#(suggestions are welcomed)
doesrevali · 1 year
Quick prompt
Revalink, slight body horror, not at all finished.
The curtain was billowing outward, and if he leaned forward just enough, he could smell the ink drying on parchment paper. The scrawling of the fountain pen was crisp and had a tell-tale grating as it was pressed harder than need be. The sound hurt his ears, and he grit his beak. Pulling the curtain blocking the entrance to the side, he walked in, carefully analyzing the body language of the Hylian before him. Every back muscle was pulled taut, veins and tendons visible on his neck. Pulling, pulling, pulling, until what could be described as a snap echoed throughout the shack. The tense muscles had faded as the man’s arm pitched downwards, rocking the head and body forward, hitting the side of the desk. In front of the man, the head of the fountain pen rolled over the parchment paper and fell onto the ground. The rips in the paper filled with ink that bled through the grooves in the desk. Revali cleared his throat. “Link,” his voice echoed, “What are you doing?” Link shrugged. The tendons were back. “Nothing. What do you need?” “Nothing,” he said, “I wanted to see you.” Revali stepped forward, watching the stained silver of the fountain pen's head on the ground. He didn’t pick it up. It stained the floorboards- something Revali knew Link would be unhappy about later. “I meant the parchment. What are you doing with the parchment?” Link rolled his shoulders, head still faced forward, slightly bowed from when the pen had broken. “Writing.” The floor creaked, and Revali thought about Link’s body. His back, so strained it seemed as though each vertebrae may lose their hold under the weight, roll off his back and fall onto the ground. Revali thought about whether he would pick those up. Link’s neck may be the same, separating as the seams get pulled too far, straining until an inevitable breaking apart. Revali wondered if his head would roll just as the vertebrae would. Wondered if it could roll all the way over to him, wondered if he would have to step over it, just as he had the fountain pen. None of it was Link’s body. Link’s body held tension, always held tension, but not in a way that made it seem as though he may fall apart. As though Revali would have to puzzle out each body part and put his skeleton back together. As though he was simply a recreation of the original. If Revali lifted his foot a little higher on his next step, cautious, then that was his own business. “You look stressed. We should go hunting.” Link’s fingers twitched, and he quickly tapped the fountain pen in his hands before setting it down with more force than necessary. “Hunting? We have enough food.” Revali set his hands on the back of Link’s chair, aching to rub the Hylian’s shoulders and hide the strain. He held back, leaning his weight on the chair instead. “I know. Let’s do it for fun.” “For fun?” Revali nodded even as Link stayed looking forward. He didn’t say anything. Link stood up and turned around, not bothering to turn his head in the chair. He was stuck together, each puzzle-piece groove set in their locations. If he was picked up, he would break. Static. “Is there something wrong, Revali?” Shaking his head, Revali kept his beak shut. Link’s head lolled to the side by a few centimeters, the first movement Revali had seen it make in minutes. “And what would you do, if we went hunting? If you picked up your bow and brought me to the middle of the forest?” Feet planted on the ground, Revali’s grip on the chair tightened. He thought about the sound it would make if it were to break. Would it make the same sound Link’s neck would? Link stepped forward, not bothering to watch his step. ““I hear him all the time, you know?” Revali stills. Stops breathing. Link isn’t breathing, either. “Screaming. It gets annoying- but I suppose I can’t fault him.” “Link? Can he- hear me?” The chair creaks. Link smiles. “Yeah.” Revali inhales quickly, letting go of the chair moments before it would have folded, “Link? Link, are you okay?” The fake Link laughs, shaking his head. The movement was mechanical, holding the same weight that his shoulders were. “You would ask that. I’m not going to be a messenger. But I will tell you this-” Link takes a stride towards Revali, a grin on his face. Revali catches a glimpse of silver under his boot. “It burns.”
There was sun. It beat down on the leaves in the forest, beat down on the blue of his feathers, beat down on the very camp of monsters he and Link had bested just a few minutes ago. Revali rolled his neck, feeling the tension ebb away into an aching pain. During the fight, a bokoblin had managed to pick up its’ bat and lob it into the Rito’s head, which caused it to be the leading force in the rest of his body’s movement to the ground. Wincing, Revali shook his shoulders and took stock of what felt worse– the beating in his head, or the near-whiplash his neck had suffered. He knew, logically, the only ones he should feel even a little sorry for were the monsters they had killed, but he only felt remorse for himself. The leaves under his talons crunched as he walked over to the chest that had opened on the other side of the camp. Digging into it, he sighed. He wrapped his hand around the wooden bow and lifted it, tossing the abomination to Link. “Here,” he said, “you’ll be able to make more use of this.” Revali didn’t check to see if Link had caught it. He searched the rest of the camp before coming up with nothing. Exasperated, he wondered if killing the monsters was even worth it anymore. They were in the middle of nowhere, and even the weakest Hylian would probably be able to kill them, Revali’s own earlier lapse in judgment being put aside. Turning, he laid sore eyes on Link, who seemed to be doing just fine trampling in a pile of multi-colored leaves. Link smiled. “How’s your neck?” Taking his hand from where he had been unconsciously rubbing, Revali scowled. “Just fine, thank you. I think we have more pressing matters to focus on. Those travelers said there were more just up that way–” he pointed north, “I don’t suppose you know exactly where?” Crushing the leaves with his boot, Link stood straight and walked back onto the dirt path, “All I know is that it’s along this way.” Revali heaved a sigh, wishing desperately that they wouldn’t encounter anything else for the day. He followed Link, ignoring the wooden bow laying in the pile of leaves.
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sirsheoth · 7 months
I kiss you with tongue and as that happens I slide an ibuprofen in your mouth since you have a headache
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anon-e-has-a-tmblr · 2 months
After being taken to the other end of the city, I found a nice bench in the shade to sit on as I wait for a possible last order of the day.
Previously I sat on the same bench from saturday's shenanigans for about an hour, give or take I didnt really check this time. Now let's see how long will I spend on this bench under the tree
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mangedog · 1 year
tumblr blackout proposal
tumblr mobile has steadily become near unusable these past few updates. not just from a user experience perspective (which is important enough in itself) but also from an accessibility perspective.
examples include the new way the image viewer works (if you can call it "working"), the tumblr live button replacing the profile button, and that newly created blogs will be forced to have their main dashboard tab be the 'for you' page.
the demands of the protest would be along the lines of:
reverse the recent image viewer update
scrap the new users 'for you' page default setting
let us turn off tumblr live indefinitely
increase efforts against spam / porn bots
make reporting abuse and hate speech as easy as reporting as reporting spam
let us go nuts show nuts again... for real this time
remove flashing ads, including not accepting blaze campaigns for posts with flashing in them
commit to improving usability and accessibility, and listening to users!
(suggestions welcome!)
to protest against these usability issues, and inspired by the recent reddit blackout, i propose a 48 hour blackout (where you don't use tumblr at all). preferably of both mobile and web (since web has problems too) but mobile is the focus here.
[edit: a 'blackout' is when you don't log in, or interact with the site at all, for [x] amount of time.]
I suggest from the 30th of June.
this marks the end of pride month (for the "queerest place on the internet") and the start of disability month (since accessibility is a massive issue here).
tumblr office is in San Francisco, USA, so the times and dates will be calculated using their time zone (PDT).
you can find out the times and dates for your timezone here.
i can't afford to blaze this post so please spread it around as much as possible! protests only work if significant numbers show up!
edit: tumblr rejected the blaze campaigns for this post because they know it would hurt them. let's make this an indefinite blackout - it's the best way to get results.
edit 2: plain text version of this post
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terpernoctem · 4 months
hi pals
do you know what time it is?
it's time for our ✨monthly personal post ✨ show of hands, who's excited?
okay never mind, so it rained for about the entire month of january, not even kidding. it rained and it rained and it kept raining for days on end.
see, i left Ireland for a specific reason (burn out excluded): breaking news, i know, but it rained a lot over there. i come back home and it's the most it's ever rained since 2015, people.
do you comprehend?
i think maybe the universe is trying to tell me something
so it rained a lot and i felt like i was about to rot all the way but i didn't and in fact i (1), got into yoga again, (2) wrote almost 10k, (3) took my very first driving lessons (i'm comically terrible at it but eh), (4) applied to things!
isn't that something??
i don't feel any less lost or you know, useful in any way but it's a start, innit
i've definitely had a couple of bad nights, and what's funny when you live with your parents as an adult is that you still cannot talk to them about serious stuff without feeling like a teenage waste of space? or at least that's how i feel—and i recognize entirely it doesn't come from my parents, god no, they've been great and really supportive, but ughhhh.
what is it about this whole situation that makes me age backwards (and not in a good way)??
in other, completely related news, my birthday is a couple of weeks away, which is always kind of the time i typically freak out about it (last year i booked a last minute trip to edinburgh for that very reason). then i calm down and start to get excited about it.
question is: with the big 30 looming over, will i get excited at all about it this year?
it's a daunting thought. let's not—let's put it aside, shall we?
truly, a part of me still can't believe how lucky i am to be able to stay with my parents here on the island—it's genuinely something i didn't think i'd be able to do for a long time— and it's objectively great, i mean, it's summer (well, you know, as summer as it can get), i've got time to myself, i've got my loved ones close.
yet another part of me longs for a more, idk, exciting? life. i might be repeating myself but i feel like i haven't seen everything i'd like to see yet. been toying loosely with the idea of going the self-entrepreneur path, but ugh—
truth is, i can't bear to be tied down yet.
on this week's list: sort out the library situation (mom's library is—oh don't get me started, but i'm gonna fix this), get serious about studying for driver's test, finish drafting my main wip, find a life purpose.
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ndcgalitzine · 6 months
I kinda want to change my username in the next year (I didn't want to change it while I'm still doing the MA2023 posts) but I don't know what to change it into... something old?? something new?? something borrowed?? something tumblr blue??
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prideknights · 2 months
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(What we have in mind for now are black dragons, with low density silver glitter, silver enamel, so that the pride flag pops)
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peaceandlove26 · 2 months
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wip of my new favorite baby, designed by graymutual, currently unnamed but definitely a twiluna child
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terramous · 2 years
the queue is gonna be full of horror movies for all of october bc im making it my mission to watch a horror movie every night
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gabisart · 1 month
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I've been saving all my summers for you
Like froot, like froot 🍓🍒🍎🍉
(it seems new patrons love Kabru... And i get it 😋)
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gadzooksgalore · 4 months
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Depression has been kicking me in the butt lately so I decided to make a little pill bug friend for myself using this pattern by @livvi3love. I changed a couple details to fit my own preferences (like sewing the legs rather than using felt) and I'm very happy with the result! I've been wanting an isopod plushie for a while so it was fun to make my own :>
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thefoolrat · 2 years
So remember that one post I made at least 50 reblogs ago? Here's more of it.
The main character is a 36 year old man named Misekki Lukenburg. The name has 0 meaning and just sounds nice. Misekki lives in Lierune, who's known for having magical crystals and stuff. Its modern times but there's magitech and AI.
Misekki is the exorcist of the town and if some spirits just don't want to get out of their object for any reason, Misekki just collects them and puts them in some sealed room (I don't know how spirits work don't ask me it just has enough seals on it to keep the demons in)
Other than his very haunted room, he has a semi-haunted guest room which is haunted by none other than his dead uncle, Minroe, who just died in bed from old age/basic disease. (Name subject to change cause I just came up with it like some dumbass)
Minroe gifted his great nephew a haunted doll (Cause of course he did) who's just old merchandise of an actual dead stuntman named Cherix. Minroe used to work for Cherix, was good friends with Cherix, and just took care of the doll that's haunted with Cherix after Cherix's house burnt down.
Cherix himself does consider himself a friend to Minroe and is petty enough to cause Misekki to burn his food enough to be a nuisance if Misekki doesn't take care of the house.
I honestly have no clue what I'm going to write for the first thing if I were to write this and I have no idea how shitty it'll be. Please help me.
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markscherz · 9 months
I… do not understand tumblr live. Like, are there actually only about 50 people streaming across the whole platform at any one time? And why are so many of them just… people smoking? Or unoccupied desks? And why is nobody talking about frogs?
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daily-imbibitorlunae · 11 months
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drawing imbibitor lunae everyday part 5:
he is not paid enough for this shit
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bocchidaily · 11 days
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Day 144: Oh deer I can't think of a good caption for this one
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skumhuu · 6 months
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✨👑 Throne 👑✨ pages 17-18
< • >
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