#1p Austria
1p2p-heta-imagines · 1 year
Tw: mention of csa!!
Hello, could i get a headcanon of how would 1p Germany , Prussia, France, Austria and maybe even Romano comfort their male s/o when they open up about being sa'd as a child? I'm having a really difficult time dealing with this myself...
(Headcanons are under the read more, please be careful when proceeding if mentions of CSA are triggering for you!)
(Also, anon, as one victim/survivor to another, please know you can always message me if you're having a hard time and need someone to talk to)
1p S. Italy is, surprisingly, an excellent listener. He'd listen to whatever they had to say, never rushing them or digging deeper than they want to share. A lot of his affection is physical so he'd likely offer them a hug but completely understands if they don't want one.
1p Germany is horrible at comforting, he's never really sure what to say that could help them but he makes sure to ask them if there's anything they would need him to do (e.g. warning before touching them or avoiding specific triggers).
1p Frace immediately thanks them for feeling like they can trust him with this information and wants to know what he can do to try and make them feel better. He knows nothing he does will completely ease the pain but he tries his best to do whatever he can.
1p Prussia probably ends up immediately crying when he hears what's happened to them. He loves them so much and can't begin to say how devastating that is, he likely just ends up reinstating that it's not their fault and that he's sorry they had to go through that.
1p Austria likely suggests therapy for them if they aren't already going because he knows he can't offer help like a professional can. He has no idea what to say in response, it's never something he's even had pass his mind. He's a little frozen on what to do past that.
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Hetalia: Eastern Europe and Central Europe Masterlist
Hello Everyone, This is the Masterlist of my planned post and the link to the post of the scenarios. You also can see some of the symbols below. Also, starting now. I also accept headcanons and scenarios for 2p Hetalia other than just 1p Hetalia.
🌹: Smut
🥀: Angst
🍭: Fluff
😂: Comedy
🧐: Random
🧸: Domestic
😐: Non-Specified
🗡️: Gore/Yandere
❤️: Romantic
Eastern Europe
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Trying To Be Romantic To Make Their S/O Notice❤️🍭🧸
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Central Europe
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Prank Called by their P/O as a Friend🧐😂😐
Reaction to Prussia Adopting Latin🧐🧸
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When S/O Have a Nightmare🥀🍭
Trying To Be Romantic To Make Their S/O Notice❤️🍭🧸
Reaction to Prussia Adopting Latin🧐🧸
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S/O Asking him out (Male Reader)🧐🍭
Reuniting Their S/O for a Long Time🥀🍭
Celebrating their S/O Birthday (Part Four)🍭❤️
Prank Called by their P/O as a Friend🧐😂😐
Tall S/O who Charges Them when They are Distracted😂🧐
Reaction to Prussia Adopting Latin🧐🧸
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shini--chan · 5 days
Hello! ✨
How would germany, prussia, france, russia and austria (all of them are 1p) deal with a lover who have genophobia? (genophobia is a serious fear of sexual intimacy)
Hello charming stranger
Yandere Hetalia - Genophobia
Trigger warnings: substance abuse, forced therapy, dub-con, non-con, murder, lobotomisation, deliberate triggering of phobias 
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Roderich would be incredulous about it. First, he would doubt your condition, see it just as you dishing up fibs to avoid a normal relationship. There would be snide remarks and very mean teasing. He would calm down over time, at least a bit, and decide to test the waters to see if you're telling the truth. And to determine the severity of your condition, should you turn out to be honest.
There would be hands on your waist, wandering higher or lower than appropriate. A lot of lewd jokes would fall, and when kissing you, he would pull you closer than usual or even light bite your lip. Maybe he'll make you read some raunchy novels, or go as far as to touch you in a sexual manner while you're asleep. 
Once he'd set up the diagnosis, he'll delve straight into giving you treatment. Since he is the man that outright enjoys playing psychiatrist, you'd be subjected to the full program. A pleasant side-effect in his eyes would be that he'd get to know you so well. Furthermore, you'd be indebted to him for curing you. 
That being said, your willingness to engage in therapy, with him no less, wouldn't play a significant role in his mind. The doctor knows what's best, better than the patient does, after all. Although, should conventional methods not work, then he'll gradually become more frustrated. The more frustrated he is, the more unconventional and unorthodox his methods would become. Brainwashing isn't off the table. 
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Francis would be aghast and irate. What happened to you that you're so scared of baring yourself to another person? Should there be a culprit, then he would tear open their throat and serve their heart to you on a silver platter, quite literally in this case. France would aim on demonstrating his dedication to you through this, that he would avenge you and hunt those that harm you to the ends of the earth. Radical and off putting? He wouldn't see it that way. 
Retributions and crimes of passion aside, he would be frustrated with your genophobia. When it comes to closer interactions, he would live in constant fear of triggering your phobia. That is something that would kill the romance for him, so he would seek ways to alleviate your fears. One of those would include romancing you so thoroughly and hard (love-bombing) that you would forget the past. At least, that would be his idea. Another would be alcohol, another carbon monoxide, and yet another making you watch pornography. 
While he does claim to be a master of romance, he is a bit too bloodthirsty and controlling to really be becoming of that title. He would yearn for the picture perfect romance with you, and your genophobia would throw a spanner in the works. So it would have to be eradicated, even if it would involve vile means. Depending on the time period, it might end up with you being lobotomized. 
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Ludwig would really be a wild card in regards to this. He could be awkward, recognising you as a victim of a heinous crime and handling you as if you're made of glass. At first that is - the sentiment would wear off as time passes. 
In that state, he would be at a loss with what he should do with you. There would be fearful attempts of broaching the subject more in depth, of communicating like healthy couples should. But this isn't a healthy relationship and Ludwig is far too emotionally constipated for something like that. Perhaps the two of you would wind up going in circles around each other. Germany's attempts to help you would be downright insensitive at times, like handing you a dildo and telling you to mastrubate until you are ready for real sex. 
Or, he would go in the opposite way of trying to help you in his considerate, awkward fashion. Then, he would view you as inferior to himself, a lowly creature that has to be hammered into shape. He'd roll his eyes, snap at you to pull yourself together, even make fun of you. In war, it would even be worse than that - coercion and threats and use of force. 
Either way, in most of the cases he would end up being so frustrated and wooden and out of sorts. He would sing your praises to the heavens and condemn you to hell. To relieve some of his frustration, he'd sometimes lock himself in his office with a photo or a personal effect of yours and take care of himself. 
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Gilbert, being his frugal and monastic self, even to the modern day, wouldn't realise that you have genophobia until far into the relationship. At first, he would be relieved since that wouldn't mean he would have to put out anytime soon. However, as the relationship would progress, he would find himself becoming frisky and mulling over sleeping with you. 
Here it should be remarked that Gilbert is no psychologist and he has little tact or finesse when it comes to human interactions. This would be evident in your relationship as well. Thus, he wouldn't know how to approach the issue at first. His first approaches would be downright hilarious - if it weren't such a serious topic and if he wouldn't be yandere. 
Finally though, he would take a military approach to the matter and gradually acclimate you to being intimate with regular "exercises", where you would both gradually expand your comfort zone. If it would make you comfortable, then he'd give up all control and let you ride him like a warhorse. 
Beware though - if he'd get the feeling that you're being difficult on purpose, to be spiteful or petty or due to whatever reason, then he'll let you feel it. Prussia wouldn't coerce you into sex, however your life would become harsher and harder if you make him endure a Josephite marriage. 
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Oh, when it comes to the grand picture, he would be elated at your fear of intimacy. It would mean that you aren't able to cheat on him, after all. During the beginning of your relationship he would even encourage it, and even try to use it as a springboard to make you isolate yourself even further and rely only on him. Perhaps he'd even orchestrate some incidents to induce social anxiety in you. 
That aside, you having genophobia probably means somebody hurt you in some fashion. It would be a matter that he simply couldn't leave be, and Ivan would take it upon himself to avenge you. Of course, while he would ensure that the news of that bastard's brutal demise reaches your ears, he wouldn't confess to the gruesome deep until much later. You'd have to be firmly bound to him for him to truly be open with you. 
Speaking of that, once your social life consists only of him and the company he approves of, he'd be determined to solve your problems. His approach would be that your phobia is still such a fixture in your life because you haven't found closure yet. New surroundings and a new lifestyle could help with that, or him finally coming clean in lynching the persons who harmed you. 
Though, should his initial hypothesis' bear no fruit, then he'd try more radical methods. In essence he would define the problem as your inability to relax during intimacy and that you would need help in doing so. Alcohol and opioids would be his solution here, maybe hypnosis as well. 
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hetalia-club · 1 year
Local Hottie Beauty Pageant What If...
I have been highly requested to put different versions of Romano against himself to see if he is the supreme Romano or not.
So ladies, gents, theys/thems and all the others in-between let's answer the question old as time itself, Which Is the Superior Romano? (these are purely for the bit. These in no way effect the standings of the original. Which is why it can run along side any other ongoing poll.) Think of this as a side quest.
Round 15 1/2: Fight
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I gave Flavio the Gucci sunglasses that I have. (link if you want them we could match.)
Previous Rounds 1. England .vs. France- Winner: England- 46 2. England .vs. Germany- Winner: Germany- 69 3. Germany .vs. Romano- Winner: Romano- 26 4. Romano .vs. Denmark- Winner: Romano- 154 5. Romano .vs. China- Winner: Romano- 239 6. Romano .vs. Lithuania- Winner: Romano- 70 7. Romano .vs. Austria- Winner: Romano- 189 8. Romano .vs. Norway- Winner: Romano- 88 9. Romano .vs. Italy- Winner: Romano- 242 10. Romano .vs. America- Winner: Romano- 30 11: Romano .vs. Iceland- Winner: Romano- 228 12. Romano .vs. Ireland- Winner: Romano- 120 13. Romano .vs. Estonia- Winner: Romano- 244 14. Romano .vs. Japan-Winner: Romano- 96 15. Romano .vs. Finland- Ongoing...
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Non rare pairs
Ships including any version (1p, 2p, nyos, ect) of these ships aren't considered rare pairs and cannot be included in your submissions.
Thanks to @hwsrarepairweek2022 for the list. I also added a few more ships that had more than 200 fics in English on AO3
HRE x Chibitalia
RusPru (Prussia x Russia)
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roleplayfinder · 5 months
23/F Looking for someone to help with the current Hetalia hyper fixation. Looking for a long-term RP. Multi paragraph, at least 2 most 3. My muses are Russia, Fem! France (1p or 2p), Germany (1p or 2p), Austria (Regular and Fem!) and 2p! Canada. I do have discord and email. Would prefer to plot things out over here before moving to something like discord. Just drop a like and I will get to ya.
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amory444 · 2 months
u need to draw ur 2p austria sometime i beg
As long as my mom's not too opposed to my happiness I'll draw my number one babygirl now actually a girl.
Also btw it might not look it but 1p Austria is just elphelt valentine, on theming but I also like to believe in most aspects..
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Can be !transfem Austria or any Austria. I just like merging two things I like together.
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floralcrematorium · 8 months
Any headcanons for nyo!France? Or what do you think about her?
I don't love her nearly as much as I love 1p France, but even saying that is a disservice because I like her a lot. In terms of my favorite nyotalia visual designs, she's one of my favorites right up there with nyo!Austria and nyo!Prussia.
If I had a nickel for every time I liked a character who's a French woman named Marianne, I would have two nickels. It's not a lot, but it's weird that it's happened twice! (Context: an OC I have from ~2015's name is Marian, but she wasn't influenced by Hetalia in the slightest).
I want to draw nyo!France so. BAD. SO BAD. You don't even want to know. If there's one thing I can actually draw well, it's pretty women. so. watch out.
I think Marianne is very similar to Francis (I think while there's some differences between nyo! and 1p, they're usually pretty similar in characterization). Marianne can be just as dramatic, petty, and self centered as Francis. Both of them deserve to Go Off The Rails and be a little silly stupid on main.
I think the one difference between her and Francis I can actually think of is I can't see Marianne being as involved with the culinary arts. She likes fine food, yes, but I can't see her having as much of an interest in it. She can cook just fine, but it's not the talent she's most proud of.
I also see her as an artist. She paints and while I see Francis' style more similarly to Art Nouveau and Art Deco (cough, there's bias there), I see Marianne's style being more impressionistic, rococo, or baroque.
I can also see her being more elitist and less nurturing than Francis is? In a relationship I see Francis needing a lot of attention but reciprocating said attention in meaningful ways, while Marianne is much more of a receiver than a giver.
Though with all of that being said, I enjoy both nyo and 1P France a lot, for better or for worse. I genuinely couldn't tell you why, but here I am.
They're two sides of the same coin to me -- of any of the main cast, Francis is the one most in line with his nyotalia counterpart to me, but I also like the idea that Francis says "fuck you" to gender when it conveniences him
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The double wedding bit is making me cry that is so fucking funny. Like how did 1p Austria & Hungary let that happen
The 1ps definitely tried to argue against it. Even playing to the logic that if they did two separate weddings they could make the second one even more extravagant. Which was promptly shut down when they mentioned all the guests that were coming. Including the number of nations that were traveling a long way.
Though, on the other hand, the 2ps were excited. They were getting a fancier wedding than what they had planned. Also, the ability to mess with their 1ps and ruin their happiness was a huge plus.
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oinkinpigprince · 2 years
You can call me slushie my pronouns are he/it/they, this isn’t my first tumblr blog sadly and I’ve gone off the deep-end again
I will be having a god complex because I am simply amazing at this type of stuff
I’m mainly doing headcanons but I can also write short fics too!!
Current inbox count: 6
Current draft: 0
Rules and character list below 👇
I don’t do nsfw
I will do heavy angst but I will kindly decline anything I am uncomfy with such as mentions of SA and other things like that I
Yandere request are welcome
Chubby!readers/character are VERY welcomed( I want more representation:33)
For headcanons: Be as vague or specific about your requests as you want
For letters: plz give me something to work w/ such as relationship w/ character, and maybe reason for writing the letter
I can also do, Character x character, character x reader, or even character x OC and crack ships
Fandoms/characters I will do but not limited, you can ask for other more obscure but don’t count on it lmao
Stardew valley
Everyone else
Micheal myers
Jason voorhees
Billy loomis
Stu Macher
Billy lenz
Brahms heelshire
Bo sinclair
Vincent sinclair
Lester sinclair
Kurt Kunkel
Bubba sawyer
Nubbin sawyer(he’s my husband :33c)
Choptop sawyer
Pyramid head (is he a slasher? Idk, is he hot? Yes.)
(1p/2p Axis powers)
(1p/2p Allies)
(1p/2p Others)
There’s definitely others I forgot, I was in this fandom for 4 years so try me, ive read fanfic of the most obscure characters
The disastrous life of saiki k
Saiki kusuo
Kaidou shun
Nendo riki
Teruhashi kokomi
Yumahara chiyo
Aren Kuboyasu
Mera chisato
Hairo kineshi
Smiling friends
Charlie dompler
Everyone, including the journalist
One piece
Straw hats minus jinbe
Pizza tower
Theodore noise
Fake peppino
Slime rancher
Beatrix LeBeau
Viktor Humphrey
Mochi Miles
Ogden Ortiz
Welcome home
Wally darling
I might make a masters list later idk
Tonetag list because I use them a lot
(Just in case the image doesn’t load)
/j joking
/hj half jokin
/s sarcastic
/srs serious
/p platonic
/r romantic
/t teasing
/neg negative connotation
/pos positive connotation
/lh light hearted
/th threat
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kyzellar · 1 year
For the ship bingo I have a few feel free to do as many or as few as you'd like, also I saw that you tagged it both Homestuck and Hetalia (along with some others but I know nothing about those) so this will be based on those tags Homestuck: Lejoincest, Maryamcest, Eridan x Kankri, Erifef, Catfish (but of the Eridan x Nepeta x Feferi variety), Porrim x Kankri, Davekarezi, Meulin x Mituna, and Daveroxy Hetalia: UsUk, FrUk, FrUkUs, Veggie burgers (2p!america x 1p!america), Hungary x Prussia, and Germany x Austria
Thanks for the ask!!
Wow that's a lot of ships so ill just do the ones i feel the most emotional about :3 also sorry for taling so long >.<
Tbh most of these i wasn't even aware of until now but here we go
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Hungary x Prussia (i ship them less as in "they should kiss" and more as in "they are bitter exes who now hate eachothers guts but still kinda miss what they had but they will never admit it out of pride")
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Erifef (I like the ship but also acknowledge that it isn't necessarily the healthiest choice for them to be dating lol)
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Davekarezi (never considered this ship before but it seems like a pretty obvious choise now)
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Can I request headcanon from Germany and Russia trying to make their romantic advances notice to their s/o?
Ludwig Beilchmidt, Roderich Edelstein, Ivan Braginsky, and Natalia Arlovskaya Trying To Be Romantic To Make Their S/O Notice
A/N: Hello there @xxrainmxx! I hope you don't mind adding Belarus inside of these Headcanons. I just feel like if it's only two people it's incomplete. Just think of them as a bonus for a long update.
Gender: Neutral
Warning: Belarus being psycho
Ludwig Beilschmmidt - Germany
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Oh God, I feel really bad for Ludwig. If you know his personality, you know he is not the type that easy to talk with his crush because of his serious, strict and awkward personality. He's going to have a hard time.
It was not shown in the anime but Ludwig would get all red, eyes advert and stuttering when he's talking with his crush just like in the GIF above.
As his crush, you have to notice him and observe him if you want to notice that he is actually crushing on you. He wouldn't approach you unless it's really important.
To make you notice him, Ludwig would gladly teach some subjects that you do not understand by becoming a volunteer as your tutor when the teacher asked the other Hetalia students if they can teach you at your worst subject.
Whereas he would get annoyed easily with Feliciano when he doesn't understand things and trying to distract him. Ludwig would just sigh and he wouldn't raise his voice at you since he doesn't want to scare you off.
As he would be your tutor. He would let you have snacks while studying and he would be less strict whereas Kiku or Feliciano would get scolded by him. Sometimes, he would also offer you a slice of chocolate cake since he can bake.
Unlike Feliciano, he couldn't flirt at all or try to be smooth. This is why I said you have to be observant. Ludwig would secretly try to impress you with his intelligence, showing you his inventions.
Other than showing his inventions. Germany would also impress you with his baking skill and his military skill. After all, I can see him as a good snipper and he would be glad to teach you how to shoot.
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It was nine in the morning when the first period of school are going to be over and it would be rest time. The old lecturer wrote the last theory before putting down the marker on the table and looking at everyone inside of the class, including you. "Class, because we are going to be finished soon. I will give you an assignment. Open page Thirteen and your home would be from number one to ten. You mush done the homework three days," the old man says.
Once everyone hears there would be an assignment, they groaned in annoyance and resentment. Wishing that there won't be any homework, the old man did not listen at all as he takes all of the books on the table and left the classroom once the bell rang, indicating that the first period of school are done.
Taking a deep breath to cool their/her/his head off. (Y/N) (L/N) put their/her/his head on top of the table before muttering a small 'Fuck my life. I cannot do this shit, especially math.' That's right, you hate math with full passion and you never get above C for every test and pop quiz scores.
If your mother or father knows that you always get a red score in math, there will be a consequence. Either your phone would be taken away by your father or you would receive a flying sandal by your mother on your face. You weren't exactly a lazy kid but you weren't also a genius like your crush who always sat near the teacher's table. It was not fair that you had to work hard to get over the C score but you never have the ability to pass above that.
Ludwig heard your curses along with the muttering that escapes from your mouth. Hearing your whines, a pang of guilt eating him out alive as his blue eyes glance at your 'dying' pose. He wanted to help you but he was not sure how. Of course, his friend Felicano immediately notices that Ludwig wanted to help you and he also has a crush on you.
With a bright smile, Feliciano stands up and skips away from his table, "OI! FELICIANO! VHAT ARE YOU DOING- COME BACK HERE AND SIT DOWN!" Ludwig tried to stop the brunette but he was too late to stop him.
"Ciao Bella~/Bello~. Why are you so sad? You should put a smile on your face, you look beautiful/handsome when you are smiling!" Feliciano chirps.
"Oh uh...Hey Feliciano...it's nothing. It's just I'm really bad at math and I don't know who can help me because I always study but I never able pass the test," You looked up at your friend.
"Don't worry bella/bello! I know who can help you. My awesome friend Ludwig can help you with your problem. He always tutor me when I don't understand the math problems!" Felicano suddenly grabbed one of your arm, pulling you to stand up.
"L-ludwig??" Your eyes widened at the mention of your crush.
"Si~ you should talk to him and ask him for his help! Ludwig is such a nice guy and he can help you!" Felicano dragged you to the sit where there was a tall man who has blonde slicked back hair and blue eyes. You notice when you look up at him closer, Ludwig is very attractive among the students in the class.
"Ge-Ludwig!! I brought a beautiful/handsome bella/bello that needs your help! Can we study together, pleasssseeeee" Feliciano begged.
"..Alright, fine. I vould help both of you since there's also homework. (Y/N), If you need my help..you do not need to be shy. I vould be glad to help you around," his eyes darted away as his cheeks were tinted pink. He was silently thanking his idiotic friend for dragging you to him even though he also wanted to yell at Feliciano.
⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆
Even though Feliciano was smiling happily and swinging his legs side to side as he watches the interaction between you and Ludwig happening. He was internally laughing evilly, he was aware that Ludwig has a crush on you. Recognizing his buddy has a crush, he knew what he need to do to make you and him get even closer than before.
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Ivan Braginsky - Russia
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Ivan Braginsky giving me two signals because I can see him as someone who is brave enough to make his crush notice that he has feelings for you.
He also can be really shy like Ludwig where he would just prefer to take a glance of you before adverting his eyes away from you with flustered red cheeks.
At The start of the crushing stage, he would be rather shy and meek around you but I can see he would try to be sweet by leaving a bouquet of sunflowers on top of your table.
I can see that Ivan would also be very fidgety around you when you are talking to him. he couldn't see you in the eyes and would slightly stutter.
He would also try to make himself look less intimidating because he's aware that many people are afraid of him. He would be very broken-hearted if he knows that you are scared of him.
As time goes by, I can see he can be a little bit bolder than before when he is trying to make you notice him. I can see he would lend his scarf when you are cold. Yes, his favourite pink scarf.
He would still give you sunflowers but instead of using the card message written by 'anonymous'. He would give it to you right in front of your face or using an intermediary by one of Baltic's members.
Russia would also become a great listener whenever you are telling him a story as he listened to every word that spewed out from your lips and remembers it. He would also remember your likes, dislikes, hobbies, and problems.
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Pushing the wooden oak door open with both hands, the door moves away and shows a pair of (E/C) along with (H/C). There were no many students expects some students that did not bother to learn their names as some of them were talking with their friends or sleeping peacefully without anyone bothering them.
The classroom was peaceful with a lack of students as you love this kind of tranquillity where no one would bother you when you want to do something. Your shoes lifted up before stepping forward, slowly walking to your favourite sitting spot in the back near the window.
Reaching out to your table and chair, you notice there was a bouquet of sunflowers with a tiny yellow note on the side. It was an adorable gesture because you never ever received this kind of gift from anyone, even from the opposite sex. The corner of your lips twitched a little bit before it turns into a tiny smile.
Sitting down on the chair, you carefully take the sunflowers in your hand and read the yellow note, "Privet Sunflower, I hope you like the gift I just give to you. I'm sorry I cannot tell you who am I but I hope you have a great day - from Anonymous."
Reading the note, you could feel your heart skip a beat, thinking how adorable and romantic it is. You wanted to know who is your secret admire but it's really sad that your secret admire is probably very shy to meet up with you. Glancing around, your hand carefully lift the flowers before going lower from the table and then saving the flower along with the romantic notes.
It was during lunchtime when many students are going to the nearest cafeteria or going to their club. As a member of the gardening club, you were checking out all the plants inside the garden whether some plants already get some waters or not. The pair of (E/C) eye caught the sunflowers are getting dried, it was lacking of a sunlight, fertilizer and a little bit of a water.
Sighing at the condition of the flower, you take a quick walk before coming back with a water sprinkles and a plastic bag with fertilizer. Crouching down, you gently lift the sprinkler before watering ht flowers and not noticing a pair of lavender eyes watching your every movement.
His tiny frown immediately changed with a smile, seeing you taking care of school plants. It is very rare to see astudent who would be willing to take care of flowers se seeing this. It makes his heart beat even faster.
'Maybe next time we can talk about flowers in the park together and have a borscht soup together but for now. I don't want to scare her/him/them. I hope they/she/he likes the flowers that I bought for them/her/him," Ivan thought before slowly stepping away from his hiding spot, leaving you alone to take care of the tiny plants.
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Roderich Edelstein - Austria
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Another character who would also get flustered around his crush as his S/O. You have to notice every little detail of what he did for you to notice him.
Even though he would be very shy, I can see he is less nervous than Germany and a little bit bolder than him. Unlike Germany, I can see Austria being more smooth than him and not making an idiot of himself.
It would be a plus point for him if you happen to be a classical music lover or if you enjoy soft music. The reason why I believe it's a plus point for him is that he would be willing to play the violin or a piano for you.
If you are smart enough to notice his small action, you could make it out that sometimes he would play romantic songs just for you without anyone listening to you when you ask him to play a song for you.
It is also a plus point for him too if you enjoy baking cake. If you watch Hetalia, he did make a roll cake. Roderich would enjoy baking cake together with you even though he would rest for a few times since he gets easily tired.
Austria would be glad to teach you some baking skills before baking together with you. I can see him have more patience when tutoring you on how to bake.
Other than playing music and baking cake for you to make you notice him. Austria would also prepares a cup of tea for the two of you when you two are talking as he listen and remember your every words.
In conclusion, he would make you notice him by his service of act and quality time. Inside of this headcanon, I can see Roderich as someone shy when he has to be physically and verbally romantic. If you force him, he would die out of embarrassment. Thus, why does he prefer something smaller to make you notice his feeling and romantic advances.
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The light of the hallway was dim even though the lamps were turned on and there was a light from the windows too. A person walking by as their hair swayed by the gentle breeze from the wind and the (E/C) glancing around, searching for a certain someone.
It cannot be denied that you are searching for a certain tall Austrian male. It is kind of a routine for the two of you to listen to music together, especially his piano or violin play. It always amazes you that Roderich when he was playing a musical instrument, especially when he was playing it in front of you as he doesn't need to see the note sheet.
A soft melody comes out of the room as the tune reaches out to your ears. You couldn't mistake it, it is the sound of a piano. Curious, your hands take the knob of the door before twisting it and pushing the door away without making any sounds.
Standing in the middle of the room where there's a grand piano. The pair of (E/C) eye colours can see the Austrian male who are focused on the keys of the piano with his fragile yet firm fingers repeatedly pressing some keys and creating beautiful melodies. Stepping closer and closer, you were standing right behind him as well watching him in awe.
The tunes feel very similar but you couldn't point the finger at it. Sometimes, you could hear this same song in the movies, especially in romance movies.
"Roderich, I'm really sorry to bother you but what are you playing?" You ask the Austrian man.
"...Can't you see I am playing Beautiful In White?" The sounds of the piano immediately stopped.
"I never heard of it.." You shrugs.
"...Would you like to sit next to me and listen to me playing it?" You didn't see but the tip of his ears was turning red.
"I would love too," You carefully stepped away before going up in front of the chair and sitting next to him with a smile on your face. Soon, Roderich starts to play the music again, letting you enjoy this serenity.
However, you didn't realize that he play the music for you as he imagined you in a white dress/black tuxedo and standing next to him with an enchanting smile. Even though it was a short picture in his mind, he cherishes it for now. He just wants you to be happy listening to him playing music.
At the chorus of the music, you began humming out the tune and not realizing a pair of lavender eyes would steal glances at your face with his cheeks slowly getting red. A little smile appears across his lips, enjoying the tiny duet together with you.
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Natalia Arlovskaya - Belarus
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It is obvious that Natalya is not like the rest of the guys inside of this headcanon. This queen is rather bold to show that she has a crush on you.
Sometimes it can be sweet but most of the time, it's problematic and right down creepy because it's canon that she has a Yandere tendencies.
When Natalya has a crush on you, she would not mind having to stalk you from far away as she sends a creepy glare to those who are trying to get close to you.
As she was scaring them away from you, Natalya would be really clingy around you as she wraps her arms around you and send glares at those who are trying to approach you.
There would be a time where she was even being daredevil by throwing a knife at those who make her jealous or being too flirty (or a creep).
Other than latching on your arms and keeping people away. I can see Natalya would doll herself up to impress you but not too much, just a nice dress and styling her hair up.
Natalya would also try to impress you with her traditional Belarussian cuisine and give it to you. She would be even happier if you enjoy her food.
She wouldn't flirt to make you notice her but instead. She would surprisingly become very nurturing when she had a crush on you in which made you notice her. She would double up her acts of service.
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There were many people inside of cafetaria as they are sitting together with their own group. A burst of laughter could be heard as it was getting louder with each second. A pair of (E/C) glances at their/her/his friend and snorted in laughter after your friend told stupid yet funny jokes.
It was amazing that your friend haven't died yet even though there was another person who are clinging to your arms and sending your friend a dagger looking where your friend could die if a simple glance from your crush could kill.
Of course, your friend is aware of Natalya's creepy and dangerous traits that they need to look out for. Thus, they never touched you in an inappropriate way nor commenting the relationship between you and her but they do feel uncomfortable with her death glares. It was as if she's ready to devour all of them.
However, not everyone in the school has that memo that Belarus can be very dangerous if she wants. A few days ago, a new student joined the school with many people fawning over their/his/her looks along with the cute accent that they own. Because of the popularity, it boosts the person's ego and makes them think they can just flirt with everyone.
Alex (It's unisex name) saw you from far away as his/her lips curved into a smirk, not noticing the girl that clung to your arms. With pride written all over their face, Alex strutted up to you with confidence before tapping your shoulder.
Feeling another contact, you slowly turn around to see a stranger that you never see in your life. Sure, Alex was cute because they have a cute green eyes and blonde hair like a supermodel but you weren't interested at all because you are also crushing on Natalya.
"Hey, there cutie-pie. What's your name?" Alex says, ignoring some people who are waving at them desperately to get away from you and Natalya.
"E-excuse me?" You backed away, feeling uncomfortable with the stranger.
"I said-" Alex was cut off by Belarus as a knife flew past him, giving a tiny cut to his cheeks. His/her eyes widened, not believing that Natalya would pull that move on them.
"Leave us alone, you damn мудак" Natalya hisses, glaring daggers into Alex's soul.
"W-WHAT THE FUCK?! GET AWAY FROM ME YOU PSYCHO!" Alex backed away before running away from Natalya.
Seeing your crush's antics, (Y/N) (L/N) take a deep breath and shake your head side to side. Disappointed but not surprised with Belarus's sudden action "Natalya, don't do that. You are going to scare everyone in here," you scolded the girl who immediately looked away from you. Ignoring your words.
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shini--chan · 12 days
Update Schedule for June 2024
01.06.2024 Yandere Character Sheet I (1p Lithuania: Tolys Laurinaitis)
03.06.2024 China, England (Heart Blood) (You discover that they murdered/removed your child)
04.06.2024 England (Touche) (Calling England out on his snobbish behaviour)
05.06.2024 Yandere Character Sheet I (1p America: Alfred F. Jones)
07.06.2024 Austria, France, Germany, Prussia and Russia (Genophobia) (You have genophobia - how do they deal with it?)
09.06.2024 Yandere Character Sheet I (Levi Ackerman)
11.06.2024 Yandere Axis - National Guilt (You remind the members of the Axis, excluding Prussia, that they are not guilt free.)
12.06.2024 Yandere 2p! Allies - Silence is Gold (They mute you)
13.06.2024 Yandere 1p! & 2p! Canada - Sweet Lilly-of-the-Valley (After gaining his trust, you decide to poison him)
14.06.2024 Yandere Character Sheet II (1p Russia: Ivan Konstantinovich Braginski)
16.06.2024 Yandere Japan - The Dying of the Light (A case study in how Kiku's anger manifests)
20.06.2024 Yandere Rome Oneshot
25.06.2024 Yandere Zeke Oneshot
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my-2phetalia · 2 years
Character’s POVS I’ll write from:
Listed from most to least headcanons currently-
2p Prussia / Klaus Beilschmidt
2p Poland / Mikolaj Łukasiewicz
2p Romania / Andrei Popescu
2p Hungary / Laci Héderváry
2p Switzerland / Voss Zwingli
2p Liechtenstein / Luise Zwingli
2p Estonia / Egon Von Bock
2p Slovakia / Alexej Kováč
2p Czechia / Eliska Novakova
2p S Italy / Flavio Vargas
2p Austria / Roland Edelstein
2p Belarus / Natasha Arlovskaya
2p Lithuania / Tomas Lorinaitis
2p Portugal / Miguel Pinto Ferreira
2p Latvia / Guntars Galante
2p Japan / Kuro Honda
2p France / François Bonnefoi
2p Spain / Santiago Carriedo
2p Russia / Viktor Braginsky
2p Germany / Lutz Beilschmidt
2p N Italy / Luciano Vargas
The way I present the 2p’s and their universe is that the same countries exist, but history has worked differently creating different events that didn’t happen in the 1p (essentially our) history and vise versa. The 2ps in this universe aren’t ‘insane’ or bloodthirsty, their war torn and many traumatized by war.
This blog takes place in a time where the surviving 2ps have moved to the 1p universe after coming to an agreement of (relative) peace.
The rest of the 2ps are there i just don’t have enough headcanons to write for their pov, feel free to request what headcanons I have for them though.
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prajakta0 · 15 days
Examining the Competitive Landscape of Global Retinal Imaging Devices Market
The increasing prevalence of eye diseases, particularly among aging populations, has spurred the demand for retinal imaging devices globally. Moreover, advancements in technology, including the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, have enhanced the diagnostic capabilities of these devices. Accordingly, the global retinal imaging devices market is estimated to garner $9322.89 million by 2032, projecting a CAGR of 5.93% during the forecast period, 2023-2032.
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This blog will examine the current competitive landscape of the global retinal imaging devices market –
Leading companies in the retinal imaging devices market have driven innovations, shaping the industry’s competitive landscape. These players have introduced cutting-edge technologies, setting new standards for device accuracy and ease of use.
Strategic Developments by Key Players
ZEISS will showcase the new ZEISS ATLAS 500ZEISS will showcase the new ZEISS ATLAS 500, a next-generation corneal topography system, at the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ESCRS) annual conference from September 8th-12th, 2023, in Vienna, Austria. It combines corneal topography and dry eye assessment tools for intelligent clinical decision-making. It is a multimodality solution for the anterior eye segment. Also, it offers a well-organized, intuitive, and integrated interface for efficient operation. Further, it integrates into the ZEISS cataract and corneal refractive workflows. Says Dr. Edward Boshnick, Specialist in the Non-Surgical Restoration of Quality Vision and Owner of Global Vision Rehabilitation Center, Florida, “With the ATLAS 500 I can easily capture images of my patient’s eye with amazing detail, and it helps me to understand my patient’s dry eye disease.” (Source)
TOPCON CORPORATION acquires SATEL On 20th June 2023, TOPCON announced the acquisition of SATEL Oy. SATEL is a leading innovator in wireless technology globally. It designs, offers, and manufactures high-quality connectivity solutions that facilitate mission-critical, secure connections using the optimal characteristics of different communication technologies for real-life use cases. Says Ray O’Connor, TOPCON Positioning Systems president and CEO, “As our products and services have evolved from individual measurement tools to complete, multi-node workflow automation solutions, the significance of advanced communication technology has grown. Through this acquisition we are able to secure long term access to a key technology component for our portfolio today and in the future.” (Source)
NIDEK launches NT-1/1e Non Contact Tonometer Models
On 17th April 2023, NIDEK CO LTD announced the launch of the NT-1/1e Non Contact Tonometer models. The NT-1p/1 is equipped with an air nozzle contact sensor to prioritize patient safety and conduct fully automated measurements. When the patient positions their chin on the chinrest, the device autonomously identifies the eye position and records measurements, eliminating the need for operator intervention.
While the NT-1e serves as a fundamental model for manual measurements with excellent user-friendliness, it retains the NT-1 series’ standard 3D auto-tracking function, ensuring precise, straightforward, and rapid measurements.
Motoki Ozawa, President and CEO of NIDEK CO LTD says, “The NT-1 series offers optimal products that satisfy a wide range of customer needs to meet clinical care. Leveraging our expertise in optical technology and engineering, we will continue to develop products that address our customers needs for efficient patient throughput while maintaining a small device footprint ensuring good patient flow at clinical facilities and optical shops.” (Source)
AI facilitates Integrated Product Developments
AI and machine learning algorithms are being integrated into retinal imaging devices to assist healthcare professionals in automating image analysis and detecting abnormalities with greater accuracy. This trend enhances diagnostic capabilities and workflow efficiency.
AI-Integrated Developments for Eye Scans Researchers from Germany and the United Kingdom are using artificial intelligence (AI) to develop a system that will facilitate widespread testing alongside enhanced efficiency. On 10th June 2023, Dr. Nikolas Pontikos, a group leader at the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology and Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, the UK, presented his team’s development of Eye2Gene at the annual conference of the European Society of Human Genetics. 
Eye2Gene is an AI system that can identify the genetic cause of inherited retinal diseases (IRDs) Inherited retinal diseases (IRDs) are characterized by single-gene disorders that impact the retina, posing challenges for diagnosis due to alterations in one of several potential candidate genes. Apart from specialized centers, only a limited number of experts possess the requisite expertise in these conditions, creating obstacles for patients seeking access to accurate testing and diagnosis. Says Dr. Pontikos, “Identifying the causative gene from a retinal scan is considered extremely challenging, even by experts. However, the AI is able to achieve this to a higher level of accuracy than most human experts.” (Source) 
All in All
Key players and emerging innovators continue to redefine the global retinal imaging devices market’s competitive landscape. As lucrative trends and opportunities continue to unfold, the future of retinal imaging devices promises improved patient care, increased accessibility, and enhanced diagnostic accuracy in the field of ophthalmology. As stakeholders in the healthcare industry, staying abreast of these developments is essential for driving progress and delivering quality eye care.
Who are the major players in the retinal imaging devices market?
Some of the major players in the retinal imaging devices market include Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, Optos Plc, Heidelberg Engineering GmbH, Topcon Corporation, and Nidek Co., Ltd. Their commitment to research and development and global market presence contribute to their leadership in the industry.
What are the future trends and opportunities in the global retinal imaging devices market?
The future trends in the global retinal imaging devices market include the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) for automated image analysis, the expansion of telemedicine and remote patient monitoring applications, and personalized medicine approaches.
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fireandiceland · 1 year
What are your OTPS and NOTPs?
I feel like I have a lot of OTPs cause I just really love shipping characters with each other 🥰 At the moment my top favourite ships are canrus (a long time favourite), usukus (in so many variations), frus or frusuk, waleseng, and dennor/sufin.
Theres other ships I love but these are the ones I think about the most at the moment. Like.. I still have all the love for red velvet pancakes (1p x 2p canada) or pruk but those are like on the back burner until a good idea forces them to the front of my mind again 👀
As for NOTPs, there’s a couple of ships I simply don’t care about or don’t have thoughts about but I don’t count those as NOTPs because I don’t feel any negative emotions towards them, I’m just indifferent. 🤔 The only ship I actively avoid for personal reasons is Austria x Russia (but I’d never tell someone not to ship it, I just don’t want to engage with any content for this ship).
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