#007s cryptic writings
stinkman007 · 11 months
a dark, empty road. the rain is hitting the top of the disheveled car like bullets. Dark clouds on the horizon make it hard to breathe. The sound of a speeding vehicle gets only louder, and the headlights fade into view, a bright white-yellow. Inside the car, there sits a man. The tires squeal in agony. A body lies in the road. The rain doesn’t care. The body of the car rips down the road, tearing up the surface of the asphalt. The body turns over. Horrified. It’s a woman. Helpless. Her fate has been decided by a man who poses as god. The exhaust pours out a thick black smog, unable to handle the speed at which evil travels. There’s nothing left to explain. The sheer flash of velocity, the air reeks of unfamiliar feelings, and cheap gasoline. A scream hits the pitch black night like a wine glass shatters to the floor. 
click here 4 edited version lolol
(me talking under the cut lol)
this is just a little rough intro to the story- this by no means explains the plot, but its like a movie kinda when they put some unexplained clip at the start yknow anyway ill shut up if u enjoy it tell me if u have tips tell me this isn't the final version at all i might stretch it out a lot more (cos its funnier that way) or somethign khkdhvj oh yeah barred is the title
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virtual-lara · 4 years
IGN FilmForce - Simon West Interview - Lara Croft Tomb Raider
Interview appeared on IGN FilmForce website, dated to 23rd May 2001. Article was written by Spence D.
West discusses how Tomb Raider differs from the Indiana Jones films, and talks about the codes and cars that will appear in the film.
It's a somewhat dreary Monday morning in London. Rather appropriate, not only for the city, but for the time of year: late October with All Hollow's Eve just around the corner.
Normally such dismal weather would be regarded as a kink in one's travel plans. I mean who really wants to traipse around Londontown in the cold and the rain anyway? Certainly not me, especially if I was on holiday. But alas, I'm not. This is actually work, if you can believe that. And, on the contrary, the drizzling mist and overcast skies are providing the perfect backdrop for the days activities: visiting legendary Pinewood Studios, specifically the 007 soundstage where the filming of Tomb Raider is in full-swing.
It's early in the morning on Monday 10/23 (8:50 a.m. to be exact, which isn't terribly early unless you're jetlagged) and I find myself in the lobby of the Copthorn Tara, assembled along with a motley crew of fellow journalists. After milling about for a few moments, we all pile into a small van and light out for Pinewood. The drive is a quaint commute, about 20 minutes outside of London proper, and thanks to the smooth ride provided by our driver, I actually manage to catch some extra Z's in the back of the van. I awake, however, just in time to witness us passing through the main gates of the studio. Soon after we are dumped off nearby a row of small two story buildings, which soon reveal themselves as offices, make-up and wardrobe rooms, and the like. This is where we meet up with the U.K. press contact, Sue D'arcy. After a round of introductions, Sue then marched us off to the studio so that we could witness Simon West and his crew at work.
As we approached the 007 sound stage, armed security guards manning the doors came into view. This sent a very loud, very clear signal indeed: with few exceptions, this is pretty much a closed set (we, by the way, were not allowed to bring cameras onto the set, further substantiating the "closed set" axiom). Once admitted inside we were confronted with reams of scaffolding, choking wafts of artificial fog, the clanging of hammers and the insessant chatter of carpenters, masons, and various asundry craftsman doing last minute alterations to the giant temple set. While they were preparing to shoot a scene involving a bunch of armed mercenaries, Simon West relinquished himself from behind the camera and happily chatted about the film.
Most of the rumors you've heard, in terms of the script, are true, to an extent. Yes, there were extensive re-writes with West and company constantly updating and tweaking it as they went along. Indeed, at the outset West wasn't happy with some of the earlier drafts that were turned in, citing too much Raiders of the Lost Ark ambiance, which was one of the major stylistic devices he wished to avoid. Granted, Lara Croft is an entirely different beast than Mr. Jones, but given that the Raiders trilogy was the last time that archeological adventure was brought to the big screen (okay, there was The Mummy), comparisons on that level, no matter how minor, cannot be avoided.
So what did West do in order to distance his film from the Indiana Jones (and Mummy) mythology? "I didn't particularly want to spend a year or whatever in the same environment that I'd seen a million times. And that film's been pastiched and copied and whatever, so on a pure basic visual level I started to think 'What would look different to those type of films?' And also Raiders is a period piece, it takes place in the '30s, whereas this is contemporary, if not slightly, you know, the higher end of contemporary. It's not futuristic, but it's definitely the cutting edge of present day. So that immediately gives you the advantage of technology and different environments really. But I just consciously stayed away from anything having to do with sand or pyramids or anything yellow, snakes or bugs or rats. I mean I didn't want to go anywhere near any of that stuff. So, not to be snobby, but it does operate on a higher level, the themes in this film are more like new age mysticism, to do with phenomenon we don't understand rather than fighting a bunch of Nazis and being scared of rats and things like that. It's sort of on a much higher level and more complex," West paused for a moment before continuing. "But even, as I said, on the simplest level, just in the visual look, I just chose locations and environments that aren't in any of those other films. And none of the cliches, you know, there's no mummies comin' out of walls or, you know, the whole Egyptian theme is just like old to me and that sort of immediately looks like a set to me, you know you get these big polystyrene blocks and everything's yellow and it looks like a cheesy film set to me. So just by the places, the locations we've gone to and in turn the interior sets, that's a big difference. So yes, it was quite conscious, 'cause you want to give something fresh to the audience. They may be expecting that [Raiders] but they're certainly not gonna get it. It's completely different."
One thing that will definitely be completely different about Tomb Raider the movie, is the coded references West and company have imbedded into the plot and visual motifs. "We've put coded stuff throughout the story for the gamers and any sort of sad anoraks that want to pick it apart. Nothing in the film is not thought about. Anything you read in the background or anything on a screen, everything has been worked that you can watch it five times and try and crack [the codes]. Everything has significance. There's no symbol, letter or number or anything in the film that isn't entirely worked out for a reason. It's not arbitrary."
Speaking of arbitrary cutting edge contemporary devices, one of the key technological toys employed by Lara/Angelina in the movie is an Aston Martin Vanquish. As any true movie freak well knows, the Aston Martin was the favored cinematic ride of one James Bond, at least back during the Connery heydays (although they brought the AM back for a hot flash in Goldeneye). So what exactly is the cryptic significance of the Aston Martin? "Well, I can't tell you about that, but it's not so much the car itself, it's something about the car that has a coded message in it. I can't tell you, 'cause we want to create a vibe where people kind of guess all of this stuff. But there is definitely something about the Aston Martin that people need to watch closely and work out what it is."
All rights belong to IGN and/or their affiliated companies. I only intend to introduce people to old articles and preserve them before they are lost.
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homosociallyyours · 6 years
About the fic drabble prompt thing, ik you said you were looking at crossovers as a last resort, but the idea stuck out so idk, up to you if you want to try it out or not: Drink me/Shag me - John Watson and Skyfall Bond. I'm not fussed with any particular specifics really, just as long as either or both prompts are covered. Feel free to surprise me 😉
I have *really* missed writing in the Bond fandom. I’m looking forward to it coming back to life with the new movie in 2019 and am always ALWAYS down for crossover ships like this one! Hope you like it. 
He didn’t typically frequent pubs, but when his fridge was empty of beer and the scotch bottle he didn’t quite remember finishing the night before turned up empty, John pulled on his jacket and walked down to the local pub. It wasn’t crowded quite yet. The fall weather had come on early this year, and though the wind was chilly the sun was still out at half 6, and most people didn’t seem to have an interest in getting pissed quite yet. 
John had just ordered a second whiskey when he heard someone sit a few stools down from him and clear their throat gently. He hadn’t been recognized since a few months after Sherlock’s death, and he didn’t relish it happening now. He turned, bracing himself, and was surprised to see a familiar pair of blue eyes looking back at him, crinkling at the sides with a fond half-smile. 
“James? The hell?” Happiness bubbled up in John’s chest as he hopped off his bar stool and approached James, pulling him into a tight hug. 
“John,” James said, face pressed against John’s ear. “Been a while. But I knew it was you.” 
John pulled back. “What’re you doing here, hm? Not serving her majesty anymore, I suppose.” 
James tilted his head and smiled. “I keep myself busy. And her majesty needs all sorts of servants, doesn’t she?” 
John hummed pleasantly and nodded. Bond was the same, wasn’t he? Cryptic, guarded, and yet somehow capable of making John feel entirely at ease. It probably didn’t hurt that the majority of their time together was spent passing a bottle of whiskey between the two of them in secret, hoping their commanding officers didn’t catch them. John turned and looked at his drink, then looked back to James. “Whiskey?” he asked, signalling the bartender. 
“Whiskey,” James said, pursing his lips and turning to look behind the bar. He threw back his first one quickly and then ordered a double. “Not fair if you’re ahead of me, is it?” he teased. 
Warmth was blooming in John’s chest as he angled himself toward James, their knees bumping. “You were the only one who could match me drink for drink back then,” he said, smiling at the memory. “So we should probably keep pace tonight, if you’re game.” 
“More than game,” Bond said, eyebrows raised. He clinked his glass against John’s. “To old friends,” he said. 
“Old friends,” John responded. They locked eyes before taking their sips. “So, what brings you here?” John asked, trying to sound casual. He hoped that James lived nearby, but he didn’t want to come right out and ask. 
“Business,” James said. “I had something to do in the neighborhood and thought I’d have a few drinks when I was done.” 
John frowned into his drink. “Odd place for business. There’s mostly flats out this way, right? Not much else.” 
“Client. He lives out here, insisted on meeting at his place,” James offered. 
“Right, right,” John said, not wanting to press James much further. No need to push away a friend when he hadn’t properly spoken to anyone in over a week outside of work. “Lucky that we ran into each other then.” 
Bond nodded. “How about you? You live around here, I suppose?” 
“Yeah, just moved here about a month ago. It’s closer to work than where I was staying before.” John felt the familiar tightness in his chest and took a deep swallow of whiskey. “Was a bit more central there, but I couldn’t afford the flat on my own.” He couldn’t tell what Bond knew, if anything, and he paused for a moment, unsure of how to continue. 
“Holmes?” Bond asked, voice more casual than John would’ve liked. He grimaced and turned away, signalling the bartender to refill his and James’ whiskeys. 
“Yes,” he said. “He’d been gone a few months. It was time to move. Move on. You know.” John shrugged. 
“Keep moving or you die,” James said. It sounded like a sort of toast, and so John half-heartedly clinked their glasses together, eliciting a chuckle from James. “Dark thought to cheers to, Watson,” he said. John looked up and saw mischief in his eyes. He needed this. Needed something. 
“We always did like to drink to things that were a bit wrong,” John said. “Men who were almost dead but who I’d hopefully saved. That scorpion that had a nest just outside your barracks who you swore was going to kill you one day. God, we were full of piss.” 
Bond laughed. “Still are,” he said. He swirled his whiskey and looked at John with a questioning heat behind his eyes. He looked to the door quickly and then back to John. “You live near here, you were saying,” he said. 
John nodded and threw back his whiskey. “Very near. Come up,” he said, his breath catching in his throat. He hadn’t even gone near a man since he’d lived with Sherlock, not wanting to let on that he could be interested lest it upset the delicate balance they had with one another. He’d missed it. Had missed Bond in particular. 
“Need to make a quick call,” James said, pulling out his phone. “Tie up the business I was doing earlier if you know what I mean. Then we’ll head to yours.” He smiled slyly at John and then took the last sip of his whiskey, swiping his thumb over the rim of the glass and licking the final drop away. 
John pulled out his wallet to pay, watching as James stepped outside to make his phone call. He’d picked a good night to go to the pub, he supposed. 
Outside, James listened as the phone rang through just once before being picked up. 
“I’ll have the surveillance equipment installed by morning,” James said before Mycroft--fuck if Bond would think of him as M--could speak. 
“We do appreciate your service, 007,” Mycroft said. “A text will suffice in the morning.” 
Bond ended the call with a quick press of his thumb and an irritated huff. He hadn’t been given a reason that Mycroft would need to keep tabs on John, but it certainly seemed important enough. Before he could question it further, John was pushing open the door of the pub to join him. 
“Ready?” John asked. 
“Mm, definitely,” Bond said, nodding. “The question is, Watson: are you?” 
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gokul2181 · 4 years
In Delhi, a chance brush with Salim Durani | Cricket News
New Post has been published on https://jordarnews.in/in-delhi-a-chance-brush-with-salim-durani-cricket-news/
In Delhi, a chance brush with Salim Durani | Cricket News
NEW DELHI: A drooping blazer hangs from the spartan shelf above the bed. On the bedside table, an unpretentious lighter with a single cigarette stuck to it like newbies in an unfamiliar city clinging to each other for comfort and safety. In a pandemic where hotels had to be turned into hospitals not too long ago, a just-opened 50-bed hospital in the urban village of Masoodpur in Delhi’s south west district, doubles up as a hotel for purposes of inauguration. ‘Impatient’ in Room 007 is an 85-year-old going on 86, but insists he is still 83 and would reduce that even further if no one was looking. Salim Durani is in town. “Yeh Corona hai toh kya hua, dosti zyaada purani hai,” he says, “They could have invited any politician, but instead chose to call sportsmen — me and boxer Vijender Singh. There is no way I wouldn’t have come.” Like they always said about him, Durani sat as unaffected alongside royalty as when he broke bread with the commoner or shared a smoke with a pauper. “I don’t go out often. Abhi naa, because of age my back is going. That’s why I wear a brace,” he says as he begins to raise his shirt to show it to you. You have to stop him, because old age and its entrapments is something you cannot associate with the man. Tall, light-eyed and handsome, almost louche in his bearing once, Durani may today look a pale shadow of his former self but his eyes, those bags below them notwithstanding, continue to blaze with indefatigable life, a strange zest and often, with a flicker of memory. “Arrey, yaad ka kyaa hai,” he laughs before lapsing into a short raspy cough. “Yaadein toh bahut hain. Jo kabhi yaad aata hai, usko yaad kar leta hoon.” That cigarette will soon need lighting up. Born in Kabul, baby steps in Karachi and lived and loved in India, Durani is Indian cricket’s original rake – his flamboyant, maverick persona not the construct of a PR concept but snatched from the air and hewn from the earth itself. It lasts longer, and rubs off on you too. The first of the Indian game’s mavericks, it is predictably futile to ask him to break-down his famous six-hitting technique for us. Was it the wrist, the shoulder or the forearms? Or did he read the ball way too early? He looks at you blankly, making the query look stupid when it is not. Asking the same was perhaps an impossible task in the 1960s as well. How does an erratic genius explain his being erratic, or his genius? “I used to play with a 2.4 bat, single rubber, Kashmir willow,” he suddenly says. Compared to the current-day thickness of the blade averaging in the high 5’s, it must have resembled a toothpick but it famously had the desired effect. “Whenever I played in India, it was with Mehtab Special. Bombay mein banti thi,” he says smiling, almost as if revealing a secret. This IPL edition, when the obscene volume of sixes in the UAE is causing disquiet about the unequal nature of the contest, it is somewhat ironic that we talk of the format where he is often looked at with longing. The current season’s Six on Demand mantra, was originally coined for him. Does he think he was born in the wrong era? “Farak itna hi hai, today’s cricket has more chances,” is his cryptic response. Make of that what you will. The famous symbiotic relationship between Durrani and his fans is a source of merriment among his much-younger minders. “Daddu key peeche hamesha ladkiyon ki fauj hoti thi,” one of them needles. Daddu Durani is unfazed at the ‘allegation’, neither blush nor bluster, just a longer drag of the cigarette. There was always a danger to Durani. “Babu Ram used to call me ‘Bhidhu’, kyunki mein kissi sey bhi bhidh jaata tha.” Not to be confused with the good-natured Mumbai-ya ‘bidu’, Durani was referring to film director BR Ishara’s deeper tapping of the man’s personality that made him cast the cricketer in a 1973 film, Charitra. “The tall light-eyed Salim Durani was cast in the role of Ashok, a rich playboy who has a different woman in his bed every night,” writes film journalist Karishma Upadhay in ‘Parveen Babi: A Life’, the recent biography of the late actress and Durani’s co-star in the film. Upadhyay recounts a Filmfare interview back then, where he admits that though he still loved the game, even after a decade of playing, it wasn’t paying the bills. A sign of his undeniable star appeal, Durani, writes Upadhyay, was also approached by “Kamal Amrohi, of Pakeezah and Mahal fame, had wanted to make a film with the Pathan.” “I’m still a member of IPTA (Indian People’s Theatre Association),” Durani says with pride, making you wonder if you should continue talking about his cricketing days – how he got Sobers out but is still in awe of him – or dwell on Indian sport’s first sex symbol’s brush with celluloid stardom. Taken in, on an impulse, you invite him to home to tea forgetting all protocols that need to be followed. Durani smiles and nods, but his long-time minder, Mahesh pipes up, “Daddu wants to go to the Press Club before he leaves.” That’s when the fire in Salim Durani’s aged eyes turns into a twinkle.
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paladzin-blog · 7 years
I was going to try  &  keep reblogging my original post with my headcanon list but. . .  it’s getting ridiculously long  &  I thought of one I wanted to add but it’s more of a huge long too explained thing on Levi  &  sleep.  ikr wtf is my problem that I want to write that  ??  so instead here’s yet another huge list of my headcanons to keep myself sane. a warning these are the same with a very few minor tweaks too them.  ** a note  ** I am not in no way speaking for other Levi RPers nor am I speaking for Isayama’s take on Levi. these are all my own views on Levi’s character  &  how I see him.
001  .  Levi is not incapable of having conversations,  he’s more so adapt to fall under the line of being socially awkward.  as in,  when he says one thing but does another.  his way of lightening up the mood  &  getting his points across.  it’s been confirmed that Hange is considered an official translator for Levi meaning she says what he is trying to say.  this could be from the poor development of social skills growing up which I am heavily implying it is.  but this is in no way saying he’s not capable of having conversations. he’s more of a cryptic speaker so to say.
002  .  Tying into my first headcanon,  while Levi often is a man of cryptic language  &  very few words at most times,  this does not mean he drops a curse word every five minutes in his speech.  yes,  we all get it  !  he used shit a few times but that does not reflect upon his vocabulary being single squashed to curse words alone.  but this also goes for calling cadets brat.  holy shit,  I’m not sure if I missed something  (  in which case please let me know  )  but that word was only used ONCE  maybe twice  ??  at most.  he does not constantly belittle his cadets with verbal abuse by name calling.
003  .  This one is a bit. . . iffy.  I don’t want to go as far as saying Levi is not entirely not abusive but I want to end the idea that people have.  where he’s a constant abuser especially towards Eren.  I think we all know where this headcanon is going next.  the infamous court room scene.  from what I gather we are all reading  /  watching the same thing.  Levi beat Eren in that situation to PROVE the legion was the best suited place to keep Eren not to mention HE SAVED EREN’S LIFE.  Re-call that the MP wanted to nearly if not entirely kill Eren. who knows what those shady assholes would have done.  let alone in the fact that Levi is obeying orders.  Re-call that Levi even personally asked Eren if he hated him  &  even went as far as asking if he understood why he did it. he wanted to ensure that Eren KNEW the reason  &  this was not done out of wanting to get off from beating up a kid.  he fucking saved a life for fucks’ sake  !  HOWEVER.  I know there’s been a huge debate over Levi  &  Historia when he grabbed her by the collar of her shirt.  I am not in any way condoning his behavior in that moment. I am not going to make excuses either on why he did that but I have given a little thought  &  I am wondering if perhaps it has to do with his upbringing  &  the way he conveys things.  they are in a dire situation  &  I think in that moment Levi was over loaded but regardless and again I’m not excusing his behavior. I am well aware of the choices he makes  &  yes, believe it or not there are some I don’t agree with. but this headcanon is more or less simply stating Levi is not abusive 24 / 7  &  he does not get off on beating up or belittling his squad.
004  .  Levi does not beat up anyone without having a reason or motive behind the actions.  before you even bring up ACWNR do heavily remember that it is NOT CANON. I am basing this off SNK manga alone.  From the flashbacks we’re given in the canon material,  Levi as a child did attack  &  even kill people however I think there was still motive.  that motive was IMPRESSING Kenny.  was trying to prove himself to Kenny  &  yaknow,  survive. I do think as a child he did throw caution to wind UNTIL he grew.  People change in real life so why not fictional characters.  there are moments we see visible emotions in him  &  those moments always come with consequences to whomever has caused him this distressed.  I haven’t seen him go up to an innocent by stander  &  beat the shit out of them for not reason.  Levi is a man of action  &  honestly, most of the time if not all the times he has beat up someone it’s because they are a threat to his survival or those he deems trustworthy.
005  .  This has been brought to my attention that the Ackerman family line was spoken about in the later chapters though I’m not sure which ones. while I have not read them yet, this headcanon will remain in tact unless I am informed otherwise.  as far as to my knowledge, Mikasa is the only asian alive. So Levi in his canon verse until it is confirmed by the author himself he is not related to Mikasa in any way except for the same bloodline. I am simply saying he’s not a brother or uncle but a mere descent of the same line. again, this headcanon could possibly change and most likely will once I get my hands on the hard copy.
006  .  There is no huge disrespect coming from Levi towards Erwin  ??  I’m weary of where this concept formed but to each to his own.  I’m not going for the intention that Levi blindly trusts Erwin but I will say he does trust him to an extent.  Levi is fully aware of the choices Erwin makes  &  while he does follow through with orders,  Levi does question at times,  wants to know his motives.  he can fully interject his opinion  /  thought at any given time.  but to out right say he disrespects Erwin  ??  that’s pushing it.
007  .  Levi is not a clean freak.  If he cared that immensely do you think he’d grab a dying comrade’s hand that is bloody  ?  he was COVERED in blood when he attacked Annie,  he was covered in blood when he took down Zeke’s titans to take down Zeke himself.  Did you see him once stop to clean himself off  ?  Based off his assumed living conditions shown in the canon manga when Kenny gets introduced,  I can’t blame him for wanting a clean environment but for fucks’ sake  !  that doesn’t mean he is obsessed with cleaning. needless to say,  my muse won’t go bat shit kick your ass mode when  /  if  you make a mess. He’ll ask you to clean for sure  &  make sure you do a good job of it but to say he’ll beat your muse up over it  ?  NO.
008  .  Levi’s nickname for Hange is dropped the moment they change status  .  this is a sign of respect but also as a way to  .  .  .  not remind them of the trauma per say that they went through  .  ALSO.  let this also serve as a reminder that Levi does not abuse Hange.  Hange is someone that stands for the right thing,  gives justice when served but to have people say that Hange willingly or not let’s abuse them  ?  are you kidding me  ?  They threatened to throw someone off a wall.  they have been CONFIRMED by Isayama that they are the scariest when angered.  Levi has a huge fucking amount of respect for Hange  &  even more so because of their position now. 
009  .  While Levi often says make a choice with the least regret I want to make it noted heALWAYS makes it known he does not know the true right choice  ,  this leads me to highlybelieve that yes  ,  at some points he does experience regret  .  he is HUMAN  .  however  ,  I think he does try to move forward because that is the only way he has known to go  .
010 .  I often been on the fence about this headcanon  .  because of  the known parts of the ackermans I do highly wonder what is his ethnicity  ?  His first name often comes up to searches with Jewish  /  Hewbrew roots so  ?  this headcanon is incomplete but will be updated with time as I dig a bit more into his character  .
011 .  Levi is aromantic  /  asexual  .  I did have an entire meta on this but I deleted it however I will state because of past experiences shown in canon material (  not acwnr  ) and because of their situation  ,  I have made my own Levi canonly be asexual  /  aromantic however he could possibly lean toward demiromantic  .  this whole meta will be back up  &  hopefully more organized than my last one  :)
012 .  Levi is not french  .  his name is not riva / rivialle  .  it’s been canon  /  concrete confirmed by Isayama himself. this misconception I believe came from how it’s pronounced but I don’t believe Levi is french in the least.
013  .  going back on a headcanon that was made through an ask  . reason one  ,  I fully ended up extending the first headcanon  ( which I might just trash )  &  two  ,  canon evidence from reading death scenes where he is involved  . GUILT  :  in plain is derived from loosing people in battle  .  his expressions concerning the 1.0 squad  ,  the way he internally fell apart and outwardly when a squad not of his own was killed  ,  I think it’s safe for me to presume that there is always going to be guilt associated with Levi when there is death especially under his care  .
014  .  while this isn’t headcanon per say  ,  I want it known that Levi is not the scariest character  .  yes  ,  he has a personality that you can feel in a room  ,  yes his wrath has no boundaries  ,  he can surely drop kick anyone with good reasoning  &  yes he does strike fear per say BUT it is actually concrete confirmed that Hange Zoe is the scariest when angry  .  I felt the need to include this because I know some people have this notion that he’s some scary over lord &  everyone including veterans are afraid him .  but that’s not the case  ,  I don’t think Levi means to always  /  constantly strike fear into everyone but this doesn’t go without saying he isn’t someone to underestimate either  .
015  .  while it could also highly be genetics that have caused his stunt in growth  ,  I want to also note it could also be the factor of the lack of vitamin D which of course can be preferably termed lack of sunlight  .  I did mild research for this  &  lack of vitamin D can cause effects on bone growth  /  density  in other words  :  skeletal deformities among other things which I didn’t look too much into  .  I’m not placing the entire blame per say on the sun alone but Kai ( @atlaswinged​ )  also brought up another good point  :  his diet growing up  .  which I didn’t even consider but it is also a high key factor .  it’s safe (  nearly safe  )  to presume that this could be factors into his height  .
016  .  this is a wild belief  :  a possible wish as well for Levi to be partial Jewish  /  Hebrew  .  as it stands & I have been informed there was information on the ackermans however  :  both names first  &  last draw back to Jewish  /  Hebrew roots  .  meanwhile Levi’s eye shape is a curiosity in itself  ?  they are almond shape a possible coincidence that it is there or perhaps a hint of possible of ethnicity’s in him or just genetics  .  Mikasa was told to be the last Asian alive but one can speculate  .  not so much a headcanon but a mere thought on Levi’s ethnicity  .
017  .  Levi may actually have more health related issues due to poor diet but also lack of sleep.  Lack of sleep has a lot of diseases connected to it  &  while I know they are just fictional characters, I can’t help but wonder what is the mere 2 - 3 hours of sleep really doing to Levi  ?  Not to mention everyone else  ?  I plan to fully come back to this headcanon  or just possibly write a meta on it. I’m not saying he has the general insomnia but there’s definitely underlying causes to the lack of sleep he has.
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avidreaderblog · 7 years
*this post includes affiliate links I have with Amazon*
Hello everyone! As some of you guys may know, I love anything and everything spies, whether it’s in books, tv shows or movies; if there are spies in it, I’m reading/watching it! Therefore, when I was asked if I wanted to be part of the blog tour for Alex Rider: Never Say Die* by Anthony Horowitz (aka a teen spy book), I jumped at the chance! The fact that he travels to some of my favorite places, in the book (this isn’t a spoiler don’t worry)? Icing on the cake! The best part of it though is that one of the places Alex goes to is Egypt (again, not a spoiler) and I’ve been to Egypt quite a few times which is why this post is a mini travel guide to Egypt! Before I get into the top three places you HAVE to go to in Egypt, here’s the synopsis for Never Say Die, via Goodreads:
The world’s greatest teen spy is back in action in a thrilling new mission: destroy once and for all the terrorist organization SCORPIA.  Following the events of Scorpia Rising, Alex relocates to San Francisco as he slowly recovers from the tragic death of his best friend and caregiver, Jack Starbright, at the hands of terrorists working for SCORPIA. With Jack gone, Alex feels lost and alone, but then, out of the blue, he receives a cryptic email–just three words long, but enough to make Alex believe that Jack may be alive. Armed with this shred of hope, Alex boards a flight bound for Egypt and embarks on a dubious quest to track Jack down. Yet SCORPIA knows Alex’s weakness. And the question of whether Jack is alive soon takes a backseat to a chilling new terrorist plot-one that will determine the lives of many. From Egypt to France to Wales, from luxury yachts to abandoned coal mines, Alex traverses a minefield of dangers and cryptic clues as he fights to discover the truth. The #1 New York Times bestselling series, perfect for fans of James Bond, Jason Steed and Jason Bourne, is back with a vengeance!
Doesn’t that sound so fun?!!?! I can’t wait to read it!!! I especially can’t wait to see what happens in Egypt! Speaking of Egypt, here are three places you definitely need to go to when you visit the lovely, beautiful country of Egypt:
Al Moez street in the Azhar area – this past summer, when I went to Egypt, one of the most fun things I have ever done was take a tour of all the beautiful mosques and bazaars in Al Moez street in Cairo. It was four hours long but it was so worth it because everything is just so beautiful (it is a photographer’s dream) and the history behind it all is amazing! It was especially fun because I went with friends and family so when you go, definitely take at least someone with you….and water and snacks and sunscreen and a hat because it was HOT! Though we had a tour guide to take us through, you can definitely still take a stroll through it all and just enjoy! Below are some pictures I took on the tour…
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2. Tahrir Square Koshari – after going on the four hour long tour, you will be hungry (I was absolutely famished) and the best place to go to at any time is Tahrir Square Koshari! As the name suggests, it’s located in Tahrir Square in Cairo, Egypt and it sells koshari, aka one of THE best Egyptian foods! It’s macaroni shells, lentils and rice with fried onions on the side. It’s actual heaven to eat and TSK makes koshari like no other! Get a bowl full at any size – though I do suggest the biggest size you can get and piling on the onions lol – and get ready for the best food you’ll have ever eaten!
3. The Nile…..at night – need a late night date idea or just want somewhere quiet and beautiful to go? Go to the Nile at night then! On both sides there are little restaurants that you can eat at – I suggest getting zalabya, a sweet Egyptian delicacy that tastes beyond amazing – as you sit and enjoy Cairo. It’s absolutely wonderful to go to the Nile, and, like idea number one, it’s beautiful scenery for all photographers!
All in all, Egypt is absolutely beautiful, day and night, so if you went to get an authentic Egyptian experience, definitely stroll through Al Moez street, eat at Tahrir Square Koshari and sit beside the Nile! Before we go, though, learn more about Anthony below….
About Anthony:
Anthony Horowitz (anthonyhorowitz.com) is a world-renowned screenwriter for film and television, having received multiple awards. And he is, of course, the author of the #1 New York Times bestselling Alex Rider novels, which have spawned a major motion picture and a line of graphic novels. Anthony was also commissioned by the Conan Doyle Estate to write two Sherlock Holmes novels, the critically-acclaimed The House of Silk and Moriarty. Most recently he was commissioned by the Ian Fleming Estate to write the James Bond novel Trigger Mortis, incorporating never-before-published material from 007’s creator. Anthony lives with his wife in London, England; they are parents to two grown boys. He will be touring the US for the publication of NEVER SAY DIE.
Anyways, have you guys gone to Egypt? If so, are there any places you recommend? If you haven’t gone, is there anywhere you so badly want to go to? Let me know in the comments below! Also, don’t forget to check out Alex Rider: Never Say Die* by Anthony Horowitz, in stores now*! Thank you to Friya at Penguin Teen and Anthony for letting me talk about one of my favorite places, and thank YOU for reading this post! Have a great day/night and tata for now!
*this post includes affiliate links I have with Amazon 😀
Alex Rider: Never Say Die by Anthony Horowitz – Blog Tour *this post includes affiliate links I have with Amazon* Hello everyone! As some of you guys may know, I love anything and everything spies, whether it's in books, tv shows or movies; if there are spies in it, I'm reading/watching it!
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stinkman007 · 11 months
BARRED- intro 2.0
(cw for gore,,,it's a car crash scene)
Outstretched, is a dark, empty road, extensive like the depths of the human consciousness. The pounding rain is hitting the top of the disheveled car like bullets from a machine gun, the sounds interrupt any chance of a revival. Dark, gloomy clouds hover on the horizon, making it hard to breathe through all the consequences that await when the night is done. Sounds of a speeding vehicle get only louder, and headlights fade into view, hurling toward the insanity that lies ahead. They shine a blinding bright white-yellow, like if the reflective eyes of a cat could glow.
Inside the car, sits a man, hunched over the steering wheel. He seems aware of the horror that destiny has called upon him. His sweaty hands grip the steering wheel. It’s a life or death situation, and he has chosen death for two. The tires squeal in desperate agony, barely able to resist the ways of the violent commands of the engine.
A body lies in the road, standing there, as expected by the ruthless driver. The rain doesn’t care, and the stars can only shine in the place of the sun. The steel body of the car rips down the road, carelessly tearing up the surface of the cold, wet  asphalt. The body slowly turns over, revealing her side of this. Horrified is the look on her face. A look of sheer, utter disgust. A mix of absolute terror and yet absolute defeat. nothing could describe the way her face contorted, yet it was burned into the driver’s brain.
That could be one of the only comprehensible ways to describe this whole horrid situation.
Her fate has been decided by a man who poses as some sort of angel. The kind of angel who is cast from heaven.
The exhaust pours out a nasty thick black smog, it fills the air with even more emotions to process. As if the car is simply unable to handle the speed at which truly cruel evil travels. A sheer flash of velocity, and the air reeks terribly of unfamiliar feelings, and dirt cheap gasoline.
At long, dead last, A scream of blood curdling hits the black tar night like a half-full glass of red wine shatters to the floor, into god knows how many pieces. The air can only tense as the awaited finally happens. As the car hurtles forward, the weary tires catch on red flesh, and time itself seems to slow down. The piercing sound of the impact conforms to the sky, reverberating, interfering with the previously pleasant still quiet of the night. The fragile body of the woman is thrown forward, the weight of the vehicle beginning to consume her in full. A disgusting splatter of blood splashes parts of the car, her limbs start to curl and turn inhumanely like some sort of devil’s puppet. Her flesh tears and rips between the road and the tires, conforming like a pile of clay. The underside of the car is painted deep, crimson red, the kind of shade that could never be washed away. Bones are jolted and crunched out of their place, twisting and cracking like a sick, sick joke. Flesh and teeth and hair are thrown into the street, followed by another foul gush of blood, like a fire hydrant. Organs and skin and whatever remained of her skull are now laid out underneath the car, melted to the asphalt. It was like a collage of everything that once made her human.
It was unforgettable, but it was done. 
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stinkman007 · 11 months
aa yeah i also would like to post the edited intro since i haven't yet,,, it's a lot better than the first version, lmk what u think
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