#300 movies
Can you do a really possessive and dominant Artemisia x Fem Reader story please (with smut), where the reader is a Greek hostage who Artemisia had been charged with keeping a hold of but soon she quickly falls in love with the woman and becomes very possessive over her especially when Misia’s generals get a little to close to her.
Mine just mine
Warnings: Smut, kidnapping, Stockholm syndrome, implicit manipulation and therefore 14+ only
Word count: 1.6 K
Pairing: Artemisia x Fem!Reader
Prompt: Artemisia knows what to do with unplanned guests
Requests: OPEN
[Main masterlist] [Eva Green characters]
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The voice of one of my crew members cut short the explanation coming from my lips as I tried to explain to others how we would have to return to Persia in order to equip ourselves with more weapons.
"What do you want?"
"Shirin saw a body floating on a piece of wood. We saved it."
"A body, a dead body?"
"We thought so, until she opened her eyes."
"Yes. Now she's threatening the crew with a knife?"
"Bring a knife?!"
"You should have told me that first, you animal."
Quickly, I left the small room we were in, climbing up some small stairs to be able to see the scene that was forming.
A girl covered with a white dress, dry hair and battered by the salt of the sea, and with red eyes, was moving from one side to the other, threatening my men with a knife.
"Where am I?" She shouted "who are you?"
The men, like good men, did not even deign to try to respond, they just wanted to get closer.
"Calm down."
The girl turned to look at me, listening to my request. I could notice how her grip on the knife loosened a little, to tighten her fist around it again.
"Who are you, where am I?"
"Welcome to the Persian ship, I am…"
"Artemisia… "whispered
"The same"
Before we could react, the girl ran in my direction, but before she could plunge the knife into me, I hit her head, making her fall unconscious on the floor, dropping the gun. Gently, I took the weapon and checked it. It was made of iron, and on the blade came engraved something. Ἰσοκράτης
This woman was none other than the daughter of Isocrates, the famous Athenian politician. This woman was the definition of a gold mine.
"What do we do with her, General?"
"You and you, chain her up and lock her up tight in the cellar. Don't give her a chance to escape" quickly 2 men took the body and started down the stairs. "And you and you, you are going to take one of the boats and row to Athens, go to Isocrates and tell him the sad story of how his daughter ended up on an enemy ship" I mocked, making my sailors laugh. "Maybe that way we'll get more than Themistocles' head."
All the sailors let out a deep laugh, knowing that something big was on the other side of the horizon.
The next time I went down to the cellars, the woman, who I now knew had the name Y/N, was awake, and was even trying to untie the knots in her wrists.
"Try as you might, you can't escape."
My voice seemed to startle her, causing her to stop nibbling on the rope.
"Are you finally going to let me out?" her voice was hoarse. As if he hadn't had any water. My eyes glanced at the floor, realizing I hadn't touched either her food or the glass of water.
"You need to eat, you need to hydrate."
"I asked you a question!" she raised her voice, which made me raise my eyebrows, but that didn't make her back down "Are you finally going to let me go?" she asked again.
"No" I sat down across from her, took the plate she had been given, realizing that she had only been given a measly apple and a glass of water, so with my eyes I began to look for some food. "Not until your dear daddy sends us what we want."
Y/N let out a small but loud laugh, which made me take my eyes off the cereal sacks and land on Y/N's brown eyes.
"Then I'll have to die here."
"What do you mean?"
"My father banished me from Athens. So, no matter whether tomorrow you cut me to pieces or leave me alive, my father will want nothing more to do with me."
I stood silently, watching my master plan fall apart piece by piece.
I let out a big sigh and stood up, throwing the apple away.
"Where are you going?"
"I'll bring you better food."
Eventually, I had to realize that Y/N was right.
My men returned with empty hands and verbal refusal from the great politician.
"So, what shall we do?"
I didn't even have the brains to answer them. Even I didn't know what we were going to do with the girl.
It was one more mouth to feed, one more weight for this vessel.
But, she was the most sensual woman my eyes had ever seen.
I couldn't just throw it away.
"Does anyone know if she's awake?"
"Omar went to give her her ration recently and she was awake."
Without waiting any longer, I got up and walked to the cellar door, opening it and finding the woman, who was now held only by a rope around her ankle.
"You were right, your father ignored us."
"I told you so" she commented with a mouth full of rice. She was completely hunched over as her plate was on the floor.
Quickly, I took the spoon out of her hand and grabbed the bowl. I took a spoonful of the food and brought it to her mouth.
"I have to apologize to you" she gave me a confused look, but opened her mouth, letting me feed her, but raised her eyebrows, asking me for an explanation. "For keeping you in a place like this. You deserve better."
"That means you're not going to let me go, right?" she spoke again with her mouth full. She was hungry.
"Do you have someplace where you are completely welcome?" Y/N was quiet and simply waited for me to give her another spoonful. So, I took it and popped it into her mouth. "Here I will give you the life worthy of someone like you."
Things escalated very quickly, too quickly for me to relate in detail what actually happened.
Y/N loved it, so much so, that, she went from sleeping on top of a bean bag, to sleeping in my bed, every night, of course, after I stuck my fingers up to her vagina.
But, at first, Y/N at first, she didn't want me to go near her because she said he would never let herself be caught in the enemy's clutches.
"Please… don't stop!"
I pulled my mouth away from her pussy as I watched her eyebrows furrow, little beads of sweat on her forehead, her eyes closed tightly and an open mouth that never failed to be as sensual as she was herself.
"Do you want more, sweet girl?"
"Yes, please."
With force, I smacked one of her buttocks, causing Y/N to give a little jump as a high-pitched squeal came from those plump lips.
"You know how to order correctly."
"My lady, please let me cum."
"Cum for me, pet."
I buried my head between her legs again and began to suck on her bulge, while my index, middle and ring finger in her vagina, almost wanting to touch her insides, causing her now, to let out a loud moan, almost like a scream.
Omar's head peeked into my room, causing me to peel my face away from Y/N's pussy and with my right hand I covered the woman's naked body with the blanket.
"What do you want, asshole?"
"We have Misia ships in our sights."
"Just get out."
The man slammed the door shut. I carefully got out of bed.
"Where are you going?" asked Y/N as a claim.
"Outside. I need you to shut up."
"But Artemi…"
"I told you to shut up!"
She did not speak again and allowed me to leave without further ado.
"We know you have it, Artemisia."
I stopped pacing the room only to focus my gaze on the man tied in the chair.
"Who are you talking about?"
"Don't get smart with me, Artemisia, we know you're holding Y/N hostage."
"I regret to inform you, General Themistocles, but no one is being held hostage here" the men behind his back began to laugh lightly "Lady Y/N is here of her own free will."
"Why would a woman as worthy as Y/N be with someone like you?"
"Because I fuck her like no one ever can. If you had arrived a few minutes ago, you might have been delighted with her moans."
"You are a danger. You don't deserve anything from her."
"And you do?" quickly, I pulled out my pocketknife and put it to his neck.
"She deserves better."
"She's mine!"
"She doesn't even want to be here with you!"
"No?" I turned away from Themistocles and signaled Omar. Minutes later he arrived with a Y/N on shaky legs and wrapped in the blanket.
"Oh, honey" I gave her a smile "Come on, come here."
She as obedient as ever, came to my side, letting me slip my arm around her hip.
"Is Y/N well, has this woman done anything to you?" asked the Athenian.
"Come on, pet, tell this man that you want to stay with me."
I got up to walk to his side and duck my head so that it was in the curve of her shoulder and neck, leaving little kisses on her soft skin. I even went so far as to feel goose bumps.
"Tell him, my love" I whispered close to her ear "tell him you're mine."
"Forgive me General Themistocles, but, I want to stay with my General Artemisia. She is the one to whom I belong."
I gave her a last kiss on her neck to give a cynical and victorious smile to the Greek warrior.
After many setbacks, writer's block, heat, pride day (by the way, happy LGBT+ pride day and month, I love you) HERE IT IS. I hope I can write the others that remain in two days like this.
PS: Have you seen that my new personality is Barbie?! I am very excited about the movie.
I hope you enjoy it
I appreciate the reblogs, the likes and the comments
taglist: @littlebitchsposts // @xxsekhmet
message me or send an ask to be added to my taglist!
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sersi · 2 months
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X-Men '97 (2024 - ) 1.05: Remember It
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gojosbf · 1 month
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almightaylor · 6 months
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sealed-valkyria · 3 months
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300 (quota run)
Average experience on Titan.
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This is my Barbie vs Oppenheimer
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yourheartonfire · 1 year
The first sign something was wrong was when the hero opened the door without bothering to check the peephole. Or maybe that was the seventh or eighth sign, after the way the hero had disappeared and the terrible rumors going around and the silence from the Agency and - oh yeah - that dreadful beating they’d taken a month ago from Supervillain that was still being meme-ed and clipped and posted and reposted and -
All right. There were a lot of signs something was wrong, but the hero opening their door first and then their eyes going wide to see who was on their doorstep was the first sign that villain had personally witnessed that something was wrong.
“Nope,” the villain snapped. “Don’t like it.”
“What-” the hero managed to say before the villain’s hand closed around their throat and drove their nemesis backwards into their home, kicking the door shut behind them.
“Don’t like this look you’re giving me,” the villain said and slammed the hero into the wall.
The hero grabbed for their forearm, eyes dim in the gloomy dark. “And what look is that?” they hissed. 
“You should be looking at me with fear. Like, oh no! My death is coming!” the villain snarled back. They snapped one cuff around the hero’s wrist, spun them around. The hero staggered. Staggered! The villain huffed and shoved them into the wall again, this time face first, so they didn’t have to see those terrible sunken eyes in hero’s face. “Instead,” they murmured, clamping the second cuff on, “you look at me with relief. Like, oh yay! My death is coming!”
The hero let out a strangled noise not quite a laugh, half-muffled by the wallpaper. “Go on then,” they said. “Guess you won’t get what you want out of me.”
“Oh yes, I will.” The villain dragged the hero down the hall, shoved them onto the couch of their living room. It was a nice low couch, perfect for looming over. “I want you to suffer, hero. And if death is a release, well. I can work with that. Princess Bride or Pride or Prejudice?”
The hero blue screened - their weary defiance smashed into confusion. And, for the first time, a spark of the real hero’s curiosity. “Uh...”
“You want to die? Tough.” The villain grabbed the remote. Luckily the hero was a Luddite, it only took a few seconds to get the TV turned on and streaming services fired up. “Not only will you not be dying, tonight you’ll be subjected to the treacliest of manipulative schlock that Hollywood has to offer. Or are you more of a comedy...” They trailed as off as they opened the hero’s watch history. The hero winced. “I’m sorry. This seems to indicate your most watched movie over the past five years is Planes 2: Fire and Rescue?” 
“It’s actually really good,” the hero muttered.
“The sequel to the spin off of Pixar’s worst-?” The villain cut themselves off, jammed the play button. “Right. The instrument of your suffering has been chosen. And apparently my suffering too,” they muttered under their breath, plopping down on the couch next to the hero. “You got snacks?”
The hero was staring at them. Slowly they shook their head. “You’re a liar,” the villain grumbled and reached over them to grab their phone. “I’m ordering pizza and you’re paying for it. Why the hell is that airplane wearing literally a corn costume?”
“Watch the movie and find out,” the hero said. “Can you uncuff me now?”
“No,” the villain said, pulling the hero closer as they searched for the most expensive pizzeria in the neighborhood. “You’re being tortured. Shut up.”
The hero did. And if the villain noticed as the tension slowly left their nemesis’s shoulders, well, there was a terrible movie to distract them both.
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Hey if your requests are still open can you write a story about artemisia finding out she’s pregnant but also being told she’s being assigned to protect the Princess of Sparta who she eventually falls in love with.
Warnings: Mentions of implied sexual abuse, strangers to friends to lovers, fluff,
Word count: 1.9 K
Pairing: Artemisia x Fem!Reader
Prompt: Artemisia with a baby. You don't need more explanation and/or context.
Requests: OPEN
[Main masterlist] [Eva Green characters]
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I know my capabilities. I know what I am capable of, what I can improve and how little I am bad at. My soldiers knew it, my enemies knew it. But none so much as my lord, the great King Darius; so much so that he allowed me to be the guardian of his youngest daughter, Princess Y/N. 
Of course, this has its advantages and disadvantages. 
My king had full confidence in me to place his most precious treasure in my care. This made my chest swell with pride. 
But, being on the lookout for a spoiled child like Princess Y/N, I had to say goodbye to my faithful friend, the ocean. 
The sea, the port and my ship would always be an important part of my history, being the only thing I had known throughout my life. They would always be a part of my life. Despite the gulp of salt water I got the last time I was in those parts.  
Before I could ramble on, the palace doors opened abruptly, causing me to cut myself with the small dagger I was playing with. 
"So here you are." 
And there was my least favorite voice, the voice of Princess Y/N. Sometimes I really felt like I was going to rip her head off every time I heard her voice. 
"Yes, I was trying to find my happiness, and you just scared it away." 
"Ha ha, even though I really love your jokes, I need you to stop slacking off and accompany me to the market." 
"Do I have an option class?" 
"Not unless you want to continue to keep your own head." 
Before I could comment any further, the princess's head disappeared, letting me know that I had no choice. 
I put my gun away and set out to follow the woman. 
The market always caused me headaches and some dizziness, but today, these symptoms were only getting worse. 
"Hey, will you stop being so slow?" shouted the princess just watching as I reloaded my weight in my hand back onto a bard. After a while, I still didn't move "Hey, are you okay?" 
"Yes, I'm perfectly fine" just as I tried to keep walking, but, I felt my head getting even dizzier. 
"No, you're not well." 
Without much time to process, I felt my legs fail me, but just before my chest hit the ground, the princess's arms caught me. 
"Okay, all in all, you're not well." 
"Okay, tell me, what the fuck happened to you?" the princess asked as she wrung out a wet cloth to put on my forehead.
"I told you I don't know."
"So, you're fainting just because?"
"May I not faint!"
The princess changed the cloth to proceed to sit on the small bed she had forced me to lie on.
A silence fell between us, me trying to calm my breathing, while T/Y began to play with her fingers, her eyes fixed on the dock.
"Have you had any other symptoms?"
"Did it hurt any more, silly?!"
"I don't remember."
"Have you been feeling tired?"
"More than usual."
"Do you feel nauseous in the morning?"
"Not just in the morning" that's when I realized something wasn't quite right. "In fact, I also feel like throwing up when the sea breeze hits my nose."
"The smell of the sea?" I nodded. "How strange, more so being you."
Again an awkward silence filled the room. Until suddenly the princess jumped to her feet.
"Sure!, you're pregnant!"
"Of course not!"
"Does my father know that you are still in service despite your condition?"
"What condition?"
"Well, your pregnancy."
"THAT I'M NOT PREGNANT, DAMN IT!" the shout startled the princess so much that it made her suddenly shut up "excuse me."
"When was the last time you had blood coming out down there?"
Seeing that the princess was taking the conversation very seriously, I got out of bed and sat up.
"I don't really remember."
"Were you with your boyfriend these past few days?"
"Boyfriend?, what are you talking about, a person like me doesn't have time to have partners?"
"So, how the hell did you get pregnant?" we both stared at each other, until the memory came to my mind making me look away uncomfortably. "Artemisia, are you okay?"
"Actually… if anything happened."
Weat was running down my forehead, while a constant stabbing pain in my spine, my hips and my pelvic bone causing me to start pushing unconsciously.
For the first time in my life I could say that I was completely terrified.
"Where is she, is she okay?" A tiny, tiny part of my heart felt so much better as soon as I heard T/Y's voice. She quickly walked over to me.
"Are you okay, how are you feeling?"
"Never in my life… have I ever felt as much pain as I did today" I found it hard to speak, the pain was killing me. "And that… I've been pierced in the stomach with a sword."
We both let out a little giggle.
"I'm glad to hear that at least you still have that acidic sense of humor."
Before I could answer her anything, a stabbing pain in my hip made it impossible for me to think of anything but a piercing scream; causing Y/N herself to freak out.
"Princess" one of the nurses called her attention to her "she's about to give birth".
"Are you okay?"
"Do you realize this is like the eighth time you've asked me that?"
I myself laughed as I watched T/N move from one side of the room to the other, holding the baby in her arms.
"Do you have any names for him yet?"
As time passed, T/N and I became close. She was the only friend I had. She helped me a lot during the pregnancy, with my job and especially with her father. But I still hadn't been 100 percent honest with her. Maybe it's time to be.
"Can I be honest with you?"
"I thought we were friends…" commented the princess as she looked away from the bundle in her arms to look at me.
"We are" I confirmed
"Friends are sincere," she commented, turning her attention back to the baby.
Inhale a large amount of air and exhale slowly.
"I don't know if I want to keep the baby…."
"What?" she stopped abruptly and started walking straight toward me.
"You said you weren't going to judge me!"
"I'm not judging you…just that" she lifted the baby a little so that he was at my eye level "Who wouldn't want this little fish?" she spoke as she pursed her lips, eliciting a sweet, soft voice for the sleeping child's comfort.
I have to admit, they were both completely adorable in my eyes.
"It's not a matter of wanting it or not" I began to speak, trying to stop T/N from putting the child in my exhausted arms "it's simple. I don't know if you remember, your majesty" I watched as the princess rolled her eyes. I laughed internally and continued to make my point "I am part of your father's military corps and one of my main jobs was to protect you, not the other way around."
"If it's the child's safety you're concerned about, I can take care of him"
"Are you crazy?"
"What would your dad say?, what would your brother say?, what would the kingdom say?"
"I thought you realized that I don't care about the opinion of either my dad, or my inept brother, much less the town when I try to run away hiding on a boat." we both laughed. "We can both raise little Hossein. You and me against the world."
"Yes, it means beautiful. Just like this baby, right?" she spoke softly as she bounced the baby a little. "Are you just as beautiful as your mommy?"
"I am not beautiful" I commented as I closed my eyes with the intention of sleeping for a moment.
"Did you hear that, little Hossein, you and I will have to prove to your mommy that she is the most beautiful woman to ever walk the planet."
Time passed faster than I would like to admit. And with it, my responsibilities increased. I no longer had to take care of one child, now I had to take care of two.
Not to mention the many tasks that the king gave me.
"Yes, sir, can I help you?"
"No, my daughter, I've just been told by some people that you should see your little ones more often" he smiled at me.
Before he could ask, the door to the throne room crashed open, letting the screams of T/N and Hossein echo throughout the palace.
"Slow down T/N!" shouted the little boy.
"You'll never catch me you little fish!"
As my eyes watched the two unruly little ones screaming and running back and forth, behind me the king's laughter puzzled me a little.
"Oh my daughter, you don't know how much I appreciate the youth and laughter your little Hossein has brought."
"You two, that's enough!"
Both quickly stopped their laughter and stood still. T/N even had to climb down from a step that simulated an obstacle in their game.
"I'm sorry, Mommy" little Hossein pouted rather adorably.
"Yes, sorry mommy."
I had to admit that, when T/N called me mommy, I felt a little electric shock in my intimate part.
"Where have they been?"
"I was with Panem, he promised me he would teach me how to fight, just like you" the boy commented, giving me a toothy smile, the cutest smile I had ever seen.
"That's great, kiddo," I smiled back as my hand tousled his hair. Our way of showing affection for each other. "And you?" I pointed at T/N with my chin.
"I went to see the oracle."
"What for?"
"I tasked her with some important questions for the nation," interrupted the king, winking at T/N.
"Well children, let the king do his job."
My two hands rested on the backs of both of them and guided them out of the room.
Before I knew it Hossein ran off leaving T/N and I alone.
"What did you go to consult the oracle for?"
"My father told you the reason."
"Honey, you know I'm very fond of your father and I'm as close to fond of you as I can get, but I don't think shit of it."
I tried to make her laugh, but T/N just looked at the floor, somewhat uncomfortable.
"If I tell you the real reason, you'll laugh at me."
"Princess, I would never laugh at you."
"Close your eyes" I looked at her suspiciously. "Trust me."
I closed my eyes as instructed, but we didn't move or do anything.
Which began to intrigue me even more.
When I least realized it, T/N's lips collided with mine stealing a kiss, to which I responded almost immediately.
I didn't know that I needed a kiss from T/N's lips in order to be completely happy.
When shortness of breath set in and we had to separate, we both gave each other a smile.
"Hmm I didn't know I wanted this so badly."
"You wanted it too?"
"Sure, T/N. Remember, it's you and me against the world."
"You, me and Hossein" reminded me T/N.
"Sure, let's not forget the little fish. You, Hossein and me."
It took me a lot longer than I would have liked (college, 104°F heat, and going to my hometown PRIDE march is tough) but IT'S HERE.
Thank you very much for requesting me. I love you ❤
I hope you enjoy it
I appreciate the reblogs, the likes and the comments
taglist: @littlebitchsposts // @xxsekhmet
message me or send an ask to be added to my taglist!
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carionto · 8 months
Accurate Reenactments Based On Facts
Most cultures across the Galaxy do their utmost to preserve and remember their history, both the great achievements, and the terrible mistakes. Humans go a few dozen steps further.
They introduced us to a concept called "Historical reenactments" - accurate recreations of the situations and conditions of ancient events, usually battles, played out with prop equipment by real people. They also said they sometimes do these just for fun and don't care about being 100% accurate.
This particular reenactment was of a battle called Thermopylae. Using numerous historical records, they recreated the location, printed slightly lighter versions of the armor (well, helmets only for some) they wore, and dull weapons with embedded stun shockers that would create a kinetic "bump" upon contact to prevent actual injury by pushing the person back instead.
Once everyone was geared up the atmosphere changed, both visually as the holographic projectors did their thing, and from the Humans themselves - their demeanor became that of... wilderness. Ferocity. Deadly focus. It was quite fear inducing even from afar.
Then the defenders in red, the "Spartans", created a sort of spiky dome with their shields and spears. Then the attackers in blue, the "Persians" unleashed a terrifying volley of arrows, the sky hologram went darker, then a bright beam of light shone upon the defenders as they swept off arrows stuck to their shields in dramatic fashion before proceeding to charge towards their assaulting foes.
We noticed the "Spartans" were all much larger than the "Persians", and actually were equipped with subtle and very modern exoskeletons. Perplexed by this we asked if these Spartans had a very particular technological advantage for their time:
"Well, not as far as we can tell, but based on the materials we have, Spartans were, like, really buff and super strong compared to the average person of the time. Plus, according to the feats of strength they supposedly displayed, we suspect they became an extinct branch of Humanity at some point, so the exoskeletons are there to mimic what we think they were like. Anyway, look, this is the coolest part."
As they spoke, the artificial gravity was lowered slightly and there was a spike in the power output from the exoskeleton equipped Spartans. Now they were flinging the approaching Persians dozens of feet into the air, a single bare-chested man kicked three of them at once backwards at a whole group, knocking the wind out of them.
This sort of extreme violence continued for several minutes.
Suddenly, an incredibly large Persian man on a throne was carried to what was effectively the center stage. Him and a heavily bearded Spartan exchanged a dramatic dialogue, the Spartan threw his spear at the Persian, who dodged it with a single turn of his head, then proceeded to summon a massive horde of small Persians who quickly began to overrun the Spartans.
There were bodies and shields and spears and pieces of armor flying everywhere, but gradually all the red became engulfed by the blue, and only one remaining Spartan managed to wriggle his way out of the carnage and make a run for it back to their city in the distance.
Seemingly satisfied after plucking out the bearded Spartan from the pile, the giant Persian roared in triumph and this is when the reenactment ended and everyone gathered for a feast.
So this is how ancient Human Battles went, huh.
"Well, not all of them. Usually it's between more equal forces in large open fields, or prolonged sieges, which can be a bit boring to recreate.
You should come back next month, we'll be doing an old naval battle between the British Empire and Independent Pirates Lords. It ends with a really sweet whirlpool showdown. Man, what are the odds of that happening, eh?"
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gojosbf · 3 months
Geto Suguru even god himself cannot make me hate you
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andorerso · 1 year
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Jyn & Cassian + rainbow colors
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basimsenkidu · 1 year
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300 (2006) dir. Zack Snyder
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especiallyhaytham · 9 months
I've definitely posted about this before, but I'm still obsessed with the fact that Haytham is wearing 1750s style clothes well into the 1770s because he's an OLD MAN. He's OLD and UNFASHIONABLE. Can't be assed to wear anything else, I love you sir
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alicecoopersbush · 7 months
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hes such a chewtoy
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arkarti · 11 months
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Things were certainly happening & progressing
Twitter: x
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vivianthepigeon · 4 months
Trolls memes pt 4
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