#*i hate googling things lmao
ledzeppelinmixtape · 9 months
wish house was a real doctor so i could be his mystery insomniac patient and after giving me horse tranquilizers and still not falling asleep he just hits me in the head with his cane and im out like a light
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naruto-is-baby · 1 month
itachi is so freaking hot that all the smoke blurs my vision and then i cant see any of his crimes so really that makes him innocent i love you itachi
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faultsofyouth · 4 months
I can't believe people try to claim nursing isn't a STEM field
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the-kipsabian · 4 months
forgetting my 'to's and 'a's i fucking hate the english language lmao
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bixiaoshi · 6 months
oh im mad abt the ai translation thing again
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persephoneflouwers · 2 years
hey i’m a medical student and saw that u gave opinions too about louis broken arm. saw this on twt and it’s so insane to me cause we saw him in pain in airport and hands so swollen in that video for his 1# album he would not fake a injury or fake a RX wanted your opinion on this it’s bs right? https://twitter.com/omgl_wtf/status/1600170380726894597?s=46&t=T_NJPRbq2eCGBYb6cuChBg
Hello 🌸
Omg that seems… conspiratorial lmao I don’t know why people think he would fake an arm injury. Is it because they are on the “Sony wants to sabotage him” train and believe they would go that far to ruin his new album campaign? It’s more likely the pic with those fans that was out today was old, but him faking an injury? Maybe try stop depicting Louis like the bad guy with a masterplan who lies all the time. I haven’t paid much attention to it, but he uses his left arm quite a lot instead. He greets fans with left arm, takes and hands albums and stuff with his left arm, drinks with his left arm. He keeps the right arm in a defensive pose. It looks intrarotated and stiff from some pics… The fact people say “he would not be holding the arm like that” or some variation of it, it’s bullshit. I saw people with femur replacements walking again in less time than this. We don’t know if he doesn’t use sling or a tutor just when he’s in public and keeps it contained when he’s at home. We don’t know what surgery he went through. I bet he takes the strongest painkillers.
I’m not an orthopaedic, I don’t have much experience with radiology. I just can see those xrays and from those xrays i can tell that an arm is broken. They show a broken arm from two different perspectives: the anterior view and the lateral view and obviously you wont see the same things… different projections help study the fracture better and every side gives you different details on the level and gravity of the break.
I didn’t have time to talk to a traumatologist as I said I would, but I hope I will. I’ve talked with colleagues and they told me a fracture like this will require a 30/35 days immobilisation, the recover will start slowly after it. But they agreed rich teams are faster with the recovery process cause patients have more strict followups.
Anyway good luck on your med school journey! It’s gonna be hard but I promise, it’s the most beautiful job in the world <3
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so i finished the rough draft of ch 66, started in on 67 while i had Ideas Going™️, and Realized:
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tell me, my dear silent hill GOOMT readers: does this strike fear into ur hearts or do i have to work harder on that <3
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blujayonthewing · 1 year
I hate when someone tells me something that is Simply Incorrect, but in a way that I can't correct them without feeling like a know-it-all killjoy
like when my dad was moving out of state and let me take a bunch of open liquor bottles, including two bottles of absinthe, and he let me know that one tasted better but the other one had stronger ~effects~ which he went on to describe, and I had to be like 'woooah :O okay cool' instead of 'absinthe is not actually psychoactive and what you were feeling was a placebo if anything'
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baekhest · 2 years
Cannot relate to tech bros because the further I get into my compsci degree the more I distrust big tech corporations and the more inclined I am to back up everything on physical discs and do my damndest to stop algorithms from tracking my activity. Back when I was a bio major I used google chrome without even an adblocker but now I have several different addons specifically intended to stop companies from collecting data on me and then feed them junk data their algorithm can't draw conclusions based off of, and I'm about one more discovery away from implementing my own vpn because I want one but don't trust surfshark or expressvpn or anyone outside my house with my data.
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maydillydally · 2 years
I am in deep with the Steddie brainrot. I even have a few fic ideas (at least 3). I’ve only ever read fics before. Should I do it? I have an outline for one that is kinda trash imo in my notes app. I could put more effort in and actually write it. I dunno who I’m asking I don’t have any mutuals. If you wanna be mutuals feel free to message me/tag me in stuff
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is it too much to ask to have a pharmacist/doc friend constantly at my side so when I have burning questions related to my specific experience of my symptoms/disorders they can give me the answer? Or am I meant to just stew in unending curiosity forever til I die
like how do I explain to google that I just took a shit ton of tablets all at once coz I forgot my morning ones so I had to take them and the night ones at the same time and now I feel slightly queasy and is that feeling my brain telling me to spit them back up as a self preservation thing coz it thinks I'm trying to kill myself again or is it just my regular chronic nausea checking in
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depresseddepot · 8 months
the last quarter of city of bones by cassandra clare is. certainly something.
#so. to set the scene here#the SECOND simon and jace were introduced i googled ''who does clary end up with''#and (regardless of whether of not this is true) i saw that she ends up with jace#disappointing but i expected it (i like simon so much more but theres nothing ya fantasy authors hate more than bffs to lovers stories)#and THEN i looked at trigger warnings for the book. ''graphic incest'' was super out of left field#at first i thought it would be alec and isabelle. then i thought it was luke and jocelyn.#THEN i thought the twist would be that it was jocelyn and valentine (bc i saw valentine being clarys dad from a mile away)#never. EVER. in a million fucking years. did i expect it would be clary and jace#listen. im all for fucked up ships. but what is this shit lmao#is jace ACTUALLY her brother and do they ACTUALLY end up together?? im not sure if i can finish reading this series if thats the case#it gives me the ick so severely. fucked up stories about incest are one thing but the summary of book 2 is Upsetting#''her handsome infuriating brother'' why the fuck are you describing it like its a TYPICAL YA FANTASY ROMANCE BOOK. IM SO CONFUSED#i read this book IN PUBLIC#if you've read the series: is he really he brother? do they really end up together at the end or was that misinformation?#also: is it worth it to keep reading regardless?#the first 3/4 of the book was so fun! the characters were cool and it was an easy read#but the last 1/4 was like that mr. incredible meme where he gets slowly more and more horrified#the mortal instruments#yeah im tagging the main tag bc i need answers#good lord lmao#i do honestly feel like the book was ruined because of that ending and that's irritating me because it was otherwise very good#but again. lmao. i don't know if i can read a ya romance book where the main character waxes about how hot her BIOLOGICAL BROTHER IS#it would be one thing if she was immediately like ''oh. lmfao. that's fucked up'' and stopped romantically pursuing him#but if they end up together she clearly does not stop#how is JOCELYN GOING TO REACT TO THAT. SHGXHAKJSHS#anyway please lmk. i feel very conflicted rn
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snekdood · 9 months
u could film yourself 24/7 for a month doing all the same boring shit you always do and bitches would STILL assume you're just hiding your True Nature And Waiting Till The End Of The Month To Take Off The Good Person Mask And Reveal You're A Scheming Super Villain When No Ones Looking
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mothlover69 · 9 months
Speaking of platonic f/os im thinking i should add emily the strange bc that's literally my sister
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months
#ANYWAY LET ME COOK. im not a good chef but i can at least cook an egg lemme see what i got...
This is leagues ahead of Jo as per Substitute Father so I'm sure you'll do great <3 NOT TO SET THE BAR LOW... Arakawa POV part of that was sooooooo cute but I am of course VERY MUCH LOOKING FORWARD regardless of what you've got in the oven :] I think it's funny we always end up with roughly the same concepts but I just shoehorn RGGJo into it instead
DO YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN THOUGH WITH HOW THE MARKETING FOR YLAD KEPT HAMMERING IN THE SON THING ONE WAY OR ANOTHER... BUT THE SCENE YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT IS FUNNY and honestly half of the things Westerners [<- counting myself just this once] find funny in RGG apparently aren't intentional so what's one more
Substitute Father haunts me since i really don't like it but i also know that One (1) person really enjoyed it so i don't want to delete it SOOO the most i can do at this point is try to write something better as an apology and try to forget.. and hopefully let arakawa FPOV in a better fic..
BUT YEAH LMAO they really werent subtle bout it in retrospect.... teehee..
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squishylemonbubbles · 11 months
slang. always confuses me. like i forget what it means even after i've been told. and then i have to ask my lovely boyfriend for the third time things like "what is rizz"
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