#'early balloon rivalries'
swan-orpheus · 1 year
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I’m really back on my balloon bullshit now. ✨🎈✨🎈✨
“In 1862, ambitious scientist James Glaisher set out to do the impossible: ascend higher into the skies than ever before. A pioneer of weather forecasting and of photography, and a founding member of the Royal Meterological Society, he wanted to take groundbreaking research measurements from different altitudes.
On 5 September, along with experienced balloonist Henry Coxwell as his pilot, he lifted off in a hot air balloon for what would prove to be a death defying historic flight. Rising above the English countryside, they rose to the remarkable height of 37,000 feet (7 miles or 11 km)...” 
“In this dazzling fusion of history, art, science, and biography, Richard Holmes once again gives us an unforgettable portrait of human endeavor, weaving together exhilarating accounts of early balloon rivalries, pioneering ascents over Victorian cities, and astonishing long-distance voyages.”
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priestessoffurina · 3 months
Hiiii thereee! Okay so I know you're a big Furilumi fan, so I was wondering if you could help me collect all the info and events that imply it, and their general dynamic and stuff??? Anything about their relationship in all canon or semi-canon content. I'm working on the Traveler x Genshin chars list again, and I'm honestly undecided on how to interpret Furina's feelings for the traveler, so I thought you could help :>>>
Hellooo~ and gosh I'm flattered that you think so.
I will say that while I am a fan; I'm not as die-hard as others maybe. I'm very much a characters-before-the-ship kinda gal when it comes to Furilumi (also in general with other characters).
Like if you were to put a gun to my head and ask me what is my top Travelver X Character ship "canon wise", Furilumi wouldn't even be top five. (also I am adult enough to admit that I'm very much wanting to fuck Furina a Furina x Reader shipper more than anything)
But even with all that, I think they are cute together together and they have an interesting dynamic that can be explored.
I'm wasn't quite sure how you wanted the information or how much you wanted. I'm just gonna go through certain moments from quests Furina & Lumine have been in together so far. And just talk about them.
Also if I forget a scene or something please forgive me!
When Lumine first meets Furina at the very start of the Fontaine Archon quest, she isn't being herself.
As we all know, Furina was acting as the role of Hydro Archon. So calling it a proper meeting isn't accurate, since I tend to believe we don't meet the real Furina until much late. This isn't just in reference to her identify, but also her true personality.
Also it was just basically Furina going "We are rivals now!" and Lumine being like "....sure I guess?".
But I thought it important to high light it since it does establishes their early dynamic.
Furina knows about what The Travelver has done and sees her as an answer to her problems;
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She has been chasing the one trial to end all trials; the one case that is so spectacular that is will save Fontaine from the impending floods. And what better opposition than the famous Outlander?
And she says at much at Lyney's trial:
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Although there is perhaps a bit of fear at what the The Travelver could do, Furina is sure that their face off will soon happen. And that the odds will be in her favour (even though she kinda doesn't know what she is doing lol), with her being determined to save Fontaine.
It is always hard to truly know what the Travelver themselves is thinking. But I would guess Lumine also views Furina as a means to an end. It is the reason she is traveling Teyvat finding her brother.
This shows that while they both are different, they are very willing to do what they can to obtain their goal. Whether that means playing a role for 500 years, or travelling all over the whole continent, they will searching through any scarp of information to find the answers.
While Furina does lose and is, from Paimon's own words: "...like a deflated balloon now." I think Furina is more sad that it wasn't "The Trial" more than anything. Especially since she is "...unable to contain her joy at seeing you and Paimon enter.", when coming to protect her while meeting with the Arlecchino. Showing that she doesn't have any ill will towards Lumine.
Granted this could be because Furina is utterly terrified of The Knave as well trusting in Neuvillette very much. But still that rivalry is put on hold. But from this little tea party Lumine starts feeling distrusting of Furina, thinking she is hiding something. And from the events of Poisson, this just grows.
While Lumine is willing to go through the plan with others to trap Furina, this is very much a last resort;
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Lumine doesn't want to be feuding with Furina; this rivalry that Furina has thrusted upon them is something she doesn't want. And while Lumine is reluctant to do this, she knows there is no choice. The Travelver doesn't think Furina is a bad person. But they need answers, and as such it seems that they are both destined to be on oppositions at court.
But Lumine still tries one last time to get through to Furina.
This part of the Fontaine Archon quest is one of my favourites; this is where Furina's thoughts and feeling finally start to poke out.
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It happens because Furina's greatest fear is coming true, but still. Pretty good.
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Lumine is very much on to the act that Furina plays. She knows that is she isn't godly or uncaring as she may give off. Lumine tries to show to Furina that it is okay to let go:
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If Furina had been quicker and had told her the truth, Lumine very much would have stopped the plan. But from what we know, Furina would have never told. She was dedicated to the very end.
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Skipping to after the Hydro Archons trial and the crisis being averted. We don't get anything until Furina's story quest.
Story quests are in general kinda a mixed bag. They are can be great in show casing the playable characters, well character. As well as expanding on the world as a whole. But sometimes they just focus on the second part a bit too hard and the character suffers from.
Now looking back at Furina's quest, it probably wasn't as bad as I thought originally. Well at least looking through just the lines by themselves is fine (Paimon is still...well I have thoughts on how they utilise Paimon's character when it comes to story. They use her as comic relief/to lighten it up when it is not needed...But that's a convo for another day).
There are at least some good bits to take from.
The first being that the reason Furina even helps the Troupe in the first place is because the Travelver drags them (literally and figuratively) into the plot. By the way of hand-holding no less.
After the ordeal that Furina has been through she is actually quite reluctant to be out and about. Furina strikes me as someone who is introverted, this very well could because she has had no real personal relationships.
On topic of personal relationships, Lumine is properly the only person who knows about what Furina truly felt during her 500 years of acting. This is cause of Furina unconsciously trama-dumped on Lumine, but still. Having someone who has seen the many sides to you, can be nice. Furina can be candid with Lumine, not needed to put on a performance. But I'm sure Furina also feels it is kinda awkward. Because 'Oh archons this person knows all about me', it crates an unexpected power imbalance, which can make for an interesting dynamic with the Travelver.
Another good moment is when they are back in Poisson;
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If there is one ideal out of the seven that The Travelver embodies most, it is freedom. Freedom is very important to Lumine and I think it's very telling when she tells Furina that freedom is her reward. She is saying to her that it's It's over, and that she is free to begin a new chapter of her life.
So I think it's no coincidence after this quest Furina ends up being a director in "Roses and Muskets". She breaks out of her shell a bit and once again comes along on the Travelver's behest. Granted there aren't that many scenes/moments with them since this was very Chevreuse forward event. This is also similar in the Lantern Rite, but we did get a cute diagonal where Lumine says "I have keenly felt the passage of time since our last meeting." so that was cute.
Unfortunately since Furina has only been out for 7 months we'll have to wait for more. Hopeful in 4.6 (if it follows the same patterns) we will get her second story quest, and that it's a little bit better.
But there are voice-over and teapot stuff! (Had to get these from the wiki since I don't have Furina fully unlocked. yeah yeah know)
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These are pretty self explanatory. Just Furina wanting to spend time with the Travelver and taking about the next chapter of her life having Lumine in it.
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I thought this one has particularly cute. Furina would make macaroni for Lumine.
This one is a favourite
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Lumine only needs her.
Now on to the teapot, there is a very cute scene where Furina talks about teaching Lumine to dance;
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Another where Furina talks about them doing acting together and writing a script.
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And that's all I can find! Like I said, I probably missed some stuff, but I think I'll call it quits here. I hope I was able to get the info you needed, but if not you can ask my specific questions if need be.
Also I'd love to the list when you are done!!!
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theitalianscribe · 8 months
Flashback to the time I saw a hot air balloon museum and came up with a steampunk lost prince Welcome to Dreamworld AU
I'm going to paste the first half of the notes here because the Prince of the Skies au still lives in my head rent free but I want to do some formatting before posting all of my notes.
I feel like this will be a mix between Castle in the Sky and Anastasia. 
Also it is in the skies because hot air balloons are really cool and I want to read more stories about adventures in the skies. 
So there is this kingdom I have yet to name that is somewhere in the sky. It is magical because why not. The kingdom is plagued by a beast made of shadows that takes the form of a horse. To free the kingdom, the Lost Prince must be returned. 
Wiatt is tasked with finding the Lost Prince and guiding him back to the kingdom. He knows what to look for and a way to both confirm the prince's identity and restore his magic. There is a series of trials that the one worthy of the throne can pass. It is a coming of age ceremony/tradition for the new ruler to complete the magical trials and prove their worthiness. 
The story could start with Wiatt in a village on the ground. He has a perfectly fine life here, but he needs to find the prince of the skies and how can he do that from the ground? {This also leaves for me to put character cameos if I can't find roles for everyone in the cast.}  
Wiatt ends up aboard the ship named The Oddity, a slapdash ship housing a mix of people from all over the world. At the head are three people: Oliver Acrimony, Sara Covetman, and Lewis Bright. Oliver is the pilot. He steers the ship on paths he hopes will have treasures he can use to give his twin siblings a comfortable and safe life. Sara is the ship's designer/technician. She drew up the plans for this ship and has modified it to keep it flying. This ship is her baby and you best not mistreat it or you will have to answer to Sara and her plethora of tools. The crew's efforts are led by Lewis Bright. By day, he keeps the crew running and commands their attention with his sparkling personality and even more dazzling smile. At night, he captivates everyone's attention by telling stories. 
Wiatt sees Lewis and thinks he is practically glowing. This is definitely the Lost Prince. He is practically a celestial being, he must be meant to lead the kingdom in the sky. (This deduction is totally sound and definitely isn't influenced by his immediate crush, what are you talking about? Look at how he is a natural born leader who definitely didn't have to work to gain his self confidence and the trust of his crew.) Also the one clue Wiatt has is that the prince has brown hair and wears glasses. Since this guy screams prince material, lives in the skies, {and some third thing I forgot because I woke up at 4 today. Maybe that he looks familiar to Wiatt,} Wiatt asks that he take Lewis to these trials and bring the prince back to the Kingdom in the Sky. 
As they fly, Wiatt has to earn his place on the ship. He is appointed Sara's assistant and finds he actually really likes tinkering and doing mechanic/engineering work. Sara and he do not get along at first. There is a rivalry. Also, Wiatt wants to take Lewis away and Sara sees him and Oliver as her closest friends/brothers.
This seems like a good stopping point. I have more notes but they bounce around a bit and got disjointed. Low amounts of sleep plus getting up early to see hot air balloons made my adhd at peak performance that day.
Here are some other notes before I close the post off for now:
The group of Lewis, Sara, and Oliver would be called either the Oddity Trio, the Founder Trio, or something that references the word Founder. I don't know if this will even come up in the story.
Sara can fight. She teaches Wiatt to fight. I feel like her fighting style would be more improvised weapons and throwing knives, but also....girls with swords???? Yes???? I don't know if Alyssa is on this crew or if Carly is. 
I just want to have Wiatt and Sara have a training montage where it goes from Sara fighting Wiatt and enjoying having something to lorde over him to him working hard to learn to defend himself to her admiring his tenacity to them bonding and having a sort of rivalry that becomes friendly over time. 
If Carly and Lewis are both the adopted kids of Eric, learning to sword fight is a requirement. Carly tells Wiatt he has to beat her for her to allow him to date Lewis. Wiatt knows that Lewis isn't a prize and this is his call, but he also knows that this is Carly's way of feeling she has control.over the situation. He asks Lewis if he can teach him, but Lewis says that would be cheating to learn through him specifically and tells him to learn through Sara. 
I don't know if Wiatt actually beats Carly, but putting up with Sara that long takes dedication and tenacity. Plus, anyone that can put up with Sara and not leave (or be offed. I don't know if killing happens in this au, but they are maybe sky pirates so...?) is pretty good for Lewis. He's earned her approval.
Wiatt is a refugee from the Kingdom in the Sky. He and his dad left when Wiatt was very young. There is this entity of shadows and stars and magic that I've been calling Dark Horse. I'll go into it more later, but I decided that he is keeping everyone in the kingdom in line by trapping them in a sleep like state. They are all dreaming and the entity has the ability to see into all their dreams and even can turn the dreams into nightmares. When the Dark Horse came about, Owen grabbed his son and ran.
Owen is the one who told Wiatt about the trials.
I am playing with the idea of Lewis having magic and what that magic can do. Maybe he can float, can make himself glow and be more noticeable?
It might be cool to have Wiatt have prophetic dreams or maybe he gets dreams where he sees what is happening in the sky kingdom.
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zvaigzdelasas · 2 years
Both sides could have settled on long-standing loans made to the corrupt regime of Lon Nol in the early 1970s. Instead, US intransigence pushed Phnom Penh further into the embrace of Beijing at a time of intensifying rivalry between the two superpowers
Debt in international relations is diplomacy by other means. Recent breathless reports about China’s “debt- trap” diplomacy often make it sound like Beijing invented it when it is as old as time. In any case, a good deal of the accusations levelled at the Chinese are exaggerated.
But, in light of the ongoing furore over wholly inaccurate claims that the Chinese navy is secretly taking over Cambodia’s Ream naval base, it is worth examining a genuine case of debt-trap diplomacy, only that this one dates back decades and concerns the United States’ egregious repayment claims on the Cambodian people. What’s more is that the debt and its controversy have been tied, directly or indirectly, by one side or the other, to the current row over the [same] naval base.
The debt in question stems from a US$274 million loan made to the regime of the American puppet Lon Nol in the early 1970s. It has since ballooned to about US$700 million from accumulated interest.
Without the war, there would have been no secret and illegal bombing of Cambodia (and Laos), a country with which the US was actually not at war. Without the bombing, the traditional monarchy would have endured. But the intense bombing created the conditions, on the one hand, for Lon Nol to stage the US-backed coup which abolished the monarchy and, on the other, the rise of the Khmer Rouge. Dragging Cambodia into the war intensified its unfolding civil war and prepared the country’s direct descent into hell.
As described in The Phnom Penh Post by Suos Yara, a legislator and spokesman for the ruling Cambodian People’s Party, the original US loan was made to the Lon Nol regime to buy American rice, wheat, oil and cotton. This was meant to avoid a humanitarian crisis to save displaced Cambodians “from starvation after they fled to Phnom Penh under the communist [Khmer Rouge] advance as well as US bombings in the countryside”.
Ever since, Washington has insisted on repayment, including interest. To outsiders, the circularity of the debt may seem morally revolting. America bombed the Cambodians so they needed loans from Washington to buy food and not to starve. And of course, for all of Washington’s subsequent criticisms of other countries’ irresponsible lending, did its officials care about how much Lon Nol and his cronies actually pocketed the money and how much reached Cambodians in distress?
To put the bombing in perspective, 2,756,941 tons of American bombs were dropped on the country between 1965 and 1973. In comparison, the Allies dropped just over 2 million tons of bombs during all of World War II. “Cambodia may be the most heavily bombed country in history,” wrote Ben Kiernan, historian and author of How Pol Pot Came to Power and The Pol Pot Regime.
Unexploded ordnance – which were only detonated later by accident – have caused an estimated 65,000 deaths or injuries up to now. The deliberate spraying of millions of gallons of herbicide, including Agent Orange, have caused physical and cognitive disabilities and deformities over several generations and continue today.
If all these don’t make a strong case for reparations, the cancellation of all debts or at least a generous debt restructuring, it’s hard to think what would qualify.
Long-serving Prime Minister Hun Sen is no angel. But despite having called the US loans “dirty debt”, last year he offered to settle with Washington.
During a visit by US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman, he proposed: allowing Cambodia to repay gradually; reducing interest to 1 per cent, or turning more than 70 per cent of the debt into development aid to cover education, culture and demining.
That should have been a good opportunity for both sides to get creative and come up with a viable debt restructuring. A generous repayment plan would have given Washington leverage as Sherman explicitly warned Phnom Penh against continuously tilting towards Beijing and expressing alarm at a potential deal with the Chinese navy at the Ream naval base. Could there have been a quid pro quo between cancelling the debt and allowing Americans, instead of Chinese, return to the naval base? It seemed more than possible.
But Sherman apparently stuck to her guns as Washington showed no signs of being flexible over the debt. Indeed, in November, it ended up sanctioning Cambodian Defence Ministry Director-General Chau Phirun and top navy commander Tea Vinh, followed by an arms embargo over the naval base and allegedly growing Chinese military influence.
It was all sticks and no carrots. Should anyone be surprised now that Phnom Penh has, in the most public manner possible, sealed its deal with the Chinese navy? [...]
Debt-trap diplomacy is always a double-edged sword.
15 Jun 22
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iamknicole · 2 years
A/N: I'm still building this. So, if you're looking for fics of mine and they are not linked below, they're coming soon! Check the tags on this post in the meantime to find them!
Bloodline Family Series
Features Roman Reigns, Jey Uso, Jimmy Uso & OCs
Welcome Home
Parent Conference
Embarrassing Moment
Parent Conference
Big Boy Simba
Just Say No 2
Just Say No 3
Just Say No 4
Fed Up 1
Fed Up 2
A New Leaf
Wait … Before You Hit Me
Guess What
House Party
Simba’s First Date
Heartbreak Pt. 1
Heartbreak Pt. 2
Daddy’s Got You
Meet the Family
Meet the Washingtons
What’s Done in the Dark
Comes to the Light
Birthday Girl
Early Christmas Gift Planning
Dinner & Dessert
New Blessings
Congrats, Grad
Attack 2
Attack 3
Old Wounds
Old Wounds II
Old Wounds III
Tha Block is Hot
Knock, Knock
Goin’ Off
Let’s Talk
Draft Night
Bloodline Family Series Shorties
Features Roman Reigns, Jey Uso, Jimmy Uso & OCs
Do You Want It I’ll Buy It For You
Haleigh & Carlito
Auntie A
You Don’t Have To Do All The Things You Do
I’m Not Gonna Stop Poking You
I Fell in Love With My Best Friend
It’s A Real Shame No One Asked For Your Opinion
You’re So Cute When You Pout Like That
That doesn’t Even Make Sense
Child is Sick & Wants Daddy
Bedtime Temper Tantrum
Parental Paragraph
Is That Mistletoe?
My Parents Will Love You, Don’t Worry
Let’s Bake Cookies!
I Want A Picture with Santa
Daddy, Can you Help Me Write A Letter to Santa?
I Don’t Sing
Baby, Help Me Write Christmas Cards
It’s 1AM, Get Up!
Bloodline Family Series AU
Features Roman Reigns, Jey Uso, Jimmy Uso & OCs
Netflix and …
Family Ties
Spinoff from BLFS
(I wrote all fics linked here but this series is co-run with @annoyedkayah2395, go to her blog for the installments that she's written)
First Day In Cali (Goes with “Todd”)
Just Because
Hear Me Out
Carlito’s First Sleepover
Girl Talk
Let Me Tell You
Morgan & Chenice
Father’s Day Prep
Come Get Her
Family Court
Story Time
Pop Up
Hey Alexa
Family Ties AU
(I wrote all fics linked here but this series is co-run with @annoyedkayah2395, go to her blog for the installments that she's written)
Water Balloons
But …
BLFS//FT Crossover
Excuse Me Miss
Haleigh’s Appointment
Man to Man
Home Alone
Grandpa King’s Farm
Sour Patch Kid
Birthday Party
Mama Tasha
Like It?
BLFS//FT AU Crossover
Haleigh’s Visitor
New Kid on the Block
Unicorns & Rainbows
Awkward 2
Movin’ Out
Get Right
My Baby
I’m Sorry
Mama Bear
I’m Fine
Take Care of It
Runaway Bride
First Trip
Kid Free
Have & Have Nots
(I wrote all fics linked her but this series is co-run with @annoyedkayah2395, go to her blog for the installments that she's written)
Officially A Malone
Gotta Go
Mind Your Business
Pop Up
Formal Introduction
The Real Her
My Brother’s Keeper
Family Time
Let’s Talk
The Morning After
Night Out
Engagement Dinner
Another Emergency
Beat Down
Sweeties Day
What Are You Doing Here?
Skeletons 2
For You
To Zion
First Day
Just In Case
Dumb Broad
Lil Thug Life
Old Friends
A Tragic Day
Thin Ice
Empty House
Full Story
Family Dinner
The Last Straw
Gee Wiz, It’s Christmas
Oh You Forgot?
Who Is She?
I’m Pregnant
Back In Town
Stop Playin’ With Me
Oliver & Company
Plan B
Back Off
The First Baby
You’re …
Sibling Rivalry
Another Willis
Have & Have Nots AU
10 Seconds
Trouble Man
Be Nice
New Leaf
Just The Two of Us
Familiar Face
Trial Prep
A Special Victim
The Things We Have to Lose (Pt. 1)
The Canary
Features Roman Reigns & OCs
We All Want Love
Features Roman Reigns & OCs
Chapter One
Line in the Sand
Features Tama Tonga & OCs
Five (Pt. 1)
Five (Pt. 2)
(I wrote all fics linked her but this series is co-run with @annoyedkayah2395, go to her blog for the installments that she's written)
Prince of Rap
Group Project
Come Here
Faded Memories
Come Clean
Ghost 2
Meeting Ms. Taylor
McIntyre Family Series
Features Drew McIntyre, Montez Ford & OCs
Temper Tantrum
First Night Home
Bonding Time
Daddy, Can You Help Me Write A Letter to Santa?
I’m Pregnant
My Parents Will Love You
Is That A Mistletoe?
Sleeping Headcanon
Anger Headcanon
Kissing Headcnnon
New Years #4
Main Event
Champ 2
Deja Vú
Features Florian Munteanu & OCs
Daddy Daughter Time (Seth Rollins)
Twitter Fingers (Tama Tonga)
Baby’s First Shots (Tama Tonga)
Temper Tantrum (Samoa Joe)
First Day of School (Tama Tonga)
Baby’s First Doctor’s Appointment (Jeff Hardy)
Nightmare (Tama Tonga)
Child is Sick (Jeff Hardy)
Breakfast Time (Samoa Joe)
Daddy Daughter Bonding (Jinder Mahal)
Parental Paragraph (Big E)
Director's Commentary
Haleigh & Messiah
Jey & Apryl
Roman & Kandice
Best & Worst Traits of Characters
Drew & Danica
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I read the original X-Men 1-66, and I have thoughts. Long, meandering thoughts.
I have to admit, I was actually relieved when I realized that the original run was just issues 1-66, and everything else up to the introduction of the Giant Size X-Men crew was reprints. 
Honestly, it was a slog.  Old comics can be fun, but it’s hard to get into the right mindset for them, and they are very dialogue heavy.  And that’s coming from someone who actually wishes we had more dialogue in current X-Comics, or at least more thought balloons.  Like we’ve gone from too much dialogue, including a lot of characters narrating their actions, to a more “natural” dialogue that also can lead to some characters getting very little to say and no real development if a writer doesn’t balance the book well.
Stan Lee’s writing definitely has a unique style to it, and I can see why he was popular.  But I can also see why Claremont’s work really revolutionized the book and more or less “saved” the X-Men from cancellation and obscurity.  Stan (and the writers who came after him) tended to write more in the style of individual sci-fi adventures, where there are interesting ideas and concepts and weird gadgets in every issue, but character development and emotions tend to take a backseat.  And when the soap opera elements are included, they tend to be written in a somewhat clumsy way, like Scott’s constant “Oh, how I love Jean, but I dare not date her when my uncontrollable optic blasts make me a danger to everyone around me!” or the Juggernaut being Xavier’s step-brother.  Meanwhile, Claremont’s story-telling was more sci-fi/superhero soap opera, with the character interactions and drama being an integral part of every issue. 
I will say, the early issues still did a lot to establish the personalities of the characters.  We get Beast the wordy intellectual, although that development takes a few issues (his first appearance, he just seems like a big lug, like the Thing), Bobby the youngest and class clown, Scott the serious brooding leader, Warren the rich boy who is initially a rival for Jean.  Jean sometimes feels like the token girl, and often winds up playing the peacemaker, but in her very first appearance she proves that she won’t take any crap from the guys.  The characters tend to separate into little groups, with Bobby and Hank hanging out at an exaggerated parody beatnik coffee house listening to bad poetry and Scott/Warren/Jean usually off in their own little dating rivalry love triangle thing.     
I think the main thing early X-Men had going for it was ideas and characters.  This run gave us the 05, Xavier, Magneto, Juggernaut, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, Banshee, and near the end, Havok ad Polaris.  But the execution wasn’t always great, and I’d argue that all those characters were better developed later, by other writers.
It’s very interesting looking at which characters stuck and which didn’t.  In the early issues it was a new villain almost every issue, and Vanisher and Blob were treated as threats on the same level as Magneto.  Some characters who are treated as a really BIG DEAL like Lucifer and Mutant Master basically vanish from the books after their defeat, and are largely forgotten. 
Roy Thomas takes over after Stan Lee, and does some things I like, like resolving the Scott/Jean/Warren love triangle by having Warren give up and reconnect with Candy Southern.  Some storylines are set up in advance, like Jean’s college “friend” Ted Roberts spends a lot of time talking about his older brother, and right as I’m wondering why the fuck we should care about that, Ted’s brother Ralph Roberts becomes the villain Cobalt Man.  Mimic joins the team for about two issues, and I love the drama.
On the flip side, there were a lot of really bad one-off villains after Stan Lee left.  Cobalt Man is basically Ralph Roberts in an Ironman suit, becoming drunk with power after hitting his head.  (The concussion is blamed for his personality change, but it seems like Cobalt Man becomes a recurring villain, so maybe Ralph is just kind of a shitty dude.)  There are characters like The Locust, a scientist who can make insects huge, and Frankenstein who is actually an alien robot.  The X-Men also fight a few FF villains, like Mole Man and Blastaar, who just randomly shows up one issue then gets banished back to the Negative Zone.  There’s a Beast flashback story with a villain called the Conquistador and it’s so fucking stupid.  Scott and Jean fight robots from under the Earth.  
I thought the Factor Three storyline was decent, at least it was ongoing drama instead of a one-off fight.  The idea to assemble a bunch of old X-Men villains, and then to have them all turn on the leader, Mutant Master, when they realize that he’s actually trying to destroy all life on Earth, mutant and human alike, is interesting!  But Banshee was probably the only interesting character with any staying power that came out of that.  The Ogre disappeared out of the comics pretty quickly, and only resurfaced (and got any kind of character development) in Thunderbolts.  Mutant Master wass revealed to be an alien from Sirius and died, and was ultimately kind of a dud.  Changeling might have been an interesting recurring character, especially since he is the one who realizes that Mutant Master is not being honest with the group, but of course he has his redemptive death in Xavier’s place. 
Overall, it’s been interesting to read the comics, not just for the history of the characters, but to see the history of comics, and how story-telling and art styles have changed over the decades.  The early Kirby stuff is great, of course, but his work, and the artists that came afterwards tend to be just square panels, arranged in a very set, predictable way.  When I finally got to later issues, with artists like Steranko for a couple of issues, and Neal Adams, it was like a breath of fresh air.  Suddenly the art was breaking the formula, and doing genuinely interesting things, re-arranging the panels in new ways, letting the art break out of the panel, using different angles.  It’s all stuff that is pretty standard now, but I’m sure it was revolutionary at the time, it feels very different from everything that came before.  Neal Adams in particular uses creative panel arrangements and has great detail on character faces. 
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Random thoughts, and panels out of context:
Psychic powers were much more vaguely defined back then. Xavier could mentally scan and even effect machinery, or scan a room to determine what happened the the recent past. Also Magneto could astral project himself in early issues, but Marvel just kinda forgot about that.
Whatever happened to Bobby and Hank’s “girlfriends,” Vera and Zelda?  They ducked out of dates so often for X-Men business, they deserved to get dumped, but Vera and Zelda just kind of disappeared around the time Lorna showed up as Bobby’s new “love interest.” 
I miss the Hank/Bobby friendship.  Beast has gone so far dark in the comics, you’d think Bobby would have something to say about that.
I’ve said it before, but writers and adapters that keep wanting to make Wanda and Pietro dark or loyal Brotherhood members or anti-heroes because “they started out as bad guys” need to actually read the old issues.  It is blatantly obvious from their very first appearance that they are only with the Brotherhood reluctatantly, and that they will eventually change their minds and leave Magneto – which they do.
I got used to thinking of Scott and Jean as this epic romance, but they honestly spend most of this first run silently pining for each other.  Jean is all “If only he felt the same for me that I do for him, but I can’t possibly hope for that, he must focus on leading the X-Men,” and Scott is all “If only I could love Jean as a normal person, but my powers are too dangerous!”  It goes on like this for dozens of issues.  I don’t even know if we got a real love confession at any point, there’s just one later issue that reveals that they are finally dating.  (Maybe it happened in the Avengers crossover issue?) 
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(Neal Adams again, I love his art, it feels so different from the earlier stuff)
The X-Men were kind of jerks to Blob in his first appearance. Like they are immediately kind of pushy and rude, and Xavier can't even fathom that Blob might say "No" to joining them.
Xavier also did a lot of indiscriminate mind-wiping back then. Blob forgets knowing the X-Men's identities, Vanisher forgets his powers and his own identity, and it's all treated as perfectly reasonable, not Xavier abusing his powers.
Lorna shows up, gets kidnapped and has her mutant powers activated, then is told she’s Magneto’s daughter and is like, “Well, I have no reason to question that, and also this means I have to support him even though he’s evil.”  Bobby brings the news that she’s not really Magneto’s daughter, but of course Marvel will say “Never mind, she actually is!” decades later.  Also, it turns out the Magneto in this story was a robot the whole time.
So many stories start off in the Danger Room, or have the characters get into random fights just for the sake of an action sequence. 
The whole Xavier is in love with Jean thing thankfully only gets mentioned a couple of times, then quickly dropped. 
Havok is introduced as “Cyclop’s kid brother whom Cyclops has mysteriously never mentioned or spoken about.” He takes Scott's "I'm cursed with dangerous powers!" thing, but dialed up to eleven, with uncontrollable energy blasts from his hands.  Also, Alex is introduced at his college graduation, which would seem to make him at least 21, unless he got a 2 year degree.  Which would make Scott at least in his early 20’s, where he would stay for the next several decades.  Did Scott ever go to college?  Does he have the equivalent of a degree studying under Xavier?  What about Hank, the smart guy?
Speaking of college, whatever happened to Jean’s college story?  We don’t see her graduate, Ted Roberts (and the suggestion that he might know Jean’s secret identity) gets dropped like a hot rock.  At one point the X-Men have been ordered to break the team up after Xavier’s death, and Jean is working as a model, so either she graduated or dropped out.   
Bobby and Scott really clash over Polaris when she is first introduced, and maybe this is where the weird animosity between Iceman and Cyclops comes from in the animated series.  It’s especially odd since Cyclops tends to butt heads more with Warren in the early comics, while Bobby just gets scolded for joking around too much.
So many issues start with the X-Men training, or having a random fight just for the sake of an action sequence. 
The X-Guys all get backstories that are different shades of fucked up.  Scott runs away from the orphanage when his powers start to emerge, then has another mutant who used radiation to turn his hands into diamond try to use Scott to commit crimes.  (The diamond hand mutant turns his entire body to diamond then explodes.)  Warren tried to become a crime-fighter called “The Avenging Angel” before Xavier found him.  Beast was actually well-accepted and popular but had a really dumb villain kidnap his parents to try to force him to commit crimes.  Oh, and Iceman almost got fucking lynched by townspeople when he used his ice powers to protect a girl.  Jean didn’t get a backstory.
So many of the guys, even Xavier in his backstory, were both good students AND star athletes, like it was necessary for a character to be good at both. I guess the days of jock vs. nerd would come later.
One time they are all ice-skating and Bobby gets attacked at the pond by the Super Adaptoid, and everyone is like, “Bobby, are you sure you’re not imagining things,” as if they don’t get attacked by something weird every other day. 
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Bobby: "You guys, I got attacked by a robot!"
Everyone else: "Well, Scott didn't see it, so we see no need to investigate this!"
Erik the Red, or that time that Scott went undercover wearing a bondage outfit:
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The older stories also had more narration that broke the fourth wall, spoke directly to the reader and would make these winking jokes to fans. Like the early stories were very aware that this is all fantasy, as opposed to later stories becoming more immersive. Like this kinda racist story about a guy who calls himself El Tigre who becomes the avatar of a Mayan god:
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Stan Lee like, "How does this work scientifically? Eh, a wizard did it."
A lot of the early stories dealing with other cultures were not great. Like the Pharaoh/Living Monolith, an Egpytian mutant/archeologist who dresses up like an ancient Pharaoh and makes his followers do the same. Sunfire's first appearance has him wanting revenge for WWII, but at least he is treated as a sympathetic character. Cyclops uses the term "camel-jockeys" at one point, and we'll all just try to forget about that.
Also, a lot of the early stories had parent's exposure to radiation as the reason for mutant children, as opposed to the later "We are mankind's next step in evolution" theme.
Where do comic book villains get so many followers willing to dress up in goofy costumes and kill people on their commands? Pharaoh has his followers, the Conquistador had guys in goofy helmets. None of them seem like great bosses, I'd understand if they offered a really solid dental plan or something. Maybe people in the Marvel and DC universes are just waiting for any excuse to go apeshit.
After the Sentinels kidnap a bunch of mutants, I love this one panel with poor Banshee, Wanda and Pietro stuck with all the asshole mutants:
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I hope Blob and Unus ran off to go rob some banks and party together. Interesting that Jean name-drops both Magneto and Changeling as mutants who weren't caught by the Sentinels. Jean, he's dead. You know he's dead. But of course you can't say that. It was a different writer who brings back Xavier via retconned-heroically-dead-Changeling a few issues later, but I wonder if the plans were already in place, and that's why Changeling was noticeably absent.
And of course Xavier not being a very good teacher/mentor:
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"Scott and Jean are in trouble! Eh, it's probably fine, I have to continue these super-important experiments. I'll just send the others."
I still can't get over Xavier basically locking himself in the basement while the X-Men thought he was dead. Later stories justify that he was in a psychically-shielded room so that the aliens couldn't probe his mind and know his plan, but still. It was so cruel and the dude got very lucky that the former terrorist he put in charge of his students decided to stay good instead of changing his mind at any point.
Xavier also at one point pretends to lose his mental powers to "test" his students and force them to fight on their own. Damn, dude. Magneto's no better, and in many ways worse, but damn.
Anyway, these are goofy comics that are kind of fun, but the best days of the X-Men would come later.
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market-spy · 4 months
Navigating the Mysterious World of Malignant Mesothelioma
Buckle up, folks! Today, we’re taking a ride through the intriguing landscape of the Global Malignant Mesothelioma Market. No, it’s not the latest blockbuster movie; it’s a report that claims to have all the juicy details about the market’s size, growth, and the players trying to outshine each other. Let’s dive in without the usual fanfare and clichés, shall we?
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Market Rollercoaster:
The report kicks off by telling us that the Global Malignant Mesothelioma Market was valued at a very specific USD 153.93 million in 2021. Why not round it up to 154? Oh well, precision is key, apparently. Fast forward to 2030, and they predict it’ll balloon to a whopping USD 253.51 million. That’s a 5.7% CAGR, but who’s counting?
Patient Advocacy Drama:
Patient advocacy groups are hailed as the unsung heroes fighting against this cancer. Apparently, they’re not just raising awareness but also facilitating early diagnosis. It’s like they’re the Avengers of the mesothelioma world. Do they have capes? We can only wonder.
Market Snapshot — Because We Love Pictures:
The report presents a graph that resembles a rollercoaster at an amusement park. The Global Malignant Mesothelioma Market goes up and down, just like your emotions during a rollercoaster ride. We’ve got North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, Middle East & Africa all jostling for position. It’s a real global party.
Segmental Shenanigans:
We’re introduced to the three musketeers of market segmentation: type, application, and region.
Analysis by Application: Hospital pharmacies play pharmacist heroes, ensuring patients get their chemo cocktails. Retail pharmacies are the unsung MVPs providing support. Oncology centers get a nod, and there’s a vague mention of “others.” Who are these mysterious “others”? Aliens, perhaps?
Analysis by Type: The oral segment seems lost, like it stumbled into the wrong report. Parenteral is here too, but it’s the black sheep, not typically associated with mesothelioma. Maybe it took a wrong turn at the medical field junction.
Regional Rendezvous:
North America takes the spotlight because, surprise surprise, the United States is the boss in the malignant mesothelioma world. Asia-Pacific is catching up, thanks to historical asbestos use. Is asbestos the gift that keeps on giving?
Market Dynamics Drama:
Drivers are the good guys — advances in diagnosis leading the charge. But, here comes the villain — extended time to diagnosis. Malignant mesothelioma likes to take its sweet time, making early detection a real challenge.
For More Information: https://www.skyquestt.com/report/malignant-mesothelioma-market
Competitive Circus:
The market’s competitive landscape is a dynamic circus, featuring well-established brands, emerging players, and niche producers. AstraZeneca, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Roche, and the gang are the headliners. It’s a show where innovation is the star.
Key Market Trends: 
Aging population is the star of this show. As the world gets older, so does the likelihood of mesothelioma cases. Who knew getting older could be so dramatic?
In a world where malignant mesothelioma is the antagonist, this report serves as our guide through the twists and turns of the market. It’s not just data; it’s a rollercoaster ride through patient advocacy heroes, regional rivalries, and competitive circus acts. So, grab your popcorn (or chemotherapy cocktail) and enjoy the show!
About Us-
SkyQuest Technology Group is a Global Market Intelligence, Innovation Management & Commercialization organization that connects innovation to new markets, networks & collaborators for achieving Sustainable Development Goals.
Contact Us-
SkyQuest Technology Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
1 Apache Way,
Massachusetts 01886
USA (+1) 617–230–0741
Website: https://www.skyquestt.com
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mitchbeck · 8 months
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mayhemproduces · 2 years
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One of the biggest rivalries in MPW. Maybe perhaps, in some people’s opinion, the rivalry that BUILT MPW. The Rip City Shooters, The Second Gear Crew, the two factions who have engaged in war after bloody war… and it all ends here.
This would be the last time that the teams of Syn & Mance Warner, and Joshua Bishop and Wes Barkley would ever square off in tag team action. And it would be to determine who the MPW World Tag Team Champions would be when we left Nashville.
“Nashville, Tennessee! Your main event this evening is a tag team competition, scheduled for one fall, and it is for the MPW World Tag Team Championships! People of Nashville, and those watching around the World, one last time, ARE YOU READY FOR A FIGHT?!”
“This will be the final match contested between these two teams. Introducing first, the challengers… Fighting out of Rip City, they are the team of Maserati Wes Barkley, and the Intense Icon, the AIW Absolute Champion, Joshua Bishop, The RIP! CITY! SHOOTERS!”
The crowd in Nashville was almost a perfect 50/50 split, half cheering and half booing the Shooters.
“And their opponents… They are your MPW World Tag Team Champions. The team of The Southern Psycho, Mance Warner, and the One Man Militia, The Last Outlaw, Syn, the SECOND! GEAR! CREW!”
Nashville was fired up, and they were ready! Referee Tom Dunn presents the belts, and then calls for the bell, and we’re officially underway! Syn and Wes Barkley climbed up onto the apron, as Joshua Bishop and Mance Warner circled each other, waiting for the bell to ring. Tom Dunn rings the bell, The two massive men lock up, with Bishop starting to get the better of Mance here in the early going, perhaps the stronger of the two men, forcing Mance back into the corner, causing Dunn to call for a break. The break was surprisingly clean from Bishop, who backed away with his hands up, but a wide grin on his face, knowing he’d gotten the better of the exchange. Bishop was the taller of the two men by a considerable amount, but Mance has a lot of muscle, and a lot of power in him. The two behemoths locked up again, this time with Bishop throwing Mance right to the ground! Manhandling The Southern Pysycho here early! Bishop bounced on the balls of his feet, grinning from ear to ear, telling Mance to bring it on, as Mance huffed in frustration, and got himself back up to his feet.
Mance got back up and managed to catch Bishop in the gut with a kick, before pulling Josh Bishop into a headlock, trying to squeeze down on the head of the large Absolute Champion and disorient him some. Bishop manages to get his foot on the back of Mance’s leg, and switch over, trapping Mance in a headlock instead, all the while Wes Barkley can be heard on the outside, antagonizing fans and rooting on JB. Mance manages to send Bishop off the ropes, but on the rebound, Bishop drops Mance with a huge shoulder block, taking a second to pound his chest, firing himself up even more. Bishop hits the ropes again, and Mance drops down in front of him the first time, but as Mance gets back up, he’s unprepared as Bishop levels him with another shoulder block! It had been all Joshua Bishop here in the early going of this one, and Mance looks a little lost here early!
Bishop drops down for the cover.
1… Kickout!
A quick kickout there by Mance, but he’d need to find a way back into this one before Bishop’s advantage ballooned even further. Mance crawls to the corner, but Bishop catches him with a kick to the ribs, before picking Mance up, and blasting him with a straight right hand to the head, dazing Mance further. Bishop whips Mance across the ring, sending Mance hard into the turnbuckle, but as Bishop charges in after him, Mance gets the foot up, sending Bishop stumbling backwards in a daze. Mance reaches over and tags in Syn, who wastes no time charging into the ring and LEVELING Joshua Bishop with a spear! Joshua Bishop rolls out of the ring, and Syn follows him, with Mance and Wes hopping off the apron to go at each other in the meantime! Mance Warner and Wes Barkley start trading right hands on the outside, as Syn shoves Josh Bishop into the barricade! Syn pulls Bishop off the barricade again, catching him with a chop, before telling the fans on the other side of the barricade, in the opposite corner, to move out of the way. Many of them get the message as Syn grabs Bishop again, charges the barricade with him, and throws him out onto the chairs the fans had been sitting in! Bishop crashes and burns through the chairs, landing hard on the concrete on the other side of the barricade. Syn smirks, proud of himself for that one, before grabbing one of the chairs outside of the ring, and setting it up against the barricade. Syn backs up enough to get a running start, before charging, using the chair as a launch pad, and crashing into Bishop on the other side of the barricade! Syn gets back up and takes a little bow, before slapping a few fans hands. Syn then grabs Bishop again, tossing him back onto the right side of the barricade.
Syn climbs up on the guardrail, and waits for Bishop to get back to his feet, before leaping off, crashing down onto Bishop again! Syn was putting his body on the line all throughout this match, using it as a weapon to take down the larger, stronger Joshua Bishop. Syn grabs Bishop and tosses him back into the ring. Bishop crawls into the corner, and Syn grabs the two chairs in the ring, starting to pile them on top of Bishop, before having Mance throw him a third and a fourth chair, adding them to the pile too.
“Thank you guys for coming out tonight, everybody get home safely!” Syn shouts to the crowd, basically calling his shot that this one was over, as he starts to climb up to the top rope on the perpendicular corner, measuring Bishop as he does, Syn looking to put this one away with a Front Flip Van Terminator, but as Syn leaps off the top, Wes Barkley quickly grabs Josh Bishop and pulls him out from underneath all the chairs! Syn crashes and burns into the pile of chairs, howling out in agony as he does! No water in the pool! Wes Barkley saves Josh Bishop from certain doom!
Syn tries to sit himself up in the corner to collect himself, not seeing Josh Bishop climbing up to the top rope, apparently having the same idea Syn just had. Before Bishop can jump, though, Wes Barkley grabs Mance Warner, and then shitcans him into the crowd! Mance is tossed to the outside, right onto our fans and down onto the hard, concrete floor! Josh Bishop then jumps off the top rope, crashing down onto Syn with a Coast to Coast! Syn might be out!
Bishop gets up, clutching his leg in pain, but with a huge grin on his face. Josh Bishop hooks the leg on Syn, to win the titles!
1….2… Kickout!
Syn out at two!
Back outside of the ring, Wes Barkley found a bundle of light tubes, and smashed them over Mance Warner’s head! Broken glass and poisonous gas went everywhere, and now blood was beginning to trickle down Mance’s forehead in several spots. Wes Barkley then grabbed Mance and held him against the barricade, before digging his teeth into one of the wounds trying to open it up even more! Wes was biting Mance!
Wes released Mance, and with a crazed look in his eyes, and Mance’s blood in his mouth, Wes Barkley began to laugh at the chants of “you sick fuck” that we’re directed at him. Wes Barkley went back at Mance and caught him with a few boots to the face, before Wes began digging around underneath the ring, looking for more weapons to introduce into this one. Wes found two doors, throwing them both into the ring as he pulled them out, and then grabbed a couple of chairs for good measure, tossing three of them into the ring, and keeping the fourth for himself. Wes used the end of the chair and pressed it against Mance’s throat, choking him against the steel guardrail until Mance’s face began to turn a deep, deep shade of red, before Wes finally released him and caught Mance in the ribs with the end of the chair, before throwing that chair into the ring as well. Wes once again dig around under the ring, finding a small black bag and tossing that into the ring as well, before Wes grabbed Mance Warner once again, bounced his head off the ring apron. Mance stumbles backward, and Wes tries to come back at him, but Mance catches him with a big boot to the face! Wes stumbles back, and Mance charges him, dropping Wes on the outside with the Lariat! Wes’s head hits the floor hard on the outside!
Mance turns around, only to be surprised by a right hand from Joshua Bishop! Mance stumbles back as Joshua Bishop pursues him. Bishop kicks Mance into the guardrail, before blasting him with a couple of straight right hands to dizzy Mance further. Bishop grabs Mance again and whips him across to the other side of the ring, sending Mance crashing into the steel guardrail! Bishop grabs Mance again, pulling him into a headlock, and marching over to the other side of ringside with him, but Mance, maybe finally having found his second wind, shoves Josh Bishop face first into the steel ringpost! Mance may have just created the opening he needed!
Bishop gets up, blood starting to drip down from where the ringpost opened him up, before Mance charges in, crushing Bishop against the guardrail with a HUGE running shoulder tackle! Josh Bishop practically breaks in half! Mance Warner grabs Josh Bishop, and throws him back into the ring, as he tries to get Syn back up to his feet too! Syn recovers, and Mance and Syn send Josh Bishop off the ropes, before DRILLING Joshua Bishop with Immortal Corruption! That might be the end of the night for Rip City! Syn covers, Mance guards the ring and tries to keep Wes Barkley out of the ring!
1…..2… KICKOUT!
JOSHUA BISHOP KICKS OUT OF IMMORTAL CORRUPTION! Syn looks like he can’t believe it, and even checks with referee Tom Dunn that it was, in fact, just two! Syn huffs in frustration, and bangs his hand on the mat, before rolling back to his feet. Syn eyes Wes Barkley getting up on the outside, and taps Mance Warner on the arm, before Syn turns, hits the ropes, and takes out Wes Barkley with a Tope Con Hilo! Syn then gets back up and drags Wes Barkley back up too, before Mance Warner jumps up and down on his feet, before hitting the ropes, looking like he’s gonna dive, when Mance stops short, rolls out of the ring, and pokes Wes Barkley in the eyes! Wes Barkey stumbles back, as Syn and Mance bump fists, before Mance whips Wes Barkley into the corner of the guardrail! Wes slumps down, and Mance climbs up the guardrail, mounting him, and starts leading the crowd in a 10 count punch!
climbs up on a chair, before beginning to lead the crowd in counting each punch!
Mance stops short of the full ten and rolls his fists like The Dream, building up before faking the 10th punch, and catching Wes with an eye poke! Wes stumbles away, as Mance turns his attention to Joshua Bishop, who had tossed Syn over the barricade into the laps of many of our fans, and had rolled back into the ring! Mance rolls in after him, and tries to take a swing at Bishop, but Bishop ducks it and sends Mance into the ropes, before catching and spinning Mance on the rebound, driving Mance into the mat with a HUGE Black Hole Slam! Bishop makes the cover!
1….2… Kickout!
Mance stays alive, keeping this match going for the Second Gear Crew. Josh gets back up and lifts Mance to his feet, knocking him into the corner with a huge stiff forearm. Mance stumbles back into the corner, but Josh is surprised by a chair to the back from Syn, causing Bishop to stagger, but not go down. Syn rears back with the chair again, and as Bishop turns around, Syn nails Bishop right in the head with the chair! Josh drops to his knees and rolls out of the ring, clearly dizzied by the last shot. Syn unfolds it, and sets the chair down, before grabbing Joshua Bishop and putting his head through the chair, before Syn grabs another chair, and SMACKS the chair around Bishop’s head with the other chair! Bishop’s eyes roll back into his head, as Syn throws the chair down and makes another cover!
1…..2… Kickout!
Bishop out again! Syn pounds his fist in frustration, before signaling to Mance it was time to end this. Syn grabs a chair and heads up top, before Mance grabs Joshua Bishop and lifts him onto his shoulders, as Second Gear looks for the Doomsday Device! Mance tried to hold Joshua Bishop steady, but Bishop slides out the back, and shoves Mance Warner right into Syn on the top rope! Syn crotches himself down on the top rope, and howls in agony, as Mance is knocked over the top rope with a lariat from Josh Bishop! Bishop then goes over and throw Syn down off the top rope, before sending Syn off the ropes, catching him on the rebound and planting Syn with a MASSIVE Black Hole Slam! All the while, Wes is setting up chairs, setting two of them up back to back, as Bishop picks Syn up, hand around his throat, and lifts Syn high up into the air, before slamming him down onto the points of the chairs with a huge Chokeslam! The chairs crumble beneath the impact, as Bishop hooks the leg for the cover, trying to win the tag team titles!
1…..2… Kickout!
Syn survives for the time being, keeping his title reign in tact! Syn sits up, this psychopath actually laughing as he does. Lenny Lenoard even remarks to Excalibur on commentary that Syn isn’t right in the head. Bishop, blood now completely covering the front side of his body, as he calls out to Wes to grab a door. Wes digs around underneath the ring, and tosses a door in to Bishop, who sets it up in the corner of the ring. Syn starts trying to use the ropes to pull himself up, but Bishop grabs him, trapping him against the ropes, and hammering him with a few right hands to the forehead, opening Syn up even more than he already was, Syn now bleeding about just as much as Bishop is. Bishop then hold’s Syn’s arms back, allowing Wes to wind up, and pop Syn with a shot right on the jaw.
Syn slumps against the ropes, and then Wes has to come up and take a shot of his own again, blasting Syn with a right hand, before Bishop grabs Syn and picks him back up. Bishop blasts Syn with another chop, before lifting him up onto his shoulders, charging, and driving Syn right through the door with a massive Death Valley Driver! Bishop jumps up to his feet, pounding his chest, before he drags Syn out of the corner, throwing Syn to Wes Barkley, who scoops Syn up, and drives him down with a Maserati Driver! Syn might be out, but that doesn’t stop Wes from dragging Syn back to his feet, and tossing him to Bishop, who lifts Syn up, and drives Syn down with a Bishop Bomb! Joshua Bishop folds Syn up, looking to end it!
We have new tag team champions! Josh Bishop sits up on his knees, huffing and puffing, as he’s embraced by his tag partner, Wes Barkley, the new MPW World Tag Team Champions. Syn rolls out of the ring, and is collected by his tag partner, Second Gear defeated, and they wouldn’t be getting a rematch for their belts anytime soon. The Shooters are presented with the belts, as Blade rushes down to the ring to embrace her boys. Outside of the ring, Syn and Mance begin to limp away, when Syn suddenly reaches for a chair, and maybe against his better judgment, slides into the ring! Rip City doesn’t see him, but Syn’s in the ring with a chair! Syn measures the shooters with the chair as Mance joins him in the ring, but before the Shooters can even turn around, Syn sighs, drops his head, and drops the chair, throwing it to the side. The sound of the chair hitting the mat causes all three shooters to turn around, and Mance and Syn and standing there, hands on their hips, sighing to themselves. Syn looks at Mance, and the two nod at each other, before looking back to Rip City, both Syn and Mance extending their hands to The Shooters. Wes and Josh look between each other, before nodding and accepting the handshake. It seems there was a good amount of mutual respect gained in all of their wars against each other, and that now, perhaps for the first time, The Second Gear Crew and The Rip City Shooters are on the same page.
We have new tag team champions, and one of the greatest rivalries in MPW is officially over. Goodnight from Nashville, everyone! We’ll see you in Cleveland next week!
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stcrytime · 2 years
𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐬
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hollywood actor.
NAME John Raymond Ellis. STAGE NAME Jack Ellis. DATE OF BIRTH 5 May 1930. AGE Early 30s / early 20s. GENDER Male (he/him). ORIENTATION Homosexual (closeted). NATIONALITY American. OCCUPATION Hollywood actor. RESIDENCE Los Angeles, California, USA. HEIGHT 5 feet, 10 inches. FACE CLAIM Paul Wesley / George Sear.
BIOGRAPHY Jack landed his first role at the age of seventeen, playing the lead's unnamed teenage son in Behind Closed Doors. He only appeared in a few scenes with a handful of short lines but it was enough to confirm his thirst for an acting career. The following year, he took another small role in Poker Face as a waiter. His first named role came in Playing with Fire. Although the film focused on the unhappy couple, Jack's part as the son caught up in his parents' schemes caught the eye of young women across the country, as well as his future manager, Howard Porter.
Eager to get an idea of Jack's full potential, Howard placed him in a supporting role as a comical sidekick to the lead in Wild Goose Chase. It became clear that he had a great career ahead of him with enough talent to join the ranks of Hollywood's leading men. Following the success of his previous comedies, the emerging heart-throb was given his first leading role as Prince Dunstan in Head Over Heels at the age of twenty-one.
Determined to prove that he had more range than just comedy, Jack insisted upon auditioning for something more serious. His emotional performance in Dead Man Walking was widely praised by critics, earning him two Golden Globe awards for Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture (Drama) and New Star of the Year (Actor). After an adaptation of Romeo and Juliet as Romeo, Jack joined a small ensemble of rising stars in Birds of a Feather. His first experience of filming on location in another country came with Curse of the Pharaoh. In preparation for the role, he worked with Elijah Woodrow to craft an authentic portrayal of a heroic archaeologist.
Following the success of Henry Hawthorne’s film noir Midnight in Harlow, Jack's studio rushed to produce a similar project in colour with their own heart-throb in the lead. Although Jack's performance was generally well-received, the film was criticised as a poor imitation of Hawthorne's work and flopped at the box office. Despite their rivalry, Jack later starred alongside Henry in Two Roasts in the Oven as the competing love interests of Evelyn Shaw, played by none other than Marilyn Monroe. After winning an Academy Award for Best Actor in Deal with the Devil, Jack rejoined forces with his former rival in Break Every Rule.
FILMOGRAPHY BEHIND CLOSED DOORS (1947) In a small Midwestern town, the residents must work together to hide their dark secret from a nosy newcomer. Drama POKER FACE (1948) An undercover cop joins a high-stakes poker game to follow the final lead before his case goes cold. Drama PLAYING WITH FIRE (1949) Divorce proceedings turn sour when both parties are revealed to have hidden assets they weren't planning to share. Comedy WILD GOOD CHASE (1950) A security breach at the San Diego Zoo causes a mass breakout and a challenging day at work for animal control. Comedy HEAD OVER HEELS (1951) A charming prince is forced to compete against rival suitors to win the hand of his beloved princess. Romantic comedy DEAD MAN WALKING (1952) A young soldier and his injured comrade must find a path to safety after they get trapped behind enemy lines. War ROMEO AND JULIET (1953) An age-old feud between powerful families drives two star-crossed lovers to a devastating end. Shakespearean tragedy BIRDS OF A FEATHER (1954) A group of tourists band together when their hot air balloon gets blown off course and crashes in the jungle. Comedy CURSE OF THE PHARAOH (1955) Excavations of an Egyptian tomb are halted by a series of strange events until an wandering archaeologist investigates. Adventure DAYLIGHT ROBBERY (1956) After an argument with his boss, a bank teller convinces his best friend to help him rob his own bank. Comedy THESEUS AND THE MINOTAUR (1957) An Athenian prince ventures into the labyrinth to slay the vicious beast within. Adventure OFF THE RECORD (1958) A homicide detective receives a mysterious letter from the alleged culprit behind his latest case. Drama JACK OF ALL TRADES (1958) An aspiring actor attempts a variety of day jobs to fund his dreams of moving to Hollywood. Musical comedy PARDON MY FRENCH (1959) A handsome journalist headed for London gets stranded in Paris following a mix-up at the airport. Romantic comedy DRESSED TO KILL (1960) An American spy meets his match in a seductive Russian assassin tasked with killing the President. Drama TWO ROASTS IN THE OVEN (1960) Two neighbours are dating the same girl, clueless that she is running between both their houses on Christmas day. Romantic comedy starring Marilyn Monroe and Henry Hawthorne DEAL WITH THE DEVIL (1961) The victim of a brutal murder strikes a bargain with the Devil himself to get revenge on his killers. Thriller BREAK EVERY RULE (1962) A cop is forced to work with the criminal in his custody to avoid the violent gangsters on their tail. Action comedy starring Henry Hawthorne
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natromanxoff · 3 years
Queen live at Elland Road in Leeds, UK - May 29, 1982 (Part-2)
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Fan Stories
“We got a coach from my home town (about 2 hours from memory) and drank an ocean of lager on the way, by the time we got there we needed the toilet so badly we could have exploded! We got into the stadium and waited for the first band of the day. Soon enough a not very well known (to me) American band came on called Heart. They weren't bad but did nothing for me. Then came The Teardrop Explodes who tried and who I reckoned did quite well despite the flying bottles of liquid being hurled at them from the crowd. After them was Joan Jett complete with Blackhearts who got the crowd going with "I Love Rock'n'Roll" mainly because Brian appeared at the side of the stage with his daughter to have a look. Eventually after a long wait the stage lights dimmed and a strange cranking sound started up and then you were suddenly aware of the drum beat to Flash thumping out and spotlights chasing around the stadium. This went on for a minute or so and the excitement was unbearable. All of a sudden in an explosion of smoke, lights, guitars, drums... Brian, John and Roger are there blasting out the opening part of The Hero. Seconds later in a gleaming white leather jacket out runs Freddie and it begins... A moment I will never forget along with many others from Queen shows since and before it. I can't say which show was my favourite as I loved them all but that moment WAS Queen, the sheer power, the anticipation, the fantastic musical ability and above all else the way they gave people what they crave more than anything... wonderful memories.” - whiteman
“29th May 1982 - a really nice warm day. We only lived a few miles away so walked down to Elland Road - I can't believe it - Queen live in my home town at the home of the greatest football team in the country (well maybe not now!). Got to the ground early and were allowed in by security, such a relaxed atmosphere. Saw band's soundcheck - great! So hot sun, never went behind stadium roofs. Got best suntan I have ever had! Heard Teardrop Explodes - not bad. Then you are aware of the beat of flash thumping out around the stadium, the smoke rises and bang - they are on! The greatest gig I have ever seen from the greatest live band in history. God bless you, Brian, Roger and John. Rest in peace, Freddie - we will never forget.” - Michael Quine
“This was my second ever gig, the first being Rory Gallagher the year before (I am sure I once read that Rory was one of Brian May's favourite guitarists). Anyway, being only 14 and not yet in the habit of getting off my face at gigs,I can remember that day very clearly. I am convinced I saw someone throw a hamburger at Julian Cope (Teardrop Explodes were going down like a lead balloon), and just as Julian was opening his gob to sing, he CAUGHT IT IN HIS MOUTH. A huge cheer went up, then they stomped off. Somebody, possibly Queen's manager, came on and told everbody to behave. I also remember a fan getting on stage and Freddie expertly rolling him off the stage. I didnt like the Hot Space album much but was chuffed they were still a hard rock band. I bought the next edition of Kerrang mag and the write up of the gig said STUNNING. Great memory.” - Edwin
“I was 15 years old in 1982 when I attended my first ever concert. Fortunately for me, it was QUEEN's show at Leeds AFC ground in the North of England. I remember when my ticket arrived in the post, possibly 2-3 months before the concert, as was often the case in those days. I stuck my ticket on a cork notice board in my bedroom and could barely contain my excitement over the coming weeks. Every morning, I would wake up and look at the yellow ticket, wishing the days away. I imagined everything that could go wrong would. Queen would cancel the gig, I would break my leg, the family pet would die on the morning of the concert and it would be too insensitive of me to go, the transport wouldn't turn up or would break down, there would be a pile up on the motorway, I'd lose my ticket en route, etc, etc. As it turned out, May 29th 1982 was a hot and sunny day, perfect weather for an outdoor gig. I was CRAZY about Queen and had been since the age of 9 but I really didn't know what to expect on that day. Myself and three friends took a coach organised by my Dad's company from Lancashire across the M62 motorway to Leeds. Our excitement began to really take a hold when we arrived at the football ground and we followed the droves of people towards the turnstiles. To me, this was something on a really big scale and I could already hear the hum of the crowd inside. Not really believing that we were actually about to witness a Queen concert, we found our seats on the West Stand, offering a great view of the stage. I remember marvelling at Queen's new lighting rig and the equipment that adorned the stage, shining in the afternoon sunshine. The ground was almost full at this point and the pitch was heaving with people. The atmosphere was relaxed as people bathed in the sunshine. I remember two guys climbing the fence from the stand and attempting to get a better spot by running into the crowd and losing themselves on the pitch. Their efforts were in vain however as they were quickly located and ejected back into the stand by two security guards. We bought some black Hot Space tour shirts (I wore mine with pride until it literally fell apart) and a programme from a vendor inside the ground and waited for the first band to take the stage. A guy near us shouted and punched his way through Heart's set and then left just as they vacated the stage. Obviously not a Queen fan! The Teardrop Explodes suffered at the hands of the Queen congregation and found themselves battling against a shower of bottles and assorted missiles. Other than that, I don't really remember much about the support bands. I think that Bow Wow Wow were billed to play (an odd choice) but I can't recall if they actually turned up. No matter, we were about to witness what is still one of the best gigs I have ever attended.
As the dusk descended upon us, the giant floodlights were extinguished one by one and the memory of the roar that followed still sends shivers down my spine. Dry ice drifted across the heads of the crowd on the pitch as the intro tape of Flash thumped out of the PA and the strange 'grating' noises added to the recording created a foreboding atmosphere. Two of our party were on the pitch and to this day remember their chests thumping in unison to the powerful rhythm. A sea of hands clapped in perfect time to the beat. To me, this was already an amazing experience. And then the big moment. Freddie, resplendent in dazzling white made his entrance to The Hero and the blaze of the lights. An apt number to start with. Before he had even sung a note, the audience were locked tightly in the palm of his hand. Such an entrance, such a showman. "You're a F***in amazing crowd", he exclaimed after the first rush. The beginning of the gig is, in truth, my strongest memory of the show itself. In particular, the "Flash!!!" vocals cutting through the night air with so much volume. I recall being shocked at the sheer power of Queen's performance and the clarity of the huge sound they harnessed. Morgan Fisher's keyboards during 'Action This Day' sounded bright and hypnotic. Freddie's intro to Fat Bottomed Girls caused quite a response too; "the bigger the t*t the better it is!". I also remember the follow spots darting wildly over the crowd during 'Tie Your Mother Down' and everybody going crazy. Oddly enough (and this is something I still swear by to this day), I was in a Maths lesson at school the following Monday and I swear I had a flashback of this and could actually 'hear' the music being re-played in my head. It was a weird moment and life was never quite the same again. We talked endlessly about our experience for months to come and one of my biggest regrets is not jumping on a train to attend the filmed Milton Keynes show a week later. Having been to so many gigs since, I can honestly say that there is nobody who has been able to top Queen live; I was lucky enough to see the band five times between 1982 and 1986, including Wembley Stadium and their last show at Knebworth. I think that my personal favourite was their performance at the NEC in Birmingham on 'The Works' tour in 1984. People were literally stood there with open mouths, unable to believe how good they were. Leeds is definitely up there too. I recall Brian May stating that he thought it was one of their best performances ever. I can't argue with that Mr May. I've often wondered if an audience shot cine film or even just photographs exist from the Leeds gig. It would be a dream come true to see my memories come to life again.” - Keith Lambert
“I can't believe it was 30 years ago that I attended my first ever gig at Elland Rd Leeds in 1982. I was 17 years old at the time, I was into Queen when I first heard seven seas of rhye, which was so different to all the other stuff around at the time. I'd heard them live on tv, and had Live Killers. Also I used to buy bootleg cassettes of all of their tours from 74 onwards. But nothing could prepare me for that day. They should have played this gig at Old Trafford Manchester, my home town, so I was gutted when the residents opposed it. Tickets were very easy to come by, believe it or not, cos Queen were not seen as a relevant band at that time. Also touring the Hot Space album didn't seem to excite anybody. So, Billy no mates had to go on his own, haha. My memory is a bit hazy, but I will try my best. I got to the ground about 1pm, and was lucky enough to have a pitch ticket. I got right to the front, well about 10 yards from the stage, slightly off centre and to the right. If I told you I never moved from that spot all day and never spoke to anyone, would you believe me? One of the reasons for this is the rivalry between Manchester and Leeds, also I was only a kid, haha. Not sure who was first on, probably Teardrop Explodes, Julian Cope, I remember while they were throwing bottles at him, picked one up and started hitting himself with it and stretching his arms out saying he was an Argentinian bomber or something. It was during the Falklands war, remember. Then Heart came on, not really my cup of tea, and I had a lie down on the tarpaulin and tried to go to sleep. Then Joan Jett, who was better than the rest, but not really exciting. During the band changes, I remember the roadies polishing Roger's drum kit and climbing up ropes and those threepronged lights, which before I saw them move I thought they were cameras. Queen took ages to come on. From my recollection and I might be wrong, they didn't come on until 10pm and went off around Midnight. I heard later that they got fined so much per minute for being late on stage but they wanted to wait until it was dark for the lighting rig to take effect. If you watch the Bowl DVD you will notice it was light when they came on stage there. But that was being filmed by Channel 4. But it was absolutely pitch black when they came on stage at Leeds. Then the floodlights went off, smoke started to appear and strange noises started, which I can't describe, sorry. Then Flash's Theme started, it was loud, very, very loud. I knew they were supposed to be loud and this was the part that scared me. The ground was thumping, the bass just pumping away. The these 'cameras' flicked into life, with men on them. The intro seemed to last for a very long time. Then BANG Brian appears with the first chord of The Hero and a flash of the biggest white light I've ever seen and will never forget and the absolute loudest noise I have ever heard just hit me. The intro was quite in comparrision to this. When I play Live at the Bowl, I tend to repeat the intro and The Hero, virtually every time, because it was definitely a life changing experience for me at that moment, just incredible. Then Freddie appeared in brilliant white again, I was that close, I swear His hair seemed blue because of the mass of white lights. His voice, so loud, so clear, honestly, I can't describe that moment properly. I heard Freddie swear, saw Roger spitting, quite a lot, over his drum kit and onto the stage, I was bewildered.
When they did Play The Game and also Somebody To Love, when Freddie was doing the intros for them and it will sound strange to those that weren't there, but I didn't know what the songs were. I thought they was new unreleased songs. The reason was they was so loud, It kind of deafened you and then kind of sunk in what they were about to play. Then the rest of the gig flew by and I was singing my head off. Everyone was, but you could only hear Queen. Again my memory may be wrong, but I read afterwards that Queen had paid for residents to move out of their homes for the day. These houses were monitored and they said that the sound was like Concorde flying 10 feet over your head... Yep I will buy that. For all that and for all the bad things said about it, The Works tour, which I went to all the 4 origional England gigs they had planned, was the best tour they ever did. The set list was fantastic and the lighting rig was incredible. Not as loud, I also add. I also saw them in Manchester, 86. They had to be off stage by 10pm and noise levels had to be adhered to. I was too far awy to see them and the screens didn't come on because it was too light. Also I couldn't here them properly. I've watched the mMagic Tour gigs on DVD etc, but for me, that was the poorest tour they ever did. So that's it, hopefully some of you can confirm my bad memory, or say I'm wrong. Hopefully not bored you all. But it was the greatest musical experience I ever witnessed and I am proud I was there.” - Paul Wakefield
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thehermitcraftqueen · 3 years
I Don't Want You to Die - Platonic, Grian & Scar
Scar wants revenge for Pizza. It's up to Grian to convince him not to try anything stupid, at least before they get some gear.
Requested by @/Star_Kissed__ on Twitter.
From the moment Grian became Scar's guardian, he knew it wouldn't be an easy task. Protecting anyone on a server where the players were supposed to kill each other eventually wouldn't be easy. He expected he'd have to deal with some traps or a player now and then. He even expected he'd be building something dangerous to keep people out of the desert, such as the cactus wall with some lava here and there.
What Grian hadn't expected was that he'd also have Scar's incredible ability to create and attract trouble to deal with.
It really was unbelievable, the things Scar could get into. A plunge into a ravine made him the first red life. Then there was the whole "friend pass" thing, which created a rivalry with Ren when he wouldn't buy a pass or allow Scar to use his enchanter. One technically failed but also still somehow very successful trap later, Ren was furious with Scar--to the point of purposely losing his second life so he could come after Scar. The now-red life king had very recently attacked them, and Scar's pet llama, Pizza, had been killed in the process.
This was what Scar was currently fuming over.
"Oh, he'll pay for this! We should set another TNT minecart at his door!" Scar declared.
"Scar, I don't know if we should mess with-" Grian began, only to be cut off by Scar.
Grian flinched. He wasn't going to lie, he normally didn't find Scar very intimidating. Even with gray skin and red eyes, he had a pet bee that floated around him like a balloon for crying out loud. He was also way too friendly. If Grian had run of the place, he would've killed half the server or died trying a long time ago.
Right now, though? With his red eyes alight with anger and his hand clenched around his netherite sword, Scar looked like the murderer he was supposed to be. And it was honestly terrifying.
"Scar, I understand why you're angry," Grian said slowly, nervous of making Scar even angrier, "but I really don't think going after Ren again is a good idea. Making him mad was the reason we lost Pizza in the first place. Besides...I've heard rumors Impulse has become his weapons supplier, and you know how crazy his enchantments are."
"We can beat him! We've got allies in his walls!" Scar argued.
"Like who?" Grian asked exasperatedly. "Skizz? Etho? They both left us a long time ago."
Scar opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it again, looking disconcerted for a moment. Grian sighed.
"Maybe we just leave Ren alone for now. He got his revenge, I think, so he shouldn't bother us again if we don't ask for it," he reasoned.
Scar was silent for a few seconds, looking thoughtful. But then he shook his head, his eyes hardening.
"No, Grian. Ren will pay. He's on his last life; one sword swipe in the right place is all it'll take."
"But you're no different!" Grian protested. "They hit you right, you're dead! You're on your last life too!"
"I'm willing to lose it. I must avenge Pizza," Scar said firmly.
Grian stared at Scar. He didn't understand why Scar was so attached to Pizza. It was a llama. Hardly something to risk your last life for, in Grian's opinion. But meeting Scar's intense gaze, he didn't think questioning that part was something he wanted to do.
"Alright," Grian sighed, "say we did attack Ren. It's two against...what? Four or five?"
"No, no, it'll be four against four or five," Scar said. "We can get Jimmy and Scott to help us."
It would still be a losing battle. Grian knew that, but he was scared to say it out loud. A part of him wondered why he didn't just intentionally follow Scar's early footsteps and jump off a cliff. Sure, he'd be yellow life, but he'd be free from Scar. He could run away and set up his own base. He could get away from this chaos, the certain death Scar would be facing if he went through with this.
But something stopped him. Grian had grown to like Scar, despite the chaos he brought with him. The childishness, the odd sense of friendliness, even the trouble.
He didn't want Scar to die.
"Do we...have to fight Ren?" Grian asked quietly.
"Why are you suddenly protecting him?" Scar demanded.
"I'm not!" Grian said quickly. "I'm...I..." Scar tilted his head, and Grian took a breath. "I don't want you to die," he blurted out.
Scar looked a bit taken aback. "You...don't?" His voice was quieter, his anger fading. "I figured you would. You know...since my death would set you free, without having to lose a life of your own."
"I...thought about that," Grian admitted. He smiled a little. "But...you've kind of grown on me, Scar."
Scar smiled back. "Well, I guess that's a good thing!" The cheer was returning to his voice, to Grian's relief. It was weird. A few weeks ago, he'd been trying to get Scar to act threatening. Now, he preferred the cheerful, childish version.
"We're still attacking Ren, at some point," Scar added. "But not now. I don't want you to die either, and there's probably some netherite we can get to protect ourselves better."
"So, more explosions then?" Grian grinned.
"You bet," Scar snickered.
"I'll go make some TNT," Grian said, turning and running over to the gunpowder farm.
Scar wasn't giving up on attacking Ren, and even with netherite armor, there would likely be some deaths.
But if it meant keeping Scar alive, Grian would gladly be one of those deaths.
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nyxdelanuit · 4 years
Please Let Me Take You Ch 1
Here is the start of my BakugouxReaderxKirishima fic!
Warning: NSFW, Cheating, Mentions of Injuries, Drinking
You were the fiancee of one of the Top Five Heroes- Bakugou Katsuki. Like all things, he was passionately devoted to your relationship as long as it didn't get in the way of his hero work. And hero work is why he hasn't been home in days, why you only see him for quick, kinda uncomfortable sex every once in a while, and why you aren't able to move closer to a place that has a job in your field. Yeah, that has to be it. He's just a really good hero. Like your best friend Ochako's husband... who is home every night doting on his pregnant wife...
No matter, you won't be that clingy girlfriend. It was just a settling-in phase. You'll just grin and bear it, and it will all work out, right?
Until then, maybe you could make a few more friends while you waited for Katsuki to come home.
It was another night of watching him on your television. How high and mighty he looked, snapping at the reporters huddled around him. Although he sounded angry, the pride and haughty tone he held said differently. You muted the report, unwilling to listen to him talk down to his pandering masses any longer. It wasn’t a surprise, he had warned you from the first date that his work took preference. What you didn’t expect was how you now felt like a guest in your own home.
You felt like you were barely there, existing. Melting into the decorations-none of which were yours. You had moved in with Katsuki Bakugou six months ago, although you had been together for almost five years. Your head rested on your hand as you glanced over your living room, sparse and designer. It looked more like a showroom than anything. Why wouldn’t it, no one was ever home to live in it. A glint of red caught your eye, prompting you to look at the extravagant ring nestled on your finger, sharp points tugging on your skin.
He proposed a few months ago in this very living room, not that many people even knew you existed. You were a blank face in the eyes of the public, “Ground Zero’s Fiancee.” No name, no pictures, just sparse mentions every few months when some cocky reporter decided to dig into Katsuki’s personal life. You would be a liability if people knew who you were, he said, and like always you gritted your teeth and nodded along. It was all part of the package for dating a hero and not being one yourself. You wondered if he would even make it home tonight.
Maybe you were being too harsh on him, but it was hard not to think about how different your life was now compared to when you first met him.
You were 23 when you met him, in a new town, working towards a new degree. You didn’t have time for anything besides your studies. No new friends, no new hobbies, just your head stuck in a book. You were skimming over the material you needed for the day’s classes as you stumbled off of the train and onto the sidewalks. He had been out of his hero costume, but people still moved out of his way as he strolled along. Except you, too busy to notice.
You ran headfirst into his chest but he didn’t budge. You simply looked up with a glower, straightening out any papers that bent during your collision. With usual Katsuki grace, he scoffed down at you.
“Most normal people apologize when they run into someone.” You sneered at the boy, causing his eyes to widen. The two of you would bicker for the next ten minutes until you noticed the time and ran off, not even dignifying the angry boy with an explanation. You had, however, left without some of your documents.
It was a lucky break for him that the papers you left had been for a resume. Your name, phone number, and address were printed neatly in the corner. That’s how he found you that night, waiting outside your apartment building as you drug yourself in from a long day. You remembered his smirk as he talked to you.
“You really don’t know who I am, do you?” You shook your head.
“Why, are you supposed to be famous?” He let out a bark of a laugh.
”Let me treat you to dinner and I’ll let you know.” An answer wasn’t expected, he had already turned to walk off, motioning for you to follow.
The following years were filled with precious memories. If they hadn’t been, you think you would have already left. Every time you thought of leaving, you remembered the times Katsuki would show up in the middle of the night. Sometimes he just wanted to be next to you, laying on your chest with your hands in his hair. Other times he came still bleeding from a recent attack. You lost count of how many nights you had sat on the edge of your bathtub stitching shut the gashes and cleaning the scrapes. Even the seldom times he introduced you to his friends were precious memories for you. You don’t know how you could have survived this relationship without the unwavering support of Mina and Ochako. Even Kaminari had grown on you in time. What would you do without them now?
All you had was a cold, empty house, a degree that was little more than another frame on the wall, and fewer friends than you could count on one hand.
You turned your attention back to the television. Katsuki wouldn’t be home any time soon if the attack you were watching was live. This meant you had two options: Sit at home to wait diligently for your fiance to return and hope he doesn’t crash at the office, or leave and do something with yourself. The choice seemed easy to you now, the house seemed to be closing in on you. Your fingers flew over your phone screen, sending a swift message before you flew out the front door.
Ochako opened her door at your first knock. She tried enthusiastically to hug you, but it was pretty difficult for her to maneuver around her distended stomach. Katsuki didn’t necessarily like you being so close to Mrs. Midoriya, but she was one of the few people you could talk to candidly about your life with the pro-hero. He liked it even less after her pregnancy announcement, complaining that it was only another thing Midoriya had beaten him to. You honestly thought the whole rivalry was a bit one-sided and childish, but he wouldn’t hear of it.
Of course, after learning that and being recently engaged, Katsuki had convinced you that the two of you should try. You weren’t sure if you were happy that he hadn’t been home at the right time for you to fall pregnant or not. Just another drop in the bucket of things that hadn’t been going right.
You shook yourself from your thoughts, you came here with the intent to leave your thoughts of Katsuki at home. Ochako deserved more than to be your emotional dumping ground, even if the two of you would end up speaking on it eventually. You let yourself be ushered into Ochako’s home, curling up on your regular spot on the couch while Ochako brought you tea. You knew that Ochako needed these moments as much as you did, she wasn’t taking her long maternity leave very well.
“So, Y/N, what brings you to my humble abode today?” She had a grin hidden behind her teacup as she sipped. You sighed, tangling your free hand into your hair and letting your head rest in your palm.
“The usual, I’m tired of sitting at home when I know Katsuki won’t be home half the night.” You blew a piece of hair from your face. “Plus I figured my favorite momma-to-be could use a little distraction.” You smirked right back at her, joining in on her good-natured chuckle. The two of you often commiserated on feeling like useless dolls, sitting at home and looking pretty until their big strong men came home. You, from the lack of a job close enough to commute to in your field, and Ochako from her forced vacation. If the worry for her unborn child wasn’t in the equation, you were sure she’d still be out in the field working rescue missions.
Alas, one of the things that Katsuki and Izuku shared was their unwavering stubbornness when it came to their girls. God knows how many times you had tried to convince Katsuki that moving to a slightly less affluent neighborhood would only increase his commute by a few minutes, but open plenty of doors for you career-wise. At least Ochako’s issue had a time limit.
“So how much longer until you pop?” Ochako rolled her eyes, you had a habit of comparing her to a balloon since you had first met. You had wondered if she lost control of her quirk if she would just float up into the atmosphere, joining all the lost balloons tumbling in the wind. Izuku had gone quite pale at your ramblings, and it took her a few weeks to calm him after.
Her hand roamed her stomach, stopping if she felt the pressure of a small hand or foot pressing up against the heat of her hand. “It shouldn’t be much longer now, probably a month or so.” She had a sweet smile on her face, and you were sure that motherhood would agree with her, “Izuku finished the nursery a few days ago, just in case I go early. Knowing him though, I think our baby will stay cooped up as long as they can.” You giggled in response, thinking back fondly on the days you spent here when Izuku had the day off. Ochako could barely get him out of bed before noon, and he would wander the house wrapped in a quilt for a few hours after. It was always a stark contrast to his energy when he was out in public, and you wondered how he would fare when his late mornings were interrupted by their child’s cries. At least he would be there. You wondered if Katsuki would return home more often if you were pregnant…
Ochako had placed her hand on yours, squeezing softly. You had talked with her before about this and you had no want or energy to talk about it again. “Wanna get dinner?” You said instead. She nodded her head, giving you a soft smile before shuffling to her feet. You waited at the door for your friend, allowing her time to get herself ready around her bump.
The plus side of having pro-hero friends were being able to get into fancy restaurants or hero-specific clubs. With a flash of her hero’s license, or more likely just by her status, and you two could be shuffled into a private room or exclusive bar. Ochako complained about not being able to wander around to smaller mom and pop shops anymore, but you much preferred this to the few times you had been ambushed by her or Katsuki’s fans.
This was one of the more low-key places Ochako favored. Instead of full private rooms, the booth had a sheer curtain separating you from the main area. Plus it had copious amounts of baked goods and Ochako’s sweet tooth had not been tempered by her pregnancy. She always seemed to glow when she bit into a particularly good danish or Mille crepe. You had let her take over the conversation, naturally swaying towards her growing excitement and impatience to have her child. Although you weren’t sure if or when you’d be okay with having a kid with Katsuki, you were overjoyed for your friend. Plus you were damned determined to be the best auntie to her kid, that was at least one thing you could do.
Ochako’s phone chimed as she was alternating between munching on a raspberry danish and debating if snaps or zippers were better on onesies. You had no idea. She glanced at her phone quickly, shoving the remainder of the treat into her mouth. You stifled a giggle, the raspberry filling had smeared across her cheek in her hastiness. “C’mon, Y/N, we’ve got plans.” Her eyes lit up with excitement. You let yourself be pulled from the booth, but quickly stopped Ochako to clean off her face.
“Alright, what’s the plan?” You huffed as the crisp fall air hit your face. “I just got a message from Mina, she wants to meet up tonight.” You perked up a bit at that, it was never a bad night with Mina around. Plus Mina was bound to be out much later than Ochako.
The club Mina sent you was a bit farther from home than you went on your own. You always wanted to be nearby in case Katsuki came home, but you couldn’t find yourself caring tonight. Ochako led you to a discreet door, manned by an aloof looking guy dressed in dark, muted colors. Ochako flashed her hero license and he nodded sharply, grabbing the door. She grabbed your hand, tugging you along after her, and you released a breath when the security guy only looked you over instead of stopping you.
There were a lot of familiar faces in the small club. It was getting pretty dark outside, and the night scene was starting to come alive. If you hadn’t been with Katsuki for so long, you may have been a little starstruck at the heroes walking around casually. You were a little desensitized, dating one of the top five and being besties with another’s wife. Ochako had wandered to the bar, ordering herself a kiddie cocktail to make herself feel included. You had found this extremely adorable, watching her fidget with the cocktail umbrella. You hadn’t gotten a word out to the bartender before you were nearly bowled over by an inebriated Kaminari.
“Y/N~” he whined, nuzzling his head into your chest. “We missed you, you never come out.” He came to his senses momentarily, removing himself from you and scanning the crowd for an angry blonde coming at him. Once he was content that Bakugou wouldn’t show up out of the crowd and set off an explosion in his face, he returned to your chest with a satisfied sigh. “Oh, Minari… never change. Actually, please do.” You chuckled, extracting yourself from his grasp. Mina and Sero followed soon after, much more sober than their friend. Mina gently pushed Kaminari away.
“Come on, you horndog. You’re taking my spot.” Her serious facade faded as she jumped to you, repeating Kaminari’s actions and burying her face in your chest. You wrapped your arms around Mina while Kaminari pouted. He flung himself onto Sero’s shoulder.
“How are we supposed to get any cute girls when Mina keeps stealing them?” He looked up to his friend for support but Sero just shrugged.
“I think Bakugou had dibs on this one before Mina.” He grinned widely. You were starting to feel more like yourself surrounded by these idiots you called friends. Going out was definitely the right choice tonight. You squirmed in Mina’s hold, getting her arms around your waist as you finally ordered from the bar. You took your drink with a quick thanks and sipped slowly as Mina dragged you to their table. Kaminari had already abandoned the group, looking to sway some new hero into his bed. As usual, you doubted he would convince anyone.
A few drinks later and your group had a good collective buzz. Kaminari was still going hard out on the floor, desperately trying to get anyone to dance with him. Ochako lived vicariously through her friends as she babied her virgin drink. The drinks were finally loosening you up to complain about your current predicament, and Mina was encouraging you to no end.
“That douchenozzle!” She keened, “If you were my girl, I’d have you on my arm at all times, and I’d come home every night.” She leaned over the table licking her bottom lip slowly. You laughed off her bold attempt at flirting, knowing that she would never take you from her friend. Although at this point, her offer did seem a bit enticing. Sero was little help with commiseration.
“I mean, it’s Bakugou. We were all really surprised he even had a girlfriend.” He shrugged. Ochako nodded along sadly. You shrugged in return.
“Enough about my problems, why don’t you guys reminisce about high school so I can hear more embarrassing stories.” You waved them off, taking a long swig of your drink.
Ochako called it a night after a few stories. You offered to return with her, but she insisted you stay.
“I’m pregnant, not disabled. I can get home just fine.” You pouted at her, still not sure if you should stay.
“You sure?” She nodded, smiling back at you.
“You need to get out like this. And I need to go to bed. It’s tiring growing a whole person.” She giggled again, and you walked her to the door. After a quick hug, you watched her settle into her car before rejoining your friends. It seems that Kaminari had finally given up the chase, instead choosing to lay his head upon the table, half-awake. You came up and ran a hand through his hair, enjoying the way the static made it cling to your hand.
You would never have been able to do this if Katsuki was here. You had been starting to wonder if you were actually happy with Katsuki, even outside the issues with his hero work. You would have to think about it another time when you weren’t on the verge of being drunk.
Now that Ochako had left, Mina had no qualms about dragging your group to the dance floor. Another drink had you in the right mood to lose yourself to the bass. It felt like time had both stopped and went by so quickly. The small club was packed with heroes and their friends, bodies pressed up against each other. You had lost sight of your friends, but you weren’t too concerned. Mina had ways to find you if she needed to.
You felt arms encircle your waist, a feather-light touch. It must not have been Kaminari or Mina, because this person was letting you move from their touch if you wished. You felt a little rebellious and let them keep their hands there. They swayed with you to the music, not invading your space any further. You turned around in their grasp, meeting bright red eyes. It threw you off for a second, but you recovered quickly. You quickly motioned to the bar and made a drink motion, mouthing sorry. You wormed your way from the crowd, catching your breath as you made your way to the bar.
Another drink in your hand, you sat at the table. You took a hearty sip, not knowing when the next time you were going to be able to enjoy a night out was. Might as well enjoy it to your fullest.
The clearing of someone’s throat was the only warning you had before the guy from the dancefloor seated himself across from you. He smiled brightly at you, looking a little nervous.
“Sorry if I scared you back there. You just looked like you were having fun and I’m kind of new around here.” You quickly set your drink down, waving your hand at him.
“Oh no, it’s totally okay.” Poor dude, of course, had no idea what was going through your head tonight. You had a chance to take a good look at him now, and the red eyes were the only thing he shared with Katsuki. His hair was black and fell to his shoulders. Choppy bangs hung down to his nose, almost entirely obscuring his eyes from your view. His grin was sharp, and you wondered if he had some sort of shark quirk. He pushed the hair back from his right side, showing his glowing red eye and a thin scar trailing through his eyebrow.
“Kirishima Eijirou.” He introduced himself, sticking a hand out to you. You returned the gesture and gave him your name. He twisted your hand gently in his grip, showing off the heavy ring- still a bit too gaudy for your taste. “Looks like you have a lucky guy on your hands.” He grinned at you, letting your hand go. “I hope he doesn’t mind that I danced with you.” The way he rubbed his neck reminded you briefly of Kaminari.
“Oh no, it’s fine- I mean he is a hothead- but he’s not here.” You were babbling over your words. “An innocent mistake, I’m sure. I won’t tell if you won’t.” His smile widened and he nodded. “So, uh, you’re new around here?” He hummed in affirmation.
“Yeah, I’m just getting back into the hero scene. I had to take some time off.” You nodded politely.
“I really think that more heroes should take more time off for themselves and their families.” You hadn’t meant for that to sound so bitter, but Kirishima just laughed.
“Not a hero then?” You shook your head meekly.
“My quirk is barely worth mentioning.” You shrugged.
“Well, it wasn’t exactly my choice to take a break.” You leaned in closer, not expecting your bitter tone to be mirrored back at you. He noticed you are interested and let out a defeated chuckle. “I got too full of myself for my own good. It was right at the start of my hero career, straight out of high school.” You sipped on your drink, enthralled in the story already. “I had picked an agency with my best friend. Well, he was my best friend at least, I’m not sure he even considered me a friend at that point. Anyways, he’s got a real bad temper, set off by everything. We were on our first big job as sidekicks, not really ready for it if I’m honest. We end up losing the guy we were following. He goes berserk, scaring all the civilians around us- and get this- the guy we lost? Wasn’t as far as we thought. Now he knows heroes are tailing him and it’s turning into an all-out brawl. The guy had a lot more people on his side than we thought, and we were only supposed to be doing recon. This guy was just a pawn in a larger operation, and now it would take months to track down the main branch. This only sets off my friend more. Sure, we get the guy we were tailing, but there was no way we could have restrained all of the others that had run. So he’s still going off, and I’m trying to be a bro. I was known by our friends as the only one that was able to handle him. And then I go put my hand on his shoulder. Should have been ready, but he threw a hook at me, quirk and all…” His hand goes to his hair, pushing it back. You couldn’t hold back your gasp.
Stretching across the bridge of his nose, across his left eye and disappearing behind his ear stretched a scar. You could tell it was old and well healed. The hair of his eyebrow had grown back, and the skin didn’t look too rough, but it was pale white in comparison to his tanned skin. The edges near his eyebrow and nose seemed a little rough, and some points looked like they pulled at his skin, but you also noticed how piercing it made his eyes. You had downed your drink during his story, and your inhibitions were clearly nonexistent as you reached to touch his face. He looked shocked as your palm cradled his cheek and your thumb swept over the skin under his eye.
“Sorry, I… don’t know why I did that.” You laughed, pulling your hand back. His eyes softened and he smiled at you. He cleared his throat again.
“Anyways, I got lucky. We had a lot of good healing quirks at our disposal, but I still lost some sight and most of my hearing on my left side. Took a long time to be ready to protect people again.” You were awestruck by his tenacity. “Now I’m back, trying to get in touch with some friends from high school. I heard some of them may hang out around here.” You looked around, although you weren’t sure who exactly you were looking for until someone called your name. Sero was at the door, dragging a barely conscious Kaminari along. Mina was walking towards you but paused as she eyed the person across from you.
“Kiri?” She said softly, and he pushed his hair back in front of his scar.
“Hey, Mina.” He smiled sadly. Her eyes flicked to you and back to him. With your back to him, you weren’t able to see the pleading look he gave your friend. She seemed to acquiesce to his silent plea.
You were oblivious and excited. “Mina is your friend? That’s a crazy coincidence! She invited me here tonight.” You definitely felt that last drink now.
“Y-yeah, babe, sure is.” Mina stumbled over her words, her eyes never leaving Kirishima. “I can’t believe you’re back. Really… I… I’m glad to see you.” You had never heard her this soft. You wrapped your arms around her waist, still sitting down. She absentmindedly stroked your hair. “Um, listen, I want to catch up, I do… but if we don’t go Kaminari’s probably going to throw up in the Uber. Again.” She seemed to snap back to herself, digging through her purse for her phone. She punched in the code and quickly slid it across the table, prompting you to do the same.
If he was their friend, he was yours too. Kirishima nodded softly, quickly putting his number into both phones and handing them back. You quickly sent a text with your name, grinning as the phone in his pocket chimed.
“We should hang out soon!” You cheered as Mina led you out. It was hard for her to stop looking back at him.
Kaminari was already passed out by the time you reached the Uber. Mina squeezed in the back with the two boys, letting you have the passenger’s seat. You let the gentle rumbling lull you into a half-awake state. You could hear Mina speaking in low tones with Sero in the back. With a quick look into the rearview mirror, you saw Sero’s arms wrapped tightly around Mina, tears staining both of their faces.
You were about to speak up, but they were whispering to each other again, smiles on both of their faces.
You stumbled into your house, throwing a wave at the retreating taxi. You fumbled your key into the lock, quickly opening the door and resetting the alarm. Stupid Katsuki and his stupid security system. You were sobering up too fast for your liking, your buzz being replaced with bone-deep exhaustion.
You kicked your shoes off, walking straight to your bedroom. All you were up for doing was crawling straight into bed, clothes and all. You buried into the pillows and blankets, smelling only the laundry detergent. At least you’ll sleep well.
You thought. You awoke to arms snaking around your middle, causing you to uncomfortably arch on your side. Calloused hands groped at your chest.
“I’m home, baby girl.” Katsuki’s gruff voice was in your ear. You weren’t sure if you were happy or annoyed, but you were willing to fake it until you made it.
“Welcome home, Katsuki.” You mumbled into the pillows. His mouth latched onto your neck, finally drawing a reaction out of you. Katsuki’s rough hands slid under your shirt and bra, roughly tweaking your nipples. You grimaced, grateful you were facing away from your fiance. It’s like he couldn’t get it through his head, they weren’t an On switch, and it never felt good to be that rough right off the bat. Not like he cared much, it was about all the foreplay you would get.
Katsuki was already moving to tear your pants off of you, rubbing harshly at your clothed core before removing your panties as well. He guided you up onto your knees, rubbing himself between your lips before plunging in unforgivingly. The stretch stung, and he drug dryly at your walls. A few thrusts and you felt yourself relaxing and getting a bit more wet to accommodate him. He thrust deeply, hitting so deeply it hurt. You gasped in pain, but he took it as a cue for more. He pounded himself quickly into you, rutting you into the headboard. It was no longer uncomfortable, but you also felt no pleasure.
He finished inside you quickly. Pulling out, he gathered all that dripped with his fingers, shoving it back inside your warmth. A hangnail caught roughly inside you, making you wince. Katsuki placed a lazy kiss on your cheek before facing away from you. You knew he would be asleep before you got back from the bathroom.
The bathroom light stung your eyes, swollen with lack of sleep. You felt sticky and unsatisfied and hungover. The shower was a tempting offer, the bath even more so, but you opted for the quickest option. You drug the cold washcloth over yourself, wiping away all of Kastuki’s mess. You were a mess, shirt and bra still on, naked below the waist, makeup still on your face. With a sigh, you stripped the day’s clothes from you, wandering back to your room to throw on some cotton shorts and a loose tee.
It was rare for you to wake up with Katsuki still in bed. He rolled over and spooned you on the bed. With the morning sun and Katsuki warming you, the morning almost seemed bearable. Katsuki started to leave lingering kisses between your shoulders, following the curve of your shoulder blade. You hummed happily, basking in his affection and the gentle morning warmth.
“’ M sorry I was so rough last night. Needed you so bad. I know you can take it.” You rolled your eyes but accepted it none the less. Half asleep Katsuki was the only one you could get an apology out of, half-assed or not. You watched as he slid off the bed, stretching out. His sweatpants hung dangerously low on his hips, and you let yourself drink him in.
“’ M gonna go make food.” He grumbled, leaning over the bed to place a kiss on your lips. You watched as he made his way out of the room, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
Maybe things weren’t as bad as you had made them out to be.
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I felt like making relationship charts for my Descendants ocs and Persephone is first!
- Ben: Best friends! They’ve known eachother since they were little kids and have been inseparable since- but they’re polar opposites. Ben is a good boy, and Persephone is always in trouble. Ben was her first friend in Auradon and helped encourage her to start acting more mature.
- Audrey: Childhood Frenemies. Audrey would tag along with her and Ben to try to get close to Ben and Persephone has to admit she has some respect for her. Post-D3 theyre more friends than frenemies. They used to go to eachother’s birthday parties
- Jane: Would Kill For Her. Jane reminds her of her brother Hadie’s friend Claudine Frollo and how timid she is and it activates a “protect” instinct in her.
- Chad: If she could get away with murdering him she would. Persephone fuckin hates him, always have. He tripped her once in the 3rd grade and she swore vengeance and it did Not help he got progressively worse with age. She thinks Ms. Cinderella is dope tho
- Lonnie: She and Lonnie have had arm wrestling matches for as long as they can remember. They’ve also been tied forever and both of them are determined to break it.
- Doug: She stole his pudding cup once and he cried but she made it up to him by giving him her pomegranate cookies. That’s the extent of it.
- Herkie: LEAST favorite cousin. Calls him Jerky Jr. At the last family reunion she pushed him into the lake. Keeps trying to convince his mom to divorce his dad out of spite
- Extended Family (Most of Olympus): Tries to keep up appearances for her mom- knows it doesn’t work
- Hecate: Oh it’s the aunt who she would run over if possible. Fuckin Fantastic. She better be feeding Cerberus enough.
- Demeter: Ah! Mommy Issues!
- Reina: Persephone cries whenever she thinks abt the fact she missed out on most of Reina’s early life and growing up together and Reina like comforts her like im here now it’s ok and they go and do sibling stuff like get ice cream or throw water balloons on unsuspecting passerby
The Isle:
- Mal: IT IS ON SIGHT. IT HAS BEEN ON SIGHT SINCE THEY WERE OLD ENOUGH TO SPEAK! Mal knew that they were sisters but thought Hades just chose Persephone and Hadie over her and Persephone Hadie and Hades didn’t and that miscommunication manifested into Persephone and Mal’s life long rivalry. Even after learning they’re sisters Persephone will not hesitate with her.
- Evie: Shes Always confused how someone who seems so sweet ended up Mal’s best friend. Only really ever met her once before Auradon bc the whole banishment shit happened
- Jay: Mild respect based solely on the fact Jafar and Hades are cordial. She does try to out-thieve him as a sign of dominance.
- Carlos: She rarely would go to Hell’s Hall bc Cruella De Vil is a crazy bitch but she heard her son’s ‘ok’ which.. fair enough. But he runs w Mal so that’s automatic negative points.
- Uma: She likes messing with her and calling Uma her baby cousin even though they’re only like third cousins cus it annoys her- but Persephone respects her and they tend to keep to their own sides of the isle
- Harry: “Oh look it’s the simp” Persephone knows she could kick his ass and the only thing stopping her is the fact he’s Uma’s first mate. Thinks his older sister Harriet is hot
- Gil: There is not a Thought behind those eyes and Persephone knows it just as well as anybody. He’s nice though.
- Celia: She used to babysit her and Freddie when their dads would have poker night. Thinks she’s a great errand girl now
- Heidi of Hearts (Queen of Hearts’ Daughter): Bimbo Solidarity, Heidi is the only one allowed to do her hair bc she does not trust Dizzy with scissors near her.
- The Gaston Twins: Threatened them with a broken bottle when they wouldn’t stop harassing her after school. Made Gaston Jr cry.
- Hadie: Baby brother!! She would do anything for him and that is not limited to burning the whole world down.
- Hades: She cares about her dad a lot and even though she recgonizes he’s definitely done some really bad things she thinks he’s capable of being better- maybe not Good, but better.
- Pain and Panic: They’ve been her nannies for thousands of years and they mean a lot to her
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letsjumprentals · 3 years
Ultimate fun and laughter is equal to Let’s Jump Rentals’ inflatables
In the past few years, the entertainment industry has evolved at a breakneck rate. New amusement games are more exciting than ever before. Obviously, the credit for discovering newer forms of entertainment and popularising them around the world should go to those who have become extraordinarily adventurous in terms of coming up with novel ideas. If you consider the excellent qualities of bounce house toys, you will most likely find yourself thanking the people who came up with the designs and later discovered one of the most impressive toys that children enjoy playing with at all hours of the day and night. The most distinguishing trait of these inflatable balloons is their wide range of sizes, shapes, colors, and other features. They are capable of capturing the interest of every child and demonstrate a strong desire to play with them.
These play pieces are large enough to accommodate many children at once. It obviously implies that playing on them will provide a sense of healthy rivalry among the children. Among all the other reasons that have led to the popularity of bounce houses, one may accept the fact that they have been thoroughly amusing, which is why they have invaded people's daily lives. The appearance of these bounce houses at birthday parties is the most visible indication of their success. They are completely harmless because they have no rough points, and this is why children will enjoy playing on them without the intervention of their parents. They enjoy this right, which is also another critical aspect that has sparked public interest. The parents are also trusting in the inflatable bounce houses' safety features.
Since there are no compelling excuses for people to purchase these bounce houses, the market for their rental facilities is steadily growing. If you want to bring the perfect bounce house on your daughter's birthday party, now is the time to learn the ins and outs of Let’s Jump Rental
You should also know how long it takes to plan a celebration depending on the kind of guest/crowd you'll be hosting if you've organized enough celebrations. And, if you're new to this game, we strongly advise you to sort through your options and reserve a bounce house for a group as soon as possible because it's safer and easier to book early so you can practice ahead of time.
Let’s Jump is a trusted a rental company that offers unbelievably fun Bounce Houses, thrillingly versatile Bouncers, crazy Water Slides, challenging Obstacle Courses, as well as Tents, Dunk Tanks, Tent Tables and Chairs, Inflatable Game rentals, Toddler Inflatables, Photo Booths, and Carnival Games, which are very popular at school activities, fun fairs, bus stops, and other gatherings. We promise to provide hours of fun for both children and adults. It doesn't matter if it's a simple themed slip-and-slide, a dunk pool, or an obstacle course. Our inflatable rentals are intended to entertain and engage you and your guests the entire time! We not only care about your entertainment needs, but also about your wellbeing, which is why our committed staff cleans and sanitises the rental every week! We also adhere to the necessary cleaning and hygiene procedures. So, spice up this coming event by simply visiting our website and make your reservations right away! Go through our wide collection and select any rentals/ rentals that you believe would be perfect for your event! Feel free to take our experts’ advice. If in case, your friends or family is looking for an inflatable rental company, then do recommend them to our company!
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Christmas Retreat
Part Three of the 13 Days of Seventeen Series
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You’re the head of Riverdale Church Youth Group, and Joshua is the head of Saint Mary’s Catholic Youth Group. For no good reason at all, your youth groups always end up in the same places for every Mission Trip. You think that you’ll get to escape them for this year’s Christmas Retreat, but when you guys end up in a snowed-in cabin together with your meddlesome youth groups you suppose that fate really just isn’t ever on your side.
2k+ Words 
“You guys brought this on yourselves.”
“And we aren’t letting you out until you guys are married-”
“Okay not married, just like… Talk about your feelings.”
“Okay! Now work it out between you two!”
The muffled voices from outside of the closet door slowly became quieter and quieter. You sighed, brushing your hair out of your face.
“I wish I could blame you entirely for this mess,” you murmured hesitantly, your eyes glued to the closet door that despite how badly you wished it to, you knew wouldn’t open. “But, for once my kids are partly to blame for this too.”
You heard a deep chuckle echo from within the closet, and you risked a glance towards the small rooms second occupant. You weren’t surprised to find that he was just as annoyed by the situation as you were. He had his fingers buried into the roots of his hair, and his eyes were cast towards the floor.
As disappointed as you were to be in this situation, it sure did give you the opportunity to look at Joshua better than you had been able to all weekend.
The last time you saw him, the fall mission trip to the mountains to build houses his hair had been short, and dark. His cheeks had been a bit chubbier at the time too, you had an inkling of a suspicion he had a huge lifestyle change sometime between then and now because he looked a lot different.
He had let his hair grow out to the point in which he had to brush the strands out of his eyes every few minutes when he was talking to someone. That would be strange in itself if it weren’t for the fact that he had also dyed his hair in the past few months- those dark locks were now white whisps that were a little distracting to look at.
No one had any right to look as good as Joshua did with white hair, but here he was, and here you were taking any chance you got to stare at it without him noticing.
“Don’t suppose we exceed the closets maximum occupancy?” Joshua joked, jolting you back into the present. Your nose wrinkled slightly, and you tried to look away as quickly as you could without making it it too obvious that you had been staring.
If he noticed he didn’t comment on it.
“Sadly, I don’t think the kids would care even if we did,” you stated. “I mean, I’m not surprised they’re tired of the back and forth practical jokes, but I didn’t think they would lock the two of us in a closet together.”
“The masters became the victims,” Joshua agreed dreadfully.
When you had promised your youth group a weekend getaway in the mountains right before Christmas, they had all been ecstatic. Sure, their parents had been a little hesitant to send them on a trip that would bring them back on Christmas Eve, but after some coaxing all the parents had agreed to it.
You rented out a cabin for the trip- well half of one- and you cleaned out the Church van, and you printed out packing lists and everything.
The whole way up you had all sang Christmas carols and shared fun Christmas stories, and you were all so eager for the weekend full of snowboarding and smores by a campfire you had planned.
What you hadn’t accounted for was Joshua.
Apparently, the other group renting out the cabin was Joshua’s youth group. Aka your rival youth group and Christmas didn’t mean that Joshua was going to lighten up on his pranks…
Ever since you had first started leading the Riverdale Church Youth Group you had been rivals with Joshua’s youth group. It wasn’t some tradition that two of you blindly held or anything of the sort. It started with the very first mission trip your groups had been partnered on when Joshua interrupted your groups quiet time with a water gun assault, and since then, the war didn’t end.
Joshua had thrown you in pools, gotten marshmallow in your hair, hung your clothes on flagpoles, gotten paint all over your groups van, and had even taken over your lunch tables one year. In retaliation you had led your group on water balloon raids, and switched out shampoo for hair dye, and put a fake snake in a bed, and so much more.
It was all pretty harmless, and honestly, everyone was secretly just a little excited to find that they had been raided by the Saint Mary Youth Group. Rumors of your rivalry spread like wildfire amongst that of the local churches and every group in the state was eager to hear about what pranks you had all pulled on each other this time.
It was just, the fall retreat had kind of whipped everyone out, and you knew you didn’t just speak for just yourself when you said that you were just a little annoyed when you opened the milk cartoon to prepare breakfast for everyone only to find that it had been dyed blue overnight.
So, when you struck back, this time you didn’t hold back.
“Maybe we did go a little far this time,” you mumbled. “Honestly, I think I spent more time wondering how I was going to prank you back then I did with how we were going to best utilize movie night.”
“And I shouldn’t have dyed your hair pink,” he said.
You were surprised by his tone of voice, it was soft… Almost sounded genuine. You risked a glance towards Joshua again, catching him staring at you this time. There was no shame in his gaze.
“Even though you do look great with pink hair.”
You rolled your eyes and raised your hand to your hair subconsciously. You ran your fingers through its strands, staring at the pink mess.
“My parents are going to kill me,” you said with a chuckle. You brushed your hair back behind your ear and smiled at Joshua shyly. “But, you’re right. It does look good.”
Silence fell between the two of you and for a moment you weren’t really sure what to say.
You had known Joshua for about four years now, and you couldn’t rightly say when you had ever gotten the chance to talk to him directly like this. Probably never without the presence of at least one of your kids and especially not in such a small space.
Honestly, being this close to him made your heart pound in your chest so loudly that you worried he could hear you.
“It sucks,” you blurted before you could think over your words. “That were all going to be stuck here. For them to miss Christmas with their families at this age…”
And the reason that everything was truly going wrong this trip.
When you guys had been up at the cabin for only a day an unexpected storm front had swept in. Overnight it snowed eight inches. You were all snowed in and that meant, you would all be there past Christmas. You would have to wait until people could come and dig you all out and that wouldn’t happen until at least the 26th.
Everyone had been bummed, and that low mood was hard to bring up for a group of thirty teenagers.
“We should try to do something for them,” Joshua agreed. “Even though…”
“Yeah,” you mumbled back. It wouldn’t make up for missing Christmas with their families. Nothing you guys did could. “But what should we even do…”
Again, that silence fell over you two as you began to think about what you could do for the kids. Smores by the fireside? Carols all through the night?
As you thought over all the possibilities, wondering what you could possibly actually voice to Joshua you raised your thumb to your mouth, nervously gnawing on it. You had only had your thumb in your mouth for a few short moments when warm fingers wrapped themselves around your wrist.
You looked up, startled to find Joshua intently staring at you. You bite the corner of your lip as he pulled your hand down, lowering it to your side.
“What?” You asked, confusion riddling across your brow. Joshua swallowed hard, his fingers withdrawing from you almost as quickly as they had appeared.
“You uh, you just shouldn’t chew on your finger like that. It’s a bad habit,” he stated. You rolled your eyes.
“I don’t do it much.”
Joshua scoffed at that statement, which made you frown even more.
“What?” You demanded. He shrugged.
“Just… You do do it a lot. Like, all the time,” he elaborated. “I swear no matter what we are doing you have your thumb in your mouth.”
Your confusion didn’t fade, but your slight annoyance at his words melted with his words. Your head fell to the side.
“Really?” You mumbled. “Gee, I should really kick that huh? I hadn’t even noticed.”
“You also,” he hesitated again, seemingly like he didn’t really want to finish his statement. You leaned forward a bit.
“I also?”
“You also don’t eat enough,” he stated. “I’m not judging your portion sizes or anything but you feed everyone else before yourself and you let the kids take from your plate and I know you want more food than you get when you’re with the youth group and you should start making sure you get all the food that you actually want.”
“I’ve also noticed that you wake up really early, and you go to sleep really late. You definitely don’t get enough sleep, and it sort of makes me worry you know? You never seem tired but if you aren’t sleeping your body has to like collapse at some point, right?”
“And I can’t help but notice that you braid your hair when you’re stressed. I mean… That’s not a bad habit, but it’s something you do you know?”
You pressed your lips together, muffling a small laugh.
“You uh, really noticed all that?” You asked him softly. He looked away from you.
“The kids didn’t lock us in the closet because our pranks had gotten out of hand… Did they?” You asked softly. Joshua’s cheeks reddened but before he could say anything there was a bang at the door.
“We did it because Joshua has some middle school crush on you and won’t stop talking about you!”
“Oh my god, Jeremy they were about to get to that!”
“Kate what would your parents say if they caught you saying oh my god,” Joshua called through the door with a roll of his eyes.
“Probably the same thing they would say if they found out we locked you two in a closet. It’s hardly my top concern at the moment.”
You muffled a giggle with the back of your hand, an action that dragged Joshua’s attention back to you. He quirked an eyebrow at you curiously, a look that made you back yourself into the closet door.
“What are you laughing at?” He asked in amusement. You shrugged, folding your hands behind your back.
“Nothing,” you said. You looked away from him, a smile crossing your lips. “You really think I’m cute?”
Joshua grew closer to you at that, his eyes flickering down to your lips.
“If I say yes… Will you let me kiss you?”
You were surprised by the suddenness of the question. Unsure at first of exactly how you were going to answer. Before you could think twice about it however, you leaned forward, your lips hovering just before his.
“You don’t even have to say yes.”
Joshua didn’t need any more permission past that. His hand raised to your cheek, his thumb brushing your hair out of your eyes before he leaned forward, his lips pressing against yours. You were immediately lost in the sensation, the faint taste of the peppermint hot chocolate he had earlier that day, and the warmth of his body hovering so close to yours. You were so lost in fact in the sensation of being there with him, in his arms that you completely forgot to listen to what the kids outside were doing.
So, while you were surprised when the door pulled open and the two of you tumbled to the ground in a flurry of limbs and coats. You heard your two youth groups erupt into laughter as they peered down at the two of you. You didn’t have to look at Joshua to know that his cheeks were as red as yours. You sat up, shooting a glare at the nearest kid. They just shrugged innocently and pointed to the clock.
“We just wanted to wish you two a Merry Christmas.”
You rolled your eyes and lifted yourself off the floor. You supposed that you and Joshua could finish this later... Once the kids were all back asleep.
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