#'enemies to lovers!!!' no the fuck there wasn't. literally why are you lying
sleepingfancies · 2 years
genuinely tho late stage capitalism is the death of art. there are so many good stories out there and important stories that deserve to be told and what we get is light/lark and a thousand books titled A Crown of Shitting and Pissing. hundreds of thousands of people are brimming with beautiful, meaningful, well crafted stories but because their sister isn’t an agent or their uncle isn’t a movie director they will spend 10, 20, 30 years working to get their work out there, and maybe never will. and it’s so fucking depressing seeing mediocre, juvenile, buzzword bullshit get 6 figure deals and movie contracts and millions upon millions of dollars of funding while people who actually have something to say are left behind
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h0nkch0c0late · 8 months
i will literally do anything for jordan li x fem reader
enemies to lovers
Oh my God anon you are setting me up for such a good plot....you have too much faith in me.
Top Five
Jordan Li x Reader
SUMMARY: You and Jordan had always fought about everything. Whether it was because of something you two disagreed on, or a simple topic, but it was always mainly due to your Top Five rankings. While Marie was put in #1, you stayed in place at #3. As they say: the enemy to your enemy is your friend :)
WARNINGS: swearing, slight Gen V spoilers, implications of sex (not specifically written)
You and Jordan had been enemies since you could remember. Both of your parents had been close friends, and thought that their children would be the same.
That had never been the case, though, as you two had been each other's sworn enemies since the day you had met.
Why? Neither of you really had a reason. It had nothing to do with your powers, and most times your arguments had no real...argument. just pointless yelling.
But then, as you grew up, and you both entered Godolkin, it became more than just pointless arguments.
You spent every day trying to prove who the better person was. Which one was liked best, which one performed the best, etc...
It didn't help your case that Jordan was all buddy-buddy with the headmaster, Professor Brink, which let them be in with the popular crowd.
That didn't prevent you from being #3 for the top five, of course, but you were still upset.
Its not like you weren't friends with the "popular" crowd either, being friends with Cate Dunlap and Andre Anderson had its perks.
The only downside was that you were constantly in the same room with Jordan when you all hung out together, and she INSISTED on glaring at you every time.
Your response to it was always sticking your tongue out at them like a child, to which they always rolled their eyes.
To you two, it was like a game of cat and mouse, and neither of you could figure out which was which.
To your friend group's eyes on the other hand, it was a game of "who will kiss who" first. They saw your constant fighting as blatant flirting that neither of you were willing to admit.
So, when Marie Moreau came to the school, and Luke had killed himself along with killing Brink, you two finally had someone to be genuinely enemies with.
After all, the enemy to your enemy is your friend, right?
So, while Jordan was thrown to #5, and Marie moved up to #1, you couldn't stop glaring at Marie every time you walked past her.
As you walked down the path towards the dorm rooms, you had noticed Jordan standing there, clearly upset.
Ever since their rating had gone down, it was like they were a ghost to the rest of the school. You could relate, however, as being #3 wasn't as nice when the top 2 were being practically worshipped for something they hadn't even done.
So, gathering up your courage, you walked over to him, lips casted into a frown, "you okay?"
Her upset expression turned into one of annoyance (defense mechanism due to the fact her enemy was talking to her), and she groaned, "why do you care?"
You rolled your eyes, expecting nothing less from the supe in front of you, "because ever since Marie got to #1 and you got pushed, you've become a ghost. And you seemed pretty upset so...I don't know."
"You're still #3. You shouldn't be caring about anybody who's below you." They scoffed, their eyes refusing to meet yours.
You sighed, "the enemy to my enemy is my friend, I guess? Look, Jordan," You paused for a moment, "I know we aren't the best of friends, but I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I know how close you and Brink were and what happened fucking sucks."
Jordan's eyes moved to look at you, her frown slightly disappearing as she noticed that you actually genuinely cared. "Yeah, I'm fine."
You tilted your head, furrowing your eyebrows as you knew that they were lying, "there's no need to lie to me. We may hate each other but I do know you."
Jordan sighed, "can we not do this here?"
You gave them a look of confusion, "Okay...where do you wanna-"
You were cut off by Jordan taking your hand and dragging you off to their dorm room, and suddenly you found yourself sitting on their bed as they began to pace around. "Of course I'm not okay! Marie took all of the credit for something she didn't even do! She fucking took off! She ran! And it seems like I'm the only one pissed the fuck off about it because come ON! you did more than her! You actually tried to talk to him! You tried to talk him down and yeah it didn't work but you tried! And I fought him! Where the fuck is our credit, huh?!" Jordan ranted, getting angrier by the second.
Your frown deepened as you watched Jordan get heated, "Look, yeah, I'm angry I didn't get any credit, but at the end of the day, the rankings aren't that important to me. And yeah, I'm stuck at #3, but it's been like that for a while. I'm fine with not getting any credit because at the end of the day, it wouldn't have changed anything. You would have been #1, and Andre would have been #2. I care more about the fact that I lost a friend." You explained, standing up and walking over to Jordan, grabbing their hands in your own to stop their pacing.
She stopped in her tracks, her eyes downcast at your interlocked hands, head low to hide the rising blush that began to cover her cheeks.
"But I thought you did care. Yknow, our constant fighting and all?" Jordan questioned.
You chuckled, "Jordan, I constantly fought with you because thats what we do. We're supposed to be enemies, remember? Enemies fight."
Jordan stared at your hands for a bit longer before gathering the courage and looking up, "what if...what if I don't wanna be enemies anymore?"
Your brows furrowed in confusion, "what do you-"
You were cut off by Jordan planting their lips on your own, and you didn't hesitate to kiss back as your hands let go of their's and cupped their face.
And soon enough, you were back on her bed.
It's a little rushed but fuck it we ball 😎
Also, how do we feel about me calling yall gentlebitches bc I find it kinda funny
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elliespassagerprincess · 11 months
Can you do your favorite tropes?
Fake it - ellie williams x reader
Hi anon! I wasn't sure what you meant when you asked for my favorite tropes but my top 3 are: fake dating, forbidden love and the classic enemies to lovers :)
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Pairing: ellie x fem!reader
requests are always open feel free to leave one! or you can just send me a song and I'll take it from there :)
Warnings: none, it's literally just fluff
Summary: You and Ellie reminisce on how the two of you got together
wc: 1k
( if you want to be added to a tag list just leave a comment and I'll add you to future work <3 )
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“So” Dina started as she took a swing of the amber liquid in her glass, “how did the two of you get together exactly?” she asked confused on the information you and Ellie just shared with her.
You met Ellie’s gaze, as you thought about answering the question. A grin started to form on Ellie’s plush lips as she stared telling the story:
It was Ellie’s idea. She would’ve never come to you if she wasn’t desperate.
Ellie and Cat.  An unlikely duo. Nobody expected the two of them to start dating but they did. They were together for almost a year. Everyone thought they had the perfect relationship but behind closed doors it was hell. They argued, they lied to each other, they said hurtful things, and they both manipulated each other.
 At some point Ellie had enough and she left Cat. No matter how much it hurt her, she left. She wasn’t going to force herself to stay in a relationship that only brought her pain.
Cat didn’t make things easy for Ellie after the break up.
She would show up at Ellie’s house, she would lie to people saying they never broke up, she always went where Ellie went. She was borderline obsessed with Ellie.
In the beginning she could handle Cat. She could ignore Cat’s advances. But the longer her and cat stayed broken up the more obsessive Cat grew. Ellie didn’t know which was worse, being in a relationship with Cat or being broken up with her.
 And that’s when Joel suggested Ellie gets with someone else. Joel’s exact words were “maybe is she sees you with someone else she’ll leave you alone kiddo. It’s worth a shot”
She tried. God knows she did
Ellie went to the club that night, and just as she was about to leave with a girl Cat came around the corner.
“Babe where have you been?” she asked with a sickening smirk on her face. The pretty girl next to Ellie gasped at Cat’s words.
“You didn’t tell you had a girlfriend” she practically screamed.
“I swear she’s not my girlfriend-“ Ellie tried to explain. Her explanation didn’t go far before the girl slapped Ellie across the face. Walking away she yelled: “you are fucking disgusting”
 Ellie’s face reddened with embarrassment at what just happened, her eyes met with Cats: “did you miss me?” she asked a smug smile on her face.
“no I didn’t“
Ellie needed her stop.
At this rate Ellie would never find a girlfriend.
Who wants to date a girl whose ex is a literal stalker?
And that’s why she sat across you. She needed your help.
“So you want us to fake date?”  you question.
 Ellie nodded, her head jerking almost violently
“Please” she begged “it’s just till she leaves me alone”
You agreed. And it was the best decision of your life.
You and Ellie had 2 rules during the time that you were “together”
No kissing
No falling in love
Fortunately both of you broke the second rule.
It started off great. Holding hands, going on little dates. Cat was mad. Every time she spotted the two of you she looked like a toddler who was ready to burst into a tantrum for not getting their way. Cat tried worming her way into your relationship. She spread rumors, messaged you countless times and tried lying to you about Ellie. She tried. And none of her ideas ever fucking worked.
You would never admit it out loud but you found it quite funny when you and Ellie made an appearance and Cat had to leave the room to “get some air”.
It was all fun and games till you realized that you actually caught feeling for her. You broke one of the rules, and the longer you were with Ellie the worse your crush got. You knew the two of you dating was fake but god it felt so real.
The way Ellie looked at you made you think that maybe someday she would feel the same.
You got a text from Ellie saying: come over we need to talk
Tonight was the night Ellie was ending things.
You knew things were coming to an end, but you wish it didn’t have to happen so soon. Your hands were shaking as you sat in Ellie’s living room.
Were you still going to be friends after this? Did you actually stand a chance?
The room was filled with an awkward silence and you looked at Ellie in all her glory. She cleared her throat and said: “Cat stopped texting me” the room fell silent once again.
“ I think she-  I think she’s d-done with me” Ellie said
“That’s good Els” you added
“so this agreement is done?” you asked, voice small hoping Ellie said no.
“It was nice fake dating you Els” you said with a small smile as you got up to leave.
“Who said I was faking it?” she asked suddenly, looking up at you.
 “What do you mean-“  you started before you felt Ellie’s lips on yours. The kiss was magical. It felt like you were floating. Ellie’s lips were soft and her touch was intoxicating. She pulled away as the two of you breathed heavily.
 “God I’ve wanted to do that since I started fake dating you” she said breathless.
You hummed agreeing with her statement. She leaned her forehead against yours.
“Do you want to go on a date?” Ellie asked nervously “like a real date”
You looked at her, with a small smile on your face: “I’d like that” as you brought her lips down for another kiss.
“That’s so fucking cliché” Dina snickered as Ellie finished telling the story.
“Heyyy” Ellie whined “it’s a cool story” she said, as she threw her arm over your shoulder you felt her lips press a gentle kiss to your temple “i’m going to tell this story to our kids one day” Ellie whispered into your ear.
A smile spread onto your lips at Ellie’s confession.
Yeah you might have gotten together to get rid of her psycho ex but if you never did, you wouldn’t have fallen in love with the girl of your dreams.
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Authors note: Remember requests are always open! You are loved and remember to always be kind!!
Yours truly,
Zia ;)
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mistress-riddle · 2 years
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𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐀 𝐖𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃. sirius black
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❦ CONTENT/WARNING(S) ━ romance, humour, enemies to lovers trope, blood, swearing, teasing, mentions of death/murder.
❦ REQUEST ━ Can I request a ✒️ with Sirius Black and the prompt "your enemy has been badly wounded, and somebody needs to bandage them up, so you agree to help them, and suddenly they're shirtless, and you can't help but admire their body, something this cheeky motherfucker takes notice of" — anon.
❦ PROMPT(S) ━ your enemy has been badly wounded, and somebody needs to bandage them up, so you agree to help them, and suddenly they're shirtless, and you can't help but admire their body, something this cheeky motherfucker takes notice of.
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"you should've gotten out of the fucking way." you say, frustrated at the boy who was squirming on the floor, moaning in pain.
"fucking hell, you caused this," he hissed "why am I getting yelled at?" you hurriedly rushed towards sirius, hands pressed hard on his stomach to prevent more blood from spilling as your wand was discarded beside you on the floor.
"fuck," you looked at his face that was scrunched up in pain.
"what are you doing? take me to madam pomfrey already."
"it's 3 am, you bugger."
"I swear to all things holy, black, if you're overreacting I'll make sure you do die of bloodloss." sirius' pained expression morphed into one of fear.
"holy shit, you're fucking scary."
"holy shit, you're fucking scary."
"holy shit, you're fucking scary."
"cut it out," you placed your hand behind his neck "let me see the wound properly."
"no," he backed away from you.
"sirius, I swear to fucking god." you let out through gritted teeth "I won't hurt you," he gave you a pointed stare "more than I already did."
he stopped swatting away your arms and stayed in place, your hands made their way to unbutton his shirt.
he giggled and you sent him a confused and weirded out expression "this is kinda erotic, don't you think?" he wiggled his eyebrows at you and you sent him a glare, removing your hands from his shirt and beckoning him to remove it himself.
"don't be such a pervert."
"you were literally the one undressing me."
"to dress the wound that you got for being daft."
"hey, how would I know that you'd be practicing spells at three in the morning?!"
you aided sirius in removing his dress shirt as to see the wound properly but couldn't help your eyes from wandering over his toned body, clearly quidditch practice wasn't for nothing.
"like what you see, my love?"
"ah yes, a bloodied abdomen covered with both dried and new blood is my favourite sight in the entire world." you roll your eyes at him.
"I don't know what you're into and I'm not here to judge-"
"shut up."
"must you keep hurting me?"
"must you keep acting daft?" you paused for a second "although, I don't think it's truly much of an act."
he was going to reply when you shushed him again and conjured a first aid kit that you had lying somewhere in your dorm room.
"so, am I dying?" he asked as he propped his weight on his elbows as he rested in his back, head craning to look at you from its fallen position.
"if only." you muttered "it's just a light gash, you'll survive." you dabbed at the injured area with a cotton soaked in alcohol "sadly."
"sadly? do you want to be charged with murder?"
"if it's yours, I wouldn't mind."
"wow, that hurt more than getting my tummy slashed open."
"stop overreacting."
"never, my dear."
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© 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐒-𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐋𝐄 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐, 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐄𝐃 —all content rights belong to mistress-riddle. do not plagiarize any works and do not repost or translate onto any other sites.
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kyufiber · 2 years
get f*cked — lee hyunjae (TEASER)
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pairing: lee hyunjae x fem!reader
tags: enemies to lovers, spicy bro... references to sex and choking, Sexual Tension™, no actual smut!! in the teaser OR in the au, just very suggestive and a lot of mentions of nsfw topics, mention of death
teaser word count: 478
a/n: GUYS so this is why i've been posting less the past three days it's bc i've been working on this !!!! this scene is what inspired me to write the au in the first place, so i figured it would be as good of a teaser as anything :) pls enjoy!!! and let me know if you want to be on the taglist for when i post the full au!!!! (which is coming soon bc im 95% finished)
playlist: kiss with a fist florence + the machine • choke i dont know how but they found me • boys like you tanerélle • two more minutes jaymes young • hurts like hell sølv • give up at 2 sofi de la torre • need you like that ezi • tempt my trouble bishop briggs • crave tove lo • loveyou dxvn. • bedroom eyes sølv • afraid of the dark ezi (full playlist here)
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"you're such an idiot," you scoff, leaning your foot against the cinderblock wall behind you.
"your mom wasn't saying that last night," he quips with a self-satisfied smirk.
"my mom's dead." you deadpan. you're lying, of course. she's alive and probably watching tv in your parents' living room right about now.
"yeah, right. i overheard you talking about your mom like two weeks ago."
"worth a try," you respond airily, crossing your arms.
"y'know, funny enough, that's exactly what park eunyoung said to me last week when she was trying to convince me to sleep with her." he grins, and lightly kicks a loose rock with his foot as he takes a small step forward.
before you can think twice, the words are bubbling up from your throat. "hyunjae," you scoff. "you probably don't even know how to kiss a girl properly, much less fuck her."
oh, shit.
his expression changes and you regret the words as soon as they leave your mouth.
he takes a calculated step forward, and then another until he's well invading your personal bubble. you try to take a step back, but there's only wall. you're trapped between a rock and a hard place, quite literally.
you study his face closely, watching for any familiar expression to latch onto, but you find nothing. his usual playful grin is gone; the mischievous gleam that typically dances around his pupils is nowhere to be found.
regret prickles in your chest. is he actually angry? you can't tell; his expression is so uncharacteristically stony, you don't have a clue what's going on behind those eyes.
"i wouldn't say that to me." he finally speaks.
"why not?" you mean for it to come out a sharp retort, but it's far more shaky than intended.
his gaze flicks down to your neck.
in your peripheral vision, you see his hand rise from his side, and then you feel it press against the sensitive skin of your neck. his fingers wrap around it, far too gently to have any real effect, but just enough to send a message: he could if he wanted.
you swallow against his palm, eyes locked on his face.
his head tilts slightly, and his eyes finally meet yours again, and it becomes just a little harder to breathe. "you wanna fuck around and find out?"
the words themselves might've come off as terrifying had the context been different, or if it had been anyone who'd said them. but it was him, and that was a different story altogether.
your stomach sears with heat, despite your desperate attempts to will the feeling away.
a glint of something familiar shines in his gaze, and his mouth quirks up at the corner. "you like that, huh?"
you don't like the flush that creeps across your cheeks; not at all. because he's right, and you absolutely hate that.
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cherrycheolliesc · 3 years
Let Me Hear You Say
part 46: Joshua’s Weeb Closet. (46/50)
red below 👇 (1.5k words)
“You know I can break out of this, right?” you say to Mingyu who is currently holding you down. He just scoffs knowing you can't move anywhere, but entertains you, “I know, it just makes me feel strong”
“You already strong, Gyu. Anyways where is everyone?” Seokmin asks. You look around the room only seeing half of your friends in Seungcheol’s small living room. Seungkwan and Wonwoo are sitting on the couch quietly talking. You wonder how they became friends because you've never seen them talk to each other. You assume Jeonghan and Joshua are probably somewhere making out so they don't have to deal with actually setting up the party. Seungcheol and Jihoon seem to be lecturing Chan about who knows what. Things are finally quieting down when everyone decides to watch the movie that's playing until someone bursts through the doors, “I'm here motherfuckers. The party is finally getting started”
“She drunk, isn't she,” Cheol asks as he points towards the small blonde girl in Mina’s arms. Seoyeon nods as she brings Chaeyoung to one of the rooms in the apartment. When she comes back, everyone turns towards the commotion at the front door. “You can't make me go inside. I'll bite you, you know I will” 
“Soonyoung, if you just go inside, it'll make everything so much easier,” Jun says as he continues to try and push the smaller boy in. Everyone just watches him, Minghao, and Vernon struggle to bring Soonyoung in until Cheol eventually just picks him up and holds him down, “You two are gonna talk like two grown adults or I’m firing Jihoon”
“Woah why am I getting involved in this?” Jihoon asks walking over to the rest of the group. Everyone looks confused before Chan talks, “How can you even fire him?” 
“Yea and with what job exactly,” Soonyoung says causing Cheol to roll his eyes, “Look if guys talk to each other, I'll tell you where I work” 
“One, no one cares. Two, stop lying to yourself, it's okay if you're unemployed. We won't stop loving you just because you don't have a job, Cheollie” you say which only annoys him more. Jihoon confused asks, “Why do you guys really believe he's unemployed? The dude is literally our boss.”
“ ‘Our’ boss?” Seungkwan says, “yes our boss. He's at the building all the time. How did you not know that?”
“To be honest I thought he was just going there to hook up with you, Ji,” Jeonghan says before getting a drink. “Ew, why would I hook up with Cheol? He's like my brother. That would just ruin your friendship.”
“And that is exactly why I’m not admitting my feelings for Y/n!” Soonyoung screams before trying to run away but failing as Cheol is still holding him down. You decide yelling back is the best option, “like I would ever admit my feelings for you.” 
“That’s it! Time out for you two until you can figure out your issues. Bring them to Shua’s weeb closet and don’t let them out until they're cool with each other.” Cheol says before lifting Soonyoung. Mingyu sees the message Cheol sends and brings you to Joshua’s room as well. “Hey hey, why are you taking them to my closet? What if they fuck in there?”
“Then they'll be happy again,” Vernon says with a smile on his face. Shua rolls his eyes before giving in. Eventually, you and Soonyoung are both shoved into the small closet. You try to stay as far as you can from him, putting a blowup titan in between the two of you. To ease the awkwardness after a few minutes of silence, Soonyoung asks, “You think Shua uses this thing as a sex doll?”
“If he does, I regret touching it,” you reply. The boy beside you laughs and says, “If I remember correctly, you and Joshua sleeping together for a whole two years after college, right?” 
“Yeah well, it was kinda weird. Let's just say, you aren't the only furry in our friend group.” This makes him laugh again before finding a place to sit down. You take a seat beside him as he leans his head on your shoulder, “I’m sorry, Y/n.”
“For what exactly, Soonie?” You ask back wanting a better explanation than just a small sorry. He rolls his eyes before saying, “You already know why. For being immature and not dealing with things like an adult.”
“To be honest, none of us deal with things like adults. We're just the worst. I guess I’m sorry too.” you say back to him. The two sit comfortably in silence just relaxing in each other’s company. Why did we make things so hard for no reason? you wonder. That thought quickly goes away when you remember that the two of you are friends and you never want to ruin that, but your thoughts are interrupted, “I love you, Y/n. But I mean even if it's pretty obvious, I know I'm not very good at showing it.” 
“But we're friends, Soon,” you say back before walking to the other side of the closet. You glance at his face for a second and see a bit of hurt in his eyes. Why am I still hiding how I feel? What’s the point of lying to myself and everyone else? You ask yourself before he breaks your thoughts once again, “Y/n, you say that, but then you're willing to fight with me for months because of the whole situation. Why are we just continuing to do this to each other?” 
“I don't know, Soon. I really don't know,” you reply, overwhelmed, burying your face into your hands. He walks behind you and gives one of his famous, familiar back hugs to comfort you. You relax into the hug as he softly kisses your shoulder, “it's okay, Y/n. You don't need to have an answer right now. It's not wrong to want to take everything at your own pace. I just don't want to feel like I have to constantly avoid you because like you said, you are my best friend.“
“Are you trying to say ‘the power of friendship is so strong’ that we can get through things like this?” you sarcastically say as you laugh and lean into his arms. He giggles and replies, “That's exactly what I’m saying.” The two of you once again sit in silence. You take in everything from the moment you first saw Soonyoung as a small boy eating dirt in the playground to this exact moment You wonder when everything changed, “When did you realize you loved me, Soon?” 
“There isn't an exact moment. I think just over time my love constantly grew for you. I didn't realize it at first and never really wanted to accept it because, well I'm pretty sure it's obvious why,” he responds. You feel the same way. You've always just told yourself it was because of that dance, but you know those feelings have always been there. More importantly, you know you've acted on those feelings before. “Why did you leave me after graduation? After I told you I love you?” 
“Because I was stupid and a coward. I got jealous of Joshua, but then I started to think I wasn't as good as him. I wouldn't be good enough like him. I thought I wouldn't be able to make you happy like he would, ” he says honestly. You don't understand how he could ever think he wasn't good enough. You loved everything about the kid, from his weird tiger obsession to his incredible dance skills. “Soonie, you know I never believed you weren't good enough. And to be honest, Shua wasn't the greatest boyfriend. He was an amazing friend, but there's something off about knowing your boyfriend is denying his feelings for someone else”
“I guess that's how Seoyeon felt. It was just seeing you in the arms of a model like him brought up my insecurities I guess. I thought it would be too hard to compete. So I ran away because I didn't want to deal with the feelings, ” he explains still holding you in his arms. You feel how much bigger his arms got over the years and decide to ask him another question, “When did you start working out? Not that I'm complaining, but the last time Cheol asked you to work out with him you called him a loser and told him there's no reason to work out when you have a cute face.”
“Yes, my face is adorable, but I figured I'd just work out because why not. Also, Ji paid for a year's gym membership in China by accident,” he answers while softly laughing. The two of you continue to talk about random things for the next few hours without anyone interrupting you. You hear soft snoring on the other side of the door. Soonyoung quietly opens the door to not wake the sleeping person on the other side. You walk out to see Seungcheol and Wonwoo fast asleep on each other and quickly take a photo before sneaking away. You and Soonyoung decide to leave through the window to avoid questions or stares from anyone else. For the rest of the night, the two of you wonder who knows where and finally you feel happy to be with your best friend for once.
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↣ summary: after not seeing each other for years, Yn is ecstatic when she finds out all of her friends will finally be in the same place at one time. but unfortunately an unwanted dream turns a 12 year friendship into hateful relationship between yn and soonyoung.
↣ pairing: reader x soonyoung.
↣ genre: angst, comedy, youtube au, sm au. friends to enemies to lovers.
just message me or dm me if you wanted to be added to a tag list.
tag list: @agustmonoworld @multinines--xx @noniesgirl @svtslvt @binniebutter @fluffyhyeju @happyvitamin @liarspoetry @itsdnguyenxoxo @monstathedisco @mimaisiomai @sensorivm @sunshineshouchan @hoerangdan @lovingyu04 @linhyyboo12 @youdawonu @ash-moon8 @twitterpated-by-you @hao-are-xu @onefinecarat @kwonthefics @datte-bae-yo @gabagaba05 @all-i-needislovee @smolchild95 @pooofthechicken @simplewonderland @starrysungie @yanniezx @woohannie @serenadesvt @minghaofilm @velve-tae @ahnneyong @sherizaraiyah Unable to tag @manamiyx
a/n- tbh i don’t really know how i feel abt this chapter. but also i don’t really see myself as a good writer when it comes to like written things like this but i really want to get better because i want to open requests soon when i get the time.
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carboniteprincess · 3 years
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Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, Canon-typical violence, mentions of blood, character death, murder, you're literally a rebel sniper, it's enemies to lovers boba is not going to be nice to you yet, love at first fist fight, I cannot stress this enough, ENEMIES TO LOVERS, he's kind of arrogant? but he's young give him time
Pairing: Boba Fett x F! Reader | 2.0k words
You're arguably the best sniper in the entire rebel alliance, with hundreds of high ranking Imperial officials on your belt. When you're given the order to kill Boba Fett, you are under the impression that this would be like any other mission. Unfortunately, he seems to have great skill of getting out of situations that aren't in his favor. Now you're on Tatooine, where your comrade Orda has lured him into discussing business in a shady restaurant under the guise of being an Imperial Commander. His luck has to run out at some point, and you intend that to be today.
Crossposted on Ao3!
Being a rebel wasn't as glamorous as you thought. You weren't conducting high-level espionage or anything of the like. Instead, your penchant for sniping was homed in on, making you one of, if not the best in the entire squad. The only flaw you had, was arrogance. Never have you let a target walk away, never have you allowed yourself into a tight spot. 
You were always ahead of the enemy, so when your general gave you the order to kill Boba Fett. You assumed it would be an easy in and out job, perhaps he would've posed a threat to other members of your squad. But to you it would be simple, right? Unfortunately not. 
This is your third attempt at some kind of ambush, luring him into a perfect position. Mandalorian armor had few weak points, meaning you had to meticulously spend hours figuring out where would land a good, clean blow. His neck. If angled correctly, one tilt of his helmet and it would be over. Right through the jugular, no more bounty hunter. Another imperial dog to add to your list. 
If he would just turn his head, a little more to the right. Sweat beads on your forehead, eyes focused down the scope. Being a good assassin was all about your ability to linger, to wait. You're positioned on a balcony, a blind spot to the restaurant below. Your associate kept him talking under the guise of being an Imperial Commander, negotiating pay for the next rebel target. Boba Fett sits across from him, drink untouched. If you could see his face you'd swear he seemed bored. His legs wide open, leaning back nonchalantly. 
Fingers clenching on the trigger, you close your left eye. It wasn't like you enjoyed your job, when this war was over you'd swore to never lift a weapon again. The Empire made you, molding you like clay into a perfect killer. A painful truth, a driving force. Your parents. Both were medical professionals, caught smuggling medication to the galaxy's poorest. Promptly executed and then you, an orphan. A street urchin, nothing more. 
It wasn't long into your teens that you heard of the resistance, your heart burned with a want of revenge. So you got stronger, learned how to use a blaster, pilot and any skills that would make you useful to their cause. But you weren't a rebel, not really. You didn't care for politics, didn't even bother listening to the speeches about restoring the Republic. It didn't matter to you, but what did matter was taking out as many Imperials as you could before you die in battle or finally become numb to the anger. 
Self-preservation was no concern of yours, and that made you dangerous. A loose cannon, hot-tempered, and scarily a woman. You were used to being underestimated by your peers on gender, height, birth planet…. and you were the one who gets the high-profile missions. You were the one who has the highest accuracy, years of practice which left your trigger finger calloused, and every other emotion muted. 
Boba Fett had become a real thorn in your side. Threatening your record, career and possibly your sanity. His uncanny talent for escaping situations, even if all cards were against him, was exasperating. You would be lying if you didn't have some modicum of respect for him though, you were somewhat alike. Respect, no matter how great, does not destroy a death warrant. 
Someday soon his luck would run out, and it would be you at the other end of the blaster. That day was today. Lips twitching into a smirk, you watch his neck turn. Bingo. You steady your rifle, pulse pounding in your ears. At last, this mission would be over. You'd become a legend, the woman who killed Boba Fett. 
Bang. You take the shot, accurate as ever. A hum leaves your lips, watching him fall to the ground. Your calculations were correct, there was a weak point. Every armor has one, even Mandalorian. It was like a drug, the puzzle pieces clicking together with every fragility you discovered. 
The restaurant below descends into chaos, even the bartender is panicking. All guests rushing from their tables, abandoning their meals as your associate checks the man's pulse. You stare down your scope, watching the ordeal. He gives a thumbs-up, definitely dead. A buzz in your ear alerts you to a comlink.
"He's dead. But I think you'll want to come down here." Orda replies through static. Your brow creases, what the hell could've gone wrong. Muscles twitching with irritation, you make your way through the currently uninhabited building. You were ordered to avoid collateral damage by all means necessary, a false fire alarm did the job well. 
Your feet tap against the stairs as you make quick work of assessing your surroundings— if something is wrong, then it's always better safe than sorry. It seemed to be all clear, so you proceeded out the door and onto the street. This area of Mos Eisley was pretty habitable, aside from the abundance of criminal undertakings. Dust kicks as you march into the restaurant, pushing through various guests who were piling out at lightspeed. 
With a gruff, you finally make it to the rooftop, an exclusive VIP spot which proved difficult to doctor identity necessary to enter. You're about to start asking what the hell could've been so important that he dragged you down here, but your eyes meet Orda's now slumped body, face down with all color residing. A frustrated sigh leaves you, he was a good man. Even worse, he was a great rebel. His heart was in it, unlike yours. He shouldn't have been the casualty here. You reach down, pulling out his identichip and stashing it in your pocket. An action that you've taken with far too many of your comrades. 
Painfully you pull yourself from Orda's body, standing upright. Lingering would be a deathwish, whoever killed Orda was skilled. An impressive marksman, obviously one of Boba's accomplices who mistakenly thought he was the one that shot him. You could go over what-ifs later, right now you were going to finish the fucking job. 
The sun was beginning to set, painting the sky in crimson constellations as the wind settled. Inspecting Boba's body was your primary concern, whatever Orda discovered, it cost him his life. You were determined to find out what exactly it was, from a glance it seemed like Boba Fett. With a grimace, you move his drooping head around. Concerningly heavier than expected, beskar is light and durable. 
You hook your fingertips under the helmet, pulling it off and coming face to face with…. not your target. Fuck. You'd be deceived, spectacularly. Knuckles white, feeling bile in your throat threatening to explode in a cocktail of frustration and admiration. The crudely made edges of the helmet abrasive against your palm, a reminder of your failure. 
Without a second thought, your balled fist comes into contact with the wall, encasing the helmet and sending tendrils of pain, a shock wave through your arm as you verbalize your confliction with a strangled scream. Orda died for nothing, you were a joke. Everything you had built, buried and locked away was floating to the surface. 
But you haven't felt this alive in years. Being outsmarted, so cunningly sent a morbid thrill up your spine. You could almost laugh, had you not heard footsteps approaching. Impulsively your hand fell to your blaster, making a mental note to thank your teacher for always carrying more than one. 
"Surely you didn't believe it was that easy to kill me." Before he can finish you turn, firing your blaster in his direction. Of course, his armor deflects it with ease. "I must admit, I'm impressed. Not everyone could distinguish beskar through weight alone." A snort leaves him at your feeble attempt to hold ground, looking over your pathetic secondary weapon that could barely injure an Ewok. 
"Go thing I'm not everyone then." You stand, keeping your right arm extended, blaster aimed at his inner thigh. It wouldn't kill him, however it would allow ample time for escape. "You killed my friend." He's circling you now. "Who's your Intel? How did you know I'd be here?" 
"You are hardly in the position to be making demands, little rebel." Another chuckle, you'd heard of him toying with his advisories before, but this was different. A teacher disciplining a student. 
"You're going to kill me anyway, what's the harm." You huff, shrugging. He stops pacing, chewing over your words. 
"Killing you would be a waste." That bastard. "Of my time and resources." He adds matter-of-factly. 
"Orda wasn't?" You spit, voice cracking in frustration. Figuring out what made others tick was your specialty, but the lack of motivation and reason within Boba's actions is what baffled you. 
"That was a favor." He sounds like you should be grateful, almost insulted that you hadn't figured it out yet even with him practically dangling the answer in front of you. Perhaps you weren't as clever as he thought. 
"A—favor? How would killing my comrade benefit me!" You reply astounded, cheeks burning red, hand shaking on your blaster. 
You think for a second, taking your eyes off him. Why did it take until after the kill for Orda to realize what was wrong with the body… He isn't… wouldn't…could've of… you've been double-crossed. "He wouldn't— I've spent months with him—" 
"And every little thing you did, he told me." His admission is calm, you look over Orda's body, no longer do you feel remorse. Just shame. You couldn't even see betrayal under your nose. 
You walk closer to him, the barrel of your blaster getting dangerously close. Nothing could stop you from finishing your mission right now, but he's letting you. Knowledge is far more appealing than rewards in the resistance. 
With your grip around the handle tight, you slam it down across his helmet, your knee reaching his groin. "You're very easy to fool." A smirk replaces the look of misery on your face, it was a dangerous game to pretend to let your guard down. Your risk paid off, managing to get a shot at his thigh. 
Swiftly, you press all your weight on him, knocking him back just enough to make a run for the edge of the balcony. He groans in pain, you're so close to the edge, escape almost in your grasp— when a grappling hook wraps around your ankle. 
You struggle against the cold floor, doing anything you can to wriggle free from his grasp.
It's fruitless, as soon as he's in reach you're kicking him, hurtling all kinds of abuse. Your attempts to wrestle him are almost comical and in a frenzy, you grip the only thing that seems viable. His Helmet. You manage to free it, your fingers hooking under and pulling it off his head, sending it on the floor beside you. For a moment you're the one stunned, not him. 
Dark curls frame his face, a beautiful border to tanned skin. His nose is prominent but compliments his features. Scars pepper his face, but he's young. Younger than you thought. You watch as his forehead crinkles in anger, hands pinning yours beside your head. 
Wasting no time, you bring your head to crack his, sending him back with a kick to the stomach. Your nose pours from impact, dripping onto the floor as you clamber to your feet. 
"This isn't over." You hear his voice, unmodified. You rush to the edge, peering over and assessing if you can land in one of the speeders below. He stands, trying to rush over to stop you. "Don't!" 
With a wink, you throw yourself over the side. In seconds you're hurtling onto the street, watching a bare-faced Boba Fett grow smaller with each passing second. His eyes are widened in either admiration or shock for your bravery. 
He eventually dares to look over and finds that you're gone. Whoever you were, he finally had a worthy opponent. He would find you again. His little rebel. 
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