ketelarts · 6 months
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Soop Father
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alirienn · 7 months
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sanseru · 1 day
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Okay, I'm still kinda on a hiatus but I've been listening to Malevolent lately and it has infested my brain. I can't stop thinking about THEM. Ugh. I hate them.... they're perfect and I can't wait to see how they're gonna be traumatized further in episode 29. :)
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jtl-fics · 3 months
pretty boy <3
WIP Wednesday 2/21/24 (CLOSED) | Pretty Boy
They sit in silence there parked in their secluded spot. He can almost hear Neil's brain working at a million miles a minute, somehow running faster than he can physically run. Even if he can almost heart it, he's sure that it would be an incomprehensible mess.
Finally the silence breaks, "Do you agree with what they say?" Neil asks finally.
Andrew pauses and thinks about all of the things that he has heard people say about Neil. About his eyes, about his dimples, about his hair, and about his ass. He thinks about what it would cost him to admit that he does agree.
"I do." Andrew says but doesn't look at Neil, it feels too vulnerable.
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apricote · 10 months
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it's been ten years since their first date. 🤍
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attaboyharper · 3 months
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From the City of Brotherly Love. Pt. 1, Pt. 2
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just-spacetrash · 2 months
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bebebisous33 · 5 months
Jinx: 🐹Hamster's Soulful Conquest 💪 of the Ring 💍
#Jinxmanhwa #Jinx #joojaekyung #징크스 #JINX #kimdan #jinxchapter44 @_MinGwa The essay "🐹Hamster's Soulful 💪Conquest of the Ring💍" is finished. I hope you’ll like it. Feel free to comment. Retweet/like it as support. Thanks. Essay will be locked soon.
Please support the authors by reading the manhwas on the official websites.  This is where you can read the manhwa: Jinx But be aware that the Manhwa is a mature Yaoi, which means, it is about homosexuality with explicit scenes. Here is the link of the table of contents about Jinx. Here is the link where you can find the table of contents of analyzed manhwas. Here are the links, if you are…
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dravidious · 2 months
You're more amazing than cuts
I opened the mountain door in Tunic! And now I'm decoding the instruction manual's text! One thing that's disappointing but also a huge relief is that
the secret text is actually English, not a special made-up language. I was pacing back and forth wondering how I could possibly figure anything out, and I finally checked an online guide for hints and the hints were. really weird?? Like, "this is the word for sword, but why does it only have 2 characters?" Like what? Why SHOULDN'T it have only 2 characters? That's just the word for sword in this made-up language right? Then one of the hints made it clear that it was supposed to represent the English word "sword", just written in a weird gimmicky way. Once I realized it was all just English, it was smooth sailing.
Still, that's pretty mean to anyone playing the game in a different language. I was even like "well it can't possibly just be English because the text stays the same when you change the language setting" but uh. Nope. I guess just fuck you if you don't know English.
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kmac4him1st · 3 months
Holy Week is a good time to remember what Jesus did for us. He was definitely crushed in soul in the Garden of Gethsemane. This is a good devotional for this week, I hope it helps you reflect on our amazing Savior, Jesus Christ!
Even though I am torn within, and my soul is in turmoil, I will not ask the Father to rescue me from this hour of trial. For I have come to fulfill my purpose — to offer myself to God. So, Father, bring glory to your name!” Then suddenly a booming voice was heard from the sky, “I have glorified my name! And I will glorify it through you again! John 12:27-28 Gethsemane literally means “oil…
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nireos · 11 months
nvm we are SO back!!! RAAAAHHHH 🍓🍓🍓!!!
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lulu2992 · 10 months
Hello, First of all i love your posts about far cry they made my day :)) Second, i would like to talk about vaas birthday, if i am not mistaken on his wiki it says hes born on may 6th 1984, but i remember that michael wished him happy birthday on november 20th, i tried to look for official information about his birthday date but i didn't find any, do you have any theories about when his birthday might be ?
Hello! And thank you :)
In Far Cry 3, there sadly is no information regarding Vaas’ birthday or age…
Michael Mando posted two behind-the-scenes pictures of The Far Cry Experience with the caption “Happy Birthday, Vaas 💫🍄🎆” on November 30, 2020, on Twitter (or X, as it’s now called), Instagram, and Facebook. The game came out on November 29, November 30, or December 4, 2012, depending on the country, so I imagine that’s why he chose that date to celebrate the “birth” of the character. I personally accepted Michael’s “headcanon” and November 30 as Vaas’ birthday, but it’s not really official or canon. For what it’s worth, he auditioned for the role of “Mr. X” (who would later be completely rewritten and become Vaas Montenegro) six days before his 29th birthday, and when Far Cry 3 was released, he was 31.
As for the Wiki, it’s really, really not reliable because people add unsourced and often inaccurate information all the time. I looked through the history of Vaas’ page and found out that the first time he was given an age was on December 28, 2012, when an anonymous contributor decided he was 27 years old (and I’ve always wondered if it was because of the 27 Club). On August 6, 2013, someone else wrote that he was born on May 7, 1985. On January 6, 2021, he was 30 years old and born in 1981. On February 15, 2021, he was born on May 13, 1985, but the same user changed the date to May 14 shortly after. On May 22, 2021, he was 28 and his year of birth became 1984. As I’m writing this post, the Wiki still says he was born in 1984, but on the page dedicated to the Far Cry Timeline, he was born in 1985... He had three different heights and weights as well even though we have no information on that, either.
So yeah, we unfortunately still don’t know when Vaas was canonically born or how old he is in Far Cry 3, and I don’t recommend trusting the Far Cry Wiki in general :’)
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walkswithmyfather · 1 year
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“Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” —Matthew 24:35 (NIV)
“Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” —Matthew 28:18‭-‬20 (NIV)
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” —John 1:1 (NIV)
“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” —Ephesians 3:20‭-‬21 (NIV)
“The Bible is Alive” Devotional By YouVersion - Day 7: “The Bible is Changing Everything”:
“Imagine everything is dark and without form until God breathes out the words, “Let there be light.” In an instant, everything changes. The light pierces the darkness, and what was once invisible is now seen clearly. One word from God changed everything … but it didn’t stop there.
The same God who created the universe with one breath is continuing to breathe new life into the world through the power of His Word. God’s Word continues to pierce the darkness. God’s Word transforms lives and renews hurting hearts. God’s Word is alive and active because He is alive and active. And we have constant access to His Word.
The more we study the Bible, the more we discover that God wants everyone in the world to experience a personal, active, restorative relationship with Him.
No matter what trials or hardships we face, God’s Word will still continue to go out and pierce the darkness. His words will continue to transform people like Ghana, Diya, the Populucan people, Samuel Ajayi Crowther, and William Tyndale. And His words have the power to change you.
So pause and think about your story. How has God’s Word transformed you? And in what ways might God be bringing Scripture alive in your life right now?
Celebrate what God has done in your life so far, and reflect on what He’s doing in the world around you.
Going forward, choose to take part in the story God is telling. It’s a story that began when He spoke the world into being, and will continue until the day Jesus returns—a story that transcends history and is continually transforming the world.”
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jtl-fics · 3 months
WIP Wednesday 2/21/24 (CLOSED) | Surely
Neil grabs the bottle from the cooler and the two of them continue on with their grocery shopping. Andrew's silent acceptance of not needing an answer remains one of the more difficult things for Neil not to respond to.
"My mom got me one, well two, once." He says as they're looking at brownie mixes.
Andrew doesn't say anything letting Neil have the space to elaborate as much or as little as he wants as he looks between the Jiffy box or the Betty Crocker.
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yyyyanyan · 3 months
Book Club: Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series by Rick Riordan
alright so I spent about a monthish trying to binge the whole series-series but it was not meant to be so I'm going to post ramblings first
Honestly, I spent the entire series silently screaming "THEY ARE SO YOUNG" because goddamn why are they doing all of this as tweens and teens ToT Looking back on it I totally get why they aged them up in the movie series because oh my god none of them could even DRIVE what were they doing alone with a hundred(?) dollars on a cross-country quest!!! I felt so old reading the first book especially LOL like omg they're twelve
Percy is just such a fun narrator and the whole series was so good that I couldn't put it down. I powered through it all as fast as I could. I also knew it was coming the whole time but I cried when Luke :(((((( just Luke :(((((
It was also interesting to look back on the "we can't use phones because it attracts monsters" since everyone has a smartphone these days. It's too bad because I just think it would be fun if they became tiktok stars (as a treat, for me).
The one thing I'm :[ about is I feel like Grover doesn't get enough time!! He's "best friends" with Percy but he's not treated like it :( and I guess like. once he's found Pan he's totally gone... he's never around... and I guess with Grover and kind of all the other non-Annabeth characters (but ESPECIALLY minor characters like monsters or whoever shows up just once) they can all be sort of one-note and have one defining feature/quirk. It's entertaining but sometimes I also wonder about the potential.
Percy is literally just like so freaking goated and I love him so much lol. I kind of thought I wouldn't find him entertaining anymore because I'm way older now than when I first read this but he is still a quirky dumbass and I still like him.
One last thing--rereading this made me appreciate Black Annabeth just a little extra. It was really easy to see where the earlier books had characters were imagined to be white by default (the specific example I can think of is how Annabeth's siblings all had gray eyes and blonde hair) and I'm glad that the later books worked to be more diverse.
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madwickedawesome · 11 months
normal & well adjusted people spend a lot of time thinking intensely abt how theyre gonna watch gomens s2
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