that won’t happen, but who knows, maybe the end of Homestuck is the glitches making the universe explode. Thanks for nothing, Lord English, destroyer of paradox space.
Because Jake’s death wasn’t heroic or just, he revives, this time without hope powers. He is also right beside Terezi and Gamzee, just...watching. Gamzee continues hitting as hard as he can, dang. I’m kind of glad the glitches are obscuring the situation a bit. Rose, horrified, shouts for Gamzee to stop.
ROSE: Or, wait.  ROSE: Is this some sort of blackrom thing?  ROSE: I certainly hope not.
What the—Rose! This isn’t the time to be wondering if this is an obscure and weird alien romantic ritual! Stop standing there, go help Terezi! Even if it were a black romance thing, I think no one wouldn’t blame Rose for intervening. Terezi is getting her face smashed against the pavement. Anyone would intervene.
ROSE: I am the actual worst auspistice who ever lived.  ROSE: THE ACTUAL WORST!!!
Damn right you are; you’re just standing there! And Jake isn’t really doing much better, he’s just standing there and watching Terezi being suplexed. I know in real life a lot of people stand around and do nothing when they see someone being attacked or anything, so it isn’t something that came out of left field, but this is still rather frustrating to see. Gamzee slams Terezi so hard against the concrete it breaks, and she’s now hanging over the lava. Augh.
Kanaya and Karkaroni arrive right in that moment, finding Terezi in danger. There’s a rather cool sequence of lava seeping into the Skaia in Jane’s fork, and Jake and Rose finally intervene. Jake does it meekly, just asking Gamzee to kindly stop killing Terezi -- ...fine, Jake, you do that – and Rose takes a more hands-on approach, getting her wand ready. About time, Rose! Tge blast misses and impacts near Jake, making him fly away. Karkaroni had enough, he brandishes the sickle and swears to make a fight. Up on the building, Aranea struggles to pick up Brain Dirk’s katana with her psychic powers – no idea how that didn’t vanish away as well -- and then she arrives.
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The Condesce is pissed. Oh, gee, who’d have thought that derailing the session like this would make her angry? Haha! Do you have a plan to counter the Condesce, Aranea? Did you expect her to arrive so soon? Everyone who is in the session seems to have converged in one place, this is getting good!
Aaaaaand because Hussie is like that, right when it gets good, it’s time for the so-called main act of Act 6 Act 6.
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Oh, jolly. Well to his credit I’m happy it was now and not in middle of the intense events that are likely to happen. Now that’d have been annoying. Better get this Caliborn thing out of the way before things happen here in Jade’s planet! Besides, I admit I’m a bit curious how much Caliborn has progressed now.
Looks like he’s confident enough to mess with the manga book. Why do I have this strange sense of foreboding...again? I have it all the time when it’s about Caliborn, haha...okay, let’s get done with this. What artistic work do you have to show now, bud? As usual, here’s the warning: there’s a chance I won’t have much to comment about Caliborn’s antics. By now, dear readers, you may be aware I’m not a diehard fan of him. By now I tolerate him, but I’m not exactly reading his sections with excitement. Once again, I’m sorry for that.
Looks like Homosuck is getting into its equivalent of Act 5. There are the trolls. Krabkrab, Honk Friend – ‘friend’?! Is there something you’d like to share with the class, Caliborn? – Cape Douche, Smelly Horse Man, Other Guy, and Bull Horn Wimp. Oh, and all the female trolls, too, with no pejorative name other than ‘tha bitches’. Hah! Saw it coming.
The Beforus trolls are just everyone flipped and with a negative color scheme. Yeah, that’ll do...for the five seconds the trolls mattered. All these pictures go to the trash, because Caliborn has something better to show.
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Hah! Okay, you got my attention, Hussie. Man Gaka Extraordinare! I’m amused, this may be worth a read, after all!
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Do you know that feeling of morbid curiosity one feels when one hears about something awful having happened in a video, and one wants to see how bad is it? Yeah, that’s what I’m feeling. I really like the giant watermark, though. That’s a good one, Hussie.
Well, to Caliborn’s credit, he has improved a lot from his first drawings, and he followed all the instructions about how to draw manga. Never let it be said Caliborn doesn’t motivate himself to improve himself!
This is truly “the yaois”. Manga Dave and Manga Karkat are here. What they do, hm, well, let’s say they’d both be upset to know how they’re depicted here.
So that’s the key to draw manga. Haha! I know a handful of people from my school that’d have taken serious offense by that! Always with the finger on the pulse, Caliborn, eh?
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Oh god, it’s American Comic Book Superheroine anatomy! We’re doomed. But yeah, other than the improved drawings, it doesn’t seem like this section of Caliborn’s intermission won’t differ much from the rest. Same old, same old, in terms of theme. The gals are dying in bloody ways. Yeah.
“Registered by the government as my legal artistic possession” Caliborn, you liar, there’s not even a government anymore.
Right. So Caliborn may still have access to the radio tower? He knows what happened in the ghost bubbles. Well, not that it matters that much right now.
Oh my god, Caliborn has an OC.
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...that is not what I expected. Dear reader, imagine that this here is what’s destroying paradox space. Imagine the big bad, Lord English, looks like that. Good thing he doesn’t, eh? Yeah, the skull, the hulking figure, and the billiard eyes does wonders when it’s about making someone threatening.
John arrives in middle of Caliborn’s games with his OC, and isn’t happy at all to see Caliborn. Thought so, what after seeing the kind of playing Caliborn does with those bad drawings of his friends.
Oh, wow, he’s furious! I admit I underestimated how angry John would be. But yeah, another intense staredown. I’ll just...skip to the end of that sequence of images, thank you.
you're the one who vriska and her pirate pals are all trying to stop! it was you who put all this into motion in some way i don't really understand! which means you're responsible for like a trillion people dying, and universes blowing up, and all my friends getting scattered around and acting like idiots, and my dad being dead!
...huh. Well, that’s certainly...a bold accusation, John, and without anything to back it up, too. If what John said partly influences Caliborn to start doing everything he did once he was Lord English, hah, I wonder how John would react to that. It isn’t too farfetched to have that possibility in mind, I’d say, but if that were true, it’s possible there’ll be a second John to tackle the first one soon.
Turns out Caliborn is saying his monologue loud enough for anyone around to listen! I thought the narration was just text, not that Caliborn was actually saying it. Hah! It’d be kinda endearing if it didn’t come from Caliborn.
And then comes ‘game over. A flash file in Caliborn’s intermission. Um, well, that sounds a tad promising! Flash files are almost always great, I don’t see why this would be any different, Caliborn or not.
I’ll stop for now.
Next update: five updates
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mama2tallboys · 7 years
2 Tall Boys
2 Tall Boys
There are lots of advantages to being tall, right?  Some people who consider themselves to be short might agree. My husband and I have tall kids. I don’t mean that our kids are a little tall for their size. I mean we have two off-the-chart (99th percentile) tall kids. Our oldest is predicted to be 6 ft. 6 in. and our youngest is predicted to be about 6 ft. 4 in. TALL KIDS! So, what could possibly be challenging about having tall kids? Here are at least 11 struggles we have encountered:
1.       People assume tall kids are older, so they expect more. This is especially frustrating when your child is two and complete strangers assume he is five and should be in school! Why is it anyone’s business in the first place? I have been minding my own business at a park or other public place and feel others watching my child’s behavior. Occasionally someone will casually ask how old he is. When I tell them, after the initial disbelief, I can see them registering that the behavior they are seeing makes more sense. Then voilà…no more staring!
2.       You constantly receive clothing that is too small. Our family has learned to ask what size our boys are wearing before making any purchases. But, birthday gifts are another story. As tacky as it may be, I have been known to put my child’s size on his birthday invitation just to avoid this very situation. Luckily, when this happened with my oldest, my youngest inherited many gently used and brand-new clothes from these assumptive givers years earlier. If our youngest receives clothes that he can barely squeeze into, they become a blessing to someone else.
3.       You have to cross certain bridges a lot sooner than parents with average-sized children. Like, having your child climb out of the crib at 18 months! We tried to lower the mattress more, but couldn’t succeed without making it more of a hazard than falling off of the crib. Another example is our children outgrew their car seats well before the age that the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests keeping them rear-facing. We literally had to fold them in half just to get them in the seat. Poor kids were resting their chins on their knees. And guess what outgrowing car seats more often means? Buying new car seats more often!
4.       It’s harder to pick up your kids. This one is challenging for two reasons. The first is because I can’t lift them up to swing them around or give a big hug as easily. Kids want to be picked up and it’s exhausting to lift a 45 pound 3 year old. The second is especially difficult when trying to avoid embarrassment. Let’s just say there are times when you need to lift your kids up and get the “heck out of Dodge”. It just doesn’t have the same impact when you have to walk hand in hand with your child all the way into preschool while he’s having a complete meltdown, dropping to his knees every other step and screaming at the top of his lungs.
5.       They hit their heads on everything! We have a counter top corner that has caused more tears in our house than any Lego left in a dark hallway. Right as they hit age 3, both of our boys couldn’t avoid this structural hazard if they tried! It didn’t help either that it was in a busy traffic area in the kitchen. But for those few months until they grew tall enough to avoid it, I spent a lot of time playing nurse.
6.       They will eat you out of house and home! Pray for me, folks! If my kids are 4 and 7 and can each put away 2-3 grilled cheese sandwiches in one sitting, imagine my grocery bill when they are teens! My husband said he and his brother went through a gallon of milk A DAY in their teen years. You can support our cause on our new go fund me page (just kidding).
7.       They haven’t quite grown into their bodies yet. Our boys are growing so fast and are so clumsy that it’s almost comical. I have said our oldest often trips over air. They are constantly sliding, tripping, falling, dangling, lunging, lurching or slipping wherever we go. Constantly. Someday, I believe everything will sync up; but until then, I am investing in Band-Aids and ice packs.
8.       They are expected to play basketball. Now, there’s nothing wrong with basketball. I come from a family of basketball-lovers, but remember the coordination issues mentioned above? We may have a swimmer or cyclist on our hands. Our oldest is a drummer, which could be considered athletic, right? Our youngest may be the world’s tallest Olympic gymnast with the tricks I’ve seen on our furniture. We will wait and see…
9.       People always talk about how tall they are. I love that my kids are tall, but it gets old to hear it so often. Innocent questions to pass the time by strangers in the grocery line or the stylist cutting their hair inevitably leads to gasps and nudges to their neighbor expressing disbelief. Then I go into my rote monologue about their height predictions and how tall my husband is (6 ft. 3 in.), I’m 5 ft. 9 in., blah, blah, blah…
10.   You can’t just set things up high to get them out of your kids’ reach. At age five, our oldest could stand on his tippy toes and reach a loaf of bread off the top of the refrigerator. This is a game changer when you want to put a toy in “time-out”. It requires more clever thinking than this mommy brain can handle most days.
11.   Your children will get grouped with older kids who might influence them negatively. My oldest was at an afterschool program at a local childcare center. He was in first grade, but they refused to place him in the K-2nd group. He was placed in the 3rd-5th group, despite my requests. The developmental differences between a 1st and 5th grader are immense! This is also where my child learned to say the f-word. Thank you, disrespectful 10-year-old. Needless to say, we did not stay at that center very long.
I can’t go on and on about the negatives without speaking some positives about having tall kids, so here are a few:
1.       You can always find them in a group picture.
2.       You don’t have to bend over as far to talk to them on their level.
3.       Before too long, they are going to be able to change all the light bulbs for us.
4.       And, maybe…just maybe…their height will take them places we never imagined. After all, you never know….
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