#*crashes through wall 8 days into 2023*
polarsirens · 1 year
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happy new year of the rabbit 🐰
according to their historical birth years both Bridgens and Goodsir are rabbits so here we are somehow―Goodsir explaining Jorunna Parva (or sea bunny) to Bridgens which is expanding into a full lecture
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feelbokkie · 8 months
Love Risk | Epilogue
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**Feelbokkie's 2,000 Follower event post**
pairing: Hyunjin x fem reader; Changbin x fem reader
genre: smau, dating because of a bet, crack, angst, fluff, university au
pov: 1st/2nd person (depending on how you view it)
warnings:  swearing, mention of sex, mention of drinking, lots of talk about military service
summary: Hyunjin and Changbin make a bet to see who can make the reader fall in love with them first. Will one of them be able to succeed or will it all crash and burn before they do?
word count: 2,897
screenshot count: 5
©feelbokkie (2023) — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
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You walk into the practice room and set down your bag on the side counter. You walk over to the light switch, lightly stretching. You, Ae-Cha, and Min-Jun are meant to perform at the MAMAs in a few days and the choreography is the entire 8 years since you and Cerberus debuted. Not only is it the most physically demanding choreography that you have come up with, but it is also going to be the last time the three of you are going to be able to perform together for 2 years.
Being the only male in your group and recently turned 28, Min-Jun has to report to do his mandatory military service this year. It's hard for all three of you. You were a bit more together about it than Ae-Cha is. You went to Chan after Changbin left to do his service requirement earlier this year when you remembered that Changbin and Min-Jun were both born in the same year. Chan has already gone through this before with Lee Know after he left last year. You needed to know from a leader's perspective what to expect.
Since debuting, the three of you have only gotten closer. Ever since the three of you started living together, all of your time was spent together. When you weren't busy rehabilitating your knee or in your respective classes, you, Ae-Cha, and Min-Jun were working hard on new music and choreography. More often than not, you all fell asleep in the same room while working. After graduating from JYPU, your codependency only grew stronger as all of your free time was spent at the JYPE building getting ready for your first post-graduate comeback where you'd be able to devote all your time promoting your group and album. You're not sure after 8 years, how you and Ae-Cha are going to manage. Working on music alone was hard enough. You and Ae-Cha started working on your solo albums so you would have something to do once Min-Jun is gone.
"Oh for fuck's sake!" You groan when you turn the lights on in the practice room. Min-Jun and Ae-Cha sit on the floor in the middle of the room. Clothes disheveled, someone's lipstick smeared across both of their faces, both of them breathing heavily.
"Fuck," Ae-Cha groans.
"Damn it," Min-Jun whispers under his breath.
"One rule," You close the practice room door and walk back to the sound bar, "We have one fucking rule. And that is you two separate business and pleasure. The JYPE building is a no-no zone."
"Yeah, we know. And we came here to practice but one thing led to the other and--" Min-Jun tries to explain.
"I really do not need to hear the details of your sex life."
"Sorry, Y/n," Ae-Cha says, standing up and readjusting her clothes.
"No, I'm sorry. I'm just stressed. In less than a week we're heading to Tokyo for the MAMAs and we're still nowhere near perfect on this performance. This is the last performance Cerberus is going to have for a while and I want it to go well." You whine, leaning against the wall.
"It's fine. We shouldn't have been messing around in here. Here, Cha Cha and I will stay and practice with you until we're 100%. Even if it kills us." Min-Jin quickly stands up.
"Speak for your fucking self, Junnie," Ae-Cha says annoyed and disgusted, like she wasn't just making out with Min-Jun 2 minutes ago.
Ae-Cha and Min-Jun are dating. They started 3 years ago after they had spent quite a bit of time alone together while Min-Jun was trying to teach Ae-Cha how to work on her own music. They kept it a secret at first, not wanting to make things awkward with you. But when you came home one day and found them in a rather compromising position, everything came to light. You weren't mad, you were happy for them. You've watched for years as they secretly pined for each other and pretended they didn't like each other. You were just glad for that to be over. You did have to set up ground rules about their relationship staying away from work. Not that the scandal would be too big, but you didn't want it interfering with the group.
“Why are you acting like you weren’t two seconds away from jumping my bones earlier l?” He teases, brushing his long black hair out of his face. He started growing his hair out at the end of last year when he realized he would have to buzz it all off when he started. Even bleached it for a while to match Ae-Cha. He only recently dyed it back to his original color to get ready for when he has to leave next week.
"If you two are going to start bickering again, I can practice alone like I was planning to originally." You mutter as you pull the camera out of your bag. You're supposed to be vlogging everything for your part of the Cerberus YouTube channel. All of you are. You're making a mini-documentary about your last performance before Min-Jun has to leave. It was your manager's idea but you didn't oppose the idea. It'll be something you can look at when you want to remember this time in your career.
"Sorry, Y/n. I did my endurance training this morning. I was able to get through the entire performance while running on the treadmill and keeping my voice stable." Ae-Cha beams. With how physically strenuous the choreography is and the fact that you have to sing live with no backing track, the three of you have been doing endurance training by running on a treadmill for the entire duration of your song while singing. It's insane, but it's helping significantly.
"I'd like to think that I've played some part in that," Min-Jun smirks.
"You really are a pervert," You say before smacking him and turning on the camera. Min-Jun hides himself out of the shot and flips you off. You roll your eyes and hand him one of the mics that you use for practice. You go in your bag and get a set of mic headsets and hand one to Ae-Cha.
"I'll order us dinner since you guys are voluntarily here right now. Maybe even breakfast too depending on how long we're stuck here." You say as you grab the remote for the speaker and walk over to your first position.
"I hope we're not here that long, but with Junnie, we might be."
"Literally, what did I do to you?"
"Be born," Ae-Cha smirks, playing into their bickering siblings' act for the camera.
"That was more for you but okay,"
"Guys, let's focus." You say before pressing play on the remote.
If there is one thing you hate about your job, it's award shows. More specifically, you hated being nominated for awards. If anything, you wanted to just do your little performances without all the extra bells and whistles that came with the job. You didn't like the socializing aspect of it all. You had to network with other people in your industry. some were pleasant to talk to. Others were just full of themselves and wanted to intimidate you. You hated being nominated for awards because cameras were on you more often than not to try to get you in a compromising reaction. You also hated if you won awards. You can't prepare a speech because it looks like you were cocky enough to know you would win but you couldn't not prepare something because it would look unprofessional. It is hell.
All eyes are on Cerberus this year. Your group has been nominated for 4 awards: Yogibo worldwide icon of the year, Yogibo artist of the year, Yogibo album of the year, and Yogibo song of the year. Because of Min-Jun's impending departure for his military service, the three of you have been working harder than you ever have in your career. Even Min-Jun was nominated for best male artist after releasing his first solo album earlier this year as one of his bucket list goals. Luckily, you split up the duties. You'd speak if you won worldwide icon and artist of the year, Min-Jun would speak for album of the year, and Ae-Cha would speak for song of the year.
Luckily for you, your were sat at the same table with Stray Kids for the award show. You sat next to Felix, not caring if it would spark dating rumors yet again because he makes award shows fun. Sitting with Stray Kids at award shows in general is fun. But, with Lee Know and Changbin away doing their military service, they've been relatively calm and Chan a little bit less stressed.
"Are you going to Jackson seonbaenim's after-party tonight?" Felix asks, leaning over to whisper in your ear.
"Hm... maybe, we're supposed to be leaving first thing in the morning." You explain. You kick Ae-Cha's chair after catching her and Min-Jun holding hands under the table. They quickly separate, forgetting how many cameras are around.
"Why are you guys leaving early?" Jeongin asks, leaning over Seungmin to hear better.
"We have some things to take care of back home." You softly smile. Min-Jun wanted to keep his enlistment a secret until tonight when you'd all announce it during your performance. Even now, he's wearing a wig to hide his freshly buzzed hair until the big reveal. It's only a 3-hour flight from Tokyo to Seoul, but Min-Jun wants to spend his last official day with his family so the three of you would be flying back before any of the other artists so he could go home and you and Ae-Cha can send him off properly afterward.
"When you guys win, you'll be the honored guests. Nobody will care that we're winning this year's platinum award." Hyunjin adds not looking at you.
"If we win. We're up against so many other artists who have been in the industry longer than us. It'll be a miracle if we win." You mutter, leaning back in your chair.
"That's what Chan hyung said last year and look what happened." Seungmin laughs.
"Y/n said we shouldn't get our hopes up so if we don't win we don't have meme-worthy reactions," Ae-Cha adds.
"She's right. Your leader is smart, listen to her." Chan smiles.
"You say that like we don't listen to you." Jisung whines, playfully hitting Chan's arm.
"Do you listen to me? Like ever?" He turns to the younger boy.
"That's because you're an old man who is cramping our style. You're half 60 already, you can't hang with us." Seungmin chimes in, earning an annoyed look from Chan. This prompts Jisung, Jeongin, and Felix to dogpile old person comments towards Chan. Hyunjin, on the other hand, remains quiet, watching the Ateez performance going on.
Whenever you're around, in a group setting, Hyunjin shuts down. He gets quiet, only speaking when needed and hardly looks in your direction. Until he hears you laugh or something, then he's zeroing in on you, staring in a way that makes you self-conscious. There was a long while after you graduated, when Hyunjin would avoid you. You had to confront him about it. You two belonged to the same company, he couldn't just avoid all situations where you two might run into each other forever just because he was punishing himself for hurting you all those years ago.
Truth be told, you've never forgiven Hyunjin. You hate him, and you told him as much to his face when you confronted him about avoiding you. You hate him more than you hate Changbin. You hated him more for the simple fact that you loved him and you could never get over the fact that he played with your emotions for a measly $2,000. If you're being honest, Hyunjin broke your heart. Damaged it in a way you don't think can ever be repaired. It made you jealous of Ae-Cha and Min-Jun. How they were able to be in love with each other without their emotional baggage getting in the way. How they could love each other without fear that the other was using them for their own selfish gains.
You've tried dating after the disaster that was your situationships with Changbin and Hyunjin. You really did. But the second anything got real, you panicked and broke it all off. If anything, this experience is great for all the music that you're working on for your solo album.
"Y/n, they're about to announce artist of the year," Min-Jun whispers, taping your shoulder right before the cameras appear in your face. You plaster on a fake smile as the presenter goes through the nominees.
"I thought you hate me?" Hyunjin asks as he pulls his pants back on.
You fucked up. You're not sure if it's the alcohol coursing through your veins, this high from winning all of the awards, the depression from the realization that Min-Jun is leaving for 2 years in 72 hours, or a combination of the three, but you genuinely fucked up. In a moment of pure vulnerability, you ended up venting to Hyunjin during Jackson's after-party. All your friends disappeared almost immediately. Min-Jun and Ae-Cha probably snuck off to do a more respectable version of whatever the fuck just happened with Hyunjin. Chan went and followed Jeongin, who he didn't trust after the energy drink livestream incident. The rest of the Stray Kids' 00's line disappears to cause mischief like they usually do at parties before they get bored and hug the walls until the rest of the group is ready to leave.
"I do hate you, but I hate myself more apparently." You mutter, turning around to fix your makeup, most of which is staining Hyunjin's face.
You were fine. You didn't necessarily like parties, but they were tolerable networking events. But after tonight, everyone wanted to congratulate you on your wins or comment on your performance. A few people even went ahead and reassured you that you wouldn't become irrelevant while Min-Jun's gone. Where that energy came from? You have no idea. Some people in the industry are just vile. You had at least 5 different people come up to you and tell you that you only won album and song of the year because of Min-Jun. People even told you that you only won the other two awards because of your parents' influence, which doesn't make sense. You've never partnered with them and they've never once advertised that you are their child.
"That's exactly what I want to hear after we just finished fucking in the bathroom at a party." He mutters under his breath. You're not even sure how the two of you got to this point. One second you were talking to Hyunjin outside as you watched Jackson drunkenly do a backflip off the roof of the house he rented for the party into a pool, the next second you're in the bathroom getting railed by him. Truly a confusing timeline of events.
"Get over yourself Hyun," You groan readjusting your dress, "we both know this is a one-time thing."
"It doesn't have to be," He spins you around and closes the gap between you two, pressing his forehead against yours. Your heart starts beating quickly in your chest, you can feel it in your throat as you try to swallow.
"This isn't a good idea..." You whisper, barely audible over the bass of the music coming from outside the bathroom.
"I've never had a single good idea when it comes to you, you know that better than anyone else." He whispers, slowly closing the gap between your lips.
"Shh, let me talk while the alcohol is giving me the courage to do so. Then you can tell me to fuck off all you want and I will."
"I still don't forgive you,"
"That's fine. I still don't forgive myself. I hurt you, and I never wanted to. But it's been 8 years and I've changed. Let me show you how much I changed." His hand slips down under your dress, resting on your hip bone, thumbing the waistband of your underwear.
"People don't change. Hell, being here with you right now is proof of that. Things are going to shit and I'm self-destructing by sleeping with you." You laugh.
"Sometimes shit needs to blow up to make way for something beautiful."
"If your drunk ass can give me one good example of something beautiful coming from something blowing up, then I'll give you a point for that."
"The big bang. And I'm not talking about what we just did." He laughs, you can feel his breath on your lips.
"You were talking so sweet and actually winning me over but you just lost me with your fuck boy comment. See, people don't change."
"I promise you that I've changed."
"I'm not willing to risk my career or my sanity to find that out, Hyunjin."
"Love is all risk. If you don't take that risk, then you'll never know what you're missing out on."
"I'm not missing out if I don't risk anything in the first place."
"Let's have this conversation when we're both sober and not in a bathroom."
"It's a date," He smirks.
"It is not a date,"
Buy me a coffee?
Tag list:
Red means that it wouldn't let me tag you
@marcillfll @jiisungllvr @fvilixx  @everglowdaisies @jeonginssa @lukeys-giggle @hyunightt @kpopsstuffs @thisisnotjacinta  @jaydebow @dandycharmer @143hyunes @tenmii @soulboundauthor @tattywood @kangyounghyunhands @end0rchans @mloyer @jihanlovic @tfshouldidohere
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gachawolfiebloom · 3 months
Your Pursuit of Perfection
Story and Artwork By: @GachaWolfieBloom
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Chapter 1: Your Guilt Still Lies Within You
Summary: A few months after the events of WOTFI 2023, SMG4 starts having really bad dreams about the "Its gotta be perfect" incident. One night however, his fear allows the nightmares to break through and he gets taken to a horrific dimension. He finally meets the tv adware, who manipulates him into returning to his insane ways, intent on claiming much more than the perfect video. Now it's up to his friends to stop this madness and save SMG4. Can they do it in time or will they lose SMG4 forever? (In case you are unaware this is a sequel to the its gotta be perfect movie)
Tags: angst, its gotta be perfect, love confession, luigi, mario, meggy, melony, nightmares, scary, smg3, smg4, smg34, smg3 x smg4, tari, tv adware
It was a beautiful day at Peach's castle as Four was busy at his computer, making some videos. He was humming that catchy Mario theme song till he heard a knock at the door. "Coming!" He was going to answer it until he realized he was stuck at his chair. "That's...odd..." The knocking at the door turned into pounding as voices could be heard outside. "Four are you okay?" Another voice piped up "Get out of your room dude! Your friends are worried about you!" Four gasped as he knew those voices belonged to Meggy and Three.
The thumping of the door echoed through his hears as he struggled to get out of his seat. Why was did this feel.........so familiar...? Four was really starting to freak out now as he pulled all of his strength to get out of chair, but something wouldn't let him. Then he saw it. From the reflection of his computer screen he could see the insane man who had shut everyone out for weeks. He was back living that same traumatic experience from March 10. That very same scene.
He looked up to see the very sus website that displayed that hellhole keyboard. The tv icon popped up and said "Hey! It looks like you need a bit of editing help!" Four was shaking, terrified, struck with fear. "N-N-No...not again."
"Can I interest you in a magical keyboard? It's guaranteed to make your work PERFECT!" The moment that word was spoken, the room melted into black goop. Four collapsed on the ground as tentacles reached out to grab his arms. He pulled himself up as a dark substance flooded out of the computer and was heading straight towards him. He started running as fast as he could, but the darkness was hot on his trail. "Stop!" Four called out, but it didn't listen. The walls and ceilings of the environment was crumbling around him. "Why won't you just leave me and my friends alone!?"
He started to grow tired as the black fog was surrounding him. He looked up to see a wave of mist crashing down on him. "NOOOO!" He could feel his body being cracked, split, pulled apart. His skin fell like it was on fire and he began lurching, hunched over. A glowing pink substance was dripping from his mouth and tears began streaming from his eyes. It seemed as if someone was controlling him as the last thing heard was "STAY AWAY!" It all faded into black and Four had lost control. He had returned to his-
*Gasp* Four woke up in a cold sweat. Observing his surroundings, he noticed he was back in his castle at the Showgrounds. "Just a dream..." Four breathed a sigh of relief. "It felt so real." He reached over for his phone to check the time: 8:09 AM. Admiring defeat, he sighed and slowly trudged out from bed to go check himself in the bathroom. He made his way through all those toilets and went up to the mirror. "Not that bad." It wasn't exactly what he expected as his hair was a bit of a mess and his eyes had dark bags. Other than that he was fine. Then that image from the computer screen of his dream flashed in his mind. Breathing heavily, he looked down at his hands to see that they were...shaking?
"God what's wrong with me?" He pulled out a brush to fix his hair and went back to his room to get dressed. "Maybe some fresh air would do me some good." That seemed like a good idea considering he didn't even want to try to make videos right now. Lucky for him it was a bright and sunny day. He managed to walk out of the door for like 5 seconds until he crashed right into someone. Adjusting his eyes from the sunlight, he saw it was..."Three?"
Three picked himself up and began brushing off the dirt that managed to cling to his clothes. "Watch where you're going idiot!" Ignoring that last part, Four steadily got up and rubbed his head. "Sorry. I just haven't been sleeping that well. I've been having these awful nightmares ever since the heist." Before Three was able to make a remark, Meggy and Mario came up to greet them. "Hey you two! What do you mean by nightmares Four?" He began twirling his index fingers nervously. "Well I-"
"Hold on! What is up with your eyes! It looks more like you haven't even been sleeping for a week!" Meggy and Mario took notice of his dark circles as well. "Ooooo are you going coo coo crazy again SMG4?" 
"That's exactly it Mario! All these nightmares have been centered around the "perfect video" incident." It looked incredibly painful for him to say that. "Hmmmm...do you know what could be causing it?" If anything would be causing it, it would be the guilt that Four felt when casting aside his friends like that, but he could feel that there was something else that was plaguing him with these bad dreams. "I'm not entirely sure Meggy." Mario suddenly got an idea. "Mario knows!  We should have a hangout!" They all looked back at him with perplexed looks.
"And how is that exactly supposed to help with Four's nightmares?" Three questioned. "SMG4 will feel a lot better if he's having fun with his friends!" Mario then went off to go invite all of his friends. "Actually I'd think that would really help." Meggy reassured Three. He rolled his eyes and headed back to his cafe. "Fine. But I'm bringing Eggdog." Four still felt some unsettlement in him, but Meggy placed a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry Four. A fun night with friends will cheer you up in no time!" Four agreed and said goodbye to Meggy so he could get the castle ready. "I really hope this works."
You can't escape your fear SMG4...
Chapter 2: A Fun Night With Friends
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cars-cause-why-not · 8 months
I'm Fine (Cars Whumptober 2023)
decided to post one of my Cars Whumptober one shots here
Summary: Darrell wakes up from a nightmare and Bob comforts him
The dream started the same way every time. It was the middle of June in 2000, the second race at Darlington. It was sweltering 96 degrees, meaning it would be about 116 inside the car. The stands were starting to fill with thousands of fans, excited for a day full of speed, crashes and roaring engines.
The race started out how it always did. He started in 14th but as the laps went on, he passed racer after racer. About halfway through the race, he was now 6th. He could see Strip and Dale Sr at the front battling it out with Chick right behind them. His crew chief's voice rang out through his helmet, telling him their next move.
As the red and black #8 of Dale Jr moved to the inside lane, Darrell stepped on the gas, moved the #17 upward and passed relatively new racer with ease. He then passed Billy Oilchanger when he went too high. Now he was in 4th place, just behind Strip, Dale Sr, and Chick.
"Be careful with Chick Darrell, you don't know what he could do." his crew chief warned.
"Yeah, I know."
A few seconds passed, Chick moved the bright green #86 towards the outside wall in an attempt to pass a certain black Monte Carlo with the #3 in front of him. Darrell then pressed on the gas and accelerated, getting closer and closer to the Dinoco blue #43 in front of him.
"Darrell, look out!" his crew chief's voice cut through the air with alarm.
Darrell turned his head slightly to see the bright green 86 sliding towards him. Chick's car hit the passenger side of his car, sending him sliding off the track and into the grass towards the inside wall. Darrell tried to get his car under control, but to no avail. All of a sudden, the car hit a groove in the grass, sending it airborne. The car hit the inside wall and began rolling until it came to a stop a few yards away upside down.
The caution lights came on as the camera focused on the smoking remains of the #17. Track officials and paramedics quickly made their way towards the wreck to help the driver. Since Darrell hadn't let his window net down, it was a sign that he was unconscious or injured.
The last thing Darrell was aware of was the panicked voice of his crew chief calling his name before he fell into darkness...
Darrell's eyes flew open as he gasped harshly and sat up quickly. He quickly took a few deep breaths in order to calm down his rapidly beating heart. After a few minutes, he had gotten his breathing and heartbeat under control. He looked around and saw that he was in his bedroom in North Carolina and not the track at Darlington.
The ex-racer sighed as he buried his face in his hands. He had been through many crashes in his 23 years of racing, but the one at Darlington had been the worst. Not just because of the injuries but because it proved to be his final race. And he didn't even get to finish it.
"Darrell, you ok hon?"
Darrell was snapped out of his brooding by the calming voice of his boyfriend. He turned his head and saw Bob had woken up and was looking at him with concerned blue-green eyes.
"Yeah, I'm fine Bob." Darrell said quickly as he turned away from his lover/co-worker. He then felt a firm hand on his shoulder.
"Don't do that Darrell, don't push me away." Bob said, "Tell me what's wrong."
Darrell turned back towards Bob and his brown eyes met with his boyfriend's. Bob's hand cupped the left side of Darrell's face. Darrell sighed as he knew he couldn't hide anything from Bob. There was something about the racing commentator that made him want to pour his heart out.
"I...had that dream again..." Darrell finally said as his eyes looked down, "About the race...at Darlington..."
Silence blanketed the two commentators for a few minutes before Bob spoke up again.
"C'mere." Bob pulled the ex-racer into his embrace and leaned back against the pillows with Darrell's head resting on his shoulder. He ran one hand over Darrell's graying reddish-brown hair and traced one of his right fingers over a scar on Darrell's arm that ran from his shoulder to his elbow.
Darrell sighed as he melted into his lover's arms. Bob always knew how to make him feel better. It was nights like these that made him forgot about all the bad memories and wrecks.
"I love you Bob."
"I love you too Darrell..."
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Christmas Reruns 2023 Day 3: A Christmas Miracle (3/3)
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Merry Christmas if you celebrate it and happy holidays if you don’t!  One of the things I love about Christmas is watching reruns of all the old classic Christmas movies–Christmas is a big time for nostalgia.  A few years ago, I decided to incorporate that tradition into my fandom life and post my CS holiday reruns.  So here you go!  Enough holiday (mostly) fluff to get you to New Year’s Day. (With a new story posting on Christmas Day.)
Rating: G
Word Count: 2446
Other chapters: 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Notes:  Here’s the conclusion of A Christmas Miracle.  Once again, it was written in 2013 and fits within my A Wish Your Heart Makes universe.
“If you hadn’t cast the curse in the first place, dearie, Pan never would have had the opportunity to curse us the second time.” Mr. Gold hissed.
“Oh, that’s rich!” Regina said with a sneer, “considering it’s coming from the imp who provided me with the curse in the first place!”
Emma sat in her favorite booth at Granny’s and watched her adversarial family members face off. She was rather impressed. They’d remained civil for nearly two hours.
“Come on guys,” Mary Margaret said, walking up to Gold and Regina, her hand extended in a pacifying gesture, “let’s not argue. It’s Christmas!”
Regina turned on her. “Stay out of it, Snow. It’s all your fault anyway.”
“My fault?!” Mary Margaret yelled, her hands coming to rest on her hips.
“Don’t play stupid,” Regina sneered, “Or maybe you’re not playing.”
“Just a minute! You can’t talk to my wife that way!” David charged into the fight.
Regina rolled her eyes and turned back to Mary Margaret.
“Yes, Snow,” Regina continued, “if it wasn’t for your total inability to keep your mouth shut, we wouldn’t be where we’re at.”
“Where we’re at? Where we’re at?!” Mary Margaret fumed, “That's…that’s not even grammatically correct, let alone accurate!”
Emma rolled her eyes. They were arguing about grammar? It was definitely time to go get some air…before the magic started flying. She got to her feet, and wobbled for a second on her high heels. Why had she let Mary Margaret convince her to dress up? If she had to come to this party, couldn’t she have at least been comfortable?
Emma turned her back on the argument, on Neal and Henry talking in a booth on the other side of the diner, on Hook who had gone up to the bar for another drink. Pushing the door open, she stepped outside.
Hook looked up as he heard the bell over Granny’s door chime. He caught a glance of golden hair and a soft blue dress before the door closed behind Emma. The lass had been rather quiet since dinner; he wondered what was bothering her. It was obvious something was; something beyond the obvious awkwardness of this party.
The voices rose behind him, everyone trying to shout down the others. Something crashed against a far wall. He shook his head. Snow White really did see the world through rose-colored glasses. How on earth had she thought this group of people would have a good time together?
Hook took a final swig of the beer he was drinking, and then headed for the door. He had no wish to remain in what was turning into an all-out battlefield. Of course, the thought of spending some time alone with the lovely Emma, might have played a part in the decision as well.
Pushing the glass door open, Hook stepped outside. There she stood underneath the awning, shivering. Why hadn’t she grabbed her coat before she’d stepped out?
“It’s a bit cold to be standing outside love,” he commented, stepping up behind her.
“Yeah, well,” she answered, turning toward him, “it beats getting caught in the middle of World War III in there.”
He laughed and shrugged out of his coat. He draped it over her shoulders and was rewarded with one of her rare smiles. They stood there for a moment watching the snow gently fall through the dark, evening air. Hook caught strains of music coming from the convent; it seemed the nuns were ringing in Christmas with carols.
“Joy to the world the Lord is come…”
“It doesn’t look like Mary Margaret is going to be able to get in all the Christmas traditions she was hoping for,” Emma commented. “We didn’t get to the Christmas carol sing-a-long.”
“It’s a shame,” Hook commented, looking over at her, “that was the part I was particularly looking forward to.”
“Really?” she asked looking at him with skeptical eyes, “You want to sit around singing carols?”
“And why not,” he asked with a grin. “Some of the songs I have heard here in Storybrooke would be particularly appropriate to the evening at hand.”
“Such as?” she asked with a matching grin.
“When we finally kiss goodnight,” he sang in a soft baritone, “how I’ll hate going out in the storm, but if you really hold me tight, all the way home I’ll be warm.”
She rolled her eyes, but he saw the smile that draped her face. A moment later, she turned back toward the street with a dejected little sigh. They stood in silence for a minute. “…And heaven and nature sing. And heaven and nature sing. And heaven, and heaven and nature sing.”
“It’s really coming down,” she finally said looking up at the streetlight across from them.
“Aye,” he answered with a smile. “We’ll have a fine blanket come Christmas morning.”
“Great,” she said with a grimace. “Just what I wanted for Christmas.”
“Oh come on love,” he said, turning her back toward him. “Surely there was a time you liked snow.”
He expected a witty retort, but instead she dropped her eyes and turned back toward the street. “I do remember one day,” she finally responded. “I was about six. I’d been living with a foster family for almost three years. They were great; I really thought they would adopt me. One day, it was close to Christmas, I remember, my foster dad took my foster brother and me out to play in the snow. We made the biggest snowman I had ever seen. We made snow angels, had a snowball fight, the whole nine yards. Later, we went in and my foster mom had made us a big pot of hot chocolate.”
Emma fell silent, and Hook waited. He heard the pain in her voice and softly began rubbing her shoulder. She leaned into his touch. “…holy infant so tender and mild. Sleep in heavenly peace. Sleep in heavenly peace.”
“What then, love?” Hook asked after a moment. He wasn’t sure he wanted to hear the answer.
“The next morning, my foster dad disappeared,” she answered, and he saw the tears in her eyes. “They never found him; no one knows what happened. Well, my foster mom kinda fell apart. She couldn’t afford to take care of two children, so it was back into the system for me.”
Hook closed his eyes. It must have been devastating for a little girl to lose the only family she had ever known. Turning her once more to face him, he wrapped her in a hug. She resisted for a moment, and then he felt her arms wrap around him.
“I think it’s time we make a new memory surrounding snow,” Hook said after a moment. She pulled away from him and looked questioningly up into his face.
“Yeah?” she asked, “and what would that be?”
Hook grinned. “Well, love. I propose we go play in the snow tomorrow.”
“Play in the snow?” she asked with a raised eyebrow, “Really?”
“Aye, lass,” he smiled at her, “We can bring Henry.”
“And what exactly would we ‘play’ in the snow?”
“First,” he answered, with a wicked grin, “We make a devastatingly handsome snowman with a hook. Then we make a beautiful blonde snow maiden looking adoringly up at him.”
“Are you sure the blonde isn’t rolling her eyes at him?” Emma asked with a grin. “Sounds more true to life.”
Hook put his hand to his heart and staggered as though mortally injured. “You wound me, lass.”
“Hmm,” she said grinning, “that might play to your advantage.”
“Aye? And how is that?”
“Well,” she said with a grin, “if you’re injured you’ll need someone to take care of you.”
Was the lady actually flirting with him? His grin blossomed into a full blown smile. She smiled back for a moment and then turned back to the street. He heard a defeated sigh.
“What’s troubling you, love?” he asked. She didn’t answer for so long he thought she was deliberately ignoring him. The nuns started up a new carol. When blossoms flowered ‘mid the snow…
Finally she turned back toward him. “It’s just…” she made a helpless little gesture with her hands. “I don’t know…Every single time it looks like things are starting to work out, like good is going to succeed, like the bad guys are going to get defeated, like we might get a bit of peace and happiness, something else happens. Someone casts a curse, or kidnaps a kid, or…”
“Or disappears sending you back into the system…or turns you in to the police for his crimes…or sends you off to another realm with no more protection than a seven-year-old lad so that you can come back and be the savior?”
“Yeah,” she said, and he saw the tears brimming in her eyes. One escaped and slid down her cheek. Raising his hand, he tenderly wiped it away.
“Emma, love,” he said, his voice going deep and gravelly, “I can’t promise you peace and happiness, but I can promise to always be beside you, helping you, protecting you and those you love. You need never fear I’ll abandon you.”
She whirled away from him and started pacing. The lass was seething. “Yeah?” she snarled at him. “I’ve heard that before. 'I love you, Emma.’ 'You’re like our own daughter, Emma.’ 'Let’s go to Tallahassee, Emma.’ 'We just wanted to give you your best chance, Emma.’ It’s crap! All of it!”
“You doubt me, lass? Even after Camelot?” he asked and was ashamed to hear the pain in his voice.
She stopped and looked back at him. The first Noel the angels did sing…
“No,” she finally answered, “the hell of it is that I don’t doubt you. You’ve proven again and again that you will do anything for me…even at your own expense. But Hook, you’re not indestructable. What if you disappear? Or are kidnapped? Or are killed?”
Hook’s heart swelled. That was real feeling in her voice. The lass was a lot further gone than she thought. He cupped her face with his good hand again.
“Love,” he answered meaning the word with all his heart, “as I said, I can’t promise you nothing terrible will happen, but for today, for this moment all is well. Perhaps, all one can do is create the good memories to be our solace in times of distress.”
She looked up at him for several moments and then slowly nodded, briskly swiping her hands across her damp cheeks.
“So about those snowmen…?” he asked playfully.
“Henry and I will be ready bright and early tomorrow morning,” She answered with a smile.
For the first time in nearly as long as she could remember, Emma felt hope. It was hope that she found shining out of Hook’s blue eyes as he smiled at her.
“I’ve got a gift for you, love,” Hook said, holding out a small, thin box.
“Oh,” Emma said ruefully, “Hook, I didn’t get you anything.”
He smiled gently. “It’s no matter, Emma. I have no need of gifts.” He held the box out to her again, and she reached for it automatically. Lifting the lid, she saw a silver necklace with an opal and silver swan pendant. Emma ran her finger over the jewel.
“It’s beautiful,” she said softly.
“Aye,” he answered looking at her. “It is beautiful, and strong and graceful. Much like you.”
She looked down and then met his eyes. “Is that really how you see me?”
“Aye, lass,” he said gently. “Indeed it is.”
Il est ne le divin enfant… It seemed the nuns had decided to venture into French carols.
“Thank you, Hook,” she said simply. “Well, I don’t hear any yelling, so that probably means they’ve either stopped fighting…or killed each other. Either way, I suppose we should go back in.”
“A moment more lass,” Hook said. That pirate grin of his was back.
“What?” she asked warily. She had come to know that tone in his voice, and it meant trouble.
“Well, love,” he said with a raise of his eyebrow, “I think it is only right that we follow holiday tradition.”
“Exactly what holiday tradition might that be?” she asked. He pointed to a spot over her head. She looked up and saw a sprig of mistletoe hanging right above the two of them.
“You’re terrible, you know that?” she asked with a smile and a slight shake of her head.
“Perhaps so,” he answered playfully, “but your mother has her heart set on her family following the traditions this year. What manner of a daughter would you be if you were to blatantly deny her greatest Christmas wish?”
Her breath caught and her heart began to pound. Well, why not?
“Well, in the spirit of Christmas tradition…” she said with a little wave of her hand.
He looked surprised for a moment, then the grin was back. She was determined she wouldn’t let his kiss affect her, she wouldn’t! Then his lips settled against hers and all rational thought fled. All that existed was this man and the sensations he aroused in her. Her arms wrapped around his neck. She tangled her fingers in his hair, pressing closer, closer. She could never be close enough. She blossomed for him like a flower in a spring rain. The kiss went on and on. It lasted forever; it ended far too soon.
Finally, with a groan, he pulled his lips from hers.
“Emma, love…” he breathed. She couldn’t say a word if her life were on the line. She was glad his arms were still around her because her legs felt like jelly. If he were to release her, she would melt into a puddle at his feet.
Hook took a deep breath and closed his eyes. When he opened them again, the charming rogue was back.
“Well, love,” he said gently rubbing her back. “I had it on good authority that the last time was a one-time thing. It seems I’ve just experienced a Christmas miracle!”
She rolled her eyes, but didn’t pull away. Though it scared her half to death, she couldn’t deny it any more. Being in his arms felt like…home.
“Well, don’t get too used to it buddy,” she said. Her voice didn’t sound convincing even to her.
“Oh, I wouldn’t dream of it, love,” he said with a raise of one eyebrow. “After all, I’d have to wait an entire year for another Christmas miracle.”
“Very true,” she said with a grin, “But there are a lot of holidays between now and then.”
He laughed. “I like the way you think, Emma. I like the way you think!”
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Best Laid Plans
Chaol Westfall wants nothing more than to celebrate his first Valentine’s day as a married man with his wife Yrene. He made a tidy list and everything, full of all her favorite foods and activities. 
Unfortunately, the baby in her belly is determined to ruin all of Chaol’s plans, one bullet point at a time.
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For Day 2 of @sjmromanceweek 2023: Love Languages. I think Chaol shows his love through acts of service and I wanted to explore how that might look with Yrene. I love Chaol and Yrene and I've been wanting to write them for a while so this worked out perfectly!
Rating: General/E for Everyone. Pure fluff. Also, there are spoilers for the movie The Princess Bride oddly enough so if you don't want to be spoiled, go watch that and come back.
Word Count: 2.5K
Read on A03
Chaol hadn’t anticipated how excited he could be for Valentine’s day until he had married Yrene. 
Wonderful, smart, beautiful, far too good for him Yrene. It hadn’t been love at first sight for either of them when he opened his eyes the first time after his car crash, paralyzed from the waist down. No, she had huffed into his room and angrily declared she was going to fix him.
And she had, in all the ways that mattered. Their rehab appointments blossomed into a date, then another date, then a few brief months later they were married and Chaol had never been happier. 
He had secretly started planning for their first Valentine’s day as a married couple - as a couple at all, really - while on their honeymoon in the cozy cottage in the Scottish Highlands they had rented, just a few weeks after their courthouse marriage. The idea of spending all day doing their favorite activities made him giddy with excitement and love for the woman who had saved it in more ways than one. It was going to be perfect.
And then Yrene woke up one morning holding three positive pregnancy tests like a poor imitation of a royal flush and all of his ideas for their perfect Valentine’s day were shattered.
“I’m pregnant,” Yrene breathed, smiling and dazed, and she threw herself into Chaol’s stunned arms and squeezed him so tight he was glad he still suffered from some partial numbness in his body or it would have hurt. “We’re going to be parents.”
He was happy - thrilled, honestly, but as the news finally sunk in later that evening, he realized his perfect Valentine's day for Yrene was ruined. Sighing, he canceled the reservation with the four star Michelin sushi restaurant that served the freshest Japanese tuna known to mankind. 
Okay, so there’d be no sushi or romantic horseback ride - Chaol was adaptable. He could change his plans. After all, isn’t that what loving husbands were for?
Chaol’s alarm on his smartwatch woke him up at 8 AM sharp. Yrene was turned on her side away from him, deep in sleep. Operation Valentine’s Day was a go.
Creeping out of bed, he quietly made his way downstairs to the kitchen. First step: breakfast in bed with homemade pancakes, crispy bacon and scrambled eggs with avocado toast. 
Loading everything on the wooden food tray, he carefully climbed the creaky wooden steps to their bedroom and saw a small stream of light peeking under the door. Smiling softly to himself, he walked in and saw the light was coming from their master bathroom, and the dreaded sounds of retching immediately hit his ears. 
Quickly setting the tray on the bed, he made his way to the bathroom to see Yrene bent over the toilet. He gathered her hair behind her head and pressed a wet rag to her forehead.
“Are you alright?” Chaol asked, terrified. “Are you sick? What do you need?”
She spit into the bowl and flushed. “It’s just a bit of morning sickness,” she said, turning her weary gaze to his. She sat down and leaned her head against the wall. “Baby just didn’t like something I ate apparently.”
Chaol bit his lip. “Isn’t five months a bit late for morning sickness? I thought that was only a first trimester thing.”
She shrugged. “For most women, yeah. Some lucky ones have to suffer through it all nine months.” She sniffed the air. “What’s that smell?”
He grinned. “I brought you breakfast -”
Yrene immediately threw herself back on the toilet, gagging and spitting, as Chaol looked on, slack jawed. 
“Thank you dear,” she gasped out, giving him a teary eyed smile when she was done. “That was very nice of you. I’m not sure I have the stomach for breakfast at the moment - do you want to eat it for me?”
Chaol had no appetite either but he shoved a piece of cold, limp bacon into his mouth after Yrene had cleaned up and crawled back into bed. “Love you,” he whispered, kissing her on the forehead and taking the mostly uneaten breakfast downstairs to clean up and regroup.
He checked the list he had made on his phone, typing a big ‘X’ next to breakfast. Not off to the best start but he still had a whole day planned for the two of them. Next on the agenda was a couple’s yoga class he had signed them up for. Yrene loved yoga - she often used it as a form of additional therapy when the stressors of her job and past became too much, and she had even roped Chaol into going once or twice. 
She sat up in bed and squealed in delight when Chaol told her to get ready. “I haven’t done a class in ages!” she exclaimed, running up to him and giving him a big kiss on the mouth.
Chaol preened under her attention. “Better get ready then,” he said, giving her a swat on her butt as he turned towards his dresser to change.
At least this was going to work. He had just pulled on a shirt when he heard a snuffling behind him. Turning, he saw Yrene standing in front of their full length mirror with a pair of leggings pulled up as far as they could stretch, almost comically resting under her belly. 
There was nothing funny about this though. Chaol could handle a lot but the one thing he couldn't stand was Yrene’s tears. Rushing over, he gathered her in his arms right as she began wailing. “Nothing fits anymore!”
Chaol kissed her forehead, willing his own tears away. She had finally “popped” within the last few weeks, her stomach rounding out in a way that was obvious to everyone that she hadn’t just eaten a large meal and was suffering from an intense bloat. He laid a hand on her belly and rubbed soothing circles into her skin. 
“Do you want to borrow some of my shorts or sweatpants?” 
“It doesn’t matter,” she moaned into her chest. “None of my sports bras fit either. My boobs are too big, and the material hurts my nipples.”
“How can I help? What can I do for you?”
Yrene turned her teary, puppy dog eyes on him and Chaol had to grind his teeth together to stop himself from crying at the sight. God help him if they had a daughter - she’d be a spoiled princess once she figured out she’d only need to turn on the water works to get anything she wanted out of him. 
“Cuddle in bed with me for a little bit?”
As if he would ever refuse that. Grabbing his phone so he could cancel their spots for yoga, Yrene laid her head on his chest and wrapped her arms around him as best she could. Trailing a hand up and down her back, Chaol thought about the rest of the day. 
He had planned to take her out to her favorite coffee and bakery spot after yoga, followed by an easy walk in their local arboretum but he figured she wouldn’t want to do that, seeing as how she had already fallen back asleep, her little snores muffled against his chest. 
He checked his list and added three more ‘Xs’. Baby Westfall: 4. Chaol: 0. It was as if their child was determined to ruin their father’s hard laid plans every step of the way. 
The late afternoon sun was streaming into their kitchen by the time Chaol began working on dinner. He had gotten Yrene to eat a little by giving her her favorite pregnancy snack - pickle spears smothered in peanut butter - and was cautiously optimistic that she would have an appetite for dinner. She couldn’t have sushi, her favorite food, but she could still eat her second favorite meal, roast chicken and pasta. 
Chaol had just set a timer on the microwave for the chicken when Yrene padded downstairs in her fluffiest robe. Yawning, she sidled into one of the high chairs at the kitchen island and smiled at him. “Goodness I’m starving - what are you making?”
“Your second favorite meal, since sushi is off the menu for a while,” Chaol replied, feeling pretty pleased with himself. “That lemon roasted chicken and pasta recipe you love so much.”
To her credit, Yrene kept her face composed but Chaol saw the slight downturn of the corner of her lips, the sudden dimming of her eyes.
“Oh no,” Chaol said, grimacing as she grinned sheepishly at him. “Don’t tell me -”
“The baby isn’t really feeling chicken tonight,” she said apologetically. “I’m really sorry, you’ve been putting so much effort in to today -”
“It’s alright,” Chaol said softly, forcing a smile to let her know he wasn’t mad, though he was definitely a little upset at his child for thwarting him yet again. “What are you in the mood for?”
Yrene hummed and opened the fridge, opening a bottle of cranberry juice and taking a big gulp before opening the freezer. She gasped and bent over and held out a brightly colored bag to him.
“Pizza rolls?” He said incredulously. “And not even Totinos, but off-brand?”
“They’re the best!” Yrene replied. “Please? Oh! And how about some sweet potato fries?” she said, holding up another frozen food bag. 
“Of course,” he sighed, kissing her forehead. “I was going to make chocolate pudding for dessert -”
She grimaced. “Maybe not. Texture has been a big thing for the baby lately.”
“I figured that, so I came prepared,” he said, pulling out a bag of Swedish Fish from the pantry.
She moaned with relief. “God, you’re the best husband ever.” She gave him a big hug and opened the bag of sweets, popping one in her mouth before offering the bag to him. 
He checked his phone while they crammed pizza rolls into their mouths. He put yet another ‘X’ next to dinner, and then, for good measure, burned the roof of his mouth on the molten cheese that erupted from the little pizza pocket crust in his mouth. Clearly, his unborn child had something against him. 
“How about a movie?” he asked as they finished their gourmet freezer dinner. She nodded and they made their way to the couch, Yrene with the bottle of cranberry juice and candy tucked at her side. Getting comfortable, he put on her favorite film - The Princess Bride - before he pulled her over so her head was in his lap.
“Chaol Westfall, you are an absolute gem,” she said, as the opening scenes of the movie came on. 
He smiled. “You deserve it.” He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and snuggled close, finally ready to put a mental ‘W’ in his column and an ‘L’ for the baby. 
Yrene sniffled. Then she sniffled again. Then she dragged her hand over her eyes to wipe away the tears gathered there.
“What’s wrong?”
“It’s just,” she choked out through gasps, “it’s not fair, is it?”
Chaol’s mind was whirling, trying to make sense of what she was talking about. What had he done? What hadn’t he done? Was she upset that she was pregnant while Chaol didn’t have to suffer the changes going through her? 
“I mean, Buttercup is just so mean to Wesley, and he already loves her, and he doesn’t deserve it!” she bawled, fat tears leaking down her cheeks. 
For a split second Chaol had never felt more relieved in his life that he wasn’t the source of his wife’s tears. Relief turned into confusion as he stared at her.
“I thought this was your favorite movie?”
“It is,” she gasped through her tears.
He reached over and handed her a box of tissues. “Do you want me to stop it? We can watch something else.”
“No!” she shrieked. “It’s my favorite movie!”
“But you’re crying!”
“It’s just my stupid hormones,” she said. “You know I cry all the time now for no good reason.”
As Chaol listened to Yrene quote the movie practically line by line through her thick tears - she was especially emotional when Buttercup and Wesley were separated, and when Inigo Montoya got revenge for his father’s death - Chaol had to hand it towards their unborn child: when they committed to absolutely dunking on their father, they went hard. At the end of the day, it was Baby Westfall with the sweep: six for six, Chaol thought almost bitterly. 
Yrene was completely sobbing by the end of the movie as everyone rode off into the sunset. “It’s such a good movie,” she moaned through her sobs. 
Well, at least she had a good time. Chaol tried to keep his voice light as he suggested they get ready for bed but Yrene heard the disappointment behind his words.
“Hold on,” she sniffed, refusing to let him get off the couch. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s just,” he began, suddenly embarrassed. He sighed. “I’m sorry Yrene. I tried to make our first Valentine’s day together perfect but everything went wrong.”
She furrowed her brows at him and sat up, wiping the last tears from her reddened cheeks away. “What do you mean?”
“I made you breakfast in bed and you couldn’t have it because the baby gave you morning sickness. I signed us up for yoga, none of your clothes fit. I made you one of your favorite meals, the baby decided they wanted something else. We watched your favorite movie and you cried nearly the entire time. I just wanted to give you the perfect day and frankly, the baby sabotaged all of it,” he ended, only scowling a little. 
Yrene laughed and despite his misery, that all too familiar flutter hammered through his chest at the sight and sound of it. “Don’t listen to him, little one,” she said, staring down and patting her stomach. “He’s just a little upset that you ruined all his hard work.”
“Yeah I am,” he grumbled, but laughed along with Yrene.
“This was the best Valentine’s day I’ve ever had,” Yrene said, looking up at him and staring at him with such love and adoration on her face he nearly stopped breathing. “And you know why?”
Shaking his head numbly, a small thrill went through him as she grabbed one of his hands in both of hers. “Because I spent the whole day with my amazing and caring and handsome husband, and I can’t think of anything more lovely than that.”
She pulled him in for a kiss and his hand fell to her stomach, where their baby’s kicks beat like a drum against him. 
“See? They’re happy they got to spend all day with you too,” Yrene said, positively glowing.
How did he get so lucky to have found this amazing woman? “I love you,” Chaol whispered. “Happy Valentine’s day.”
“I love you,” Yrene said, leaning down to kiss him softly, and Chaol had to admit that even if their baby one-upped him all day long, it was still the best Valentine’s day ever. 
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kira-angel24 · 8 months
Whumptober 2023 Day 8
"Oi, that mermaid is our catch you hear, now scram." Kira moved closer to the ground. She trembled at his voice. The large burly man stomped towards her. "Go on now! Get outta here!" Kira backed up slowly, the girl dragged her claws across the rope. The angel left one last net that was tied around Uira's tail, just above the flukes. She stepped into the water, the end of the rope in her hand "Go on, git!" He shooed her away. "Get outta here!" The group of men drew closer to the mer, Kira gently tugged on the rope. Uira slid back a little, trying not to draw attention to herself. "Finally found ya. After months of searching for you again." The group stood around the mermaid.
Kira turned around quickly and jumped into the air. She yanked the rope, pulling Uira into the water. The girl kept pulling trying to get the mermaid as far into the water as possible.
"Hey! I'm not letting you steal my catch!" Kira kept pulling, her wings flapped harder as she tugged. Both of her hands were wrapped around the rope as she pulled the mermaid further into the water. Uira was almost fully submerged before a loud boom was heard. Kira cried out a something flew past her and grazed her left arm. Blood and flowers bursted from her upper arm as she kept pulling.
"Kira! Go! I'll catch up!" The angel let go of the rope as another bang rang through the air. She screamed as another shot grazed her leg. Her right calf dripped blood and petals. Kira flew away as fast as possible. She glanced back to see Uira use her tail to make a giant wave. It crashed against the shore, knocking the men over. The mermaid easily caught up to the angel's position. "Follow me!" Kira flew above Uira. She stayed at a higher altitude, watching the waters around them.
They traveled quickly before something flew past Kira. She twirled around, dodging it with ease. The girl's eyes widened as she turned to find another projectile flying towards her. Rope and nets sped past the angel and into the water below. Kira slowed down a little but kept following the mermaid. She turned sharply in the air, bobbing up and down in strange patterns. The girl heard their shouts and glanced back to find a ship plowing towards the two.
"Kira! Down here!" The angel looked down to find the mer waving up at her. "Come on! Dive underwater! I'll get you to safety!" She hovered in the air, her heart pounded and her eyes widened as she looked down. Kira cried out as another shot flew past her. Her side dripped red and more flowers erupted from the wound. The girl took a deep breath and flew high up. She turned around and plunged towards the water. Kira tucked her wings in tightly and close to her body. The surface rapidly drew closer. Her arms covered her mouth and face. She shut her eyes tightly and took a deep breath. Her body crashed into the water as she tried to swim. Uira grabbed the girl and pulled her through an underwater cave. Kira held her breath as the mermaid swiftly brought her to the surface. The angel gasped for air as she floundered in the water.
Uira pulled her to the rocky shore. The whole cave was dark only being illuminated by glowing spots in the walls. Kira coughed a little as she dragged herself to land. Water and blood dripped from her body. The flowers floated across the surface. The waves gently lapped against the angel's wings and chest. "Kira?" The girl's eyes dulled and her vision darkened. "Don't worry, I'll take care of you."
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dailyaudiobible · 10 months
8/11/2023 DAB Transcript
Nehemiah 1:1-3:14, 1 Corinthians 7:1-24, Psalm 31:19-24, Proverbs 21:4
Today is the 11th day of August, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It is wonderful to be here with you today, as the summer bakes us, here in the rolling hills of Tennessee. I'm excited that we can be together here, around the Global Campfire and take another step forward in our journey through the Scriptures. And our journey today brings us into new territory sorta, kinda. We finished the book of Ezra yesterday, which brings us to the book of Nehemiah. Although Ezra and Nehemiah were at one time one manuscript, but now we have the two books of Ezra and Nehemiah. And Nehemiah is a book that is a part of a larger grouping of books, known as the books of history. And as we begin Nehemiah we’re picking, up pretty much, where Ezra left off. In Christian tradition, Ezra is thought to be one of the authors of Nehemiah because Ezra and Nehemiah were at one time one single manuscript, like we just said. So, Nehemiah was one of the Jewish exiles and he was in Persia and had been following the story of the return of some of the exiles, who were given permission to go back to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple. So, he had been following this story, watching God's favor upon the people. And he was able to keep up with the story pretty closely, because Nehemiah was a direct servant to the king of Persia. And what we’ll see is that Nehemiah begins to have a dream. Not like a sleeping dream, but he begins to dream of something, it gets planted into him, and it begins to germinate and grow, which leads to all a lot of consideration, a lot of thought, a lot of prayer and intercession. Because Nehemiah was thinking about this new temple of God being built in Jerusalem, the temple of the most high God, the icon of the Jewish people, like this symbol, the place where God would meet with mankind. And he's thinking about it being rebuilt in Jerusalem, standing there completely undefended. So, a passion, a dream inside of him begins to germinate, that the walls around Jerusalem need to be rebuilt to protect the temple of the most high God. And this passion grows until Nehemiah has to take a risk and bring it before the king. But Nehemiah was sent to going rebuild and we’ll watch. He faces all kinds of opposition, but he perseveres. And one of the things become apparent, as he's persevering, is that he never loses sight of his, like God is the only one that will bring the project to fruition, facing all of the obstacles that they face. And he doesn't lose sight of that. And the wall gets rebuilt way faster than expected. And then Nehemiah returns to serve the king in Persia. But at a later time he’s allowed to return to Jerusalem and he goes back to Jerusalem and sees a strong wall, this strong wall that they built. But the people are weak, very similar themes to what we, what we saw in Ezra. So, we’ll watch Nehemiah step into that breach and revival in the land emerges as the returned exiles understand God's commandments. So, yes, Nehemiah is considered one of the books of history, but the lessons for us are so apparent, as we consider the dreams, the ideas that are germinating in us and beginning to grow. Things that we begin to feel as if God might be inviting us to be involved in. So often we just say yes, and go off into the adventure, only to crash and burn because we didn't really think any of it through. Let's watch Nehemiah as he thinks it all through. Let’s watch him as he systematically follows a dream into its fruition. And with that we begin Nehemiah chapter 1 verse 1 through 3 verse 14 today.
Father, we thank You for Your word and we thank You for this new territory that we are moving into, as we've stepped into the book of Nehemiah. And Holy Spirit, let us, let us see an example laid out in Nehemiah, as we watch his character, and as we watch his endurance, and his resolve teach us. Lead us into all truth, show us our next step. We pray, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
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And of course, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, that's the little red button up at the top, or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today, I'm Brian, I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Prayer and Encouragements:
Hello, I’m gonna keep this phone call anonymous. I’m just having some trouble with my relationship, right now, with my boyfriend. We’re both Christians, we both listen to the Daily Audio Bible. And you know, we, we’ve done a lot together to grow in our faith. And we’re just struggling right now. I’m really struggling with the relationship, personally. Just some things that have happened and I just don’t know what to do. And I just want everything to be okay. I just feel like two of my relationships with God has been a little less than it has been in the past. And I could just really use help and prayer. Yeah.
Good morning. Brian, thank you so very much for starting the DAB, for following a prompting that God gave you, back in Tennessee when you were pursuing your music career. I cannot tell you how often my situation with my son gets me down. So depressed that the thought of playing is like sifting in the wind. And yet, when I listen to the DAB, and I listen to your encouraging words Brian. I’m like, how can that man have such faith. How can that man be so, so strong, so convinced. And then you listen to the prayers after that and you listen to Kingdom Seeker Daniel and his wife and they’re in an airport, in a layover, and they said sometimes you feel like your life is in a layover. But it doesn’t mean you’re not going to arrive. And Sparky, and what you have gone through and you’re sharing of your testimony. And Manita, how you lift everyone up and you are enamored as well, with everybody’s faith and prayers. Thank you for calling. Thank you for praying. Thank you for reaching out. Calling on God, our only hope. God our Father, our Abba, our Daddy, our Creator, our Healer, our Everything. Thank you for calling because if you didn’t call out and pray, it would be so much more difficult for me on those days that I am just so depressed because of my son and situation. And my hands are tied. There’s nothing I can do but pray and ask for forgiveness. I, all I can do is pray. But I pray because you guys pray. And I thank you so much for your prayers. And I thank you for your praises. Someday I hope I have praises. Someday I hope I can be the caller.
Hi, this is Victorious Solider. Just calling to pray for some of the DABers. I wanted to pray for that precious lady who called about a daughter needing a liver transplant. I want to pray for her. I want to also pray for Tina, who’s, I think that’s her name, I think it’s Tina, who’s suffering with, yeah, that’s the one, Tina. I want to pray for her. Gracious Father, we ask You to have Your way in that young woman’s life. Her mother’s calling in crying out for her. Father, You are a miracle working God. You have Your way, Father. Even if, even with the liver, Lord. You can do anything but fail. You spoke to the wind and the winds obeyed You. You speak to that liver, Lord, and let it start acting right. You have Your way, Father. In the name of Jesus. We just ask that You touch, and You heal as only You can. Answer that precious woman’s prayer. Just like You did to that woman whose son had died. God, You are a God that can do anything but fail. You have the compassion and the love. Lord, You have Your way, Father. In the name of Jesus. You touch my brother, also, who’s been suffering with, with pornography. Father, we ask You that You remove that desire, that You kill that spider of desire, Lord. And knock down the cobwebs of life. And give him the victory over everyone, the victory over pornography. The victory over liquor. Be over strongholds. We ask that You knock down the cobweb of life. The cobweb, that You knock down the spider of desire and let the cobwebs of life be knocked down in their life. That they will have the victory. We thank You, Father. We thank You for this podcast. We thank You for blessing Brian, a tremendous man of standing. And Lord, we give You the glory and the honor and the praise. Have a good day DABers. Love you. Bye bye.
Hi, this is Patty in Houston. Today is August 5th. There’s a caller today, a mother, calling in for her daughter Tina, who is suffering from non-alcoholic liver disease. Her weight is down to 100lbs and she’s unable to take sustenance therefore, she needs a feeding tube. And it sounds like this is something that’s not as easy to give her as we all think. I just lift up this young lady, Tina. Lord, into your hands for Your care. Thanks for Your healing for a miracle that she can be given the daily comfort of Your presence and the comfort of her body and the presence of You in her mind that gives her peace. I pray Lord, that the doctors are able to administer a feeding a tube so that’s she can receive daily sustenance and thrive with weight gain and a healthy body to be able to receive a donor liver. Lord, I pray that You’d have Your hands on all of these aspects of her life. That You are with her, that You are with her mother and family. That they are comforted knowing that us DABers are lifting her up in prayer, lifting her up into Your care for there is no better hands, Lord, than Yours. I pray Lord, that You look upon this family, that You hear our cry.
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drwilfredwaterson · 10 months
Update/Supplemental: 8/5/2023 5/10 888 Jesus Christ Post. Almost exactly on the three day anniversary after the 8/5/2023 5/10 888 Jesus Christ post… Posted All 10/10 Posts at Approximately 22:04 UTC on 8/5/2023. Part 2/3.
Making Of - You Belong With Me (On The Set With Taylor Swift)
Published: February 19, 2023 (50th day) Duration: 16:21 (981 seconds) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoeIoLL-sJI SoeIoLL-sJI eiijllooss 5+9+9+600+20+20+50+50+90+90=943. 943+981=1924. 1924+50=1974.
Strong's Concordance #1974 hillul: a rejoicing, praise, merry, a celebration of thanksgiving for harvest. Original Word: הִלּוּל
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Every night, a network of NASA all-sky cameras scans the skies above the United States for meteoritic fireballs. Automated software maintained by NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office calculates their orbits, velocity, penetration depth in Earth's atmosphere and many other characteristics. Daily results are presented here on Spaceweather.com.
On August 09, 2023, the network reported 50 fireballs. (28 sporadics, 20 Perseids, 1 Northern Delta Aquariid, 1 Southern Iota Aquariid)
Strong's Concordance #50 Abishua: "My Father is rescue/freedom," from 'ab and showa'; Father of plenty (i.e. Prosperous); two Israelites Original Word: אֲבִישׁוּעַ
"…And there's something to be proud of about moving on and realizing that real love shines golden like starlight, and doesn't fade or spontaneously combust. Maybe I’ll write a whole album about that kind of love if I ever find it." - Taylor Swift (2012 Red album liner notes)
Tonight I Can Write (The Happiest Lines Remix) - Pablo Neruda ft. Taylor Swift Pablo Neruda: Love is so short, forgetting is so long. Because through nights like this one I held her in my arms my soul is not satisfied that it has lost her. Though this be the last pain that she makes me suffer and these the last verses that I write for her.
Taylor Swift: I said remember this feeling I passed the pictures around Of all the years that we stood there on the sidelines Wishing for right now We are the kings and the queens You traded your baseball cap for a crown When they gave us our trophies And we held them up for our town And the cynics were outraged Screaming, "This is absurd" 'Cause for a moment, a band of thieves In ripped up jeans got to rule the world
Long live the walls we crashed through How the kingdom lights shined just for me and you I was screaming, "Long live all the magic we made" And bring on all the pretenders, I'm not afraid Long live all the mountains we moved I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you I was screaming, "Long live the look on your face" And bring on all the pretenders One day we will be remembered
Hold on to spinning around Confetti falls to the ground May these memories break our fall Will you take a moment? Promise me this That you'll stand by me forever But if, God forbid, fate should step in And force us into a goodbye If you have children someday When they point to the pictures Please tell them my name Tell them how the crowds went wild Tell them how I hope they shine
Taylor Swift - Eras Tour - SoFi 8/8/2023:
“What do I say to you after that?” Swift said in response to the applause, as captured in videos from the night. “That was so deeply abnormal and beautiful. I don’t know what to do or say.”
“I think it’s safe to say that I, like all people, will experience a certain amount of emotional downward spirals throughout the course of the rest of my life and in those moments, you can rest assured I’m gonna think about what you just did,” she continued, getting slightly emotional. “And I’m gonna feel better. So thank you. That was insane. It was crazy.”
“I’m going to spend several decades trying to figure out words for how that just made me feel,” Swift added after the night five standing “O.” “I’m trying to get it together. I’ve completely lost control over my brain, and that’s your fault. I’m just gonna float through the rest of the show, so thanks for that.”
Taylor Swift - Sweet Tea and God’s Graces (from her 2004/2005 demo CD) Tire swings, summer dreams, honeysuckle on the breeze Wilson County creek Laying in the green grass, I was watching clouds pass Baby, you were watching me Cold barns, truck beds, everything you said Slowly educating me I never had a lesson so sweet
You can get high on a first kiss You can get by with sweet tea and God's graces You can love like a sinner and lose like a winner Nothing's shatterproof You can crash and burn and come back someone new And that's what I learned from you
Autumn rain, window pane, looking how the leaves change Just like the two of us Still got your laugh, your ghost, your jacket Guess I loved you way too much But I'm a little smarter, my heart's a little harder But it's still soft enough to cry Cause I remember those times I remember
Saw you just the other day All that I could think to say was "Hey, how have you been?" You caught me with that old smile Said, "It's really been a while And I still think about back when" We used to get high on the first kiss We could get by with sweet tea and Jesus And you can love like a sinner and lose like a winner Nothing's shatterproof You can crash and burn and now I'm someone new And that's what I learned from you
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June 10, 2016 was the 162nd day. Strong's Concordance #162 ahah: Oh! -- ah, alas! Original Word: אֲהָהּ
Strong's Concordance #2524 cham: husband's or wife's father, father-in-law, hot. Original Word: חָם
Ladson, South Carolina 4.7 km (2.9 mi) SSE Population: 13790
Goose Creek, South Carolina 10.7 km (6.6 mi) ESE Population: 40633
Miles Teller/"Goose" - Great Balls of Fire (From “Top Gun: Maverick”) With a Foundation of/Beginning with 1944 and Valentine's Day…
Published: June 16, 2022 (167th day) Duration: 2:14 (134 seconds) 2/14: Valentine's Day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVcMsjyKlaM pVcMsjyKlaM acjklmmpsvy 1+3+600+10+20+30+30+60+90+700+400=1944. 1944+134=2078. 2078+167=2245.
1944+Valentine's Day=Love… Strong's Concordance #2245 chabab: to hide (as in the bosom), i.e. To cherish (with affection) -- to love, hobbyist. Original Word: חָבַב
John 8:31 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. John 8:32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
John 11:9 Jesus replied, “There are twelve hours of daylight every day. During the day people can walk safely. They can see because they have the light of this world.
John 13:34 So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. John 13:35 Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.”
"The golden moments in the stream of life rush past us, and we see nothing but sand; the angels come to visit us, and we only know them when they are gone." - George Eliot
"I keep waiting for the roof to cave in. I was raised to follow the Golden Rule, you know, treat people the way you wish to be treated. That's kind of the way I live my life. Maybe someone up there likes me for that." - Matt LeBlanc
"My favorite six words in recovery are: trust God, clean house, and help others." - Matthew Perry
"Every moment is a golden one for him who has the vision to recognize it as such." - Henry Miller
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trylkstopocket · 2 years
Wall Street vet and Bitcoin bull Mike Novogratz says the economy is going to ‘collapse’ and we’re heading into a ‘really fast recession’
While many economists agree a recession is likely coming in 2023, Wall Street veteran and Bitcoin bull Mike Novogratz has just given one of the most dire outlooks yet.
“The economy is going to collapse,” Novogratz told MarketWatch on Wednesday, adding, “We are going to go into a really fast recession, and you can see that in lots of ways.”
Novogratz, chief executive of crypto merchant bank Galaxy Digital, gave the interview just before the Federal Reserve raised rates by 0.75 percentage points—the largest rate hike seen since 1994. The rate hike came five days after U.S. consumer price increase unexpectedly surged in May to a 40-year high of 8.6%. 
Novogratz pointed to the housing market, which is finally cooling down after a two-year hot streak, and inventories piling up as signs of a recession looming on the horizon.
“There are layoffs in multiple industries, and the Fed is stuck,” he said, adding that the central bank is in a position where it has to “hike [interest rates] until inflation rolls over.”
Novogratz accurately predicted in the interview that the central bank would lift rates by 75 points and that the market would rally on the news. After Fed chair Jerome Powell announced the rate hike, the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose by 1%, while the S&P 500 advanced 1.5% and the Nasdaq rose 2.5%.
Novogratz also predicted there would be a stock selloff in the next coming days, which happened right on cue. At 8 a.m. ET, S&P 500 futures were trading 2.2% lower, wiping out yesterday’s gains and plunging the benchmark further into a bear market.
“They are hiking into the popping of a bubble,” Novogratz said.
Recession looms
The U.S will officially be in a recession when the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) finds a significant decline in economic activity that lasts over an extended period of time—usually two fiscal quarters.
According to a new survey of 49 U.S. macroeconomics experts conducted at the start of June by the _Financial Times _and the University of Chicago’s policy research center Initiative on Global Markets, this is likely to happen in 2023.
Nearly 70% of the economists surveyed believe the NBER will make the call at some point in 2023, with 38% predicting a recession will start in the first two quarters of 2023, and another 30% forecasting an official start in the second half.
The Fed appears largely powerless to stop runaway inflation, which is being driven up further by the soaring prices of food and fuel brought on by Russia’s war on Ukraine.  
In his announcement of Wednesday’s rate hike, Powell signaled another large rate hike coming at the July FOMC meeting—in the 50- or even 75-basis-point range—with the Fed expecting weaker economic growth and higher unemployment.
Crypto crash
Novogratz didn’t give an indication of timing of when a recession will happen, but drew parallels to the 1998 collapse of Long-Term Capital Management fund and the current bloodbath that is happening in the crypto market.
Long Term Capital Management was a highly leveraged fund that lost $4.6 billion in less than four months from its exposure to the 1997 Asian financial crisis and the 1998 Russian financial crisis. The fall of the investing giant sent shock waves through global markets and led to a $3.6 billion bailout.
On Wednesday, Bitcoin came very close to falling below $20,000. The crypto king has fallen more than 30% this month, and its decline on Wednesday marked the ninth straight day of losses. While it also rallied on the back of Powell’s announcement to $22,900, it has since fallen back to $21,015.
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