#(he was right to be protective tho ….le sigh)
marybatson · 1 year
cap marvel forgoing jla for jsa when given the choice, vehemently denying rejoining “jli”/maxwell lords new team, him having his most important fights alongside the dc magic guys/shadowpact members (& none even know him like that aside frm coolest coworker awardee zatanna) during his postcrisis era will never not be funny. he rly did not wanna fuck w the justice league sooo bad for that period of time
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punz4lyfe · 4 years
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Pokemon Journeys Episode 47. Let’s review:
1. The new little update to the episode prologue sequence shown above is a very welcomed addition! It really captures each Pokemon’s personality well, from Cinderace carrying his little bro Sobble to Dragonite lightly pushing Lucario in like a parent and their embarrassed child. Fafrfetch’d still needs more appearances tho.
2. That Vigoroth trainer looks like Lillie. When can we see her again?
3. I just LOVE that Dragonite continuously holds onto Ash before the contest starts. It’s things like this that make me headcanon that Dragonite has broken into Ash and Goh’s room a couple of times to take Ash to the garden and cuddle him like a teddy bear just so he can sleep better.
4. Throughout the episode, I love the fact that we get to see more of Chrysa’s personality outside the lab. Now let’s hope the other assistants can some actual development, because honestly speaking, they’re overall the most uninteresting and dull reoccurring characters the entire anime has had so far. (and considering how long we’ve had the anime, that is saying something)
5. Lucario and Cinderace sleeping next to each other? Adorable. Hey, Ash and Goh, perhaps you two should take this as a sign and give some attention to your other mons. I mean, please?
6. And now Dragonite is licking Ash like a doggo. I hear-by grant Dragonite the honorable nickname of Draggo.
7. Gonna be honest, I kinda forgot that TR’s Morpeko friend even existed. Nice for it to get some development/screen time as well though.
8. It’s pretty awesome seeing a bunch of old faces again, like Hydreigon and Blaziken. Many even spark with personality too! Great touches.
9. I’m so glad Chloe became interested in the competition right after disregarding the whole event, as it’s a very welcomed step-up from her usual unlikeable ‘I’m-too-good-for-everything’ attitude. Now let’s hope the writers continue to development her.
10. Honestly, if you enter an eating competition with a small, simple Pokemon while knowing mons like Snorlax will be competing, you deserve a big fat L. Sorry kiddos.
11. Plump draggo is best draggo. And since Ash is eliminated, looks like this is going to be another Goh’s Gets Another W Episode. Y’know, right after standing up to Mewtwo.... and capturing Eternatus..... and defeating Oleana..... and easily handling a Zapdos..... and catching a powerful Flygon.... and scoring a free Hitmonchan.... (sighs in frustration that can only be cured by draggo hugs)
12. My friends of Team Rocket, if you somehow got your hands on cookies that instantly inflate your belly and fill up your hunger, why not just eat them yourself if you’re so hungry?
13. Why is watching a Blaziken eat to stoically so satisfying?
14. Honestly speaking, James’ strategy of forcing his opponent’s Glalie to freeze up their dish to prevent it from eating was a lot more impressive than Goh picking the dish that Muk would like the least. sry opinions
15. Where did Skwovent even get that Tamato Berry? Isn’t that kind of like... cheating???
16. They tried to feed Blaziken Torchic-shaped snacks. Pardon mon le swears, but that’s fucked up. And Blaziken even sough to protect them!! THAT’S FREAKING ADORABLE!!!! Augh, I really need to uses a Blaziken in the games again...
17. Was Ash and Pikachu’s little knowledge over Blaziken’s evolution line a callback to May, or am I just overthinking things?
18. Morpeko is suddenly satisfied and Skwovent evolves into Greedent just as the right time. Yeah, it’s a Goh W episode.
19. Why is Greedent still eating? Should’ve Goh won by default since Blaziken left and Morpeko launched itself and TR away?
20. And like that, Goh wins. Surprised Lucario face.
And that’s the episode. A filler episode leading onto another filler episode, judging by the preview for the next one, but that’s totally fine. I honestly feel many people sometimes underestimate the pros of filler, whether it be for Pokemon or any other anime series. Yes, it doesn’t help move the plot, but filler can be good ways for characters to have fun, showcase comical moments, and make the world feel alive. While this episode had its share of funny moments and charming character interactions, the plot was kinda too predictable, but eh, it’s only filler so it’s no big deal.
I’d give this episode a 6.5/10. Funny and cute, but not really anything else.
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mar-bluu · 4 years
Hi hellooo 20 qnd 89 for the prompt thint! No pressure to use both tho 💛
Hi! Im sorry this took a while, and is probably not up to scratch lol, but i did what i could :3 20: “It’s just rain, you aren’t gonna melt!” 89: “What if it sinks?” Word count: 1447 (so much for trying to keep them under 700 :/) Ship: javid Warnings: swearing and i think that’s it
“Oh come on, Jackie! Ten minutes, please?”  Davey smiled sweetly, batting his eyelashes in an effort to persuade his boyfriend into going with him. Jack sighed and drew back the curtains, revealing a cold, grey sky, swirling with stormy clouds. “Look outside, Davey, the weather’s piss-poor! And even if I wanted to paddle around the lake on a damn kayak -which I don’t- I wouldn’t go in weather like this!” He closed the curtains again, and sunk into the closest armchair, covering his legs with a blanket. Davey rolled his eyes. “It’s just rain, you aren’t gonna melt!” Jack glared at him from the couch. “I know that! It’s just…” He clicked his tongue in annoyance as he tried to find the right words. “I don’t… look, water and I don’t really have a great history.” Davey cocked his head in curiosity. “What do you mean?” “Well,” Jack shrugged. “I just- I don’t like the water, anything more than a shower and something goes wrong! It’s like I’m cursed!” “I’m sure that’s not true-” “It is!” Jack insisted. “I’ve swallowed enough pool water and gotten enough salt spray splashed in my eyes to last me a lifetime.” Davey sighed and draped himself over Jack’s lap. “Please? I’m sure it won’t be that bad!” He looked up at Jack pleadingly. “Kath, Spot and Race are watching Les and said they’d meet us down at the lake, it’ll be fun!” He turned his puppy dog eyes up to eleven. Jack looked away, he hated the puppy dog eyes, it was practically impossible to say no. “Fine.” He spat. “I’ll go. But if you try to get me anywhere near the lake, I’m throwing you in.”
“No.” “Come on!” “Absolutely not.” “Please?” “Not even if you paid me.” “You’re already wearing a lifejacket!” Jack crossed his arms over his chest and gave a half shrug. “So? Doesn’t mean I have to go in.” Davey sighed and grabbed Jack’s shoulder, looking out to the lake where Kath and Les were kayaking around, laughing as Race and Spot capsized. “Everyone’s having so much fun, Jack,” He took hold of Jack’s hand. “Just give it a go?” Davey raised his hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to his knuckles. Jack looked away, trying desperately to stay firm on his stance. Against his better judgement, he looked back. Puppy dog eyes. Shit! He cursed inwardly, hoping against all hope that he would stay strong. “…What if it sinks?” Davey bounced a little on the balls of his feet. “It won’t! I promise!” Jack’s eyes wandered over to where Race was spitting out lake water. “As long as you don’t try grab fish with your bare hands.” He added with a small shrug. Jack chewed on his bottom lip nervously. “You swear I won’t end up in the water?” “I swear.” “…okay.” “Yes!” Davey punched the air with excitement. “I know you’ll enjoy it!” He screwed his eyes up tight, smiling wide, his nose crinkled and cheeks tinted pink. He kissed Jack’s cheek and sprinted off to the lake’s edge. Jack smiled to himself, in his opinion, there was nothing better than seeing Davey excited. He fiddled with the straps of the lifejacket and swallowed nervously. Now all he had to do was keep a brave face.
Jack gripped the side of the kayak so tightly, his knuckles had turned white. A brave face. Water lapped at the side of the kayak, brushing his fingertips, and he felt his confidence break a little more. The weather had continued to be shitty and the sky had cracked open to unleash a heavy downpour, soaking them all to the bone. Jack was shivering, and no matter how much his brain screamed at him that he should hate this, that he was right and should go home and dry off and never look at the water again he couldn’t deny that he was enjoying himself... At least a little bit. The water still made him more than a little nervous, and he’d really rather stay out of it, but he was willing to brave it for the small adrenaline rush it gave him. Spot and Les had ditched their kayak partners and opted to go swimming instead, while Katherine and Race were playing a game of tag in their kayaks, zooming past every now and then. That would always spike Jack’s heart-rate. A peal of thunder sounded overhead, and Davey- who had made sure to stay by Jack’s side the whole time- called out. “Hey, we should probably head back now,” Jack could see his teeth beginning to chatter from where he was. “Do you need any help getting back to shore?” Jack shook his head. “Nah, I’m alright Dave. Thanks.” Davey nodded to himself. “Alright! Well, I’ll be waiting on the shore with towels.” With a small smile, Davey took off, Jack paddling after him. By the time Jack had crossed the fifteen or so metres to shallower waters, the rain had begun to fall harder and Kath and Davey had bundled Les up in towels, though Les had decided seeing how far he could sink in a small mud puddle was a better idea. “You’re going to get sick, Les!” Jack could hear Katherine call from her shelter under a picnic hut. “Few more minutes, Kathy, please?” Jack could tell Les was giving her puppy dog eyes of his own. Guess it ran in the family. “Not today, kid.” Spot materialised behind Les and grabbed him by the waist, pulling him out of the mud, much to Les’ disappointment. Another crack of thunder brought Jack back to the real world, and he swung his legs over the side of the kayak, feeling to cold grey lake-water soak through his already damp pants. Wading through the water, he dragged the kayak up onto the shore, where -as promised- Davey was waiting with a towel, his own placed over his head as he dried off his hair. With the kayak pulled safely up on the ground, Jack scurried over to his boyfriend and took the second towel from him, wrapping it around himself. He sat down at the picnic table, still protected from the downpour and Davey sat down beside him, pulling him into a side hug. “Thanks, for coming with me,” Davey said, shivering slightly. Jack snuggled further against him. “’S no worries,” he shrugged. “And if I’m being honest… it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.” He looked up to see Davey beaming back at him. Jack rolled his eyes and shoved Davey’s side lightly. “Don’t even think about it! Just because I didn’t hate it doesn’t mean I wanna do it again.” Davey laughed and pressed a soft kiss to Jack’s hair. “Okay,” he said, shivering less and less as the shared body heat of him and Jack kept the cold at bay. “But in all honesty, Jack? I’m proud of you for facing up to your fear of the water.” Jack felt his cheeks heat up. “W- I’m not afraid, I’m cursed!” He corrected as Davey grinned. “Either way, I’m glad you came.” Jack opened his mouth to reply, but a creak from the thin hut roof interrupted him. He looked up at it with narrowed eyes, and just as he went to continue his conversation with Davey, a small patch of the roof gave way, dumping rainwater directly onto Jack’s head, missing every other person huddled under the picnic hut with him. A few seconds of constant water passed, and as the stored water gave way to the rain outside, Jack peeled his hair out of his eyes and slicked it back against his head, sputtering and coughing out water. All eyes turned to him, dead silent. Until Davey snickered. He slapped a hand over his mouth as everyone’s attention was directed to him now. He giggled again, trying to get out a half-apology between bouts of laughter. His humour, however, proved to be infectious, as Katherine joined him in laughing, closely followed by Les, Spot, and Race. Jack wiped the water out from his eyes, and couldn’t restrain his own giggle that burst from his chest. He stepped to the side, out of the rain and Davey held his towel out to him which Jack took appreciatively. He buried his face in Davey’s shoulder as their laughter began to die down. Davey pulled him in tighter, taking hold of Jack’s hands and rubbing them in his own to generate heat. “Guess you really are cursed.” He chuckled. Jack ran his fingers through his sopping wet hair and flicked the excess water at his boyfriend, frowning playfully. “Shut up.”
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louu-7 · 4 years
everything i don’t know
on wattpad
“So, girls, how was your day?” Ask my father while cutting a piece of meat and looking at me like I did something bad.
I do my best to ignore it when my mom starts talking about her meetings and boring business calls that she gets all along the day. She’s financial manager, so she’s got to manage a lot of things in the business. She works for a luxurious brand of clothes so, we can say that she earn a good living.
It’s the same for my father, he’s the leader of the vineyard of the island. Yes, the whole island. This is why he wants all of us to be perfect; because he’s got influence everywhere in this land.
“It was pretty basic for me,” Alyssa shrug. “I study a little and got a trip with some friends to shop and gossip.”
“What about you, darling?” Dad insists, and I look up toward him while shrug at my turn. “I studied a lot, and I also read, that’s basically what I’m doing everyday so…”
“Lucy told me that you were at the beach this morning.”
I raise some vegetables to my mouth and swallow before respond that I came back before lunch.
“And nothing happened?”
“Go ahead dad... I know when you want to reproach me for something. I did nothing bad I can promi-”
“So what happened with this pogue and Nate?” Isaac intervenes with an air of superiority. “Nothing.”
They all look at me while I’m dropping my fork and frown. Let’s fight again, against everyone single one of them, just because we’re gonna mention the pogues. My mom and Alyssa seem more surprise, they certainly don’t know what happened, contrary to my Dad and Isaac...
“They were beating him up.”
“But it was a pogue, that was none of your business young girl.” Mom tell me off and I raise my eyebrows. “I couldn’t just walk away without saying anything, I’m not a monster.”
“You are by talking and helping them.” Isaac hurl me and my father agree by nodding. “No I’m not, you are by letting Nate beating him up like he-”
“We are doing our best to keep you away from them and you always find a way to approach them!” Yell my father with a strong voice, making me shiver. “OK, I think I’m gonna go.” I answer with a quiet voice before leaving the table to quickly climb the stairs and prevent myself from letting my tears flow.
I enter in my room and lock my door so they just leave me alone. As usual they’re all together, and they know how I am, I’m not like these people who just let things happen when they can act, even more in this kind of situation. I still can remember of the violence of the punches that this pogue received, all for nothing, he was just doing his job, I guess.
I let myself fall in my bed and grab the book that I’m reading lately, Dark Romance by Penelope Douglas. This is a real masterpiece; it’s beautiful, deep and the title is a reflection of the story. I love it, and it allows me to escape from this suffocating lifestyle that my Dad imposes to me. Anyway I recommend it to anyone who likes romance.
Moreover, it’s in fact impossible for me to keep in close contact with someone given that my father is overprotecting me even tho I don’t need to be so protected by anyone.
I don’t think anybody know me for real, I don’t even know myself for real because of this constant acting around my family who wants me to act perfectly, to dress like a princess and to feel good when I’m low.
I start reading, under the warmth of my sheets, and with my subdue bed-side lamp which is giving to the room a cozy atmosphere that I could live in for days if I hadn’t to eat, drink or go to the bathroom… it’s the best feeling ever to be here, alone, with music in background, while imagining the story of this crazy novel in my head.
Someone suddenly knock at my door, so I let out a slight sigh before getting out of my bed to unlock and open it. Alyssa’s standing here, looking at me and obviously waiting for me to let her in.
“Well…” I whisper before let her by. “You have to gimme an explanation T, because I understand that you’re young and want to break the rules, but you can’t break this rule.” “Are you kidding me… I didn’t break any rules I just wanted to help him.”
“But you knew that Dad would just get out of his mind. When are you gonna see that he can’t stands them?”
“Oh because you thought that I didn’t notice?” I ask acidly while turning towards her. “You weren’t there instead of me, none of you were. He was lying on the floor, with nobody to defend him and-”
“And you thought “why wouldn’t I help him”, uh? Why? Because of this family, you have to keep your reputation as clean as possible.”
I grit my teeth as she sits on my couch, looking at me, her regard full of reproaches. I shrug and walk to the bed to sit next to her, flatly and sighting again, of exhaustion.
“I’m not like you.”
“I know. Come here.”
She wrap me in her arms and I put my head on her shoulder while looking at the pictures in my mind which are reminding me of the violence of Nate. He’s such an asshole, I understand why I never could stand by him…
“Les talk ‘bout you. How was it?”
She take off her arm of my shoulders to put her look on me. Her eyes are sparkling and she starts to grin, so I can guess that her date turned pretty well. Alyssa isn’t always the best sister, but she’s the best sister that I could’ve have.
We’re not talking about everything like others, and we’re more arguing than hugging and saying “i love you”, but I think our relation is improving a lot lately. She’s talking to me, and even if I’m not opening up a lot because I am the way I am, we’ve never been this close, and I finally can count on someone in this house.
“He was well dressed, and his perfume was… captivating, he was just handsome, and he’s gentleman and kind, and-”
“Got it, he’s perfect. Your Prince Charming. I’m jealous now, you’re happy?”
I let out a little laugh before moving backward in my bed so I can lean against the headboard, and she do the same while taking one of my fluffy pillow to play with.
“You don’t have to, you’re beautiful, and in my opinion, you’re smarter than Isaac and me, but don’t say it to him, he’s gonna go nuts.” She laughs at her turn. “And you’re the only one who seems to understand me so, thank you.” I timidly smile at her before putting back my head on her shoulder.
She’s so sweet with me lately, and I’m so grateful for her to come with me, and talk to me.
“Look, I understand why you think the pogues are good people. They seem to be cool, and chill, and just normal people, but, kooks can be too. I’m not supposed to say that to you, but there is this guy, dark-haired, green eyes and kind of… really tall, she let out another laugh while describing him.”
I frown and turn towards her, who the hell is she trying to describe to me… I keep on searching, in my mind, but I don’t think I know him…
“Oh! Kyle!” I shout out and a big smile take possession of my lips.
Alyssa burst out laughing in front of my reaction of me actually remember a boy that I only talk once, and I shrug after a moment.
“What’s wrong ‘bout him? He never got in troubles, and of what I can remember, he’s pretty smart.”
“He came talk to me once, and he asked if you had a boyfriend or if I thought that he could try his luck with-”
“What? With me? But we don’t even know each other!”
“Yeah I know! So I was like, are you sure, because you should get to know her before ask her on a date or something, and he was like yeah, you right, and I just left.”
“You left like, what? You just let him here?”
I burst out laughing by imagining the scene, and my dear sister just living him alone without giving him some tips or something.
“I think you saved my life by the way. I mean, Kyle’s a good man, he’s sweet and everything but, he’s too predictable.”
“Yeah, and, between us, even if his cute, there’s better. And he seems to be really into school, and class, and lesson you know. I knew it wasn’t your style.”
“Thank you, I confirm, you saved my life from getting out with a boring boy. No offense for him but… you know what I mean.” We laugh and I finish by completely laying on my bed, looking at the white ceiling.
“So, with mom, for tomorrow, she told me to say that your shopping session’s gonna wait a little more… I’m sorry, if you really wanna go I’ll go with you, and it could be great, that we hang out together like… more than now.”
She looks down at me and I prevent myself from becoming unpleasant with her, it’s not her fault, it’s Mom’s, but I was so happy that she proposed me to hang out just both of us that I just feel like she’s giving up on me, as usual.
“No, it’s OK, don’t change your plans for me, it’s nothing. I don’t need someone to be with me like a little girl.”
“T if I propose to you it’s that I wanna go with you, we never do anything together, and lately we’ve been so close. C’mon, say yes to your perfect sister to hang out with her!”
She spreads herself on me while looking at me with an imploring regard, and I can’t avoid the smile which is drawing out on my lips. I look down at her green eyes that are staring at me tirelessly and accept by nodding my head.
“Oh you’re the best! I love you my little sis, and I’m so sorry for the parents and Isaac because they’re acting like you’re doing wrong every time but I have to admit I wish I could be like you someti-”
“No you don’t. Aly you’re the one that mom idolize, how dare you to say that you wanna be like me?” I laugh and she shrugs, still laying on me. She’s clearly squashing me so much I can barely breath, but she’s so cute. “Wait, you already did shopping today. What are you gonna buy?”
“I don’t know, maybe nothing, I just wanna hang out with my baby sis, she answers with a cheesy voice that makes me snicker.”
“I’m not a baby! Stop calling me like that!” Both of us laugh and she sits up straight again the headboard.
“Ready to shop babe?”
“Of course I am, I dreamed of it last night.” I laugh while hurtle down the stairs to rejoin her. She smiles at me when I’m finally downstairs and observes my outfit. “No, you’re not gonna tell me how to dress because you’re supposed to be by my side, let’s go before someone stop me to tell me “Eh Thara, go to your room and take off all this pogue’s clothes”.”
“What, these aren’t pogue’s clothes.”
“Yes it is. For them. But it’s my clothes if we think ‘bout it. They bought ‘em for me, so why couldn’t I wear ‘em if I want.”
“Yeah, OK, let’s go.” She says, looking around us to make sure anyone’s here.
I open the door and we get a move on before the parents stop us, then we jump into the black car and ask the chauffeur to drive us to the mall. Eventually, I’m not that locked, even if they don’t wanna let me out without someone with me… I guess it’s OK, I can get out.
“Eh! You didn’t even tell me his name! So, what’s his name?”
“Ooh, James! Is it a kook? Yeah, of course it is. Is he good enough for you?”
“You know when you feel like it’s the good person, I really feel that when I’m with him, and he’s absolutely hand-”
“Handsomely, awesomely, truly magnificently amazing. I know. Oh, and I forgot, his perfume is life.”
“Yeah, that’s pretty much the best description for him.”
We laugh and continue to talk during all the ride, and we finish by arrived at the enormous mall. I think my parents never let me go there. I usually shop in the little boutiques of Figure Eight, not in this big mall where everything’s perfect and completely disproportionate. I like it, and I don’t like it either. I don’t know, it doesn’t reflect how I like to shop, but it’s maybe gonna be amazing, and moreover I’m with the best sis ever.
“Where do you wanna go first?”
“I don’t know, is there boutiques that could fit with my clothes in here?”
“Yeah sure, follow me. But before we go to Starbucks. I need my Caramel Machiatto.”
“And I need my Caramel Ribbon Crunch Frappuccino. Step one, gain weight to become whales. Everything’s good.”
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The Precious Life of Logan Sanders
    Prompt/Synopsis: “Honey, you can't reach out to an angel for friendship, that's what demons are for." 
Requested by: @mirror2thespirit
Trigger warnings: Major character death ((it’s not supposed to be sad tho, it’s of old age and the character continues on after death)), alcoholism, abuse, suicide attempt ((almost)), bullying, neglect, sympathetic deceit, implied suicide ((not the major character death)), hhhh let me know if I missed anything 
    Word count: 3204
A/N: This is a fic I wrote a while ago (Through the 4th to the 9th of November, 2018 to be specific) but it got deleted when I deleted my weekly analogical blog. I honestly think it’s pretty great, so I’m putting it back here. Mind the trigger warnings
    Reblogs > Likes
    All his life, Logan had been followed by a figure shrouded in white mist. They were more than human, and showed up every time Logan needed protection or comfort. They looked normal by all means, with rich black skin and bright brown eyes, but they never aged and a faint blue glow created a halo atop their head. Logan tried pointing them out before to his older brother, but Roman just scoffed and told him he was seeing things; the figure winked. 
    Maybe Logan wouldn’t be so obsessed with him if he had something else to focus on. His parents had chased away anybody willing to give him attention, and he disappointed anybody willing to stick around by not being more like Roman. That made sense- Roman and Logan coped in very different ways, and it wasn’t Roman’s fault that his way of coping was just better. 
    Logan liked losing himself in books, wiki pages, research. He liked to leave his body and stay somewhere else for a while. Roman liked to lose himself in other people- boys, specifically. He was constantly skipping school and staying out late, almost never around the house anymore. The first time he skipped school, their dad gave him a black eye, and then he did it again and their parents gave up. Logan tried skipping school, and his dad beat him so bad he couldn’t get out of bed all weekend. Roman stayed with him while he recovered, bringing him food and playing video games, but Logan barely looked at him. 
    It wasn’t Roman’s fault people treated him better. It wasn’t Roman’s fault he got it easier. It wasn’t Roman’s fault that Logan hated him. 
    He’d had enough.
    As he laid in bed, his eye throbbing and his chest contracting with sobs, he decided he was going to talk to this person. 
    He tried three times before he was stopped. 
    First Attempt: Caught off guard 
    Logan watched his ratty sneakers step on the cracks in the sidewalk as he made his way to school the next morning. The sun peeked over the horizon, painting the sky cerulean. The concealer and foundation Roman insisted on putting on stuck awkwardly to his face, even though Roman promised he’d get used to it. 
    He glanced up and faltered- the boy was sitting backwards on a bench facing away from him in a nearby park, his chin rested over his folded arms, smiling. Logan glanced around, but he was the only one in the street. 
He started towards him just as a half dozen books attacked his ankles. He smacked against the pavement painfully as his classmates rode by on their bikes, laughter echoing down the street. Logan glanced down- It was the book their English teacher assigned an essay on. 
    Hot shame curled in Logan’s gut, and he started to curl up with tears in his eyes when something crashed. He looked up just in time to see each bike slamming into each other like dominos, the kids laying in a pile of bruised bodies. 
    Logan looked back to the bench, but the boy was gone. 
    Second Attempt: The direct approach 
    Logan glared at his textbook, his hands curled into fists. It was close to 2am, and he was damn near ready to scream. He had a test the next day in English, and he was nowhere near ready for it. He was already failing the class. He didn’t want to know what would happen if his parents got called in for his grades. That happened one time in middle school, and they were much more lenient then. 
    Something snapped outside, and his head shot up. He leaned over his desk to peek out the window of his above-ground basement bedroom. 
    The boy drifted delicately around Logan’s front yard, moonlight sparkling against his skin, the white fabric of his dress flowing over his elbows, hips, and knees. A vibrant purple storm cloud followed, raining down on him as giggles echoed in Logan’s head, pastel blue and white dots following wherever he stepped. 
    Logan moved before his brain caught up to what he was doing; he sprinted out of the house, stopping in the doorway, and the boy looked up at him with what Logan could only describe as bliss. He started moving, bare feet crushing the wet flowers, and opened his mouth to speak- and the boy was gone. 
    Logan blinked. He hadn’t looked away or closed his eyes; he was suddenly charging at nothing. 
    Frustrated, he went back inside, but before they left for school the next morning, Roman pointed out the flowers. 
    Attempt Three: The indirect approach 
    After school, Logan sat on the same park bench as before. He put his headphones in and waited. He got halfway through the Les Mis soundtrack, the sun long since set, before he heard him. 
    “Go home,” a soft voice whispered in his ear. It could have been the wind. There was no one there. “It’s late. It’s dangerous. Go home.” 
    He didn’t move. 
    “Logan. You can’t be here. You know that.” 
    Logan squeezed his eyes shut. “Why not?” 
    “It isn’t safe.” 
    “Take me home.” 
    The boy chuckled. “I can’t do that.” 
    Logan clenched his fists; he was being mocked. “I’m not leaving until you speak to me,” he snapped. “Tell me what you want.” 
    Silence stretched out long enough for Logan to wonder whether he was even still there, and then he spoke again. “You’re very clever, Logan, but this isn’t going to work.” 
    “Why not?”
    “It can’t.” 
    Logan’s entire body tensed, his mind screaming, as footsteps sounded behind him. He was too scared to move. 
    “I’ll distract them.” 
    He didn’t look back, sprinting all the way home. 
    Attempt Four: The desperate approach 
    Logan buried his face in his hands. His parents continued screaming at each other upstairs as if they were the only ones who could hear it. He wished they’d just stop. 
    He straightened up and snatched the bottle of pills from his nightstand. 
He wasn’t actually trying to talk to Patton this time. He’d… Given up. He’d started thinking about why he was really there, and what he had done. Why he stayed, even when he didn’t want to. He couldn’t come up with any answers. 
He grabbed the bottle of vodka he’d stolen from his parents and popped open the bottle of pills. He closed his eyes, taking in a shuddering breath. 
He was very aware of someone’s presence. 
“Go away.” 
“I don’t think I’m who you think I am.”
Logan snapped his eyes open. The figure standing in front of him looked no older than his counterpart, but with milky white skin and shrouded in black dust. Little black horns stuck out from his vibrant purple hair. 
Logan furrowed his eyebrows. “You’re not…” 
“No.” He nodded to the bottle of pills. “You might want to put that down.” 
Logan blinked, and shook his head. 
He sighed. “C’mon, man. Just put it down and talk to me for a moment.” Logan just stared. “Fine, keep it, if it makes you feel better. At least put the lid back on, though, yeah? It’ll at least make me feel better.” 
Logan did so, and the boy did relax a bit. The demon drifted around the room, lavender combat boots pressing into the carpet as he inspected everything. “So you’re Logan, right?” He picked up the finished Rubix cube on Logan’s desk. “If not, this is one goddamn coincidence- not a bad one, though.” 
“I’m Logan.” 
“Cool.” He set it down. “I’m Virgil.” 
Logan looked at him, beyond confused. “What are you?” 
Virgil grinned. “That’s not very nice.”
“Just tell me!” 
He sighed. “Alright, yeah, I get it. Not the best time for jokes.” He sat next to Logan on the bed, emitting frost like a freezer. “What were you doing trying to talk to Patton?”
“Patton is…” 
“Right. The guy in white.” 
“I just…” Logan blushed. “I’m sick of being alone, okay?” 
Virgil grinned. “Honey, you can't reach out to an angel for friendship, that's what demons are for." 
“I don’t understand,” he said in annoyance. 
Virgil nudged him. “Patton’s not going to be able to help you. At least not for a while, as far as I’m concerned.” 
Logan’s chest grew tight, his voice strained. “Can you just make sense?” 
He rose his hands in mock surrender. “Alright, alright.” He dropped his hands in his lap, meeting Logan’s eyes. “Do you remember when the bookshelf fell?” 
Logan looked away, guilt twisting in his stomach. “Yes,” he said quietly. 
When Logan was twelve, he got home from school to find his dad home alone, drunk. He was mad that Logan hadn’t emptied the dishwasher before he left, even though the middle school was miles away and Logan had to wake up at four a.m. just to get ready and walk there on time. He would have hit him- If the bookshelf hadn’t fallen and broken his arm. 
“That was Patton.” 
Logan furrowed his eyebrows. “What… No, it wasn’t.” 
“And when you stayed late for detention in ninth grade, because you got too many tardies? You were on your way to the parking lot when that group of juniors stopped you.” 
The kids had been about to hurt Logan, and make him late getting back home, something his parents didn’t take lightly. They didn’t get the chance to do anything, though, because a teacher leaving for the day passed them, and he was able to follow her out of the building. 
“I remember,” Logan mumbled. 
“And then, last week. With the kids on the bike.” Logan just nodded, and Virgil nudged him. “All those days you thought you’d off yourself if you had to go to school, and it was cancelled, or ended up being easier than you thought? Every time you thought it couldn’t get any worse, and then it got better. Do you remember that, Logan?” 
“It was Patton?” He asked quietly. 
Virgil smiled, a little pride in his voice. “Ever since the beginning.” 
Logan clenched his fists. “If he’s been here the entire time, why hasn’t he said anything?!” He glared at Virgil. “He can’t fix my problems by breaking my father’s arm and getting me a few days off school!” Logan jumped to his feet, throwing the pills on the bed. “I didn’t want much, I just wanted someone to talk to! Why couldn’t he just do that?!” Logan whipped around. “Why is that so much harder?!”
Virgil was unfazed. “He can’t get near you.”
“Because it’ll kill you.” 
Logan blinked. He swallowed. “I don’t understand.” 
Virgil clasped his hands together, playing with his sleeves. “Patton… He’s been protecting you, yeah. But if he can’t protect you anymore, then it’s time for, well, for you to go. That’s his job, too.” 
“What are you here for, then?” He quickly realized he wasn’t dying tonight.
Virgil gave a lopsided smile. “We’re kind of a duo. And since I won’t kill you by talking to you, and since I’ve kind of got a better grip on things, I can come in for a more direct approach.” 
Logan eyed the bottle, nauseous. 
Virgil stood, gripping Logan’s shoulders. “Listen. Patton wouldn’t let me come in here if he thought there was no chance. He would give you your do over and move on.” He bit his lip, hesitating. “Some people don’t get a happy ending. But they get to try again- everyone does, as many times as they want. But I don’t expose myself to people just for the hell of it. I didn’t come in here just to let you give up at seventeen fucking years old.” 
Logan squeezed his eyes shut as they filled with tears, gripping Virgil’s hands. “I don’t think I can do it.” 
Virgil eased Logan back onto the bed, kneeling between his legs. “Logan. Look at me. What do you want? If you just went to bed, what would you want to do when you woke up?” 
“I don’t know.” 
“Yes, you do.” 
“No, I-” 
“It doesn’t have to be realistic. It can be anything. I don’t care if you want to live on fucking Mars. Why are you here?” 
Logan cracked his watery eyes open. “I just don’t want to be alone anymore.” 
“Then make sure that happens,” he insisted. “It won’t be tomorrow, or next week, and it’s not going to get any easier any time soon. But Patton can be pretty stubborn, and next time you pick up those pills for any reason other than a headache, he’ll smite you.” 
Logan laughed weakly, wiping his eyes. “Isn’t that counterproductive?” 
“Hush. You’re not going to be alone forever, Logan. Because you aren’t a bad person.”
“Does everyone have… You guys?”
“They do.” Virgil winked. “They’re just not all clever enough to see them.” 
Logan glared. “Are you flirting with me?” 
He stood. “Absolutely not. We may not be human anymore, but Pat and I are as monogamous as they come.”
“Will I ever meet him?” 
Virgil shrugged one shoulder. “When you’re ready.” 
The chill of the room began slowly seeping out, and Logan panicked, jumping up and crying, “Wait!” 
The frost settled back into the room, Virgil looking at him curiously. “What?” 
“I…” He slumped, looking away. “I don’t want you to leave just yet. Please?” 
“Alright.” Virgil settled himself on the bed, against the wall. “You put that shit away, I’ll stay right here, okay?” Logan hesitated. “Go on. I promise.” 
Logan gave in, snatching up the pills and the alcohol, rushing to sneak upstairs, put them away, and come back down. Virgil was still right where he left him. 
They laid down a few inches apart, facing each other. Logan shivered as he slowly fell asleep, Virgil’s presence reminding him of safe things. 
He woke up the next morning with the sunlight streaming through his bare window. He rolled over in his empty bed, blinking in confusion at his nightstand. He ran his fingers over the carvings, reading Don’t fuck me over xx. 
It was Saturday morning. 
He could do anything. 
He went to the library. 
Logan was well into his nineties when he finally met Patton. Too young, Virgil said, although he said that with everyone. At Virgil’s suggestion, Logan had dedicated his life to teaching, to discovery. His research led to several breakthroughs in medicine, and he discovered several highly effective means of therapy for those with social disorders. 
While he was dedicated to academics, he didn’t forget why he stayed. He made an effort not to be such a recluse, something that hurt him at the start- the kids in his hometown weren’t kind. 
So he moved. He went to the city, the same one that held the college he got a scholarship for. He knew the likelihood of there being nothing at all for him was low, and found a book club for mystery readers that met every Saturday. It was awkward, and painful, but he got used to making conversation and having positive attention on him. 
On campus, he met Remy when he nearly spilled his coffee all over Logan first thing in the morning. Logan quickly learned that Remy was addicted to coffee, largely because of his insomnia, and always had on a pair of sunglasses due to his photophobia. He was… Interesting. 
At first, they were hesitant acquaintances, but after Logan effectively helped Remy through a panic attack, Remy latched onto him like a koala. Remy was loud and funny and forced him to eat, and Logan helped him with his homework and kept him company when he couldn’t sleep. 
Two years later, Logan met Emile in his psychology class. He almost didn’t believe it would happen, but after a while, he didn’t feel lonely anymore. He still had to deal with intense abandonment issues, but Emile and Remy never let him deal with it alone, and Logan would be damned if he didn’t give them the same treatment. He wanted to help people, and that included being the best fucking friend in the entire world. 
A few weeks before graduation, he got a call from Roman, whom he hadn’t spoken to since the day before Roman turned eighteen. Logan met him in a coffee shop. 
Roman hadn’t gone to school- he couldn’t afford it and skipped too much, slacked off too much to get any kind of scholarship, and he wasn’t too interested anyway. He told Logan he went straight into working and doing theatre on the side, and was in the city for his first movie audition. Logan told him about school, and his job, and Roman was just as surprised as he was when Logan told him about Remy and Emile. 
“Well I have to meet them!” He cried, then hesitated, remembering he’d practically abandoned Logan. “If you want, that is.”
Logan nearly laughed; he’d never seen Roman look so pitiful. “Yeah, sure. We can all go out to dinner or something.” 
Logan was in his mid-twenties, and working under a medical apprenticeship, when he met Seth at the book club he was now the president of. The first thing Logan noticed about Seth was the bright pink patches of eczema sprinkled all over his otherwise dark brown skin, and the second was that he was a compulsive liar. Sometimes Logan didn’t even realize Seth was lying, until he was stumbling over himself trying to correct it, flustered and embarrassed. 
Logan admired him. They stayed talking in the library even after everyone else in the book club left, and Logan learned he was in therapy for compulsive lying, anxiety, and depression. While Logan and Roman both left home when they were eighteen and never even thought of turning back, Seth was tentatively trying to mend his relationship with his parents after they cut him off for lying. 
They fell easily into a relationship. It just made sense; they were comfortable with each other and understood each other a lot better than most people. Remy and Emile understood Logan’s trouble with feelings, and could temporarily soothe his abandonment issues. But Seth didn’t just understand, didn’t just tolerate it- around him, Logan was comfortable enough to express his emotions, and the things Seth said actually stuck. Remy and Emile had to come running again and again, but Seth’s voice rang in his head any time he felt insecure. 
One night, in their fourties, Logan admitted to Seth while they were laying in bed at night that Patton existed, this person he’s seen his entire life who watches out for him. Seth didn’t mock him, like Logan feared. He wanted to hear all about it. Logan had never felt as relieved as he did in that moment. He’d been dragging this along throughout their entire relationship, and they both noticed a difference afterwards, how much lighter he felt. He could finally put his full trust in Seth. 
He went with Patton without any struggle. Virgil, whom he hadn’t seen since that night when he was seventeen, clapped him on the back and congratulated him.
Patton offered him the warmest smile- he was made of sunlight. “Logan Sanders,” he said, his voice made of wind, “would you like to go again?”
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bae-leth · 5 years
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Oh wow that’s a really detailed dream? I enjoyed reading about it! I’m thinking that Lorenz has more of a playful rivalry with Claude than an actual hatred, since FE Facebook talks of him, Dedue and Hubert all being loyal to their lords, but it’d be interesting if he turned on him later on in the story.
(I had only one 3H dream since that last anon, and in mine all that happened was that Claude and Dimitri had a shouting match. I don’t even remember what it was about. le sigh.)
About headcanons - I think I’ll expand a bit on the students we already know, more than the students we don’t. As much as I want to talk about Lysithea, Marianne etc, there’s literally nothing to glean tidbits from, so I’ll hold off from headcanons until we learn something, at least.
…I predict that most of these will end up being friendship-related anyway, haha. Headcanons under the read more:
- A perfectionist, excelling in all her studies/training/etc from a young age.
- However this led to other people looking up to her, rather than seeing her as an equal - this led to some loneliness growing up.
- She wanted proper friends, not just people who saw her solely as a prospective ruler, but eh. What can you do when you have an certain image to cultivate?
- (spoilers: friendships attained at the monastery later on, and this secretly makes her very happy)
- Edel always looked like a hard person to approach, but really she was just a kind soul underneath
- Siblings: I keep thinking that she might have a half-sibling who tries to usurp her position as heir apparent midway through the game lmao. Other than that though, she seems like the only-child type to me.
- Kids want to BE her, because she’s super cool. This makes Edelgard super mushy inside (she’ll try to deny it), so she has a soft spot for the kids that run up to her in excitement whenever she travels around the Empire
- I wonder what his tinge of darkness is? Intsys might go for the standard ‘he is forced to follow his bloodthirsty father in committing atrocities in the name of the Church’
- Or perhaps he witnesses something horrific as a child, and is powerless to stop it, leading to immense guilt up to adulthood?
- Or maybe it’s an inherent character trait. Maybe Dimitri was the villain all along 😔 and childhood circumstances exacerbated this villainy.
- Apart from theorising about his darkness, I headcanon that he was a bit of a wild child who mellowed out when he got older and attained more responsibilities. A bit like BotW Link, but more outwardly cheerful/expressive. Chivalrous from the very beginning. A good boi
- I still reeeeally want him and Ingrid to be siblings… If this is the case, then you can bet all your money that Ingrid had the best puppy face as a kid, and got away with everything. Dimitri was blamed for eeeeverything, and Ingrid still teases him about it now
- (they’re the ultimate power-siblings tho. Could kill you easily)
- Has a few little sisters - THAT’S how he became so sneaky, lmao
- Actually listened in on the council meetings when he was younger, while pretending that he found them boring. He gained a good grasp of the politics of Fodlan from a young age as a result, and used this to his advantage to gain the upper hand in Alliance discussions (to the chagrin of his fellow nobles). He was always very sharp
- Always enjoyed winding up Dimitri as a kid, since the young prince got comically mad very easily. However, this became more difficult once Dimitri mellowed out and grew into a far milder young man. (Difficult, but not impossible…)
- Tried winding up Edelgard as a kid, too, before very quickly giving up. The heir to the Adrestian Empire knew how to use an axe VERY well from a VERY young age, and she wasn’t afraid to use it.
-Pulled a lot of pranks as a youngster, and still does now. Got away with it before because he was cute, gets away with it now because he’s charismatic (and HOt). Lorenz cries everytime, because he can’t get away with anything, apparently…
- Oh gosh, this man. He’s probably the first student at the monastery to go grey, he worries over Edelgard and the future of her position so much
- Has had the loyal retainer trope down to a T since, well, forever.
- He was always the best at giving Edelgard advice, making her tea, cheering her up etc, so much so that castle maids would ask him for pointers when they wanted to do the same.
- We know that she’s looked up to Manuela for ages, but consider this: she has Manuela merch.
- And she isn’t afraid to show it.
- A painting of Manuela, beautiful and absolutely massive, hangs in her dorm room, and she refuses to take it down. (To be fair, it’s a beautiful painting)
- AHAHAH but honestly? We already know he accepting she is of everyone, no matter their class, so I’m certain she was the same with her fans at the opera house.
- She always treated them kindly, despite how tired she might have been after that particular performance.
- She managed to attain a stellar reputation as a result - people loooooooved her.
- So it’s a bit of a shock when she goes from the eccentric, lovable people who adore her and who she has connections with at the opera house to the snobby noble NPCs at the monastery, but she does what she’s always done, and kills them with kindness.
- And sass, accordingly.
- And her voice. (She probably has Chords of Steel ✊)
- His pride in his family's status has landed him a lot of dislike amongst the other noble families.
- Not that he ever cared, though; as long as his family were thriving, he could care less about what others say
- Diligent in his training since a young age. He has to be, in order to keep up with Edelgard
- ... even if she doesn't notice that he's trying to form a rivalry with her
- (oops)
- Spent all social occasions in her room, making no noise and pretending she didn’t exist.
- Depending on her parents’ attitudes, her shy nature either landed her sympathy or scorn. If they scorned her, this would explain why she prefers to practise her hobbies in the comfort of her own room.
- (It would also mean that I would leap into my switch to punch her parents herself)
- Felt much pressure to be conform to the typical self-assured noble role, which was a constant blow to her self esteem - especially because the ‘perfect’ noble, Edelgard, was right there, and easily comparable to her
- I’m pretty sure that she grows into her own throughout the course of the game, but since we’re talking about her past only, I can’t imagine that all the pressures of nobility would be good for her :(
- Why did she leave the Empire as a noble to settle as a commoner in the Kingdom?
- Methinks her family angered the nobles at court, and were forced to flee as a result. They didn’t agree with their methods/ideologies/etc, dared to speak out about it, and were threatened as a result
- It meant that Mercedes lost a lot of privilege and status as a result, but she didn’t mind. She could still heal others, and that was enough.
- She was initially lonely at the mage school before meeting Annette, although she was rather reluctant to admit it. However, the two of them soon became fast friends, and the rest is history
- (I headcanon that she only vaguely remembers Lorenz, which is a sucker punch to his ego lmao)
- Well-liked at court before her family’s fall to disgrace.
- Holds little ill-will towards those noble families that turned on her own - was only disturbed that they were that corrupt in the first place
- He and Dimitri had a bit of a personality swap through the years.
- As children, Dimitri was the wild, reckless hooligan, while Felix was the one desperately trying to reign him in, for fear of losing the prince of Faerghus to some tragic accident (i.e. he tried taming a bear) under his watch
- As they grew older, Dimitri became more responsible. Felix, on the other hand, went 'fuck it’ and went absolutely ham. By this I mean that he starts his little challenging rituals
- which lands him in a lot of trouble, sometimes, because as it turns out, challenging a fifty year old senior knight at the tender age of fifteen doesn’t tend to turn out very well
- Dimitri ends up being the one to exasperatedly chase after him.
- Despite his 'lone wolf’ proclamations, the main reason Felix fights alone because he wants to look cool.
- The others (except Ashe) don’t buy this for a second. They haven’t done so in YEARS.
- Dimitri earned Dedue's respect ever since the prince defended one of his younger siblings from a drunkard in the marketplace
- As repayment, he offered to serve as a retainer for a period of time. Ended up being permanent, because his respect for Dimitri grew exponentially the more he spent time with him
- Green fingered. Probably worked wonders with the plants in his hometown.
- Dimitri once asked if he could tend to the palace gardens. Once Dedue realised that it was either him or Felix armed with a scythe, he quickly took up the offer.
- Since then, as well as being a retainer, Dedue often oversees the upkeep of the gardens. It's hard work, but he enjoys it. He makes sure to leave the plants in capable hands before the Blue Lions set off for the monastery
- Ok yes I know that we technically know nothing about Ashe either, but... my boy. I must headcanon him
- Ever since he joined the Blue Lions, Ashe had always been seen as the 'baby' of the group. The little brother. The one to look out for.
- It's just his face, y'know? Gotta protect that smile. Even Felix has a soft spot for him
- It exasperated Ashe to no end, because he KNEW he was capable enough to hold his own. He was just... short, okay??
- (His protests don't stop the rest of the Blue Lions affectionately doting on him. Currently, it's become a bit of a running gag between the members)
- Ashe, fists clenched: fight me!
- The rest of the Blue Lions, shaking their heads, drawing lances and mouthing softly: do not
- They all know he's capable, really, but it's always been funny to wind him up like this, so they all continue to do so.
- Everyone else knows that fighting Ashe is futile. You try and duel him, and suddenly there's a gang of 8 absolute b e a s t s tearing you to shreds. It's not fun
- Seeing as he doesn't have a crest, Ashe is probably a commoner.
- How did he end up with the Blue Lions? Either his own skill at the time, or him having a lot of potential, or both. I'm leaning towards the latter
- Has horribly embarrassing anecdotes from his time at the mage school, which is why he is half thankful that Mercedes doesn't remember most of his blunders
- Annette remembers all of them, however.
- All of them.
- She uses these stories as blackmail material.
- Has always had a playful rivalry with Claude, but ultimately respects him. They play up their rivalry sometimes around the other nobles in the Alliance, just to create confusion
- Has an older sister who is infinitely more stylish and romantically successful than him. It pains him to even think about her success compared to his
- (doesn't stop him from knocking on her door for advice, though)
- Canonically spoilt by her father and older brother, yes. However, if you touch her family, and she will k i l l you
- s l o w l y
- so don't even think about it.
- Goes shopping and uses her poor brother as a shopping basket. The boy's groaning after five minutes. She smiles and adds more clothes onto his arm
- Her family can't resist her pleas... which caused quite a few petty squabbles. Imagine being Hilda's brother and getting a mug for Christmas, while you watch her get the cutest lil puppy, or something
- Despite this, she genuinely would do anything for her family. (even poison for them, if it came down to it...)
- His parents were killed in an accident, but for a long time Raphael felt guilty for not being able to do anything to save them, especially since he was so strong in the first place.
- What's the use of all his strength if he can't even protect his loved ones properly?
- Eventually, he pulls himself out of his slump. It takes a long time, but he realises that there's nothing he can do now except move forward and use his strength to protect those still living
- which is what he does! He gets Stronger, and uses his strength to protect his house.
- the others all admire how optimistic he is. His energy has always been infectious, and always draws out laughter from even the most despondent of people
- however, his constant training has always brought about shortages of training dummies for the Deer. Sometimes they go out to train, but there's just ... straw, in a heap on the floor.
- Raphael's optimism can't save him then 😤
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Of Storms And Sadness 2
Chapter 2
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There was a girl once in Daryl Dixon’s life. She was his almost, but as life is, it teared her away from him long before she could become more than that. Years later, in the midst of all the chaos of the dead world, Mae Peterson walks right back into Daryl’s life, when he needs her most. Problem is, Mae is now one of Negan’s wives.
Though the girl never faltered in renouncing the life of comfort and safety beside Negan, risking her own life in order to give Daryl his freedom back, will that be enough to bring the two back together?
Pairing: none so far (Daryl x OC eventually)
Warnings: Language (Mae does slightly overuse the word fuck and she tends to get quite creative with her insults ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ), violence, death (mention), sexual assault attempt mention, self deprecating thoughts
Words: 1613
Chapters: 2/?
Notes: There’s no Dixon brothers in this chapter (though they are both mentioned), hope that won’t be a deal breaker. However, Mae meets Negan, and the way she meets the man will greatly affect her future opinion of him, as well as her decision to become one of his wives. She’s not blind, though. Or is she? // This thing was supposed to be posted yesterday, but I had a couple of crazy days (like, the craziest, most stresful week I had in a while if I’m being honest) and I’m just late with everything!
Mae's head was pulsating, the bright light penetrating through the small window on her left bothering her eyes as she blinked them open, adjusting to it not the easiest thing. She wondered how long she'd been out. "Merle?" mumbled words left her sore throat, raspy and barely above a whisper.
A thud echoed nearby and she heard footsteps approaching, but they never came close enough - "Oh, well, about time. Rise and shine, lil’ lady." Perhaps she could rise, but she doubted she looked anywhere near to shiny.
Still stunned, Mae chuckled, founding funny how the words sounded exactly like something Merle would say, but the voice felt detached, in a way, as if it belonged to someone else. Almost like -- well, shit! Her eyes flew open, the bright light feeling like fire to her pupils, scanning the room she was in, though her sight was still blurry. A shadowy figure was standing in the corner, locks of hair making it obvious that the man was not Merle. 
Mae groaned slightly, rising up, the whole room spinning like a carousel. "Where's Merle?" she asked the man approaching her carrying something in his hands. Giving her the mug, he shrugged. "Don't know who that is, doll."
A chamomile tea, a fucking luxury in these times, Mae thought, as she first inhaled and then took a sip of aromatic fluid, jumbling it in her mouth, the taste causing a silent mmm to leave her chapped lips, bringing back memories of quiet nights on her porch. The nights she used to spend alone, or rather the ones when Daryl would keep her company, joining her when Merle and Les would fall dead asleep, speckled through their living room like lifeless ragdolls.  Head full of worries, her eyes flew back up to the stranger, wanting to know what happened with Merle. "A friend -” Never in her life would Mae have guessed that once a day would come when she’d call Merle Dixon a friend, yet here she was. And when she said it, it was not just a label to put on Merle when trying to explain who he was to a stranger, it was the truth. With time, Merle Dixon had become her friend. Kinda what happens when you go through thick and thin with someone, always having each other’s back. Merle was still an asshole, still annoyed the shit outta her, but he was a loyal and protective one, and it was enough. In the world as it was now, it was almost everything. “-He was with me, out on that clearing. I lost him and I fell, I guess it was you that helped me. Thought it was him." Shit. She didn't want Merle to be hurt or dead. He was a lucky bastard though, it’s what gave her hope he was fine out there, somewhere.
"Didn't see no one else." The man replied poorly, sitting on the sofa across from her, before he continued.  "You're damn lucky we found you, young lady. Were this close to becoming walker food." 
A troubled sigh left Mae's lips, silence filling the small room, as both the stranger and her sat there quietly for a moment, right before Mae’s curiosity pushed the crippling worry to side. 
"Who are you? What is this place?"  Questions popped out of her mouth one after another, the man - Damien - patiently answering each and every one of them. "Negan told me to keep an eye on you until you woke up, so I guess it's time for me to go find him."
"Wait, who's Negan?"
"Well, the boss. You'll meet him in a moment, let me fetch someone to keep you company while you wait."
And just like that, the tall blonde man was out of the room. Mae leaned back, body sinking into the back lean of the couch. Her eyes circled around, scrutinizing her surroundings. The room was not large or particularly fancy, but it was cozy enough. The couch she was now sitting on was leaned to the wall, with a sofa across from it, a small coffee table between the two. There was another table, with two chairs, on the other side of the room, as well as some cabinets filled with all the kitchen stuff. The light penetrating through the smallish window on her left was now fading, making it known that the day was coming to its end.
Doors flew open, making Mae turn her head incautiously following the sound, her vision distorting again at the sudden movement. 
"Didn't mean to startle you." The man said, his voice sounding strangely familiar. Then he paused for a moment, eyes devouring the blonde. "Have I seen you before? I think I've seen you before." 
Mae wondered the same, as she watched him approach, a mountain of a person, but her head was still spinning, and she couldn’t quite place him. It felt like a blast from the past, the voice that stayed the same, while the body aged and changed. When the man leaned down towards her, their faces inches apart, it's when recognition hit her. The familiar face was now marked with a scar or two more, skin dry and tanned, a fair amount of facial hair hiding his thin lips, as well as the scar she once gifted him with. But eyes, those were equally dark, equally haunting. Mae pulled herself back, arms wrapping around her knees and teeth chewing on her lower lip. For a moment or so, she thought the man will not recognize her, she caught herself wishing she looked fucked-up beyond recognition, but as she pulled back, he kept coming closer, finally cornering her on the couch, large hands blocking her from both sides.
"Well, well, well. Isn't life just so funny, little Mae Peterson?" he purred to her ear, eyes circling the room. "And no hillbillies to save your pretty little ass this time."
Where the fuck was Damien with this Negan guy?! What the fuck takes them so long? Moments passed, but they seemed like hours. Mae caught herself wishing for Merle to come running through that door, throwing some nasty comment her way, for though she was never a fan of the older Dixon brother, the thing she knew even before she grew fond of him was that he was far from being the worst of her brother’s "friends". This guy, on the other hand, was as bad as they make them.
"Get your dirty claws off of me, Pete." Mae growled in desperation, but it made Pete chuckle darkly, only creeping closer. His breath tickled her collar bone, and she could feel his lips almost touching her skin, hand covering her mouth before the thought of screaming for help even managed to reach her panicked mind. It's just the way things always were, no decent guy ever dared to lay eyes on her, being a sister of a drug dealer not really an advantage in life.
But guys like this, they always dared. And it made Mae sick, made her feel weak all over again, adding fuel to the re-waking wildfire of her insecurities, encouraging the tricks her mind was starting to pull on her once more, as the words she heard way too many times through her life replayed in her head - That's all you're good for, anyway. Who could ever like you? You're useless. Ugly. Stupid girl. 
Doors flying open startled her captor, giving Mae the chance to pull her hand out of his grip, not missing the opportunity to slam her fist to his jaw. 
"Well damn," the approaching man said with a cackle, the sudden fear in Pete's eyes catching Mae's attention, "Petey, Petey, Petey...is this how we treat ladies here?"
Pete pulled up to his feet, leaving Mae curled up in the corner, her eyes growing wide as he turned towards the other man, dropping down to his knees.
"The bitch provoked me, boss." Fucking lying fuck. 
"Oh did you, doll?" the stranger asked, hazel eyes staring Mae down. She shook her head fiercely, words stuck in her throat.
"You see, Petey. The lady here says you're one big lying son of a bitch."
"I'm sorry, sir. Won't happen again." Pete answered with a shaky voice.
"It sure as fuck won't, I do believe you, buddy. But you see, Lucille here," the man said, raising a barbed-wire-wrapped baseball bat and pointing it towards Pete, "she doesn't buy your bullshit." 
There was a sinister sound to his voice, Mae's eyes stuck on Pete, noticing how the asshole was now trembling, feeling an unusual urge of satisfaction just from seeing him like that. Her lips spread into a smirk, eyes darting up towards the man in charge. He smiled back, the tone of his voice turning playful, as his eyes switched back to the guy kneeling in front of him. "But don't you worry, Petey boy, Lucille ain't too thirsty today."
Mae could see Pete's shoulders sinking, body turning more relaxed, only to notice him stiffening again as the other man continued - "She is damn angry, though. But let's go for a walk now, shall we? We do not want to freak the lady out."
As the two left the room, door closing shut behind them, Mae wondered what it was that got Pete that scared. Not that she cared, she wanted him scared. Distant rumble coming from the hallway disturbed her thought flow, and before she knew it, the door flew back open, a playful voice ripping the silence to shreds. "Well, now that that sorry fuck was dealt with, it's about time I introduce myself. Name's Negan." 
Mae's name came out a whisper, eyes stuck on the blood dripping from Negan's baseball bat, Lucille, giving her a hint of how the sorry fuck was dealt with. And even though it crept Mae out, knowing she won't be seeing Pete's face ever again also provided a certain relief, a feeling rather unsettling, since a man needed to die for her to feel safe.
So, here’s that. Will we see Merle again?
As for Daryl, that’ll be soon. Promise :)
Tag list: @jodiereedus22
If anyone else wants to be tagged, just let me know!
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mcgrathandwives · 6 years
That's what Luthor's do? Part 2
I've been up since 6am and it's not 12.15am I'm shattered in every way😂 but here's the second part. There will be a 3rd I'm not sure about anymore after that tho.
Also the gif really do capture how I want you to picture Lena (also kinda defensively protective) and Kara😂
Word Count: 2336
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Slowly your eyes opened to see a few dimmed lights, a redhead stood above you but you weren’t sure who they were everything was blurry. After 5 minutes you came around, shooting up, you looked around your scenery.
Your eyes landed on the green dress wrapped around your sister “Le-Lena! Lena get up!” Panic washed over you. You had never seen Lena like this, a bit of you wanted to joke about how she’s finally getting that sleep but another part of you was scared she wouldn’t wake up.
“She was thrown against the desk pretty hard Y/n.” Alex came in dressed in an all black tight uniform and a clipboard in her hands. “Al? Where are we?” An older man came in also dressed in all black.
“Welcome to the DEO Miss Luthor. I’m director Henshaw, you already know agent Danvers. Your sister will wake up between now and the next 15 minutes. We will need both of your help to end this madness and then we’ll have to take you both in for questioning. But in the meantime, I’m going to need you to let Agent Danvers look you over and your sister.” As quick as he came in he left.
Lena woke up just as Alex was checking your blood pressure. Her reaction was similar to your, jumping up and searching for you, “Y/n?!”
“Lee! It’s okay. I’m here are you okay? Alex, can I get up now?” The redhead nodded, refusing to say a word. You made your way over to Lena wrapping her in your arms, she held you tightly, refusing to let go.
“Lena you need to let Alex check you over. We’re in the DEO and we could get arrested I’m not really sure- not that I’m holding your breath but they need our help.” Lena followed what you were saying, she looked groggy but nodded to say she understood. It took Alex 10 minutes to check Lena over, Supergirl stood anxiously at the side waiting to talk to you. “They’re all good Supergirl.”
She signaled for the both of you to follow her, “The director wants us in the meeting room. He wants to question you two.” Grabbing your sister’s hand you followed your girlfriend. Before either of you could sit you were bombarded with questions.
There aren’t many things in life that scare you other than losing your sister, Sam or Kara, heights and disappointing Lena. But the look on Supergirl's face was making you shake.
Everyone wanted answers but you couldn’t answer them all- frustration was growing over everyone until Supergirl asked the one question you knew would cause a rift in your relationship. “How did you capture Reign?”
Sitting up straight, your grasp on Lena’s hand tightened. “We didn’t capture her, she came willingly! In order to contain Reign, we used Kryptonite. For Sam, we didn’t do anything other than try to make her feel as safe and comfortable as possible.” Supergirl’s face was a hard at the mention of Kryptonite.
“You used what? Y/n how could you even think that doing this would’ve been perfectly fine? Lena how? Why? Sam was your friend I know- she was practically family, but doing something like that with complete carelessness to human regard! What would you have done if Reign got to attack you?” The blonde was pacing back and forth, venting her frustration.
“Just hold on a second Supergirl! You know fine well we’d do anything to protect the people we love! If it meant using Kryptonite to save Sam from Reign then that was what we’d use! It gave us time to find a lead to fix Sam!” You watched the both of them argue closely and that’s when you saw it.
That same frown Kara has when she’s just had an argument with Alex.
Shock shot across your face, catching Alex’s attention, she brushed it off and continued to watch the Super argue with your sister.
“You found a lead into fixing her and you didn’t tell me? Why would either of you keep that from me?”
Before anyone could speak again you started to chuckle.
“We didn’t tell anyone because we wanted to be sure that what we found would save Sam. If we told you or called anyone from the government then she’d be used as a science experiment, Ruby would’ve lost her Mom! We didn’t choose to hide it because we wanted to. We had to be sure! You know what it’s like having to be sure about things don’t you Supergirl?” Tears started to fill your eyes whilst your voice shook. Lena noticed the signs of your voice cracking, “None of you don’t get to stand there lecturing us for not telling anyone when you Supergirl have your own little secret!” Worry flooded the faces of the director, Alex, and Kara herself. Lena lifted her eyebrow in confusion, she had no idea what you were talking about or where you were leading this rant.
“So Kara when are you going to step down off your Kryptonian high horse? You’ve got some nerve to freak out over us keeping a secret when you’ve been parading around in your little red cape and skirt!”
Kara knew you’d find out who she was but she didn’t expect it so soon. Lena, however, was a mix of emotions, her best friend is Supergirl.
Her sister is dating Supergirl.
The nerdy Danvers sister who has been dating her sister for nearly half a year is Supergirl. Her head was spinning, Alex was the first to speak up. “When did you work it out?” You couldn’t look at the Danvers sisters the same, there was a part of you wanting to forgive them but right now you were just too angry- how dare either of them go off on a rant about keeping secrets when they hid who Kara was.
“Does it matter? You’ve made it clear none of you trust us enough to tell us. So why bother? It is what it is.” You couldn’t help but let a few tears fall the reality of it hitting you- your girlfriend is Supergirl.
Lena’s overprotective instincts kicked in, pulling you into her arms hiding you from the eyes in the room. Kara wasn’t sure what to do, looking at Alex she sighed.
Lena wanted to be mad she really did, she wanted to hate Kara for hurting you but she couldn’t she understood why she hid it.
“Kar-Super-Kara could you just give us a few minutes please?” Nodding, the sight of you crying broke her heart- Kara never wanted to cause you any pain but here she was being hypocritical, she knew what she did was wrong but she didn’t want to put you or Lena in any more danger.
The room cleared instantly leaving you sobbing in Lena’s arms, it had been two years since she was last in this position and she wasn’t up for forgiving Kara for making you this upset. If there’s one thing all Luthor’s have in common it’s holding a grudge
Winn called everyone down to the main desk explaining that he had a hit on the Worldkillers- they were in Metropolis. Lena had explained that you had taken Ruby there but after Reign threatening to kill her Lena had already had her on a plane back here we just had to pick her up from the Luthor landing strip. Alex had assembled a team to collect her.
“I’m going too she’ll need someone to comfort her. Lee you stay here and help the team work out their next attack.” Reluctantly she agreed with you. Coming back to meet Alex you had changed into a DEO outfit, your sister was sporting a similar one, she made your way over to her, placing your hand on her shoulder. “Come back home Y/n, or I swear to god I’ll kick your ass. Please stay safe.” Smiling you pulled her into a hug. Grabbing an earpiece from Winn the team left.
You sat beside Alex, the ride was quiet, nearing awkward. The only interaction you had was agreeing whenever Alex went over the plan with the team. “If it’s any help she wanted to tell you. She didn’t because she wanted to keep you both safe.” Turning to the agent you shared a small smile, “It’s not the point. The point is all of you had a massive secret and yet you grilled us for wanting to keep Sam and Ruby safe. It’s a bit too hypocritical Al.” Alex’s only response was nodding. You pulled up to the tarmac, just as the plane was landing, grabbing Ruby you started to make your way back to the DEO- the ride was short and quick.
At the DEO, however, all that could be heard was shouting, Lena and Kara, to be exact. “YOU STILL COULD’VE TOLD HER KARA!” Lena stood strong, just like she does in the boardroom, Kara was walking closer to her as she got louder, “I HAD TO KEEP YOU SAFE!” The older Luthor let out a laugh, “IF YOU HAD WANTED TO KEEP HER SAFE DANVERS SHE WOULDN’T’VE BEEN CRYING IN MY GODDAMN ARMS!” By this point they were in each other's faces, Mon-El and Imra quickly jumped between them both, “Ladies, I understand where you’re both coming from but you need to discuss this either before or after they get back.”, He looked over at Imra asking for help, “Miss Luthor why don’t you come with me and we can talk- it’ll give you both a chance to cool down.” The Super and the Luthor shared a look, “I swear to god Kara you better hope she forgives you for this! Or so help me god I’ll find some way of kicking your ass for hurting my baby sister!” Mon-El dragged Kara away, whilst Lena and Imra walked up to the balcony.
“I know she meant well I just hate that it hurt Y/n more than anything. She’s been through enough and this is- this is ridiculous!” Imra offered a sympathetic smile, “I’m so sorry- Lena Luthor.” Extending her hand to the stranger, Imra, in turn, did the same, “Imra Ardeen. I’m Mon-El’s wife and if it helps I’d be just as annoyed as you are miss Luthor, I’m very protective of my family.” Returning Imra’s smile they fell into a conversation about you and Kara.
You walked into the DEO with Ruby’s hand in yours and Alex by your side. You had decided on the way back that you’d talk to Kara- just to stay on the same page until you could really talk about everything. “Y/n is Lena here?” Searching for your sister you found her messing around with some kind of gadget and what appeared to be Winn and another brunette once Ruby spotted her she was off. “Al, can you take me to Kara? ”
“Sure thing.” Smiling you watched Ruby rush to your sister. You turned on your feet following Alex.
In the training room, it was a completely different atmosphere. Kara was throwing anything she could find around, “How can Lena not see I kept this a secret for the right reasons? How can neither of them see how in the wrong they are?” Mon-El sat and nodded, just watching the Kryptonian in awe, “Kara. Your reason was for protection and so was theirs. You’re both technically in the wrong for not sharing that information.” Throwing another slab of concrete Kara sighed, “They have Kryptonite- how do we know they won’t use it on me like their brother did to Kal? How can I trust them again?” Mon-El cast a glance over to the door, Kara followed, finding Alex with the door open and you standing there. You couldn’t believe what you just heard. “Fuck you, Kara!”
She chased you down the hall toward the main center. “Will you just stop?!”, “Kara I’m seriously not in the mood!”. Using her superspeed she got in front of you. “I didn’t mean it like that.”, a crowd started to form around you both, the agents ready to pull their guns out just in case. “How else did you mean it, Kara? You’re worried Lena or I are going to use the Kryptonite on you just like Lex did to Superman. How else could you mean that any other way? You can’t trust us. You can’t trust me your own fucking girlfriend! How else could mean that?”, she tried to grab your wrist but you pulled back, “Y/n please.”, “Fuck you, Kara, I’m done. I’m taking Ruby somewhere safe far the fuck away from this shit show, one of you can come by once this is over.” You started to walk away when Kara called out “Are we done?”, you shook your head but you didn’t look back too afraid you’d start crying in front of the DEO agents again. Lena and Ruby watched from the lab, as you neared them Ruby ran into your arms and Lena offered a small smile, pulling you into her arms. The only words you shared were, “You were right Lee.”
Alex set you up with a gun to take as a just in case and three armed agents to accompany you and Ruby. Lena would’ve joined you but she was asked by Henshaw to stay, offer as much advice as she could. “Promise you’ll stay safe- the both of you.” Ruby nodded, hugging Lena one last time before turning to Alex. Kara tried to talk to you but you avoided her, “I’ll call if I need anything I promise.” With your last goodbyes, you were escorted out of the building.
Lena watched you leave before she turned to Kara, “The conversation from earlier is far from over, you’re lucky you’re an alien and that she loves you. You’ve crossed a line this time Kara. You’ll be luckier to make it back on my good side.” Grabbing the tablet Winn gave her Lena left Kara there looking defeated.  
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Stay with me (Enjolras x Reader)
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(A/N): This imagine will be one of the goriest and depressing fan-fictions I have written. But, I have put all my heart into this one-shot, and I hope you enjoy it. If you really enjoyed it, please like and comment down below. Feel free to contact and DM me for requests on imagines, head-canons, and one shots. (THAT GIF THO)
Enjolras is a little OOC, That’s because, In the books and movie, he had no interest in women. In this imagine, he is courting one. So that goes against the character a smidge. But He's still the passionate and intense Enjolras we all know and love.
When You’re fatality injured, Enjolras struggles to save your life. Will you survive? Or could your death be the reason he’s never had any interest another woman? Find out in the next chapter.
Word Count: 2,000
Warnings: Gore, Blood, Violence, Police brutality, Angst, Serious feels. 
(I do not own any of the named characters, as I am not Victor Hugo. But damn it I wish I was.)
It was just supposed to be a small Les Amis de l'ABC rally. You were just supposed to support your fiancé. The French government wasn't supposed to impose. And You weren't supposed to be shot. 
You don't remember much of anything clearly. You do recall a loud crash, the stumble of hooves on cobblestone, the screams of the crowd as they were shoved and trampled. And fired shots ringing out.
One particular scream caught your attention as you were looking for a way out of the panic, a little girl no older than 7 was standing alone, crying. Just ahead of her a soldier was storming forward on horseback, relentlessly tearing through the crowd, firing bullets at the peasants. He was going to ram right into her or shoot her first. 
Little ways in front of you, a frantic Enjolras was shouting your name over the gunfire, desperate to find you among the hysteria. You wanted to go to him, but You couldn't just stand there and do nothing, you had to save her. So, you gathered your courage and bolted to the little girl in an attempt to save her life.
You shoved and pushed your way through the madness. Breathlessly sprinting, you were almost there. The little girl was almost safe in your arms. You were so close. 
A scream...
Then silence...
The scream was not of your own but of your fiance, Enjolras. Despite the panic, he saw your innocence be shot down and his heart stopped. Everything seemed to slow around him as his whole world collapsed. Enjolras froze and let out a cry of anguish and horror, before barreling towards you.
He skidded across the sharp cobblestone, bloodying his knees. Enjolras shielded your body with his own from the damn soldier's horses. He delicately lifted your head onto his lap and applied pressure to your abdomen. His hands were blood-soaked and his vest was stained, but none of that mattered in the moment.
 You were unconscious, but still breathing, thank the Lord. But you were not out of danger yet, Enjolras knew this. You were losing blood fast and he had to get you out of the massacre. He scooped you up in his arms and weaved his way out of the streets. 
Everything was blurry and distorted Enjolras felt a wave uneasiness within him. He just watched the love of his life be shot. How could he not be in despair? He knew he had to focus, and he knew he had to get you to Joly. He did not know if you were going to be alive if he didn't get you there in time. 
He banged on Joly's flat door with his shoulder, his arms occupied with cradling you.
"Hello, Enjolra- Oh dear," Joly's eyes widened at the bloody sight.
"Please, say you can help her," Enjolras pleaded, his eyes begging and his teeth biting back tears. Enjolras never cried, he was truly desperate.
"Follow me," Joly wasted no time and guided Enjolras through the small flat to a narrow guest room. 
The room was small, shabby with a twin bed in one corner and not much surrounding. One single window lets natural light in.  Besides the bed, stood a rickety, uneven desk.  Methodically placed on top, were shiny, metal needles, scalpels, and jagged instruments, all precisely fixed on a tray. Some looked like torture devices. It was a terrible sight to see. One could only imagine the horrors they could be used for. These were only Joly's tools. He was a bit peculiar in his own way.
Often, Joly was a light-hearted and cheerful person, but he did have a more eccentric, dark side. He was a hypochondriac who studied the morbid and gruesome side of medicine. But admittedly, Joly was indeed skilled in his field of practice. Ever since he went to college with Enjolras and joined the revolution, Enjolras trusted him, even with your life. The most precious thing.
“Set her here,” Joly motioned to the bed. “What happened?” he inspected the wound when Enjolras set you down.
"(Y/n), she..." Enjolras paused to catch his breath. "They s-shot her... There was an attack at the rally. The Français soldiers slaughtered the streets, it was a genocide. They wanted to silence the revolution. Sending soldiers to kill the peasants-" his breath hitched.
"And my (Y/n)- I should have been there, I should have protected her. Damn it, why wasn't I there?" He mentally beat himself and blinked back tears.
"Enjolras," Joly placed a hand on his shoulder. "There's nothing you could have done."  
Despite Joly's words of comfort, Enjolras knew that he should have kept you safe. He thought he failed you. It could possibly cost him your life. Joly immediately assessed your wounds.
"A Bullet shell is still lodged in the lower abdomen, it seems it entered a blood vessel that's why she's bleeding out so much." He started to cut your corset open with scissors. 
"Judging from the location that the bullet pierced, blood is most likely flooding the lungs. The bullet needs to be extracted immediately or else the blood with clot her lungs and (Y/n) will choke," He finished.
At that moment Enjolras wanted to pass out. Everything was hazy and ill-defined. But he needed to keep going, clear his mind and focus on saving you. Joly hesitated and his expression darkened, “There is... um, a slight grievance.”
“Yes? Tell me. What is it?” Enjolras urged. Why is he tarrying? 
"You won't like it and she'll suffer, but I need to keep her conscious for this.”
"No!" Enjolras shuddered at the thought. Was he mad?
"I can't make her suffer through that, there has to be another way."
"(Y/n) needs to be responsive or she’ll go into cardiac arrest, she's losing time," Joly countered.
Enjolras sighed and gave in, "Fine, do what must be done... Just- help her.”
Joly nodded, "Thank you," He pulled out a long syringe of clear liquid. "A shot of naloxone hydrochloride should jump start (Y/n)'s heart enough for her to wake." Joly tapped the needle and some clear liquid squirted out at the tip. He positioned the syringe above her heart. "Hold her shoulders down please.”
Enjolras slipped off his jacket and did what he was told. At least (Y/n) wouldn't feel this pain, he thought. 
Joly plunged the needle into your chest. Enjolras cringed. 
"It should only take a few moments now." Joly massaged the area where the needle had just been injected. A moment of silence passed as he used more gauze to stop your wound bleeding. While Enjolras nervously anticipated what was to come.
You jumped awake, gasping for air and coughing up blood. Your lungs burned for oxygen and your eyes stung with tears that clouded your vision. There was a searing pain in your waist. You couldn't see or hear what was happening around you. Everything was disjointed and confusing. Enjolras held your shoulders down. His heart racing and his palms sweating. This was indeed a nightmare.
"I need you to hold her head up so the blood doesn’t clog her airways," Joly said, about to start.
Hovering, Enjolras positioned your head between his forearms and cradled your head in his hands. "(Y/n)! Can you hear me?"
Panting, you nodded. He let out a sigh of relief “(Y/n), love, look at me."
You recognized your lover's voice immediately, and your tired eyes searched for him. You started to fade out.
 “I need you to stay awake,” Enjolras knitted his eyebrows in concern. You felt Joly slice your skin with a scalpel. You moaned and squeezed your eyes shut. The intense agony of your flesh being torn was too much for you to handle.
 “It hurts,” you winced.
“I know, I know. Keep your eyes on me," Enjolras coaxed. He cupped your face and stroked your hair to calm and relief some of the pain. He hated every second of this torment. Seeing your suffering is agonizing to him.
 "Keep her going just a bit more. I'm nearly done," Joly called from his workspace. He almost had the bullet.
“I'm so tired” the words barely got past your mouth. Your brain hurt and your mouth tasted like rust from the blood.
 “Fight it, my love. Don’t give up” He wipes your tear with his thumb. Don't give up, Enjolras repeated to himself. She needs you, don't give up.
You wanted to scream from pain due to Joly's digging at your flesh. Why are you in so much pain? Why won't Enjolras make it stop?
Enjolras saw your fatigue, “Stay with me, (Y/n).” He knew that you could make it, he knew that you were strong.
There was a fiery agony going through your body and you cried out for it to stop. The pain was ceaseless and your head pounded. You thought that your torments would never end and that it was hopeless. You were about to give out when suddenly the misery lessened. Your nerves relaxed and your heart rate slowed.
“It's Finished,” Joly sighed and wiped beads of sweat from his brow.
Your chest rose and fell with exhaustion. Only traces of the searing pain lingered. You wanted so badly to sleep, and return to the comfortable darkness. If Enjolras would allow it, you weakly glanced up at him.
"Sleep, my love." he brushed the stray hairs away from your face, "I'm here.”
You leant into his hand and closed your eyes. Enjolras took comfort in your shallow breathing and turned to Joly in gratitude "How can I ever thank you?"
Joly finished stitching and wiped your blood off his hands, "No thanks necessary," he placed his hand on Enjolras' shoulder "Brother.”
Joly stood and dusted his trousers, "I’ll leave you be with her. You may use the guest room as long as you need.”
Enjolras shook his head, "I appreciate your hospitality but you've done enough. Besides, I wouldn't want to trouble the mistress, Musichetta." 
He then gazed at you, "I need to take (Y/n) back to our flat, and care for her there. She'll be safe."
"I understand," Joly nodded. "Let me give you some dressings before you go," He slid open a drawer and handed Enjolras a white bundle of gauze and cloth. "Change them out twice daily and come to me should you need more. However, I think this should suffice." 
"Again, thank you." Enjolras slipped the bundle of dressings in his coat pocket. "Is there anything I should know?" He asked.
"Just complete bed rest and she should be awake within the next few hours. But there is a possibility (Y/n) will not remember- uhh," Joly hesitated, "The... events, so to speak, of today."
“Understandable,” Enjolras nodded. It might be better that way he thought, He didn’t want you to remember any trauma of today and you could live a normal life with him, the life you always wanted. Enjolras wanted to give you a life of plenty, where you didn’t have to work so much. You could spend the rest of your days together with a home in the country as a family. But he had to make you safe first.
He delicately lifted you up into his arms, careful not to press into your side as not to harm you further. And made the journey home.
Part Two Coming Soon.
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