#400-101 new questions
raffcus · 8 months
egeria's 101 questions! (4.0 UPDATE!)
a silly list with my theories/speculations on the previous hydro archon to see if one of them is gonna to be true in the future! ( if you have some suggetions to on the list pls feel free to tell something to add)
egeria is coming back(reviving)
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[no info yet]
2. egeria is a seele expy?
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[no info yet]
3. egeria relationship with neuvilette was good/bad?
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in the end of 4.0 archon quest, neuvillette says more about the rumors about the prophecy that cicles around fontaine, the prophecy that resumes: "in the end, the people will be dissolved into the waters, and only the hydro archon will remain, weeping on her throne… only that the sins of the people of fontaine be washed away" which is curious to see that he probably heard more about that prophecy by rumors not by egeria herself, very curious.
4. egeria relationship with furina (focalors) was good/bad?
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also in the end of 4.0 archon quest, egeria tells about the prophecy on her last words: "in the end, the people will be dissolved into the waters, and only the hydro archon will remain, weeping on her throne… only that the sins of the people of fontaine be washed away" between 400 and 500 years, fontaine suffered (and continues to suffering) from a energy crisis left by egeria before going to Tunigi Hollow, now being sustained by Indemnitium that is produced by the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale. there is a lot a problems left by egeria to furina and as we can see in the archon quest (4.0 and 4.1) and she isn't so Experience to take care such large duties by herself and requests neuvillete help most of time. so for me their relationship wasn't the most stable one (or there was a lack of communication between them).
5. egeria have a connnection with the nymph's dream set?
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technically yes! nymph's dream set history is substantially connectic to the Narzissenkreuz Institute, the institue was lead by gentle-natured Oceanid as the position was established in honor of the first Hydro Archon, egeria.
6. egeria have a connection with The Hexenzirkel?
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still zero information, but only this sussy metioned on furina character description:
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7. egeria have a connection with the seelie race?
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[no info yet]
8. egeria have a connection with the primodial one?
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surprisingly yes!
if we looked the Wings of Merciful, Wrathful Waters wind glider, in description says:
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"when that fist heart was removed, the envoy of celestia, the leader uopn whose shoulders lay the create life, came to the great primeval sea, and there she created another heart" "she was the tears that flowed into the orimodial sea, seeking communication and understanding."
that text indicate that egeria was a "heart replacment" for the primodial sea, created by the shade of life,the purpose to be a substitute of the hydro sovereign.
[new speculations!]
9. is egeria sins related to abyss?
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10. egeria is connected to skirk?
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oeldeservesthenorris · 5 months
NHLPA launches mental health training for its players: ‘We still need to break down barriers’
"Over the past two months, Harrison has put 20 active NHL players from five different teams through mental health education as part of a new initiative from the NHLPA. Officially unveiled on Wednesday, the First Line program is designed to directly address mental health issues faced by active NHL players and their families. Touted as the first program of its kind in professional sports, First Line endeavors to teach players about topics such as depression, anxiety, substance use and self-harm. And a portion of the course is aimed at erasing the stigma of mental health that still exists inside NHL locker rooms."
Jay Harrison opens his sessions with two simple questions for NHL players attending his new workshop.
“I ask everybody, ‘Why are you here today? And why did you come?’ Harrison explains. “And every single player has a different story as to why they’ve prioritized time out of their busy schedule to learn about mental health.”
Over the past two months, Harrison has put 20 active NHL players from five different teams through mental health education as part of a new initiative from the NHLPA. Officially unveiled on Wednesday, the First Line program is designed to directly address mental health issues faced by active NHL players and their families. Touted as the first program of its kind in professional sports, First Line endeavors to teach players about topics such as depression, anxiety, substance use and self-harm. And a portion of the course is aimed at erasing the stigma of mental health that still exists inside NHL locker rooms.
“I call this a mental health 101 course,” says Maria Dennis, the NHLPA’s senior director of player health. “This provides the tools, skills and knowledge so there is no reason to shy away from this topic or this conversation any more.”
This is not a compulsory course the NHLPA is mandating its members take, but Harrison has been pleased with the initial uptake. He’s planning on offering the training to interested players for the duration of the 2023-24 regular season and has been slowly contacting players around the league.
“It’s not something they’re being told to do. It’s voluntary, but they’re grabbling onto it and seeing its importance,” says Harrison. “This is an opportunity to reassess and prioritize their health and well-being.”
Calgary captain Mikael Backlund is one of the players who recently completed the First Line training session conducted by Harrison. And his new leadership role with the club seemed to be the catalyst that pushed him toward the training.
“It’s just really important to help my teammates any way I can and now being the captain I felt like it was my responsibility to take this course,” says Backlund. “My First Line experience was really good. I thought we had a really good meeting. I talked to my teammates afterward and they were all very positive about the meeting, felt like we learned a lot. There were some simple little things that can help us big time, be really good leaders on the team or just a good teammate.”
Players like Backlund have participated in a three-hour training session that was prepared in conjunction with the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) and Opening Minds, which is a division of MHCC and provides evidence-based mental health training programs. The sessions are conducted in a small group format — either in person or virtually — with Harrison leading a conversation around these delicate subjects.
“It’s not a lecture. It’s not a course,” explains Harrison. “It encourages dialogue.”
Harrison is uniquely equipped to lead this project. He appeared in almost 400 NHL games with the Maple Leafs, Hurricanes and Jets over the course of a nine-year career. While he was an active player, Harrison completed his bachelor’s degree in psychology, followed by a master’s in clinical psychology. Following his retirement from professional hockey in 2016, he secured his PhD in performance psychology.
“Having Jay as part of this program is integral. He’s a former player, so he knows what’s it like to be an NHL player. He also knows what it’s like to transition to another career, having earned his degrees,” says Dennis. “So his background is something that uniquely qualifies him to fill this role.”
“I was one of those players who worked through and ‘sucked it up’ in order to live our dream. Sometimes our perspective of what is truly important can be skewed by how much we’ve invested in being athletes,” adds Harrison. “And nobody should have to sacrifice their mental health or well being in order to be an athlete.”
The framework for the program was originally designed as part of a collaboration between the Canadian Armed Forces and American Navy SEALS and Marines.
“They were using it for troops going into combat so they would be more resilient,” explains Micheal Pietrus, director of Opening Minds. “But we’ve added an anti-stigma component, because we still need to break down barriers.”
These sessions led by Harrison have been modified to specifically meet the needs of NHL players. They watch videos, which include testimonials from former and active players who have dealt with mental health challenges during the course of their careers. And they have unfiltered conversations about the specific challenges faced by NHL players.
“What it might be like to be going up and down to the minors. Riding the buses. Or having children at home in a contract year,” says Harrison. “These are all real, stressful situations. It’s a sacred space with our players.”
As part of the training, players are told to think of their mental health as if it’s a colored traffic light, using a continuum model.
Green is healthy and where they want to be.
Yellow indicates some degree of stress.
Red is the danger zone that indicates the potential for serious problems.
Players are instructed to watch for signs and symptoms that could put someone into the red zone.
“You’re less patient. You’re not sleeping well. Maybe you’re starting to abuse substances. A physical change. These are all little indicators,” says Pietrus. “And we want to address them so they can get back into the green zone.”
Players are also given educational tools when it comes to the topic of addiction. And beyond the use of alcohol and drugs, there are also honest conversations around things such as gambling and excessive use of social media and gaming.
Players who complete the training session receive a certificate of completion from the Mental Health Commission of Canada and Opening Minds. And the end goal is to try and create a peer-to-peer system, where those players who have been trained are able to facilitate conversations around mental health with their teammates inside the locker room.
“We know our players are talking to each other and relying on each other. So what can we do to enhance those conversations in a way that empowers our players,” says Harrison. “This is about creating that network of players throughout our league that other players could look toward as common resources. And knowing that self-judgment or labeling wouldn’t be a factor because they know that (the) individual has done the First Line training. They are responsive and care about mental health.”
“Personally, I want to keep working on this and improve my skills as a leader on the team as the captain, and learn how I can be mentally stronger and healthier and also how I can see signs of maybe my teammates are struggling or not feeling as well, and how I can help them,” adds Backlund.
This project is being handled under the umbrella of the NHLPA’s Health and Wellness team, which launched in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. While they oversaw the logistics of getting players safely to and from the bubble sites in Edmonton and Toronto in the summer of 2020, that department was also tasked with monitoring the mental health of the athletes during that time. But even after the pandemic ended, players expressed an interest in seeing some of those programs continue.
“We recognized the need to enhance and offer support to our players, especially through the pandemic. The pandemic was a catalyst,” says Harrison. “Players communicated to us there is a greater opportunity here. Players wanted to be part of that.”
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nahoney22 · 1 year
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I posted 1,572 times in 2022
386 posts created (25%)
1,186 posts reblogged (75%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
@nahoney22 (you gotta love yourself too)
I tagged 400 of my posts in 2022
#the bad batch - 128 posts
#star wars - 106 posts
#clone wars - 101 posts
#tbb - 69 posts
#nahoney22 writes - 54 posts
#tech bad batch - 31 posts
#bad batch - 23 posts
#hunter bad batch - 21 posts
#crosshair bad batch - 20 posts
#bad batch tech - 19 posts
Longest Tag: 110 characters
#i have a three hour social visit in the morning and the last thing i need is to be crying because of spoilers.
My Top Posts in 2022:
See You Again***
Doc Ock X F!Reader
word count: f knows it’s long probably like 5-6k sorry lmao
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You’re visited one night at work by Doc Ock himself and every memory you once had of him came swarming back; as did the untold feelings you shared for him.
warnings: 18+ so minors shoo. Ock being a bit creepy to reader, slight manhandling but nothing sinister. Nsfw, Smut, praise, dirty talk, p in v sex, restraints used by tentacles, bit angsty and a bit of fluff, cream pie, swearing, not properly proofread. One off shot, won’t do a part 2 ❤️
A/N gif by me. Request for my beautiful @itsjml - Happy belated birthday 👑 and this is my first Doc Ock fic! So I hope you enjoy you doc ock fuckers 🐙
Italics is flashback
When the news struck about Otto Octavius robbing banks, destroying buildings and becoming the new villain of New York, you couldn’t believe it.
This was Otto, your Otto. Well, he never was but you had once or twice imagined in your silly thoughts that he could be. Funny, right? The only man to pay you any mind, only one to actually talk with you about everything and anything. And now he is gone; replaced by a villain that terrorizes the city.
When you met Otto, it was your second week into the job at Oscorp. It was Harry who initially hired you as the two of you had been friends in college and when he heard you were looking for something just to help pay rent at your small apartment, he just had a new position open up; a receptionist.
It wasn’t the glamorous job you always thought you’d have as a young, naive kid but the pay was decent. It was just a tad boring, answering emails and phone calls on a phone that you had to hold the cord in a certain place to hear the customer properly all day long.
But, you found yourself enjoying it more when you met Otto. You had seen him a few times and low-key admired the tall, slightly heavy set man from afar but it wasn’t until one storming morning you first spoke to each other.
Running towards the building in the blistering winds and heavy downfall of rain as black clouds wrapped around the city sky, you didn’t realise that in your mad sprint you had dropped the fob onto the floor.
As you went to let yourself in, you cursed as the fob wasn’t anywhere on your person.
By now, your hair was drenched, strands clinging onto your damp face and your white shirt did you the injustice of becoming transparent and showing off your dark navy bra. You didn’t even bring a coat because the forecast was supposed to be bright and sunny all week - not torrential rain.
Suddenly, a shadow loomed over you and a strong arm wrapped around your shoulders and brought you close to their side. Since you were always told to be wary about foes in the city, you were about to make a swipe at them and tell them off for randomly grabbing you but as you looked at them the side profile of the Doctor you had been admiring stood at your side with an umbrella sheltering you both.
“Drop your fob, ma’am?” He questions, not taking a look at you as he pulled out his own entry device and swipes it against the door as the two of you piled into the warmth of the building.
“Uh, yeah. Looks that way.” You shudder once his arm leaves you and you turn to see him shake out the rain from his umbrella before he looks up at you and smiles. And what a charming smile he had.
You weren't sure, but you would hazard a guess that this man was trying his damn hardest not to tear his eyes away from your face to gaze at your slight state of exposure but, being the gentleman he seemed to be, he didn’t. “You’re Harry’s friend.” He says more of a statement than a question.
Stupidly looking at him all awestruck like, it was when he cleared his throat that you snapped out of your gaze and thanked your red cheeks on the cold weather rather than the embarrassment of staring at him. “Yeah, that’s me.”
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448 notes - Posted January 21, 2022
Touch Starved with Tech
Tech X GN!Reader
word count: 3.4k
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The fifth and final instalment of the Touch Starved Series with the gorgeous Tech.
warnings: none, touch starved Tech, fluff, a little suggestive if you squint. Enjoy 🤍 SCHEDULED POST.
Affection was not something Tech had any particular interest in when growing up nor was it something he was ever on the receiving thing of. It didn’t bother him, no. In fact, he never felt as though he needed to hug someone or shake someone’s hand to show comfort or gratitude. Why would he when his mind was racing with a thousand different ways to show these types of feelings?
That all changed however when you came into his life.
You had met him and the rest of the batch on Kamino, working under Master Jedi Shaaki Ti as one of the medical team. It was her who had signed you up to work with Clone Force 99 and although you all seemed reluctant, it was the best thing to ever happen.
There was no mistaking that Tech had found you attractive, every one of his brothers did and it didn’t help that you were also incredibly kind-hearted and funny. You were patient but brutally honest when you had to be and most of all? You listened to him.
It was a calm day for the Batch, relaxing on the sands of Tatooine and waiting for the next set of missions to come fire their way and Tech was doing his typical daily repairs. However, he ran into a small problem with one of the compartments under the control panel that controls the reflector shields and needed an assistant.
You just so happened to be walking past and glance in his way to see the harsh concentration grace his sharp features. “Everything alright, Tech?”
Glancing up from under the panel upon hearing the sound of the voice, an idea popped into his mind. “Ah! I don’t suppose you could spare a minute or two and assist me with some general repairs?”
“Are you sure? I’m not exactly good at that kind of stuff.” It’s not that you did not want to help but the thought of possibly accidentally breaking something triggered in your mind. It wasn’t until Tech said that you only had to hold some wires and maybe pass him some tools that finally convinced you to help.
“Well, okay then. Let me just take my jacket off and I’ll come under.”
“Not a problem, I can wait.” Tech confirmed by pulling himself back under the panel, laying on the flat piece of his armour on his back and awaited your return.
When you did, the top half of your body only sported a vest top since the ship was hotter than usual (obviously because of the planet and obviously because Wrecker had accidentally broken the cooling system… another task for another day) and got on your knees beside him.
“Alright I’m ready! Can I come under?”
Tech made a noise of what could only be a grunt of approval, slightly shifting more to his left to give you some room as you lay on your back and shimmied your way up beside him. “Okay sir, what would you like me to do?”
Your formal address to him made him chuckle in amusement. “Please, you do not need to call me such formalities as I am nothing more than your teammate. But, I would like you to hold onto this yellow wire whilst I calibrate the circuit board just here.”
Subtly, you rolled your eyes at Tech’s correction to the nickname you gave him but nonetheless took the yellow between your fingers and watched him tinker away.
As you watched him, your eyes traveled down to spot the side of his face, small beads of sweat trickling down from his temple. His face remained set in concentration, jaw clenching and slightly gritting his teeth.
Safe to say that if you were wearing something with a collar, you'd be hot underneath it.
Out of all the members of the Batch, you were probably closest to Tech and but that has unfortunately led to you feeling some kind of way around him. You tried to brush it off as a little crush but the more he taught you, spoke to you… it was definitely more than a little crush.
You tore your eyes away once he asked for the wire back and as you passed the wire towards him, his gloved fingers wrapped around your index finger accidentally causing Tech to gasp and pull back quickly.
Eyes widening a little at his reaction, the first thought that came to mind was that he had an electric shock of some kind.
“Tech, what was that? You okay?” You asked quickly, shifting a little on your side to look at him better as he inspected his fingers closely after dropping his spanner onto his chest.
“I am not too sure what it was but I can assure you that I am alright and you should not be alarmed.” He said simply but on the inside, his blood was boiling and his heart was racing.
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449 notes - Posted February 24, 2022
I feel like none of this would’ve happened if Plo Koon didn’t die
486 notes - Posted September 20, 2022
Touch Starved with Echo
Echo X GN!Reader
word count: 2.6k
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The fourth instalment of the Touch Starved Series and this time it’s with the handsome Echo who feels as though he’s not worthy of any comfort.
warnings: This ones a little angsty as Echo is super insecure about his relatively new ‘modifications’. Reader comforts Echo so fluff will be expected too.
Masterlist 🤍
My Ko-Fi 🤍
Echo being touch starved was not a surprise to anyone. Echo knew he was and so did you and so did his vod to be honest.
The only problem was that he did not like to be touched. At all. The only contact he had recently was with Tech who makes adjustments to his newly modified body and the thought of anyone else touching him made him feel sick.
Sick because he no longer felt like a human and sick at the thought of someone being disgusted by him.
When he met you however, he saw no signs of disgust on your face when you first met in that hangar. However, he stayed way back from you whenever it came to physical contact.
In fact, you thought that you had insulted him when you stuck out your hand to shake his but as he went to put his hand towards you he winced silently and just nodded instead.
But, the two of you got along and that’s all that mattered.
It was a quiet day for the squad, drifting through space as Hunter and Crosshair took control of the cockpit, Wrecker was snoozing in his bunk meanwhile Echo and Tech were tinkering away in the main hull of the ship.
Echo was calibrating something for Tech, the use of his scomp being a valuable asset to the task but Echo noticed that it began to malfunction. He pulled it out of the socket and gave it an experimental twirl but sighed as it got jammed. This wasn’t the first time either, it had been happening at least three times a week and it happening in the middle of working wasn’t great.
“Hey Tech,” he called over to the goggled clone who was head down in his datapad and scanning through the ships files, “my scomp is jammed again.”
He looked up and frowned. “I’m afraid I can’t assist you at the moment.” Then, you walked in and a lightbulb ignited in his brain. “Y/N can help you.”
“Help you with what?” You question, surprised at the sudden task being put on you as soon as you entered.
Echo felt a little nauseous. “Oh, er- it’s nothing.”
“It’s not nothing when we need your help with repairs on my ship. Now let them help.” Tech said almost dismissively as he stood and went to speak with Hunter about whatever which just left you two alone.
You immediately sensed his slight hostility about you helping but you were now adamant to tend to whatever he needed and so sat on the swivel chair next to his and smiled. “Is it your scomp?” You nod towards his arm and he arches a brow.
“How did you know?”
“Heard you were having trouble with it a few days ago is all.” You tell him, grabbing some of Tech’s tools that he left on the side by his workbench. “I probably won’t get it working perfectly but I could have a nosey at it.”
Echo chewed on the inside of his cheek, tossing the proposition of you helping him up in his mind until he sighed and nodded. “That’ll be helpful.”
“Not a problem, just place your arm up on here.” You pat the workbench and Echo does as he is told, begrudgingly laying his arm or what was left of it on top and watches as you inspect it before grabbing a small scalpel.
“I’m just gonna see if it’s jammed with dirt first.” You figured telling him what you were about to do with his body was the best step to take, not wanting to do something that might make him snap at you which if you were being honest, didn’t think would ever happen. Echo was always so kind to you and made you caf in the mornings but you soon began to realise you didn’t know much about him. You knew he was a ‘reg’ but you were not told the whole story of how he joined the squad in the first place.
You only joined a month or two after he did as a medic who also knew their way around a power converter and repairing engines so Echo knew he was in somewhat good hands.
You scraped the scalpel alongside the socket, gently tugging at any dirt or oil residue that may have slipped in and cleaned it on some tissue before putting it back in.
See the full post
671 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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1,628 notes - Posted May 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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wadbot · 1 year
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PETRAVKK.WAD: Petra Verkaik Tribute Wad MAP05 (544, -460, 0) Author: Stephen Huff Date: 1997-07-25 Description: Petra Verkaik was the November 1989 playmate. Her website is http://www.pinupgirl.com/ . She makes the list of most asked questions about playmates as the answer to 'Which playmate was saved in an automobile accident by her breasts?' This wad is a second exercise in the graphic arts using pretty girls downloaded off the net. It's primary function is to make impressive graphic scenarios. Though, even the toughest doombie should have some difficulty making it through without getting killed once or twice. It makes a nice demo of how an artist can use a game engine like doom2 to create a gallery in cyberspace for display of thumbnails of his own artwork. PLAYHINTS: For those of you who like to keep score, here are the final tallies on my playtesting the wad. Playtest conditions were as follows. Ultraviolence, and avoid using secret weapons caches, since players couldn't be counted on to find them all. This proves that you can make it through on ultraviolence mode. Level 1 Ammo B (bullets) 60, S (shotgun shells) 36, R (rockets) 20. Weapons pistol, shotgun, machine gun. Level 2 Ammo B 312 S 84 R 53 C (energy cells) 302, backpack, weapons 2-6. Health 76% Armor 176% Kills 98% Items 66% secrets 0%. Level 3 Ammo B 372 S 100 R 71 C 228, Health 100 Armor 95 Kills 98% Items 37% secret 0. Level 4 Ammo B 400 S 50 R 100 C 520 Kils 102% Items 44% Health 106% Armor 111%. Level 5 Ammo B 6 S 71 R 20 C 157 Kills 99% Items 44% Secrets 0. Level 6 Ammo b 6 S 100 R 31 C 294 Health 200 Armor 200 Kills 100% Items 61%. Level 7 Ammo B 50 S 28 R 31 C 20 Health 100 Parmor 100 Kills 89% Items 85% Secrets 0%. Level 8 Ammo B 80 S 57 R 45 C 101 Health 60 Armor 0. Level 9 Ammo B 238 S 99 R 39 C 449 Kills 100% Items 59% Secrets 15%. Level 10 can also be completed on ultraviolence. I forgot to write down my tally. Level 11 is a remake of level 30 fighting the big boss in hell, easier though, and you will find the layout interesting. This allowed me to use level 12 as a victory screen, with the changed sky texture as the new victory graphics. Because the display of the pictures is of importance, several levels require you to find a key, throw a switch, find another switch, throw it, etc. This causes floors to sink away revealing the graphics. In other levels, crossing lines turns lights on, revealing the graphics, etc. This may make the game occassionally puzzling to a player.
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carolinemillerbooks · 4 months
New Post has been published on Books by Caroline Miller
New Post has been published on https://www.booksbycarolinemiller.com/musings/dementia-and-communion/
Dementia And Communion
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A question lingers in my mind three years after my mother’s death.  Was I a dutiful daughter in her declining years? An earlier blog recounts an incident when I failed her.  She’d taken a spill as the pair of us left a restaurant during a rain storm.  She was 101 at the time and already suffering from memory loss. Given her condition, the mishap roiled in my mind for several days. Finally, I decided I’d been guilty of placing my parent in a life-threatening circumstance and decided never to take her out again. Instead, I carried her favorite meals to her.  Deprived of stimulation beyond her four walls, however, her acuity seemed to decline. By the time she died at 104, I decided I had been over protective.  Age is a much-feared disease and all who suffer it will die. Ponce de Leon dreaded the thought of growing old. A 16th-century Spanish Explorer, he secured his place in history as the traveler who searched for the fountain of youth. Like Herodotus who lived in 400 B. C. Greece, he hoped the myth that such a fountain existed was true.  Sadly, he never found it or managed to recapture a single lost second of his life. Time’s direction is forward, and we grow old because of it.   At 87, my decline is undeniable. I need hearing aids and glasses.  Last week a company installed a caption phone to improve my ability to understand what callers have to say. Mercifully, the installer left me with a manual—a rarity these days. Otherwise, I’d have been forced to search the internet for instructions, a procedure that seldom works for me.   Despite the diminuendo of my life, I have no plans to go gently into that good night; but I won’t take extreme measures either. Starving myself to extend my days strikes me as a living death. Nor will I arrange for my body to be frozen after I’m gone in the hope I can be resurrected in the future. (“The One Body Problem,” by Rachel Dodes, Vanity Fair, Feb. 2024, pg.98.)  I’ve no doubt I’d awake with my wrinkles preserved but suffering from frostbite. My goal as I age is to be at peace with my decline.  That includes accepting the onset of dementia should it come. I see no handicap in living in the moment after recollection fades. One happy fact about the disease is that memory loss doesn’t affect creativity. A retired accountant who can no longer balance his checkbook, for example, has become a gifted photographer. (“Love, Dementia and Robots,” by Kat McGowan, Wired, March/April 2024, 70.)  His story gives me hope that no matter the state of my memory, imagination will allow me to continue to spin yarns for many years.  Whether we like it or not, old age forces us to reframe who we are. We may no longer be doctors, lawyers, or candlestick makers, but we do keep our inner lives. Even René Descartes, the father of science and reason, wouldn’t deny that truth. I  think, therefore I exist… even in my fantasies.  If dementia takes us to another place, that’s no proof we are lost. Erased memories may prevent me from reliving experiences with my friends, but who’s to say, they can’t enter mine? Technology and AI are beginning to ask that question. Sometimes, a memory device can be simple.  One is a musical pillow.  Touch it and it plays songs from World 11.  “We’ll Meet Again,” never fails to wake one elderly woman from her dreams. Hearing the music, she breaks into song. Her daughter, seated beside her, touches her hand, and then their voices rise together. The “reunion” may bring tears to the daughter’s eyes, but I suspect they are good tears. (Ibid, pg. 73) I wish I had thought to enter my mother’s world instead of insisting she remain in mine.  She didn’t seem unhappy where she was. I’d no need to drag her through the rain to keep her with me. I could have sought other ways to send my words through time and space to greet* her. If I had, it might have made all the difference.    *James Elroy Flecker, To a Poet a Thousand Years Hence
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ebouks · 2 years
Cisco CCENT/CCNA ICND1 100-101 Official Cert Guide 1st edition
Cisco CCENT/CCNA ICND1 100-101 Official Cert Guide 1st edition
Cisco CCENT/CCNA ICND1 100-101 Official Cert Guide Wendell Odom Cisco Press has the only Self-Study Guides Approved by Cisco for the New CCENT Certification. The New Edition of this Best-Selling Official Cert Guide includes Updated Content, New Exercises, 400 Practice Questions, and 90 Minutes of Video Training — PLUS the CCENT Network Simulator Lite Edition with lab exercises. The CCENT…
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wemresearch · 2 years
Construction Equipment Market Analysis, Business Development, Size, Share, Trends, Future Growth, Forecast to 2030
Global construction market was valued at USD 208.3 billion in 2021 and is anticipated to register a CAGR of 3.8% during the forecast duration of 2022-2030, thereby reaching a valuation of USD 308.54 billion by the end of the analysis timeline.
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American manufacturers of construction machinery and suppliers of equipment and related parts have had enduring success both at home and abroad. The completion of new residential and commercial infrastructure projects, as well as the upkeep and extension of already-existing structures, roads, transit corridors, and water and sanitation services, all depend on the products in this industry.
Increased private sector investment, real estate sector expansion, improving economic conditions, and the development of residential and commercial infrastructure in emerging economies all contribute to the growth of the market for heavy construction equipment. Additionally, the increase of public-private partnerships and government infrastructure development initiatives for the development of public infrastructure systems in nations like the U.S., India, and China has assisted market expansion.
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Global Construction Equipment Market- Segment Analysis
By equipment type
Asphalt Finisher
Motor Grader
Backhoe Loader
Motor Scraper
Crawler Dozer
Articulated Dump Truck
Crawler Excavator
Rigid Dump Truck
Crawler Loader
Road Roller
Mini Excavator
Rough Terrain Lift Truck (RTLT) Masted
Wheeled Excavator
Rough Terrain Lift Truck (RTLT) Telescopic
Wheeled Loader <80 HP
Wheeled Loader >80 HP
Pick and Carry Crane.
Skid-Steer Loader
Among these, the earth moving equipment segment presently holds a substantial market share as it uses hydraulic drives as its major motion source. Alongside, rising urban population and escalating demand for efficient infrastructural facilities across the globe are further boosting segmental expansion. The commonly used earthmoving machines are motor graders, loaders, and excavators.
By Equipment Category
Material Handling Equipment
Heavy Construction Vehicle
Earthmoving Equipment
By Power Output
101-200 HP
201-400 HP
>400 HP
Among these the 101-200 HP range is anticipated to register notable expansion over the forecast duration. This is attributable to the fact the equipment with this range allow manufacturers to enhance the machine capacity while downsizing the engine to a lower displacement level. This results in maintenance cost reduction and fuel economy enhancement, thereby promising a better component layout.
By Engine Capacity
By Propulsion Type
By Application
Top Key Players:-
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Q1. What is the total market value of heavy construction equipment market?
Q2. Which market holds the maximum market share of the heavy construction equipment market?
Q3. What will be heavy construction equipment market growth in 2030?
Q4. What are the key trends in the heavy construction equipment market?
Q5. What are the key growth strategies of heavy construction equipment industry players?
Q6. How the company profile has been selected?
Q7. What is the heavy construction equipment market effecting factors?
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WE MARKET RESEARCH is an established market analytics and research firm with a domain experience sprawling across different industries. We have been working on multi-county market studies right from our inception. Over the time, from our existence, we have gained laurels for our deep rooted market studies and insightful analysis of different markets.
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missmonsters2 · 4 years
Between the Lines || VI
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PAIRING: Steve Rogers & Fem!Reader (Platonic) / Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader / Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader / Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader x Wanda Maximoff
Summary: Vampire AU. Life has changed drastically since the 1600s. Things are always on the move, and you’ve been very careful to not get on SHIELDs radar. Living on the down-low owning a café, you’re content to live out a quiet existence. That is until the Avengers enter your life.
[Set after the New York Invasion, in CAWS, and goes up to AoU. Canon divergent after.]
Warnings: This series will contain smut(**), poly-relationship, and dark themes.
Note: And so, we are entering AoU. Yes, you guessed it, soon Wanda will make her appearance! Please let me know if you want to be on the taglist for this fic :)!
Count: 6136
"Your little side gig of renting books must make more than I originally thought," Natasha wryly said as she sat comfortably in her cushioned chair that had plenty of legroom. 
Sitting first class on a flight was something Natasha rarely did, mostly because she could get anywhere on the Quinjet. But even then, with her line of work, it's not like she could continuously afford first-class with how often she needed to travel, and the cost wasn't worth it. 
Maybe if Tony paid for her trips. 
You grinned at the redhead across as you flagged down a flight attendant. "That, or living for over 400 years gives me a lot of time for investing and saving."
Natasha merely smiles with a tilt of her head as she watches you order a salad, with cheese, nuts, and a side of fruit. 
"I thought you didn't have to eat," Natasha brings up after the flight attendant leaves. 
"I don't," you lean your jaw on your fist as your elbow rests against the armrest. "It's for you. It's going to be a long flight, but this is probably the freshest meal on the plane. At least it's naturally salty, so you'll be able to taste it instead of having to eat something that has been over salted. Humans lose about up to 30% of their taste when they're this high."
Natasha licks her lips because it's something so small, you don't even realize as you turn your head to look out the window. 
It's considerate, and it shows Natasha that you do care about her despite you hiding things from her. 
Sometimes, she cannot help but wonder why. 
"You don't lose your taste?" Natasha asks curiously, drawing your attention back. 
You hum. "It's hard to explain. My senses are enhanced. Things are typically louder, stronger tasting, and smellier. It gets easier to control with age, but when I eat, I don't just taste the food. I can smell and taste how fresh it is, how cooked it is, every ingredient used."
"That sounds like food can be an enjoyable experience. Do you eat regularly then?" Natasha asked.
You shook your head. "No, I eat when the situation calls for it. I can appreciate a well-cooked meal, but since I don't gather any nutrients from it, I don't really see the point of regularly eating when I'll have to feed again later."
Natasha nods, recalling what you had told her back at the secret facility.
"Since it's a long flight," Natasha smiles, "can you tell me a little more about being a vampire 101?"
You grin, "You may ask your questions, but I can't guarantee I'll answer all of them."
She remembers that you were unwilling to talk about why you weren't able to feed from humans, so she knew that was off-limits. A million questions race through Natasha's mind, almost unsure of what to ask, but she decides she'll ask the things she saw about you first.
"When you were fighting The Winter Soldier, you did something to make him stay down. What was that?"
You shift in your seat, biting your tongue on how exactly to explain it.
"Every vampire has a power called compulsion. We can compel other beings through essentially mind control by looking into our eyes," you lick your lips. "There are conditions to it, though. Compulsion is only as strong as the vampire is, and a human's willpower and mental strength are taken into consideration too. A human who is trained to resist mind control, compulsion lasts much shorter with them." 
"What makes a vampire stronger?" Natasha asked, frowning.
"Age, diet, and practice."
"Practice?" Natasha's brows furrow.
You nod. "How often you use compulsion increases its stamina. In terms of physical strength, it's age and diet, though, practice doesn't hurt with strategizing." 
"Could someone compel you?" Natasha asked bluntly.
"You'd be hardpressed to find many other vampires older than me," you smirked, "there's only most likely a handful of vampires who would be older than me. Though, I suppose I can't say I'm exactly at my full strength either."
"Because you can't feed directly from humans," Natasha slowly says and watches you nod but say nothing more, so she moves on.
"Do vampires not change other humans?" She asks with a tilt of her head.
You hum, pressing your lips together.
"We do, but it's rare. Vampires are more likely to only change someone who they consider their life partner, sometimes more if they're looking to build a 'family' or 'coven.'"
"Life partner? Do you only have one partner?" Natasha asks, remembering that you had said you had dated many people over the years, but it didn't work out. Was this one of the logistics of a vampire? That they had a soulmate?
You shook your head.
"A life partner doesn't translate to a soulmate or anything like that. Because we live so long, we do love very intensely. We may date and fool around, but humans are so fleeting. Their lifetime is only a moment for us. A life partner is someone vampires consider they cannot have for only one moment, after all, forever is a long time. It takes time for a vampire to consider such things within another," you close your eyes, no longer talking when the flight attendant comes back with the food and places it in front of Natasha. 
When she leaves, Natasha takes a slice of cheese and puts it in her mouth, humming. 
"Why didn't you kill The Winter Soldier?" Natasha asks after a moment when she swallows her food.
"I'm glad I didn't," you mutter, thinking about how it turned out to be James Buchanan Barnes. 
You sigh lightly. "People who are enhanced are different. The serum makes them much more durable. Generally, humans feel flimsy and frail to us. I could've killed him, but it was faster to create an opening for us to escape. You were bleeding."
Natasha watches as you talk about her wound uncomfortably. 
"Is it hard to resist your thirst?"
You lick your lips, remembering the taste of Natasha's blood on your tongue. 
"Age helps," you swallow. "While I feel bloodlust, it's easier to control knowing I can't have it. But I always make sure I'm well-fed."
Still, Natasha feels the word 'why' wanting to fall from her lips, but she knows you won't explain.
"Alright, enough questions for now," you grin at the redhead, "finish your meal, and let's watch a movie. I think there's a movie on here that that hasn't even hit the theaters yet."
Natasha merely smiles at you.
Sokovia is warmer than you thought during this time of the year. 
Fall is barely making its appearance, but it's still a little brisk. 
You look over to Natasha, who has a thin jacket on, and although the spy doesn't show any signs of feeling cold, you frown.
You take off your scarf, turning to her as you wrap it around her.
Natasha watches you through her lashes.
"I'm not cold," she tells you.
"I'm getting cold watching you," you mumble back, adjusting the scarf just right. 
There's a moment that seems to linger between the two of you, but before you could really make anything of it, your phone starts to go off.
You blink, looking at Natasha for a moment before turning away to pull out your phone.
"Hey, David," you answer the phone.
"Have you landed yet?" 
"Yeah, just hailing a cab right now. I got the address you sent me. Did you settle in and get the place ready?" You ask as you raise your hand to flag a cab to you.
David makes a noise indicating he did. "Are you bringing her?"
"Well, I certainly didn't bring her for nothing."
David sighs, "Alright, I'll see you soon."
You hang up the phone as you usher Natasha into the cab first.
You give the address in Slovak as you try to sit comfortably.
"You know Slovak?" Natasha asks in English.
You nod. "Yes, I have an extensive language list. I've had 400 years to learn to be fair."
"I had felt you knew Russian when we played Jenga," Natasha smiled.
"Oh yeah, you mean when I beat your ass in Jenga?" You smirked, causing the redhead to laugh.
"We'll see who comes out on top at the next game," she merely replies. 
You fall into a comfortable silence for the rest of the ride, enjoying the heat that seems to linger between the two of you as you sit close together.
The house is big, Natasha notices. A part of her wonders precisely how much is in your bank account, and she's sure you have many accounts offshore as well.
She's not unused to seeing luxurious houses, but Natasha supposes she's still reconciling the fact that you're not just an ordinary café owner.
You carried the suitcases with ease as you entered the house. It was quiet, Natasha observes, looking at the decor as she does so. You drop the bags and hum as you look around.
"David!" You shouted, hearing him trying to stand still upstairs. You hear a quiet groan and roll your eyes, and Natasha tilts her eyes curiously. 
She steels herself when someone blurs down the stairs, standing at a distance. He wore a plain white mask as he briefly looked at Natasha. 
"David," you sigh, "why are you wearing a mask?"
"For my safety," he answers, seemingly almost a little proud of himself. 
"Take it off," you stare at him.
"David, you're being ridiculous," you scrunch your brow. "You can't wear the mask forever. She's here, and she knows you exist, there's no point."
"No," David says stubbornly. 
Natasha watches the scene with rapture, it was hard to form a full opinion with David's mask on, but he was tall, and seemed toned but not too muscular. His blowout hairstyle seemed to unnaturally defy gravity with its voluminous structure, swaying slightly as he moved his head.  
You seemed to say something quietly and quickly that Natasha couldn't hear, only for David to do exactly the same.
All of a sudden, Natasha blinked, and you had blurred over towards David. The two of you seemed to be wrestling, and before Natasha could blink again, you had ripped off the mask from David's face.
"Ugh!" David scowled with a bit of a pout. He looked over at Natasha, and she was surprised by how handsome David was. It wasn't like she's never seen a handsome man before. After all, she sees Steve's face every day.
But there was the same unnatural beauty to him that you had. It was subtle, but still there. His chestnut eyes flittered in a way that made it seem like the sunlight existed in them, and his sharp jawline and cheekbone gave him a charismatic air, even as he scowled. 
"Now look at what you've done," David scrunched his nose at you. 
"The fact that you think Natasha wouldn't find out what you looked like forever proves to me you're still a dumbass even though you're over 300 years old," you roll your eyes as you toss the mask back to David.
"You don't know that," David petulantly rebuttals back but sighs as he looks back over to Natasha. "I heard you looking to build some new covers?"
Natasha nodded with a small smile, but David merely nodded his head towards the stairs.
"I have some started up for you, but I need you to come up with me to finish it."
"Did you do grocery shopping?" You asked David, who merely looked confused.
You sigh and roll your eyes again and turn to Natasha. "I'm going to head out for a bit to get you some food while you're with David. Any particular requests?"
Natasha shook her head, "Anything is fine."
You nodded and turned to David with a bit of a quirk in your brow.
"Be nice," you whisper towards David too quietly for Natasha to hear. 
David merely huffs but nods slightly before you smile one last time to Natasha before heading out. 
"Alright, come on," David casually says as he starts to hop up the stairs with one of his hands in his pocket while the other holds his mask.
He leads Natasha into a room that is decked out with numerous computer systems and monitors. Off the side, there was newer technology that Natasha was used to, like holographic systems and monitors. 
David pulled up a holographic monitor and pulled up various types of documents.
"I've got a couple prepared for you here to start off, take a look and tell me if you want to add anything," David flicked the screen to face her.
Natasha took a look, impressed with the work. There were a lot of documents included that she would need.
Birth certificates, health cards, visas, passports, resumes, newspaper clippings, school registries, transcripts, and so much more.
Each identity was fully decked out. 
There were about five aliases David had created for her, all reusable and versatile. 
It was much more intricate and detailed than Natasha would've imagined.
"This is impressive," Natasha tells him, "I think these are all perfect."
David hums. "I'm just building your image for your passports, and then I register them within in the system in case anyone tries to look you up."
Natasha looks at other things in the room before looking back at David.
"You're quite the accomplished hacker," she comments, watching David snort.
"I'm not a hacker," David looks at her from the side of his eye before looking back to the screen to finish his work. "I'm a technopath."
Natasha's brows furrowed. "You have powers?"
David eyed Natasha before speaking, "Yes. I was changed around the 1700s. At first, my powers manifested in the form of nuts, bolts, gears, and wires. It was passive more than anything. But as humans progressed, so did my powers. In this day and age, nearly everything is accessible through electronics."
David explained his powers a little more to Natasha, who took the information in slowly. She was sure if David ever got his hands onto Tony's systems, it would be over for the inventor. 
It was quiet for a few moments until Natasha recalled you were wearing gloves.
"Does she have powers too?" Natasha asked abruptly. David turned over to look at the redhead with his eyebrow cocked.
"If she hasn't told you, I will leave that up to her," David turned back to his screen. "What has she told you?"
"Just some basics," Natasha told him and listened as he hummed.
"You can ask me some questions too, I'll try to answer them the best I can," David offered, and she gave him a small smile. It seems like he was slowly warming up to her.
"Do you know why vampires have to feed?" She asked.
David seemed to have finished what he was doing and led her back out of the room. "Vampires can't produce blood in their bodies. Our heart pumps what blood we drink to get our body to function. Because we drink blood to supply, eventually, our bodies will run out."
They took a seat on different couches as David relaxed, putting his head back.
"What happens if you don't feed?"
David lifted his head, peering at Natasha. "We become absolutely feral. Any rational part of us shuts down, and we will kill anything near us for blood. If a vampire doesn't feed in that stage, we enter a comatose state until someone feeds us blood."
"Kill?" Natasha clarified, and David nodded.
"It's very possible to feed without killing, but in that stage, we're no longer aware of what we're doing. We're no longer aware of how strong we might be holding someone. In most cases, people die from a broken neck because we grasp it too hard," David's lips were in a tight line, and Natasha got a distinct feeling that he had experienced what he was telling her.
But for someone who had killed probably more people than she has, he had such soft eyes. 
Natasha was about to ask another question when you opened the door, coming in with multiple grocery bags. A part of her wanted to ask if you needed help out of habit, but you clearly had no problems carrying all of it by yourself. 
Still, David got up and blurred over to you at the kitchen island to see what you got. 
"Oh, you got some good stuff. Might just be tempted to eat dinner tonight too," David grinned. "Also try to go easy on the blood supply. We should have enough to last us until the next shipment, but getting in touch with the hospital here had some issues."
You merely nodded, leaving the details up to David. 
"Can I cook?" David asks, and you chuckle before nodding.
"Better you than me," you shrug, leaving him with the groceries. You walk over to Natasha and plop down next to her. 
"Did David give you your new covers?" You ask and smile as Natasha nods.
"Yes, they were pretty solid identities. Thank you," Natasha whispers to you, genuinely grateful for you. What would've taken her months to get new covers took only a couple moments because of you. 
And your voice about life partners popped up in Natasha's head.
"YOU'RE WELCOME!" David shouts from the kitchen, interrupting the moment, causing the two of you to laugh.
The evening passes by quickly as you show Natasha to her room, which is across from yours. You tell Natasha to spend some time resting after the flight and get settled in before dinner. 
Natasha didn't think she was tired, but she did end up falling asleep for about 20 minutes. When she woke up, she took a shower in the bathroom that was in her room, sighing at the hot water. 
By the time she got out, she could smell a waft of food lingering in the air and found her stomach rumbling. When she came down, she saw you setting the table as David finished up cooking in an apron. The way you two moved so easily and in sync showed to Natasha that the two of you must have been together for a long time.
"This smells delicious, what are we having?" Natasha peered over to the stove as David finished plating.
"We are having a calamari salad, crispy dry ribs with a tamarind honey glaze for the main, and a Molten Chocolate Cake served with a berry compote for dessert," David gave the redhead a small smile. 
"Wow," Natasha blinked. This was the type of dinner she would be having at a restaurant. She couldn't even remember the last time she ate something like this with her fellow Avengers.  
"David was a chef at one point," you tell her as you beckon her forward to take a seat, holding the chair out for her. You take a seat diagonally next to her while David brings over the plates. He takes off his apron and takes his seat across from you.
"Oh, that was a wondrous time," David recalls when he used to work as a chef, putting food on everyone's plate.
Natasha nods to him in thanks, taking a bite of the food.
"Oh," she moans a little from the taste. "Why did you ever stop?"
David laughs, and you roll your eyes as you can tell his ego is swelling up.
"David was getting too much recognition, no matter where he worked. It's not good for us to ever have photos taken of us or be publicly recognized," you dig in yourself.
Natasha nods with a hum, "I guess it'd be bad if someone realized you never aged."
"Exactly," you nod. 
"Doesn't stop me from occasionally cooking," David tells the redhead, "but I suppose now that you're here, I will have more opportunities to cook!"
He actually sounded excited, and Natasha couldn't help but smile.
"You didn't have to eat with me, you know," Natasha seems apologetic to you and you wave it off.
"I think you'll find it weirder if we merely sit here and watch you eat. Besides, it's not like eating causes us any harm, and it doesn't taste half-bad," you smirk.
"Hey!" David looks up at you with a mock glare, causing Natasha to laugh. 
The rest of the dinner with a pleasant affair with light talks and banter. Natasha learns a little more about how you had come to meet David. 
"You changed him?" Natasha asks with mild shock. 
Previous to that, she has just learned that to change a human, there were two ways. 
To change into a vampire, a human had to die with enough venom in their system. 
One, it could be done slowly over time by injecting venom slowly into a human's system. You had told her that venom was for the part, passive. As a vampire, you could control how you wanted your venom to react. By slowly building up venom in a human's system, the change was much less painful. 
There were side effects, of course. It was subtle, but there. Over time, the human would find they needed to sleep less. They would have to eat more, finding their usual amount wasn't given them enough nutrients. Even their skin would look clearer and glassy, their hair looking glossier. 
The second way was usually in the case of emergencies like the human was already dying. That would usually involve draining enough blood before injecting a massive amount of venom before they could die. It was incredibly painful.
In David's case, he was dying.
"How?" Natasha asked. Her mind was reeling, knowing you couldn't feed on people. How would you have changed David without draining him of blood? Maybe you were able to feed on people at one point, but something changed?
"She drained my blood by sucking it out and then spitting it out. She didn't drink a single drop," David said grimly, while you quietly drank your glass of wine. 
"You did what?" Natasha whipped her head over to you. You looked at Natasha while the wine glass rested against your lips before shrugging as if it wasn't a big deal. 
David shook his head at you.
"When it comes to self-control, there's probably no one that could ever beat her," David said as he wiped his lip with his napkin before throwing it on the table as they finished off their dessert. 
Natasha was in disbelief. 
The amount of control you must have shocked her. David described feeding being like the first hit of ecstasy, and it felt like that every time.
To..to change David in such a manner?
Natasha had a newfound respect for you. 
David sighed as he got up, "Alright, I gotta head back to the cave. When I find something, I'll let you know." He looked at you, and you nodded as you got up to put dishes away.
Natasha got up as well to help you, feeling fuller than she has been in a long time. She knew she would need to watch herself because eating like she has with David's cooking would undoubtedly make her gain an unhealthy amount of weight.
"So, you make insanely good coffee while David cooks like a God? Seems a little unfair neither of you regularly eat," Natasha smirked at you, causing you to laugh.
"Well, you're certainly more than welcome to ask me to make coffee for you anytime. I won't even charge you," you grinned at her. "I think David is secretly happy you're here as well. He loves cooking."
You whispered it as if it was a conspiracy, knowing that David would be able to hear to you. He scoffed, and you chuckled quietly as Natasha smiled at what you said.
Natasha's not sure how to quite explain it, but she feels like she's at home.
The night settles in easily as David works quietly. Natasha had gone to freshen up in her room while you had retired to your own.
But even as it got late, Natasha didn't feel tired, and she debated what to do before she left her room and stood in front of yours.
She didn't knock immediately and felt a little ridiculous because she knew that you knew she was standing there, but eventually, she rapped her knuckles softly against the door.
"Come in," she heard a quiet response. Opening the door, she found you sitting in an armchair with a book with the lights off. 
"Hey," you smile at her, "Can't sleep?"
Natasha nodded, and you closed your book as you beckoned her over to the balcony. The night was cooler, but Natasha insisted she was fine with her sweater on. Russia was much colder than this, so this was nothing.
The two of them sat against the couch outside, and you threw the thin blanket lying there over her lap. 
Sitting in comfortable silence, Natasha regarded you as you stared at the night sky.
"So, what's your real name?" She asks to fill the silence, recalling her past interactions with you. 
You laugh as you tell her your full real name.
"You know your last name now doesn't suit you at all, right?" Natasha quirks her brow.
You shrug. "People hardly ever blink an eye about what names I use. If my last name at the time doesn't fit, I always say I was adopted or have some interesting thing in my family tree. David is always prepared. We've had many different types of last names."
"Do you ever miss your actual name?" She asks softly, thinking about when the last time someone might've called her Natalia was. 
You look up, sighing. "Sometimes. But the girl with that name is from so long ago, she can't exist in today's world. She belongs in the past. For now, I'm Elaine, and one day in the future, I'll be another name. It's the life of a vampire."
"Couldn't David prevent anyone from ever looking that far?" Natasha frowns slightly, feeling sympathetic for you. 
"He could," you concede. "For the most part, we will cycle through the same name sometimes when enough time has passed. But sometimes, some things are just better to be left in the past."
It was clearly a preference with a story of its own, but Natasha doesn't want to push you to talk about such things tonight.
"Do you have a power too?" Natasha asks after the silence stretches too long.
You turn your head back, almost surprised by how incredibly soft Natasha looks. The moonlight hitting her just enough to illuminate her face. She's got a bit of a natural wave to her hair, and she smells likes like vanilla and dry leaves. 
"I do," you answer softly, your fingers flexing out of habit. "When I touch someone, I can see everything about them. Every thought they've had, things they've seen, and to an extent, their future. It's helped David and I survive this long."
Natasha looked at your hands. "Is that why you wear the gloves?"
You nod.
"While it's a very useful gift, it's invasive, even if the other person doesn't know. I don't like using my gift until it's about life or death," you shake your head softly. 
"You've never touched any of your partners over the years?" Natasha asks, and you smirk.
"You'd be surprised how creative one can be with sex and gloves," you half-joke, but sober up a little when you see Natasha's curious glint. "But no, I've only ever touched one person that wasn't for a life or death situation."
It was a vague answer, but Natasha accepted it. 
It felt like enough questions for tonight, Natasha still had questions, but she knew enough to be satisfied for now.
The two of you quietly enjoyed the night, looking at the night sky and Natasha braving herself enough to move her hand outside the blanket and grasp yours. 
You had turned over, surprise in your eyes, but you didn't pull away. 
It was enough for Natasha. 
She leaned over, pulling your hand a little closer until you could feel her breath on your lips.
Natasha was warm, but you already knew that about her.
And under the dimly lit night and cool breeze, you shared a kiss with Natasha that both felt like a warning and the start of something that can't be controlled. 
Months pass by with little to no change. 
Natasha had stopped asking the important questions, even if they itched in the back of her throat. 
There seemed to be some kind of line you had drawn since that night Natasha kissed you. 
You were both still warm and kind to her, but distant. There were no talks about what the kiss meant, but Natasha knew there was something between the two of you.
And she was falling deeper and deeper the more she spent her days around you.
Natasha is a very patient person, she knows that. Whatever is holding you back, it's clearly something big.
And the fact that you were pulling back when you clearly felt something for the redhead only indicated to her that you were at least serious about her. Otherwise, it would've easily pushed forward for a fling. 
You seem to go out a lot. Every day you seem to leave around midday and don't return until late evening when David is about to finish cooking dinner. 
Natasha sees the look the two of you share, clearly whispers of things she cannot hear, but she doesn't push it because it's not her business. She's here as a guest.
As much as she wants to know, you haven't shared that with her, and Natasha knows better than to push. 
It isn't until one day late in the evening that David tells you he's got some new information for you to check out, and you need to leave immediately to scope the area. 
"This might take me a while," you tell Natasha softly as you stand before her, fingers unnecessarily itching to touch her cheek, but you force them to remain at your side.
Natasha nods as you leave, staring at your form as you go quickly.
It was in a blink, but Natasha still stares at the door. 
David looks on, biting his tongue. He wasn't a fool; he had noticed right away. It didn't help he could hear Natasha's soft sigh from the first night the two of you kissed.
On top of that, he had noticed you were internally struggling about what to do, as best as you were trying to hide that. 
David has known you for a long, long time, though. And while Natasha may have caught on, David knows why. 
He sighs, grabbing some wine glasses and a bottle that has been stored since the 1980s. 
"Come have a drink with me," he tells Natasha, hopping up the stairs to the second level balcony. 
"Very nice," Natasha smiles as he pours her a glass, and she catches the wine choice.
"It's going to be a long night, and you deserve a nice wine at least," David gives her a half-hearted smile as he puts the bottle down onto the mini table as he leaves over the railing, gazing out. 
Natasha raises her brow but doesn't say anything else as it's a moment to just enjoy the wine and the view. 
"So, what's got you all melancholy that you wanted to drag me out here with wine?" Natasha asks when the moment is over.
David takes another sip, swirling his glass gently when he lowers his glass and sighs. 
He turns to Natasha, looking more serious than she remembers him looking for the past few months.
"I'm only telling you this because I've grown to like you, Elaine would kick the shit out of me if she knew I was doing this right now," David lets out a forceful breath through his nose.
Natasha smiles lightly because she's grown to appreciate David too. In ways, she connects with him that she may not connect with anyone else. It's beautiful to find that in a friend, and clearly, he appreciates it as well.
She stares at him, waiting patiently for what he's about to say. 
"I love her—I do. I will always stick by her side, and she is my family that I wouldn't hesitate to die for. But I'm also telling you this as a friend," he says softly but sternly. "Give up on her." 
The words come as a shock to Natasha. Parts of her understand that something is underlying underneath all of this, but other parts of her don't.
"Why?" She asks seriously. Natasha watches as David runs his hands through his gravity-defying hair.
"I assume you know that she can't feed on humans," David looks at Natasha, and she nods. That's never been an issue for her, whether you could or not. 
David knows you'll be entirely pissed at him for telling Natasha, but he knows it's something you wouldn't tell her. At least the whole truth. 
"She's cursed," David tells Natasha simply.
Natasha blinks.
"Cursed?" She says slowly, almost confusedly. 
David nods. 
"She was involved with someone before I met her. I don't even know the full story of what truly occurred, but I can tell you that this person consumes her," David shook his head. "I don't know what happened, but the end result was that this woman put a curse on her that if she ever tries to feed on anyone else's blood, she will die."
Natasha had suspected that there might've been someone else in your life previously, but she hadn't expected this.
"Who could've put a curse on her like that?" She wondered out loud, mostly to herself.
"A witch," David answered bluntly. 
Natasha whipped her head up to look at David with shock.
"A witch," she slowly said to which he nodded.
"Yes, true witches born with powers in their bloodline did exist. Most have been burned at the stake because of the prevalent witch hunts until about 1750. Some still exist today, but probably in hiding."
It was like something clicked in Natasha's brain.
"Is that why the two of you are in Sokovia?" She asks immediately. "You're looking for someone. A witch."
David nods once, a little slowly.
"Yes," he says hesitantly. "That woman's descendants to confirm if the girl has powers."
Natasha nods, things making more sense.
"Are the two of you looking for a way to break her curse? I guess it would make sense. If a powerful curse was put on, then most likely only that person, or that person's descendants with powers could remove it, right? Is that what she does every day? Have you found any leads--"
"She doesn't want to remove the curse."
Natasha kept talking at first, but then the words hit her like a freight train. 
"What?" She asks a little breathlessly. 
David presses his lips together, feeling the sting for Natasha. 
"She doesn't want to get the curse removed," he repeated. 
"Then why is she here? Looking for that woman's descendants?" Natasha asks, wanting to let the desperation leak out in her tone.
Had she always felt this deeply for you?
Had she already fallen this far?
Natasha hadn't thought so, she knew she would down the line if things had continued as they were, but this moment was sobering to her. 
David shrugged helplessly at his friend. 
"Your guess is as good as mine. Regardless of the reason, you can understand why I'm telling you to give up on her," David licks his lips. "I'm not saying she can't love you because I can see that she clearly feels something serious for you already, which is why she's struggling right now. But she's also very clearly not over her past, and whatever it was, will hurt both of you down the line."
It was silent, Natasha taking his words into consideration, but before she could respond to David, they heard the front door open.
You were home.
The door had opened rather harshly, and the two could tell whatever you had scoped was not good. 
Putting down the wine glasses, they rushed back and down the stairs. 
Finding you standing there, looking displeased and stressed.
"What's wrong? Did you find them?" David immediately asks, referring to the descendants. 
You shook your head. "No, but the place you sent me to turned out to be a Hydra facility. I couldn't get in to look without being noticed, but I could hear what was happening inside. They're experimenting on humans."
You looked over at Natasha, licking your bottom lip subtly. 
"I think it's best you gather the Avengers."
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Things the Scoundrels Are No Longer Allowed to Do Part III
Based on “Skippy’s List,” this is a continuation of Things the Scoundrels are No Longer Allowed to Do.  I hope you like it.
Part I
Part II
371.   The “dibs” system is not a recognized method of promotion in the military.
372.   High recoil guns and roller skates are not an accepted method of transportation.
373.   You can’t find the true names of demons in the phone book.
374.   If the top floor is too well defended, you can’t just blow off the next to top floor.
375.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to elope with anyone for any reason.
376.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to give anyone preemptive last rites.
377.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to name droids IC-UP.
378.   The male and female members of the Scoundrels are no longer allowed to hold competitions against each other outside the Scoundrels fleet.  The last time that happened, the governor’s palace on Fildenfal got destroyed.
379.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to fish with flamethrowers.
380.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to call radio talk shows in the middle of missions.
381.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to re-create any scenes from Grease.
382.    Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.
383.   No amount of genetic engineering can turn pigs kosher.
384.   There is not a map written in invisible ink on the back of the Declaration of Independence.
385.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to run for political office.  Especially with the slogans “vote for me or I’ll kill you all,” or “because I’m just that awesome.”
386.   When asked who their greatest role model is, the Scoundrels are no longer allowed to answer Agent Smith from The Matrix.
387.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to shoot any god in the face just to brag that they did so.
388.   Stain glass windows are not standard features on tanks.  Stop giving the Imperium ideas.
389.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to use guns to communicate in Morse code.
390.   If it is cheaper to buy a new starship than reload your weapon, then there is a problem.
391.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to announce their arrival with eight straight hours of orbital bombardment.
392.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to put small restaurants on the bridges of their starships.
393.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to rent ad space on the outsides of their starships.
394.   The Dirty Harry “Are you feeling lucky, punk?” speech does not really work with fully automatic pistols.
395.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to play High Speed Dirt while making emergency orbital re-entry.
396.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to convince shapeshifters to change into any celebrities or murderous dictators.
397.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to scan alien ambassadors for “cooties.”
398.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to use government resources to pay their restaurant bills.
399.   Most places frown upon using ammunition as currency.
400.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to mount bayonets on flamethrowers.
401.   You can’t thwart Reaper cyber attacks by installing Norton antivirus.
402.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to sing along with the elevator music.
403.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to use the Enterprise’s Holodeck to recreate scenes from Caligula.
404.   Starting a flame war on the internet is bad.  Starting a flame war not on the internet is much, much worse.
405.   If it takes more than five minutes for the debris to stop falling, you need a smaller gun.
406.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to name newly discovered planets after themselves.
407.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to build Gatling Gatling guns.
408.   Klingons do not have French accents, and it is wrong to state otherwise.
409.   Darth Nihilus does not “just need a hug.”
410.   Dr. Suess rhymes do not have any part in exorcisms.
411.   Unitards are not part of any of our governments’ dress uniforms.
412.   Using heavy artillery in assassinations is just being lazy.
413.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to buy onesie pajamas to “raise crew morale.”
414.   You can’t just shoot a hole in the surface of Mars.
415.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to surf in active war zones.
416.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to put discotheques, bowling alleys, or movie theaters in their starships.
417.   “Getting uppity” is not a capital offense.
418.   Deer season is restricted to rifles and bows, and, thus, the Scoundrels are no longer allowed to hunt deer using Greco-Roman wrestling.
419.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to start telethons.
420.   Imperial Star Destroyers do not have help desks.
421.   The Covenant does not have an IT department.
422.   Using ventriloquism to trick your enemies into fighting each other is fine.  Using ventriloquism to trick your superior officers in fighting is not.
423.   You can’t suplex Tyranid monstrosities.
424.   Summary Execution Man is not an appropriate name for a superhero.
425.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to ask the Ultramarines why their chapter’s primary color isn’t ultramarine.
426.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to recreate scenes from Blues Brothers.
427.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to tell AI’s that only humans can divide by zero.
428.   The Scoundrels do not need to know the melting point of Borg.
429.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to post-date letters of marque.
430.   The city of Boise, Idaho, does not need a dark, brooding vigilante of the night.
431.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to run up their enemies’ cable bills by ordering PPV movies on their TVs.
432.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to improvise, “wing”, or fabricate alien funeral rites.
433.   The Scoundrels will keep all eldritch artifacts of unspeakable power out of the reach of small children.
434.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to ask tech-priests if they are AC or DC.
435.   “Medium rare” is not a phaser setting.
436.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to hold AT-AT drag races.
437.   Any gun that’s wattage is best described in scientific notation is not allowed.
438.   Off duty Space Marines wear robes, not tank tops and speedos.
439.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to enter or exit buildings while playing Carolus Rex.
440.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to brew any alcohol that can double as jet fuel.
441.   Vrul do not appreciate the Socratic method.
442.   Snipers don’t appreciate their spotters yelling “Boom!  Headshot!”
443.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to do anything they saw Nicholas Cage do.
444.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to call suicide prevention hotlines on behalf of the Death Korps of Krieg.
445.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to make Liechtenstein a world superpower.
446.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to make any plan that hinges on their opponent having a peanut allergy.
447.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to hack into the national address systems of any government that could be considered communist and broadcast Economics 101 lessons over them.
448.   Apex Predator Pilots will not respond to jury summons.
449.   They do not make civilian models of mini guns, and the Scoundrels are discouraged to visit any country that does.
450.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to regift cursed artifacts.
451.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to convince super soldiers to get pompadour, Afro, or macaroni hairstyles.
452.   You can’t plea bargain mass regicide, even if the rulers in question were incredibly corrupt.
453.   When asked who the greatest human being of all time was, the Scoundrels are no longer allowed to answer Millard Fillmore.  (Who’s Millard Fillmore?)
454.   There will be no more product placement in the mission evaluation videos.
455.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to commission statues of themselves, especially if said statue is meant to be mounted on the outside of their starships.
456.   Mission preparation does not include a mani/pedi.
457.   It is best if Master Chief does not go through the metal detector in customs.
458.   “Call in the Deathwatch and wait for the screams to stop” is not automatically Plan A.
459.   Despite its tremendous cost to benefit ratio, bubble wrap is not a staple in black op missions.
460.   If challenged to a competition by an individual of a species whose average height is below 5’5”, the Scoundrels are no longer allowed to choose basketball.
461.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to question ONI agents or Ordo Malleus operatives on why a town of 4,000 people with zero strategic value warranted a 100 megaton nuke.
462.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to genetically engineer walruses to ballroom dance.
463.   In retrospect, it was a bad idea to show Imperial Inquisitors Monty Python skits.
464.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to engage in any “research” involving more than a gallon of super balls.
465.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to lease out Halo Rings, even if they include the option to buy.
466.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to be in possession of any carbonated beverages while in possession of Mentos brand mints.  The last time that happened, they somehow managed to cause an earthquake near Indonesia.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to claim responsibility for natural disasters unless they were actually responsible for them.
467.   The Scoundrels will refrain from encouraging tech-priests to develop emotional attachments to heavy ordinance.
468.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to form political parties, especially based on themselves.
469.   Anesthetic is not “only for sissies.”
470.   If the person who posted a bounty asks for proof, the Scoundrels are no longer allowed to bring back the bounty’s reanimated corpse.
471.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to abuse homonyms.
472.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to purchase modern art with government funds.
473.   “The Chaos Gods are bad, so, therefore we should reforge and summon the Nightbringer to destroy them” is a really, really bad idea.
474.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to start a cult that worships Richard Sharpe, Jason Bourne, or John Wick.
475.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to abuse union bylaws to exploit holes in security.
476.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to expose individuals to Reaper technology, Sith holocrons and Chaos artifacts to “see which form of corruption will win.”
477.   Militaristic, highly honorable species, such as the Drev or Klingon, do not appreciate you fighting dirty in their trials by combat.
478.   If asked to choose a religion, the Scoundrels cannot make their choice solely by the greatest number of sexual positions it allows.
479.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to rate their favorite alien species by which ones have reproductive systems closest to humanity.
480.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to dual wield .50 caliber machine guns.
481.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to say “I am Alpharius.”  Ever.
482.   There is no such thing as a right to a strip search.
483.   While it is customary to initiate a duel by striking with a gauntlet, it is also customary to do so at subsonic speeds.
484.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to use heavy artillery for industrial purposes.
485.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to use wombats for medicinal purposes.
486.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to spend the entirety of their bonus pay on flamethrowers.
487.   The following aren’t acceptable seconds in duels: Space Marine Chapter Masters (even if you are on a first name basis with them), intelligent demon swords, the primarch of Palaven, Prussia.
488.   The Scoundrels will keep the amount of sexual innuendo to a minimum during autopsy reports.
489.   If you are given a wish by an immortal, you are to leave out the words “you incompetent prick.”
490.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to organize skeet shoots with office furniture.
491.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to genetically engineer any animal from the continent of Australia.
492.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to start wars over what the best polearm is.
493.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to give shout-outs in ransom notes.
494.   You can’t learn a language by only learning the profanities of said language.  Even if the Russians in your crews disagree.
495.   If a party is black tie, that doesn’t mean just painted on the armor.
496.   Every day is not Mardi Gras.
497.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to sneak into the Sanctum Imperialis or the Celzex throne room disguised as a documentary crew.  Especially on behalf of Trazyn the Infinite.
498.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to threaten sentient monsters by telling Cajun restaurants their location.
499.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to abuse the “kids eat free” rule at any restaurant.
500.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to compare Starfleet uniforms to the Wiggles.
501.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to dump napalm in fire sprinkler tanks.
502.   Support gunships are for air support, not beer runs.
503.   While acting as sniper spotters, the Scoundrels are no longer allowed to play I Spy.
504.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to call enemy corporation’s tech support for help with breaking into their computer network.
505.  “Humor me” is not an acceptable targeting parameter on robotic sentry guns.
506.   None of the Scoundrels need 10 tons of duct tape for any reason whatsoever.
507.   It is not a race to strip mine a planet.
508.  The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to buy any major league sports team.
509.   Asking a taxidermist to stuff a deer head is OK.  Asking the same taxidermist to stuff a full-size rancor is not.
510.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to use necron “My Will Be Done” programs on Reapers.
511.   Any argument with your significant other will be done verbally and in person, not across the battlefield using heavy artillery as Morse code.
512.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to imitate Captain Jack Sparrow in any way, shape, or form.
513.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to use Siri as their ship’s central computer.
514.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to play the theme from Jaws on missions to aquatic planets.
515.   There are only so many flavors of beef jerky, and the Scoundrels are no longer allowed to create new ones.
516.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to create their own frozen pizza lines.
517.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to go trick-or-treating, especially dressed as themselves.
518.   Peter Quill is not allowed to quote Parks and Recreation.
519.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to communicate exclusively in a computer programming language.
520.   The answer to a Flood invasion is not to ask junior personnel if they’re “bad enough dudes” to contain it.
521.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to ask weapons corporations to sponsor children’s charities.
522.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to conduct interviews on new personnel.  Especially not if they specifically ask for them.
523.   Ghillie suits are not formal wear.
524.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to summarily execute anyone who causes a M.R.V.N. to display a sad face.
525.   “Kill ‘em all and let God sort it out” is not a valid battle plan.
526.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to enter diplomatic conferences via the Old Time Rock and Roll slide.  Especially not in their underwear.
527.   “Excessive flatulence” is not a crime punishable by death.
528.   “Oops, I missed” does not excuse missing a shot by that much.
529.   Even if you claim you hit exactly what you were aiming at.
530.   The Scoundrels are no longer allowed to antagonize anyone who can kill them with their minds.  
There we have it.  I hope you enjoyed, and if you have any suggestions to add to the list, feel free to tell me!
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angelhummel · 3 years
once again i spent hours of my life answering >5000 questions in order to sort almost all of the glee songs ever (there’s 683 songs in the sorter when there’s over 700 on the show) anyway if you wanna see my rankings for those then check it out <3 [also here’s the sorter!]
1 Being Alive 2 Rose's Turn 3 Baby, It's Cold Outside 4 Le Jazz Hot 5 Maybe This Time 6 And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going 7 Come What May 8 To Sir, With Love 9 As If We Never Said Goodbye 10 Valerie 11 Somewhere Only We Know 12 Cough Syrup 13 Teenage Dream 14 Not The Boy Next Door 15 It's Too Late 16 It's My Life / Confessions Part II 17 Start Me Up / Livin' On A Prayer 18 When I Get You Alone 19 The Happening 20 The Boy Is Mine 21 Home 22 Don't You Want Me 23 How Will I Know 24 Bad Romance 25 Not While I'm Around 26 Scream 27 Shake It Out 28 On My Own 29 Hate On Me 30 Bills, Bills, Bills 31 4 Minutes 32 True Colors 33 There Are Worse Things I Could Do 34 Go Your Own Way 35 Jessie's Girl 36 Proud Mary 37 Tongue Tied 38 Last Christmas 39 Somebody Loves You 40 Back To Black 41 Sweet Transvestite 42 For Good 43 At The Ballet 44 Gloria 45 Blame It (On The Alcohol) 46 Like A Prayer 47 So Emotional 48 Misery 49 Nasty / Rhythm Nation 50 Toxic 51 Don't Speak 52 Born This Way 53 Dog Days Are Over 54 Defying Gravity 55 Last Name 56 Womanizer 57 I Will Always Love You 58 Broadway Baby 59 The Lady Is A Tramp 60 I'm A Slave 4 U 61 Centerfold / Hot In Herre 62 Thriller / Heads Will Roll 63 Bust Your Windows 64 Candyman 65 Brave 66 Boys / Boyfriend 67 The Scientist 68 The Scientist (Acapella) 69 Dream On 70 Hey Jude 71 I Lived 72 I'm Still Here 73 I Believe In A Thing Called Love 74 Me Against The Music 75 Like A Virgin 76 My Man 77 Everybody Wants To Rule The World 78 I Have Nothing 79 Blackbird 80 Got To Get You Into My Life 81 Animal 82 3 83 I Follow Rivers 84 Just The Way You Are 85 Constant Craving 86 Don't Stop Me Now 87 Hung Up 88 Let's Have A Kiki 89 Love Shack 90 Marry The Night 91 Hit Me With Your Best Shot / One Way Or Another 92 It's Not Right, But It's Okay 93 I Want To Hold Your Hand 94 All You Need Is Love 95 Getting Married Today 96 Don't Rain On My Parade 97 Don't Stop Believin' (Regionals) 98 We've Got Tonite 99 Smooth Criminal 100 Uptown Girl 101 Sway 102 If I Die Young 103 No One Is Alone 104 Look At Me I'm Sandra Dee 105 No Scrubs 106 Mamma Mia 107 Papa Don't Preach 108 Teenage Dream (Acoustic Version) 109 Santa Baby 110 We Found Love 111 Roar 112 She's Not There 113 Spotlight 114 The Way You Look Tonight/You're Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile 115 Some Nights 116 Rumour Has It / Someone Like You 117 You Make Me Feel So Young 118 You Keep Me Hangin' On 119 I'll Stand By You (Amber) 120 Hand In My Pocket / I Feel The Earth Move 121 Crazy / U Drive Me Crazy 122 Funny Girl 123 Cold Hearted 124 Keep Holding On 125 Bye Bye Bye / I Want It That Way 126 I Know Where I've Been 127 I Kissed A Girl (Season Six) 128 Hopelessly Devoted To You 129 Homeward Bound / Home 130 Into The Groove 131 Hold On 132 Tell Him 133 Nutbush City Limits 134 Because You Loved Me 135 Perfect 136 Cherish / Cherish 137 Do You Wanna Touch Me (Oh Yeah) 138 Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead 139 You Are The Sunshine Of My Life 140 Tik Tok 141 The Safety Dance 142 Oops!... I Did It Again 143 Run Joey Run 144 Time Warp 145 Something's Coming 146 Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go 147 The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face 148 Vogue 149 Downtown 150 Diva 151 Dancing With Myself 152 Rockstar 153 Wrecking Ball 154 We Are Young 155 I Saw Her Standing There 156 Jumpin', Jumpin' 157 Just Can't Get Enough 158 Take Me To Church 159 Wannabe 160 It's All Over 161 Take Me Home Tonight 162 If I Were A Boy 163 Landslide 164 Pompeii 165 The Bitch Is Back / Dress You Up 166 Christmas Wrapping 167 Buenos Aires 168 Call Me Maybe 169 You Can't Stop The Beat 170 Seasons Of Love 171 Safety Dance 172 Dream A Little Dream 173 Alfie 174 I Want To Break Free 175 Baby One More Time 176 A House Is Not A Home 177 Daydream Believer 178 I Don't Know How To Love Him 179 Hungry Like The Wolf / Rio 180 Suddenly Seymour 181 People 182 Silly Love Songs 183 Love Song 184 Shout It Out Loud 185 Some People 186 One Of Us 187 Sing! 188 Up Up Up 189 Torn 190 Popular 191 This Is The New Year 192 Paradise By The Dashboard Light 193 Let It Snow 194 Let It Be 195 Never Can Say Goodbye 196 Touch A Touch A Touch A Touch Me 197 La Isla Bonita 198 Tightrope 199 My Love Is Your Love 200 Love Is A Battlefield 201 Losing My Religion 202 Total Eclipse Of The Heart 203 This Time 204 I Dreamed A Dream 205 Leaving On A Jet Plane 206 Locked Out Of Heaven 207 Chandelier 208 Girl On Fire 209 Telephone 210 Don't Cry For Me Argentina 211 Human Nature 212 Halo / Walking On Sunshine 213 Anything Goes / Anything You Can Do 214 Make You Feel My Love 215 Stronger 216 Nowadays / Hot Honey Rag 216 Pumpin' Blood 218 Papa Can You Hear Me? 219 Summer Nights 220 Sweet Caroline 221 Superstition 222 We Will Rock You 223 Alone 224 Hello, I Love You 225 Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) 226 A Hard Day's Night 227 Mine 228 My Prerogative 229 Beauty School Drop Out 230 My Lovin' (You're Never Gonna Get It) 231 Extraordinary Merry Christmas 232 Every Breath You Take 233 Express Yourself 234 Everybody Talks 235 Everytime 236 Marry You 237 Moves Like Jagger / Jumpin' Jack Flash 238 My Favorite Things 239 Santa Claus Is Coming To Town 240 River Deep, Mountain High 241 My Life Would Suck Without You 242 Be Okay 243 Applause 244 Cool 245 All I Want For Christmas Is You 246 American Boy 247 Cell Block Tango 248 Breakaway 249 Don't Dream It's Over 250 Let Me Love You (Until You Learn To Love Yourself) 251 Whatever Happened To Saturday Night? 252 Without You 253 Science Fiction Double Feature 254 Loser Like Me 255 I Kissed A Girl 256 I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance With You 257 I Can't Go For That (No Can Do) / You Make My Dreams 258 Don't Stop Believin' (Season 5) 259 Empire State Of Mind 260 Old Time Rock & Roll / Danger Zone 261 Take My Breath Away 262 You Get What You Give 263 Take On Me 264 Beautiful 265 It's Time 266 ABC 267 Afternoon Delight 268 Don't Stand So Close To Me / Young Girl 269 Don't Stop Believin' (Season 1) 270 Colorblind 271 Cool Kids 272 Dancing Queen 273 Songbird 274 Somebody That I Used To Know 275 Singing In The Rain / Umbrella 276 I Feel Pretty / Unpretty 277 Borderline / Open Your Heart 278 In My Life 279 I'm Still Standing 280 Blow Me (One Last Kiss) 281 Do Ya Think I'm Sexy? 282 Do They Know It's Christmas? 283 Mustang Sally 284 Pinball Wizard 285 Anything Could Happen 286 America 287 Any Way You Want It 288 Higher Ground 289 Flashdance... What A Feeling 290 My Life 291 Let It Go 292 If I Can't Have You 293 L-O-V-E 294 Closer 295 Addicted To Love 296 Heroes 297 A Boy Like That 298 Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend / Material Girl 299 Holding Out For A Hero 300 Dinosaur 301 Disco Inferno 302 Party All The Time 303 Raise Your Glass 304 Push It 305 Lean On Me 306 Pure Imagination 307 Lovefool 308 Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin' 309 Americano / Dance Again 310 All Of Me 311 At Last 312 Promises, Promises 313 Hair / Crazy In Love 314 Happy Xmas (War Is Over) 315 Chasing Pavements 316 Don't You (Forget About Me) 317 Love Child 318 School's Out 319 Poker Face 320 Boogie Shoes 321 Bootylicious 322 I Love New York / New York, New York 323 One Less Bell To Answer 324 Signed, Sealed, Delivered I'm Yours 325 Rehab 326 I Don't Want To Know 327 Shout 328 I'm The Greatest Star 329 I Love It 330 Never Say Never 331 Juke Box Hero 332 One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer 333 Glad You Came 334 For Once In My Life 335 Here Comes The Sun 336 Baby It's You 337 Drive My Car 338 Last Friday Night 339 Roots Before Branches 340 The Only Exception 341 Survivor / I Will Survive 342 All Or Nothing 343 Time After Time 344 You're The One That I Want 345 Yeah! 346 Starships 347 You've Got To Hide Your Love Away 348 Story Of My Life 349 Something 350 We Need A Little Christmas 351 Gold Digger 352 Beth 353 Fighter 354 Forget You 355 How To Be A Heartbreaker 356 Get Back 357 Love You Like A Love Song 358 There's A Light (Over At The Frankenstein Place) 359 We Got The Beat 360 Make 'Em Laugh 361 Sing 362 U Can't Touch This 363 Try A Little Tenderness 364 Pony 365 On Our Way 366 Lucky Star 367 Loser 368 Over The Rainbow 369 Outcast 370 Stop! In The Name Of Love / Free Your Mind 371 What Makes You Beautiful 372 Will You Love Me Tomorrow / Head Over Feet 373 Wide Awake 374 Wishin' And Hoping 375 Yesterday 376 Out Here On My Own 377 You're All The World To Me 378 Somethin' Stupid 379 Someday We'll Be Together 380 River 381 The Longest Time 382 Somebody To Love 383 The Edge Of Glory 384 The Most Wonderful Day Of The Year 385 Lucky 386 Memory 387 Mary's Boy Child 388 Longest Time 389 My Dark Side 390 Taking Chances 391 The First Noël 392 Smile 393 Celebrity Skin 394 All That Jazz 395 A Thousand Years 396 Big Girls Don't Cry 397 Ain't No Way 398 Don't Sleep In The Subway 399 Doo Wop (That Thing) 400 Don't Stop 401 Uptight (Everything's Alright) 402 New York State Of Mind 403 Turning Tables 404 Vacation 405 Fire 406 Hold It Against Me 407 I've Gotta Be Me 408 Endless Love 409 Run The World (Girls) 410 Saving All My Love For You 411 Give Up The Funk 412 I Am Changing 413 I Melt With You 414 I Could Have Danced All Night 415 Fat Bottomed Girls 416 Hot For Teacher 417 Never Going Back Again 418 Imagine 419 Jolene 420 Arthur's Theme 421 Damn It, Janet 422 Control 423 Barracuda 424 Copacabana 425 Barely Breathing 426 I Look To You 427 Come Sail Away 428 Jump 429 Clarity 430 Friday I'm In Love 431 Jar Of Hearts 432 It's Not Unusual 433 Footloose 434 Here Comes Santa Claus 435 Happy Days Are Here Again / Get Happy 436 Help! 437 Greased Lightning 438 Hell To The No 439 All Out Of Love 440 (You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman 441 Candles 442 All By Myself 443 Hello Goodbye 444 It's A Man's Man's Man's World 445 I Say A Little Prayer 446 It Must Have Been Love 447 Just Give Me A Reason 448 Come See About Me 449 Born To Hand Jive 450 I Want To Know What Love Is 451 I Wish 452 I'll Remember 453 Get It Right 454 (I've Had) The Time Of My Life 455 I'll Stand By You (Cory) 456 Forever Young 457 A Change Would Do You Good 458 Smile (Charlie Chaplin song) 459 Best Day Of My Life 460 An Innocent Man 461 Dreams 462 All About That Bass 463 Home (originally by Michael Bublé) 464 Black Or White 465 Baby 466 Bad 467 Problem 468 Oh Chanukah 469 What Kind Of Fool 470 Wings 471 You're My Best Friend 472 You're All I Need To Get By 473 White Christmas 474 Whenever I Call You Friend 475 Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' 476 What Doesn't Kill You (Stronger) 477 Wedding Bell Blues 478 More Than A Feeling 479 More Than A Woman 480 Our Day Will Come 481 P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) 482 Here's To Us 483 Honesty 484 Hall Of Fame 485 It's All Coming Back To Me Now 486 Teach Your Children 487 Night Fever 488 What The World Needs Now 489 Listen 490 Let Me Love You 491 Live While We're Young 492 Light Up The World 493 Trouty Mouth 494 Werewolves Of London 495 Kiss 496 Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 497 Movin' Out (Anthony's Song) 498 Mickey 499 Mean 500 Mercy 501 Merry Christmas Darling 502 Let's Wait Awhile 503 Man In The Mirror 504 Rather Be 505 Rise 506 Good Vibrations 507 Faithfully 508 Firework 509 How Deep Is Your Love 510 Fix You 511 Fire And Rain 512 Give Your Heart A Break 513 Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree 514 Little Girls 515 Cry 516 Bust A Move 517 Bridge Over Troubled Water 518 Bring Him Home 519 Cheek To Cheek 520 Break Free 521 As Long As You're There 522 Big Ass Heart 523 Bitch 524 Bamboleo / Hero 525 Away In A Manger 526 Deck The Rooftop 527 Christmas Eve With You 528 Angels We Have Heard On High 529 Creep 530 Crush 531 Make No Mistake, She's Mine 532 Lose My Breath 533 Look At Me I'm Sandra Dee (Reprise) 534 What I Did For Love 535 Wake Me Up 536 Thousand Miles 537 Take A Bow 538 Still Got Tonight 539 The Music Of The Night 540 Stereo Hearts 541 The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late) 542 Take Me Or Leave Me 543 I'm The Only One 544 Isn't She Lovely 545 I Just Can't Stop Loving You 546 I'll Never Fall In Love Again 547 Unchained Melody 548 You're A Mean One, Mr. Grinch 549 You Have More Friends Than You Know 550 You Should Be Dancing 551 I'm His Child 552 You Learn / You've Got A Friend 553 Somewhere 554 So Far Away 555 Uptown Funk 556 The Winner Takes It All 557 They Long To Be Close To You 558 Tonight 559 Being Good Isn't Good Enough 560 You May Be Right 561 To Love You More 562 Don't Wanna Lose You 563 Do You Hear What I Hear? 564 Ice Ice Baby 565 Don't Go Breaking My Heart 566 Don't Make Me Over 567 I Won't Give Up 568 I'll Be Home For Christmas 569 I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For 570 I Still Believe / Super Bass 571 I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me) 572 I Want You Back 573 Father Figure 574 Everybody Hurts 574 Gangnam Style 576 We Are The Champions 577 Stayin' Alive 578 Superman 579 The Rose 580 Don't Stop Believin' (Rachel) 581 Fly / I Believe I Can Fly 582 Gives You Hell 583 I Love L.A. 584 Mr. Roboto / Counting Stars 585 O Holy Night 586 Only The Good Die Young 587 One 588 Silent Night 589 Piano Man 590 Sexy And I Know It 591 Sgt. Pepper's Lonley Hearts Club Band 592 Pretending 593 Physical 594 Danny's Song 595 Stand 596 The Final Countdown 597 You Can't Always Get What You Want 598 You Are Woman, I Am Man 599 You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin' 600 Your Song 601 Say 602 No Air 603 Need You Now 604 No Surrender 605 Piece Of My Heart 606 Thong Song 607 Blurred Lines 608 Another One Bites The Dust 609 I Was Here 610 Bella Notte 611 I Know What Boys Like 612 God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 613 Glory Days 614 Friday 615 More Than Words 616 Waiting For A Girl Like You 617 Welcome Christmas 618 You Spin Me Round (Like A Record) 619 You Give Love A Bad Name 620 We Built This City 621 Whistle 622 Who Are You Now? 623 You And I / You And I 624 Take Care Of Yourself 625 Tell Me Something Good 626 The Rain In Spain 627 Can't Fight This Feeling 628 Jingle Bell Rock 629 In Your Eyes 630 Hello 631 Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life) 632 I Only Have Eyes For You 633 Jingle Bells 634 Joy To The World 635 I Wanna Sex You Up 636 Fight For Your Right (To Party) 637 Feliz Navidad 638 I'm So Excited 639 Uninvited 640 The Living Years 641 The Fox (What Does The Fox Say?) 642 O Christmas Tree 643 One Love (People Get Ready) 644 Ohio 645 Only Child 646 Hello Twelve, Hello Thirteen, Hello Love 647 My Sharona 648 Dance The Night Away 649 Poison 650 My Cup 651 Not The End 652 What It Feels Like For A Girl 653 Listen To Your Heart 654 Little Drummer Boy 655 One Hand, One Heart 656 Bein' Green 657 Big Spender 658 Billionaire 659 Ben 660 Gimme More 661 Burning Up 662 Hey Ya! 663 Hey, Soul Sister 664 Baby Got Back 665 Blue Christmas 666 Bohemian Rhapsody 667 Far From Over 668 The Trolley Song 669 Starlight Express 670 Whip It 671 You're The Top 672 Red Solo Cup 673 Next To Me 674 Rolling In The Deep 675 Rainbow Connection 676 La Cucaracha 677 (You're) Having My Baby 678 A Little Less Conversation 679 Happy 680 Highway To Hell 681 Same Love 682 Rock Lobster 683 Girls Just Want To Have Fun
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whattodowithace · 3 years
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Hello everyone! :D Awhile back LiJu decided to do a “Get to know LiJu post” today we’re doing a writing tips 101 post. We would like to make this a series for the future with more writing tips and get to know us interview questions. But until then, we hope you enjoy this 5 question writing 101 interview! 💚💜 -Lio & Ju
* Where do you get inspiration to write?
Lio- I get inspiration from a lot of things. Songs, movies, dreams, pictures, I even get inspiration from my own personal experiences. Any of these things bring me inspiration. The place I often get most of my story ideas is when I drive. I listen to music as I drive and different songs evoke different emotions, so I get story ideas based on how the music makes me feel.
Ju- From many places- But mostly from music or books I’ve read. Even other fanfic writers I’ve got idea’s from and based my own work off of their original idea. Lio and I often bounce off each other with things. I also get ideas when I’m driving. It sets a certain headspace for me and I start thinking of stories while going somewhere.
*For writers just starting out, what’s a good place to start their writing journey?
Lio-I think the most important place to start is with your outlook. Writing is like any skill, you have to work to cultivate it. Even if someone is born with the talent of writing, they still cultivate it to make it better. When you first start writing, a lot of your stories may not be the best and that’s okay. Old works will always make you cringe, but they were the start of your journey and they show how much you’ve grown into the writer you become in the future. So start with the outlook that your writing may not be so great at the beginning, that just means you have a lot of growing to go. After that, just dive in the deep end, you will learn to swim and it may be a small doggy paddle but it will get better.
Ju-Start small. I can’t stress that enough. Start small. I know you’re excited and want to share things and grow you’re skill. And I know you are going to do fantastic and have fans of your works someday. But you don’t need to write a big fanfic that’s 3,000 plus words with every member of the group involved. Take just one member and do a small one shot with them. Maybe 300 or 400 words, and go from there. Get your feet under you first. Don’t go flying off a cliff yet.
*Tips for improving writing?
Lio- I think one way to improve writing is by reading. When you read you find role models that write the way you want to write. By studying their sentences and breaking down their writing you gain a knowledge as to why you like their writing style and then find a way to incorporate it into your writing. Do you like their writing cause they use big words? Study up on some complicated words. Do you like their writing for their metaphors? Spend a day with your parents or grandparents, they use them a lot XD. Just study writing you like already, dissecting it, then implementing it into your own writing.
Ju- Listen, and watch. You know those moments when you want to know how to do something so you type it up on YouTube or google it? Do that but with writing. Listen to music that tells a story and drives you. Read a book and pay attention to how the writer convey’s feelings and emotions. Don’t just look at the plot. Pay attention to other fanfic writers and how they use words and describe the world. Even listening to an audio book is so helpful.
* How do you handle writers block?
Lio-Sometimes writers block can only be healed with time. You may be burned out on writing and need a couple days or weeks to recoup, that’s okay. If I just don’t have any ideas for a story I try to work on something new. When I have writers block it’s because I want to avoid the WIP’s I have piled up. I try to write a quick drabble or short one shot to get the creative juices flowing again. After a couple quick works I feel more motivated to tackle a chapter in a chapter fic or defeat a paragraph in a long one shot.
Ju-It’s okay to take a break. Sometimes when you’re stuck you just need a few weeks off. But talking with someone helps. I bounce things off Lio all the time, and her with me. It’s okay to be stumped and to have other priorities. Just take a step back and let it roll around in your head awhile. It comes back quickly. Looking at photos helps too. Sometimes I look at photos on Pinterest when there’s a certain spot in a fanfic I need inspiration on. The photos trigger ideas a lot of times.
* What are common mistakes you see other writers make?
Lio- It depends on what fandom/genre of writing I’m looking at. A lot of times punctuation and spelling are the biggest things that make reading certain stories difficult. I’m not great in grammar and struggle with punctuation so it doesn’t have to be perfect, but writing something easy to read starts with punctuation and spelling.
Ju- I am saying this… in the humblest of places I can. Because lord only knows how much growing I have to do as a writer. But explanation points do not convey emotions. They just don’t. Try to use your words. Limit the explanation points for when it’s really, really needed.
Thank you for your support and for read this far. 🥺 -Lio & Ju
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somraatbranding · 3 years
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Blue Print Logo Design
This is a modern Lettering logo design for Blueprint. Creative idea and unique blueprint design.
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fangirlshrewt97 · 4 years
The Old Guard Fanfic - 5,472,730,538 Possibilities
Author(s): Fangirlshrewt97
Fandom: The Old Guard (Movie 2020)
Pairing: Joe/Nicky, Nicky & Nile
Characters: Nile Freeman, Nicolo di Genova, Yusuf Al-Kaysani, Andromache of Scythia 
Rating: General 
Warnings: None 
Additional Tags:  Team as Family, Family Bonding, Brother-Sister Relationships, Fluff, Basically Nile is missing home, And Nicky is a cinnamon roll who finds a way to lessen the ache, and they find a new thing to bond over that does not involve blood, Sudoku
He reached for his pocket and pulled out a pen, tossing it to Nile. “Why not do it now?” “It doesn’t- It’s not the same.” Nile argued, biting her lip. “But you want to do it no? So do it.” Nicky said, gesturing to the paper. Was it really so easy? She put the pen to the paper but stopped. “Yeah no, it feels weird to do it alone.” Nicky hummed, sitting back up in his chair, leaning on his elbows in the table. “I’ll do it with you then.”
Basically, Nile comes across something that makes her think of home, Nicky sees this, and tries his best to help her not feel as lonely. And is also a little bit of a shit about it.
Link to A03: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25553461
They were in Malaysia, having finished an easy takedown of a small ring of human traffickers. They were due to fly out that night, so Nicky and Nile had been charged with buying the necessary supplies while Joe handled clean up at the scene, and Andy ensured the children would find good homes.
They had stopped at a bakery inside of a mall, Nicky insisting that they had some choice sweets that Andy loved. So Nile had been waiting outside the store while Nicky went to make his purchases when the small bookstore window display across the bakery caught her eye. Biting her lip, she peered to see Nicky was still busy perusing the wares, so she hefted her bags and made her way into the bookstore.
It was a small shop, barely large enough for four people at a time. There was a small kid looking at some comics and a bored cashier scrolling through his phone. Setting her bags down, Nile reached to grab what had caught her eye.
“What is that?” Nicky asked suddenly, startling Nile into dropping the book.
“Shit. Sorry.” Nile mumbled in the direction of the annoyed looking cashier. When she turned, she saw Nicky holding the book.
“101 Sudoku puzzles?” Nicky asked, brows furrowed.
Nile was thankful her skin color meant he couldn’t notice the embarrassed flush overtaking her.
“It is stupid!” Nile said as she snatched the book and put it back on the display, wincing as she realized it would have been more believable if she hadn’t acted like she had something to hide. Nicky had a raised eyebrow, clearly not buying her lie.
Nile sighed. “Seriously, Nicky. It is nothing, can we go? Are you done looking at the bread?”
Nicky gave her a once over, but thankfully let it go, holding up a bag that honestly smelled incredible. Feeling her stomach clench in hunger, she nodded.
“Cool. Let’s go!” Nile said, leading them out of the bookshop into the sweltering Malaysian sun. She definitely did not run. She just… walked fast.
She forgot the incident soon after, Copley sent them on another mission hours after they reached their next safe house, sending them all the way to Brazil, where they had to take down a drug ring and free a brothel filled with women who were being forced to pay back their debts with their bodies.
She was reminded of the incident when something was placed next to her head where it was currently resting on a table’s edge at their São Paulo safe house. It was a small apartment, two bedroom and bathrooms, but it fit their needs. Andy was currently on the phone with Copley, and Joe had gone into the kitchen to make dinner.
When she looked up, she saw a newspaper, and Nicky’s hand covering part of the page. At her questioning look, he just smiled and moved his hand.
Sitting back slowly, she looked at the Sudoku in the newspaper. She raised her own eyebrows at Nicky. The man just smiled wider and sat down. “This is what you were looking at in the bookshop. In Malaysia. A book about these.”
“Um… yeah.” Nile said, surprised the man had remembered. But then again, Nicky seemed to remember everything when it came to stuff that caused his family to have any kind of reaction.
“What about it?” Nicky asked.
“Your eyes, they became a little sad when you saw it. What about them makes you sad?” Nicky prodded gently. And Nile couldn’t bring herself to be annoyed at this man who was trying to hard.
She sighed. “It’s nothing.”
“If it was nothing, it wouldn’t make you sigh.”
And that was the thing wasn’t it. “It’s just. Jamal, my brother? We used to play with these.”
Nicky’s brows furrowed in confusion. For a 1000-year old man, he was remarkably expressive at times. “Play these?”
Nile hummed. She picked up the paper, and ran her fingers lightly on the puzzle. “After school, we would take the paper, copy out the puzzle into a notebook and then we would start the clock, seeing who could solve it faster.”
Nile felt a smile start to form on her own face at the thought. She had missed doing these, missed doing them with her brother. Her smile faded when she realized she’d never get to do their Sudoku races together again. Nile placed the paper back down.
When she looked up, Nicky was looking at her intensely. “What?”
Giving a big exhale, he leaned back in his own chair. He reached for his pocket and pulled out a pen, tossing it to Nile. “Why not do it now?”
“It doesn’t- It’s not the same.” Nile argued, biting her lip.
“But you want to do it no? So do it.” Nicky said, gesturing to the paper.
Was it really so easy? She put the pen to the paper but stopped. “Yeah no, it feels weird to do it alone.”
Nicky hummed, sitting back up in his chair, leaning on his elbows in the table. “I’ll do it with you then.”
Nile blinked, but twisted her mouth into a wry grin. “Sure. Ok, here is how you do it. You see how this divided into 9 boxes? The objective of the game is to fill all the boxes in such a way that each box, row, and column has 1 through 9 written on them, with no repeating in them. Like here for example,” she showed one box, “see these four 3’s? That means a 3 can only come here, because it is the only box where it won’t overlap. Got it?”
Nicky hummed concomitantly, his eyes amused. “Yes.”
“Alright, let’s do it then.” Nile said. She shifted her chair so she was next to Nicky, and the pair of them leaned over the puzzle to do it together, Nicky pointing out a few numbers as Nile finished it.
“That was fun.” Nicky said when they completed it. “We should do this again.”
And to Nile’s surprise, she found herself in agreement. She felt a pang of sadness at not doing it with Nicky, but it was still fun. “Yes we should.”
They got another job the next day and were whizzing off again, this time to South Africa. Their safe house in Cape Town was a beach front apartment, bought by Andy back in the 80’s. It was an old building, quiet and creaking, but served its purpose.
Andy was on cooking duty this time, and Nile was given first turn with the shower, when Joe and Nicky returned from their shopping trip for new clothes. Nile did not think she had ever bought this many clothes so quickly in her life, but honestly, she had also not had a habit of constantly getting shot and covering them in blood and bullet holes.
By the time Nile came out, Joe was sitting in front of the TV, flipping channels, probably trying to find a soccer match. Andy had a plate of food and was sitting beside him, more focused on her dinner than the match. When Nicky spotted Nile, he made a happy noise and gestured for her to join him at the dining table.
“I saw these on our way back, and thought that if you did not mind, we could continue that tradition you told me about?” he asked, eyes betraying his excitement, even as his voice remained steady.
“Tradition?” Nile asked.
Nicky nodded and reached for a small brown bag she hadn’t noticed. He pulled out two identical books and a packet of pens, and slid one of each to Nile. Nile bit her lip at the time. 400 Sudoku Puzzles.
“Nicky…” Nile whispered, even as she clutched the book in a white-knuckled grip.
“We don’t have to if you don’t want to Nile.” Nicky assured her when he saw her tear up, worry coloring his expression.
And oh, Nile could not stand to see that concern when all this man had tried to do was give her a piece of home back to her.
“No. Thank you. I had fun last time.” she said, giving him a watery smile. He responded in kind. “Are you sure about races though?”
His eyes took on a wicked glint. “Absolutely. It is tradition no?”
Nile chuckled. “Yes.”
“Joe!” Nicky called out, and Joe turned to see him, getting up to come to them when Nicky beckoned. He pressed a quick kiss to Nicky’s hair when he was within reach. “I need you to time us.”
“Time you?”
“Nicky and I are going to complete Sudoku’s and we are going to see who can finish faster.”
For some reason that made Joe bark a laugh. “You and Nicky?”
Nile frowned. “Yes? Why, you have a problem?”
“No, no, dearest Nile, I would be honored to keep time.” he said as he continued to wear a wide grin, pulling up his phone.
Nile squinted at him before turning to Nicky. “Should we just do the first puzzle?”
“Seems logical.” Nicky said as he flipped to the appropriate page.
Both of them uncapped their pens and got ready before glancing at Joe. Andy had turned around in the sofa, watching the two of them instead of the TV.
“Are you ready?” Joe asked, and their nods, “1, 2, 3, GO!”
Nile focused on the puzzle, going by each square methodically, crossing off the possibilities mentally in her head. It was an easy puzzle, so she did not have to write down all the potential numbers. And yet, she was startled when Nicky slammed his book down with a “Done!” when she was only halfway through hers
“Wait what?” Nile asked, reaching to grab the older man’s book while Joe leaned back in his chair, laughing.
“1 minute 15 seconds Nicky! Good job!”
Nile gaped as she looked at the puzzled solved perfectly. She placed the book down and glared at the Italian man, who now at least had the wherewithal to look sheepish. “Explain.”
It wasn’t quite a growl but close enough.
Nicky blushed, and Joe answered for him. “Nile, uhkt sageera, Nicky and I have lived for a thousand years now. Not to mention that Nicky has been doing the New York Times crossword puzzle since it was first published, in what? 1940? 1945? He tended to do the other puzzles too. I believe the first Sudoku puzzle was in the UK? I remember him being excited about it.”
Nile stared at him, jaw open while Andy started to cackle in the background. She spun in her seat, half furious, half indignant. “You cheater!”
Nicky put up both hands in surrender. “I didn’t exactly cheat Nile!”
“I thought you had never done Sudokus before! I thought you were humoring me!”
“Oh my god, I explained how to solve a Sudoku to you in São Paulo, why didn’t you say anything?”
“You seemed very passionate…”
“Nicky…” she growled only to sit back heavily in her chair, definitely not pouting, no matter how fond Joe looked at her.
Nicky’s own sheepish look was slowly transforming into a playful grin and she rolled her eyes in exasperation before laughing. “Alright, fine, this was on me.”
“I had a lot of fun Nile. I would enjoy doing this again.”
Nile groaned, tilting her head back and covering her face, exaggerating the dramatics because it drew more laughs from her family, and she was coming to treasure these laughs as much as those of her mother and brother.
She sat back when the laughter died down, taking the Sudoku book in hand. “I would like that too Nicky. Guess there is another aspect of the tradition we are going to be repeating too now though.”
When Nicky looked at her confused, her wry look transformed into a fond grin. “I am fated to always lose at Sudoku races to my big brother apparently.”
“Nile…” Nicky breathed her voice as though it was something delicate. Precious. And then he got up and came around the table to pull her into a hug she returned with all her strength. “Non riesco a immaginare un onore più grande dell'essere tuo fratello, sorellina.”
Even if she didn’t understand the words, she understood the meaning, and a small part of the hole created by her family was filled in.
“I love you too, Nicky.”
And she did, this man who was willing to die for her, to kill to protect her.
Even if it meant an eternity losing Sudoku races to him.
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You, Me And Microsoft Certification Exam Questions: The Truth
Microsoft was among the https://www.testpreptraining.com/analyzing-data-with-microsoft-power-bi-da-100-exam very first suppliers to introduce IT accreditations. Back in the day, there was MCP-- Microsoft Certified Professional. You only had to pass one exam to get a certificate, and it was even sent by mail to you in a great envelope!
Then people turned their attention to Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA), Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD), and Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE) courses. Depending on the version of the examination, you were asked to pass up to 7 tests to get a certificate. Microsoft has retired the majority of these certificates, focusing instead on role-based training and cloud certificates.
Why the Cloud?
It is practically particular that in the coming years increasingly more companies will move their assets and services to the cloud. Gartner, a leading research and advisory business, anticipates that end users will spend $304.9 billion in 2021 on cloud services, 15% more than in 2020! We will require a great deal of highly certified engineers to develop, implement, and preserve all these options.
Microsoft is among the leaders in cloud options, with hundreds of products based around Azure and Office, and the average income growth of Azure services is 50% per quarter.
For nearly all paths to accreditation, Microsoft advises beginning with the AZ-900 examination: Azure Fundamentals. With this test, you will show you know all the basics around cloud services, management tools, and cloud network security features.
microsoft certification
If you want to https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=Microsoft Certification end up being an Azure Administrator, you should take the AZ-104 test: Azure Administrator Associate. It is a more hands-on path concentrating on setting up, handling, and keeping track of cloud resources.
If you invest more time coding applications, Microsoft has a lot to provide you too. You can end up being additional hints an Azure Developer Associate by taking one test: AZ-204. You can continue this course and end up being a DevOps Expert by passing the following examination: AZ-400: Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps Solutions.
Here is a video presenting the Microsoft accreditations for Azure:
Let's talk about Microsoft 365
One of the most popular courses is Modern Desktop Administrator Associate. Rather a couple of chapters talk about Microsoft Azure. You require to pass 2 exams here: MD-100 and MD-101.
If you are more thinking about the security side of IT, you need to think about earning the Microsoft 365: Security Administrator Associate certificate by passing the MS-500 exam. When again, the focus is on Microsoft Azure: Azure Active Directory with emphasis on identity management and compliance. You are expected to have a very good understanding of cloud services, security ideas, and support tools prior to attempting this exam. You need to have at least a couple of years of real-world experience around IT services.
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OK, however ... how can I prepare?
Fortunately is that Microsoft offers a great deal of Azure tools free of charge and even some credits to try out advanced functions and services. It is inadequate to read a book or enjoy an online course. All these tests need you to have some hands-on experience. And do not ignore practice tests: properly designed concerns with in-depth descriptions permit you to check on your development, examine your level, and make certain you are all set to take the real examination.
You take an exam to improve your CV and to get some experience at the very same time. You are going to spend numerous hours getting prepared for a Microsoft test, and any business will value your effort and the knowledge that certificate represents, even if it ends or is replaced with another one.
Of course, however, it makes sense to update your certificates and focus on brand-new courses. Sign up with in now by passing one or more Microsoft examinations and see how your LinkedIn profile enhances!
6 ideas for passing Microsoft certification examinations
1. Develop a research study regimen.
Offer yourself some structure when it concerns studying, and prioritize your research study time. If you do not, it'll be way too easy to hesitate or disregard what you need to do.
2. Evaluation the subjects covered on the examination.
Microsoft publishes the examination descriptions for all their exams and lists their goals. Each sub-objective will likewise have a set of skills that you're going to be evaluated on, so review this page as much as possible till you're comfortable with all the topics.
3. Bear in mind while studying.
"If in doubt, write it out." Write down every technical information you see while studying for any Microsoft Certification exam.
4. Practice utilizing the technology.
Hands-on experience will be indispensable as you take the exam. Instead of attempting to address concerns about a theoretical practice you've just check out, you'll have real-life understanding of what a job does.
5. Take practice tests.
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Among the most important things you can do to prepare for your final examination is take practice examinations initially. Treat the practice tests like genuine tests so that you comprehend what your method must be when the special day comes. Expect to fail your very first practice exam. Afterwards, go through each incorrect answer to identify your locations of weak point. Find Microsoft's main practice tests here.
6. Relax on test day.
When it's time for the test, the best thing you can do is unwind, understanding that you've prepared to the best of your capability. While you need to take every question seriously, entering into the examination stressed and overwhelmed will increase your possibility of failure. Excellence is not the objective; completion is. Let yourself off the hook by comprehending that it's alright to miss a question, or sometimes guess or get puzzled by a question's wording. You can always retake the test if needed.
What if I don't pass? Never ever quit! These are not easy tests. If they were, they would not be so valuable to have. Attempt again, go through some practice concerns, and book another slot. Passing an IT test is a discovering path, so each time you take it, it will be a little much easier. All the best with your research studies!
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bluekaddis · 5 years
Today is 11/11 which marks 101 years of Poland regaining independence and I thought it is a perfect time to publish a post that I’ve been working on for a while. 
Ferelden from Polish Perspective aka Why We Can Relate to Dog Lords So Much. 
This is a sort of compilation of my own thoughts I had while playing the games and various talks with my Polish friends. It is not supposed to force any ideas or teach others how to interpret the game. I just thought it could be entertaining for anyone interested in history and culture. I was trying not to elaborate too much on the subject here but it still ended up being A Very Long Post TM. To make this post a little neater to read, I divided this post into 4 sections:
1. History
2. Fashion and Food
3. Politics
4. Relationships with Other Countries
I will be very happy if you find a minute or two to read some of my points. If you have any additional questions or comments feel free to leave me a message :)
And once again - enormous thanks to @aeducanka​ for proofreading. I would be a poor mess without you. 
1. Yes, I know that Ferelden is based mostly on Anglo-Saxon England and I have no problem with that. True, I may be a little disappointed that the game includes references to so many European cultures and countries (France, Byzantine Empire, Venice, Roma culture etc.) and yet practically ignores Central and Eastern Europe completely, BUT this post is not meant to be a “Where is my representation?!” rant. If I wanted a game with Slavic culture vibes, I could always play the Witcher trilogy again. We are doing alright. 
2. I am in no way an academic specialist on culture or history, even these of my own country. I did some research, but most of facts and figures can be easily found on wikipedia. You can treat this as just some observations and headcanons of a 29 y/o Polish woman, who has grown up and lives in Poland. 
3. The main focus of this post is Poland in different moments of history. However, when talking about fashion and political system I will mostly refer to Polish culture between the 16th and 18th century. During that time Poland and Lithuania formed a dual state known as The Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. So, whenever I refer to this particular period, I will use the term “Commonwealth” instead of “Poland”. 
The country’s name origin
Ferelden means „fertile valley” in Alamarri tongue [WoT vol. 1], Poland most probably comes from the Slavic word „pole” meaning „field”. They both refer to land that can be cultivated.
History of unification
Ferelden lands were divided between many tribes until they were unified by Calenhad Theirin. He fought and defeated other Alamarri tribes’ leaders, proclaimed Andrastianism as the new official religion of his kingdom and started the Theirin dynasty.  
A similar story can be told about Mieszko I of Poland – the leader of the Polans tribe (one of many Slavic tribes of that time) who, by means of war and diplomacy, united many Slavic tribes and created the Polish country in 965. In the same year he was baptised, abandoning native paganism in favour of Christianity. Mieszko started the Piast dynasty which ruled Poland for over 400 years. He never officially became a king, though – his son, Bolesław, was crowned king in 1025.
Also, Ferelden is a relatively young country compared to countries like Orlais or Tevinter. Even if Poland has over 1000 years of history as a country, it has to be noted that some Western European countries have a longer history (eg. the Carolingian Empire or the Visigothic Kingdom). Polish lands have also never been a part of the Roman Empire. 
Fun fact – the half-legendary sword of the first king of Poland, Szczerbiec, was stolen by Prussian troops during their invasion on Poland in 1795. Calenhad’s sword, Nemetos,was lost during the Orlesian invasion on Ferelden [WoT vol. 1].
Now, I will tell you a story. It is about a young king (in his twenties), a little reckless, wanting to be the leader who stood against the great invading threat to his country, a little blinded by the perspective of glorious victory. Just before the battle one of his allied forces betrayed him and did not provide the promised aid. The enemy army was too strong, too large. The king’s army was defeated, the king was killed in battle and his body was taken by the enemy. The king did not have children and his younger brother had succeeded him.
No, I’m not talking about Cailan, this is the story of Władysław III of Poland.
All cultures in Thedas have their own style and fashion. Ferelden is supposed to be this “We like fur and warm fabrics” culture, opposite to the extravagant Orlesian style. However, I have few problems with how Fereldan fashion is shown in the game.
1. It is too early-medieval looking. I know, it is a fantasy, you can mix ancient Egypt with steampunk and nobody should care. But we see, from cultural and technological perspective, that Thedas in Dragon Age is more renaissance/baroque than your typical medieval. Heck, some elements, like the infamous Formal Attire, look like clothes from 18th or even 19th century! In comparison, outfits like Arms of Mac Tir or Robes of the Pretender (though good looking) look like something from the Vikings era.
2.  We do not see many good looking Fereldan outfits in the games. I like Alistair’s royal outfit and some of Fereldan armors and clothes from DA:2 but remember this?
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Or this?
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Yeah, Dog Lords can do better :/
And that’s why I like to headcanon Fereldan fashion as something more resembling the Commonwealth fashion between the 16th and 18th century. It was an interesting mix of European and Asian influences and I think it would work perfectly with canon Ferelden because:
1. People LOVED fur elements in their clothing. Fur lining on coats, fur caps decorated with feathers, pelts of wild carnivores (lions, wolves, bears, etc.) on armour  - fur was everywhere.
2. It is simple but regal. The quality of materials and patterns were more important than volume and the number of layers. A typical male noble outfit consisted of a long garment (żupan), a long, ornate sash, one of two types of cloak (delia or kontusz) and a fur cap decorated with feathers and jewels. If you compare it with the baroque fashion from France it is less extravagant and more practical. No wigs, no flounces, no man tights. 
Compare these two dudes – the older one is dressed Commonwealth style, the younger – in French style. 
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The Deluge, 1974
Of course some wealthy noblemen who spent a lot of time in France or other Western countries tended to adapt their style, but from what I know it was not that common. Women, on the other hand, tended to dress more similar to their Western counterparts (especially when they wanted to look fashionable) but their everyday dresses were not that much elaborate. They also wore kontusz (though the female version was shorter) and fur caps when outside. 
Below I post some more costumes to better illustrate my point. They all come from Polish movie adaptations of H. Sienkiewicz’s novels (I looove both the books and the movies).
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With Fire and Sword, 1999
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The Deluge, 1974
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Fire in the Steppe, 1968
And I could not NOT to mention the wonderful interpretation of Fereldan armor and clothing for my OCs drawn by @ankalime​ - I still can’t get over how beautiful they look :3
From what we know, Fereldan food is very similar to traditional English cuisine (lamb and pea anyone?), HOWEVER, I can totally see some traditional Polish dishes on Fereldan tables. Let us look at this part of Alistair’s banter with Leliana:
“Now here in Ferelden, we do things right. We take our ingredients, throw them into the largest pot we can find, and cook them for as long as possible until everything is a uniform grey color. As soon as it looks completely bland and unappetizing, that's when I know it's done.”
Dishes like bigos, flaki or goulash (mostly associated with Hungary but also present in various forms in Slavic countries) totally fit this description. Tasty and hearty but I know some foreigners see them as totally unappetizing :P
Poland is also culturally more into beer than wine  (high five, British Isles!), so Fereldan ale fits this image, too.
When I first played DA:O and heard about choosing the new queen/king on Landsmeet I was like “omg, they have wolna elekcja!”
The canon Ferelden is a feudal country, however, there seems to be less focus on the king's absolute power – instead, the nobles can choose the king they like, the hierarchy inside this particular social class is also less striking than one can expect. 
And this brings me to the concept of Golden Liberty. (I will quote Wikipedia here, I am not that smart to explain this well in English on my own).
The Golden Liberty was a unique political system of the Commonwealth – a mixture of monarchy, oligarchy and democracy. The most distinctive elements of that systems were:
- All nobles regardless of rank or economic status, were considered to have equal legal rights (and you did not have to own a town or two to be considered a noble – a large part of the nobility owned nothing more than a farm, often little different from a peasant's dwelling, and some did not even have that much). The rights were, for example:
-  Neminem captivabimus ("We shall not arrest anyone without a court verdict").  
- right to vote – every nobleman, whether rich or poor, could vote. Of course if someone was rich, they could bribe others to gain more political influence, but it is the same as today. 
- religious freedom – unlike many other European countries of the time, people in Commonwealth were legally free to follow any religion. The Commonwealth became a common refuge for people who were persecuted for religion in their homelands. The religious freedom was not restricted to nobility but to all social classes. 
- rokosz - the right to form a legal rebellion against a king who violated nobility freedoms.
- the monarchy was elective, not hereditary, and the king was elected by the nobility. That “democracy” was not, of course, perfect, as only male noblemen had the right to vote and elect the king. However, it was still between 10-15% of the population who could vote. In comparison, “in 1831 in France only about 1% of the population had the right to vote”
The Landsmeet in DA:O is basically the free election (well, maybe minus the duel :D) and I would say the Fereldan nobility does not feel obliged to be obedient 100% of the time. 
Orlesian occupation
We know from the game that Orlais invaded Ferelden in 8:24 Blessed and occupied it for decades. The Fereldan forces were rebelling against the occupant and finally, under the command of Maric Theirin, they won their freedom.
Again, it is a huge topic, so to summarize: Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth suffered a similar fate in 1795 as it was conquered and divided between Habsburg Austria, the Kingdom of Prussia and the Russian Empire. For 123 years Poles have been trying to regain their country, have started several uprisings and lost many lives in their fight for independence. Finally, at the end of WW1, independent Poland reappeared on the map of the world. Then came the WW2, probably the most tragic event in Polish history – the cities were razed to the ground, a vast part of national heritage destroyed or stolen, and over 6 million people (1/5 of the pre-war population) were killed.
So yeah, a country invaded and occupied for decades by its neighbour sounds way too familiar to be ignored. 
Ferelden in the eyes of Orlesians
The Fereldans are a puzzle. As a people, they are one bad day away from reverting to barbarism. (...) They are the coarse, wilful, dirty, disorganized people [DA:O Codex Entry: Culture of Ferelden].
Yeah... this, unfortunately, sounds familiar. I fear that the stereotype of a drunk, stupid, poor, thieving Poles (and other Slavic nations), which originated from WW2 propaganda, is somehow still alive in the West. I will not dive deeper in this subject because I want to believe my followers have their own brain cells and I do not need to explain how hurtful and offensive those stereotypes are.
My point is – I could identify easily with a fantasy country that is located east from the “centre of culture and civilisation” and is unfairly believed to be more barbaric.
So – for all two of you who bothered to read the whole thing - thanks for coming to my TED talk.I really appreciate the time you spent here :)
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wtf-triassic · 4 years
Effigia okeeffeae
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By Stolpergeist 
Etymology: Ghost
First Described By: Nesbitt and Norell, 2006
Classification: Biota, Archaea, Proteoarchaeota, Asgardarchaeota, Eukaryota, Neokaryota, Scotokaryota Opimoda, Podiata, Amorphea, Obazoa, Opisthokonta, Holozoa, Filozoa, Choanozoa, Animalia, Eumetazoa, Parahoxozoa, Bilateria, Nephrozoa, Deuterostomia, Chordata, Olfactores, Vertebrata, Craniata, Gnathostomata, Eugnathostomata, Osteichthyes, Sarcopterygii, Rhipidistia, Tetrapodomorpha, Eotetrapodiformes, Elpistostegalia, Stegocephalia, Tetrapoda, Reptiliomorpha, Amniota, Sauropsida, Eureptilia, Romeriida, Disapsida, Neodiapsida, Sauria, Archosauromorpha, Crocopoda, Archosauriformes, Eucrocopoda, Archosauria, Pseudosuchia, Suchia, Paracrocodylomorpha, Poposauroidea, Shuvosauridae
Referred Species: E. okeeffeae
Status: Extinct
Time and Place: Around 205 million years ago, in the Rhaetian of the Late Triassic 
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Effigia was found at Ghost Ranch in the Chinle Formation in New Mexico 
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Physical Description: Effigia was a small, bipedal animal that remarkably resembled dinosaurs it lived with at the time. In total, from head to tail, it would have been about two meters long. It walked on two legs that were held directly underneath the body, and it had small arms that weren’t used in supporting its weight. It had a long body, with a decently sized tail and long neck. The head of Effigia was small and narrow, ending in a beak and having no teeth whatsoever. So, in short, it looked like the later Limusaurus, except it wasn’t feathered - and it wasn’t a dinosaur! This is the first known example of the lightly-built bipedal animal with a beak body plan, aka, the “ostrich” body plan, even though this iteration - the first iteration - had nothing resembling feathers or efficient breathing or hollow bones. In fact, it probably would have breathed primarily based on abdominal muscles, based on its close relatives. And it did have hollow bone walls, much like dinosaurs. Effigia also had a somewhat endothermic body temp - ie, it was closer to warm-bloodedness than modern crocodilians, and may have even been warm-blooded outright. It had five fingers on each hand, though only three of each would have claws; it had four main toes on each foot, unlike the three in theropods, and a little toe raised up (kind of like the fourth toe in theropods). It was rather front heavy, unlike theropods that lean more towards the hip, giving it a forward-leaning appearance.
Diet: Probably herbivorous. While the exact diet of Effigia is murky, the beak of this species indicates it probably would have fed on a variety of plant material, like the later mimics such as Limusaurus and Ornithomimus. However, omnivory was certainly not out of the question.
Behavior: Because Effigia was front-titled, it’s actually not clear whether or not it would have behaved similarly to the animals it resembles. In fact, it doesn’t seem very well adapted for fast movement at all - it looks exactly like the sort of creature that may have tripped over itself on a regular basis. That said, it is entirely possible that it would have balanced itself differently, or adjusted its position in such a way to make up for this oddity in posture. That said, it also had fairly short legs compared to its overall body length, so it’s doubtful that it would have been a fast mover in any position. As such, it probably would have moved slowly throughout its ecosystem, grazing on plants and following fresh vegetation where it came up and utilizing its long neck to reach into areas where food was less accessible, and grabbing on to it for feeding. It may not have been a particularly social animal though, like living archosaurs, it probably would have taken care of its young in some fashion.
Ecosystem: Ghost Ranch was a large floodplain, not quite as forested as the environment had been in earlier times (when they were literally called the “petrified forest”), however, there were still extensive dry forests that experienced dramatic dry and wet seasons each year. These seasons were interspersed with regular flooding, which lead to rapid preservation of a very diverse Late Triassic ecosystem. This was an extremely diverse habitat, with a variety of other reptiles that lived alongside Effigia. There was the slender dinosaur Coelophysis, the weirdly-toothed dinosaur Daemonosaurus, the Silesaurids Kawanasaurus and Eucoelophysis, the Lagerpetid Dromomeron, the early Crocodylomorph Hesperosuchus, the Aetosaur Stenomyti, the phytosaur Redondasaurus, the Drepanosaurs Avicranium and Drepanosaurus, the aquatic archosauriform Vancleavea, the sphenodont Whitakersaurus; coelocanths, ray-finned fish, mystery fish, and even invertebrates such as branchiopods and ostracods. It’s possible that Effigia lived alongside other animals as well, but more research is needed into the exact environment of the Chinle Formation where Effigia was found before that can be confirmed. It is entirely possible that Effigia would have been preyed upon by Coelophysis.
Other: Effigia is so freaking weird, you guys. Like, the Triassic may as well be called the Period in Which Reptiles Tried Out All The Things Dinosaurs Would Later Do (But Only Dinosaurs Would Get Paid For It). It is so similar to later Ornithomimosaurs that at least a few paleontologists used to think that the remains later called Effigia were actually dinosaurs, before their proper reassignment into the Pseudosuchians. This just emphasizes how much different reptiles were trying out new designs and new ideas in the Triassic Period, some of which superficially resembled later dinosaurs - but with surprise twists. It also demonstrates exactly how much crocodile-relatives were diversifying extensively in the Triassic, and how hard they would be hit by the end-Triassic extinction.
~ By Meig Dickson
Sources Under the Cut 
Colbert, E. H.. 1947. The little dinosaurs of Ghost Ranch. Natural History 59(9):392-399-427-428.
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