lowcountry-gothic · 1 year
I just finished season 7 of my Dexter rewatch, and wow, that gut-punch of a scene. I always thought of it as a plot twist, a surprise, as the episode’s title—“Surprise, Motherfucker!”—would suggest the viewer is meant to think about it, but this time around, knowing what’s about to happen, it feels inevitable. As if there were nothing else that could possibly happen. And I’m rethinking the way I view this entire show. The first time around, when it was first airing, I always thought of Dexter Morgan as an antihero, someone like Batman, who achieved justice where the system failed, albeit a much more bloody and violent justice. Now it seems clear to me that Dexter isn’t an antihero, and almost certainly isn’t meant to be one by the writers. He’s the main figure in a sort of modern day Greek tragedy.
The tragedy of what happened to his mother, sure, and the trauma her death caused, and the way it made him fascinated with blood and death...that much is obvious. But what I’m seeing now are things that, for whatever reason, escaped me before. Things like his adoptive father seeing this fascination with blood and death and, instead of treating it as an unhealthy coping mechanism for his trauma, seeing it—and more tragically, explaining it to Dexter in such a way that he believes it himself—not as something he could possibly heal from, but as a fatalistic, permanent, and defining aspect of who and what Dexter is. Harry’s belief that Dexter just isn’t normal, and never can be, and the way this shaped Dexter’s own sense of himself and the possibilities his life could hold. The way Harry uses Dexter to fulfill his own cop vengeance fantasies that he can’t enact, and the way that Harry’s subsequent suicide makes Dexter feel like it’s all his own fault.
And there’s the fact that Dexter builds a normal life for himself first as a mask to hide what he thinks truly defines him, but doesn’t even question the idea of this side of his life as “false” until midway into the show, when he begins to see that he is just as capable of meaningful human relationships as anyone else is, and that his brokenness isn’t something unique to him but a feature everyone shares, though in much less extreme ways. How he only realizes, after so much personal loss and tragedy, that his “need” to kill is only a passing emotional state that doesn’t control him, and the way he only realizes this after so much killing when it’s too late to live a life uncomplicated by murder and criminal guilt and murderous habits.
The way he, based on Harry’s beliefs, makes decisions and prioritizes things in ways that seem very small at first, but it’s soon obvious, cumulatively, that he’s unintentionally hurting those he loves in ways that don’t stab but cut like paper.
And the way his ultimate decision that his “fake” life—his career and relationships—is the most important thing to him, and he doesn’t want to lose it, the way this realization comes too late because at this point he’s already given up so much to the altar of his hidden life that so very little of the “normal” life he now values so much is even left at this point.
And of course there’s Deb, and her love for him, and how it causes her to make so many bad decisions, so many instances of giving up her own self for him, and the way this culminates in such a horrifying way for her at the end of season 7—we’re not really even sure if the shot was intentional or an accident, but that doesn’t matter, not for her. It’s so tragic. And the way that she’s so overcome by horror and grief, for herself and for Laguerta, and the sheer agony evident on her face as she breathes, “I hate you,” a line that not even the subtitles caption—you just have to pay attention and listen or be able to read her lips—Damn.
And above all, how things didn’t have to be this way. If Harry had had more faith in Dexter as a child. If he hadn’t—just like a cop—believed that people’s dark sides are the most important things about them. that people are either good people or bad people and that the former need to be protected from the latter at all costs.
How could anyone see this show as being about Dexter’s little darkly comic adventures and the way he forges his own deadly brand of justice, and not about how his entire life, and that of everyone he becomes important to, is just one sad, devastating story after another????
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wonderlandleighleigh · 11 months
86 Thoughts while watching The OC season one episode 4: The Debut
1. I love that these early episodes really focused on the Cohens+1 as a family, and established these really deep dynamics.
2. Seth is such a shitty kid and it’s so funny in these early eps. It feels more endearing than like...shitty in later episodes.
3. Ryan getting adoptedddddddddd what a good lil math nerd.
4. Anyone who thinks Ryan is a bad boy I feel like you miss the point of the character. He has terrible luck, and a bad temper, but also, he is a MATH NERD who says whole sentences with his eyes.
5. “You steal a car? You burn down a house? You beat up the captain of the water polo team?” Let’s be real, Luke won that fight. Ryan isn’t a good fighter lol.
6. Kirsten is not a hugger.
7. Brody’s little groove walk is fun.
8. Califoniaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa here we cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmme
9. underpants!
10. Seth rolling around on Ryan’s bed like a puppy. Sir what.
11. He doesn’t have any things.
12. Poor Ryan, he does not know how to deal with this debutante thing.
13. Peggy deserved more than two episodes, she’s so salty and I love her. Where did she go???
14. Jimmy and Sandy are such strange frenemies. Like Jimmy so clearly still has a thing for Kirsten and Sandy knows. He knows, and he knows they have to play nice (for now), but he is not thrilled. He’s a friendly dude mostly, so he’s not gonna start shit just because, but like. He knows it’s bad.
15. My big quibble with this episode is that the girls’ dresses look incredibly cheap. At least for the main three girls they could have gone higher end. Or maybe it’s just that 2003 style.
16. I know Luke is like “bleh Ryan” but I can’t help thinking of it as a lil bi panic.
17. Summer trying to bang Ryan. Ryan like “I mean she’s hot but...but...but...”
18. Ryan and Summer should have banged.
19. Like not a relationship. But just. Boning.
20. I’ve warmed up to Marissa as I’ve gotten older. She’s very sweet in these early episodes.
21. That is so much wine Sandy just poured Kirsten. SO MUCH. BRUH YOUR WIFE HAS A DRINKING PROB- we’ll talk about next season.
22. I love all the comic books just lying around as set dressing.
23. Ryan’s favorite comic is Justice Society of America, and I love that for him. It’s very classic superhero, but it’s not one of the BIG ONES.
24. Poor Kirsten, finding out about Jimmy’s dumb shit.
25. Sandy is in full lawyer mode. “We have to tell everybody this dude stole from them.”
26. I wish I liked these dresses more.
27. But god the music cues are so on point. The soundtrack for the OC is just top notch, all thees years later.
28. And ask the world to stay away please....
29. Ryan is so sweet. He just can’t say no.
30. Fucking Jimmy.
31. God damn, Julie just spending every last cent. She doesn’t ask ever about their finances. She just assumes. But Jimmy let her believe they were more than fine.
32. Jimmy is such an idiot. I wish I liked him more. He’s supposed to be charming. I love Tate Donovan. But god. That character.
33. Try to enjoy this, please! I love Peggy. Justice for Peggy.
34. The dancing. Poor Ryan.
35. Who let Adam Brody out of his feral nerd cage? Whoever it was, I’m grateful.
36. Summer is such a douche in these early episodes. Her character arc is amazing through the series. Truly. one of my favorites in TV history.
37. i still don’t quite buy Ryan and Marissa’s chemistry. Part of it is that Misha Barton is so young, and she hasn’t had time to develop as an actress. I feel like if she’d been like two years older when she played Marissa it’d hit harder.
38. Annaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. God I love Anna. Again. She has such good chemistry with Seth and Ryan. Again. Ryan should have been allowed to date Anna.  The two with the most common sense in the whole bunch together? Power couple.
39. Kirsten, stop trying to save Jimmy he doesn’t deserve it.
40. Oh Holly. I would have loved for her to get a redemption arc. Like still kind of brainless, but more mature. Less shitty. She comes back in s4 and has learned nothing.
41. Ben McKenzie eye acting choices.
42. Jimmmyyyyyyyyyyyy karma said “hey hi how ya doin”
43. Barbecutionist.
44. Marissa watching Luke’s friends and feeling just so done. Girl I get it.
45. Poor Ryan. He just wants to go home and hide in his pool house and read comic books and not deal with this dumb crap.
46. Luke’s weird toxic masculinity is pretty rough. He gets a nice redemption arc later where he just turns into a golden retriever. I love that for him.
47. Yep. There’s the JSA issue.
48. Julie really wants to be a good mother, but she puts so much importance on appearance and image and perception. And dumping all of that on her very sensitive daughter is cruel.
49. I love Julie’s eye makeup.
50. Melinda Clarke is such a heavy hitter in this series. Julie Cooper, Urban Cougar was such a thing.
51. Sandy not going either. Sandy said fuck that.
52. Again, these dresses...they’re just not...great.
53. lol Sandy and Ryan just....”Nah.” “Yeah, me neither.”
54. THE BONDING. THE VIDEO GAMES. I love this dynamic so much.
55. Sandy serving truth. “They’ve all got secrets and they’re all terrified that the guy nextdoor is gonna find them out.”
56. It’s such a sweet moment, and then “You just stabbed me again.”
57. Summerrrrrrrrrrrrr.
58. lol Anna and Seth spewing comic book stuff.
59. YOU’RE A GIRL. Bitch I have been reading comic books since 1991.
60. The birth of the Summer/Seth/Anna triangle/almost thruple.
61. I just tried to liken them to Roy/Keeley/Jamie but there is no grumpy asshole.
62. But if it were Summer/Ryan/Anna, we would have a Lasso Thruple sitch.
63. But not really.
64. Sandy is the best. I swear.
65. Jimmy and karma doin that dance.
66. Luke is, in fact, an idiot.
67. “Stop hitting a dude who didn’t actually do anything to you.” “I AM LEAVING BECAUSE YOU MAKE SENSE!” Oy.
68. Anna is so charming. I love her.
69. Julie just dislikes Ryan so damn much. Christ.
70. “Confidence, Cohen!” Ugh. So cute.
71. I love Seth/Summer but Anna/Seth was also so so fun.
72. “We’re gonna go this way.” lol
73. We don’t see Summer walk by herself. I think that was a missed opportunity.
74. Peggyyyyyyyyyy! My beloved!
75. The sweetness of this scene lasts all of three seconds before Jimmy gets slugged in his face.
76. I love that they were never afraid of the fact that Marissa was just a lil taller than Ryan. the visual works so well for the show.
77. Here we go.
78.”Bad accounting.”
79. hot damn y’all this old man fight lol.
80. Julie’s shaking fingers is such a nice touch in this moment.
81. I guess Sandy figures karma has done its job on Jimmy and now he can be supportive. lol.
82. Seth and Annaaaaaaa. Jesus so cute. Even though they’re kind of the same person lol.
83. Another great music cue. To Sheila, by the Smashing Pumpkins.
84. I just. I want to like Marissa more. I’m still not sure why I can’t get there all these years later.
85. LOL Luke. With the weird sneak attack.
86. And that’s it. A last shot of Ryan alone, who should be heading home to avoid the police.
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sem24 · 4 months
Been re-watching Avatar the Last Airbender again recently and a thought hit me. Technically the cabbage merchant is introduced before characters like Azula, Toph, Mei and Ty Lee. It’s not really important, just found it weird.
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Watching the winx club again is so weird because it's been so long but I feel like they've changed the voice actors. I could have sworn Blooms voice was deeper and the voice acting for.... Well everyone was better
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madman731 · 1 year
Going back through the DVD backlog, all repeat viewings!
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chaneajoyyy · 1 year
Rewatching Mob Wives
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jelazakazone · 2 years
Question for those of you who do rewatches. 
Do you rewatch in the same order every time or do you skip around? 
Do you watch entire episodes or just scenes? 
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suiheisen · 8 days
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canisbeanz · 6 months
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Silly doodle bc it was the first thing I thought of when I saw Pomni.
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ophanim-vesper · 9 months
obsessed with how the entire movie is just this
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galaxylover06 · 1 month
Anybody care for some little ponies?
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Made the sonic one a couple days ago and ended up loving it, so now there's a tails and Amy to match, making an AU I suppose. Enjoy!
Edit: realized an AU needs a name, I've decided on
"MLP: Friendship got Faster"
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lowcountry-gothic · 6 months
Watching the “Jacksonville” episode of Fringe. This was always a favorite of mine. There’s some real Stranger Things vibes going on here, too.
For a while I thought Olivia was a Five, but now I really think she’s an Eight. The whole taken advantage of as a child and wanting to make sure it never happens to anyone else thing is a huge part of her story.
Her being an 8 gives that cortexiphan vision where she rescues a little girl and discovers it's her own childhood self a whole extra significance. As it does the fact that she says, as an adult, that she's not afraid of anything anymore.
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mini-minish · 2 months
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boy prince has to learn to do the dishes
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whenfatecollides · 6 months
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Xena Warrior Princess 3.18 Fins, Femmes And Gems
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sevrinve · 27 days
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Sokka studies :D
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i-draws-dinosaurs · 7 months
Star Wars has three types of guy: Fump Geezgo from the Womflee system, Stabba Badguyman, and Chris
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