#*though he 'betrayed' them (mainly bobby but still)
blairswldorfs · 28 days
one of the main things that I feel like 9-1-1 doesn't do right/could do better is related to how quickly they resolve any issues with the characters, like I'm on season 3 right now and I feel like the conflict with buck vs the 118 squad (just to take a specific example) could've been dragged out a little more to give it time to actually explore everyone's feelings and reactions and also the consequences
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scoobydoodean · 1 year
You know what just really frost my cookies with the whole "Dean doesn't care as much about Cas" discourse??? That post you reblogged about how strong their relationship was in s4/s5 got me thinking about this, but like they had two seasons of such intense relationship building and camaraderie, that Dean was literally fighting Bobby and Sam (his two most important people!!!) over not trusting Cas in s6, and it was DEAN who tried to keep a relationship with Cas s6 - s8, like that man tried everything to keep their relationship going - and that's not to blame Cas, he had his own shit going on (well except for s6, I do blame him for that lol his position is understandable, but it was still his fault), but Dean tried and it still just never worked.
Maybe this is just me, but I've always kind of viewed their relationship in the later seasons as, Dean worked hard to keep them going for so long that eventually it kind of just...hit him that maybe Cas didn't want that? So he stopped trying quite as hard, he remembered the times Cas left, and he interpreted them as rejections, which is in part why the Divorce Arc happened - it was a culmination of many many MANY things, not just the "obvious". That's just my interpretation though, and obviously others have and can interpret it differently.
In summary I see it as, early seasons Dean chasing and pining after Cas, eventually feels rejected and betrayed, later seasons Cas chasing and pining after Dean
Though to be fair and admit to my biases, I was watching s6-s8 in real time on TV, and then I drifted away mid s9 and didn't go back and watch the rest of the seasons until recently, so my strongest impressions of Destiel are of those earlier seasons, so I tend to view it in a different light I think than people who started watching later (or more specifically after Nov 5th and/or for Cas - not that anything is wrong w watching for those reasons lol)
Yeah I think it is very very silly to think that Dean doesn’t care about Cas as much as Cas cares about him. Like wildly so.
I think this line of thinking comes mainly from focusing too much on one character's POV. I think Dean came off a few times in season 6 like he saw his relationship with Cas as transactional—even though that isn’t imo how he actually felt about Cas (just like we can analyze Cas as thinking of his relationship with the Winchesters as very transactional but he does care about them despite how it appears). I think Dean was just kind of hurt because Cas had ghosted him for so long and he thought they were friends and they'd built this bond? So in season 6, he was reacting to what he thought were the boundaries Cas himself set—boundaries that suggested Cas—the guy controlling the means of communication—did not want a friendship with him. Cas ditched Dean in the car at the end of Swan Song and then just invisibly watched Dean rake leaves. Dean was right there. Dean could only pray to Cas. Cas wouldn’t respond. In season 6, without giving Dean a say—while watching Dean rake leaves and considering whether to ask for his help—Cas decided (again--unilaterally) he wouldn't involve Dean, and I do think that decision was out of love, and also probably because... well—he probably thought "what can Dean actually... do?" But ultimately, he wanted a person he cared about who had been through a lot to just be able to rest—that's what he says. Not including Dean (and Sam) continued after Dean came back to hunting as well, because 1) Cas was still thinking about protecting Dean 2) He didn't think Dean could do anything to help (which I think is... probably pretty reasonable—he originally considered including Dean I think mainly for his tenacity) 3) the whole thing had ballooned and Cas was making deals he probably didn't even fully agree with himself—so he was ashamed to some extent, but also knew... he wasn't going to stop, and that Dean would ask him to stop.
Cas is... well—I'm going to say "more morally flexible"... and I don't think that's always a bad thing. This is a useful quality in the line of work TFW is in, honestly. He is more ruthless than Sam and Dean and he also knows that he is, and I think he actually likes to position himself as the ruthless one. He likes being the person who is willing to do what is necessary to get shit done and he's willing to sacrifice a part of himself to do it... because he can take it. He planned to kill Jesse behind the Winchester's backs to spare them the unpleasantness (and the same, later, with Kelly and Jack—when Sam and Dean were looking for a way to save both of them and Cas just went to go find Kelly and kill her). He broke Sam's wall and killed a very good friend—Balthazar—because his friends were standing in his way and he was focused on his ultimate purpose which was stopping another apocalypse. He mind tortured Donatello because it needed to be done. I think that Dean understands that Cas wants to position himself as the ruthless one, and I think Dean also understands that this isn't always a bad quality. I also think it's an obvious point of contention, because Dean is the least morally flexible in the group and is the most tenacious, which I think Cas, in turn, appreciates about Dean—but it is going to lead to clashes between them as best friends with one being tenacious about choosing the least morally crooked path when possible, and the other saying "Can we please just get on with it? I'll do it if you don't want to—I don't mind."
And that's... to some extent, what is happening in season 6... besides the lying and the hurt besties feelings and secrets and betrayals. The actual soul swallowing plan? It's Dean's tenacious insistence on following a more prudent path versus Cas's "Let's get the fuck on with it"... and there's fairness to both sides of that imo... which is why I'm annoyed with certain individuals trying to make this a "sides" thing. It isn't the actual plan as much as it's what he did around it that's the issue, and Dean isn't obligated to agree with him or to trust him after he lied so many goddamn times. Like. Dean's trust was not something to which Cas was entitled, point blank.
You're right—Dean didn’t think Cas would ever lie to him like that in season 6. He couldn’t believe it. He refused to believe it. And I think fans do this thing actually where they hear Cas say in season 6 that he’s always trusted Dean and he always comes when Dean calls and they just buy into that and go “Yeah! That’s so true!” and build an entire analysis on that (and then post insufferable parallels between that and 4.21 thinking they are saying something about Dean's "trust issues" when they are... making a very different parallel lmao). What Cas is saying about always trusting Dean isn’t true—and what’s more, Cas knows it isn’t. He knows suggesting Dean doesn’t trust him enough isn’t fair. When he was spying on Sam and Dean and Bobby he made specific note of “Dean trying so hard to be loyal” and defending him fiercely. (In fact—was there anyone Dean trusted more at that point in his life—despite also clearly being hurt by Cas ghosting him? Bobby, maybe. That's about it.) When Cas came back and tried to retroactively claim entitlement to Dean’s trust, he suggested an imbalance of trust because he was trying to dig into that part of Dean that is loyal to his friends. In other words, he was telling a lie for manipulation purposes, and that's just the damn truth. It isn't some crap about Dean having trust issues. It's Dean not buying some crap Cas is trying to sell—a twisted picture he is trying to paint to avoid doing something worse to get Dean out of his way.
It is insane for people to say Dean doesn't care about Cas as much as Cas cares about him though when you consider Cas hurt someone Dean loves just to keep Dean out of his way—he broke Sam's brain—Sammy's brain—and Dean still found a way to forgive that despite all of the trauma he has wrapped up in protecting Sam, and then he fought 360 degree combat through Purgatory looking for someone who abandoned him. Then while that person was beating him to death he was looking up at him calling him family and Cas again abandoned him. Any time Dean expressed affection for Cas there was a good bet Cas leaving would follow quickly. But Dean approaches Cas in a way the majority of fandom refuses to approach all of the characters—with an understanding of his motivations and hangups and intentions and what is in his heart (and Cas approaches him the same way). Despite it all, Dean knows that Cas cares about him. He doesn't understand why Cas won't include him though—or he does, and the reasons aren't okay with him and Cas will. not. stop. and that is the ever growing festering wound that leads to the divorce arc. It is absolutely 100% a "straw that broke the camel's back" situation. Dean's frustrations with Cas's unilateral decision-making are not... ever dealt with. Cas wanting to ghost Dean is not ever dealt with. Cas Malewifing sidelining Dean whenever he damn well feels like it by just refusing to answer the phone is not ever dealt with. Because each time it's discussed, it happens again. The ultimate narrative is just that Dean should be expected to accept it, and be grateful, and I don't think that's fair. I don't think that refusing to communicate is something that Dean should have to put up with from his best friend. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But more than that, I'm sad that it's something Cas isn't allowed to grow from, because that tendency—that desire for that secrecy and control of the means of communication and that desperation for martyrdom—that is coming from a place of great pain for Cas—a wound—and it's a deep one, and he deserved to get to start to close that wound up and heal.
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triciasmileyface · 4 months
I've been missing q!Roier and this lead to me overthinking some stuff. Mainly I've been thinking about q!Roier and forgiveness.
It's so interesting to me that we see two very different sides of him when it comes to this topic.
The first example is when q!Cellbit stabbed Abueloier. To this day I am still in shock that q!Cellbit stabbed q!Roier's grandfather (that he said he was very close to), tried to hide it from him at first, then when he was confronted about it he said it was a joke and then pulled that stuff with q!Quackity on Festa Junina and SOMEHOW still recovered that relationship. q!Roier said he was a forgiving person, but, like, damn! Also you can tell he genuinly forgave q!Cellbit because besides their relationship being very healthy and communicative after this, q!Roier never brings up the fact the q!Cellbit did any of that, ever. Not during an argument or any other time. It seems like he has actually forgiven him and moved on.
This is why I find it so interesting, when you compare this to q!Roier's reaction to q!Spreen's betrayal.
Q!Roier never really forgave him for this, the only reason he moved on was because q!Spreen didn't log on anymore and was later revealed to be dead. But after the betrayal, q!Roier dedicated his entire time to getting revenge. He thought up this whole plan to pretend to be nice to q!Spreen to really make him hurt when he eventually betrayed him back. I'm pretty sure he even mentioned training Bobby to fight q!Spreen from time to time. It is however interesting to note that q!Roier seems to have forgiven q!Quackity for the incident at some point and they seemed to be on good terms last we've seen them.
To me, this begged the question whyq!Roier handled these two instances so differently.
Maybe it's because q!Spreen's betrayal was done purely for selfish, greedy and apathetic reasons, while you could maybe argue q!Cellbit did it for both of them/to protect their relationship (though I personally struggle a bit with this justification).
Maybe it's because in q!Cellbit's case, there wasn't any long-lasting consequences to his actions. As soon as q!Roier heard Abueloier was fine, the rest didn't matter to him, while in q!Spreen's case his dog was still dead and he was left behind on his own.
Or maybe q!Roier just genuinely loves q!Cellbit that much. He loves him so much he's willing to act against his nature and to overlook when he has been wronged, if the person that wronged him was q!Cellbit. (I personally don't think it's this one, q!Roier has shown on multiple instances that he will stand up for himself, even against q!Cellbit, but look, i don't know).
Just as closing thoughts, I miss q!Roier give him back :(((((((
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finduilasclln · 2 years
For the 'teasing dialogue' either 16 or 23. Thank you! 😊
Buddie. Pre-relationship. Unbetad.
Buck makes his way up the stairs with a spring in his step, making a beeline for the table to find only crumbs left on the big plate in the center of it. His face falls as he looks around, just in time to see Chimney take a big bite out of one of Bobby’s homemade Snickerdoodles. He ostentatiously chews while he grins at Buck.
“Wait…” Buck says, scanning the room in search of more cookies.
“Sorry,” Bobby whispers apologetically as he picks up the empty plate to place it in the dishwasher.
“Seriously?” Buck asks, indignant, his arms wide.
“Sorry Buck,” Hen says, clearly still licking the cinnamon sugar off her lips and not looking in the least bit sorry. Buck has never felt so betrayed in his entire life. “B shift ran late and seems to have helped themselves to most of it.”
“What?” Buck sighs, his shoulders drooping in disappointment. He was really looking forward to Cap’s homemade Snickerdoodles, especially since it’s such a rare occasion that he makes them. “And you didn’t save me one?”
“You snooze, you lose,” Chimney just shrugs, popping the last of the cookie in his mouth triumphantly.
“I wasn’t snoozing!” Buck argues, just a little bit outraged, “I was showering the gunk off of me because someone didn’t want to go down that disgusting hole earlier!”
Not only did Buck get the crappy job on their last call, but now there’s no homemade treats left for him? This calls for a mutiny.
Chimney - again - simply shrugs as he makes his way towards Bobby to pat him on the shoulder and compliment him on the delicious cookies. Buck is fairly certain that’s mainly for his benefit.
“This is so unfair,” Buck mutters, scuffing his boot on the floor as he sways his body back and forth a bit, not trying to hide his disappointment one bit.
“Hey,” Eddie says, twisting around to look over the back of the couch, his mouth tugging into a small smile, “Stop that broody look and come over here.”
Buck doesn’t exactly straighten out his face, but he does as Eddie asks and makes his way over to the couch. He plops down next to Eddie with an exaggerated sigh. Until Eddie holds out something that he appears to have been hiding beside him. A big Snickerdoodle on a napkin. Buck’s mouth forms a perfect ‘O’.
“You - ” Buck starts, looking at the treat in question with hungry eyes. His hand makes an aborted movement all on its own volition.
“Take it,” Eddie says softly, nudging the cookie a little closer to Buck when he sees Buck doesn’t dare to actually grab it.
“You saved one for me?” Buck asks, his insides melting at Eddie’s kind gesture. It shouldn’t be a surprise that Eddie would be the one to think of Buck, and yet it never fails to make Buck go warm and soft inside.
Eddie just shrugs, until Hen swivels back into sight and eyes him. “You only took one though.”
“You’re giving me yours?” Buck asks, a funny feeling fluttering in his chest.
“It’s just a cookie,” Eddie says as he rolls his eyes, but Buck can see his ears go red and his face go soft.
“It’s not!” Buck counters passionately, “It’s everything! It’s friendship, it’s partnership, it’s - ”
Chimney appears to be muttering something in Hen’s direction that sounds an awful lot like, “a love confession?” and Buck’s chest tightens as the words get stuck in his throat.
“It’s a cookie,” Eddie whispers again, ducking his head a little in an attempt to hide the blush creeping over his face.
Buck loves this man. He really does. And yeah, it’s just a cookie but he thinks that maybe Eddie loves him too.
Buck takes the Snickerdoodle off the napkin and carefully breaks it down the middle, holding one half out for Eddie.
“You can have all of it, if you want,” Eddie says, aiming for nonchalance but missing just a little bit.
Buck shrugs, not taking back his hand. “We share things, right?” he asks, missing that same nonchalance by about a mile.
Eddie smiles softly, his eyes never leaving Buck’s as he takes the offered cookie. “Right,” he confirms.
Because they always do.
Send me a prompt! Sacred Romantic Moments or Teasing Dialogue.
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jamiedc-they-them · 4 years
Breaking Point (Platonic)
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Agents of Shield x reader maybe the reader was captured with Bobbi by ward at the end of season 2 and he torture her more because he knows if she’s hurt the whole team hurts cause she’s the youngest and they all want to protect her? She’s the one that gets shot then and not Bobbi? Love your writing!
Thank you so much! I hope this lives up to what you wanted!
Bobbi Morse wasn’t exactly in a great place, more physically than mentally. She was thrown into her cell, grunting as she hit the floor. She clawed at it with her hands as she tried to get up on her legs, to get to all fours.
Ward, however, just watched the whole time with a kind of shine in his eye as if he was enjoying her suffering. Bobbi was damn sure that part of him actually did. She was almost 100% sure of that.
What she wasn’t sure of, however, was what his endgame in total was. All he had done was asked for an apology from her for what she did to Kara (sure, she felt sorry. But she was honest when she said that she’d do it all over again,) but she didn’t give one. That led to her torture. To her pain to try and make her break.
“Look at you, always the fighter, huh? Ain’t that you, Mockingbird?” he asked in a mocking tone. She finally managed to turn and face him; trying to muster a glare with what remaining energy she had left.
“You know who’s not, though?” her face dropped, and he could definitely tell, “That’s right, y/n. The one, and the only. Y/f/n goddamn y/l/n. Let’s see if she’d give anything away. See if she’ll squeal where you didn’t. See if she’ll break and bring me back to SHIELD, back to Coulson. Back to –”
“You’re never getting your hands-on Skye, again.” She vowed, fiercely protective of her friend that had started to become a sister to her during their time together.
The whole team had been protective of you; you were a sister (to Fitz, Simmons, Skye, her, Hunter and Mack) or a daughter to others (Coulson, May, even her to an extent). You were the youngest, so their primitive instinct to protect made sense. Hell, even on his short time on the team, Ward had acted in an older brotherly fashion to you.
Obviously, now he was just another enemy on your list.
Bobbi had always had a maternal instinct to her; be that when getting Simmons out, or comforting Skye when she got her powers. She just seemed to be (like May) a natural at it, even if they wouldn’t believe you if you told them about it.
May might’ve been the mother of the team, but Bobbi was the older sister of them. Skye, Jemma and her all acted like that to you. You hadn’t had anyone else in your life before; being on the streets, but Coulson (like Skye) saw something in you and kept you on the team as you could fight.
Maybe that was why you were in this situation, now.
Granted, she didn’t know where you were in the building, she just knew you were in it. You were taken with her as well when not-May (Kara) took you both by surprise.
Despite your past, you had been a friendly type of person. You were still a little hostile and closed off (a bit more so than Skye) but you had slowly softened to them and that got you to where you were with the others now.
Now, she had a friend in danger, and she couldn’t exactly let that slide. Especially, not with this fucking psychopath.
“Don’t you dare touch her.” She managed to growl her threat; but Ward merely found it amusing.
“So protective. I wonder if which will shatter first; you or her. Which one will give up the location first?” He asked, probing on her fear for your life.
“You think either of us will? We don’t just betray and abandon our own, Ward.” Bobbi said, firmly.
“Well, no point asking you. Better go find the answer out for myself.” With that, he stood and turned around to leave.
“Wait! Ward, wait! Take me! Take me instead, please! She’s just a kid, Ward! WARD!" She yelled the first parts, but the last two where barbaric screaming; frantically trying to get the man to stop and see what he was about to do. See who he was about to hurt.
However, there was no evil cackle, there was no evil monologue about his reasons. There was only a door slam.
A door that held behind it a very worried and distraught Bobbi Morse. Who was trying her hardest to calm herself to focus on one thing; to get herself out and to save you.
 You stirred, slowly opening your eyes to see yourself with your hands tied to a table. Well, this wasn’t good; either someone had a massive kink, or you were being held hostage; if you were being honest, you still weren’t quite sure which yet.
Then it hit you, Kara had captured you; so, you now had your answer.
“There she is.” A chilling, recognisable, voice said to you. You slowly looked up from your hands to see Grant Ward making his way towards you.
You tried to move away, but it did nothing. Still, he looked a little impressed by your attempt, though you then found that the look was one of humour at your attempt to get out.  
“C’mon Y/N, I wouldn’t have tied your hands down if I thought you were going to try and run, would I? Don’t ruin my effort.” You tried to muster a glare, but you only gave him more of a terrified look.
“There it is there’s the scared kid I met way back when. Remember that, y/nn? When we were all together, that neat little family? Yeah, me too. Good times,” He said as he pulled a stool back and sat down opposite you, “Now, here we are. Your miles away from anyone you know. Although, I should tell you, Bobbi…. Bobbi didn’t make it.”
He had even softened his voice, making you believe it more. You looked up at the ceiling as tears pooled your vision. You didn’t even second guess his words, you believed them as if they were law; Ward even through in a look of genuine pity and slight sorrow to try and sell it all the more to you.
He was selling you poison, and you were just drinking it all in one go. He smirked a little, breaking you would be easier than he had previously thought. Maybe all your training had been for nothing. Maybe you were just that scared child Coulson had seen something in.
As to what, Ward didn’t know. You were a scrappy kid that had survived by the skin of her teeth. That was all, to him anyway.
Still, he was always open up to a surprise.
 Bobbi flinched when she heard your scream, it was loud and raw. Seemed Ward had wasted no time in getting to it. She did not know what he was doing, she didn’t care what he was doing. The only thing she cared about was getting out and saving you from the bastard.
So far, that was mainly trying to make a lockpick after throwing herself into the door a few times only to no avail.
The walls barely had anything on them. So, a plan if all else failed was to just smash through the thing and try that way. However, if she did that, she would be dead and then soon after so would you.
She did not – couldn’t – have that outcome occur. You both needed to get back to your friends; you both needed to get back to your family.
“What are you doing?” Kara spat as she passed the cell, stopping to check in to make sure she wasn’t trying the very thing she was about to do. That being an escape.
“You’re just going to let him do that to her? She wasn’t even a part of SHIELD when you were taken.” Bobbi said, trying to appeal to some humane part of the woman. However, this time she got the cliché evil smirk instead.
“Oh, you thought I’d go get Ward and tell him to stop, didn’t you?” She pouted mockingly, “Oh, I’m sure your friend will break soon enough though, if that’s any consolation. But, you’re right, she didn’t have anything to do with me being taken. So, I’ll at least put in a good word to make it quick.” She seemed to mean her words.
“No, no, no, no, no, no.” Bobbi said in a panic as she tried to reach through the door to grab her and turn her back, but Kara grabbed her arm and pulled her to the door, slamming her into it and making the woman fall back with another groan.
This time, she was slower getting up, her ears rang as she did so.
Kara, however, waited until she had gotten up into a sitting position once again before she spoke, “Try that again, and the next thing you hear will be a gun.” She sneered before she walked off.
Bobbi, however, was fast with her action before. She had grabbed a key that Kara had put in a necklace and swung to the back of her neck, clever move to subvert how easy it was.
Good thing Bobbi had learned that tool of the trade too.
 Ward punched you again, this time you had to blink to centre yourself once again. His “methods” of breaking you had been variations of hitting you so far.
You, however, just tried to take yourself somewhere better; somewhere nicer, somewhere that wasn’t this shithole. You tried to think about your family that you missed dearly; but that only made you think of Bobbi, your dead friend who had been killed as you hadn’t been fast enough.
A part of yourself told you that maybe you did deserve this fate. Maybe this was were it was all leading all along anyway, you had enemies out there who wanted you; maybe being killed by Ward would not be the worse way for your tale to end.
“Stay awake, now Y/N. Need you for your beauty shot for the others. Can’t have you bleeding out now, can we? Not when I can kill – a lot of stones with one…Ah, doesn’t work as well this time.” You heard parts of it as your ears rang, you were pretty sure your face was a mess at this point; you definitely knew that your nose was most likely broken.
He went to talk again, probably try and hit you again, when a loud noise broke his concentration.
“Kara?” He asked, worry genuinely coating his voice. Kara was thrown to the floor the next moment by a bloodied but pissed Bobbi Morse. Who, right now, was running on sister instincts, and mother hen mode.
Ward seemed to tell, as he pulled his pistol out. At first, Bobbi froze, thinking he’d shoot you and be done; but, just her luck, he shot at her instead. He missed, however, as you had a bit of fight left in you and tripped him over.
He really, really, wanted to shoot you. But he knew he couldn’t, that he needed you.
When he turned back, however, he saw that she was gone. While, part of him was angry at that fact, he smiled; now he had you were he wanted you. Now, she’d run back to SHIELD and bring them here; to him, to find you. Seemed it was starting to come together.
 Bobbi was running, just running with pure adrenaline keeping her going. She rounded a corner, taking a moment to collect herself and catch her breath; finally letting herself process what had just happened.
Well, what had happened was that (in her eyes) she had failed. She was out, sure, but you weren’t. You were still in Ward’s hands; and now he was probably going to kill you. It would be on her, she couldn’t let you down like that, however. She couldn’t let the others down; not with everything seemingly falling apart at the seams as it had been before you both got captured; with Skye now in a new place and all this going on.
Your death would surely bring it all coming crashing down around them. Burn SHEILD to the ground and send them into a spiral they probably couldn’t come back from.
You were like the glue to the team; you could fight like most of the them, but you were the one they wanted to protect the most. Being the youngest tended to do that.
Now she wasn’t sure if you were going to walk out of there alive or be pulled out in a body bag.
Still, she ran to the nearest pay phone. Was it smart? No, but she needed to get back to base to rally what remained of the troops.
“Who is this?” Coulson asked over the phone.
“Coulson, thank god,” She breathed into the phone in a rush.
“Bobbi?” He asked, then heard some rustling on the line.
“Bob?” Hunter, she let out a sigh of relief at hearing the man’s voice once again. He too seemed panicked but let out his own sigh at her own.
“It’s me,” She said softly into the phone, having calmed down a little, “I need some help.” She admitted.
“Where’s Y/N? Is she with you?” Coulson asked over the line, forgetting the whole formality thing, not when a life was on the line.
“That’s what’s happened…” She said as she told them her location.
 An old box was placed on the table, the bang waking you back up; Ward had placed two rusty nails in your feet to stop you from moving those next. He took two jack cables and attached them to the what you realised was a battery.
“There you are,” He said with some glee as he turned the battery on, “And there we go,” He turned to you, “Now, this is gonna hurt just a little.” His prewarning didn’t help with the pain as seemingly thousands of volts all went through you at once; like thousands of knives all stabbing you at once in different places.
“Babe, you promised you wouldn’t kill her. We need her, remember?” You vaguely heard Kara say, her words made Ward stop, and allowed you catch your breath and try to recover. Despite the fact that you were most likely to die here, you were glad that whoever had distracted Ward had got out.
“You’re right,” He conceded as he threw box in a rage, working through the last part of his adrenaline he gathered in that moment and turned back to your broken self.
“Hey, hey, hey!” He yelled as he clicked in front your face to get your attention, “Can’t have you leaving us just yet, kiddo. Not until SHIELD come for you that is.” He said as he moved into another room. As soon as he was gone, you had once again slipped away.
“Oh, thank god,” Hunter breathed out as he embraced the woman he truly did love, despite all their flaws and hardships, “I thought I lost you, Bob.” He admitted.
Despite herself, Bobbi let out a broken laugh, “Not yet, not yet.” She assured him as they pulled back in sync, just looking at each other for a moment.
It was Jemma who asked the question that weighed heavily on their minds, “What’s happened to Y/N?” She couldn’t help the quiver in her voice, Afterlife had gone to hell and she was sure she may have just lost one of her best friends to the fight going on over there.
Now she might lose another to Grant Ward of all people. Guilt ate up at her at the fact that she didn’t take another try at him when they went to get Lincoln and Mike Peterson.
“Ward has her,” Bobbi gulped as she told them, “I tried to get her out, I did.” She swore, hoping they’d believe her. It wasn’t like Bobbi Morse to get this emotional, this much of a wreck.
“Hey, Bob, we know you did everything you could do for her. You know Y/N, though, she’d do anything for us too. She made sure you got out so we could all get her out, together.” Right, yeah, Hunter was right.
Jemma seemed to know the frazzled state her friend was in, “I should give you a check-up, clean and patch you up.” To Bobbi it sounded like an offer.
“We need to focus on –” But, as it turned out, it wasn’t one.
“You’ll do no bloody good to her dead, would you? She did what she did, so you’d get out, like Hunter said. Now, let me help you so Hunter can get a team to find Y/N.” Jemma said in the best doctor voice she could manage, despite the circumstances they were currently in.
“What do you think he’ll do to her?” Jemma didn’t know how to answer Bobbi’s question as her own mind spun countless horrible images about that idea. However, soon after Bobbi spoke it, she wouldn’t have to wager a guess.
“Guys.” Coulson said as he approached them, serious face there but worry was there too, “Ward just sent us this.” He said as he held up a photo of you, more bloodied and bruised.
In fact, you looked dead.
 “Bob –”
“She can’t be.” Bobbi wasn’t sure who she was trying to bater with, really anyone at this point. Any deity, in case they did exist, really.
Jemma, desperately trying to keep it together, merely focused (after taking a breath to try and steady herself) on helping her friend mend her many small wounds.
“Why do more to her than to you?” Hunter asked.
Bobbi let out a shaky breath as she answered, “He wanted to see which one of us would break first. Figured that, because I didn’t, maybe Y/N would…or that, having to listen to him torture her would make me break.”
“Helped you break something,” Bobbi looked at him with a confused look, “Out, he helped you break out. Sorry love, trying to find the light in the dark and all that.”
“I need –” Jemma pushed her back down; despite her size, Jemma could be physically strong when she needed or wanted to be. This was one of those moments.
“You, sit down and stay there until I’m done,” Bobbi wasn’t about to argue, “Can you get a team and find her…please?” Hunter nodded at Jemma’s request.
“We don’t leave are own. That applied in the SAS, even Izzie, Idaho and others in that field had that code,” He waited until both women met his eyes, “And it damn well applies to hear too.” He said with conviction.
He approached Bobbi, the two holding each other’s arms, “Bring her home. And don’t die.” Was all Bobbi asked.
“You know me love, always one for danger.” Hunter said with a smirk.
Time to get the whole family back together. Coulson would do what he could with Skye, Hunter would handle getting you back.
He’d make damn sure of it that, one way or the other, you were coming home.
 May had even tagged along, seemed her own mother bear instinct had been ticked off when she had found out what had happened to you. Everyone Hunter knew on it mainly wanted to just get you out. But Hunter had revenge on his mind too; He could tell that Melinda May had the same idea going in.
“Come on, Y/N, where are you?” He asked himself quietly, going down the many hallways as he continued to look for you. Sweat was almost bleeding off of him at this point; mainly because of his movements, carry a gun and all his other items were heavy after all; but it was also the stress. He could turn the very next corner only to find you a corpse nearly cold.
 You woke up again, this time in a chair with your mouth gagged, you didn’t know how much longer you could hold out for without bleeding out, but you made damn sure to do your best to fight it. You weren’t someone to just give up; not went a slither of hope was still in the air that you could still get out of this.
You struggled against your restraints both on your hands and feet, nothing came of it. Fuck. You then tried to flip the chair, it moved a slight bit, but was then stopped by the chains that held it down.
You then noticed the gun. The sniper aimed at the door, you followed the wire and saw that the trigger was rigged to the door.
Your eyes widened, whoever your rescuer-to-be was going to be; they’d be dead within the instant they saw you.
You couldn’t let that happen.
 Hunter was starting to get tired; he was almost done with all the doors and almost out of hope. But he kept going, he made a promise; one to Bobbi and the other to himself to not give up and give in. To bring you home, not matter how that looked.
He braced himself against a wall, counted to three, then kicked the door in.
 You heard footsteps, then saw a faint shadow under the door. Now or never.
 As he kicked the door, a BANG! Went off, and blood scattered around his face. He was stunned by both the sound and the blood. But even more stunned to see that it was you who had taken the bullet.
“Y/ -- Y/N!” He yelled out as he dropped his rifle and to his knees, untying the restrains on your feet, then your hands as he laid you down.
“Y/n, love, can you hear me?” He asked, not getting a response. He put his finger to your wrist, letting out a breath as he felt a very faint pulse.
It was faint, but there. You were still alive.
 When you came to again, a bright light was in your way. You closed your eyes and tried to let out a groan, but it was croaky; the next moment, Jemma was above you, bright and relived smile on her face, “Y/N!” She said in her cheery voice, but you heard the slight crack.
She slowly got you up, readjusting your pillows for you as you got more comfortable in your new position.
She then, as gently as she could, hugged you, “I thought we lost you.” She confessed, you put a hand on her arm to remind her that you were still here.
She pulled back, sniffling a little, before letting out a teary laugh at the fact that you had survived, “Oh god, it’s so good to have you back!” She said, meaning every word.
The next few hours were a blur as each member came in to see you; Skye hugged you and apologised for not being there sooner, you just told your friend that it was ok and that you were happy she’d made it back too; Mack was a smile and one of his well known hugs; Coulson and May smiled and gave you a quick scan of their own (parents, right?).
Then it was Bobbi, she sat next to you and put a hand on your arm as if to ground herself. To assure herself that you, her friend, really was ok.
“I’m sorry I didn’t get you out.” She said, seemingly taking all the guilt.
“Bobbi, no one saw it coming. Besides,” You rested your hand on top of her own, “We made it out.”
She smiled, that was true. You had made it out in one piece. And she was right, you were a fighter; you never broke nor wavered.
And, she knew that if the tables were turned, you’d make the same moves she had.
As, in your line of work, you never left someone behind.
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juliecurve · 4 years
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Here she is, Regina (Reggie) *insert last name*.
Also I’m using some head cannons from other people on tumblr, but I don’t remember who came up with them so if you know pls tell me so i can credit them. The two head cannons are Reggie’s from the south and that Reggies parents are rich.
Ignore the penguins on my mirror, it’s Christmas year-round at my house
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She’s wearing black jeans, a sunset curve shirt and the “famed” heels. Someone told her that girls couldn’t play rock music because they wear heels so now she wears them all the time to spite them. Thats one of the reasons she likes being a ghost, she can wear heels all the time and her feet never get sore. 
Note: Reggie may not be great at social cues but she still can think things through. She’s never going to wear the sunset curve shirt while she’s visible/playing, just incase someone likes (or recognizes) the design and looks them up. In the words of Spencer Shea, “I may be an idiot, but I’m not stupid,” and I she lives by that.
I got more detailed as I changed so get ready for some backstory.
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So with the theory that Reggie is from the south, I expanded on it a little bit and she’s from the mountains in the south. Like northern Arizona, rockies area, and she basically lived on a ranch. Because of this she always wears a necklace with the mountains on it, and it was given to her by her old best friend, who she left behind when she moved and unfortunately lost contact with.
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She also has a bracelet on her wrist, fastened by a safety pin, it was made by Alex and Luke right around when they first became friends. They made it after she told them about her parents fighting. Luke picked out the colors but Alex made it bc Luke couldn’t make bracelets. The clasp broke so she fixed it with a safety pin. She could get it fixed but they she thinks it adds to the vibe and the girls agree. She also keeps it because her parents think its “unbecoming” but they don’t care enough to fight with her about it.
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She bought some of her rings herself and some were given to her by various people, mainly her bandmates (Bobbi (Bobby) and Julian (Julie) are both included in that.
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Specifically on her right pinkie she has a ring she got from one of those quarter machines the day her and the rest of the girls decided to form Sunset Curve. The one on her right index is from Bobbi and even though she betrayed them, the ring is too cool to take off.
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The one on her left index is from Luke after they played a street fair and Alex gave her the ring on her thumb after coming out. Julian gave her the gold ring on her right middle finger after they performed Great (he also gave Alex and Luke little gifts). 
In my head she has one of those little gold necklaces and it says Reggie because her parents refuse to call her Reggie. They gave her a fancy name so she can “succeed” in “high-society” but she feels more like a Reggie.
She’s bi and reacts the same way as cannon reggie does to girls in her head, but has a little internalized bi-/homophobia from her parents, Alex’s parents, and the 90′s in general. In the future when Julian and the Phantoms play at Pride, Julian buys her a bi flag bracelet, Alex a gay one, and Luke a pan one.
ah one more thing almost forgot, she says y’all like all the time. whenever possible. even when it doesn’t make sense. just always, y’all.
Yeah... feel free to add on or ask questions or whatever! I want Regina Molina *insert last name here* to be for all of us!
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Okay, I have exactly 1 follower that isn't a bot so this won't be seen by anyone but I need to rant into the void for a moment.
Everyone is talking about Dean and Cas (as they should since that was a huge scene and I have A LOT of thoughts about it myself) but I really want to talk about Charlie for a minute.
Charlie is one of my all time favorite characters on Supernatural and when she was killed off I was furious. I was devastated. And I felt betrayed. I have watched Supernatural since the very first episode aired on the WB back in 2005. I was 13 years old and I had just figured out I was queer.
Supernatural has always been very important to me because I frequently use horror movies as a way to cope with my anxiety and Supernatural started as a very horror centric show. Even as it strayed away from the horror genre, it became a staple of my life as comfort TV. It wasn't always GOOD but it was always fun and I loved the characters. I loved Sam and Dean and Cas and I loved all of the guest stars. I loved Charlie. I saw a lot of myself in her.
When they killed her off, I quit the show for a long time. It was not because they killed her off. It was HOW they killed her. They killed her off in a way that completely disrespected her character. It was a totally shit episode for a lot of reasons but I'll try to mainly focus on the Charlie stuff.
So, going through the scenes in Dark Dynasty leading up to her being murdered, there's a lot of plot problems. They are holding Eldon Styne prisoner in the bunker in the stupidest way possible. They know he's got superhuman abilities and they've got him handcuffed BY ONE HAND and then they leave him completely alone in a room with the door wide open. OF COURSE he was going to escape. Was there a gas leak in the bunker that made them all dizzy and confused? Because that is the ONLY reason they should have thought that that was an acceptable way to imprison a guy who wants them all dead.
THEN he goes after Charlie and (in an extremely egregious case of Third Act Stupidity) Charlie somehow forgets that she has the option of either fighting OR running and chooses just to....stand there and get murdered? Bear in mind that just three episodes earlier in Book of the Damned, she had successfully fought off the Stynes who were trying to kill her and escaped with the Book of the Damned which is there most treasured item. Then a single Styne (with only one arm) attacks her and she can't find a way to fight him off? I vividly remember the part where she holds up a knife to try and fight him off and she's visibly terrified and her hand is shaking so badly that it doesn't even look like she's holding the knife right. SHE IS A HUNTER. SHE HAS HUNTED MONSTERS. AND SHE HAS FOUGHT OFF OTHER STYNES. PLURAL. Even if she couldn't fight him off, when she locks herself in the bathroom, THERE IS A WINDOW IN THAT BATHROOM SHE COULD HAVE CRAWLED OUT OF TO ESCAPE.
Instead, she stays hidden in the bathroom so she can email the Winchesters plot relevant stuff (when she could have just escaped and given it to them in person) and then she ends up murdered and her bloody body is shown in an extremely gratuitous shot.
So, A LOT of terrible, out of character decisions led to her death. Sam and Dean forgot how to restrain the bad guy (even though they do that every week) and Charlie forgot that she is canonically both a badass and extremely clever.
But that's not the worst part of her death. The worst part was that her death wasn't even about her. Her death was used as a plot device. Her death wasn't about her as a character in any way, it was completely centered around Dean's reaction to it. She got fridged to make Dean lose control of himself and give into the mark. There were a million different ways they could have pushed Dean over the edge and they chose to kill Charlie in a way that didn't even make any goddamn sense.
When I think about Dark Dynasty, I can't help but think about Death's Door. Bobby's death is terribly sad but that episode was so fucking good. Not only is it a great episode, but it pays tribute to a great character. We get to see directly into Bobby's mind, we get more of his backstory, we get to see his priorities and motivations first hand. We get an entire episode both ABOUT him AND from his perspective. They didn't dignify Charlie's death anything close to that beautiful send-off.
They killed her for a cheap shock.
They killed her because it was nearing the end of the season and they wanted to amp up the drama. Carver says that they story led them there. The story didn't lead them there. They had to have multiple characters act incredibly stupid for this end result to happen. They shoehorned this in because they thought it would drive up ratings.
Anyway. Eventually, I did start watching the show again and now we're coming back to last night's episode.
I was so excited to see Charlie again. God, how I fucking missed her. And she's not OUR Charlie, she's AU Charlie but I still love her. Her whole storyline coming from apocalypse world has been fascinating. I still wanted justice for Our Charlie but I was happy to see AU Charlie.
And then they killed her. Again. For shock value. Again. To motivate a male character. Again.
Everyone keeps joking about how having Cas admit to loving Dean and then immediately be taken by the Empty is a hate crime.
The real hate crime is making us watch the only long term openly queer character on this show die to provoke an emotional response from a Winchester FOR THE SECOND TIME.
The show isn't over yet and I don't believe we've seen the last of Cas. I believe we'll see more resolution involving his character. But what about Charlie? Our Charlie or AU Charlie?
Will either Charlie ever get justice?
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okay but what if they get married and Buck takes Eddie's surname, and then no one new he meets can figure out why he goes by "Buck" when his name is Evan Diaz.
I hope you like it!
Chimney and Maddie sat beside each other at the table, the newly married couple chatting with Hen excitedly.
Bobby checked his phone and seeing the text from Eddie, nodded to himself, and made his way over to the table with the salad bowl in hand. He smiled at the sight of the others but wished there weren’t two empty chairs. “Buck’s not feeling so great so he’s sitting this one out,” Bobby told the others, sitting down in his seat at the head of the table and setting the salad down. He smiled softly at Athena and have her hand a quick squeeze before pulling it away.
“Is Eddie still coming?” Chimney asked, figuring he knew the answer already but just wanting to double check out of curiosity.
“No, he’s staying back too,” Bobby said, shaking his head and passing Hen the pepper when she asked for it.
“Did his parents really name him Buck?” Lena asked in confusion, her brows furrowed as she shuffled her chair forward to be closer to the table. She had been invited to eat dinner with them since their units had been working closely for a few weeks now and Bobby thought it would be a nice gesture.
Her comment however had everyone stilling and giving a multitude of expressions ranging from confusion to amusement.
“Buck’s his nickname, his name is Evan,” Maddie clarified, going back to spooning some salad into her plate before passing it on to her husband.
“How do you get the nickname Buck from Evan?” Lena asked, still quite confused. The question was out of her mouth before she could stop it, now at risk of sounding stupid but knowing it was too late.
“His last name used to be Buckley so Buck comes from that,” Hen said, sparing Maddie the pain of having to explain this again and taking it upon herself to do it instead. “Everyone still calls him that even though Diaz doesn’t explain it,” she shrugged.
Lena nodded slowly, understanding finally and wrapping her brain around it until something else clicked. “Wait, did you say Diaz?” she asked.
“Yeah,” Chimney said innocently, laughing, “Buck decided to take Eddie’s surname when they got married,” he said, his laughter halting when he saw her expression. Panicked, he looked around at the others that were all looking at him, all of their expressions reading one thing: yikes.
“Oh, um, I didn’t know they were married,” Lena said, her words coming out a bit slowly as she processed it. She considered herself lucky that she found this out before her little crush grew stronger and she mentally winced at how she had been attempting to flirt with a married man. “That explains a lot,” she said finally.
“I’m sure it does,” Maddie said, a bit awkwardly and her words maybe a bit more sarcastic than she meant them to be.
Lena cleared her throat awkwardly and pretended to get a message that allowed her to check her phone. “You know, actually, I completely forgot I have a dinner with my Aunt tonight!” she said, standing up. “Thanks for inviting me, but I should get going,” she said, nodding at them, mainly Bobby.
“We understand, you’re welcome anytime,” Bobby nodded, giving her a reassuring smile and watching her go.
It was completely silent until everyone knew that Lena had gone and was a far enough distance away.
“That was awkward,” Chimney piped up, drawing out the syllables in the last word for emphasis— eliciting laughs from the others.
Maddie fixed him a look of disapproval as she whacked him in the leg playfully but her smile betrayed her and Chimney knew his wife was feeling the exact same.
“Well hopefully she’ll stop the flirting now,” Hen said, cocking her head to the side for a moment as her brows went up and she stifled a laugh.
“I think she got the memo,” Athena agreed with a satisfied hum, the corners of her lips tilted upwards slightly in a mix between a smirk and knowing smile.
“I can’t wait to tell Eddie and Buck,” Chimney laughed, shaking his head.
“Alright, alright,” Bobby laughed, “let’s not be rude,” he said, but his smile betrayed his actual thoughts too.
“Let’s just eat,” Maddie laughed, rolling her eyes at the others’ antics.
Needless to say when Buck and Eddie found out about what happened at dinner, they were first amused and puzzled since they thought it was common knowledge that they were together— and more importantly, married. They then laughed until tears nearly escaped their eyes because this situation had happened one too many times before. Maybe it would be better if people stopped asking about Buck’s nickname, but on the other hand, it was just too funny to witness over and over.
Thanks for reading!
As always, feel free to leave prompts in my ask! 
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I love your blog! How about spies for the AU ask meme?
First off aww thanks, secondly I am going to have a blast with Madelena/Galavant. You have no idea.  You unleashed a monster.
Madelena was sent to spy on the Valencia millitary and decided to seduce their general, Galavant.  Galavant fell for her hard.
Galavant was planning on proposing to her when she finally managed to hack Valencia’s military.
Though he was never discharged for Madelena’s crime he quit the millitary feeling like he couldn’t trust himself.
His old millitary buddy Sid never left him alone trying  to relieve Gal’s guilt and failing.
One night as Gal was drinking Senator Isabella approached him.  She told him Madelena worked for Richard a leader of another country and that information she stole can lead to invasion.  She  wants him to move to the country and try to stop the invasion in a way that won’t start a war. Gal refuses and says he failed his country once because of his navity and heart.  That he can’t be trusted.
Then Izzy informed him that Madelena seduced Richard and married him. He agreed then.  Maybe for redemption, maybe to find out if Madelena ever truly love him.
Sid gets offered the job too because Isabella heard about how close he and Gal is and figured Madelena was on his shit list to and everything she heard about him said he was a good man.  Besides Gal can’t work too closely to Richard because it would increase the chance of him getting caught and apparently Sid never had the chance to meet Madelena.  He was supposed to meet her before Gal proposed but she ran off before then.
So Sid got a job as a guard where he was trained by Roberta.
Gareth is Richard’s main guard.
Galavant managed to get a job at The Enchanted Forest, where he listened to gossip and spending his free time trying to find out how to get into the castle without risking running into madelena
Gal’s information at The Enchanted Forest is actually surprisingly useful.  Sid struggled to get information from anyone that isn’t upperclass because of his position as a guard and while some side eye his friendship with Sid Gal gets accepted pretty quickly by the citizens and he learned a lot about their plights. 
Izzy writes the info down so if the worst happens she can encourage a rebellion
Madelena first finds out about Sid
mainly from Sid because she when she hacked them she made sure to get pictures of every one in the army. And one night she was flipping through the files and found a picture of Sid.
She tails him to a restaurant  and was surprised to see her ex sitting acrossed from Sid.
Tomorrow morning she ran straight into Galavant, figuring if she acts like she regrets what’s she’s done and that she still has feelings for Galavant that she can play both sides.
And while at first Galavant was supicious he still has feelings for her and she took advantage of that fact
Sid of course was unaware of this whole thing because Gal assumed that Sid would either try to kill her or report the fact to Senator Isabella and he would be sent home. Either way loosing her again.
And for awhile Galavant’s day is going to Vicenzo’s diner after work and sharing any info that he and Sid gathered minus the days they go to his house and have call Izzy
And one day a riot broke out on the street. No one knows the cause but at the end of it Madelena was the sole ruler of the country and Richard was forced to flee to Valencia with Bobbi by his side.
Sid fled the castle to and he and Gal fought over him not telling him about Madelena and that she betrayed him again.
Sid fled the country but Gal was kind of struck because he kind of committed treason and doesn’t know where to go.
Madelena also managed to take over Valencia soon after
Izzy spent the next couple of months getting allies to get Madelena off the throne.
She mainly used info gathered from Sid and Galavant. But for awhile she used information Gareth gave her but his reliable information soon turned to flat out lies. Izzy assumed he got compromised.
She got a rebellion ready to attack the castle and sent a small army with Sid to get Madelena off the throne. The small army got a nicknamed the pirates and were apart of the Navy.
Roberta and Richard was also there. Izzy planning to try and reinstate Richard as King and Bobbi as his queen since they proved to be really good people.
And when Gal saw the army he decided to join and make up for what he’s done
Sid and Gal make up at the battle and Madelena flees the country and Gareth chases because at the end of their relationship he was worrying about her sanity.
And note: Izzy and Gal if they get together. They fall in love during their phone calls and acts as a foil for Madelena.  But  admit I think Sid/Gal has more potential for this au idea I have because of how much time they spent. I realized this 1/2 way through. 
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caribbeanmomma · 6 years
The Expanse - Naomi on the sidelines
I’m hoping that anyone and everyone is watching this awesome show. Maybe it’s because I love me a good scifi show (cue Battlestar Gallactica and Star Trek theme songs...). My only issue with the show is that I can’t watch this in one go like my other faves on Netflix. 
I’m sure everyone that loves the show have probably gone back and rewatched the episodes before season 3 started (amirite? Or is it only me?). This second time around gave me a lot to chew on when thinking about how the crew - mainly Holden - is treating Naomi.
Now, I haven’t read the books and am actually planning to, so I don't know what’s to come in the series (if they stick mainly to the book plot) apart from they supposedly are still together 6 books in? But for right now, Naomi is getting a rough handling by her family.
Yes, yes... we all know that she gave a sample of the protomolecule to Fred Johnson. Was she right? I’m not sure if she should have given it to him (better him than Dawes?) but we do know that he was manipulated in to killing those people on the Anderson Station and we saw that he had guilt and regret over it, so he may not be the biggest worst monster out there? Will he do the right thing with the protomolecule or will he really live up to his reputation as the Butcher of Anderson Station?
Anyways, back to Naomi... so one of the last sweet scenes we see between her and Holden is where he promised her “he’d love her through it all” but when she confesses what she’s done - he, along with one of the other most important persons in her life - Amos, turn on her vehemently. In the last episode, we see Holden basically telling her to leave. That certainly isn’t loving someone through it all.
What grinds my gears is that Holden, in his well placed mistrust of Fred Johnson, could not or would not see Naomi’s point of view or at least understand that her fears for the Belt and the Belters is warranted. Neither he nor Amos (who are both Earthers) nor Alex who is a Martian seemed to even bother to see the Belters as worthy as needing protection - preferring to lean towards a more wholistic approach to dealing with the war. All this even though Mars has a big hand in the events that have unfolded - even going as far as unleashing a hybrid on their own Martian Marines.
And another thing - yes, Fred Johnson using the protomolecule as a weapon against Earth and Mars would lead to more death something that everyone on the ship now including Chrisjen are furious about - but were they equally furious at the possibility of even more Belters being killed with it by Earth and Mars’ hands? Weren’t the Belters experimented on first?
Right, so having said all of that, and understanding that Holden does feel betrayed by Naomi for misleading him all this time AND bearing in mind that the sample that was supposed to be hurtled in to the sun was thought to be the last bit of it at the time (but subsequently finding out that it was indeed was NOT), can we truly say she has done the worst of the worst among this group of deeply flawed individuals? I say not. Case in point - some of the things these guys have done:
Holden - responds to the distress beacon against orders which in turn gets the whole thing rolling ever so much faster. He got everyone left on the Cant killed and Naomi covered for him until he was ready to reveal it to Amos, Alex and the guy who died fairly early on (forget his name!). I do wonder though, would Holden have covered for Naomi when Chrisjen was ripping in to them for allowing Fred Johnson to get his hands on the sample? At least Naomi gets a few reasons out for her actions without anyone shutting her up... again.
Miller - when presented with the opportunity to learn from one of the crazy scientists who was responsible for the protomolecule experiments, what does he do? He shoots him clean in the head - no real compelling reason apart from he was one of the dudes who killed Julie - a woman he’d never met while she was alive. The doctor could have helped - he made sure that didn’t happen. And wasn’t he considered to be a traitor to the Belters? Did Naomi care about that?
Prax - when presented with a room full of unarmed doctors who might have been able to lead them to his daughter and the location of more of the protomolecule, what does he do? He opens fire on them leading to yet another sh*t show. Uh, how do dead doctors help you find your daughter Prax? Yeah, thought so.
Amos - he doesn’t really do anything that I can remember that sets them back significantly but he’s guilty of not trying to see Naomi’s side and easily ignores and dismisses her. He who seems to be barely holding on to his sanity most episodes and he does this knowing Naomi’s got his back. No loyalty.
Alex - he also hasn’t done anything with regards to the mission that sets them back, but he is a lousy father and husband and has failed them on a deep level but Naomi doesn’t seem to judge him for it (luckily, he redeems himself by being anxious when he sees her looking at the path to Tycho while on the Razor Back and then reaching out to her through food - yay Alex!)
So these guys really aren’t blameless. Even Chrisjen is a manipulative person and sometimes you can hardly tell what her real agenda is - she has so many subplots going she’s always ten steps ahead. But Naomi sees clean through her though.
Bobbie is a defector - yes, she did what she did for what she thought were the right reasons. I didn’t get the impression she was going to be killed back on Mars, rather stripped from her rank as a Marine. Her people consider her a traitor but she’s being cheered for doing the right thing.
I’m going to close this dissertation by saying, I know that for the sake of the story and plot and in order not to turn the whole thing in to a space soap opera, there needs to be this conflict and some time taken to resolve it in order for it to stay true to what kind of show it primarily is. Doesn’t mean that it doesn’t suck though. Maybe we’ll see some steps closer to resolution in the next episode.
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thelightoflebanon · 6 years
Casualties of the Bad and Bloody
Every time Sam closes his eyes, he sees the people he’s lost.
At 4:24 am, he thinks of Kaia. Kaia’s their most recent casualty. A kid, one who had been through so much crap and had been terrified of them. A hero, one who had saved their lives as well as Claire’s, taking an arrow to the chest before letting out her pained and gurgled last breaths. Her death was unnecessary and it was on them.
At 4:58 am, he thinks of Jack, the boy he promised to look after and protect, even if he had just silently promised himself. Sam missed him. All the kid had tried to do was help because he considered them his family. He had never even met their mother and wanted to save her anyway. And now he was gone. Even though Jack took the initiative to find Derek and Kaia and searched for a way to go to the other worlds, he wouldn’t have gone looking if it weren’t for the fact he wanted to help them get their mother back.
And their mom. She enters his thoughts at 5:30 am. She’s been hard to think about, even before they knew for sure she was alive. Once their mom entered their lives again, when it had never been a possibility in their eyes, all Sam had wanted was for form a relationship with her. He always wanted a mom growing up. He didn’t hurt like Dean and their father had. He didn’t miss her like they did. But he ached over not having memories to make him miss her. He had never gotten to know her. He had been robbed of the chance. And once it became a reality? Once she had been ripped out of Heaven for Dean as some sort of gift? Sam had thought they’d get something good for once. That he’d get to know her. All he had wanted was to talk to her. To listen to every story she was willing to tell, to accept any bit of affection she was willing to give.
It hadn’t worked out the way that they thought it would. And Sam understood where she had been coming from, he did. He understood more than Dean, who had felt betrayed and taken her departure like a slap to the face. Sam had felt hurt, guilty that they weren’t enough to put her mind at ease, but he had understood and tried to be supportive by letting her know he was there for her, that he cared. Yet when she wanted to talk, she always called Dean.
And that stung more than any slap to the face could. Even this long after her last “I love you” before falling through the portal, he could still feel that sting and resentment. He could feel the guilt because maybe he should have been needier, more selfish, called her out like Dean had, or demanded to be treated like a son and not just a fellow hunter. Or maybe it’s on him. Maybe it had been him who hadn’t been enough.
Charlie enters his mind at 5:59. Kevin enters his mind at 6:15. Crowley enters his mind at 6:32. Bobby enters his mind at 6:46, while Jessica, Madison, and Sarah pile into his brain all at once around 7:03. Cas enters his mind at 7:14 am even though they have him back, despite how he’s taken off again. He’s surprised Dean’s not climbing the walls and leaving passive aggressive voicemails for their friend, who has only been answering occasionally and cordially. Or maybe Dean is and Sam’s just not witnessed them. There seems to be a lot that he misses with those two, but he’s pretty sure he misses less than they think.
Eileen enters his mind at 7:30 am. When her face pops up in his head and he can’t shake the thought of her, his eyes get wet for the first time and he sniffles into his pillow. Her death had hurt more than he could voice. Dean had teased him, thought they were “cute” when he saw them FaceTime. But Dean didn’t see Sam take his laptop into his room to talk to her for hours in between cases, where she would be teaching him to sign one second, showing him her Gaelic sword collection the next, only to argue with him over Breaking Bad being better than The Wire, even though Sam never figured out how they got around to comparing them to begin with. He didn’t see the text messages between them, ones where Sam and Eileen had practically bared their souls to each other. Their hopes, their passions, their worries and fears. He wasn’t in Sam’s room the night before Eileen went back to Ireland. He didn’t see them kiss for the first time and hold each other until sunrise.
Dean may have known that Sam’s relationship with Eileen was something past friendship; he might have seen the glances and flirtations enough to provide silent support and let Sam take the lead when she died, but Dean still doesn’t know how much Sam really cared for her. It had been so long since he felt romantic feelings for someone, and he definitely felt them for her. But it had been even longer since he had a friend who was mainly his - someone he felt he could truly confide in without his brother finding out sooner or later, as much as Sam loves him. There may have been potential with Eileen, a potential that Sam will never truly know the extent of. But even though he only knew her for a year and most of their conversations happened from a distance, she had been one of the best friends Sam ever had.
He’s honestly surprised he didn’t bawl on the damn post office steps once he read her letter. Maybe it had been Dean’s already sad, pitying eyes that kept him from breaking completely. Maybe it had been the threat of the British Men of Letters killing their mom and their remaining friends. Maybe it had just been Sam becoming desensitized. He should have expected it. He should have warned her.
Run away. Don’t look back. Don’t get involved with the likes of me. You deserve so much better.
Normal people making friends is expected. Socially acceptable. For the Winchesters, it’s selfish. It’s signing someone else’s death warrant.
At 8:22 am, he hears Dean shout from the other side of his bedroom door.
“Yo, I’m making pancakes! How many do you want?”
Sam doesn’t answer.
At 10 am, Sam decides that lying in a dark room with no windows is making him feel worse but he makes no move to get up until his cell vibrates on the bedside table. Donna. Her niece. Missing. Not their thing, but she asks for their help anyway.
And Sam gets on with his morning. He won’t let Donna face the loss that they experience over and over again if he can help it.
It ends up being their thing. It’s one of the most disturbing cases Sam has ever worked. He gets strapped to a table and his heart sells for 500k. He thinks he should be more afraid at the prospect of being shot in the head only to be dismembered and gauged of his organs. There’s a part of him that is. Sam doesn’t want to die, not in the way Dean wants to from time to time. He still wants to save Mom and Jack, even though they would have been better off not knowing them.
But he’s still so tired. He feels the ache of it in his bones, in his chest - right where his heart is pumping for what might be the last time.
The buyer is probably getting cheated. Maybe there’s something faulty with it. He wonders if they’ll taste the ache once they take their first bite.
The shot rings through the room like a blast. The sound echoes in Sam’s ears, filling his head with static. The distraction the static provides would be a comfort if it weren’t for the split second he believes he’s dead again until he opens his eyes.
While Sam’s heart aches with loss and pain and maybe over the residual fear of it almost getting cut out of him, Donna’s heart gets broken. Cracking more with every step Doug takes away from her as tears fill her eyes, she calls out his name and pleads for him to wait.
“Let him go,” he says, “Donna, when you choose this life, eventually they get hurt. Or worse. So let him go. He’ll be safer that way.”
And he means it. He means every word. Dean thinks he was hard on her, probably that he hurt her even more. But Sam cares about Donna. He doesn’t want her to become another Winchester casualty and he definitely doesn’t want her to experience casualties of her own. He’s keeping her broken heart from shattering completely. It’s not too late for her.
He wishes he could say the same. He wanted to believe they could live happier lives, even if they were never normal. But he knows better now. He’s not going to pretend anymore.
It ends one way for them. Bad and bloody. Sam can’t change that. But he can make sure they don’t take anyone else down with them. Read on AO3 HERE
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► Andrea Zuckerman
Andrea is a dedicated high school student at West Beverly, who also serves as the editor of the West Beverly Blaze – the school newspaper. Engaging in a plethora of extra credit programmes and volunteering, the girl living out of district is set on reaching her goal of an academic scholarship to Yale University. Andrea is incredibly sweet and has a big heart; she is also a very logical person, which leads to her feeling socially awkward and therefore adopting a more shy nature when trying to talk to other students.
Her logical nature can leave her very blunt in her emotional expression, but she finds acceptance and a sense of self in her relationships with the gang. Her close friendship with Brandon Walsh, although their relationship is never truly platonic, changes her course somewhat – for the better – as Andrea starts engaging in the high school social life and makes friends for life.
Andrea spends her time at West Beverly working toward academic stardom and has little time for anything – or one – else. The down-to-earth nature of the Minnesota twins has a deep effect on a number of students, but Andrea's lifestyle is immediately altered by Brandon Walsh's presence in her life. After initially assuming he is superficial, Brandon makes an effort to explain his behaviour to Andrea and accidentally learns of Andrea's family situation, with her living out of district and he is there for her, the two of them developing a close bond. While maintaining they're just friends, they have an undeniable chemistry, which neither seem willing to act upon for a year.
Andrea begins to lessen her at times intense black-and-white behaviour towards others and starts opening up to the possibility of making friends at her school. This starts with Brenda, who Brandon encourages to include Andrea in a mother-daughter fashion show, hosted by Kelly's mother. While Brenda is reluctant at first, she quickly finds that they all get along well. Andrea provides a different perspective on Kelly's difficult home life when she tells Kelly that she considers her amazing, for leading the life she leads while taking on such an adult responsibility, which she shouldn't have to deal with. When Brenda later wishes to do something fulfilling in Beverly Hills, Brandon sets her up with Andrea, who works at a teen helpline.
The Blaze signs out for the summer with a meeting and cake at West Beverly, where Brandon tries to talk to Andrea about what happened between them. Brandon doesn't seem willing to immediately let go of what happened, but Andrea insists that it would be best if they just go back to being friends. Andrea is tutoring kids over the summer and decides to enroll in a summer drama class, which Brenda and Donna also take. Andrea also approaches Brandon to become a big brother to a kid at the center where she tutors kids. When Brandon finds out his mother is abusive, he seeks out Andrea and together they help find Felix a solution.
Starting her junior year, Andrea returns as the editor at The Blaze. Though she was adamant that she and Brandon should just stay friends, Andrea is visibly jealous when Brandon takes an interest in new girl Emily Valentine, who also starts working at the paper to be closer to Brandon. Although it's hard for Andrea to see Brandon with someone else, she never tells him how she really feels or changes her mind about wanting to be with him. They continue to be friends and Andrea attends the Walsh barbecue where Emily is invited, too. Later, she and Brandon watch the girls perform at 'Hello Day' together. Andrea continues to hang out with the gang, spending an evening at Casa Walsh with everyone and meeting the twins' cousin, Bobby. Brandon accidentally gets Andrea worried when he submits her work for a journalism competition and she wins, prompting an interviewer to want to visit her home, though she lives out of district.
Andrea wrestles with whether to attend Yale or CU, and ultimately decides, for financial reason, to give the Ivy League a miss and stay in Beverly Hills with the gang. Andrea, Kelly, Brenda, and Donna make an effort to pledge the Alpha Omega sorority. However, when Andrea was told by Leslie Sumner to downplay her Jewish heritage, Andrea is obviously offended and dropped out of the running. Leslie later apologized, stating she herself was Jewish, and they made up, though Andrea did not return to sorority life.
Andrea forged a bond with Donna Martin when they shared with one another their decision to wait to have sex. Andrea eventually has sex with her RA, Dan Rubin, which becomes a part of the issue leading to a minor tiff between her and Donna. Andrea and Brenda find themselves on opposite sides when Brenda joins a group which attempts to free animals from a CU test lab. Andrea works at the facility and feels betrayed by Brenda since the lab doesn't actually harm animals in the first place. This season shows Andrea growing closer to the girls in the 90210 gang, with the famous Kelly/Brenda/Donna trio including Andrea, who was previously mainly close friends with just Brandon and Brenda. She forges her own strong bonds with both Donna and Kelly, which last throughout the show's run.
Soon after starting her relationship with Dan Rubin, Andrea meets Jesse Vasquez at Jim and Cindy Walsh's 20th anniversary party and the two click instantly. While still technically with Dan, Andrea begins a relationship with Jesse. She breaks up with Dan who, still in love with Andrea, makes racial comments toward Jesse. Dan eventually moves out of the dorm and Jesse and Andrea continue to date. This leads to the most controversial, and unexpected, storyline development in the character's history. Andrea Zuckerman, having slept with Jesse only once without protection, soon finds that she was pregnant.
After months in the hospital, Andrea and Jesse are finally able to take the baby girl home. Andrea's early season 5 storylines were mostly limited to minor daycare issues, and the struggles she faced as a young mother trying to juggle a new marriage, child, and keeping up her always high marks in college. The early marriage and child story, while a high point for the character a season before, began alienating her from the gang, and Andrea's character was beginning to fade into the background.
Attempts were made during the second half of the season to inject some life into Andrea's waning story. She was thrust back into the political arena, sharing screen time once again with Brandon, a move designed to keep her more involved in campus life, and remind audiences of her once strong political passions. Her marriage was thrown into trouble when she and Jesse had difficulty getting past their religious differences; she being Jewish and he being Catholic. Later a complete physical makeover of the character was allowed; though she'd already shed the glasses a year before, Andrea's hair was suddenly blonde, and she was allowed to wear more fashion and body conscious wear, perhaps in an attempt to visually mesh her with the rest of the women on the canvas. All aspects of the once socially awkward, borderline "nerd" were now wiped clean.
Andrea knows sign language and is fairly adept at Spanish.
She mentions having a sister one time.
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eisforeidolon · 7 years
I love your posts about SPN! Also I take great pleasure in the way you logically shut-down illogical arguments that occur in this stressful fandom. What are your thoughts on S13, your theories on what's gonna go down, what you hope happens, what you hope doesn't happen, do you want this season to be the last?
Thank you!
I actually don't tend to theorize toomuch in advance generally, and in the context of the current writingteam's ability and willingness to carry out long-term arcs?  Well, I’m even less inclined when I’m skeptical as to how far the writers themselves are really planning ahead.  They may surprise me - after season 10 I thought they’d fallen off a quality cliff they couldn’t come back from and I was wrong.
That said, I'm still honestly kind of ambivalentabout what season the show ends on.  I thought season 11 showed a lotof promise – and then we had season 12.  If 13 is good?  Well,maybe there is some life in the show yet – then again, maybeit'd be best to end on a high note.  If it's bad?  Well, maybe it'dbe best to just put the ol' thing out of its misery already – thenagain, it'd be a shame for such a once great show to trail off into unredeemedineptitude.  From the sound of it, considering the episode count, J2aren't ready to let go until at least a partial season 14, so unlessthe ratings absolutely tank it's unlikely to be in doubt.
TL;DR?  I’m a pessimist trying not to worry about it too much until the season actually starts. 
Actual TL;DR wish list and nightmare list content below the cut.
If I was gonna write up a wishlist,though?  We get a reasonably equal distribution between both brothersof major action/monster kills and emotional reactions (that not onlyactually happen at all, but *gasp* have depth!).  We get more of thebrothers generally, so they stop rarely feeling like more than obligatory glue holdingdumb subplots together.  Rowena lives and mostly does her own thingwith the occasional negotiated assistance to the Winchesters. Stale!Cas stays dead in the Empty and we get Apocaworld!Cas going forward who iscompletely different (and less gullible for having survivedApocaworld).  Normalworld!Lucifer gets immediately squashed like abug by one of the other archangels in Apocaworld and is never heardfrom again.  In fact, we don’t see much of heaven or hell unless it’s an entirely new version from Apocaworld.  Mary either teams up with Bobby in Apocaworld or comesback – and either way shows some actual interest in her sons andgets more in-depth characterization that actually reconcilesthe young woman whose primary desire was to get out of hunting withthe resurrected woman who seemed to care about nothing else.  I admitI pretty much hate the whole concept of Jack so far and the best thing I canenvision is all the hype about him being a red herring and after ahandful of episodes he'll run off to Australia to find Jesse andnever be heard from again.  The main arc, if there isone at all, will get slowly developed satisfactorily across the wholeseason – maybe getting back to Apocaland without Jack ripping upspace/time.  Perhaps they could manage something interesting withthe Winchesters having to deal with his excessive powers goinghaywire and/or him deciding he wants to be normal – maybe evenEvil!Jack and Stale!Cas could be interesting if Cas flips into a straight upvillain and together they try to enact their creepy perfect worldvision - or something better and truly unexpected!  Just so long as they pick ONE.  Hey, there's goodreason nobody's paying me to write their tv show.
What I'm afraid of and think is morelikely to happen, though?  Another season of too many half-assed,rushed plots barely strung together by events we're told arehappening off-screen.  Sam and Dean still never get to react for morethan a minute or two to any of the noteworthy things that happen tothem.  Taking Jared's glee about having a lot of time off intoaccount and the spin off being at least two episodes, I would beleast surprised if the show focuses so heavily onJack/Lucifer/Whoeverthefuck both brothers get painfully sidelined even worse than in season 12. Though I also don't want a repeat of fanboy!Dabb’s lonehero!Sam where Sam angsts about his powers like he's just fallen out of a time warp purely to lead up to saidpowers magically reappearing (but retroactively not being tainted because screw complexity and canon) and the climax is weirdly framed as him growing in regards to some issue he dealt with seasons ago rather than one he wasn’t shown to have.  Meanwhile Dean has a few outbursts of protectivenessand emotion but mainly ineffectually cheers from the sidelines and/or disappearsrandomly for all the action.  (Though suffice it to say I'd likewisehate a different plot doing the reverse, where somehow Dean does allthe major action and Sam disappears, if it turns out Dabb'sproblem is he can't concentrate on more than one brother ata time to any reasonable extent.)  Jack & the Winchestersliving together is, as threatened, written like a bad sitcom where his nephilim powers are conveniently nerfed until Jack ultimately turns on them and goes full-on evil as a *shocking twist* -likely for some completely spurious reason.   We tune in to Same-Ol'-Cas in the Empty just before he getsout in some pathetically easy way without God’s help such that the deaths of everyone, including all the major antagonists, is now potentially reversible so literally nothing from the past twelve years matters.  The entire canon is made meaningless just so Cas can remain the familiarincompetent, spineless plot device he's gradually decayed into.  Evenbetter, not only do Sam and Dean entirely forgive him when he returns without asingle smidgen of a hint of a show of diminished trust while they parrothow great of an asset/family he is?  It never even comes upthat he betrayed them again, because we should feel bad he died andhe absolutely won't do anything like that again for at leasta few weeks!  Lucifer comes back from Apocaworld almostimmediately and takes over hell.  We have to see him almost everyepisode being an incompetent, unfunny caricature of a once greatcharacter that's not remotely scary or even interesting - set to abackground of more dumb hell bureaucracy.  The other angels stink upthe place by doing something sheep-like as a pointless diversion orthree, likely going after Jack and/or Lucifer ineffectually andgetting themselves exploded like the cannon fodder they've become.  Rowena really was killed off summarily off-screen and is now replaced with some new, flat character with similar abilities but a dumber backstory that they’ll need a couple seasons to actually write into someone interesting (when they’ll do the same thing).  Bucklemming and Perez write a lot of episodes with their usual finesse. 
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ramajmedia · 5 years
The Worst Thing Each Main Character From Supernatural Has Done
Over its 14 seasons, Supernatural presented us with many characters, amd it can be hard to determine the main characters aside from the brothers, Sam and Dean, Cas, and Jack. Still, there were characters that were closer to the story in recent seasons, and others that had a lasting effect on Sam and Dean, making them main characters.
RELATED: 5 Ways Supernatural Has Aged Poorly (And 5 Ways It's Timeless)
That said, all of these characters have performed good deeds (yes, even Ruby and Lucifer), and all of these characters have done horrible things (yes, even and especially, Dean and Sam). Even the angels are tainted in Supernatural. 
13 Lucifer: Stealing His Son's Power
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We would expect everything that Lucifer did to be bad, so it is hard to choose the worst. Could it be when he tortured Sam? Could it be when he killed Cas? When he brutally killed Rowena? Or when he treated Crowley, literally like a dog? Then, there were all the angels he eviscerated. All these and more are horrible, but the worst thing he ever did was stealing Jack's (his son) grace. It had seemed that he was interested in his son, but his son was just another way to get power.
12 Lucifer's Human Vessel, Nick: Dooming His Wife
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When Lucifer leaves Nick's body, Nick comes back.  First, he begins to search for a way to avenge his family, his wife, and child who had been murdered. He kills people and demons to do this, sometimes innocent people, but this isn't his worst thing.
Finally, he goes back into his old house, and there he sees his wife's ghost. She tells him that she's trapped in the house due to the unfinished business of her murder and his path with Lucifer. She begs him, "Reject Lucifer right now. If you do, I can leave. I can find peace." Nick won't do it, turning his back on his wife.
11 John Winchester: Getting Jo's Dad Killed
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Normally, we would say that John's worst thing was how he raised his boys, but his teachings made them into men who can save the world. If he hadn't given them the tough love and the field experience with hunts, they might very well have turned out like their half-brother, Adam, first killed by a standard ghoul.
RELATED: Supernatural is Finally Bringing Adam Back 
On top of hist list of worsts is getting Jo's dad killed. From what Ellen, Jo's mother, says, her husband went on a hunt with John, and John used him as bait and left him. Ultimately, this left Jo without a father, and Ellen without a husband.
10 Rowena: Attack Dog Spell
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When we are introduced to Rowena in the series, we see a quirky red-haired witch intent on creating her own coven. While she's powerful, the Grand Coven rejected Rowena for her odd and often extreme ways. At first, she seems decent, rescuing two prostitutes and wanting to introduce them to power. However, when threatened, she uses one as a prop for her escape. She turns the woman into an attack dog, who quickly bleeds out after the spell runs its course.
9 Crowley: Killing Those Sam and Dean Had Saved Before
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Since we like Crowley in the later seasons and consider him more of an ally to Sam and Dean, we forget that he started out as a big bad. In Season 8, he threatens to kill someone they had previously saved until they stop the trials. One of his victims is Sarah Blake, a charismatic side character we met and loved in Season 1. Had Sam met her at a different time (he was still grieving Jess), they might have become an item. Horrified, Sam has to watch Sarah killed despite all the wards and protections he and Dean put up to try to protect her from Crowley.
8 Chuck/God: Bringing The Dark Spirits
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Chuck/God has been mainly a side character even though he is the mastermind behind it all. In Season 14, he tries to manipulate Sam and Dean into killing Jack. Sam notices how Chuck watches with glee as Dean almost kills Jack. In the end, Chuck kills Jack. Sam and Dean discover that Chuck has been playing their lives for entertainment all this time. Angry with the brothers, Chuck decides to bring back all the dark spirits they vanquished over the seasons, even back as far as Season 1. He's decided to end this world and to make that ending painful and tragic.
7 Ruby: Using Sam to Bring Lucifer
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Ruby seems the anomaly, a demon with a heart of gold. She trains Sam to take down Lilith, feeding him demon blood to make him more powerful.
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In the end, she wanted Sam to kill Lilith because she knew that Lilith was the last seal needed to be broken in order to bring Lucifer into this world. She played all sides convincingly, betraying both brothers in the end, who had come to trust her.
6 Bobby: Becoming a Vengeful Spirit
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After Bobby dies, his spirit stays attached to his whiskey flask, which Dean keeps in his honor. Initially a helpful entity, Bobby points out research that helps the brothers in their demon hunting. However, he starts to develop into a vengeful spirit, like the ones that they all have vanquished before. Right now, he is still Bobby, but Sam and Dean realize that he won't be for long if he doesn't cross over.
5 Mary Winchester: Killing American Hunters
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The British Men of Letters recognize Mary as the perfect tool for them to get rid of the American Hunters. Not only is Mary a good and strong hunter, but she is also trusted by the other hunters. This means that when she shows up at the doorstep, they will let her in. While Mary was brainwashed to do this, she still did it, and she effectively whipped out many hunters and allies.
4 Jack: Killing Mary Winchester
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While Dean feared Jack from the start since he was the son of Lucifer, Jack initially is good. When he has his powers, he saves people constantly and sees Dean, Sam, and Cas as his idols. Even when his powers are taken away and he becomes fully human, he still puts his life on the line to help others.
RELATED: Supernatural 10 Times the Show Broke Our Hearts
But a soulless Jack is different. It's not that he is bad, it's that he doesn't feel morality. He kills Mary because he wants her to stop talking. He didn't intend to kill her, and he even tries to bring her back. However, he can't, and Mary remains dead.
3 Cas: Tries to Become God
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Season 7 Cas takes in souls, making him more powerful. He becomes full of ego and power. This leads him to kill the angels and people that don't support him. He becomes dangerous in his own idea of right and wrong, believing that he must rule with a firm fist. Later, he does sacrifice himself (luckily, he survives), but for much of Season 7, he is the villain.
2 Dean: Kills Amy Pond in Front of Her Son
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Early Dean had a strong sense of right and wrong, seeing the world only in black and white. When he finds out that Amy (a kitsune) was killing to help her sick son (another kitsune), he sees her as evil and without much hesitation, kills her. She had been a friend of Sam's when they were teens, and she saved Sam. She lived her life trying to live off dead blood, until her son got sick. Sam tells Dean to let her go, as she stopped killing and won't again. Dean goes anyway and kills her in front of her young son.
1 Sam: Kills Dean's Daughter and Feels No Remorse
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Dean has a one night stand with an Amazon woman (though he doesn't know that she is an Amazon at the time). This results in her conceiving a child, who grows to be a 16-year old girl in only a few days. As part of her initiation, she must kill her father. Sam stops her by killing her. While this is bad, what is worse is that he tells Dean that Dean went soft by not doing it himself.
Adding one more thing to our favorite brothers, they also left Adam, their half-brother, behind.
NEXT: Supernatural 10 Reasons Why God/Chuck Is The True Villain of the Series
source https://screenrant.com/supernatural-main-characters-worst-things-done/
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