#*Luke cheering in the background*
pathetic-lifeform · 1 year
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”The rest of eternity together you have…”
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Little Light
Summary: Luke's grievances with Mumbo's death games, Joe's definition of northerners, and Hermitcraft's climate. Content: Fluff, short & sweet; banter, friendship, any pronouns for joe hills, inspired by northern attitude, obligatory characters not CCs (except for luke, whose character Is a CC) Pairings: Luke Carder & Joe Hills, Lucky Jumbo (Mumbo Jumbo / Luke Carder) Notes: Happy 2 year anniversary lucky jumbo-ers! Part nine of Lucky Jumbo (part eight not yet posted; this fic works fine as a stand-alone in the LJ universe)
“I still don’t understand the appeal of this.”
“Were you ever into sports?”
“I’m a trading card game collector, Joe. I wasn’t into anything that had to do with physical exertion.”
“Then I wouldn’t imagine you’d be into this either.”
Luke laughed. He and Joe were seated in the grass, two chests set up next to them and holding their respective companions’ belongings. Across the way from them, Mumbo and Cleo were setting up a game of blow-up-the-end-crystal-with-eggs, the activity Luke had been calling into question. Luke had only half followed the series of events that had led to the challenge being declared- he and Mumbo had been doing their own thing when they ran into Joe and Cleo, also doing their own thing, and somehow that ended up with Luke and Joe casually playing bystander to what Luke felt was a type of war game.
“I think I’m still adjusting to living with so many adrenaline junkies.” Luke said, sighing in faux disapproval as he watched Mumbo pretend to pat the top of the highly sensitive purple bomb next to him, presumably as a way of taunting Cleo. “Adrenaline junkies who don’t even know what adrenaline is.”
“Doesn’t help that we’re not afraid of death!” Joe added cheerfully, her friendly way of reminding Luke that even if they (maybe) hailed from the same original world, she was still a hermit through-and-through.
“Don’t remind me.” Luke reassuringly placed a hand over his totem necklace, protecting him from that exact thing. “Not all of us get to forget self preservation.”
At that, Joe just grinned. Since discovering Joe knew what both dinosaurs and playing cards were, she and Luke had had a few conversations centered around Luke’s old world and what Joe knew of it. Those conversations had left Luke with two main take-aways: one, that Joe was no card game expert, and two, that Joe’s memory when it came to anywhere she’d been before (or after) Hermitcraft was- at best- hazy.
Which meant that where Luke was still unwilling to drop down more than a few blocks at a time after however long he had been on the server, Joe had shown up in Hermitcraft more or less completely ready to start respawning.
Unfair, in Luke’s (correct) opinion.
“So, Luke,” Joe said after a few minutes had passed, Mumbo and Cleo stalling out the main event in favour of practice egg throws and more attempts at intimidation, “where did you live, back in our old world? Since I’m guessing it wasn’t good ol’ Nashville, Tennessee.”
“You don’t remember what or where Australia is.”
“This is true.” Joe acknowledged. “But that doesn’t mean I won’t remember your locale! Unless it was Australia.”
Luke chuckled. “No, not Australia.” Luke assured her, taking a moment to think before he answered the actual question. His memory wasn’t poked through and torn up like Joe’s was, but that didn’t change the fact that it was rather… fuzzy.
With non-Inscryption related things, at least. Remembering the name of the country he once occupied took a minute of deep thought, but the coordinates that had led him to his doom were on the tip of his tongue without him even trying for them- not that latitudes and longitudes would tell someone who couldn’t remember all seven continents very much. “It was Canada. British Columbia- uh, Vancouver? Above the states.”
Joe accepted Luke’s jumble of locations- of varying levels of detail- with a thoughtful nod. “A northerner, then.”
“You remember cardinal directions, but not the continents?”
“What’s a bird got to do with directions?”
“I- we’ll come back to it.” Luke had learned, after an extremely complicated discussion about video games neither he nor Joe fully understood, that Joe recalling a certain term or concept didn’t always mean she really knew what it was or what it meant. “What do you think a ‘northerner’ is?”
“Someone… cold. Doesn’t see the sun much. Drinks from trees.”
Luke snorted. “That, uh, that sure is a definition there.”
Joe glanced at Luke, amused. “I take it I’ve missed the mark by a good deal?”
“More like… made some mental mistranslations.” Luke offered, also opting to turn towards Joe over continuing to watch the entertainment waste eggs. “‘Drinks from trees’ just sounds like a weird Canadians-and-maple-syrup joke, for one. And everything north of Tennessee was probably colder than you were, but that doesn’t mean we were all constantly cold. We had warm seasons too.”
“Nashville, Tennessee.” Joe corrected solemnly, as though Luke neglecting to name the city drastically changed the meaning of the sentence. “Is that why you don’t like Hermitcraft’s climate? Do you miss your northerner seasons?”
“Everyone had seasons, not just people in the north.” Luke was fairly certain that Joe was only pretending to not remember the basic idea of seasons, given her delivery of the question was akin to a comedian setting up a punchline, but he refused to let a chance to re-air one of his minecraft grievances go to waste. “And I don’t like the climate here because it’s unnatural. You have four types of weather, and three of them are just variations on each other.”
“Would you prefer we still have tornadoes?”
“Some days, Joe, I really don’t know.”
Joe laughed at Luke’s melodramatic tone. Of all the hermits, she had the best understanding of the things Luke missed about his life before Hermitcraft, but she still tended to stand with the rest of the server in their belief that Luke had some odd lifestyle preferences. “What about the sun, then? Did I at least get that right?”
“Well, given we weren’t really living in caves-”
Luke’s thought was interrupted by a sudden boom! With a jerk, he looked forward again, finding that the sound had come from one of the end crystals finally being blown up. A quick analysis of the scene found the crystal in question had been Cleo’s, with her side of the makeshift arena devoid of both it and Cleo; the undead hermit had reappeared in the bed they had put to the side for that exact reasoning, already sitting up and grumbling about Mumbo’s victory by the time Luke relocated her.
Mumbo’s end crystal was still bobbing on its stand, confirming that the match hadn’t ended in a double homicide. Luke moved his gaze from the beds on the side to his boyfriend, looking proudly victorious.
Luke couldn’t help but grin at Mumbo’s expression, how excited he looked to have (once again) won his self-invented death game. Luke knew that in a moment, Mumbo would collect himself, school his expression into one that managed to be both smug and humble, something more suitable for polite boasting. But first, there was the genuine reaction, with his bright eyes and shining moustache-smile, and Luke couldn’t look away.
“You were sayin’ something, Luke?” Joe prompted, only half-catching Luke’s attention. If Luke hadn’t been so distracted, he might’ve noticed the teasing edge to the question, Joe well-aware Luke had checked out from their conversation. “About the sun?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah, northerners, very cold, never see the sun.” Luke responded without thinking, letting his brain piece together the first random segments from his former thoughts it picked up as he shoved himself to his feet. Mumbo had realized Luke was staring, his moustache-smile somehow growing even wider, and Luke was fairly certain he was required to go over and congratulate the danger-game athlete. “Listen, I have to, uh-”
Joe, who had also gotten onto her feet, waved Luke off before he could find a tactful way to phrase ‘kiss my boyfriend like it’s the only thing I know how to do.’ “I’ve got a consoling consolation speech to deliver to my fighter. You enjoy your sun, northerner.”
The fact that he was still very much being teased flew over Luke’s head with a mile of clearance, Luke offering a half-nod in acknowledgement as he hurried towards his light.
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lina-lovebug · 3 months
Sharkboy and his Shadow
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Percy Jackson x fem! reader
Background: reader is the only child of Nyx, and has grown up with Percy. After being claimed, lots of kids are afraid of her, and reader feels alone. To 'help' Percy see the error of his ways, Luke and Annabeth come up with a plan.
_ _ _
"(Y/N) (L/N), daughter of Nyx, the Personification of Night, and Queen of Tartarus."
Ever since that day, (Y/N) had never felt so alone.
She grew up with Percy, always being by his side, and she felt lucky enough to see him be claimed by Poseidon. She was happy for him, and understood his rage at the same time.
But when she was claimed? There were no kids staring in awe or clapping or congratulations. There were only whispers amongst them, and stares of horror.
Because no one ever thought that Nyx would have a half-blood child.
She's Nyx. She keeps to herself, away from the affairs of Olympus and mortals.
So no one wanted to make friends with the forbidden girl.
Luke was still friendly, but it became obvious that he wasn't interested in being friends like before. Annabeth, however, still stayed by her side. She was the only one to congratulated her, and decided to explain to (Y/N) what this means now.
Not only was being a child of The Big Three forbidden, but being a daughter of Nyx? That meant more danger for everyone, and she'd become the main target for any monster who wanted her dead.
And to top it all off, she thinks Percy is avoiding her.
She hadn't seen him since she'd been claimed. She had seen him briefly during most days, but when she'd look and see him staring, he'd quickly move his gaze to the ground or the sky.
"If I thought that being a half-blood was so lonely, I'd never have come."
Annabeth felt bad for the girl, "it's not a choice, (Y/N). Nyx chose your dad for a reason."
"And yet all she's sent me is a fucking knife!"
(Y/N) yelled as she threw the dagger her mother sent her into the fire. Annabeth gasped, quickly retrieving the dagger with a stick.
The black dagger hadn't been damaged.
Before Annabeth could lecture the girl on damaging gifts from your Godly parent, she saw the tears in her eyes.
(Y/N) was angry. She'd been so angry that she started sobbing, sinking to the floor of her own empty cabin. Annabeth held her.
"I miss my dad," She sobbed, hiccuping, "I'm so alone. . .I miss Percy."
"Seaweed brain," Annabeth cursed.
Annabeth knew why Percy had been avoiding her.
Because he liked her.
Percy confessed this to Annabeth. He said he knew how important being claimed was to her. How she'd be the most sought after half-blood now.
And feared endangering her if he stayed too close.
"Tell you what?" Annabeth pulled away, "tomorrow, we'll have a girls night. I'll take you to Aphrodite cabin, and Silena will do your hair and dress you up."
She sniffled, "I doubt any of those girls want me there."
Oh, Aphrodite girls were secretly cheering (Y/N) on. They knew the consequences of having a powerful female figure in your life, but one that chose to never be present much.
"Silena does, and whatever she wants, the girls will follow."
(Y/N) didn't get much sleep that night, tears coming and going, and she only managed to find sleep when she thought of how Percy used to hold her. When they'd have sleepovers and she'd have a nightmare, Percy would always hold her until they fell asleep.
That's why she thought she was holding herself.
But her eyes deceive her.
With wide eyes, she jumped up but her head banged into the top bunk. The mystery boy awoke, asking if the girl was okay.
"Luke?! When did you-?! How?!"
"You're bleeding, (Y/N)," Luke ignored her sudden panic, helping the daughter of Nyx up. She checked her head and found some blood.
"What the fuck. . ."
Luke quickly dragged her to the infirmary, but not without notice. The few half bloods that were awake gasped, seeing Luke Castellan leaving the Nyx Cabin with (Y/N) in his arms.
And so did Percy.
"Hey, hey! What happened?" Percy called after them, catching up but hearing Percys' sudden urgency made her want to cry. He's been avoiding her for two weeks, but now he's worried?
"Put your hand on my shoulder," Luke whispered to her, and she gave him a look of confusion.
"Just do it, pretty girl," With an awkward blush, she nodded and, as a result, pushed herself closer into his chest.
"She hit her head. She'll be fine, go tell Chiron," Luke dismissed, leaving Percy with more questions than he had answers.
Why was Luke in her cabin? When did he get there? Why were you hurt?
Did he spend the night?
That last thought made the son of poseidon wish he hadn't been avoiding you all this time. It made him angry with himself that he let Luke become interested in you.
"So why were you in my room, Luke?" (Y/N) asked, holding an ice pack on her throbbing head.
"I left early this morning to check on you, and I know that Percy wanted to do that this morning. So, I figured that sharkboy might get a little jealous if he saw me in your bed," He explained with a shrug.
"Jealous?" She questioned with a scoff, "he's been avoiding me like the plague since I've been claimed."
"Did you think that because you've been claimed that he's avoiding you, or that he's avoiding you because he's scared he'll attract more monsters to you?"
"Luke, I don't have time-"
He cut her off, "it's bad enough that Percy got claimed the second day he got here. He's a forbidden child. Now, the girl he's been crushing on since diapers is the number one target of every monster out there."
"He. . .he doesn't like me like that," I said, feeling my face heat up.
Luke quirked his brow, "that's seriously what you got out of that?"
Despite her frustration and anger towards Percy, she could never despise him so much that her feelings would fade. She still cared about him and ultimately feared that her feelings couldn't be reciprocated.
"Look, if he doesn't seem interested or even the slightest bit jealous, I'll let you know," Luke knew Percy well.
In fact, Luke endured countless hours of listening to how Percy adored (Y/N). How Percy first realized that she wasn't just his best friend, or at least that's not what he wanted her to be. He wanted to be the one she sought out each morning - be the one she could lean on. As capable as she was, he still wanted to help her as much as he could.
He'd lift the entire weight of this off her shoulders if she asked.
(Y/N) had the beauty of the stars and Percy could spend the rest of his life happily staring at her.
"Okay," She nodded.
_ _ _
"Wait, I have two different outfits?"
"Of course!" Silena expressed, bringing out the second one, "this one is for our picnic tonight."
It was a gorgeous white dress that sagged off the shoulders, flowy and the top decorated with several types of flowers.
"Oh, okay," (Y/N) nodded, completely unaware that there would be no girls' night.
Just a really good plan to help force these desperate lovebirds together.
"If this doesn't get him staring, then he's blind," Silena concluded before popping on some lip gloss onto the daughter of Nyx. She could admit, she looked very pretty but her stomach became a bundle of nerves when thinking about how Percy may either ignore her and or she'd finally unblind herself to the longing looks of the son of Poseidon.
She walked out of Aphrodite cabin right as lunchtime came, and she received multiple stares as she made her way.
"How's your day been?" Luke came up behind her, swinging his arm around her shoulders.
"Honestly I still think you're crazy," She confessed, "Percy doesn't-"
He pecked her cheek without warning before whispering, "Look ahead".
And she has never seen Percy look so angry.
He clenched his tray with the fury of a God, denting it even as she looked at him. He quickly looked away, retreating back to his cabin.
Oh my God's. . .
"Percy likes me."
"Now, tonight-where are you going?!" Luke shouted as she chased after him.
She flung the door open to see his sea blue eyes filled with tears. "Oh Percy."
"I'm sorry I haven't talked to you," He immediately confessed, walking towards her, "I would never be scared of you. I'm scared of what my presence will bring to us. I'm already a target, and I didn't want to risk your safety. But I let Luke get close enough to. . ." He stared into her eyes, "I've liked you since we were eight, and I'm sorry I let my thoughts get ahead of my feelings."
"It wasn't my idea," She couldn't stand to see her sweet boy cry, "Annabeth wanted to make you jealous, make you regret ignoring me, but I didn't believe that you liked me. I never thought that you saw me as anything more than a friend."
(Y/N) grabbed his hands, "I like you, Percy. Gods, I've liked you since the first time you shared your mom's cookies with me. You're so kind, you're selfish beyond any God, and you're the sweetest. I was scared that my mother being Nyx might have pushed you away."
His hand came up to her face, "not even the Gods above could separate the two of us."
His eyes glanced between her eyes and lips, hesitating.
"Kiss me, Percy Jackson."
And he did.
The kiss was something out of a movie. She could feel the amount of love he had for her, one hand remaining on her cheek while the other held her hand. She leaned into him, and he seemed to chase her lips as she pulled away for air.
"Not everyone can breathe underwater," She reminded him with a smile.
"I think we might lose a friend tonight," Percy said, and (Y/N) frowned.
"What do you mean?"
"Luke put his lips on my girl. I'll provoke single combat," He pulled out riptide, and her eyes widened.
He gave her a quick kiss on her lips, "if you don't see me tonight, I'm drowning him."
"Percy!" He ignored her calls as he ran outside, running straight towards Luke, who laughed before realizing that Percy wasn't stopping and started running too.
"Is that Percy?" Grover asked as she walked outside, hearing the shouts coming from the forest of Luke trying to calm down Percy.
"Yup. Call Chiron, he might water board Luke."
But after Chiron managed to stop Percy, they spent the rest of the night in his cabin exchanging kisses and unexpectedly receiving a gift from her mother.
"What's this?" She questioned as the owl flew off, the small package being addressed to both Percy and her.
"From your mom, it looks like," He opened it up, and a necklace with a Triton pendant fell out. Just as he picked it up, it transformed into a black Triton that was covered in black shadows.
"Holy shit!" Percy breathed out as (Y/N) grabbed the note that fell out.
"Oh Gods," seeing her reaction, he bent down and read the note.
"Oh," He observed the Triton, "well. . .at least we know she cares."
Break my daughters heart and I'll kill you with that very Triton,
From your mother, Nyx.
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estapa-edwards · 16 days
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paring: Quinn Hughes x fem! reader
word count: 3k
requested? yes - the hughes family all being together at quinn’s game for playoffs and they notice he’s really close to the physical therapist for the team and can tell he’s absolutely smitten
warnings: use of y/n.
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The atmosphere in the arena was electrifying as the Hughes family gathered to watch Quinn Hughes play in the playoffs. With every stride, every pass, the tension mounted. Jack, Luke, and their parents were on the edge of their seats, cheering fervently for Quinn and his team. But amidst the excitement of the game, something else caught their attention – Quinn's undeniable closeness to the team's physical therapist, Y/N.
As Quinn skated off the ice during a break, the Hughes family couldn't help but notice the subtle glances exchanged between him and Y/N. Jack, the ever-observant middle child, nudged Luke, drawing his attention to the unfolding scene.
"Look at Quinn and Y/N," Jack whispered, his eyes narrowing as he watched them converse by the boards. "I think Quinn's got a thing for her."
Luke followed his brother's gaze, a mischievous grin forming on his face. "Seriously? Quinn and the therapist? That's unexpected."
Their parents, seated beside them, hadn't missed the exchange either. Their mother, Ellen leaned in, curiosity evident in her voice. "Do you think there's something going on between them?"
"I'm not sure," their father, JIm, replied, squinting as he tried to decipher the situation. "But Quinn does seem rather taken with her."
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Quinn and Y/N found themselves seated on a bench near the locker rooms, away from the hustle and bustle of the arena. The excitement of the game still lingered in the air, but in that moment, it was just the two of them, lost in conversation.
"So, tell me, Y/N," Quinn said, a playful glint in his eyes, "what's the most bizarre injury you've ever had to treat?"
Y/N laughed, her eyes lighting up with amusement. "Oh, where do I even begin? There was this one time when a player managed to sprain his ankle... while tying his shoelaces."
Quinn chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. "You're kidding."
Y/N shook her head, a smile tugging at her lips. "I wish I was. It was quite the sight to see."
As they continued to swap stories, Quinn found himself drawn to Y/N's infectious laughter and easygoing demeanor. Every now and then, he would reach out to brush a stray strand of hair from her face, his touch gentle yet lingering.
Their conversation flowed effortlessly, covering everything from hockey to their favorite movies. And with each passing moment, Quinn felt himself growing more captivated by Y/N's presence.
Eventually, the conversation drifted to more personal topics, and Quinn found himself opening up to Y/N in a way he hadn't with anyone else. It felt natural, as if they had known each other for years rather than just a few months.
And as the ambient noise of the arena faded into the background, Quinn realized that in Y/N, he had found not only a friend but someone he could truly connect with on a deeper level.
But amidst their laughter and shared stories, there was a tension – a palpable energy that lingered between them, unspoken yet undeniable. And as Quinn reached out to brush another stray strand of hair from Y/N's face, his touch lingered longer than necessary, a silent acknowledgment of the growing attraction between them.
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Quinn and Y/N often found themselves in their own little world whenever they were together. Whether it was amidst the chaos of a crowded arena or in the quiet solitude of an empty locker room, they had a way of tuning out the world around them and immersing themselves in each other's company.
As they sat together on the bench, their conversation flowing effortlessly, Quinn couldn't help but feel as though they were the only two people in the room. The ambient noise of the arena faded into the background, replaced by the sound of their laughter and the gentle hum of their voices.
Time seemed to stand still as they talked and laughed, their bond growing stronger with each passing moment. Quinn found himself captivated by Y/N's every word, hanging onto her every laugh and smile as if they were precious treasures.
And amidst the chaos of the playoffs, with the pressure of the game weighing heavily on his shoulders, Quinn found solace in Y/N's presence. She was his anchor, his calm amidst the storm, and whenever they were together, the rest of the world seemed to fade away.
Jack found himself watching her more than he watched the game, intrigued by the way she moved, the way she interacted with the players. And then, as if sensing his gaze, she looked up and their eyes met for a brief moment before she turned her attention back to the ice.
Jack couldn't explain it, but there was something about Y/N that drew him in—a warmth, a kindness that seemed to radiate from her every pore. And as he watched her, he couldn't help but wonder if Quinn had noticed it too.
Sure enough, as the game progressed, Jack began to notice Quinn stealing glances in Y/N's direction whenever he thought no one was looking. There was a certain lightness to his step, a sparkle in his eye that hadn't been there before. It was clear to Jack that his brother was smitten, completely and utterly captivated by the young woman on the sidelines.
But as much as Jack wanted to tease Quinn about his newfound crush, he couldn't bring himself to do it. There was something about the way Quinn looked at Y/N, something so genuine and pure, that it warmed Jack's heart in a way he hadn't expected.
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As the final buzzer sounded and the crowd erupted into cheers, Jack couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over him. The game had been intense, nail-bitingly close, but in the end, Quinn and his team had emerged victorious.
As the players filed off the ice, Jack caught sight of Quinn heading in Y/N's direction, a nervous energy emanating from him like a halo. Jack exchanged a knowing look with his parents before they all made their way down to the locker room to congratulate Quinn on the win.
As the final buzzer sounded and the home team emerged victorious, Quinn wasted no time skating over to where Y/N was gathering up her equipment. His heart raced as he approached her, unsure of what to say but knowing that he had to say something.
"Hey, Y/N," he said, his voice slightly breathless from the adrenaline of the game.
Y/N looked up, a warm smile spreading across her face. "Hey, Quinn. Great game out there tonight."
Quinn grinned, feeling a surge of confidence. "Thanks. I couldn't have done it without your help."
Y/N laughed softly, shaking her head. "Oh please, you would have scored that goal with or without me."
Quinn's grin widened. "Maybe. But having you on the sidelines cheering me on definitely didn't hurt."
As they talked, Quinn felt a sense of ease wash over him. There was something about Y/N that made him feel comfortable, like he could be himself without any pretense or expectation.
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As Quinn's family entered the bustling locker room, the smell of sweat and adrenaline filled the air. Players were celebrating their victory, exchanging high-fives and laughter. Amidst the chaos, Quinn stood, his eyes searching for his family amidst the crowd.
"Quinn!" Jack called out, waving his arms to catch his brother's attention.
Quinn's face lit up when he spotted them, and he quickly made his way over, a wide grin on his face. "Hey, guys! Thanks for coming out to support me."
Ellen enveloped him in a tight hug, her pride evident in her voice. "We wouldn't miss it for the world, Quinn. You played amazing out there."
Jim clapped him on the back, a smile playing on his lips. "That was one heck of a game, son. We're so proud of you."
As they congratulated Quinn, Jack couldn't resist teasing him once again. "So, Quinn, when are you going to ask Y/N out on a date?"
Quinn's cheeks flushed slightly, but he laughed it off. "I told you guys, we're just friends."
Ellen raised an eyebrow, her motherly intuition kicking in. "Are you sure about that, Quinn?"
Quinn hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Yeah, Mom, I'm sure. We're just friends."
Despite his words, Jack could see the uncertainty in Quinn's eyes. He knew his brother well enough to recognize when something was bothering him. But before he could press further, the coach called for the team to gather round for a post-game pep talk.
The family bid Quinn farewell, promising to catch up with him later. As they made their way out of the locker room, Ellen couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Quinn's relationship with Y/N than he was letting on.
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The first time Quinn and Y/N met was a moment neither of them would soon forget. It was during a particularly intense practice session for Quinn's team, and tensions were running high. Quinn had suffered a minor injury during a drill, and Y/N, the team's newly appointed physical therapist, was called onto the ice to assess the situation.
As Quinn skated over to the boards, wincing slightly from the pain, he couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension. He had heard about the new therapist joining the team but hadn't had the chance to meet her yet. Now, as she approached him with a concerned expression, he found himself momentarily captivated by her presence.
Y/N was a breath of fresh air amidst the chaos of the rink. Her warm smile and calming demeanor immediately put Quinn at ease, despite the discomfort he was feeling. As she examined his injury with gentle hands, Quinn couldn't help but be struck by her professionalism and expertise.
Their conversation flowed effortlessly as Y/N tended to Quinn's injury, her soothing voice providing a welcome distraction from the pain. Quinn found himself opening up to her in a way he hadn't with anyone else, sharing stories and anecdotes as if they had known each other for years.
From that moment on, Quinn and Y/N's bond only continued to grow stronger. They would often find themselves deep in conversation after practice, exchanging jokes and sharing moments of quiet companionship. Quinn admired Y/N's passion for her work and her unwavering dedication to the team, while Y/N appreciated Quinn's determination and resilience on the ice.
As the weeks turned into months, Quinn and Y/N became inseparable. They would often grab coffee together after practice or sneak away for quiet walks around the arena, lost in their own little world. Their friendship was a source of comfort and support for both of them, a constant amidst the ever-changing landscape of professional hockey.
And as they stood side by side on the sidelines during games, cheering on Quinn's team with unwavering enthusiasm, it was clear to everyone around them that Quinn and Y/N shared a bond that went beyond the confines of the rink.
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The playoffs were in full swing, and once again, the Hughes family gathered at the arena to support Quinn in his quest for victory. As they settled into their seats, they couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation in the air. But this time, there was something different. Quinn wasn't just focused on the game—he seemed to be eagerly searching the sidelines for someone.
Jack nudged Luke with a knowing smile. "Looks like someone's hoping to catch a glimpse of Y/N again."
Luke chuckled, glancing over at Quinn, who was scanning the area with a hint of excitement in his eyes. "He's got it bad, doesn't he?"
Jim grinned, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "I think he's finally met his match."
As the game got underway, Quinn's determination on the ice was evident. He skated with purpose, his eyes constantly darting towards the sidelines between shifts, searching for a familiar figure.
Meanwhile, Y/N was hard at work, tending to the players' needs with her usual skill and efficiency. She moved with a grace that caught Quinn's attention every time he stole a glance in her direction.
During a break in the action, Quinn skated over to the bench, stealing a quick moment to catch his breath. As he glanced towards the sidelines, he caught sight of Y/N, who was focused intently on her work. Without hesitation, Quinn made his way over to her, determined to steal a moment of her time.
"Hey, Y/N," he greeted with a smile as he approached her.
Y/N looked up, a surprised expression crossing her face before she returned his smile. "Hey, Quinn. How's it going out there?"
Quinn shrugged, a playful glint in his eyes. "Could be better. Could be worse. But seeing you on the sidelines definitely makes it better."
Y/N chuckled, shaking her head in amusement. "Smooth talker, huh?"
Quinn grinned, feeling a surge of confidence. "Only when I'm talking to someone as amazing as you."
Y/N's cheeks flushed pink at the compliment, and she ducked her head shyly. "You're not so bad yourself, Quinn Hughes."
Quinn's heart skipped a beat as Y/N's words washed over him, her shy response warming him from the inside out. He couldn't help but grin, feeling a surge of happiness at her compliment. But then, a sudden realization hit him like a slapshot to the chest.
He forgot he was mic'd up.
Quinn's eyes widened in horror as he glanced down at the microphone clipped to his jersey. He could practically hear the collective gasp from his teammates and the roaring laughter from the announcers up in the broadcast booth. How could he have been so careless?
Y/N's cheeks flushed an even deeper shade of pink as she realized what had just happened, her eyes widening in surprise. "Oh my god, Quinn. Did you forget you were mic'd up?"
Quinn winced, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "Yeah, I guess I did. Sorry about that."
Y/N couldn't help but laugh, shaking her head in amusement. "Well, at least it was a nice compliment. I'll let it slide this time."
Quinn chuckled nervously, feeling a bead of sweat forming on his brow. "Thanks. I'll try to remember next time."
As the game resumed and Quinn skated back onto the ice, he couldn't shake the embarrassment of his slip-up. But as he glanced towards the sidelines, he caught Y/N's eye, her smile reassuring him that it was all in good fun.
Meanwhile, the broadcast team couldn't help but gush over the adorable moment between Quinn and Y/N. Tweets and comments flooded in from fans, expressing their delight at seeing the budding relationship between the hockey star and the team's physical therapist.
"Looks like we've got a new power couple on our hands," the announcer joked, a grin plastered on his face.
Back in the stands, the Hughes family exchanged knowing glances, their hearts swelling with pride as they watched Quinn and Y/N's relationship unfold before their eyes. It was clear that they had something special, something worth rooting for.
As the game continued, Quinn couldn't shake the smile from his face. Despite the pressure of the playoffs, being with Y/N made everything feel lighter, easier to bear. And as they shared another laugh, Quinn knew that no matter what happened on the ice, having Y/N by his side made him feel like the luckiest guy in the world.
*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨*
The arena erupted into a cacophony of cheers and applause as the final buzzer sounded, signaling the end of the game and the culmination of months of hard work and dedication. The home team had emerged victorious, clinching the Stanley Cup in a thrilling overtime victory.
Quinn Hughes skated onto the ice, his heart pounding with excitement and adrenaline. He couldn't believe it—they had actually done it. They were champions. But amidst the chaos of the celebration, there was one person he couldn't wait to find: Y/N.
As Quinn made his way through the jubilant crowd of players and staff, his eyes scanned the sidelines until they landed on Y/N, who was standing near the bench, a wide grin on her face. Their eyes met, and in that moment, Quinn knew that he had to talk to her.
"Y/N!" he called out, pushing through the throng of people until he reached her side.
Y/N turned towards him, her eyes sparkling with joy. "Quinn! Congratulations!"
Quinn grinned, feeling a surge of pride at the sight of her. "Thanks, Y/N. We did it!"
Y/N laughed, reaching out to give him a congratulatory hug. "You did it, Quinn. I'm so proud of you."
As they pulled away from the embrace, Quinn hesitated for a moment, his heart pounding in his chest. This was it, he thought. This was the perfect moment to finally ask her out.
"Hey, um... Y/N," he began, his voice slightly shaky with nerves.
Y/N looked at him, her smile softening. "What's up, Quinn?"
Quinn took a deep breath, gathering his courage. "I was wondering if, uh... maybe you'd like to go out with me sometime? Like, on a date?"
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise, but a smile slowly spread across her face. "I would love to, Quinn. I'd love that."
Quinn's heart soared at her response, and he couldn't help but grin like a fool. "Really? Awesome! How about dinner tomorrow night? Just you and me?"
Y/N nodded, her smile growing wider. "I'd like that. Dinner tomorrow sounds perfect."
As they stood there, basking in the glow of their victory and the promise of something new, Quinn felt a sense of excitement bubbling up inside him. The Stanley Cup was theirs, but even more importantly, he had finally mustered the courage to ask out the amazing woman who had captured his heart.
As they joined the rest of the team in celebrating their historic win, Quinn couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the beginning of something incredible. And as he looked at Y/N, he knew that he was ready for whatever the future held, as long as she was by his side.
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The canucks have never won the Stanley cup, so just pretend.
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wineauntie · 2 months
hughes!sister who gets in trouble with her brothers for something she posted on insta or tiktok wtv you want. im thinking she’s a teenager and whatever she posted was like her vaping or doing something she shouldn’t be. like maybe it was on a private story but somehow one of the brothers friends was on in and they sent it to luke or something and she gets in trouble.
OH, NO! – hughes brothers x sister!reader (ft. ethan edwards + mark estapa)
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summary: where a fun night out turns into a morning after problem
note: I kind of deviated from the ask a little so I hope that’s alright! Reader is the youngest hughes sister!
warnings: fem!reader, use of y/n, luke being a snitch, underage drinking, vaping, references to partying + getting blackout drunk, hangovers!
word count: 1.3k+
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Going to college meant two things; the first was that you were getting the best education you could be to follow your dream and the second was attending parties when you kind of didn’t want to be there.
Your two friends, Mark and Ethan had convinced you to go with them despite your wanting to rot in bed with Netflix for the night. You'd known Mark and Ethan through your brother, Luke, and despite them being older than you, the three of you were as thick as thieves and they were adamant to knock you out of your introverted shell. So, when they'd physically barged into your room and demanded you go out with them, you put your reservations behind you and you'd gotten dressed up.
Mark had agreed to be the designated driver for the night so you and Ethan could drink. Now…technically you were underage and not allowed to drink, and by technically, you mean literally, but hey! It was college, who cares!
Well, it turns out that you should've cared.
You found yourself blinking heavily and stretching your arms above your head as you let out a deep groan. The light was pooling into your dorm room from your half-cracked curtains as you woke up from your deep sleep. A splitting headache wracked through your head as you buried it under your pillow with hopes of erasing yourself from the cruel world that allowed you to suffer from a brutal hangover.
You sniffed as your phone lit up from beside your head. You hadn't remembered placing your phone under your pillow but given the fact it was there, lighting up every few seconds, you hated your past self for doing so. With a grimace you tilted your phone to read, your eyes widening at the influx of texts from all three of your brothers.
You pulled yourself out from beneath your pillow and grasped your phone tightly as you opened the texts from Luke first, your heart dropping to your stomach as you read them.
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In a frenzy, you clicked onto Snapchat, your trembling fingers slipping across the screen as your nausea grew– you couldn't tell if it was from your hangover or the 'hangxiety'.
With a gulp you clicked onto Ethan's private story, watching as he took videos of the party you'd all attended. You spotted yourself in the background of the first video talking to a friend from your major in the background as Ethan and Mark hyped you up from behind his camera— all unbeknownst to you.
That wasn't bad at all, all you were doing was innocently chatting-
Oh no…
Oh, god no.
Your jaw dropped as the next video began to play. It was taken several hours and several drinks after the first video and this time, Ethan also seemed to be equally drunk as he cheered you on, as the camera panned to Mark looking rather unimpressed and worried.
You felt the worst type of panic fill you as you replayed the video. The vibrant and upbeat music filled your ears as you watched yourself and three other girls chug your drinks and dance atop a large wooden table as everyone around you cheered and passed more drinks up to you guys. You'd somehow acquired sunglasses sometime during the night and were rapping along to the song as you took a vape and a drink off of the boy you'd been talking to in the previous video.
The next video had Ethan up on the table beside you, filming as the two of you sang along to another song at the tops of your lungs. Both of your faces flushed and graced with dopey smiles, with drinks passing between you as well as smoke drifting in and around you.
And the last of the story had been a photo of Mark and you, with your arm around his shoulders and his around your waist as he guided you towards the car, Ethan had taken it as a selfie but only his forehead had made it in.
Oh, you were so screwed.
You'd gotten so drunk that you couldn't even recall half of these events happening. Panicked, you clicked into your messages again, only to see that Luke had decided to share his findings with your older brothers.
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If the world had the power to strike you down, you wished it would. You ran a hand through your hair and let out a frustrated sigh, feeling the weight of your poor decisions pressing down on you like a heavy blanket. The room spun around you, and you struggled to piece together the events of the previous night.
How could you have been so reckless?
With shaky fingers, you turned off your phone, hoping desperately that the ground would swallow you up and reveal this was all some alternate reality. But deep down, you knew the damage was done, and there was no way to undo the embarrassment you had caused.
As you sat there, feeling the sudden shame wash over you in waves, your phone suddenly rang, startling you out of your thoughts. You glanced at the caller ID and saw that it was Quinn. Taking a deep and heavy breath, you bit your lip as you answered the call.
"Hey, Q," you whispered, trying to keep your voice steady despite the nervousness gnawing at your insides.
"Hey, y/n/n," his warm voice replied, his tone surprisingly calm. "I just wanted to check in and see how you're doing."
You swallowed hard, bracing yourself for the inevitable lecture that was sure to come. "I'm… I'm okay, I guess," you admitted, feeling a lump form in your throat. "I just woke, but look, before you start, look I know I messed up."
There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line, and you held your breath, waiting for Quinn's response.
"Are you feeling okay?" Quinn's voice came through the phone, filled with concern.
"Not really," you admitted, feeling a lump form in your throat. You couldn't tell if it was the embarrassment, anger at Luke for snitching or the raging headache that caused your eyes to well up. "'m embarrassed."
"I'm not going to lie, y/n, I didn't expect to see you like that. " Quinn said gently. "And yes, I'm shocked but, more than anything, I'm worried about you. I've never seen you in that state."
Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes as you realized how much you had let him down. "I'm okay," you said, your voice trembling. "I messed up, Quinn. I know that. I just–I was having fun and…I don't know what came over me."
Finally, he spoke, his voice gentle but firm. "Yeah, you did mess up," he admitted. "But we've all been there, don't stress. College is the time for making mistakes and learning from them and yes, having fun and drinking are all a part of the experience. The important thing is that you're safe and that you're okay."
Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes as you listened to his words. Despite everything, he still had your back.
"Thanks, Q," you said, your voice thick with emotion as you sniffed. "I really appreciate it."
"Anytime," Quinn replied, his tone softening even further. "Just remember, we're here for you, no matter what. And next time, maybe think twice before getting on top of a table and chugging drinks, huh?"
You let out a shaky laugh, feeling some of the tension drain from your body. "Yeah, definitely," you said. "I've learned my lesson, believe me."
"Good," Quinn said, sounding relieved. "Now go take care of yourself, okay? Take an Advil and get some water and rest. And if you need anything, don't hesitate to call."
"I will," you promised, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "Thanks again…I mean it."
"Anytime, kiddo," Quinn teased, his voice warm with affection. "Take care." There was a soft beep as you hung up, your hands scrubbing your eyes as you tried to bury the memory of the videos.
As you went to tuck your phone off to the side, you saw a text pop up, and this time, instead of embarrassment or rage, it caused feeble laughter to slip through your lips and shake through your body as you read it.
j 🤝 "maybe next time get Edwards to ditch the camera and one Advil and pancakes should cure you. Glad you're having fun 👍"
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ilythena · 2 months
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★SUM after spending a night in a small island, luke keeps seeing you everywhere he goes.
SMUT! Fem!reader, let’s just pretend alcohol is free for them, reader is not a human, oral (?), p in v, obsession, praise, Luke is a pussydrunk FOOL, definitely submissive Luke over here guys, one night stand turned spooky….readers a succubus? Idk guys I just like writing smut… this will probs have a part 2
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“You have got to be fucking kidding me.” Jack sighs as the flight attendant announces that they would unfortunately have to stay a night in this random island after the plane had difficulties.
The plan was simple, get on the plane to Australia, stay there for a few days, and then fly back to New Jersey. But like his life, things were never easy for him.
Luke groans in annoyance as the flight attendant looks at him with guilt on their face even though everyone knew it technically wasn’t their fault, and set them up for three different hotel rooms a few minutes away from the airport they had to emergency land in
“Well, at least they weren’t shitty enough to just leave us without rooms and put us somewhere” Nico says and the two brothers huff in dissatisfaction
“Come on! Cheer up! Like, let’s go out to a club! They gotta have one somewhere on this island.” He says and while everyone’s not pleased at their situation, they begrudgingly agree to his plan.
After a while and everyone’s settled, they google a club, look at the reviews, and luckily it was in walking distance so they wouldn’t have to pay for anything.
They get in there and the place is full of tourist and some locals scattered around the place, and it was actually kind of fun. Everyone was letting loose of the tense atmosphere they had earlier.
“Hey, I’m gonna go search for the bathroom! I’ll be back!” Jack shouts to Luke over the music and Luke nods his head in agreement. As jack’s seat next to Luke suddenly becomes empty, it quickly becomes occupied again as you slip into the seat
Well, more like your friend pushed you there after you’ve been eyeing the curly head the second he stepped into the resort you were staying in, but same thing.
“Oh! I’m so sorry, didn’t mean to bump into you like that.” You say and straighten up his sleeve before he could do it himself. “…it’s fine. You’re fine.” He says and he could feel his breath suddenly getting caught in his throat at the sight of you next to him.
Your eyes capture him in a way he can’t escape, shining and glimmering under the clubs lights and he’s stuck, trying to tear his eyes away from yours and despite how hard he tries it’s impossible.
“You from here?” You say, moving your tone to a more flirtatious one as he shakes his head no. “You look a little overwhelmed…why don’t we step outside for a minute? Get you some air…” you whisper into his ear, pulling him close to you by his collar and Luke’s mouth is moving quicker than his mind as he chokes out a yes.
Before he realized it, you two were outside on the beach right next to the club, the waves crashing down onto the shore and the dress you’re wearing is slipping down your shoulders that Luke can’t tear his eyes off of.
“I never got your name? And honestly you didn’t get mine either.” You giggle and that’s what brings him down from his cloud of ecstasy, suddenly flustered that he’s out with a stranger. What about Jack? What if him and Nico are looking for him?
“U-um, my names Luke, I’m sorry, I don’t think I should be out here-“ he says and you silence him with a toothy grin that has his heart hammering against his chest
“Y/n. What’s stopping you? Got a lady back home?” You say, bringing your hands up to rub his chest and he fucking melts, you could tell he’s an awkward one, but that’s how you like them.
“N-no…..forget I said anything” he mumbles and despite the faint background music from the club, you could still hear him due to your proximity.
Looking into your eyes again, Luke can feel himself slipping into a foggy mindset. It’s like he can’t control himself despite not even knowing who you are.
A Deep feeling of anxiety swirls in his stomach, but lust quickly takes over him as he feels your lips press into his. Your teeth slightly biting into his lower lip makes his mouth drop open and you take that chance to shove your tongue into his mouth.
He moves his hands down to your waist and whines into the kiss as you reach your hands up to tug at his hair, the two of you kissing in the middle of the beach as if there wasn’t anyone else in the world.
Your plan was almost ripped away from you when you part away from him for air, and he gets a text as soon as you take your first breath away from Luke.
Jack 🏒
Didn’t think you were that type of person lukey 👀
Be safe!
You quickly shove his phone back down away from his eyesight so you can ensure that you can get Luke in your hands for good.
“Don’t worry about it, whatever it is.” You say grabbing him by his chin and redirecting his vision towards you. “Take me to your hotel? I’ll show you how we do it over here” you whisper and he takes you by surprise when he drags you towards the place.
You two messily stumble into his room and you don’t hesitate to get your mouth on his again, reaching for the bottom of his shirt and moving it upwards to rub his stomach and fidget with his belt at the same time.
You shove him down onto the bed and his face is astonishingly red, the bulge in his shorts making them unbearably tight.
He moves your hands out the way to take his belt off and you stop him, “you’re not gonna ask me? And here I am thinking you’d be obedient.” You tsk and he hesitates “what do you want me to do?” He whispers and you don’t skip a beat telling him to beg for it.
Attaching your lips to his neck, he lets out a small moan he was desperately trying to hold back and lets out a quiet please. “Please what? Ask me properly.” You demand and he shakily obeys “please, please take my shorts off.” He says and you finally shake them down his ankles to which he very swiftly kicked off.
“Good, knew you could do it for me.” you purr out and he huffs as you start to palm him through his boxers “please take those off too” he groans out, with a giggle you gently take his cock out and a hiss is heard through the room as the cool air hits his tip. Not wanting to keep him waiting, you pump him and small puffs of air escape his lips before you spit down on it to give him more lubrication
“Fuck, I’ve never- never been this fucking hard from a handjob before.” He moans out, another smiling snicker along with a kiss below his ear has him crumbling completely.
“C-can I mention how this isn’t fucking fair at all? I have my whole dick out and you’re fully clothed. Not really equal over here” he whines and you hum. “Want me to take my tits out?” “Dear god please do. Wanna see them so bad.” He breathes out and flinches when you swat his hand away when he tries to reach for your chest
“No touching.” You state and he grins, “really? Not gonna let me touch your chest, but you’re jerking me off- oh” he cuts himself off when you run your thumb over his tip as a gentle reminder that you expect to take control here.
“You have an attitude on you. I’m gonna take that away, but for now I guess I’ll give you what you want…” you say as you slowly move your dress down your shoulders to reveal yourself to him. You roll your nipple between the fingers of your free hand and he swears he can feel himself about to drool.
“Fuck, please? Can I at least put my mouth on them? You’re gonna kill me.” He grumbles out and you play pity on him, sliding your dress off and straddling him so you can push your panties to the side and rub himself between your folds.
“Since you asked so nicely, I’ll let you.” You state and he immediately latches onto your left boob, groaning in both disappointment and excitement when he feels your hand move him near your entrance
You can feel the vibrations of his muffled gasps when you rub his tip against your clit, anticipation biting Luke in his gut waiting for you to finally put him inside.
“Mmm, it’s so close, would be so easy to-“ “you’re getting bratty. Keep it up and I won’t hesitate to hold off your orgasm tonight.” You bark out, interrupting him. “Fuck, ‘m sorry” he mumbles, wiping the drool off his mouth and leaning back
“Oh fuck” he suddenly whimpers out when you finally have enough and slip him inside of you. When he reaches for you for a second time you have enough and pin his hands to his bed.
“Gonna pin me to the bed? H-oh god” he cuts himself off and you smile in satisfaction, knowing that he’s giving up that ‘wanna be dominant’ attitude.
The room is full of you two, the sounds of you bouncing on him and Luke’s whimpering along with your gasps
“Please let me touch you, I’m gonna fucking lose it over here. Please, please.” He begs and you coo down at him. His face red, eyes hooded, and begging for the most simple thing.
“Sure, baby. See? I’ll give you what you need, as long as you ask me nicely.” You let his wrist go and he immediately grabs handfuls of your ass, moaning when he’s able to feel your soft skin under his fingers
“I’m close.” He whines out and you look at him with confusion “already? We just started baby…..if you cum, how am I gonna get off?” You mock him and all of a sudden he feels this wave of embarrassment hit him, tossing his head back with a groan.
“I don’t know what you’re doing to me. I’ve never- fuck- never been like this before for anyone.” You bite down behind his ear and he shudders “mmm… maybe I’m just different. All I know is that you shouldn’t cum yet.” You whisper and he shakes “can’t. I can’t hold it. You’re too fucking good.”
“Hold it.” You demand, and go right back to attacking his neck. “I’m trying. I’m trying.” He cries out, repeating himself. A small part of you wonders if he’s trying to convince you or himself, and right when he’s about to break, you let go of your pending orgasm and give in.
“Cum for me, Luke.” You rasp out, and he’s a mess as he comes undone under you. Shaking and eyes rolling into the back in his head, you get that feeling of accomplishment take over you as you orgasm. This is what you came here for.
Helping him ride out his orgasm, you gently grind yourself on him, watching him slowly come down from his high.
Everything for Luke after that is a blur. All he can remember was you cleaning him up and basically tucking him into bed before he knocked out.
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The morning after, Luke woke up to Jack blowing his phone up, asking him where he was.
He frantically got up and got dressed, rushed to the airport, and met up with the other two boys. “Luke! Where were you at, man?” Nico asks and Jack smirks, looking at his younger brother.
“Lukey here had quite an eventful night if I say.” Luke can feel his face heating up at jacks words and brushes him off. “Whatever, man. Let’s just get on the plane?” He says and he was the first person to sit down and plug his headphones in as soon as he sat down, waiting for the flight attendant to give him the green light to board the plane.
As Nico goes over the plans for the trip when they land, Luke glances over to Jack and almost has a heart attack when he sees you sitting at the bar across the area from them. He sits up abruptly and when he glances at Nico for a second when his captain asks him what’s wrong and then looks back to where you were, you aren’t there anymore.
“…..Luke?” Jack repeats, concern spreading on his face as he waves his hand infront of Luke’s face. With his mouth parted and stuttering, he eventually says never mind and sinks back into his chair, gaining confused looks from both men next to him but slowly moving back into their previous conversation.
Sneakily glancing back to your spot, you still aren’t there, and he begins to wonder if his mind was playing tricks on him, but he can’t shake off the feeling that he was right.
Eventually he boards the plane and flies to Australia like it was meant to do, and Luke takes a nap. The rest of the flight is smooth, nice and quiet like he wanted it to be. He couldn’t stop thinking of you. What you two did last night, and if you were really there in the airport with him.
He wakes up when the plane lands, collecting his stuff and joking with Jack and Nico, he freezes when he leaves the plane and sees you again across the room talking to another girl.
He stands there for a solid second, staring holes into your back like if he looks away you’ll disappear. Jack bumps into him from behind due to the sudden stop and when Luke slightly lunges forward and his eyes snap off you for a second, you weren’t there anymore.
“Luke, are you okay? You’ve been acting weird since this morning.” Jack says, gently rubbing his shoulder after running into Luke and all of a sudden Luke can feel anxiety bubbling in his chest. “Yeah. I’m fine.” He states quickly, trying to return back to normal when Jack and Nico look at each other, both equally aware that something’s going on.
What they don’t know can’t hurt them.
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© copyright of ilythena. Do not repost or translate onto any other websites.
I FUCKING HATE THE WAY I ENDED THIS but I wanna post for my pookies
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shaynesthetic · 2 months
The only thing I think I got right | Luke Castellan
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Word Count: 10.2k
A "Better Unknown" AU oneshot
Main Series: Better Unknown
Pairing: Luke Castellan x Minor God! Half-Blood! Gender Neutral MC
Synopsis: Out of everything that Luke thought he fucked up his entire life, Y/N leaving him where he stood was the ultimate fuck up he wishes he hadn’t. How can he fix this? And will he be able to? 
Tags: Two idiots, mutual pining, Best friends to lovers, fluff, angst with comfort
Warning: Little beta- reading, foul language
Banner by @/cafekitsune
A/N: Hello once again! This was a last-minute idea that's why I'm a little late. Happy Valentines Day! Or belated Valentines' Day if it's already the 15th for you like it is for me. Once again, English is not my first language so apologies for any grammatical errors. Critiques are always welcomed.
A/N: Also, I correct some stuff whenever I see fit sometimes. So if anyone sees any errors, no you didn't. Also also, as of February 16, 2024, I have updated the ending.
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It was the month everyone either despised or loved; It was Aphrodite’s month. A.K.A Valentines. February was always Camp Half-Blood's busiest month. With nymphs making sure every tree was lush and perfect, satyrs helping Demeter kids with preparing and picking the ripest strawberries, Aphrodite kids running around the camp supervising preparations for a feast to be held in honor of their mother alongside some Hermes and Hephaestus kids who were tasked on helping them, with a small fee of dessert that is.
Half of the campers were hanging out with their friends today, grateful that they could finally have a day to themselves, either by canoeing on the lake or having picnics in front of the beautiful views the Hill can give them. Younger campers made heart-shaped letters in the arts and crafts center to send to either their parent or the person they wanted to confess to. Others were practicing the lyre, particularly the Apollo kids, who were asked to help serenade confessing individuals, once again, with a small fee of their food portions, drachmas, and other privileges.
Then there was Y/N. Along with some Ares kids, they were on the training grounds, passing the time. It wasn't that Y/N was a bitter gremlin on Valentine's or anything, it was just that they treated it just like any other day. Why need a day to celebrate your love for others when you can do that every day? Was their philosophy. Truth be told, ever since their mom's passing, they just didn't see the point in celebrating. But that was before coming to Camp Half-Blood. They didn't celebrate arriving in camp either, don't get them wrong…but at least they weren’t alone. It wasn’t like the Ares kids were bitter gremlins either; they just didn’t care. Well, they claim they don’t. But you’ll have to take their word on it. 
Y/N was with Clarisse and one of her other siblings, Mark, who insisted on joining them. Clarisse was helping Y/N with the spear, also with a small fee (why would anyone work for free nowadays anyway?). They have been sparring for a few hours, and none have yet to let down. Perks of being the Ares kid and a minor god, respectively. Another sparring session commenced and Mark just watched as their sibling and Y/N hit blow after blow with each other. The clashing of wood and iron made the air sting with adrenaline, and both took advantage of it. 
The dropping of the spear took Mark off his apparent disassociation, and the scene came into view. Y/N was on the ground, with Clarisse pointing a spear to their neck, one minor move from Y/N and Clarisse could nick them. Y/N, out of breath, smiled and looked up at the girl, before nodding and raising their hands in complete surrender. "Alright, Clarisse. You got me." The child of Ares cackled victoriously at them, Mark in the background cheering. Y/N got up and brushed the dust off their clothes. 
“You’re kinda getting good. You still suck but the sparring’s getting you somewhere.” Give it to Clarisse for giving compliments, if you can call it a compliment. But Y/N took it as one. It was a rare occurrence for the Ares cabin’s head counselor to give compliments to other cabins, but for some odd reason, Y/N was an exception. Well, it wasn’t THAT odd. Y/N and Clarisse were best friends, and other campers find that awfully odd. But to Y/N, they were odd to begin with and everything in their life, from the Gods to prophecies to quests are too, so who cares? Being friends with the biggest bully and their other siblings in the camp was the least of their worries. 
Y/N rolled their eyes at Clarisse before shoving their hands in their jean pockets, making their way to a hay bale, and plopping down on it. Clarisse sat next to them, looking at the spear in their hands. “Any plans for the Goddess of Love’s Day?” Y/N asks out of the blue. Clarisse only stared at them before she started laughing with malice. Is it malice? Y/N couldn’t tell.
“What do you think, Ease?” Clarisse smirked as Y/N blushed at the nickname. It was a nickname given by Y/N’s other best friend, Luke, the son of Hermes.  It was a nickname to embody what Y/N was to Luke, as he claims. Ever since the duo came back to camp after a particularly harrowing quest, Luke never had any troubles with sleeping and claimed Y/N had everything to do with it. Y/N begged to disagree, although they weren't going to admit he was right. Ever since, that nickname stuck like glue. Luke took every second embarrassing them with the nickname. It secretly infuriated them, but Y/N knew it had to be endearing, so they let it go. Y/N had a weird set of friends, who would never get along they think, but Y/N didn’t care. A friend was a friend.  
Clarisse, unfortunately, one day had the fortune of hearing Luke call them that. It was during one of the sword fighting training sessions with Luke, and he, out of either pettiness or wanting to embarrass the hell out of Y/N, called them up to be their test dummy sparring buddy. It went smoothly at first. Y/N wasn’t new to Luke asking them to be his sparring and demonstration partner whenever both Y/N’s cabin’s itineraries and his time as a teacher coincide, which doesn’t happen that often, but when it does Luke took advantage of it. Regardless, Y/N did it for Luke. And Luke was always ever so grateful for it. 
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After a few demonstrations from Luke, the real sparring commenced. Y/N knew they had no leg to stand on and was awfully aware that Luke was the best swordsman in Camp Half-Blood. There was no way in hell they’d beat him. It was a short spar and before they knew it, Y/N was on the ground, a scene Y/N was all too familiar with to the point Y/N might as well befriend the ground they walk on by how much accustomed they were to being face to face with it. 
Luke smiled at Y/N as the tip of their sword was right in front of their throat and Y/N rolled their eyes. "You okay there, Ease?" he asked, offering their hand for them to take. Y/N partially accepted the offer, before their eyes widened. The nickname wasn't supposed to go out to everyone else. They looked at the crowd before them, Apollo kids, Y/N's cabin, and unfortunately, Ares kids and Clarisse. Shame and embarrassment became anger, and Y/N swatted Luke's hand before beelining to the exit. 
Luke stood there stunned, not realizing the gravity of the situation. It took him a while to finally understand what he had done. Y/N had firmly asked them to keep the nickname between themselves. But Luke couldn't help it. He forgets himself whenever he's in front of them. It was like Y/N was his tunnel vision, and he forgot every ounce of autonomy and thought. He knew he didn't mean to embarrass Y/N but it slipped. And now, Luke had to ask for penance. It wasn't new for the two to bicker and fight, it was in friends' nature to do so. However, this was different. Y/N was the type to always prove a point, and they'd normally react with a malice-laced “What the hell does that mean?” or a very exasperated “What?”, but today was different. They left without arguing, and that scared Luke more than all of their heated fights combined. He swallowed from worry and nervousness before apologizing to everyone in the arena, also beelining to the exit. Clarisse was there to witness everything, and for once that day, she snickered.
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Ever since that day, Ease had stuck in everyone's minds. Although no one dared to use it and stuck on calling Y/N their name, Clarisse would use it often to either taunt or tease them, there was no in-between. 
"I hate you so much" Y/N begrudgingly says, looking far away from them. Clarisse's laugh roared as a response. "Does Mr. Loverboy have any plans for you both?” That got Y/N's attention. They tilted their head, trying to decipher her words. Clarisse, ever so observant, took that as an answer and sighed.
"He's such a fucking loser." Mark and Y/N's heads snap up, nonverbally lecturing the girl for the use of such…language. It was second nature to think Chiron was listening to them, and the look of disapproval from the camp director was hard to remove. The last thing they wanted was Clarisse getting in trouble or worse…dishwashing duty. “What? It’s true, isn’t it? That boy is in love with you and couldn’t get the balls to confess to you. He's stuck looking at you like a kicked puppy every time he even catches sight of you it's so damn annoying.” It was now Y/N’s turn to laugh, albeit it was more bitter than straight coffee. They knew it wasn’t possible. Y/N knew their feelings for their best friend were genuine but for some sick, twisted, sadistic reason, Y/N decided upon themselves to assume that it was one-sided, and thus made it their mission to lock it up and throw away the key. Even if they weren’t romantically involved, they were just happy for Luke to be a part of their life. Y/N has convinced themselves. 
“I can’t believe I’m friends with idiots!” Clarisse raises her arms in frustration and annoyance, to both her best friend and Luke themselves. It was clear that they danced around their feelings and it was so fascinating that an Ares kid out of everyone saw that, out of all the kids in the camp. It was comedic, albeit sad, but comedic.
“Clarisse, you’re the only one who thinks that.” “Not really.” Mark immediately interjects. Y/N glares at the kid, Mark shrugging in response. Clarisse pumps her fist in the air and high-fives Mark in vindication.  “Even the kid sees it, Y/N. Stop telling yourself it ain’t so because it is.  Luke loves you and you love him. End of story.” 
"I'm content that he's part of my life, Clarisse. Isn't that enough?" The last sentence came out in the form of a whisper, which even Y/N was surprised by. They tried to convince either themselves or Clarisse & Mark that that was the case.  Why were they getting choked up about this in the first place? Weren't they content that he was part of their life? Y/N damns their actions for betraying their words. 
“Look, just accept the fact you like Luke. Stop pretending and stop convincing yourself that you don’t. Let your feelings out.” Clarisse blurted out. Y/N couldn’t help but not stifle a laugh. “Since when did you become Aphrodite’s kid?” Clarisse jokingly punched their shoulder, a blush creeping in her cheeks. “Shut up.” The Clarisse that they knew, the one who hid her feelings well, embodied pride, arrogance & exuded bravery, and wouldn’t dare give any advice, less a confession, was back. 
“Look, I’m just saying that you’re no better than Luke. You might be even worse than him. And I don’t like seeing my best friend sulking because they made their own bed and laid on it. Stop being stupid and accept the fact that Luke has feelings for you and you have to as well or I'll have to beat you with a stick just to get it through your thick skull." 
Y/N spent the entire day looking for Luke, who was nowhere to be found in his normal stations. They asked all his siblings about his whereabouts but nothing. Na-da. Zip. It wasn’t like him to disappear. In a day they’d see wafts of his brownish-black curly hair in the crowd multiple times and knew it was him. Whenever they see him, it was as if he's the only one they can see. 
They decided to look around the cabins once again. They bargained to themselves that if they didn’t see him that time, they’d just look for them at the dining pavilion later tonight or just assume he’s busy. They were so busy with their thoughts it took them a while to finally see the man of the hour. He was leaning against the Aphrodite Cabin, talking to a girl. The girl was blonde, and her height was the same as Luke's shoulder. Louise Clifford-Jacobs, Y/N remembered her name. They were one of Aphrodite Cabin’s kindest members. Y/N wasn’t close to them but they’ve talked once in a while and they’ve heard nothing but kind words from everyone around her.  They were laughing and the girl was giggling, excitement drawn on her face. She notices Y/N approaching him and she taps Luke's shoulder before pointing to their direction. 
Luke looked away from her and saw Y/N, smiling and waving. Luke offered them what seemed like a smile and a hand raised. The smile was something Y/N noticed approaching him. It looked as if it was out of nervousness or tiredness, Y/N couldn't pinpoint which one. It looked forced and was nowhere near Luke's actual smile. 
Still, Y/N flashed a big smile at Luke, happy that they finally found him after that unnecessary scavenger hunt to locate him. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you. You weren’t in the Sword Fighting Arena and your siblings didn’t know where you were”
Luke shifted on his feet, hung his head down, and put his hand on the back of his neck.  “Hey, Ease. Yeah sorry ‘bout that I had a lot of things to do. I’ll make it up to you soon. Honest!”  Y/N nodded their head in understanding. “Oh yeah!” they exclaimed, remembering why they were looking for him in the first place. “I was gonna ask you something. Do you have a second?” Luke began looking between them and Louise. The air suddenly felt thick as tensions and awkwardness rose as if Luke was caught between a rock and a hard place. It seemed as if Luke made his decision when he responded, "Oh shit, sorry Ease I'm in the middle of something with Louise. Do you mind?" 
The smile on Y/N’s face dropped and a forced hard line formed on their lips. “Oh. Oh okay. No worries. If it’s important I can ask you some other time. Bye Louise!” Y/N quickly walked away with hands in their pockets. Y/N felt a pang in their chest, and their heart began to beat more rapidly than normal. They didn’t know what they were feeling. Sadness? Disappointment? It seemingly wasn’t Y/N’s Day, but they convinced themselves that it was because Luke was busy, considering he was Camp Counselor after all. Yeah, that’s what it is. Y/N tried to rationalize what took place. However, Y/N evidently came up short.
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It had begun to be a daily occurrence it seems, Y/N finding Luke, asking if they could talk or hang out with them and him disregarding them, brushing them off, or telling them they're busy. Just like it became a sudden everyday occurrence, it also became a nuisance and annoyance to Y/N. Once can be brushed off as a mere coincidence but multiple times in a week? Now, that wasn't a coincidence. It had become clear to Y/N: Luke was avoiding them. But why? Did they do something to upset Luke? Couldn’t be. Was it? It didn’t make sense to Y/N. It didn’t make sense to poor ol’ Annabeth either, whom Y/N found solace in. They felt bad and shameful, talking to a literal 13-year-old about stuff they should be dealing with on their own. But Luke was Annabeth’s brother, and Annabeth knew more about him than Y/N would ever in their lifetime. So, it made sense that Y/N would approach her. 
"I could've sworn Luke was walking back and forth from the beach. I've seen him there multiple times a day. Even at the lake with the canoes, I'd see him too. He always looked nervous and his hands were clammy. He was very jumpy too. Whenever I’d ask him, he’d brush me aside, force me off his case, and make me return to the Athena cabin.” Annabeth explained one day when they asked about their sibling’s whereabouts.  Y/N was slowly getting frustrated, not at Annabeth but at the lack of answers. Who wouldn’t be? Your best friend, out of the blue, began ignoring you; without offering any answers, without explanation. Anyone would go insane just thinking about it. Y/N felt they had no one else to blame but themselves. 
Y/N felt despondent more and more every day, and it wasn’t hard to notice. Their signature smile was gone, they weren't eating much, and aloof. Their cabin-mates noticed it too. They weren't their enthusiastic self and slugged around with their activities for the day. Their siblings, wanting to distract them from whatever caused their unorthodox behavior, asked if they wanted to do hand-to-hand combat or forge weapons in the camp forge, which was what Y/N liked doing the most, but was met with a shrug and a distant stare off into the abyss. 
It wasn't just their cabin that got the brunt of Y/N’s melancholy. Half of the population in the camp did. Their beds weren't as comfortable as they had gotten used to. Campers began feeling awful emotionally waking up, some had dreams that caused nothing but dejection and misery. Some Aphrodite kids even woke up feeling nothing but heartache, even though it was supposed to be their month. Everyone was affected, and regardless if Y/N knew of this or not, that wasn’t a matter to them that they cared enough about to fix. Selfish? Probably is. 
The last straw was on a random Tuesday when once again, Y/N looked for Luke. They once again, like clockwork, looked everywhere for him. They finally found them near the Hermes cabin, talking to his half-siblings. Approaching them, they sensed that Luke wasn't in the best of moods, with his back tensed than usual and their siblings looking as if the ground was far more interesting than their older brother's lecture. The two, who they later found out were the Stolls, noticed Y/N approaching. Connor (Y/N thought it was Connor but they weren’t sure) looked at Luke before directing his eyes towards Y/N. Luke's eyebrows scrunched up before looking at what had gotten the Stoll siblings' attention. Y/N, with hands behind their back and with a thin line on their lips, greeted Luke. 
Before Y/N could greet them, Luke stopped them. “Listen, Y/N. I know you wanna hang out with me and tell me whatever this is you want to tell me. I get that. I see that. But please, not now. I’m in the middle of something here.”
Y/N’s eyebrows furrow in sadness and in turn look at the Stolls. Y/N, who has been patient with their best friend, just wasn’t having it. Out of either frustration or desperation, Y/N spoke. “I know that and I understand that. Being a camp counselor is hard work, especially with these ruffians trying to tear down every wall in the cabin.” Y/N tried to lighten up the situation, earning a snicker from the Stolls, who weren’t their intended audience. Luke just stood there, his face still the same, albeit more unamused than before. 
“But you have to relax for once. You’ve been at it for days now so I was won-““No.” Luke immediately interjects with hints of venom laced in his teeth. Y/N’s breath hitched. This was the first time in their life they’ve heard Luke speak like that. He was usually this nonchalant, chill dude. Serious when needed but a stand-up guy. Today wasn’t the normal Luke. No, it was something else. It made Y/N’s spine tingle with fear. It also made the Stolls’ back straightened. 
“C’mon, Luke. I know you’re working hard but-""I said no, Y/N. Gods above, can’t you please just listen to me once? I’m busy. Please. Leave.” Y/N gulped, looking back at the Stolls before looking back to Luke, whose eyebrows furrowed and scar making him all the more menacing. Y/N immediately left, locking themselves away in their cabin. They looked up, and just thinking about Luke’s tone and expression made them tear up. It was oh so wrong for Y/N to cry over someone, let alone a boy. But this was no ordinary boy no. This boy was special to them, and their expression of annoyance towards them felt like a stab to the heart multiple times, each time the intensity got worse and worse and as a joke, his expression kept removing the daggers only to put it back in.
This made Y/N’s overthinking tenfold. They have settled at the fact that Luke hated them, thought of them as an annoyance, thought of them as excess baggage. These thoughts overwhelmed Y/N and in turn, tears welled up in their eyes, cascading onto their pillow until they fell asleep. None of their siblings tried to bother them, eyes looking back at each other laced with sympathy towards their once exuberant sibling. Y/N ultimately missed lunch and dinner, and Luke noticed that day that Y/N was nowhere to be found. But ultimately decided not to do anything about it. 
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It was a Thursday when the downfall came. Y/N, who was feeling nothing but sadness the past couple of days, like a shift of tides, has inadvertently turned this sadness into something else; something much more dangerous and malicious: Anger. It was all of a sudden. Y/N woke up on the wrong side of the bed, and that’s when everything went to shit. Y/N’s anger poured over everyone in their cabin. Sammie, Y/N's bunkmate, asked them what was wrong. They were always there for Y/N and Y/N considered Sammie their closest sibling out of everyone. So, it was a surprise to all of their siblings when Y/N’s voice, filled with malice and venom, barked “LEAVE ME ALONE. CAN’T YOU SEE I’M NOT? FOR GOD'S SAKE JESUS ABOVE! ARE YOU STUPID OR BRAIN DEAD?” Everyone’s mouth hung open as they looked at each other, either out of fear or mere awkwardness.  Y/N wasn’t the type to scream at anyone out of the blue. They were boisterous and loud, sure, but it was out of happiness and eagerness to wake up every day. But now, it was like a cloud cast over Camp Half-Blood, even though it never rained there. 
Everyone stopped what they were doing to look at the scene in front of them. Y/N on their bed, blanket strewn about on their legs as they scowled at the now teary-eyed Sammie. Time stood still and the air got more and more heavy. Here was their zealous and exuberant sibling, who woke up and randomly just chose to pick a fight the moment their eyes opened. It wasn't like them. But no one knew what caused them to snap. Someone had to step between them and Hayden, one of the older members of the camp, guided Sammie away from Y/N before they further angered them. Essie, another one of their siblings, glared at Y/N.
Y/N, with everyone's eyes on them, finally was hugged by clarity's warmth and their eyes softened. They looked around to see their siblings looking at them with the expression of either disgust or shame, and Y/N couldn't stand to be around their siblings. They tossed their blanket aside and went out of their cabin, head down.
Maybe walking could clear my head. Y/N thought. So, they walked. And walked, visiting every place you can go to in camp, rinse and repeat. They felt like a soulless traveler, wandering aimlessly around. Lifeless and tired. As they began walking back to their cabin however, a familiar voice tried to stop them. They tensed up, realizing it was Luke, the same boy who had been ignoring them for days, who now had the utter audacity to come up to them as if nothing had happened. 
Y/N, more infuriated than before, turned around to look at the boy. He was in a smiley mood, creases formed on the side of their eyes. This was Luke’s signature smile that he knew Y/N loved, but unfortunately for him, today wasn’t the day it’d work on them. They glowered at Luke with intense fury in their eyes, and Luke, at that moment, wanted nothing more than to be sucked in by a black hole from where he stood, even though they had no idea what had made them furious like that. In the years of knowing Y/N, Luke knew they had that specific look whenever they were furious, that one that made you want to eat dirt or bury yourself alive.  It wasn’t a normal occurrence, which made the intensity of the look way worse. And whenever they did show it, regardless of how many times they’ve done so over the years, it always felt like the first, and Luke always shuddered seeing it. He wasn’t thrilled when his Ease was upset. And in years of knowing them, knew not to mess with Y/N during their spouts of anger, but what Luke wanted to tell them was very important to both of them, Luke thinks, and assumed it’d make Y/N’s mood better, just like every other plan Luke had for them when they were mad or upset. In hindsight, this was probably the worst decision Luke has ever made.
"Hey, I was looking for you. Do you have a second?" Luke put his hands in his khaki pants' pockets and smiled at Y/N. Luke's nonchalance made Y/N's expression turn from anger into disbelief. Did he actually believe that Y/N, whose face is red with anger and disgust towards Luke's actions for the past week, would just come around and entertain Luke's question? Certainly, no one would. Disbelief turned into fury, and Y/N's hands turned into a fist. They approached Luke, and for a minute Luke smiled.  Tunnel vision once again washed over Luke, and unfortunately for him, he failed to see Y/N, who without hesitation, swung at him. 
Luke was on the ground in an instant, shock painted across his face. He felt for the side of his lip, which was now cut open and oozing with blood. If Y/N was in a better mood, they’d take a picture of Luke’s expression and hang it up so people would gawk at it. But alas, Y/N didn’t have a camera, and they weren’t in the mood for stupid jokes, let alone Luke’s. 
“You really have the gall to ask me that? After what you’ve fucking done?” Y/N’s every step was filled to the brim with resentment, each step might leave and burn a permanent mark on the ground. Luke wasn't looking forward to what Y/N was gonna do to him. And Luke, in all of this, was painfully unaware of what he had done, as evident by the clueless look he had, which infuriated Y/N more. 
“You, Luke Castellan, are the stupidest, shittiest, and the most pathetic excuse of a man I've ever met in this entire lifetime. You ignore me for days, brush me off when I try to talk to you and act like I don't exist. You are just as cruel as the Gods. No, scratch that. Even worse. If you didn’t wanna be friends anymore you could’ve just fucking told me instead of you acting like you don't see me.” The anger in Y/N seemingly dissipated, replacing it with another just as intense if not more emotion: Anguish. Y/N's eyes were now filled to the brim with days' worth of unshed tears, it was as if the dam inside their heart finally burst. Luke finally, by the grace of God, realized the critical error they'd made. They didn't mean to leave Y/N in the dust like that, but Y/N didn't know that. It was his fault for not communicating with them about it. He, upon seeing his best friend, with tears in their eyes and anger and other pent-up emotions over the days splattered in both their face and actions, knew he had morally fucked up. Luke Castellan, who was very much aware of how many times he had fucked up in his life, who was so used to seeing the consequences of his actions, for seemingly the first time, was now so blissfully aware of how unaware he was of the damage he’d done. The last thing he wanted was to make Y/N feel anything but happiness. He never wanted to hurt them or make them cry. They swore one day years ago that until they died, they wouldn’t make Y/N feel that way. To be alone. To be abandoned, like the Gods did. Luke had always been angry at the Gods for ignoring them and didn't want anyone, especially their best friend, to feel that way after everything that had happened to them. But like the Gods, life was cruel like that, and promises were sometimes made to be broken. And Luke failed. Yet again. He did. At that moment, he realized just how much anguish and pain he had caused. Luke's expression softened and regret was now sprawled across his face.
Y/N raised their fist towards Luke, and he closed his eyes, expecting a second punch to land on his face. I deserve it. he thought.  But he waited and waited until…nothing. Instead, Y/N's fist faced the ground, and their head was down, tears dripping onto the dirt they were now kneeling on. They gripped on their pants like a lifeline, as they shook with rage. Luke, fully grasping what was happening, tried to approach them and touch their hand. But as soon as he tried, Y/N moved away from him. At that moment, you could hear Luke's heart shattering into millions of pieces. He'd officially ruined it. Just like everything he touched.
Y/N stood up and wiped the tears that were threatening to spill from their eyes. Their hair was a mess, shirt rippled as if it wasn't ironed and their hand was now a little bloody from the punch to both Luke's face and the contact with the Earth. Y/ N looked at Luke with malice, and Luke unconsciously stepped back.
“Stay away from me, Luke Castellan. If you know what’s good for you, I advise you to do so. Never ever talk to me again. Go fuck yourself. We’re done.”
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Relationships end, that was a given. Love was silly like that. Breaking up and losing who you thought was your forever was one of the saddest heartaches you can get in life. That was universal knowledge. But Luke, at that moment, knew that that wasn't the case.  To him, the most heartbreaking thing was to see their best friend walk away, just like that.  They essentially gave up on him, and Luke had nothing to blame but himself. The one person who he knew wouldn’t give up on them, did just that.  Friendships come and go, and over time and unexpectedly, they can break off. And all you can do is accept and move on. That was natural. But this wasn’t something Luke didn’t want to just accept. He knew this one’s reason wasn't natural. And it had one reason: him. Luke Castellan. Son of Hermes. A fuck up.
Luke laid on his bunk bed, contemplating. This had been going on for two days already. Luke waking up and doing nothing but brood and contemplate. Nobody in the cabin bothered him, aside from Chris who stepped up as temporary camp counselor for him and updated him once in a while about what they did that day, and his other younger sister Mia who cleaned up his wound upon seeing him enter the cabin, dazed and hurt. He would kill just for Y/N to say something to him, to scream at him, do something instead of the cold glares they have given them when they reach the dinner pavilion or even as they walk near their cabin. For some reason, Y/N always knew they were there, and it pissed them off even more. The silence between them was deafening, and Luke hated every minute of it. It wasn't rare for the two to fight, Y/N was feisty and loved arguing, especially when they knew they were right. But the first time, when Y/N decided that they weren't gonna argue, got Luke shaken up and scared. 
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Luke had looked everywhere for Y/N that day. He knew he royally fucked up, calling Y/N by their nickname that they’ve agreed upon should be kept in secrecy. Put that in the list of things Luke has fucked up in the years of their friendship. Worry filled Luke’s brain. What if they went to the forest and got hurt? Luke wouldn’t forgive himself if that happens. He’s lost a lot of people in his life, and when Y/N came into his life, while ambivalent at first, later on promised to himself that he wasn’t gonna let anything happen to Y/N. He had sworn to protect them, even though he knew they didn’t need him. Luke was just about to give up, his nerves shaken as he anxiously thought of multiple what-ifs in his head, when he found them ultimately in the last place they never bothered to search: the campfire. 
Y/N was sitting on the ground, hugging their knees. They were looking at the ground. Luke hesitantly walked towards them and sat next to them. The fire crackled as a girl, who was not older than 8, tended to the flames. He could’ve sworn he's never seen this girl in the years he’s been here but that didn’t matter. Y/N sensed someone was next to them, and looked up. Luke sheepishly smiled at them and in turn, Y/N looked away. 
Luke sighed and laid his head on their shoulder, closing his eyes. Y/N didn’t shrug him off, which was a good thing but they weren’t looking at him. They just sat there, the crackling of fire the only thing you could hear as it danced like two lovers in an intense dance for their lives. Silence went by minutes. No one dared making a sound. 
“I’m sorry.” Were the first words that pierced the silence that surrounded them. Luke sat right up and looked at Y/N who was now looking at them with the most heavenly eyes Luke had ever seen. Their eyes were out of this world, it was as if planets and novas were encased in them. But what ruined it was the gloss. Not because of the glossiness of their eyes, but the cause of it. Y/N had been crying. And it was Luke’s fault.
“Why are you apologizing, Ease? It’s not your fault. It’s mine. I embarrassed you. I promised that I wouldn’t tell anyone about it. And now here you are, crying. I also promised I wouldn’t make you cry either.” He sighed before putting his forehead on their shoulder, closing his eyes. It was another minute before Y/N spoke again. 
“It’s stupid, Luke. It was petty. And I made it a big deal by leaving. I shouldn’t have embarrassed you in front of the campers. I fucked up. I’m sorry.”
The pair looked at each other in lopsided smiles. “We’re both a mess, huh?” He looked at them again with the biggest and doofiest smile he could muster. Then, giggles. Giggling and laughter roared in the air as the two non-verbally apologized to each other. Hugs and jokes were shared that day in front of the bonfire. You couldn’t burn that scene whenever you tried. It was one of the best days the two ever had.
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Emphasis on had. Luke thought. Now, he lays there, contemplating the bridge he’d burn from the one good thing in his life. What Luke couldn’t forget the most were their eyes, filled with hate and malice towards him. Seeing them like that felt like the entire world, his entire world, fall apart. And then they left them there standing, forced to pick up the millions of pieces he himself destroyed.
He knew he loved them; he really did. He could lie under oath and people would know he’s being disingenuous. He’d known for a while about what he felt for them. The way he looks at them from a distance as they laugh with their cabin-mates, a smile unconsciously creeps into his lips. The way their eyes drag towards them instinctively in the crowd. The way they put him over themselves and how much they accommodate him. Those were some of the things they loved about Y/N. And it took Chris and the entire Hermes cabin just to make him realize just how much of a love-sick puppy he was. Although he knew of his feelings towards them, just like Y/N though, they were both content in being part of their lives. Just like Y/N, He was scared that he might fuck up if they both got together, and he didn’t want to lose them. So, he convinced himself that keeping them in their lives platonically was the only solution they had. They were both idiots. Laughing at that now, Luke couldn’t help but slap himself in the face. You kept them platonically but you still fucked up. Way to go, Castellan. 
He was surely convinced he was just okay to keep them in their lives platonically. He didn’t even initially plan anything on Valentine's Day. Just hanging out with them and doing nothing was okay for Luke. But as Valentine’s Day crept around the corner, Luke couldn’t help but think of holding their hand that day as fireworks sprayed in the sky, red and white lights dancing and looking down at them. He couldn’t help but dream of holding them in their arms, kissing them on the temple, smiling down at them as they both looked at each other in adoration. He knew he had to make a move, as both were as stubborn as mules. Y/N had always been the one to initiate everything. From hanging out to just lollygagging around camp. Y/N has always been there for him. It was always Y/N. Y/N. Y/N. He swears he could make their name a chant, just to immortalize this being he could’ve sworn was given to him by the Gods themselves. What did he do to deserve such an angel? He doesn’t know. He realized that for once in his life, He wanted to initiate something first.  Not Y/N. Him.
He felt his heart ripping out of his chest, and at that instant, he knew he had to do something. At first, he couldn’t find Aphrodite kids who he was close enough to ask for advice since they were all busy with the Feast. But the Gods smiled down upon him that day, in the form of Louise Clifford-Jacobs. Luke wasted no hesitation asking Louise about what to do on Valentines, the perfect spot in Camp Half-Blood, the perfect food to serve, everything. He was so focused on planning he didn’t realize Y/N was next to him, the last person he hoped to hear him ask an Aphrodite girl about his plans for them. Looking at Y/N and their smile, Luke felt his heart beat in his chest. His ears turned red as the love of their life smiled upon them, like sun rays that greeted you in the morning.  Y/N had wanted to ask him a question, and although he wanted to entertain it, he still had to plan their date. Luke knew he hadn’t had much time but he didn’t wanna make them leave. Sacrifices were needed to be taken, and Luke had asked them to leave. The smile that left Y/N’s face broke his heart, but he had to do something so that his plan wasn’t blown. 
Luke watched as Y/N left and felt a pang, it was as if someone had shot them directly into his chest. Looking at Louise, they instinctively knew they had to make the date as special as ever. 
But all the planning. All gone to waste because Luke had failed to focus on the one good thing he had. He was so intent on making the perfect date he forgot who it was for. And now Luke was just there staring into the abyss of the bunk bed, dejected that not only he lost his best friend, his grand plan was useless now. Maybe he could give the plan to Percy? He wasn’t sure anymore. 
A knock on the door interrupted his brooding, and he sat up to see the last person he expected to see today. Clarisse La Rue, in all her Ares fashion, walked inside and sat next to Luke. She intently looked at Luke, anger pulsing through her veins. Luke gulps in response.
“I wanna punch you so bad, Castellan.” She started. “So, so bad. You don’t know how much you fucked up.”  He flinched. He knew how hard Ares kids’ punches are, but Clarisse’s was deadlier. You could’ve hit him with a stone and it would hurt way less. She continues. “But I won’t.” Luke sat up, confused. If she wasn’t there to hurt him then what? Luke couldn’t wrap around the scenario happening right now.
“Clarisse, if you’re looking for Capture the Flag alliances, go look for someone else. I’m not in the mood to think of strategies nor care for any bartering you're gonna do.” Luke bluntly stated as he plopped his head on his pillow, covering his eyes with his arm. He hears the girl sigh. “As much as I would really like to make an alliance with you, I’m here for Y/N”
This caught the boy’s attention as he sat up again. He stares at Clarisse before she starts to speak. “Look, I’m probably the last person you’d expect to play cupid but goddamn you both are annoying as fuck. I’ll cut to the chase, Castellan. My best friend is fucking in love with you, they just couldn’t admit it because they’ve made their thick skull think they didn’t have a chance with you. It has gotten worse ever since you started your little game of ignoring them. Now, I know you like them too, the way you look at them makes me wanna vomit but whatever. And I know you didn't mean to ignore them. This is all just a big misunderstanding and Idiot 1 and 2 do nothing but brood and sigh all day. I for one think it's annoying as hell.” Clarisse sighs, reclining on the railings of Luke’s bunk. " The point is, I’m not gonna sit around and see them cry over some idiot. Now, get your sad, pathetic ass out of bed and tell me your plan so I can help.”
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Luke and Clarisse indeed formed an unlikely alliance. Although not in Capture The Flag, it was for Y/N so it was the next best thing. Luke’s plan was simple: it was a simple dinner date at the camp’s gazebo, with the gazebo facing the lake. Luke used his abilities as a Hermes kid to smuggle in Y/N and his' favorite food. Clarisse, who had connections with Aphrodite kids through her other best friend Silena, had asked them to help Luke with his case. They didn’t hesitate, seeing that love and courtship was their forte. Louise and Silena lead the operation, Luke owing them big time for this. In all of the planning and decorating, Luke had gotten antsy. And Silena was getting rather annoyed. Using her charm speak, she had managed to calm Luke’s nerves. Sighs of relief echoed as Luke decided to sit as far away as the Aphrodite kids and let them do their jobs without looking like a strict supervisor. 
Silena and Clarisse had known for a long time just how much the Hermes boy yearned for Y/N. In fact, the pair were taking bets on who would confess first, with Silena betting that Y/N would meanwhile Clarisse was betting on Luke. In the meantime, it seems like none of them were winning. And they wouldn’t like that now, would they? That’s why they agreed to help him. Though it was the second reason, the real reason why was sweeter, but they would rather be caught dead than admit that.
Whilst Silena and Clarisse helped prepare, they couldn’t help but look back at Luke. His leg wobbled up and down and he kept wringing his hands. Sweat was rolling down his head as his eyes shifted, while silent murmurs left his mouth. In the many years these two have known Luke, they have never seen him like this. He was the epitome of confidence, both in the eyes of his siblings and everyone in the camp. He was ever so self-assured with both his abilities in sword fighting and his abilities as Head Counselor. Yet here he was, a blubbering mess.  It was definitely out of character for him. The two kept snickering every time they looked back at him, and they looked back at each other, rolling their eyes.  This was definitely blackmailing material for the future. 
That night on Valentines Day, the feast had commenced in celebration of the Goddess of Love. With everyone in the dinner pavilion, Chiron had shared their usual pleasantries, and just like clockwork, finally asked everyone to commence the celebration. Everyone was dressed in their best clothes and eating well tonight, courtesy of the Aphrodite cabin, kids who knew they helped in preparations can finally eat up and pat themselves on the back for a job well done. Couples from different cabins were allowed to eat next to each other, as their single siblings watched in horror and disgust. Burning of offerings had also commenced tenfold, with everyone thanking the Goddess of Love for a very successful day. As the celebration goes on, Y/N sat next to their siblings, half of them sitting with their loved ones, while the rest talk amongst themselves. They sat in the middle, aimlessly picking and playing with their food. 
A cough took them out of their state. Clarisse, who was wearing her best red dress, and Silena who absolutely looked stunning in their off-shoulder dress stood next to each other, looking at them. Y/N in turn looked up at them, eyes filled with gloom. “Don’t tell me you’re gonna be like that the entire night, Y/N”.
“And what if I was?” They barked in retaliation. They were in no mood to bicker with the daughter of Ares. They weren’t also in a mood to celebrate this supposed-to-be happy occasion. Why would they? They just lost their best friend and the person they have been yearning for in just a week.
“Well, that’s no good now, is it?” both snicker at each other.  They sigh before standing up, back hunched and their arms on the table. “Look, I’m really not in the mood to entertain pranks nor play with matchmakers, no offense Silena” she smiled and nodded back to them.
“Well good news. This is no prank. Silena and I decided that since you’re alone this Valentine’s you could come join us on a little singles bonding.” Y/N raised their eyebrow in suspicion. They had a hunch that whenever these two were together and involved, it wasn’t gonna be pretty. These two, besides them and Clarisse, are partners in crime. And when there’s trouble in the air, Clarisse and Silena are the main culprits.
Y/N sighed however. Despite not being in the mood, they had no plans whatsoever. They were, however, in an entertaining mood. There was nothing to lose. So, they humor them, albeit begrudgingly. They rolled their eyes and looked back at them. “Fine. What do you want me to do?”
The girls smile and jump in excitement. Seeing this commotion, they knew something was up. These two were planning something, and Y/N was mentally cursing themselves for agreeing. There was fire in Clarisse’s eyes, and in the many years they’ve known her, they knew exactly what this look was: Determination. A determined Clarisse was dangerous, that they knew. They would stop at nothing to get things done, regardless if it'd kill her or not. An over exaggeration on Y/N’s part but you get the point.  But curiosity was a killer. And well, satisfaction will bring them back.
Silena dragged Y/N away from their table, no one paying mind to them leaving, while Clarisse pushed them forward. They walked and walked until they ended up in the Aphrodite cabin, desolate with no one but themselves. They dragged them to the cabin’s vanity table that was lined with different hair items and products, from hair gel to combs. Aphrodite kids were stacked, and Y/N anxiety never faltered.
“What the hell are you two gonna do to me?” they asked, voice laced with fear. Clarisse’s usual cackle filled the cabin, alongside the sound of a turned-on hair dryer. “Oh c’mon, Y/N liven up. It’s Mom’s Day. I’m giving you a makeover, of course. Courtesy of the entire Aphrodite cabin.” Y/N looked at themselves in the mirror and realized they look utterly horrid. Their hair stuck out in every direction; their eyes red from the constant crying. Eyebags evident from the lack of sleep. Silena was right, They thought. They did look like a mess.
 “Think of it as self-care, Y/N. As the Head Councilor of the Aphrodite cabin, we are humbly your fairy godmothers for the evening.  I’m gonna make sure you look perfect and stunning. Now. Face the mirror.”  
Silena was right. Y/N did look perfect right now. They looked the best they’ve ever been ever since they entered camp, hell, even before they were homeless. One word can describe them right now and it was this: Ethereal. They looked like you could put them in Olympus and no one would be any wiser, no, scratch that, they looked more than just a God. They looked like a celestial being. Silena and Clarisse couldn’t help but gawk at their joint masterpiece and Y/N looked at themselves in the mirror, basking in their appearance. 
Y/N couldn’t help it as a tear rolled down their cheek, which Silena tsked before wiping it off. “Someone who looks celestial tonight has no right to cry. Look at you!” Both Clarisse and Silena were now beside them, and they gawked once more at them. Their confidence skyrocketed ten-fold, and by God they didn’t think they were even capable of looking like so. They looked at both Clarisse and Silena, nodding at them, eyes closed, feeling ever so grateful for their job tonight. But they knew the night wasn’t over, and without hesitation, Clarisse took their hand and led them out the cabin.
It was a short walk and before they knew it, they reached the lit gazebo. Y/N’s eyes sparkled as they stared in awe at the decorations that littered it, fairy lights in little jars, red and white clothes draped at the roof of the gazebo. Food was on the rose petal decorated table, with a beautiful table setting with handkerchiefs folded into swans. But that wasn’t the only thing that was in there. A curly haired boy sat on one of the tables, dressed in a suit, looking down and twiddling with their thumbs. Luke. They thought.
All the happiness they felt have now dissipated, and fury once again taken hold of them. “What the hell is this?” They spat venom, and the pair couldn’t help but flinch in retaliation. Looking up, Luke saw Y/N, and he couldn’t help but gawk at them. Luke had always known Y/N was ethereal, but with Silena and Clarisse’s help, they were all of a sudden out of this world. It was as if Y/N embodied Aphrodite, you can even say moreso, however you wouldn’t catch Luke saying that aloud. All the gawking Luke did however, was ruined when they saw their face. They were infuriated. Angry that they were tricked by Silena and Clarisse. Angry at him. 
Luke wasted no time and made a beeline towards Y/N. "What is he doing here?” Y/N asks Silena and Clarisse, and the duo stayed quiet, looking at Luke for help. Luke sighs, putting both his hands up near his chest, a sign that he wasn’t there to put up a fight. “Don’t get mad at them, Ease. They helped me.  I asked them to trick you. I’m sorry.”
“I told you that I didn’t wanna see you anymore, Luke.” “I know that but please hear me out.” Without saying a word, Y/N began to turn around and walk away. Who wouldn’t be pissed? The last person they wanted to see right now was standing there, whilst they recruited their other friends to basically trick them into seeing him. To say they were pissed was an understatement. 
Not wanting for Y/N to leave before he explained himself, he grabs their arm. The touch felt electric to Y/N as they spun around as Luke held them. And for the first time in a while, Y/N’s expression softened. It had been days since the two had hung out, let alone seen each other. The fight had made them more distant than before, and Y/N couldn’t help but yearn for Luke’s touch. As skin contacts skin, his touch made them putty, and all the anger they’ve kept just seemingly dissipated, and there was nothing left but yearning. Painful, painful yearning. 
“Please, Y/N hear me out. I promise I’ll make it worthwhile.” Y/N closed their eyes, sighing. Y/N knew Luke was their weakness, it had always been. And as he stood there holding them, all thoughts were officially lost. They nodded, and Luke for the first time in a while had his signature smile plastered on their face.
Luke looks at Y/N’s eyes, enamored as the lights from the gazebo danced in it. The more he stared at their eyes, they felt like a moth drawn to the flame. He could stare at it forever, like how Narcissus looked at his reflection in the water, but Luke had to snap out of it, and finish the hell that he had started.
“Listen, Ease. In the years I’ve lived on this Earth, I’ve recognized just how much I’ve fucked up. I was very much aware of how much I’ve done so. With Hal, with…Thalia.” Luke looked at the ground, tears began welling in his eyes. Y/N, who looked at him with adoration, wasted no time putting their hand on his cheek, guiding his eyes back to them. Luke looks at Y/N, before laughing, tears betraying him as they rush down like a waterfall. Y/N’s expressions softened even more, as they used their thumb to swipe any more tears that dared leave Luke’s eyes. A nod left Y/N, encouraging Luke to continue. The gesture made Luke a little more courageous, as he swallowed, before continuing. “With dad’s quest. I knew how much of a fuckup I was. I was always aware, and for some odd reason, when the consequences of these fuck-ups arise, I just ignore them. Not the healthiest option I know but I just stopped giving a fuck, you know? It is what it is mentality.”  As he looked at Y/N, he took their hands into his, and suddenly yet all at once, it felt exhilarating. Their hand in his felt bright and warm, a feeling both of them never felt before. In that moment, they both seemed to forget all the troubles, trials and tribulations they’ve experienced, and what matters right now were just the two of them, in that moment, a scene like in a movie.
“But seeing you walk away like that with the angriest and furious eyes with tears cascading down your face, I realized something.” He breathes out as his grip on their hands tighten, it was as if at any minute, Luke would lose them, like they would drift away from them, never to be seen again. “I realized that out of all the fuck ups I did, hurting you was the worst one I’ve ever done. In that moment, I realized that making you feel alone and small was the biggest fuck-up I have ever done. For the first time, It felt as if some part of me died that day. Out of all the mistakes I've done in my life, you were the only one I was willing to fix."
Luke adoringly stepped forward more, and the space between them left as if it never existed. Luke moved his hands to their forearm, and in turn they put their hand on his chest. “You, Ease, made me realize that out of everything in my life, you’ve become the only thing I got right. I could forget everything, and you’d still be the only constant I’m thankful the Gods had given me. You're the only one who has seen the reds and the blues of my life and despite everything, you just burned them all up. And you, with all your love for an idiot like me, kissed them goodbye.”
“I’m here to fix things between us, Ease. Let it be known that I’m not willing to give you away that easily. Not in this lifetime. Not in the next. So please, I hope you forgive me.”
Y/N, upon hearing Luke’s words, couldn’t help but allow the tears to fall from their eyes. Overwhelmed with emotions, they wasted no time putting their arms around him, sobbing as they cling on to him, scared that they might fall away from them. It took Luke a minute before wrapping their arms around them as well, swinging them back and forth as the pair laughed and giggled in each other’s presence. Tears and smiles were shared amongst the pair, and Luke, smitten in love, broke the contact first, his hands on Y/N’s waist. The pair basked at each other’s presence with adoration, as they stood there, foreheads touching.  Y/N’s hands crept once again to Luke’s face and in that moment, as they looked at each other, time stood still, silence washed over them. “Ease, I promise you, you won’t regret it.” He giddily smiles at them, and they chuckle. 
“I know I won’t.” Y/N replies. Luke leans in, and in sync, their lips move against each other. The pair melted in each other as Y/N placed their hands on their neck. Y/N’s lips were soft. Luke thought. And a smile crept into his lips as his dreams of what their lips felt like on his was now in fruition. Electricity filled the air as the two savored each other, apologies and I love yous passed back and forth with each kiss. It was invigorating, the pair thought. He parts his lips for them, allowing each other to explore and satiate the hunger they had for each other. Their hands slipped into his curly hair and in turn, Luke pulled them towards his body more.
They broke apart after a few minutes, the two catching their breath. As they looked at each other, a sudden boom made their heads snap towards the sky. Red and white lights danced in the sky, covering the entire valley with the Love Goddess’ colors. The two looked up at the sky in adoration as they held onto each other, Luke’s head on their shoulder as they laid their head on his, with Luke’s arms around their waist and their hands resting on top of his. 
Silena and Clarisse watch on as their friends bask in each other’s presence, and in turn they look at each other. Clarisse held out a hand, and Silena couldn’t help but groan as they fished in their pockets, placing a few drachmas on the God of War’s child's palm. Clarisse nodded a thank you to Silena, before both of them left to give the two some deserved privacy.
Never in the million years Luke would think the Gods would give him someone, let alone a person who loved all of him. Y/N, his North Star, his tether, his world. He didn't expect them, out of everyone, to now be in his arms, fully embracing the feeling they had for each other that they were so afraid to admit before. Now, as his name fell from Y/N’s mouth, he smiles as he basked at the moment, silently thanking the Gods for this one. And maybe, just maybe he thinks, he can forget about why he hated the Gods in the first place.
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steddieasitgoes · 5 months
@steddiemas Day 15 Prompt: Spread Holiday Cheer
Tags: Established Relationship, Future Fic, Christmas Fluff, Sending Holiday Cards, Eddie Munson Loves Steve Harrington
wc: 1554 | Rating: G
Read on ao3 | ao3 collection
Eddie’s perched on the kitchen counter, two fingers deep in a jar of peanut butter when the front door creaks open and shut. Barefoot patter across the reclaimed wood floor until Steve appears in the doorway. He has a  stack of mail tucked under his arm. An open card clutched between his hands.
“Did Dustin tell us Suzie was pregnant again?” Steve asks. He swats Eddie off the counter as he walks to the corner they’ve designated for unopened mail. Dropping the mail on the stack of overflowing flyers and magazines they’ve yet to get through, he squints at the card in his hands.
“I talked to him yesterday and he didn’t mention anything,” Eddie mumbles, mouth full of peanut butter. “Why?”
“She definitely looks pregnant.”
“Sweetheart,” Eddie chastises as he winds the lid of the peanut butter back on the jar. “You can’t assume she’s pregnant just because she looks a little…”
The words fizzle out as he rests his head on Steve’s shoulder. His eyes take in the Christmas card in his hands. Henderson’s are always his favorite. The boy’s always had a thing for dramatics, something that hasn’t waned with age. Or the growing brood of kids he’s acquiring.
This year's card is Star Wars-themed. Dustin dressed as Han and Suzie in Leia’s white costume. Their oldest son is Luke, lightsaber held high. The twins in homemade R2D2 and C-3Po costumes.
The youngest has been painted green, channeling Yoda if Eddie had to guess. And of course, their dog rounds out the eccentric bunch in a homemade Chewbacca costume.
One glance at Suzie’s growing belly, stretching the fabric of Leia’s dress is all it takes for Eddie to confirm Steve’s suspicions. The message at the bottom of the card also helps.
“You really should read these with your glasses on,” Eddie teases, fingers reaching over Steve to tap at the message printed at the bottom. “Says here their “galaxy” is growing in spring.”
“Christ,” Steve says, shaking his head. “He’s building a damn sports team over there.”
Eddie snorts. “More like a D&D group. They’re going to be the Von Trapps of the Dungeons and Dragons world one day.”
With a snort of his own, Steve shakes Eddie off of him and crosses the room to their fridge. It’s not uncommon for the yellowing white door to be flooded with messages and cards, but it’s ten times worse during December. Eddie can barely get into the freezer without a card or two falling, taking their magnets with them.
Still, Steve doesn’t let the cluttered fridge stop him from hanging Dustin’s card up there amongst the rest. Eddie watches as he takes a step back, hands coming to rest on his hips as he admires the holiday spread in front of him.
Dustin’s card sits towards the top, sandwiched between one from the Sinclairs — a back shot of Lucas, Max, and their daughter Ellie hand in hand on a beach in California — and one from the Byers-Hoppers — Hop and Joyce sat in their matching rocking chairs on their porch with dopey smiles on their faces as they look out on their hoard of grandkids.
There’s a card from the Wheeler-Byers, too — a caricature of their family, the boys, and their army of dogs no doubt drawn by Will himself. It sits beside the one from El and Erica, a joint holiday postcard from Italy where they’re studying abroad.
Nancy and Jonathan are the most professional of the bunch — no surprise given Jonathan’s photography skills and Nancy’s perfectionism. The one of Jeff’s kids is one of Eddie’s favorites, the trio screaming on Santa’s lap while Jeff and his wife smile at the camera. A close second is Gareth and Freaks who decided to hit up the local JcPennys for awkward family portraits with their girlfriends.
Robin and Chrissy’s is front and center, the two of them kissing under the mistletoe while their daughter rolls her eyes in the background. Beside it is one from Wayne and Scott, a grainy shot that Steve took himself the last time they visited Hawkins. There’s one from Eden and Argyle from Missouri, which was news to everyone when it arrived.
A handful from Steve’s past students tacked up over each other along with ones from their coworkers. Fleeting faces in their lives, along with permanent fixtures.
In the center of it all is their card from this year. They took it back in July when prices were cheaper and Steve could order them in bulk without breaking the bank. They’re smiling at the camera on the couch in their living room, a silly Santa plush sits between them. Both in godawful ugly sweaters with Santa hats perched on their heads despite the sweltering summer sun peaking in from the bay window.
Maybe he’s biased, but he thinks theirs is his favorite.
Eddie’s pretty sure it’s the best one they’ve ever taken which is why he feels the wind knocked out of him when he spots Steve frowning at it.
“Everything okay, Stevie?”
Steve hums, prying his eyes away from the fridge to look at Eddie. He offers him a soft smile and a curt nod before excusing himself. Eddie’s pretty sure he hears him mumble something about needing to start this week's lesson plan.
Eddie knows it’s a lie — it’s the final week before winter break and Steve never teaches during it — but he doesn’t call him out on it. Instead, he lets his boyfriend slink out of the room. When he’s gone Eddie shifts his attention back to the fridge, eyes squinted as he tries to puzzle out what has Steve so bum hum bug all of a sudden.
He doesn’t get it at first. There’s nothing different about this year's cards than the hoards they’ve received in the past. Everyone who should be up there is up there, smiling wide at what this year has given them. Happy parents and smiling kids, wild pets, and even wilder adventures.
His eyes are making a third pass over the cards when it clicks. Eddie knows Steve’s not disappointed with the way their life has turned out, but it's clear from the cards littering their fridge that something is missing. 
Every card screams family, except theirs.
Well, Eddie thinks, that simply won’t do.
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It takes three days for Eddie to pull everything together. The minute Steve leaves for work on the fourth day, he gets to work setting everything up. In a matter of hours, their living room gets transformed from a moderate Christmas room to one that belongs in those cheesy movies Steve always has on.
He’s relocated the tree to the middle of the room, decked everything out with garland and twinkling light, and hand-painted the Santa’s workshop sign he stayed up late making last night. After an hour-long call with Jonathan, he manages to get the camera and tripod set up.
Getting their pets dressed takes the longest, but after chasing everyone around and bribing them with a shit ton of treats he gets all 3 dogs, 4 cats, Parrot, snake, and bunny in their respective holiday attire. He’s putting the finishing touches on his own look when he hears the familiar creak of the front door.
“Eds?” Steve calls, voice tinged with curiosity. “What’s going on?”
“We’re taking our Christmas card picture,” Eddie says, appearing around the corner in a red Santa suit.
Steve blinks before slowly looking around the room. The dogs and cats all match in elf costumes. Pierce the Bunny and Ozzy the Parrot are somehow keeping elf hats on their head and Sizzle the Snake has a ribbon wrapped loosely around her body like the world's most delicate Christmas present.
Eddie watches as Steve takes everything in, lips parted in that cute confused look he always gets. Fish out of water, he likes to tease.
“Don’t worry, I have your costume here too,” Eddie says, holding up a matching red Santa suit.
“I’m confused, we already sent our cards out for the year.”
Eddie hums. “We did, but we forgot to include some very important members of our family in the card. Don’t you think our friends deserve to have all our beautiful faces on their fridges?”
“I mean, I guess? It’s going to cost a fortune though this late in the game.”
“Our family is worth it.”
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It costs them an arm and a leg to get the cards printed and sent out in time, but it's worth it to see the smile permanently etched on Steve’s face as he tacks it up on the fridge, replacing their original card.
This time when he steps away there’s nothing but pure happiness on his face.
“I know it’s not the big family you dreamed of,” Eddie says, wrapping his arms around him as he admires the display. “But it’s still pretty great, right?”
“It’s perfect, Eds.”
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The following year, Dustin’s isn’t the only card with a new face on it. Steve, Eddie, and their army of pets are joined by a pair of timid smiles. A brother-sister duo whom they’ve been fostering since February. If all goes as planned, they’ll be permanent fixtures on the Munson-Harrington card for decades to come. 
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voidvannie · 14 days
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🖇🦋 ꒱ 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 !
𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞
𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 。。。。 emersyn surprised her best friend by showing up at the lake house, and quinn soon goes to his brother when he realizes his feelings for the singer.
ੈ✩ ━ ❪ feel free to send an any request of things you want to see in this series, or if you just want to share some thoughts about what your read! i would love that! ❫
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June 1, 2022
“Hi, Emmie, we miss you!?”
“Mama H!” Emersyn cheers as the woman answers her FaceTime call.
“Is that Emmie?!”Jim’s face appears next to his wife’s, ginning widely at the girl he saw as his daughter. “Hey, superstar!”
“Hey, Papaw H! How are you guys?” She asked, looking off screen as a voice calls her name, “The blue one, Justin!”
“We’re good, honey! What with the call?” Jim asked the brunette as he smiled.
“Well, I wanted to let the two of you be the first to know that I’m coming to the lake house risk summer!”
A gasp leaves Ellen’s lips as a smile makes its way onto her face, “Are you serious?!”
“Yes! I feel like it’s been a long time coming, and besides, I miss everyone.” Emersyn pouts, “And with mom and dad going on their little getaway and Ryder busy with his own life, I need this.”
“I’ve been telling you that you need a break!” A male voice calls throughout the background just as a shirt lands on her head.
“Justin! Stop messing up my bedroom! Go home to your wife!”
“You said you would go get waffles with me!”
“Ugh! Fine! I’ll see you guys in a couple of days! Love ya’ll!”
“We love you, sweetheart!” Ellen blows the young woman a kiss before hanging up, “Oh, I’m so happy! Our girl is coming home for the summer!”
Jim smiles sweetly at his wife, his own excitement building up in his chest, “Maybe this is the summer where Quinn will get his head out of his ass and finally admit that he’s had feelings for her from the very first summer she stopped coming.”
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June 10, 2022
The slick black car pulled into the driveway of the Hughes lake house, cars piled up outside from the amount of people staying there this summer.
Choosing to get her stuff from the trunk later, the brunette girl bounces up the stairs and knocks on the door.
The red wooden door opens up and Emersyn grins when she notices that Ellen is the one to open it.
“Emmie, my sweet girl!” Ellen pulls her into a tight hug, both women hugging each other for dear life, “Oh, I’ve missed you so much!”
“I missed you! You’re making me cry!” Emersyn can feel herself tear up as they pull away from each other, the brunette wiping her tears away.
“I heard our girls voice!” Jim’s booming voice filled the air as he comes around the corner, straight to the girl he had practically helped raise since she was eight. “Hi, honey.”
“Come on, all the boys are out on the dock.” Jim leads the girl towards the back door as his wife follows along. “Hey, boys! Look what that cat dragged in!”
Everyone turns in the direction of Jim's voice, shouts of happiness leaving the lips of those who knew Emersyn on a personal level as they rushed to hug her, all of them talking over each other.
But two people stood off to the side, both with totally different emotions swirling around.
Jack stood with a dropped jaw, tears pooling as he it had been years since they had spent a summer with each other. Of course, the two talked on the daily and texted, checking up on each other. And Emersyn had been to a handful of his hockey games while Jack tried to go to as many concerts of hers as he could.
But they hadn’t actually spent a summer together since the summer that Quinn had embarrassed her after Luke spilled her secret about her crush on Quinn — one that was still so much present even though it had been years.
Quinn sat off to the side, his entire body frozen as he takes in the girl standing in front of him. The two hadn’t talked since that one summer. And every time Quinn tried to get Jack to give him the singers new number, his brother always refused.
If she wanted him to have it, then she would’ve given it to him.
“Holy, fu— is this real?” Jack asked from his place, watching as his best friend nodded her head.
“Hi, Jacky.”
And that’s all it took for the two best friends to rush towards each other, Jack picking the brunette up to hold her to him tightly, the middle Hughes boy swaying them slightly.
“Are you here for the summer?” He mumbles in her neck, only loud enough for her to hear.
“Yes. I decided that it—,”
“No. Let me help you get your stuff up to your room.” Jack cuts her off, placing a hand on the small of her back, pushing her towards the inside of the lake house.
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It’s quiet as Jack watches Emersyn unpacking her stuff in the bedroom that was designated for her when she came to the Lake House for the summer, which for the last nine years had stayed empty.
“The entire summer?”
Emersyn laughs as she pushes the now empty suitcase under the bed, “I’m here the entire summer. Well, I do have to fly back to California in a couple of days just for a concert. I promised Justin I’d come sing Overboard with him.”
Jack nods as she comes to sit next to him on the bed, “How’s that crush on Quinn?”
Emersyn groans, throwing herself back as she uses the palms of her hands to cover her eyes, “You would think that after nine years, and one toxic ass relationship, that I wouldn’t have one anymore but it hasn’t gone away.”
“Might help if you stopped watching his games, or stopped looking over his Instagram, or let me set you up on a date with —,”
“I’m not going on a date with anybody for your team.” She cuts his off, “Dawson and Nico are great guys, but no.”
“Worth a shot.” He shrugged.
“I tried really hard to forget about my crush on Quinn, but it seems impossible. And I know that he doesn’t feel the same way, he made that pretty clear in 2013, but….,”
“You want him to return the feelings.” Jack smiles softly.
“Yeah.” Emersyn sighs, “God, that sounds so stupid.”
“Maybe one day he will. It’d be nice if you were my sister one day.” Jack smirks, nudging his foot with hers before the smirk drops, “I don’t know how I’d feel about it though.”
“What do you mean?” She sits up, eyebrows pinched together is confusion.
“Emmie, he broke your heart to the point that you haven’t been here is nine years. He let his friends laugh at you. He embarrassed you.” Jack shakes his head, “He’s by brother, and I love him, but your my sister and I love you just as much.”
“Jack! Stop hogging Emmie!” Trevor rushed into the bedroom, cutting off the conversation between the two best friends as he picks the singer up and throws her over his shoulder.
“Trevor!” Emersyn squealed, clutching tightly to his sides to make sure she wouldn’t slip from his grip. “Put me down!”
“I don’t think so, pop star.”
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June 11, 2022
Emersyn had officially made it an entire day without talking to Quinn. Trevor and Jack had done a great job at keeping her as far away from her as possible.
But this morning as she was sitting on the porch, watching the sun rise, she had no luck seeing as she was the only one awake.
“Hey.” Quinn comes to sit in the empty seat next to her.
“Hi.” She doesn’t turn her head to look at him as he shoulders tense.
Quinn notices the way she rubs the palms of her hands on her bare thighs, a habit that she picked up on when she was nervous about something.
“How’s things in sunny California?” He asked, leaning back in his seat.
“Good. I finally moved out of Justin’s place.” Emersyn nods, “Which isn’t all too great ‘cause I live next door and he can just walk in whenever he feels like it.”
Having been a minor when she first moved to California, her parents staying in Michigan, she needed an adult to live with, and Justin offered to be her legal guardian until she was old enough.
And the brunette wanted to move out whenever Hailey had moved in with him, but both told her to stay, and she ended up doing that until about a months ago.
“Emmie.” The door slides open and Luke pops his head out with a pout, “Will you make me some of your pancakes?”
A giggle leaves her lips as she stands up, walking towards him, “Come on you big baby.”
Quinn watches the girl walk inside with his youngest brother, a sign leaving his lips as he throws his head back, “I am so fucked.”
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June 14, 2022
“We need to talk.” Quinn shuts Jack’s bedroom door as the Devil’s player was trying to find a specific t-shirt that Emersyn had asked him to get so that she could throw it over her swim suit.
“Talk about what?” Jack doesn’t turn from his closet as he pushes clothes around.
“I’m in love with Emersyn.”
Jack freezes as the words come from his brother’s mouth, t-shirt clutches tightly in his fist before he shakes his head, “No.”
“No? What do you mean ‘no’?” Quinn looks at his brother in confusion as Jack turns to him.
“You think I’m going to let you love my best friend after what happened?” Jack asked, a dry chuckle leaving his lips. “Think again.”
“No. It has been nine years since I’ve spent an entire summer with Emmie because of you.” Jack tells him, “Hell, she didn’t even come to Luke’s first NHL game that she promised him she would come to because she didn’t want to face you.”
“I know! Jack, I was 13–,”
“I don’t give a damn if you were 31! Emmie has spent her entire life trying to please you, to make you see her as more than my best friend!” Jack’s voice grew louder as his grip on the t-shirt got tighter, knuckles turning white out of anger. “I’ll be damned if you hurt her all over again!”
“Tell her.”
“What? No!”
Jack’s jaw flexes as he clenches down on his teeth, “Either you tell her right now, or I do it.”
“That’s not fair.”
“Not fair? You what’s not fair?! Her being gone for nine years, not wanting to step foot into this lake house, because you hurt her and embarrassed her!” Jack’s voice carried throughout the house as he makes his way down the stairs, feet pounding loudly with each step that he took.
“Jack! Stop!”
“Emmie!” Jack calls out for the girl as he holds the t-shirt out to her.
“Oh, thank yo—,”
“Quinn is in love with you.”
Silence falls over the entire lake house, Emersyn's standing in shock as she holds the t-shirt in her hand.
"Jack." Quinn hisses, not able to tear his gaze away from the fallen expression on Emersyn's face. "Emmie."
"Stop." Her voice cracks as she holds a hand up, pushing the t-shirt into his chest as she walks by him and heads up the stairs.
"Seriously?" Quinn looks at his little brother before following after the brunette, "Emmie! Hey, Emersyn, talk to me!"
"What the hell just happened?" Trevor asked after closing his mouth after it fell open in shock.
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“Emmie, will you please open the door?” Quinn calls out as he knocks on the bedroom door, forehead pressed against the wooden surface.
Silence fills the air as the brunette inside doesn’t say a word, throwing stuff into a suitcase as she texted Justin that she wanted to come back a day earlier for at least a couple of days to clear her head.
"Emersyn, please!" Quinn knocks once again before the doorknob is turning and the Canucks player pushed it open standing in the doorway, "What are you doing?"
"I have to go back to Cali to do a show. I don't have the time to talk." She replies as her phone dings, Justin texting her back with flight information for flight that was leaving in two hours.
"So, you're just gonna runaway again?"
Emersyn spun around, "I didn't runaway the first time! I was heartbroken, embarrassed! I took some time for myself because thirteen-year-old me was heartbroken!"
"I seriously don't have the time for this." Emersyn says with a shake of her head, grabbing the now zipped suitcase and quickly walking out of the bedroom.
Quinn stands there for a moment before he's rushing after her, ignoring the looks from all of the hockey players spread out in his lake house living room. "I love you! Is that what you wanted to hear?! I'm in love with you!"
"I am not talking about this right this moment. I have a plane to catch."
"So that's it?"
Emersyn spins around to look at him once more as a tear falls from her eyes, "I waited nine years for you to say something, to heart you say that you loved me the way that I love you. Nine. I'm sure you can wait a couple of days before I'm ready to talk."
And with those last words, Emersyn walks out of the door, leaving Quinn standing there.
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equallyshaw · 4 months
to regain what once was | oc hughes sister x hughes brothers.
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background: Abigail 'Abby' Marie Hughes - now known best by her stage name: Gail Marie is a 21-year-old professional theater actress, having been performing professionally since she was 7 years old in Toronto, Ca. After Jack and Luke followed Quinn to Michigan she ventured off to NYC to live with her grandparents, which was supposed to only be a temporary summer stay, for an intensive she'd book a year prior. After that, she booked a chorus role in Annie the Musical, then booked youngest Fiona in Shrek! the musical in the NYC run before landing the pristine role of 'Matilda' in Matilda the Musical. Therefore, her grandparents took the initiative of becoming her legal guardians in order to keep her in NYC and her pursuit of claiming Broadway by storm. All the while, her brothers never dared step out of their hockey gear and come support her, as she had back in TO as much as she could in between her hectic schedule, student by day; and professional by night. So when the drafts came and went, as well as debuts came and went, she stayed in New York not daring to celebrate them when they hadn't been there for her. What hurts the most is that she yearns for the way they speak about each other in the media as well as how her parents spoke about them, because that's all she wanted more than anything in life.
Yes, I know the queen ellen and jimmy would never allow this but this is obvious fiction.
italics are flashbacks. Non italics takes place after the passing of their grandfather, unless otherwise marked. little brother is translated to, ach sheli.
warnings: swearing, family member passing.
word count: 7.8k.. longer than i anticipated lol
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It was not always like this, Gail thought as she swirled around her pre-show honey lemon tea. Peonie flowers stood tall on her dressing room counter, freshly delivered before the show by her now-late grandfather. She winced biting back tears as she thought about the past week and all that it had entailed; fights, tears, slammed doors, breakdowns, and broken hearts. Five individuals had come back into her life right as it was truly becoming special, though warranted; she absolutely hated having them in her home. Her home which had been for some time now, was with her grandparents. It was never with the home she was born into, never with those siblings and doting parents who spoke highly and sweetly about one another in the media. It was never with those who had never reached out to her on her own milestones and wins, never those who came to see her wished her happy birthdays or cheered her on when she learned how to skate, or the ones that let her score on them over and over again before she realized she hated the sport and everything that came with it. She hated the sport of hockey for taking away her brothers, and her supposed best friends, hated that it took away her parents, and hated that it had stolen everything she had known. She lost her childhood to the sport and her family.
The Hughes family sat around, listening to the will being spoken out loud. It was a bright and sunny, cool 75-degree day in New York City. Gail stared at the brown wooden desk in front of her, her leg shaking up and down like a manic. Her mind raced with thoughts, raced with notes from the night before, and raced with the last few fleeting moments she had had with her Pa. She hadn't heard her Ma call out for her, "Gail!" Her grandmother said from across the table. She swallowed, looking around at who was supposedly her family, and then she looked towards the lawyer. "You are left with 45% of..." She tuned him out and waved her hand not caring to listen. The meeting came and went, Gail the first one out of the room. She pushed the door open to the law office and took in the fresh air of Greenwich New York. She sighed, running her hands through her dirty blonde almost brunette hair. The past month had been hell. She'd lost her out on a leading role that she had worked her ass off in auditions and callbacks, one that would have surely set her up for a Tony nomination, she had lost out on a role in an upcoming musical movie and this. This. She'd lost her best friend and Pa, her most trusted and adored father figure. "Sweetie." She heard Ellen walk out of the law office reaching for her daughter, but she quickly moved out of reach. Ellen had been having a hard time coming to terms with how distant she was being towards her and the rest of the family. It was hard for the family to come to terms, and accept that Abigail was no longer Abigail, and she was no longer a pushover. "Its fine Ellen." Jimmy said walking out, and the two of them plus the brothers watched Gail begin to walk down the street.
_ Ellen, Jimmy, and the brothers had just arrived at The Hughes estate in The Hamptons. Gail was nowhere to be found, as she had been in the middle of a matinee when she got the call that her Pa was growing fainter. "Do I fly? Do I drive?!" She said as she whipped off her wig, wincing at the glue tearing off. "You can drive." Her Ma answered, and Gail quickly went to call her longtime boyfriend, Nick. She made it three hours later, her leg fidgeting up and down like a manic. "He's gonna be there." He reassured her over the course of the ride, but she had a hard time believing it. By the time she had made it to the estate, she didn't bother to look in the direction of the three boys who were out on the lawn chatting. She jogged inside the house, whipping open the door and trying to see if she heard any voices. "Ma?" She called out, walking into the kitchen. Luckily that's where her grandmother was, along with Jimmy and Ellen. "Ma." It felt like the world fell off her shoulders, seeing her grandmother. It felt like Ellen had been hit by a freight train. "Gail." Her grandmother said wrapping her arms around her granddaughter, "Pa is upstairs." And now it was Jimmy's turn to feel like he had been hit by a freight train.
Gail hummed, warming up her voice, going through her pre-show rituals. She hadn't been this nervous for a show in years, but there were a few people here tonight that hadn't been since, it's honestly too sad to think about how long it's been. She heard a knock on her door, "You good G?" She heard her co star, Casey question as he leaned against the doorframe. Gail nodded, saluting him with a smile and the mug of her lemon honey tea. "Break a leg." He called out before he ran off for places. She set down her mug, looking at herself in the mirror and did a once over, before deeming that she looked good.
She made her way out of her dressing room, and walked down the hall, the wooden floorboards creaking beneath her. She continued her pre-show hum and made her way to her place for the top of the show. She looked up at the ceiling, saying a little prayer towards her Pa, and then closed her eyes. The music began, and the crowd immediately relaxed and clapped along to the beat.
"Gail?" Ellen asked for confirmation and the girl nodded. "How long?" She questioned, and Gail genuinely had to think about it. Ellen could tell it had been for some time, "About 8 years." Gail responded, and Ellen sniffled. "So much has changed." She hummed, and Gail snickered. "You could say that Ellen." She snapped, and Ellen quickly looked towards her. "Why are you calling me that?" She questioned and Gail rolled her eyes. "You think that after you dumped me at Ma and Pa's house 10 years ago that I'd still call you that? You think I'd call you 'mom' when you sure as hell haven't been one for over 10 years?!" She questioned, "You dropped me off and never looked back. Too worried about their precious careers?! What about me? What about my career Ellen, huh? What about me, what happened to me!" She said raising her voice, both of them shocked at the words that were coming out.
Ellen stood up as the peanut gallery listened intently from beside them, "You forgot about me, your daughter, incase you forgot!" Gail said through strained tears. Ellen felt her own tears begin to form but was subdued due to anger.
"You think I don't regret it? Do you think I don't regret not being more involved? Y-" Gail cut her off, "You signed the papers! You're the one who signed your rights away!" She said fully screaming now. "You think I don't know? You think I don't know what you guys did?" She said furiously in a strained voice. "You think I wouldn't hate the very people who brought me into this world, only to get rid of me when I didn't follow in your footsteps? You think I would have sat idly by?"
Gail and Casey walked toward one another before turning towards the audience, as they performed their second-to-last duet - crazy rolling. The two ended on a high note, holding one another in their arms, and were met with enormous cheers and claps. They had no time to spare and were quickly off the stage. Quickly changing for the finale, the two took a brief moment with one another before getting to their spots. "oh my god Gail!!!!" Casey said bringing her in for a hug, realizing just how emotional she was. She was on the verge of tears before their final duet, which would result in her character's death. It would also be her final performance on this stage with this incredible cast and crew before she headed off to a faraway place and one that held such promise for her and her career. "You're gonna absolutely kill it Gail, I promise." Casey encouraged as he pulled away to embrace a tiny bit. She nodded, not looking at him directly. "No need to cry now." he teased and she giggled, knowing she was about to sob on stage. She nodded, looking up at Casey and giving him a smile. "Thanks for being the best partner this run." she beamed and he smiled widely, pulling her in for one last run. "Now move so I can fix my makeup." she joked, pushing him away. He playfully saluted her before running off to the other side of the stage, for his final position. Casey walked on first, as Gail followed suit into their positions. The opening music for the reprise of your song, began.
"Look at me Satine..why else live for love?" Casey spoke, as Gail began to sing. She turned a bit, looking back at Casey and felt the tears beginning to fall. Casey gave her a look of encouragement and gloom while staying in character.
Gail turned towards Ellen and everybody else who stood there stunned by what she had to say, "The minute you walked into my house, the very home that I have grown up in the past 10 years, yo-you act like nothing has changed. You act as if I am still the 10-year-old little naive Abby! Im not and haven't been since you put me on that train and never looked back." Gail said through stubborn tears, feeling her heartbeat thud in her temple. Ellen went to say something, but Gail held her hand up. "You act like this prodigal mother and parent in the media and in life, but you- you and him are so far from it." She finished, walking out of the living room away from everybody.
She jogged onto the stage, hugging Casey tightly at the top of the stage, before taking their bows. Casey stepped in front of her, bowing and earning a chorus of applause. He turned back towards her, holding out his hand and she smiled widely taking it. He took a step behind her, letting her have this moment. This will never get old, she thought. She bowed, giving a kiss to the crowd before bowing once more. Gail stepped back, connecting her hands with Casey and another actor, and they all did a bow together. Casey and David who plays the Duke in the show, pushed her in front of them once more for her to have a moment with the crowd. A Producer on the show walked out from left stage with a bouquet of roses and Gail quickly brought her hands up to her mouth in shock. She clasped her eyes shut, feeling tears rush out. "Thankyou!" She sobbed, pulling the producer in for a hug. Turning back to the crowd now, Gail placed a hand on her chest saying the words 'thankyou' to the crowd over and over again, and then towards the cast. She shook her head when the director came on stage with a microphone and desperately tried to flee toward the rest of the cast who only shook their heads.
"We have been incredibly lucky to have Miss Gail Hughes grace our stage for the past year, putting everything that she had into every performance. We couldn't be more thrilled and excited, to see what she has been tirelessly working on and prepping for. It'll be a joy to watch her from this side of the pond, gaining the hearts of each person to see her do what she does best. Gail, good luck on your next journey and break a leg!" the director said and she smiled widely, pulling him in for a hug. She waved a bit more to the crowd, and then the curtain came down.
"You knew Q?" Jack questioned after Ellen and Jimmy explained everything. Once Gail had left the house with Nick, the two were swarmed with questions from Jack and Luke. Quinn shrugged, and their parents turned towards him. "You knew?" Ellen asked and Quinn nodded timidly. "Wh-when?" Ellen asked, and Quinn smiled. "When she was nominated for her role in Matilda at the Tonys. She was 13 at the time, but she knew who her parents really were. Grandpa and Grandma." He responded, and Jack began to pace. "And then, she said in an interview with Andy Cohen that they were her parents, not you guys. She said that she had been living with them for years at that point, that was I wanna say in 2020 before Covid. But she said that she hadn't seen you guys in years. Then everything clicked." Quinn expanded and Luke's mouth was agape. "You didn't want to say anything?" He asked stunned. "You guys don't know the full thing." Jimmy said, and Jack was furious.
"What the fuck?" Jack said walking into the connected living room, hands dragging through his semi long locks. "In order to benefit her career and her future, she came to live with grandma and grandpa. It was meant to be temporary as we got you boys settled in, and then things just worked out the way that it was and, then she got Matilda and we couldn't take her away. She needed to stay." Jack cut her off, "You shipped her off in order for you guys to focus on us? What kind of fucked up shit is that?" He asked, angry.
Jimmy held his hand up, "We did it to benefit all of us. And grandma and grandpa welcomed the idea and believed in it enough to do it." Jimmy explained, and their grandmother shook her head. "Don't Jim." She began, and all the boys whipped their head towards her. "You did what you believed to be best for her, but you really didn't know. You didn't know that she needed her parents. But why wouldn't we say yes? What would happen to the life she had just begun to build herself? What would happen? We couldn't let her passion, talent and love of theater go down the drain to watch pucks after school." She paused beginning to walk out of the kitchen, "If you think we welcomed it Jim, you are mistaken." She finished before disappearing upstairs to check on her husband.
As soon as Gail exited the stage, she turned towards a few of the ensemble cast members who had become close friends the past year and pulled them in for a huge hug. "I can't believe it's over." Gail sobbed as the other girls wiped their tears. The girls and Gail, slowly made their way over towards her dressing room. "One last post show picture!" Martha one of the dancers gushed, and Gail giggled softly. She sat down in her chair as a hair and makeup artist, came behind her and gave Gail a small frown. "Don't you start crying Matilda!" She scolded causing the room to laugh. Matilda slowly began to take off her wig while Gail took off her jewelry. "Oh can you grab my phone, Marie?" She questioned and as soon as Gail turned on her phone, she was flooded with messages. Her brothers and her now had a group chat, and they texted her during the intermission and now after the show finished. "Im gonna kill them!" She growled, and then showed the girl's the pictures they had taken throughout the second act. "I even told them, they couldn't do that!" she mumbled, texting them back. She then texted Nick, that in 30 minutes that he could bring her brothers and parent's back stage. In the meantime, she'd be doing her rounds of goodbyes.
Around 45 minutes later, Gail walked back to her dressing room and heard the familiar laughter of her brother, Jack. She walked through the doorframe, and everybody's heads turned towards her. She saw flowers in her dad's arms as well as Quinn's. "Oh my goodness, you didn't have too!" She said bringing her hands to her chin in surprise. "Ofcourse we had too!" Quinn grinned, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, to which she turned into a full hug. "You absolutely killed it dog." Jack smiled widely, pulling her in for a huge hug. "Thankyou." She smiled, and then turned towards Luke still surprised by how much taller he was. "Amazing, amazing job." He smiled pulling her in for a bear hug. "Thankyou." She beamed. Her parents brought her in for hugs and then found her spot next to Nick's, as it was second nature. "You make your rounds?" he questioned looking down at her, and she nodded feeling tears prick her eyes once more. He noticed and placed a soft kiss to her temple, and he could feel her relax a bit. "Are these from grandpa?" Luke asked softly, and she nodded. "He would send them every week when he came for the Sunday Matinee, and he made-made sure to do one for my final performance." She said through tears, looking at the grand bouquet of peonies. "They're gorgeous." Ellen smiled, "He gave me my love of peonies at a young age, and he's never let me down all these years." She hummed thinking back to all the times he had waited for her in the lobby after every show he had come to. His matinee show was a tradition he started dating back in 2012 with Annie. "He started to bring them with Annie, every week when he'd come for a matinee, even through Covid he came." She said smiling softly and looking at the flowers. The Hughes family all looked at one another, and again realizing just how much they'd missed out on her life and blossoming career.
Gail sat outside on the private beach, that lined her grandparent's backyard. Her knees were pulled into her chest, as she looked out over the Atlantic Ocean. She hadn't been up here since she took a week off back in March for a small vacation. It had been four months since then, and it seemed like a lifetime ago. Between auditions, workshops, and every show she did during the week it seemed like a blur. She didn't hear footsteps behind her, but she felt the sand that lightly brushed her as somebody came up behind her and sat down next to her. She looked over, not believing her eyes. Her eyebrows creased, "Quinn?" she questioned softly, and hearing her say his name for the first time in years made Quinn's eyes swell with tears. "Hey lovie." he whispered, and pulled her in once he saw tears swell in her eyes. He wrapped his arms around her, as he pulled her into his chest. He silently cursed and berated himself, as he thought about how much of a coward her was for not reaching out to her. She had Instagram, he knew where she lived most of the time and could always contact their grandparents. "Im sorry." He said as his voice cracked, and she sobbed even harder. "Im sorry I never said anything, im sorry I never reached out. Im sorry I let you down when you didn't deserve to be. You didn't deserve any of this, and I hate myself for allowing all of this to happen." he said through tears. Gail cried harder, into his chest as she heard the words she had begged the universe since she arrived at her Grandparent's house. "Quinn." she said softly, she pulled a bit back to look at him. She placed a hand on his cheek, trying to get him to look at her. "I don't think I can ever forgive myself, Gail." He sobbed, clasping his eyes shut. Hearing those words, broke her heart.
"Quinn." she said softly again, and he reopened his eyes. She swallowed, "I have hated you and the three of you since you didn't come to my first opening night. I have wished you three nothing but pain and loss because that was how I took it as a child. A fucking child, who all she wanted in the whole world was her brothers again. Yet, she never got them. She got brick walls, unanswered birthday messages, no invites to the lake house, and congratulations on my own milestones as a child." She paused ripping her hand away from his cheek, and Quinn swallowed tensly. "I have waited for those words since I was 12 years old...but now? I deserve a whole hell of a lot better, than that. Than this. You expect me to forgive so easily, after being ghosted all these years? My life and childhood have never been mine and now that im an adult? That's mine, all mine. My peace and healing do not deserve to be rocked because somebody wants to be a big brother now." She paused once more standing up. "I expected way more from my best friend growing up, but I've learned to live with disappointment because I was given disappointment from a young age." Gail finished before beginning her descent down the shoreline. Quinn watched through bouts of sobs, that ripped through his whole being.
Before Final performance. (August, 2023. One month after passing.)
"So..this is you really leaving?" Jack questioned softly, as he and his two brothers walked into the NYC apartment that she had shared with Nick the past year. Gail nodded, as she finished taping a box shut. The brothers couldn't believe that she was finishing her run in New York, and then heading out to West End to begin production in Hadestown. She would be originating the role of Eurydice in the first run in London, from February 2024 through August 2024 with the possibility of an add-on of dates. "Yeah, it's been a long time coming actually. We've been itching to get out of here for a while, and then London opened up and we couldn't jump at the opportunity quicker." She smiled as Nick smiled from across the room. "Oh wow." Luke said. Jack and Luke had been hoping that they could have built a relationship with her while they were in Jersey. "Yeah." Gail said awkwardly, "Congratulations though. You're gonna do amazing." Quinn encouraged and Gail gave him a small smile. "Well uh, did you guys get the tickets I sent over?" She questioned, picking up her glass of ice water. The brothers nodded, "Good good. They were hard to get so im glad you guys can come." She said with a grateful smile. "Anybody wanna get some pizza? Could use a break." Nick interrupted and Gail gave him a thankful look, and the brothers nodded. "Good, know a spot just down the street." Nick beamed, grabbing ahold of Gail's and then they were out.
It was only a few days later when their grandfather passed. Gail had been asleep on the all-year-round porch couch, with Nick. Ellen came down frantically, and Gail knew as soon as she was shaken awake, that she knew the reason why. She quickly cried out, as Nick sat up and pulled her into his chest. Ellen found Jim in the kitchen, as they listened to their daughter - who really wasn't their daughter in a way - cry out bone-shattering cries. The three brothers all made their way downstairs at the sound of her cries and then found their parents in the kitchen consoling each other. Gail stood up pushing herself from Nick and wrapped her arms around her self. Trying to give a slick of comfort to herself. Nick placed a soft hand on her arm, but she pushed him away. "NO!" She screamed, anger flaring from her. Nick took a step back, not appreciating the look of hatred in her eyes. But he knew it wasn't personal. Gail flung open the door that led to the kitchen and living room and hurried past her siblings and the parents she no longer considered hers. "Ma!" She called out, jogging up the stairs, and looked for her Ma. "Gail dear!" She heard from Ma and Pa's room. "Don't go in the extra room please, don't go in there." her Ma whispered, as she pulled the dirty blonde to her chest, who at this point she considered a daughter. Gail sobbed into her Ma's arms, as her Ma continued to whisper those few words. She didn't need the young girl to see her father figure being transported away from the place that they had called home for over ten years now, and one that she considered her childhood home.
Gail had been outside on the swing for hours that her Pa had put up as soon as she came to stay with them, all those years ago. She swayed slowly as the wind came off the ocean, with much curiosity and bitterness. Her brothers and parents had watched from the living room with her Ma and Nick, for hours now. Waiting for her to come in and say something, or grab something to eat. But she sat there, much to their dismay. "Im going out there." Jack announced as he stood up, annoyed at the fact that nobody had attempted to get her inside, besides Nick who failed miserably. She wouldn't let him five steps past the door. Jack opened up the door and shut it as softly as he could. Gail turned her head to her side but did not look back to see who was there. Wary footsteps came toward the girl, and Gail looked up as Jack came up next to her. "Hey, Gail." He said softly, and she sighed turning to look back at the pool, garden, and the ocean just past their white gate. "Can I sit here?" He questioned, to the spot next to her on the ground. She didn't give him a response, which he took as a win.
"Do you wanna know when the first time we noticed you weren't there?" He questioned, looking at the girl. She did not respond, and to be frank she could give two shits. "Well, I was 15 and Lukey was 12. You would have been 14, and finishing your run with Matilda. Lukey fractured or broke his finger, I can't quite recall and I remember watching him go down from the bench, it was a little scrimmage we were doing with some of the neighborhood kids and the first thing that Lukey said to Ellen was, "Where's Abby?" and he kept repeating that, even as we brought him home. All he wanted was his sister, and to be honest- so did I. I wanted you to be there because I wanted somebody to give me a hug and remind me that Lukey was going to be ok. I had to settle for Q who just so happened to be visiting from Vancouver. But all Lukey wanted was to hear your voice, and to reassure him that he was going to be ok. He never said it nor any of us did, but you were all our favorite sibling. You were our sister, whom we wanted to protect. We still do, but he wanted his favorite protector and the one person who knew exactly what to say. And when Ellen went to call Grandma, she was already calling Ellen. You had cracked your head open, after falling on some ice in Manhattan." And now all Gail could do was flash back to that moment, when it had happened. She didn't remember the ambulance ride but she remembers waking up in the children's hospital with her Pa, who was holding her hand, and her Ma was outside calling Ellen. She remembers crying out for Ellen, all she wanted was her mom in that moment. All she wanted was her mom, dad and her brothers telling her that she was going to be ok. That her 9 stitches on her temple, were gnarly and that they had had many over the year with out her. She remembers vividly crying into her Pa's arms that night, wishing that she was with them. But she knew deep down, that she was with her grandparents for a reason. Her parents no longer wanted her, she thought for the first time that night. For the first time in a year and a half, she felt abandoned by her parents and her brothers. She no longer felt welcomed or loved by the ones who gave her her name, and existence in this world.
"That night I wept. I wailed and I sobbed and I screamed to the universe, in that exact living room." She began turning towards Jack, who now had looked at her. "For the first time that night, it had sunk in that my own parents and brothers had abandoned me. They had cast me aside because I didn't skate or play hockey. For the first time, I felt as if I had no family of my own. It was the first time that Ma and Pa had become terrified, and believed that I was never going to calm down. Which believe me, in that moment of realization I believed I would never stop crying, or screaming. But do you know the first things you said?" She paused, waiting for a response. He shook his head and she made a tsk noise. "You said and I quote, "Do you wanna know when the first time we noticed you weren't there". The first time are the two key words Jack. It took you over a year to realize that I was gone, missing.!" She screamed at the now frightened boy. She stood up, "For over a fucking year, I waited for two birthday wishes, I waited for a phone call or a response to the messages I sent through grandma and grandpa!" She screamed again, and Jack felt tears sting his eyes. "And YOU! YOU don't get to cry!" She screamed, lowering her face towards his, as he wiped away his tears. "From what I recall, YOU were the selfish one! You were the selfish one who made us move!" She screamed at him, and the peanut gallery inside were frozen in their spots listening to her. Jack continued to look at Gail, with his features full of guilt. "I hate you Jack, I hate you! I hate you for making them give me up! I hate you for asking to go to Michigan! I hate you I hate you I hate you!" She screamed as her chest rose up and down, quickly. Rather too quickly for Jack's liking. "You did this Jack, all of it." She finished, before making her way toward the gate door and she was off to the beach.
Gail stood at Laguardia Airpot with Nick, and the two were saying goodbye to her family and a few of their friends. Jack was the first one to pull her in for a hug, whispering a few words of encouragement. Luke was next doing the same and lastly, it was Quinn. Quinn pulled her in tightly and whispered, "You're going to do amazing Lovie, we can't wait to hear all about it." and then the two pulled away. Next was Ma, and Gail had been dreading this moment, "I love you so much Ma." She whispered through tears and her Ma sniffled. "I know sweetie, Ill be over as soon as I can." Her ma whispered back. She pulled away a few inches, and her Ma pinched her cheek just a bit and then kissed her forehead. Next was Jim, who pulled her in for a bear hug. And for the first time since she was a child, it felt warm and inviting. "Break a leg, Gail." he hummed causing her to smile softly. "Thankyou, dad." She responded before pulling back and then shifting towards Ellen. Jim wiped away a few tears, as Ellen pulled Gail in for a hug. "Im gonna miss you so much sweetie, I'm always here if you need anything." Ellen spoke softly and Gail nodded, "Thankyou, Mom." she whispered back and Ellen's heart broke at the word. Ellen sniffled, pulling back to look at Gail. She placed a soft hand on her daughter's face, and Gail nodded through tears. To which Ellen broke down, she pulled her back in tightly, and now both females were crying. Jim looked towards his boys who also had tears in their eyes, as they watched Gail and their mom hug. "I'd like for you and dad to visit as soon as you can, I'd love to show you London. It's quite the city and - and I'd love it if you two could come for my opening night." Gail said softly and Ellen nodded profusely, she'd be doing everything in her power to be there and would make sure her sons would be there as well. To hell with the season, Ellen would argue. "We'll be there, I promise." Ellen said as they pulled away, and Gail nodded. Before Gail could step away, Ellen wiped her daughter's tears and Gail sniffled. "Well, uh we should be going." Gail said looking back at Nick and he nodded, "Have a safe flight!" sounded around them as the two waved one last time. Nick took ahold of Gail's hand as he rolled their carry on suitcase and her carry one bag into the airport.
Last but not least, it was Luke's turn to attempt a breakthrough for Gail. Nick was currently loading up their car, getting ready to go back to New York. She was currently standing at the edge of the backyard, looking out at the waves coming in. She did not know when she'd be back, and was savoring each and every moment she got with the ocean. Luke stepped up next to her, and Gail looked up at the tall giant. She caught his eye and she quickly looked away, swallowing hard. They stood there in silence, and for some odd reason, she felt as if she had to be the one to say something first. She looked up at the curly-haired boy and hesitated for a moment before speaking, "Ach sheli." she began with an old Hebrew nickname she used to say as a child. He looked down at her, and she saw the instant tears in his eyes. "Lovie?" He questioned softly, and she couldn't take it anymore. She pulled him in for a hug, and he stood there stunned for a brief few seconds before wrapping his arms around her. The two of them sobbed with one another, holding onto each other for dear life. Jack was not wrong about Luke having once felt that way about Gail, and how she was everything and more he looked up to and looked to for everything he did in life. "I know I should have said something, all of us should have. I know they'll never be an excuse for what we did, ever. Truth be told, you should never forgive us because of what we did. We turned our backs on you when we should have fought them to bring you home. Even if you would have been home 2 weeks out of the year, we should have screamed and jumped and thrown every tantrum under the sun to bring you home. We should have brought you home, and we didn't. We passed up every opportunity to do so and ignored you for years because we were cowards and naively thought you were better off without us. Nobody to bring you down or take time and attention off of you." he paused sniffling, as she sobbed into his chest. "You deserved so much more, and im sorry none of us ever said a thing. We knew it to not okay, but it was our fault for not saying anything. You don't know the number of times we begged mom and dad to bring you home. And them never listening, and us not understanding why, so we fought even more." she pulled back, "Wait what?" She questioned softly and his eyebrows crinkled, "What?" He questioned back. "You-you guys fought? But why didn't you call me back? Why didn't -" Luke cut her off by pulling her into his chest again, "Because we were stupid, we were young and so immature, that we didn't think twice about calling back. Like I said, Jack and I specifically were idiots. We should have said something, we should have. And im sorry we did not." He said wiping his tears away, and she pulled back looking at the grass beneath them. She pulled back completely, her arms coming to her chest. She looked up at Luke once more to find him staring down at her, "I - I have to go Luke." She said stepping back and then began her way towards the car where Nick was waiting. Luke watched her go, feeling his chest ache as she walked out of not only his but the rest of the family's life once more.
It was a week later, when she heard a knock at her and Nick's Condo door. She stood up from the couch, and made her way over and without looking through the peephole she swung her door open. She did not expect to see Ellen and Jim at her door, let alone a week later. She swallowed harshly, and felt tears begin to sting her eyes. "Hi Gail...can we talk for a bit?" Ellen asked hopeful, and Gail breathed in heavily before opening up the door further. The two walked in, inspecting the industrial-looking two-bed room and two-bath condo in lower Manhattan. "We uh, we thought we'd come by before the reading of the will tomorrow." Ellen announced and Gail shrugged, heading over towards the kitchen to make another coffee. "What's with all the boxes?" Jim asked looking around the living room. "Oh. Im uh, Nick and I are leaving for London in about a week. My final performance is two days before that." She said and the two of them were confused. "Ive taken a lead originating role in London, rehearsals start in a month and then premiere in the new year." she explained with a slight shrug. Ellen and Jim looked at one another, "Would you like any water, tea or coffee?" Gail offered and the two shook their heads. Gail nodded, adding some creamer in her cup and headed towards the small den, off from the kitchen and living room. "SO, what can I do for you guys? she questioned, sitting on the plush chair that stood next to the window. "We uh wanted to come by and talk, we never really got a chance while up state so we wanted to check in with you." Jim said and Gail nodded. "I uh I am not sure where to start but we want to apologize to you. We know there will never be enough words or the right words to truly say how much guilt and regret we feel. We knew how much the boys missed you as kids, and for awhile there we thought it would get easier not having you there with us. We truly believed that at the time it was the right call, I know your Ma would agree. The original time period we sent you was what you needed to grow your craft, but you should have come straight home after that. Or one of us should have come to stay with you for your runs. To see you this weekend, so broken and so angry and full of hatred broke my heart. And as a mother, you never want to see your child feel that and especially not have it be directed at them. Im so sorry sweetie." She said beginning to cry, and Jim quickly put a hand on her back to comfort her. Gail felt herself begin to feel bad and did not like the fact that she was crying in front of her.
"If we could go back and change things we would, we would do it in a heartbeat." Jim said and Gail nodded. "Yet it doesn't change the fact that you weren't there and you didn't know how much I needed you. I needed you and you weren't there. And I wish you could go back and change what you did, you betrayed me and gave me up when you didn't have to!" She said growing irritated, "You didn't have to sign guardian rights to them!" She added setting down her coffee on the table before her. Shaking her head, she stood up and stood in front of the window. She heard Ellen sob quietly as guilt, and despair coursed through the older woman. "My childhood as never mine. It was taken away early on and now, this is my time. I have healed from many things but I still have so much to sort through still, and heal from it." She paused turning around and facing them. "And as much as I hate myself for saying this, but I think I need you guys to heal that part of me. Heal my childhood wounds that haven't been fixed because I needed you guys with me to do it. Even if it's from half way across the globe." She finished and Ellen quickly stood up to hug her daughter. Gail was stunned for a brief few seconds before returning the hug. A few seconds later, Jim stood up and Gail quickly opened up her arm for him to join. Pa would be incredibly happy, Gail thought.
The next few months were hard work, but in the end they would prove to be worth it. Her brothers and her had a heart to heart before she left for London. They added her to the brothers only groupchat and the family one, and had plans to come out to London before the show ended next August.
February 10th, 2024 could not have come quick enough Gail thought. Now here she was backstage getting ready for opening night, in her dressing room. She could not wait for the audience to see the show, it was truly one of the most magical casts she had been a part of in her career thus far. She knew for certain that Nick, Ma and her parents were there, and she was incredibly happy that they were there, to begin with. They had kept their promises to come.
The lights went out and Gail felt like she could finally breathe, as she leaned into her costar and love interest in the show. The two of them hugged one another as the curtain closed, and she felt bittersweet tears fall. "You okay?" He questioned as he heard her sniffled and she nodded. "Yes and no, but it's the first show that my Pa hasn't been at and it has really sunk in now." She said through a small chuckle. Her costar pulled her in for another hug for some extra comfort, before the two of them were heading off stage to get their hair and makeup off. As soon as she entered the dressing room, she saw a grand bouquet of peonies sitting in front of her mirror. She let out a small sob, as her hair and makeup artist came to help her take her wig off. "You okay Gail?" She questioned pulling the girl in for a hug, somebody had gotten her peonies and she wasn't sure who.
She breathed a sigh of relief when she stepped into the lobby and was met with many cheers by some family and friends of the cast, and the cast members themselves. Her understudy came up and hugged her tightly. She was grateful to have this particular actress understudying her because she knew the show was in great hands. "Oh my god, thankyou!" She said taking the bouquet of roses into her hands and hooked them into the crook of her elbow with the other bouquet. "Thankyou for a fantastic first show, it was such an honor to do it alongside you guys." She beamed looking around at the cast. After a few minutes, all of them began to disband and make their way either out of the theater or towards, their loved ones.
Gail looked around for her family and was shocked to see big foot with curls standing there. her eyebrows creased when she recognized the two others who were standing with her parents and Ma. Luke noticed her first, his face lightening up which caused everybody else to turn towards her. She brought a hand to her mouth to cover her shock. "Oh my god, hi!" she said as she was pulled into a hug by Jack. Nick took her flowers from her, and Luke pulled her in for a hug. Next was her dad, mom, Ma, and finally it was Quinn. "Oh my goodness, not more flowers!" She said taking them from her Ma. "We had too! We couldn't come empty-handed." her mom mused. "Im still trying to figure out who might have sent these, there was no note." she said referencing the peonies. "It was us." Jack spoke up and her eyebrows furrowed, "Wait! But don't you guys have games...." She trailed off remembering. "That's why I saw posts saying you guys were going to be absent for a week.. I should have known!" She said realizing that they had taken time off to see her show and spend a few days with her before flying back out. "Ofcourse we had to see you perform Gail, we've missed out on way too many openings and closings, so we had to be here, and with Nick's help, we were able to get tickets." Luke said and she turned towards Nick who only shrugged. She turned back toward her family, something she thought she would never call them again.
She never thought she'd be standing in the same vicinity of them again. Yet, here she was and she was truly grateful. She couldn't believe that they had gotten this far together, and only wished her Pa was there to witness it all in person.
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@gailmarie: to the one that helped make all my dreams come true, to the one that came to my matinee each week and to the one that made me a Hughes- Thankyou for everything my Teo.
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oh my god.....if you've read this till the end I love you 🫶🏻 pls like and reblog if you enjoyed, it would mean the world !!
also this has been sitting in my drafts for a month now, and thought it would never see the light of day lol
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hazybisou · 5 months
🫂-will you marry me?
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pairing ; fem!reader x luke hughes
summary ; a girl bumps into her (ex) husband but doesn’t recognize him as they were just 4 & 5 years old when they said their vows and the two most dangerous words, ‘i do.’
authors note ; i based this off of a tiktok i saw about some girl seeing her kindergarten husband and how they’ve been reconnecting. (if you saw it then you know what im talking about) this takes place when luke was still at umich. anyways feel free to send in things about these two. 😘
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🎧 background
✮ background on y/n “remi” thatcher
✮ background on y/n and luke
🎧 introduction
✮ be my wife?
🎧 fics
✮ frat parties & that one ex
✮ the team meeting remi
✮ luke & remi’s first kiss
✮ remi’s reaction to luke getting into a fight
✮ remi & luke’s families meeting each other
✮ remi perfecting her stunt and luke being proud of her
✮ how luke reacts to men flirting/hitting on remi
🎧 asks
✮ one of remi’s cheer performances
✮ hughes brothers reaction to luke dating remi
✮ luke & remi’s first date (overall recap)
✮ dating history
✮ luke & remi finding out what they do at umich
✮ luke being a simp/walking remi to class & waiting for her after
✮ how remi feels about luke having “fan girls”
✮ do remi & luke have fights?
✮ who says i love you first
✮ luke convincing remi to sleep at his place on weekends
✮ hard launch or soft launch
✮ remi getting random “flyer” scars
✮ remi wearing luke’s shirts when she sleeps at his place
✮ who’s the more jealous type
✮ remi sleeping at luke’s after away games
✮ one of luke’s love languages with remi
✮ remi bringing luke to “bring a boy to UMICH cheer”
✮ luke being careful to not step on remi’s dress
🎧 insta edits
✮ soon!…
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feel free to send in thoughts or asks about this au! i’m always open to whatever you guys have to say!
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yourstingrey · 2 months
Luke X Daughter of Kymopoleia
Reader has constant mood swings which is understandable due to her heritage of being the daughter of the goddess of violent sea storms and sweet BF Luke always helps her out/calms her down and doesn’t let her feel bad about herself because of it since she can’t help it ( also please can you mention Clarisse as like a side character and readers bestfriend )
Calm After the Storm
A/N: EEEEE I was actually kinda so hype for this request cus ive never seen anything similar and its actually a cool like character I hadnt thought about in the pjo universe! I hope this is good anon i tried my very best!! This post was really helped me with kymopoleia so it might be helpful to read before this but you dont have to!
Warnings: threats of fighting someone?
Description: An annoying loss, an annoying Chris, and a very patient Luke!
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The sun was shining, and a warm dancing breeze fluttering around camp on what should have been a beautiful day was being ruined by Chris droning on about being a sore winner. Gloatingly of course. We just had our capture the flag the night before and as usual, we lost. We would have been so close to winning this time Clarisse and I had it all planned. Last time we learned last time trying a seduction tactic did in fact not work so this time we decided we would target their weak which to us was Chris. Not to say he was a bad swordsman by any means but up against me and her we knew he wouldn't stand a chance. A perk of dating Luke was also he forgot that he shouldn't spill his capture the flag plans. Soooo we also knew for a fact it was Chris guarding the flag. 
We snuck through the woods with ease no one tried to hunt us down they knew we'd get to them first, Chris was practically sleeping while he sat in front of the flag entirely spaced out we moved from behind and started to grab the flag of course a single shift of my chest plate was enough to break him out of his daze and turn towards us and of course start to scream to his team like a little girl. We got caught pretty quickly. We may be strong but not take on 20 campers strong and it wasn't long after we heard the cheers of the Blue team already at the river.
So now of course, as I tried to relax Chris decided it was the perfect time to gloat at me “I mean what a stupid plan no offense” I drowned him out a little too busy clenching my jaw so I didn't practically spit venom at him, Chris continued now laughing as he continued “-I mean really I can't believe you thought I couldn't take you both on bahahaha!” A real knee slapper to him. I finally unballed my fists from my sides to get into Chris’s face, backing him into a tree my voice laced with annoyed anger “We could take you on idiot! You just had to scream for your team to save you!” Chris stuttered before coming up with a weak rebuttal putting his hands up in defeat “UH- that's not even true i just had to get them so they would watch you after the fight but they got there fast pfft I could have easily taken you” I grab a hold of Chris’s shirt “Oh really let's do it now then. No crying for anyone else this time.” 
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In the background, a crowd had not formed but anyone working or sitting close by paused to watch not swarming in case Chiron were to notice and break up hopefully a really funny fight (funny as all campers knew the outcome) Even Clarrise sitting back with her siblings let out a little yell of “Get his ass Y/N!” But One of those campers mainly Luke, who quickly made his way over forgetting he was supposed to help campers make friendship bracelets he had to make sure his girlfriend was okay bracelets could wait, and that she didn't shred his best friend into pieces. Jogging over he quietly grabbed his girlfriend's hand that was gripping onto Chris. I let out a quiet breath before meeting his eyes, in an instant looking into his soft gaze I dropped my hand not before I quickly gave him one last dirty look and stepped back “C’mon let’s go” Luke said as he grabbed my hand leading me away.
He leads us to sit in front of the creek as I sit I absent mindedly throw rocks at the water watching it ripple and splash. Turning back to face Luke he already gives me a knowing look to tell him why I wanted to maim him. I took a deep breath before I word vomited it out “I mean ugh! I know he's your best friend and all but sometimes he's such a dick! Saying ‘I could take you guys’ But he literally starts screaming out ‘Luke come save me she's here!’ or or ‘Guys come back Clarisse is gonna eat me!’ as if he wouldn't even enjoy that too ugh! He's just so- so ANNOYING!” Luke's hand grabbed mine again to stop me from getting heated again, his eyes flickering back to the creek to see me subconsciously making a creek look like a raging ocean. He threw his back laughing at my rant about Chris, as he calmed down he just looked down at me rubbing slow circles onto the back of my hand. 
His hands were rough and calloused but it didn't matter because when he held onto me I could feel warmth practically spread from my fingertips to my head and toes. “I'll make sure to lock him out of the cabin, he can sleep out in the cold. How bout that hmm?” He joked, craning his neck to look at me. I cracked a small smile “Maybe I'll pray for my mom to storm a bit too…” His hand let go but just to sneak behind my waist and pull me closer leaning my head on his chest “I'm sorry I got mad at Chris I know he is your friend..” I mumbled out against him I could feel him shrug against me before looking back down at me “Nah don't be sorry honestly I should have let you at him he deserved it butttt I wouldn't want my girlfriend to have to be cleaning stables all of next week” 
He pressed a kiss to the top of my head and started to start up about what he was doing before he had to save Chris. “Wait doesn't that mean you should be helping those kids now..?” A bit of panic dawned on his face as he tugged us both up and pulled me with him as he walked (more like speed walked) “Actually uh were both going to help now!” I laughed as he tugged me along with him..
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
Baby Au! Jack missing some typa mile stone in their little girl’s life. I need the angst sooo bad. Does the reader call him to tell him he missed it? Does he find out when he comes home? I just love sad Jack! <3
it was one of Jack’s biggest fears. being on a roadie and missing a milestone in El’s life. luck has been in his favor so far; he was home when she rolled over for the first time, when she started crawling for the first time, when she said her first word “dada”. in the back of his mind, i think he’s always known that he wouldn’t be home for all of them, but we both hoped this day would never come.
i sit on the living room floor, my back to the tv, that currently plays the ongoing Devils vs Kings game. i clutch my phone in one hand, recording my 10 month old, holding my other hand out toward her. she stands at the couch, one of her tiny hands clutching the cushion while the other one reaches out toward me.
“c’mon El, do it again!” i cheer. craning my neck to look back at the tv, the camera pans to Jack on the bench before the faceoff and i point to it. “who’s on the tv? who is that?”
“dada!” El screams, lifting her other hand off the couch to point to the tv.
“that’s it, baby! come to mommy! come to the tv, come see daddy!” i tell her. she rips her eyes from the tv to look back at me before taking a wobbly step forward. “c’mon El! come to mommy!”
she’s fast, having learned that if she isn’t then she’ll fall, practically run-walking over to me. her little hand clutches my fingers as she makes it over to me, a big smile on her face.
“good job, baby girl! you did it!” i exclaim, pulling her in to a hug against my chest. i flip the camera on my phone to look at her as she gazes up at the tv, pointing her finger. the camera films Jack’s face as he skates across the ice to get in position for another faceoff.
“dada!” she cheers. she turns to look at me, noticing my eyes on her rather than where she’s pointing. she used her hand to push my face to look at the tv. “dada! mama, dada!”
“yeah? is that daddy, baby?” i ask, ending the recording.
“dada!” she confirms.
it’s later that night after i put her to bed that i finally get around to sending Jack the video from earlier. i’m laid in bed, finally able to rest for the night.
To: Jacky <3
El took her first unassisted steps today during your game! 🥺 got a vid for you!
*attachment: 1 video*
it’s not even five minutes later that my phone starts ringing in my hand.
*incoming facetime call: Jacky <3*
i swipe at the screen, accepting the call and waiting for it to connect.
“hey, baby!” i exclaim as it finally connects. Jack sits in his hotel bed, the lights still on in his room. i can hear shuffling in the background, reminding me that Luke is there too. “hey, Lukey!”
“hey, y/n/n!” Luke calls.
“i missed it?” Jack butts into the greetings between his brother and i.
“i’m sorry, Jacky.” i tell him, my voice soft.
“fuck, i can’t believe i missed her first steps. it couldn’t have been a less important milestone?” Jack groans. i watch as tears roll down his cheeks, his eyes slowly reddening as he sniffles.
“baby, you’d hate missing it no matter what milestone it was.” i remind him.
“still.” he huffs, flipping down on his back.
“i’m so sorry. if it makes you feel any better, she was walking to you on the tv.” i tell him. my own eyes start to fill with tears at the sight of his. i can’t imagine how i would feel if the roles were reversed.
“it doesn’t. it actually makes this worse, but i appreciate your sentiments, love.” he wipes at his eyes, sniffling again. “god, i’m a horrible dad.”
“what? no, you’re not! don’t say that!” i exclaim, sitting up in bed in contrast to his laid down position.
“i am. i’m always gone. i missed her first steps.”
“you are not a bad dad. do you hear me, Jack Rowden Hughes?” my words are sternly spoken, leaving no room for debate. “you’re not always gone. you leave because it’s your job. you love hockey, do you not?”
he nods in response.
“exactly. you leave what, 3 times a month, at most? it’s your job. it’s how you provide for us. i do not want to hear you talk bad about yourself just because you missed one thing. you’re a fantastic father. you love her. you care for her. dear god, you spoil her rotten. you do everything you can to give her the best childhood she could possibly have. you missed her first steps, i understand being upset about it, but you’re gonna be there for SO many more. she’s gonna know that you’ll be there for her, no matter what.”
Jack wipes at his nose with the sleeve of his hoodie, nodding his head.
“thank you, babe.” his tears have stopped, leaving his eyes slightly puffy. “i love you. so much.”
“i love you too, honey.” i smile, blowing him a kiss and making him chuckle.
“she asleep?” he asks and i rise from the bed.
“yeah, i’ll show you.” i tell him, walking out of Jack and i’s room and into El’s nursery. i stop by her crib, flipping the camera to show her laying on her back, sprawled out on the mattress. “she’s your child.”
“what are you talking about? she gets that from you! mrs. i need to lay starfish!” Jack laughs.
“liar. that’s so you.” i rebut, but we both know its both of us. it’s the exact reason we have such a big bed.
“sometimes i look at her and it just amazes me that we made her. that’s us, combined.” he sighs, staring at her through the phone. “i miss her.”
“only two more days, Jacky.” i remind him.
“two more days.”
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apollos-calliope · 3 months
ELYSIUM: Percy Jackson and the Olympians Social Media Band!AU
chapter iii. don’t tell me what a tumblr sexy man is
previous // guide // next
taglist: @lostinhisworld | @ithan-holstroms-girl | @liv1104 | @pookiebear16 | @ditzydaisyy | @m00ng4z3r
note: this is the performance i imagined when i wrote this chapter - xoxo cal <3
you had gone up on stage shortly after posting about your rehearsal. the set started off with some songs elysium had played before. a few of the girls from the aphrodite cabin had taken to recording, and you smirked at them each time your eyes met the camera. it was easy to forget your newfound freedom around the internet, so you felt a little giddy that someone outside of camp would be able to see this. you made eye contact with luke as he strummed, his calloused fingers picking the strings with ease.
his tongue passed over his top lip to get rid of the sweat that had gathered - since he couldn’t exactly move his hands. you gripped the microphone a bit tighter in attempt to sing over your breath catching in your throat. one glance over at grover and clarisse would also find them in their states of concentration. clarisse furrowed her eyebrows in anger like normal, but you were easily able to tell the difference in emotions. when she was concentrated, her right eyebrow would raise slightly, as if she was processing thoughts. grover’s horns would tremble slightly, almost like they would retract and expand with each smack of the drums. he hit the symbol to signify the end of the song. you gave him a nod. turning back to the microphone, you addressed the cheering crowd.
“we’re going to be changing things up tonight, guys! recently i just wrote a song named frankenstein, and i can’t wait to share it with you.” annabeth looked at you from the audience, and then at luke. you ignored her and pretended like you didn’t notice. she could be six steps ahead all she wanted, you wouldn’t let her hold your crush on luke over your head. you knew she meant well, but she was also annabeth.
grover counted you in as your voice began softly, full of emotion. you kept glancing at luke, but his eyes were locked between his guitar and the audience, not stopping once to look at the rest of the band.
until you hit the chorus and start singing about him, that is.
“i’ve been searching, don't think it's out there,
talks for hours, walks in with flowers,
dirty converse, 6’2” and brown hair
every little thing that i want”
he grins at you and raises an eyebrow, suggesting that you have a secret. you’ll make up some bullshit about having a crush on one of the aphrodite boys or something to get him off of your back. he had briefly brought the new song’s lyrics up after your twitter “feud” with grover. you had narrowly avoided an explanation, claiming that grover was always like that. you smiled back at him brightly.
when the final note plays, you set the microphone into the stand and slump to the stage floor, lifting your arms in triumph as the camp cheers from the audience. luke plops down right next to you.
“you’re telling me later.”
“in your dreams, castellan.”
Instagram: Your Feed
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liked by abchase and 155 others
posted by @ elysium.yn: thank you and goodnight 💛
- view comments -
| @ user 1: who is the guy in the background?
⤷ | @ elysium.yn replied: my bsf and drummer luke! @ castelluke
⤷ | @ no1lukefan replied: is he single?
| @ user 2: wow that guy with the curly hair was cute
| @ user 3: whoever your drummer is, tell him to hmu
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blue-pancakez · 3 months
3 things:
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they confirmed that nico was shouting biancas name not because he was searching for her but because he was CHEERING HER ON. 😭 i’m not sure why that’s sadder for me but it breaks my heart dude 💔💔💔 these little italians have NO idea what’s coming for them bro.
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lukes “why r u guys fighting like an old married couple?” was so fucking funny to me ☠️ he read them like a damn book 😭 also percy was so sassy in that scene w the “well now i cant.” in reference to annabeth telling him he cant talk abt hermes to luke. walker does persassy so well man
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sparkplug02 · 11 months
Ventress meets the Skywalker twins
I think Rex and Ahsoka, after meeting Luke and Leia, would die laughing if he saw Ventress meet the Skywalker twins.
Imagine this:
The Empire is dying, and your general's/master's/friends' twin children are leading the fight to track down the last of the Empire's lackeys along with their mother's protocol droid, their father's astromech, a veteran Wookie, and the Wookie's pet human (who is dating one of the twins). You keep an eye on them, offering them guidance and old stories and occasionally a rescue. All is well, and the galaxy is healing.
Until one day, that old bounty hunter that terrorized you every other week returns.
She's honestly not looking for trouble these days. The pet human struck a deal with her to get some equipment that they needed and couldn't get without going through the black market. According to the pet human, this hunter is dangerous, resourceful, and delivers more consistently than the pet human does most of the time. Her prices are in the upper ranger, but worth it. She even delivers on time.
However, you'd recognize her anywhere. Among her weapons array are two lightsabers, her voice is still raspy, and she still hums in the Force. This is Asajj Ventress, ex-apprentice to Darth Tyrannus.
And THEE Luke Skywalker is walking up to her with a smile on his face (because he's the people person, who else is going to complete the transaction?).
He's got the payment and he offers a cheerful greeting, expressing appreciation for making the delivery, but the masked bounty hunter doesn't say anything. She recognizes that face. Are you kidding me? It's a damn carbon copy of Anakin Skywalker, except that nuisance never smiled this much. Ventress takes off her mask to make sure she's not imagining things, and gets a little closer to Luke's face than he would prefer, but he still doesn't understand what's going on.
Neither does Leia, who just came from around the corner, but she sees this bounty hunter too close to her brother's face and she doesn't like it. She calls out the hunter and stalks over, telling her to back up and mind her own business. Ventress isn't even listening to her yell because now that she's remembering ole' Skywalker, she recognizes his brash, bold behavior in the girl. That fire she used to feel in the Force? The same one she felt when she was tracked down by a certain Jedi because he thought she betrayed his apprentice? Yeah, it's back.
She looks back at Luke, then back at Leia, and then she gives up. She looks up at the sky, pointing an accusing finger and starts shouting for all the galaxy to hear that NO, SHE IS NOT DEALING WITH THIS AGAIN, DAMMIT! ONE WAS BAD ENOUGH, BUT NOW THERE'S TWO AND SHE'S TOO OLD FOR THIS SHIT!!! She snatches the payment from Luke, who is still bewildered, and storms off back to her ship, pausing only just long enough to flip of Ahsoka and Rex, who are laughing their asses off in the background. Anakin and Obi-Wan's Force ghosts are right next to them, barely able to breathe despite being dead.
About three days later, after Ventress has cooled down enough, she tracks down Ahsoka's number and demands an explanation. This just makes her more mad. Rumor has it Ventress died the next day from heart problems. The only thing written on her medical chart for cause of death is 'Skywalker.'
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