#1 and 2 were originally gonna be all one chapter but I'm worried I made it too long-
cosmicwhoreo · 7 months
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Oh yeah, it's all coming together...
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taeloke · 3 months
Overanalyzing 4KOTA Chapter 142 instead of just waiting for more info (1/2?)
Honestly? I'm writing King's side of this separately, because it's about time I started talking about him here l and I know I can go on forever about him. That field of over-analysis needs its own house. I would go off about him first but then I'd forget his kids entirely and I don't want to do that to them... Speaking of--
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So silly. So precious. Berte is so Helbram-coded and I'm sure that's intentional resemblance.
You know...I wonder which of their traits were inherited from Diane's parents. Probably the golden hair on almost half of them at least. Sixtus and Tioreh's pink hair looks more like a genetic mutation...unless their hair color is inherited from the leaf color of the Sacred Tree? That's possible too.
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Diane seems less energetic since becoming a mother. She's settled down and has been shown to be gentle more often than bubbly, which was the impression she gave me in the original series. I'm assuming she hasn't fought since entering the Fairy Realm, too. She's put the stress of the Holy War behind her, and I'm happy that she seems content with her lots of babies. I wonder if she'll get to hear about Dolores once the current issues are over. I'm sure hearing she's Nasiens's adoptive big sister will be a shock. Diane deserves to know that.
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The way Tioreh says this makes me suspect Puck is the one behind Nasiens and Myrtel's switcheroo. He must really love that "prank" in that case. Regardless of who was behind it, though, that's actually fucked up. A fairy trolled their own king by swapping their first child with a human, probably knowing exactly what issues both kids would be put in. I can't call this just a prank. I love King to death, but his people are their own kind of awful...
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For this moment, let's glance back at how she reacted to that news at first.
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Tioreh must have been suspecting this the whole time Nasiens was here, but this reveal may be the moment she started to seriously believe it, if not when Nasiens admitted to feeling healthier in the Fairy Realm. After this, she started to open up about her siblings more and telling Nasiens that he's like them--especially like Phao. All of this is stuff that Nasiens didn't know about since he met her two years ago. All of the tension in this family over Nasiens and Myrtel has been building up for so long...and right now we're watching it all cave in. I'm sure King and Diane had good intentions for hiding the truth, but hiding it's not working anymore.
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And Diane knows it's not working anymore. I'm stuck on her asking "Is that bad for you?" Why is she asking that of all things? Is that what King and Diane were so worried about when they decided to never come out about this? Did they think their kids would be upset with having a human for an older brother?
Okay, but maybe that's not all that they considered. Maybe they got worried about how their people outside of their family would react to their theories being confirmed. If that happened, as unfortunate as it is, Mertyl would probably get more ostracized than he was. With that in mind, I'm sure his parents made that choice to protect him from some of the problems he'd inevitably go through. It's a nice thought that way, but this was still a bad call. They made too many assumptions of their own kids' feelings.
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In other news...Phao was lurking... Now they're all gonna know and clear up this misunderstanding with their parents, right?
Anyway, I feel like I've written too much for one post, so I'll go on about the rest of the chapter tomorrow. Closing this part with this:
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myrtel peek
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roo-bastmoon · 8 months
Soul Fatigue
The one artist who made history for his nation by capturing the coveted Billboard Hot 100 #1 with a song he wrote on a deeply personal, completely original first solo album... that came from his own heart and mind, that he was willing to share on SoundCloud for free, that he pushed himself for 10 months to perfect then rushed until he was sick because he had only 10 days to promote... that artist was not submitted by his company to be nominated for overseas awards.
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Congratulations to Jungkook and the others, but this feels wrong to me. Especially considering his impact on global sales.
I said before that it makes no sense for a company to sabotage its own talent, but it simply can't be denied that HYBE neglect FACE. No restock of the single, didn't release the vinyl, didn't send files to radio, Jimin is shadow-banned from important media, and they even published some shady in-house articles. Plus, to this day, leadership has yet to praise or congratulate him.
So, sabotage, neglect, deprioritization--whatever you wish to call this--unless we hear from Jimin personally that he never wanted to be nominated--this is dishonorable. I'm sorry but I see no honor in it.
I love all our boys. I do. I work in some capacity for all seven every day. But this breaks my heart.
I have so many questions--about the way Hybe moves, about Jikook's unique relationship, about the stylistic choices around their Chapter 2 work. These days I feel like I have to question everything, and instead of finding answers, I'm led to more troubling questions.
If there were just some clear-cut transparency, I would know better how to act on my own principles. I would know what to invest my time and my heart in, and what to leave alone.
It is a very, very exhausting time for our fandom these days, isn't it, my puppykitties?
I will do my best to manage my health and rest up so I can fight for Jimin with all my heart on anything he DOES get to participate in. I will do my best to stay positive and focus on the good things ahead.
But for now... I need some true rest. My health stuff means I got about 5 hours of sleep total over the past 144 hours and I'm gonna collapse. I got new meds tonight and I hope they work.
Don't worry if you don't hear much from me, or you don't get Friday Thirsts and whatnot for a bit. I'm just cocooning for better days. Love, Roo
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switch · 18 days
Hi Switch! You're the Moriarty Expert I trust the most, so I thought I'd ask. Can you explain the reason you dislike Ruler Moriarty as if I'm an idiot/have little FGO knowledge? I play the game, but I barely know anything about meta, writers, or any sort of controversies and I figured you'd be able to give an objective rundown of why the character is bad for someone who might not get any out-of-game context. If you don't want to that's okay too!!! Have a good day either way
uhh to put it in the simplest possible terms, and with an immediate clarification that this is not about ‘he’s cringe’ or ‘i don’t think he’s hot’, there were three different ingame side-stories which all happened about 2 years before ruler ever released, and these side stories set up that there was going to be a Plot Event involving two different characters (sherlock and enkidu, we don’t know if these plots were planned to intersect or not), and moriarty was heavily involved in both. the basic setup was:
1. moriarty wanting the main character to trust him over sherlock if anything happens, being concerned that sherlock would be willing to do something extreme to save humanity that moriarty doesn’t want him to do (to clarify moriarty isn’t good in this situation and sherlock isn’t necessarily evil it’s just a whole thing i won’t get into here), suppressing the protagonist’s memories of this conversation so sherlock doesn’t get suspicious, and then he has a very vague and open-ended speech at the end about what’s gonna happen next.
2. moriarty outright saying he’s planning to turn enkidu into some kind of weapon and isn’t going to give the main character a say in the matter, and having a vague open-ended speech about what’s gonna happen next
these side stories are still in the game. they can still be read. but at some point, the culmination to the sherlock plot was pushed to happen much earlier in the writing process because the original chapter it was slated for got bloated, and some rewrites happened…
so after 2 years of being excited to see those stories play out, what we actually got was, uh, just ruler. all of a sudden. this new cooler younger moriarty who is an extremely different character just showed up with no foreshadowing because they did not have time to foreshadow him, made holmes kill himself, and… that was it. moriarty himself did not factor into this chapter at all. him being worried what sherlock was gonna do that he didn’t want him to? erasing the protag’s memories? enkidu? not relevant at all. moriarty’s side story i mentioned up there, which was supposed to be a prelude to this plot event, wasn’t even made universally available to players who don’t have him for this chapter (they usually do this for side stories relevant to main chapters), it was suddenly so irrelevant.
moriarty got a followup side story after this that… still didn’t address any of the still hanging plot threads. it’s just him talking about how he’s sad that sherlock is dead, but also sherlock is definitely going to come back since he killed himself at a recreation of reichenbach so obviously that didn’t kill him (okay). no open-endedness. a lot of moriarty fans felt like it read like a character retirement. and also kind of just like a commercial for whatever new sherlock unit we’re probably going to get down the line. absolutely nothing like his previous ones. the only acknowledgement of how weird this all is was just him going “oh, it just happened sooner than i expected” which frankly feels like the writers just looking directly at the audience to wave it away.
and, more infuriatingly, an interview with the writers shortly after (the same one that confirmed the rewrites/early sherlock plot happened) outright said that yeah, ruler wasn’t originally part of the plan, they kinda just made him because they wanted to see a young moriarty and decided to use him. they also stated that young moriarty still had a role to play in the story (he also blew up at the end of that chapter), which they never do for characters? which, like, okay, what about moriarty?? the guy whose dropped plots you can still access in the game??
so yeah anyway it’s been 2 years and moriarty is still in hell. i mean they still use him in marketing once in a while given he was one of the most recognizable fgo originals, but he never gets to show up in any events without being attached to ruler, despite everyone insisting at the time that he definitely wasn’t functionally being replaced, and all the relevancy is on ruler as the Real Main Story Character, so you can maybe understand why moriarty fans who actually read those side stories and that interview feel like we got shafted just so they could sell a new, coincidentally more conventionally marketable unit. so naturally we’re gonna be kind of pissed off by the character they did said shafting with.
also as more of an aside, moriarty is a really bad unit gameplay wise who hasn’t been buffed in like four years (and his only two buffs were actually kind of bad but that’s getting picky), and ruler is a lot better than he is. moriarty didn’t even get a pity buff or anything, so that’s salt in the wound. a bit more subjectively, ruler enjoyers are also chronically really bad at tagging him distinctly from moriarty so if you want to look up fanart of moriarty but not ruler you basically go to hell forever. moriarty even has a nickname thats contextually unique to him (shincha) but it gets used for ruler so much against all sense you can’t even use that to avoid him, it’s so bad. i filtered everything i could think of and i still just had to stop going into moriarty’s tags on here after ruler happened, which just makes me sad.
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justherforfics · 3 months
Jessie's girl (chap.2)
(A/N) hey, I just wanted to let you guys know that there will only be one more chapter of you and JJ being kids, in case you were worried about how long the childhood stuff would go on for. I was originally going to put all of what is now chapter 3 into this, but i wanted to spend more time explaining you family situation the best i could. i hope that's all okay .
Chapter 1 here
trigger warnings: mentions of parents fighting and bad writing
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Chapter 2: august
Turning 10 was a big milestone, not only did you start your period but now you could officially go bra shopping. It wasn't much but it made you feel like a “lady” or whatever that meant. It was also the year you started to notice things, things like how boys were both nicer and meaner to you. Or how much cramps sucked or just how pretty JJ was. Yeah, you kinda liked JJ but it wasn't a big deal or anything at least that's what you told John B when he basically cornered you asking why you were suddenly acting weird when you guys went swimming.
“Oh..my…you like…no,NO! “ He laughed 
“Stop! Not so loud!” You whisper screamed, smacking his arms and chest repeatedly.
“Wait no this I great, because he use to-”
“What you guys talking about?” JJ interrupted with a smile holding a little surf board that he found earlier that day.
“Oh nothing just girl stuff “ JB turned to look at you again wiggling his brows.
JJ looked sceptical between the two of you, “Ok…then, well i'm gonna surf now if you guys wanna come” JJ Began walking backwards towards the shore.
“ Hey J, you don't even know how to surf” 
“Yeah and?
“That hella stupid man,” John B laughed,”You gunna die”
“Stupid stuff has good outcomes all the time” JJ ran into the water after flashing his stupid smile.
“You like that?” John B turned back to you, raising eyebrow, pointing his thumb back at the blonde boy flailing around in the water
“Yeah…I think so”, You both laughed a little before turning to join JJ in the water. John B had tried to help JJ but neither of them knew what they were doing, so it ended up with slight bickering between them. Few other kids had come over to the beach, so JJ had at some point went to talk to a few of the kids from your school. While JJ was gone, John B had swam up closer to you, till you were only about 6 inches apart,
“Sooooo, “ he started, the smile he was trying to hold back creeping up, “when are you going to tell him?”
“Tell who what?”
“JJ, …and how you like hi-”
You slapped your hand around his mouth, “John B i swear, if you utter a single word to him”
“I wouldn’t…sooo?”
You sighed looking back where JJ stood amongst a group of kids showing off the almost ‘boogie board’,
”i was kinda hoping tonight”
“WAIT..REALLY?!” John B Straightened up, eyes as wide as his grin, “are you guys like gunna get married?”
“Not now, i don't know “
“If you do can i be like the ring guy”
“Wouldn't you be the best man?”
“Oh..yeah .. forget the ring thing that's better”
After trying to help JJ not drown while attempting to surf again, and swimming about, the three of you ended up walking to your house. It wasn't far from John B's so he would just walk you home most of the time instead of bugging any of the parents. 
“Hey can I tell you guys something?” JJ started. Both you and John B turned your heads to his direction,” I asked maddie out”
Both you and John B stopped, him looking at you, and you at jj.
“Maddie as in a girl?”
“Yeah JB I'm pretty sure she's a girl”
Your eyes almost began to water, how could you have been so stupid! Of course he liked maddie, she was smart and pretty and fun. Nothing like you.
You blinked quickly before smiling, “that’s great JJ!” although it wasn't all that great for you, he was your best friend, and you had to put that friendship first.
“Yeah, ya think!” JJ smiled back nodding his head happily. Your eyes meet with John B’s nodding slightly to let him know that he should talk.
“Yeah J, that's good”
The rest of the walk was fairly silent, beside the light conversation that would occur between the boys. When they reached your driveway, you said your goodbyes. Walking to the porch yourself before John B ran up beside you just before the door.
“You okay?” he asked, concern laced in his eyes
“Yeah” you sighed
“Are you sure, cus i can beat him up for you?”
“Yeah I'm sure,” you chucked, grateful that he was willing to fight him for you, "It's not like we were together or anything” 
John B nodded before hugging you goodbye and joining JJ on the walk back. And in that moment as cringing as it may be, wanting was enough. You could live life knowing that he wouldn’t be yours. Just maybe, one day, you’ll get one of those cheesy makeovers and find out he was really in love with you too. (Even at a young age, you knew delulu was the selulu)
Once entering the house you were met with your father crying, hunched in a kitchen table chair, hands in his hair, and your mother glaring down at him with misty eyes. When the door closed behind you, your father’s head snapped to face you, eyes wide. 
“Sweetpea, what are you doing home so early” his voice raspy holding the sweetest tone he could muster
“I’m not early,” you muttered eyes wiping back in forth between your parents,”it’s 8”
“Oh look at that,” he chuckled, “my how time flies”
“Owen” your mother seethed through her teeth, “she wasn't hanging out with those boys again, was she?”
“Sweet pea, who about you head up stairs, wash off and get ready for bed” your dad continued ignoring his wife,”I'll be right up to tuck you in, okay sweetheart?”
You nodded, rushing up the stairs immediately. This quiet wouldn't last for long, so it is better to head to sleep before it gets too loud. 
hopefully ya'll like it, i should have chapter 3 coming out soon
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tavyliasin · 5 months
ATG 2 - Taste? More
In which a sip becomes a gulp.
----- Summary ----- Pairing: Astarion/Tav SPICE Rating: 3/5 (mostly vanilla sex) Content Warnings: Sexual activity, light restraint, blood, biting, mention of scars, slight power play
Spoilers Setting is the end of Act 1. This covers the events after resolving the Grove and Goblin Camp, and includes some most of Astarion's early backstory. Canon Compliance Canon Compliant/Expanded - Takes some of the start of the romance scene directly from the game, but expands it with more detail and a couple of different actions to how the game plays out.  Other Notes (from the original posting) First ever smut, Darlings, drink it in. This chapter hints at more darkness to the backstories of both Astarion (canon) and Tav (headcanon urchin rogue), and explores a little of the feelings they both bring to the table. Use of Mage Hand cantrip - see Spellbook for more. Clear and enthusiastic consent because consent is sexy. Suggested Song Pairing Breathe by Miracle of Sound "Sweet are the days of the soul searching pleasure when Deep in a daze I can hold you to myself again Relive the memory map I couldn't want more I'll give you everything that you ever want for Don't worry honey I've got nothing to say Tonight we wash all of your troubles away So lay your body down babe Forget about your troubles, hit the lights Lay your body down babe I'm gonna give the world to you tonight Breathe Honey I can feel your heartbeat Baby I can feel you breathe" ---
As time passed, Tavylia felt ever more drawn to Astarion. His every word and motion felt designed to pull her in, to entice her towards his arms, and she did not see any reason to resist. Since the first time when she corrected his mistake, he had proven that if she allowed him to feast upon her blood again, he would have the self control to stop without needing to be asked. She began to feel safe exposing her weaknesses to him, whether it was turning her back to his blades in battle or offering her neck to quench his thirst at night. But now, her own thirst had been growing, and she was stirring with the second hard rule learned from a long life on the streets of Baldur's Gate. Although the first rule was simply to stay alive, the second was to truly live . Just like the first rule, this was a goal reached easier with allies than alone.
Decades ago, Tav had realised pleasure is a cheap thrill that one can indulge in with few consequences. Even traded, when necessary, like any other commodity, though this wasn’t something she chose to pursue unless absolutely necessary…or absolutely pleasing in her favour. Love seemed a fool's game, but lust? The rules of lust were clear, and a night of passion was never a night wasted. She had indulged her curiosity more than a few times before her untimely stay upon the Nautiloid, and the current beneath the airs and graces of her elven companion made it clear that he, too, was no stranger to desire. Besides, she couldn’t deny that particular curiosity; what would it feel like to have sex with a vampire?
Which brought them to this moment, a clearing in the woods outside of camp. The occasional clink of bottles in the distance told them that a few of the attendees were continuing the party until dawn, but that didn't matter.Tav had enjoyed more than enough loud company for one evening, and no amount of wine could quench this particular thirst. Even Astarion had dropped the flirtatious innuendo to make his intentions for their meeting perfectly clear.
Watching him appear from behind a tree, Tav felt her breath catch in her throat. He wore only his trousers now, his well defined chest clad in moonlight highlighting the contours of his muscular form in ways she had only dreamed of. Dreams, of course, could rarely compare to reality, and what a reality this was. She barely registered his greeting, honeyed words soothing her ears as he drew closer, his scent filling the cool night air with an aroma almost as intoxicating as his voice. Such a sweet blade, she thought, that a single sentence could bring me to my knees . But she stood her ground, for now. Her senses were alight already, the lurking edge of fear at the clear danger swept swiftly aside by the anticipation of laying beneath the stars. The briefest flitter of a laugh almost escaped her lips at the thought that he had a star in his name, and he was quite willing to have his- “Waiting since the moment I laid eyes on you. Waiting to have you. ” Astarion’s voice silenced every fleeting idea in Tav’s mind. Perhaps if she had any sense within her she might have replied with her usual wit rising to meet his silver tongue, but not a single syllable had a chance of passing her lips at the sight of his crimson eyes piercing her soul. As he stepped closer she could feel her pulse quicken, catching his gaze slipping to her exposed throat for just a second before he closed the last inches between them and met her lips with a kiss. The stillness of the night air surrounded them as they succumbed to desires that had long been suppressed beneath the need to keep moving forwards, the wounds and weariness of countless battles melting in the heat of shared desire. Astarion’s practiced grace maneuvered Tav so her back was against a tree, cool and slender fingers working tantalisingly slowly to free her from the simple outfit that was suddenly feeling suffocating to her. Her hands began to drift from caressing his hips, sliding up his back only to pause as she felt unusually rough scars. She had her own, of course, but these didn’t feel like simple battle wounds- Astarion’s teeth nipped playfully at her lip, before he moved to whisper in her ear. “Later, love, you can see, ask, anything you wish. For now, wouldn’t you rather feel me instead?” He pressed his hips closer against hers, the meaning of his words exceptionally clear, and the only question remaining in her mind now was how the leather of those trousers could withstand the tension. Tav rolled her head back playfully, exposing her neck more as both answer and invitation. Ironic, she thought, to invite a vampire to “enter”-
Her thoughts cut short by a low chuckle in her ear. “Darling, there’s no rush. We have until dawn, wouldn’t you rather enjoy a banquet than a snack?” She felt a shiver up her spine as his finger traced the lines of the arteries in her neck. He had revealed she was the first person whose blood he had tasted, having relied only on animals before, which was a thought that she savoured just as he seemed to delight in sampling frequently. But his teeth stayed teasingly far from her neck now, and instead his lips moved gently along the edge of her pointed ear with sweet kisses and sweeter whispers.
Tav felt herself melting into the moment as her clothing slipped away piece by piece, gentle hands and gentler lips soothed every bruise that spells and potions had yet to heal. He even seemed to cautiously avoid touching any of her own scars. Keeping what senses she could within the haze of desire, she stayed away from his back for now. Instead Tav returned his attentions in kind, taking her time to enjoy the feeling of muscles tensed in anticipation beneath her fingertips and ending the torment of those poor trousers before the seams could split completely. Astarion’s soft moan against her shoulder was a sweet reward for her efforts as they were both finally bared to each other, bathed in the moonlight and in lust.
As much as the teasingly soft touch was lighting up every nerve with desire, Tav was becoming impatient. She chose her moment and turned the tables on her lover, in one swift motion raising his legs around her hips and pressing his back against the rough bark of the tree instead. Their tongue entwined with a passionate thirst, the kiss deepening as she pressed their bodies closer, relishing the little moans that rumbled in Astarion’s throat.
Soon, however, they were on the grass, and though he was beneath her she felt his desire to take back the control - something she was more than happy to indulge him in. Firm hands took hold of her hips, keeping her back from what she wanted most. What she didn’t expect, however, was the feel of another cold hand on the back of her neck - a firm but not unyielding pressure encouraging her to lay her chest against his.
“Don’t panic, just a cantrip - I’ve always wondered what a Mage Hand might add to an evening~” Astarion’s words calmed Tav as much as their meaning brought new thoughts to her mind.
“Oh, you are devious.” She chuckled, letting herself relax a little more as spectral fingers caressed her hair, Astarion’s own hands maintaining their strong hold on her hips.
“And the night has barely begun, darling~” The spectral had gripped the back of Tav’s neck more tightly now, and his fangs pierced her throat.
She gasped, the heat rising further as she desperately wanted the rest of her wanton flesh to feel him within her. Still, his hands held firm, prolonging her lust to a maddening fever pitch. Even her blood was being sampled agonisingly slowly, his tongue caressing the punctured flesh, delighted moans matching her own as she felt her head swimming with every sensation.
Just as she felt her knees weakening, the vampire proved he had more strength yet and rolled so she was beneath him. “Tell me, what is it you want?”
She bit her lip, almost furious that he had the audacity to question her, but his eyes held a spark of sincerity behind the lust. She steadied her breath, such as she could, and whispered her reply into his lips as she curled her fingers into his hair to pull him into a deep kiss. “You. I want you, Astarion.”
Her response seemed to be enough to please him, the taste of her own blood sharp on his tongue as it tangled with her own. The time for holding back, it seemed, had passed.
After he had mounted her, the spectral hand had briefly vanished from Tav’s perception. She didn’t have time to wonder where it had gone for long. Astarion guided her hands above her head, pressing her wrists together then removing his grip and allowing the cantrip to take over. “If you change your mind, at any time, remember our word.”
She closed her eyes as his hands and lips began to move across her chest, teasing gasped moans from her lips with a light pinch, a soft stroke, or the tantalising hint of sharp teeth mingling with the heat of his tongue flicking and caressing. She did, however, remember. An agreement made after the first night he fed, when he almost lost himself to the hunger. “Angel”. A word neither would utter in casual conversation, syllables that would not pass their lips in the heat of the moment. A simple sound that would ground them in reality and safety once more.
Tav pressed her head into the cool grass beneath her, arching her back and playfully straining at the light grip of the Mage Hand. It couldn’t apply enough force to truly hold her, but she was delighted to find that mixing danger with pleasure was truly- She gasped as she felt her pale lover kiss closer and closer to different lips now, his hands wandering her thighs and guiding her legs apart. As with the rest of her body, Astarion’s affections were generous, gauging her reactions from the timing of her breath, the moans that he could draw from her increasingly parched throat, the way her hips rose towards him subconsciously declaring her desires. Please. More. Now.
Finally her growing impatience was met with sweet satisfaction. His tongue was swift in tasting her, teasing her, and setting her entire body alight with pleasure as it felt like the ground beneath her might shake. This was no fumble in a store room with a quick fling she could rob when they were done, no simple tryst to pass away the time in the city’s long nights. He knew exactly what he was doing, and his intention seemed to build her up until her knees were shaking, hands clawing at the grass beneath her, barely remembering how to breath as the orgasm ripped through her entire being with a mindshattering force. He held her tightly, not willing to relent for a moment, tongue mercilessly caressing and dragging the climax out as her hips shook and bucked with every wave of pleasure.
Just as it began to ebb, he shifted, plunging his tongue instead deep inside her to fully taste the fruits of his efforts. A delighted moan rose from between her thighs as he looked up towards her flushed face; “Delicious…”
After this latest appetite seemed to be sated, Tav realised - as she was able to breathe in more than just ragged gasps - that the Mage Hand had released her own. Finally, she thought, my turn. However, her vampire lover seemed to have other ideas in mind, and it was becoming impossible to refute those decisions. Still, her hands were now free, and as he shifted above her she rested them on his hips for a moment. A signal, a subtle cue, a smirk pulled at her lips as she thought it to herself. Well, vampire, I grant you permission to enter.
For one horrifying second she realised that their unusual connection and the strength of her desire had pushed the very thought directly into his mind as his delighted laugh echoed in the quiet of the night.
“How very kind of you, darling, it would be terribly rude of me to deny such an invitation.” He punctuated the last word with a thrust, entering her with a smooth motion that set her body aflame all over again.
Their bodies entwined, motions synchronising to find every inch of pleasure between them and draw it out in glorious and overwhelming desire. Occasionally his lips would dip back to her neck, tasting just a little more of her blood, dagger-edge teeth keeping her adrenaline high and lust even higher as she found herself craving that sharp and sweet pain. The night could’ve lasted forever, as he drew each new climax from her body echoing into his ear like the sweetest melody. Tav found herself wishing she might hear more of him, too, her hands seeking to find the most tender points to increase his pleasure along with her own, careful always to avoid the scars she had felt at the start of their encounter. The chorus they made together became less subtle as they became fully enveloped in a long overdue release.
For his part, Astarion had been remarkably careful only to take a little taste of Tav’s blood each time, never truly feeding but instead savouring the sweetest wine he could imagine. He had meant precisely what he said, this was a banquet to enjoy not a snack to wolf down in a moment. And oh, how he was enjoying it more than he imagined. Each time he felt the moans in her throat against his lips, he could’ve sworn the taste became even more, well, delicious. There was no other word for it, for her, as he let the pleasure overwhelm them both until they lay in the grass exhausted, fulfilled, and entirely satisfied.
A small pang of guilt twisted his mind as he watched his latest conquest - no, not that. His…companion, yes, that word would do quite nicely. As he watched Tav fall asleep, still naked beneath the stars, pale skin glistening with sweat, he wondered if perhaps he had let himself go too far. This was supposed to be a mutually beneficial arrangement; she gets a night of passion and the pleasure he knew he could offer, and in return he gained her trust and a better chance at making it out of this alive. He wondered, however briefly, if that was also how she saw their encounter. A dalliance and an alliance, an unspoken agreement “we will keep each other alive”. He frowned as he saw her eyebrow twitch in her slumber. Not tonight, bloody tadpole, let her rest. She’s earned that much.
He sighed and laid back on the grass, an endless expanse of constellations above winking down at his own foolishness. In the morning, he would tell her about the scars, about stupid fucking Cazador. But for now, the taste of freedom was intoxicating. He wondered perhaps what else they shared, as Tav’s own body was a map of scars, each a lingering reminder of some pain or another that no potion or healer had yet removed. Although, he mused dejectedly, some of those scars may be more than skin deep. We all have our secrets don’t we, “darling”.
----------- ----------- ENDING NOTES ----------- ----------- There it is, the first actually sexy sex that Lia wrote. Goodness how far we have come since this chapter~ But it still stands strong, I enjoyed delving in to those emotions, the deeper meanings, and the other similarities they share as characters with Tav's backstory. There's a lot of complexity in Astarion's romance, and it would do it a disservice to not show that within the early moments. There's a lot more to each line, each little motion, and seeing behind that is sometimes a little heart-breaking too.
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It’s The Dog | Chapter 2 | Ghost x Dog Handler! OC
Pairing: Ghost x f! OC
Warnings: None really, language, is dog poop a warning??
Edited: No
A/N: An extra long chapter for the wait. ~3k+! I'm finally on Spring Break!! I’m not certain what to name my OC so I’m just gonna leave her nameless (for now, maybe idk). However, she is a Latina (Mex) so her name is of Hispanic origin. She's 21, and Ghost is 30-32, so... age difference. As for her rank of Sergeant, she's freshly pinned. Debating whether I should name her dog Riley…. I did in the end lol
Ch.1 | Ch.2 [Here] | Ch.3
Title banner ©️ Me
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The last mission was long and hard, but Sergeant Canis was certain that she and her dog were going to be fine after a good rest back at base. They were waiting on the other side of the huge hill again for an exfil. She had just called over her radio and was waiting a response back. Although their work was done for the time being, both she and her dog were actively searching the top of the hill for any signs of enemies that they may have missed. She glanced to her dog. He had his ears on a swivel and his nose was twitching as he tried to scent out any bad guys to bite. 
Without a doubt was Canis proud of her doggo. He’d been working extra hard this mission and rightly deserved lots of treats and pets. 
Hmm… maybe I’ll cook him up a steak-
Her train of thought was cut off by the grainy- yet somehow clear- sound of her radio going off. 
“Charlie-04, what’s your status? This is Tango-06”
“Tango-06, this is Charlie-04, requesting exfil to RTB. The LZ is clear.” Canis provided their coordinates to the pilot. 
“Received. ETA in 6 minutes.” The helicopter pilot responded. 
Not long after, the helicopter was landing nearby and blowing hot air and dust all over the place. Luckily she was wearing sunglasses and her dog had to funky goggles that sometimes made her giggle at the sight of him. Both quickly made their way into the helo and they were off back to base. But just before they could properly settle in one of the exfil crew was calling her name. 
“Sergeant Canis, sir, you have an incoming call. Permission to switch to private comms?” 
“Go ahead.” She was a bit confused. 
Who the hell’s calling me at a time like this??
Once the comm was switched it was then that she heard him. 
“Sergeant? How’s it goin’, love?”
“Well, hello there, Captain…”
This was going to be a long day for Canis, she was sure of it. 
Ghost was waiting next to Soap a little ways off from the tarmac, when a C-130 Hercules transport aircraft landed on the runway. It began to taxi towards their standing location. Several minutes later the plane began to unload its cargo. If he was to be honest, Simon was excited for a dog to join the team. He had always liked them when he was younger but was only ever able to admire them from afar. His father would have never allowed one in their home. 
He could hear dog barks getting closer as the crate transporting the dog was unloaded. Ghost spotted the crate and could just make out the silhouette of a German shepherd dog. His eyes moved up when he saw a figure walking up next to the crate. The person placed their hand on top of the crate and pat it a few times, most likely to calm the canine down. It didn’t seem to work.
When they got close enough, Johnny voiced his concern. 
“Is the dog good?” He was worried the dog was going to bark itself to oblivion. Even with the muzzle the dog had on, he kept barking. 
“Riley? Oh, yeah. He does this when he notices we’re not at the same base as before. He’ll get used to this base eventually, so when we comeback from missions in the future he’ll just be sleeping.” Riley? “I think he does this to freak everyone out. So are ya?”
“Freaked out? A bit, lass.” Johnny chuckled, then remembered the dog’s name. “Did you say, Riley?”
“Yeah. It was his name when I got him as a two-year old. Why?” She looked between the two men. Mohawk guy was giving a knowing look to Mr. Broody. She couldn’t bring herself to look at the skull-clad man in the eyes. His presence was intense. He didn’t acknowledge his younger teammate. 
Johnny grinned, “No particular reason. Just glad to have you and Riley on the team…”
“Oof, sorry, I forgot to introduce myself there.” She gave them her name. “But you guys can call me Canis.” 
Canis and Soap shook hands. “Name’s Johnny MacTavish but you can call me Soap since we’re the same rank.” Letting go of her hand, he gestured to Simon. “This here is Ghost. I just call him L.t.”
The lieutenant grunted in greeting before reaching out his hand for a shake. His hand was warm against her cooler fingers. They were definitely much larger than hers, but given her height, everyone’s hands were bigger than hers anyways. Canis steeled herself and looked him in the eyes. His lids drooped and she couldn’t see his pupils in the darkness, but she could see that his eyes had a softness in them yet not completely. He was still wary of her being there, all new and whatnot. Her cheeks began to warm as the stare held on. His hand was in hers for a few seconds longer than normal, and when Ghost noticed he immediately let go. His mind had wandered off like hers did. Her eyes drifted to Riley who had finally relaxed his barking during their little introduction. She didn’t see Ghost flexing his hand behind his back. 
Ghost’s own cheeks had warmed, but he shook the feeling away. “Let’s go. The Captain is waiting for us.”
He turned and led them to the building, not turning to see if they were following them or not. 
Once in the cargo bay of the main building, Canis clipped the leash onto Riley’s collar which clearly read: DO NOT PET; and let Riley walk out on his lead, letting him quickly do his business on a grassy area just outside, then cleaned up after him. She had trained him to go on command, which was convenient for her whenever they were on time sensitive missions. 
They walked for a short while until Ghost stopped in front of a frosted glass top door. Canis could make out that the lights were on but she couldn’t see if anyone was inside already. Ghost knocked on the wooden part of the door and waited until a muffled answer told him it was okay to enter. Upon hearing it, he opened the door and held it open for his two sergeants. Soap pat his thanks on Ghost’s shoulder, while Canis whispered her thanks. Ghost could just hear it but his hand gripping the door began to sweat. Riley took a moment to sniff the tall man. Curious. 
Captain Price was sitting behind his desk like usual. A young man closer in age to Canis was sitting across from him. Both looked over to them as they came inside the decent sized office. Extra chairs lined the far wall, which Johnny was taking the time to move them in front of the desk. 
Price called her name. “Or should I call you Canis now?” One of his thick brows twitched upwards in question. “Running with the wolves now, love?”
Canis grinned at her new Captain. “You know me, Old Man. I’m always one for having a pack.” She gave him a little wink. A short laugh escaped her blush pink lips. 
“You two know each other well?” The only person Canis did not know looked between them. Johnny also had a slightly confused look to his face. 
“Quite, Old Man and I go back since I was in the womb to be honest.” Canis looked at him. “Umm…?”
“Oh! Gaz on missions and Kyle while on base.”
“He’s like an uncle to me, Kyle.” Canis sat down. Riley and the other two doing the same. 
“Her father and I used to run missions together.” Price gave his two cents. “He’s an Army Ranger. Good man. Retired now.” The others looked at her in awe. The Army Rangers were the elite of the elite and were definitely people that any military man should inspire to be. His face turned contemplative. 
“Any reason why you’re in the Air Force and not following in your father’s footsteps?” It was a legitimate question, but it made Canis tense at the words. 
“Well, you know him, Old Man. I wanted to piss him off… He’s a better Ranger than he ever was a parent.” Price’s brows furrowed, then she mumbled off a, “Chair force my ass…” 
The situation with her father still made her upset so she said nothing more. She did not want to dampen the mood any more than it had already had. 
It was quiet for a second until Johnny broke it, asking her a simple ice breaker question. “So, your doggo know any tricks, lass?” Johnny flashed her a grin. His eyes darted to the diligently sitting German shepherd. 
“A trick, Soap?” She smiled back. 
“Salute your superior, Sergeant.” She grinned at Soap while his face flashed a look of confusion at the other three. Gaz looked equally confused but Price had a small smile on his face, and he couldn’t gauge Ghost’s reaction because of his mask. 
“Umm… the Captain?” He wasn’t sure what she meant. His fellow Sergeant shook her head and tilted it towards her four-legged partner. Riley sat perfectly still, his brown eyes staring at the man. “The dog?”
“Ah… okay, then.” Soap then brought his hand up in a salute and waited, but only for a moment. 
Riley lifted his large paw as high as he could and placed it in front of his eye before setting it down. A doggy salute. 
Soap blinked and yet still couldn’t believe it. Riley had saluted back at him. Captain Price had chuckled at the antics going on and Gaz let loose a “Woah!” Ghost only titled his head a bit but he was definitely amused by this. If anyone had looked closely, they would have seen the skin by his eyes crinkle just a bit. 
Riley wagged his tail and turned his head to his designated mother as if asking: “I did good right? Okay, now where’s my treat, human?”
Canis tossed him a piece of chicken she had in her pocket. Riley snapped at it mid air with a sharp snap of his jaws. She was proud of her friend. This was not something that was explicitly taught when going through handler training, but was a trick that Canis taught Riley to do as a way to boost morale on long haul missions with her previous teams. The boys had loved it so it stuck. “Good boy.”
“Wait, why does Johnny have to salute Riley? He’s his superior?” Gaz almost raised his hand to ask, his upper body moving towards her. Soap leaned closer, too. 
“Well, any MWD is a rank higher than their handler.” Canis replied, her face turned serious. “It’s like that to prevent any handler from abusing their dogs. Imagine punching your Captain… yeah, it wouldn’t go down well.”
“Well said. Now, get settled. Tomorrow we’re going to do a mini training session with all of you and with Riley. I want to see how well you perform.” Price stood from his chair. “I also want those of you who haven’t worked with a dog before to get used to them and see what they are capable of, at least in principle. You’ll get the idea once we’re out in the field.”
A chorus of ‘yes, sir’s and everyone stood up.
“Did’ya bring any special equipment with ya that we could use for tomorrow?” The Captain continued. His attention focused on Canis. 
“Equipment?” She believed she knew what he was talking about. “Yes, sir. I’ll have it prepped in the morning.”
“Good, miss.” Then he exited first. 
Canis grabbed a hold of Riley’s lead before he could wander off with the rest. Riley began sniffing everyone as they walked out the door. He sniffed the longest at the person who stayed behind. 
Ghost let his hand be sniffed by Riley. The dog was taking lots of breaths, his nose twitching with each inhale and exhale. His lips twitched when he saw Riley’s tail move side to side. It was 100% a pleasure making a dog happy. Taking Riley’s friendly posture as a queue, he pats him on the head. Riley’s butt wiggled with his tail wags, and he tried to lick Ghost’s hand even through the muzzle. 
Canis stood there and let the interaction happen with no interruption, despite the ‘DO NOT PET’ in bold on his collar. This would be the only exception. It was good for Riley to interact with the team as soon and as often as possible. It would help them trust her dog more while on a mission. She smiled at the two. It was sweet. 
Ghost looked up sensing eyes on him. His cheeks burned again. He felt a little silly forgetting that Canis was still there waiting on them. And here he was loving on her dog. A good dog, but still. He coughed lightly and with a final pat on Riley’s head, Ghost turned and left the room.
Canis shrugged and smiled knowingly once he was out of the room. Then she led Riley out as well and made their way to their designated barracks. 
The following morning Canis woke up early due to Riley licking her hand. His whine to be let out had her shooting out of bed. She did not want to miss his queues to be let out like before when they were first partnered together. Those were not good moments for them both. 
Canis dressed in her combat outfit sans her heavy gear load out. She attached the leash to his collar, not forgetting to grab his favorite ball- foregoing his muzzle, and led him from her room to an inner courtyard she saw in passing the night before. Now that the sun was rising, she could see that the courtyard was open with a few benches along the wall. The middle had green grass that was in need of a cut soon. The grass was wet so it must have rained in the middle of the night. There were a few bushes that appeared to have flowers on them but since it was early fall, they had begun to shrivel up and a few had already fallen. 
Canis led Riley to a corner of the yard to do his business. She didn’t want him going all over the place- and not wanting to be discourteous to others. Riley did his business and she cleaned up after him like a responsible handler would and deposited the bag in a trash bin. Then she let him loose and threw his ball to the other side of the courtyard, slowly making her way after it. Riley bolted after the ball, mouthed on it where he got it and ran back for her to throw it again. They played like this for a few minutes. 
She should have realized that he was somewhere behind her before Riley ran past her with a yip. Ghost would always be silent, under all circumstances. Canis made a quick turn to see Ghost sitting on a small bench with Riley’s ball firmly clenched in his skull-gloved hand. Riley’s backend wiggled with the intensity of his tail wagging. He barked a few times, urging Ghost to ‘throw the ball already!’ 
Ghost looked at her. A beam of sunlight passed over the courtyard, illuminating Ghost’s brown eyes into a deep honey. Their identical colored eyes locked in a way that had her taking a deep breath. She nodded her approval to him with a smile and he chucked the ball. Riley was like a bullet trying to get it. 
Canis made her way to where Ghost sat. He scooted over just enough to let her sit next to him. He was manspreading so her knee was lightly touching his thigh. Both of their legs twitched but settled against each other when neither of them said anything. Riley bounded over with his happy self, ball in mouth. He plopped the ball back into Ghost’s open hand again then took off once more when he threw it. 
“He really likes you.” Canis chuckled. “It usually takes him longer to warm up to new people on the teams we’ve joined up with.” 
“Mmm…” Ghost fiddled with a loose string on his black sweater. “I guess I have a way with dogs, then.”
He was teasing her. She looked up at his much larger frame. “Oh, Lieutenant… Riley here can turn at the drop of a single word.” 
He didn’t doubt her there. Ghost’s stomach twitched at her unknowing use of his name. He’d definitely have to get used to that. 
When Riley came back with his ball, Canis had him heel between her legs. “Watch the door, Riley.”
Riley’s ears perked up at the order and his head turned on a swivel to the door. His hackles rose and his lips curled in a silent snarl. Ghost could see that his eyes had an intensity that wasn’t there before while they were playing ball. Riley was a serious dog and he could turn so easily. 
“Release!” After a few seconds, Canis threw his ball into the air and Riley lunged at it breaking his command. He was back to his happy tail-wagging self. It amazed Ghost how easily he transitioned between his working mode and calm mode. Although, he hadn’t seen the full extent of Riley’s abilities, yet. 
Canis looked at her watch. “I should be getting our gear ready for our training session soon… I still need to feed Riley.” She went to stand then turned to Ghost, “I’ll see you later, sir. It was nice seeing you interact with Riley. We can do it again if you want?”
Ghost looked her in the eyes, “Yeah, I want to.”
She gave him a small smile then returned her attention to Riley and reattached his leash to his collar. As they walked back inside, Ghost lowered his gaze to a large paw print imprinted into the wet dirt a few feet from him. The blades of grass glowed as the sun moved higher into the sky. 
Ch.1 | Ch.2 [Here] | Ch.3
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imastrangeone98 · 11 months
The Room Where It Happened - Chapter 2: We Got a Plan To Make
(A/N: I'm gonna go on a whim and not make it a story, more of a oneshot compilation disguised as a story XD that way I won't lose motivation trying to piece the whole thing together and not worry about plot holes *laughs in delusion*)
Also now that "reader" (my unnamed oc) is officially given more lines and POV she will be henceforth referred to as "you"
Chapter 1 if you missed it
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"Any news on the runaways?"
The two Peters flinched, but the second one quickly gathered his courage. "We managed to track them to Earth-4218, but they seemed to know we were hot on their tails. They disappeared to..."
They glanced at each other, anticipating the volcano that was sure to erupt.
"...To Earth-51802."
As if the air wasn't cold enough, the temperature shot down even further. Miguel's aura, hostile as it already was, became even more vicious. So without any further word, the two Peters quickly made haste to exit the room.
Miguel, oddly enough, paid them no heed. Teeth gritted to nubs, he grabbed the back of his chair and squeezed. The plastic immediately cracked, and with a sharp yell, he threw it behind him.
The chair clattered and rattled as it fell, much like his own thoughts. Memories swarmed him, rattling in his brain as though they were rockets and fired point blank.
Your world. Of all the goddamn places to go, they went to your world.
He snarled. Hobie. No other person, Peter or otherwise, would choose that universe if they knew what was good for them.
"Dammit, Brown..." he growled. Miguel turned his back on the screens, ready to scream into his pillows yet again. But, against his better judgement, he returned back to the desk, swiftly scanning through several memory recordings to land on one.
The one of you.
His eyes softened at the sight. Without realizing, his hand reached up to brush your pixelated face.
"Ay, amor," he sighed heavily. "¿Dónde nos equivocamos?"
"Miles Morales? That's a name that slips off the tongue!" you chuckled, offering Pavitr yet another 김밥, which he eagerly shoved in his mouth before quietly asking for fourths. "Honestly, it doesn't surprise me that Miguel went so hard after that poor kid, especially if he's that so-called 'original anomaly.' Still doesn't justify a grown-ass man going ham on a child."
Gwen sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "It's my fault," she finally sighed. Her voice was hoarse and hiccupy, and you immediately moved to offer her a tissue. "I should've never visited him. I should've told him the truth, but I... I was scared. I thought he wouldn't... he wouldn't..."
Peter B. patted her shoulder in silence. The others didn't say much either.
"...Well. I'm sure there's a lot you should've done," you said to your tormented other self. "But believe me, that time will be better spent figuring out how you're gonna help him now. And right now, we should come up with a plan. After you get some shut-eye and more food in your bellies."
When Gwen tried to protest, you shushed her and placed more 떡볶이 in her mouth, effectively shutting her up.
"There's plenty more food back at my hideout; let's head out. I may be Miguel's worst nightmare at the moment, but that still might not stop him from having eyes on us." You ushered the young ones away from the 포장마차 and started swinging away, making sure the others kept close behind you.
"You said you knew Miguel, right? How come I never met you before?" Pavitr asked you. Gwen nodded alongside him, also clearly curious.
You scratched the back of your neck. "Uh... I'll tell you all when we get there." You glanced back to Peter B. "You didn't tell them?"
"Well, I..." he stammered, "I figured that after you left... they didn't need to know all the details. And besides, it's not my story to tell!"
You sighed, but nodded in understanding. "Fair enough."
You took them across the river towards an abandoned laboratory on the outskirts of the city. Carefully peeling back one of the loose boards, you ushered the small group in, standing in front of them proudly with your hands on your hips.
"Welcome, 여러분, to the Spider-Den!"
The group, excluding Peter B., stared in awe at the space. There were definitely similarities that the space had to their own: spare suits, repaired web shooters, vials upon vials of web fluid, amongst other things.
But the real knee jerker were the large spiders that scurried about: cleaning up the area, weaving new suits or repairing damaged ones, one even dangled over a stove, chopsticks held in its pincers.
"Don't mind them; they don't bite. The ones with shells actually like head rubs. 애기들, 우리 새로운친구들 침대 만드러줄수있니?“
Immediately, a few Joro spiders crawled from nowhere to corners of the building, swiftly fashioning what seemed like hammocks.
"Are they, like, your sidekicks or something?" Peni asked.
"Are they your pets? Where did you find them?" Pavitr jumped excitedly, eagerly patting a friendly black-and-white spiny spider.
"It's a long story," you sighed. "Basically, this factory used to test animals; one day, they decided to use genetic modification that... well... backfired against them. I found them after bringing the corporation down, and they couldn't leave the place they were made in. So I let them stay here, and I slowly made it into my base. In exchange, they let me stay with them and even help me out by taking care of my stuff."
The spider Pavitr was petting squeaked in response, nudging him, Noir, and Ham towards the stove, where the cooking spider was dishing out bowls of ramen for the group. But Gwen didn't budge, instead plopping herself down on a chair and resting her head on her fist.
The others soon gathered around you, bowls of food in hand, eagerly awaiting your story while slurping on their noodles. Hobie simply chuckled and leaned against the wall with Mayday crawling over his shoulders.
You sighed. "I'll warn you right now, it's not much of a story."
"Try us."
A/N: completely unrelated but I downloaded Twitter for the fanart; the fandoms make me want to delete the app 🙃 also forgive me for the Spanish; I broke out my old high school Spanish textbook and spanishdict for this and I still think I got it wrong
¿Dónde nos equivocamos? - where did we go wrong?
김밥 - gimbap; korean rice rolls with various fillings
떡볶이 - Korean spicy rice cakes with toppings, such as hard boiled eggs, fish cake, and glass noodles
포장마차 - Korean street stall that sells various street foods
여러분 - everyone
애기들, 우리 새로운친구들 침대 만드러줄수있니? - babies, could you make some beds for our new friends? (애기들 is a term of endearment usually meant for friends/family younger than you, and also for pets)
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the-era-of-shadow · 5 months
Woah, I made an animatic!
It's been a while since I've done that, eh?
Please do enjoy! And after watching it, if you want some general AU updates, click past the cut below!
So uh, first things first - there's your explanation for where TDTMD Act 2 Chapter 3 is. It'll come out some time in January unless some big autism moment like this happens again, sorry for the wait y'all!
Honestly, like I said in the video's description, I didn't plan for this to take all month - it was originally meant to be for Eclipse's birthday but. Delays happened.
But enough about the month gone past - or even the year gone past! I just KNOW you all wanna know what we have in store for 2024!
Firstly - TDTMD Act 2 Case 01 will still be coming out as it has been! Right now I have 5 planned chapters for Case 01 - and we're like, halfway there! Crazy, huh? But... What do I mean by "Case 01" anyway? Well, you see, TDTMD Act 2 is actually an anthology of sorts! A collection of stories that are all connected by the theme of the Black Arms' effect on PetalBloom - three stories to be exact! Each case is to have 5 chapters each, resulting in Act 2 as a whole having 15 chapters! Quite a lot! But worry not, those who are looking forward to things other than TDTMD, for I am not going to be writing all three cases back to back, no no!
After Case 01 is finished - I've scheduled myself to write a new side story - the FINAL side story for Arc 1! "But Ash, you finished Arc 1 like 2 years ago! Why are you still writing side stories attached to it?", well, mainly because my brain gets on my case about how the writing isn't as good as my newer stuff and how "unbalanced" Arc 1 and Arc 2 are in terms of content - so I'm doing this to make it shush. But also I saw potential still to be found within Arc 1's events, so, yeah! After this post goes up I'm gonna add the name of that side story to the pinned post for hype and all that :]
After THAT - I'm finally gonna go a bit into the catalogue of documented but not written Origins stories listed on the pinned post with The Englishman With The Devil's Eyes. I've been wanting to get to this one for a while now but stuff kept getting in between me and it. But no longer! For after the last Arc 1 side story, Devil's Eyes will finally have it's moment - no matter what! But... I know what you wanna hear...
New Main Stories?? - Yes yes, I hear you. Enough with the Origins and the side stories - when are we getting back to Arc 2 proper? Well aren't you in luck! Being preceded by a short side story oneshot, Mission: FOX FRENZY - the third main installment of Arc 2, will indeed be the next in line after Devil's Eyes! Not to spoil too much, but this one goes out to all you Garrick fans~! 🤭
Beyond That - I have a whole schedule planned that carries to the end of Arc 2 - both officially with the LONG awaited rewrite of Something to Bond Over, and spiritually with TDTMD Act 3 and more importantly, it's corresponding Moonlight Interlude. (what do I mean by that? You'll see~), but if I were to explain the whole of it now, why, this post would be like the new color of the sky! So I'll do it in increments~ All you need to know rn is that I plan to finish Arc 2 this year.
Lastly - The non fic stuff! The most important, I think, is the whole deal with CoC and it's cancellation. I won't go into the why of CoC being cancelled here - but rather, how it effects TEoS going forward. If you were unfamiliar, CoC was to be a webcomic that was a spinoff/crossover with TEoS. It was vaguely referenced in Innate Affiliation - meaning that it needs a replacement. That replacement is... kind of in the works as we speak - I plan to truly start remaking it into the role in February. All I'll say for now is that it's going to be another Sonic AU this time rather than an AU from another franchise. Other than that - I have a special YT video in mind to come out after the Arc 1 side story, won't say what it is yet but, I really hope you'll enjoy it - it's... gonna cost me a pretty penny. Also, this animatic (you forgot that this was the original point of the post, didn't you?) was made completely in Ibis - but after this I'm completely switching over to Clip Studio Paint! I've already been messing around with it since Xmas though - I'm very much willing to show what I've made with it so far! In fact, I think I'll do that on the main art blog later tonight!
I think that's all I have to say! Happy New Years Eve everyone! (Or just New Years if you're one of those time traveling Aussies /silly) Here's to a prosperous 2024!
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ginjithewanderer · 1 year
Scout! Polka Dots — Summer-Colored Youths — Chapter 8
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Writer: Umeda Chitose || Season: Summer Character appearances: Tetora, Hinata, Hokuto
Tetora helps Hinata take care of the fields at school. As thanks, Hinata invites him to go to a summer festival together, and along the way, they meet lots of people…
Proofread by @mankaissengen
Chapters: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8
"This is the sign that I've grown enough to make my own summer festival memories...♪"
Translation under the cut
[A while later. At the original summer festival venue]
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Tetora, Hinata: —And, goal!
Hinata: Huff...I was a little faster, wasn't I?
Tetora: The tips of both of our shoes got through the torii gate at the same time, I saw it happen. Phew...
Tetora: ...That said. I meant to get back sooner, but it's gotten pretty late, huh.
Tetora: Even after guiding that old lady, we ended up helping that lost child and finding and returning people's lost items to them. I feel like...today really was a day full of helping others.
Hinata: It was. You really helped me out, too.
Hinata: ...I wonder if everyone went home after all. I did send them messages every now and then, but I couldn't really give them the details of the situation, could I?
Tetora: So you said things like "You guys can look around without us" and "It looks like we're gonna be late, so it's okay if you go home."
Tetora: You were the only one sending any messages, so the others must have been worried. They couldn't even get any replies in.
Hinata: I hope Yuuta-kun isn't mad at me~. Your big brother was helping people out; it's true, y'know~?
Tetora: I'll explain everything with you, so don't worry. Besides, everyone is kind, so I don't think they'll be angry?
Tetora: ...Mm~♪ That said, something smells great! I've been moving around so much, I'm starving!
Tetora: I could've accepted the kind offer from the old lady and her family and had something to eat at the other shrine, but...
Tetora: In the end, I wanted to enjoy the summer festival I had originally decided to come to~. Hinata-kun, what do you wanna eat first?
Hinata: ...Heeey. Tetsu-kun, it's like you're not even bothered that you got here late, too.
Hinata: If anything, you kinda look refreshed.
Tetora: Hmm~? If I look refreshed, it's because I'm feeling a sense of accomplishment, I guess?
Tetora: If we hadn't decided to come to this summer festival, I wouldn't have been able to help the people who needed it or make those people smile.
Tetora: I want this summer festival to be nothing but fun memories. I was just thinking about how until we finally got here, I fulfilled all my duties ♪
Tetora: ...But, I gotta admit...
Hinata: ?
Tetora: I really can't help but feel bad that you ended up being so late because of me...
Hinata: HUH~? You're still on that?
Tetora: You wanted to enjoy the summer festival with Yuuta-kun, didn't you? But in the end, you couldn't spend a single second together, right?
Hinata: It was my own decision to join you, and I told you I couldn't have fun unless you were with me, right?
Hinata: It's not your fault we got back late, either. If anything, don't you think it's because we were together that we were able to get back here now?
Tetora: Even if you say that, I can't just shake the feeling~...At least let me do something for you.
Hinata: You're a stubborn one, huh. Well, you're the guy who wouldn't even let me treat him to shaved ice...
Tetora: Ugh. Hinata-kun, you're not holding a grudge against me for that, are you?
Hinata: I'm used to doing things "for" people~. But with you, you're usually the one doing things "for me".
Hinata: Hmm~, what's something I want you to do for me...
Hinata: I know. I had trouble thinking of something, but how about "that"?
Tetora: By "that," do you mean the yo-yo fishing stall? Do you want a water balloon?
Hinata: Yup. Catching yo-yo balloons with a "koyori" string made of twisted paper is surprisingly hard. Do your best until you catch one, and show me how cool you are ♪
Tetora: Ossu, that's no problem!
Tetora: ...Speaking of which, yo-yo fishing is so nostalgic~. The multicolored water balloons floating in the pool look just as pretty now as they did back then.
Hinata: Back then?
Tetora: Back when I was a kid. My parents both work, so back in those days, they were always super busy, but...
Tetora: They took me to a summer festival once.
Tetora: We walked through the crowd, holding hands...They got me yakisoba from a stall, and bought me a mask, too.
Tetora: As we walked through the light from the other stalls, I saw a yo-yo fishing pool. I begged my parents for one of those balloons.
Tetora: ...But back then, I couldn't catch one for myself. I kept recklessly plunging the koyori into the pool, and it ripped pretty fast.
Tetora: I don't remember clearly whether the man running the stall gave me one for free or my parents caught it for me, but...
Tetora: The only thing that's still clear in my heart is the memory of walking home bouncing that water balloon. I just remembered how much fun it was to spend the summer festival with my family.
Hinata: I see. So that's why you—
Tetora: Ahaha. I don't know if that's why or not myself, either.
Tetora: I just want everyone to have fun and smile, too...
Tetora: I wonder if that feeling was born from my childhood self, with more happy memories of that summer festival than he could carry.
Hinata: ...
Tetora: Okay, what color should I aim for~? Red, blue, green, yellow...The black ones look elegant and cool, too!
Tetora: (...I'm clumsy, so unlike someone who's more skilled at things, it's hard for me to get everything I want.)
Tetora: (But still. I'm not the kid who charged into things with brute force alone and failed anymore.)
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Tetora: —I can think hard about things one at a time.
Tetora: This way, I can start to take hold of things!
Tetora: Look, Hinata-kun. It's the prettiest water balloon of them all.
Tetora: This is the sign that I've grown enough to make my own summer festival memories...♪
Tetora: Just listening to the splish-splash of the water makes me feel refreshed~. Nom, nom.
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Hinata: The man running the stall was so kind, too~. He said you looked so cool fishing out the water balloon, he decided to give me one for free. Nom, nom.
Tetora: We've had cotton candy, crepes, and candy apples. Hinata-kun, how's the choco-banana?
Hinata: It's super delicious. Bananas and chocolate go together extremely well...♪
Hinata: I should've bought a strawberry one, too. Maybe I'll get another one later...
Tetora: That'd be fine, wouldn't it? You should enjoy the food from the stalls as much as your pocket money will allow you to today ☆
Hokuto: —You two, you came?
Hinata: Hidaka-senpai? Good work todaaay ♪
Tetora: We just met earlier, but hey again. I took that old lady safely to where she needed to go with Hinata-kun ♪
Hokuto: With Hinata-kun...I see, so you really did meet up outside the shrine.
Hokuto: By the way, did you meet up with Yuuta-kun and the others?
Tetora: Yuuta-kun and the others? You mean Midori-kun and Shinobu-kun are still at the shrine, too?
Hokuto: Yeah. All three of them are in the grounds. You were originally going to meet up with them, weren't you?
Hinata: Dammit! Then we gotta go right away!
Tetora: Yeah! Hidaka-senpai, thank you for telling us!
Hokuto: You too, Nagumo-kun and Hinata-kun. I see you're safely enjoying the summer festival.
Hinata: Hehe, the fun has just begun, though!
Tetora: We plan to enjoy this as much as we can until the last second! From now on, we're gonna make more of the best memories with everyone...♪
Finally finished! Thank you so much for being with me as I've translated this (my first full gacha story!) and I hope you've enjoyed reading it as much as I have. See you next time!
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jijiakiwrites · 1 year
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Our Journey( Chapter 1, Part 2)
Summary: After the four friends survive the archon war, what happened next......... Their will be new three travellers!
Time line: This fanfic has a confusing timeline ..... The part 1 is basically the past while the part 2 is the current timeline after the four friends survived..... basically the chapters alternate, if the previous chapter is about the past then the next chapter is about the current timeline.
"Give my brother( sister) back!
"And just like that, the unknown god took away my sibling and now I am here all alone."
"Hey don't be sad! You saved Paimon and as a compensation, Paimon will guide you to find your sibling"
"Thank you Paimon."
As the two foreigners continued to talk about their plans, a sudden foot sounds can be heared.... Surprising the two Foreigners.
"Wait....Michael, if I remember... That is not the original dialogue!"
"Original dialogue?....what do you mean original dialogue?.. and who are you and that one beside you?"
The traveller stand up from the stone, pointing its sword towards the two people Infront of them.
'who are these people? And what to they mean original dialogue?... The traveller thought, still pointing the sword towards the intruders. When the traveller arrived at this foreign world, they instantly help paimon but while they were helping paimon, they never see these people...
"Shh Michael, you're making it obvious."
"Obvious what?"
Paimon crossed her arms, while looking at them, she could feel a faint of strange energy coming from them like that feeling of " they do not come from this world"...or did she just think of that because she's just hungry.
"That we do not come from this world."
"Micahel! You jerk!"
"You guys are also from different worlds?"
The Traveller asked with a hint of hope in their eyes, if they are not from here then that means that... They will have someone to accompany them through out this journey.
"Yep, we suddenly arrived here like we just poof out of existence right Michael
Clarenz replied blatantly, there's no point of hiding it now. He knows that his companion is a jerk but not that stupid.
Both Michael and Clarenz knew about genshin impact, infact they had friends who were obsessed with the game....their names were Jiaki and Vonn, but sadly they passed away.
What would happen if they're gonna meet them in heaven and told them that they ventured the world of genshin impact, those two will definitely be jealous.
"Well then, you both can tag along with us, and paimon will be the guide!"
"So what are we gonna do?"
"Well paimon and the traveller decided that we will venture the world of Teyvat to meet the seven gods to ask the whereabouts of the traveller's sibling."
Clarenz asked with a hint of curiosity in his eyes. He knows the game and how insanely popular it is but he never really played it and that's why he doesn't have the knowledge to guide the traveller.
"And unknown being took them away."
The Traveller, with a sad face replied to the question, they still missed their sibling without knowing how long they have been separated.
"Oh my... I sorry if I made you offended."
"No worries I'm not offended."
"But before you guys tag along with us, did an unknown god blocked your path?"
"unknown god... No, we arrived here after our death."
"After death?!"
Paimon did not expect that, they arrived at this world after their deaths..... Now that's creepy.
"We were crushed but it's better if you guys won't ask the clear details of our death because..."
"Because what Michael?"
"Paimon, I think it's better if we're not gonna ask more questions, we should respect boundaries."
"But traveller I have a question."
"What is it Clarenz?"
"Do you trust us?" Clarenz knows that they could not be easily be trusted, especially that they look like they are hiding a lot from the traveller.
"Not really but I can sense that you guys are no danger, just like Paimon."
'An expected answer' Clarenz thought.
"Oh... Thank you traveller."
"No worries."
"Well then, let's go , I paimon will guide you throughout Teyvat!"
"Oh by the way, how did you two know our names?"
"Clarenz... Your literally arguing towards each other with your names."
"Oh Were sorry."
"No problem."
"Oh and Paimon just realized that Michael has been quiet since after the argument."
"Don't worry , he's just reflecting himself because of his stupidity."
Part 3 coming soon!
Next chapter will be the continuation about the 4 friends!
Schedule:Tuesday,Thursday and Saturday......
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need1etail · 2 years
I have 3 questions about your AU! :) I'm a dummy and confused myself on some stuff, so wanted to ask before I got further haha
1. Has Witch replaced Tree completely in your AU or does he still exist, and maybe the cats will need to find him reason later (or even he gets a cameo?) for some reason? I like Witch, but grew fond of Tree after reading his novella and TBC. If Witch has replaced him, did you not like the extra-toed cat part of the prophecy? I just imagine them walking around with a buncha extra toes on their lil paws and a split face, making them even weirder-looking than Tree, so was wondering lolol!!
2. Who all were the cats Needle saw saving her? I just finished reading the chapter where the missing cats were found (wonderful writing...!) but got confused by who is who and where. Needle saw two white cats, a torbie, a gray tortoiseshell, and a brown tabby. But when I read the reunion chapter, we only saw Dawnpelt (gray tortoiseshell), Cloverfoot (gray torbie), Beenose (white), Pepper (black with white paws and tail-tip), Birchbark (beige), and Lioneye (yellow). Who was the second white cat and brown tabby? I know it can't be Snowbird (white) or Snakepaw (tabico), because Snowbird said she was wandering Twolegplace completely alone until she and Snakepaw found each other, and Snakepaw didn't mention being around others when she woke up. She just mentioned Witch helping heal her. Did someone who helped save Needle die? :(
3. Who all from former ShadowClan is still with the Kin? I know Slate is (confirmed he attacked Spark...! Asshole!) and Sleek was until she was exiled for failing to kill Needle (or so she says...I'm keeping my eye on you, miss gorlie!), as well as the cats mentioned in the prologue before Sleek set out to find Needle, but I'm lost on who else is there!
Sorry for all the questions 🥲 just curiosity!
Never apologizs for asking questions, I love them <3 and thank you so much 💞💞
1. Yes, Witch has replaced Tree <3 Tbh I just. Didn't like Tree and Violet's relationship as much as I liked her's and Zelda's, so, originally, Zelda was gonna replace Tree. But after a while I, too, grew fond of Violet and Tree's relationship. So I combined them lol which is why Witch is a brown (Zelda) and golden (Tree) chimera! At this point, i kind of wish violet were in a poly relationship with Zelda and Tree, but I. Really like Witch 😭 they're one of my favorite Warriors OCs I've made, even if they're a combo of two canon cats. So no, unfortunately, Tree will not show up in this rewrite since, technically, he is Witch. I like the idea of Witch having extra toes lol but it might not be said in canon. They are a strange lil cat I adore them <3
2. Sooo I messed up and I have to go back and fix that thank you for reminding me. It was supposed to be two black-and-white cats! Beenose and Pepper. While technically Bee isn't black-and-white, I will continue to call her that lol. You're right about everyone! The brown tabby was Marshstripe and he is a-okay :) i really hope i mentioned him in the chapter where the lost shc cats are found i wouldn't put it pazt myself for forgetting whdbxhxh. I always forget about Marshstripe I'm as bad as the Erins 😭 he'll show up in Needle's Light <3
3. As of the end of Stalking Darkness, it is only Spikefur, Slateclaw, Juniperfang, and Rippletail I believe! All the jackasses <3 they'll be acknowledged eventuay don't worry, just haven't had the chance yet 😭
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ofstormsandwolves · 2 years
#1 for writing asks :)
1) Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
Oof, I have a few. 😂 I'm gonna focus on the ones that haven't yet been put up online at all. (I actually had to go and have a look in my files because there are so many I can't even remember). These are all Buffy because most of my other stories for other fandoms are ongoing stories I'm already partway through posting.
Buffy comics AU #1- In this universe, Buffy was raised and trained by Jenny and Anya as her Watchers. Giles refused to become a Watcher, but still wound up on the Hellmouth as a history teacher, leading to him training Willow and Xander to fight after students started going missing. Cordelia and Gunn run Chase and Gunn Investigations in L.A, but start to notice a worrying number of calls coming from Sunnydale.
This is one I've been working on/ batting around for a while and was one of a number of ideas I threw out on tumblr to see if people were interested. Mostly I'm just super excited about the different dynamics, particularly as it's set in a kind of AU s4/s5 so the Scoobies are all in their late teens and already out of high school. The first chapter is done, but it hasn't gone up yet because I can't think of a damn title for it.
Buffy comics AU #2- Willow as the Slayer who has just moved to Sunnydale, and meets Xander and Buffy who have spent much of their lives on the Hellmouth.
Ok, so I started this not long after Hellmouth came out because I loved the idea of switching up roles in the Scoobies and seeing how that changed group dynamics, but I somehow initially missed that they were out of high school because Buffy was working at a bar. So this is set during high school because 1) I like what I'd already written and 2) it's taken so long to write that 'The Vampire Slayer' comics are coming out and rendering my stuff obsolete, so I'm now just going full AU and enjoying it. Expect some awkward Giles and Buffy scenes as he is under no obligation to tutor this random kid who is totally flunking history, and some interesting Willow and Xander interactions as they actually have to get to know each other.
As-yet-untitled s6 AU- When Buffy returns from the dead, thanks to her friends, she finds that life really isn't how she left it. During her five-month absence, Giles and Jenny's son has been born and Buffy is left to wonder where exactly she fits in to this new dynamic.
This came about in part due to a conversation with @dreadfulcalendarwoman regarding Buffy and Giles and their dynamic. Jenny is inexplicably alive because I said so. Joyce is dead, Dawn's around. Buffy tries to figure out where she fits in not only with her friends wanting her to just bounce back from what's happened, but also with being 'replaced' in Giles's life by a new, actually-related-to-him-and-legitimately-his-kid kid.
Take me back to the start- Following season 6, Giles recuperates in Devon and starts to question how he has handled the Scoobies over the years. Between Willow's struggles with magic, Xander's insecurities that led to him leaving Anya, and Buffy's struggles with adulthood and slayer-work balance, he comes to a decision. He needs to put things right, and should have done things differently from the start. Cue Giles asking the Coven for help throwing him back into his season 1 body so he can approach the situation differently and guide the children better. Only problem is, he hadn't factored in that getting a second chance with the children also means a second chance with a certain dark-haired technopagan...
Originally intended to be part of a group of fics I wrote about various Scoobies making a wish without realising it (with the first fic being the Make a Wish stories), I realised that it made more sense for Giles to actually choose to do it, so this became a time-travel fic instead. I'm still working on the prologue and haven't yet gotten to the season 1 stuff, but I've already got some interesting stuff lined up for character interaction.
To Start Again- Third in the 'Make a Wish' verse, Buffy goes to college, Giles and Jenny try to figure out their relationship, and the Initiative lurks under the UC Sunnydale campus.
I've got the first chapter and a half written, and pretty much everything planned out, it's more a case of actually WRITING it. I'm pretty damn excited about some stuff I have planned, though, because I've been setting the groundwork for certain things that will come out in this story, plus I've changed some stuff around in terms of plot and am not sticking quite as close to the episodes as I did in the second story.
ask me writer questions!
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doexoeyes · 3 years
Of Finches & Firsts
Ok so here’s a fic I actually have on Wattpad and AOO3 but I decided to bring over here. On those sites I wrote a character for this story, but on here it’s gonna be Draco x Reader ♡ Only thing to note is that your last name in this story would be Finch (so to make sense of the title and some other little parts of the story) as well as you’re a Hufflepuff. Sorry to the other houses,I adore you all but Draco and a Hufflepuff is just to juicy to pass up (in the first book he literally say’s they’re the worst) so just trust me when I tell you that it’s all for the story. Anyways I hope you enjoy and if you’re interested in reading the original, here are the links:
Archive Of Our own link:
Wattpad link:
Summary: "A Hufflepuff? Crushing on a Slytherin? Sounds like the start of a terrible joke to me, but ok." You’ve harbored feelings for Draco Malfoy since your first year at Hogwarts. Secretly, of course, and very much from afar. But when you’re finally taken out of your role of being a background character in his life, will it be what you always wanted, or what you wish you never knew?
Chapter 1 ♡ Chapter 2
Chapter 1: The Firsts Of Many
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The first time you ever saw Draco Malfoy was at the sorting hat ceremony your first year at Hogwarts. You thought he was striking upon first sight, with his silver grey eyes contrasting with his nearly white hair. You knew he would leave a lasting impression upon whoever looked at him, and you very much envied him for it. You felt like you were as plain a Jane as they came, especially when compared to him. You couldn't keep your eyes off of him for the rest of the night, drawn to, not just his features, but the mysterious aura that surrounded him.
When your name had gotten called for the sorting, you were incredibly nervous for many reasons:
1. For the house you were going to be sorted into that would shape your life for the next 7 years.
2. For the several hundreds of eyes watching you go up the steps.
3. For the white haired boy who you seemed to have developed the tiniest little crush on.
Thankfully, you made it up without tripping and making a complete fool of yourself and were pleasantly surprised to find out that the house you'd be sorted into was:
"Hufflepuff," the storing hat declared, and a thunderous applause followed suit.You smiled, looking towards the table with the yellow cladded students as they cheered and waved you over. You couldn't wait to tell your father, who was a proud Hufflepuff himself, that you were now one, too.
When it's Draco's turn to be sorted, you made sure to pay very close attention. A small silly part of you wanted to cross your fingers and hope that he'd somehow be sorted into Hufflepuff just like you.
Of course, that was a very optimistic wish.
"Slytherin," the hat announced, and all those hopes quickly came tumbling down because if there was one house you knew you weren’t going to be able to fit in with, it was Slytherin.
There went your chances of being potentially noticed by Draco Malfoy.
Letting out a sigh, you were able to manage a small smile as you clapped for the boy along with the rest of your fellow schoolmates.
You spent the entire year making new friends, learning spells, studying up for exams, and never having the opportunity to talk to Draco, your only regret of the year.
For Draco, his first year at Hogwarts consisted of him developing the reputation of being the school's bully. Most of his antics we concentrated heavily on Harry Potter and his friends, but he truly didn't spare anyone that wasn't a part of his Slytherin crew.
Still, this didn't lessen the small crush you had on him since the day of the sorting. Despite his actions, you really felt that the boy was much more than what he projected to the world.
The first time you ever got to talk to Draco Malfoy was during your second year, when you had accidentally run into him as you rushed to your potions class.
You were too busy worrying about making it in time to class, really not wanting a reason to make Snape chastise you, that you had forgotten to pay attention to your surroundings. A disastrous recipe for running into someone, which was exactly what ended up happening.
"Hey!" he said with a grunt as his books fell from his hands.
You, mortified, hardly even noticed it was Draco at first, as you immediately leaned down to pick up his books.
"Oh I'm so sorry! I'm a complete klutz. I should've been paying more attention, I just-" as you got back up from the floor, books recovered & in your arms, you froze as your eyes made contact with his striking silver ones.
"Yeah, you definitely should have! Next time, try not to run into your superiors, first year," he said in distaste, brushing off the sleeves of his robe.
You stood there, shocked into silence, feeling your cheeks warm and mentally trying to coach yourself through the moment.
Take a breath, don't sound so nervous.
"A-actually, we're in the same year. I...umm...I first saw you at the sorting, but we had History of Magic together. I sat a row ahead of you," you corrected, biting your lip.
He tore his gaze away from his sleeves and locked eyes with you again, a chill going down your spine.
"Really? Strange. I don't remember you. Then again, you Hufflepuffs are so forgettable," he stated with a roll of his eyes. 
"I'll take those," he said as he grabbed the books from your hands and walked off.
Just like that.
 No 'thank you', no apology. Not even an offer to walk you to class which you happened to share this year as well.
You watched him walk away, cheeks definitely as red as Gryffindor's robes at this point, feeling dejected and absolutely embarrassed. You always imagined what your first conversation with Draco would be, as pitiful as that sounded, but in your head it definitely never went like this.
You ended up late to potions class and got lectured by Snape in front of the whole class, including Draco himself and wondered if he remembered who you were, or if he once again erased you from his head and permanently labeled you as a 'forgettable Hufflepuff'.
The rest of the year went on as normal after that, nothing too special.
The first time you really understood what your feelings for Draco Malfoy were was in your third year, on the train ride to Hogwarts.
You watched from the window as the train passed through the lush scenery of grand trees & clear blue skies, hands fiddling with the sleeves of your sweater. Your best friend, Mauve Ambrose, was seated beside you, gossiping about potential romances ("I think Ginny is head over heels for that Harry Potter kid and everyone knows it. Except, you know, that Harry Potter kid.") and who was to have the 'biggest glow up' of their entire year group ("My money is on Longbottom. Remember that I called it, ok. I want a witness to prove that I said it first.").
Hearing the candy trolley pass by, you perked up and politely excused yourself from your friend, walking out of the compartment. Your eyes searched for the trolley, determined to make it to it before the last of the chocolate frogs were taken, and caught it making its way towards the back of the train.
When you approached the trolley, you waited for the attendant to continue on along with one of the students as they picked out a box of Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans. Once the attendant turned towards you, you smiled wide, ready to request a chocolate frog, when you felt someone approach from behind you.
"A chocolate frog for me, yeah? And make sure it doesn't have Dumbledore's card. I have like 10 of that old bat," said a familiar, snarky voice.
You turned and your breath immediately caught in your throat; it was Draco Malfoy.
"You're in luck, there was only one left. Although, I can't really confirm if this one has a Dumbledore or not..." the attendant said, handing him the box.
You frowned a rather sad frown, disappointed. Perhaps one would blame the Malfoy boy for taking your turn (you did get there first after all) but in truth, he wanted what he wanted and he wasn't afraid to get it.
In your mind, all was fair in candy and war.
"Hey, aren't you the girl who ran into me last year? The Hufflepuff?" he asked, eyes looking you up and down.
You felt so small in his presence. Although you were both about the same height your first year together, he towered over you at this point in time.
"I...y-yeah. That's me. Umm...my name's Y/N, actually. And congrats on the frog. I came to get one but you managed to get the last one," you said, trying to keep it cool on the outside when on the inside you were a mess of nerves.
You really wanted Draco to like you. Not in a big, important way, no. Just enough to remember your name, at least.
He continued on staring at you silently, even when you finished talking. His gaze felt like a microscope on you and you could feel your cheeks heat up.
"You have weirdly shaped eyes," he says bluntly after a moment and you really wished you knew a spell that would have the floor swallow you whole.
"Umm...." you were unable to come up with a response.
You wish you were witty or funny or charismatic, but socializing did at times become quite difficult for you, and you weren't gifted with a quick mind or a sharp tongue.
"Anyways, I'm gonna go enjoy my frog now," he said as he walked away.
You were not surprised to feel the slight sting of tears forming in your eyes. You took a deep breath and tried to calm yourself down. You hated the fact that you were actually so sensitive. Your parents tried to make you feel better about it, stating that it just meant that you had a big heart.
“Well,” you thought, “if having a big heart meant it was easy for me to cry, then it didn't seem like a very good thing to have”.
Keeping your tears at bay (at least until you could sit down and put your sweater over your head so no one could see), you walked over to your compartment.
It was when you were nearly there that Draco's head popped out from his compartment's sliding door, startling you. You let out a small yelp, putting your hand over your mouth almost immediately after.
"Here, have this," he stated simply, as he reached his hand out towards you.
To your surprise, it was the chocolate frog box Your eyes widened, staring at it before cautiously retrieving it from his hand, switching your gaze back to him.
"I only wanted it for the card, and it's another stupid Dumbledore one" he claims, and before you could say anything, he slides the door shut, leaving you standing alone in the middle of the walkway, chocolate frog in hand.
It was then that you noticed that the box had its wrapping still in tact, meaning it was never opened in the first place.
Once you made it to your compartment and sat back down in your seat ("Nice! You got Celestina Warbeck," Mauve stated excitedly as she opened the box for you), You realized that your little crush on Draco Malfoy had turned into an actual one.
The first time you ever got to experience what it was like to fall in love with Draco Malfoy was in your fourth year at Hogwarts, a few weeks before the Yule Ball.
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sagemusesoutloud · 3 years
Anti-Romantic, Part 4
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(credit to the original owner of the image)
Character | Jaehyun x reader
Genre | nonidol!au, Mutual Pining, Slowburn, Fluff, Angst
WordCount | 1.5 k
WARNING | Mentions of verbally abusing relationships! It's brief, but there. If you or anyone is going through something similar, please seek outside help!
Author'sNote | I'm not giving excuses as to why it took so long to update, but I'm trying my hardest to be consistent! Let me know if you like how the story is going so far!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 4.5
Sorry I’m an anti-romantic, I don’t believe in romantic
I am afraid that it will burn my whole heart, It will only leave behind ashes.
When you were younger, your family used to call you ‘spitfire.’ They said you were too fiery, argued too well, and too passionate. They had never meant it as an insult, in a way, it was a form of flattery. You grew up as the only female cousin in your family, but you were always leading your cousins on whatever diabolical plan it was that you had come up with: sneaking off to kitchen in the middle of the night to eat all the pastries meant for the morning after, convincing everyone that leaving your grandma’s territory and into the forest in the middle of the night to see if you can find the fairies, racing along the town’s border to see who was the fastest on their bike, and many other child-like plans. You were tough and you were proud, you never allowed yourself to lose.
Later on in life, that same nickname evolved to a less loving version. As you grew older and started to date, your partners always called you out for having strong opinions and for not bending at their will. They never saw you for what you wanted to be; which was an equal. If they said something against one of your friends, they expected you to throw away the friendship. All because they were the opposite sex and made your partner insecure. How could a girl and boy only be friends? Later on, when rumors would spread about your partner and other girls, they would get exasperated with you. If they’d get caught, they would only blame you for being too stiff.
“Why couldn’t you be more passive? If I want to kiss you, I’ll kiss you. You’re my girlfriend, why the fuck would I need permission? Is that what your ‘guy friends’ do? I bet you’ve let them all have a run at you, huh? Keep acting like a bitch, get treated like a bitch. And you wonder why I cheated? What a joke.”
You had to admit, you didn’t really date the greatest of guys. But you could say that now, because you knew now. Back then, you really thought you deserved those kinds of relationships. Like how they say, you only accept the love you think you deserve. However, in a way, it was why you were the way you were now. You always made it a point to communicate and avoid misunderstandings because you didn’t want your partners to throw your words back at you or your actions. It’s why you treaded carefully and avoided one-night stands. You’d rather get to know a person first and then start dating. It’s the exact reason the date you had with that other barista didn’t go through, majority of the guys you talked to thought you were too much work and therefore, not worth it.
Now that you’re an adult, you’d rather be too much work than let a guy walk all over you. Boundaries were important to you because how else were you supposed to gauge their respect for you? You had a tight grip on your morals and rules.
But damn, you’re only human!
The moment your lips crashed, it’s as if the only thing you could keep in mind was one word.
You needed more of him, needed to breathe the same air as him, needed to feel every ridge of his hard body against your soft one, needed to cling to him as close as possible and for as long as possible.It’s as if his lips were the only reason you needed to dive into whatever this was. You were tired of keeping a strong hold on yourself. All that boiling anger turning into dangerous tension, and the only way to release it was to give into the passion between you two.
You settled your arms around his neck, taking that last step closer into him as he cradled your face and deepened the kiss. His other arm wound tightly around you, hand sliding dangerously close to your ass. You feel a deep groan against your chest, one of your hands wandering down his torso, enjoying the shiver you feel as you move lower. His tongue swipes at your bottom lip, a question, so you reply by opening your mouth, tongues fighting for dominance. For every move you delivered, he retaliates just as ardently. You feel your head grow lightheaded as you bring your hands to hold on to his shirt, anything to stabilize you. His hand finally squeezing your ass, shifting you closer to his hips. Oh, lord.
You let out a moan as he bites your lower lip, his kisses descending as you fight to catch your breath. You involuntary let out a whimper as he finds your pulse point and sucks the skin, soothing it with light kisses. Leaving behind a trail of purple blotches, beautifully contrasted against your skin. You’d never been into marking, had it always felt this good?
“Jae…” you can’t think, you can’t even stand properly as he pushes you with his hips against the counter for support. You don’t even know what you wanted to say, do you want to ask for more? What do you want?
“God, I’ve wanted to do this for years.” You pause at that, your hands freezing on their tight grip on his shirt. You feel as if someone had just dumped a bucket of ice water at you, your rationality finally catching up with you.
He leans back to look at you, “if you’re going to stop me, do it now because if you don’t say anything I’ll keep going. And I don’t think I can stop on my own.” His hands drawing gentle, tantalizing circles along your hips where your shirt had ridden up.
You gasp at that; finally bring your eyes to his. He looked exactly how you felt, desperate. His lips were red and puffy from your kisses, his hair messy after running your hands through it. In the light of the kitchen, you could still see how his pupils were blown wide. You’re pretty sure you’re not in any better condition.
“Jae,” you whisper, brining your hands to his shoulders, either to support yourself or to brace yourself for what you were about to say, “if we do this, there’s no going back.”
He lets out a deep breath, “I know, and I’m ok with that.” He offers a gentle smile, “I want that.” His heart drops as he notices how you drop your gaze and bite your lips.
“if we do this, can you guarantee that it won’t ruin our friendship?” for some reason, you can’t bring yourself to speak higher than a whisper or to look at him. “can you promise that you won’t run away again?”
You wait for his response. When it doesn’t come you finally look up, only to find a frown forming on his brow. You don’t expect when he takes a step back, “is that all I am to you? All this is? Just a risk you’re not willing to take just because you don’t want to ruin the ‘friendship’?”
“I don’t know…Am I supposed to forget what you just said a few minutes ago?” He gives a humorless laugh as he paces around the small kitchen.
You’re frozen in place, spaced out at his words. It’s like as if you’re watching yourself from somewhere else. But you think about it, is that what it is?
Before you can respond or come to a conclusion, he stops at the entrance to the kitchen, back towards you. “Are you really not understanding what I’m saying or are you avoiding it?” his shoulders sag but he keeps going, “If loosing me is what you’re so worried about, then let me make it simple for you.”
Your body grows number by the second, what’s wrong with you? You’ve finally done it, burned away the last semblance of security and friendship. Just like a thoughtless spitfire.
“I can’t go back to this back and forth bullshit. I’m tired. I don’t think you even know what you want, so until you do, I think I need my space.”
He motions towards his front door, “I’m gonna go, if you’re still here by the time I come back, I’ll take it as a sign that you do want us…to happen. If you leave, I’ll pretend the last two days didn’t happen and we can go back to how we used to be. I’ll never cross the line again, and I’ll do everything to move on.”
You only notice you’re sobbing when you tears blur your vision. What have you done?
You don’t even hear him leave, only when the door slams after him.
I can clearly see the end, Worse than a hangover
It will be hard, Now, Just end it somewhere here
EndNote | Damn, I've never written a kiss scene before. Hopefully it wasn't too awkward. This is a lot of angst too, which I'm not a big fan of reading, but wow... who hurt me lmao. Promise the next chapter won't be as bad, or will it?
Previous: Part 3 | Next: Part 4.5
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Caught In The Storm" *Part 9*
So....did y'all like that cliffhanger?
No, but actually...it was the original ending, but the original ending ended up being REALLY short. So, I wrote an ALTERNATE ending, that actually I really would prefer being the ACTUAL ending, but it had to go a different direction BEFORE the cliffhanger, so....you see my dilemma.
Here's what we're gonna do:
I'm going to put the ORIGINAL ending first, and then space it out, and put the ALTERNATE [better tbh] ending.
That way, you can have both. And I don't have to backtrack to undo my mistake due to my ADHD brain changing things 24/7.
Kay? Cool.
Also no neither of these are the ACTUAL ending, I refuse to have an odd number of chapters. REFUSE. So chapter 10 will be like an epilogue. Don't look at me like that.
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Part 10 (Epilogue is here!)
(This Gif is For the FIRST ending, there's a 2nd GIF that would be SPOILERS.)
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Short Simple Ending #1
Raphael sat in his loft drinking scotch, for which he had done most of the day. He wasn't dressed, he hadn’t showered, he was a mess. He didn't know if he could ever come out of this. He sat there wallowing in his regret and sorrow, going over every interaction you two had ever had in your entire lives of knowing each other pinpointing everything he could have done differently. What he should have done differently, and the fact that if he had, you'd be there with him right now instead of getting married to someone you didn't love. He's just in the middle of chastising himself again when he heard a knock at the door.
“Liv, I told you I don't need your help; You can't help me right now!” he yelled to the door
“It's not Liv…”your voice came softly through the door.
His eyes lit up, he raced to the door and threw it open. Revealing you and your wedding dress, sopping wet.
“Well I hope you're happy!” you stomped into his apartment angrily.
“...What would I be happy about? Where is your husband? He asked half jokingly.
“I Don't HAVE a husband,” you spat.
“Really now?” He was enjoying this too much.
“No, I don't. And you just made me humiliate a poor, generous, loving, caring, amazing man. And I just dumped him in front of all of his friends and family, and in front of a million fans on a live stream and now everyone knows and I'm probably laughing stock right now!!!” you screamed angrily, pacing the apartment.
“I did all that?” He smirked.
“Yes, you did!” you crossed your arms as you walked back to him.
“And how did I do that?” He took both of your hands and pulled you closer, still smiling like a Cheshire cat.
“By telling me you love me!!!” you kept your angry face stoic. “How could I marry Nathan when I knew that I was supposed to be with someone else?”
“You couldn't,” He smiled.
“I couldn't…” You whispered as he pulled you even closer and took you in his arms.
“I love you Rafael,” you looked right into his big green eyes. It was the first time you had actually said it to him in those exact words, with all the love and emotion you had always meant it to be.
He stared at you for a moment, running through the words in his mind. He had yelled them so angrily and upset at you last night, not the way you needed. Not the way you deserved.
“I love you too, Y/N,” He smiled, cradling your face before pulling you into another mind blowing kiss; it had only been the second time you had ever kissed in your lives but it felt like you had done it a million times, like it was supposed to be this way. Like it was always supposed to be this way.
You were so glad you stayed through the storm.
Actual" Really Long, Detailed, Funny Ending #2
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"But you don't love him,'' Rafael pointed out.
"You don't know that!" You snapped.
"Yes I do!" He shot back.
“How could you possibly know that?”
"Because you have never looked at him the way you look at me!" He exclaimed.
Your face went from upset and sad, to absolute rage after hearing him say that.
"You arrogant, selfish, son of a bitch…" you growled.
"How DARE you say that to me?! How DARE you use my own feelings and how much I loved you against me? Get out," You grabbed his arm and dragged him to the door.
"No look I'm sorry Y/N, but it's true. You don't love him and you're only marrying him to spite me!" He continued to dig himself a hole.
"So what?!” You said without thinking, making you both go wide eyed and silent.
“Are-- Are you serious?” He stammered.
“What if I was?” You now had an idea reeling.
“Wha...why would you…?” His eyes narrowed.
“Let’s say that I don’t believe you right now, which I don’t. And I kick you out of here, and I go through with my wedding in the morning? After ALL of this?” You gestured between the two of you.
"You're drunk, aren't you?" Rafael asked as he eyed the two empty bottles of champagne.
"Don't even-- Maybe," You stood in front of the view of the bottles. You waved it off, trying to focus.
“What if I told you that the ONLY way that I will believe that you are completely serious and NOT just drunk, is if you try and stop my wedding?” You smirked.
“You’re not--” Rafael started to laugh, but you kept a serious face on. “Seriously?”
“I don’t know Rafael, I guess we’ll see tomorrow who’s ‘serious’ and who’s not!” You slammed the door in his face, leaving him dumbfounded.
The next day you were in the bridal room getting ready; It was pouring rain outside, it seemed appropriate.
Amanda, Kelsey and Olivia were helping you polish your tiara, ironing your dress, fixing your makeup and all that jazz. Hundreds of fans lined outside the church since someone had leaked where you were getting married. Everything came down to this moment. It was supposed to be the biggest day of your life, and you were terrified. But not for the reasons normal brides would be worried about. For one you were hungover, and for two you had made the most idiotic ultimatum to Rafael last night. Why would you DO that?! Why did he bring out the absolute snarkiest, competitive side of you?
“You're shaking,” Amanda noticed.
“It's just nerves, you need some champagne'' Kelsey grabbed a champagne flute and shoved it in your hand; you downed it.
“You're doing the right thing,” Kelsey assured you, as if she knew what you were thinking. You looked at Olivia and Amanda.
“And what do you say?” You genuinely asked them both.
“I think that whatever you want to do is the right thing,'' Olivia replied, squeezing her hand. You smiled thankfully, glancing at the door.
He hadn’t come yet, maybe he was just drunk. Maybe he was lying in his bed hungover, wondering why he went and made an ass out of himself for no reason. Then again, maybe he was waiting for a big crowd for a huge display of affection, God WHY did you do this...
When it was time, you walked up to Finn who was waiting at the doors of the chapel. He was dressed in a tuxedo with a baby blue tie.
“You look beautiful, baby girl,” he smiled. “Are you ready to do this?”
“Now or never,” You smiled, still glancing at the exits. You noted the cameras that were set up to livestream this to millions of people; you had totally forgotten about that. Oh god, now if there was a “public display” it wouldn’t just go to the guests, it would be broadcast around the world!
The Wedding March began to play as the chapel doors opened. You proceeded to walk down the aisle and looked at everyone watching you. All of your past and present family from the SVU squad was there. Grandpa Kragen and Grandpa Munch, Uncle Brian, Uncle Tucker, etc.
Then you looked at Nathan's family, a bunch of white rich stuffy but welcoming people. You noticed all of the crowds lining outside the windows of the church cheering you on, some crying, some holding signs. Then you looked at Nathan waiting for you at the end of the aisle smiling proudly. He really did love you.
You reached the end of the aisle and took Nathan's hands.
“Dearly beloved, we're gathered here today…”
The Preacher went on through the normal wedding exchanges until he got to “the” line..
“If anyone here has any reason that these two should not be wed, please speak now or forever hold your peace,” The preacher announced as you held your breath.
You anxiously looked around the chapel, looking for any sign of Rafael. Maybe he had snuck in the back, or was hiding behind a lady with a hat. He was going to come, wasn’t he? Maybe you were right, maybe you were right along.
….Nothing. He wasn’t there. He didn’t come…
You felt your heart shatter, you were officially dead inside. And now the husk of you was being married off to this poor man.
“Do you Nathan Lee Price, take YN to be your lovely wedded wife, now and forever, through richer and poorer, sickness and health, before and after you both shall live?
“I do,”
“Y/N, do you take Nathan Lee Price to be your lovely wedded husband, now and forever, through richer and poorer, sickness and health, before and after you both shall live?”
You looked to Nathan, then you looked to your side of the wedding, then you looked to his side, you looked to the fans outside again, you looked to the sky, looked to the ground and then you looked back at Nathan.
The chapel doors swung open revealing Rafael dressed in a tuxedo. The entire room gasped in horror, and you tried your best not to run to him right then and there. He ran down the aisle until he reached the altar.
“I’m sorry sir, we’ve already past the--” The preacher started to talk but Rafael put a hand in front of his face.
“I don’t care, padre,” He chortled.
"Cutting it a little close there, counselor," You muttered.
"You're the one who chose to get married during rush hour in New York City, carino," He winked.
“Man, are you serious? Really? You’ve had all this time, and you decide NOW that you want my fiancé?” Nathan asked him in a hushed voice, trying to be discreet.
Rafael however, was NOT trying to be discreet.
“This woman told me last night, if I really loved her, that I would come and stop this wedding,” He was addressing the crowd. “That I would stop her from making the biggest mistake of her life,” He turned to you and Nathan. “Marrying someone she does not love,”
The room gasped again, Nathan’s family looked horrified. Camera phones began filming, fans outside were going NUTS.
“...Is that true, Y/N?” Nathan asked you with the most pitiful look.
“I mean I--” You looked from him to Rafael, who had a huge grin on his face. Well, you DID ask for this.
“I didn’t use those exact words,” You shrugged apologetically. The pastor closed the Bible, the guests were chattering like mad, cameras flashed, the mob outside began to force themselves inside to see the drama.
“I..I can’t believe this, I can’t believe you…” Nathan shook his head in disbelief.
“Nathan I’m really sorry, I just--” You looked at Rafael again; his grin wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. “I had to be sure that he really loved me,”
“So he had to PROVE his love to you, when I have shown it to you EVERY SINGLE DAY?” Nathan started to yell, forgetting about appearances.
“I mean, no-- it’s a whole thing, you wouldn’t understand--” You started to laugh unintentionally, thinking of how you and Rafael had your own twisted sick sense of humor.
“You’re goddamn right I don’t understand!” He continued to yell.
“...She’s a flair for the dramatic Nate, what can I say?” Rafael smirked as he stepped up on the stair you were standing on and wrapped an arm around you. You really hated that you were enjoying this at Nate’s expense but-- Rafael was right. You wanted him to publicly admit it, and he delivered. And you were ecstatic.
“Yeah well, I hope you’re both happy in dramatic HELL,” Nathan spewed before stomping off out of the chapel with his groomsmen quickly tailing him. His side of the wedding began exiting the chapel furiously grumbling and yelling profanities at you.
You glanced at your side of the room, the entire NYPD. They all surprisingly looked very pleased, although some people like Kragen were skeptical about this suave ADA coming in here and sweeping you off your feet. They shook their heads and a few applauded, especially your current family.
“Oh we’re not done folks,” Rafael announced as he grabbed the preacher before he could leave.
“Wha...what now?” You were confused but growing more excited by the second.
“You wanted me to be sure that this is what I wanted,” Rafael took both of your hands. “And I want you to KNOW that this,” He gestured between the two of you. “This is all I will ever want, for the rest of my life. And I want to prove it to you,” He smiled at you and pulled something from his jacket pocket.
“Oh, Rafa you really don’t--” You started to say that stopping this wedding was proof enough for you, but he was already down on his knees.
“Y/N….Will you marry me?” He asked. “....Right now?” He added, gesturing to the preacher. Now it was your side’s turn to gasp loudly again, as you stared at the huge diamond ring Rafael was holding out to you.
Where did he get that? WHEN did he get that? Had he been planning on proposing to you before? A zillion questions ran through your brain but you did your best to quiet them all so you could focus on the ONE question that mattered right now.
“....DUH!” You finally slapped him over the head playfully and grabbed the ring from him. He laughed and slipped it on your finger before pulling you into a beautiful, perfect kiss. Everyone on your side laughed and cheered, happy their baby girl was getting her happy ending.
“Well alright then, I guess let’s start this thing over!” The preacher laughed, opening his Bible once again.
“Rafael Barba, do you take Y/N to be your lovely wedded wife, now and forever, through richer and poorer, sickness and health, before and after you both shall live?” He asked Rafael.
“I do,” Rafael beamed at you.
“Do you--” .
“WAIT,” You put up a hand to stop him, making everyone start to mumble curiously again. Rafael’s face fell.
“...Are you serious? You’re changing your mind?” He muttered anxiously.
“No!” You shook your head. “No I…” You looked at the floor. “God this is so stupid…” You laughed to yourself nervously, not really believing you were actually going to admit this.
“....What?” Rafael raised an eyebrow.
“I um…” You bit your lip. “Oh God…” You turned to the preacher. “Sorry!” He brushed it off.
“Baby what are you--” Rafael was seriously starting to worry.
“Please, please don’t freak out,” You begged him. His eyes remained confused, but soft and understanding.
“Okay…” He gave you a look.
“I um,” You took a deep breath. “I may or may not have learned this...just in case,”
You took another deep breath, and recited the words you had practiced in front of your mirror for MONTHS after you had first met Rafael.
“Yo, Y/N, te tomo a ti, Rafael Barba, como mi esposo,”
Rafael immediately broke into the biggest smile you may have ever seen on him, tears instantly wet his eyes as you spoke.
“Prometo serte fiel en lo próspero y en lo adverso,” You continued, vowing you were NOT going to break down crying.
“en la salud y en la enfermedad, Amarte y respetarte todos los días de mi vida.,” You finished successfully without shedding a tear, unlike Rafael who was a full on hot mess of tears in front of you.
“Baby I…” He shook his head in disbelief. “I can’t believe you did that,” He whispered, tears still catching in his throat.
“I told you,” You bit your lip. “I have always been in love with you,”
“And I am so in love with you,” He grinned, pulling your face into his for “the” kiss.
“Well I guess you can kiss the bride!” The preacher laughed sarcastically as everyone broke into cheers.
You glanced up at the cameras as you walked down the aisle with your new husband. God you hoped that hadn’t blown up in your face, but if it did-- you had your Rafa to hold you through the storm.
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