#24 polycule
pulchrasilva · 1 year
I gotta stop thinking about the polycule in this show because like. 1 of them is dead. 1 of them is dying and must be allowed to die for the greater good or whatever (not salty about that at all). 1 of them killed her paramour and then gave terrorists the information needed to kill her boyfriends. Like this polycule is falling apart what the heck
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purrassicjet · 24 days
Sandra Lynn: From now on, we'll be using code names. You can address me as "Eagle One". Sandra Lynn: Gorthalax, codename: "Been there, done that." Sandra Lynn: Jawbone is "Currently doing that" Sandra Lynn: Hallariel, "It happened once in a dream" Sandra Lynn: Sklonda, codename: "If I had to pick another parent" Sandra Lynn: Gilear is "Eagle Two" Gilear: Oh thank god
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can-a-tuna-fish · 4 months
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Shaking my coin jar at you and pitifully offering up morsels of my vague richjer content.
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patchesofuniverse · 2 years
I love that people are going “oh I’m going to miss Dracula Daily so much!” as though this site isn’t obsessed with anniversaries and The Yearly Rebloggings.
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velvette3 · 1 month
Draft #2
WARNINGS: long post, rant post, mentions of sh and suicide, and a lot of other things, personal rant(s), LIKE REALLY LONG POST, please do not read unless you think you are comfortable with repetition, and idk what else. I am a warning in itself.
(4/2/24) (mentions of sh and suicide)
It’s 1:38 in the morning. I don’t really know anymore. I’m just so worried I won’t amount to anything. My stepsister has always been better than me at everything. I still remember my middle school and high school years when I heard my mother and step-father talking shit about their kids, about my step-brothers. But I hardly ever heard them utter a bad word about my step-sister. I became something I didn’t want to be in my high school years, in hopes I could live up to my sister, hoping maybe it would make sure I wasn’t the next kid they talked shit about.
I already knew at the time that they didn’t really take me seriously back then. Not when it came to my morals anyways.
At times when one or the other was driving, I would have to text the other. And that was when visiting my father was mandatory. So every once in awhile, the message would pop up “you pick up the brat yet?”
I know they never meant it in that way. At least I hoped not. But honestly being someone I wasn’t, and being someone I’m not still, to this day, it sucks. I hate having to pretend to my parents, even to this day, despite my independence. I’m just so worried about acceptance, that I find it hard to face them. I fear telling my parents (on both sides) anything.
Mainly, because when they first found out about the self harm in middle school, it was a difficult situation. They said they wanted to help me. And then they took me to a therapist for a total of three-five times before they said ‘this isn’t working fast enough’ and pulled me out of it. I was always scared of being yelled at when I made mistakes. That lead to me fearing ever telling my parents anything, including my own emotions.
For a long time, once I finally lived with my mother again, I never saw her cry. I only ever saw her angry, or happy. But I never saw her sad. That made me think that being sad wasn’t normal, or that, I shouldn’t be sad about anything because she wasn’t. The reason she hid any of her sadness was because she didn’t want her own child worrying about her.
But her hiding her own emotions from me made me feel like I had to suppress mine as well. So I never trusted my parents with my emotions, either.
But I guess it didn’t help that they always said I was either ‘overreacting’ or just being a ‘drama queen’. Go this day idk if they were right, or if they were just, avoiding it.
I don’t know which one I’d want it to be. Because if they were wrong, and that my emotions were actually valid, what would that mean for me? For them? Would it make it seem like they had neglected my own emotional and mental well-being? If they were wrong, if they thought because of my overreacting and drama queen the fancies that my emotions weren’t valid, then what is the limit to validate emotions? What would it have taken for them to stop accusing me of overreacting or being a drama queen?
They never made me feel valid. They still don’t. The only good throng I’ve done so far with my life, is get good grades. It’s been so long since I heard one of my parents (step or not) say they were proud of me, so when they got the letter in the mail about my good grades in online schooling, when that happened and they said they were proud, I almost cried.
It’s strange.
For a long time back in middle school-high school, I desperately wanted to die. I didn’t want to live in a world where everyone would judge me for my smallest of mistakes and ignore my feats.
I knew that, being the youngest, I was my parents last chance to have a child they were proud of. Everyone else but my stepsister had failed to be a kid that my parents were proud of (or at least didn’t talk shit about). I knew that if I didn’t want to be talked shit about, I’d either have to leave, or change.
I was so done, with the world. I hated myself for my failures, I hated the way I had been raised. But I also hated myself, because I had no reason to. Im not living on the streets, I have a family, I have food, I had shelter. I shouldn’t have been sad. “It couldve been worse”, as the mentality goes. I didn’t deserve to be sad, and it made me feel worse. I felt like all I was doing was trying to gain attention, even though that’s not what I wanted. I thought I was being selfish because of my own emotions, and it still gets fucked in my head sometimes.
Back in my freshman year of high school, a girl (which for the sake of her identity and name I will not be naming), had hung herself in her closet. Rumor was because she was having problems at home.
Way back in middle school, even. A girl in my 8th grade year tried to kill herself. She planned it all out. She wanted to hang herself in the bathroom, and if she couldn’t do that, she had some sort of sharp object to try and slit her throat. She couldn’t hang herself, and she cut her throat, barely enough to bleed. It was not deep or long enough to kill her, only to sting. When her parents saw the injury on her neck, she got in trouble for it, and was threatened to sent to a mental hospital, with padded walls.*
I knew both those girls, in a sense. And I knew that the one from high school had it worse than I did. I felt shitty. I felt like I had no reason to be sad.
Like I had no validation, because I wasn’t supposed to show that much emotion in front of others, because what I learned from my mother without her knowing, was to surppress the sadness. I want to amount to something, I want to be something my family can be proud of. I don’t want to be the next disgrace, I don’t want to be the person without control of her emotions. I don’t want to become a failure because I lost, or because I couldn’t do what I needed to do.
Time is going by so quick, it’s killing me. Just today with my grandmother. I went to stay with my father for the weekend, so I’m going back to her house Sunday night to spend the eclipse with her. But as she left the house which I’m staying with my father and his girlfriend, I feared ‘what if this is the last time I see her?’
She is less than 20 years younger than my GREAT grandmother who died only a few months ago.
I love this grandmother with all my heart (I’ll call her grandma J from now on), and I’d hate to see her die, at all. I’m literally going to see her on Sunday, only two days from now, why am I worrying so much? Why did I wonder if it would be the last time I see her?
I’m so scared. I’d be lost without her, she has been my rock for a long time. Even though she is heavily Christian, and I don’t feel as connected, I always feel better after spending some time with her, (whether we speak of God or not). I grew up, spending every other weekend with her instead of my father, because he wasn’t able to take care of me where he lived for a long time. I lived with Angela (another grandmother of mine who I HATE) for the first seven years of my life. Spending every other weekend with my Mother, and the weekends I didn’t spend with my mom, I spent with Grandma J. Things have changed heavily since then, I barely remember that time in my life.
But my grandma J. She means everything to me. I always leave her house happier than when I left it. No one else does that for me.
I’m so, so fucking TERRIFIED, of who I’ll be, where I’ll be mentally, when she’s gone.
I’m so so scared…
It’s 12:41, so technically eclipse day. Had a serious talk w my grandmother. I told her I was Ace, (not the pan-romantic part, but yk) and she was pretty okay w it. Especially when I told her I wasn’t gonna have children of my own creation (I might adopt, cause I wanna make a home to those kids who don’t have one yk?) and I just got really emotional. It doesn’t matter how many times I fucking say it, I am so scared to lose her. I cried, thinking this may be the last time I see her. You never know. She almost got hit on her way to see me on Thursday last week! I know she might be gone soon and I am not ready for it. It may be a last time for everything, and I’m so so so fucking scared words can’t even describe it. Not through type/text. If I were recording myself, you’d hear my ugly crying, and my voice in general breaking so no. But the point is, I dunno what’s gonna happen. My future, and hers, scares me to death. When she’s gone… I may as well be too.
So if I disappear for a long time, you will know why.
If I go batshit crazy (whether it’s lashing out, or self-isolation, or pretending to be fine [ya know, the stages of grief]) you know why.
This woman is one of my few rocks. My grandmother, and my eldest blood brother, who I shall call ‘E’ for the sake of keeping their identities secret.
I, don’t know what’ll happen to me once either of them are gone. Same with my parents, but I trust my brother and grandmother more than I do them, so it will be harder to lose them, as much as it may seem crazy to say.
I’m scared. I know I keep saying it, but every day I spend, is another closer to my grandmother’s inevitable death. I hate the thought, yet it keeps coming back since my GREAT grandmother died a few months ago. It’s not fun.
I hate feeling this terrified.
I feel paralyzed, like a record skipping, the never ending thought(s).
It’s horrible.
(4/12/24) 12:43 am
I don’t think I’m good enough.
I keep failing myself and others, over and over again. I want to help people, but it’s so fucking frustrating when they won’t accept it. I get it, sometimes it’s hard to accept help. But (per specific example) when I’m asked for help for the smallest of things like understanding some work, and you apologize a million times, it hurts. I hate seeing people I care about apologizing. I don’t know how to help them because they refuse to let me do so. I just, feel like I’m failing them. I can’t help them and it makes me feel like shit.
I wanna help people. At this point, the people I care about, and my drive to help them always, is the only reason I’m alive. The past few years since I last therapied someone, have been shitty. I hadn’t been able to help others and it just went by so fast, and almost without any emotion. It was awful, I felt lost. I lost my will to write, read, and draw. I lost everything about myself. When I picked up drawing again I cried because I thought I lost what little talent I had because it was shit at first. I don’t even know who I am. Am I even who I used to be, or am I a carbon copy of my successful step-sister?
I forced myself to change in high-school so my parents would be proud of me, so that I would be successful.
So I wouldn’t struggle in my future, so I could get a scholarship to college so I wouldn’t be drowning in debt like my mother was most of my life.
I just wanted a steady life. And one without the shit talk my parents would do behind their kids’s backs.
Fuck I’m so tired of it.
I feel so useless damnit. I feel worthless. I don’t want to be here anymore, I just want peace. Because these thoughts, these voice keep coming back no matter what. Telling me I’m not good enough, that I don’t try hard enough and that I’m too lazy, that I make up excuses. But when I try to say I did try, they always say I didn’t push myself enough. I dunno, do I not try hard enough? I dunno. I’m just so sick of this endless battle and I want it to be done. One day I want those people to realize it was an act. I want my parents to realize that they fucked me up. That they put too much expectation on me without their own realization. I want them to know that the therapy they took from me only made it worse. Then being upset over one singular missing assignment (that we’re hardly ever my fault) only made it worse. That threatening to put me in an asylum at the age of 13 only made it worse. That talking shit about my step-siblings right in front of me only made my fear worse. That hiding their emotions from me only made it worse. Cause god fucking damnit I’m scared of you now! I’m scared to come to you for anything! I have to contact my brother, or my grandmother! And one day I might not even have them! You say I can trust you with anything but then you turn around and call me a drama queen, that I’m being too sensitive, that I’m overreacting, making up excuses, being a liar, just being lazy, not trying as hard as you know I can, stop making things a competition.
God damnit, what am I even doing? I’m nothing, nothing but a failure. I should be trying harder but here I am, still being lazy. And I’m just blaming everyone for it when it’s all my fault.
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^i didn’t move on to someone else four days later. Just because me and my bf were friends didn’t mean we were together. And I never, EVER cheated on her. Sure, I found someone new and he’s my bf now, but at the same time me and her, we both realized we were never romantic with each other. And I broke up with her? She was the one who approached me and said that she felt like her feelings for me weren’t being returned (which was true, I realized. We called each other girlfriends but I felt like she was nothing more to a friend to me) and I thought she was okay with it. Mind you when she came up to me I thought she was going to ask me to an event, but instead she called it off. I thought it would be better suited that way anyways, and we both agreed on that but I did NOT break up with her! And apparently, when she talked to me, she was scared to tell me that I offended her every once in awhile by some things I said (which she never said what do I still don’t know and it’s fucking killing me), ^because she thought I was gonna blow up at her. Apparently I fucking scared them and I don’t even know I didn’t realize they felt that way and just about a month ago I get this message on top of it like.
I probably should’ve realized I was a piece of shit. I was just like that bitch from high school we all collectively hated. God I’m so fucking sorry…
I thought we were still friends. This is a message I got from them through my old asf Wattpad account that is cringe. That I stopped checking until I saw that post today. They never intended for me to read that message so soon. They even said so themselves but fuck.
I’m sorry, to you both. I know you’ll never see this. But I’m so so so sorry, I didn’t realize.
I’m trying I am TRYING to never do this again but I still do this shit to people, don’t I? I just Fuckin manipulate and hurt them. I can’t just, spout off my trauma or whatever the fuck and shit like that! I know that now and I feel so fucking bad damnit… I didn’t realize I promise I am so sorry.
Why didn’t you say anything? I should’ve noticed, you shouldn’t have HAD to say anything after the fact I should’ve just known. Why can’t I see these things? I never see red flags, I never see my OWN red flags and manipulate tendencies until someone points them out. Why can’t I read social cues and shit?
God I’m trying, but I’m not at all, am I?
I just hate that I didn’t realize! I didn’t break up with her she broke up with me! We both agreed it was better, but I guess she was a lot more hurt by it than she let on and I thought we resolved things but. God fucking damnit.
I can’t ever do this to anyone I REFUSE! I can’t do this, I can’t put this pressure on people ever again, I don’t want to push them away. I never want this to happen again I don’t want to hurt people like this again.
I lost my two closest friends. And I didn’t even fucking realize it.
Fuck I don’t know what I’m going to do. I already apologized like a million times for scaring them with my slight anger issues, but I never actually hurt hurt them physically I didn’t realize I lashed out at them and I didn’t realize I was forcing them to listen to my problems. I thought they were okay with helping me but they didn’t say anything all because they were scared and I just.
I’m fucking freaking out, but I need to calm down. I need to calm down, and just breathe, and everything will be fine. Fuck it’s now 1:14 am I shouldn’t be thinking right now it’s dangerous.
But fucking damnit, I knew I shouldn’t have just dumped all my shit onto them but FUCK.
I need a fucking therapist for that, not my FUCKING FRIENDS.
God what is wrong with me, making my friends my therapists?
Fuck. I lost my friends, I almost have no one left Irl except for this one small friend group, which has drama and way too many sex jokes for me to even want to be IN it anymore. But they’re all I got and we stick together until the end. Most days I don’t mind it, but sometimes I hate being one of the only girls in said friend group.
Fuck I don’t know what to do, I can’t tell my bf about this or else he’ll flip, and I can’t make him my therapist, that’s wrong I was told so! My bf has had it so much worse than I have I shouldn’t be freaking out about this as much, this is nothing compared to what him and so many others have gone through.
But damnit. I DONT have a therapist, not anymore, and I can’t ducking afford one or even talk my parents into helping me get one because as said before they think the process is too damn slow. I can’t fucking tell anyone without feeling bad and knowing I’m a shitty person, because until now I didn’t realize telling people my problems was a bad thing, that asking them to help me out as if they were my fucking therapist (WHICH THEY ARENT AM I STUPID? To just dump all that shit on them without them even saying if it was okay or not?) was a bad thing.
So I’m alone, but that’s fine. I can’t tell anyone anyways so that’s how it’s gotta be and I can live with that. I have for awhile. But I don’t want to be alone. But I’d rather struggle alone than hurt anyone else because I don’t want to lose anyone else, or hurt them, or push them away or scare them like I did with these two.
I don’t want to be w/o my friends. I don’t I really don’t.
I’m never doing that again I promise you I’ll never do it again. I’m so fucking sorry I never realized and I know I’m a piece of dirt shit for not realizing sooner, and for scaring you guys to the point you couldn’t communicate with me w/o fear on your end. I should’ve known and I am so so sorry.
Fuck I even talked to my brother and we have the same timezone I shouldn’t have bothered him. Thankfully he let me go quickly. Fuck I hope I didn’t scare him off either…
(4/14/24) 10:44 pm
I’m so tired. Tired of feeling useless and like a failure. If I fail the people I care about then I am NOTHING. I don’t care about myself, I don’t I just want to make people proud of me. I don’t want them thinking I’m a waste, I don’t want them seeing me the same way I do. Please oh fuck… I don’t want to be a disappointment. I really don’t. I don’t want to hurt people, I want to help them. I feel like an utter piece of shit. I can’t ever talk to my friends about my problems again im not doing that to anyone every again. That’s why this will never be posted, I can’t hurt anyone else with my stupid rants and tendencies. I feel like im manipulating and hurting people by being open with them and I don’t want pity I do not want that, I just want them to know I’m not perfect. And even that is scary because if I am not PERFECT in every single aspect then I failed.
I keep apologizing, sounding like a broken record of an ex trying to get their relationship back but I really am sorry. I talked to my step-father about what happened yesterday concerning my friends. He said that I was one of the nicest person he’s ever met, saying how he knows I try to go outta my way to avoid hurting people but what if he was lying? Cause what if I did say something mean?
I call people idiots and jerks a lot, but I never mean it! I normally mean it in a joking matter but that’s not really nice is it? I’m reeling trying to figure this out and I just want to know what I did wrong so I never do it again. I know not to spout my problems off like I did, I know to watch what I say but how am I supposed to watch EVERYTHING I say?
Fuck I don’t care what I have to do. I’ll do anything, anything to make sure I never hurt anyone like that again. Scaring people, hurting them, it’s so fucking scary to me. I don’t want to do that, that’s the person I aim to NOT be. I wanna help, I wanna heal! Not hurt and scare. I sound like a fucking broken record and it’s pathetic.
I can’t ever post this, it will only make things worse and it’ll only make me feel worse. Because if I post this draft, I’ll be forcing everyone who sees this to be my therapist and I swore to never do that again.
Fuck man. I want help. I’m actually asking for help for once, straight up saying it. But I can’t, the one time I want it, the only time I feel I need it, I can’t ask for it because it’s wrong to do so.
I know that none of my “friends” will be texting me in my birthday this year. I’m not expecting them to text me this year, because I’ve lost all my friends. I don’t think anyone will care this time around. At first I was excited! But getting older isn’t fun at all. People start leaving, start to say things they held back, start to tell you things you didn’t notice before. You grow apart and soon you become alone.
I realize that I should be happy my family is texting me, cause sometimes people’s families don’t even text them. But it’s kinda a requirement, that’s your fam, they should know these things. And most of the time, they wish you happy birthday as an after thought. Friends don’t do that (unless they need to be reminded) but still.
I’m gonna miss those two.
(4/19/2024) 11:31 pm
It’s almost my birthday! Hah. What a cruel joke honestly.
I miss those two so much, every time I see the one who messaged me I instantly go quiet, turn my head away until I’ve walked past them. Fuck, I moved around so much during my elementary school years, those two were the longest friends I’ve ever made.
Everyone already has their best friends.
I’ll always be the outsider.
I really am alone aren’t I? That one friend that never gets invited, that hangs back.
The last one they pick to partner up w in classes kinda shit (which, is also true atm).
I’m alone and it sucks. I miss them so much. I don’t care what that one said, I want them back I just want my friends back.
I want my gossip gals back.
My face to face, same time-zone, Irl friends who I can trust my life with.
I’m losing people left and right. I can’t take it. I’m fucking crying less than 30 minutes before my birthday and it’s pathetic.
People are without families, without homes, and I’m crying over this?
Fuckin stupid…
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the-stone-demon · 3 months
I desire a polycule of agent 8 x cap’n 3 x acht/d3df1sh. Why? Because it’s cute as fuck
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esteemed-excellency · 6 months
OC Ships List:
Hiram x The Quiet Deviless: they started as an excuse to draw cool outfits and look how far they've come. They live rent free in my head and I'm rotating them at lightspeed velocity. Sweet, romantic and a bit obsessive, but all in all very lovey dovey. Extremely scandalous in the eyes of polite society given their tendency for PDA, and a predictable affair if you ask anyone who personally knows Hiram. More about them here and here.
Hiram x Captain Dargor (@thunder-threnodies): fellow associates to friends to lovers to estranged acquaintances to distrustful collaborators to accomplices to friends again to lovers once more to partners to old married couple. What if you lose the person you trust the most? What if you meet them again after a decade, only to realise you both have been irremediably changed by your respective obsessions? What if you choose to keep trusting that person regardless of their changes, and despite their choices? The Narrative did a number on them but they just kept going until they found each other again. Soulful guy who is very tired of life x soulless guy who can't get enough of it. Sensucht x Streben. Immovable Object x Unstoppable Force. More about them here and here.
Hiram x Captain Snipsnop (@that-fella-snipsnop): old pals. Crazy partygoers. Senior citizens on the loose. Listener x infodumper. Amnesiac x eidetiker. Chaotic x chaotic. Research buddies. They enable each other's weirdness. The loveliest old man you will ever meet x the most annoying bastard you will ever interact with. Pov you want to avoid your correspondence class because sometimes the professor is a bit too sinister even for Benthic standards. You apply for an apprenticeship with the nice old captain who seems very sweet and a little out of place at the University. You end up on a dirigible witnessing The Horrors on the Roof. Poor Edward is there. The nice old captain just stole Poor Edward's zeppelin. Why is this happening. You manage to get back to London alive. You decide to attend a party to try and forget about the week you just had. The creepy correspondence professor and the old captain from your Roof adventure are there. Together. They're chugging absinthe shots. What the hell.
Hiram x Giorgione (@that-giorgione): Friends? Enemies? Something else? Something more? Who knows. Guy who owns the entire city x guy who knows every single person in town. They courteously exchange business plans. They politely sit through the same board meetings. They keep sending each other assassins. They keep having lunch together. They undermine each other's affairs. They keep sharing wine. The weirdest business associates situation you've ever witnessed. Guy who can't forget (affectionate) x guy who can't forget (derogatory).
Hiram x Virginia: The funniest crack ship imaginable to me. They had a thing almost 40 years ago and they're both cringed about it. Why are they even talking again. They always end up owing each other favours. They're building a railway. They despise each other. They know each other too well. They both think building the railway wouldn't be as fun without the other. They won't ever admit it. They would love to never meet again. They would love to keep pestering each other forever. Acquaintances (neutral) to lovers (cringe) to enemies to allies to acquaintances (derogatory) to enemies again to whatever is going on with the railway board meetings. Passive aggressiveness champions. Nuisance x nuisance. They're both so annoying god bles.
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kingofthering · 1 year
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wake up babe, your new favorite trio is on gay vacation.
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no-psi-nan · 11 months
Every day I look at Saiki Kusuo and I say "put that man in a polycule STAT" and every day I'm right.
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pulchrasilva · 1 year
HOLY SHIT I just remembered last episode of 24 I watched Tony pulled a gun on Jack?? Which honesty fair Jack will just do things that are illegal for good reason because he thinks it's necessary but like do you really need to take Kate and give her to that creepy guy?? Why wouldn't you tell Tony about that, surely information about the person who killed Ali or at least claims to have done it is important for him to know??
But yeah Jack is a loose canon so he's doing illegal stuff and Tony pulls a gun on him and Jack fucking "youre not gonna shoot me Tony" and acted like he was trying to have a civil conversation then punched him in the face??? And it looked like Tony broke his ankle or something and now he's just laying there calling after Jack??
Sobbing and screaming. Jack stop it that's your metamour (ex metamour??) he's like the only person who's been there for you through all your grief and wvery insane thing you do
God and just earlier that episode Jack was "i heard Mason put you in charge, you deserve it" sobbing
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captainkaseykirk · 1 year
Sometimes I reblog my own posts when I follow a new person with cool content in an effort to signal “hello yes I am also very insane about this we should be friends” in case they look at my account. Like a mating call but in a platonic way.
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quietwingsinthesky · 4 months
writing. janto scene.
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kakusu-shipping · 4 months
Platonic f/o asks my beloved,,
Anyway, dogwood, cottonwood, and palm for Team Rocket!!
Thankyou very much the Squad!!!!! We love the (no so) Evil Crew!!
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Dogwood - You've been quiet for a week or so- do they reach out to ask what's wrong, or do they let you have your space?
I can't imagine a situation where we're not physically right next to eachother that long, but if it did happen they'd reach out. They're a very clingy, prone to think the worst kind of crew.
Jessie's the least likely to reach out as she's pretty use to people just vanishing from her life, so she wouldn't be that worried. But Wobbeffet and Meowth worrying would eventually get her to cave and call me.
Cottonwood - If you took a vacation together, where would you go? What would you do?
Back to Alola! We'd visit Beware and Stufful, chill and play on the beach, plan to stay in a nice hotel just to have Beware INSIST we come home with her and rest in the cave... and honestly that is much better than any fancy hotel could be.
I'd also probably visit my brother Molayne while we're there, maybe finally introduce them to him.. but also probably not skdjkfsk They're shy and anxious around Gym Leader types.
Palm - If they did something you didn't agree with, would you call them out on it or let it slide? Would they call you out on something?
Jessie does whatever she wants and calling her out on it is a risk I'm not willing to take. Meowth maybe it depends on what he did, he's pretty reasonable. Wobbuffet has never done anything wrong in his life he is perfect.
Oh but they'd call me out for sure, especially Jessie. She eats Meowth's special dessert he was saving in the fridge? She did nothing wrong. I ate Meowth's special dessert he was saving in the fridge? I owe the entire hideout dessert now for such a heinous crime. Heaven forbid I actually do something to her she doesn't like...
I feel like following a crew of thieves around watching them attempt to steal some kid's Pikachu for years kind of lowers your standard for what's worth picking a fight over, but that's just me.
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the last chapter of the olivibe fic: hiiiii :3c
me: yeah hi
a new idea i literally just had for supercorp porn: hey ;)
me: oh. oh h hello o///o
olivibe fic: ummm who even are you lmao.... we have boys kissing and self-esteem issues over here
supercorp idea: i have. girls.
me: oh my god this one has girls,,,
supercorp idea: and they're fucking
me: oh my god they're fUCKING
olivibe fic: man what the hell :(
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lilacs-stash · 8 months
Spinning all the grand slams ships in my mind constantly it's just Nickloon is the only one I ever have motivation to draw/Ideas for
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90s-html-lesbians · 1 year
… archie comics au with beatrice as archie, lilith as veronica, ava as betty-
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