#10 x martha
casasupernovas · 5 months
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call-sign-bob · 3 months
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I went to a convention this weekend and there was an artist there doing commissions. I requested 10 and Martha & she did wonderful work! (In TWO HOURS nonetheless). Follow her on IG and Twitter: @senchansart
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Poem For Ema by Nikki Giovanni // The Castle by Franz Kafka // The Secret Spot by Oso Oso // Doctor Who 3x10 // Hermit the Frog by Marina // [you fit into me] by Margaret Atwood // Doctor Who 4x04 // Poem For Ema by Nikki Giovanni // Gabriela Mistral to Doris Dana // Doctor Who 3x01 // tags by @ameliajean // Doctor Who 4x05 // Poem For Ema by Nikki Giovanni // This Side of Paradise by Coyote Theory // Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë // Doctor Who 3x01 // God by Benedict Smith // Elegy For the Four Chambers of My Brother's Heart by Steven Espada Dawson // Poem For Ema by Nikki Giovanni
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otso-jpeg · 2 years
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tenmartha wips
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shuichiakainx · 6 months
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fanfictionalraven · 2 months
Title: Repeats
Summary: "I think I'll skip the rest of the rewind. I hate repeats." What if the Doctor hadn't made it to the crack in time? What if he had to see the repeats?
Characters: 11th Doctor, Amy Pond, Rory Williams, other canon Who characters
Word Count: 1, 851
Warnings: Grief and loss, brief mentions of war
Author's Note: This story was originally posted by myself on Fanfiction.net under the account drwhogirl10. It was published 2/1/2011.
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"I think I'll skip the rest of the rewind…I hate repeats…" The Doctor said to the sleeping child. He rose to his feet and bent over the young Amelia Pond. "Live well…love Rory…" He whispered as he kissed her forehead gently. "Bye bye, Pond…" He finished and began his death march towards the crack. But something happened. He was too slow. In a flash of light, he was back in the TARDIS. Or, what used to be the TARDIS, before he crashed it.
"I don't want to go…" An all too familiar voice cried. The Doctor spun around quickly and found himself watching, well, himself. There he stood in all his former glory. The Doctor took a step toward his old form and stopped. The light was growing stronger. He was about to watch himself change. Oh, how he'd loved that form. Before the process could reach its climax, the bright light engulfed the Doctor and more of his life flew before him.
When it stopped again, the Doctor was in a bedroom. A bedroom that was vaguely familiar. The door of the room flew open and in backed the man who'd claimed the Doctor as a son. He was followed by that same old form. Together, they carried the most important woman in the universe. Donna Noble. They laid her down on the bed and Wilfred kissed her forehead before leaving. After a long pensive pause, the old Doctor followed. The Doctor watched himself leave, then he slowly made his way to the bed. He sat carefully on the edge beside his best friend. He placed his hand over hers and watched her sleeping. She looked at peace. He knew she'd be in pain again someday, but she would live. Donna Noble would live her human life. She'd fall in love and marry a good man. The Doctor glanced at the clock and knew she'd be waking up soon. He stood and took a few steps away from the bed. The bright light began to build from the crack just as Donna sat up. She looked around then down at herself.
"That's brilliant…" She mumbled to herself as she got up from the bed. She picked her phone up and headed for the door. "Oi! What's Venna want now?" She muttered. The Doctor felt this time slipping past.
"Goodbye Donna…" He whispered. Just before the crack took him away, Donna turned and looked around. He smiled. She'd heard him.
The Doctor watched as his times with Donna flew before his eyes. They laughed and cried together. He caught a glimpse of Jenny and felt the hole in his hearts rip yet again.
Time slowed to normal again and the Doctor was in the old TARDIS.
"Cause he never looked at her twice…" A voice echoed through the console room. The Doctor looked up quickly to find the old form, eyes averted, being scolded by Martha Jones. "I mean he liked her…but that was it…" The Doctor knew what name was playing through his old head. It was hard to keep that name out even now. But he'd see her soon enough. Right now was Martha's turn. "And she wasted years pining after him, years or her life…cause while he was around she never looked at anyone else…" She was letting his old self have it. And honestly, he knew he'd deserved it. She'd loved him, really loved him, and he let her fall by the wayside. "And I told her, I always said to her time and time again…I said…Get. Out. So this is me…getting out…" Martha finished with a shrug. She tossed her phone to him, smiled her lovely smile, and was out the door.
Time began to race again and the Doctor watched with sadness. He watched as the Master died and didn't regenerate. He watched his time as John Smith fly by, as he fell in love with Nurse Joan.
Time stopped. The Doctor looked around. It was cold. Too cold. And eerie. As the Doctor began to fiddle with his jacket, he heard it.
"I love you!" A voice wept. The Doctor froze. He hadn't thought to cheek his surroundings. He looked up slowly. Darlig Ulv Straden. Bad Wolf Bay.
"Quite right too…and I suppose…if it's my last chance to say it…" The old Doctor began. The Doctor wanted to look away. He'd relived this moment too many times. But no. He was frozen, his eyes glued to the waiting young woman. "Rose Tyler…" And he was gone. The Doctor had imagined Rose's reaction, but it hurt far worse to see it.
She stood, waiting with bated breath. As the realization finally set in, she began to cry. Violent sobs erupted from her frail frame. The Doctor fought every fiber of his being not to run to her. Besides, he'd grown too weak. Time's unraveling had left him with little energy. As Rose turned and Jackie began to run to her, the Doctor felt this time slipping away as well. He closed his eyes. He wasn't reliving those moments.
"My Doctor…" The Doctor heard a voice echo with power. His eyes flew open. There she was again. The Bad Wolf herself. In all her shining glory. He watched as Rose caused the Daleks to turn to dust. The entire Dalek fleet, disintegrated by the wave of her hand. "I bring life…" She said. The Doctor understood now. Somewhere, Captain Jack Harkness was breathing again. The Doctor watched this older form. So tortured, so alone. He blamed himself for what was happening to Rose. "I can see everything. All that is. All that was. All that ever could be," Did she see all this? All that had happened to them? Did she know how it would all end? Her eyes fixed momentarily on the Doctor and then softened. She could see him! The old Doctor stood up quickly. "My head…" He took both of Rose's hands in his.
"Come here…" He told her. His Rose was hurting, dying, and he knew how to fix it.
"Is killing me…" Rose whimpered weakly.
"I think you need a doctor…" He said. The Doctor watched as his old self pulled Rose to himself and gently pressed his lips to hers. The Doctor almost laughed now. Sure there were other ways to remove the time vortex from Rose's head, but none were this enjoyable. The Doctor looked over and saw the crack. It appeared to be growing.
"No…that's all wrong…you should be closing…" The Doctor said, stepping towards the crack. He felt as if something was pulling him away from it though. He glanced over his shoulder, but nothing was there. The bright light encompassed him yet again and he heard a blood curdling scream. The Doctor looked around once he'd stopped and immediately knew where he was.
The sky was blood red. A city that once stood tall and proud, now lay crumbled on the ground. People ran by him in panic, but not just any people. Time Lords. And this wasn't just any planet. It was home. It was Gallifrey. A Dalek ship flew overhead and shot at the ground. The Doctor ducked and ran for cover. He found a large rock formation and hid underneath it.
"Who keeps picking these blasted memories?" He asked aloud. He closed his eyes tight. He'd watched his people die once. He wasn't' about to do it again.
"I remember…" He heard a voice whisper. It sounded far off and was almost completely drowned out by the sounds of the Time War. The Doctor opened his eyes.
"Amy?" He called out. He saw the crack, straight ahead. If he could just make it, this would all be over. The Doctor burst from his rock and began to run for the crack. He slowed as he realized something. The crack wasn't only getting bigger, but it was splintering. Dozens of small cracks were shooting out from it. The Doctor stopped.
"Raggedy Man, I remember you…" Amy's voice rang. The Doctor spun around wildly then stopped and smiled. "And you are late for my wedding!" Amy's voice now shouted, bordering triumph and annoyance.
She'd done it.
Time began to fly back by the Doctor., in the right order this time. The Time War ended. He met Rose. He regenerated. Lost Rose. Meet Donna. Meet Martha. Lost the Master. Lost Martha. Found Donna again. Lost his daughter. Got Rose back. Gave his clone to Rose. Lost Donna. Fought the Master and all of Gallifrey. Regenerated again. Meet Amelia. So much sadness in his life but always surrounded by the happiness.
Before the Doctor knew it, he was back in the TARDIS, his TARDIS. He began to flip the switches and turn the knobs. He heard Rory faintly ask Amy something.
"Something old…" She said. The Doctor smiled and raced down the hall. He had a wedding to get ready for. "Something new…" Amy continued. The Doctor laughed as he reached the wardrobe room. He quickly pulled his old tuxedo off one of the racks and began to change as fast as he could. "Something borrowed…" She said. Amy's voice was growing stronger. Almost there. The Doctor looked in the mirror but something was wrong.
"Needs a fez…" He mumbled to himself. He looked around but couldn't find his new favorite accessory. He grabbed a top hat and popped it on his head. The Doctor smiled widely and ran for the console room.
"Something blue…" Amy finished, her voice thick with emotion. The Doctor could hear the TARDIS landing.
"It's the Doctor…" Rory said, a bit stunned. The TARDIS landed completely just as the Doctor turned another corner. "How did we forget the Doctor?" The Doctor could hear Rory ask. He smiled even wider and quickened his pace. It was only a moment before there was a pounding at the door.
"Okay Doctor…did I surprise you this time?" Amy asked just as the Doctor ran through the console room. He stopped at the door, took a deep breath, and pulled it open. He looked Amy up and down in her wedding dress and couldn't hide his surprise.
"Uh yea…completely astonished…never expected that…" He said. Amy smiled and the Doctor went to step out past her. "How lucky I happened to be wearing this old thing!" He exclaimed, straightening out the jacket of his tuxedo. "Hello everyone! I'm Amy's imaginary friend…" The Doctor said, walking over to the large table at the front of the room. "But I came anyway…" He finished, shaking Mr. Pond's hand and smiling widely.
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toocabaret · 1 year
the doctor’s like oh NO i am so brave and clever and attractive and impressive and unfathomable and charismatic and compassionate i sure hope none of the many young beautiful human women i constantly have around FALL IN LOVE with me ………..
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pollylynn · 1 year
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Title: Void WC: 1500
Kate Beckett: “That’s not a problem, is it? Richard Castle: “No. Not for me.” —A Death in the Family (1 x 10)
There’s no violence in the end. There is no shouting or punches thrown. There are no tears—not that he expected them—but there is no kind of passion at all. She listens, stone faced and silent, to the facts he lays out in just a few, uncharacteristically dry words. She turns on her heels, spine straight and head held high. She walks away without hesitation or backward glance. In the end, there are no fireworks at all. It feels wrong—the manner of it, not just the fact of it. That feels far worse than wrong.
He is worried about her. It is immediate and gnawing and he is knocked off the axis of his entire self by it. Richard Castle, in the aftermath of a series of events like this, should  be indignant. He was trying to help. He did help. He has achieved the first break in her mother’s case in a decade. He has accomplished what she could not see through, and she has walked away without so much as acknowledging that. 
He deserves an opportunity to tell her that the ends justify that means, that she never actually forbade him from looking into the case until after he’d already looked into it. She owes him a chance to wave Doctor Death’s file high in the air and crow that it’s his particular brand of gumption, his charming lack of boundaries that clearly gets things done. 
Richard Castle, in the aftermath of a series of events like this, should be furious at how impossible she is. He should be brooding into his scotch over how unappreciated he is or maybe ranting about her over some chest-thumping bass to a friend, to a random groupie or a woman who’s never heard of him but knows a good thing when she spies him brooding into his scotch. 
Richard Castle, in the aftermath of a series of events like this, should be feeling sorry for himself, because he’s finally found something like a sense of purpose and now it’s been cruelly snatched from him. Because he’d hit on something to carry him not just beyond the post–Derrick Storm crisis, but the crisis of his daughter growing up, his mother settling into his home for the foreseeable future. He should be full of self-pity for all he has lost, and all of it for no real sin. 
Any or all of these represent the self-righteous, self-indulgent, self-centered head space that all previous data indicate that Richard Castle should be in. But none of that is on his mind. None of that is what he finds himself going through.  
He is worried about her. 
It’s her haunting invocation of addiction—of the drink the recovering alcoholic must not take. He hadn’t thought of that. She’d told him that night. She’d opened not one, but two veins, telling him about the watch, fishing the ring out from the recesses of her shirt. He’d seized on one and disregarded the other entirely. Trauma-induced addiction? How cliché, how irrelevant, how unsexy. 
And how . . . intractable. 
What a tedious thing for a would-be superhero. Solve her mother’s case? Obviously and with the greatest of ease. Support her—as needed, as wanted—as the daughter who’d clearly taken on her father’s sobriety as her own responsibility? Yawn. 
He’d like to be disgusted with himself for that. The temptation to wallow in that inexcusable failure is almost as overwhelming as the temptation to be furious with her or feel abjectly sorry for himself. But there’s no space inside him for even self-loathing. He is worried about her. 
Everything he has not been seeing—everything he has chosen not to see—comes into sharp focus now. The dates on the access form stuck to the outside of the mostly empty box housing the pathetic sum total of the evidence gathered all those years ago, and how frequently her name showed up on row after row, then nothing . . . all of a sudden, absolutely nothing. The Herculean effort he’s seen her make, over and over, with the loved ones of victims: JoAnne Delgado, Courtney Morantz—people whose names he’s already forgotten that he knows she’ll never forget. He has watched the pain is causes her to access that empathy, and he’s watched her do it nonetheless. 
He knows now how akin that must be—every time—to slipping on to barstool and ordering a soda, buying a bottle and sliding it into the back of the cabinet. He knows now how tight a hold she must keep on herself to do her job in a way that she can live with. And he’s just knocked her off the axis of who she is. 
He’d like to hate himself. If he can’t stomp his feet over how unfair it is that she won’t fall at his feet for his heroic detective work or think about his needs, he’d at least like to embrace the drama of what a villain he is. But he’s worried about her. 
It’s more than just the idea of addiction, whether falling off the investigative wagon and restring herself is a metaphor, an imminent reality, or something in between, it’s more than just that. 
She makes herself small. She is such a force that the idea seems absurd, but it’s true nonetheless. She is in control of her professional life, absolutely, and in that context, she takes up her full complement of space. But outside of that world, she is shoulders hunched, elbows in, gaze fixed on the tile, the carpet, the gum-speckled sidewalk. She makes no demands of the world. She expects so very little of it. 
He thinks of two moments—ancient and recent—that convince him of this. Their first case, when she leaned in, her breath hot on his skin, and whispered you have no idea. Their last case but one, when the fact of Will Sorenson had lit a fire under him and he’d finally plucked up the courage to ask her out for a drink, and she’d turned him down flat, declaring she had a date. He sees both for the performances they are. She’s a gifted actress. She is an expert at mining memory, but memory is all they are. They are drawn from a time before made herself small—made herself satisfied by wanting so little. 
And she makes herself lonely. 
She is close, after a fashion, with the boys, with Lanie, with Montgomery. And yet each of them has, a dozen times over in just a few short months, looked to him, pleadingly, to draw her out, to reason with her, to help, because they love her. They admire and respect her—and, yes, there’s more than a little healthy fear of her, too. But most importantly, they love this woman who is astonishingly hard on herself, who is dedicated to a fault, who is walled off, even from them. They love her, and she is lonely. 
And since he has been around, she’s been . . . less so. 
He has been good for her. Of all the miserable, uncomfortable ruminations that he’s been through since she walked away down that hospital corridor, this may be the worst. It may be the one that shakes him to his very core, but he has been good for her in his childish, boundary-less Kool-Aid Man fashion. She has not—could never—trained him not to approach her on certain fronts, and approach, he has. And in so doing he’s coaxed her out into the light, a little. At least a little. 
He, master of the left-handed compliment that he is, has congratulated her on working people, handling them, running the convenient con. For her part, she has told him in no uncertain terms that she is simply being honest. But she has also stood taller in doing so. She has settled into herself and breathed her way into more of the world’s real estate beyond the job as he has fumblingly made her see how remarkable it is, the degree to which she unthinkingly gives of herself to lessen the pain of others. He has watched her come into a sense of her own worth. He has seen it dawn on her that she has a right to ask more of him, more of life, more of the world. 
He deserves no credit for it. He certainly never had any intention of doing anyone but himself any good as he’s pulled strings and knocked over anything in his way. But the paradoxically uncomfortable truth is that he has done her a kind of precarious good. 
And now he’s taken that from her. He’s taken so much from her that it would be a blessed relief to simply feel guilty. But he doesn’t have that luxury. There is a weight in knowing he has meant something to her. The responsibility of it weighs heavily on a part of his soul he’d thought long dead. 
He’s worried about her. 
He is so very worried. 
A/N: This is 1497 words to support a lame Kool-Aid Man reference.
images via homeofthenutty
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beezonia · 1 year
This is for the doctor who pokèmon au!
Just some ideas for elite four and champions but not all of them cause I’m still trying to figure shit out lol
12 - Champion
Type - Dark/Steel or he gets psychic types
His main is a bisharp
Elite four
Clara - She’s ghost type
Her main is a golurk
Nardole - Ice or fairy (idk he just gives me fairy vibes)
His main is definitely a klefki
Bill - fire types? Or electric
Her main would be arcanine
Okay now I’m struggling for a last one but it could be either Kate or missy
But for either it would be
Kate - Ice or flying
And I think her main would be a corviknight or skarmony
Missy - Psychic or Dragon
Her main is a hydregion
Four - Champion
Electric/fighting or steel
His main is klinklang
Sarah Jane - Ghost
Her main is a cofagrigus
Brigadier - ground or fighting
His main is Rhyperior
Romana - ice
Her main is froslass
Leela - Grass or Rock
Her main is either tropius or torterra
For Harry (he’s a gym leader)
Normal/water and his main is chansey
11 - Champion
His main is Ampharos
Amy - Fighting
Main is a meinshao
Rory - Bug
His main is a Leavanny
River - poison
Main is a scolipede
This could be Kate here or idk so I’m putting Kate
So her main is probably a corviknight she’s flying type
For 5
Hes probably rock or even electric (lmk if this is a bad match up)
His main is a crustle
Tegan is a water or poison
Her main is a samurott maybe
Nysaa is dark
I like the idea of her having a Houndoom as her main
Not sure about the others yet maybe you guys can help plss!!
9 is dark again or maybe ghost 10 is electric
His main is a sableye (9) other one is a Manetric (10)
Rose is fire type
Her main is a rapidash
Jack is water/steel
His main is a Primarina
Martha is grass
Her main is a serperior
Mickey is Fighting
His main is a sawk
And that’s all I can really think of atm lmk what you think and help me choose some more or help me change some bits pls!!!
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casasupernovas · 7 months
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martha was crushing on the doctor but it was in this moment she truly fell head over heels in love with him 💘 and so did the audience
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thebadtimewolf · 1 year
why r u so mad about ppl preferring ten x madame de pompadour to ten x martha like ten/martha will never be a thing. ten don’t want anything to do with martha. he literally said to her face she wouldn’t replace rose… and she never did… isnt canon enough for you
im glad im only a scorpio on this alone. if martha deserved better than ten then so do all of em but anyway:
this ask is giving 2006/07 i dont want to see tenth doctor in a romantic relationship with a person of color because i can't project myself or relate to them if they arent the very thing being catered to me ever since the silent pictures vibes. u know the same vibe when rtd was told to not regenerate 14 in 13's clothes. just. Ick.
but im not mad. its just interesting for a ship so big as tenrose, it is usually correlated with hating madame de pompadour and/or joan and/or river [though in joan's case they hate her not because shes racist but because shes not rose]
though comics tend to release to combat that in multi doctor stories where they jump through various alternate universes of themselves where the doctor sees themselves settled down with dr. grace holloway (for 8th dr multi doctor stories) and professor melody williams/river song (for 11th dr multi doctor stories) where in those cases, they are frightful of the concept settling down at all. [take note that both times, he settles down in the same house that he owns bc of that unit paycheck on the dl] so i am curious that with this new drs, the equivalent of this would be 13 14 15 being terrified of settling down with rose because they had grown past her as this point.
i prefer the doctor in a polyromantic ace relationship than their umpteenth 🌟tragic heteronormative romance with yt human woman number 23445788764443356743🌟 i want 14 to sweep martha off her feet in pure joy and kiss her passionately while badmouthing tf out of 10 like 9 11 12 13 do with no filter before cradling her like a baby because hes about to crumble under his brand new identity complex and then take her kid to an amusement park and then 14 trips over a brick and dies. hell i rather have nina sosanya play a whole different lady in nod to doctor who recycles their actors trope as a way to introduce a love interest to 14
that amusment park one weirdly sounds like a 8th doctor audio. pls 🙏🏾 dont make it into one i couldnt handle schezro let alone the rest of his content. Empire of the Wolf made me so fucking worried for rose marion tyler like im just she back home 🫣. as for rose tyler from the sea devil universe still out about. whoop his ass. if billie come back as HER? MISS COVER MODEL MISS DICTATOR MISS EMPRESS ROSE?
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i would love for ten to be strictly friends with the new miss empress rose. get that martha karma real quick ehehehehe after all rtd did say they need freema for somethin and im sure seeing 10 get treated the same way he treated martha by no other than empress rose herself -AND THEN EMPRESS ROSE FLIRTS WITH MARTHA??? FINGERS CROSSED??? im just saying that i personally will ride on that for 8 black history months and christmases straight like woo
also real glad it is collectively decided by every one that tentoo is just john smith not corin so yay thanks big finish and titan comics
#{lets see if i can scare this anon away listen i even made a graphic for this damn it. u better appreciate it i went all out for you}#{porn blogs and micro antiblack anons: this is why i dont share my shipping opinions much bc they stick to tv and i stick to everything}#{usually all this i gave to my aunt and we would have phone discussions and she would watch and call be like hey yeah! i see it}#{and she would say: but really it wasnt that for martha. it was the writing choices that was disapproved because not wanting another 💞}#{it went from classism for rose to racism for martha and she points that it wasnt catered to black fans in the rtd era}#{so yeah ten x martha wouldn't be a thing but only because test audiences and fans refused it due to the studios racial bias}#{10 wanted everything to do w martha. he just used rose as excuse and because of that 12 and 13 vocally to his face hates him for it}#{and we all fell for it: everybody did because like 12 said: its the bambi eyes. hook line and sucker}#{he wanted martha the whole time but he kept playing that hot n cold game to the wrong girl just bc it worked on 2 later 3 yt blonde women}#{4 yt women because of miss kylie minogue! all of a sudden he dont know how to counterflirt when a blk woman flirts back?}#{yes thats right im throwing miss claire pope AND IN THE GABBY GONZALES COMIC OF THE PPL OUTSIDE HER FAMILY LAUNDROMAT??}#{but yeah after losing donna suddenly supiciously hes not racist but extremely genocidal to death and death alone like hm.}#{his actions speak extremely louder than his words and in turn so does the fandom and its writers}#{4 yt blondes and hes willing to believe in them despite him having to permanently lose them but completely have lil faith in the blk one?}#{ ten never actually go back to martha. be fair if i forgave the person that enslave her family for a missing year? yeah i wouldnt either}#{we could never be together because of a yt woman i chose to leave behind three times with her mum for 'safety' boy bye}#{and i go around and almost in one whole episode almost left her behind AGAIN for madame de pompadour another blonde yt woman?}#{like i ship them i ship all of em but if they were all hanging off a cliff side? 🤧 😔 we gather here today in the loss of 🌹 and depomp}#{dont worry at least 9 would leap after rose.}#bw: out of ethos#answered#anonymous#bw: long post#{i made a long post just so i surprise you with a cute billie graphic thats all. that the main topic}
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amystheme · 2 years
The thing about martha is that… she didn’t need him. and the thing about 10 is that he didn’t need her. a lot of doctor / companions are stories of need (furiously devotedly clinging to each other because we can’t help it) but martha and 10 is selfish impulse meets unthinking want. it’s horny! it’s repressed! it’s this sort of liminal love story that never crosses over
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cheriladycl01 · 4 months
Feel the Heat - Grid x F Driver! Reader
Plot: All the moments that Y/N has just absolutely lost her shit.
Warnings: Lots of swearing, mentions of sexism (undertones) which I do not condone at all, its just for the plot and what i see some celebrities are burdened with in the limelight.
Credit to martha-dobie for the GIF
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Moment 1:
"So Y/N how do you feel about the 10 second time penalty?" Martin asks you in the post race interview. You were now starting P20 in the race tomorrow and it wasn't even your fault.
"Yeah superb the FIA did a really good job determining who was at fault!" you grit out with a strained smile on your face.
"Oh really? Because your team seem to be arguing against the decision as we speak, they've been very vocal about it"
"Yeah it was sarcastic of course I'm not happy, any other driver who did that would have been let off... but I don't? My team have clips of Hamilton, Ricciardo, Leclerc, Stroll, Gasly and Norris all doing it and getting away with it. So why not me?" you ask before storming off. You didn't want to do media anymore and your PR manager could tell.
"Y/N we are trying to get that penalty lifted so that you start P4 tomorrow. I don't know what else to say, the team are trying" she says rubbing your shoulders, but the scowl on your face says otherwise.
"It's not fucking right though Cathy!" you exclaim kicking the side of the Red Bull hospitality wall.
"I know, i know. And they are working on it!" she exclaims trying to calm you down.
"They wont change their decision now though, the other teams will get pissed that they've gone back on their word..." you seethe.
"Fucks sake" you scream.
"I'm going" you grunt out, before storming through the AlphaTauri garage and grab your bag that you'd brought to the track. Everyone could see how hacked off you were, even once you put the sunglasses on and your team cap to cover the look currently on your face.
"Y/N are you okay?" Yuki your team mate asks, as he too exists the paddock behind you. You tried to ignore him, not wanting to turn round and snap at one of the most genuine and sweetest people here.
"Okay, you don't want to talk and that's fine, but please let me drive. Angry Y/N is scary driving" he advises, trying to beeline ahead of you so that he could get to the drivers door before you.
"Sorry Yuki, yeah you should drive" you manage to get out slowing down your own pace so that the poor male didn't have to run so he was ahead of you.
You proceeded to not have the time penalty knocked, and you started the race in P20, however you managed to climb all the way up to P5 in a victorious come back race.
Your team were celebrating the come back and you were beyond happy in the interviews.
Moment 2:
"Y/N over here! Can you sign this?" another voice shouts at you, you were in the airport and your manager said that he would be there for you and your girlfriend when you got off the plane with security.
However no-one was there to collect you apart from fans who somehow worked out what flight you were on.
Slowly more and more people were flooding around you both and your girlfriend. Your girlfriend was a smaller streamer and therefore wasn't used to the Paparazzi.
"Guys can we back up a little, just to keep us all safe" you tried being nice to get the fans to back up a little further to make sure your girlfriend was safe.
However, as you went round with the sharpie, more and more people were pushing and you were so out of it from the pushing and pulling, the cameras in your face and things being thrusted at you that the tight grip that was once on your forearm was gone.
"Emma?" you shouted your girlfriends name, now noticing you couldn't see her.
"Emma!" you shouted in an angrier tone, people still not backing up and giving you space.
"Right, I've tried to be nice, everyone please leave. NOW!" you say sternly, and for the first time not only the fans but airport staff notice the commotion and security help you out of the circled crowd around you.
You immediately went to twitter.
'Please, if you are a fan and you see a celebrity in a public space with no security... DONT bring attention to them and DONT mob them. That was the scariest moment of my life in Heathrow Airport just now. Have some fucking respect for your idols'
You shut your phone off, your face still angry most definitely being caught by the paps. They also caught as you ran up to your girlfriend pulling her into a hug, checking over her making sure she's okay, before your hands travel up to her cheek and pull her into a kiss.
"I'm so sorry baby" you apologize as soft tears start to fall down her face.
Your girlfriend had ended up breaking up with you the week after the race, the pressure of everything getting to her. You cried to Charles and Pierre for an entire weekend as your 3 year long relationship had just come to a close because of your fans not having respect for personal space and boundaries.
You were fuming and had written many tweets and Instagram story's explaining why you guys broke up and how utterly heartbroken you were, however you wanted Emma to be happy and that this is what was for the best.
For months, you were cold and off with any media duties and PR had to tell every interviewer not to bring the breakup up in the questions or they'd cut the interview.
Moment 3:
"Well, Lando... you've been here for six years now and you still haven't got your first win yet... do you feel like your going to be the next Nico Hulkenberg or Kevin Magnussen?" An interviewer asks looking down at his notepad.
"Erm" Lando says unsurely looking down.
"What the actual fuck" you spit, looking at the interviewer that asked him.
"Y/N you have input on this matter?"
"Go fuck yourself. Get yourself in a F1 car and see if you can even fucking start it. Lando has worked hard for what he has achieved so far, in and no hate to Mclaren, but a midfield car. How dare you sit there and ask him that question. Kevin and Nico have also worked hard for where they are, even just being in F1 is a phenomenal achievement considering there are only 20 seats in the world. So to answer your question, no Lando is Lando Norris and that's fucking iconic enough as it is, with or without a win. Have a good fucking rest of the panel" you rant, before standing up with so much force that your seat goes crashing back, a bang sounding throughout the room making the interviewer flinch.
Everyone actually sat there for a minute reviewing how you'd just stormed out of media duties and slammed the interviewer six feet under.
"So Y/N no longer will be participating into todays panel. So Martin i believe you had a question for Lewis?" the director advised but the rest of the vibes for the interview weren't there as everyone agreed with your previous statements.
Moment 4:
"Y/N are you okay?" your race engineer asks.
"Copy that. But are you okay?" they asks once again.
"No I'm not fucking okay. Tell Leclerc when i see him, I'm going to shove his wheel so far into his mouth " *cut off*
"Did you guys just fucking mute me?" you scream, but after not hearing anything you jump out the car handing the wheel to one of the pit teams that had come out to collect your battered car.
You kicked at the gravel, yelling at one of the crew asking if they saw how Leclerc had literally gone into you and used you as his crash barrier, yet he was still able to the continue the race pitting for minor wing damage.
You had yelled at Charles after the race, who completely admitted to you that he was at fault and he was sorry to be the cause of your DNF. He went on to say in the interviews that he was sorry to you that he'd caused such a collision.
Moment 5:
"WOMEN SHOULDNT BE IN MOTORSPORT" you hear from the stand behind you as your signing a little boys hat that he had offered you asking for a picture and a signature.
However, something metallic not only hit you but hit the little boy that was stood to your left. He immediately raised his hand to his head, holding the bit that the can had hit before bursting into tears.
In a moment of shock you spin round looking for the men that had thrown the empty beer cans at you through the fencing.
"Oiii you two get the fuck down here now!" you point at the two laughing gents, who still at being called out.
"Don't ever pull shit like that again or I'll get you permanently banned from every sporting event you could possibly attend" you say looking up at them. They looked at you in shock.
"Oh, I'm sorry if its not the consequences of your actions ..." you laugh.
"But ..."
"No, you hurt a little boy! And me... So I'll be letting bar staff know to no longer serve you" you say before turning away and talking to security.
They ended up finding the little boy and his father. You came up to them with a gift bag each and upgraded paddock passes. They hugged you thanking you for the opportunity and saying it was too much.
You made sure the little boy was okay, carrying him on your hip touring him through the paddock, introducing him and his dad to the other drivers and then showing him around the garage. You let him sit in your car while you took a picture of him and his dad. A mechanic then took a picture of the three of you.
The media went crazy seeing you stick up for the little boy and his day around the paddock with you. People knew you were sweet despite how short tempered you could be and these interactions proved it.
The little boy and his father ended up actually becoming closer friends of yours and would often be seen in the paddock or when they had general tickets people would wave as they recognized them.
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @stupidandunnecessary @clayra-g @daemyratwst @honey-belden @moonypixel @lauralarsen @vader-is-hot @ironcowboycopnickel @itsjustkhaos @the-untamed-soul @beebo86 @happylittlereader @ziejustme @lou-larcher5 @thewulf @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @chillyleclerc @chanthereader @annoyingmoonballoon @summissss @evieepepi08 @havaneseoger08 @celesteblack08 @gulphulp @fandom1ruined2me @celebstories @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhh @georgeparisole @dakotatankbig @youcannotcancelquidditch @zzonsbeek @tallbrownhairsarcastic @mellowarcadefun @ourteenagetragedy @otako5811 @countingstacksandpanicattacks @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @hopexcroc @mirrorball-6 @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @lilypadlover @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @the-fem1n1ne-urge @21stcenturytaegi @dark-night-sky-99 @spideybv28 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz
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beartrice-inn-unnir · 10 months
10. What is your favorite genre book to recommend to someone who doesn’t usually like that genre?
Usually when people ask me for a rec for a genre they don’t usually like, they are asking for sci-fi, and I start by trying to figure out different access points based on what they already like. I’m not much of a hard sci-fi person, tending more to the space opera and political thrillers, so here’s a few “if you like x, maybe try y”:
If you like romance, give Everina Maxwell’s Winter’s Orbit a try. It’s definitely sci-fi in setting and plot, but it also hits nicely in the formulaic patterns of a arranged-marriage, strangers-to-lovers story that will help you through it even if the sci-fi elements are throwing you off. The author has another similar book that increases the sci-fi elements and is enemies-to-lovers as well, so if you like Winter’s Orbit, Ocean’s Echo is a good next step.
If you like non-fiction, The Martian by Andy Weir is a great pick. I have multiple friends who got into reading again as adults via The Martian. It’s well-written, well-grounded, funny, and very sci-fi. If you’ve already read it, then maybe give To Be Taught if Fortunate by Becky Chambers a try. It can be described with all the same adjectives, plus it’s a short novella, so if you’re hesitant, it’s less intimidating.
If you like mysteries or political thrillers, boy is there a lot of great sci-fi out there for you. The crux of a lot of sci-fi is space or high-tech settings with a plot that asks questions about personhood, and that mixes really well with detectives and spies wandering around trying to solve problems and find truths. Try Fugitive Telemetry by Martha Wells (it’s partway through a series of great books and novellas, but that one’s the most traditional mystery plot) or A Desolation Called Peace by Arkady Martine (ambassador solving her predecessor’s mysterious death while trying to do his job)(I’d also recommend this one if you read a lot of classics) EDIT: just realized I mistyped - book 1 by Arkady Martine is A Memory Called Empire.
If YA/ Bildungsromanen/ New Adult figuring the world out through trial and error is often your jam, try Provenance by Ann Leckie (for the kid who really wants to do things right) or The Warrior’s Apprentice by Lois McMaster Bujold (for another kid who wants to do things right, but is also a high-energy chaos gremlin).
If you like fantasy, you probably already have read some sci-fi; it’s all under the speculative fiction umbrella and genres are vague anyway. All the same, I know this is the Locked Tomb Website, but give Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir a shot (it’s got magic and mayhem and an epic locked-room whodunnit mystery). The Best of All Possible Worlds by Karen Lord is also good - it has a team of people traveling together and thinking about morals and discovering new abilities, plus some romance.
I’m sure there’s lots of genres I’m forgetting right now, but feel free to send me another ask for any specific one!
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harrysarchive · 5 months
I love tattooarrist harry and baker!y/n so much!! Can we please have more of them🥺🥺
No big deal; h.s.
Tattooartist!harry x baker!y/n
"I don't see the problem we were just staying in." He tries to defend himself his eyebrows furrowing, a common tell sign that he was getting worked up, "Me and Niall had a good fuckin day at work so we decided to celebrate. We can do date night another day no big deal."
Warnings: Slight angst
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I watch as the candle slowly melts with a sigh leaving my mouth, the cold dinner left untouched and the wine was left getting warm. I look up at the clock and my frown deepens.
I'll be back at 8, just me and you tonight love.
His charismatic voice with a wink rings through my mind. The clock taunts me with the hands striking 10, finally deciding he wasnt showing, I shoved my chair back the legs of the chair weeping from the tension against the wooden floor, and started picking up the dinner left to waste. Wrapping Harry's plate in plastic wrap i shove it in the fridge when a black ball of fur swivels its way between my legs, matilda meows sorrowful and i give her a light smile.
"He probably had to work late 'tilda." I hum giving her a pat before walking towards our bedroom.
As i sit on our bed I pull my phone out and scroll through my contacts, clicking his name i put my phone to my ear and wait as the sound of the ringing vibrates through my ear.
I obviously couldn't answer I'm probably busy at work or with y/n. If it's important give her a call.
I let out a frustrated huff at the voicemail, "Where the hell are you? We had plans tonight remember? Just give me a call back please."
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My body jolts as i hear the sound of keys jingle and the front door snapping open. I grab ahold of my glasses on the side table shoving them on and looking at the clock, 2:00 A.M. glares back at me. Are you actually kidding me? I put on my house shoes and walk towards the living area of the apartment, i watch as Harry pour himself a glass of water.
"And where the hell have you been?" I ask sharply as i glare at him, my hands on my hips Harry stops pouring the water and turns towards me with a frown.
"Out with Niall." He states bluntly taking a swig of water, a harsh laugh escapes my mouth and i nod.
"Did you forget something?" I ask with a sarcastic smile on my face.
He looks as if he's trying to remember something then shakes his head, "not that i recall."
Thats the fire that ignites my anger, "You made plans for us tonight! You wanted to have a nice quiet night in. I fucking made dinner, I had picked out a bath bomb for us to use. I even left work three hours early for this!"
"I don't see the problem we were just staying in." He tries to defend himself his eyebrows furrowing, a common tell sign that he was getting worked up, "Me and Niall had a good fuckin day at work so we decided to celebrate. We can do date night another day no big deal."
No big deal.
"No big deal?!" I snap taking a step in his direction, "We barely get to spend any time together because you're always working late, you fucking promised me tonight and you broke that promise. You come home six hours later from a pub and expect me not to be upset? I mean fuck Harry!" I huff massaging my temples.
"Well maybe you should have called me!" He bites and i sigh shaking my head.
"You know what, this isnt even worth it." I hum grabbing my keys from the key rack.
"Where the hell are you going?" He asks moving over towards me.
"Dont do this," he sighs, "look i'm sorry okay just dont leave please."
I take a look at him, his eyes heavy with exhaustion, hair disheveled and a frown on his pretty pink lips before taking a deep breath, "i need some time to think and breathe before i make a mistake and do something irrational, if we keep going at this it'll turn out that way. Please respect my wishes."
His frown deepens and brows furrow further, "be back tomorrow?"
"I have work all day, i'll be back at 8." I spit his words back at him before throwing the door open and making my escape.
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"...all im saying is he's a prick, plain and simple make him suffer." Martha states as she wipes down the colourful table.
Marthas been giving me a lecture since i walked into her little cottage yesterday at 2 in the morning and she hasnt stopped. I walked in the bakery with a frown at 6 A.M. and it hasnt came off the entire day, regulars constantly coming in giving me a sympathetic smile and wishing my day well.
"But Martha..."
"No but, no nothing. Dont give me that bullshit, sure he loves you and you love him but its the principle of the matter." She hums sitting in an old rustic arm chair next to the bean bags. "Think of it this way, if it was the other way around; him staying home making the dinner and you didnt show till ass crack in the mornin', he would do the same shit. Walk his pretty ass out of the house and drive off to Niall's."
I huff as i plop myself on the bright pink beanbag bringing my palms to my eyes trying to rub out the migraine that was destined to form. I know she's right he would be upset if it was the other way around, and the fact that he was being so blunt and  careless was very disrespectful.
"So what now?" I ask picking at my nails.
"You wait till he apologises."
I let out a deep sigh, "Martha I was also wrong for just walking out."
"No you werent, you told him yourself. You would have done some stupid shit that you didnt mean if you stayed there." She replies sharply, "and while he's at the apologising tell him to come clean the damn tables and dishes."
I let out a snort and shake my head, glancing at the clock 8 o'clock is staring back at me, Martha looks at the clock and hums.
"You can go, Nat is here so she can help clean up."
"No, i'll stay." I smile at her before snatching her rag out of her hands and smirking at her, "get up you old hag it's deep cleaning day."
She gapes at me then glares, "fuck that shit, you can do that yourself for calling me an old hag!"
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I look at the clock on my dashboard, 10:30 it reads. Letting out a huff i grab my purse and some desserts I decide to bring home, everything will be fine i hoped. Walking up to the door i let one last deep sigh out before making my way through. The sound of things being knocked over make me jump slightly, looking up towards the dining area i see Harry with blood shot eyes and a blotchy face.
"You're home." He croaks out smiling at me with watery eyes.
"Yeah, stayed late to help Martha deep clean." I mumble sitting my purse on the coat rack and my keys on the key holder.
"I- um I made dinner for us." He chirps pointing to the meal on the table, "chicken parm your favourite."
I give him a weak smile before nodding and walking towards the dining table, looking at the meal my heart pulls. "Thank you thats thoughtful of you."
"No it's not, it's the bare minimum, you shouldn't thank me for this." He sighs shaking his head, "i have neglected you for weeks y/n. Making you promises and never pulling through, telling you we'd spend time together but it never happens. When you left last night, i um i got to thinking and do you know how many dates i've fallen through on?" He ask and i shake my head, not really one to keep count on things like that, "six, fucking six, that is six to many. I wanna make it up to you, i decided to cut back on my hours-"
"Harry you didnt-"
"I know i didnt have to, i wanted to." He smiles grabbing ahold of my hands, "i want to spend a lot more time with you, i want to be there for you the way you've been there for me."
Tears stream down my face as i smile at him letting out a chuckle, "i'm sorry for leaving."
"Dont be sorry, i would've left to if i was you."
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A/N: oh my god :') hello guys i miss yall so fucking much its insane first off thank you so much for the request anon<3 i've been dealing with personal shit and just been in a reading (and writing) slump </3 and i've also been waiting for someone to request something so thank youuuuu!!!! I hope you guys enjoyed as much as i enjoyed writing this<3
-All the love,
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an0ther1 · 8 days
Two Is Always Better Than One pt.2
Leah x Alessia
A/N: This is the “2nd” chapter of a 3 part short series I have on AO3. Thanks for all the dog name suggestions.
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“LEE! LEAH! Swear I need to put a tracking device on you in this house.” Leah could hear from down the hall.
“In the study, love.” Leah was setting up their football photos throughout the room. They had been in the house for 3 weeks now. They had some custom built-ins made for the study and painted a few rooms before all their furniture and personal items were moved in. They still had a few things to unpack.
“That Martha woman got back to me!” Alessia started before she crossed the threshold. When she entered the room and saw the confusion on Leah’s face she continued. “The lady with the foster puppies the shelter told us about. Remember, the shelter we went to on Tuesday told us about those puppies that had been found by the pond in London Colney, they nicknamed them the Gooners.”
“Want to go meet them?”
“Right now?” Leah was still on the step ladder trying to hang an enlarged print of Alessia’s back heel goal against Sweden.
“YES! Before someone else takes the puppy that is meant to be with us!” Alessia smacked her hands against her thighs like a child that was utterly frustrated with having to explain themselves. However this was the first time they had talked about this litter of foster puppies aside from the initial mention of them at the shelter. “You promised me I could have a dog.” Alessia whined.
Leah finally got the picture on the hook in the wall and straightened before descending the small ladder. “Of course we can go see them.”
“Yes beautiful” Leah walked over and dropped a kiss to the top of Alessia’s head. “Let me just change my shirt.”
Alessia squealed. “I’ll get the keys and meet you in the car!” Then she was off down the hall, leaving Leah just standing there.
“Never again.” Leah muttered to herself.
15 minutes later they were in a village a stones throw from the training center. “These puppies are Gooners born and raised. One of them is definitely ours!” Alessia bounced in the passenger seat as Leah pulled the car over in front of a small white cottage. She had the door open before Leah even got the engine shut off. The defender could only laugh at her girlfriend's excitement. Alessia at least waited for Leah to catch up before she knocked on the door.
A few puppies could be heard yapping behind the door as well as a woman trying to calm them down. “Saka, get off of Declan. Leah! No, stop pushing Kai around. Little, get a handle on your team.”
Leah and Alessia just looked at each other. The door opened a moment later to reveal an older woman with dark hair that was graying around her face. She had her head turned back towards the dogs in the house when she first greeted the couple. “Hello, sorry for all the yapping. But trying to control 10 pups is-” She stopped mid sentence when she finally turned to face the blondes. “Bloody hell, you’re Alessia Russo and Leah Williamson.”
“That’s us!” Alessia said cherrily. “I emailed you about meeting the foster pups.”
Alessia glanced over at Leah for a moment. “Ah, yeah. I mean, are you Martha?”
“I am.”
“Then I do believe you were the one I was emailing with.”
“Oh. Yes, yes. Sorry. I just. You’re Alessia Russo.” The women then turned to Leah. “And your-” The woman shook her head. “Sorry, I just can’t believe that you two are standing at my door. And clearly my manners have completely left me. Come in. Please.” The woman stood back in the entryway to allow the footballers in. “I have 2 real life Gunners here to meet my Gooners.”
Leah laughed. “It would seem that way. And thank you for letting us come meet them.”
“Oh yes, of course. So, umm.” The woman pointed towards a couch in the living room. “Please have a seat there, or on the floor if you like. So yeah, I’m Martha.”
“Hello Martha. So did you say you have 10 puppies right now?” Leah asked.
“Yes. There are the 6 Gooners that were found near the pond. And then I have 4 others from a pregnant foster I took in. They were born about a week before I took the pups. Since no mother was found with the Gooners, Emilia stepped up and took the 6 in with her own. She’s in the garden right now having a bit of a break.” Martha smiled.
“I thought I heard you say a few names as you came to the door?” Alessia lowered herself onto the floor in front of the couch, which got the attention of several puppies who came bounding over to inspect the new person.
“Oh yes.” Martha chuckled. “All of the pups are named after players. So that one there is Kaka, and that’s Kai. The blonde one is Leah.”
Alessia scooped that one up first. “Well don’t you have the perfect name, pretty girl.” She cooed.
“The one with the long skinny legs is Stina. The dark one is Declan. And then,” Martha looked around the room and continued pointing and naming pups as she saw them. “There is Frida, Foxy, and Victoria.”
“I thought I heard you say Little, and that’s only 8.” Leah pointed out just as there was a crashing sound from somewhere in the house.
The older woman huffed. “That would be McCabe. And I’m sure Little is right behind her trying to get her to stop whatever mischief she has gotten herself into. I’ll be right back.” She headed out of the room.
“She can’t be serious.” Leah said quietly.
“Oh I can’t wait to tell the girls about this.” Alessia said as she rubbed the bellies of 2 of the pups.
A moment later Martha returned with a dog under each arm. A black one who was squirming in an attempt to escape, and a caramel colored one who seemed satisfied the other one had been captured. “These two, are Little and McCabe.”
“Do we need to ask which is which?” Leah chuckled.
“Your guess will be correct, I promise you.” The woman laughed as she set them both down.
McCabe shook like she had just gotten out of a bath before realizing there was someone new sitting on the floor and taking off like a tiny rocket. She barrelled through 2 other puppies before slamming into Alessia at full speed. “You are true to the namesake I see.” Alessia said as she picked the puppy up.
Little sat in the middle of the room for a moment, watching and observing all the other dogs before she seemed to decide everyone was where they should be and wandering over to Leah. She sniffed the defender's outstretched hand before sitting up on her hind legs to be picked up. “Well aren’t you a well mannered little thing.”
“She is definitely the responsible one of the bunch. We think she was the one that kept all the puppies together at the pond as she always seems to be rounding them up and checking on everyone. And then that one.” Martha pointed at McCabe. “Well her and Little are now connected at the hip because she’s always getting into something and Little is always trying to pull her back. Which is funny because McCabe is not one of the 6 Gooners.”
“Yeah, McCabe seems a bit bigger. But she’s younger, yeah?” Alessia asked.
“That’s correct. But, Little is her keeper. So much so that I’m hopeful they’ll find a home together.”
“Awe, aren’t you a sweet one.” Leah had Little on her back in her lap rubbing her chest. “Any idea what they are? Like breeds? They’re all kind of small”
“Well Emilia is part Dachshund. But she is mixed with something a bit heftier too, like a corgi maybe. And then I would guess the Gooners are Dachshund as well, but mixed with something smaller like another terrier. They have rounder snouts too.”
McCabe started getting feisty in Alessia’s lap and immediately Little rolled over from her relaxed position in Leah’s lap and jumped to the floor. She snipped lightly at McCabe’s ear causing the black pup to stop immediately.
“See. Little runs things.”
Alessia was giggling as she picked up McCabe close to her face. “At least you listen to your captain.” The puppy began squireming wildly until the footballer set her down, before taking off across the room full speed, Little hot on her heels. “Those two are adorable.” Alessia began calling over the other puppies who were happy to gain the blonde's attention.
Without a puppy in her own lap Leah pulled out her phone and began taking photos of her girlfriend with several of the pups in her lap, a bright smile on her face. She took several more photos over the next 20 minutes while Alessia rolled around on the floor with the dogs. Every so often you could hear a small bark from across the room and then McCabe would wander back to the middle of the room under Little’s watchful eye. And each time Little seemed satisfied that McCabe was going to stay with the group, the caramel colored pup sat itself at Leah’s feet.
“Kindred spirits it would seem.” Alessia said after the 3rd time.
Leah leaned down and rubbed the dog's ear, causing Little to slump over into her leg. “So it would seem.” She smiled softly.
Slowly one by one the puppies started to lose momentum and began curling up together throughout the room. Little was still settled next to Leah’s feet when McCabe came over and nudged the other dog. When she got no reaction, she crawled up into Alessia’s lap just above Little and plopped down.
Martha smiled at the footballers. “Looks like they’ve taken a liking to you.”
Alessia leaned her head back against the couch looking up at Leah. The look in her eye told Leah everything the younger woman was thinking before she even said anything. “You know, two is always better than one.”
“Is that so?” Leah smirked.
“One is so lonely.” Alessia pouted.
“I spend enough time yelling at McCabe as is.” Leah paused. “We are not keeping that name.”
“REALLY?!” Alessia squealed, waking several of the puppies. All except McCabe it seemed. “Martha, if we wanted to make these 2 ours?” She turned to the older woman.
“I would expect regular Instagram uploads to see how they are doing.” The woman smiled. “This is a private foster situation, so there really isn’t any paperwork or anything to be done if that’s what you’re asking. There are just some questions I like to ask.”
“Fire away!” Alessia hugged a sleeping McCabe to her chest.
“Do you have a fenced yard?”
“Yup! A big one! With lots of things to explore.” Alessia answered.
“Do you have a vet lined up?”
“Beth and Viv said they would give us the information for their vet. Said they highly recommend them. Especially for puppies.” Alessia played with the still sleeping dogs' ears.
“Wonderful. You two do travel. Do you have care lined up for when you are away?”
“We have several people willing to stay at the house with them.” Leah answered.
Martha took a deep breath and exhaled. “Well then. After seeing the four of you together, if you would like to take those babies home with you, I think you would be a great fit for them.”
Alessia spun around on the floor with McCabe in her arms, bright blue eyes looking at Leah. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” Leah bent down and picked up the sleeping puppy at her feet. Little only opened her eyes slightly, clearly not caring about being handled. “You want to come with us and keep an eye on that little bugga for good? Hmm?”
Martha stood up. “Well then, let me get their things. They each have a toy and blanket. I’ll also give you a bag of the kibble they currently eat. You can keep them on the same brand or change it. You’ll just want to mix this one with whatever you get to help ease their body into the change. And then I have quick info care sheet.” The woman exited the room.
“Are we really taking them home Lee?”
“Yeah Lessi.”
Alessia rose up from the floor to sit on the couch next to Leah. “Thank you, Leah.” She kissed the other blonde softly. “I love you.”
“And I love you.” Leah smiled as she leaned in for another kiss. “I did promise we would get a dog when we had a home with a garden, and I keep my promises.”
“That you do.”
“Alright. Here we are.” Martha reentered the room. “These belong to Little.” She held up a gray blanket and stuffed rabbit. “And these belong to McCabe.” She held up a red blanket and. . .
“Is that a shin pad?” Leah asked with a twisted face.
“It is. I honestly have no idea where it came from. Might be an old thing that belonged to one of my boys that she pulled from a closet.” She shrugged. “But as you can see from the teeth marks, she loves it.”
“She is going to need a new name before we introduce her to any of the girls.” Leah shook her head.
“Do we? It just seems to fit so well.” Alessia whined.
Leah leveled her with a glare.
“Fine.” Alessia rolled her eyes. “Martha, do you take donations or anything to help take care of these little ones or other fosters.”
“I personally don’t. I’m fortunate enough to be able to have a few fosters at once and manage. But if you would like, please donate to the shelter that sent you my way. They’re the ones that need the most help.”
“I will do that then.” Alessia smiled. “Alright McCabe. Are you ready to go see your new home? How about you, Little?” She scratched behind the ear of the pup in Leah’s lap before standing up with McCabe in her arms. Leah followed suit with Little in her arms.
Martha handed the items for each puppy to the footballer that was holding them. She leaned in and placed a kiss on top of each dog's head. “You behave.” She said to McCabe. “And keep her out of trouble.” She said to Little. “Right. I’ll get the door.”
Leah and Alessia followed Martha to the door. “Thank you so much Martha. It was a pleasure meeting you. And we’ll be sure to post plenty of pictures to keep you updated.” Alessia started.
“Yes, thank you very much.” Leah echoed.
“I can’t wait to see the official announcement with the names you pick.” Martha opened the door. “It was lovely meeting you both. Take care.” She remained on the porch and waved as the couple drove away.
On the way home, they made a stop at the pet shop for essential supplies. Mostly. They got a playpen to help contain the pups in the kitchen, or outside until they were a bit bigger, pee pads, puppy training treats, collars, harnesses and leads, and half the toy aisle. Alessia wanted to let the dogs have anything they picked. So every single toy that McCabe picked up and thrashed about went into the trolly. Little had picked up a single toy and carried it throughout the entire shop and car park as she sat in the trolly.
“We should have got that carrier that holds the dog to your chest like a baby.” Leah said as she held tightly to a wiggling puppy. “McCabe, seriously.”
“Here.” Alessia grabbed one of the toys they had purchased and handed it to Leah, which was swiftly snatched by the black pup who began thrashing in the defender's arms. “Calm down Stitch.”
Leah stopped walking. Alessia stopped the trolly a few steps later, turning back to her girlfriend. “What?” The striker asked over her shoulder.
“McCabe is Stitch. And Little is Lilo.” Leah looked at each pup as she said the names.
Alessia looked between the dogs and Leah. “Oh my gawd, Le! They are!” She scooped the caramel colored puppy out of the trolly. “What do you think Little? Hmm? I think Lilo would be a perfect name for you. And she.” She turned towards Leah and the other pup. “Is definitely Stitch.” Alessia took a few steps to Leah. “Lilo and Stitch, yeah?”
“Lilo and Stitch.”
Alessia gave Leah a quick kiss. “Come on. Let’s get the car loaded.”
The couple continued through the car park and loaded their items into the boot. Each pup still holding on to a toy. When they were settled into their seats, Alessia pulled out her phone. “Hold Stitch for a sec, Le. I want to send a pic to the girls.”
StarGirl23: jpeg.
StarGirl23: Anyone want to come over and meet Lilo and Stitch?
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