bach-photography · 2 years
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chitaka45 · 3 months
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京都 八坂神社 節分祭
kyoto yasaka-jinja shrine
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elle-p · 9 months
P3 Club Book Ryoji Mochizuki pages scan and transcription.
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望月綾時 Ryoji Mochiduki 2‐F教室ほか
季節外れの イケナイ転校生
• 望月綾時っていいます。分からない事、憂しく教えてくれると嬉しいな。(11月9日朝・教屋)
• ところでこの学校はカワイイ子が一杯だれ。もう何人もデートに誘っちゃったよ。(11月9日放課後・教室)
• ···しかし、なんという美しさでしょう。良ければ、今度ご一緒しませんか?3ツ星ホテルの最上階... あなたのイメージにピッ夕リの、夜景が楽しめるレストランがあるんです。(11月14日放課後・屋上)
• ···そうか、風情の演出ねー。“みんなのイメージする京都” なワクね。···で、舞妓さん、いないのかな?芸者遊びって頼める?(11月17日放課後・屋上)
• 修学旅行、面白かったね。時にあの露天風呂が··· ···っと、ゴメンゴメン。これはヒミツだったっけ。でもこうやってヒミツを共有するのも、何か楽しいよね。(11月21月放課後・教室)
• 最近ますますアイギスさんからの視線を感じるんだよね。もしかして、また何か僕にダメ出しする気なのかな···?(11月30日放課後・教室)
• 君と出会えて···嬉しかったよ。こういう気持ちが、たぶ··· “幸せ” っていうんだと思う。今まで、本当にありがとう··· (12月31日夜・主人公の部屋)
Ryoji's COMMU
→ ♡ → 風花
→ ♡ → ゆかり
主人公 ← なんとなく懐かしい気持ち?←
順平 ← 心の友 → 綾時
→ ♡ → 美鶴
→ ♡ → アイギス
← あなたはダメです ←
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furoshikiblog · 2 months
【 梅花祭とみたらし団子 】
2/25は菅原道真公の命日。 梅を愛したことにちなんで京都北野天満宮では梅花祭が行われます。
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北野天満宮は道真公を祀った神社ですが、 太閤秀吉が北野大茶会を催したことにちなんで毎年野点茶席が設けられます。 この席で活躍するのが上七軒の舞妓・芸妓さんたち。
上七軒とは祇園や先斗町に並ぶ京都の花街で、 室町時代に北野天満宮再建の際に残った資材で建てられた7軒の茶��が元。 大茶会の際に献上したみたらし団子を気に入った秀吉から褒美に預かり繁栄、現在に至ります。
この時期は各地の寺社などでも行われる梅花祭。 それぞれに由緒ある梅の名所を訪ねてみてはいかがでしょう。
   春もやや けしきととのふ 月と梅  芭蕉
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a-class05 · 5 months
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正式な店名は「魚や 片桐寅吉/港茶屋」というらしく、明治37年に創業したようです。
ここでは「魚や 片桐寅吉」として定食や丼といったランチやディナー、「港茶屋」としてプリンやぜんざい、ドリンクなどのデザートが味わえます。また、片桐寅吉の方からテイクアウトメニューを購入することができます。
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⚪︎鍋茶屋 光琳
古町の老舗和食料亭こと鍋茶屋 光琳。
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kennak · 6 months
[B! 芸能] ジャニーズの次は「宝塚」「歌舞伎」の調査報道を求める声…“タニマチ”ビジネス崩壊の始まり(日刊ゲンダイDIGITAL) - Yahoo!ニュース
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navetin · 1 year
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■出光美術館『江戸絵画の華  若冲と江戸絵画』
谷鵬《虎図》 画面いっぱい、見切れるくらいに描かれた虎がユーモラス。 正面で対峙すると大迫力。 岡本秋暉《孔雀図》 細密にして鮮やか。 岸岱《旭日白鶴図》 これまた細やかな描写力。第1章は細密画だらけだった。 伊藤若冲《鳥獣花木図屏風》 これぞ奇想。西陣織から着想を得たという升目描き。 全部で8万6000個の升目があるとか。これをフリーハンドで描き、 更に小さい升目の中に別の色を載せているのだから 気が遠くなる。妙にデフォルメされた動物たちも 現代のイラストレーターが描いた様であり、全く古びていない。 タイル画の様にも見えるので、これが銭湯にあったら いくらでも浸かっていられるのになぁと妄想してしまった。            伊藤若冲《鶴図押絵貼屏風》 これと同じものをどこかで観た気がしたが、 あれは『奇想の系譜展』や『ミネアポリス美術館展』で観た 《鶏図押絵貼屏風》だった。こちらは鶴の同工異曲で、 墨一色でよくぞここまで多様な表現が出来るものだと感心した。
横山華溪《蕭白筆群童遊戯図屏風模本》 曾我蕭白の模本だが、幕末に描かれたにしては状態が良く 妙に鮮やかでグロテスクさが増している。 礒田湖龍斎《雪中美人図》 胡粉を撒き散らした雪の表現が美しい肉筆画。 勝川春章《二美人図》 歌麿もいいけど春章の描く美人が一番好み。これも傑作也。 蹄斎北馬《吉原俄図》 賑やかで楽しい一枚。 河鍋暁斎《妓楼酒宴図》 酔客が大盤振る舞いで宴会をしている場面だが、 芸妓や花魁たちはすました顔をしているという風刺の効いた一枚。 画中画の達磨も睨みを利かせている。 ひそひそと女主人と料金交渉をする客もいて 暁斎の巧みな描写力に唸る。其々の思惑が交錯している様は なんとなくラ・トゥール《女占い師》を彷彿させた。 第2部は『京都画壇と江戸琳派』でこちらも楽しみにしている。 1月19日鑑賞。
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foucault · 1 year
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ずいぶんあたたかくなって、裏のお城でも桜がだいぶ咲いています。それにしてもこのごろは、たとえ梅や木蓮が咲こうとも桜が咲くまで冬で、桜が終わると即、夏、みたいな季節だなと思います。我が家の庭ではつい先日まで枝だけだった紫陽花がすでに葉を繁らせつつあります。短い春ですが楽しみたいですね。 さて豊永盛人展より、我ら、琉球張り子古典様式ちっちゃいものクラブ。両脇から内側に向かって、ちんちんうまぐぁー・ミルク神・三線を弾くジュリ(芸妓)・鯉乗り童子。…まだ、おじゃる丸って放送されてるんですかね。出張でホテルのテレビをつけた際に流れてると、ついつい最後まで見ていたのですが。 (工藝風向) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqJqsxLON0_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wwwwwwwwwwww123 · 2 years
もやもやしていても仕方がないので、管轄の監督署に聞いてみました。 私:「舞妓さんって、労働者ではないんですか?労働者やとすれば、高校生を働かせたガールズバーと同じく、置屋さんは労働基準法違反してることになりますよね~。労働基準法だけでなく、職業安定法とか、派遣法とか、いろ~んな法律に抵触してしまうと思うんですが・・・ 仕事に対して許諾の自由もないし、仕事に関しては『何時から何時までどこそこのお座敷でおもてなしをしなさい』って具体的な指揮命令を受けているはずやし、実態から見て使用従属性のある労働者やと思うんですけど・・・ 舞妓さんについては、なんか特別な通達でもあるんでしょうか?・・・ まさか、労務の対価である賃金を支払っていないから労働者と判断してないなんてことはありませんよね~。 」 監督官:「通達は聞いたことがありませんが、確かに18歳未満でも舞妓さんはお酒の席にも出るし、深夜もお座敷に出てますよね。労働者であれば、アウトですね。私も調べてみたいので後で電話します」 こんなやり取りの数時間後、監督官から電話がありました。 監督官:「調べてみたところ舞妓さんは労働者ではないという見解です。置屋さんは舞妓さんを一人前の芸子さんにするための修行の場(学校)という扱いです。お酒の席で働いてはもらいますが、それだけではなく踊りや芸や舞妓言葉の教育をしていますから」 私:「でも労働者性の判断基準には該当することばかりですよね~」 監督官「たしかに、労働者性がないとは言えないんですけどね~ それからね、管轄外の話ですが、児童福祉法に違反するため18歳未満の舞妓さんにお酌はさせてはいけないことにはなってるそうです。 」   なんだかしっくりきませんでしたが、要は京都の伝統文化を守るために監督署もそう判断せざるを得ないということだと思います。 しっくりしない理由は、監督署の「修行の場(学校)」という判断です。置屋さんはお座敷に舞妓さんを赴かせて金銭を得ています。 通常の学校は、生徒をどこかに派遣し、それを商売にするなんてことはしていません。 「やっぱりこれは、労働者供給事業に該当するのではなかろうか??」と、考え込んでしまう訳であります。
舞妓さんの労働者性 | ブログ | 笑かしまっせ!社長さん!社会保険労務士 繁笑事務所(大阪市)
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rainbowxocs · 1 year
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TW: This Character has allot of dark details in her backstory and just general lore. Unfortunately due to her being from the 1400s we have to talk allot about how women were treated back then. Including SA, Child Abuse, Sexual Abuse, ETC. I will only use basic descriptions but if that bothers you then just learn about Are via asking questions to her.
with notes from me!!! Are!!! :3
Name: Are Yoru (アレ 夜)(アレ・ヨル) that’s me!
Alt Names: Akira Otome (Childhood name) (あきら オトメ) haha akira sounds like “a killa”
Are Otome no Aji-Ganashi (アレオトメ脳アジ加那志)
Special Titles: Myobu (命婦), Kikoe-Ogimi (聞得大君), Our Lady Kitsune (わたしたちの狐さま), Chiko (ちこ), Goddess of Okutama (神の奥多摩), Geiko (芸子), The Curse of Okutama (奥多摩の呪い).
Remember to bow down to your Kitsune overlord ;3
Old Titles: Juri (じゅり), Our Lady of Flowers (花の聖母), Maiko (舞妓), Minarai (見習), Shikomi (仕込)
Nicknames: Are-Chan. (アレちゃん)(アレチャン)
Chronological Age: 565. jeez you don’t have to put all my personal business out there.
Age: 18. I’m gonna be young 4eva!
Pronouns: She/They/Nya (In English.)
I Pronouns:
Wagahai (吾輩)(A neutral I that’s incredibly old fashioned, Usually seen as pompous or that the person using it thinks highly of themselves.)
Warawa (わらわ)(A feminine pronoun that’s archaic, Usually used by noblewomen or women of a high class, comes off as pompous.)
Wachiki (わちき) (A feminine archaic pronoun, Usually used by prostitutes in the past.)
Sexuality: Ryōseiai (両性愛, Bisexual), Grayromantic.
Gender: Transfem, Gendervoid, Weirdfoxic, Yanderecoric.
Species: Kitsune (Yurei) (Witch) I’m just a cute wittle foxy, you can put your fingers inside my cage I promise I won’t bite them.
Disorders: CPTSD, HPD, BPD, Suicide Ideation, Insomnia, Autism.
Physical Conditions: Chronic Pain.
Active Addictions: Murder, Self Harm, Nicotine (Vaping.)
Religion: Utaki Shinko, Shintoism. shoutout to my mommsss.
Job: Chashitsu Waitress. it’s like- totally boring.. but.. the owner is this old grandma.. and she’s nice to me so whateva.
Major: Music. college is weird. but i get straight a’s somehow.
Lives in: Okutama, Japan, 2024. hehe okutama isn’t where I’m from but it’s GREAT here!
Languages: Japanese, Uchināguchi, English, Yokai + All Languages.
Height: 5’4”
Race: Indigenous Asian.
Ethnicity: Ryukyuan. I miss my hometown sometimes.
Accent: Okinawan.
Animal Form: Pink Fox with 5 Tails.
Spirit Form: Glitchy, Monstrous Fox that’s constantly on fire and coughing up poison.
Spirit Level: Acceptance. yeaaaaa bitch. I accepted I was dead pretty quickly lol. There’s no use dwelling on it.
Powers: Time Travel, Resetting Time, Shapeshifting, Possession, Summoning, Divination, Creating Fire and Lightning, Dream Traveling, Flight, Invisibility, Teleporting, Illusions, Superhuman Strength, Mind Control, General Witchcraft/Magic, Creating and Seeing Omens, Siren Song, Strings.
Im like tottttesss overpowered.
Weapons: Knives, Circular Saw, Chainsaw.
Wand: Magatama, Gohei.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil.
Text Color: Pink.
Main Animal: Fox. yip yip!
Main Hobbies: Violin, Sanshin, Yotsutake, Cello, Koto, Yotsutake, Fan Dancing, Tea Ceremonies. :)
please gods feed me food.
Favorite Drink: Bukubuku Tea, Strawberry Tea, Hot Chocolate.
Favorite Fruit: Oranges.
Favorite Candies: Strawberry Pocky, Konpieto.
Favorite Meals: Udon w Abura-age, Chicken Katsu, and Curry. Inarizushi, Hotdogs, Sashimi.
Favorite Snacks: Cherry Blossom Chips.
Favorite Desserts: Tanghulu, Strawberry Icecream Mochi, Strawberry Cake.
Favorite Flower: Cherry Blossoms.
Awareness: VERY Aware. (Effect: Negative.)
Birthday: April 14th 1459 (Aries, Rabbit, AB. ) hehe unlucky numbers babyyy.
Fun Facts: Is banned in most countries for terrorism, Was the leader of her light music club in Highschool. :D
Comfort Objects: Sakura (Fox Plush), Reborn Baby Dolls.
Special Interests: Music, Crime.
Extras: Has 5 tails, usually only shows one though cause it’s hard to sit down with them.
Stims: Tail Wagging, Hand Flapping, lots of physical stimming.
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Stimboard: LINK
Moodboard: LINK
Fashionboard: LINK
Inari, Amamikyu (Patron Deities/Mother Figures)
my moms are so annoying. But they’re nice or whatever.
Bushii Aya Otome, Ueekata Fuji Otome (Birth Parents.)
Yuki Sho, Mizuki Sho (Children)
Odoroku, Yukai (BFFs). ODO IS LIKE MY BFF, and YUKAI IS GREAT TOO! I love crashing their datessss.
Kagayaki, Theo, Joan. They’re alright too!
Romance: None. yettttt ;) callll meee.
Kami. such a dickwad.
Hwan. The god complex on this man is extreme. And that’s coming from ME.
Pets: Neko (猫) (Raccoon) BEST CAT I LOVE HIM.
Brief Personality: Are is what you would call, Chaotic, Sadistic. She seems to take pleasure in messing with people. Changing the story, Breaking the 4th wall. They are highly intelligent, however she often hides that behind a vapid/pompous persona. In reality, all Are wants is attention and for someone to play her games with her.. However they would never admit that.
Brief Backstory: Are was born a very long time ago in modern day Okinawa. Her childhood name was Akira. Her family were originally rice farmers and the first few years of her life were relatively uneventful. Until her parents realized how much money there is in the con business. It started out small, saying that the teas they make could cure illness, then they could make creams and tonics that could cure blindness and heal broken bones.
Her parents slowly did any and every type of con in the book and slowly they included Akira in the Scams. Who couldn’t resist that cute little face? And Unfortunately her parents made Akira do, allot of things for money. Akira had to deal with sexual abuse from a very young age, which warped her sense of reality.
Her parents eventually scammed and broke mostly ever law to get their way up to the top. They pretended to be Warriors, they.. of course did not have any qualifications for that sort of job, but that didn’t stop them from reaching the royal palace with that scam. They were granted a living quarters within the grounds of the palace. And they offered their child as a Juri, helping the older prositutes and eventually as she got older becoming one.
When she became more mature she was given the name Are.
Are learned from an incredibly young age how to game the system. She knew exactly what to say to charm people and knew exactly what to do to get people to leave her alone. And eventually her intelligence paid off, She was proficient in all different types of dancing like fan dancing and Yotsutake. Performing for people within the palace and dazzling them.
Eventually Are made her way to dazzling the King and Queen with her talent in music and dancing, which made her family go up in the world. Her family wanted to use their connections to royalty as a means for power. But Are just liked the safety she got from it.
The King took an interest in Are, eventually making her a Aji-Ganashi. Which she begrudgingly accepted. However, this caused her to have some evil eyes cast upon her. She noticed the other concubines would bully and harass her. Putting rats in her room, Cutting her hair off. Are’s family made her put up with the abuse as they didn’t want to lose their connection with the royal family.
One day however it went too far, as one of the other concubines poisoned her. Are slowly died a slow and painful death as the poison took over her body, She remembers her mother and father laying over her before she closed her eyes, and was transported to a forest, She sat up confused, wondering where she was until she looked over and saw a woman by a glowing river. The woman beckoned her to come towards her.
Are hesitantly got up, dusting off her outfit and going to sit down next to the woman.
“Little one, What are you doing here?” The woman asked.
“I.. think I died...” Are said, fidgeting with her ryusou. “It’s kind of blurry..”
Are looked up at the woman. “I.. wasn’t expecting to go that quickly.. My parents are going to be so disappointed..”
The woman stared down at her, with a look that Are couldn’t quite make out.
“Heh, sorry.. I guess I shouldn’t complain.. That’s life right..?” Are shifted nervously.
The woman took Are’s hands. “What if I gave you a second chance?”
“A second chance? What do you mean..?” Are said. “It’s not like any of us have that kind of power..”
The woman laughed. “You have no idea who I am, do you?”
Are gave her a puzzled look. “Um. No.. not particularly..”
“I am, Amamikyu.”
Are’s eyes got wide, she immediately bowed to the goddess“OHMYGODLITERALLYIAMSOSORRYIWASBEINGSORUDEOHMYGOD”
“Wooooahhh easy now, no need for all of that, my child.” Amamikyu said, patting Are on the head.
“Listen, do you see this river?” The goddess said, pointing at the river beside them. “This, little one. Is the river of the gods. It is the essence of life. If you drink from it, I believe it should give you a second chance.”
“I- I don’t know if I deserve that..” Are said.
“Drink, That’s a command from your goddess.” Amamikyu pointed at the river, ushering the child to drink up.
Are did as she was told and drank the contents, waking up in her death bed. and of course, waking up from the dead is, yknow, kind of a big deal. So as you could imagine the entire room, then the entire palace, freaked out. Until finally the King and Queen were called to witness the miracle.
“You have been blessed by the spirits, so is the gift of the Onarigami.” The King Said. “You have cheated death itself.”
The King placed a magmatama around Are’s neck as a sign of her spiritual ascension, and that was enough for the concubines to know not to mess with a woman who literally cheated death. She played the role of a Kikoe-Ogmi despite her status, doing ceremonies and blessing people with a long and lasting life.
She actually enjoyed it. Despite her parents disappointment in no marriage or babies with any high ranking officials. Are genuinely was just happy dancing, singing, and doing rituals. The arts of religion and culture were her greatest passion.
However the pressures grew too strong, when not only her family but the entire palace pushed her to have children, to carry on her spiritual success to an heir. And so she reluctantly obliged.
Are fell pregnant with the Kings children, and she was honestly, very nervous. As the months ticked by she felt like anything could go wrong at any moment.. Afraid that someone else would betray her and try and kill her or worse her children again.. She got obsessed with finding ways of protecting herself, lucky charms, spells, trinkets. Until finally her babies were born.
Princess Yuki, and Prince Mizuki. Her babies. Looking at their small little faces she knew she would do anything to protect them. They both grew up with lucky trinkets and protective sigils sewn into their clothes. Are taught both of them how to read and write and how to play music and dance. She tried to give them a normal life despite their royal status.
Her parents, were.. idiots.. to say the least.. They thought since now that they have royal blood in their bloodline they could act high and mighty about it, being disrespectful to everyone in the castle. Are’s reputation was slightly protected due to her status, but the rumors about her family spread throughout the castle like wildfire. Her parents were gravely messing up their con with their own stupidity.
She knew she had to shut them up somehow, She couldn’t let her parents ruin what she had worked so hard to achieve, the life she built for herself, the life she built for her children. So she betrayed her parents, she told the court the truth about their con, and how they were not who they said they were.
She knew that she could play the court like a fiddle if she said the right thing, cried at the right time, played the right part, just like in her dances. And the court spared her and threw her parents out of the castle. Due to her spiritual powers they believed that she was sent here by the gods, despite her parents actions.
Are felt relief, for a little while. She had dodged a bullet. And now her kids are safe..
..Are they safe..?
Are looked at her children, and couldn’t help but feel like there was, a darkness around them. A darkness around her entire family. She didn’t understand why though, She was blessed by her goddess, She was the high priestess of the kingdom. Why did she feel like this?
It was probably all the bad omens, The dead birds that appeared when she was around the King and Queen, water turning into blood, It seemed no matter what Are did, no matter what magic she did or what good luck she tried to acquire nothing worked..
The rest of the palace started to notice the omens, She tried to convince them that she was trying to get rid of them, that it was just temporary. But she saw the doubt in their eyes. The whispers around the palace started to grow bigger and bigger.
“She’s cursed.” One would say. “She’s infected the palace with her madness.” Another would chime.
The Palace was convinced that her magic was nothing more than a fraud. That she is a hysterical mad woman who only was out to ruin the royal family. Are couldn’t believe this.. after everything she had done for them, after all the protection she gave them, after everything she sacrificed.
“It’s probably better if she just gets thrown in the cold palace.” One of the concubines said. “Then nobody would have to deal with her and her cursed children.”
Are, snapped when she heard that. How dare she? How could she say that about her children? About the life she had worked SO hard to create.
She didn’t even realize what she had done until she saw the blood on her hands, and the concubine on the floor unconscious. The guards grabbed her and Are kicked and screamed.
They threw her into the palace prison, Are banged and screamed on the walls of her cage but it was no use. She had messed up. Oh god she had messed up.
Are slid down the wall of her jail cell, she was completely disheveled. Her hair and accessories all askew, her outfit covered in blood. What had she done?
Was it weeks.. days.. months..? How long had she been here? What time is it? There’s no light down here. Are could hardly think straight, everything was fuzzy. She couldn’t focus on anything in the room. Were people in the room? Who knows. She was so dissociated she didn’t know.
“Are no Aji-Ganashi.” A Voice spoke.
Are looked up wearily, she was on the floor of her cell. She saw a priestess with a very stern expression looking down upon her.
Are could barely speak, she just laughed softly. Trying to get up with her weak stature, her legs wobbled as she stood.
The priestess started to speak in hymns and mantras, trying to purify Are of evil. Are knew the spells very well. They wouldn’t work of course. Whoever she was, she didn’t have the gift that Are did.
Are got on her knees in front of the Priestess, grabbing the hem of her skirt and crying into it. Are felt like she wasn’t even in control of her body anymore. She just cried and cried and begged for forgiveness. She screamed she wasn’t evil, please god just let her go.
The Priestess looked at her with disgust, kicking her away from her. She looked to the guards and whispered something and then walked out. Are was alone again. All she could do is cry.
She didn’t know how much time had passed until two guards grabbed her and started to drag her out of her cell. Her vision was blurry and all she could do is let them. She heard a crowd and she heard the sound of chains.
She was tied up to a pole, she looked down at the crowd and saw the King and Queen addressing the audience.
“This woman is cursed. She is an abomination. She charmed us with her wicked ways but she was actually sent by the dark forces. The darkness radiates off of her.” The king said.
The crowd cheered.
“We will not have this curse effect our kingdom, the royal bloodline. So just like her children she will be executed, for the good of the kingdom, for prosperity.”
Are’s ears were ringing. He couldn’t be serious. Did she hear that right? Her children were dead? She was going to die? She was cursed?
No. No. That can’t be right. No.
“Burn the darkness away!” The king ordered the guards.
She felt the heat of the fire, as she desperately tried to escape. She had to escape, she had to save her children, she had to save herself she had to-
She felt a power wash over her, something she had never felt before. And when she screamed out, she saw as all the people around her dropped dead. She laughed manically as the King, Queen, Guards, everyone. Everyone was dead.
The fire slowly consumed her. All she could see was smoke as she lost consciousness..
She woke up, to someone stroking her hair.
She looked and saw, Amamikyu, and a fox. She couldn’t move. Tears streaming down her cheeks.
“You have a knack for getting into trouble little one.” Amamikyu said.
Are couldn’t speak.
The fox slowly pressed a paw on Are’s forehead. She and the creature made eye contact. Are slowly pet their head. The fox was incredibly pleased, wagging their tail.
“My friend wants to give you a gift, my child.” Amamikyu said, scratching Are behind the ears.
“why..” Are could barely speak.
“They like you. Don’t you Inari-San?”
Inari nodded in reply, giving Amamikyu a little yip.
“But for now, you need to rest.” Amamikyu said. “Sleep my child.. You will get your gift when you wake up.”
Are closed her eyes, curling up in her mothers lap. Inari curling up next to her as well.
She fell asleep..
Until 500 years later. A child summons a Kitsune.
And the “curse” begins again.
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mzksgr · 1 year
題名:『聊斎志異』巻四「瑞雲」 (1679頃)
『猫又の恋』 (1968) [069]
聊斎志異 上巻
1963年4月20日 ���版発行
【元話】冒頭 杭州の名妓・瑞雲という容貌も技芸も優れていたので、金持ちや身分の高い者など上流階級の男たちが引っ切りなしに訪れた。 余杭の書生・賀も瑞雲に憧れる男の一人だった。 彼の家は中流程度だったが、どうにか贈り物を工面して瑞雲の許に訪れた。 貧乏な自分なんて相手にもされないだろうと思っていたが、瑞雲は賀を歓待してくれた。 数日後、賀は再び瑞雲に会いに行った。瑞雲はとても喜び、賀の側に寄って囁いた。 「一晩、一緒に過ごしてくださいませんか」 賀は答えた。 「私は貧乏です。あなたに差し上げた贈り物も、あれで精一杯だったのです。あなたとお近づきになれただけで満足です」 この言葉を聞いた瑞雲はしょげ返り、黙りこくってしまった。 気まずい時間が流れるうちに、店の婆さんが瑞雲を呼びに来たので、賀は帰った。
(秀才は瑞雲と)しばらく話しこんでいたが、やがて立上がると、指で瑞雲の額をおして、 「惜しい、惜しい」  と言って帰って行った。瑞雲が客を送ってもどってくると、みなは瑞雲の額に墨のように黒い指あとがあるのに気づいた。洗い落としてみたが、ますますはっきりするばかりであった。幾日かたつとその黒いしみはだんだんと広がって、一年あまりで、顴骨のあたりから鼻にまで達した。 (P161下段)
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美貌を失った瑞雲は名妓から下女に落とされます。 体の弱い瑞雲は重労働に耐えられず、日増しにやつれていく。 その話を聞いた賀は田地や家財をすっかり売り払って金を作り、瑞雲を身請けします。
それから一年ほど経って、蘇州を訪れていた賀は、同宿になった和という書生から話しかけられます。 「杭州にいた瑞雲という名妓は今どうしていますか」 嫁に行った、と賀が答えると、誰のところへ、と和が重ねて訊く。 「私やあなたと同じような身分の人です」 と賀が答えると、
「もしあなたのような人だったら、それは良い人をみつけたと��うものですね。(後略) (P162上段)
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さらに和は尋ねます。 「身請けにはいくらぐらいかかったのでしょうね」
「不思議な病気をもっていたので、まあ安く売ったわけです。でなければ、わたしぐらいの者が青楼の中から美人を請出すことができるはずがありません」 (P162中段)
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話が進むうちに、瑞雲の顔に黒い染みをつけたのは和であること、瑞雲の夫は賀その人であることを、お互いに打ち明けます。 そして、瑞雲の顔の染みを消すため、二人して賀の家に帰ることになりました。
 (和は)たらいに水を入れてもってこさせ、二本の指を開いて水に字を書いた。 「これで洗ったら癒ります(中略)」  賀は笑って捧げ持って行って、瑞雲が自分で顔を洗うのを待っていると、なでるあとからきれいになり、そのあでやかさは全くもとのとおりであった。 (P162下段)
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dummy-kanji · 2 years
Geiko_20220219_109_10 por kyoto flowertourism Por Flickr: 【Geiko, February 19, 2022】 Geiko is Mamefuji. Shooting location is Nanzenji Daineiken. Photo by Sawai Susao. 【芸妓, 2022-02-19】 芸妓はまめ藤さんです。 撮影場所は南禅寺大寧軒。 Photo by Sawai Susao. ----------------- About reprint of photograph : The reproduction and use of photographs are welcome, but please be sure to include the following information. 写真の転載について : 写真の転載・使用は歓迎いたしますが、その際に必ず 次の記載をしていただくようお願いします。 Geiko is Mamefuji. Photo by Photographer name/撮影者名. (licensed CC BY-SA 2.0) 55maiko.net
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noji1203 · 1 year
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watanabekaori · 2 years
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*展覧会のお知らせ* Any Kobe with Arts 2022にて作品展示・販売いたします。 私の作品は「旧トーマス住宅 風見鶏の館」でご覧いただけます。(別途入館料が必要です) 物販スペース(建栄ビル(MRSXビル)2F 南)ではポストカードも販売します。お土産に是非どうぞ。 見どころたくさんのアートフェスです。ぜひお越しください。 . [Any Kobe with Arts 2022] 於: 神戸北野・旧居留地界隈 会期: 2022年9月23日(金・祝)~ 2022年10月10日(月・祝) 開館時間: 11:00~18:00 会場により休館日・営業時間が異なりますので事前にご確認下さい。 料金: 周遊チケット 当日¥3,000 前売り¥2,700 (9/22迄販売) ローソンチケット(Lコード:55061) ◆展覧会概要(Any Kobe with Arts 2022 HPより) アートが観れる♪アートが買える。現代作家の作品を軸に目新しいものを一同に集結!
Any Kobe with Arts 2022 は、神戸北野と旧居留地の街に点在する観光資源を活用した街なか散歩アートフェス♪
在廊作家も多く直にアーティスト達と触れ合える良い機会となります。歴史ある建築物も楽しみながら芸術の秋にふさわしい展示物の数々を鑑賞しながら、ゆっくりと神戸の街をお楽しみください。 40ヵ所以上120��を超えるアーティストによる祭典♫ 1. 中学生以下は無料 ※学生証ご提示ください。 2. 1会場1回限りですが当日すべての会場を観られなくても開催中であればいつでも使用可能です。 3. 風見鶏の館(500円)・萌黄の館(400円)は別途入館料が必要となります。
※高校生以下、65歳以上の神戸市民、障害者手帳をお持ちの方は無料となります。 4. 周遊チケットは有料会場7ヵ所+お好きな有料会場2ヵ所の合計9ヵ所で使えるチケットになります。チケット提示で協力店舗では様々なサービスを受けることができます。 . . . #kimono#art#arte#kunst #artfes#kobe#anykobe#exhibition#maiko#japanesepainting#painting#contemporaryart#미술#회화#日本画#舞妓 #絵画#美術#展覧会#神戸北野#旧居留地#神戸#風見鶏の館#異人館 (神戸市風見鶏の館) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cikfc-5v2cm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hosomimuseum · 2 hours
#426 「澤乃井櫛かんざし美術館所蔵 ときめきの髪飾り―おしゃれアイテムの技と美―」開幕!
4/27(土)より展覧会「澤乃井櫛かんざし美術館所蔵 ときめきの髪飾り―おしゃれアイテムの技と美―」がスタート!
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京都・祇園に生まれて芸妓となり、後に東京で料亭の女将として活躍した岡崎智予(1924-1999)氏は、40余年かけて3,000点以上もの櫛やかんざしを中心とした装身具を収集しました。そして、そのコレクションをもとに、平成 10(1998)年、銘酒「澤乃井」で知られる酒造元 小澤酒造株式会社の名誉会長 小澤恒夫氏が、東京・青梅に「澤乃井櫛かんざし美術館」を開館しました。 本展では、岡崎氏の高い審美眼で収集された櫛やかんざしをはじめ、江戸時代のさまざまな髪型の模型や、筥迫(化粧ポーチ)、紅板(リップパレット)、着物、さらには矢立(携帯用筆記用具)や印籠(携帯用薬入れ)など日本工芸の技や粋が凝縮された作品を精選して紹介します。 岡崎智予氏が熱き思いで収集したコレクションを散逸させることなく、見る人にときめきを届け続ける澤乃井櫛かんざし美術館の精華をこの機会にぜひご堪能ください。 「澤乃井櫛かんざし美術館所蔵 ときめきの髪飾り―おしゃれアイテムの技と美―」 会期:2024年 4月27日(土)~8月4日(日) [前期] 4月27日(土)~6月16日(日) [後期] 6月18日(火)~8月4日(日) 休館日:毎週月曜日(祝日の場合、翌火曜日) 入館料:一般 1,800円 学生 1,200円 主催:細見美術館 京都新聞
協力:芸艸堂 助成:公益財団法人朝日新聞文化財団
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kennak · 1 year
週刊少年サンデーにて連載中で、2021年にはアニメ化もされた 「舞妓さんちのまかないさん」がNetflixオリジナルドラマ化。 演出を手掛けるのは「万引き家族」が世界的に高い評価を得た是枝裕和監督。 京都の花街を舞台に、舞妓達が共同生活を営んでいる屋形のまかないとして働く主人公キヨと、 故郷青森から一緒に京都へやってきた親友の舞妓すみれのささやかな暮らしぶりを描く物語。 是枝監督は総合演出・監督・脚本を兼任する。 企画に川村元気が絡んでいることに一抹の不安はあるが、キヨ役の森七菜、すみれ役に出口夏希、 屋形の女将に梓に常盤貴子、その娘涼子に蒔田彩珠、屋形を仕切る千代に松坂慶子、No.1芸妓の百子には橋本愛、 百子の元同期で出戻りの芸妓・吉乃に松岡茉優と、豪華キャストなのでまぁ大丈夫だろう。 肝である食事のシーンを担当するフードコーディネーターは大安定の飯島奈美。 「かもめ食堂」「深夜食堂」「ごちそうさん」「南極料理人」と 特別手の込んだ料理ではなく、けれどとてつもなく美味そうな料理を作らせれば 右に出る者はいない飯島氏がついているならこちらも安心。早く観たい。
2023年1月2週公開(配信)の新作、「SHE SAID/シー・セッド その名を暴け」公開 - 忍之閻魔帳
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