#(someone show this to Undyne so she knows anime is real)
viviannesmonster · 1 month
Catching feelings
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The moment Toriel realized she had feelings for you was when she saw playing games with Frisk.
She doesn't know why, but seeing you two play together was an absolute adorable sight for her.
She just loved the way you laughed whenever Frisk said something funny.
"I'm glad you two are having fun together!"
The moment Sans realized he had feelings for you was when you pranked him.
Telling jokes and being funny was what made you two friends.
But when you pranked him, he fell head over heels in love.
And in pie.
He thought it was greatest prank ever and couldn't stop laughing for a while.
"damn, you got me good!"
The moment Papyrus realized he had feelings for you was when he heard you laugh.
Like, your real laugh.
You two were watching TV together and something funny happened.
You were holding your stomach in tears from laughing so hard, while Papyrus was smiling at you with his face covered his blush.
The moment Undyne realized she had feelings for you was when she saw sticking up for monsters against some racist human.
You and Undyne were walking down the street when you two witnessed someone yelling slurs at a monster and telling them to go back where they came from.
Undyne was ready to beat the shit out of this person, but you spoke up instead.
You asked them what the fuck was wrong with them and told them that monsters were more human than they would ever be.
It made Undyne's heart melt to see you stick up for her kind.
Alphys immediately caught feelings for you when she saw you ramble about something you were excited about.
The way you looked, the way you spoke.
It was beautiful to her.
(Bonus points if it was about anime)
"W-What? N-No you're not bothering me! Keep g-going! Keep going!"
The moment Mettaton realized he had feelings for you was when you caught him having a relaxation day.
He looked tired and the exact opposite of glamourous.
Even celebrities need days off.
You had originally planned to surprise him by showing him you bought some of his merchandise.
But you found him on the couch in a t-shirt and some shorts, without make up on as well.
You knew there was a reason he wasn't posting on social media.
He was absolutely surprised and humiliated you saw him in such a "hideous" state.
But his metal heart melted when you treated him just the same as you did when he looked like fabulous model material.
It proved to him that you liked him for who he was, and not because of the fact that he was a star.
You two ended up watching movies and hanging out, you also helped him out with his self care day.
The moment Asgore realized he has feelings for you was when you gave him some flowers you picked off the street.
You thought it was a nice gesture.
But he thought it was especially sweet of you to go out of your way to give him flowers.
"Aw! For me? Thank you!"
The moment Muffet realized she had feelings for you was when you gave her advice about the bakery.
She was so touched by your kindness that she grew feelings for you.
This is also why she agrees to hang out with you, because she normally doesn't like to leave her web or bakery.
"Oh! Hello dearie! It's nice to see you today!"
Grillby actually grew feelings for you pretty early.
He gained feelings for you when you went over to talk to him the second time you met.
People normally just see him as a bar tender and nothing more.
So when someone actually talked to him and asked him how his day went.
He was pretty touched.
Plus it helps that he thought you were quite attractive for a human.
"...oh...(Y/n)...it's so lovely to see you."
Gaster gained feelings for you when you offered your home to him.
After he became a corporeal being again, the first thing he wanted to do was see Sans and Papyrus.
They were so happy to see their dad again.
Asgore and Toriel were happy to see him as well.
After explaining what happened to everyone, you offered to have Gaster as a roommate since Sans and Papyrus had no room, and neither did Toriel or Asgore.
That's what made him catch feelings for you.
The fact that you still helped him after helping him already.
"✡︎⚐︎🕆︎'☼︎☜︎ ✌︎☹︎☹︎⚐︎🕈︎✋︎☠︎☝︎ 💣︎☜︎ ❄︎⚐︎ 💧︎❄︎✌︎✡︎ 🕈︎✋︎❄︎☟︎ ✡︎⚐︎🕆︎? ❄︎☟︎✌︎☠︎😐︎ ✡︎⚐︎🕆︎. ✡︎⚐︎🕆︎'☼︎☜︎ ❄︎⚐︎⚐︎ 😐︎✋︎☠︎👎︎."
(Translation: You're allowing me to stay with you? Thank you. You're too kind.)
[Hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more and have a good day]
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Random's Lore Drops - Under the Un-hair-dying
Another GAME THEO- I mean, actual canon lore stuff alongside my opinion. Howdy. Today, we'll be talking about...
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Undyne and her sister, Undyne (Undyne does not have a sister). You probably know her, you may love her, I've rarely seen anybody hate on her personality (aside from Dorked not liking how Undyne's mini-arc on not telling Papyrus why he can't join the Royal Guard (I also didn't like her just never mentioning it afterwards nor fixing the problem)), it's fish lady the first instance of a rhythm game in Undertale. Undyne is pretty obvious in a few traits, like being a lesbian fish, and also being VERY FUCKING RECKLESS (she burnt her own GODDAMN HOUSE TO THE GROUND, LIKE WHAT THE FUC-). She's usually only depicted based on her post-friendship act, instead of her pre-friendship act, where she fucking hates humans, and only became friends with you because of Papaya doing his signature technique, psychological manipulation (reverse psychology). Before becoming friends with her, she's EXTREMELY reckless, and also does have a bit of sympathy as to a few things that she does. Such as the time that she managed to win against Asgore, where she outright admits that she felt bad. But then it gets overshadowed by her going "I'd never met someone so eager to get their butt kicked" with happiness. The reckless part is learned via both the hangout with Undyne, and talking to Gerson. First, Gerson (since you can learn from him faster than fighting Undyne, backtracking, and hanging out with her), where you learn that she challenged King Asgore because she thought the mf was WEAK (JUDGEMENT, THY END IS NOW-) so she challenged him, and got her ass kindly handed back to her on a golden platter. BUT, Asgore saw potential, offered to train her, and thus, she became a Royal Guard after extensive training and probably Asgore's wish. The hangout... Well, she burns her house down because she's not good at cooking. Need I say more? Oh, and she's one of the strangest cases of "ayo check this sick-ass character design", featuring NO REAL FUCKING REASON AS TO WHY SHE LACKS ONE EYE. Anyways, back on topic, she's gay af. Specifically for the current Royal Scientist, Alphys, who showed her anime. She's also another variation of "Strange fucking case", because, aside from Flowey, who's SOUL-less, Undyne is the only living NPC that has used Determination. What I mean by that is Undyne the Undying, who denies death, both with the power of "nuh uh, I have one trillion HP" and DT, which we actually get to see her try and use in her neutral death, in which she tries to go Undying mode (presumably), but because she doesn't have a complete reason to kill you, she fails. Hence why she melts before dusting, instead of just dusting away after getting stabbed. She's capable of using her own Determination, but if she isn't completely DETERMINED for something, she can't keep using it. Once again, the only example is that of her neutral run death, where she states that she "WON'T DIE" multiple times, slowly melting each time, before dying. What else melts? That's right, AMALGAMATES. But hey, that's just a theor-
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mymarifae · 2 years
can we talk about something.
because. okay, look. the way that i’ve come to understand dess’s disappearance is:
she went into the bunker.
inside the bunker is another dark world. the “original” dark world, so to speak.
i believe she discovered the dark world on her own, after fiddling with and eventually breaking the lock on the bunker doors over the course of several days. she was just curious about what was inside. excited, she tried to bring asriel, noelle, and kris along to show them the amazing world inside the bunker. due to circumstances i’m about to get to, only kris and possibly noelle made it in with her.
something went wrong, and only kris (and noelle, if she was there, and for the rest of this post i’m going to just roll with the idea that she was) made it out. noelle ended up repressing most of the incident, while kris retained enough of it to try to tell people about the world inside the bunker. no one believed them, but the place just... feels a bit haunted now. it was already creepy enough before it became associated with dess’s disappearance. i’m more or less certain that if snowy hadn’t interrupted them, monster kid would have said, “what if there’s really another world in there?”
side note: i think there’s a good chance that kris, until recent events, was starting to believe the world in the bunker was just a dream, too. but now they know it really was real. now they might know where dess is. (double side note: i don’t think kris is the knight who opened the fountains in the supply closet and the abandoned classroom. that was someone else. who? idk. they might have been the one who opened the fountain in the library, though.)
the night of the bunker misadventure just so happened to be the night of one of the worst blizzards hometown has ever seen.
the snow started coming down about halfway to the bunker. dess reassured everyone that they would be fine and could wait it out there; they just needed to hurry; she seemed so confident and so sure, that everyone chose to trust her judgement. unfortunately, the storm got worse very quickly. it became hard to see, and for little kris and noelle, it was hard to keep up in the wind. the group began to separate. kris and noelle ended up at the bunker with dess, while asriel got turned around and started walking back towards town, where he ran into the frantic search party comprised of all their parents, undyne, and some other adults.
i’m pretty insistent on dess’s disappearance coinciding with a snowstorm but not really having anything to do with it because, for one, it offers an explanation for noelle’s seemingly trauma-related response to the cold (that one customer in the store saying she sometimes just stands with the freezer door open, staring inside). and if there was a snowstorm the same night she vanished, then—well, it’s easy to declare the cause for her disappearance, isn’t it? it’s strange that a body was never found, but if monsters in deltarune turn to dust after death (i’m still not convinced they necessarily do), then maybe it’s not so strange. in the strong winds, her dust would have been long gone. or: who knows what wild animal could have gotten a hold of her?
that’s just the official declaration, though. that doesn’t mean everyone in hometown buys it. but that’s besides the point.
and mainly i insist on this because now we have a very interesting parallel to draw between her and berdly in the snowgrave route. both “vanish” in a terrible, terrible snowstorm. (i don’t think it’s a coincidence that the visuals for snowgrave look like a blizzard.) but i was thinking about it, and we can take the parallel further actually.
we are all more or less in agreement that it’s pretty damn likely that dess is stuck in the void/code of the game like gaster is. there’s a good chance that she’s the voice in the strings that’s calling for help. so, going off of how i interpret her disappearance—if she’s just in a dark world, that doesn’t make much sense, right? how did she get into the void from there? and even if no one believed kris’s story, the bunker would have been searched. like, the “world inside the bunker” bit sounds like a stretch, but any reasonable adult would conclude that the kids probably tried to take shelter in there. but if the bunker had been searched, then they would have discovered the dark world in there, right??
okay, well. what if the fountain had been sealed?
i’m not sure who/what/how. i’m leaning towards some kind of freak accident. it seems that kris’s process for sealing the fountains is pretty automatic, so maybe if they were just... brought too close to it. maybe this is where their issues with their soul started. i don’t know. what i do have an idea of is this: the two times we’ve seen a fountain sealed, it “cleans up” a bit. the lightners are brought back into their world in a way that makes sense, either to them (noelle and berdly thinking they’re waking up from an accidental nap) or to anyone who might walk in on them (kris and susie looking like they just hung out in the old classroom playing chess and old board games). it’s a combination of intent and whether the lightners believe the dark world is real or not. so when dess uses all of her strength to pick up noelle and kris and shove them out of the world that’s crumbling away into nothingness, at her own expense, they are quite literally shoved out of the bunker and into the cold snow outside, quickly falling unconscious due to shock and because they probably hit their heads, and the double doors of the bunker swing shut behind them.
and dess is swept away with the dark world. she’s now stuck in-between the worlds of light and dark. she exists, and yet, she doesn’t. she has gaster for company, and yet, she doesn’t.
the snowgrave route has raised the question of what happens when a lightner’s soul is stuck when a dark fountain is sealed. what if the popular theory for dess’s fate is our answer? i think berdly’s case would be different in a lot of ways, for a lot of reasons, but the core of it remains the same. he’s stuck between existence and nonexistence, able to be reached through what is—from our perspective but who knows what it is from an in-universe perspective—the code of the game.
perhaps because he is a lightner, he is a little more There, a little more consistent, than gaster’s fragmented self. dess has someone to talk to. someone who happened to be her little sister’s close friend, someone who can tell her about the person noelle has grown into over the years. someone, who can tell her that something is wrong.
could be interesting if, together, they found a way to tear through the boundaries of reality and broke into a future dark world. i’m not sure how they would manifest, because while i’ve settled on dess retaining her body, years in the void has caused her to become a little more..malleable. kinda like mr. goop-i-mean-gaster. and the idea with berdly is that because his body was frozen in the dark world, his consciousness/soul/self/whatever you want to call it was separated and thrown into the void. he’s not physical, at all. but all that just opens the door to some fun design possibilities, doesn’t it? :)
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Perhaps Toriel and Alphys interacting?
Gift of Truth
Rating: G Word Count: 1310 Prompt: #23 weight of the world (randomly generated) Read on AO3: here Notes: Pretty sure this was for an art request a long time ago but I never got around to it, so I hope you don't mind that I did a fic instead! (If you even remember sending this ask lol)
There was no right way to do this. Alphys had talked herself into and out of it endless times, ever since they reached the surface four months ago.
It was too soon. It was too late. It wouldn’t make a difference. It would make too much of a difference, crush the former queen’s newly healed soul into dust.
Alphys probably would’ve put off the decision forever, but Undyne had started to worry. And everyone knew what happened the last time Alphys had tried to keep a secret of this magnitude. Everyone would’ve been better off if she’d just told the truth about the amalgamates from the beginning, right? So if she told the truth now… even though it was late… it would have to be better than not telling it at all.
Gosh, she hoped it would be better.
Alphys didn’t have to open the lab doors for Toriel. She’d had automatic doors installed in her new lab, just like her old one. It saved her a lot of hassle when she brought armfuls of old parts up from the dump—or, in more recent times, when she hauled new equipment or DVDs in from the nearest electronics store. Just one more incredible thing about the surface.
“My apologies, Alphys. I had to stay late to talk to a parent,” Toriel said as she strolled elegantly to Alphys’s desk. Even in slacks rather than her royal robes, she cut an imposing figure.
“I-it’s fine!” She had just panicked for the past thirty minutes, slowly driving herself insane, but that was about what she deserved for keeping this secret for so long. “I, um, why don’t you sit down?”
Toriel raised an eyebrow.
...Right. There was only one chair. The one Alphys was sitting in.
Alphys hopped up, offering it to Toriel, who now looked more bemused (and maybe a little embarrassed) than anything.
“It is quite alright, Doctor Alphys. I am no longer your queen, nor have I ever been. I apologize if I gave you the impression of expecting such formalities.” She sighed, her gase sweeping across the ground. Her paws folded in front of her. “I should also apologize for how I treated you before. Even if you did terrible things under Asgore’s direction… you were able to heal families wounded beyond repair.”
One paw brushed something off of her pant leg. Alphys would’ve recognized that white-gray goop anywhere.
“You—you met with Snowdrake’s mother,” she realized. Crystal was the only amalgamate who had a school-aged child.
“Yes.” Toriel smiled fondly. “She is a wonderful, sweet woman. She cares for Snowdrake deeply, and has been willing to volunteer at the school any time we need help. Just today she was discussing plans to organize a talent show for the children. She believes it would help Snowdrake—oh, excuse me! I am rambling.”
She chuckled, and Alphys gave a nervous little laugh in response. This was… good? Toriel didn’t hate her? Well, Alphys knew she didn’t hate hate her, because Toriel let Frisk come over and watch anime sometimes, but—well, Toriel had never used her title before. Toriel was the one who revoked the title of “Doctor” in the first place, even if she’d technically lacked the authority to do so. It didn’t really matter, because humans didn’t acknowledge monster degrees anyway.
“What was it that you called me for?” Toriel returned to the point. Her expectant gaze weighed on Alphys like an anvil in one of those ancient human cartoons.
“I-I was just, you know…” Alphys tapped her claws together, but even the rhythmic clicks couldn’t soothe her. Sparks started to fly between her fingers unbidden.
Toriel’s brows lifted in sympathy, and suddenly the weight wasn’t so unbearable.
“Is something bothering you, my—” Toriel cut herself off, but Alphys could guess what she was about to say. My child. It was how she most often addressed Frisk.
“No! I mean, y-yeah, but it’s—it’s my own fault.” Alphys’s claws dug into the back of her hand. The magical sparks finally went out.
Toriel waited patiently. Alphys really did feel like a child, trying to squeeze the words past the tightness in her throat.
“I-it’s about Flowey. I… you should know, he’s…” Alphys swallowed. Best to just rip the bandaid off, metaphorically speaking.
“He’s your son. He’s Asriel.”
Alphys looked up with a wince. She wasn’t sure what expression she expected to find on Toriel’s face. Horror? Confusion? Disbelief?
At first Toriel just looked blank. Slowly, her mouth flattened to a thin line, her fangs jutting out from under her upper lip.
“That… does explain some things.”
“W-what?” Alphys gaped.
“He has always known things I couldn’t explain. My favorite snail recipes. How my oldest human child would fill their water to the brim of their cups. And he is rather averse to the idea of me dating anyone but Asgore, no matter how clear I have made it that we will never get back together.” She gave an affectionate snort.
Alphys forced a grin. Well, there went one folder full of fanfiction. But! Other than that, this was—this was good!
“W-well! Then! Glad you’re, um...”
“Not ‘freaking out’?” Toriel asked.
“I certainly am. Freaking out, I mean.” She chuckled. “For all of their similarities, Flowey is also far less… civil, than Asriel used to be. Unless he… well, I suppose I never did truly understand my children.”
Tears leaked from Toriel’s eyes. This time, when Alphys slid the desk chair behind her, she collapsed into it.
“I—I am sorry.” She sniffed. “I am not usually a crier. And truly, this is wonderful news. My child… reunited with me. However you accomplished Flowey’s creation, I must thank you for that.”
Though her eyes were still wet, her smile was sincere.
“I’m still sorry,” Alphys said quietly. “I didn’t know what the determination would do to him. I didn’t know it was a him at all. I was just—trying to break the barrier without hurting anyone. And I… I didn’t know Asriel’s dust was on the flower, on Flowey, and, I-I messed up so bad! Your son doesn’t have a soul, Toriel!”
It was the wrong thing to blurt out, but Toriel took it gracefully.
“I know. He truly has matured despite his condition, has he not?” Her lips curled wryly.
“Doctor Alphys.” Toriel placed a hand on her shoulder. “We all changed while trapped underground. We suffered pains that no one should have to bear. You felt tasked with the same responsibility that my children did—the responsibility of breaking the barrier on your own.”
Alphys’s eyes widened. Toriel knew? Had she seen the videos of Chara and Asriel that Alphys had found? Alphys hadn’t taken them to the surface with her; anything could’ve happened to them. It didn’t seem like Toriel to go through someone else’s things, though… even if they were technically her things.
“I cannot imagine the stress that Asgore placed on you, or that you placed on yourself. You hurt many monsters, truly. But you also healed many. Including my son.”
Tears pricked Toriel’s eyes again, but this time she smiled widely, a bleating laugh escaping her.
“My son is alive!” She exclaimed again, as if just realizing for the first time.
She scooped Alphys up in a hug that threatened to crush her.
“Uh—! T-toriel—!”
Another laugh, and then Toriel set her back down. Alphys’s face was still hot.
“S-so, you, um, forgive me…?” She asked quietly.
“Yes, Doctor. I forgive you, and I thank you.”
With those words, the weight of the world lifted from Alphys’s shoulders.
“Now if you will excuse me, I must be getting home to my children.” Toriel beamed again. “My children! Hee hee!”
Alphys watched the automatic doors slide shut behind Toriel, and she finally allowed a real smile of her own.
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arielmatosdraws · 3 years
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(WARNING: broken english, not my main laguage)
Also, special and high inspiration on: Miss Holoska(i write right, right?) With Underswap!MH and a but of Team Switched with TS!Underswap
So, you guys rembember me talking about how many takes of Underswap is out there but not many Underfell, well, guess what? I have a Underswap take
Character explanation
Chara: i made Chara design to look like how they look in the intro and flashback of Undertale, since i have a headcanon that Chara hair is like that because Chara didn't have time to brush their hair(why would they?), and so, the Dreemurs take care of them, and one time Chara have that hair that we see on genocide end(is just my headcanon), and since in this Underswap is the first time that Chara is in thr underground and not have time to brush their hair, i decided that should look like this, also, their personality depends of the routes, not only that but their personalities is just from the differents view of Undertale Chara, the neutral route, depending of what did Chara do, they have the personality that the "Neutral-Chara" believers think they have, the pacifist route, their personality can be either sarcastic, sassy, etc, to educated, angel, lawful good etc, and finally genocide, can be either sinlent, or, if Chara used cruel ACTs, can be the stereotype evil Chara
Sans: first of all, no, he is not a child, if was i could have drawed a stripe on his shirt, so, his clothes, is just thinked that his Undertale clothes are already perfect to exercice, so why change? The only thing that i changed was the sneakers with the shoes of Temmie Chang Sans concerpt art, and their hoodie with a scarf, he have a good relationship with Toriel like in Undertale, telling puns, talking about Papyrus, etc, the only people that know that Sans go talk to the queen is his brother, Mettaboo and Napstaton, but they doesn't mind and don't tell anyone, Sans doesn't use this as a excuse to enter the royal guard, he wants to enter with his skills(like Undertale Sans, he is just skilled, but not strong), he still have the shortcut, he like sci-fi and watched enough fiction movies to assume that Chara is a Time-Traveler, he, unlike Undertale Papyrus, actually is seen with Papyrus and his friends in some areas, however, if you killed someone, only Sans will be in other areas, he will say how his brother dissapeared after the battle bentween Chara and Sans, he doesn't kill you in pacifist and neutral, only captures you, but in genocide, he wants to do justice and he tries his best to kill you and he introduce his SECRET ATTACK, KARMA
Papyrus: i decided to just make he look different from his stereotype, well he is not drepessed like Undertale Sans, actually that bags on his eyes is because he suffer from insonnia, thats why he sleep many times, Sans not get angry about that, but, yes worried, since, unlike Undertale Sans thats just lazy, Papyrus suffer from insonnia and he have "other things" to treat and Sans is really worried about his younger brother, Papyrus doesn't mind puns, unless that too many, well, Papyrus is kind and sweet outside and doesn't want the people worry about him, he will not hate the person if killed someone like "you demon" but will be highly dissapointed, he will only hate you if you kill his brother, if Chara killed someone, he will no longer appear after Sans battle and only reappear in the judgement hall, he, unlike Sans, doesn't believe that The Fallen Human is some time-traveller and think thaf just Sans crazy imagination, but he notices that the Human act strange sometimes, he never made the promise to protect a human, in pacifist, he is just fine with Chara and never treath them about they "would be dead where they stand", in neutral, if any other monster was killed, he will be just disappointed, and if Sans was killed, he doesn't kill you because he will not be any better than you, but in genocide, the hate was so much that he take action, he is way stronger than Sans, both in attacks and status, but doesn't have karma, however, he is weaker than Undertale Papyrus because he not train and not sleep very well, but he have one thing that Undertale Papyrus doesn't have, the will to end you, he have bone attacks, have blue magic and blue attacks, he also use Gaster Blaster, however they eyes are angry cartoonish eyes, but if you could see, you would have a chill on the spine
Alphys: i always imagined a Alphys battle with a mecha, so instead of her being a close-combat warrior, she wears a mecha made by Undyne as a gift, the armor have a lighting canon and a robotic axe(with lighting aspect, yes, lighting will be exclusive to Alphys in this AU), she will not have a Undying form, but will use a upgrade of her armor that more hard, Alphys doesn't talk so much and not have a explosive personality, she is also not rude, but once that you make friendship with her, she shows her good side, she is a kind and sweet person, that just want the best to the people, she really like anime and loves Undyne, in battle, she uses her mecha and make you soul yellow, that is similar to Undertale, however she gives you a powerful teaser that you use to defend yourself from attacks, but you can use to overcharge her charge shot to make her mecha arm explode, after the two arms are destroyed, she will use a attavk that open their mecha torso reaviling the core, than you use all the enerhy of the teaser to stop the machine, than you can spare her or give the final blow, while she is inconsience, you can date her with Papyrus to be friends, the date involves you draw anime and watch anime, she is akward at first because she think that Chara doesn't like her, however, you can turn the tables and be really good friends, however, if you killed someone, instead of Papyrus, Sans will be in the front of the door to visit her, then he notices Chara and ask if you also want to pay a visit, and this version, Sans and Alphys go to her room to talk, Chara stay in the kitchen, than Sans go out, then the date with Alphys start, she is kinda reluctant in this version and in the end she doesn't really see you as a friend
Asgore: he is the one that stated that every human would die, however, Toriel banned them from the capital and he insolated himself in the ruins, he still the kind and good fluffy king from Undertale, i don't have much thing to talk about him
Undyne: even if US! Undyne hair is canon in Undertale, i decided that is just a pony tail, or, sometimes, a messy hair(without a pony tail), she is more determined than Undertale Alphys and go out more to visit Papyrus and his brother, she made Napstaton body and she like anime way more than Undertale Undyne, she knows that anime is not real, but, with her determination, she made robots, armors, etc, Napstaton is the only robot with soul, and is way stronger than that robots, this robots onoy follow their progamation ans don't give EXP, she upgrade Chara's chellphone and turn it into a deluxe U-phone, that phone have pretty much the same things from Undertale Alphys Cellphone, but, instead of a yellow mode, it have a "Cyan mode", in the cyan mode, the soul turn cyan, pressing Z make the soul make a really fast tackle that destroy or react some attacks, if missed the timing or used and doesn't hit nothing, the soul get way slower, so, be PATIENCE
Mettaboo(mettaton): He is not shy or melancolic like Undertale Napstablook, in the truth, he want to perform and be the famous star in the underground, he tries things like tearthes, pilot progams, etc.., but not many people like it, but he is not giving up! He doesn't attack using robots or lighting, but attack with things like flowers, other things that resemble, magic shows, cook lessons, pose, etc, he is cousin of Napstaton and he knows that they are cousins
Napstaton(Napstablook): they is the most famous musician on the underground, making sometimes collabs, music videos, etc.. they makes songs to progams, cartoons, games, etc.. but they is pretty shy, and have a TON(fingerguns) of fans not really help with their mental health, sometimes Undyne and mettaboo to giving them moral support, in thrir battle, the Cyan mode is really necessary, is a rythm battle, the objective is make a good song until have 10000 hearts, but, in genocide, they will truly battle you and use the whole area to attack you, and their "NEO" form is called Sonical Napstaton
Asriel: he is swappes with Mosnter kid, in this universe, he is not related in any way with the dreemurs, he have a more important role in this AU in pacifist, a little in neutral, but don't appear in genocide, Asriel have the same exact personality of his Undertale counterpart, he first appear when Chara ended up sliding in a endless ice path and ended up failing in some special crystal colors flowers, Asriel heard the sound of somebody grunting and he ended up founding Chara, and he heal them, he help them in some puzzles and guide them till Springout(Snowdin swap), then Chara can visit him in the local park, the two can go for the Muffet Café, the library, etc, after that, Chara gains Asriel phone number, if doing pacifist, Asriel can be found in other places since theres not "mysterious murders" going on, he normally will appear next to save points areas, because feel some sensation(determination)
Toriel: She is the queen of the Underground, almost everyone fear her, but, in the end, she just some poor old lady that have a whole kingdom to take care, have lost her two children, and their husband "is a horrible creature" to her, when encoutering her for the first time, she is silent at first, then proceeds to talk about all that her have face while walking to the barrier, she doesn't use anything to attack except their magic, she only attack Chara because Chara doesn't want to go away from her, making her feel guilty
Frisk and Monster Kid: [NO DATA FOUNDED]
So thats all that i have now about my Underswap, i tried to make the designs to look like their original counterparts and use almost the same style of clothes of the original Undertale, thats all, please, don't steal this idea,
Special thanks to: Miss Holoska and Team Switched, they are my inspiration to do this Underswap
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Underfell & Horrortale Fanfiction - The Doppelganger
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Part 3 : Underfell
Despite the iron ties that kept the tiny skeleton on the lab table, Undyne was still fearing for her life. He was yelling and kicking, enraged, while yelling insults at her. She might find herself behind a armored window, she didn’t feel more safe than when she carry him here in the first place. Sans was giving her the chips. For real. A look towards Papyrus learned her that it was the same thing for him.
Alphys was trying the best she could to administre the skeleton a sedative, but the needle always hit the bones next to his soul as Sans struggled on the table. Even Mettafell came to the rescue. His four mecanic arms was placarding the skeleton arms and legs against the metal, with a lot of difficulty. 
— Ya’ sure he doesn’t have rabies, right ? asked Undyne for the umpteenth time while touching her shoulder’s bandage. I don’t want to become like him. He’s creeping me out. Shit, Pap’, what the hell happened to him ?
— I don’t know. Last night he was sleeping in his bedroom, but this morning, he wasn’t there anymore. I found him like that in the middle of the forest, with that… That hole on the top of his skull.
— Well… If someone told me yesterday you just had to hit his skull hard enough so he finally understand how thing are working down there, I wouldn’t have believe it. Maybe ya’ should have done it sooner.
— Undyne, I don’t think he is my brother.
Undyne puffed.
— And who else would that be ? Do you know any other skeleton ? That’s Sans. He’s just… very pissed againt me for some reason. But seriously, I didn’t see him in three weeks, I promise you I don’t understand why he wants to kill me. Maybe some kids attacked him and he gone totally insane ? Not to be mean or anything, but the guy already had problems before so…
— I just told you that he is not my brother. Are you even listening ? I live everyday with that worthless lazy shit, and that thing is not Sans.
— Be careful. A little more and I swore you were worry for a second.
— Shut up, Undyne.
Mettafell suddenly yelled. Sans managed to catch his arm and was biting in it at full force. Alphys took her chance and finally plant the needle in his soul. The skeleton calmed down instantly and the royal guards were finally able to enter the room. The scientist quickly inspected Sans’ head while he was still knocked out. The hole was very ugly, like someone cut directly in it with a sword. Soon enough, Alphys frowned.
— You said he did that this night ?
— Affimative, answered Papyrus. He was perfectly fine yesterday.
— That’s not possible. Given the healing of some pieces of his skull, that wound was done several years ago. Five or six years ago, I think. You are sure Sans doesn’t have a twin or something ? He is looking thicker and bigger than usual. And… You know ? More evil. Not that Sans is not evil, but, well… He barely knows how to defend himself. Or maybe, that’s a doppelganger.
— A what ? asked Undyne.
— That’s… That’s like in those animes. Doppelgangers are taking the form of someone his victim knows. Then, they kill their clone and take their place and act like nothing ever happened. Most of the time, they ended killing everyone their clone loved then start again with a new prey. Maybe that’s not Sans. Maybe he even killed the other Sans. That’s not that hard, he only has one HP. Who knows ?
Undyne’s eyes shined with excitement.
— That’s so cool ! I want a dopp… dapp… a doppelginger too ! And fight with it with the biggest sword I can find !
— Oh, purred Alphys, suddenly interested. We can do that, I have plenty of ideas of what we could do with that sword. Are you free tonight ?
Papyrus released an exasperated sigh. He took a step forward and place himself between the two women. He crossed his arms and showed Sans with his head.
— So that’s not my brother, we are all agree on this. But then, what is that ? And where is my brother ?
— Ya’ hear Alphys, right ? He probably got eaten or something even more gore. No one cares ! This Sans is way cooler anyway. I’m taking him in the Royal Guard, I’m sure he will make people shit themselves during interrogations ! Look at his head ! He’s even scarier than you !
— … Thanks, Undyne, he said, slightly upset. But unfortunately, no, my brother is still alive. If he died, I would have felt it. I would like to have him back before this... roppelginger take care of him. Or whatever this thing is.
— Ya’re not funny, Papyrus, growled Undyne. What ya’ even want to do anyway ? Draw a path made of mustard bottles and wait for him to find his way to your home ?
Papyrus didn’t answered. His face closed as the idea went from one part of his skull to the other.
— But what if it’s working ? he said with a large grin.
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randomfandomasks · 3 years
Undyne General Headcanons:
All Undynes are either a Gryffindor or a Slytherin there is no other way, and there is also no in between. 
Gryffindor: Storyshift Undyne, Classic Undyne, Underswap Undyne
Slytherin: Underfell Undyne, Swapfell Undyne, Horrortale Undyne
All Undynes love Anime and each one of them can play a little bit of piano. Also, they all are terrible at cooking. 
I headcanon that Undyne, no matter what AU, actually has a green SOUL (on the surface) green = Kindness. Even the “edgy” ones. In general, they are very kind, but the world doesn’t let them be. 
Another thing that all Undynes have in commons is that each one of them is incredible loyal, and also very emotional. Undyne is in general very open with her emotions. 
Classic Undyne: Badass! This Undyne basically invented the word badass that’s how awesome she is. Classic Undyne is the most powerful Undyne (only Glitchtale Undyne is stronger). As I mentioned she is very loyal, she values all of her friends. She loves every single Monster in the underground, and she is willing to sacrifice herself for them, even for Monsters that doesn’t like that much (like Mettaton). Undyne is very hardworking, and she trains every day most of the time together with Papyrus. She isn’t actually that bad at cooking it taste pretty decent...if only the rest of the house would look as decent as her dishes. She is actually very insecure about her scar which is why she decided to cover it in the first place. Undyne pretend that she doesn’t care what the others think about her, but she does care. She knows that a lot of people fear her, and it makes her very upset when she sees them cover away from her. There are times when she really feels guilty over all the humans that she killed or fought (and injured) sometimes she even has nightmares. While Undyne actually really loves wrestling and such things...she doesn’t enjoy hurting others. 
Underswap Undyne: A very scary mix of a nerdy scientist and a badass. She gets flustered way faster than the other Undynes, but she still recovers pretty fast. Everyone in the Underground is actually very scared of her inventions and experiments. They usually expect that one day she´s going to destroy all of the Underground with one of her inventions. Despite that people do respect her, and they do look up to her. Also, she is always very pumped up as she works on her experiments. She won’t really hide her “failed” experiments like Alphys. While she does hide a lot of things, this is one thing that she won’t hide. She and Carrot/Orange (Underswap Papyrus) are just as close as the Classic Undyne and Papyrus. The only difference is that they do not train together or cook, but they do hang out with each other. While Classic Undyne is more or less obsessed with fighting this Undyne is obsessed with science. She still trains now and then though. Underswap Undyne would definitely spend way more time with the other Monsters than Classic Alphys does. This is probably the reason why people like her so much, and fear her at the same time. She can’t cook...like at all her food will always end up burned, and she really doesn’t want to burn down her Laboratory. She usually buys food from Muffet or Grillby. 
Underfell Undyne: Every Monster is afraid of her, and who can blame them? She is very dangerous and strong. This Undyne is not as confident as Classic Undyne, and people treat her more like a tool than a living being. Deep down inside of her she is very kind, and also very loyal. She is still willing to sacrifice herself for her people despite the fact that she is nothing more than a weapon for them. Edgy Undyne values her friend even though she can’t really express it. She doesn’t have a lot of friends. The only friend that she has are Edge and Underfell Alphys. She doesn’t see Underfell Asgore as a mentor or something like that, for her, he is just her King. Her fighting style is way more aggressive. This is the only time when she lets her emotions take control over her. No matter how cool and profession she tries to act she still has a short temper, and she also gets very pumped up. She is scary when she is angry though. There is a difference between her usually aggressive attitude and her being pissed off. The poor soul that dares to lay a finger on her people, especially her two friends will die...a quick but painful death. Underfell Undyne is very insecure...she is fully aware that the other Monsters don’t really care about her...and this upsets her more than she shows. This is the reason why she is so determined to protect her people. She hopes that once she helps them collect all the souls and once they destroy the humans...maybe then the people will see her as something more than just a weapon or a tool. 
Swapfell Undyne: Now this Undyne is really scary and creepy...at least that’s the first though that runs through the heads of those that meat her for the first time. She is ruthless, crazy, and she experiments on Monsters and Humans without feeling guilty. She is her own failed experiment. While she was researching on Determination and LOVE, she injected herself with both of those things. The result is that now she has basically two personalities. One is very similar to the US! Undyne but slightly more edgy and the other one(which is basically Undyne THE Undying) is the crazy, ruthless Monster that just loves killing, and experimenting (basically torturing) others.  She can’t really control it. Sometimes when she loses control she turns into one of the most dangerous Monsters in the Underground. The normal Undyne is a big fan of dark humor, she is very energetic, and she also gets easily pumped up. She also loves Anime although the Anime that she watches are mostly very dark. Undyne is afraid of losing control over herself she is constantly working. She tries to find any kind of medication or something like that will help to calm her down. Right now the only thing that calms her down is tea, but even that doesn’t help her when it gets really bad. 
Horrortale Undyne: Everyone hates her, everyone fears her even those that are working with her together, and she knows that. Deep down she knows that what she does is not okay, but she doesn't see another way. She never wanted to be the “Queen” of Underground. But she didn’t have a choice. Asgore is dead, and Alphys, too. She blames herself for their deaths. If she just simply killed that brat (Frisk), and took their SOUL then Asgore and Alphys would still be alive. She may come off as angry, ruthless and cold...and maybe there is something very true about it. But she is suffering. She grieves over the lost of two Monsters that were really important to her, and they still are. She never meant to starve the others or to be mean to Papyrus or to hurt Sans. She never wanted anything like that to happen. But there is not enough food for everyone, and she has to do something. This Undyne is lost, she is pissed. She takes out her anger, her grief and all other emotions out by yelling or beating up the others. Deep down she is still the nice, brave and loyal friend. And despite how ruthless and cold she might be...she is still ready to sacrifice herself for her people. She just needs help, and she maybe with time the old Undyne will return.
Storyshift Undyne: She hates that her director always forces her to make those stupid shows. Undyne doesn’t care about these shows and fame. She does this only because she knows that it cheers up the Monsters. After being stuck in the Underground for so long it gets boring, and Undyne TV is the only fun thing that happens there. Her best friends are Asgore, Papyrus and Alphys. She misses Prince Papyrus and Alphys. Asgore is almost like a father to her, and she is very thankful to him for saving her life. But she is very insecure about her robotic parts. She isn’t a full robot only a few parts of her body are not real. Although she wanted to be a full robot at first, but not anymore. Sometimes she has phantom pain, and it annoys her. Storyshift Undyne is also very energetic and pumped up like the other Undynes, but she is not as confident as them. She is actually a huge flirt, and she loves giving compliments, and making other people blush. But after her accident she doesn’t flirt that much anymore. She only flirts with people that make her comfortable. She gets flustered very easily. If someone compliments her she is going to be a blushing mess. Sometimes she’s even close to tears...she appreciates it. On the other hand she is kinda happy that she has a robotic body because like that she can take a lot of hits, and protect her people. 
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undertalethingems · 4 years
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Bark at the Moon Chapter 13: Undaunted
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Rating, Setting: Gen, Pre-canon
Chapter Warnings: None
Chapter Summary: Undyne's the heroine who never gives up--she's not about to lose that title now.
The search parties had mostly given up after only a few weeks, but Undyne wouldn't. She couldn't, not after the months of trouble her friends had been put through. She didn't care if she lost her place as captain, she didn't care what it meant for her career--two monsters under her watch had been treated horribly after suffering long enough already, and she couldn't rest until she knew for sure what had befallen them. Asgore had been understanding when she'd explained the situation, but others might talk... Well, she'd let 'em. If they had a problem with how she spent her time, they could take it up with her--so far, no one had.
Dressed in a heavy coat to ward off the cold, most of Undyne's days the last month had been spent scouring the wilderness. She worked the forest systematically, keeping track of how much ground she'd covered and which direction hadn't been explored. She drew on everything she knew, every instinct and shred of knowledge and ounce of determination, and kept going. They had to be out here somewhere.
She crested a low hill, and hooted triumphantly--there! Clear as a pond in Waterfall, a trackway. They were old, but fresher than any of the ones around town--and she didn't know of anyone or anything else that would leave such tracks. Four digits in front, three in back, thin and always tipped by claws--the only thing that came close were the various icedrakes, but they were bipeds. As long as she followed these, she'd find something--she was sure of it. She powered forward, legs carrying her faster and faster until she was almost running--
Something impacted her. She pitched forward with a grunt, landing roughly in loose brush, only to be hauled up by her backpack and shaken. She dropped roughly to the ground, and yelped as her arm was pinned and her assailant tried to pull the backpack off again. She rolled and kicked out to knock her attacker's leg from under them, and glimpsed that not only was said leg made of bone, it was broken.
Her strike connected. The creature shrieked and darted off, pausing briefly a few yards away to stare at her hollowly with orange eyes. Then it dashed off again, and Undyne scrambled to pursue. She'd found something alright, and it made her soul twist painfully.
"Papyrus! Wait! I wanna help!"
She chased after him, weaving through the brush and trees breathlessly; even with an injured arm he was easily outpacing her and it wasn't long before she'd lost sight of him. She continued following his tracks--but the new trail petered out by going off a cliff. She skidded to a halt, panting; Undyne knew Papyrus had incredible jumping abilities so he hadn't just fallen however far down that was. She'd lost him. She grit her teeth, then punched the nearest tree in frustration. Chunks of snow rained from its branches, smattering around her with little splats--the only sound aside from her ragged breathing. She'd been so close...! If she'd gotten in range she could have used a green attack, and then... well. It didn't matter now--he'd gotten away. But her frown softened as a thought occurred to her. At least she knew he was alive.
He'd attacked her, and though they'd stared at one another, he hadn't seemed to recognize her at all. She'd seen only the wary gaze of an animal in those orange lights. He'd slipped... and it seemed worse this time. Back when he'd pounced on her in the hidden cave, he at least knew she was a friend and was playing with her. She rotated her arm, feeling out the lingering soreness from the scuffle--this time, he'd held back, but not much. She had to find him again, and break him out of this like she said she would. She made a face--hopefully it wouldn't involve any actual breaking.
She had to find him again, and Sans, but it was getting late and she wasn't prepared for a night in the forest. She glanced back up, looking out over the valley black with thick, hardy evergreens and cut by a rushing river. They were out there, somewhere...
She stomped her foot with a grunt, and shouted as loud as she could. "Papyrus! I'm coming back tomorrow! Don't be late, y'hear me?! And bring your lazy excuse for a brother too, got it?!"
She glared, listening to her words echo and hoping, somehow, she'd hear a reply. But it was getting too cold. She turned and retraced her steps until she finally came back to the road. After everything that had happened, the rest of the journey to get home felt so long... maybe she'd just stay at the Snowed Inn again. It was always clean and cozy, and they had the best cinnamon buns. Yeah. That sounded relaxing. She could use the peace and quiet to come up with a gameplan that wasn't just 'wander in the woods until she found her friend'. She needed to do better than that. Papyrus--whether he knew it or not anymore--was counting on her.
But she'd done everything she could today--after a full day in it, the cold was really biting at her scales. She grit her teeth and pulled her coat tighter against the icy breeze. Just a bit farther...! She sighed with relief when the warm lights of town finally poked through the trees. She'd take Snowdin's cold over Hotland any day, but the thought of taking a hot shower before snuggling under cozy blankets sounded like the nicest thing right now.
Once she'd gotten settled into her room for the night, she called Alphys.
"O-oh, hello, C-Captain Undyne," she stammered on the other end of the line, and Undyne felt her heart do little flips.
"Hey Doctor Alphys! Um, I was wondering... if... er, if you could help me with something," she started--more awkwardly than she wanted it to sound, ugh. "I've uh--I've got a case I'm working on and--well--I was hoping you--um--"
"I-I'd love to!" Alphys said quickly, and there was the sound of ruffling papers. "It's th-the case of the b-beast, right? Only, it wasn't a beast it was the skeleton brothers--I had no idea transforming monsters were real, it's just like this show I've been watching where it turns out the main character's best friends are really--WHOOPS spoilers ha ha ha... Um... Is it... that case?"
Undyne coughed. "Yeah. I'm... trying to find them. I saw Papyrus today."
"O-oh! Th-that's good! ... Right?"
Undyne sighed. "Yeah, but... it was like he didn't recognize me at all."
"Yeah. I've seen him do this, where he acts... different. More like a wild animal, I guess... He kinda reminds me of the dogs, but then when he stretches it's more like a cat, and then if he's watching something it's kinda like a bird--anyway, the point is, he stops acting like Papyrus. I mean, you can still tell it's him in there, but... I've been able to snap him out of it before, but this time... I dunno. He seems like... like he's really in deep."
"Hmm..." Alphys was quiet as she thought; it took a while, but Undyne didn't mind--she was enjoying just having her on the phone.
"W-well," she finally started, and it sounded like she adjusted her glasses. "Based on what little information you gave me, I can only guess so much, b-but... um, I only have like one episode of this show, b-but, one of the characters loses his memories, and seems like a totally different person until his friends spend enough time talking about things they all did together. I don't know if that would really work--i-it's kind of silly, saying it out l-loud now, um, nevermind--"'
"No! No, I think that might be exactly it," Undyne said quickly; of course it was something obvious like that! Man, Alphys really had a problem with confidence sometimes--she had the best ideas. "I was just gonna go out and like, tackle him, but now I think I should do that... AND tell him about all the other times I have too!"
Alphys managed a weak laugh. "Th-that... seems like it's worth a shot. T-tell me if it works, okay?"
"Of course! Thank you so much--um, I might ask you for more help again soon, okay? Actually... Back when he was... still in town, Papyrus seemed really bothered by the fact he was stuck in his beast form. You think you could, I dunno, rig up some science thing to scan his magic and see if something's going on with it?"
"I-I could certainly try," Alphys replied, and Undyne heard a sound like she was tapping her chin. "I wish I could have looked into it before they transformed so I'd have a baseline to compare it to, b-but, I guess I'll have to use regular monsters as a control... I-if their bodies can change so drastically, I can only imagine what their souls are doing, and that could explain why their mental states change as well... I'll have to see what the literature says about endomagical structure and regulation... O-oh, sorry, I'm rambling--you're probably busy, that was probably really boring--"
Undyne scoffed. "I mean, I can't exactly weigh in, but I love when you talk science stuff. Now, when you get into jargon, then I'm really lost."
She loved when she talked any stuff, but science was a topic Alphys could happily discuss at length. Even if she didn't understand, Undyne could listen to her for hours. She just liked seeing Alphys happy.
"Y-yeah, ha ha... I don't know enough about this to get into any jargon yet, b-but trust me, there's gonna be jargon eventually."
"There always is," Undyne teased, then turned serious. "Well hey, listen--I'm really glad you want to help. These guys have been trying to deal with it on their own this whole time, and... needless to say it hasn't worked out. I'll do everything I can, but... I think we need someone who can really look into this once I get them back."
"Yeah... I-I... I'll do my best," Alphys replied quietly. "Let me know when... when you find them."
"Oh yeah, for sure. So, uh... cool. Uh. Talk to you later....?"
"Yeah! O-oh, um, okay, bye!"
She hung up, and rolled onto her back. Alphys was so smart--such an obvious solution to helping the brothers remember themselves hadn't even crossed Undyne's mind. She'd give it a shot for sure. And then, once they were back, Alphys could use science to help them figure out what was up with them being stuck... It was nice to feel like maybe things might work out. Undyne had tried not to be hard on herself, but she felt like she'd let the brothers down.
Maybe she should have let Papyrus help with the investigation after all, before things had gotten so out of hand that the townsfolk were ready to attack on sight. But it was too late--she had to face this head-on and not get bogged down with regrets. She'd take Alphys' advice and try getting through to her friends tomorrow.
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spirit-shroud · 3 years
what are some roles that have been largely changed for cityrune? since you said queen was an influencer now :]
hi ty for asking me im vibrating. havent gotten to talk about this au now for three years and now that chapter 2 is like real and this time i can like........draw occasionally and i have more understanding of nuance...... [grips table] [screams]
this isnt quite what you asked but heres what's everyone from chapter 1 has been Up To with a little bit of context (and under a read more bc it got LENGTHY):
kris - professional stay at home teen (they live w/ asgore n help run the flower shop sometimes. this decision was entirely bc i dont like toriel). was wrongly diagnosed w Sudden Soul Rejection when they were incredibly young and given an experimental transplanted soul as a replacement. it works for them fine, give or take having to see gaster once a month for checkups. but sometimes the soul makes them skittish n decides they're going to sit in front of the pc and play 30 consecutive hours of a certain simulation game and not even let them drown people in the pool. if it were entirely up to them, they'd be like. passing out on the sofa to documentaries about bigfoot. or practicing cool knife tricks to impress their friends at their next tabletop meetup
- EDITED IN: the soul is kind of their friend. they are wearing a hypothetical get along shirt. most of the time, they agree on actions and things to do. tends to refer to themself + their soul as we/us which originally was just something they did in their head but they kept slipping in speech/text n just became a Thing of how they talk. switches to 'I/Me' whenever smth is wrong.
- also edited in: they believe the soul they have is their original soul bc nobody has told them otherwise. whenever theyre like 'oh yeah we think about our soul n view it as a separate entity to us like. all the time. it likes to hurt if we make too many choices it doesn't seem to like and kind of forces us to be a toned down version of what we want to be but thats just how souls are haha' and everyone is like.... 'Hey Kris That's Really Not How It Is.' theyre like. 'huh. gonna ignore that for now' - this was going to be a plot point
toriel - head of H0MEWOR1D (H01)'s department of education; kind of lost her roots as a simple math teacher as she was pushed into a lot of power she didn't even really seek out. divorced asgore over some miscommunications in their relationship; also loosely as a result of grief from asriel's death
asgore - the same. runs a lil flower/gift shop. people come in more to talk with him than to buy flowers most of the time, though
asriel Flowey - he's back in flower form, thanks to the government an accident. causes a lot of technology glitches wherever he goes, and wants revenge. isn't sure how to go about it. asriel "died" around 8 years before the story takes place and kris still misses him and refuses to even THINK about even the IDEA of calling someone their sibling after what happened, just in case it somehow happens a second time
susie - more of the same really. she spends most of her time either at grillby's (she's sort of become his assistant n helps with opening/closing. it just happened) or getting into low-stakes trouble w/ kris
noelle - she's in the city's equivalent of college and shes so tired. shes So Abysmally Tired n got kinda pushed 2 follow in her mom's footsteps. she's rarely around anymore except through text or on monsters & mages (dnd) night. (however.........she will come back w/ a long break n hang out w everyone again)
berdly - tbh i didnt even consider berdly when i made the au initially. idk what he's doing. probably in a similar situation to noelle??? canonically got kicked out of the M&M group due to clashes w/ other players but lurks in their group chat to posts memes sometimes
didnt rly think of any other of kris' classmates (+ their families) after ch1 and probably will continue to not, until chs 3-5 come out and i gotta whip up roles and histories for like. a lotta guys all of a sudden. i also forgot about noelle's parents
sans - runs a convenience store that everyone kind of thinks is a front, but also it has really cheap snacks and the local teens make a point of stopping there after school. so essentially, more of the same papyrus - similar to ut. is a very polite and sweet boy but you'll know when he's coming
grillby - he's back. he runs a bar like back in ut but the cozy vibes and weird-for-a-bar hours keep attracting kids who need parents, so half of his menu is comprised of overly sweet mocktails. usually only frequented by monsters
QC - same as usual. has a "rivalry" with grillbz but, theyre besties and have a book club
mettaton - he's real and he's back. he's similar to how he is back in ut w/ his EX body. likes to hang out at grillby's and talk to unsuspecting fans. has a show for everything
napstablook - similar to how they are in ut. helps mtt with making music sometimes. doesn't leave the house too often, but spends a lot of time posting on undernet
undyne - unfortunately. more of the same. she is a cop in the monster district. i am also upset by this but couldn't think of anything better for her
alphys - a doctor studying under dr. gaster in the hopes she'll one day take over his research. she spends most of her time as a nurse with a bigger title, though, and blocks out the weirdness of her job with anime.
gaster - weird guy. H01's top soul researcher and resident House wannabe. trying to manufacture the ultimate soul that can be controlled with simple internal switches, but so far he's only had 1 (very limited) success with a certain human. monsters just melt, and darkners just sorta......get weird... he's onto Something, though.
ralsei - lonely boy with some very strange hobbies. popular on UnderNet for poetry, baking videos, and general cryptid vibe. is the DM for the monsters & mages group (also seems to think everything is actually very fine in H01 when it is very much not)
lancer - about the same. professional Round Boy. lives w/ rouxls full time. follows susie around like a lost puppy and calls himself her "underling."
rouxls - runs a hotel/casino kind of deal where the objective Bad Guys hang out, and usually ends up doing any of the spade king's paperwork.
spade king - mafia godfather. kind of a dick. don't play cards with him
seam - works with the spade king as his right hand cat more or less because they have for a lot of years and are in that 'sunk cost fallacy' zone. thinks of retiring to a quiet life in the monster section of town like, daily
jevil - used to work with the spade king, but got imprisoned for Crimes. got weird after The Accident (separate from asriel's accident)
temmies (all) - dont really get mentioned except offhandedly but they run the monster space station. so far, are the only monsters who have ever been to space.
as far as chapter 2 goes:
yeah i dont have much so far for characters. in the original version of the au i accidentally made darkners as a whole just kinda..... not great? like all sorts of weird organized crime ties n sort of going out of their way to be A Problem to the city (not even in like. a revolution way. in a working against them but with the same goals kinda way). with the whole context it worked At The Time, bc i just had the spade king to look to as a villain, and also in this au the darkners are just trying to survive a world that ultimately was not built for them (that humans think they own, and monsters sort of... seeing this and wondering what it'll mean for them whichever one wins), but w/ new info abt how the dark world works n more guys to work with i want to kind of. edit the vibe a bit. like yea darkners will ultimately do whatever it takes to take over H01, but maybe in a better way than like. idk. all this. it doesnt have to be peaceful or anything it just has to be more adaptable as we meet more kinds of darkners
however yeah i thought up 'queen as some sort of childless mommy blogger/influencer' and that completely revived all memory i had of this au. she should be on mtt's talkshow. also she sells collectible wine glasses w/ her likeness
spamton is another one of gaster's failed soul experiments, but he hasn't melted yet, and seems............fine? sort of. so he hasn't gotten decommissioned yet. he does want to give you malware tho. hot monster singles in your area n all that
im blanking on the rest of the guys but i hope any of this was comprehensible
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songfell-ut · 4 years
Chapter 13, something luck something
I gave myself the feels, @lostmypotatoes send help
Link here.
They’d stopped at the head of the staircase in the Grand Hall. Her new skeleton friend had thrown his arms wide at a line of monsters standing motionless in shiny black armor, as proud as a child showing a visitor his favorite toys. “NYEHHH,” he added reverently.
The Royal Guard was quite impressive, like gleaming statues that could come to life and kill you, but Frisk wasn’t scared. She could see their ears poking out from their helmets, and some of them looked pretty silly: a couple of dogs, a cat, a rabbit, a bug, something like a lizard or dragon…
But then there was their Captain, who had just removed her helmet. She did not look silly. “UNDYNE!” Papyrus blared at the tall, eyepatched fish-woman. “THIS IS KRIS! SAY HELLO TO HIM! …ER, UNDYNE? HIS NAME IS KRIS, NYEH HEH! …HE IS A HUMAN! …NYEH? UNDYNE?”
No answer. Undyne’s scarred, scowling, evil-toothed countenance did not waver. Her webbed hand was clenched on the shaft of her spear, cerulean scales and mostly-yellow eye glittering in the witchlight. Even her red ponytail looked menacing as it fluttered in the breeze of passing dignitaries.
The human’s path was clear. Her expression went blank with determination. Frisk looked around and saw vases full of fresh flowers against the wall; as the monsters glanced at each other in confusion, the child selected a vase, tossed out the flowers, lugged the vase back to the Royal Guard Captain, and, with one almighty heave, threw the water right into Undyne’s face.
Frisk woke him even earlier than they’d planned, looking as though she hadn’t slept and sounding very businesslike. Sans was too groggy at first to remember last night, and before he could wonder if it had even happened, she was already laying out their plan for the day.
And…it was not what they had discussed yesterday. It was the opposite. “Lemme get this straight,” he said when she was finished. “Ya don’ wanna sneak out anymore. You wanna tell everyone an’ their mom that we’re takin’ the monsters back t’the Underground as a goodwill gesture in exchange for more cool monster stuff.”
“So we’re goin’ out as a big deal that everyone knows about, on purpose?”
“We’re gonna let ‘em think you already cleared it with the King ‘n everything’s fine?”
“That’s…that’s a big fat lie.”
“No, it isn’t.”
“Yes it is.”
“No. It isn’t.”
“I’m not an idiot, Sans! If we disappeared without any indication whatsoever of where I’d gone, His Majesty would assume I’d been abducted and send soldiers after me. I just woke him up a few minutes ago and told him where we were going, and why.”
Something about the way she said it made him ask, “And he’s okay with it?”
Frisk smirked. “We’re going.”
Departing with a lot of fanfare actually took less effort than Sans expected. All he had to do was go down to the stables, announce that Her Eminence was leaving immediately on an important diplomatic mission, hand over her written instructions, and then stand back. For once, his scariness was a real advantage: by the time Frisk brought down the group of silent, shivering monsters, the wagons were already in place, the horses hitched up, and the cargo nearly loaded.
The priestess had been busy mobilizing a small army of assistants, which was a lot easier than their original plan to have him teleport everything from her room. Their provisions and gifts for the Underground were brought down and loaded according to the diagrams Frisk had drawn for the monsters: one wagon was for Ice Cap, who would travel with the majority of the food, while the other had Pyrope and Vulkin, who were wrapped in fireproof blankets and seated away from anything flammable. The other monsters would ride with them in order to stay warm—the canvas wagon covers were good for privacy, but didn’t keep out much of the wind.
Sans had made himself scarce while the work was going on, but when everyone and everything was in place, he stepped up to make Frisk get in with the flame monsters instead of riding up front in the lead wagon. She’d been standing in a corner of the freezing yard to supervise the last preparations; in her full High Priestess regalia, she was as impressive as ever, but he’d watched her closely and seen her trying not to cough.
As her personal guard, and her…whatever the hell they were now, it was his duty to not let her get sick again, but his official consideration was for her safety. They were traveling with a cortege of twelve guards, which would deter most attackers and also help clear traffic ahead of them, but there was no point in putting her on display for someone to take potshots.
They wheeled out of the castle gates and onto the main thoroughfare just after sunrise. Sans wasn’t a big fan of walking, or being in the cold, but his slippers and overcoat were mostly adequate. He wished he could poke his head into the wagon to check on Frisk, but she had asked him not to let the other monsters see him yet; besides, he heard her humming at a couple of points and figured she was busy keeping them calm. Pyrope was a twitchy little bastard, and Vulkin had a bad habit of “helping” via lava, so he’d just leave her to it.
The day passed, and to their pleasant surprise, they reached Frisk’s house on the outskirts of the city long before dark. That gave them more time than expected for Frisk to unload the monsters and shepherd them into the house; Sans grabbed enough food for that night and the morning, and the attendants took the wagons and horses to the nearest inn. Two guards took up positions outside the house before they locked the door for the night, and that was that.
None of the monsters had spoken or made eye contact with anyone all day, to Sans’ knowledge. As soon as they were gathered in the dining room, the priestess allowed him to step in and say, “Heya.”
Frisk retreated as the monsters came alive, swarming around the giant skeleton and all babbling at once in frantic relief. He had been somewhat scary to them in the relative peace of the Underground, but seeing him now was the best possible reassurance that the High Priestess had not been lying or playing some kind of sick game with them: they really would be home by the day after tomorrow.
After a few minutes, Frisk came back into the room, bare-headed and wearing a loose white gown, for Sans to re-introduce her as “Kris,” the not-really-a-boy from the human delegation. Six of the eight remembered her, and Pyrope got so excited that he left a couple of smoking holes in the carpet.
When everyone was done eating and talking, Frisk directed Ice Cap to the attic, where they could safely leave the little window open to keep it cold, while Sans built up the kitchen fire and made an asbestos-blanket fort for the flame monsters. The others sprawled out on the beds or any patch of floor they could, safe and well-fed; still, Sans noticed how uneasy they were, and understood what that was like. He just hoped they’d be able to feel safe again.
Once everyone was settled, Frisk was nowhere to be found. Of all the damn places she could’ve slept in, Sans finally found her wrapped up in her cloak in the bathtub. “Frisk,” he said accusingly.
She made a noise explaining that she was fine, a monster could have the remaining bed.
“Nope.” The priestess squeaked as he bent to scoop her up in both hands. “C’mon, kitten. Time ta sleep literally anywhere else.” Before she could object, he walked her into the smallest bedroom, dropped her onto the bed, and threw a comforter over her. “There. G’night.”
Frisk struggled to sit up. “Wait, where—”
Sans lay down on the floor and sighed noisily. “We’re not t’the Underground yet. Let’s just go ta sleep, okay?”
“…Okay. But, Sans—”
The boss monster emitted a loud, sustained fake snore, cut short by her pillow landing on his face.
Either the demon-child was still satisfied from the other night, or they were just too tired to be reachable, because they woke from a dreamless night to another stiff, sore day of travel.
The monsters were more animated today as they loaded into the wagons, which Frisk took as a good omen. Granted, there was a delay when Sans got too close to the draft horses and scared them so badly that the grooms had to unhitch them for a quick jog around the block, but the crowd gathering on the street to watch still cheered and waved as they set off.
It was another bitterly cold day, and as Frisk leaned into Vulkin, she tried not to think too much about spending the night in the no-man’s-land. King Stephin had still been sleepy when they talked yesterday morning, and the best objection he’d come up with on the spot had been the diplomatic ramifications of bringing so many humans so close to the Underground. She’d countered with the proposal that they leave all their attendants at the border and have Sans handle both security and transportation from then on, as he was a monster and knew the area well. The King tried to backpedal, but Frisk had gone on about a smaller group being faster and safer, attracting less attention, needing fewer provisions, etc., until he gave in.
“Very well. I will ask His Holiness to arrange the necessary financial matters for each monster,” the King had said coolly. “I am trusting you, Frisk, to bring back favorable news, and prove that this mission is any better than a child’s tantrum over not getting her way.”
“I wonder that Your Majesty has ever spent enough time with a child to see one,” she shot back, eliminating any chance of leaving him on a polite note.
Unfortunately, Frisk was now so busy thinking of that conversation – and trying to ignore the bruises she was accumulating from riding in a big, jouncing cargo wagon – that she forgot to mention it to Sans until they stopped for a break several miles outside the city. He’d started bemoaning the logistics they had to work out for that evening, trying to get all these guys fed and coordinated and bedded down and what they were going to do with the horses, and she had to cut him off with “They’re not coming.”
The guards and drivers looked up from their roadside sandwiches at a furious, smothered explosion of sound. They glanced at each other as the massive skeleton growled down at the priestess, but she didn’t seem worried, so they resumed eating as Sans carried on snarling and gesticulating.
Frisk could understand why he was upset, but the third time he ended a sentence with “—‘n did I mention I’m not a fuckin’ horse?!” was enough. “Sans,” she said, and he stopped. “Calm down and think about it. This may actually be safer. Have I ever shown you how I can hide something with a barrier?”
“Uh…” The boss monster shrugged crankily. “I know you’ve got a lotta different tricks.” Snort. “Any chance ya have somethin’ that’ll pull the wagons for us?”
“Yes. You.”
Sans blinked, and covered his face with one hand. “God damn it.”
Frisk turned her back to the guards so she could grin at him through the veil. “It takes a lot of strength, but if it’s just the two of us and the wagons, I could keep us completely hidden for short periods,” she said, more somberly. “In your opinion, is it safer to move by night, or camp outside the border till morning and then make as much time as we can?”
The skeleton tapped his dusty slipper on the grass, thinking out loud. “It’s probably better t’go at night. A lot of this place is so flat that you can see fer miles on a clear day. I can get by pretty well in the dark, so yer right. If we don’t have all of these dorks walkin’ with us ‘n makin’ noise, you’d just need ta cover up the wagons. It’s mostly bedrock out here, so with the wind blowin’ the sand around, we shouldn’t hafta worry about tracks.”
“I see. How far should we try to get tonight? I don’t think we can make it all in one push.”
“Not if I’m all we’ve got,” he grumbled. “Let’s get t’the fence and see how we’re doin’.”
Frisk had a word with the drivers; when they started again, they went at a quicker pace, the better to reach their destination and allow the men and horses time to get back to the nearest village before dark.
She grew more and more apprehensive as the hours passed, and finally dug out her satchel of clothing, asking the monsters to close their eyes so she could change into a more practical dress than her High Priestess leg-trap. Not long afterward, the wagon slowed and ground to a halt; they were at the border, a day’s journey from the Underground.
Sans waited till the other humans were almost out of sight to tell the monsters, “Come on out, guys.”
All but the flame monsters piled out to stretch their legs and wings while Sans ran a trace of red magic along the wire fencing. Frisk watched him pluck at a seemingly solid strand, revealing a length of twine holding two cut pieces together. “Humans go in ‘n out this way,” the skeleton informed her. “’s like havin’ a gate. They just untie it and tie it back up behind ‘em.”
Frisk shook her head and hugged herself tighter under her cloak. Sans didn’t have time to admire how the cold air had turned her cheeks red, or be really irritated at how the men had all gawked at her without her veil, but he did it anyway while the monsters got ready to resume their places. “So,” the skeleton said, resigned, “how’re we gonna do this crap?”
Five minutes later, Sans was trudging along in the fast-fading light, his hands shoved in his pockets, the wagon’s shafts wedged between his wrists and his hipbones so he could pull it in lieu of a horse. Frisk sat in the driver’s seat of the second wagon, whistling softly and watching the tufts of red magic keeping its shafts upright. Sans had to admit that the flat terrain and the laws of physics made it easy to keep the wagons going once they’d started…but it still sucked.
“Are you doing all right?” the priestess asked at one point.
“Neigh,” he responded, and she started snrrking so hard that he threatened to stop and make her pull the damn wagon. Then he had to deal with that mental imagery until it got darker and he could focus on maintaining a tiny speck of magic to sharpen his night vision. It was nearly a new moon out, perfect for moving in secrecy.
It happened some time after midnight. The monsters had fallen asleep; the priestess was dozing, and Sans was on the verge of stopping for the night when a shriek rang out from the wagon behind Frisk, who nearly fell off her seat. Sans had to lift her down for her to run back, leap into the wagon, and rouse Vulkin from a nightmare, humming urgently to quiet her.
“Shit,” Sans muttered as a torch flared in the distance. “Hey, kitten?”
She didn’t waste any time: a whistle raised a golden bubble around them, and Sans winced at the sheer power crackling through it. For the first time, he found he was less worried about being trapped inside a barrier than he was about the amount of magic it was costing her.
Minute after minute passed. Strange human voices drew way too close, and Sans could only stand there while Frisk held the spell steady, diverting enough magic to soothe the terrified monsters. The giant skeleton had no idea how she was blocking both sound and light and hiding the barrier’s presence from the other side while she hummed, but she did it, because the poachers soon concluded that it’d been a false alarm and wandered back the way they’d come. “They’re gone, sweetheart. Drop it,” Sans ordered, and he heard a ragged sound as the barrier evaporated.
That was enough. Sans set the wagons’ brakes, grabbed as many rocks as his remaining magic could carry, and formed stacks under the shafts to hold them upright, then stuck most of his head into the back of the wagon. “I’m so sorry,” whimpered Vulkin. “I didn’t mean to—”
“It’s not yer fault,” he said roughly. In the monster’s glow, he could see the priestess lying on the wagon floor, resting her head on her forearm as she struggled to catch her breath. “Hand ‘er over.”
Later, he would kick himself for dragging Frisk into the cold again, but he had to see for himself that she was okay. Sans bundled her under his coat and sat down against the wheel, folding her into the crook of his arm while he summoned up heat and softness, everything a skeleton usually couldn’t offer.
That was all well and good, but as she turned toward him, trying to reach up around his neck, something weird happened. He allowed her to stand on the ground and rest her weight against him, her arms sliding under his coat and over his bony shoulders; he’d almost gotten used to that amazing, fluttery, possessive thing his SOUL did when she was on him, but this time, it got physically warmer, and he felt like something was…leaving him? What—
Frisk’s whole body jerked. She pulled her head back enough to stare at him. “Sans? What did you do?!”
“I…” Sans had to close his sockets against a rush of dizziness. “I dunno.”
The priestess withdrew her arms and looked down at her hands. She raised one and snapped her fingers, and another barrier roared to life around them. “What the crap, Frisk?” Sans rasped. “Ya don’t have the strength fer that!”
“I do now,” she said blankly. “How…how did you give me magic directly? Is it—”
Just like that, the dizziness had become full-on vertigo. “Sansy needs t’go night-night,” the skeleton mumbled, and the darkness politely stepped up to pull him back down with it.
A band of poachers had made camp near the river. Their sentry glanced up from his breakfast, then leapt to his feet and called out as someone emerged from the morning mist. “Whoa! Easy, pal,” said the stranger, stopping a polite distance away and holding his hands up. “We’re not lookin’ for trouble. I’m just checkin’ somethin’.” He made a strange face, as if he wasn’t entirely sure how faces worked. “Have ya heard who’s s’posed to be out here right now?”
“Maybe,” the sentry admitted. He eyed the interloper’s oddly pale hair, the contrast it made with his black coat and red shirt, and lowered his crossbow. “Depends what you’ve heard.”
“Someone from the High Priestess is passin’ through, doin’ somethin’ with a buncha monsters,” said the newcomer, lowering his arms very slowly. “I was makin’ sure ya weren’t them. We’re pretty new at this, so—”
The sentry gave a bark of laughter. “Dumbass! It’s the High Priestess. She’s out here with nine or ten monsters, all by herself.”
“Really?” The stranger blinked too many times. “Hot damn.” He laughed, too, sort of. “Too bad we can’t get magic outta her, huh?”
The sentry leered at him in male camaraderie. “Ever seen her in person? I know what I’d get out of her!” He slapped his leg, oblivious to the stranger’s twitching eye and clenched fists. “Well, if you’re new to the business, take it from me: keep any humans you find and save ‘em for ransom, ‘specially her.”
Blink. “Ransom?”
“Yeah. Ransom,” the poacher said impatiently. “You know who her dad is, right?”
The pale-haired stranger blinked again. “Duke Whatshisface?”
“Seriously?” The sentry shook his head in disbelieving pity. “Her dad’s the King, dipshit. You never heard about it?” He gestured expansively with the crossbow, enjoying the stranger’s dumbfoundment. “No joke. The old man used to fuck anything that’d hold still long enough. There’s five or six kids left that we know of, and she’s his favorite.” His grin broadened. “You really didn’t know? Man, you’re fuckin’ stupid.” He flapped his hand. “Get out of here. Go on home before you trip ‘n kill yourself.”
In a daze, the stranger put his hands in his pockets and turned around. “Oh, by the way,” he said, and without warning, something erupted from the ground, impaling the sentry’s foot.
His screams brought his comrades running to see him clutching a huge white bone sticking out of the bedrock, and a stranger pointing wildly toward the river. “Holy crap, it came from over there!” he shouted. “It’s that big-ass skeleton thing! It’s definitely over there!”
Only one of the poachers tried to say, “Who’re you?” before another line of projectiles slammed into the ground heading away from them; he ran to follow the rest of the group, leaving the luckless sentry to try to wrestle the bone free. When he looked up to demand the stranger help him, there was no one there.
“Fuckin’ fuckstick,” Sans muttered to himself from a few hundred yards away, jerking a hand to summon more bones and make it seem like they were still under attack. “I oughta fuckin’…” He kicked a rock so hard that it hurt his stupid wimpy human toe.
Fuck-a-duck. He couldn’t go back to camp like this. With the mist covering him and the poachers haring off in the opposite direction, he could think things over for a minute, starting with whether Frisk had ever come out and said who her father was.
…No, she never had. He’d just remembered something about Rosa – who he now knew wasn’t even her mom – working for a duke, and reached a reasonable conclusion that was totally wrong. It was probably such an open secret that she either hadn’t thought to tell him or hadn’t wanted to in case he treated her any differently. She was probably sick of that already…
Sans was too lost in thought to see something moving in the mist, following him away from the poachers’ camp along the riverbank. When he absently turned to stare at the water, it vanished, only to reappear as he turned again.
So, Frisk had pulled this crazy stunt because there was nothing else she could do about the monsters being sold. According to everything Sans had seen, only the Cardinal or the King could go over her head; therefore, while Duke Whatshisass was in charge of doling the monsters out to new owners, it probably wasn’t him who’d actually decided to sell them. The Cardinal hadn’t bothered her since she said she’d be retiring, and she hadn’t mentioned him at all, which just left the King.
Sans had seen for himself how much the old man treated her like a daughter, go figure. Knowing Frisk, she’d probably told His Majesty to his face that she intended to free those monsters, and he’d decided to keep her out of serious legal trouble and also remind her who was boss by ordering them sold right away. No wonder she’d been willing to flip him the bird right back by stealing the monsters and getting public opinion on her side.
Against all logic, Sans felt his poofy lips curling upward. In a weird way, this was the push he needed to be a little less miserable about not deserving her and a bit more smug that she’d picked him over the zillion guys desperate to snag an illegitimate princess. At this point, she transcended the concept of anyone deserving her. He still thought he sucked, but so what? If he hadn’t imagined what she’d said the other night, then…
The mist was beginning to thin out as the sun came up. Sans paused and glanced behind him, but nothing was there. He turned back toward their camp, reaching for his chain. Better not confront her about something she hadn’t really been hiding in the first place, though now he was determined to ask about her m—
Only the hiss of something flying through the air alerted him in time to fling up a wall of bones, barely deflecting a blow aimed at his neck. Before he could even swear aloud, more things came at him, and he instinctively turned to run away from their camp.
“Hey! HEY!” a voice shouted. Sans’ human ears perked up at the sound. “Come back here, meat-wad!”
His aim wavered as he threw a wave of pointed bones behind him, just missing the figure in the mist. It easily caught one and threw it straight back at him, only to see it glance off another wall of bone. “You!” the figure snarled. “How did you get Sans’ magic? Where is he?! Tell me, you damn coward!”
Sans dodged another one. “Hey!” Dodge. “Hey, listen, ya crazy broad! It’s—”
“Sans?” They both froze at the sound of Frisk’s voice. “Sans, where are you?”
The boss monster finally understood that expression about blood running cold. Fighting chills, he turned his head and opened his mouth to tell Frisk to run.
That moment of distraction was all the figure needed: Frisk came up just in time to see a bone spin end over end and smash into the back of his head, nearly knocking him out.
The High Priestess had heard Sans’ attack on the poachers as she was balancing a frying pan on Vulkin, who’d volunteered to help cook breakfast. Frisk just prayed Sans could divert them without killing anyone, or that he would at least try.
Several minutes later, though, he hadn’t returned. She was passing the pancakes around and had retrieved the bucket for more water when she heard shouting. Her stomach lurched at the sound of bones breaking. Sans!
Telling the monsters to stay put, Frisk reflexively grasped the bucket handle and ran out of the warded camp, keeping another barrier ready. “Sans?” She looked around, squinting through the last tendrils of mist. “Sans, where are you?”
She saw him a split-second before someone threw one of his own bones straight back at him. Frisk choked on a scream as he hit the ground, blood darkening the sand. “Sa—"
“Hey. You.”
Frisk gulped as their attacker advanced on her from the edge of the water. “What’d you say about Sans, human? You know where he is?” The tall monster emerged from the mist, removing her helmet as she glared down with one mostly-yellow eye. “Oh, come on! Don’t tell me you took out a boss monster! How’d you do it? Cheating?” She almost spat the last word. “Start talking, you—”
“Undyne?” Despite her fear, Frisk smiled. “Undyne, it’s you!”
A spearpoint flashed in the air, stopping the priestess as she tried to step forward. “How’d you get my name? Did you torture it out of someone, human? Huh? Was it Sans?!” The spear poked at Frisk, forcing her backward. “Tell you what,” Undyne snapped, pivoting toward the human-shaped boss monster, who was still struggling to get up. “Let’s assume you care at all about your accomplice here. Either you tell me what I want to know, or…” The spear rose.
“No!” In sheer panic, Frisk threw a barrier between Sans and the other monster.
A moment later, she realized her mistake: Undyne had only been threatening him, but as she looked back at Frisk, her gaze was now murderous. “That’s it! That’s how you did it! You used a frickin’ barrier!” She stomped the ground so hard that Frisk felt the bedrock tremble. “I ought to gut you like a fish, you damn cheater! Do you hear me? A FISH!”
“Wait!” The priestess held up her hands, too distressed to be amused by Undyne’s choice of words. “Undyne, please! I’m—” She bit her lip. That wouldn’t work; Undyne wouldn’t believe that she was Kris. It might make her so angry that she’d try to kill them outright. Frisk racked her brains for some way to prove it—she had never shown Undyne her scars, but…
The Royal Guard Captain scowled deeper, this time in puzzlement, as Frisk stared at the bucket dangling from her forearm. “You’re what, human?” Undyne demanded.
Frisk swallowed hard. “I want to show you something,” she said, and took a deliberate side-step toward the water, ignoring the raised spear. “It’s not a barrier, and it’s not some kind of trick. Just watch, all right? And don’t hurt him!”
Undyne glanced around them in case this was a diversion, and at Sans, now lying still and silent. Frisk saw him, too, and her expression made Undyne lower her spear ever so slightly. “What is it? Make it quick!”
Frisk took a deep breath. To Undyne’s bewilderment, the human’s expression went neutral. She went to the river, dipped up a half bucket of water, carried it back to Undyne, and threw it into her face.
Through the haze of pain and gut-wrenching fear, Sans distantly heard Undyne yelling at Frisk, and he felt the barrier she put up to protect him. He wanted to shake her for thinking of him and not herself, and for showing Undyne she could do it. Then there was a dreadful silence, and he couldn’t get up to—
Sans threw himself forward, not quite gaining his feet. Hitting the ground again on all fours, he looked frantically for Undyne and whatever horrible things she was doing to—
Frisk was dangling, not from a spear’s bloody point, but from Undyne’s bear hug as the dripping-wet monster swung the human in time to a joyous bellow of “My little bestiiiiiiiiie!”
What the…no, never mind. With an effort, Sans pulled off his disguise and tried not to collapse as the world lurched sideways. “Ow,” he muttered, just to be part of the moment.
Undyne froze, not quite releasing Frisk. “Sans? What the—where’ve you been?” she demanded.
Sans’ glare would have set a lesser monster ablaze on the spot. “Almost gettin’ murdered by yer crazy ass!”
“Really?” Undyne looked puzzled. Then her face lit up. “Ohh, that was you! Ha!” She gave her giant-toothed grin. “Sorry about that, boss. How’d you do that? And why were you saying all that crap to that human back there?”
“I was tryin’ ta throw him off our trail! We’re the monsters and the High Priestess!” Sans sat up and raised one hand to heal his aching skull, indicating Frisk with the other. “Now let ‘er go before ya squeeze her t’death!”
“Hm? Oh, right.” Undyne set Frisk down, letting the priestess catch her breath. “So you’re Kris, huh?” The Captain planted her hand on one hip, watching Frisk brush herself off. “Did you know she was a girl?” she asked Sans.
“Nope. She had us all fooled.” Sans closed his eyes to focus his magic. Fuckin’ Undyne. If he hadn’t been a boss monster, that would’ve killed him!
“It wasn’t my idea,” Frisk protested as she picked up the bucket. “I was only ten, and they said it’d be safer. Can I help you with that, Sans?”
Undyne waved her spear. “Whatever! You’re here now! Ignore him, he’s being a big baby.” She glanced around. “Let’s move out before any more damn humans show up. No offense.” Frisk inclined her head. “You say you’ve got more people with you?”
If the monsters had been happy to see Sans, they nearly turned to dust when Undyne strolled into camp and announced that she would be escorting them the rest of the way home. Once everyone had calmed down, Sans had to admit the fish-lady knew how to get people moving: they scarfed down the remaining pancakes and some leftover oranges, then loaded right up and took off toward the Underground.
“Man…” Undyne was holding it together better than he had the first time he found himself inside a barrier, only betraying her fear of the dome overhead with a tighter grip and her eye darting back and forth. “I can’t believe it. She really is the High Priestess, huh?”
“Yep.” Sans was very pointedly nonchalant, sauntering along as the barrier crackled and the fish monster twitched. Served her right. “She coulda killed me a zillion times over, but she never did. Hell, I tried ta kill her a few times, an’ she smacked me down without hurtin’ me.”
Undyne shook her head. “It’s just…Kris is back, and he’s a she, and she’s the High Priestess, and she’s crazy strong…but she’s still Kris. It’s a lot to take in, you know?”
“Tell me about it.” Sans adjusted his grip on the shafts. He was pulling one wagon, and Undyne was pulling the other one alongside him; all it’d taken to get her going was a hint that she couldn’t do it. She was puffing a bit, but doing well now that they were moving. “So how’d you suddenly know it was her?” the skeleton asked.
“It was from the first time Papyrus introduced us,” Frisk said from the driver’s seat behind him. “I thought Undyne must’ve been upset because she was thirsty, so I grabbed a flower vase and tried giving her some water. …In her face.”
Sans guffawed, freeing one hand to slap his femur. “How’d that work out? Did the nice fish say ‘thank you’?”
“No, she just looked surprised. I thought she was feeling better, so I went back and—”
“The little punk tried to do it again! It was the stupidest thing I’d ever seen, but the kid wasn’t scared of me at all.” Undyne shook her head. “Then the King ordered us to be friends with the humans, so I figured I’d be the best damn friend Kris ever had.”
“And you were.” Frisk sighed. “When we get there, Undyne, I have something for you. In fact, we brought gifts for everyone. Did Alphys ever read the last two Adventure Lady novels?”
“Nah, and it’s been bugging her for years, the poor—” Undyne’s eye widened. “No. You didn’t!”
Sans let them chatter, profoundly grateful that they weren’t doing that weird thing where women hated each other for no reason. Having Undyne on their side, both physically and for moral support, was worth a dozen other monsters. “Did you get him that outfit?” she asked Frisk, nodding at the boss monster. “He’s been growing nonstop, so after a while, he just quit buying new clothes. It drives Papyrus nuts.”
“He’s my bodyguard, and it pays pretty well,” Frisk explained. “Those were a bonus for helping me shop for everyone.”
“Nice!” Undyne couldn’t reach over and smack him in congratulations, so she contented herself with jerking her head. “Good job, boss. Way to find a nice—what do humans call it? A ‘sugar mama’?”
Frisk burst out laughing and couldn’t stop, Undyne joining in as Sans sputtered. Stupid women, he thought sullenly. Why couldn’t they hate each other instead of giving him shit?
A few hours later, Undyne called a halt. “At this rate, we can get there by nightfall,” she said, offering a hand to the priestess half a second before him. “Er…do you have to, uh, go?”
Frisk looked uncomfortable enough for Undyne to nod hastily and point behind the wagon with her spear. “Not much privacy out here. We’ll just pretend you’re not doing anything, okay? Here, I’ll dig a hole for you.”
If that was awkward – and it was – it was nothing compared to the piscine monster making the others talk to cover the sound of Frisk’s business, then leaning over and whispering to Sans, very matter-of-fact, “Is it just me, or is it weird that Kris turned out to be so damn cute?”
Sans wished the ground wasn’t so flat around here, because then he could find a nice big pit and jump right on in. Luckily, Frisk suddenly said to herself, “Oh, dirt, why now?” and stuck her head beneath the wagon to call, “Undyne? Can you please get the little gray bag out of my satchel for me?”
The Captain obligingly found the only satchel with human clothing in it, rummaged around, and tossed the bag over the wagon and into Frisk’s lap. The young woman mumbled her thanks, but sounded so aggravated that Undyne asked, “What’s up? Are you okay?”
A prolonged sigh. “It’s nothing, just a stupid, ridiculous thing that human females have to put up with.” Frisk came back around a few moments later, stuffing the bag into the satchel. “Now, once we reach the Underground, should we all come in through the Grand Hall, or should Sans and I go through the Ruins into Snowdin?”
Sans exchanged glances with Undyne, who was munching on a roasted potato as if it was an apple. “You’d probably better not go straight to Asgore,” she said reluctantly. “When Snowdrake came back, he was pretty messed up, and the King was…uh…”
“Not happy?” Sans guessed.
Undyne’s eye closed. “Yeah. Not happy.”
“We’ll tell him what happened,” piped up Vulkin from inside the wagon. “We all heard the humans talking. Lady Frisk’s in big trouble for bringing us home, but she’s doing it anyway.”
The monsters made generally affirmative noises, and Frisk managed a smile.
“You are?” Undyne scowled. “Here, we’ve got to get going if we want to make it home before dark. Why don’t you give me the whole story on the way?”
They did, starting with Frisk being brought to the convent after her stint in the Underground and her memories being removed at her father’s request— “Oh, crap, that’s right,” Undyne interrupted. “That scumbag said the King’s your dad. Is that true?”
Frisk looked down at Sans in alarm. “Yeah, that’s what the guy told me,” Sans confirmed, not turning his head. “He was talking about her being worth a lot for ransom.”
The priestess grimaced. “I might not be, after all this.” She swallowed. “I wasn’t sure if you knew. I’m sorry if I—”
Sans made himself shrug. “It’s fine, kit—kiddo. Not like ya ever actually lied about it.”
“I don’t get it,” said Undyne. “If your dad’s the king, why aren’t you a princess?”
“Because I was one of many, many children the king had with women he wasn’t married to,” Frisk replied. “To be a princess, I’d have to have come from his actual wife. The first queen died childless, and his second wife died having the Prince.”
Undyne started. “Wait, so he…with just anyone, and you didn’t even count? What the hell is wrong with humans?”
“There’s the million-g question,” Sans mumbled.
Frisk sighed. “Anyway,” she said, “once I stopped begging to go back to the Underground, I settled down and studied as hard as I could. I was ordained a priestess when I was sixteen—”
The story continued until it was time for Sans to pick up with how he’d been caught by a party of five sorcerers almost a month ago. “I figured I’d hang out in jail until someone came ta get me, then kill ‘em,” he said conversationally, “but guess who came strollin’ downstairs?”
“The Duke asked me for help. There was a huge monster in the cells, and no one could decide who would be suitable to take him,” said Frisk. “I figured he must be a boss monster, and I scared them with stories about how powerful he was and how lucky they were that he hadn’t destroyed half the castle already. Then I said I’d take care of him.”
“And you tried to kill her?” Undyne snapped at Sans.
“Tried to burn ‘er, squish her, and blast her,” the boss monster said, almost proudly. “Nothin’ worked. Next thing I knew, I’d signed up fer a month of bein’ a witch ta learn how to grow better crops.”
“Which turned out to be much closer to three weeks, thanks to His Majesty,” Frisk said sourly. “I had each of these monsters taken from humans who were mistreating them so badly that even the Church wouldn’t allow it anymore, and I brought them out here to keep them from being sold again.” Even over the sound of the wheels crunching on sandy rock, they could hear her teeth grinding. “The King knew what I wanted to do, but he thought I shouldn’t have to worry my pretty little head about it anymore, so here we are.”
Sans considered pointing out that the King probably just wanted to keep her out of trouble, but decided he’d rather not be murdered. Undyne’s sole contribution was “…Damn.”
They rolled along in silence. “In three days or so, we can go back to the village and pick up the grain and other things Sans ordered,” the priestess said. “It won’t feed the entire Underground, but it will help.”
“That reminds me, Undyne—ya know the big farm over that way with the maple trees?” Sans nodded in a direction. “She’s gonna get it fer us.”
The Captain gaped at him. “She what?”
“I shit you not,” said Sans. “The human who owned it croaked, an’ she’s been negotiatin’ ta buy it. Turns out bein’ High Priestess makes ya super rich.”
Undyne muttered something under her breath, taking a fresh grip on the wagon shafts. Then her head swiveled, and without being told, Frisk immediately began whistling again. The air around them, which had been a translucent gold, solidified until it was nearly opaque. “They can’t see or hear us at all?” asked the fish monster, glancing up warily.
Frisk shook her head, and paused long enough to say, “They’d have to literally be touching the barrier to know we’re here.”
“No kidding?” Undyne squinted to watch the far-off group of humans through the barrier. Sure enough, they were moving away. “So,” she said presently, “how long are you gonna stay this time? Another month?”
“’Bout ten days,” Sans answered for her.
Undyne nodded slowly. The whistling stopped, and the human said, “Yes, if all goes well. It depends how long Asgore will let us stay, and what we’ll be allowed to bring back to the castle afterwards.”
“‘We’?” repeated the Captain.
It took Sans a second to realize what Undyne was even asking. He and Frisk had yet to discuss whether he’d be coming back to the castle after her visit, but the possibility of leaving her hadn’t even occurred to him, and she obviously felt the same way. “Yeah, I’ve gotta learn more witchy crap,” he said, hiding his elation. “Plus, the more monster stuff she gets ta show the other humans, the less trouble she’ll get in fer cartin’ these guys off in the first place.”
“And I’m not pulling the wagons back on my own,” Frisk added.
“Got it,” Undyne murmured, and Sans breathed an inward sigh of relief. Another thing they needed to hash out: what to tell the other monsters about…whatever they were now. Everything still depended on him working on himself, didn’t it? It would be easier to learn to control his magic in the proper directions inside the Underground. Who knew? Maybe if he kept thinking happy thoughts and not actively loathing himself, it’d really be possible. Maybe, if he was in good enough shape by the time they straightened things with Asgore, they could really—
The priestess resumed whistling, snapping him out of it. Undyne began bobbing her head along with the melody, and immediately started getting the rhythm wrong, but Sans decided not to say anything; he had a lot more thinking to do before they got home.
Very much against her will, they left Undyne just out of sight of the Underground’s principal entrance. She would announce their arrival, see the monsters to each of their homes, and then report to Asgore; knowing the King would insist on the wagons being inspected before he allowed them inside, they would also remain here.
Undyne checked over the little group of monsters as they climbed out, then paused. “Hey. Sans? Are you…gonna talk to Her Majesty?”
Frisk knew a loaded question when she heard one. Sure enough, Sans took a much longer time to reply than usual. “Yeah, I kinda have to. If she’s asleep already, I’ll leave ‘er a note.”
“Okay.” The Captain picked up her helmet from one of the shafts, pulled it back on, and nodded to them. “I’ll be in Snowdin as soon as His Majesty’s done with me. Good luck, guys.”
“We’ll see you soon,” Frisk replied, giving her a smile and ignoring the butterflies in her stomach. This was it. They were here!
The monsters trotted off, and they very faintly heard Undyne hail the sentries from atop the rise. “Welp,” Sans said. “This way.” Frisk obediently grabbed her satchel, which she’d stuffed with apples and potatoes, and set off after him, trying to be happy and grateful and not on the verge of barfing.
It was another cold, boring day in Snowdin. The monsters were pretty sure they knew what was going to happen today – nothing – and that it was going to keep happening, and it was hard to care much about it anymore. Sure, Papyrus kept nattering about how Sans and a mysterious human had told him they were going to come back to the Underground soon and everything would be all right, but…Papyrus. The denizens of Snowdin carried on with nothing as usual, secure in the knowledge that—
Every monster in town stopped what they weren’t doing and looked around in confusion. Magic was building in the air like smoke from a barely contained fire; there was a hhhwp, and in the empty space in front of the skeleton brothers’ house, there now stood a boss monster in black slippers and a tiny human peeking out from beneath his overcoat. “I told you to wait,” she scolded him, moving the coat aside like a giant curtain.
“What? You were the one whinin’ about how cold it was,” retorted the skeleton.
“Hey!” To their surprise, Undyne sprang up from where she’d been sitting on the step. “Where have you nerds been?” she snapped. “It’s been five frickin’ hours! Were you talking to Her Majesty, or what?”
“Nah, we got lost in the Ruins,” said Sans. “Tori’s asleep, so I left her a note like I said. What’re you doin’ here already? Is everyone okay?”
Undyne looked at them narrowly, then said, “Yeah, it turned out Asgore was already in the Grand Hall, so we didn’t have to waste time finding him.” She had changed into the outfit Frisk remembered: a short jacket, wool shirt, long pants and red boots. “Everyone’s home by now. I left Ice Cap with his family a few minutes ago.”
Frisk nodded gratefully. “What did the King say?” she asked, setting her satchel down.
Undyne hesitated. “Well…he was happy to see everyone, but then they started talking about how the High Priestess was coming in through Snowdin, and he wasn’t happy anymore.”
“How not-happy is he, exactly?” Sans demanded. “Is Frisk in any danger?”
“Nope. The others kept going on about how you saved them from the other humans, and when I told him you were Kris, he got really quiet.” Undyne put her hands in her jacket pockets. “He said you could stay until we ‘know your true intentions.’ I have to babysit you, and he wants to talk to Sans as soon as possible, but that’s it.”
Sans and Frisk breathed sighs of relief. “Good enough,” said the boss monster. He stood on tiptoe, the better to see most of the way across Snowdin. “Where’s Pap?”
Shrug. “I don’t know. No one’s in the house. He must be at the store or something.”
Frisk rubbed her arms unconsciously, turning in circles to look around them, especially at the light-spangled house. “I can’t believe it,” she murmured. “I—” She swiped at her eyes.
The Royal Guard Captain stepped over to the High Priestess and put an arm around her shoulders. “You know what? May I be the first, K—Frisk, to say: welcome back.” She gave the human what was, for her, a gentle squeeze. “C’mon. We’ll introduce you to everyone again. We can take it nice and slow, no pressure to—HEY!” Undyne had spotted a nearby cluster of monsters staring at them. “What are you looking at? Haven’t you ever seen a human before? I know you have!” She pointed at Frisk, who was still tucked beneath her arm. “Remember Kris?”
Frisk quickly forgot her irritation as several monsters hurried over. “Kris! Bro!” One dinosaur-like creature shouldered its way through the crowd, hopping from foot to foot. “Is that really you? Do you remember me? Hi, Undyne!”
Of course she remembered Monster Kid, who was only a little bigger now, still wearing the same armless sweater—twelve years obviously didn’t go as fast for monsters as it did for humans! There was the bunny who ran the store, Gyftrot – stuff still dangling from his horns – a couple of the various dogs she’d petted and thrown sticks for…
Once the first wave of pleasantries had subsided, it was time to tell them the reason for her visit, what Sans had been up to, and why “Kris” had turned out to be a lady. She noticed a few of those who hadn’t greeted her falling back to go spread the news, but saw no signs of Papyrus.
She wasn’t the only one: right in the middle of a very important discussion on someone’s baby sister being ready to hatch soon, Sans let out a growl that shut everyone up at once. “Where’s my brother?” he asked.
Shrugs and mumbles all around. “He was staring at the river again,” volunteered Gyftrot.
Sans waited for more information, then nodded. “Okay, everyone,” he told the little crowd. “We’re gonna head inside for a minute. If anyone sees Pap, don’t tell him I’m back yet, don’t mention Kris, and don’t do anything to freak him out. Got it?”
A chorus of agreement. “Don’t freak out,” someone said helpfully to Papyrus, who had just stepped into view.
Papyrus froze, staring up at Sans. “BROTHER?” he said. Then: “BROTHER! NYEHHH HEH HEHHHHH!” He leaped up and threw his arms around Sans’ massive ribcage, doing a pullup of sheer joy. “YOU’RE HERE! YOU’RE REALLY HERE THIS TIME, LAZYBONES! I THOUGHT…THE GREAT PAPYRUS THOUGHT—”
“Yeah,” Sans mumbled. “Hey, Pap.” He hugged him back for a long moment, then glanced downward. “She said she’d bring me back safe, didn’t she?”
Papyrus looked at Frisk, who was grinning. He looked at Undyne, who was grinning and nodding. The younger skeleton released his brother and launched himself straight at his best friend, tackling her with a wail of “THANK YOU, UNDYYYYNE! NYEHH!” Before the Captain could correct him, Papyrus dropped her and caught Frisk up in a less forceful but similarly enthused hug. “THANK YOU, HUMAAAAN! I—” He stopped, and turned his head to look at her quizzically. “NYEH. WHY AM I THANKING YOU, HUMAN?”
“Ya met ‘er the last time we talked, Pap, in the dream,” Sans reminded him. “An’ you were right. She is Kris.”
Papyrus blinked, still holding on to her. “I SEE,” he said sagely. “NYEH HEH HEH! OF COURSE THE GREAT PAPYRUS WAS RIGHT! I…I…” His eyes rolled up, and Sans caught Frisk just before she hit the snow along with the fainting skeleton.
“Geez. He probably hasn’t eaten anything or slept in a couple days. No worries, we can fix that!” Undyne punched Sans reassuringly in the ribs, then bent and rummaged in her friend’s “armor,” helping herself to the house key before slinging Papyrus over her shoulder. “Listen up!” she shouted at the assembled monsters. “This is all very exciting, but these guys’ve been traveling for a couple days straight to bring the others back to us. We’ll see everyone in the morning, okay?” She poked Sans as he turned to teleport into the house. “Not you! Asgore’s waiting. Get your bony butt over to Alphys’ place before he comes looking for you.”
Frisk gripped his sleeve, but she made herself say calmly, “It’s fine. We’ll be here when you get back,” as she picked up her satchel.
He stared at her for a moment, then gently removed her hand, and was gone.
Undyne let them into the house, flipping the witchlights on and kicking the door shut as Frisk walked into the living room. It wasn’t the biggest or nicest of dwellings, and it didn’t help that Papyrus had probably been stress-cleaning—it would explain why the couch cushions were still damp from the last time he’d mopped them, and why the pet rock by the kitchen was barely visible under a pile of rock-candy shards. Had Sans set those out for his brother to use, just waiting for the pun to sneak up and hit him out of nowhere?
“Here you go, Pap,” Undyne said briskly, tramping up the stairs while Frisk marveled at how much smaller everything was than she remembered. The priestess heard her deposit Papyrus in his pirate-ship bed, slam the door behind her, and come back down to pull a kitchen chair out for Frisk. “Have a seat. Sorry, but they don’t have anything in the fridge.”
“That’s all right,” Frisk said. She unbuckled the satchel and offered Undyne an apple.
The Captain took it politely, but as Frisk glanced down to dig another one out for herself, the monster chomped the apple nearly in half, wiping her mouth on her sleeve. “So,” she said casually, “what were you and Sans up to in the Ruins? No one’s dumb enough to just get lost in there for that long.”
Frisk felt her face grow stiff and hot. “I had to stop and rest because I used too much magic today,” she answered truthfully, and Undyne nodded. “I…actually, maybe you’d know this—is it possible for someone to directly give someone else some of their magic?”
The Captain paused, her eyebrows rising, a smile growing into a giant grin. “Haven’t you heard of—”
Frisk’s face got even hotter. “Not like that! I just mean, if you were weak and needed a little extra power, could, say, Asgore or Alphys give you a handshake, or a hug, and lend you some magic?”
“Nope. They couldn’t.” When Frisk looked skeptical, Undyne sighed, then made a fist. “Look, pretend this is my SOUL.” Another fist. “This one is…we’ll say Alphys.” Frisk wondered if it was her imagination, or if her friend’s face was turning red, almost purple under the smaller blue scales. “My body’s made of magic, and so is hers. But my SOUL is self-contained, and so is hers. Even if I took a chunk of my magic and handed it to Alphys—” She knocked her fists together. “Nothing would happen. She can heal me, but that’s just repairing damage, not giving me power that I could use to attack someone or do my own spells, assuming I knew any. There’s no way to combine or exchange magic unless you’re trying to have a kid, and that’s a whole different thing. It takes a lot of power and concentration, and…it’s different.” She was definitely purple now. “Why are you even asking?”
The priestess thought about it. She made a fist, and loosened her fingers until she could slide the fingers of her other hand through it. “After you left today, I was tired, and Sans gave me some of his magic again,” she said distantly. “Monsters can absorb a human SOUL, but…” Her fingers wiggled. “I don’t think it works both ways. Humans can’t take a monster’s SOUL, at least not directly into ourselves.”
Undyne suddenly looked very, very uncomfortable. “That’s true,” she commented, “for normal monsters. For Sans, the rules are a little different.”
Frisk was so startled that she dropped her hands. “Are you saying I was able to take some of his SOUL because I’m human and he’s a boss monster?!”
“Hell no!” the Captain snapped. More calmly, she said, “It doesn’t work like that. If you really took something from him that he couldn’t get back, he’d be acting a lot weaker, or he’d be dust already.” She shrugged. “If he did somehow give you magic and you had to wait for him to recover, and he did, then nah, there’s no permanent damage.”
That was something to think about. Frisk remembered last night, when she’d just wanted him to hold her. There was that jolt of energy, and he’d almost immediately passed out… She thought of a few hours back, when she’d gotten anxious and her magical exhaustion had suddenly kicked in, forcing her to sit down. Sans had – somewhat correctly – assumed that she was getting cold feet, gotten impatient, and picked her up, and when she turned to put her arms around him, it’d happened again.
Then, of course, they’d been in a uniquely ridiculous quandary where she was brimming with magic that wouldn’t help them get anywhere, and he couldn’t even stand up. Thank God she’d had something for him to eat in her satchel, or they might have been stuck out there all night waiting for him to recover. When she half-jokingly suggested she try giving his magic back to him, he’d almost bitten her head off.
Wait. Wait a second. If his magic was supposed to be so dark and terrible and evil, etc., how had she not felt anything like that from him, much less been poisoned? Frisk had the sudden, idiotic, schoolgirl-ish urge to giggle—did the good magic come out of the top half of his body, while the evil stuff came out of the other thing?
Undyne was shaking her head in wonder. “You need to tell all this to Alphys. She’d have a better idea of what’s—”
Crack went the window.
Both women whipped around at the sound of shouting outside. Undyne wasted no time, slamming her chair back and throwing the door open to roar, “What the hell is going on?”
A moment of quiet; it might have ended there if Frisk hadn’t peeked around her friend’s shoulder. A group of four or five young monsters stood a few yards away, holding stones, their body language scared but defiant. Their ringleader was a feathery snow monster who looked very familiar. “Chilldrake, isn’t it?” the human asked.
The hoodlums drew back as Undyne’s face darkened. “What do you want, kid?” she snapped. “If you’ve got a good reason for breaking Pap’s window, I’m listening!”
“We want her gone,” the drake said, shifting his feet and glaring at Frisk. “Haven’t you seen Snowdrake? He’s not Snowdrake anymore! How can you let a human in here after what they did to him?!”
“And what if she blows us up?” his friend added.
Undyne grabbed a spear from thin air and thrust it in the monsters’ direction. They shrank back, but stood their ground. “That’s not up to a bunch of kids like you,” the Royal Guard Captain snarled. “His Majesty said she could stay. Are you telling me you know better than Asgore?”
They shuffled back again, but a moment later, Chilldrake drew himself up. “Does he know she’s the humans’ High Priestess?” He raised his voice for the monsters standing nearby to hear: “Does he know she makes barriers?”
That got an anxious murmur going. Frisk felt sick; this was everything she’d been afraid of, no matter what Undyne said, or Sans. She glanced around instinctively, but he wasn’t there.
“He knows way more than you do, punk!” snarled Undyne. She advanced down the steps, leaving Frisk in the doorway. “Now get out of here before I get you out of here!”
“Fine!” Chilldrake shook his ruff, dancing a little in place. “If she’s here, it’s not safe anyway! We should all leave before she traps us and drags us off!”
The murmurs were louder and more upset now. The Royal Guard Captain looked at the other monsters in disbelief. “Guys, you were just telling her how glad you were to see her again! She’s the same damn person she was fifteen minutes ago! Are you going to listen to this little—”
“Is she really the High Priestess?” the shopkeeper asked Undyne.
The piscine monster’s face said it all. Too late, she snapped, “It doesn’t matter! She only uses her magic to—”
Everything happened at once. A stone came sailing over Undyne’s head, straight at Frisk, who did not stop to think that it was better to get a black eye or a bad cut than to confirm their worst fears. Reflex kicked in, and a barrier flared in front of her, pinging the rock away.
Her one piece of luck was that every monster froze in place instead of screaming or running to spread the tale of the human who had snuck Underground to use barriers on them—every monster but Chilldrake. “See?” he screamed, flapping his wings so hard that ice crystals flurried off them. “What did I just tell you?! Get out, human! We don’t want you here, and if I have to go tell His Majesty that you’re using barriers, I’ll—”
It wasn’t a rock, or a spear, or a barrier. A ball of pure flame struck the ground in front of Chilldrake, who yelped and hopped backward, crashing into his friends.
The monsters’ heads turned toward the magic’s source, the edge of the field to Frisk’s right; each one immediately dropped to their knees or the equivalent thereof, with the hoodlums dropping the rocks and throwing themselves flat on their faces.
Undyne took one look, shook her hand to dispel the energy spear, and went to one knee as another monster advanced. “Your Majesty,” she said in wonder, then apprehension. Her head ducked. “Majesty, I can fully explain and take responsibility for—”
A gesture silenced her. The monster came to stand in front of the house, her amber eyes coming to rest on the High Priestess, features impassive.
Frisk’s heart constricted. She was suddenly ten years old again, not knowing whether to be afraid, whether she should bow or do something royal. She came down the steps, and to her horror, she found herself breathing harder, eyes prickling, throat tightening. “Lady Toriel,” she whispered.
Toriel folded her arms at the waist. She wore a plain robe, adorned only with the Delta Rune in white—the same thing Asriel had worn the day she fell into the Underground, only purple instead of black. The former Queen regarded Frisk for a long, terrible moment. “Where is the human named Kris?” she asked sternly.
It took all of Frisk’s training, all her experience as an exalted and lonely member of the Church’s highest echelon, to speak up. “The human child you knew was not a boy, and his name was not Kris. He was a girl, and his name was Frisk.” She swallowed. “I am Frisk.” Damn it, her voice wouldn’t stay steady. “I’m back, Lady Toriel. Please—”
Toriel took a step toward her. Another, and another. Her white-furred hand came up to brush Frisk’s hair from her face. The boss monster stared into her eyes…
And she stooped, opening her arms and folding Frisk into a huge, warm, cloud-soft hug.
Everything pent up behind Frisk’s defenses rose in a surge that crumbled the walls like wet paper. She still smelled like cinnamon and golden flowers, Frisk realized, and she wasn’t ashamed to grab hold of the velvet robe and get it soaked with tears again.
“My poor child,” the boss monster murmured, stroking Frisk’s hair as the priestess’ shoulders heaved. “My poor, dear girl. I’ve missed you so much.” She hugged her tighter. “I cannot tell you how very glad I am to see you again.”
Frisk was sobbing without restraint now, not caring what anyone saw or heard or thought of her. Toriel rested her hand on the back of the young woman’s head and looked up for the first time, her eyes bright with unshed tears. “Am I to understand that this human is not welcome here?” She didn’t raise her voice. She didn’t have to. “Would anyone like to say anything?”
Chilldrake had collapsed in on himself. His beak moved, but all he could muster was “…High Priestess, Majesty.”
Toriel’s hand grew heavier. “Is this true, my child? You’ve become the High Priestess?”
Frisk didn’t have the courage to raise her head. She just nodded.
The boss monster inhaled, and sighed, her diaphragm moving under Frisk’s cheek. “Then we are very fortunate to have you, Frisk.” She glanced up, once. “Wouldn’t you agree, young man?”
Chilldrake did not nod so much as vibrate his head too fast for it to be visible.
“Splendid. We…what, my child?” Toriel listened as Frisk turned her head to mumble more clearly. “They broke Sans and Papyrus’ window? My word.”
Frisk didn’t see who rushed forward, but she heard a scramble to be the first to check the cracked glass and figure out how to fix or replace it or something right now.
Toriel waited for the priestess to get herself under control, then stepped back and took Frisk’s hand. “Captain,” she said, and Undyne was instantly on her feet, fist on her chest. “We have much to discuss. Please accompany us.” And with as much grace and ceremony as if the old house had been a marble palace, the boss monster went inside, allowing Undyne to glare once more at the crowd, then shut the door gently behind them.
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quantumfeat72 · 4 years
everyone is autistic
a compilation of undertale headcanons
puzzles are a special interest
has a Very Specific morning routine, including that oatmeal with the dinosaur eggs, feeding the rock, and recalibrating all of his puzzles
echolalia (NYEH-HEH-HEH)
does a lot of sensory-seeking stuff (a la running around in the snow wearing a thin costume) because snowdin is really really quiet and he needs to balance it out
simultaneously an absolute motormouth and mostly nonverbal; they use ASL to infodump at asriel and narrator-powers to infodump at frisk
doesn’t really like/understand hugs but doesn’t mind them, actively reminds themself to initiate hugs with asriel when he’s upset because they know he likes them
knitting is a happy stim
masks without really meaning to because they’ve internalized the idea that anything abnormal is rude
hates eye contact
gets sensory overload from sound really easily and wears earplugs whenever they have to go to a city
mostly verbal but chara teaches them sign, both for occasional nonverbal spells and when they can’t hear people because of their earplugs
sleeps with 5,000 blankets
always wears a chewy necklace because otherwise they’d chew on their clothes and they used to get in a lot of trouble for that before they fell
wardrobe is multicolored variations on one (1) outfit
good at masking when they need to (mainly for ambassador work), but it exhausts them
hates the texture of any pasta. ramen is better dry
their favorite stim is rubbing soft fabric
touch-starved baby boy
asks chara to lay on him like 3 times a week.  at first they were really scared they’d hurt him but later they’d notice him acting antsy and just flop down on top of him
clothing tags are the bane of his existence
used to get awful sensory overload from showers until he started turning the lights off and leaving a flashlight on the counter instead.
copies chara’s stims sometimes
sees someone fidgeting with something and is overcome by a desire to fidget with That Thing In Particular
(toriel and asgore get their kids matching stim toys so he can copy chara without touching their things)
special interests include engineering and anime
will infodump for 500 years about mew mew kissy cutie in particular
the way her sprite in game sort of bounces when she first meets you?  anxious stim
the way she talks about “keeping secrets” and not letting people know the “real her?”  masking
the way she canonically wears the same kind of labcoat every day?? as i write this is becoming more of a theory than a headcanon
ramen is samefood
hand-flaps to stim but Only when she’s Completely Alone.  got really embarrassed the first time undyne saw her do it but undyne thought it was awesome and encourages her to do it more often
highkey thinks nobody would take her seriously anymore if she wasn’t masking all the damn time
lowkey thinks nobody takes her seriously anyway
“U-undyne I need to t-tell you something........ I think I might be autistic” “Alphys everyone knows you’re autistic and we love you”
diagnosed when she was 3
decided masking was dumb when she was 5 and resolved to be Wholly and Aggressively Herself from then on
martial arts are a special interest and target practice is a kind of stim
scripts important encounters and practices in the mirror
when they get to the surface she goes to an autism $peaks office and tells everyone to leave because “I’m about to commit arson.”
like papyrus, she has a lot of sensory-seeking tendencies and the two of them like to go to loud places and yell together
tried to take frisk somewhere loud once, quickly noticed they weren’t okay, and Did Not Rest until she found somewhere quiet for them to calm down
yells because she loves her friends
can taste even the slightest difference in food and is on a lifelong quest to replicate toriel’s pie recipes
masks most of the time for politics reasons, but his two beautiful autistic children kinda showed him he didn’t need to
started masking again after his beautiful children died because he thinks it’ll help him be “strong” and do what his kingdom “needs him to” (it won’t)
gardening is a special interest
when they get to the surface he makes autism $peaks illegal in the monster kingdom
special interests include baking, puns, and education
pie is samefood
has a routine in the ruins she hasn’t broken from in 100 years
not great at telling when other people aren’t okay, and tends to assume she’s reading too much into things even if she’s not.  generally relies on people telling her when something’s wrong (which chara doesn’t ever)
her favorite stim is a kid sleeping on top of her
has three samefood recipes she’s made so many times she’s absolutely perfected them
black and white thinking (either the human is evil and hates spiders or they’re fine and we’ll let them through)
loves the aesthetic of tea but hates actual tea (”muffet pours you a cup of spiders”)
gets sensory overload even as a ghost and does Not want to know what sort of sensory experience having a body involves
doesn’t usually mask but thinks they’re Supposed To and apologizes for existing a lot
stims by listening to the same music for hours
the sound of his own robotic voice is his favorite stim
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skeletorific · 5 years
Underswap Revisited
This isn't like, an official change to how I view/write underswap for asks but it's an interesting variation that I've been thinking about
Toriel: She still lives in the Ruins. But rather than leaving to escape violence, she goes there to quietly collect human souls, because she knows Asgore won't do it. As with Tale!Asgore, she isn't cruel or sadistic. She takes no pleaure in killing children and tries to do it as painlessly as possible. Her approach is usually to guide them through the Ruins, while making sure they know what's coming. I'm thinking of Asgore's "dentist" speech. She promises the child that if they come with her, she'll protect them from the more painful death the other traps in the Ruins can give them, and she'll make them a pie of their choosing as a sort of last meal. It's macabre in it's way but it's all she can think to do. She ends up forming a bond with Frisk, however. Which makes their battle that much harder. She tries to provoke them, to fight back. If they kill her, she's grateful. She thanks them. She begs them to be careful. And if they continue to spare her....in the end she lets them past. Overwhelmed by her guilt but praying that if they can make it out....maybe things can be better.
Papyrus: former pride of the Royal Guard, Stretch was on track to potentially follow in Undyne's footsteps someday. He was smart, fast, and far, far more dangerous than he looks. A few years ago, though, something.... happened. No one knows just what. But he started to look more and more tired. He showed up for work later and later. He'd always played fast and loose with regulations and always been a bit on the lazy side but lately it was like he didn't even see a point anymore. Finally he turned in his letter of resignation without much explanation. Something about no longer feeling like he could protect people. He and Undyne still hang out. Shes trying to teach him to cook, with..... extremely mixed results. The rest of his time he spends helping/harassing his brother with his terrible jokes. Still, don't mistake his apathy for weakness. If pushed into a corner, you'll find he's retained a lot of his old skills....he's the man on the phone for most of your journey. Hope you enjoy bad puns and bitching about Hotland
Sans: wannabe Royal Scientist and absolute terror of Snowdin. Since childhood Blue has always had an uncanny knack for machines. Usually machines of a somewhat....explosive variety. Combine that with his love of stars and astronomy, and it was natural for him to want to work at the Labs. Still, he's young, inexperienced, and perhaps a bit undisciplined. Alphys likes his potential but worries he may not be ready yet (not that she'd ever say it to his face). In the meantime he develops his skills via puzzle making (and pranking the residents of Snowdin). He's exuberant, a bit of a little shit, but ultimately sweet tempered and hungry for friendship. He also has a telescope in Waterfall and a lot of odd jobs to support his equipment purchases. Rather than a battle body he wears a labcoat and glasses he doesn't need.
Grillby: the owner of Blues favorite place in Snowdin and a notorious tightfist. He attacks the player if they can't pay their tab and tries to shake them down for items. Can be pacified if you bought Sans' fried snow. He loves his daughter very much and seems to enjoy Blue's hijinks, for whatever reason
Undyne: the notoriously reclusive captain of the Royal Guard. No one ever doubts her strength. When called on she can still cause a severe ruckus. However, these days she's rarely seen outside her Waterfall home, except for her rare visits to the Lab. The Player first encounters her on the phone as she stammers out some vague threats before ambushing them is magical spears. If you follow the clues from her phonecalls, you can eventually find her house, where you learn her dark secret:..
....she actually thinks human culture is super cool. And she's worried that by doing this she's let everyone in the Underground down, including Asgore, who invested so much time in her. She still loves to fight! But killing humans....in person it's too hard. In a pacifist route, the player can even opt out of combat and offer to make tea with her and reminisce.
Alphys: sure, anime is great for flower symbolism, catgirls, and princesses with swords the size of their dead fathers. But you know what else it has?
And these giant robots are the particular specialty of the Underground royal scientists. Whether is just basic power armor, Voltron clones, or transformers, Alphys has a sexy, sexy bot for almost every occasion. Mettaton, her debut, was just a taster for her real abilities. If it's badass, mechanical, and you can attach a sexy pair of legs to it, Alphys can build it for you. However, the Royal Scientist's passions for her craft (and the destruction of humanity) masks a warm heart for her friends, and deep down she's a big ol softie.
Napstablook: sometimes fame hits when you least expect it. Napstablook is a brilliant musician who's self-produced tracks have taken the Underground by storm. However, their talent is only matched by their mystique. The ghost has just a bit of an ego, and is convinced mingling too much with others with fans will taint their artistic vision. As a result, all their songs are published under a handle (SpookedSordid, if you're curious) and they hide themselves away in the family snail farm, ever hiding from their legions of fans. Since their cousin left, they've been a bit on the lonely side, though...
Mettaton: Metta loves his cousin's music, he really does. He's also very happy that people are enjoying their work. But when you spend all your time on the outskirts of someone else's spotlight, you eventually start to worry you'll never get your own. When he found an opportunity in a young science prodigy....he took it. Disappeared one day and turned up at Mettaton, prospective new star of the Underground. Finally, his performance abilities were being appreciated! But, in time, he found that it couldn't distract from the gnawing guilt inside him. Not to mention the onset of imposter syndrome. It was by singing and dancing along to Napsta's music that he had even learned to perform in the first place. So who was he to stand here, receiving the lauds? Would people even want to be around him if they knew who his cousin was? Could Napstablook even forgive him? Was he worth all this attention? By the time the Player encounters him, he is a whole mess of insecurities, only barely hiding, and desperate for anyway out of the Underground to escape this fear. If it's not too much trouble. Is he bothering you? He's probably bothering you...
Muffet: the spider woman may look a bit on the spooky side but she's a respectable woman looking to raise money for her kin in Snowdin. Her bakery is a welcome respite, and the only thing that would ever make Stretch agree to deal with Hotland's puzzles.
Asgore: the loss of his children didn't leave him angry. It left him...scared. They were gone for mere moments before they were torn to shreds. Was the outside world really that dangerous? The coming years only reinforced this for him. Children who fall into the Underground (those who make it past his wife, that is) rarely have happy stories. Ebott really was the only safe place, wasn't it? Well....if that was true, what responsible parent would ever allow them to leave? They were safe here. No matter how much monsterkind might dream of the stars....and no matter how much the human children wanted to go home. He wasn't cruel: he let them keep their dreams. If Undyne found any humans she was under strict orders to bring them to him, ostensibly to deal with them, but really to squirrel them away in the palace until they lived out their natural lifespans. So short compared to monsters .
He would keep them safe....whether they wanted it or not. He stands as the last guardian between the barrier and the underground. And no one will be leaving.
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fmsdraws · 5 years
Metal in the Underground AU: General Info
... So, I’ve had this AU in my mind for about two years now, and I felt the urge to post about it now that I have made a new sprite for it’s Frisk. And since I don’t really plan to make a sprite comic about it, I figured I’d dump the ideas I had here. So you’ll find the information below the cut. 
What’s this AU about? Well, it revolves around a simple question....
What if Frisk was a robot?
That’s right, Metal in the Underground takes a different to most AUs by merely changing the protagonist, and letting the rest of the characters untouched. However, due to the now apparent artificial nature or Frisk, the characters have different reactions, and the way the story unfolds is somewhat different from Undertale’s.
The info you’ll find here is...
-General Backstory -Frisk bio -Changes in the story  -Changes in mechanics
But, I’m sure you’re wondering...
Why is Frisk a robot?
In the year 211X, technology has advanced in a considerable manner, so much so that household robots, and robots in general, are a commonality in this world. Frisk was one of these household units, who lived with a loving family, until their useful life eventually ran its course, and were shipped back to their manufacturer to be dismantled, and their parts reused for future models.
However, a group of scientists was looking for a robot to work with that they could modify for a project they were tasked to do. Since Frisk was the most recent one to arrive, and the one in the best state, they were picked.
What is this “project”?
Several humans had fallen into Mt. Ebott throughout the years, because of this, many protests had arisen from the town living nearby. The gobverment decided to dispatch a team of scientists to develop a robot that was capable enough to at least find whatever happened. Just enough so that the press would stop bothering, anyways. But they also put the team in a tight budget, hence the use of discarded robots.
What was done to Frisk?
When Frisk was brought to the lab, they managed to upgrade them rather well, they got rid of their memories but kept their experiences untouched due to an oversight (they’d know how to deal with something, they just don’t know why), they upgraded their battery life for obvious reasons. They also made their movements more fluid than the standard for their line, making them able to climb out if push came to shove. 
However, they made some rather... questionable choices. Namely, the removal of Frisk’s voice capabilities in favor of a system that would allow the scientists to speak through them should the robot find one of the humans. 
The robot didn’t have memories, anyway. It wouldn’t be able to deal with conflictive situations on their own, right?
How did they end up Underground?
Use your imagination. 
In reality, the robot was told to climb down the hole into the mountain instead of, I don’t know, making them go down safely via ropes or something. The robot lost communication with the scientists as soon as they entered due to the barrier, the wall they were hanging from collapsed, and they promptly fell into the underground.
Thankfully, they landed on a bed of flowers, somewhat cushioning the damage. But still leaving the poor robot stunned for a good while...
What is Frisk like?
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(Note: the eyes do not represent a chara possesion, it is just the color that was set to by their previous owners, and the scientists liked it a lot.)
Name: Frisk (ooc nickname: Mitu) Height: 5′5
Having household been their job in their past “life”, and having retained those experiences, Frisk has a tendency to cling onto people they deem as friendly, and prefer to keep whatever indoors space they’re in tidy and clean. Their lineage of robots also has some special features that in Frisk have remained unchanged. Said features are...
-Alarm clock -Bluetooth sound stereo (hence their headphone-like ears) -Snapshot ability -They can also be patted on the head to get an instant smile from them, which also serves to turn off their alarm.
In general, their line searches affection from their owners. MitU however cannot really connect with monsters due to the fact that they’re, well, monsters. They have a hard time recognizing monsters as people, since they don’t match with their facial scan systems. They can recognize some similarities, such as toriel looking like a goat, but someone like sans they’re lost in even figuring out what he is. 
They’re also somewhat aquaphobic, since they aren’t waterproof. So areas like waterfall are horrendous to go through for them. They can also remain operative even after taking somewhat concerning damage, and even repair themselves provided they’re given the tools (they are not).
All in all, MitU is a kind robot when it comes to humans, they are loyal as a puppy and such. But when it comes to monsters, their morale can be ... bent, depending on their actions during either Genocide or Pacifist routes. (Note: while a genocide route is just about as likely as a pacifist route, a theoretical genocide route is not canon to the AU.)
What changes from the original Undertale story?
For starters, Chara is not present in the story. This is due to the lack of a SOUL on Frisk’s part, meaning they cannot understand certain monsters (Froggits, for example), and they have to guide themselves based on visual aid. They also provide some flavor text themselves. The lack of a SOUL also means that they cannot interact with SAVE files at all, but don’t worry, Flowey the Flower comes to the Rescue!
Mainly for personal amusement, Flowey wants to help Frisk get as far into the underground as possible, and see how they tackle the sheninegans that the underground is filled with. Often times, he’ll give them advice after reloading for anything up ahead. Frisk cannot remember reloads, anyway...
This doesn’t mean that flowey becomes an active partner, he only pops up from time to time to give Frisk advice.
Since Frisk is strictly mute, and has not been taught sign language, they can hardly communicate with Monsters. They try to get their ideas across as clear as possible via pointing and acting, but no one really knows what they’re trying to say. they’re trying their best pls don’t pick on them ;-; As a result, some monsters have different behaviours towards them. 
For instance, Toriel (who is well aware of Frisk being a robot) decides to take the robot with her while she buys her groceries in fear that the robot might not have the best reaction to an encounter. She cooks snail pie, since Frisk can’t have CB pie. They can still take a slice with them for later use, though. 
I envisioned that Toriel has no real reason to stop MitU from leaving, they don’t have a SOUL, anyways, so their death would not mean anything in the long run.
In Snowdin, Frisk tries to play along with Papyrus’ sheninegans to sans’ request. And they succeed for the most part. Sans has seen enough anime to be aware of the fact MitU is a robot, but Papyrus still 100% thinks they’re a human.... Up until he figures it out by himself.
Waterfall goes generally the same, save for the fact that after Frisk falls from the bridge, they’re yet again knocked out cold, and Undyne comes to the dump to... pick them up and bring them to Alphys lab to repair them.
You see, Alphys, like her Undertale counterpart, looks over MitU ever since they step in Snowdin Forest. And she could tell that after the fall they took, they wouldn’t be able to get up. So she called up Undyne to explain the situation, and thus, saved Frisk from eventually being dragged away by the water.
When Frisk is returned back to life, Alphys explains that she rescued them herself, and that there is little to no time to waste. She has to return them to the surface! She also mentions that she modified MitU a bit to suit Hotland’s very unforgiving conditions, plus added a jetpack that comes out of their back. 
MitU also gets to meet Mettaton himself, and they naively agree to do shows with him despite the risk that said shows entail.
And, honestly? Those were basically all the real changes that there are in the main run. Omega Flowey does flow differently due to Frisk lacking a SOUL, but the beats are the same. The Dates don’t vary that much, neither the amalgamates.
In the true pacifist Asriel fight, MitU is able to fully utilize their ACTing skills that they had gained all those years ago with their old family to calm Asriel down. However, in the end, they are destroyed by the final blast that Asriel shoots as his last attack. 
And it is their death that reminds Asriel of the pain he had gone through when Chara passed away while trying to make their plan go through. So he’s quick to undo his wrongs, bring Frisk back, break the barrier, return the souls, and leave to never be seen again. 
Frisk then gets to live with the monsters in the surface from then on. While their scientists do try to take the robot back, to check what they recorded Toriel’s deadly glare guarantees that Frisk shall clean their new home and have fun while doing so for a long while...
What changes in terms of mechanics? (no pun intended)
Frisk has a battery life, as explained earlier, so they need to recharge at several points in the story. It’s indicated via the heart in their chest, which may I add, is also their on/off switch. Their battery drains in turn of how much exploration you make. Note that MitU can and will run out of power in the overworld and in the midst of a fight if you’re not careful.
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The UI is different as well, this was basically a mock up I made a year ago, but it gets the idea across. Their HP is replaced with a damage meter, which the more it grows, the more glitches appear on the UI and on the screen. The battery should be obvious enough.
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And Frisk can also climb up some walls provided they’re colored properly, which can lead to some goodies, or allow them to solve puzzles.
And that would be all of the info I had made. What do you guys think? While I do love the concept of this AU, there was just no driving force to work on anything like a comic for me, plus, I currently work on my other AUs, so my time is already tight as is. 
If anyone has any more questions they’d like answered, I’ll be sure to answer them.
As an addendum: I must ask that people do not RP Mitu!Frisk, steal the few art pieces done for this post, or steal this AU in any shape or form without permission. 
If anyone desires to RP interactions with MitU, I RP them in the Omega Timeline server, along with other characters. It is a highly reccomendable server in my book for any UT fan that likes to RP.
I will also ask that people don’t make a AU wiki entry on this AU, as I may do that myself provided the time is right. 
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rebeltheanomaly · 4 years
Roughdraft/Notes on Grieftale Act 1 Part 3
Papyrus turns around and spots you. "AH! HUMAN! DON'T WORRY ABOUT THE SPIKES, THEY'LL GO DOWN WHEN YOU SOLVE MY PUZZLE!" he grumbles to himself "THAT'S THE ONLY WAY I CAN GET PEOPLE TO SOLVE THEM" then he perks up "REALLY? YOU HAVE A PUZZLE? HAVE I FINALLY MET SOMEONE AS PASSIONATE AS ME?" *Grins* The manufacturer doesn't need it, the buyer doesn't want it, and the user doesn't know he's using it. What is it? "OH! I KNOW THIS ONE! SANS TOLD IT TO ME WHEN HE WAS FEELING MORE LAZY THAN USUAL! IT'S A TOMB! *his grin falters a tiny bit, just to the point that it looks like a condescending smirk* Here's another one, would you rather know the date or cause of your death?* "HMM I DON'T KNOW THIS ONE..." He bends over and rubs his chin and he tries to think. 
*Asks another disturbing question* Would you rather murder 3 innocent children or 3 of your closest friends? "I- I WOULD NEVER MURDER ANYONE! THE ANSWER IS NO ONE!" Papyrus cries. "THERE'S ALWAYS ANOTHER WAY! *smile falters, but is internally laughing like a maniac at what is in his eyes, a "Pathetically Naive Idiotic Child who doesn't see the world for what it is", he makes his face one of concern to mask his true intentions* Oh, i'm sorry... I just... Tend to dwell on those things.... Being through what i've been through will do that to you.. Papyrus looks concerned... then perks up. "HERE! SOLVE MY PUZZLE! IT WILL MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER! THEN WHEN THE SPIKES ARE DOWN I CAN GIVE YOU A BIG HUG!!" Ok...*looks around at the puzzle, strategizing, then completing it with ease* "YAY! YOU'RE SO GOOD AT PUZZLES!!" He exclaims, pulling you into a hug. "YOU MUST CARE ABOUT PUZZLES LIKE ME! YOU'LL LIKE NEXT NEXT ONE EVEN MORE!!" He runs off, even floating off the ground, and you see sans a little up ahead, waiting for you apprehensively *Sans senses the demon still in control, and can feel it's aura, it's nothing like Chara or any other fiend he's had to deal with....* Sans feels for the knife in his pocket, gripping it tightly. he stares wearily at you but doesn't make a move, since his brother is still alright. "Hey kid... about what you were trying to do earlier..." he can't seem to bring himself to make eye contact. "nevermind. good job on the puzzle. go on, my brother is waiting for you. just... don't try anything you might regret, okay?" *Grins* The other kid will regret.... *he then walks off* sans's eyes go dark and he tenses, holding himself back. "Calm down sans." he thinks to himself. "They haven't done anything yet. You made a PROMISE." *He runs along, tripping on an icecap "hey, watch the hat!" icecap snaps. "i mean, what hat? i don't have a hat." *grins and runs off with his hat, leading him on a chase* "H-hey! i need that to look cool!" i cries, chasing you up the hill *grins evilly* Have it your way then... *throws it and... basically cuts his head off, like that one guy from Mortal Kombat...... FATALITY!! he turns to dust, his body first, then his head with a shocked expression that says "the ironyyyy" you're now at the top of the hill, and you can see that to safely cross the ice you need to solve another puzzle *goes on, sees the nice cream guy's stall* He looks over at you enthusiastically. "Hey there! Care for some nice cream? It's the frozen treat that warms your heart. I started my own business! See-- every nice cream has a nice message inside the wrapping!" he pulls one out and offers it to you *the gelato suddenly melts and pools at his feet, way more then what's possible, to the point that he's standing in a puddle of it. Suddenly, a giant hand comes out of the puddle and crushes NCR (Fallout joke) guy in it's fists. Lucian looks upon the gorified rabbit creature and sniggers* Guess it's not just revenge that's best served cold... (Insert CSI "Yeaaaahhh!" here) nice cream guy gurgles, his blood turning to dust. he looks down at you with tears in his eyes as his head disappears. You see a fork in the path, the right leading down a hill where you can see sans standing at the bottom, not noticing you. L:*grins, then grimaces, he felt an unpleasant sensation as his skin touched a certain kind of metal, which is picked up by one of Alphys's cameras.... (FORESHADOWING HIS WEAKNESS) He growls and takes whichever path leads to a dead end, scowling to Sans's amusement, though he doesn't know the true extent of his evil yet, he at least knows it's taking control of the kid's body, and that's never a good sign* you find another door to the ruins, with mushrooms in the front. on your way out you find a deer-looking creature, adorned to his dismay with christmas decorations *Ignores it at first, he then takes a vial of blood out of his pocket and rubs it on the burn, soothing it* the deer notices and grimaces (or is that just its face) "that's disgusting." it says. Sans looks over to you, curious. "SANS WHY ARE YOU NEVER WHERE I NEED YOU TO BE" you hear from up the hill. Sans looks up and disappears, leaving you with the deer. (Grins and splashes the rest of the bottle in the deer's face) The deer groans in disgust, rubbing their face in the snow *He finds the decorations become incredibly heavy* the deer is unable to lift their head from the snow, they start to suffocate and struggle, kicking wildly until they run out of breath and energy T^T (The child's leg suddenly turns into a talon as it crushes the Deer's head in with it, grinning) It's so annoying i can only show parts of my true form while i'm stuck in this hideous body... *His leg changes back* But atleast i'm making good progress.. you peer into the cracks in the walls and spot eyes, upon further inspection an entire family of deer are stuck in the ruins, they watch with bloodshot eyes, seeing through you, as if they've stared outside for so long they've lost touch with reality *Looks at them, kinda liking their appearance* Hehe.. *pulls out his Bladed gloves he got from the box, grinning madly* *He lunges at them, ripping one clean in half* (Meanwhile, Alphys discovers an archive on the last creature that had a Crimson soul) Computer: A soul of true evil, those who possess this soul come to spread suffering, madness, chaos and misery. They gain incredible power, and if they manage to kill everything that opposes them they can even destroy the world and remake in their own twisted image. The last one with a Crimson soul comes from prehistoric accounts, when monsters were in their dark ages, for humans hadn't yet came into existence. The Crimson Devil caused several disasters and countless fatalities that happened before earth’s continents were separated. *She sees truly terrifying images, which seem to be artist's interpretations of the event... she has too warn them* Lab:*Alphys's Lab A.I. responds to the words from the computer* So, is it ok to start panicking? "oh my g-goodness, o-oh my!" she gasps, watching the (dog army?) get ripped limb from limb. "this... this is what the files were talking about! i h-have to warn everyone!" she fumbles with her phone, dialing undyne or asgore or anybody that could help. Lab A.I.: Wait.. *rewinds it a little bit, seeing Lucian burn himself on that metal* Do you see that? "Th-this could change everything! I c-can save everyone! oh my gosh, I have to investigate!!" Lab:*scans it* Platinum... Maybe you should look at the archives for the Platinum soul… She scurries to the opposite wall (not visible in the game), which is lined with shelves covered in books. She begins scanning for a book relating to human souls or platinum. The Crimson, unyielding Malice, The Charcoal, Unending despair, and the Platinum, Undying hope... The Crimson will rise and bring utter cataclysm to the world, having learned from it's past mistakes, it will target the one who is destined for the weapon that last took its power. After taking the the body, it will suppress the soul until it is weakened enough to take the body of them, then will challenge the most powerful being that it hasn't yet destroyed, _S__E_ __E___R All will seem hopeless, until the Platinum, along with the Crimson's victims, will all empower the being, now godlike. Even for all the power it has gained, it will fall back to lick its wounds, but not before inflicting the Platinum with an utterly despairing melady The Platinum will turn Charcoal, and even though most of the damage has been reversed, the destined one's family will still be dead by their hand. They will only be saved when the following has been achieved: "The Angel will fall upon belief he is a demon His newfound comrades will cause him to rediscover meaning in his life A black weight will lift on his shining heart And so the new age will begin" i’ll call undyne and we can both support the charcoal soul so it can become platinum again! Lab: Are you really willing to take that chance? Alphys, this isn't some Anime you watch, this is real life, i mean that Prophecy could be only partially true, i mean, this was back when Monsters still believed in Gods for Science sake. (Atheist humor) “monsters will believe again after asgore becomes one, just like i believe in this human!! undyne is going to help too, i just know it!” she dials and explains the situation to undyne, who immediately interrupts her with “WHAT? THERE’S A HUMAN?? WHERE?” Lab:*lets out a long groan* Welp, we're screwed... alphys: oh hush, look we can see the platinum soul in action!! L:*is ambush comedied by Snowdrake* "M.. m.. macaroni and freeze! You gotta chill out, man, or i'll fight you in cold blood!" You slash him across the face. "You're not funny." "THIS won't be funny either!" He cries, sending crescent blades at you, which you dodge effectively, except you slip on the ice a little and take a small cut in the neck. You growl. "Is your flesh rotten as you?" he heckles, continuing to attack you. You dodge more easily this time and get close, smirking. "..heh." You say, staring him right in the eyes. "What are YOU laughin' at?!?" Snowdrake barks, pretending not to be upset. You wanna hear the biggest joke of all? (Incoming Joker reference) "i bet it won't be better than mine." he utters with false bravado *Proceeds to insert nihilism into his head* Everything! All you creatures have ever valued or worked for.. I't all ends... So why care about anything? When everything burns... *grins sadistically as his words worm their way into his mind* One day, you and everything you care about will be gone, and no one will remember it... Life is but a successful virus clinging to a speck of mud suspended in endless nothing... They struggle to make a retort, and slink away utterly crushed… *Grins and manifests his newfound despair as endless jokes playing in his head, constantly reminding him of how pointless everything is, he eventually can't take it anymore...* snowdrake bursts into tears, wiping them away uselessly with his wings. he approaches the river... and just keeps walking until he falls in "as if by accident". in his head he thinks "i guess i walked into that one... ugh that was terrible." he lets himself sink to the bottom, letting out all the air in his chest. (grins and walks on, finding the snowman) Lab: YOU SEE alphys: he was just being rude, he didn't kill him! he just walked off!) "hello traveler! i wish i could see the world like you... please, take a piece of my snow, so that i can?" Lab: I picked up something from that, he was using despair fields to manipulate his emotions... And don't tell me that grin doesn't just scream "Sadistic Psychopath" to you. L: *grins and melts him with Crimson energy, kicks him into the lake, and walks away, he doesn't see the thing rising out of the lake behind him Alphys: What happened to that snowman??? Lab: the negativity magic he radiates... it could have merged with his snow. when he hit the water it froze around him. Lucian:*turns around and grins* This should be interesting.. the ice golem trudges out of the water, its yells incoherent, though if you concentrated you think it might be saying "betrayed" It sends a shower of ice shards down at you *His body lights up in flames of Hatred, then jumping into the golem* your searing heat melts straight through it, leaving a gaping hole in the middle. In the middle hole is a very small, broken soul, which turns to dust. The golem shudders, and turns into water, dousing the area. (grins at his work, he walks on, once again seeing the damned flower) I suppose you want to die too weed? Flowey looks almost intimidated. he's not doing a good job of hiding his nervousness. "unlikely, you overpowered idiot. I'm the prince of this world's future, and you'll get what's coming to you." (he ends up trying to fight back, which happens several times btw) (L guffaws) Goat boy, you had your chance long ago… Flowey starts to grow taller and taller, yet still staying proportional. His face turns dark and twisted. "Now's fine, you idiot" (L's host gains claws, wings, a scorpion-esque tail, and horns) Hehe, you pathetic creatures are all the same... Either too dumb to live, or too weak to fight… Flowey's vines strike the ground like spears, which you dodge successfully, but you get slashed across the arm (not too serious) by one of the last ones. "If it's dumb but it works then it's not dumb, trashbag." flowey says, grinning. (grins) The more damage you do to me, the stronger I become... (tail slashes him) “What? That doesn’t even make sense, you’re just saying that to look cool.” flowey retorts, curving his body away from the tail and sending a shower of pellets Then let me show you... (he realizes attacks that are supposed to do damage only give him more Hp, Atk, and Def.) "What the hell?! HOW ARE YOU DOING THAT?!?" He attacks you with all he has (he pins him to the ground, and stares into his eyes) You clearly don't realize what you're up against! "I..." shit! he thinks. I have to get away! he shrinks at an unexpected rate, weakening your hold of him. He wriggles back into the ground. "don't think this is over, barf brains." he heads for alphys' lab. (he grins and wanders on, wondering if there's any more monsters on the way to snowdin) You approach the bridge, Papyrus and sans waiting on the other side. "HUMAN! THIS IS YOUR FINAL AND MOST DANGEROUS CHALLENGE! BEHOLD! THE GAUNTLET OF DEADLY TERROR!" Deadly objects pop out of a wooden structure above and below the bridge. "WHEN I SAY THE WORD, IT WILL FULLY ACTIVATE! ONLY THE TINIEST CHANCE OF VICTORY WILL REMAIN! ARE YOU READY? BECAUSE! I! AM! ABOUT! TO DO IT!" L: Go ahead.... "well? What's the holdup?" sans asks his bro. "HOLDUP? WHAT HOLDUP? I'M... I'M ABOUT TO ACTIVATE IT NOW!" "that uh... doesn't look very activated." "WELL... THIS CHALLENGE SEEMS... MAYBE TOO EASY FOR THE HUMAN TO DEFEAT. YEAH! WE CAN'T USE THIS ONE! I AM A SKELETON WITH STANDARDS! THIS METHOD IS TOO DIRECT! NO CLASS! AWAY IT GOES" The deadly devices retract into their positions, and papyrus sighs with relief. he runs off, and sans smiles at you awkwardly. "Well... I don't know what my brother is going to do now. Thanks for playing along, i really appreciate it. Just make sure you understand blue attacks, and you'll be fine." (Grins at him, and references his conflict with gaster) I wonder how your father would react..... Knowing you don't even try to save him.... Sans stiffens, his eyes wide and shocked. He rests his hand against his skull, thinking hard with a manic expression. "k-kid... how do you know about gaster?" (he chuckles) You'll know soon enough... (he walks into snowdin, no one seems to have evacuated yet) Sans watches you walk away, unsettled and shaken. He chuckles nervously, grabbing bunches of his sweater in his fists to keep them from shaking. "Heheh... that's right... they probably learned about him in a reset..." He lets go of his sweater, but his hands are still shaking, so he stuffs them into his pockets. His finger brushes against the cold surface of the knife he confiscated. He thinks to himself "I don't remember a reset where they faced gaster... Jeez, I don't have the energy to deal with this right now." He teleports to the entrance of the ruins, sitting down, looking exhausted from the stress. He knocks on the door without thinking. "Knock kno-" his eyes settle on the slight color difference between the snow and toriel's dust in front of him, and his soul squeezes painfully in his chest. He pulls his hood over his head and brings his knees to his chest, burying his head in them to keep warm. he thinks: "The kid's creepy, there's no denying it, but they've been okay so far. They looked genuinely scared and confused when tori-- It couldn't have been them. It had to be a mistake. In any case, they're good to Pap. I'm sure Papyrus will have fun with them... I have time. I'm just... so tired." His eyes close and he drifts to sleep. (explaining why he doesn't save papyrus) (he looks at all the people, he steps inside grillby's, which has no one but a certain fiery bartender at the moment...) His eyes narrow and he stops cleaning his glass. "I'm sorry, we've just closed." (he grins) Then I'll just take my order and leave... (gazes at him) Grillby stares back without any hint of emotion, clearly waiting for you to order. You can sense he's on edge, but nothing he does gives it away. *He grins and slashes at him* Your life. Grillby sort of expected this based on your behavior, so he dodges quickly and throws his glass at you. You dodge as well, but cause a large enough racket that the bear outside walks in. "hey what's goin' on in here? As mayor i need to know!"
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ardenttheories · 6 years
okay but since you brought up sans i have to ask about undyne and alphys and their classpects. because alphys, she'd make a good blood player, or void, but undyne could fit also as a knight of blood, or maybe even a knight of hope! asdfgjkl they're my favourite characters to try to classpect, its just so interesting!
Oh boy, they’re so hard to Classpect. Okay, lets see if I can come up with something.
Undyne is an odd one because she fills herself with Determination and becomes Undyne the Undying, pretty much holding herself together through Willpower alone to ensure that she could (at least try to) stop the player from advancing any further. She is Steadfast in her Beliefs and Ideals, and it is this Belief, I think, that keeps her going; she has no idea that Monsters can live on after they’ve been hit to 0HP, and absolutely no idea that Determination is what causes you to stay in shape - but it’s her wholehearted Belief that she’s the one who has to stop you, that you have to be stopped, that everyone is counting on her to succeed, that allows it to happen. In that sense, it’s her Bonds that push her to reach that point; the unwillingness to falter and thus leave them on their own. 
However, as a person, she’s very… Odd. Once she’s made a Bond she’ll quickly turn against old Bonds if they go against her Beliefs - so, how she protects Frisk from Asgore during the final battle, even though she’s known Asgore longer and should, logically, side with him - though she shows an active love for trying to help other people. She’s quick to Anger, but I’d argue this is more of a Front for the sort of person she really is - which we can see in the fact that she’s rehearsed a speech for the player, although forgets it and dives right into battle. Even saying that, there’s a degree of Fairness in how she battles, as she explains what Green Mode is even though not doing so would quite easily allow her to win. 
Oh her date with Frisk, she seems to throw herself into it with this idea of “being the best” - that Frisk will end up so Enamoured with her that their “whole life” will revolve around her. Yet she breaks this almost immediately, and slips back into that awkward note of ensuring they’re just friends - and then ends up with Alphys, whom she almost immediately Believes upon being told that anime is actually human history. It’s also interesting to note that she sees the date with Frisk as a Challenge - that though she’s initially hostile, she thinks that befriending them will act as some sort of Revenge. Plus, it seems that she uses cooking as a way to distract people from things she finds uncomfortable; rather than directly talk to Papyrus about him wanting to be in the Royal Guard, she teaches him how to cook spaghetti in the hopes that he’ll change his mind, and again teaches the player how to cook in the hopes that they’ll become better friends - but also, it seems, to distract from the fact that they’re on a date. 
God, that’s… a hard one. I’d definitely say she’s a Knight - her use of Determination when Monsters aren’t supposed to be able to handle it for any amount of time is definitely an exploit - but I’m not sure if it’s of Blood or of Hope. Everything she does is for her Bonds, but the way she acts seems as if she’s more Hope-aligned. If we’re looking at her powers in conjunction with her personality, however… I think it’s likely Hope. I don’t think she’s exploiting Blood in order to become Undyne the Undying - it’s not a physical thing, Determination - so for something so metaphysical to become so real, it has to be Hope. 
So, a bit tentatively, I’d say Knight of Hope!
Alphys reads as as if she’d make a brilliant Heart player in some regards, honestly. She struggles with her Self-Expression, actively hiding herself away and easily getting flustered. She engages in Roleplay - which is a big part of Heart - in order to try and get the courage up to talk to Undyne, and you can easily see her struggles in Romance. She goes from high to low when it comes to her Emotions - flitting from crush to crush, getting flustered when talking about her Interests, and getting quickly depressed thereafter when she talks about herself or her faults (of which she thinks there’s many). 
When it comes to the things that she does, well, her allowance for Mettaton to have a body can easily be seen as a Heart player allowing someone else to find their Inner Self; since a lot of people see Mettaton’s going from ghost to robot as an allusion for transgender transitioning, Alphys’ role in creating his body quite literally means she’s helping him become himself. 
The Insecurities she has about herself an also be a bit Heart-based; after all, it’s not like Nepeta or Dirk are unaware of their issues, and that does tend to be something that holds them back as players (such as Nepeta knowing Karkat doesn’t love her, but being unable to move on, despite knowing that she should). 
There’s also the point of her feigning that Mettaton wants to kill Frisk in order to try and make her seem like a hero. She actively lives out the sort of life she wants, but doesn’t have, all because she’s come to idolise the player and wants to seem worthy of them; it’s the sort of thing any up-and-coming Heart player would struggle with initially. With how easily she gets frazzled, too - giving the player her UnderNet account, but then refusing to post after realising the player’s been reading them - shows that she’s quick to act on Impulse and maybe doesn’t think through the results or effects as much as she should. 
She seems to think that she needs to put up a front to try and make herself seem better to people, especially those she has crushes on - she tells Asgore that she’s made a SOUL (when in truth it’s just Mettaton), she aids the player through a series of heinous tricks by Mettaton (when in truth she set the whole thing up), and she makes her hobbies sound grand and scientific when talking to Undyne (when really they’re just normal, nerdy hobbies) - and every time this front fails. 
There’s also the interesting note that, in a No-Mercy run, Alphys doesn’t show up; she helps the Monsters evacuate, but doesn’t confront the player directly. From what I can recall, she’s also one of the only (if not the only) characters that never appears in a battle, no matter what run you’re on. 
I think perhaps that’s a bit Void-y, as is the way she hides a lot of her experiments, herself, and her feelings, but a lot of that seems to stem more from Heart than from Void: she hides the Amalgamates because she’s ashamed of her failure and worried they’ll upset people; she hides herself because she’s worried about how she presents as a person, and what people will think of her; she hides her feelings because she knows, or at least thinks, that what she feels is dorky or pathetic. 
In that sense, she’s definitely a Page. Alphys has a lot of room to grow as a person, and she’s really only in her early years. She keeps trying to be someone she’s not, but failing at it spectacularly (which is how you know she’s not a Knight), and currently relies on other people to help her figure out what it is she really has to do (but not to such an extent that you could call her a Maid; it doesn’t feel like she’s on the path to Create of Heal Heart).
Considering that what she tends to do is try to present as a scientific Mind, only to flounder and come across as Heart, I’d say she’s a Page of Mind.
Her experimentations fail because she lacks the Mind to realise that telling the king you’ve made a SOUL when you’ve only made a robot isn’t the right Choice; she doesn’t have the extent of Mind’s sight to know that it was even a potential in the first place. She didn’t have the Mind to realise that Determination would have such drastic effects on Monsters despite it not being actively present in Monsters (or, at least, didn’t wait long enough for adverse affects to appear before trying Determination on more Monsters), thus leading to an unforeseen consequence in the Amalgamates. Her attempts to be Mindful - to seem like she knows what she’s doing, that she’s got it all figured out, that she’s planned everything to a T - fail because she’s only pretending; she slips back into an unpolished Heart she ghosts because she lacks Mind. 
We can see that Alphys is a Mind player, and a very good one at that; she evacuates the entire (remaining) Underground population while Undyne distracts you with a battle (requiring quick Thinking, careful Planning, and a lot of Organisation in order to pull it off as perfectly as she does), and she creates Mettaton’s body - both the True and NEO forms on top of the Base form - as a way to allow a ghost the ability to exist physically, a choice that Mettaton originally did not have, and may not have had if not for Alphys. 
So, there you go! My (very tentative) verdicts are:
Undyne, the Knight of Hope 
Alphys, the Page of Mind
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krixwell-liveblogs · 6 years
Blind reactions to Deltarune chapter 1
Alright, so last night, I played through Deltarune chapter 1.
For those not in the know, this is a free teaser for the sequel to Undertale, which takes around 3-5 hours to complete. It’s meant for those who have “finished Undertale”, so if you haven’t either finished Undertale or, like me, watched enough playthroughs of the game that you’ve practically finished it by proxy, you should probably skip the rest of this post. Same goes if you haven’t played Deltarune yourself. Go do that.
Liveblogging Worm isn’t my first time sharing my reactions to things as I went along. It kinda comes naturally for me to do that. So a few minutes into Deltarune (in the classroom scene), I decided to share some thoughts I’d had up until that point. But the problem was, I couldn’t go into the #deltarune_spoilers channel on Loreweaver’s server to talk about it, or I’d get spoiled myself. So, I opened a NotePad document and began typing my thoughts there for later sharing. And then I continued doing that until I finished the game.
And hey, I have a liveblog, why not use it for this too? So, below the readmore, if you’re interested, here are my thoughts on Deltarune.
Warning: It’s long. Also, spoilers for Deltarune (duh), Undertale, Kingdom Hearts II and vaguely Homestuck, Wander Over Yonder and Over the Garden Wall.
It's kind of hilarious how the game goes "nah, you don't get to decide who you are", and then gives the character a name that works as a shortened version of my legal name.
Kris looks like an older Frisk, but doesn't share the name. Are they separate? But why would Toriel be raising them then?
The narration is far less filled with FUN than the narration in Undertale, giving Kris a depressing feel. The shaded eyes and the mirror narration "It's only you." (in contrast to Undertale's) "It's you!" reinforce this. I wonder if it has to do with Chara's presence in Undertale and the narrator!Chara theory.
Kris has a brother...?
Asriel's around? Well, then. Alternate universe alarm bells are ringing.
We could be following Chara, but the world seems to have monsters and humans living together, Toriel isn't a queen, and many characters in and after the driving cutscene shouldn't have been born yet when Chara was around.
Alphys as a school teacher is fun. I immediately went to her when she asked me to pick a partner, just to see what she'd say - I love that she's watching anime in class.
Decided to go for Monster Kid first, in case I couldn't check out everyone before making my choice. But apparently he's partnered already, so I guess there is no choice. I'm guessing the snake is the one who hasn't got a partner yet.
...Snowy, you're incorrigible.
Wait, so Temmie is partnered with an egg. That leaves an even number of other candidates. So I guess we're not going to find anyone to partner with. I suppose that fits the tone we're going for with the narration.
Blue bird guy is a jerk.
His name is Berdly? ...sure.
I like the reindeer.
Jockington. These names! And apparently the cat is named Catti. Not to be confused with Catty, whom I'm pretty sure I saw in the driving cutscene. Or did I only see her parents? I definitely saw Bratty, at least, so Catty shouldn't be in school. And the personalities don't match.
That's an origin story, alright. I suppose that means we've already got an implied ouroboros in this game, since Jockington was a hula hoop rather than a jumping rope.
Noelle is a good name for the reindeer. I'm not surprised to see Berdly objecting to the trio idea.
...hello there, important character. Susie?
So I suppose we're teaming up with the intimidating goth.
Poor Alphys is terrified of Susie. Susie honestly seems kind of chill at first glance, but there's gotta be a reason why she intimidates Alphys especially much.
Okay, who's eating chalk? I noticed the green chalk was missing from Kris' house, and now the school's chalk is gone for the third time. Did someone let a Homestuck character or two loose in this world?
So we're babysitting Susie on the chalk quest.
The classmates don't seem confident in Kris' survival. Apparently Susie has a reputation for beating people up.
"You SUZ, you LOSE!" Okay, Snowy, I'll give you that one. :p
What did Susie just do? Eat something? She doesn't seem to want me to have seen it.
Yeah, Susie doesn't seem so bad. So, secret, you say?
...bad timing to add that, huh. Also, quiet people piss you off? Hypocrite.
OH! That was the chalk! I was kidding when I said someone was eating it, but of course, this is Toby Fox. Which this electric guitar music is also reminding me of.
Whoops. Looks like she's gone full "well, why not make this worse so the punishment is worth it" mode.
"I would rather not lose my face, thank you very much."
All bark and no face-bite?
"If you hadn't gotten it by now, your choices don't matter." That's definitely meant in a meta sense. It's starting to become a theme. I suppose Deltarune isn't particularly branching, unless this changing is going to be a point.
Is "blurry yellow object" any way to talk about your teacher, Kris?
I like Susie's reactions to you trying to go the wrong way.
I don't think this is supposed to happen when you open a closet.
This is not a closet anymore, Susie.
"kind of big" YA THINK
Yeah, the closet's definitely broken, in some fashion. So where is this taking us? Narnia? The world of Undertale?
Aaand the door's closed.
And here goes the floor. Time to let gravity do its thing?
Can't have an Undertale game without falling into another world, eh? So, where's Susie? And is it just me or did Kris just get a new wardrobe? Yeah, that's definitely some kind of armor.
Oh hey, save point. I wonder if we're getting filled with anything. Dread, maybe. Everything's blue, even the save point...
"At times you see it flickering. The light only you can see. By second nature, you reach out and..." So Kris, whether they're Frisk or not, is familiar with the save points, and knows that others can't see them. Interesting.
Hang on, did I just overwrite a Kris save with a Krixwell save? I *knew* it wouldn't completely discard those answers from the start. (That's why I answered the same things when I restarted to get my headphones working.)
Hmm. Eyeballs on stalks that start swinging when you walk past them? I like the sounds they make.
Something just moved off-screen in the top right. Also, there's something flowing out of holes here. Oil?
Huh. An eye symbol. Reminds me of Madoka Magica.
Another one, in case you missed the first one... Am I supposed to go down this water(?)fall?
Yep. No return. Not that there's anything to return to.
Sleeping gray oozes...
Is this what's left of the underground after the pacifist ending? Except that doesn't explain the relation between Frisk, Asriel and Kris. I suppose it's possible that Frisk is the brother and took on the name Asriel as a tribute, but that honestly just seems rude. Besides, Toby would catch all sorts of flak if he were to gender Frisk now.
Pfft, those eyes and the oil hole look like a silly face. So, this *looks like* the first real choice of the story. Not that "real choice" necessarily means much - it's not like Undertale actually branched much. Most proper choices in Undertale were fake, still leading to the same outcome.
Hmm. If only one of these leads onward to the rest of the story, it's probably the silly face route. So I should probably go downwards if I want to not miss anything.
Yep. Dead end, with something shining in the oil hole.
...a Glowshard. Alright, let's see what its info says.
Woah, new menu! Earlier, in the house, I discovered that the menu was the same as in Undertale, but now that I'm in the closet, there's a new interface. Interesting.
The Glowshard's use is unknown. Alright.
Cell phone's not working and makes beautiful sounds to show that.
Apparently along with the armor, Kris wound up with a "wood blade". I wonder if that's actually the pencil they had earlier. I say this while sitting here with a shortsword-sized pencil next to me.
"Body contains a human SOUL." That's ominous. The fact that the game is specifying that makes it sound like it might change.
While Kris is wearing something that looks like armor, it doesn't show up on the equip screen as such.
They seem to have lost their 2 money.
Silly face path time!
Should I be concerned about that eyeball-stalk having a red outline? I probably should.
Interesting. Going into "combat" against the hostile stalks gave more things outlines, and the SOUL became visible. I wonder if getting hit would send me into a mini dodging game like when Undyne chases you in Undertale.
I should probably note that while I've watched many playthroughs of Undertale, I've never actually played it, apart from a browser version of the Sans fight. So if this contains bullet hells scaled after the end of Undertale at the very start, I'm kind of screwed.
"A power shines within you, breaking through the darkness." Determination? Hope? No, hope is HP. I suppose it could just be the ability to save, which is a side effect of determination. Even if Kris hasn't exactly seemed like the determined type so far.
Oh, right, restored HP. Maybe that was hope after all.
"Eye Puzzle". Alright, let's puzzle this out.
Without having read the sign, just looking at the iconography, I'm guessing the dots mean which eyes are affected by each light, and you have to close all of them to proceed.
"In this land, only eyes blinded by darkness can see the way..." Yeah, definitely sounds like I need to close them.
Rightmost eye and middle eye. Easy as p-eye. YOU'RE NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN MAKE BAD PUNS SNOWY
I just saw the black thing again, at the right edge, moving real fast. Looked almost like an Enderman from Minecraft at a glance.
There it is again. I'm about to catch up with it, aren't I. Did it come down the other waterfall?
Oh cod, did I just kill one of the sleeping oozes?
Oh! It's Susie! Hi.
How did Kris get you into this? You're the one who ate the chalk so we had to get more, you're the one who pushed on into the closet.
Susie's outfit looks like she fell out of Kingdom Hearts. Maybe that's what's going on. Maybe Kris is Frisk's nobody, who's been living in a fake world.
Ooh, someone waving, you say?
Apparently they've got hostility in spades.
This looks like a ghost town. Like, literally, a town for ghosts, with the curved houses and all.
Well, at least it's a ghost town in the figurative sense. That castle is intriguing. Not to mention the geyser.
"Why the hell is there a castle inside a supply closet?" Ahaha
"Welcome, heroes...!" is off-center and it's bugging me.
A masked stranger introducing himself as the Prince of this Kingdom. In yellow. I don't trust this at all. Flowey, is that you?
The Kingdom of Darkness. Alright. Is this connected to the Underground in any way?
The stranger knows our names and called us heroes. He's been expecting us.
Heroes of Light? I don't know, I don't think I'd peg either of them as having that aspect.
Foretold by time and space... look, the Homestuck jokes write themselves and I think Toby Fox knows that.
Hopes and dreams, light and dark, balance of the world being threatened... fairly basic plot beats in and of themselves. Fair enough. Three heroes, including the Prince, supposed to restore the balance... The thing is, I still don't trust the Prince to be telling the truth, or at least, the full truth, and I think a lot of the plot is left in the inaccuracies. I'm watching you, Prince.
"Delta warriors" sounds like something you'll try to make a thing but not really succeed at making a thing.
"Please, won't you accept this destiny?" "Uhh... Nah." Ahaha, I love it.
The Prince seems genuinely distraught at Susie's refusal.
Pfffft, bye Prince! Oh my cod, is that you, Sans?
Okay, no, this isn't Sans. And he sounds like he's an antagonist, talking about the heroes "running away". He mentions his dad, whom I'm guessing is the supposed main antagonist for now.
"I'm... the bad guy." I'm not hearing an elaborate and catchy song to explain that, so your point is invalid.
"We both know you'll go EAST!" Yeah, because there's no other exit that we didn't come from.
Lancer, huh. As if the Son of the Month thing didn't make it clear that you're not the main antagonist. So, hey, depending on the exact role of his dad, would Lancer perhaps also count as "a Prince from the Dark" for the prophecy?
Alright, new fighting UI. This ought to be interesting. It looks kind of early-Final-Fantasy-esque?
(Act -> Check) Ohh, Lancer was the spade guy. Pfft, he's just got a burning bike, not a motorcycle.
So Susie's also found herself with a new weapon.
He claims his bike's running out of fuel, but the check established it doesn't actually run on fuel...
So what's the real reason he's forfeiting-- oh, dinnertime. Fair enough. Enjoy!
Ralsei. I think I've seen fanart of you. I like how you have a heart on your shirt - a human heart - to contrast with Lancer's spade. I don't trust it, but I like it.
So why don't you have any subjects, Ralsei? Why have you had to wait alone your whole life?
"Ralsei, the lonely prince, is now your ally." Hey... Ralsei is an anagram of Asriel...
"The power of fluffy boys shines through you." Ahahaha
Ooh, training dummy. White outline, which I suppose indicates you can fight it but it's not hostile like the ones with red outlines.
This big door looks familiar.
Ralsei explicitly asks me to do a pacifist run. Interesting.
These red trees look weird.
I like how it gave me a little thing telling me the name of the track that was starting to play. The Field of Hopes and Dreams, huh? It's pretty sweet, too. Meanwhile, Lancer left a message about upcoming enemies. Should be fun.
"If you're reading this, I guess you're dead." I think you got that backwards, dude.
Hi there, Lancer. I thought it was dinnertime?
Hah, the group term for the diamond-based Rudinns is "necklace". Nice.
So if you do the thing that lets you spare an enemy, you can also have your partner spare the enemy on the same turn. Good to know.
RIP Topchef's cake.
Maze of Death? Sounds pleasant.
I see Susie's not doing a pacifist run. Hey, what if she's the true main antagonist by the end of all this?
Pfft, poor Lancer has no sense of direction, apparently.
Hehe, the White Ribbon enhances Kris's cuteness. I wonder if that has mechanical consequences.
Apparently only Kris can seal the dark fountain, and Susie is stuck with us.
Oh my cod the fanfare gag is hilarious
Whoops. Susie killed the C.Round because I took the time to *Check it. Does that mean I'm no longer on a pacifist route?
Violet tormentor. Good title.
"The power of mean girls shines within you." Oh my cod, Kris, you can't just ask people why they're violet!
*haggles the tutorial seller down to 1 dark dollar, buys, and then just turns around* Nah.
This shop guy looks like someone mixed together the Beldam, Mad-Eye Moody, an old cat and the goggles from Splinter Cell.
Seam, pronounced "Shawm"? Not a bad name for someone who looks to be part doll.
Lightners, Darkners... Apparently the Lightners were godlike. Are the Lightners the monsters, and the Darkners their "shadows"? Ralsei being the shadow of Asriel?
The Darkners were "locked away and left behind". Sounds familiar.
King seeking revenge...
Historically, there were four kings, in the "Card Castle". No points for guessing how the kings were themed, or who Lancer's dad is. Or who Ralsei's dad was, for that matter.
So does that make Lancer the Jack of Spades?
A strange knight, description in red, appeared and locked three of the kings away. Again, no points for guessing which one wasn't locked away. So does this knight work for the King of Spades, or vice versa? Are there Aces in all of this?
Oh, alright, so the King of Spades put the Knight and his son, Lancer, into power. That suggests the King works for the Knight rather than vice versa. Possibly not willingly.
"Haven't seen this much chaos since... Ha ha ha... Well, you don't need to know about THAT." Since what? Since just before the Lightners left for the surface? Since some plant absorbed nearly every Lightner's soul for a while?
Bought the Amber Card and a couple more Dark Candies.
Alright, let's go see what bullshit the desperate tutorial salesman has for us.
Ah, yes, because this group of suspicious individuals don't look ready to ambush us.
ROUXLS KAARD. The surname is obviously a reference to cards, but everything else about this name screams "anagram". DARK SOUL ARX? AR DARXOULS? SOUR KLAXARD?
I love how there are tutorial guys for Ralsei and Susie, and the way they barely know what they're talking about. Is the last one for Kris? ...yep.
Oh, nice, Kris Master and Ralsei point out the thing I found out earlier about sparing on the same turn.
So there are two paths that both seem to keep going. One with a puzzle, and one with an encounter. I saw the puzzle and went back to the encounter... Hm. Let's try the puzzle too.
Ahh, it's something you're not meant to be able to do unless you've been to a later section of the game. So either you'll be able to go back here later, or you're supposed to use meta knowledge from a previous playthrough. Then again, I kind of suspect what the order is anyway. If I'm right, I won't go on through, because I'm not supposed to see this yet, but I want to try it out.
Alright, looks like it's not the standard order of the suits. Fair enough, that'd be too easy. Even if the input is a puzzle in itself.
I have to do the encounter again?
Well, I made a few mistakes this time, so Susie killed one of the Rudinns.
"When you step into the light, you'll return to where you were before." I don't think it's talking about home. Avoid the glowing tiles, got it.
Hm. Easier said than done. Right, I should probably run.
Can I switch to the lane that's fading before the light fades in on the lane I'm on? ...yes! Puzzle solved.
Apparently the effect of the light only applies to Kris.
Is that a bucket, Lancer? Ew.
Oh great, it's literally to put bodily fluids in. Toby knows exactly what he's doing here.
Oh cod, he's asking for an official name. Ralsei, don't you dare say Delta Warriors.
"Blue person"... how did I not notice that Kris is still blue?
Alright, so I get descriptions of the papers. Definitely not going for the neat paper, which is obviously Ralsei. So my choices are to let Susie name the team, or to let Lancer name it. Great.
Let's see what Susie's got.
Ahaha, he's not allowed to say it. Classy, Susie.
Cool, I'm down with that. Better than Delta Warriors. Well, not really, but still.
Tier-TWO swear words. What's tier one? Darn, heck, etc?
Collective dad? Does he think we're siblings?
No, Ralsei, we can not consider a different name.
(Lancer to Ralsei) "Yeah! How about I be in the Squad and YOU be the bad guy?" That's an interesting idea you've got there, Lancer.
I kinda trust Ralsei a bit more at this point, because he seems a lot like the non-evil iteration of Asriel, but I'm still not entirely sure. That could easily be a front.
"The power of The $!?  Squad shines within you." Ahahaha
So the Great Board is inhabited by chess people. I suppose maybe the Knight is from there? Or maybe that's just what Toby wants me to think. Now where have I heard a story about chess pieces and cards and a takeover from within before...
So what's this extremely dangerous thing? A card shredder?
Oh, a C.Round. Maybe we can keep Susie from killing this one.
Ah, fuck, it got promoted. Nice legs.
Hah, K.Round. As in King Round. Not sure what the C stood for.
That was a fun little fight. And now it seems it's time to explain to Susie that violence isn't always the best option.
Ahh, great. Switching sides because she's bad at heroing. Honestly, though, it really does suit her better.
Alright, now I'm in a forest, and there's a door with colorful flames. Interesting.
The door is for fast travel. Got it.
"We managed to fix this thingamajig up for you." Oh yeah, that's right, I found an empty doorframe earlier.
Oh jeez, they've practiced an alternating dia-monologue.
"Dark Jack Lancer"? Guess I was right about his card, then.
Ahaha, the Dark $!?  Squad! And it's Lancer who says it, too. Susie, you're a bad influence.
So there's a Rudinn asking me to help with a gift for a friend named Clover (I think I have an idea which suit she's aligned to). Sports, cute boys and trees? Well, I've got one of those things.
Salsa stump. Well, at least they're getting along.
I got a scarf that's apparently sharp enough to use as a weapon. Nice.
Oh hey, a puzzle based on the same input method as the post-game puzzle from before. I know how this works, so this shouldn't be too hard, what with the password being stated.
...yeah, that only requires clubs and a heart, that's super easy.
I like Bloxer.
Alright, so there's a dead end down here with two seemingly unreachable buttons in sight. Looks like a path-building puzzle.
There's a symbol puzzle meant to teach you how to mix the lower and higher suits. I managed to find the answer in two tries, before talking to any of the hint... beings.
...who were apparently one three-headed being. I may have just triggered a fight by not talking to them when I came back into the room after checking whether the answer was the same to the symbol puzzle I just passed in the room with Bloxer.
Oh! This is Clover. Hey, Clover, would you like a gift? I've got a cute boy here.
Let's talk about boys.
"Herselves". Cute.
Alright, bake sale time. We've got diamonds, hearts, and spades (run by The Dark $!?  Squad), but no clubs. Why not?
The Choco Diamond and the Hearts Donut each heal ??hp. The Choco Diamond sounds like it'll work better if given to certain characters. Maybe it heals more if the target is diamonds-aligned. Same going for the Hearts Donut on hearts-aligned characters. I should buy another Hearts Donut and test that on Kris and Ralsei.
Sure, I'll donate to the noble cause of kicking my ass too.
Did they just... do that so they could buy a Hearts Donut?
So to the west we have another fast travel door, and to the north there's... a martial arts dojo?
Oh, the smith! I just saw in the inventory that the Broken Cake is a key item that needs to be fixed by a master blacksmith. Guess it's time to do that.
Ahahaha the squeaky hammer sounds! And the cake was "fixed beyond recognition". I love this.
A topcake... can I wear it like a top hat? Is it armor?
Ah, no, but it is a 160 hp full party heal, single use. Good to keep in store, just like the butterscotch-cinnamon pie.
"(This cardboard stand is actually just a fake cardboard stand of a cardboard stand.)" Pfft. Glad we got that cleared up.
Hello, hungry hungry caterpillar.
Nice disguise, Lancer.
Oh, please tell me I get a choice of "the most evil thing I can imagine" here.
Oh fuck, this is even better.
Look, I know the duck face is "garbage", but I can't just NOT pick that one.
Tank body sounds good.
I'm torn between the sneaker shoes and the attractive wheels... I think I'll go with the sneakers. Wheels just make too much sense for the tank body.
Lancer: "Are you sure you're not evil?" Ralsei: "Er, no, I suppose we just have a knack for it." ...
Damn. The bird thing killed me and now I have to make my beautiful thrashing machine all over again.
"The darker it gets, the more you can see." That's familiar. Like the eye puzzle early on. What does it mean, thematically? That you have to see the darkness to truly understand the world?
I was right about the Hearts Donut. It heals Kris by 20 hp, but Ralsei by 50.
Alright, so a Rudinn just confirmed that Susie is considered a Lightner. Does that extend to Kris too?
The save point here names the room as "Before Maze". Way to spoil it, dude.
These villains are so ridiculously ineffectual. But how long is the Papyrus section of this game going to last? I didn't buy for a second that Lancer was even close to being the main antagonist, and now we've long since established the bigger threats (the King and the Knight).
Well, the maze was something. Ooh, machine time!
Tumblr media
Aw, I didn't get to fight it. Fair enough.
Susie says our design sucked, so does that mean they've come up with another one?
Ralsei points out that Susie needs him and Kris to return home, but I don't think she WANTS to go home anymore.
Alright, defeat means friendship, huh? Bring it on.
Hah, trying to convince them not to fight is working on Lancer.
Ahahaha, Lancer blocked the pacification with his bike and the bike got tired.
Lancer, join OUR team! That way you can be a team with Susie even though she's joining back up with us! And then when Ralsei turns out to be evil, you can take his place as Prince from the Dark.
Pfft, poor Ralsei being tasked with making the track jackets.
Oh cod, no thanks, put those eyes back where they came from, Lancer, or so help me.
Lancer's Stool Forme is very useful.
Susie is SO into Lancer at this point.
I kinda like and kinda hate how Lancer just floats outside the path instead of following the rest of the party Earthbound-style.
It does seem like Kris is counted as a Lightner. I'm not sure how to feel about the whole "Darkners can't feel fulfilled unless they're helping Lightners" thing, though.
So this is very much the calm before the storm, where our protagonists are happy and content with being friends. What's going to shake this up?
Oh hey, it's Card Castle. Neat.
Lancer doesn't want us fighting people inside the castle. Is it for our sake, or for the sake of the people in there?
See ya, Lancer.
Well then. We've been captured.
So where's Susie?
Ate some moss and “mossed out” my HP. Nice. :P
Took me some time to realize that I had to continue talking to Ralsei to proceed.
Pfft. Classy, Susie.
I like the thing about thinking about what Susie's doing now to segue into a section where we semi-control her.
...alright, where we're tricked into thinking we can control her.
Especially the purple one, eh? Is that because she's especially dangerous, or because you care especially about her?
"It's fine, actually." Is it, Susie? "You don't have to say anything." This is becoming a trend for you. Making your conclusions and telling people not to bother saying things.
Lancer, you may want to explain yourself quickly, regardless of Susie's demands that you shut up. Your face is in danger.
He's attacking, but he's doing the Toriel thing where the attacks fan out. I wonder if there's a path in this game where you cause Lancer to accidentally kill Susie rather than let Susie kill Lancer. If things are going to get to that point.
These spades are better at dodging the heart than Toriel's flames were.
He's visibly trembling more with each attack.
Good, Susie. Good. Now put down the axe and listen to Lancer.
What, a lengthy elevator scene with no proper elevator music?
Susie is the best character in this thing, so far.
Card Castle, first floor. Time to pay attention to the order of the suits' rooms, I think.
"You are unbanned from free ham sandwich day" ahahaha
Alright, so diamonds first.
Club Sandwich, can be divided into three to heal the entire team. Cute.
So there's a disembodied voice that has trapped us in a room. "Thoust FOOLS!"
Oh hey, it's Rouxls Kaard, "thou're greatest adversary". Clearly also an adversary of grammar.
Shit, that puzzle looks really fucking hard, man.
So does the Royal Flush (bathroom) count as the spades room for the sake of the post-game puzzle?
Well, the third floor is clearly the Hearts floor, since there are Hathy here.
I just told Susie to flirt and it's beautiful.
Oh cod, it's so awkward that there's no need to even spare.
Well, that was definitely the Hearts room. Diamond, maybe Spades, then Hearts.
Clubs door, and now another room like the one we met Rouxls in. Time for another "puzzle"?
Hah! It's not even a different super easy puzzle, it's just a longer version of the earlier one!
I like the Clubs room.
Alright, there's the Spades room, so the Royal Flush doesn't count. Diamonds, Hearts, Clubs, Spades.
Oh my cod, Rouxls is a shopkeeper.
Oh for the love of cod. He's got a K.Round too. :P
Ralsei thinks the crown looks different... is it a Q.Round?
Ahh. Rouxls is controlling it using the crown. Or so he claims.
Hah, tossing Ralsei at it. I like this plan.
Throne room. Time to meet the king?
What happened here? Lancer said he was going ahead to talk to the king. Did they end up fighting?
Hi, Lancer.
Wait, Lancer's dad was the Knight, not the King. Right? Or are the Knight and the King the same thing at this point, since the fourth king put the Knight in charge? Right, that's how it worked. So we're now seeing the talk Lancer was going to do.
Pfft. I like how the Knight/King is like "Oh, Lancer..."
What was that about "They care not for you", Mr. "I'll drop my son off the edge to let him splatter"?
I did not get a choice in whether to kneel or not. The characters made that choice on their own.
Ah, see, this is a guy I can believe when he claims to be the bad guy. Even if I'm still not fully sold on the idea that he's necessarily the final boss.
"Lightbringer"? "Your very existence goes against our own"? Interesting...
By the Knight's will... so this ISN'T the Knight?
Is Ralsei the Knight?
"You, that left us in the shadows, stripped of meaning..." Yeah, I think I was onto something earlier.
Ralsei probably isn't the Knight. His interactions with the King wouldn't make much sense that way.
The King seems to be indicating that he's worshipping the Knight instead of the Lightners.
The Knight made the second fountain? Maybe even the first?
The shadows of the fountains are creating a new world... for the Darkners...
I'm taking it that this is a survival fight, like Sans. I just need to let this guy exposit for a while.
Ahh, so it's not so much that it's making a literal new world as that it's darkening the existing world. An apocalypse which he believes to be in favor of the Darkners.
"Enough talk"? Was I wrong?
The King seems to be getting less confident.
And he ended the battle.
His... cape just flew away?
So he's asking for a peaceful solution now. Alright, sure.
I don't like the sound effects here. They sound too much like someone's about to get killed. Maybe the cape flew off to tell the Knight about the King's failure/betrayal?
Honestly, the King just seems to be dying without anyone actually hurting him.
Nice, yes, good work healing him, Ralsei. Let's just hope he wasn't faking it just to get that heal.
"You can't even say?" Nice echo of what Susie said at the start.
"Let me tell you a secret." We're echoing the whole scene, huh? But somehow, I don't think "All bark and no face-bite" applies to the King.
Susie FTW.
"But THEY might." Who's "they"? Kris? And maybe Ralsei? Or are we bringing in other characters?
*crazy glue voice* get him
"Now I'M the dad!!!" Uh, Lancer, I don't think that's how it works.
And now we're getting Ralsei contemplating whether kindness is always the solution after all, since his healing the king almost fucked everything. Nice. Character growth all around.
Wait, Ralsei, why are you staying behind? I thought you claimed we needed you too to stop the fountain?
Nice try, Susie. I know you want to talk to Lancer.
See? Lancer sees right through you.
Hiya, Asriel! What's up?
Not gonna explain that, huh?
So, uh, did Kris's soul just leave their body to fuse with the fountain?
Aaand we're in the supply closet. Alright.
Wait, no, this is an unused classroom.
...menu's back to the Undertale style.
Let's try calling home.
Alright, so some time has passed. It's after school. Don't think going to tell Alphys you couldn't find the chalk is going to work, Susie.
Toriel is sweet. Though it's a little sad that the word "friend" makes her give Kris a free pass, because it implies she's surprised that they've gained one.
Playing cards and chess... Legos... Fuck, this is lending some serious credence to the dream idea, much in the same way a lot of things in Over The Garden Wall reflect what's seen in episode 9. But like there, I'd say this was probably a certain degree of real.
The room we ended up in is to the right of the supply closet.
Sure, go back there tomorrow... if you can.
The supply closet is locked now.
Hey, I found Asriel's/Frisk's/the brother's locker. And Kris's.
Ooh, Toriel's classroom!
The clock has been updated to 10 PM in Toriel's classroom, but in Alphys', it still says 2 PM.
I can visit the Librarby, neat.
So is the game over now, or will we be seeing the return to the Dark Kingdom?
Hah, found Toby. I'm aware that this is only supposed to be a teaser, so I guess it'll deliver on the promise that you'll be able to go into the computer lab in the full game.
Books written by Undertale characters, nice.
Wait, Asgore's kid? Kris is Asgore's kid?? Or, wait, wasn't it Undyne who couldn't tell Asgore and Toriel apart? No, that was Papyrus. So this raises the whole alternate universe question again. Who the fuck is Kris?
Undyne claims not to know who Alphys is.
...who's the mayor?
I found a door to a bunker or something that makes spooky sounds. This feels like plot.
Gerson's dead, among a couple others who may or may not be characters we know.
At least Gerson being dead rules out this happening before Undertale, in the same timeline.
So Azzy's in college.
"Things happened" in Kris's family before Asriel left. Asgore and Toriel separating?
Sans is new in town, and has never met Kris. Kris, say hello to your future stepfather.
And he wants Kris to hang out with Papyrus. I'm all for this.
(I'm also all for finding a save point so I can go to bed.)
Asgore x Alphys???
So Alphys watches a Simpsons knockoff and has an imaginary cat named MewMew. The alternate universe theory intensifies.
Apparently Asgore runs a flower shop.
Aww, that hug was adorable.
Containers containing flowers instead of souls...
Time for bed.
Umm. Kris. You, uh. Kinda need that soul.
So, uh, the Chara option is still available...
Well then! That was Deltarune chapter 1. I'm gonna write a wrap-up tomorrow, because it's way too late now and I need to go to bed in real life. Good night!
...Alright, hello again! It's been about 17.5 hours since I finished Deltarune chapter 1, and in that time, I've been thinking a bit. I think I've come up with a decent theory about what's going on with the world of the Lightners in relation to Undertale:
I don't think this is post-pacifist. I think this is post-genocide.
"Oh, but many of the characters you kill on the genocide route are alive, and monsters seem to live on the surface!"
Here's the thing: At the end of the genocide route, you meet Chara, who talks about wanting to "erase this pointless world and move on to the next". The choice they give you is fake, both options end in you, the player, being killed, ending the game. What I'm suggesting is that Chara did just that: Erased the world and moved on to the next. That "next" world is the world of Deltarune.
Chara isn't entirely physical, so they need a vessel, like Frisk was in Undertale. That's why they're taking control of Kris, and throwing out Kris's soul (hey, look who managed to guess that their soul would leave their body, even if I didn't guess how). I'm not sure whether Chara was already partially possessing Kris at the beginning and just decided it was time to get rid of that annoying soul right at the end. The soul being the culmination of one's being and the center of emotion... Identity and emotion seemed to be fairly low in Kris from the start - maybe Chara had to weaken the soul before they could toss it out and take proper control?
There's also the player to deal with, though. Chara knows we're here - you can tell from the way they glance at the fourth wall after taking control - so I wonder if they'll let us continue controlling their vessel, Kris. Then again, in Undertale, Chara seemed to consider that a good thing, but what if the player continues to steer Kris towards pacifism?
Meanwhile, the world of the Darkners is still largely a mystery. They seem to be a remnant of the Underground's essence in some way, but who knows if monsters ever lived underground in this world?
A lot about the Dark Kingdom adventure in chapter 1 mirrors Undertale. In fact it very much feels like discount Undertale. (Which I suppose is fair considering this game does in fact cost 100% less than Undertale.) I wonder if any of it was Chara's work, whether Kris knew it or not?
This chapter of the game is deceptively simple, but there really is a lot to think about here.
All in all... The game wasn't quite as good as Undertale, though it had its share of funny and/or heartfelt moments, and it did good stuff with the characters of Susie and Lancer. I like the introduction of a party system due to its effect on character dynamics, and the battle graphics were a huge step up.
I suppose I shouldn't expect Deltarune chapter 1 to hold up to the whole of Undertale. The full version has a hell of a lot to live up to, but I'm optimistic about it. I think it can at least get close. And with Chara getting visibly involved, I have a feeling things are only going to get more interesting from here.
In conclusion: Fuck Berdly.
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