#(ok so what would their morphs be tho.)
chloefraazers · 8 months
is it weird i want to make like. gif dossiers of the horizon characters in different universes.
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obscureother · 2 months
🌑 ˚x'˙ intro. . ??
Hello. . !! im new to tumblr, so sorry if wonky things happen while im setting this up. im still trying to figure things out guys-
i lurk on other accounts for general content but im closeted n shy so i made this one to yell about things instead so i don’t expose myself to people i know lolol
if you know or find other profiles i own, i request you not expose it for those reasons before im comfortable to.
so this is just an f/o blog/journaling. . thing. I'm not entirely sure what content will be here, but it will be centered around f/os, self-shipping, and its just to give me a place to yell about the people that live in my/your brain rent-free and know they don’t exist but we pretend they do anyway for comfort reasons and serotonin, dopamine, uhh what other things feel good and ok??
some of it will be for you if I happen to think of something, other times it is for me to explode over my fixation f/os!!
youre also welcome to come yell about your f/os if you just need someone to talk to them about!! dont think i know em?? COME OVER and INTRODUCE THEM. you can come in DMs, asks, or however you want to!! id be happy to know your f/o or listen to you talk about them if no one else will :00
This is a comfort blog to me, so there wont be any room for meanness or intended offenses here. Dont come to me with troublesome things or somehow twist/morph my content into something its not, we're just here to have a cool time with our fictional people, bro. . :((
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ok who r you tho:
To be honest, I don’t have a name or something to go by as of posting this, I might get one later or just make a new comment all fancy for the pin. . For now you can just call me whatever you deem good or just go off my blog/username!! Don’t be mean tho. i may take one you guys think of or figure it out on my own.
im 21 yo. (if youre a minor, i dont mind you coming to say hello, but do look below the other stuff content for what you need to look out for. you should also know some of you goofy kiddos have energies i dont know how to respond to sometimes, so dont worry if i get awkward or something, its not your fault lolol.)
im in college, so forgive me if im slow, im also just not on tumblr very often :v i dont ghost people on purpose i swEaR-
i might post my f/os on a whole list, idk yet, but theyll prolly be mentioned sometimes to the very least. you can def ask of them tho!! (edited: i made an f/o list if you want to see them.)
i dont know if ill post content of my own f/os or me/my sona for them, but it could be there.
i dont mind sharing f/os!! id love to yell about them together. if you dont like that, then its ok!! i either wont talk about them with you so you can be their person when we talk of them, or you can just block/not interact. ill be sad i dont get to meet you, but its ok.
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other stuff:
Nothing explicit/detailed will normally be posted. but: The worst there will be is just being hormonally silly from kind of "rrr ovaries go brr, chew on theM-" energy of my f/os. i will try to create a tag to mark it with so you can exclude honky content if you want or need to later, tho. from what i know, you can "block" tags. . so i think that will work if you like the other goofy stuff on the blog??
(edited: I DID IT, I DID THEM, LOOK: 🌑obscure tags list for the obscure blog )
NSFW talk can be in DMs, tho.
DO NOT come to me with those concepts if youre a minor tho, oh dear GOD. honky grown-up talk is not for you goofy child-folk.
LGBTQ+ friendly!! im nonbinary and love everybody. youre ok too. 💙
i do roleplay sometimes, but only in dms n please dont go exposing our roleplays to others. . i would be very not comfy :"0
if you want to roleplay, you can dm me to ask but i dont have to say yes or i might not be able to. im slow too dfsdf=
i may or may not make a side blog once i figure out how to do stuff, but know that until then, im going to just post whatever on this one til i know how to do things on tumblr lolol.
forgive me if some of my content gets deleted, edited, whatever as we go. like i said, this whole thing is very new to me and its not very organized for now. its just there. its gonna get wonky over here on my side for a bit.
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• tiny bat gif •
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esssteee · 7 months
"the three body problem" DO YOU HEAR ME SCREAMING?!
I am but a humble beggar desirous of any crumbs you can feed me related to that one
XD XD XD of course YOU would latched on the promise of potential darkolina uh?
ok soooooooo main idea is that we are like 10 years after the main storyline of of monsters and men, and both aleksander and nikolai are doing okay-ish as tsars (which is a ton better than any other lantsovs before them, but still!!! ruling is hard!! people are needy, war isn't exactly over even if there is new, fresh ruling and treaties are coming down faster than people can slap each other's ass, plus on top of that the courtiers who haven't sided with the previous regime and are still very much alive have once more settled in their bad and more than greedy habits of always asking for more). ANYWAY you did not necessarily wished to know the setting but here you go nonetheless!
but the main thing is that we have nikolai (40 y.o., long-haired, bearded jaw, a bit of a pouch thing going on around his waist, just plain gorge) now more mature physically and mentally (or that's what he thinks lol), and who has come into a stage of his life where, even if he is profundly in love with aleksander, feels something is lacking. basically, the man wants a child (not me exploring my own issues here, no ma'am). he does not necessarily want an heir, but he wishes for a family of his own blood (plus there may be some breeding kink that will show its head there, but i'm pushing back the smut with a bat at this point, tho it WILL be smutty, you know me too well not to explore our favs thru sex).
how alina comes in the picture? well she's basically nikolai's best friend and has long ago fallen into disillusionment concerning mal while also feeling something is lacking. oh oh, would you look at that. anyway, she has her circle of friends with grisha and the twins, but she still is considered a saint and someone of a different rank than all of them, a bit like aleksander in that way. the one to be there for her as a human first is hence nikolai. it's friendship, yeah, but it's first of all a deep love and appreciation for each other, something that could so easily become more than it already is. they are already both very physical in their affection, always touching and standing close to each other, always making sure the other is okay and lifting each other's mood when necessary. sweet, fluffy stuff, you know? and aleksander has long learned to be okay with that cause he wants nikolai happy, and alina, well, there is fondness there too, hidden under layers of exasperation and frustration and roughly-healed wounds, but mostly, regarding them both, there is that possessive instinct to hoard and claim. but we gotta keep in mind that the blistered tangle of aleksander and alina's previous relationship is still very much present―how they tolerate, even appreciate each other, but it is def not the easy relation of when alina first joined the Little Palace. so, playing the good-natured king, nikolai wants to mend that, needs to mend that, even, because, self-sacrificing fool that he is, he knows he is not immortal like them (even with aleksander's shadows) and he knows that they will continue on living long after his death. and since they are his two favs persons in the world and were once almost-lovers, well, they should end up together after his death. right? riiiight?
so that's more or less it, the birth of an OT3 with all the hassle of repairing previous relationships, expanding and morphing existing ones into a completely new one, and, perhaps, discovering the desire of parenthood along the way (tho it won't be a kidfic, but there will be multiple talks of it and the quite sexy consequences of such talks).
oh and, what have we here? could this be all in aleksander's pov? oh my XD
SORRY FOR THE WALL OF TEXT but here you go :D :D i have unfortunately almost nothing written, just curt passages here and there and that dumb copy-paste of the wikipedia text on the three body problem, but this has been the ~main~ rotisserie chicken in my head for sure. won't leave me alone at all ;_;
gonna tag @theonewiththeory just so you have the first idea of that darkolina i mentioned the other day 😈😈😈
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pixiestickers · 6 months
Tagged by @mydoctor Thanks
Rules: list your ten favorite albums of all time and tag ten people to list theirs!
When it comes to music I would usually see a meme like this and start thinking of all the ways I could wax eloquently abt my favorite albums, but I am currently depleted of my ability to write atm bc i am mentally maxed out due to school, so here have the short version in no particular order.
The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance. Fell in love with mcr the first time I saw them singing 'I'm not okay' on mtv2, but it wasn't really until Black Parade that I loved every song on one of their albums. I don't skip a single one when I listen to this.
The Archandroid by Janelle Monae. Love Janelle's older stuff more than her newer music with this album at the top. It's just a mixture of exactly what I like. Weird, quirky, and profound all at the same time.
Figure 8 by Elliott Smith. This album has always been great writing inspiration for me. His music, but this album in particular, appears on many of my mental and also actual playlists for my blorbos.
Little Plastic Castle by Ani DiFranco. When I was 18, I saw this album ranked as one to buy by some music magazine and so when I saw it a few months later at a CD store in the mall (remember those? or maybe you don't, you're all probably younger than me) I bought it on a whim. It was a good buy from my many MANY impulsive music buys over the years, bc it started my love for Ani's music. It was also my first foray into music that was somewhat against my upbringing ie conservative evangelical christian. Since then, I've seen Ani 6 times in concert and it's always been a good show.
Feel Good by The Internet. This is just the type of R&B that I love. Like Janelle Monae, it's a little strange with 8-minute-long songs that take twists and turns until they eventually morph into a completely different song, but it's an album I can play from start to finish.
When the Pawn ... by Fiona Apple. One of the few albums I wish I could get on vinyl but it's just way too expensive to justify spending on something i could easily listen to on the CD I bought ages ago (or more likely listening to on spotify). This album has been there for me at my lowest. Sometimes hearing someone else sing about bad breakups and being angry and sad over someone who hurt you, helps you cope with all the times you've had a fight with your SO or had a friend who ghosted you.
The Suburbs by Arcade Fire. Really sad that Win Butler turned out to be a garbage human bc I love this album, but find it hard to listen to now, knowing the band's lead singer is awful. There were other ppl in the band tho (a lot actually, it's a big band) so I figure I'll still add this album to my list for them and to be honest to myself.
Apollo 18 by They Might Be Giants. Flood was the first album I bought by tmbg, but Apollo 18 is the album I can listen to all the way through with the song Narrow Your Eyes being my fav. Considering how weird their music can get, Narrow Your Eyes is a pretty straightforward break-up song on an album that also contains songs like The Statue Got Me High and Hall of Heads.
The Con by Tegan and Sara. Call It Off is one of my most played songs ever, but this whole album is good and was my introduction to them. This was one of the last CDs I actually bought before I started just downloading everything with iTunes and then eventually moving on over to Spotify and buying vinyl.
Blackout by Britney Spears. Good for working out to when I used to work out and I just really love the song Heaven on Earth.
Honorable Mentions: Exile in Guyville by Liz Phair, Bionic by Christina Aguilera, Absolution by Muse, OK Computer by Radiohead, Same Trailer Different Park by Kacey Musgraves, Hounds of Love by Kate Bush, Titanic Rising by Weyes Blood, and Actor by St. Vincent
I tag: @trashangel-dee @alphamano @bethanyactually @ladybender @selkiestorytelleracademia @theangrypomeranian @vanessarama @leaving-a-comment and @dj-osha
And anyone else who would like to do this. Even if we're not mutuals go ahead and tag me. I'm always interested in seeing others' musical tastes.
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sadisthetic · 1 year
jaya string of fate au
ive mentioned string of fate au a few times here. ive finally put it together into a post. okay so the reason why ive taken so long to transfer this is bc ITS FROM JULY OF LAST YEAR. i wasnt sure if i should lightly edit it or rewrite it. because it started out as me complaining about rebooted and then me fucking craving fanfiction and hurt (i do this 24/7) and then it morphed into this au that also doubled as character/relationship analysis and me fixing rebooted with my bare fucking hands in the context of this au
anyways. jaya string of fate au with emphasis on the heartbreak of s3. half of this was written half a year ago. man i was so mad about s3 back then lol
been thinking about s3 again. whats even more frustrating about the bad het drama. is that they didnt even give jay and nya a proper break up. granted their get together wasnt on screen either BUT IF YOURE GONNA OH SO RUDELY TEAR THEM APART LIJE THAT. THE LEAST YOU CAN DO IS DO IT WITH MORE FUCKING PURPOSE. THE WRITERS JUST PITCHED A WRENCH INTO THE WORKS AT BULLET SPEED JUST BECAUSE! JUST BECAUSE THEY WANTED DRAMA. BUT FOR WHAT!!!!!!!!! MAKES ME FUCKING MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL IT DID IS DO JAY DIRTY AND NYAS CHARACTER DIRTY
nyas fucking integrity spit on. you didnt have to make her be like that. it just really fucking made her look BAD. god i wont say jay was a perfect boyfriend but he didnt deserve THAT.
anyways. i want a canon compliant jaya breakup fic set in s3 (present jem speaking: I STILL WANT THIS BY THE WAY.) im so certain nobody has written this. i think heartbreak could be a form of whump if you make it hurt enough.
well. technically. it would be more emotional hurt fic rather than whump. but im a guy who has his definitions twisted. this is whump to me. also im a guy who thinks unromantic things as romantic but also loves love thats void of romance above anything else. i can do both. anyways.
i want jay to feel absolutely crushing heartbreak. i want jay to be hurt. i want him to feel it in his chest. unfairness— rending, jealousy— twisting, want— squeezing. all he yearns for is to be with nya. because he loves her. but apparently... nya doesnt feel the same way. and it hurts
i want to consume heartbreak. i think itll be crunchy on the outside but soft and squishy on the inside. absolute chewable pleasure. lightly salty and bittersweet. i also wanna squeeze jays heart like a stress ball and maybe cause arrhythmia. scratch it a little (a lot). jay is my emotional and physical fucking chew toy
and so to make heartbreak a bit more whumpy tho... i thought up of red string of fate au...
in this version of this concept, the red string of fate is something that needs to be tied by the pair together. and the feelings behind it is what gives the string color. but sometimes if a love is fated to be, the red of the string is instantly, intensely vibrant, almost glowing 
but you dont know who your soulmate is until you actually get together and tie the knot. it is not preexisting, the string does not connect people together for them to find each other before they even know the other exists. it only exists when two people make the decision to bind each other to themselves. most people dont find their soulmate but because its so often the case ppl are content with someone who isnt bc you dont need to find love in your soulmate alone, love is abundant in other places. but that isnt to say the red string of fate isnt romanticized in society tho. anyways. nya likes jay and their string is a pleasant warm red thats a little pink. its typical color for those who arent soulmates but its ok
jay is a little smitten in a slightly overbearing way tho. i think they are a couple who are a little bit mismatched in terms of showing affection. and also nya is very independent type so jays chivalrous tendencies grates on her a little but she lets it slide bc to her, jays positives outweigh his negs. hes cute and funny and they both can geek out and bond over tech stuff. thats a part of the fun. 
but then the match maker thing happens and nya doesnt immediately start considering cole as a romantic interest. but she does start... considering things tho. why cole could be her match. and if he really is her soulmate. why isnt jay her perfect match? its less nya becoming interested in someone else and more nya examining herself to think about what she actually wants for herself and what she wants in a person and if jay really isnt the right guy for her in the end. she doesnt know if cole would actually give her what she wants more than jay does. but she does grow more aware of the mismatch between her and jay
but before anything could be done about her doubts and dismiss it all and just carry on with their relationship, jay finds out in the trailer and is devastated. and intensely jealous of cole.. because hes been a bit insecure about his and nyas relationship for a while now also. he jumps the gun too quick before nya could reassure him so then that Fight happens and things get messy and ugly really fast. jay makes himself look really bad in front of nya which unfortunately reinforces her doubts in jay and she thinks. maybe they shouldnt be together after all. 
and so one night nya talks to jay alone. she explains herself. how shes been feeling about them. how she wants to focus on herself. and that hes too much for her and hes stifling her and she thinks it would be better if they cut things off and go back to being friends. and then she cuts the string that binds them together before jay could even object. it stings for nya but for jay it feels like his heart was sliced in two. literally. he feels a sharp pain that makes him clutch his chest. for nya, she had more time to process the severance. because she was sorta falling out of love for a while. her side of the string has become desaturated and dull. which is why she doesnt hurt as much
she doesnt realize how much jay truly loves her and how much it would hurt him when the string was cut. so when jay falls to his knees, tears falling, she just turns and walks away because she thinks its just from the heartbreak. she knew she was breaking jays heart
she doesnt realize how much hes literally hurting, how she left his heart bleeding. she knew but she didnt know. its most painful experience jay has ever felt in his life. a searing ache. theres a sudden painful void instead where there once was nyas love. its loss that was much too abrupt
heartbreak cant kill a person but it can leave them wounded. and with an abrupt disconnection like that, its why jay hung onto those feelings for nya for months after even tho he never acted on them. his half of the string refused to wither away and he didnt want to discard it either. how could he when he still loved nya. but he couldnt do anything about it though. nya made up her mind. and jay knew her well enough that she would probably hate him more if he chased after her. and so... he kept his feelings close to his chest and his sad, loose thread wrapped around his finger tight all the way until skybound...
okay. now present day jem speaking. that was the end of original story i had written on twitter... its meant to be a missing scene (inbetween seasons) fic + au. canon compliant except for the fact its set in this au. so skybound more or less carries out the same way. except minor details being changed...
such as nadakhan approaching jay. he tells him he cannot fix or create strings of fate. but he can give him other means of winning nyas heart... 
although this isnt a part of the “fic” i do imagine at the end of their divorce era.... nya who had casted away her old string, remakes her string to tie to the end of jays (and her) old one where she cut in. the thing is making strings of fate is something anyone can do regardless of being fated to be or not. what the string of fate is in this au is more of an oath... an intention to be together to the end of time. the two people are choosing to bind their fate to each other. nya, who had felt stifled in a relationship and decided she didnt need to be in one back all the months ago, realized something in skybound.... the string of fate isnt a contract or a shackle. not like how she thought... its a sentiment of how much you care about somebody to want to be connected forever. till death do us part. and jay very sincerely wanted that. he wanted to be with nya forever. and nya realizes... despite all his flaws, she really cares about him. she does want to be with him forever. she wants to be together with everyone, all her friends, her family forever. i think she doesnt know the nature of her feelings for jay. they are a bit conflicted and shes not sure how to sort out her desires from her feelings. but i think she decides to give jay a second chance of sorts. when they tie the loose ends the color on nyas side is an ambiguous grey barely tinging pink 
she tells jay she doesnt want to just get back together. she wants them to start over. and jay isnt sure what that means. and by the color of the string hes not sure if it means theyre dating again either. its a very ambiguous ground theyre standing on. but... jay takes the fact that nya retied their string to mean something. that nya isnt rejecting him anymore. that she cares. that he means something to her. it gives jay hope. his feelings for her havent changed... but he decides that to just be. and take things slow. hes happy even if hes confused by what nya wants. hes connected to her again.... and that means so much to jay
i think that their relationship from the end of skybound and onward is a bit more slowburn. well its a weird sorta slowburn. because theyre together but not really. its about them figuring their relationship out. and also nya falling back in love for reals. i love navigation of ambiguous relationships. i think for a while for nya the term “girlfriend”/“boyfriend” is more loaded than the term “soulmate”. thats how fucking weird their relationship got. whats not ambiguous is that nya does love him. she wouldnt have retied their string if she didnt. whats ambiguous is the nature of that love.... its not quite platonic but shes hesitant to call it romantic. whatever. they have time to figure it out
okay. that turned out so much more aro than i was intending. but i do like leaving it like that tho. feelings are difficult to navigate arent they sometimes? how they figure it out is up to whoever. love is love. they are more than “just” friends. but romance itself is a difficult and different beast than love. but jay and nya.... they meet halfway somehow. even if it takes a bit of work
ALSO. LOOK AT THIS ART BY DAN @rotten-dan he drew it for me several months ago when i first finished this au’s original thread which ended at the breakup skdjgthulkd. HEARTBREAK!!!!!!!!!!! YEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you again dan for drawing this for me 
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also. heres some bonus supplemental worldbuilding that doesnt pertain to story stuff but fleshes out how i picture the world in this au to work. most of this was written to answer dans questions about this au lol... not necessary to read unless if youre interested in my take of string of fate concept lol. or unless youre interested in the bit about bruiseshipping in this au at the very end
the string is often attached to the ring finger. so its a very romantic gesture when couples tie it together to each others fingers. like putting wedding rings on each other but its more of a cute fluffy thing rather than binding. not ceremony but its a Thing. its the same level of formality as asking someone out. and string is like. supernatural. its not completely physical but its definitely exists and can be touched. but not as if a literal string is tied to them if you know what i mean? like if the pair are far apart then the strings middle isnt visible but the ends that are tied floats towards the direction of their partner. the string is like. metaphysical. its a perceivable, somewhat tangible representation of love
but if desired the string can be cut if the parties want to separate. but it usually hurts. like a lot of breakups do.
okay so. the thing is with like. almost all soulmate aus. is that they know about their soulmate. or that the evidence of who it is is instantly visible. and like..... that sorta kills part of the fun? of falling in love?
so what if they dont know until they decide to try each other out first. thats the like. the thought behind the set up for this
like. theres sometimes the occasional dumbass whos going off constantly try to find their soulmate but ultimately a soulmate isnt someone you can simply Search for and find. so those kind of people end up being pricks who never will find a soulmate in their life because they dont want to work things out with ppl who arent their soulmate. the pursuit of a soulmate will usually end in disappointment
but sometimes. for the people who do find their soulmate. its because they gravitated to each other in the first place. 
like they fell in love with each other naturally. they liked the person for who they are. and so they decided to get together because they enjoy the other person so much. so when they realize they are meant to be they laugh like oh of course! they were meant to be. theyre like the hallmark movie couple of couples and the few of the very lucky ones
not being soulmates doesnt mean you can only fall in love with your soulmate tho. you can fall in love with anyone. regardless of whether theyre your soulmate or not. and even if theyre not. why does that fucking matter? the important thing isnt that they arent meant to be, but that they love each other anyways. isnt that more romantic? fuck fate the one i love is you
usually nonsoulmate relationship take more work. because the instant perfect chemisty of fated couples isnt there. buuuut. isnt that how love is like in reality? love is work sometimes. love is sometimes hard. but love is also worth it. so making the decision to work for it is more easy the more youre in love. not always the case. but in the healthy couples its usually the case
previously that the feeling behind the thread gives it its color. so. the string can end up being a different color if the feelings felt arent romantic love. most people dont know this though bc ppl who usually tie it are couples. and also it takes both of them to tie the string. every single relationship has a theoretical string color. its just most people who actually want the string are couples usually couples. and so for example, most aros dont ever even think of trying to tie it with someone bc they dont want that kinda bind. but if a curious aro wants to try it out bc they are questioning about their best friend if the two of them agree just to see. their string could actually be a different color than red. because the feelings behind it are platonic
its also entirely possible for a string to be entirely black between enemies hfhjskl. but however those kind of pair would usually NEVER tie the string together bc you know hbghsk. enemies. but if they were. it would be that color. but maybe some insane enemies who are obsessed with each other would do it tho. you know fated enemies and such
..... i have thoughts about bruiseshipping in this au also. theyre best friends, they can bind each other if they wanted to. they have the mutual sentiment required to. but due to the culture surrounding the red string of fate specifically, they never think to. even if they did consider it once they didnt ever bring it up bc awkward!!!!!! the string of fate is the symbol of love. couples treat it a bit frivolously but it is a loaded thing. the string of fate is conversely isnt strictly about love but its just often the case when you want to connect the souls of two people for eternity its usually because of love. theoretically i think their string color would actually oscillate between black and their standard representative color (maybe ill go with light blue lol....) depending on if theyre fighting or not. because it would be funny if it did. also. i think they might try it only after jay and nya retie their string of fate. because then they see its an option to tie strings of fate nonromantically. so theyre like... hey.... do you wanna like... just see? and thats that. two besties bound. jay has two strings of fate now
hysterically it would be funny if all the ninjas did it to each other. it would be a mess. but a colorful one. you know those ship charts where ppl draw lines for their otps and notps. its like that but its not shipping its just relationships and also every single person is connected to every single other person. not saying it has to happen in this au its just that the image of it is so fucking funny to me i had to say it. it would be useful tho if they wanted to find each other wherever they are. practical
maybe they should do that. idk
anyways. thats the end of my au. the post is longer than my og thread of it hjhklkjlkghjf. anyways. thats my weird subversion of string of fate au for jaya. writing the endgame jaya part tonight made think again. damn. im so fucking aro. i think the way i write romance always turn out not so romantic because of it. but also. THIS IS PEAK ROMANCE. SUBVERT BORING ROMANCE TROPES INTO SOMETHING LESS AMATANORMATIVE AND MORE INTERESTING FOR YOUR ENRICHMENT. I RECOMMEND IT. ITS MORE FUN. thats my biased aro ass speaking tho. but for reals. subvert tropes. find out what makes something truly romantic. anyways thanks for reading all of this. i am very fond of this au..... especially for the breakup scene lol...............
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somer-writes · 5 months
So, I have a million questions I want to ask you about deity stuff, but since apparently I can’t WORD this week, I’ll just ask you what comes to mind since I’m writing a fic with an adjacent question at its core, and I love so many of your stories and insights.
What do you think would make Sky completely lose faith in Hylia? How would he respond, in your opinion?
what a question mark
i got this though, had to hop back on my compooter for this one tho get that full keyboard swagggg
OK throughout many of the zelda games, its demonstrated that good and evil is a conscious choice and effort. some of them explore the characters' boundaries with these choices, others explore the idea of corruptive forces as a natural illness.
and some people might say "well the gods are exempt" except the gods are not! demise and hylia have agency. they make plans and active choices and sacrifices in order to get what they want in whatever fashion that is. even in twilight princess the idea that ganon receives the triforce of power is a cruel joke from the gods
often explored in zelda is this idea of balance. the triforce came from three goddesses and yet we routinely see power be abused or the wielder of power destined to do evil. would this then not mean that the goddesses are also weighing their own virtues against one another in an effort to maintain a harmonious balance of good and evil
i think at its core, the zelda series (perhaps due to OoT having its own overarching religious meta regarding japanese buddhism) explores this notion of an ever present balancing act of good/evil, light/dark, divine/mortal and further that one is necessary for the other
SO what would make sky, a mortal, turn his back on hylia, the divine?
i think hylia actively making a choice of cruelty even for the sake of "the greater good". and maybe further, bc sky is so baked into it from the start, it takes him a while to realize hes been utilized as a pawn to exact some notion of cruel fate on someone else
it could be something dramatic like hylia calling for the death of maybe another mortal, but i think it could even be something which speaks to skys protectiveness. what if zelda was slowly unravelling in a constant tug of war between her own mortality and being a divine vessel? sky watches the woman he loves slowly lose touch with her people but have no company in her righteousness either. if zelda has prophetic dreams, what if she sees her loved ones die? what if sky sees them too? what if sky pleads to hylia to just please show zelda a little bit of mercy and give her some peace and hylia refuses bc thats what zelda was born for
or even within the realm of the heros curse, sky realizing that the curse was never *his* fault the way hes felt, but the result of a struggle between greater powers that he had to intervene in bc hylia *lost*
i dont think sky is entitled in any way, but imagine him sacrificing what remains of his childhood, giving up his own peace and serenity, seeing the ugliness in the world, and hylia cant do him or zelda this *one* favor and let her get a good nights rest or comfort him when he sees the heroes who come after
and then as that begins to snowball, sky slowly dwelling on this idea that he has no choice and never did. groose changes of his own volition. groose morphs from a bully into one of links closest friends (or lovers depending on the hc). groose makes an active decision to become a better person and write his own destiny by entangling himself with zelda and links. zelda and link never had the luxury of choice to begin with. they are divine objects more or less.
link gets to see other skyloftians build lives their way. they pursue their passions and make a place in the world through active self exploration but links fate was written for him before he was even born
and hylias not perfect otw demise would have never needed to be resealed right? he wouldve been destroyed
i think it would be a slow unraveling that starts with just a thread. one bad dream too many, one out of touch remark, one instance of zelda pulling away and i think it unrolls into the rest of this insanity and ultimately leads to an identity crisis
bc perhaps link *does* turn his back on hylia but is that really a choice he has? what happens when hylia needs her chosen hero again? will he be forced to act or simply compelled bc if he doesnt he'll lose everyone and everything?
in a way, that choice gives link an opportunity to exact cruelty himself bc hylia needs him more than he needs her
as for his response to the crisis, i think he would actually grieve. hylia is a lot closer to skyloftians than other instances of hylians. i think link would go through the 5 stages
denying that hylia could ever be capable of doing wrong or making a mistake
angry that it falls on him, angrier that it falls on zelda
bargaining for some kind of answer or response
depressed over his own lack of agency
acceptance that he can still make his own path regardless of faith or not
and i think in the end link would end up in a sort of easy reverence of hylia. not necessarily blind worship of her as maybe he did previously, but a deeper understanding of the worlds natural current. i think ultimately it brings him peace to know that his life *does* mean something, that hes done something worthwhile, and i think he develops his own compass out of it
after all is said in done, i think he relies on hylia and a divine structure less and looks inward for reflections and instincts. to that end, i think he mostly gives up on the hero thing and is determined to form his own identity. hero is not synonymous with good person and i think at his core, link just wants to be a good person and he realizes he can do that without hylias guidance
so i guess the loss of faith isnt a total loss of faith. he would still have faith in hylia to some degree that things will work out but i do think he loses faith in hylias capability
ANYWAY sorry this was so long, hopefully it makes sense lmao
we could get further into legacy too with link realizing that just bc hylia and himself cant be separated, she has nothing on his legacy through say his children or the way the kingdom gets built
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pearblossommina · 1 year
ToG Read-a-Long, Queen of Shadows, day 7
Ch 38
Learning Lysandra’s a shapeshifter is kind of cool, but also, all of a sudden I feel like I’m reading Crescent City
Hopefully they can free magic soon so she can transform into the fanged, clawed beast she once was.
The interrogation of Stevan, even though he’s begging for death, gives me a lot of hope.
Aw my little heart, when they visit Sam’s grave. I never thought maybe Sam was her mate. (Personally I think it was Nehemia; but Sam was also loved by her once, and since she said she’s not interested in women, it makes more sense for it to have been him.) I wonder if in this world you can have more than one mate. If not, in some ways, it’s better to be human, since your heart can heal and you can fall in love as many times as you want.
I think I like falling in love more than being mates, anyway. It’s more meaningful, if you get to decide for yourself who you love, than leaving it up to fate or god or some cauldron.
Anyway. I’m really rooting for Aelin and Rowan to fall in love. I feel like they’re already 90% of the way there, and it’s not gonna take much, to push them over the edge
Is spooky
Elide is a friend of Aelin’s too! The part where she was talking about dreaming of her one day coming to rescue her, y’all, this girl reads so gay, and I love her.
I’m glad both of the boys are here and I’m glad Aedion wants to kill Arobynn but I want Aelin to be the one to do it. She deserves to brutally ruthlessly murder that man and it would be a very meaningful death for her.
I love how sexy she is in her dress
I love to see Rowan pining for her!
Arobynn is a twisted mf
Flirting quietly with ROWAN ~ flirt flirt mind flirt~ you two! <3 will you please consummate. PLEASE
She died her hair red to impersonate Arobynn, lol.
Ok, I hate him, but like, yeah, I guess it is kinda cool that he morphed her into a badass. What would she have become, if it weren’t for the assassin’s guild? (Still hate him tho)
OOOH that mother fucker
I guess I fell for it, too. Man. The Valg commander getting his ring finger sliced off gave me a small bright moment of hope, and yeah, i was thinking about Dorian. But I guess I know that doesn’t work now, because he still seemed to be possessed by his demon even after losing the ring. Unless he was faking that, too?
Arobynn is such a SLEAZE.
“All this time i thought it would be a relief, a joy to end him. But all I feel is hollow. And tired.” Aw baby no
You should be dancing on his fucking grave
“Don’t do that. Don’t - touch me like that.”
Rowan quit sending mixed signals, you’re centuries years old and she’s a fucking teenager, you have to spell it out or she’s gonna get her feelings hurt, boy. Don’t be rude. Just tell her you’re not ready/that you have reservations about bedding your Queen/that you want to feel a little safer in the world before you can initiate something romantic/whatever. Don’t you dare phrase it like that or she’s gonna think you’re not interested, YOU DUMMY
“A gift, she knew - a gift from the queen who had nothing else to give a no-name whore with a sad story.” Lysandra! Girl, don’t ever let me hear you using words like that about yourself again. Please be kind to yourself! There’s no shame in your profession and Aelin is not better than you just because she’s a queen. You are a star and I am rooting for you.
Murder that guy, show no mercy!!!!
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crowning-art · 1 year
Ohhhh today we get into some lore bits!
As annoying as Pei Ming is, this was so funny that I actually liked him for 0.2 seconds lmao
Pei Ming was probably also startled by her, and was in shock for a long time before he spoke.
“You are…”
Xuan Ji sneered coldly.
Yet unexpectedly, after a pause, Pei Ming asked, “Who are you?”
Wait this line.....
Pei Ming’s voice came. “His Highness’ spiritual device is pretty useful. I’ll have to forge one for myself too, sometime.”
“If you knew how it was forged, you wouldn’t say so…” Xie Lian thought.
I remember reading a spoiler by accident but wasn't Rouye his mom or smt?? Lmao did he kill his mom or smt? I don't think he would do that tho...
“Yeah, I could feel that female ghost’s love has morphed into hatred, she’s going nuts!”
“I don’t think so. I’m sure she couldn’t do it. Want to eat some melon seeds?”
“Give me another handful, thanks.”
“How can everyone be in the mood to munch on melon seeds?” Xie Lian frowned.
“Your Highness, didn’t you munch a bunch too?” the people said.
Only then did Xie Lian realize that while he was so focused on the show earlier, he unconsciously received a handful of melon seeds they had passed over, and he’d eaten them all. He slapped his forehead.
Lol I was so confused like wait Yushi Huang is a female??? I thought it was a male this whole time? But then I realized it was because she was addressed as Lord Rain Master instead of Lady Rain Master! She seems cool so far
I mean I did say Lang Ying was bad news a year ago! I mean he hasn't even shown up yet BUT STILL
“What did he look like?” Xie Lian pressed.
“It wasn’t clear,” the Rain Master said. “Because his head was wrapped in bandages.”
Head wrapped in bandages?!
Xie Lian was dumbfounded. “Was it Lang Ying?!”
Anyways, reunion when?
They are living in a rom-com and completing every trope for reals lmaoo current trope: sleepover!
Xie Lian walked off for a bit and had wanted to just find a tree to lean against and lie down for a bit, but Hua Cheng dug out a bunch of ropes and cloth from who knows where, and set up two swinging hammock beds between two trees. The two of them climbed in, and there was ample space, very comfortable to lie in.
Ok, just like the others, Yushi Huang's story was so tragic! Not as bad as the others (but also theirs did take a turn for the worst later on and there might be a later on with her story too...) ALSO GENERAL PEI??? WHAT??? HOW IS HE EVERYWHERE THO??? I wonder if Yushi Huang ever liked him....
The people at the bottom saw someone stuck on top of the roof, unable to come down, and all thought it funny. Even the princesses and princes of Yushi were snickering with their mouths covered. It was only a general of Xuli who, after chuckling, leapt up and brought her down.
This general was of course Pei Ming.
HOLY OH MY GOD I HAVE TO APPLAUD THE GENIUS OF RONG GUANG'S PLAN That was literally so chillingly well thought out and beautiful that I kinda just HAVE to appreciate it, yknow? Like genuinely stunningly beautiful and genius
The Xuli troops brought over hundreds of felons on the death row from Yushi, dressed them up as normal civilians, and dragged them before the palace gates. Then, he told King Yushi: if he should come out himself and kowtow three times to show penance for oppressing his people, and kill himself in atonement, then he would let those civilians go and not lay a single finger on any of the remaining members of the royal house. If he should refuse, Pei Ming would chop off those civilians’ heads. He gave the royals three days’ time, and every passing day in those three, a new group would be killed. After three days passed, they would invade the palace to kill the royals, then kill the rest of the civilians.
If King Yushi refused to come out, then he was selfish and didn’t love his people. The awkward thing was, King Yushi had always publicized that he loved his people like his children; if his words and actions didn’t match, it would for sure produce resentment in the people, thinking they’d been deceived. “Didn’t you say you loved your people like your children? Why would you turn around and have the civilians be sacrificed for the sake of royalty?” This would then destroy their loyalty to the Yushi royalty.
Thus, in less than an hour, in the crudest and most rushed succession ceremony in the history of the Kingdom of Yushi, the monarch who was the least likely to become queen was born.
The new Queen of Yushi slit her own throat, and blood poured like a fountain; no doubt, beyond saving.
Like Xuan Ji had no right to disregard her as Queen after everything she did
Rom cooooooommmmmm this time the trope is: cute motorcycle/bike ride (well ox in this case lmao) while holding your beloved's waist lmao
The black ox sped rapidly, and Xie Lian’s body was leaning back slightly from the force, almost like he was sitting in Hua Cheng’s embrace. He smiled as he listened.
“There sure isn’t anything San Lang doesn’t know; it’s like no tales or classics can trip you up.”
Hua Cheng smiled too. “Is there anything else gege wants to know? I’ll tell you everything, if it’s within my knowledge.
Obsessed with the imagery here! Just putting it here so I can find it again in the future lol
The reason why this mountain looked like it was dyed in the colour of blood was because the forests on this mountain were all red. They weren’t maples, but they were crimson like maples; the colour of blood. Xie Lian could also smell the stench of blood. It seemed the nutrients of the plants here consisted of plenty of resentment and human blood.
OK THERE IS TWO POSSIBILITIES: so it's Jun Wu as White No Face OR Lang Ying since they both have strong connections to the human face disease incident
“Since this person destroyed the other two murals, then why didn’t they destroy this one too?”
Hua Cheng asked. “Why did they leave just this one? And it just had to be the one of the Human Face Disease?
“The third possibility is, it wasn’t that this person didn’t want to destroy all the murals, but they didn’t make it in time. Just as they were destroying the other two, we came in. So now, they’re hiding in the grand hall this very moment.”
Ahhhhh I wonder who it can be~ I'm gonna be sitting with anticipation the whole day tomm!!! And I imagine tomm's read will go a lot like this lol
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oblivioustoast · 2 years
since i don't know any of your ocs i want to hear you explain your top three faves :-) (if you can even rank them)
ooh, lemme see. this might be long 😅
1. Aerin Maxwell - Aerin is probably my top fav, ride or die OC. I came up with her in middle school (i’m about to turn 31) (the relentless passage of time makes me 🤪). She was originally a sky pirate in a Firefly-esque world, but without space. Her original plot was a sky captain on the search for her brother who was maybe involved in some secret government project to access alternate timelines? Now she’s the OC i throw into almost every piece of media I wanna engage with.
Since I was a kid, a lot of her characteristics were borrowed from other stuff I liked back then. Her last name and long braid are taken from Duo Maxwell from Gundam Wing. She had/has a cool golden eye implant that was inspired by grown up Enzo from Reboot. (depending what universe she’s in, she has a golden eye under her eyepatch that can project maps, in other worlds it’s just a regular blind eye, sometimes she has both eyes)
She’s also morphed a little more into a pirate-cowboy hybrid over the years (mostly because i was into Brisco County Jr. in college). But her vibes have always been… cool lady with a shotgun 😂 Aerin is pretty much what I always wished I could be, self assured, competent, easily liked by others, good at running around and doing cool action stuff, passionate/compassionate, witty, Tall! Sigh.. she’s so dreamy. Her character colors are red and brown.
2. Adrian Edwards - ok I said Aerin was my ride or die, but i also have so so so much love in my heart for Adrian. He was initially created alongside my wife’s oc Liam Bardsley. Both regency boys - and I don’t remember this at all 😅 but apparently the idea was that Liam was made to reflect Romanticism, while Adrian was made to represent Gothic Literature. which makes sense! but i totally forgot haha
Now Adrian and Liam are part of an rpg podcast we do with our friends called Dandies in Danger! Adrian is a severely depressed poet, with the taste for the macabre and the unfortunate knack for picking up slightly cursed curios. As the eldest son, he’s supposed to take up a position at his family’s newspaper but he doeessnnnttt wwaaannntt ttooooo. This boy is super neurodivergent.
And in the way Aerin encapsulates a lot of traits I would like to have, Adrian is saddled with a bunch of my insecurities - depression, social anxiety, loneliness, too honest at times, self sabotaging. But he feels very deeply and cares a lot, even tho he doesn’t want people to think he does. His character colours are blue, black, silver (sometimes wine red).
3. Exile Redlink - it was hard picking a 3rd actually :0 but i’m gonna go with Exile. Also originally created way back in middle school - based entirely around scrambling my name and substituting some letters. At the time, she didn’t have a lot of substance, just kinda of an edgy goth look. But recently I felt like refurbishing her, while still embracing that middle school edgelord flavour.
So now she’s a teenager (like 15 i think?) cursed with being a demon!! 😱 Her story is set in a sort of fantasy sort of horror sort of sci-fi world. So she lives out in a pretty rural village, when bandits (or are they??) attack. Her mom hides her and when the coast is clear, she comes out to discover everyone has been killed 😱😱 in response to this, she goes to the village temple to fight god 🙂 Said god takes this poorly and curses her.
When I was a kid, I always drew her carrying a scythe - so I repurposed that into a big, evil cursed scythe that she has to carry around. The idea is that it builds up evil energy that she has to regularly disperse by killing stuff - or it’ll build up too much and like… explode. So she decides she’s gonna go around killing other demons. Exile has a lot of attitude and snark (it’s the trauma..) and is generally a rabble rousing little punk. My wife and I have a few characters in the story with her, so she eventually gets friends and a girlfriend. I can’t remember how her curse is supposed to be lifted or if we ever deconstruct the idea of demons and what it means for her to go around killing them instead of humans 😅 but that would be rly interesting to explore. Her characters colours are kind of undecided, but i associate her mostly with black and gold (as a demon she gets bleach blonde hair lol)
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dragon-giggles · 1 year
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Yooooo, I got a Hanna-Barbera oc! His name is Frimby Fox and I love him!
God, I came up with him when I was 13 maybe... His design was so different back then and honestly I'm still making a few little changes but this is what he looks like for the most part!
Ok here's some things about him:
Frimby was a ghost at first, a young man who hadn't died long ago, but he took the form of a cartoon fox! So, he's a ghost as well pretty much!
Before he died, Frimby was a guy who loved cartoons and wanted to be a cartoonist! So when he died and learned he could morph his ghost body, he took on the form of a cartoon!
To him, cartoons and being one means being a piece of art come to life! Frimby has a pretty wide mindset and believes in all kinds of stuff like the supernatural and superstitions (he strongly believes in things like Bigfoot for ex.) so he's not really bothered by the idea of drawings being alive.
He doesn't have his own show but he likes to help everyone else out with theirs.
Loves hanging out with all the Hanna-Barbera characters! Snagglepuss is kinda his bestie tho
Has trouble thinking of himself as a real cartoon a lot. It's because he wasn't drawn or brought to life like other cartoons were since he took on his own form and he's technically dead (cause he's a ghost) rather than being a 'piece of art brought to life'. Has thought really over complicated stuff about it before.
ok, here's stuff that's more about his features and personality:
He's 4'11
His eyes are brown
I've debated ever since the day I made him what I think his voice would sound like. Most of the time I picture him with something like an Ed Wynn voice so I may keep it at that.
He can be pretty energetic at some times and relaxed and laid back at other times. He's just mixed up like that lol
He's pretty fine about talking with his friends and people he's comfortable with but he's pretty introverted with others.
Loves to be goofy and make his friend laugh!
Ok that's all I got about him for now, but I'll probably post more about him soon!
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bananzerocs · 2 years
i think val and julian would be friends actually. its the Scrungliness. julian can teach val all about the nintendo
ricky and erik = IMMENSE trouble for everyone around lbr
maisie staring up at losha and leriya with stars in her eyes, getting them to tell her all about their lives
Oh YEAH Val and Julian would totally get along. It's the scrungliness. As much storyline and setting fir Full Moon Living develops, his jobs keeps changing, so Val hanging out with a guy who's just so pathetic but is actually a hotshot lawyer (latest iteration of Julian's job YES INSPIRED BY EXTRAORDINARY ATTORNEY WOO DONT AT ME) is sooo funny to me.
Val: what do you do for a living?
Julian: I'm a lawyer.
Val: ...... ok........
Of course Julain explains the WHOLE LOZ timeline to Val who's just sitting there and sort of thinks it's a true story (??? Julian is explaining it in such DETAIL and with such ENTHUSIASM) but isn't sure and at this point is MUCH too afraid to ask.
Julian ofc thinks Val is great but he's a little worried for him. Like is this guy okay? Has he been involved in some shady stuff and needs a lawyer? Julian will definitely take the case since Val is a great guy, if a bit awkward (SO ARE YOU, JULIAN!!! SO ARE YOU!!!). Would definitely encourage Val to go get the girl (HYPOCRITE!!! can't even do that urself) and give surprisingly good advice? Definitely give all legal advice about stuff, tho idk what legal adviceVal would need....
Ricky and Erik would create so much chaos 😔 RIP world. Especially because Ricky's go to solution to a problem is "shoot with gun". Makes me wonder how Erick would react to Ricky pulling a gun for a relatively minor issue.
Losha and Leriya upon encountering Maisie would immediately be like "a child...."
Losha would be like "Hey kid you want to learn how to juggle? Wanna learn how to defuse a bomb? Wanna learn how to MAKE a bomb? Wanna learn how to breathe fire? Wanna learn how to take down a guy twice your size? Wanna wear clown make up?!"
Leriya would have the same reaction she does to every child/teen she encounters which is "yikes a child" morphing within a few minutes to an hour to "I never understood why people liked their dumb kids until I got a dumbkid myself. Now, if anything happened to Maisie I would kill everyone in this room and then myself."
Happens every time with Leriya, like clockwork. She'd definitely join Losha in teaching Maisie all SORTS of cool and dangerous new tricks.
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sztefa001 · 24 days
Oh damn ok let's go
Got tagged by @loki-n-thedoctor
Last song: "Tell Me What I Am" - a fansong for The Amazing Digital Circus (real banger, big recommend)
Currently watching: uhhh waiting for new eps of TFE if that counts
Three ships: how dare you make me choose from my whole mightly fleet. But ok, rn my tf ocs TerrorRain and Morphine live rent free in my head (at least they're not fighting for once). Second ship would be them but humanformers and third also them but merformers (Terry as a shark and Morph as octopus).
Favorite color: OURBL
Currently consuming: I had spaghetti bolognese for dinner
First ship: uhhh The Blue Knight and the ant he saved, from "Przygody Błękitnego Rycerzyka" (Adventures of the Blue Knight) which was kinda messed up 'cuz she was a child but a few episodes later she was all grown up 'cuz ants grow different??? I was like 5 at the time so I just shrugged it off (tho the end implies they became besties at least and tbh together with the beetle they could ttly be a found family / ace poluclue)
Relationship status: so single I can't even selfship ;w;
Last movie: Fuckin uhhhhhhhh... *[windows error sfx]*
Currently working on: several job tasks at once x.x
Tagging: @president-alpine @doublemod and @perytonpred :3c
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anzynai · 2 months
Lovegirl what is going AWN with the marriage vow renewals. because I want to renew my vows too
Let’s all prowl under the eery yet familiar shine of the moonlight, frolicking around mischievously and gracefully in the tall grass as we morph to our natural alpha forms and then howl our vows on top of a hill before going on a romantic massacre through the nearest village 😍😍🥰
kissing you all on the lips and the kids on the forehead MUAH
omg my beloved divine enchantress?!?!?!! what a surprise to see u here…. and yeah, i mean. we have all been married for twenty years..
our passion has not yet died, however, even if the gaps between us widen. so yes, let us renew our vows, my love.
it’s a bit long so ill put in under the cut <3 think of it as for your eyes only (even tho anyone will be able to see but shhhh)
can we honestly e date? you’re so beautiful. You always make me laugh, you always make me smile. You literally make me want to become a better person… I really enjoy every moment we spend together. My time has no value unless its spent with you. I tell everyone of my irls how awesome you are. Thank you for being you. Whenever you need someone to be there for you, know that i’ll always be right there by your side. I love you so much. I don’t think you ever realize how amazing you are sometimes. Life isn’t as fun when you’re not around. You are truly stunning. I want you to be my soulmate. I love the way you smile, your eyes are absolutely gorgeous. If I had a star for everytime you crossed my mind i could make the entire galaxy. Your personality is as pretty as you are and thats saying something. I love you, please date me. I am not even calling it e dating anymore because I know we will meet soon enough heart OK I ADMIT IT I LOVE YOU OK i hecking love you and it breaks my heart when i see you play with someone else or anyone commenting in your profile i just want to be your girlfriend and put a heart in my profile linking to your profile and have a walltext of you commenting cute things i want to play video games talk in discord all night and watch a movie together but you just seem so uninsterested in me it hecking kills me and i cant take it anymore i want to remove you but i care too much about you so please i’m begging you to eaither love me back or remove me and never contact me again it hurts so much to say this because i need you by my side but if you dont love me then i want you to leave because seeing your icon in my friendlist would kill me everyday of my pathetic life.
BUT REAL TALK: i miss u sm and it world be kinda funny and a little embarrassing if it wasnt who i think it is, but no one has ur stupid humor but u LMAO anyways, if u ever decide to come back, ill welcome u with open arms and it not, well, thats fine too. I LOVE U SOOO MUCH, cant wait for the next time u come bless my inbox MWAH MWAH MWAHHHH
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excelsior9173 · 5 months
Hihi Exie, I had a sleep token dream but it was kinda a weird fucked up nightmare haha. The more I think about it the tho the more…. Interesting it was??
Basically, dream me fell through a weird portal, and then I was trying to get to a different portal (which where electric blue, and pulsing and could move), and see if it would take me back to where I was before. I spent a lot of time going through different portals. At one point people were after me, and the only portal I could find was off the side of an old wooden bridge, and I was gearing myself up to jump into it, but the bridge lowered itself, or maybe the portal moved up to me? Idk if I had control in this dream at all, or if that’s just how the dream worked? But if I did have control I didn’t ‘consciously’ use it.
After a bit Vessel just kinda showed up?
Idk if that’s the right way to describe it, haha. He showed up like a bat outta hell out of one of the portals, the whole atmosphere changed, and at first I was like ‘oh SHIT’ and tried to hide, which ended up making me fall through a different portal.
At first I ended up back at my house, and I was like ‘oh, good!’ And then I saw that there were other people in my house that I didn’t know. Thinking back in the dream they seemed, very… hostile towards me? It was a mom and her child, and she was… she wasn’t outwardly hostile to me, but like now that I’m thinking about it her body language wasn’t welcoming.
In the dream, I didn’t think anything of it, as one tends to do In Dreams, and I was just relived to be home, and then Vessel burst through the back door.
The kid went and hid in my room, and I followed him back there cause I didn’t want him to be back there, and the lady followed us, cause she was now growing hostile to me, as I reached to get the kid out of my closet and turned around she was reaching for me, and I Knew I didn’t want her to touch me, but then Vessel popped up and hit her with one of my mom’s cast iron frying pans, and I filped out at him, like ‘you can’t just hit random people with iron pans!’
She got knocked out, but there was no sign of like. Actually being hurt? And then the room morphed into what it looked like back when it was my parents room (that’s a long story not for this ask) and my mom showed up, but she seemed…. Hostile and scared of me? And then the lady and my mom where curled up in my parents old bed, and I went to lay down with my mom and try to ask if she was ok, and what was happening; and I know now if I had succeeded in climbing up all the way in there with my mom it would have been a hostile situation, but then Vessel grabbed my arm, almost too tight, but in a protective way, and so I climbed down from the edge of the bed and followed him back out the back door of my house.
There’s a big pond behind my house and that’s where we headed, and there were like, 20 portals INSIDE the pond. I was like ‘oh ok, we are leaving’ but then there where these large…. Black tentacles in the pond with the portals, and so I was like ‘I’m not going in there!’ And honestly, even dream me knew Vessel was getting tired of my shit, but we sat down and started to wait til one of the portals would rise up out of the water.
And that’s when I woke up.
It did have that ‘everything in this dream looks the same as irl, but also Something Is Different.’ It was one of those times where the outdoor was So Much Bigger then it is irl. Like my pond was fucking Huge, and the hill to the pond was so Big. But that happens in my dreams all the time.
(Ps, sorry I haven’t answered your dream ask, but every time I read it I’m just like ‘damn😔 why can’t this happen for my Tumblr Friend Exie?’ So I don’t exactly know how to respond to it 😭.)
okay this dream actually sounds kinda fun? scary, but also fun. portal hopping sounds like an adventure!
i love the idea of vessel sort of acting like a psychopomp in your dream though, protecting you and leading you to where you needed to be. that’s super cool! and honestly a really interesting thought in terms of lore
(and no worries about my dream ask lmao, it was wild and i’m still thinking about it but like, at least i have the happiness of remembering the dream)
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thesockghost · 7 months
I can’t sleep and it’s been about 1 hour already so I’ll update this post occasionally to add whatever the fuck.
Edit1: ok so I was bored so I decided to go to an undertale role playing game (yes I play Roblox shut up) even tho I suck at role playing. so I went to grillbys and there was a staff there. So I decided to order a hot chocolate (bc I was wearing a chara morph and I thought it would be in character) so a moment later the “waiter” brought me a supposedly yellow tinted hot chocolate. I asked why it was yellow and they said “uh we put yellow sprinkles in it and the melted”. so anyways I drank it and a moment later a guy dressed up as some kind of papyrus AU sat next to me and we just kinda sitting awkwardly next to each other and I eventually asked “so you on break?” And he said “no but the waiter put piss in my ketchup bottle” and then I said “oh yea the waiter put piss in my hot chocolate too”- AND THEN HE PULLED OUT A GLOCK AND WALKED OVER TO THE WATER, so I was just watching from a distance, watching the chaos unfold, and from what I caught the papyrus kept on pulling out guns and the waiter JUST KEPT EATING THEM. So the staff eventually left and the papyrus sat next to me again and I can’t quite remember exactly what he said but it was something like “my work here is done” or something and I just said “k” and just kind of left to write about this on my tumblr blog, and here we are.
So yea apparently the undertale RP’s do get a little bit quirky at night.
Edit2: ok so I tried to go back to sleep using my comforter as a pillow with my ass in the air but it’s not working, though I did see that the Tamari plush is back in stock and now glows in the dark so thats cool.
If anyone reading this then please give sleep advice, today’s thanksgiving and I have to make a french silk pie.
Edit3: welp I just got done having thanksgiving dinner with my family and I can safely say that I got no sleep whatsoever.
And if you’ve read this fever dream of a post then I wish you the best of sleep tonight :)
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castle-dominion · 10 months
6x6 get a clue trying to liveblog during my family watch even tho I can't
lmao jesus I WAS RIGHT
Ah yes, the first apartment Nice place Nice orchid or flower or whatever remember rick's cockroach races? This place is genuinely really nice! Pi is so happy!
heck yeah dumpster diving I mean, chill castle.
Pi: What colour is it? RC: RC: Free oOH BEES (it is genuinely important! There is a job out there for everyone!) fruit on the table lol
crap it looks like there is no transcript on livejournal yay there is a dustjackets transcript on my second liveblog through aka my clip gathering run! RC: No, it’s not good. I was hoping for squalor. I was counting on squalor. Because Alexis cannot last in squalor. I was just hoping this whole thing would blow over. She would see Pi for the ambition free hippie that he is. And now he’s morphed into some … new age crusader? It’s a though he’s turned being a charming man-child into a career.
charming manchild into a career? KB: Now that doesn’t sound familiar, does it?
ryan is pretty but hair is too short. I used to look a lot like him but then he cut his hair & we were different & then I shaved my sides & looked way different & then I cut my hair over the top & now we look vaguely similar again lol See? called it, crucefix Where's all the blood tho? lanie & me same brain Remember when George Crabtree kept getting orders from murdoch but george already did all the stuff he needed to do? that's ryan in this moment. He is a detective in his own right he doesn't need beckett giving the orders
Ryan looks pretty, we know that, but dang esposito bisexual outfit right there (I need a pic of those two together, but ig I could get an individual pic of each)
RC: Maybe her dark secret has something to do with the dark ages
Castle might be right? coming from beckett? YES I FOUND ANOTHER TRANSCRIPT Yeah so uh you know what? A ton of pagan & occult symbols actually have their origins in christianity, & a lot of christian symbols come from other cultures & their paganism heathenry & mythology & stuff (esp in grecoroman period judeo-christian media, lots of grecoroman pagan crossover) I'm literally wearing pants with a water earth fire air alchemy symbols bc I'm a christowitch
Nice, get together for dinner every few months even tho u'r not that close...
RC: Which leaves us with my theory. Our victim was dabbling with black magic and she conjured up a demon. she did not conjure up a demon lmao
KB: Or maybe she ran afoul of some obscure religious sect and they sacrificed her to their pagan deity. well fuck you. maybe she got into trouble with the people in a people way, she disrespected their religion & they killed her for that, not bc of their pagan deity Ok but wait, bac in s1 Castle was really smart, he looked atbeckett, listened to her accent, & was able to determine intimate details about her life & her parent's death.
Washington Heights again
is this the freemason one? lmao (yes it is)
First intro babes!
RC: Ritual markings. Left by some unholy initiation. KB: They’re more like surgical scars. RC: *squints at it* (not clipping)
RC: I’m telling you, our monk, our victim, and these symbols are all connected Me: Yeah, the symbols are hers & the monk killed her. The connection is susannah richmond or w/e her names was
JE: Ah, I wouldn’t be too sure about that. Castle might be right about this Da Vinci Code thing. *castle opens his mouth to gloat.* JE: don’t ruin it.
You can see esposito go to his pocket for one of those mint spray things
Ooh a nice sword! (esposito hoping he gets to play with a sword this ep) What kind of ink? Yeah lol where is the morgue in relation to the precinct
Nice location here
lmao it is the freemasons! Oh in the capital city in the privince next to mine has christian & greek folklore symbols & roads & churches & politicians. cool conspiracy theory stuff my uncle mentioned lol. or maybe like the cool booze bottle
She could have made that symbol up herself ooh idea: her hands were burned to hide the symbols (or the symbols burned her hands)
Nice writing!! (too well lined though) I love being multilingual Is castle a freemason?
"monk's dome" lol
Ryan is so smart! He checked medical criminal stuff! KR: So that pattern of scars on our monk’s dome was from a procedure called stereotactic brain surgery. KB: Okay, can that get us an ID? Because medical records are confidential. (I'm surprised that is true in the usa) KR: Prison records aren’t. I took a shot that the guy did some time. Nineteen men in the system had this surgery, but only one had scars that were an exact match to the monk. Benjamin Wade. He got surgery to remove a tumor while doing a stretch at Greenhaven for an attempted murder.
btw esposito outfit <3
Did you see ryan flick his hand like that when he touched the railing?
wait what if this is alexis' house? KR: Look at this place. I’m going to get hepatitis just breathing the air in. said "nypd" pretty quiet Lol drugs it's the monk! & a blonde woman! What if he can't talk?
lmao silent but deadly I'm making a lot less comments & it is harder to write them down & organize them & I am missing vital watching-pretty-people & visual clues by writing. I mean I partially touch type, but I am also watching what I write on the screen & not entirely touch typing so it is hard for me to do this while watching with my family. I'm able to type this paragraph so much rn because my lil bro is upstairs stirring a batch of nuts & bolts. It is also hard bc I am using the literary/verbal part of my brain to type while also using it to listen to the show, at least one is typing output & one is auditory input, but still, I am hard of hearing & I have captions on so... yeah
Wade: Actually, I am a monk. I just learned to think before I speak. I believe this guy, this monk.
Yeah I believe him, counsel Pointing to a mysterious stranger. also brown long hair not long brown hair? Bro he didn't think he NEEDED to remember details abt it "it's what sells the lie" & then he gives a detail RC & me: nice, wicked Freuidian detail XD why didn't you say that detail earlier too?
JE: Wait, you guys are on the same page about this guy? KB: Not exactly. I think he’s guilty because of his contact with the victim, the stalking, and his history of violence. RC: I think he’s guilty because of his contact with the victim, the stalking, and his role in a sinister conspiracy involving Freemasons. (clipping)
freemason black belt lmao glad I already quoted this
RC: Way better than that. He was a patriot spy. He wrote codes and cyphers during the American Revolution. Meaning, this letter could be the key to finding the great secret of the Masons, enshrined somewhere within the city. KB: Why, because you want it to be? RC: Partly. RC: And because it’s the only story that makes sense. A shadowy brotherhood guarding Rose’s secret for all eternity. Susannah got too close, so they sent their monk assassin to kill her.
mum: didn't he buy his bar bc there was a treasure underneath it?
sketch artist for the time not the sketch?
Impress me There are times i wish she'd stayed in DC esposito's face will clip that if I get the chance (yep)
interesting shirt beckett has there lol
"up to their hoods" lol (lol)
stained glass baby Castle has a copy of the letter?
ah the ash heap is the altar! Makes sense!
interesting prayer candle corner interesting audio too weird little guy with a mouth lmao lil bro: It looks like gandalf I think the pics of the symbols are these places, see the texture? btw the stations of the cross are rly dirty. need to be cleaned.
Hephaestus is the god of blacksmiths or smth, right? he was thrown from a mountain (like me) & got ugly & also disabled? (btw from what I've heard from disbaled ppl, handicap is an outdated term but still used, cripple is a slur, & lame is a slur.)
since the 1700s? etna's forge! field trip third grade XD Nice scene with the low angle & fast walking
sexy place KB: Wow. This is incredible. Shouldn’t there be a docent or some sweaty guy hammering metal standing around? RC: Yeah. (he raises his voice in a british accent) Hello? Is there a smithy here about? We have travelled many a mile – (he’s interrupted by BECKETT’S hand on his arm) – is this annoying you?
Oooh. (he inspects them) Have it, want it, need it, got it, need it, got it, need it... (he did that with the cars too in s8) *pulls a sword on him* *castle just makes a comment* RC: Well now, that wouldn’t happen to be a double edged saber with a crenellated hilt, now would it? Zorro?
OH YEAH I FORGOT CASTLE WAS A FENCER"YOURE NOT SO BAD YOURSELF" PRINCESS BRIDE REFERENCE where is beckett tho?? WHAT SIGN SHALL BE REVEALED? So did she beat him in the swordfight? what is this guy talking about? (clipping)
Good old ren faires. Why does beckett's phone beep when she opened the photo?
Like the ghost episode, he couldn't tear down the murder building bc it was a historical site (man looks like my culinary teacher)
2500 is a lot of money but ig if some ppl have spent more... Ah that's why it was so pretty, it was hand written Castle's scalp lol
she never acknowledges his sword fighting? I feel like ryan & even esposito would be impressed by this. except that yk... it was fake... KB: Castle, you didn’t really believe that this was going to lead to some great Freemason treasure, did you? RC: No. Of course not. That would be foolish. (BECKETT nods once, unconvinced) Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go home to wallow in what is perhaps the most disappointing day of my crime solving career. KB: Okay. I’ll come by later and try to cheer you up. Me: *lenny face*
oh hey btw esposito has cut his hair!
IT IS THE SAME GUY KR: Well, his name and address are bogus. Everything on the application is. None of this information is real.
cheque in this context
Yeah they only showed a little bit of the dinner, I feel like it may have gotten worse as the dinner progressed Castle really IS a dad.
MR: Of course I'm right! Love her so much
Smart trace? No way. That would n't work. It would need to be straight on. IT'S A MAP!
esposito wearing ryan-core outfit here Ryan looks even more ryan-core WOW THEY ARE WEARING THE SAME OUTFIT LMAO clipping the saga of tracking down the cab (also for the outfits lol)
castle walks Right Behind ryan like that lol so weird (he just... takes his place) (btw just noticed, ryan's shirt was not perfectly ironed. I love that fact.) *puts it on the board* castle is smart/sexy af except the shape was not /that/ good RC: the killer didn't want anyone else to figure it out Me: but susannah figured it out so other people surely also could
lil bro: put your hand in it DON'T PUT YOUR HAND IN IT she speaks french? AND russian? mum already saw the letter lol Oris. Oral. latin for mouth.
he's playing her (could clip but won't) (actually mu lil bro who is my voice of reason in my clipping suggested I do) I saw the thing was oddly broken, like it was pasted on the wall nah bro you would see a seam. You WOULD see a seam.
tomb? blood SWORD How can u tell they are fresh? it's stone castle u r not moving it.
I NOTICED the world ball! There are stars painted there!
The world turns! Mum: Booby trap? (remember tho, how does this work? do they have a hydraulic system? like the last treasure hunting episode, under the gun No they are FAKE half dimes Mum: I TOLD you about the booby trap WHY DIDN'T YOU LISTEN?
going to the chapel lol
He would not have made an anagram of his name candle wax IS a survival food... RC: Theodore Rose … is … head or toes. No. Theodore Rose … he do rooster. (he laughs) That’s inappropriate. Okay, Theodore Rose, Theodore Rose. Deer shot oreo. Oh, they didn’t have Oreos in the 1700s.
(on phone) What's up Beckett? We don't get to see the rescue, them making fun of caskett?
EXACTLY WHAT I'VE BEEN THINKING-- MAKE THEM ASSUME IT IS JUST A GAME they just... got em out lmao, not showing us that
oh it WASN'T just a game! crowdsourced treasure hunt lol she would NOT know that sort of family lore lmao. I have a ton of family lore & don't know any of it, anything that cool or important.
not lonely, talking abt family lore oh it WAS a big family myth he's awkward. He killed her. Similar nose! As DNA similarities!
mum: half dimes? aren't they nickels? Wow. That is sad. "the people" aren't going to receive them, the historical museum will. You could have sold them to the museum to put your aunt in assisted living.
We get to see thier shoes! (& also ryan's pants match his jacket) Ah, I was wondering how she figured it out when noone else did! She had been to weddings there! both: here we go again RC: I gotta go see alexis JE: *frowns in confusion* The girl & the dad know, but not esposito. (clipped, probably best as a gif tho)
actions speak louder than words
Alexis doubts beckett? But she loves her! WAIT DID PI & ALEXIS PROPOSE?
Make-up ice-cream my beloved SAD "I need time to stop being mad" valid lol
Ok so I did NOT comment as much as I usually do & it was very rushed & I'm not pleased with this, & I did not get any clips or pics (like a pic of rysposito walking out there) but hopefully I'll get the chance to get them.
Uh yeah so where was I? I'm done this ep. Good for me. I really feel like I had smth else to say. Tbh all throughout the film I felt like I had smth mor eto say but I never got th echance.
Oh I remember what I had to say-- & I forgot again. Maybe I was going to say that I would watch it again no wait it was that I'm going to try watching other shows like this-- ok I have it written down now I can write my thought in a better way
Since s5 is due soon, way too soon, I'm going to try writing my liveblog without pausing it at much if at all, bc I have no time. I apparently take 3 hours to watch an episode instead of 1.5 which was my goal. I can do this. I must NOT pause it tho lol
Me: here doubling my liveblog so I could get clips
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