#2000 points
jamesthecharizard · 1 year
Sooooo 2000p
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agreekdemigod · 3 months
have the nicest of days, you're awesome :)
Well thank you, anon!!! I may not know ur name but im sure u are as sweet as ur words!! 💗💗💖 i hope u have an amazing day too, and dont forget to drink water and take breaks!
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elexuscal · 5 months
Danny Phantom, The Show:
geeky kid gets super powers from his parents' weird inventions! now he has to fight a rogue gallery of ghosts... but uh-oh! he still has to keep his grades up, deal with his embarrassing parents, and navigate girl troubles! rap theme song!
Danny Phantom, the Fandom, After 19 Years of Fermentation:
a child dies. but not quite. the inherent tension between life and death. the obsession of the dead for faded remnants of the living. warped green shadows on the walls of a dark laboratory. having to hide your true nature from those who should be your greatest allies. the fear of the monster you could become if you let yourself. being a ghost as a metaphor for the trans experience. a cold breath on the back of your neck in the dead of the night. rap theme song!
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noecoded · 8 months
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heartbreaking:the worst people you know just started an emo band
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gaypast · 10 months
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Chris Steele Czech Point (1999) dir. John Travis
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ca-3 · 17 days
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something something, maybe Sumi shouldn't have been in P5S 😔💔 /hj
Collection of Sapporo based comics that spawned goofy doodles too... because people's twt comments make me laugh
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 1 month
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is that disney-esque artstyle, peter parker look alike PILOT RANDY CUNNINGHAM???
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also ngl i kinda dig Viceroy II and Deputy Mayor Kranski
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+bonus Bible designs
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minty364 · 7 months
DPXDC Prompt #94
Danny falls through a portal to the DC world from a natural portal that opened up while he was in mid fight with Skulker a fight that began at Vlads where the creep put a collar on Danny that kept him in ghost form, Vlad thought he’d force Danny to reveal his secret to his parents by taking away his human form. Looking around he’s in a dark city with dark smog colored skies. Unfortunately he’s stuck here as the portal closed leaving him trapped. He tried to find help but no one can see him in his ghost form. He starts tailing the vigilantes of this world and eventually follows one onto this space station through this tube (possessing inanimate objects sure comes in handy). He wasn’t expecting for the random British guy in a trench coat to see him.
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itschoahyuna · 6 days
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ʕ✩..•( ᴥ )•..ʔ ⌒🎀 *・゜゚・*: 🎀˚˚ ⋆。*・῾✧ *:・゚🎀✧:・゚
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mr-payjay · 8 months
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Good Morning!
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old-web-cats · 1 month
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"DSC03331" - boisvertblog
Uploaded to Flickr on August 16, 2006, Taken on December 4, 2002
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inkskinned · 1 year
what is considered "beautiful" by society is inevitably sexist, racist, ableist, classist, transphobic, and bigoted. it targets and attacks any perceived difference, and it particularly villainizes women of color while co-opting aesthetics; as if features and cultural norms can be worn as accessories.
and the scary thing! you can see all of these things, know them to be true logically, and also know that you are treated better if you are perceived as beautiful. if you have ever been treated as "ugly", you know exactly how much society reviles you if you don't manage to scamper along and perform to their rules.
and how are you supposed to balance that? do you want a nose job to fix your broken nose, or have you just recently been seeing videos about how many people look better after nose jobs. do you want to lose weight to feel good, or is it that when you lose weight people treat you better. do you want to wear this outfit, or is it just the thing that's least likely to get you harassed. do you want to get lip injections for your reasons or is your whole reason that you don't feel beautiful unless you get those lip injections?
and the definitions shift. the goals get more specific. in the way that you only become aware of your tongue when someone mentions it; parts of your body are introduced as problems. i had never heard the term "hip dip" until about a year ago - and it was in the context of how to get rid of this. i'm 30, i know this shit is invented, and yet! i still find that strange voice saying but do you think someone is going to notice?
how the fuck am i supposed to say "this is my genuine choice i am making for my body" when i also know that years of my life have been spent socializing me to accept this as my inevitable fate? how do i know i'm actually doing this out of love for my body - or am i doing it for how i want others to see me, which will be lovely enough to feel loved? how am i supposed to recover when my unhealthy habits are seen as self-discipline but if i relax i'm openly mocked for "letting time win"? how the fuck am i supposed to say "i'm doing it for me" when i'm also very aware that i'm doing it to stop myself from being teased or demeaned? is it my choice if the other option is being bullied?
we are living in a hostage negotiation - either consent to the demands or spend the rest of your life being treated like you're a despicable person.
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 18 days
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Whatever, *crucifies your superstar*
screenshot redraws from jcs 2000
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marlynnofmany · 10 days
You know how in stories where the heroes save the world from some magical apocalypse, a lot of the time the general public has no idea? They just go about their lives afterward, not even realizing how close they came to disaster, much less that there's someone to thank for that?
Picture how those heroes feel.
That's how the programmers who stopped the Y2K bug most likely feel.
Thanks for saving us, folks. I just heard the song "Party Like It's 1999", and thought of you.
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gaypast · 1 year
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Geoff Ashton in Czech Point (1999) dir. John Travis
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pixiecaps · 5 months
right yeah since qetoiles is a warrior he closes his eyes and sees fights in his mind palace so thats how he saw bagis fight in his head😌
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