#11 seasons and the end still feels rushed
lab-gr0wn-lambs · 6 months
Oh my god I made it. One episode left.
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bosbas · 30 days
Chapter 11: tell me I've got it wrong somehow
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pairing: colin bridgerton x enemy!fem!reader WC: 4.3k words
Warnings: period-typical gender roles, small part of the dialogue in French, idiots in love!!, mentions of violence (nothing too graphic), mentions of blood
Summary: It took precisely two days in England for you to utterly despise Colin Bridgerton. It took him approximately twelve hours after that to hate you right back. But he doesn't care that you're the only person in the ton who doesn't like him. You're set to marry someone else anyway, right?
A/N: FINALLY. except not really. oops!
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June 30, 1816 – If last night’s ball was any indication, it seems Lady Y/N has lost interest in finding a husband this season. More than a few whispers indicate that the Montclairs will journey to Spain to find better prospects for their youngest daughter. Let this be a call to action to the eligible bachelors of the ton so that they might consider being more… enticing suitors for our beloved Y/N. All this, of course, is to ensure that the Montclairs do not flee to the Spanish sun at the conclusion of the season. If nothing else, the Montclairs must stay so we can avoid losing Lady Y/N’s much-needed sense of style.
Colin stared in disbelief at Lady Whistledown’s column, letting it fall from his hands as he leaned back in his bed. If you were going to Spain at the end of the season anyway, why was he still here? He’d much rather be as far away as possible from anything that even remotely reminded him of you. 
Unfortunately, Daphne had given him some sort of misguided hope that staying in England would magically make you like him. Or perhaps make you hate him a little less. But it was becoming increasingly apparent that this was not the case. 
He wasn’t exactly sure what had changed from one day to the next, but you could barely look at him now. After your promenade, Colin thought you’d finally put your differences aside, and he could, at some level, be grateful to Lord Barlow for that, even if the man had acted completely indecently. 
But the truce didn’t last. 
Just three days ago, he’d run into you on the way to your father’s study to discuss pearl diving, and his heart had nearly skipped a beat when he saw you. You looked beautiful as ever, of course, and he was just staring at you dumbly, wanting to take in as much of you as possible.
You’d been humming as you walked down the hallway, smiling softly to yourself as you passed by a particularly large flower arrangement you had most likely received from a suitor. At that moment, Colin was sure that if you ever looked at him like that he would never recover.
Colin had tried to call out to you. Maybe if you were out of sight of the rest of the ton, you’d be more willing to speak with him. But the words had died in his throat as you had looked up and spotted him, just staring at you, across the room. 
Your eyes had widened, and your demeanor had instantly changed. A switch from serene to shaken so sudden that Colin had barely had time to react before you had clutched your skirts and ducked into the nearest room.
And though Colin had traveled halfway across the globe largely on his own, he had never felt so far from someone. 
Even now, in his room, away from Montclair House, he couldn’t help the deep shame that washed over him as he recalled how immediately you had rushed to get away from him. And Colin still had no idea why.
That was the worst part of it all. If he only knew what the problem was, he’d fix it. He’d do anything to be with you. Colin had had more than his fair share of escapades during his time abroad, but nothing even came close to the feeling he got when he was around you. The only person he’d known to dislike him. It was a cruel twist of fate, and he’d think it was funny if he didn’t physically ache with the need to be near you.
The irony of the situation was not lost on Colin. The more he was consumed by you, the more you pulled away. He’d been doing his best to avoid social functions for this very reason, but he feared he would not be able to do the same tonight. 
“Colin?” called Violet, peeking her head through his door. “Is everything alright? You look a bit…”
“I’m fine,” insisted Colin, wiping his slightly damp eyes and sniffing as he sat up.
“Anthony and Kate are hosting a ball tonight,” said Violet carefully. Colin’s recent absence from balls had not escaped her notice, but as much as she felt for her obviously lovesick son, he was not excused from familial duties. 
“Yes, I’m aware.”
“And you will be in attendance.”
Colin groaned. “Must I really be there? It’s one ball!”
“Actually, it’s been something like fifteen balls,” Violet shot back, unimpressed. “And I have graciously allowed you to be absent from them, but you will not miss your brother’s ball. You are still a Bridgerton. We do not miss family events.”
 Sensing he didn’t quite have a choice, Colin sighed, “Very well, then. Could I at least continue sulking before we go?”
Violet laughed softly and gave her son a sympathetic smile. “It’s not a bad thing, you know. Being in love. Even if it’s a complicated situation such as this one.”
“I’m not in love!” lied Colin. “It’s just… I don’t know. It’s not love.”
Violet raised her eyebrows pointedly but said nothing, closing the door quietly as she left her son’s room. 
Once he was alone again, Colin let out a frustrated groan and rubbed his temples. You would more than likely be in attendance tonight, and he needed to prevent what had happened in your hallway from happening again. He didn’t think he could bear having you practically sprinting away from him as soon as you saw him again.
Colin would simply have to stay out of sight of you. It was the only way he could stay at the ball. He didn’t ever want to look into your eyes and see the disdain and hurt that he saw three days ago. So, he decided he would be a wallflower tonight. Anything to keep you from seeing him. He would need to exercise a gargantuan amount of self-control to stay away from you when being near was the one thing he wanted, but the pained look in your eyes that haunted his sleep was enough to keep him in check.
Viscount Bridgerton’s ball was proving to be a supremely amusing affair. Your mother had decided that Louis should start looking for a wife, never mind that he was only two-and-twenty, and you were thoroughly enjoying watching how he was passed around from eligible lady to eligible lady. 
After nearly an hour of dancing and politely chatting, your brother finally stumbled over to where you were standing. Of course, you couldn’t help but snicker as he muttered something or other about needing a drink. 
“Tais-toi,” muttered Louis, crossing his arms over his chest as he crossed his breath (Shut up). “Maman veut aussi que tu danses avec quelqu'un” (Mother also wants you to dance with someone).
You turned to him, eyes wide. “Vraiment?” (Really?).
“Oui, c'est un autre duc,” Louis nodded and smiled evilly, gesturing toward where your mother was speaking to someone who looked to be at least Philippe’s age, if not older (Yes, it’s another duke). 
“Non, mais je peux pas,” you whined (No, but I can’t). You thought your mother had given up on finding you a husband for this season, but you supposed she couldn’t help herself if it was a duke. Even if he were a prince, you were not so sure that you would want to speak with him. 
Nigel Berbrooke and Lord Barlow, and you supposed Colin Bridgerton, too, had significantly dampened your excitement for the season. At this point, you were just looking forward to going to Paris for a few months once the season was officially over and trying to find a husband again in Spain next year.
But you didn’t even want to think about that. It felt like you were preparing for a prison sentence. One last year of traveling before you were limited to the confines of your future husband’s home with no escape other than your own mind. It was a chilling thought, and you were trying your hardest to avoid thinking about it. However, having your mother chatting you up to a duke was complicating that a bit.
Standing beside you, Louis was feeling quite annoyed after one grueling evening of speaking to unmarried ladies and their mamas. However, he knew that you had experienced about fifty times that many. So, taking pity on you, he leaned down and whispered, “Va dans le jardin, vite. Avant qu'elle ne revienne” (Go to the gardens, quick. Before she comes back).
Your eyes looked to the open doors leading to the gardens, and you decided the slightly nippy air was worth it if you could escape your mother and the unnamed duke. There were enough people outside that there was no risk of being caught in a compromising position, but it was far away enough from the ballroom that you knew your mother wouldn’t be able to find you immediately. 
Flashing your brother a grateful smile and squeezing his arm, you practically ran toward the exit, wanting to get away as soon as possible. Once you were outside, you maneuvered yourself so you were hidden behind a fairly large plant, but still had a view of the ballroom through the window. 
As Louis had predicted, your mother had come back to where you had been standing, duke in tow. She gave Louis a questioning look when she didn’t see you, and he simply shrugged, pointing to the other side of the ballroom. You sighed in relief, silently thanking your brother and promising to stop being quite so irritating toward him.
“Y/N?” you heard a voice say behind you. 
Your stomach dropped. You turned around slowly, growing nervous as Lord Barlow came into your line of vision. 
“Lord Barlow,” you said, feigning politeness in an attempt to avoid a scene. Your last interaction with him had not gone so smoothly, and you were afraid of what he would do now.
“So it is you,” said Arthur Barlow, his face contorting into an ugly sneer. He had never sounded so chilling when you were courting him, but you supposed at that time you hadn’t done yet anything to make him act so abrasive.
You cleared your throat nervously, looking around to see who else was nearby. But it seemed that everyone was too intrigued by this confrontation to put a stop to it. You internally cursed the duke for showing up at the exact moment that you wanted to be inconspicuous, but you smiled politely anyway. 
“I hope you’re doing well,” you said awkwardly, not quite sure what else to say. 
It seemed like the right thing at the moment, seeing as how no one, not even Lady Whistledown, knew what he’d been doing since he proposed to you. However, Barlow’s quickly narrowing eyes clued you in to the fact that it had actually been the exact wrong thing to say. 
“You hope I’ve been doing well? You hope? I’m sure you do, Lady Montclair,” he said sarcastically, fury evident in his voice. “I’m sure you’ll be happy to learn that the Barringtons are positively drowning in debt. Sorry, were drowning in debt, since I had to pay off all of their debts once I was forced to marry into the family. And now I’m in financial ruin, all thanks to you. You, Y/N, have brought on the downfall of the Duke of Monmouth.”
You would be lying if you said you weren’t the least bit pleased that things had turned out poorly for Arthur Barlow. But more than satisfaction, all you felt was indignation as you looked at the pathetic man in front of you. 
“I believe it was your decision alone to go outside the night of the Bridgerton ball, Lord Barlow,” you said, trying to sound as biting as possible. “It is a shame that your hubris has ruined your dukedom, but kindly leave me out of it.”
Barlow’s frown deepened and his eyes narrowed further, if that was even possible, as he practically shook out of barely contained anger. 
“You harlot!” he screamed at you, raising his hand and reaching out to you. 
“Barlow, you will cease at once!” came a commanding voice next to you. 
You turned to see Colin Bridgerton at your side, and you couldn’t help the flutter in your stomach that you felt every time you saw him. But now was not the time to get distracted by inconsequential feelings. 
“It’s alright, you don’t need to do this,” you urged Colin. “It’s not worth it. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
And surprisingly, you meant what you said. As much as you disliked Colin Bridgerton, you had no desire to see him hurt, even less so because of you. In some twisted way, you cared about this man. Far more than you cared about Lord Barlow, whom you had been ready to marry at one point in time. And more than anything it made you impossibly frustrated. 
Upon hearing Colin, Arthur scoffed and turned to face him. “I see you’re happy to be next in line for my cast-offs, Bridgerton. But let me tell you, she’s far too uptight, that one. Won’t even put out when you tell her to.”
Immediately, your spine stiffened, anticipation tingling through your nerves as you sensed the mounting tension in the air. Colin growled lowly, clenching his fists and stepping closer to Lord Barlow. Yet, just as it seemed he might strike, the duke swiftly sidestepped, causing the Bridgerton to stumble.
Your lips parted in a silent scream as you saw Lord Barlow aim his fist at Colin. You watched, as if in slow motion, how Arthur’s knuckles made contact with Colin’s nose, and you felt tears welling in your eyes as he fell to his knees, his head thrown back with the force of the duke’s punch.
“Colin!” you screamed, finally finding your voice. You could barely breathe, feeling like your heart was beating out of your chest. 
You rushed to his side, only vaguely registering that Lord Barlow was being roughly escorted out of the garden and likely out of the ball as well. Your eyes were glued to Colin, who was groaning in discomfort and bleeding profusely out of his nose. 
“Colin, are you alright?” you gasped, kneeling beside him, and clutching his arms as you choked back sobs, your heart still beating out of your chest. “You shouldn’t have done that,” you scolded, tears running down your face as you found yourself unable to be civil with him even when he was kneeling on the ground with a bloody– and most likely broken– nose. 
Colin, who was clutching his nose and groaning in pain, shot you an amused look. “Do I at least get some credit for trying to defend your honor?”
He sniffed, wiping away some of the blood with his hand, and reached for a handkerchief by his breast pocket. You were staring at him, horrified, as the blood kept streaming and he winced in pain. You had stopped sobbing now, but a steady stream of tears remained on your face as the panic mounted in you. 
“Colin, you shouldn’t have done that,” you whispered again, trying and failing to sound upset with him as you instinctively reached out to wipe some blood off his cheek. You hiccupped as you reached over, trembling slightly as you did, but his hand caught yours before it could touch his face.
He suddenly smiled wide, and you rather thought he looked a bit deranged. There was blood on his face and his hands and he looked more than a little banged up, but he was still smiling widely at you with a mischievous glint in his eye. 
“Can you say that again?” he asked, his eyes searching yours.
“Say what? That you shouldn’t have done that?” you sniffled, wanting to cross your arms over your chest in annoyance but not wanting to let go of his hand. 
“No, the part before that,” he said, smiling cheekily as he intertwined your fingers with his.
“How are you smiling after someone broke your nose?” you said, growing irritated with him but not quite letting go of his hand yet. “You could have gotten seriously hurt. That was a stupid thing to do, Colin-”
“Yes, that. Again,” he pleaded, the yearning evident on his softly smiling face as he grabbed his handkerchief with his free hand, holding it up to stop the flow of blood from his nose.
“Yes, that’s it. Just say that again.”
You shot him a confused look. “Colin?” 
Is that what he wanted you to say? His name?
“Yes?” he pressed, smiling wide at you. “Can you say that again, please?”
“Again? Colin, why-”
“You hadn’t ever called me Colin before,” he said, looking at you wistfully. “I like how it sounds when you say it.”
“Oh,” you gasped softly. “I’m so sorry, Mr. Bridgerton, I forgot myself. It-”
“No, please,” he said, his voice thick with emotion. “I can’t bear to have you call me Mr. Bridgerton one more time.”
You averted your gaze and bit your lip, suddenly feeling very conflicted. This was Colin Bridgerton. This was the man who had jumped at the first opportunity to compromise you once he heard you didn’t put out for Lord Barlow. You could not be on a first-name basis with him. 
“Y/N,” he said softly, cautiously. 
And suddenly you felt butterflies erupt in your stomach. Maybe you could allow yourself to be on a first-name basis with him. Maybe it felt too good to hear him say your name. Maybe you weren’t strong enough to hold him at arm’s length, and a half arm’s length would have to do. 
“I didn’t give him access to that terrace, you know,” Colin spoke, a hint of indignation lacing his words. 
You nodded, lifting your gaze to meet his. “I know. I was looking for anyone to blame when Lord Barlow was the only one who wronged me. Your mother told me he forced the door open.” 
“I could never have done that to you, it would’ve been unseemly” Colin insisted, gripping your hand tighter. 
But you froze. Couldn’t he have done that to you? Based on what you knew about him, he certainly could have. But it was so difficult to parse the man who had just now defended you against Lord Barlow, who was sitting on the ground next to you and holding your hand, with the man who had wanted to continue Nigel Berbrooke’s disgusting conversation at the Danbury ball. 
Feeling you stiffen, Colin’s heart clenched. This couldn’t be happening again. What had he done wrong this time? He was here, on the ground, literally bleeding for you, and you still had something against him. 
“Please talk to me,” Colin begged, suddenly feeling very desperate to fix whatever was happening between you once and for all. “If you want me never to speak to you again, I will do that, but I must know. I must know why you hate me.”
You shifted uncomfortably, retracting your hand from Colin’s and placing it on your lap as you looked anywhere except for him. 
“I don’t hate you-” you started weakly, but he was having none of it.
“Oh, spare me. I am not a fool. You hated me from the moment you saw me in Lady Danbury’s ballroom, even before our rivalry properly began.”
You bit your lip anxiously. If you were to tell Colin why you truly disliked him, and he was to take it in bad faith, you would be finished. Colin could tell everyone that you had been unchaperoned in the presence of two men of the ton, and given his place in society, no one would hesitate to believe him. 
But it was exhausting. Hating him was far more difficult than anything you’d ever done, and you weren’t particularly eager to keep doing it. Perhaps this was the only way to let go, and trusting Colin right now would make things infinitely easier. 
You finally met his gaze, feeling his blue eyes boring into yours. There was no anger in his expression, just a look of concern, with a hint of something else you couldn’t recognize. 
Resigned, you sighed. “I saw you with Nigel Berbrooke at the Danbury ball before you even asked me to dance,” you explained. 
A look of realization came over Colin’s face, and his lips, caked in dried blood, parted to make a perfect circle. 
“Oh heavens,” he said, sounding terribly embarrassed. “I apologize that you had to see that. Honestly, I would feel worse about what happened, but he really deserved it.”
“I beg your pardon?” you said, frowning. “He really deserved what?”
Colin’s eyebrows furrowed and he sent you a questioning look. “You saw me break his nose in the gardens, right? That’s what you’re talking about? I promise I’m not usually a violent man, though I’m not particularly proving my point tonight. I apologize if I scared you off; it was not my greatest moment, but I do stand by my actions.”
“You- You broke his nose?” you said, your confusion growing as you tried to piece together what Colin was telling you.
“Well, yes. That’s why he left town for a month. His face looked something awful, and he was too embarrassed to say why. Though that won’t be a problem for me, since everyone already saw my nose get broken anyway,” he shrugged, wincing as he lightly touched his nose. “That’s what you were referring to, no?”
“Oh, dear. Oh, no,” you said, mortified as the realization dawned on you. 
“What?” he pressed. “What is it?”
“I didn’t see any of that. I heard you talking with Mr. Berbrooke in the hall. He said that you could have any girl you wanted and that you just had to look for one with a big dowry and good hips. And then you asked to continue the conversation outside. And I thought- I just thought-”
Colin’s eyes widened. “And you thought I actually wanted to continue the conversation.”
You nodded, barely able to meet his eyes because you were so embarrassed. “But I suppose you just went out to the gardens to... Oh, no. And when he came back into town, he told me the only reason you were- the only reason anyone was pursuing me was because they wanted what I wouldn’t give Lord Barlow.”
“Y/N, I would never-” Colin started, fury in his voice, but he was too mortified to continue. 
All this time, you had every right to resent him, and yet he stooped to childish antics to spite you. It didn’t matter that he hadn’t actually said those things; they were completely vile, and Colin understood that Nigel implicating him in that kind of talk would have been a glaring warning for you. 
The incessant teasing, snide remarks, and rude comments were a grave misjudgment. How could he have treated you so poorly? How could he have treated anyone so poorly, for that matter? He had presented the most unbearable side of himself, sometimes descending into cruelty, all because he felt insecure. You had a valid reason for your hatred, and his behavior was nothing but a misguided attempt to mask his own insecurities.
What a complete mess. 
“I’m sorry,” he said, resigned. 
You shook your head quickly. “There’s nothing to be sorry for. I-I misunderstood and let that guide my actions. The fault is all mine.”
“Except it really isn’t, is it?” he said, reaching for your hand again, desperate to have contact with you again. 
But you drew your hand back, too embarrassed that you had rushed to assume the worst so quickly. How differently the season would have gone if you hadn’t spent half the time trying to get under Colin’s skin.
“Either way, I’m so sorry,” you said, mortified as you saw just how much blood was on his face. 
Colin had been willing to put himself in harm’s way to protect you and your honor. And you had spent months thinking he was one of the men who had no respect for you. You shook your head in disbelief, chiding yourself for your headstrong ways. 
“I’m sorry, too. You had a real reason to dislike me, and I was just being childish,” Colin said, his eyes dropping to your mouth as you anxiously bit your lip. 
If he wasn’t caked in dried blood, he might have tried to kiss you right now. He knew it would probably hurt like the devil, given that his nose was most likely broken, but he would have been willing to endure that just to feel your lips on his. But he couldn’t do it. Colin could still taste the bitter metallic taste in his mouth, and he knew he was in no state to be kissing anyone.
You nodded at Colin, fixing a stray strand of hair that had fallen out of place. “Can we be friends now, then?” you asked, half-smiling. “And not just as a favor to Eloise.”   
Instantly, Colin’s heart dropped. He scolded himself for thinking you could ever consider him as a suitor. It was a well-known fact that you were looking for a titled gentleman with a large fortune. And, as a third son, he had neither of those things. 
“Yes, friends,” he smiled wide, not wanting to fracture the fragile peace he had been waiting for since the moment he met you. 
Friends was alright. Colin could do friends. He’d take anything at this point. 
But as you turned away from him to see Anthony rushing over to scold his brother for starting a fight in his home and nearly giving Kate a heart attack, Colin felt his smile falter. 
Oh heavens, he really did love you.
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hiiii!! absolutely love your crosshair stuff (i’ve been on a crosshair binge since season three started lol) anyways i was hoping you could write something that’s like post-omega and crosshair escaping tantiss and reuniting with hunter and wrecker (end ep 4) with the prompts
11. I promised to love you forever, and that is a promise I intend to keep.
16. No matter how much time we’ve spent apart, I never stopped loving you.
like i was thinking crosshair and the reader are married but canon happened so the reader stayed with the bad batch and this would be the first time her and crosshair are seeing each other again since the end of season one at kamino
no rush for any of this btw. thankssss
Hello, hi! Thank you so much for this request. I had something similar going through my mind after the episode aired so was excited to see this drop in!! I hope you enjoy 😊
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Never Stopped
When Omega's cryptic message leads to a heartfelt reunion on Ryloth's nearest moon, you didn't expect her to be accompanied by the one man you never thought you'd get to see again.
Pairing: Crosshair x f!reader
Word count: 2k
Warnings: spoilers for S3E04, we love a good reunion, inner turmoil, fluff, comfort, pet names.
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“I had help.” Omega’s statement hangs in the air until the light sound of footsteps on metal reaches your ears, and you turn alongside Wrecker to watch as someone steps out of the stolen transport.
No. Not someone.
For a second, you forget how to breathe, unable to tear your eyes away from the man you never dared hope you’d see again. The last time you’d seen him had been after the fall of Kamino, on that blasted platform in the middle of the ocean. You’d pleaded with him to come with you - to leave the Empire’s clutches - but he’d declined. Your stubborn, infuriating husband.
Maker, you’d missed him.
Before you even know what you’re doing, you’re running, crossing the inky darkness between the two ships, closing the distance between you as Crosshair takes the final step down onto the planet’s surface. He doesn’t have time to protest before your arms are around his neck, hauling him into a crushing embrace. His brothers might be wary, but you aren’t.
Crosshair freezes, caught off guard by your affection. In the short time it had taken you to reach him, he’d braced himself for a slap or to be chewed out. This was…unexpected. You’re warm against him, the softness of your body so familiar, as is the scent of your shampoo. Tentatively, he slides his arms around you in return, pulling you close to suffocate all space between you both, soaking up the feeling of having you back in his arms. “Kitten...”
The whispered term of endearment is all it takes, and a heaving sob leaves you before you can stop it.
Everything since the order was given crashes down on you – the shots he’d fired as you scrambled to escape Kamino, how relentlessly he’d chased you across the galaxy, Kamino falling, the distress message he’d sent to your old comms channel…it had felt never-ending.
But it was over now. 
As you bury your face against his chest, the torrent of emotions overwhelms you. There’s a sense of catharsis, a release from the pent-up anguish that had threatened to suffocate you. The weight of his presence feels like a balm to your wounded soul, and with each sob that racks your body, it’s as if a burden is lifted, allowing you to finally exhale the turmoil that had gripped you for far too long.
He’s here. In one piece. Free from the Empire’s clutches, with Omega in tow.
Hunter and Wrecker’s tension eases slightly as they witness the reunion between you and Crosshair, but they’re not ready to let their guard down just yet. They exchange knowing glances before Hunter clears his throat. “We need to go.” He shouts across the distance, feeling guilty for breaking the moment but knowing that the Empire won’t be far behind.
You pull back slightly, hands still clutching desperately at Crosshair as he meets your gaze. He’s never been one to cry, but unshed tears line those sharp eyes you’ve missed so much. Silently, you swipe away your tears with one hand, the other finding his to guide him towards the Marauder. A blur of motion whips past you, and you startle, but with a click of his tongue, Crosshair stills the creature responsible, and a hound falls into step beside him as you lead him back towards the ship.
It feels too good to be true, too easy. The nervousness Crosshair had felt rolling through him as he’d forced himself down the steps of the transport returns. Fingers interlaced with yours, he can feel the skin-warmed metal of your ring. It’s still there after everything.
He feels nauseous as you cross the darkness towards the ship that had once been his home. He glances at Wrecker as you both pass him and the apprehension on his big brother’s face wavers for just a second before Crosshair looks away, unable to stand it.
Hunter has already ushered Omega inside, the young girl saying hello to Gonky, who beeps happily at her return. Crosshair lets you situate him in one of the back seats in the cockpit as Wrecker comes up the ramp, smacking the button to shut it as Hunter takes Tech’s seat and fires up the engines. 
Crosshair swallows, bile rising in his throat. His twin is gone. Omega had brokenly told him what had happened during one of her many visits to his cell. Guilt curls through him - his brother had insisted on the mission to Eriadu and had been keen to find him, which ultimately led to his sacrifice.
Crosshair barely registers the ship setting off or the jump to hyperspace.
A soft squeeze of his hand draws his focus, and his head tilts to look across at you. Your wide eyes, which he adores, look at him with concern and something else he can’t quite put his finger on. Hunter and Wrecker are in the pilot and copilot seats, Omega curled in Hunter’s lap as they catch up while Wrecker pets Batcher.
You can practically see Crosshair’s discomfort, so you lead him out into the belly of the ship, closing the cockpit doors behind you to give the pair of you some privacy. “I thought I’d lost you.” You whisper, your voice barely above a breath as you sit side by side on one of the bunks, bodies tilted towards each other.
“Have to try harder than that.” Crosshair’s answer is quick, and the vice-like grip of dread that had encircled his heart slackens as he hears you laugh - it’s a short and sharp sound, nothing like the melodic giggles he’d grown accustomed to during the war, but it’s something. And Maker, does it feel good.
You’d almost forgotten what it was like to be on the receiving end of his quips, and for a moment, it’s like nothing has changed. But you spot something missing as you turn his hand over in yours. 
His wedding ring is gone.
“They took it from me.” He’s quick to reassure you, seeing the pained expression on your pretty face. He hadn’t even been able to fight to keep it, having woken up on Tantiss without it. The troopers had quickly silenced him whenever he’d asked about its whereabouts.
Silence settles between you both for a moment, your gaze fixed on this hand - on the vacant spot. “We’ll get you a new one,” you state quietly, lifting your eyes to finally meet his.
Crosshair’s brows furrow in disbelief at your words. After everything he’s done and the pain and betrayal, he can’t fathom why you still want to be married to him. Guilt and shame churn in his gut, threatening to overwhelm him. “Why?” he asks, his voice low and raspy, his gaze searching yours for some semblance of an answer.
You reach out and gently cup his cheek, your touch sending shivers down his spine. “I promised to love you forever, and that’s a promise I intend to keep,” you say simply, your eyes reflecting a depth of emotion that Crosshair can’t comprehend. “Despite everything, I still believe in us - in you. No matter how much time we’ve spent apart, I never stopped loving you.”
A lump forms in Crosshair’s throat as he struggles to process your words. He’d spent so long convincing himself that he was better off paying for his sins in that cell. But here you are, offering forgiveness and understanding. He searches your eyes for any sign of deceit or resentment but finds unwavering sincerity and love.
Crosshair reaches out, hand shaking as his fingers brush your cheek. “Maybe you’ve hit your head too many times, kitten.” Crosshair quips, a hint of his trademark sarcasm slipping through. Despite the gravity of the moment, he can’t resist teasing you. But deep down, he’s grateful for your forgiveness and unwavering love, even if he doesn’t understand it.
You roll your eyes at his remark, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. “Maybe you just need a few more hits to knock some sense into that thick skull of yours.” You retort, your tone teasing yet filled with affection.
As the playful banter lingers in the air, a moment of quiet settles between you both, the reality of the situation sinking in. Crosshair’s gaze softens, his hand lingering on your cheek as he soaks in your closeness. “I love you too.” He whispers, his voice barely audible above the hum of the ship’s engines. “I never stopped either.”
Your heart swells with relief and happiness, and with a soft smile, you press a gentle kiss to the back of his hand, feeling the slight tremble beneath your lips. “What happened, my heart?” You ask, your voice soft and concerned, brows drawn down as you watch how he shakes.
Crosshair hesitates for a moment. “They did…things. Some I remember. Some I don’t.” He answers vaguely.
You’re familiar with this game. He doesn’t want to think about it. Doesn’t want to talk about it. And while you know he'll need to one day, today’s not that day. Respecting his unspoken plea not to delve deeper into the horrors he endured, you gently squeeze his hand, offering him a reassuring smile. “We don’t have to talk about it now.” You murmur softly. “But we need to get you out of those awful clothes.” You change the subject, wrinkling your nose. “Handsome you may be, but this is not working.” You make a vague gesture at his outfit.
Crosshair chuckles softly at your remark, the memories chased away for the time being by your attempt to lighten the mood. “I’ll have you know; I make anything look good,” he retorts with a smirk. “But I suppose some fresh clothes wouldn’t hurt.”
You nod in agreement, grateful for the ease with which the two of you fall back into rhythm. “Exactly, and I’m sure I can find something more comfortable for you.” You reply, standing up and glancing around the small quarters of the ship.
As you start to pull crates out from the nearby storage racks, Crosshair watches you with a slight smile, admiring the familiar sight of you in motion. “You always know just how to take care of me,” he remarks, his voice low and warm, a tone saved just for you.
You shoot him a playful smile over your shoulder. “Someone has to.” You quip back, pulling out the crate you’d been looking for.
His kit crate. You still had his kit crate, with all your doodles on the outside – his name in Aurebesh, the squad’s symbol, a copy of his tattoo, and ever so slightly wonky hearts that he’d made a show of grumbling about but secretly loved.
Crosshair’s surprise is evident as he watches you retrieve a clean undersuit from the crate. He’d assumed its contents would be long gone - tossed aside, sold, or scrapped. The fact that you kept all his armour, along with his bucket, fills him with a strange mix of emotions. “Didn’t think you’d keep it,” Crosshair finally manages to say.
Before you can respond, footsteps interrupt the moment, drawing your attention towards the source. Hunter steps out from the cockpit – even with the door shut, he can still hear everything. His eyes meet Crosshair’s, and while he knows there’s a lot for them to talk about and work through, and he’s still not entirely sure he fully trusts his baby brother, he wants to offer him some reassurance. It’s the least he can do. “We were never going to get rid of it,” Hunter says, his voice firm yet gentle. “You’re still one of us.”
Crosshair finds himself at a loss for words. Emotions swirl within him, a tumultuous mix of gratitude and guilt. As Hunter’s words sink in, his gaze flickers back to you. Despite the doubts and fears that linger in his mind, one thing is certain: he’s home.
With a small smile, you offer the clean undersuit to your husband. “Here,” you say softly, your voice laced with affection. “Let’s get you changed.”
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Tag list: @clonethirstingisreal @starrylothcat @cw80831 @issa-me-bry-blog @leftealeaf @isaidonyourknees @padawancat97 @dangraccoon @jedi-hawkins @dreamie411 @sverdgeir
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gibson-g1rl · 1 year
I’m Never Leaving
daryl dixon x fem reader
warnings: just a bit angsty, usual TWD violence and fluff!
summary: you and daryl both realize just how much you love each other after you have a near death experience.
a/n: set in season 11 & let’s just pretend that Daryl knew beforehand about Carols deal with Pamela to pin all the blame on Hornsby.
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“Jesus Daryl, go talk to her.”
“You’re starin’ at her like a teenage boy who just saw his first pair of boobies; just go talk to her, she likes you too ya know?” Carol chimed as she looked towards her best friend.
“You don’t know tha.” Daryl said as he looked at you, catching you smiling as you spoke to Judith.
God you were beautiful to him. He loved everything about you, your smile, your hair, your kind heart.
Truth was, Daryl had no clue how to communicate his feelings towards you, so instead he just kept them to himself and admired you from afar.
“Hey you two.” You suddenly spoke out, causing Daryl to snap back to reality. Carol pulled you into a tight hug, whispering something into your ear which caused you to laugh. You pulled away from her and wrapped your arms around Daryl, causing his cheeks to grow warm.
You were about to speak up but were quickly pulled away from Carol and Daryl by Gracie and Judith.
“I’ll come find ya later okay?” You shouted as you were pulled further and further away.
“Yeah!” Daryl replied, turning to Carol as soon as you were out of earshot.
“What did ya whisper to her?”
“I dunno.” Carol said smiling as she saw her best friend’s face turn red, quickly rushing away before he could question her further.
end of flashback
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“Leah I swear to God if there is so much as a scratch on her, I’ll kill ya.” Daryl grunted into the walkie-talkie, rage filling his body as he heard Leah laugh.
“Too late for that.” She said before turning it off.
Leah had been watching you lot for a bit before she decided to attack, she figured since you and Maggie were so close she’d use you to lure Maggie out.
So there you were, tied to a chair in some rusty old cabin, Leah twisting her knife further into your leg, causing you to scream out.
“Where is Maggie hiding?!”
“Even if I knew where, which I don’t, I wouldn’t tell you shit.” You spat as you looked up at her.
“Wrong answer.” She said before pulling the knife out and pushing it back in. You screamed out in pain as she did this, your leg throbbing as well as your head from where she hit you earlier.
“I’ll ask you one more time, where the hell is Maggie hiding?”
“FUCK YOU!” You screamed. You could see the anger flooding into her eyes, now you pissed her off.
Her fist connected with your jaw, causing your head to fall back. You stayed still for a while because unbeknownst to Leah, you had been working the knot on the rope she used to tie your hands, and it was almost loose.
Just before she could punch you again, your hands were free and you were lunging towards her. You fist jammed into her jaw causing her to stumble. You grabbed ahold of her head and slammed her against the wall. She fell against the wall, giving you time to gain your strength back. Before you knew it she had managed to get up and lunge a shard of glass into your abdomen.
Your body fell back at the force, her body on top of yours once again. Her hands made their way around your neck, crushing your windpipe.
“Since you’re not helping me, you’re of no use to me.” She whispered out as her hands wrapped tighter around your throat.
You could feel yourself slipping in and out of consciousness, your vision going hazy.
You felt the little air leaving your lungs, your body wanted so badly to give up but you knew you couldn’t let Leah find Maggie or worse, find Hershel.
So you used the little strength you had left and ripped the knife out from your thigh and jammed it into her neck. Her eyes widened as blood seeped from the wound, her hands let up from around your throat as she moved them to her neck, causing you to take a deep breath in. You kicked her body to the side and jammed the knife into her throat again,
and again
and again.
You could hear her choking on her own blood as her limp body lie to the side. You quickly moved towards her and pressed the knife into her skull.
Your body fell back, your energy drained and your mind fuzzy as you passed out.
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Daryl held his gun up as he neared the cabin, his heart racing as he stepped inside. His eyes fell on Leah’s lifeless body, eyeing the knife in her skull. He then moved his gaze until it landed on your limp body.
Panic rushed through his body as he crouched beside you, tears pooling in his eyes as he shook your body, trying to get you to wake up.
“C’mon you gotta wake up f’ me, please!” He yelled out, his arms wrapping around your frame as he lifted you up.
Maggie, Aaron and Gabriel’s eyes fell on your body as Daryl carried you out, Maggie’s face going pale as her hand went up to her mouth to quiet her cries.
“We needa get her to the Commonwealth now!” He yelled out as he moved past them.
He had already lost so much he couldn’t lose you too.
Daryl clung to your fragile figure as he carried you inside the Commonwealth, rushing towards the hospital.
Tomi moved towards you and Daryl, trying to asses your wounds as he placed you down on a hospital bed.
Daryl placed a kiss onto your forehead before Tomi and some nurses took you, immediately rushing you into an operating room.
Daryl sat back, his head in his hands as he ran through every memory he had with you, tears cascading down his face as he thought about losing you.
He was quickly pulled from his thoughts by Carol and a few others approaching.
“She’s going to be okay Daryl.” Carol whispered as she wrapped her arms around him, allowing him to cry into her shoulder.
It felt like forever before Tomi came back, nodding to Daryl to allow him to go see you. He rushed towards your room and a breathed a sigh of relief when he saw you were okay.
He brought a chair next to your bed and sat down, taking your hand in his and squeezing it.
“I love you so much.” He whispered out, bringing your hand to his lips and placing a kiss to the back of your palm.
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The blind lights of the hospital room hurt your eyes as you woke up, your throat and mouth dry as you tried to swallow.
Your eyes adjusted to the light as you scanned the room, your gaze falling on a certain someone asleep in a chair next to your bed.
You smiled as you looked at Daryl, his perfect long hair covering his face as he slept. You were oh so in love with him and almost dying made you realize that even more.
You adjusted yourself in the bed, sitting up as you reached for the plastic cup on the bedside table. You winced in pain as you twisted your body, reaching out for the cup. Your fingers grazed the cup ever so slightly and you almost had it but it slipped from your grasp and fell to the floor.
“Shit.” You whispered out as you sat back against the pillows, a defeated sigh leaving your lips.
The sound of the cup falling caused Daryl to open his eyes, rubbing them as he adjusted to the lights.
You noticed him move in the chair and groaned to yourself as you woke him up from hismuch needed sleep.
“Sorry for waking you up.” You spoke out causing Daryl’s eyes to widen. He rushed up to stand close to you looking down at you and smiling.
“You’re awake.” He said out, reaching out for your hand.
Your fingers intertwined with his, smiling up as he placed a kiss against your forehead.
“I thought I- I thought I lost y-”
You quickly shushed him as you brought his face down to yours and placed your lips against his. Daryl was taken aback by your action but nonetheless kissed you back. His mouth moved against yours before you pulled away out of breath.
“You didn’t lose me okay? I’m not leaving you any time soon old man.” You said, causing Daryl to let out a laugh.
He leaned down and pressed another kiss to your lips, whispering a faint “I love you” against your lips. You kissed him back, your lips moulding against his lips almost as if they were made to fit his, before whispering, “I love you too.”
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my first daryl fic go easy on me 😣
let me know if anyone wants to be added to a tag-list for daryl fics specifically or to a tag-list for the TWD men in general :)
please like and reblog if you enjoyed as it helps a lot 🩷
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chiibinomonodamon · 2 months
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(damn, there's a sentence I never thought I'd say....)
Okay...so I see some Stolitz confusion and bashing online and I need to type up a defense here because I won't be able to sleep otherwise lol
I consider myself to be a Ship Critic and someone who takes shipping rather seriously.
What I mean by this is, I like to analyze and break down romantic relationships between fictional characters because it's just interesting to write for me. I especially take delight in friendly debating with opinions that I strongly do *not* agree with.
Let me start off by saying I am NOT a "this ship is awesome because gay furry sex lol" type of girl.
FAR from it. I'm generally more passionate about hetero ships between human characters (because I can relate to them more) among other reasons. So if you wanna dismiss my defense as "shallow fangirlism", you can forget about that lame excuse.
I fell in love with Hazbin Hotel when it was finally released in February and suffered waiting for each new two-parts per week. During that time, I decided to watch Helluva Boss as well, after a friend showed me a particularly soul-crushing clip (Moxxie's childhood trauma about his mother).
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Yes, I like funny sex jokes as much as the next goofy adult but scenes like this, scenes that carry a very heavy emotional weight are what really get me in the end, even moreso when VERY little dialogue is exchanged. I knew I had to watch the entire episode run after seeing that the creators had a talent for this.
I saw people asking:
"How did Stolas go from using Blitz as a sex toy to being painfully in love with him?"
Oh I can tell you. I can tell you the EXACT moment this is revealed. But it's not spoon-fed to you; it's quite subtle actually and this is why lots of people miss it.
See, one of the strongest talents Vivenne has shown me is that she REALLY knows how to get her characters to communicate their feelings to the viewers JUST from their expressions and body language. These can be 'blink-and-miss-it' teeny little scenes and it may require a couple rewatches.
But since people demand time stamps for all information others post here, I'll rewatch a few scenes from S1 E7 'Ozzie's' as I'm typing this.
'Ozzie's' remains to be not just my favorite episode of HB...but probably my favorite episode of any adult-targeted animated show outside of Japan (aside from S2 E7's Mid-Season Special)
It has this huge reveal for both Blitzo and Stolas.
We'll first address Blitzo's irrational, stalkerish behavior of Moxxie and Millie.
He's obsessed with them. He finds both of them very attractive, fantasizes about threesomes with them and is constantly inserting himself into their personal lives.
Because they have everything that he badly badly wants for himself.
They have the perfect marriage and he is trying to live THROUGH them.
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This was hilarious to me at the beginnning of the show but it's slowly revealed that it's one of the most tragic and depressing things I've ever seen. And it's scarily realistic too.
But you know this already so let's move on...
Blitzo follows the couple to Ozzie's but he can't get in without a date. So he calls up Stolas and yes, this is very low but he doesn't realize how much this means to Stolas (hell, I'm not sure even Stolas realizes it himself!) but the owl man is giddy with joy, he rushes over and they enter Ozzie's.
When Ozzie and Fizz mock Moxxie for being so sappy towards his wife, this strikes a chord with Blitzo (because they're his IDEAL relationship) and he speaks up to defend them.
Fizz, still holding onto his past grudge turns on Blitzo to humilate him:
"Some nerve you got commenting on a relationship"
Time Stamp: 11:37
As Fizz says "-ship", Blitzo VERY QUICKLY makes eye contact with Stolas who has a look of panic on his face. Blitzo is seeking VALIDATION from Stolas in this sharp, subtle second of screentime, as if to ask
"Well, ARE we in one?"
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And then what happens next...Stolas remains silent, Blitzo's ex joins in to announce how selfish Blitzo was in bed with her, tearing him down further. Stolas stands up like he's going to put a stop to it but then Ozzie notices him and interrogates him about sleeping with Blitzo.
Blitzo looks incredibly ashamed and guilty as Stolas blushes with similar feelings...and hides his face behind his menu; HIS BIGGEST MISTAKE IN THE SERIES SO FAR.
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Time Stamp: 12:24
The look on Blitzo's face as he grits his teeth and darts his eyes away basically says
"Yeah, I should have known...boy am I an idiot for trusting him to stand up for me".
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(look how SHOCKED he is...wow, this hurts fr ;_;)
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This is a silent betrayal on Stolas's part. Afterall, his reputation is on the line, so if he were to defend Blitzo, it confirms they are in fact, dating. He chose his pride over Blitzo and Blitzo is crushed by this betrayal.
Moxxie finishes his song and kisses his wife tenderly. Stolas watches this and also wants to have an affectionate moment with Blitzo (who is rightfully glaring daggers at him) and tries to reach for his hand.
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Blitzo rejects his touch and suggests they leave. As they do, Blitzo still looks furious and hurt. Stolas is now realizing how badly he screwed up with a "What have I done?" face (13:41)
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He even looks disappointed with himself.
After Blitzo drops Stolas off, he thanks him and tries to smooth over the awkwardness with sweet talk but Blitzo just rolls his eyes in disgust and pulls on his face like "I don't want to hear this bullshit".
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He responds coldly and curtly, "Yeah." Stolas makes more suggestions to spend time with him, which just makes him even angrier and he snaps
"I'm not fucking you tonight, okay!
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I'm really just..." (14:28)
he pauses to wipe a tear because at this point he can barely hold it together (top notch voice acting and animation directing btw)
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"...not in the mood, Stolas."
Stolas still tries to talk him into doing couple things unrelated to sex.
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Blitzo's face switches back to anger and frustration because Stolas isn't getting the message so he goes for the blunt tactic;
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"Stolas, don't act like what we have is anything but YOU wanting ME to fuck you, okay?"
"You make that really clear all the time."
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(again his voice sounds like he's about to break down)
"But I-I just can't do it tonight, okay?"
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(Finally meets his eye)
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"...I'm sorry."
I believe this is code for "I'm sorry we're even in this situation and how your reputation got damaged. " Or, more painfully, "I'm sorry I'm such an embarrassment to you".
Stolas replies "Okay" and takes a deep breath to compose himself. They say goodnight and depart.
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An important note here is that Stolas calls him "Blitzo" instead of "Blitzy" to show more respect.
As Blitzo zooms away coldly, Stolas looks up at the sky with tears in his eyes, surprised at how much it hurts.
He then sits down with his head in his hands in anguish...because he's getting that
"Oh...no. These feelings are real" epiphany.
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And as if this wasn't enough angst, Blitzo collapses onto his couch at home, goes through the memories on his phone and starts sobbing.
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I'm going to be real with you; this is the most heart-breaking shit I have ever seen in an adult show of this type. It's also the first time a show of this type got me to cry.
The last six minutes have revealed so much information without spoonfeeding it to the audience because the show RESPECTS its audience.
To recap:
*Blitzo takes Stolas on a first official date to use him
*Stolas is extremely happy about it
*Blitzo gets humilated and looks to Stolas for validation
*Stolas betrays him and breaks his heart
*Blitzo snaps that their relationship is nothing more than lust-driven sex
*Stolas realizes he's actually in love with Blitzo and it's a huge problem because (he believes) that it's unrequited.
*Blitzo breaks down because the ONE person whom he thought would protect him didn't do so.
So these two are convinced that neither one loves the other...while the irony is, it's quite the opposite.
Because if Blitzo REALLY didn't feel anything towards Stolas, he would not have gotten this emotional.
Yes, they are both lonely...but I really don't think that's all there is between them.
So..........we know WHEN they started falling...now the question is why;
I think the answer's quite simple; single-target affection.
It was mentioned in S2 that Stolas and Stella did sleep together ONE TIME...but Stolas didn't enjoy it at all. He is stuck with a wife who hates him so much that she put a HIT on him...and a daughter who thinks he's a loser. Blitzo is pretty much the one person in his life who is able to make him happy. That one small, bright spot. He enjoys the sex with him but he also simply enjoys his company, as shown in Ozzie's episode. He is thrilled to simply talk to him about his day...and do anything else that couples do. They're complete opposites. Stolas is an intellectual but naive and sheltered. Blitzo is poorly educated but cynical and street-smart. Opposites attract...though this is likely more from Stolas's POV than Blitzo's.
In other words, Stolas is into bad boys xD lmao
In Blitzo's case, Stolas is the only character who shows him physical affection which he desperately craves. He's pretty tsundere about it most of the time...but I think he actually does enjoy that attention...especially when he's always getting disrespected by Moxxie and Loona..and quite a lot of people around him. BUT he's too scared to get serious with anyone because of past trauma and he also believes that no one could possibly love him as a person. :(
Reasons I Think This Love is Real
Aside from what I pointed out in the Ozzie's episode...there's quite a lot of evidence, esp from Stolas's POV.
After he realizes he's in love, he goes to Asomodeous for an ALTERNATIVE method for Blitzo to use so they will no longer sleep together. He wants to set Blitzo free. Which means he DOES truly love him because love is about being generous to the other person. He COULD be totally selfish about it but he isn't.
Asomodeous mentions how against love potions he is and Stolas agrees. He thinks that's out of the question.
'Look My Way' music video. Lol I don't have to say anything more.
This exchange at 16:57
Fizz: Seems your taste has gotten more 'regal', lately?
Blitz: Yeah, well unlike you, I fuck who I want WHEN I want. I'm not gonna be tied down to some big blue-blood asshole.
Fizz: You coulda fooled me the way Prince was cozying up to you at Ozzie's.
Blitz (gets very defensive) HEY! Stolas only cares about have a rugged peasant raw-dog him into his mattress, okay!
It's nothing...(gets hesistant and looks away)...you know...
(Fizz gives him a 'bitch please' look xD)
"it's nothing else."
Fizz: Then why were you even there?
Blitz: OTHER very important reasons of course.
Fizz: Whatever. I don't actually care.
Blitz: Stolas is just a loud, thirsty BITCH!
(Fizz is rolling his eyes again)
Blitz: He loves feeling the thrill of getting dicked by the lower class.
It's a novelty to him.
Fizz: LITERALLY just said I don't care!
Blitz: And then he'll call me and try to see how my day was!
And he'll pretend to care about me and comment on my photos laugh at my jokes...
Fizz: (Smirking) OH! That's definitely your clue right there that it's all bullshit!
Blitz: I KNOW, RIGHT??
Fizz: (Making a 'What in idiot' expression, shaking his head)
Fizz: Sounds like you just hate him for being a prince!
No one (laughs) and I mean NO ONE pretends to care that much just for a cheap lay.
All right. IF ANYONE knows what real love is like, it's Fizzaroli...who is in a very HEALTHY relationship with Asomodeous. He recognizes the signs because he's IN that place. He sees it...and he's annoyed that Blitzo keeps denying it and brushing it off...yet clearly can NOT stop talking about Stolas (amusing irony)
To sum up (this freaking essay lol) 'Stolitz' ABSOLUTELY has the potential to be pure and true...these two just need to communicate...or Stolas has to PROVE to Blitzo that he's serious about his feelings in another way.
There is no doubt that this ship is 100% endgame and is a case of the 'Earn Your Happy Ending' Trope. I look forward to the rest of the journey. Ron is putting my feelings about Stolitz in a perfect phrase:
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visionofvoid · 1 year
Homewrecker - MV1 Part Four
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Summary: “i’m not some prize to be won.”
Warnings: apologetic max
Pairings: max verstappen x oc
Word Count: 2k
Taglist:  @octaviareina, @formula1mount @ravenqueen27 @evans-dejong
It only really hit her a few weeks later that Max Verstappen was in love with her. 
The current reigning World Champion of Formula One was in love with her. Little old plain Jane Blake Collins. Blake Collins who had no surviving family. Blake Collins who had no serious relationships in her lifetime. She didn’t have anything to bring to the table, apart from the fact that she was incredibly organised and had an incredible memory. 
So, it came as a surprise that the first time Max had ever sought her out was as the clock struck twelve on the thirtieth of November, marking Blake’s twenty-third lap around the sun. 
maxverstappen1: happy birthday, blake.
It was simple, civil and weird. 
The last time she had seen Max had been when he was about to punch George in the face and she had been avoiding him ever since. Kelly had been at the last race in São Paulo to try and rekindle things but from what Blake heard through the grapevine it didn’t end well with Kelly rushing home with a red tear stained face and shielding herself from all news outlets. 
Blake had tried to reach out to Kelly but she was soon blocked on all accounts and numbers. It was heartbreaking to say the least. Blake had obviously not been aware of Max’s feelings towards herself and she thought she was close enough to Kelly to speak things out. She chose to focus on her relationships with her new found family at Mercedes. She had become fast friends with Carmen, George’s girlfriend and loved how Carmen would always joke about leaving George from Blake. 
She kept looking at the message from Max, noticing that she had somehow followed him over the course of the last few weeks, probably by accident or by some dare that George, Carmen or some of the other drivers made whilst drunk. She also noticed that underneath his username and under the small green dot he was still in the chat. She couldn’t leave him left on read now. 
blake_collins98: thank you
It was simple, sweet and civil. 
She got little to no sleep that night, the message from Max on her mind as she lay away in her hotel room. She went over everything that was planned for the race day and end of season conferences, interviews and got everything ready for the end of year. She knew she would have plenty of time but whilst she was wide awake there was no time like the present. She eventually found sleep, waking up to a soft knock on the door. She left it for a few seconds, pleased with the fact that there was no other attempt to disturb her. 
Blake still had a fair while before she had to get motivated and start work but found herself wondering what the knocking could have been. She walked to the door, peering through the hole to find no one standing there but opened the door just in case. There sat a bouquet of sunflowers mixed in with roses and baby's breath. It smelled incredibly fresh but it was also paired with a few different pastries and a fruit platter. If you knew Blake you would know that she was a room service connoisseur and she knew for certain that this was not just any room service. She looked around the hallway to see no one and opted to pick up the flowers and the tray. She would never turn down free food.
Setting the flowers on a bench, a small piece of paper fell out from in between the stems and to the ground. She bent down, opening the small envelope to read the message. It was in an unfamiliar scrawl;
happy birthday blake. meet me on the roof of the hotel tonight at 11:50pm
There was no sign off to identify who it was that sent the flowers. Everyone knew her favourite combo, she would gush over them every time Lewis, George and even Alex would engage in a friendly rivalry to make her feel loved and wanted when she had her cycle but this? This was a whole other ballpark. 
The race came and went with Max taking his second consecutive World Championship title, George and Lewis coming fourth and sixth respectfully. She had received many bouquets of sunflowers and roses from mechanics, engineers, other advisors in the company and across the other racing teams. She had many bottles of alcohol she would have to send back to her small apartment in England that was barely unpacked from all the travelling she had been doing. She had never felt more loved and validated in her life. She felt like she belonged. 
She sat in her room after disappearing from the afterparty, staring down at the note. Despite all the season rivalries, all the crashes, all the empty threats exchanged, everyone was celebrating the end of the season whether or not it was at the big afterparty for Max or with their own little teams and friendship groups. As Blake was leaving, she recalled seeing Toto in a drunk haze trying to get Susie to dance with him. She told no one she was leaving and no one where she was going.
Blake remained in the same clothes as she was partying and drinking in; a long pair of wide leg pants with a muted green print on it, a black mock neck top and just a pair of nice boots. Her hair was in a bun to help alleviate any sweat she would usually have on her neck had it been down. She was comfortable and that's all that mattered to her. She had ten minutes until she had to be on the roof to meet with the mystery person. It could go one of two ways; it could be a secret admirer that was going to confess their undying love for her or it could be a stalker and she could potentially die. Either way, she grabbed a bottle of Moët and Chandon, some Guylian seashell chocolates. She took them with her and made her way out of her room and to the elevator. 
A number of teams were in the same hotel, making it nearly impossible to run into fans of the sport. She smiled at some of the engineers, advisors and drivers as they came in and out of the elevator to head to their rooms, obviously buzzing from the drinks and the afterparty. She arrived to the roof, a small breeze welcoming her as she looked around. No one else was up there, only a number of empty booths with outdoor lounge furniture to keep her company for the time being. She picked a booth that overlooked the circuit, watching as the clean up crew had begun to clean up the circuit. She cursed herself for not bringing a jacket with the breeze and she tried her best to shield herself from the winds as she cornered herself in the booth. The only light provided was from surrounding buildings. Blake was surprised no one had even come up here after the afterparty.
Blake had left her phone in her room so she couldn’t tell how long it would take for this mystery person to arrive or even if she was getting stood up. She tried to calm her nerves by opening the packer of chocolates, one by one followed by a swig of her Moët. She was sure it was a glorious sight to behold. 
“I’m surprised you came.” Startled, Blake jumped in her seat as the voice came from behind her. The packet of chocolates bounced off her outstretched legs and landed off to the side of the booth. She turned, noticing Max in the same clothes from his celebration. She furrowed her eyebrows as she twisted her body to look at him. 
“Why are you here? Shouldn’t you be back down there?” Blake questioned, her eyes following Max as he walked around and sat on the opposite side of the booth. He noticed her shivering right away, fumbling to get his jacket off and pass it to her. She went to protest but she could feel the warmth from his own body radiating off the jacket and it was just too damn enticing. 
“They won’t notice that I’m gone.”
“Well, I’m supposed to be meeting someone and-”
“You’re supposed to be meeting me, Blake.” Blake stared at him, his jacket clearly a few sizes bigger than her frame but she was warm nonetheless. “I sent the flowers.” Blake thought that deep down she knew it was Max but played it off as someone else because she wasn’t too sure what to expect. 
“I don’t understand.” Blake confessed, leaning over to place the bottle of Champagne on the glass top table. 
“I knew it was the only way I could talk to you, without any distractions, without you running away and avoiding me.” This was the first in person conversation with Max that was civil. There was no glaring, no death stares, no scoffing or rolling of the eyes. It felt nice, though again, Blake wasn’t too sure what to expect from this. 
“There's been a reason for that, Max. You’ve threatened my friends, you’ve ruined my relationship with someone who I thought was my friend, my family. You’ve made me out to be some homewrecker. I don’t know what to think.” Max looked down as the palm of his hands in his lap before looking back up, directly into Blake’s eyes. She thought she would feel intimidated by the look after all his past glares but she felt…Warm? He looked apologetic.
“I have no excuse, I know that.” Blake burrowed herself into his jacket, waiting for Max to continue. “But I want to make things right.”
“Why do you love me? You never bothered to get to know me when I was working with Kelly so I just don’t understand.” It was a valid question, but Max had the answers. He seemed to chuckle to himself, it seemed obvious. And perhaps it was to him. 
“You don’t care for the life Kelly wanted. You love meeting people, making people laugh, smile, happy. You are a beacon as soon as you walk into a room and everyone gravitates towards you, no matter what. I know lots about you, through Kelly, through Penelope. I know you love sunflowers and roses with baby’s breath because yellow, red and white are your favourite colours. I know you want a dog but want to own a house before getting one, I know you love to cook rather than go out. I know things about you, Blake, more than you realise.” Max finished, looking at Blake expectantly. 
“That’s not really giving me an answer Max, make me understand.” He pushed himself from the position on the couch and moved closer to her. Blake wanted to back away, create some sort of distance between the two but instead her heart started to beat faster. “I can’t give you what Kelly had. I’m no model, I rent an apartment, I have no living family. I’m sure this is all just a phase, Max.” 
“I thought it was a phase, at the very start. But then I found myself wishing I was taking you out on trips or to fancy restaurants, it was you that I wanted to celebrate a win with. I don’t want Kelly, I want Blake Collins, I want you.” It was romantic, that much Blake could admit, but she wasn’t going to give in that easily. She wasn’t even sure where Max stood in her life. Did she have feelings for him? She certainly didn’t hate it. 
“I’m not some prize to be won, I’m not a possession you just have. I’m not even sure I even like you as a friend.” Max clenched his eyes shut, pinching the bridge of his nose. He knew he fucked up with his words, with his explanation. 
“No, no. You’re right, I didn’t mean it like that. Look, I can’t take back anything I did or say and I regret that, I really do. But let me have one chance, one chance to get this right. One chance to prove to you.”
“One chance, Verstappen, and it’s not going to be easy.”
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chelscait · 10 months
stupid, but i still love you. | Laura Wienroither
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category: angst with a civil ending.
summary: where you thought what you were doing was right but Laura disagreed, causing you to say some pretty mean things. (kinda)
word count: 3.3k.
a/n: this was another ficlet req. probably really bad, rushed the end and i haven’t proofread. also probably makes no sense.
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A champions league game is always a game you want to be playing the full 90 minutes, especially a semi final.
Due to arsenals long injury list, the team was only travelling with half of the squad they started the season with, making it all the more important to stay focused and prepared.
Arsenal didn’t need another player added to their ‘end of their season’ long list.
On the way to Germany, you couldn’t help the anxiety flow through you. The strikers in this historic team weren’t living up to its standards which put a lot of pressure on yourself and Stina.
Also the fact that you’ve started every game since Beth and Viv got injured, it’s fair to say you were rather exhausted. This game wasn’t the one where you needed to feel it’s affects.
As much as you were heaving under tired eyes, you didn’t fail to notice the cautious looks of your girlfriend whenever you visibly showed the affects. Apparently you weren’t being as discreet as you thought.
She chose to keep quiet though, not wanting to risk anything to do with the teams communication and cause a dispute.
When the day came for the game, you sat unsocially in your locker with your headphones on after tactics were discussed, your name and number being up front on the starting line up as always. You didn’t often huff at the picture but now it was a different story.
You felt a tap on the top of your head, your eyes opening to reveal the number 26 on the girls shorts, looking up at your girlfriend who mimes to take your headphones off.
You sat up from resting your elbows on your knees, sighing as you shifted them to lay around your neck.
“Everything okay?”
“Mhm.” You gave her your curt answer, attempting to return back to your music.
“Hey, i’m not finished.” Laura gave you a slap on the shoulder at your bluntness whilst her other hand snatched them off your head. “What’s the matter?”
“Nothing. Nerves is all.”
“You need to stop putting pressure on yourself, it’s not just you playing and making the chances. It’s a team sport, Y/N.” Sighing, she sat beside you with your knees touching for that discreet support.
“Yeah, but i’m the one that’s expected to get it in the back of the net.”
“Not all the time, you’re only human. Don’t over do it.”
“Laura, the reason i’ve been picked at senior level and on the starting team is to over do it, to perform at my absolute best. You have to over do it, otherwise you’re not good enough.” You leant back in your cubby, rubbing your hands over your thighs as you let out a deep breath.
It was too much to explain, women’s football was too much to explain.
“I don’t over do it and..”
“That’s why your not in the starting eleven. Always on the bench.” You nodded towards her training kit that was still on, not thinking about what just came out of your mouth.
“Excuse me?” Hearing the tremble in her voice made your heart sink, however your face didn’t show it. “Fuck you, Y/N. Sort yourself out.”
You caught Kim’s eyes from across the room after Laura had rushed to wherever she escaped to, disconnecting your view by covering your face with your hands.
The game started worse than any of the team was really expecting, the ball was always on Arsenals side and every shot was on target, inching closer towards the back of the net.
Your position as a forward was not what you were playing in the first half, the whole 11 players was in the back line, desperately trying to limit the risk of a goal but it didn’t work out.
You didn’t know the perfect techniques around playing in defense, only thinking tackles was all they had to put in. How wrong you were, and you thought playing up front was hard.
Halfway through the first half you had managed to find yourself on the wing, chasing against Jonsdottir to recover the ball.
She was quick, too quick and managed to shoulder you to the side, yourself not managing it too well when your studs got caught, your ankle twisting with all your body weight resting on top of it.
The pain shot up your leg and you fell onto the floor, covering your face with your hand whilst your other grabbed hold of your ankle, wanting to withdraw the small snapping sound you just heard from your mind.
You could still just about hear the continue of play around you, as well as the erupt of the crowd as they managed to get one in just as you sat up. Noticing the physios on the sideline, watching you, you decided to try your best to stand up and continue.
Doing so with a hiss, placing your foot flat on the ground before taking small steps. The pain was near to dull, but you think the adrenaline was wearing it off a bit allowing you to ignore it.
“She is hurt. It’s affecting her.” Laura spoke to nobody in particular, but mostly towards the physios keeping her eye on you as you tried your hardest to keep up.
Arsenal was down 2-1 by the half time whistle, thankful for Rafa for doing your job.
Hobbling off the pitch, you held eyesight with your girlfriend, her face did not look to happy but it had a hint of concern.
She brushed past you into the tunnel and you stared at the back of head as she made her way to the changing room, glaring at you as she pushed it open.
Once sat back in your cubby, you lifted your sock up from your ankle and tugged down your ankle sock, noticing the top of what possibly is a large bruise a long with a bit of swelling.
“Knew it. You’re injured.” You jumped as a voice appeared beside you, wincing as you quickly covered your ankle up and placed your foot down on the floor.
“What, no? It just a cut that’s all.”
Laura completely ignored you, plopping down beside you and harshly grabbed your ankle off the floor and into her lap.
“Laura!” You yelped as she did so, the pain escalating throughout your whole body. Nearly letting out a cry.
Your teammates heads snapped towards you, staring in confusion as you tried to tug your foot away from her.
“Laura, please.” The look on your face revealed a whole lot of vulnerability you never normally showed, especially not since the season started.
Laura couldn’t remember the last time you acted human and not some kind of machine with no thoughts of feelings whatsoever.
“I’m going to get the physios.”
“No! Do you want this team to lose?” You gritted your teeth at her, grabbing her arm to pull her back, her face full of shock at your tone.
“Y/N, stop being so arrogant. This isn’t you, i don’t even recognise you. You are injured and you’re going to make it worse, not better, for yourself or for the team.”
“I have to play.” You didn’t look at her as you spoke, voice calming as you realised she was right but you couldn’t give in. You couldn’t let the reds down, not now.
“No, you don’t.”
“Hey! What’s going on?” You both snapped your heads up at the voice of your captain, who was at that moment injured like most of the team was.
Your argument was the first thing Kim saw as she opened the door, you both squabbling in the corner as the rest talked about the second half.
“Ask Y/N. She’s..”
“Nothing, everything’s fine.” You cut her off along with a glare, your fingers gripping the edge of the bench as you hunched over.
She rolled her eyes at your naïvety, you knew you had fucked it up earlier and you can’t stop yourself which is consequently making it worse.
“Well, both of you get a grip, this is champions league not a sunday league game down your local rec.” Kim’s accent was broad, which only increased the stern attitude, like a mum telling off her kids. “Get your asses in gear, we can’t be showing any signs of weaknesses in this club anymore, we’ve been through far too much.”
You open your mouth to reply before being cut off.
“And, if you are injured and are going to continue playing.. i won’t take it lightly if i found out you lied to me.” She poked a finger in your face and it felt just like school times, your eyes wide as she stared you down before making her way out of the changing rooms.
“Now what? You still going to play?”
You sighed, rubbing a hand over your face. “I’m not injured.”
“You’re such an idiot, Y/N. Don’t come crying to me when you have to miss the rest of the season.”
You were subbed off in the 70th minute, your performance decreasing and your pace faltered, your ankle now betraying you.
Weirdly, you were being subbed off for Laura and you saw her mention something to the physios as you tried to hide your limp.
You immediately knew what she had done and you didn’t bother to make any effort with her, brushing past her before she ran on the pitch.
“Y/N?” The physio called you as you tried to make your way to the bench, groaning as you turned to her with a timid smile.
She saw straight through you, raising her eyebrows at your stance, quite used to your antics by now.
“I’m fine, i don’t need treatment.”
“Y/N, I can see you’re in pain. You’re not hiding it from me this time, come on.”
At this point your club physio was a bit like your mother, stern face and a ‘get in there now’ attitude. Yourself accompanying it like a child.
She told you to get on top of the bed in the medical room after she allowed you to sort yourself out in the changing room, no sympathy laced in her voice as she sorted what she needed.
You slumped into the plastic thin mattress, your arms crossed with a pout on your face, one which the woman laughed at as she turned around.
Trying not to wince or groan, she took your boot off as well as your sock before gasping in a deep breath at the sight.
“Y/N.. you really didn’t feel any pain with this?” She let out the breath she was holding as she spoke, hands resting on the end of the bed as like she was unsure what she was supposed to do.
“No, it’s not even that.. bad…” You sat up to get a better look at it. “oh.”
“Yeah, oh. Y/N, that could be fractured.”
Her face made you panic, your breathing quickening as you moved your foot closer towards you and away from her.
“Well can’t you tell?”
“Not without an x-ray, but by the amount of swelling and bruising i’d say you have a positive chance of being out for a while.”
“No.” You shook your head as you swung your legs over the side, careful to not bang your ankle as the aim was to escape.
“Y/N! Don’t let me call in you know who.” She took hold of your shoulders, almost restraining you from getting up.
“I’m sure just some ice will do, no? I bet it’s a small sprain.” You panicked, tears welling up in your eyes.
You didn’t want to let the team down with being another of the many injured players.
“It is not a small sprain, Y/N. Now, back on the table.” You heard another voice enter, groaning as Kim sauntered into the room with a disappointed face.
You gave your physio a pleading look to make her leave, she only gave a shrug as a response making you whine.
“What did i say, Y/N? You’ve ruined it, for yourself and for the team. If you had gotten treatment earlier and not have been so selfless to continue playing, you may have avoided such a season-threatening injury.”
You stared at her as she rambled on, her words going in one ear and out the other. Responding to her frustrations with a simple shrug.
“Is that it? You don’t ca-.”
“I don’t know, Kim. Try putting yourself in my shoes right now, all of these injuries aren’t just affecting the ones injured but also the players that are left to play for this club. The pressure is way beyond even describing, i mean, look at me! I barely played before beth and viv got injured. I was put on the pitch like a headless chicken.. and i needed to prove myself and i tried, you cant blame me for that.” You let the tears spill as you reacted, known to the fact that what you did was stupid but you had your reasons. You didn’t need another telling you.
“You didn’t need to put your health at risk though.” Her voice was calmer than before, pulling your head in to her chest. “I don’t blame you, Y/N.. but sometimes you have to be selfish, for your benefit. If you don’t, then you won’t have a very long career. Believe me when i say, i was the same as you.. but I turned selfish and did what was needed for me and look where i am now.”
“Injured?” You huffed out a laugh through your tears, peaking out of her jumper as you felt pressure on your ankle which reminded you both weren’t alone.
“Very funny.” She rolled her eyes, pushing your head away jokingly. “For me, Y/N. Don’t do this again.”
“Also, apologise to Laura. She was only trying to help and you were a bit of a cunt to her.”
You winced at the strong noun that was used to describe your behaviour, threading your fingers through your hair as your remembered what you had said to her, the guilt and regret encasing you.
You nodded at her before she left, leaving you and you looked at the end of the bed where your physio was staring at you.
“I’m fucked, she isn’t going to forgive me that easily.”
“And who’s fault is that.” She grinned sarcastically, patting the boot that was now on your foot a bit too hard.
After half an hour of trying to hype yourself up to reveal yourself and your new ‘accessory’ to your team, you made your way out and towards the changing room where everyone stopped and stared at you. Including your girlfriend.
You ignored everyone’s questions, heading straight towards Laura who was busy stripping her kit off.
“Laura.” You tried to catch her attention, her name guiltily slipping out your throat.
She ignored you and you could see the way you’ve made her feel from her expression, biting the inside of her cheek as she began chucking stuff haphazardly.
“Laura, can i please talk to you?”
She kept her silence, snatching her towel and knocking her shoulder into yours, making her way towards the showers.
You were about to give up before you caught Kim’s glare again, urging you to make more of an effort and you nodded before gradually making your way to the showers.
You poked your head round the corner to be able to see inside the shower room, spotting Laura, whom you couldn’t help but admire. “Laura..”
“Y/N, for fuck sake, leave me alone!” She examined as she moved to cover herself from you, her front partially pressed to the shower wall.
“Just please let me talk to you.”
“I’m naked and in the shower right now, Y/N, now isn’t the perfect time.”
“I’ve seen you naked before, hardly makes a difference.” You explored how you said that, fingers tapping the edge of the wall whilst you made sure no water was touching your boot.
“Well i dont feel comfortable being naked around you right now and i still wont be with the conversation you want to have.” She turned her head over her shoulder, elbows shielding anything from your view. “Just.. wait out there.”
You pursed your lips as you nodded but didn’t make any movement other than that, your eyes still staring into the room.
Hobbling back into the main dressing area, you cowered as some of the girls stared at you, though mostly your foot.
You didn’t mention anything, letting them figure it out for themselves that you were in fact injured and you now couldn’t do anything about it.
You decided to sit down in front Laura’s cubby, that way she couldn’t avoid talking to you as she’d have to get you to move if she wanted to successfully get changed.
You reached over towards your own locker, rummaging for your phone to update your family that you were most likely out of playing for a while and they wouldn’t be able to see you at the emirates.
Spotting a pair of feet in front of you as you leant your elbows on your thighs, you traced your gaze up towards her face.
“Move. Get out of my locker.”
You shuffled slightly to the right, still in reach of her and she rolled her eyes as she reached for her clothes and started to redress.
“I’m sorry.”
She scoffed as she pulled her joggers up, her wet hair falling in front of her face pulling you in to tuck it behind her ear but before you could she slapped your hand away.
“Don’t pull that shit with me.”
“What else do you want me to say, Laura? What i did was wrong but it was in the spur of the moment.”
“You embarrassed me, made me feel like shit.”
“How did i embarrass you? All i did was say i could play.”
“Yeah whilst you said that, you basically continued to say that you deserve to play more injured than i do not injured.” She mentioned as she tucked her hair behind her ears before crossing her arms over her chest.
“Bullshit.” You moaned, lulling your head back.
“My god, Y/N.. you can never admit you’re wrong. Always trying to argue back your innocence.” She stopped what she was doing to glare at you, the words practically seething from her mouth. “I told you that you needed to stop playing, you ignored me and here you are. That’s one way you were wrong, the bits you said about me and to me just added to it. This never works, we can never communicate in this relationship!”
You spotted a single tear flow down her face, biting her lip as she tried to suppress any following emotion.
“I’m sorry, i’m really sorry, Laura. I never meant to take my insecurities out on you, it’s just that i’m fed up with not being able to live up to the fans standards. I wanted to prove myself and i can see how i’ve taken it too far. I love you, please don’t.”
You reached out to her, gripping her hands in yours so she couldn’t escape your touch.
“Don’t what?”
“Break up with me.”
She sighed and sat down beside you, leaning the side of her head against the wall as she looked at your joint hands.
“I couldn’t break up with you. Even though you’re downright stupid and fucking annoyingly hard to persuade, i still love you.”
You perked up at her confession, herself raising an eyebrow as you shuffled closer to her and raise your hands closer to your body.
“I love you too, and i promise you i will not bother you with my problems when it come to my rehab and i’ll come up with many ways to make you forgive me.”
“Why the first part?”
“Because i vaguely remember you saying to not come crying to you..”
“You know i’d still help, you’re too useless to do it alone.” She smiled slightly, sitting up as she did so.
“Hey, not funny.”
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313 notes · View notes
XX ~ S.S.
Part Four: Rush (Final)
A/n: This is a separate request but I combined them (This prompt list). This has been sitting in my drafts for AGES so very close to completion and I got a final boost from @mmmalakai so this one’s for you bestie <3
Request: “22 for Seb? 👀”
Word Count: 3800+
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~ Kiss in a rush of adrenaline ~
The Warblers ran into a problem when competition season rolled around. They had essentially been cut in half, and that meant they were working with significantly less people than normal. Adding on top of that the rivalry he was brewing with New Directions and... well, it wasn't ideal.
Y/n got an earful every evening after glee rehearsals. Blaine was apparently up Sebastian's ass, playing some form of protective older brother for Y/n. He had made it clear time and time again that he didn't approve of Sebastian, and his boyfriend Kurt was only too happy to support this endeavor. Predictably, Kurt had been most on board for it when Blaine had told him of Sebastian's initial flirting and move making. It made Y/n wonder if Kurt was in it to protect Y/n like Blaine was, or if he was in it for his own personal revenge.
Unfortunately, that didn't seem to be where the struggles ended. They had enough people to compete and so did Noteworthies - but only one team could compete from one school. Which meant that on top of push back from Blaine and Kurt, and the dance they'd been having with all of New Directions, there needed to be a pre-competition face off to see which Dalton Glee club was going to compete.
Which was strange to talk about, when they were technically opposed team captains, but also had been spending as much time as they could together again. They'd wanted to perform together again and neither could come up with a reason to. They were busy practicing for all the face offs and performances they had coming up, which meant they didn't have much free time. With the stress increasing, the need for peace and quiet got worse until their routine became shit talking everyone else in the car and then going back to Sebastian's, cleaning up and changing, and then just doing homework in absolute silence for hours and hours, cuddled up until dinner. Dinner was the best part of the day because they would be recharged from everything else and would put the homework away and just talk. Or watch something. They didn't talk about school during dinner, or Glee. They'd talk about music or the thing they watched or anything else. Sometimes Blaine and Kurt, but never New Directions.
It was so strange to find themselves on opposing sides when school came around at the beginning of every new day, especially when their mornings were spent getting coffee where Y/n and Blaine used to and tormenting the New Directions people who were there if they happened to run into each other.
Y/n didn't even feel bad about it. He had tried to stop Sebastian at first, but then Blaine had ruined that.
The day had started cool, which was nice because the Dalton blazers were always a little warm on the body. Adding coffee to that usually meant feeling a little warmer than one was usually comfortable with. But not that morning. Instead, Y/n and Sebastian were in line to get their coffees, Sebastian going on and on about a wild encounter he'd had in Paris when he was still living there. Y/n had been sent into a fit of laughter, face turning red and wrapping his arms around his stomach. "You did not get that drunk at 11 years old," Y/n accused.
Sebastian was grinning. "I absolutely did. My parents were mad, but it wasn't as big of a deal as you'd think. The problem was that I had stolen all the cream puffs. There were three heaping plates made for everyone at that party and I had eaten them all by myself. I was sick for two whole days, and still couldn't eat chocolate without feeling sick for another week." Y/n peeled into giggles again and the room seemed to get brighter, warmer. Sebastian watched him with so much adoration on his face that the people around them all smiled.
Well, almost everyone.
"If it isn't my favorite Dalton boy." An arm looped around Y/n's shoulder, and he looked over to see Blaine. Immediately, the joy started to seep out of him and Sebastian watched in irritation as he put on the mask that he always did. The calm and the patient and the gentle. Not that Y/n wasn't all of those things, but more that he only ever allowed himself to be those things specifically when certain people - like Blaine - were around. The more time he spent around Sebastian, the more he allowed himself to express all of the different sides of him, but it was slow coming. It was easier with the Warblers and most of the Noteworthies, but harder with Lyran and anyone from McKinley. It bothered Sebastian immensely.
"Hey," Y/n greeted with a soft smile.
Blaine positioned himself to cut Sebastian off from the conversation and immediately Sebastian's jaw locked. He tried to play as nice as possible with Blaine - he meant a lot to Y/n. And even if Sebastian didn't get the appeal (he had flirted with the man once before actually getting to know Y/n, and now he just about laughed out loud at the thought. How could be have gone for stick-in-the-mud, goody two shoes Blaine when Y/n was right there?) it wasn't about him, so. Whatever. The move from Blaine was an affront though, and he barely managed.
"I haven't seen you in a while. How have you been?"
Kurt shot him a look and Sebastian purposefully ignored it. His eyes were on Y/n, who suddenly seemed uncomfortable. It seemed he has picked up on Blaine's actions - and Sebastian's reaction to it as well.
"Fine," the boy eased, sliding fluidly from Blaine's hold to pick up something off of a nearby shelf, tilting it as if considering if he was going to get it. He put it down and turned back to the other three. It was a well masked attempt to include Sebastian again, and a well appreciated one. Well, appreciated by Sebastian. Blaine's smile got a little tighter.
"I heard you started a new acapella group at Dalton," Blaine picked up again. There was something very awkward about him trying to start small talk, and Y/n shutting it down with one word responses instead of expanding in the least. An awkwardness that was showing in Blaine's tone.
"Yeah," Y/n nodded, and the tension grew.
Sebastian swallowed a smile when he saw a hint of his Y/n. The hidden shade he was masking so well with innocence and softness. It wasn't cruel, more unsure. Y/n didn't know how to show Blaine that finally, he had changed too. In the way that Blaine had become more a team player, flourishing with a bunch of people who challenged him and treated him like a normal person instead of some music sex god, that Y/n had bloomed in the same way.
Under Sebastian's pressure and fire, he had grown to something infinitely more beautiful: Himself. Not filtered to be more palpable, or fit the vibe someone else was setting. He was himself - both soft and hot to the touch. Soothing at one point, and agitating the next, depending on what he had to rise to the top to meet. And there was a whole new side to him too - one that didn't just react, but set expectations and then kept them going. Who established a mood and then continued it. One who knew control and patience and could balance firm grips and gentle nudges.
Blaine missed it all. He hummed in such false amusement that it was so obviously just irritation.
"Seems you're spending a lot of time with Mr. Competition over here then." It was light and airy, easily dismissed unless you already knew he was trying to shove a wedge between Y/n and Sebastian. Which they all did know.
Y/n seemed to consider that. "Competition drama and interpersonal relationships are different things. At Dalton we try to keep it clean - nothing personal, no dirty play." He shot a pointed look at Sebastian. "These days at the very least."
Sebastian felt himself warm, flaring under Y/n's attention. "The whole point of a game is there are always rules. I set some, you set some. They must all be followed or people stop playing."
Y/n snorted. "Very good job Bas, you're learning so well."
Blaine seemed uncomfortable with the easy banter between the two, and he tended when Y/n used a nickname. "Y/n-"
"Listen," Y/n cut off. "I've tried to tell you before but you refuse to listen so I'll be very blunt with you. I'm a different person now - a better person. This is a good thing, and if you can't see that and accept that people change I don't want to be friends with you anymore. I know you have beef with Sebastian. It's a good thing you're not the one who has a relationship with him." He turned without another word and made his order, filling in Sebastian's as well without thinking. He had been correct to the T so Sebastian let it slide. He relished Y/n stepping in to stop Blaine, and he especially loved that Y/n was so easily showing how well they knew each other and how much they meant to each other. It was delicious.
Blaine stumbled over his words for a moment at the display from the boy who used to be so close to him. "What happened to you?"
Y/n's irritation slipped. "What happened to me is that I finally got a life outside of you. I'm in a glee club that isn't revolving around you. I have other friends. I developed a personality based on myself and not you and your standards and expectations, and found people who like what I have to offer. If the only way you want me is folded nicely so that you can have me at your disposable for you and your irritating ass boyfriend then you don't want me." He slapped money on the counter and grabbed the two drinks before walking away. "See you around Blaine."
As they left, Sebastian's face twisted with a smirk. Not the teasing or biting one he usually donned, but one filled with admiration and adoration.
Something bubbled under the surface of his skin and he shivered. Then decided to ignore it for now. Y/n started a conversation about how bagels sounded good for breakfast and that was the end of it.
For now.
It was decided that a face off would be held to decide who was going to competition of the Dalton glee clubs.
It wasn't a shocking conclusion, but still needed an official announcement.
When the day came, Sebastian thought the Warblers had it in the bag.
Then the Noteworthies went.
Whatever the group had accomplished in the past, they had surpassed themselves several times. They were completely in sync, switching out and weaving through each other like it was second nature. They kept a certain energy between them that truly was contagious, like before, but also tangible. An energy that flowed through the air. Not a performance, or a show of any specific person. No call to attention or vie for spotlight, but a conversation between them that became increasingly interesting to follow.
They sang songs and it seemed like words. Banter between friends, or inside jokes. Stories that weren't all the way told yet. Secrets on the cusp of being spoken into the world. It was a sleep over or a camp out, telling stories in the dark and trying to scare each other. It was a safety net that if anyone crosses a line, you could stop and it would be okay. It was a breath of relief, or the first day of Summer vacation. Full of possibilities and mischief and energy and wonderment with all the stability of not having quite lost your sense of time. Youthful. Bright. Fun. But also accepting and gentle and understanding.
Of course the Warblers lost.
Y/n had been right - a group that worked as a unit far surpassed a ring leader surrounded by people to make them look better. And after the challenge, Sebastian lost even more Warblers.
He was losing the game, and he realized he had been for a long time.
He swallowed his smile when Y/n met him at the car. Y/n rose an eyebrow. "What is it? You're not mad we won are you? And I swear I'm not trying to steal anymore of your Warblers-"
Sebastian shook his head. "Please. It's like you said - we've far surpassed taking things personally and lashing out."
Y/n rose an eyebrow. "So you're not going to be petty?" Sebastian was surprised to realize Y/n was being sarcastic when he asked the question.
Y/n knew him so well...
Sebastian's smile finally made it through as they got into the car. "Perhaps just a little." Y/n laughed and suddenly Sebastian didn't feel bad at all anymore.
"Oh I love this song!" Y/n shot to his feet, pushing homework aside for a moment to grab Sebastian's hand and force him to follow. They were dancing together before Sebastian could even complain.
He did it while they were up instead, despite the fact that he didn't sit back down even when Y/n let go of his hands. "You promised you wouldn't get distracted if we played music today. We need to study."
Y/n rolled his eyes. "We do homework all the time - my grades are better than they've been in ages. It can wait for a single song." Y/n stepped close, something mischievous in his eyes. "Or two."
Something bubbled in Sebastian's stomach, worming it's way up to his chest. Words were on the tip of his tongue but he couldn't quite pull them out or place what they were so for now he let them be.
And the two danced.
The second song was slower, and Y/n tried to do a funny bit by using choreography slowed to half speed, his facial expressions even changing at a snail's pace, which did get Sebastian to laugh. But then he reached out and pulled Y/n against him, chest to chest, and grabbed his hand and waist. "Slow dance properly or skip the song," he chided.
Y/n snorted but didn't pull away. "Of course the rich boy is particular about slow dancing," he teased. "You know how to waltz I assume?"
Sebastian's eyes shone. "Would you like me to teach you?"
Y/n grinned. "Fuck yes." So Sebastian did. It was the first time they'd danced that it wasn't competitive or teasing. There was fire here too but it was quieter, calmer - familiar. Sebastian grabbed his hand, then his waist, and stepped closer. He spoke softly, giving directions and telling him when and where he was stepping and the directions he was going.
It was easy to follow him. Sebastian was excellent at leading, both with his steps and his words. At one point he spun Y/n, slowly to allow for him learning, and Y/n giggled. When they were face to face again they were both grinning.
"This is fun," Sebastian noted. He didn't speak as loudly as he usually did, keeping that soft directional tone he'd been using up to this point.
Y/n felt his face warm up. "It is. Maybe we should make this a regular thing. You can teach me everything you know."
Sebastian's smile grew a little teasing, and seeing that peek out now only made Y/n blush worse. "Je crois que je t'aime."
Y/n's eyebrows came together when Sebastian spoke in French. "No fair! I don't know French."
"If I teach you everything I know," Sebastian reasoned. "You will one day."
Y/n narrowed his eyes. "Okay," he eased slowly. "What did you say though?"
The deviousness crescendo'd as Sebastian chuckled. "I'll tell you one day." He slowed them to a stop, spinning Y/n outward and catching his wrist. He brought the back of Y/n's hands to his lips, leaving a kiss. "You're a wonderful dance partner."
Y/n raised an eyebrow. "You need to be dubbed an official Disney Prince with all this charm you're using on me."
There seemed to be something Sebastian wanted to say, but he chose not to.
A new side to him.
Instead he cleared his throat, covering up a laugh. "Let's get back to homework." Unsure of how to get him to divulge information when he was so often readily offering it and not hiding it away as he was now, Y/n was forced to let the interaction go.
For now.
Noteworthies killed it at competition, putting Dalton in first place for the first time since Sebastian had started coming to school here. When they were announced as first, Sebastian's eyes went wide and he couldn't stop smiling. He was in the audience, but he was quickly out of his seat and rushing backstage. When Y/n was off of that stage, he was quick to close the distance. Y/n was surprised, but laughed as they met in the middle, getting caught up in the kiss immediately.
It was the first time they'd been explicitly affectionate in public, and it was wonderful. Especially as Lyran smiled to themself, watching the two.
"Finally, am I right?" they whispered to one of the other boys who laughed, all of them heading to the changing room to leave the pair alone.
When the two boys separated from their embrace, Y/n was blushing. "What was that?" he asked.
Sebastian shrugged. "Probably... adrenaline." He chuckled, finding himself a little breathless. No one had ever made him this soft before, taken him so completely. He felt a little silly and completely ridiculous and stripped entirely of his power-
And he loved it.
“Hey I have a question.” Things had changed since the kiss back stage. They weren’t playing this maybe-friends-maybe-not thing, they were definitely more than friends. Things had gotten as casual as Y/n ending up in Sebastian’s bed for no other reason than better cuddling positions as they watched Netflix all day. That was their Saturday routine. They only got out of bed to make food, and then they’d play music and dance together or tease or kiss…
It was domestic.
But they’d never made anything official.
Sebastian had waited for Y/n to give him that staple look people always did when things got a little too serious. Usually that was when he’d run away, but with Y/n he was sure he’d have drifted into a relationship blissfully. No one could keep up with him and change the game like Y/n could - who could ever even keep his attention after this boy?
But Y/n had never asked. It had never come up. And once again the rules were different than Sebastian had expected. It wasn’t Y/n asking about their relationship that day. It was Sebastian. His hair was soft, dried post shower, and he had only bothered with the bare minimum necessary to be comfortable. Y/n had lost his shirt at some point, stealing one of Sebastian’s even though there were clothes just here that were Y/n’s at this point. It felt intimate in a weird way. Different than sex, but maybe on the same level as it.
Y/n looked at the boy, smiling. “Ask away.”
“Are we together?” Sebastian asked. “Like, boyfriends.”
Y/n’s face light up. “I thought you didn’t do labels, Hot Shot.”
Sebastian rolled his eyes. “If you don’t want to-“
Even if Y/n could throw him off, Sebastian was good at catching up. The dynamic shifted as Y/n gently caressed his cheek, leaning in to kiss him to get him to stop. “No, it’s okay. I’d love to be your boyfriend. And to have yours as mine. Please.”
Sebastian grew warm. “Okay.” There was that thing… that thing just under the surface…. But he let it go.
Not yet. He couldn’t handle two huge leaps in character in one day. Something told him that Y/n wouldn’t want him to anyway.
It happened, ironically, after they decided to hang out because Y/n’s parents were getting a divorce. Maybe that was actually what made it perfect timing. They were tangled together on the couch, Sebastian soothingly running his hands up and down Y/n’s back. They hadn’t spoken in a while but Y/n’s mood seemed to slowly, steadily, improving. Sebastian could feel that feeling that was growing more and more impossible to ignore. The words that were getting closer and closer to slipping between his lips. They were getting less and less scary - easier to say. Easier to accept. He knew that they would escape any second now.
“I love you.” It was Y/n who’d spoken.
Immediately Sebastian sighed. “Of course you managed it before I did.” He sounded only amused.
Y/n laughed. “To be fair, you were the one who made the relationship official. You started all of this. I think I can get one thing on you. If that’s okay.”
“No. It’s not. Take it back.” At Sebastian’s words, Y/n laughed again. Sebastian left a kiss on his boyfriend’s forehead. Lingering. Then his lips parted and-
“Don’t say it just because I did,” Y/n interrupted.
Sebastian sighed. “I wouldn’t say anything I didn’t mean. If I didn’t love you, I’d run. I always do.” He scoffed. “But… I do love you. And I can even say that foul word. You’ve completely ruined me. I’m so young how could you do this to me?”
Y/n shrugged, and his smugness was so gorgeous Sebastian had to kiss him. When they parted, Y/n whispered, “Can we be different than everyone else? Can we just… not deal with all the bullshit? And work together and communicate and not fall apart? Or even worse - stay together forever even though the relationship is cannabilizing itself. Can you promise me we’ll never stop talking?”
Sebastian hummed, sighing. “I can promise I’ll always try.”
Y/n nodded. “That’s enough.” And it was. Everything else could fall apart. Their family, their relationship with Blaine. School could end. The Warblers could get usurped. It was all temporary. And maybe this was too, but it was also worth it in a way. Especially because it was temporary. Even if all they had was this week, or if it was for the rest of their lives… they had each other. What more could one person ask for than that?
Story tag list: @romanthesleepylizardking @taintedmaroon @shydinosaurcandy @clawzzz
Male readers tag: @ravenpuff-oli @sortzz @fadedver
60 notes · View notes
iluvshinytwink · 1 year
do you think you’d end this series of painful angsty stories all which sort of correlate to “are we still friends” by finally giving us a big fluffy angsty story where Jude caves in and goes to see the reader and they have a huge fight or wtv but then turns out they’re obv still in love w each other or sumn bc i didn’t think it was possible but you keep tugging on my heartstrings w these angst filled updates every week give my man a happy ending please 😭
"Can't say goodbye."
Synopsis: You break up with Jude so he can focus on his career as a football player but he can't get you off his mind and neither can you.
Now Playing . . . ARE WE STILL FRIENDS? by Tyler, The Creator
a/n: SEASON FINALE ‼‼ (not really expect more angst to come.)
This is related to.. jesus christ do i really have to list them all? "Sunny Days" "Are We Still Friends?" "Can we be more than friends again?" "Hair Tie" "Just for me" "September" check them out if you'd like 💔
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Feelings could no longer be ignored. The more you try to run away from something, the faster it'll come back to you. The more you ignore something, the faster it'll haunt you. The more you try to forget, the more you remember. The more you deny, the more you ache.
Jude lived everyday with an aching heart, an aching heart that yearned for you. An aching heart that would stop aching for one person and one person only, you.
Nights were cold and empty, filled with memories that could only be replayed over and over. Late night thoughts were composed of nothing but you, questions with no answers, doubts with no reassurance.
Jude's eyes grew heavy but yet he couldn't sleep. The room was silent and was occupied with nothing but his thoughts. Suddenly, a question that made his heart drop suddenly came to his mind.
Had you moved on?
It's been months since the two of you departed so why hasn't he moved on? Why couldn't he live his hours without being reminded of you?
Every waking hour he finds himself remembering you, but do you?
Did he impact your life as much as you impacted his? Did he make you smile as much as you did? Did he make you love him the same way he loved and still loved you?
Before he could bombard his mind about these cruel thoughts he forcefully closes his eyes, wanting to go to sleep to forget about this. To forget about you.
Jude shuts his eyes closed, his eyebrows knitting into anger. Finally, a tear slips down his cheek.
You scrolled through your camera roll, your past pictures were filled with you and Jude. Your eyes grew heavy as you stared at your phone. You click on a photo.
Jude had his tongue out in the photo, you were in the backround typing on your laptop. A smile appeared on your monotone face.
You missed him, you really did. You missed his smile, his laughter, his voice, his touch, his hair. Everything. Like him, there was a question you had in your mind that you couldn't find an answer to.
Had he moved on?
Was he smiling for another girl the same way he used to smile at you? Was he laughing with another girl like the two of you used to?
Was Jude loving another girl that wasn't you?
You blink out of your thoughts, closing your phone.
"He's surely moved on." you thought to yourself. "So why can't I?" you placed your phone on your bed side table with a sigh.
"Why can't I forget?" you thought. You closed your heavy eyes, drifting to sleep.
Jude looked out his window, the moon glowed in all its glory. The crickets around him chirped and everyone around him was probably fast asleep. A rush of cold wind meets his face, a deep sigh releasing his mouth. He tapped on his phone again, checking the time.
3:11 am, the phone read. He found himself staring at his lockscreen wallpaper which was unironically, still you. He blinked at it, looking away quickly before he could overthink it.
Jude walks away from his window, taking his phone and grabbing his airpods. He wanted to go somewhere far away, away from the memories, away from the pain, away from you.
Jude walked out of his house, the cold wind sending a shiver down his spine. He didn't know where to go, he didn't know why he wanted to go, but he just did.
Jude started walking, he didn't know where he would end up but he did so anyway.
Jude stares at the ground, his shoes, the pavement, and the patches of grass below him. His hands were dug deep inside his pockets, a weak sense of warmth comforting him. His airpods were tucked deep in his ears, the world, the crickets silencing before him.
A few minutes pass and Jude finally stops in his tracks. Jude lifts his head that was staring at the ground and gazed at the sky. The moon stared back along with the many stars the sky was dusted with. An aura radiated the moon, in a moment of probable sleep deprivation, he swore the moon stared at him back with a soft smile.
Jude brings his head down from the sky and looks to his right.
His heart drops to his knees, sending a fast pain into his entire body.
It was your house.
No matter how many times he would try, he would always go back to you. Intentionally or unintentionally. He was forever connected to you, like following a string, or following a trail, he would always end up with you.
He wanted to end up with you.
The gods above were playing a cruel trick on him, he hated it. With a heavy heart, he walks back home.
One night, something in him snapped. Even if everything in him was already snapped, the last string that held him together, that held his feelings together, snapped. He couldn't take it anymore.
He hated crying every single night, wishing those memories he kept remembering happened again.
He hated your presence that seemed to follow him wherever he went.
He hated your smile that kept flashing in his mind.
He hated your laugh that kept replaying.
Jude hops in his car, he wanted a final answer.
He wanted to know if you were truly over him, so he could force himself to be over you too.
He wanted to know if you've forgotten about him, so he could forget about you too.
He wanted to know if you hated him, so he could hate you just as much too.
Jude's grip on the stirring wheel tightened as he blinked rapidly to keep the tears away.
A part of his mind wanted to go to your house purely to see if you were done with him, so could finally sort out the mess his feelings were tangled in.
But another part of his mind simply wanted to see you again. So his mind could get another glimpse of you. So he could see if you were as beautiful as he left you.
Jude stares at the red light, composing his thoughts together. He knew this stop light all too well, this was the stop light closest to your home.
And just like that, Jude's mind fades into another memory.
Jude stares at the red light as the music coming from the radio played softly. One hand on the stirring wheel, and the other on the cup holder.
Suddenly, he feels a hand touch his. He looks down at his hand and finds your finger's intertwining with his. Jude looks over to you, your seat was reclined and your eyes were on your phone that flashed to your face.
Jude stares at you, holding his breath. Your eyes slowly meet his, a smile curled your lips. Then, your eyes broke away from his, and to the street light.
"The light's green, baby." your voice whispered. Jude looks at the street light, the bright light flashing green.
Another goddamn memory. Jude thought.
Jude breaks his momentary gaze from his stirring wheel and onto the street light which unironically flashed green.
Jude's head paced into his ears. Any second, his heart would've leaped out of his throat. He was nearing closer and closer to your house. There was no way he could turn around now. He had to do this, he should do this.
Jude looks to his left and saw your house. His heart drops. He was really here.
Suddenly, rain started dripping from the dark sky. Jude looks at his window as it slowly becomes coated in raindrops. Jude clicks his tongue, putting his hood on and getting out of his car.
There was no way out now.
Jude jogged his way over to your doorstep, his hood getting dripped on by rain. He felt his heart drop several times. He should turn back, he could turn back. But he couldn't.
Jude stopped on your doorstep. Jude's hand was rolled into a fist, ready to knock on the door.
The rain pittered on the ground, somewhat cheering him on. Jude swallows a lump in his throat before his hand makes contact with the door.
Seconds after, a pair of footsteps descend a flight of stairs. There was really, really no way out now. Jude takes a deep breath.
The doorknob twists open and once more his heart drops. The door creaks open and there revealed you.
Jude held his breath. You looked straight at him, your eyes widening.
"Jude? What're you doing here?" your voice said, trying to keep the nervous tone deep in her throat. Your eyes wandered, looking at anything but him.
If you had looked at him, you thought you would fall in love all over again. Your heart raced out your chest.
"I just.. want to ask you something." Jude said, eyes trying to meet with yours.
"Sure, Jude. Come inside." you said, making way for him to enter. Now had he realized that he missed the nicknames you called him. His heart ached at hearing your voice say his name, and not one of the many nicknames you had for him.
You close the door, the rain muffled for a moment.
"What's up?" you asked, eyes on the floor as was his.
Jude's body instinctively neared yours.
Then, Jude threw his arms around you. You flinched, but your body quickly melted to his touch.
"Have you moved on?"
His voice cracked. It quivered in fear.
You didn't know what to answer. Your mind wanted to say yes, but your heart wanted to say no. Because you knew you missed him. Even though your mind wanted to say that you've moved on, your mind also knew that you missed him.
Your mouth gapes open, trying to find a response.
"Tell me that you've moved on, so I can move on." He pleaded, arms tightening on your body.
"I have, Jude. I've moved on." your voice whispered. Jude's body tenses up.
That lie was as poisoning as venom. That lie disintegrated his entire heart.
"Now, go. Get out." you shouted weakly, arms trying to push him to no avail.
So you have moved on.
His nightmares, his overthinking, were true.
The memories he kept remembering, you had already forgotten.
"Jude, please." your voice weakened. "I love you too much, I need to forget you." you whispered into his chest. Your arms wanted to hug him back, to remember the feeling of euphoria every time you hugged him back.
"I love you too." his voice sounded broken, like a glass purposely dropped from a counter. Like a vinyl smashed to the ground. "I still love you." he cried.
"But why can't I forget you?" he mumbled, almost incoherently. Jude finally unwraps his arms.
You looked at Jude. And you were right. You felt the sense of falling in love all over again washing over you. Your heart ached at the sight. Jude's eyes were puffy, but there was something behind those eyes that told you his eyes were puffy for several days. Jude's eyes glistened with tears, a new tear falling down his cheek.
Jude turns back, ready to walk away from you. Now and forever.
Suddenly, your hand reaches out to his. Jude stops.
Jude's head turns to you, your head was aimed at the floor but he could see your shaky lips.
"I can't forget about you, either." you whispered. Jude's eyes widened, a sense of relief and joy rushed through his veins.
Your hand lets go of his, both of your hands were brought to your face to wipe your tears.
Jude embraces you, his hands finding its way to your hair.
If you did this now, you knew that you would've officially loved him again.
Your arms wrapped around his body.
I knew that once I fell for you, I would've never let you go. I had you, and you had slipped away, but now, I will never let you go.
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wonderswritings · 8 months
Starless Lovers {11}
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Summary: They fell from the sky. We roamed the earth. We were always meant to clash. 
Warnings: The 100 Themes, Angst, Death, Blood, Unrequited Feelings, Slow Burn, Possibly more to come
Pairings: Lexa x Sister!Reader, Bellamy Blake x Fem!Reader (eventual)
War has always been brewing. With twelve clans, each with different ideals, it was always going to happen. But tensions rise when they come, the people from the sky. We watched from a distance, learning. But then they attacked, and if there's one thing all the clans can agree on,
Blood must have blood.
Starless Lovers Masterlist | Tags
We've reached the end of season 2! Thank you for sticking around! If there's an interest in season 3, let me know! I don't really want to go further if there's no interest. Enjoy!
Bellamy rushed through the halls, carrying you in his arms.
“I can walk.”
Bellamy shook his head as he glanced down at you.
“You’re injured. You’ll just slow us down.”
You huffed, biting the inside of your cheek. How dare he? Insinuating that you’re weak just because you’re injured? Before you could respond, Bellamy was pushing a door open. You made a face as you looked around, eyeing the equipment and cages.
“What is this place?”
Bellamy walked forward, moving to sit you on a table.
“Harvest chamber.”
You watched as he walked around, opening different drawers and cabinets.
“It’s where they kept your people.”
You made a face, clenching your jaw.
“Where are my people?”
Bellamy walked back towards you, setting the things he had grabbed down on the table next to you.
You tilted your head to the side, watching as Bellamy started to mess with the things he had grabbed.
Bellamy glanced at you.
“They’re gone. I came back and your people were gone.”
You made a face as Bellamy grabbed your hand, causing you to tense, trying to jerk your hand from his grasp.
“Hey, no stop. I’m just trying to help.”
He lifted his hands, holding them up in front of him.
“I just want to help. You’re bleeding.”
He tilted his head to the side, slightly making a face as he looked at your hands.
“You are bleeding, right?”
You nodded, casting a glance to the blood that was around your wrists, your knuckle bleeding as well.
“Yeah. My blood is black.”
Bellamy tilted his head to the side.
“Mhmm, like my sisters, we’re natblidas, our blood is black.”
Bellamy nodded slightly, motioning back towards your hands.
“May I?”
You just looked at him for a few minutes before you nodded, letting him take your hand in his.
“I’m just gonna clean them and then wrap them, alright?”
Bellamy looked at you, only moving to actually start when you gave him the go ahead. You watched as he cleaned the blood from your hand, his movements careful and gentle. After he wrapped your hand, he did the same to your other hand, cleaning and bandaging it.
“Anywhere else, that you’re injured?”
You shrugged slightly.
“My side and my hip, but they’re already bandaged.”
Bellamy looked down, eyeing your side.
“What happened?”
You shrugged, glancing up at Bellamy.
“Probably the same as what they were doing to my people and yours.”
Bellamy tilted his head to the side, still looking at your side.
“And you’re sure you don’t want me to check it?”
You nodded, humming softly in response.
“What happens now?”
Bellamy lifted his gaze, looking at you.
“Now I free my people. We’ll hide you somewhere and when my people are free, we’ll get you out of here too.”
You shook your head, moving to get off of the table, standing in front of Bellamy.
“I won’t hide. If you’re going to free your people, I will help.”
You looked at the three people standing in front of you, tilting your head to the side.
You lifted your hand, pointing at them as you spoke.
“Maya, Jasper and Monty?”
Bellamy nodded, his arms crossed over his chest.
“Yes. They’re my friends.”
Maya’s eyes were wide as she looked at you, a hint of fear in her eyes.
“You… you’re the Dark Commander.”
Nodding, you glanced at her, watching as Jasper moved in front of her, his grip on his gun tightening as he glared at you, slightly moving his gun towards you.
“Why is she here Bellamy?”
“Woah, woah.”
Bellamy moved to stand in front of you, blocking you from their sight.
“No, stop. She’s helping us.”
“Her people left! What good is she to us?!”
You leaned up on your tiptoes, looking over Bellamy’s shoulder, looking at Jasper.
“You plan on freeing your people with just the four of you?”
Jasper looked at you, glaring.
“Your people threw a spear at me!”
You shrugged slightly, tilting your head to the side.
“You did not die.”
Jasper’s mouth fell open, his gun lowering.
“That is not-”
He shook his, huffing.
“That’s not the point!”
Bellamy shook his head.
“None of this is the point. Riheda is helping us, and she is coming with us.”
Lowering yourself back down, you tilted your head to the side, slightly glaring at Bellamy’s back as he spoke.
“We’re not leaving her here. She’s on our side.”
Bellamy turned, looking down at you.
You nodded slightly, looking up at him.
“For now.”
Bellamy’s lip quirked up slightly.
“Good enough for me.”
Octavia was sitting on the ground against the wall, her sword in her hands and she spun it.
“It’s about time.”
She got up when she heard a noise from the chute, taking a deep breath.
When she heard footsteps, she grabbed her sword, carefully walking forward, preparing to fight when she saw Clarke running.
“Octavia. You stayed.”
“Screw you. Of course I stayed. I know where my loyalties lie.”
“We have to get in there.”
Octavia grabbed Clarke’s arm, steering her towards the chute, letting her see Fox’s body.
“If that was possible, do you think I’d still be out here? Why did Lexa sound the retreat?”
“She made a deal with Mount Weather, freed the Grounders, and now we’re on our own.”
Clarke walked towards the door, banging on it when Octavia rushed forward, grabbing her and pulling her back.
“Stop! They’ll know we’re here. What about Lincoln? There’s no way he would have gone along with a plan like this.”
“He didn’t. They took him.”
Clarke lifted her gun, Octavia scoffing as she quickly reached out, lowering it.
“What’s wrong with you?”
“I am getting through that door.”
“And that’s your plan? Bellamy’s counting on you. Everyone’s always counting on you.”
“Well, what do you want from me?”
“You trusted Lexa. You let a bomb drop on Tondc. You let all those people-”
“I am doing the best I can!”
“Yeah? Well, it’s not good enough.”
The door opened, Clarke lifting her gun as Octavia readied her sword when they saw Bellamy, his gun aimed in front of him.
Octavia hugged Bellamy as he walked out of the door.
“I knew it. You two are too scrawny to drill.”
Octavia hugged Monty and Jasper when Maya walked out, Octavia taking a step back.
“It’s all right. She’s with us.”
You appeared in the doorway, Octavia’s eyes widening slightly when she saw you as you stepped through the door. Clarke looked up, clenching her jaw when she saw you, stepping forward and grabbing you, slamming you back against the wall next to the door, pressing her arm into your neck.
“Your sister betrayed us!”
Your eyes hardened slightly as you looked at Clarke.
“My sister did what was best for our people.”
“Your people?”
Clarke pressed her arm harder into your neck.
“What about my people?! We had a deal!”
You tilted your head to the side, a slight wince on your face as Clarke dug her arm in harder, lifting her gun and placing it against your forehead.
“You would’ve done the same.”
“No! Because I keep my word! I wouldn’t have turned my back like Lexa did!”
Bellamy stepped forward, grabbing Clarke’s arm.
“Come on, stop. She’s not the enemy. It was her sister who took the deal, not her. She didn’t do anything.”
Clarke gasped softly as Bellamy slightly pushed her back away from you, shaking her head as she looked up at Bellamy.
“You’re defending her? You?”
Bellamy shrugged slightly, glancing at you over his shoulder.
“Like I said, she didn’t do anything. She couldn’t have, trapped in a cage.”
Clarke scoffed, shooting a glare at you as you rubbed your neck, Bellamy glancing back at you before he looked back at Clarke.
“Where’s your army?”
“Gone, just like yours. Say you have a plan.”
“Not really. We need to talk to Dante. Maya says he’s in quarantine.”
Maya’s tank started to beep, Jasper checking it.
“Thirty minutes. And we just changed it. That can’t be right. It’s her last tank.”
“Hey. We’ll find you another one.”
“All the supplemental oxygen is on level five.”
“Then we have to get you to level five.”
“Five isn’t safe for any of us.”
“We’ll take the trash chute again. It will work.”
“To get in, maybe. Maya’s right. Every soldier in this mountain is there. We’ll never make it out.”
“We can do this. We’ll split up.”
“Okay. You guys go for Dante. We’ll help Maya.”
Clarke reached out, grabbing your wrist, glaring.
“You’re coming with us. I don’t trust you.”
You scoffed, pulling your wrist free.
“En ai nou wich yu op.” (And I don’t trust you)
Bellamy shook his head, walking forward, his hand resting on your back as he gently pushed you forward, shooting Clarke a look as he passed her.
“Let’s go. We’re wasting time.”
You walked behind Clarke and Bellamy, Monty walking next to you, Bellamy occasionally looking back at you as you all walked down the hall to quarantine. You felt bare without your sword and knife, the knife that meant everything to you. Bellamy opened the door, walking in first, followed by Clarke and Monty, you walking in last, staying near the door.
“Hello Clarke.”
“Sir, we need your help again.”
Wallace looked up at the camera in the corner of the room, causing Monty to shake his head.
“It’s okay. I took out the camera from the junction box in the hall. We can talk freely.”
“No one’s watching anyway. Thanks to you, they’re all on level five.”
“You’re not.”
“No. I’m not.”
Wallace looked over at you, grinning slightly as he stepped forward.
“Esmeray, the Dark Commander, Riheda.”
You tensed as he stopped in front of you, looking you up and down.
“My son said he had captured you. But I did not believe him.”
Wallace turned, walking towards the table in the corner before he walked back towards you, your eyes widening slightly when you saw the familiar sheaths in his hands.
“Not until he brought these to me. The craftsmanship of these is quite remarkable.”
You looked down at the knife, reaching out for it, glaring at Wallace when he stepped back, shaking his head.
“I did not say you could have them. Afterall, they were given to me.”
“They weren’t his to give, and they’re not yours to take. They are mine.”
“Yet they are in my possession.”
“I can change that.”
Bellamy walked forward, grabbing your knife and sword, pulling them from Wallace’s grasp, handing them to you as he moved to stand in front of you, glaring at Wallace as Clarke stepped forward.
“Please. We don’t have much time.”
Wallace turned towards Clarke as you slipped the sheath of your sword over your shoulder, adjusting your sword so it rested on your back. You looked down at the knife, pulling it out of the sheath slightly, a small smile on your face as you looked at the knife, Sato’s knife.
“We need a way to get our people out of this mountain without killing everyone.”
“He’s not going to help us.”
“You cut the power, risking the lives of everyone in this mountain- my people, even the ones who helped you.”
Clarke stepped forward, glaring at Wallace.
“We knew they’d be safe on level five. We made sure not to destroy the turbines so you could repair them. We’re the good guys here, not you.”
“Tell me, if we released your people and theirs, what would’ve happened to mine?”
Clarke took a deep breath before she turned, looking at Monty.
“Can you get us into the command center? We need to see what’s happening on level five.”
“No problem.”
Bellamy walked towards Wallace, grabbing his arm.
“Let’s go. You’re gonna help us, whether you like it or not.”
“Where’s he going?”
“The dorm. Monty, can you do it? Can you irradiate the level?”
“I can do it.”
Bellamy shook his head, looking at Clarke.
“Wait a second, Clarke. We need to think about this. There are kids in there.”
“I know.”
“And people who helped us.” Clarke took a deep breath as she looked up at Bellamy, anguish on her face.
“Then please, give me a better idea.”
You stepped forward, tilting your head to the side.
“I may have one.”
Bellamy and Clarke turned, looking at you.
“What is it?”
“It was Emerson who killed my guard and brought me here. Cage took a personal interest in me, in my blood.”
You lifted your knife, pressing it into the palm of your hand, drawing blood, showing it to Clarke.
“My blood is important to him. Trade me, for your people.”
Clarke slightly tilted her head to the side, thinking what you said over as Bellamy stepped forward, shaking his head.
“No. No way. We’re not going to just hand you over for our people.”
“It could work.”
I nodded at Clarke.
“It could. And if it works, no one has to die.”
“Except you. You would die.”
You glanced at Bellamy, shrugging.
“Ai gonplei ste odon.” (my fight is over)
Bellamy slightly glared as Clarke’s face fell into one of recognition.
“No, this is wrong, and I won’t let you do this.”
You looked up at Bellamy, glaring as you huffed.
“You cannot stop me. You do not have a say over what I do. The choice is not yours to make.”
You turned your head, looking at Clarke.
“This is between me and Clarke.”
“Clarke, this is wrong.”
Clarke glanced at Bellamy, shrugging slightly.
“This was her choice.”
“And what happens when Lexa finds out that we willingly traded her sister for our people?”
“She traded ours for hers.”
Bellamy huffed, shaking his head.
“Fine, what happens when, godforbid, they kill her? What happens with Lexa and the Grounders then? We’ll be at war, again.”
“That’ll be a problem for later. Right now, my concern is getting our people out of this damn mountain.”
“It’s still wrong.”
Clarke’s grip on the radio tightened as she turned, looking up at Bellamy.
“I hear you, but repeating it over and over again doesn’t change the fact that this is happening. So either get on board, or shut up.”
Bellamy clenched his jaw, huffing as he lightly glared down at Clarke.
“She asked you to give her sword and knife to Lexa. Will you?”
Clarke turned, looking back up at the camera feed.
“I said I would.”
Emerson grinned at you as you turned the corner, walking towards you.
“You’ve come back.”
You glared at him as he placed the cuffs on your wrist, leading you down the hall and into the room where Skaikru was being held. The table Raven had been lying on was empty, everyone staring as you were led in, Cage walking towards you, smiling.
“I knew you wouldn’t get far.”
He nodded at Emerson.
“Put her on the table.”
You were shoved forward, forced onto the table. They strapped you down, Cage glancing down at you as he spoke to the doctor.
“Let’s not waste time with this one. Go ahead and drain her. And don’t bother using just the one hip. She has two for a reason. When she’s dead, we’ll move to the next.”
You glared, looking over at Cage, a slight growl in your voice.
“We had a deal. Me for them.”
Cage grinned as he stepped closer to you, looking down at you as the doctor moved around you, preparing the drill.
“We did, but you see, the thing about deals, they’re always changing. And you can never truthfully trust the enemy.”
The doctor inserted an IV into both of your arms as you glared at Cage.
“We had a deal!”
You jerked against the straps, yelling at Cage in both English and Trig. Your yells turned to screams as the doctor and his assistant began drilling. You jerked against the straps, one of the guards stepping forward and placing more straps around your arms, legs and chest to keep you from moving around too much.
“How long?”
The doctor looked up at Cage, slightly tilting his head to the side.
“How long until she’s dead?”
“Forty-five minutes?”
Cage looked down at you, sneering.
“Make it sooner. And someone shut her up.”
The guard who had strapped you down jerked your mouth open, forcing a strap into your mouth, attaching it to the strap that went over your forehead, forcing your head still. Your screams were still heard, but they were muffled now.
Bellamy clenched his jaw as he watched the camera feed, looking over at Clarke.
“He didn’t keep his word.”
Clarke sighed softly, shaking her head.
“No, he didn’t.”
Clarke turned, looking at Monty, making a face.
“Why are you stopping?”
“Because I did it. All we have to do is pull this. Hatches and vents will open, and the scrubbers reverse, pulling in outside air.”
Bellamy looked over at the camera feed, seeing Emerson preparing to blow the command center door.
“He’s gonna blow the door.”
“Clarke, we’re out of time.”
Clarke placed her hand on the lever as she looked over at the screen, seeing where Esmeray was still being drilled into, though she was no longer moving, Jasper being locked up with the other prisoners as Octavia and Maya were overtaken by guards.
“My sister. My responsibility.”
“I have to save them.”
Bellamy placed his hand over Clarke’s.
Clarke nodded, and together they pulled the lever.
Octavia rushed into the dorms, her eyes wide as she looked around.
Octavia looked over at Kane.
“Get the keys from the guard.”
Octavia nodded, rushing to the guard that was laying dead, searching his body for the keys. Once she found them, she rushed to Kane, unlocking his cuffs. Kane rushed to check on Abby while Octavia helped unlock the others. Clarke and Bellamy walked in not long after, Clarke rushing to her mom while Bellamy rushed to where you laid on the table. He was gentle but quick as he undid the strap around your forehead and in your mouth, letting them fall to the floor. Octavia appeared on the other side of you, undoing the straps around your arms and legs.
Bellamy slightly shook his head as he checked your pulse.
“Just get the rest of the straps off."
Octavia nodded slightly as she removed the remaining straps.
Bellamy lowered his head, listening for your breathing before he started chest compressions.
Bellamy slightly shook his head, glancing at Octavia.
“We can’t let her die.”
Octavia sighed softly, looking down at you.
“Bellamy, she’s gone.”
Bellamy clenched his jaw, slightly shaking his head.
“No, she’s not.”
Bellamy continued chest compressions before he leaned down, placing his hand under your chin, slightly tilting your face up, giving you a few rescue breaths when you gasped, your back arching slightly as Bellamy leaned back, his fingers brushing under your chin as he looked down at you, watching as you opened your eyes, a dazed look in your eyes as you looked around, confusion on your face.
“You’re okay. You’re okay.”
You lifted your gaze towards Bellamy, seeing Octavia standing next to him.
“It’s over.”
Clarke appeared, looking you over, eyeing the IV’s that you were attached to.
“We need to bring her back to Camp Jaha. We’ll give her medical treatment there.”
“What about the blood bags?”
Clarke looked over at the IV bags that contained your blood, nodding slightly.
“Bring them. She’ll need a blood transfusion, and giving her red blood may not work for her. Just-”
Clarke sighed softly, slightly shaking her head.
“We’ll take the IV’s out and we’ll go and find something we can carry her out on.”
The walk back to Camp Jaha was long, and you were in and out of consciousness as you were carried, Lincoln and Octavia walking next to you as you blearily looked up at Bellamy.
Bellamy looked down at you, slightly making a face.
“Why what?”
“Why did you-”
You winced in pain when those carrying you slipped, your face scrunching up as you looked at him.
“Why save me, again?”
Bellamy looked away, slightly clenching his jaw.
“It was the right thing to do.”
“The right thing would have been to let me die.”
“Shof op, Riheda.” (shut up)
You turned your gaze to Lincoln, grinning slightly.
“You can’t tell me to shut up.”
Lincoln huffed a small laugh, shaking his head.
“Just close your eyes and rest.”
“I can’t. I close my eyes and I see him. He calls to me.”
Bellamy and Octavia shared a look as Lincoln made those carrying you come to a stop, placing his hand over yours.
“Do not give in, Esmeray. Sato can wait. It is not your time, so do not give in. Gonplei.” (fight)
You sighed softly, looking up at Lincoln, your voice soft.
“Ai ste noden kom gonen.” (I’m tired of fighting)
“Gonplei idowe.” (fight anyway)
Your eyes fluttered as you turned your hand, weakly holding onto Lincoln’s hand.
“Tell Lexa-”
Lincoln panicked slightly when your eyes closed, your head falling to the side as you passed out. Octavia turned towards Lincoln, placing her hand on his chest as she looked up at him, Lincoln watching as you were carried into Camp Jaha.
“She’ll be okay, Lincoln.”
She reached down for his hand, taking it in hers.
“Come on. We’ll go to medical.”
Bellamy came to a stop as Clarke stopped next to him.
“I think we need a drink.”
“Have one for me.”
Clarke slightly shook her head.
“I’m not going in, take care of them for me.”
Clarke shook her head, glancing at Bellamy.
“No. Seeing their faces everyday is just gonna remind me of what I did to get them here.”
“What we did. You don’t have to do this alone.”
Clarke looked towards Camp Jaha, slightly shaking her head.
“I bear it so they don’t have to.”
“Where are you gonna go?”
Clarke shrugged slightly, a small smile on her face.
“I don’t know.”
She turned, wrapping her arms around Bellamy, giving him a hug.
“May we meet again.”
Bellamy sighed as Clarke walked off, walking back towards the forest.
“May we meet again.”
Bellamy turned, taking a deep breath as he walked into Camp Jaha. He made his way through the camp, walking into the Ark towards medical. He saw Octavia standing outside of medical, looking in through the window. He stopped next to her, seeing Lincoln sitting next to your bedside.
“You did the right thing-”
Bellamy glanced down at Octavia as she spoke.
“Saving her. It was the right thing.”
Bellamy looked back into medical, watching as someone worked around you, hooking you up to an IV and heart monitor.
“Now we get to live with our choices.”
Starless Lovers Tags: @kloy344  @bxnnywatts @kibumslatina @smol-book-nerd @newbooksmell777 @bamboozledbooks
Everything Tags: @jedi-dreea  @sammysgirl1997 @scarlett-witchhh @cevans-winchester @rafecameronswhore @jennmurawski13-writes 
The 100 Tags: @3leni  @topazy  @vxidnik  @kloy344 @lexajaye  @dani5216 @kelseyd07 @bxnnywatts @thebookisbtr  @kibumslatina @cryinghotmess @smol-book-nerd @mariaenchanted  @rafecameronswhore  @multi-fandom-lover7667 
Lexa Tags: @kloy344  @wonielover @bamboozledbooks @rafecameronswhore
Bellamy Blake Tags: @topazy  @vxidnik  @hftff-lol  @lexajaye  @dani5216  @im-sidney  @kelseyd07  @wonielover  @bxnnywatts @daisy-the-quake  @mariaenchanted  @bamboozledbooks @rafecameronswhore  @multi-fandom-lover7667
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ladylooch · 1 year
Comfort with Nico Hischier
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A/N: Woof. That game tonight inspired me. I think we all mutually want to comfort him, so this is for us. Also, I’m purposefully putting this out before I see his post-game interview because I cannot. Nobody show me 🫣 edit: omg wait they didn't interview him? Oh it's bad, BAD.
Part of What My World Spins Around AU
Word Count: 695
My arms are crossed over my chest as I wait after game 2 for Nico. 
The Devils are down 2-0 in the series and looking completely unequipped to be in the post-season right now.
I sigh, wrapping my arms tighter as I look up to see if Nico is coming yet.
He isn’t.
I toss a wave to Kristen Haula as her and Erik leave with their baby. Once they are passed, my smile falls from my face again. I move closer to the wall, leaning against it with a disappointed huff. The Hischier on my back scrapes against the cement as I slide into a slouch. I could sense Nico’s irritation grow in the third period. The team came out with some great pep at the start, but everything disintegrated quickly with another Ranger’s goal. It didn’t help that towards the end, players were getting tossed left and right for minor infractions.
Eventually, long after every other player and their family has left, Nico emerges. His stride is fast and angry. He scans the area for me, seeing me against the wall to his right. He reaches his hand out to me, barely stopping for our fingers to lace together, before he is rushing us towards his car. I wait to say anything until we are buckled in and on the road.
“Not in the mood.” He cuts me off. My stomach twists at his angry tone. His normally calm and collected demeanor has completely disappeared. I bite my lip, keeping my gaze on his rigid jaw. “Don’t look at me like that. Nothing you’re going to say will make this better.”
I turn away from him, crossing my arms to hold my body against the chill coming from the driver’s seat.
We get to our apartment quickly thanks to Nico’s angry foot. We ride up the elevator in silence. His head is leaned back against the wall, eyes closed, hands in his pockets. I click my phone screen to see it’s after 11:00pm. I yawn as Nico goes to unlock our apartment door. He throws his keys on the kitchen counter; they haven’t even slid to a stop before he has disappeared into our bedroom.
I actively avoid Nico from there. I take my shoes off, placing them in the front closet along with my playoff jacket. I hope I’ll get to wear it again. The WAGS are going a little more under the radar for games at Madison Square Garden, so I won’t get to wear it again unless we return to The Rock. I glance behind me, seeing that Nico has shut our bedroom door. I frown, going to the couch to lay down. I pull the blanket up my body, resting my head against the mountain of throw pillows tucked there from my pre-game nap earlier.
I don’t realize I’ve fallen asleep until I feel Nico’s hands under me. He settles my drooping head against his chest as he walks me to our bedroom. He lays me in the middle of the bed. His fingers work my jeans open so I can wiggle them off. They settle forgotten at the end of our bed. 
“I’m sorry.” He whispers against my lips. 
“It’s okay.” He shakes his head that it’s not. 
“You don’t deserve this, baby. I’m being an asshole.” He presses our lips together again. His hand trails down to my butt to pull me tighter. He tosses a thick thigh over my hips, cuddling me into a comfort cocoon with him. I sigh against his mouth, threading my fingers through his long hair.
“It’s not over yet.” I remind him. “There is still time. Small adjustments, yeah?” I place delicate kisses in each corner of his lips. “Be their leader, babe. Strong and steady.” His eyes close. 
“I should have let you say that in the car.” He sighs. “That made me feel better.” I can tell. His muscles are softening so he relaxes further into my body. “I love you.”
“I love you more, Hischier.” He snorts in disbelief, but says nothing else. 
We fall asleep wrapped tightly together, fingers tenderly stroking one another.
353 notes · View notes
I can so see how Eddies current storyline could lead into his coming out arc in season eight, and possibly Buddie canon
He breaks up with Marisol because ... obviously. He cheated on her.
He breaks up with Kim because he's looking for what he had with Shannon. But Kim only looks like Shanon. She isn't and she will never actually be her. This could take one episode or a few episodes, ut Eddie is eventually going to find out, yet again. that he won't be able to replicate his relationship with Shannon with anyone.
His relationship with the rest of the 118 is strained by his cheating, leaving him feeling 'Isolated', maybe with an episode or two left in season seven. But Buck stays by his side for another episode. What eventually causes Buddie divorce #3 is that Eddie starts doing what Buck was doing In season one. Sleeping with a different woman every night in order to try and find his person. AKA; a Shannon carbon copy who he will never find.
While Buck understands, he leaves Eddie to his own devices at the end of season seven. it's not exactly a fight, but while Buck understands what Eddie is going through, he also understands it's not the best way to go about it. He tells Eddie that when he's ready, Buck will be there for him.
Season eight begins a few months later, and Eddie is still trying in vain to find a Shannon replacement. Buck is still giving him space. Finally, after an exceptionally bad night with a woman, he comes knocking on Buck's door, and just breaks down. He starts talking about how he doesn't understand why he can't have what he had with Shannon, and he doesn't understand why he can't replicate that experience, or find a woman who makes him happy in the way she did. And Buck just holds him while he cries.
Eventually, Buck tells him that maybe now just isn't the time for him to find someone. So they decide to go to a bar and just hang out for bit. Both of them get a bit drunk, and Eddie starts getting hit on by some guy, and to his surprise, he starts flirting back. And it feels so much more natural. He's been doing the same thing with a different woman every other night for months but it just feels so different and so right.
So, with a few surprised looks from Buck, they keep flirting. They go back to his place, and then in the morning, Eddie rushes to Buck's house, pounds on his door and speedruns his entire sexuality crisis on his couch.
Maybe this guy sticks around, maybe he doesn't, but either way, Eddie is finally coming into himself.
Buck and Tommy break up, amicably. Maybe its just an issue with scheduling, or maybe Tommy moves somewhere else (Tommy spinoff??? 👀👀👀) But they end on good terms
Then, last episode of season eight,, they're sitting on Buck's couch, eating his lasagna that they finally perfected. They're talking to each other about life, about how their relationships never seem to work out but now they feel like they're closer than ever to finding one that sticks. They make eye contact and boom. Something clicks between them. Cannon Buddie with the last scene of season eight.
Season 9A secret dating arc
Season 9B "we fucking called it" arc with the 118
Season 10 A domestic fucking bliss. Maybe Tommy comes back and he and Buck are best friends because they ended super amicably and Eddie's a bit jealous for like one episode.
Season 10B, Domestic fucking Bliss part two, but they're moved in together, proposal in the finale
Season 11, Wedding.
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swissboyhisch · 11 months
Little Miss Klutz
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Pairing: Carter Hart x Reader
Summary: Despite you hating your pain link to your soulmate, he had a tendency to look on the brighter side.
Word Count: 746
Warnings: Swearing, injuries, long-distance relationship
Request: Yes Soulmate pain au with Carter Hart where the reader is a player and plays forward on a different team ( like Calgary) and she is very accident prone
A/N: I hope you like it. It's not super long but I enjoyed writing it.
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You loved your job, but it didn’t help that you were accident-prone. And your team loved to remind you. Your teammates laughed while your soul mate suffered the consequences. You shared pain as your soul link. If you bruised, he bruised. When you got hit with a puck, he felt it. 
Today was another practice where you got dressed and were first on the ice. You skated around momentarily, doing some stick handling as a little warm-up, shooting a couple of pucks to the back of the net.
“Heads up, Klutz!”
You were a good player and had a good reaction time, but the puck came at you too quickly. SMACK! The icy, hard rubber hit your jaw, taking you down to the ice. Luckily, you couldn’t feel or taste any blood—this time. 
Your teammate rushed to you, apologising profusely. “I’m sorry! I thought you’d dodge it.”
“You know me better than that,” You groan. 
Your best friend and one of your linemates, Lila, came out with what looked to be your phone to her ear. “Yeah, she’s good. You good, Klutz?”
One of your hands stayed where you were hit on the jaw; the other threw a thumbs up towards Lila. You slowly climbed to your feet, skated to the entrance, and took the phone from her. 
“Hey, C.”
The familiar, heart-warming chuckle floated down the line, “That was a nasty one.”
“Not as bad as the one you took to the cheek against the Pens,” You retorted, taking the ice pack from Meave, who still was apologising. 
“Still felt pretty bad,” Carter hums. “You haven’t even started your morning skate.”
You grumbled lightly, annoyed you had taken a hit before this morning’s practice began. The boy on the other end of the line could tell you were frustrated, so he went on, telling you how his morning had been so far. He kept your mind occupied while you waited on the ice. 
“Come on, Klutz,” The coach called as she stepped on the ice.
“Have a good practice, babe,” Carter replied, hearing your coach in the background.
“I’ll call you after practice, C. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
You took more than your fair share of pucks and bumps through practice. You couldn’t be bothered counting after five pucks. But it was a good skate otherwise. All ready for the game later that night versus Toronto. The team had worked hard this season, and it was paying off. 
You finish training and shower before returning to your apartment to go through your pre-game routine. As soon as you climbed in the car, you called Carter. It was one of the many rituals you and Carter had come to love throughout your long-distance relationship. 
Carter laughed, “You took 11 pucks to the body after the one before training. So I mean, you took 12 overall but 11 during training.”
“You counted?!” You gasp jokingly. You pull out of the rink car park and head towards your apartment. “I can’t believe you counted.”
“You getting hit before training even started indicated to me it was going to be one of those days,” Carter admitted. 
The two of you laughed, talking about how you both were on the journey home, which was not very far. You found your parking spot, grabbed out your bag and made sure you had your phone, still on call to Carter. 
“You make it back?” 
“Just making my way into the lobby.” The doorman smiled as he opened the door for you as you neared. “Thank you, John.”
After several flights of stairs, you made it to your apartment. You unlock the door and step in. You were too busy talking to Carter to see that your cat had left one of his toys in the middle of the hall.
Carter was silent for a moment before laughing. “Did you just trip?”
Your boyfriend knew you too well. He could tell you were lying to save you the embarrassment. But you also knew he could tell you were lying. To be honest, you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“I love you,” Carter chuckled, “Despite you causing more than 50% of our shared pain.”
“Say it.”
You were teasing at this point. “I don’t think I will.”
You laugh at Carter’s tone before replying affectionately. “I love you more, Carter. Even though you tease me about my clumsiness.”
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@findapenny @mp0625 @hischierhaze @11zegras @lvrzegras @francesfarhadi @cixrosie @daisysthings
120 notes · View notes
meimi-haneoka · 10 months
Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card Chapter 76: Comments + JP-ENG translation differences
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Ooooh CCS fans, welcome back to our monthly appointment!! Which, apparently, will go on a little longer than previously expected because (I'm sure you've heard of it in the last month, but in case you didn't) CLAMP/Kodansha did what I thought they wouldn't dare doing: they extended the Clear Card serialization a little bit more, announcing the last volume will be the 16th one, instead of the 15th one as previously stated! Volume 16 will be released on April 1st 2024, while they also delayed the release of volume 15 to November 13th (this made me suspicious, is it to accomodate more chapters in it? Or what else happened there, to delay it?) I have no idea how many more chapters we'll get at this point (or if the 16th volume was born because it will accomodate some after-story extra chapters), but I have to say that after the initial shock, I've took the news quite well and I just can't deny that the story really seemed to need a bit more room to develop the conclusion properly, so I'd daresay the announcement ultimately made me sigh in relief. And this chapter definitely proved to me that things are steadily proceeding, but taking care in depicting carefully and without haste an heroic moment that will turn out to be more complex than what probably Sakura & co. expected. I'm gonna need a bit more patience to see how all of this ends, but I prefer for the end to not be rushed and not have regrets in the future! Also, this looks like it might tie in with the beginning of season 2 of the anime? We'll see!
Well, after this preamble to update everyone on the situation of the serialization, we'll proceed under the cut to talk about the actual chapter, which unfortunately this month is stained by several translation mistakes, omissions and inaccuracies. They really deceived me, doing a good job on the past 2 chapters...*sigh* I'm still quite mad because of course WHO gets affected the most, among those translation mistakes? I feel like coming at this point I don't even have to state it. *another sigh* Before diving into my ramblings, let's give a look to the gif of this month! I chose this one because I feel like I need to lighten the mood a little bit, since between the end of this one and -I'm sure- the next chapter, I'm afraid there won't be anything to laugh about.
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Under the cut!
The Color Page
Anyone following this blog since some time, or who knows me well, probably doesn't need to be told that I completely loved the color page of this month! 🥰After 11 chapters, Akiho comes back to grace the opening page of a chapter of Clear Card. It's very simple, but in its simplicity I could feel all of Akiho's essence, while appreciating the usual symbolism of some elements of the color page. First and foremost, Akiho is smiling, and that wasn't a given for a color page appearing at the end of this story. We've seen Sakura making plenty of wistful faces lately, so it feels like we can't really take for granted to see our characters smiling. But her beautiful smile in combination with the nice shade of green Mokona-sensei chose for her elegant dress (which is totally in tune with what Akiho would wear) is really giving a kind of hopeful vibe to the whole color page. And I feel that for this chapter, we really needed that. Green is kind of an unusual color to associate Akiho with, but there's more to it. Together with the shade of yellow that sensei used to create a gradient on the skirt, this green is a clear callback to the color scheme of the lilies that Akiho is holding and wearing among her curls. And as we all know, lilies in this arc are primarily a symbol of the character who literally bears their name: Akiho's mother, Lilie (German for "lily"). As soon as I saw the presence of lilies in this color page with her, I went all "awwww" because I couldn't help but think "this is a sign her mother is watching over her and is always with her, right?" And inevitably, seeing Akiho gently holding those flowers made me wish even more that she could know something, anything about her mother. I also noticed that Mokona-sensei slightly changed the shading of Akiho's hair again, removing the yellowish undertone that was present in the most recent color pages that Akiho appeared in, making me sigh because I'll have to modify my color palette for my fanarts once again 😩it still looks lighter than her mother's, at least, and it's still very much ash blonde. The editorial text in JP on the color page is what Sakura told her at the end of chapter 73: "Let's get them back. The one you didn't want to lose".
Collapsing Time
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Aaaaand this chapter for me started with a "I KNEW IT!" equipped with a loud laughter, because ever since chapter 75 ended I've really been wondering "will the group at home be able to follow their journey inside the fake moon, or will the connection be conveniently cut off?" OF COURSE IT'S THE LATTER, what else could've been? 😆 Tomoyo rationally wonders if the signal simply doesn't reach in the space inside the fake moon, but Eriol from the other end of the videocall tells everyone that these are rather some more specific, particular circumstances: he was able to see what was inside the fake moon for a split second before the connection was cut off, and what he saw is an environment where time isn't simply stopped, is actually collapsing. I want to start my long list of complaints about the translation in English of this chapter, with this mild inaccuracy: the ENG makes Eriol consistently sound unsure of what he's affirming above, using verbs like I suppose, while the JP text doesn't leave any trace of doubt - Eriol isn't supposing, he knows that time is breaking down in that environment.
Back to Sakura and Syaoran, our little heroes start to feel the effects of this powerful magic that is permeating the interior of the fake moon, with Syaoran noticing that the clock parts fluctuating aren't really deformed like they're seeing, but only appear so due to the strong pressure of the magic spell inside that environment. And here we have to stop once again, because this is another straight up mistake of the ENG translation:
ENG: "There's nothing wrong with the watch itself. The spell's placed too much pressure on it. It only looks broken"
JP: "It's not like the components of the clocks are really deformed...They only look like that because the pressure of the magic spell is too strong"
As you can see, skipping the translation of the word 部品 (components) made them completely misunderstand Syaoran's line and make it about the pocket watch in their hands, instead of the fluctuating clock parts! And it's like they wanted to give an explanation to why the pocket watch looks broken (hello??? The pocket watch gradually broke when Kaito was still active in the un-rewritten world!!), despite the adjective used in JP is deformed, not broken. But let's go on.
Sakura starts to feel that pressure on her head, in fact she points out that her head is hurting to a worried Syaoran (JP, lit.: "My head is..."). He answers that it's only normal, because the spell is so powerful that it's affecting them physically, and he can feel those effects too (he's only better at dissimulating it, apparently). (I'm just worried if it's clear in the ENG translation, by how they're phrasing things, that the spell Syaoran is referring to is the one that's active on the whole place, not the one he used to trace the owner of the pocket watch). Syaoran continues saying that it's happening the same to the interior of the "fake moon", basically everything is so warped and deformed (due to the strong pressure) that if the pocket watch didn't show them the way, they would've lost both their sense of orientation and even the "target" they were tracking with that compass. So while the readers might have thought that if Sakura and Syaoran got there successfully it was only thanks to the compass, CLAMP went out of their way to specify that it wasn't exactly like that: it seems like the pocket watch actively guided them through the magic beam that originated from the compass, preventing them from getting lost. I guess without the watch's intervention, the compass might have still shot that beam in search for Kaito, but it might have gotten all of them lost, because the magic spell at work inside that environment is so strong that it warps everything, beam included. Again, I wonder if this concept above is clear enough from how they phrased it in the ENG translation.
And if that wasn't enough, Sakura's sweet smiling face says that Akiho guided them there. Evidently she thinks that the pocket watch is not only permeated by that mysterious moon magic that they still don't know who it belongs to, but also by Akiho's strong will to look for and to find the person she never wanted to lose. Akiho is always with them, spirit tightly connected to that pocket watch, and I couldn't help but being so moved by how considerate and sweet Sakura is. Akiho is evidently at the center of her thoughts even now, after all, she departed for this mission precisely for her sake.
Syaoran says that the beam is pointing at this dragon that is sleeping in front of them, but then actually starts doubting it and says "wait, is this really a dragon...?". The mere fact that he had a second thought about it might already be a sign that there might be more than meets the eyes, behind this creature that we're seeing now. Sakura just needs to look at it for a moment to remember immediately: she met this dragon before, in a dream. Of course, she can remember about this only thanks to the "film strips of memories" that the Record Card supplied her with some chapters ago, since it's all stuff that comes from the "un-rewritten world". Then, Sakura takes charge of the pocket watch and thanks Syaoran for his help with the compass: it's clear that she wants to talk to the dragon, now. Clutching the pocket watch tightly and looking at the sleeping creature in an intense way, she gets closer to it.
The dragon finally opens its eyes and wakes up.
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Sakura is such a sweet and well mannered girl, so I couldn't help smiling when she said this: (JP, lit.) "Please allow me to address you with "you" (anata), since I don't know your name". Yes, because Sakura's usual speech pattern includes calling people by their name, rather than using a direct "anata". Even with Syaoran, some pages ago, she didn't use a direct "you", but simply repeated his name instead. Her usual way to talk to people always sounds very soft, well mannered and warm to me, while probably using "anata" even with her closest people feels too "blunt" to her. Or, maybe, "impersonal". In this case, she really doesn't have any other choice, though. Alas, this was something that was hardly translatable in a literal way in the ENG version, and I think the way they chose works pretty well anyway.
And so, Sakura continues. (JP, but ENG is equally fine as well:) "I can feel 'something' coming from you, which is the same that I can feel coming from this watch as well. I guess Syaoran-kun would call it 'magical power'. Do you know the owner of this watch? Or.....is this watch YOURS?" How cute, this really shows clearly that Sakura's relationship with magic is not made of technicalities and such, and she still feels a newbie about it, so she is capable of feeling distinctly the magical aura coming off the dragon and the pocket watch, but she isn't still used to use technical terms like "magical power", "aura" and such. Syaoran is the expert for those things, and she seems to admire and respect him a lot for that! 😆
Sakura asks something to Syaoran to get a certain confirmation. I have the impression that she could feel it herself, but wanted the confirmation from her expert husband boyfriend. She asks him if the magical power that is permeating the environment of the fake moon is the same moon power that comes from the pocket watch. Syaoran confirms they're different (again, an inaccuracy of the ENG translation, which makes Syaoran say "something is different". There's no "something" in the JP, he was just plainly stating that the two sources of power are different).
I want to point out how cool Syaoran looks in his pose of this scene, his hand gripping the handle of his sword the whole time, ready to unleash it at the minimum sight of danger on Sakura. I really love it because Sakura doesn't really know the intentions of the dragon yet, so what she's doing is pretty risky in itself, but Syaoran didn't stop her, he trusted her and let free to do what she wanted to do. He's just, you know, going to stay in the background with his hand on his sword, ready for any scenario, just in case. 😂 Protective boyfriend (but not suffocating one) strikes again! This is what I mean when I say they came a long way ever since chapter 1.
I Know Your Eyes
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Sakura can feel that even the magic coming from the "cage" (she uses a term in JP that sounds more like fence than the harsher cage, though) is different from the one the pocket watch is giving off, and this is all she needs to have the confirmation she was looking for: just putting 2 and 2 together from the difference in powers, she concludes that the dragon is there against its will, and someone else locked it up in there. Sakura asks the dragon if she's right, but it simply......stares at her, in silence.
Sakura watches those eyes....and they're all she needs to see. Because she realizes she knows those eyes.
And here, unfortunately, I have to prepare you for another translation mistake, an actual omission that irritated me quite a lot because I consider this a very important scene for a certain character's depiction and development. And you probably don't even need to ask who he is, because he's been bastardized this whole time by the ENG translation.
ENG: "I know you. I know your eyes...And not just because I've seen them in a dream. With your eyes, you watched over Akiho-chan. Somehow, that memory's still inside of me"
JP: "I know...your eyes. And not because I've seen them in a dream. Those eyes used to look at Akiho-chan with great care/affection. (That feeling) remained inside of me"
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*draws a deep breath* Okay. I'll go with my grievances with the translation first and then I'll talk about my own reaction to this scene.
When Sakura is talking about the way Kaito used to look at Akiho (because it's clear as hell we're talking about him here, even if she doesn't remember who he is, yet), the JP text includes a very important adverb, 大切に (taisetsu ni, lit. "carefully, giving importance, cherishing something). And Sakura doubles down on it by preceding it with another adverb, とても (totemo, "very"). It is absolutely, unmistakably clear that Kaito used to look at Akiho with lots of affectionate feelings. That 大切に indicates how much he cherished her...how much she was important to him...and he never said it aloud, probably not even realizing it himself, but his eyes spoke for him. And Sakura saw it all.
The ENG translation completely omitted and skipped the translation of the adverb とても大切に, indicating only that Kaito "watched over" Akiho. Completely stripping the action of looking at her of any emotional involvement. To me, that is intolerable. Why?
Because this is the first time that a character, any character, clearly spells out how Kaito considers Akiho. And of course they gave the honor of pointing out the elephant in the room (gosh, this really looks like that situation) to the protagonist, our Sakura. I mean, we came to this point in the story precisely because nobody was able to say for sure what the hell Kaito thought of Akiho. Not even the person concerned himself! I've seen countless of theories along the years, and a worringly big amount thought that Kaito only wanted to use Akiho for his own selfish goal. I kept seeing speculations of that kind even after all he did in chapter 70. And that was particularly strong in the western side of the fandom, because of how the translation portrayed Kaito all these years. Now that we finally get a spoken, spelled out confirmation that he considered Akiho so important, he cherished her so much, and those sweet feelings seeped through his eyes and couldn't escape Sakura's attentive stare, what do they do? They remove any sign of it. They make Sakura say that he only "watched over her" like a regular watch dog, without touching any of the emotional involvement that was indicated in the JP original text. I remind you that 大切(な) is also the core adjective of the famous 一番大切なひと, "the most important person". If this will be connected to an eventual statement later on, this omission is even worse.
Of course, I cannot be anything else than dismayed at this perpetrated character assassination that this translation is operating on Kaito. Leaving aside all my bias for my two favorite characters, this omission penalizes Sakura's characterization too. The fact the she could recognize Kaito (without knowing it's Kaito) through the Dragon's eyes is a testament to how extraordinarily empathetic she is, and how her empathy is literally saving this story. Her empathy made her understand that Kaito couldn't be a bad person, deep down, because of how he looked at Akiho and how Akiho was so happy with him, leading her to make the decision of not confronting them openly, back in the un-rewritten world. Her empathy is what guided her here and what now is telling her "yes, this IS Akiho's most important person. And that person cherished her too". And how she was able to recognize that? Not because Kaito used to just "watch over" Akiho, what made that gaze special were the feelings that Sakura could see inside of it. All of this story is held up by the feelings between its characters. I think it's a huge mistake to not give the right importance to them, to ALL OF THEM.
I think I complained enough about this translation, so let's get talking about happier things. Because of course, in its original form, this scene became my favorite one from the entire chapter and moved me to tears. I was amazed by how Sakura was capable of recognizing Kaito's soul, his essence, only looking at the dragon's eyes. And you know, although being similar (they are some kind of tsurime too), they're not exactly the same as Kaito's, so it seems clear to me that Sakura recognized them basing on sensations and feelings alone. Eyes are, after all, a window to somebody's soul. And even though we could never really get into Kaito's head, or only partially did towards the end of the "un-rewritten world", I really have to say that his eyes spoke volumes of what he was feeling for the entirety of the manga. And for that, we can only praise Mokona-sensei's wonderful skills. I always loved Kaito's eyes, how they could be mischievous, happy, surprised, sweet, sad, tragic. The fact that I could be sure that he loved Akiho in any capacity till now, was also thanks to how he looked at her. So I was really glad to see the element "eyes" being used in this scene to make Sakura recognize him. And there's more to it. I delved into the use of the word 瞳 (hitomi, lit. "pupils") with the furigana "me" next to it (which is the pronounciation of another kanji used to indicate eyes, 目), and I found out/re-confirmed that 瞳 indeed literally means "pupils", but in manga, songs, novels and such it is a trope used to indicate the eyes when there's an emotional nuance attached to it. It is used to make things sound more "romantic" or drip with emotion. "Your eyes...looked at her with so much affection"... ...You can now understand even better why I am so peeved at the omission of the ENG translation for this part. All the other languages did their job and included the nuance correctly. CLAMP were trying to be very straightforward with their composition of Sakura's line, everything was indicating that this was a very important and emotional moment. Akiho, all alone in Sakura's memories of the double date, is at the center of the entire page, as if to indicate that she was at the center of Kaito's eyes too (because that's what Sakura is talking about in the bubbles). But we can see a "spotlight" beside her, an empty one: that was certainly where Kaito used to be when Sakura met them at the botanical garden.
The Escape
Okay, Sakura found what she was looking for. Or, rather, WHO she was looking for. And it doesn't matter if it's a huge, dark dragon trapped inside a cage. I found this almost hilarious, how she doesn't question even for a second that Akiho's most important person is actually a dragon! But I could quickly realize that it's all because in this manga, external appearances don't matter. What matters is who you are. These are all souls, loving other souls. Everything in between holds no meaning. And so if there's one thing that Sakura knows with all her heart, is that this dragon cannot stay here. So she tells him (yeah, I can finally say "him") to come along with them. But it's in that moment that a danger arises: the clock particles start attacking Sakura and Syaoran at great speed, so much that Syaoran has to turn around very quickly to realize it (I loved the effect in his eyes to indicate the speed). With a swift move, Syaoran summons his famous "Raitei Shourai" and his powerful thunderbolt repels and destroys the clockwork that was about to attack them.
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We go back for a moment to Yukito's home, where everyone is staring intently at the tablet to see if Sakura and Syaoran give any sign. A worried Touya (and Yukito, too) turns his attention to Akiho, though, who is the quintessence of tension right now. Hard stare to the screen, she looks as if she's ready to fight anyone at any moment. And here, unfortunately, another translation mistake drops.
ENG: "We need to be sure we're ready to go...In case Sakura-chan calls for us" JP: "I have to be fully prepared...for when Sakura-san will call me"
First thing first, you probably caught it yourself, Akiho calls Sakura "Sakura-chan" in the ENG version, and that's a mistake. She hasn't suddenly changed speech tone in the JP, she hasn't dropped keigo, she still calls her "Sakura-san", as usual. And despite here there isn't a subject (again, a typical thing Ohkawa-sensei does in her scripts), it's pretty understandable that she's talking about herself and not the whole group, because of the imperative tense she's using. Moreover, Sakura told the rest of the group that MAYBE she would've called them if she ended up needing any help, but for Akiho she was SURE she was going to call her, so Akiho really does have to be ready to be called at any moment. Akiho in JP uses a particular word to indicate the concept of "be fully prepared, all set, take all possible measures": 準備万全 (junbi banzen) and when I looked for its complete meaning on the internet, to understand the context better, I found out that this is also the name of a skill in the game of the "Uma Musume" series. That made me laugh because coincidentally, Akiho's voice actress Minori Suzuki is famous for voicing one of the characters of Uma Musume, "Agnes Digital" and I know for a fact that CLAMP are fans of Uma Musume. Was Ohkawa-sensei trying to make a fun reference or an Easter egg, here? 😉 Anyways, Akiho's determined face here is really beautiful, I'd daresay there isn't only determination in those eyes, but also a tiny touch of...irritation? I've probably said it before, on other social media, that I hope Akiho will be the one giving an earful to Kaito, and yell all her feelings in his face while angrily crying 🤪if this is building up to that, I cannot be happier than this!
Everyone proudly looks at our little warrior getting ready, and unfortunately due to the misunderstanding above, Yukito's line is mistaken too, in the ENG version: they make him say "I'm glad we have eachother" while in JP he simply commented "You're so confident/reliable!", which is totally coherent with the face she was making before. The adjective he uses, 頼もしい (tanomoshii) indicates someone who's dependable, reliable, confident or even "sure-footed".
Needless to say, I was very happy to: 1) See an interaction with Akiho coming from Yukito, this is the first time and with this comment he acted like another お兄ちゃん to her (the more, the better); 2) See him defining her "confident and reliable", I've seen a JP fan I follow on Twitter making an interesting interpretation of his line, coming from a character that was always worried over not knowing what to do to help the people he loves, and seeing another magic-less character standing tall and facing this ordeal courageously might have prompted him to understand Akiho's position more than we could imagine; 3) Acknowledge that it really seems as if CLAMP are trying to establish new and more connections between the old cast and Akiho, probably because these connections will stay even after the end.
Back to the situation inside the fake moon, Syaoran yells to Sakura that he's sure he won't be able to break that cage only with his spells, so he urges her to find a way to free and get that dragon out of there while he fends off all the incoming attacks. Sakura immediately complies, and this back and forth between them was already awarded the title of "husband and wife interaction" from the JP fandom. 😂 Sakura remembers what Momo told her about the remaining Cards that are waiting for her call...and sadly I have to point out another translation mistake: while the JP was always vague about the number of Cards awaiting for her to call them, the ENG this time around traced back its steps and made Momo say that "There is one more Card that was left behind", despite in chapter 73 correctly translating Momo's words as a general "There are other Cards that haven't disappeared". So, not only they haven't even checked what they translated just 3 chapters ago and are unable to keep coherence with it, but they didn't even consider that the Card we're about to see isn't even the last one that is waiting to make an appearance ever since the Clockland Play happened. Therefore, it's NOT true that there's just one left.
But the inaccuracies aren't over, because in the next line, Sakura looks at Kaito's pocket watch, and this is the association that she makes with it:
ENG: "This is my mother's watch...and that card looked just like it. I don't remember creating it...but..." JP: "My mother's watch....I created a Card that looked like it, and I never found out when that happened"
Always thanks to Record, Sakura got also back the memories of Nadeshiko's pendant watch, how she got it, and that she found herself with a Card that looked like it but didn't know when she created it (hint: it was because Kaito rewound time, but the Card survived).
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It's the moment for Sakura to call the Card: TIME!! And finally, this Card that many awaited in trepidation gets activated for the first time. In a very poignant moment, no less! Sakura, full of gratitude, thinks about her mother and how they made this Card "together", and she finally realizes that Nadeshiko's pendant watch found its way to her through great-grandpa Masaki precisely for this. To be used in this moment. And so she does. She orders to the Card to "activate" the time of the cage, so that she can "open" it, and Nadeshiko's watch goes to position itself precisely over what I think is "the lock" of the cage. I think this might suggest why the watch was changed into a key in the anime: it would make even more sense that it's a key the one that will open the lock. The lock, together with the cage, successfully dissolves, freeing Kaito/the Dragon. The Dragon seemingly "stretches" himself (poor thing, having to stay all crouched for god knows how long!!), destroying all the remaining clockwork in the process. Sakura gets her Card back and doesn't waste time, urging everyone to get out of there. Syaoran notices the opening they had "sliced" into the fake moon earlier, and says to go through that to get outside. I think the opening is appearing here in front of them so immediately because the spell that was warping and making that space so tortuous and convoluted is now broken. Sakura and Syaoran fly towards the opening, successfully getting out of it, but once outside Sakura notices something and looks back in dismay: the Dragon is not moving. She asks frantically why. But Syaoran yells to Sakura to pay attention: she turns around, in time to see a big group of arrows pointing at them, in full attack.
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Aaaaand this is where the chapter ends, once again with a big cliffhanger!! Where is this attack coming from???
I'll give you a hint......
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Remember a nice afternoon tea, interrupted by a clan of ass*oles allied with an Association of criminals, back in chapter 33? Yeah, Kaito sure remembers well. Lord knows how many of these attacks he had to repel over the months that passed from when he was excommunicated from the Association, officially starting "the war" between him and those bastards. Kaito back then easily fended off the attack by stopping time, again at the expense of his life, but I wonder what will happen now. It's clear it's something that's coming from them. However, I'm still not sure they're concretely sending the attack right now. It might be a "trap" they've left in place in case anybody tried to free Kaito, so maybe Sakura won't confront them directly. I still don't believe this is where it's going. But we'll see what will happen and what direction CLAMP decided to give to this.
My biggest concern is also the Dragon. It became apparent, in this chapter, that the creature is Kaito himself, in some capacity. I say "in some capacity" because we don't know if he was transformed, if this is the form the Seal of D forced on him, or if it's the effect of taking all that magic from the artifact that he got from Akiho. I am pretty sure this isn't his true form or anything like that, he was a human being to begin with.
We don't even know if he's conscious of what's happening right now, what he remembers from "before", from the un-rewritten world. If he remembers about Akiho at all. Unfortunately, he didn't give any signs of even understanding what Sakura was telling him. I have to say it pains me to see Kaito like that, and this is a possibility that I had been preparing myself for since long time, so that surely "cushioned" the blow.
There is a theory going around, about why the Dragon won't move at the end of the chapter. I've seen it both from JP fans and from my mutuals too. And I have to say....it's pretty in-character. It's very convincing. The Dragon/Kaito doesn't move because he doesn't want to. Because he thinks he doesn't deserve to go out there and be saved. And it's to be noted that what Syaoran says is indeed 動かない (doesn't move), not 動けない (can't move). If we have to take those words literally, then we should exclude that there's anything "external" preventing him from moving. The reason is somewhere else.
If it's really Kaito being unsure/not willing to go with them because he doesn't think he deserves to, then that would also mean his memories are intact. Add agony over agony. If his consciousness is intact, I wonder what he thought when he saw Sakura and Syaoran? Was he surprised? I really think this could be the perfect spot where Akiho could finally spring into action. Because THAT is something only SHE can do anything about. If that's really the reason why he's not moving, then he needs to hear the full story. And he needs to hear it from the person his plan affected the most, the one he saved, yes, but also the one he's hurt the most with his blind "excess of love". But before that, Sakura needs to understand where the problem lies. I really hope she'll have the chance to talk to the Dragon again, and with her exceptional empathy, understand that Akiho needs to talk to him.
Next chapter, the 77th one, is going to be published on August 30th on CLAMP's Youtube channel, less than a month away! And by this release date, I can infer it'll go on sale with Nakayoshi on September 1st. At this point it doesn't even feel so "special" to announce it, but the next issue of Nakayoshi will see Sakura once again on the cover, and once again featured in the furoku! At the time of writing this post, no leaks have appeared regarding how/what the furoku will be.
Well! Sorry again for an endless post full of complaints about the translation, but this time around they really messed up. I thought something changed in the translation process in the past 2 chapters and they paid more attention/checked multiple times before giving the OK, but apparently this time that was not the case. As usual, I'll await any question/topic you want to discuss about in my ask box! See you at the end of this month for chapter 77!!
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emeraldsummers · 2 months
Smoker!Dean headcanons (aka if Dean was a smoker throughout the series)
As a teenager, Dean would smoke whenever he could get his hands on a cigarette, but it was pretty rare. Money was too tight to buy them, and it wasn't worth the risk of stealing them, but occasionally, Dean was able to trade for loose cigarettes. He loved the head rush and loved feeling like an adult.
Pre-series, Dean didn't start smoking in earnest until he started doing hunts without his father. John didn't like the smoking, so Dean hid it from him. Still, money was tight, so Dean only smoked a few cigarettes a day at most. His favourite thing in the world was being whiskey buzzed and sharing a cigarette with a girl.
Dean never, ever smoked inside the Impala.
Seasons 1-2 Dean is still smoking a few cigarettes per day, properly addicted at this point, and irritable when he isn't able to get a smoke break. Sam is constantly bugging him to quit, and Dean pretends he could quit any time he wants to. Sam gets non-smoking motel rooms whenever he can, which annoys the hell out of Dean.
Season 3, with the demon deal looming, Dean starts smoking more now, and by the end of the season, he is fully chain smoking regularly. Sam finds it gross but generally allows it to slide because he knows Dean needs it.
Season 4, Dean comes back from Hell with zero physical dependence on nicotine and decides to treat it like a fresh start. He doesn't smoke. He uses his experience with smoking to try (and fail) to empathize with Sam's blood addiction.
Season 5, Dean starts smoking when he's drunk, which turns into smoking when he's stressed, which by the end of the season, when he almost says "yes" to Michael, turns into him smoking all of the time again.
When he lives with Lisa and Ben, he tries to quit for their sake, but he still sneaks a cigarette outside on really bad nights. Lisa pretends not to notice.
Season 6, the smoking continues, but not as heavy as season 5. Sam is actively annoyed about it at this point, and Dean has long stopped finding smoking to be fun.
Season 7, as Dean spirals downwards after Cas' betrayal, he smokes much more heavily. It's starting to affect him physically, especially without Cas to heal him. He starts saying things like, "I'm getting too old for this." Since he isn't able to drive the Impala for most of the season, he smokes in the cars they steal, which really bothers Sam.
In Purgatory, Dean has no choice but to quit cold turkey, which is miserable, and once he's home, he continues that streak into seasons 8 and 9, his longest smoke-free period.
Unfortunately, demon!Dean picks up smoking again, and even when he's cured, smoking becomes one of his coping mechanisms for quelling the Mark.
Seasons 11 and 12, he struggles with trying to quit, going anywhere from days to months at a time without smoking before falling back into it. When Cas dies at the end of season 12, he begins chainsmoking again along with regularly getting black-out drunk, and Sam really worries for his brother's health.
After Cas returns in season 13, Dean begins working to quit again in earnest, creating a system with Sam, Cas, and Jack's help. This time, it sticks through the end of the series, but Dean does heavily consider starting up again as he spirals towards the end of season 15.
Post-series Dean is trying to maintain being smoke-free, especially since Cas is gone and Jack is hands-off. He knows any damage he does will be permanent this time, and he doesn't particularly feel like dying of cancer. But it turns out the boredom of the world not ending is worse for his cravings than the stress was. He starts smoking weed, trying to convince himself it's a proper substitute, but eventually, he just smokes weed because he likes it.
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strangerthingsn · 8 months
My evil dad
Summary: You’re Eddies pregnant girlfriend during season 4 of stranger things. Eddie is not gonna die at the end tho!
a/n: I just came up with this idea a week ago so now I started writing it! (If you find any type faults or anything else please mention!)
warning:kissing, make out, sex , pinv , 18+, she/her reader, dad!eddie, if I missed something please let me know!
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Chapter three ~ the monster and the superhero
You slowly started waking up. It was 11:03, pretty late. You was wondering why Alice hasn’t cried you awake yet. You open your eyes and sit up. You look at her crib, finding it empty…
“Uh..?” You immediately get up really confused. You look in your room but no. No Alice. Then you rush downstairs. No time to put anything else on.
“I have her” your mom is sitting on the couch in the living room.
“You scared the hell out of me.” You put a hand on your chest.
“Im sorry, I thought you can sleep a lil longer, you still need to get rid of your little baby bumb. Cost your body much energy.” She is giving Alice the bottle. You walk over to them and sit next to your mom.
“Does she drink out of a bottle?” You look surprised.
“Yeah she was so hungry because her mom won’t wake up” she teases you.
“Mommmm” you roll your eyes. You feel someone starring at you. You look down at Alice and give her kisses on her face.
“My sweet girl.”
“You heard anything from Eddie yet?” Your mom looks at you both.
“Uh-..noo…not really.” You were not a good liar but it seems like your mom believes you.
“I miss him around, I heard about what happened. I heard it on the radio and I called Wayne.” Your mom looks at you.
“Me too I wish he was hire” In meanwhile Alice had pushed the bottle away. “You don’t want it anymore?” Your mom smiles at her. You get up and walk to the kitchen.
“you not gonna work or something?” You are looking for breakfast.
“no I took a day off today to be with my daughter and grandchild.” You mom smiles and turns the tv on.
“how nice” you smile. Then grab some milk and cereal to put it in a bowl. Getting a spoon and you walk to the couch.
You sit down at you look at Alice. She gives you a soft smile. “you wanna go to mama?” Your mom sees her smiling, “let her finish her food first okay?” She kisses her cheek.
You giggle and start eating. You watch a bit tv and watch Alice fall asleep. You thought about Eddie probably being hungry by now. But how can you bring any food while your mom is hire?
she absolutely can’t know Eddie is hiding there. Maybe you can say you’re gonna visit one of your best friends.
“hm?” She looks at you.
“can i vist Gareth today?”
“yeah sure, but if you gonna drive in your car just don’t go too far and keep your eyes on the road.”
“yes mom I know. I’ll take Alice with me “ you smile.
Well that was fixed. Now only a reason to bring a bag with you. Well ofcourse diapers for Alice? That will work.
“I’ll already go pack my bag” you put the bowl on table and get up, “and I’ll put Alice in her bed” you take Alice from your mom and you kiss her nose. Your mom turns back to the tv while you walk upstairs.
You walk into your room to lay Alice in bed. Then you go to your records. You grab a wham! album and put it in the record player. They are one of your favorite music artist.
you grab a bag and put diapers in it and you walk downstairs again to put some chips, fresh bread from the baker and candy in it.
“where you need all that food for?”your mom suddenly stands behind you.
“I-..” you needed to think about something,”I’m very hungry always and Gareth told me he needs to do some grocery. So I thought I get some things so he doesn’t have to do that.” You talked fast.
“uh okay..” your mom give you a weird look.
“what?! Im for real.” You look irritated.
“your hormones are still working.” She rolls her eyes and walks back to the living room. You sigh. Ofcourse she had to be grumpy again.
“did you give Alice her new diaper?” You pack a beer and some other drinks.
“mhm about like a hour ago”
“okay.” You set the bag in the hallway.
“are you already going? Its literally 12 AM” your mom sits on the couch again.
“I’ll wait until she wakes up then.”
The loud baby sounds. You wake up again. You decided to just sleep for a bit again because you needed to wait for Alice to wake up anyways. You get up and pick the little lady up then you lay her down on bed. “Come hire babieee” you give her kisses all over her face to make her stop crying. You tickle her feet a little and she finally stops crying.
“Good girl, you don’t have to cry mommy is hire” she gives you a soft smile.
“so pretty.” You kiss her nose and you grab some clothes for you and Alice. For her black jeans a Metallica shirt and thick socks. For you grey jeans and a simple hoodie. You put it on while Alice lays down looking at you.
“you ever heard from privacy miss Munson?” You smile at her, after your clothes are on you just put some mascara on with some eyeliner.
“I think I have to go buy you some stuff for your curly hair, I’ll ask your dad what we need for that.” You don’t know what he puts in his hair, it are much bottles. Eddies hair looks always good but you don’t have curly hair so you have no idea what to buy Alice. Alice starts making a little crying noices, she clearly wants something.
you walk over to her, “what’s up young lady?”.
You look at her crib for something she might had lost and then you notice her pacifier.
“oh sorry sweetheart.” You grab it and put it in her mouth carefully. You grab your comb and you sit next to her on the bed. You brush your hair a bit and you just let it down.
“I need to brush my teeth you staying hire? Don’t move, I’ll keep my eyes on you.” You giggle and walk to the bathroom. Then you grab your toothbrush and start brushing you teeth.
When you finish that you put Alice her clothes on. When it’s all done you put your jacket on to put Alice in it.
not much later you step in your car.
You step into ricks garage (Eddies hiding place) still scared of Eddie attacking you.
“don’t want any knifes to my or Alice face.” You look around for Eddie.
“not gonna happen.” He smiles and sits in the same corner as last time you saw him.
“hey baby” you walk over to him and you give him a couple pecks.
“hello princess.” Eddie immediately takes Alice out of your jacket.
“hey sweet girl.” He smiles and kisses her forehead.
“you had a good night?”
“yeah actually thanks for the pillow and blanket” he looks at you again.
“anything happened? Or still boring all day in this garage?” You throw your jacket next to Eddie, today was a pretty warm day.
“actually… yesterday Dustin, Steve, Robin and uh…a redhead found me…” he sighs.
“Oh…shit” you look surprised down at him.
“it’s okay…actually they helped me. They got me some cereals as breakfast.” He nods.
“well let’s hope they not telling anyone.” You walks a little around.
“Dustin as a good guy, and they told me some-…stuff… about Hawkins..”
“stuff?” You look at him again.
“I’ll tell you later.” He smiles.
“How did you even came hire while your mom is home without her knowing” Eddie looks at you while holding his daughter.
“Just being smart.” You wink at him.
“come hire.” He grabs your ankle. You smile and sit down next to him.
“I was thinking… it’s a really long time ago we had sex.” He looks at you. You first ook at his face to look if he’s serious.
“just about four or three days ago. Not that long.”
“too long for me.” He wraps his arm around you.
“well just telling I’m not having sex with you in the cold garage of your drugs dealer with a baby.”
You were wrong.
You moan loud. “AH. Eddie f- feels so good baby.” He smirks with his eyes closed and keeps trusting into you.
“So pretty for me” he kisses your neck, while you sit on his lap. Your legs were on either side of him. You have probably already been fucking for 10 minutes. The sweat was on Eddies forehead.
He speeds up. Hitting your g-spot every single trust he makes. The moans from both of you were getting louder. He opens his eyes just to look at you. You were already so fucked out but if feels so incredibly good.
“giving birth of our pretty girl needs to be rewarded, huh?” He leaves a couple hickeys on your tits. You looked down at him for a minute before your eyes fluttered shut again.
“y-yes babe.” You moan out. He puts some hair behind your ear and speeds up a little again. “Is my baby gonna cum for me?” Eddie has now both of his hands on your waist. You just nod at his words.
“I need words darling” he whispers in your ear.
“yes!” You whine. Eddie smirks proud and his hands rubbed along your sides softly. You moan loud. Eddie bites his lip. He absolutely can’t handle it anymore. You moan his name, as you cum. He was spilling his warm cum into you at the same time.
You let yourself fall on Eddies chest. He rubs your back carefully and soft.
“good girl. Are you okay?” He kisses the top of your head. You nod with your eyes closed.
“m’ good…” you rest against his chest. His warm breath in your neck and you could hear his heart.
Your wake up and open your eyes as you feel anything on your nipples. “it’s okay baby just letting Allie drink.” Eddie kisses your forehead. You lay on the ground on your jacket and Eddies. The blanket over you and your face on the pillow. You have your panties and jeans on again, all cleaned up. Also your hoodie but it was lifted up over your boobs so Alice can drink.
“I’m sorry I felt asleep.. how long was I gone?” You wrap your arms around the baby on your chest. Eddie looks at the clock behind him.
“About two hours” Eddie chuckles. You shake your head while giggling.
“but the lil girl started to get impatient.” He smiles and lays next to you. He goes with his hand over your cheek.
“fuck I love you.” He kisses your nose.
“How did you clean me up?”
“my old shirt. I saw you had a new one for me in ur bag, you just have to clean the other one at home.” He gives a soft smile.
“I love you.” You smile back at him.
“love you more.” He plays with your hair.
“don’t forget your morning after pill. I don’t want another one yet.” He giggles. You laugh.
“no seriously don’t forget it y/n” he smiles and cuddles you.
“I promise babe.” You lay warm against him.
“I have dinner for you in the bag” you smile at him.
“what is it?” He lays his head in your neck.
“sushi! I got it for you yesterday I thought you can eat it cold that’s easier”
“ill pay you back after I worked again and I’m not wanted hire in Hawkins.”
“you don’t have to. I don’t need to money back” you go with your hands through his hair.
“but I’ll atleast try to pay you back.” Eddie is so nice. His uncle absolutely raised him perfect. He actually never told you where his parents are. But that’s probably a trauma for him. And that’s the worst thing. A boy with a trauma getting another one. But he’s still so strong.
“no is no.” You grin.
“Fine, y/n. Fine” he chuckles softly in your neck. Alice finishes drinking so you put your shirt down. It was just 5PM but you stayed until Eddie ate and you leaved around 12PM.
The rest of the time you was there you lay in eacothers arms.
To be continued…
im so sorry y’all. This part is pretty short I just had not enough time this week so I finished this in a day. But I really wanted to give you all a part 3 rn. I had to post this quickly so let me know if you see any typfaults
Tagglist: @kellyxo1 @wish-upon-a-star-1310 @notsobubblybaby @amira0303 let me know if you wanna be added 🤍
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