Appearing before the Dramacourt: Boku Unmei no Hito desu Ep 8
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Whether Yamapi God is kind of a jerk
Whether Haruko’s father getting mad at Makoto is reasonable
Whether the underdog theory really works
The Rule(s):
Not really.
People generally do root for the underdog, but in this scenario, the theory isn’t linked well to the drama’s plot.
Jubiemon J: Unfortunately, I have to say that this episode was another lacklustre one. I sort of anticipated that it’d feel like a filler/boring episode and sadly, I turned out to be right.
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Co-worker forces Makoto out to ask for some love advice
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Boss voicing his opinion
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Haruko’s dad happens to come by the restaurant and then hears about Makoto’s gossip
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Makoto trying to explain things
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Too pissed so walks out . . . -0-‘
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Makoto’s ex love interest -> Beautiful woman’s ploy, gets caught again. 9 men were scammed 100 millions of yen.
Haruko’s father finds out that Makoto fell for this con artist woman and thought that she was the one. Then he gets super pissed at Makoto, so mad at him that he even fights with Haruko. Haruko and her father has this long period of no talking. Her father even throws out that water fountain and puts it in the backyard. Here we have this totally unreasonable fit of anger coming from Haruko’s father when he was the one that was totally rooting for Makoto to be with Haruko before. Ugh…
Yamapi God’s suggestion for Makoto to win over Haruko’s father again doesn’t make much sense to me. I even watched his explanation twice to see if I got anything wrong and did some research about a Japanese word he used. His theory is that an underdog aiming for his/her dream would lead to more success and seem more fabulous than the typical person realizing his/her dream.
Yamapi God gives an example of someone who strayed from the right path and then turned into the boss of some company or the hot, seemingly dumb girl would go to the best university in Japan, Tokyo University. Makoto would be like an underdog too and his striving to win over Haruko’s father’s respect would reap greater results. I just don’t think this theory is that profound or funny. In fact, Makoto goes off and practices how to play golf by himself because Haruko’s father likes golf and Mitsue was able to win over Haruko’s father respect by being on a golf poster and playing golf. (Somehow playing golf = a serious, honest person . . . right.)
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Mitsue talking about how Haruko’s dad used to hate her.
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The two of them listening to what Mitsue did to win over Haruko’s father’s trust
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“Well I was this model for this golf poster”
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  Mitsue being a cute golfer
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“Then her father thought I wasn’t that bad..” 
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Lol . . . Remember Mitsukuni’s poster? Chasing after Mitsue now? lol!
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Makoto trying to learn golf by himself . . . without taking any lessons . . .-0-‘ (doesn’t really work that way – I know from personal experience.)
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Golfing and golfing
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Troll Mitsukuni joins in on the fun and goes off being weird. lol.
Then the drama writers throw in this clear underdog. He’s one of the employees working at Haruko’s father’s workplace. He is trying to win some boxing tournament to prove to himself that he’s good enough. He’s definitely not fit compared to the other boxers, but he tries super hard. Still, he fails which is expected and Makoto steps in to try to convince the boxer’s coach to let the guy box. Haruko’s father overhears this conversation and then thinks Makoto is still a good guy. The issue I have with this whole segment . . . I think this drama has already overused the underdog theory in the first place; we always see Makoto working hard. In this case, I just am not really touched or don’t think the scenes of Makoto working hard are funny/interesting. Plus the random underdog co-worker story . . . felt weird and out of place. How does that have to do with Makoto being an underdog and winning over Haruko’s father?
The preview for the next episode wasn’t that interesting as well. There’s some mystery about Yamapi God. I get the feeling that he’s not actually a God. He’s probably Haruko and Makoto’s kid from the future. Maybe his parents are splitting up and he doesn’t want them to split up. Perhaps, he’s just Makoto or Haruko’s kid and the two actually never really got together, but Makoto/Haruko still loves the other.
I’m really disappointed in this drama. There was just so much potential . . . but things just dragged on. Sigh.
Issue 1: Whether Yamapi God is kind of a jerk
Jubiemon J: I actually think he has always been a jerk, but since he’s funny (and doesn’t hurt that he’s good looking), he can get away with his bad attitude. I immediately thought he was a jerk when Makoto asked if he should go ask Mitsukuni for advice. Then Yamapi God was like “nope” and then he said that Mitsukuni was useless now and an empty shell.
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Yamapi God: Mitch is useless, an empty shell.
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Mitsukuni getting all excited and then Yamapi God ….
One episode back, he was being all “bromance-like” with Mitsukuni. Remember how I said Mitsukuni was super annoying in the first few episodes when he was fighting for Haruko’s love? I honestly take that back when you see him being super genuine and friendly with both Yamapi God and Makoto. Whenever Makoto has needed help later, Mitsukuni helps him immediately. I felt so, so bad for Mitsukuni because he was so eager to have a 3 people golf game. Yamapi God agreed at first, but then as soon as Makoto said he wasn’t going, Yamapi God immediately rejected Mitsukuni’s offer in a harsh way. Poor Mitsukuni . . .
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Look at poor Mitch . . . being all sad when Yamapi God rejects him.. 😥 My little heart goes out to Mitch..
Issue 2: Whether Haruko’s father getting mad at Makoto is reasonable
Jubiemon J: No. I’ve said in the beginning how I thought Haruko’s father was getting mad for no reason. Makoto wasn’t even in the wrong. It’s not as if Makoto was dating the con artist girl AND Haruko. Makoto wasn’t even dating the con artist girl; he almost dated her. I think the fact that Makoto was deceived by the con artist girl just shows how “innocent” and “pure” he is. He’s pretty much the type that’ll believe in people’s words. I mean, in the start of this drama, Haruko’s dad was super supportive of the two of them and then in this episode, he did a whole 180 degree change. Ugh.
Besides this, I have to echo again how I think this whole madness was resolved was really weird too. The random underdog boxer and then the golfing? I just can’t push any deep theories out of this at all. And although I’ve said I liked how this drama plays on fate vs choice, I really thought sticking in the scene where Haruko’s father and Makoto was at the boxing match was just . . . a bit over. When Makoto said he knew what to do to win Haruko’s father back and then the scene went to Makoto going to to watch the tournament, I thought that meant that Makoto knew that Haruko’s father would be there. That’s why he went to support the underdog. To my surprise, Makoto acted super shocked that he saw Haruko’s father there…..-0-” Yeah . . . no.
Issue 3: Whether the underdog theory really works
Jubiemon J: I think we do like underdogs–seeing how a poor, weak guy gets his revenge over the evil boss, how a delinquent gets his/her act together or a small band becoming huge makes us root for them. However, I just don’t see how the underdog theory is particularly relevant to convince Haruko’s father to trust Makoto again. I don’t think Haruko’s father is seeing Makoto as some underdog and rooting for him. Just . . .doesn’t work.
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Haruko’s father asking Haruko to bring Makoto over for dinner
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Reconciliation dinner – Man . . . look at that yummy tempura!
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Nervous Makoto~
File No: Boku-Unmei-no-Hito-desu-Ep-8 Appearing before the Dramacourt: Boku Unmei no Hito desu Ep 8 ***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
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jokertrap-ran · 6 years
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[Story Of A Trickster Rabbit] 5★ Drole (Normal) Translation
第3話 運命的な出会い Chapter 3: Fateful Meeting
CV: 白井 悠介  (Shirai Yusuke)
*Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Name will remain as my normal ( ラン )
子ども達の笑い声が響く街を、ドローレくんと並んで歩く。 I walked alongside Drole on the streets where the laughter of children reverberated through the air.
(何度歩いても、不思議な景色だな) (No matter how many times I've walked through this place, I can't help but to think about what an unusual scenery this was.)
街中どこを見ても子どもばかりで、大人の私だけが浮いているように思える。 There were only children as far as my eye can see, and they all looked at me, an adult, as if I was the odd one out.
ドローレ「付き合ってくれて、ありがとうね」 Drole: Thanks for accompanying me.
ラン「ううん。私にできることがあれば、なんでも言って」 Ran: You don't have to thank me, just tell me if there's anything I can help with.
私はドローレくんと、昼に行われるガーデンパーティに使われる材料を調達しに来ていた。 I tagged along with him to procure materials we could use for the garden party later in the day.
ドローレ「ねえ、ランちゃんは昼と夜、どっちのパーティが面白そうだって思う?」 Drole: Hey, which do you think is more interesting? The afternoon party or the one at night?
いたずらウサギのパーティは、昼がたくさんのお菓子が並ぶガーデンパーティ、夜はちょっとした肝試しのようなトリックパーティが行われるらしい。 The Trickster Rabbit's party consisted of a garden party in the afternoon where a free-flow of sweets are given out and a pranking party at night.
Choice:  昼 Afternoon (SUN)
ラン「昼のガーデンパーティかな」 Ran: Hmm...The afternoon one?
ドローレ「そっか。おいしいものいっぱい食べられるしね」 Drole: I see. I mean, you can watch all the yummy food you want in the afternoon party after all.
そう言う彼は、耳につけたたくさんのピアスを揺らすように元気に歩く。 Saying that, he started to walk with a spring in his step, causing the earrings he wore to sway along with him.
Choice:  夜 Night (MOON)
ラン「夜の トリックパーティ かな」 Ran:  The trick party at night, I guess.
ドローレ「ふふっ……やっぱりそうだよね!」 Drole: Hehe, I thought so too!
彼は満面の笑みを浮かべた。 His face broke into a smile at my answer.
ラン「ドローレくんは、夜かな?」 Ran: Do you prefer the night party?
ドローレ「うん。夜のトリックパーティの方が好きなんだけど……あんまり、ボクは楽しくないんだよ」 Drole: Yup! I do prefer the pranking party at night but to tell the truth, it doesn’t really excite me all that much...
ラン「どうして?」 Ran: Why is that so?
ドローレ「ボクの好みに合わせると他の子ども達が遊べないって、ネロ兄さんが言うんだ」 Drole: My big brother Nero said that the other kids wouldn’t be able to play with us if we made the party’s pranks to my tastes.
ドローレくんは、小さな口を尖らせる。 He mumbled out, begrudgingly.
(確かにドローレくんの好みは、ちょっと刺激が強いかも) (Right, Drole-kun’s tastes might be little too much for the general populace to handle…)
ドローレ「ボクも思いっきり好きなことしたいんだけどね……まあ、皆が楽しくないとね」 Drole: And here I was, thinking that I could do what I loved best! But I guess everyone else wouldn’t have fun if that was so...
ラン「そっか……そうだね」 Ran: I see...So that’s how it was.
(ドローレくんの好きなことは、痛いことだから……皆のことを考えて、我慢しているんだろうな) (That’s because he likes the more painful side of things...He must really be holding back since he has to keep the others in mind.)
子どもだけの国で、ドローレくんもお兄さん達もきちんと責任感を持っていて…… Drole and his brothers all had a sense of responsibility despite them being in a country of solely children with no adults in sight.
皆のことを思う彼の横顔を、私はじっと見つめていた…-。 I stared at side profile as he mulled over the thought of others for a good long time...
… ...
…… ……
私達は、食糧が保存されている貯蔵庫へとやってきた。 And thus, we ended up coming to the storehouse where all the food was stored at.
ラン「ドローレくん、ガーデンパーティではエッグタルト以外にどんな料理を食べるの?」 Ran: Drole-kun? What other food are we going to have at the garden party aside from egg tarts?
ドローレ「定番は卵料理が多いかなあ。カスタードプリンとか?」 Drole: Mainly egg dishes according to tradition, I guess. Custard pudding, maybe.
そう言って彼は、不揃いの卵を手に取る。 Saying that, he moved to grab a couple of eggs from their cartons in no particular order.
ドローレ「甘いものが多いんだけど、ボクはミートボールとかチキンライスとか……ロールキャベツもいいなあ」 Drole: There are lots of confections but personally I’d say that meatballs, chicken rice, roll cabbages and the like would be good too...
ラン「甘いものだけじゃない方がいいんだね」 Ran: So you prefer to party to have an assortment and not just confectioneries?
ドローレ「うん、両方!」 Drole: Yup, make the best of both worlds!
無邪気にはしゃぐような返事が子どもらしくて、微笑ましい気持ちになった。 His innocent child-like reply made a pleasantly warm feeling spread through me.
(かわいいな) (How cute!)
陳列棚を覗き込む彼の背中に、目を細める。 I grinned at his turned back as he looked through the contents of the display shelves.
その時…… At that moment...
ドローレ「あっ!」 Drole: Ah!
ドローレくんは調味料の棚から何かを見つけ、楽しげな表情を浮かべながらそれを持ってくる。 He had seemingly found something of interest in the seasoning shelves and brought it over with a joyful expression on his face.
ドローレ「これ、料理の中に入れよう!」 Drole: Let’s add this to the food!
彼の手にあったのは、ドクロマークのラベルが貼られたガラスの小瓶だった。 He held a small glass vial labeled with a skull and crossbones mark on it.
ラン「……!?」 Ran: …!?
見るからに穏やかではないその調味料を、彼は瞳を輝かせて見つめている。 He looked at me with puppy dog eyes, holding up the seasoning bottle that literally screamed disaster in his hand.
ラン「……怖そうだね」 Ran: Seems...Terrifying...
ドローレ「ゾクゾクするなあ……ほら、見て見て!」 Drole: It really does excite me! See, imagine if we could put this to use!
ドローン興奮した様子で、私に調味料の瓶を近づけた。 He looked at me excitedly and brought the seasoning even closer to my person.
ドローレ「すっごく辛くて、舌が痺れるって書いてあるよ! もうサイコー」 Drole: The label states that it’s so hot that it’ll make one’s tongue numb! That’s the best thing we could use out there!!
(やっぱり……そうだよね) (Yes, of course it’ll go in that direction...)
想像した通りの回答に、思わず苦笑してしまった。 I could only give him a slightly strained smile as he answered exactly the way I had expected him to.
ドローレ「ああ、痛くておいしいミートボールとか……すごく食べてみたい」 Drole: Ahh, I really do want to eat meatballs with this in it…Such delicious goodness despite it being painfully hot!
ラン「そうだね。だけど、皆で食べられなくなっちゃうよ」 Ran: I see. The others wouldn’t be able to eat them if you do that though.
ドローレ「あ……」 Drole: Ah...
ドローレくんは眉間に小さな皺を作って、激辛調味料とにらめっこしている。 He had a little furrow between his eyebrows as he stared the spicy seasoning down.
(……やめるのかな?) (Is he going to put it down for good…?)
そう思っていると、彼の顔がぱっと明るくなった。 His face lit up like a light-bulb just as the thought had crossed my mind.
ラン「……持って帰るの?」 Ran: You’re bringing it back with you?
ドローレ「うん。自分用にね」 Drole: Yup, for my own personal use.
ドローレくんはあっさりと調味料を袋に入れる。 He tossed the bottle of seasoning into the bag with a flick of his hand.
その光景を見つめ、私の胸はざわざわと音を立てた…-。 Just the mere sight of the scene before me sent my heart speedingー...
つづく… To be continued...
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four-loose-screws · 6 years
Awakening Endgame Chapter - Individual Character Line Translations (Pt. 2)
In this part, I’ve translated all of the character’s post-battle quotes.
戦いは終わった。 邪竜ギムレーは眠りについた。▼ これで屍兵は消え、 平和な日々が戻ってくる。▼ ここまでついて来てくれた皆には どれほど感謝しても足りない。▼ 辛く苦しい戦いが何度もあった。 それでも、皆がいたから乗り越えられた。▼ 仲間との絆… それがこの戦いで得た最高の糧だ。▼ くさい台詞だが… 言わせてくれ。▼ 皆は、最高の仲間だ。▼
Chrom: The battle is over. The fell dragon Grima is asleep. Now, the Risen will disappear, and we will once again live out days out peacefully. I could not thank all of you enough for coming this far with me. We fought extremely difficult battles time and time again. But we won every time because we were together. Our bonds of friendship… became as strong as they possibly could be through our battles. I’m not good at speeches, but… hear me out. Everyone, you are the best friends ever.
良かった… ほんと、良かったよ~…▼
Lissa: Thank goodness… Oh, thank goodness~…
クロム様…お見事です。 エメリナ様もお喜びでしょう。▼
Frederick: Lord Chrom… you did well. I think Lady Emmeryn is happy, too.
ボクも一人前に戦えたかな。 そうだったら嬉しい。▼
Sully: I was able to fight as full-fledged soldier! That alone makes me happy.
実に貴族的な勝利だね。 後の歴史にどう書かれるか楽しみだ。▼
Virion: It was a win befitting of an aristocrat! I look forward how this will be written about in the history books.
俺様最高! 俺たち最高!▼
Vaike: I’m the best! We’re all the best!
はぁ、良かった… ほっとしたら、おなかすいてきたよ。▼
Stahl: Haaaa, thank goodness… But now that I think about it, I’m hungry.
戦力的不利を覆したのは… やはり、人の心でしょうか。▼
Miriel: What allowed us to prevail against the odds… were our hearts, I think.
ばんざーい! …うん、誰も気づいてないね。▼
Kellam: Banzaaaaaai! …Oh, It seems no one noticed me say that.
クロム様が、 私たちみんなを導いてくれました…▼
Sumia: Lord Chrom lead us all here…
はしゃぎすぎだ。 …たまには悪くないが。▼
Lon’qu: You’re all way too excited. …But it’s not bad to do so every once in a while.
クロムさん! 僕ちゃんと役に立ったでしょ?▼
Ricken: Captain Chrom! Did I help out a lot?
わたくしたちの実力なら、 このくらい当然ですわ。▼
Maribelle: It’s no surprise that this is our true strength.
感謝してるわ。ここにいる間は… 仲間のぬくもりを感じられた。▼
Panne: I’m grateful. While here… you surrounded me with your warmth.
…仕事は終わりだ。次会う時はもっと 上等な砂糖菓子を用意しておけ。▼
Gaius: …So the job’s done. Next time we meet, I’ll have some even higher quality candies ready!
Cordelia: Prince Chrom… Thank goodness…
よっしゃ、今日は俺が珍しくおごるかね。 こんなこと滅多にないんだぜ?▼
Gregor: Alright! I’ll treat you all to something special today. It’s not often that something like this happens.
ノノね、とってもとってもうれしいの! だってみんなうれしそうだもん!▼
Nowi: Nowi is super duper happy! Nowi is happy because everyone is happy!
エメリナ様の望まれた平和が…… 訪れるのかもしれません。▼
Libra: This is the peace that Exalt Emmeryn wished for…… Perhaps she is here with us now.
騒がしいのは嫌いだわ。 まあ、嬉しくないこともないけど…▼
Tharja: I hate noise. But it’s not like I’m not happy…
じゃ、じゃあ私、喜びの舞を 披露させていただきますね。▼
Olivia: S-Since we won, I’ll perform a celebratory dance!
大変な戦いでしたね。 今日は皆さんゆっくり休みましょう。▼
Cherche: It was a rough fight. Let’s all relax tonight!
全滅するかもって思ってたけど、 意外と大丈夫だったね~。あはは。▼
Henry: I thought we were gonna get wiped out, but, surprisingly, we were okay~. Ah ha ha.
これで未来は救われる… …ごめんなさい、私…涙が……▼
Lucina: We saved the future just now… …I’m sorry, I’m… crying…
兄上…… これで、争いはなくなります…▼
Say’ri: Brother… Now, the fighting is over…
戦は終わりだ! ぱあーっと宴といこうぜ!▼
Basilio: The fight is over! Let’s have a crazy party!
見せてもらったよ。クロム、ルフレ。 あんたたちの生き様ってやつを。▼
Flavia: You showed me well. Chrom, Robin. This is your way of life.
父ちゃん、母ちゃん、 おらたち、やりとげたべ!▼
Donnel: Pa, Ma, we did it!
さて、これからは商売がんばらなくちゃ。 今後とも秘密の店をごひいきにね。▼
Anna: I’ve got to work my hardest with my sales after this! I think I’ll build a secret shop soon.
常闇の竜よ、再び 永き眠りに沈むか……ふっ。▼
Owain: Once again, the dragon of darkness sinks into eternal slumber…
良かった…これでみんなが 笑顔でいられる世界になるよ。▼
Inigo: Thank goodness… Now, the world will be filled with everyone’s smiles.
俺たちは救ったんだな、 この世界を……▼
Brady: We did it! We saved this world…
今まで重ねてきた修行は、 無駄じゃなかった……▼
Kjelle: So all my training wasn’t for nothing……
正義は勝つ! つまり、そういうことよね!▼
Cynthia: Justice prevailed! That’s another way you could put it!
あたしたちの手にかかれば、 ま、こんなもんよね。▼
Severa: Since we were the ones to take on this challenge, of course this is how it ends!
運命に抗い…打ち勝つ。 こんなことができるとはな…▼
Gerome: We challenged fate… and conquered it. I didn’t think it was possible…
母さん! これからは たくさん色んなこと話せるね。▼
M!Morgan: Mother! Now I can talk to you about all sorts of things!
父さん! これからは たくさん色んなこと話せるわね。▼
F!Morgan: Father! Now I can talk to you about all sorts of things!
Yarne: I-I survived…
これで証明されました。 歴史は、僕たち人がつくるもの…▼
Laurent: This is the proof that we will go down in history…
も、もう怖い思いしなくてすみますよね…? 良かったぁ…▼
Noire: S-So all the scary stuff is over…? Thank goodness…
私、来て良かったです。 ですよね、お母さん…▼
Nah: I’m happy that I came here. You are too, aren’t you, Mother…?
世界は闇に閉ざされない… あなたたち人の思いがある限り。▼
Tiki: The world will never plunge into darkness… so long as all of you are here.
…へっ、生き残っちまったじゃねえか。 …償いなんてガラじゃねえが…▼
Gangrel: …Whoa, look at me, I survived! …I still have a whole lot to atone for, huh…
やはり最も強きは人… 人の世の王よ。▼
Walhart: I knew it, the strongest of the strong are the humans… We are the kings of the world!
クロム…みん…な… 良かった……▼
Emmeryn: Chrom… Every… one… Thank goodness……
サイリ…この世界は救われたぞ。 人の思いの力ゆえに…▼
Yen’fay: Say’ri… This world was saved. Through the powerful wills of the people…
これですっきりしたわ。 さて、これからどうしようかしら…▼
Aversa: So this is the end. What will I do from now on…
皆、強かった。 力も、心も。▼
Priam: Everyone was strong. Both in power, and in heart.
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straydgbw · 6 years
訓練すれば人は自由に夢の中で行動できるのだという しかし、フランシス・クリックは夢の解釈について、大脳新皮質に記録された無意味な記憶を消去するための物で、意味など無いと断じている クリックにとって人の意識は脳内に起こっている40 Hzの共鳴現象でしかない 夢、夢の形、夢の世界、幽世 E.M.D.R.- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing -眼球運動による脱感作と再処理- トラウマに囚われた人を救う方法を人は様々に模索している トラウマの元となる記憶を想起させながら眼球を運動させるこの方法は、大脳辺縁系の情報処理を再活性させるのだと言われている けれど、それだけなのだろうか? 眼球が運動している時にその人は何かを見ているのではないか? 施術者の指の向こう側に Phobia Exposure -恐怖症曝露- 他者から見たら何でもない事でも、人は強い恐怖の対象とする時がある 意識による制御がきかない脳のこうした作用は、どんな意図でデザインされたのだろうか 生存本能とはもはや無関係な物に対してまで恐怖し続ける宿痾を背負う必要がどこにあるというだろう? Altered States of Consciousness -変成意識- ライトオブパッセージ 人は痛みを伴わずして成長する事が無いのだとすれば、過去のどの瞬間が通過儀礼であったのかを知るために、記憶の漆黒の中から刺の痛みの感覚を手繰り寄せなければならない しかしそれもまた死に至るまでに必要なイニシエーションなのだろう 人としての O.B.E. -Out of Body Experience -体外離脱体験- 1966年、ウエストバージニア州ポイントブレザントで、蛾のような怪物モスマンの集中目撃事件が起こった 調査を行なったジョン・A・キールは、ラジオから謎の声が自分に話しかけてくると言った 異常体験をした後、モスマンやUFO、妖精といった存在は、我々が知覚し得ない領域の超越的な地球生命体ではないかと結論づけている Brain Homunculus -脳の中のホムンクルス- カナダの脳神経学者ワイルダー・ペンフィールドは、大脳新皮質を電極で刺激する事でまるで体外離脱をしているかのような感覚を引き出す事に成功した 脳の機能の局在性について著しい発見をしたペンフィールドはしかし、心は脳の中にあるわけではないとする、デカルト的二元論に最後まで固執し続けたのであった L.T.P. Long Term Potentiation -シナプス回路を変化させ、それを維持する能力 "人間の脳に於ける長期記憶の正体"- 1923年、フランスのソジー夫人はパリの地下に大勢の子供達が秘密結社によって幽閉されていると��えたが、しかし、���察、ソジーの夫など無数の人々が替え玉と入れ替わっている事に気づく 以来、妄想性人物誤認症候群の事をソジーの錯覚、もしくはその報告者の名からカプグラシンドロームと呼ばれる事となった Revolution of Limbic System -脳の扁桃体を中心とする記憶・情動を司る大脳辺緑系-その革命- 恐怖に代表される人の情動を司る扁桃体と、脳における情報のインターフェイスである海馬 隣接したこの二つが記憶という物の神経メカニズム、すなわちリンビックシステムと呼ばれる リンビックは大脳の辺縁部位を示すが、語源であるギリシャ語のリンボは辺境、この世とあの世、現世と幽世との境界を指す言葉なのだった Existential Ghosts -実存主義的なる神霊- 2003年、ハートフォードシャー大学の心理学者リチャード・ワイズマン教授らが、ロンドンの古いホールに観客を集め、現代音楽の演奏途中で長さ7メートルのパイプから発生させた超低周波音を聞かせた その結果、22%の観客が異様な感覚を体験したという 幽霊はこうした低周波音が引き起こす感覚異常ではないかと、ワイズマンは推察している Affordance/T.F.T.-Thought Field Therapy- -アフォーダンス[環境が生物に提供するもの]/思考場治療法- 例えばその土地には川が流れ、肥沃な土地が広がっているとすれば、その土地は人に対して住みよい土地である事をアフォードしている アフォーダンスという概念は、その環境が持っているアプリオリな性質の中から知覚者が恣意的に発見し、獲得する構図を表すが、ならば今の世界は人に如何なるアフォードをしているのだろうか? Syntax Error -論理的統辞論に於ける過ち/プログラム・バグ- メメント・モリ そう他者に言われるまでもなく、人は己の死を意識せず生きていく事などできない 己の死後についての考えはともかくも、近しい人の死を悼む気持ちは如何なる死生観、如何なる宗教観を持つ人にとっても等しく同じに違いない メメント・モリ それはこの世界に生きる人間が持つ数少ないコンセンサスの一つなのだろう Homeostasis Synchronization -恒常性維持機能同調効果- シャーマ���ズムの本質がミルチャ・エリアーデが説くように脱魂エクスタシー型にあるのか、ヨアン・エムルイズが重視する憑依ポゼッション型にあるのか 本質的に不価値な事柄について理性的な理解をするには、その儀礼や象徴から推し量るより術はない しかしシャーマンのシステムは現在の社会でも、その呼び名を変えただけで生き続けている For the Snark was a Boojum, you see. -そう、そのスナークはブージャムだった- 独自のキリスト教倫理学を提唱したイマヌエル・スウェーデンボリは、霊魂の存在を物理的に探求するべく脳生理学、解剖学を学んでいたが、臨死を体験、死後の世界を自在に行き来するようになった事で、その研究をやめてしまう 後に純粋理性批判を著すイマヌエル・カントにも、スウェーデンボリの思想は高く評価される事となる Emergence Matrix -創発基盤- 鎮魂 逝った人の事を思うこの言葉にはもう一つの意味がある 生きている者の魂は不安定で、体に繋ぎ止めておかねば乖離してしまうという 明治時代初期、本田親徳は鎮魂と神を人間の肉体に落とす帰神を軸として、古代の神道を体現化し、出口王仁三郎らに影響を与えたのだった Toward an Abandoned City -廃市へ- 大和の国は言霊の咲きわう国だという 言葉その物に霊的な力が伴うとするその考えは日本固有の物ではなく、古代ギリシャよりロゴスの概念には言葉を神の秩序、神その物とも同一視されてきた よごとであれ、まがごとであれ、その言葉を口にした物の真理は言葉の意味が刻まれ、発言者自身とその環境の未来に深く影響を与える Hopeful Monster -希望的な怪物- スティーブン・ホーキングは、宇宙は何故今のように安定しているかについて、それは人間が存在しているからだという解釈に否を唱えていない ブラックホールを命名したジョン・ウィーラーも、不確定性原理による量子確率論を現実の宇宙に合致させるためには、その宇宙の内部に観察する者、すなわち人間が存在している事を条件に定義付けている Implicate Order -内在秩序- コペンハーゲン解釈に疑念を抱いたデビット・ボームは、断片の中に全体が内包されるとする考えを提唱し、その概念の説明としてレーザーによるホログラフィーが立体に見える構造を例に挙げた 部分と全体とが見えざる秩序によって結ばれるというボームの哲学的量子論は、脳もまた、ホログラム的構造を有する事を見通していた Holographie Paracligm -水辺の量子重力理論- 2008年、マッセイ大学のブライアン・ウィットウォース博士は、宇宙の物理現象は全て情報として還元できるとした上で、我々が現実と捉えるこの世界は実は他者がコンピューター内に作った仮想世界であるとの説を発表した 手垢のついたSFのようだと評される一方で、一部の人々からは共感を得る …というこの情報もまた宇宙の中に統合されている Negentropy -可塑性時間- 世界は常に乱雑さを増していくとする熱力学法則と、自己組織化を繰り返す生命現象とを折りあわせるべく、エルビン・シュレイディンガーはネガティブエントロピーの概念を提唱する 時間の不可逆性と相反するこの未知のエネルギーは、イリヤ・プリゴジンが散逸構造論を表すまで可能性として存在し続けた Shaman's District -シャーマンの領域- 万能細胞開発競争の渦中、ES細胞捏造事件が起こり、一時研究は停滞していた しかし2007年、京都大学山中伸弥教授らのグループは、体細胞に山中因子と命名された遺伝子を導入する事で人工多能性幹細胞、IPS細胞の開発に成功したが、同時期、MIPのラドルフ・ヤニッシュ教授らのグループも、ほぼ同じ実験に成功していた Stochastic Resonance -確率共鳴- 微弱な信号を伝える時にランダムなノイズを加える事によって、ある確率の下、その信号伝達反応が増大するという確率共鳴現象は、人の脳における神経伝達回路や動物の感覚細胞に認められる機能であるが、元々は地球の氷河期周期を説明するために提案された物だ 現在の電子回路… 「マサユキ!やばかとー!」 「太郎!」 「ボクがあんこの名前、呼ぶ!」 「早く…うちんこつ…」 Passage -道程/暗黙知の次元-
次回予告「神霊狩 GHOST HOUND」(2009-03-03)
0 notes
Appearing before the Dramacourt: Boku Unmei no Hito desu Eps 1 & 2
***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
Whether the Yamapi God x Makoto bromance is better than the Goblin x Grim Reaper bromance
Whether the rival (Sadaoka Mitsukuni) is actually creepy and annoying
Whether the “fate” aspect of this drama is believable
The Rule(s):
Yes, yes, yes! The Yamapi God x Makoto bickerings are hilarious.
Yes. Total creep vibe and annoying.
Yes, it is quite believable.
Jubiemon J: Only two episodes have aired, yet I’m already totally invested in this drama! I’ve been seeking a light-hearted rom com for a while and luckily, this drama has fulfilled that wish of mine so far! In dramas, we always have that annoying 2nd lead girl trying to steal the 1st lead guy, but in this case we have a lead guy, Masaki Makoto, trying to marry his “fated” girl, Kogetsu Haruko, to have a child that will eventually save Earth! (Finally, it’s the guy doing the heavy lifting for once in dramas.) Yes, that premise sounds completely far-fetched and silly, but I think the first episode did a great job convincing us and Makoto that Yamapi God (I don’t think he’s named yet) is right: There is something called fate. Yamapi God goes through a list of meetings/encounters/events that have occurred that prove that Makoto and Haruko are destined to be together and that God has kept trying to pair them together. Now it’s up to Makoto to take action! It also helps that Makoto is really a pure-hearted, honest guy who truly believes in love! Then you have Haruko who has a complete outlook on love; she doesn’t believe in it anymore after getting into several bad relationships in the past. Throw in a guy rival, Sadaoka Mitsukuni, who beat Makoto at a baseball game even though that game was the only one that Mitsukuni had played all season. Then you have an interesting fate vs choice romance. The encounters/chances that Makoto and Haruko have are based on fate, whereas those that Mitsukuni and Haruko face are based on choice. The question is . . . will she pick a fated love or one of her choice? Or was there even a choice in the end?
Love triangle . . .
The final highlight for me, of course, is the bromance between Yamapi God x Makoto! We’ve seen the duo in Nobuta wa Produce and it’s great to see them again! They have awesome bromance chemistry.  The two of them do great for comedy too!
(A side note: This review will be our first Japanese drama review! I watch a lot of Japanese dramas too, but for the past year or so, I didn’t find any that really motivated me to review it. This one did! We’ll likely be reviewing movies or other Asian dramas in the future.)
Issue 1: Whether the Yamapi God x Makoto bromance is better than the Goblin x Grim Reaper bromance
Jubiemon J: Yes! I pick the Yamapi God x Makoto bromance over the one in Goblin. Sorry Goblin fans. I enjoy the Yamapi God x Makoto bromance far more. Why? I much prefer the playfulness that comes with this bromance and this type of bickering between the two. In Goblin, we had two grown-ass who have lived for thousands of years . . . playing really childish pranks. Sure you can say that that’s why it’s funny! The difference in expectation and reality . . . but those little moments can only last a bit until they’d get old. Somehow I didn’t laugh so much when the two quarrelled.
Look at the cute dance song they did for the ending credits! So adorbs!
  In this drama, on the other hand, I sincerely laugh whenever Yamapi God unexpectedly pops into Makoto’s house and starts chatting to Makoto who is dead ass tired from work. Yamapi God also has an awesome and far more interesting personality compared to Goblin. Yamapi God is super chill, dresses like a trendy guy in a bomber jacket, and likes to mess with Makoto’s head. Goblin, on the other hand, is . . . I honestly couldn’t get a good feel of his personality. At times, he was uptight, but then Grim Reaper embodied that super uptight, serious personality far better. Then Goblin would be like a 10-year-old for love and turn all moody. His character was just all over for me. (I was a fan of Grim Reaper.) Yamapi God’s personality contrasts Makoto super well. Makoto is way too serious, not in the Grim Reaper way where he’s dead pan, but the sort that would follow the rules from A to Z and never lie or cheat his way through life. Makoto also admitted to Haruko’s father that people say  that he can’t really get jokes because he takes things too literally. When you have an innocent, pure-hearted, hardworking guy with Yamapi God who is a prankster . . . the bromance is just fabulous! The evidence is below!
Look at these moments when Yamapi God pranks Makoto!
When you’re just chilling after a long day of work . . .
and then Yamapi God pops up under your sofa! Ha!
Freaking out b/c of his room’s appearance changing
Just Yamapi God decorating his place with some vintage stuff and Japanese traditional goods to set a “romantic” vibe
And the bickering scenes!
Yamapi God giving love advice
Yamapi God: What’d you think would win Haruko over?
Makoto: Love and passion.  (Side note: so pure hearted!)
Yamapi God: No. Money!
Then Yamapi God teases him after they chat some more: With your savings account, you can’t even buy socks!
Makoto: Huh?! Aren’t socks bought cheaply?
Yamapi God: You really think you are in a position to argue with me? Do you want me to tell you how much is in your savings account now?
Yamapi God: Haruko is sleeping with your rival right now!
Makoto: No way! Stop lying to me! It’s a lie!
 Makoto: Whose side are you on exactly?!
Next scene shows Mitsukuni sleeping . . . by the bar. Yamapi God doesn’t lie, just likes to mess with Makoto’s brain.
Yamapi God: It’s a joke, a joke, a classical joke!
  Just Yamapi God decorating Makoto’s place to have a romantice vibe. LOL!
Issue 2: Whether the rival (Sadaoka Mitsukuni) is actually creepy and annoying
Jubiemon J: Yes! I think Mitsukuni is the type that seems like the perfect guy–nice, handsome, charming, rich, intelligent, and responsible. However, I don’t think he is completely that. When he is interacting with Makoto, he was kind of a jerk in a passive aggressive way. He kept pretending that he knew who Makoto was but kept calling him the wrong name. Rude. Not just that, when Makoto said that he thought Mitsukuni played well during the baseball game, Mitsukuni said that it was just by luck and that it was the first time he had officially played. If he did that once, it wouldn’t be so bad, but Mitsukuni kept emphasizing how his teammates were all saying how he was so lucky. Obviously that actually made Makoto look really bad because Makoto had trained a lot to be the pitcher and then this batter who just swung once won against him. Awful.
Fake ass trying to be all friendly like “Hey, I remember you!!” Pfft. *rolls eyes*
Then there was the part where he was creeping on Haruko from the other building that he works in. Yuck. Don’t creep like that. Ugh. No!
  Issue 3: Whether the “fate” aspect of this drama is believable
Jubiemon J: I think the “fate” aspect of this drama is believable. I’m slightly biased too because I’ve always been a believer in fate for some things, like why you end up meeting some people and not others, why you sometimes keep meeting the same people coincidently, why a certain city ended up being your hometown rather than any other one, etc. Some things you really can’t choose. I think this drama does a good job portraying fate and choice in relationships. Of course, the fate part is exaggerated a bit more like the number of times Makoto and Haruko have passed by one another’s lives like how they actually met when they were five and played together at some beach, how she encouraged him when he lost his baseball game, how they ended up being office neighbours, and more. What makes these events/encounters believable are two things: (i) Makoto and Haruko’s reactions to them; and (ii) the natural feeling to these events.
Haruko complaining to her bff about Makoto
(i) Makoto and Haruko weren’t believers in fate
Jubiemon J: Makoto was totally unconvinced that Haruko was his soulmate until Yamapi God proved to him how they kept meeting each other. Haruko is also still not persuaded that she should date Makoto. I mean, if a guy kept saying that he’s your soulmate one day, that’d be kind of scary, right? I’m glad that she has been rejecting Makoto’s advances, meaning that Makoto has to try to make her fall for him slowly. I think that’s more realistic than her agreeing that he’s the one instantly. I also wouldn’t say that Makoto is a stalker. He still doesn’t have Haruko’s number yet and it’s not like he purposely stakes her out and follows her home etc. He’s still working hard at his job to try to get the bonus to eventually have a date with her.
Makoto’s emotional speech about why he thinks she’s the one . . . and then she goes . . . NO. (I admit . . . my heart broke a bit.)
(ii) These events come as a surprise
Jubiemon J: Although Yamapi God does give Makoto hints as to what he needs to anticipate, what he should do or what his rival has done, Yamapi God also doesn’t say the ending or reward Makoto out of the blue. Makoto still had to work his ass off to get the bonus. He was working way harder than all of his co-workers and they were even saying that he might have been going overboard.  Then the sad part was? He did get the money after making a sale, yet he had to treat his reward to his coworkers! Poor guy!
Cash prize!!
Going door to door to sell water fountains!!
Let’s all go BBQ with YOUR REWARD! TEAM EFFORT . . .  not.
No . . . bye money . . . :'(
The positive side was that through Makoto’s hard work, he somehow met Haruko’s father and sold him some water fountains. Plus, the Dad really liked Makoto! At least the Dad is on his side.
There was also one part where you’d think a childhood promise was sappy and unrealistic, yet it was fulfilled in a creative way. Makoto said that ever since the two shared that moment where they looked at a rainbow together, he would always try to race that rainbow to get to the end. If he did, then he could be with her. (I forget the exact wording, but it was something like that.) You’d think that would never happen, yet somehow . . . on her birthday, the two meet coincidentally and he came out of this convenience store with a rainbow as its logo. So . . . he did fulfill his promise.
Jubiemon J sidebar: Makoto was also seriously so adorable waving and jumping up and down with that umbrella! So cute.
Conclusion: Appeal Allowed.
Rating: 5! KYAH! (Is this the first five I’ve given? I think so. This is how much I’ve enjoyed the drama! Can’t wait for more.)
File no: Boku-Unmei-no-Hito-desu-Eps-1-&-2 Appearing before the Dramacourt: Boku Unmei no Hito desu Eps 1 & 2 ***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
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Appearing before the Dramacourt: Boku Unmei no Hito desu Ep 10
***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
Whether the ending fell flat
Whether it was necessary for Ichiro to show up
Whether the idea of fate was well-portrayed
The Rule(s):
Ugh, really debatable. The last episode really messed things up.
Yes if it’s based on the narration and the previous episodes.
Jubiemon J: I have such mixed feelings about this episode. I think overall, this drama had a lot of potential in the beginning, fell flat in the middle, bounced back, and now fell flat again. I was expecting some emotional moment/parting for this episode, yet Makoto forgot about everything and will never remember Ichiro. Only Mitsukuni will remember Ichiro. Okay . . .  Let’s just dive to the analysis because I think I’m going to rant a lot. Be prepared.
Issue 1: Whether the ending fell flat
Jubiemon J: Although I like the happy endings like Mitsukuni and Mitsue are going to get married and Haruko and Makoto too will get married, I still can’t accept how Makoto seems completely fine without Ichiro.  Okay, I also like the little narration we have from Haruko and Makoto about their thoughts on fate.  Let me just jump back to Makoto being okay without Ichiro.
Sure, Makoto gets into a string of bad luck scenarios where he isn’t able to catch this balloon for this little girl who happens to be the sales associate’s daughter, someone spills tea over his ring receipt, someone decides not to buy fountains from him and more.
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Excessive symbol 1 – painting separating the two
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Mishap 2: Makoto upset that he couldn’t go to Osaka b/c the flight got cancelled
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Mishap 3: Missing toppings from a bento he bought
How to resolve it then? Makoto goes to the “root of the problem” which he identifies as not getting the girl’s balloon. The girl specifically cares about the pink balloon because it was distributed by this mascot which she likes.
It’s later hinted that the guy who distributes balloons is very likely Ichiro. That may suggest that Makoto still needs Ichiro, but honestly . . . I just don’t feel like I get much of a deep heartfelt moment from knowing that Ichiro is the probably the one who handed Makoto the pink balloon (i.e. like always, Icihiro saves the day).
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I will be very excited to see your performance 30 years later – message from Ichiro
Throughout this whole episode, we have other people telling Makoto how he did this and that back then and Makoto is completely oblivious. It’s like some car hit him and his memory of Ichiro disappears. We all know that Ichiro zapped away Makoto’s memory of him. Ichiro should have also zapped away Mitsukuni’s memory of him. I don’t get why Makoto’s memory has to disappear, yet Mitsukuni’s is allowed to stay.
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Makoto not remembering about the carrots x boss thing.
Sure, people should likely not know about the future, but I was hoping for Makoto to have had more of a reaction to Ichiro’s disappearance. Like something or rather, someone, is missing in his life. He doesn’t know what, but he just feels empty. Nope. Makoto just keeps saying he doesn’t recall this and that happening. At most, he says I think . . . there may be God and he’s kind of arrogant. Seriously . . . that’s not enough when Ichiro is his son.
Though I did enjoy Ichiro bonding with Mitsukuni at the end, what also bugs me is how Mitsukuni just accepts that he’ll see Ichiro 30 years later. Okay . . . usually when people leave to work, they don’t say . . . let’s see each other 30 years later. Mitsukuni should have asked why?
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Saying hi to Mitch! Lol at his t-shirt!
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Happy Mitch!
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Ichiro: Let’s play kick the can! I’ve never played that before.
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Mitch: Okay. That’s fine.
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Mitch promising not to mention Ichiro in front of Makoto
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Promise continued – see you 30 years later says Ichiro!
And there are so many unresolved thing with Ichiro and Makoto. Why does Ichiro say he never got the chance to play kick the can when he was a kid? Why was Ichiro so keen on being friends with Makoto? Was Makoto a strict dad? Did Makoto die earlier? Why did it seem like Ichiro and Makoto had a cold relationship in the future? So many questions . . . no answers.
We just have Makoto with amnesia. Great. Why’d we go through all that bromance to have this? Ugh. Rolls eyes!
And this message at the end?!?!?
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Translation of message: Congrats on the wedding! Can’t believe you did it Makoto!
Issue 2: Whether it was necessary for Ichiro to show up
Jubiemon J: It really depends. Sure, Ichiro was there to speed Makoto and Haruko’s relationship up, but was he THAT instrumental? Nope. Ichiro mentioned before that regardless of what happened, Makoto and Haruko would end up together. We see that Makoto is completely okay with Ichiro being gone. His proposal is a success. Like I mentioned before, sure that balloon guy likely is Ichiro passing the balloon to Makoto, but having a sad kid who loses her balloon ruin Makoto’s chances of marrying Haruko is just silly. Some of you might think that this is symbolic. I agree that the “balloon” is probably meant to be symbolic, but is this symbol effective in this case?
Nope and here’s why. In this episode, we have an overload of symbols. Nearly every other scene contains a symbol. Perhaps the director wanted to jog our memory about what happened before and show us again that this is fate, but I really think the director did too much. Too much of something is not wonderful; it’s just as terrible as someone wearing all the extravagant accessories he/she has on his/her body. So when we have all these symbols grouped one after another, the pink balloon seems insignificant. I’m also trying to be profound and think of something that the balloon could symbolize. Makoto losing grasp of his fated love? Yes, I guess that may be.
Even if that were the case, I don’t think the whole “must go to the root of the problem” solution works. To make sure that Makoto is able to grasp his fated love, he has to give another pink balloon to the little girl. After doing that, he gets rewarded by the girl’s mother with some tickets to that concert, which is where Makoto and Haruko met accidentally. The root of the problem . . . honestly seems too superficial, in my opinion. I don’t get laughter from it or a touching feeling from it either. If you compare this revelation with the small twist Ichiro played for last episode, this episode’s twist is just . . . pointless.
Did we really need Ichiro here to pass that balloon to Makoto to save the day? Ugh . . . no. Another guy in a costume could have done that. Lol. Did we really need Ichiro to even come to Makoto’s time? I don’t think so. There’s no answer from Ichiro saying that the world is saved or that he found a solution. Was it also necessary for Ichiro to come back to develop a friendship with Makoto,? Nope. Makoto forgot about him. Makoto just thinks there’s fate. Hooray for forgetting father-son bonds. -0-‘
Issue 3: Whether the idea of fate was well-portrayed
Jubiemon J: I’m going to end with a positive note. Generally speaking, the idea of fate was well-portrayed in this drama. There are many coincidences that play out and the two leads share many encounters. As I mentioned before, I really enjoyed the narrations by the two leads. They share their thoughts about fate.
Makoto says on one of his saddest days, Haruko randomly talks to him and encourages him. Then Haruko thinks back to the day when she was super sad and Makoto spontaneously speaks to her. Makoto admits that at first, he thought fate was useless, but then he tried to believe in it. Haruko confesses that at first, the idea of fate made her disgusted, but she was afraid to believe in fate. Makoto says that after believing in fate, a series of unexpected events happened. For Haruko, the unexpected events made her slowly open her heart. Makoto concludes that “fate” is for those that will never give up on hope and continue to believe in it and as a result, occasionally reaps some rewards from all the hard work a person has put into it. On the other hand, Haruko believes that “fate” is a hidden treasure that arises from something that you believe is a coincidence and don’t think too deeply about it. The two both admit that they never used to think there was fate.
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Just here b/c it’s a nice photo.
I think these two different, yet also similar beliefs about fate are interesting to think about and explore as viewers. We often associate fate with a series of coincidences. For Makoto, these coincidences come from hard work and determination. Sure, the first part of them being able to be together is that they are fated to meet. They met when they were kids and they met again during high school and later. However, even though there are these fated encounters, Makoto chooses to put in the effort to make his “fated love” happen. You can keep meeting someone or passing by someone, but if you don’t put in the additional effort and just expect everything to happen, nothing will arise. Conversely, we see Haruko riding the waves of fate. If you think about it, she hasn’t put in that much effort compared to Makoto to start this relationship. Haruko has always been on the receiving end and so it’s reasonable for her to see fate as something that comes out of these coincidences that you don’t initially think much about. I think the lesson here is someone has to make the effort for that “fated love” to happen. You need some balance from the two views about fate to be able to have this “fated love”.
Conclusion: Appeal Dismissed.
Rating: 2 = Yell At The Cast (Sorry I just hate how the bromance b/t Makoto and Ichiro disappeared and the huge overplay of symbols. Ugh. It’s like someone vomited symbols in 45 minutes. No.)
  File No: Boku-Unmei-no-Hito-Desu-Ep-10 Appearing before the Dramacourt: Boku Unmei no Hito desu Ep 10 ***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
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