dokushoclub · 3 months
[N4] はじめてのおつかい
Picture books always seem to be the easiest medium to start reading in Japanese with. But in my experience they frequently turn out to be more difficult than expected.
This story about Mii-chan doing her first errand alone is intended for Japanese children age 3 to 5, but for learners I think even JLPT N4 level readers will face some challenges with vocabulary and onomatopoeia.
That being said, it is a very cute story and definitely worth the read!
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rye-views · 6 months
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Old Enough! はじめてのおつかい. Season 1. 8/10
I would recommend this season/show to my friends. I would rewatch this season/show.
Lmao at dragging Yuta. Lmao at Maro trying to escape Yuta.
This is helpful in understanding what children are capable of remembering and understanding. I'm amazed some kids at certain ages can remember the things they're supposed to buy. Tea on tap? to gargle? how crazy. Kippei is the type of son I want.
Watching the boy keep dropping the fish and finding it slimy is so cute and sad to watch. You see him grow. It's so cute to see how the kids look when they do the errands. Hinako is soo cute. I love how respectful and responsible she seems. Seina being so much more cool-headed, clever, and reasonable than Naoki is so cute. Sota's learning curve with the fish is too cute. Soichiro and Ryuta's matching penguin boots and raincoats are too cute. Them crashing together and saying sorry is adorable. I die. Sae talking to herself as she walks is so adorable, and her positivity is lovely to me. She's also just saying funny things. Ao crying softly yet being so brave is beautiful. The persimmon hanging is lovely. I love everyone else being so supportive. Keita's determination is so cute. His wishes at the statue are cute. I want a child. So cute when Kira and Kippei are like yaho and mom is like yaho right there.
Omg Miro crying that she couldn't find the watch shop made me tear up. Fav ep is this, ep. 7.
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mofdogs · 1 year
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約半年ぶりに、 フェイてんちょに会って来たよー ٩(๑´3`๑)۶ #はじめてのおつかい #ボスのつかい #いや勅使としよう #いや勅使じゃないな違う #やっぱおつかいか…(笑) #いや宮島には絶対また着たかったのよ #宮島帆布 #宮島 #我家では帆布さんと勝手に呼んでいる #珈琲ご馳走様でした #勝手にカフェ宮島帆布 #次は奥様が居てはる時に行きましょう #ペキニーズ店長 #お昼時にすみませんでした #コッペン食べ過ぎました #みゆまま気を使わせてすみませんでした #好きよ❤︎╰(*´︶`*)╯ (宮島帆布) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClJJAYDpq1_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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uchisawablog · 2 years
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mangatime-kirara · 2 years
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【きららフォワード7月号】 🎉遂にグランドフィナーレ! 🎊単行本第3巻、7月12日発売! せらみっく先生『ねことちよ』 第23話「ねことおつかい」掲載中! 「はじめてのおつかい」をすることになったねこ。 無事に達成できるか…是非最後まで見守って下さい! 🤝第1話↓ https://t.co/U4prWDM1D2 https://t.co/fYBLPluPpa Source: https://pic.twitter.com/fYBLPluPpa
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modernheavy · 9 months
今日読んだ漫画 2023年8月11日(金)
✨『はじめまして あなたが好きです』杏野まこ
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#うめともものふつうの暮らし #ストーリアダッシュ #藤沢カミヤ
極主夫道 - おおのこうすけ / 第119話 | くらげバンチ
😼『~贄姫と獣の王 スピンオフ~白兎と獣の王子』友藤結
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nahkajima · 2 years
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[Hi! JO1] EP.14🍓イチゴ狩り対決🍓前編 
RUKI王子 👑 初めてのイチゴ狩り 🍓
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inkats · 8 months
it actuaally fuckin. sucks that i finished mt sketchbook. i got a new one but the short lack of drawing so much. im. feel terrible.
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straycatj · 9 months
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He is the menace also for my landlady...so I'm going to tell you about his wrongdoing again.
れいぞこの こおりすとっかーをあけて できたこおりを ぜんぶとかした
家主がこおりを作らなくなったら こおりすとっかーに入っていた
たおるカゴに入り くろい毛だらけにした(シャシンさんしょう)
ゴハンじゃぁ たいまーじかんまえにフタをあけて ゴハンをダイナシにした
ゴハンじゃぁ かってにあけてくう
パスタのふくろを あけてかじる
らぁめんのふくろを あけてかじる
He opened the ice stocker of her refrigerator and let all ice cubes melted
↑it inundated the floor
He entered that stock space after she quit to make ices
He entered her towel box(example photo) and put black furs all the towels
↑ she needed to buy a new box with a lid
He threw away her kitchen cloth box when he climbed and entered the shelf
↑she needed to wash them again
↑ she needed to buy a new box with a lid
He opened the rice cooker before it started to cook so she couldn't have rice at the morning
He opened the rice cooker and ate rice
She needed to buy a new cooker with the side button
He ate rice in her lunch box
He ate mochi rice before she cook
He opened the package of pasta and ate them
He opened the package of lamen and ate them
He raids her every time while she's eating her favorite pudding
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umedanakazaki · 1 year
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随分前から3名で予約をしてくれていた常連さんが、数日前に天満界隈で意気投合した人を次々と呼び寄せた。ええ店があるから来てねと声を掛けられた人が次々に来店してテーブルがいっぱいになった。さらに他のテーブルとも意気投合して、また天満界隈へと消えていった。人徳だ。ありがとうございます! 誰とでも仲良くなれる人は、実はとても人をよく見てる。 さて、本日の日替わり弁当です。 #2月25日 #日替り弁当 脂乗り抜群の鯖 旨味をギュッと凝縮 #サバのみりん干し #国産サバ #皮はパリッと 干すことで旨さ倍増 ご飯の上に #しめじのおひたし 副菜はシンプルに #いかのトマトスパ #かぼちゃのガーリック風味 税込550円 皆様のご注文お待ちしております。 #てつたろう #人徳 #観察力 #梅田居酒屋 #中崎町居酒屋 #海鮮居酒屋 #大阪グルメ #梅田グルメ #イーデリ #支援者募集中 #社会貢献 (梅田中崎 てつたろう) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpDsUK1SJHt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vicisono · 1 year
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rye-views · 5 months
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Old Enough! はじめてのおつかい. Season 2. 7.4/10
I wouldn't recommend this season to my friends. I wouldn't rewatch this season.
Keisuke is so cute for carrying everything. What a good boy. The mic to the bus driver is so cute. I would love to interact with more kids. Koki avoiding all the nice elementary kids, and Hana being scared of dogs is cute. I'm enjoying this where are they now concept. Airu's family dog is soo cute. Haruto's relationship with his brother is cute. Everything Aya says to himself is so amusing. I enjoy the drawings of the neighborhood map.
Returning the unpaid bus ticket is funny to me.
What is this deep sea water gonna taste like? Like the ocean water or what?
Memorable Quotes: "Sorry for panicking."
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arminsumi · 6 months
GOJO さとる + fem!reader
You and Satoru falling in love despite a language barrier.
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Summary : you've come to visit Japan to meet these two boys you met online. Though Satoru can't speak English and you can't speak Japanese, the two of you still fall in love. Very cute. Very cheesy. Oh no... wait is there a tension between you and his best friend, too? Oh boy...
Taglist : @miwanilla / @sukunasdirtylaugh / @coco-cat / @babydiamondblog / @mp3playerblog / @froufrousnowman / @lovesickramblingsofmine / @arminswifee / @instantmusico
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You, Suguru and Satoru were stood in the shade of a flowering tree near a vending machine, getting drinks after a long hour of exploring Tokyo.
Since Satoru was tall enough to reach, he stretched his arm up and pulled down a flower from the tree overhead.
Then he turned to you.
「お花だ。」 he said softly, 「綺麗じゃないですか?」 Ohanada. Kirei jyanai desu ka? (Flowers. Aren't they beautiful?)
You listened and tried your best to understand the whole meaning of what Satoru just said.
When he saw your unsure look, he said it all again but slower and better pronounced.
Your eyes lit up with excitement as soon as you understood what he said.
It was a small moment in which you and Satoru felt triumphant over the language barrier between each other.
「はい、 綺麗です。」 you replied with confidence. Hai, kireidesu (yes, it's beautiful)
Satoru tried to speak a little more, to test how far you could understand him. His heart was beating harder.
「この花。 。 。それはあなたのためです。」 Kono Hana... Sore wa anata no tamedesu.
Suguru started laughing after seeing your expression to this — it felt like such a complicated sentence to you — but Satoru thought it was simple enough for you to piece together.
Suguru was about to translate for you but Satoru waved his hands to say no — don't translate.
「いやいや、できるよ!」 Satoru interrupted. Iyaiya, dekiruyo! (No no, I can do it!)
Suguru laughed and nodded, "Okay." he said and gave you a vending machine soda then opened his own grape soda.
"Flower... for you." Satoru said to you.
Your lips stretched into a smile.
"Thank you, Satoru."
His heart throbbed because of the way you said his name.
He gave you a gentle look as you took the flower. The small skin-to-skin contact between your hands felt electric.
Satoru looked at the flower as you twirled it in-between your fingertips.
なんて面白い。彼女の美しさはこの花の美しさを鈍らせた。 How interesting. Her beauty dulled the beauty of this flower.
He nudged his best friend.
("Hey Suguru, it's definitely pronounced like "Flower", right?")
"Suguru, are you messing with him?"
"Yes, I am."
("Well, did I pronounce it correctly or not?")
Suguru gave him an assuring nod. Satoru seemed a little proud of himself now.
"Niiice." he said.
You gave him a cute thumbs up. He gave you a cute thumbs up back.
"You two are the cutest..." Suguru smiled softly at the exchange between you and Satoru. "I won't translate this for him, act like I'm saying something boring. But I wanted to tell you that he's been wanting to ask you out to an aquarium date — but he's too worried that you won't feel safe with him, since you can't rely on him to translate anything into English."
"Aw... that would be okay, though. I don't understand why he would be worried. We can use our phones like how we do anyways to translate stuff."
"Yeah, exactly. When I say "worried" I actually mean he's insecure. He told me he doesn't like it when — (私たちは政治について話しています) — "
He quickly said something to Satoru because the poor boy was starting to look back and forth between you and Suguru confusedly as the two of you talked more and more.
彼女とそんな風に話せたらいいのに。言いたいことはたくさんあるけど、言葉が通じないからこそ、僕らの愛は特別なものになるのかもしれない。 I wish I could talk to her like that. There are so many things I want to say, but maybe our love is special because we can't communicate in words.
" — sorry — wait, what was I saying?" Suguru returned his attention to you.
"Haha, you already forgot?"
"Yeah. Damn... what was I gonna say?"
Then Satoru asked him something, and he talked a bit with him and intermittently translated things for you.
And god, it was so attractive to listen to Suguru switch from Japanese to English for some reason. His voice changed. In English it became deeper, and in Japanese it was rumbling with sensuality.
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You three took the train to somewhere.
Suguru and Satoru had been on either of your sides, the one acting as a translator and the other acting as a puppy — oh Satoru was just thoroughly obsessed with you.
彼女は天使のようだ。 She's like an angel.
("Suguru, how do I say... that I think she's like an angel?")
("Oh wow, that's quite something to say. Should I say it for you?")
("No, I can say it to her myself...")
So Suguru teaches him; "You're angelic."
And Satoru turns to you and says; "You're angelic."
Satoru looks at you, you look at him and gently raise your brows. He feels his heart start to pang fiercely in his chest and he giggles to cope with his overwhelming feelings.
"You too, Satoru."
"Thanks..." and then he said your name so gently, it made you fall a little bit more in love with him.
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You three went for lunch somewhere after a lengthy walk.
Suguru ordered something spicy and offered for you to try it.
"Careful; it's spicy." Suguru told you caringly.
Satoru felt a lighthearted pang of jealousy, and acted on it;
"Hey!" he makes a barrier between you and Suguru, "No way."
"What's the matter?" you asked, thinking that Satoru maybe didn't want you to eat spicy food for some reason.
"No flirting."
"OH MY GOD! SATORU! WE WEREN'T — ughjndbs. We weren't flirting!" Suguru became completely flustered and hid his reddened face.
His overreaction showed that he felt like he'd been caught... uh, flirting. It was funny. Then Satoru made you two laugh even harder because he offered you a bite of his food a few minutes later.
("We weren't flirting...")
("Yes, I know. I was kidding, dude. Kidding.")
("You're so embarrassing, Satoru.")
("But you love me, right?")
("Ah come on! Well it's fine — if you don't love me, she will love me.")
He turned to you and batted his lashes. Everything he was doing was making you and Suguru laugh.
"Love me?" he said cutely.
"Yes, I love you." you responded.
His heart throbbed.
You wondered what Satoru was thinking when he looked at you dreamily.
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You three were on the train ride home after a long day spent exploring Tokyo.
Satoru sighed and slid down tiredly in his seat, arms folded over his chest like he was getting ready to take a nap. He glanced over at you in his peripherals, and his heart fluttered.
彼女の肩の上で寝たいです。 I want to sleep on her shoulder.
He brought out his phone and typed into the translator, then nudged for you to read it.
JPN : あなたの上で寝てもいいですか? Anata no ue de nete mo īdesu ka?
ENG : Can I sleep on you?
You went through Japanese responses in your head, but then decided that a simple nod and encouraging pat on your shoulder sufficed.
So with your permission, he shyly rested his temple on the edge of your shoulder.
天国とはこういうものに違いない。 This is what heaven must be like.
He felt soft and drowsy.
You and Suguru talked in quieter voices so that Satoru could doze off, but then the two of you stopped talking altogether and instead adoringly watched him fall asleep.
His lips were a bit parted as he slept gently on your shoulder. You noticed a teeth mark on his lower lip.
"He must have a habit of biting his lip." you remarked.
"Yes, he does." Suguru confirmed, "It's a nervous habit, he's done it since middle school. I remember he said he bit his lip raw once when he was outside the principle's office after he got in trouble for getting into a fist fight with another kid — "
"He got into a fist fight with another kid when he was little?"
"Yeah. To be fair, though, the other kid started it because he said Satoru looked sickly." Suguru said.
"What!" you exclaimed.
"Yeah, middle school was ruthless. A lot of kids in our class didn't like how Satoru looked. Someone spread a rumor that his hair and eyes meant he was sick, and so if they got close they'd also get sick. So besides me and Shoko, no one really approached or befriended him."
"Jeez! I want to go back in time and also get into a fist fight with those middle schoolers now... teach 'em a lesson about spreading stupid rumors..."
"Haha... don't worry, he and I got into more than plenty fist fights to make up for it. Though, I was usually the one prying Satoru off of some other kid — they didn't stand a chance against him." Suguru laughed reminiscently.
"Oh, was he strong even as a kid?" you asked.
Suguru nodded and looked at Satoru, "Yeah... he's always been the strongest person I've known. But he's still got weak points."
"What weak points?" you asked.
"You, for one." Suguru replied, "... and sweets."
"I'm his weak spot? Ahah... well now you've made my face all hot." you chuckled embarrassedly while feeling your cheeks.
"Have I?" Suguru tilted his head.
His voice got deeper.
Suguru felt up your cheeks to test — and surely enough, they felt hot under his cool touch. You shared an electric moment with him.
「ああ、お姫様のほっぺは本当に温かいですね。」 he said.
"Huh? What does that mean? What did you say?" you asked.
"... I just said your cheeks are indeed very warm." he lied.
"Oh..." you take in a breath and stare at him, "Hey, Suguru..."
"... yeah?" he replies a little breathlessly, trying to close the proximity between you and him.
"... uh, I think we missed our stop..."
"Oh...? Oh — shit, yeah we did. Well, let's wake up the polar bear..."
So Suguru woke up Satoru.
「 さとる?私たちは電車の停留所に乗り遅れた。 」
「ああ、くそ。」 Satoru replied sleepily.
His head lifted from your shoulder, yawned and stretched and made noises like a cat, and then brought his phone out to type into the translator.
JPN : あなたの夢を見ました。
ENG : I dreamed of you.
You replied.
ENG : I hope it was a good dream.
JPN : 良い夢だったらいいのですが。
Satoru smiled sleepily at you. His eyes were puffy and lidded.
JPN : 夢の中で私たちは猫でした。
ENG : In the dream we were cats.
You let out a laugh as soon as you read the translation.
Suguru was checking train schedules, and said to you then to Satoru that the next train home was in an hour.
"Well, how are we going to spend the hour? Loitering around the station?" you asked.
"No way; spending an hour loitering around the station would be a bore and a shame. Let's go somewhere nice." Suguru said.
So you three disembarked the train and navigated through the station.
Satoru was giggling while desperately trying to communicate with you using his eyes and body language, as well as broken English. Each time you responded with a confused smile or "what?", he giggled harder.
Then once you surfaced from the metro steps you took a moment to look around at your environment in wonder.
"The feeling here is different." you commented. "It feels calmer."
"Yeah, you're right it is. Where we've been exploring all day was very busy." Suguru nodded, then promptly translated what you said for Satoru, then Satoru also nodded in agreement.
"Satoru and I haven't been around these parts, so we don't know any places to go."
You took a deep inhale and caught a whiff of a good aroma.
"Well, how about we go wherever that delicious smell is coming from?" you suggested.
The aroma that you smelled lured the three of you into a restaurant nearby.
When you sat down, Satoru pulled out your chair for you.
The atmosphere was warm and homely. Soft gold glows of lanterns lined under the outside roof of the restaurant.
You were sat outside in the cool night air.
Satoru apparently made a snobbish complaint about the dessert when it came.
"Satoru's a fussy princess about desserts." Suguru told you, "If they're not sweet enough he thinks they're bad."
Satoru interrupted and urged the two of you two look under the table.
「おい、見て見て!猫。 」 he said. Oi, mitte mitte! Neko. (Hey, look look! A cat)
He petted the cat, meanwhile Suguru didn't even bother.
"Minto may not like you, but maybe stray cats do." you said.
"It's probably not a stray. It looks healthy, the restaurant owner probably takes care of it. Anyways..." he raised his hand to remind you of how Minto scratched him recently, "I won't risk getting another cat scratch, I'm not carrying any bandaids or antiseptic."
"Cutie..." Satoru was talking to the cat. It seemed to really like him, but then a clattering noise of dishes from inside the restaurant scared it off.
"Don't go!" Satoru whined, then grumbled something in Japanese that made Suguru laugh.
"Aw, Satoru did you just get heartbroken by a cat..." You laughed.
Satoru looked at you as soon as you said his name.
He had been half stretching off his chair to pet the cat.
His hair flopped when he turned his head at this odd angle, looking cat-like himself.
He winked at you.
You giggled flirtatiously back.
"Wow, this tension..." Suguru looked between you two. "It's just eating me up."
"Haha, shut up..."
"You two need to kiss."
「キス?」 Satoru perked his ears up.
"Yeah, kiss." Suguru said.
"Kisu, or Kisshu, from Tokyo Mew Mew?" you joked.
"Huh?" Satoru looked at you.
"Huh?" you looked at Satoru.
"Quiche? Kisshu? Kisu?" Suguru looked at Satoru.
"What??" Satoru looked confused.
The three of you started laughing, not sure what anyone was saying anymore. But anything you did say seemed absolutely hilarious. Maybe you were just high on each other.
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After food, the three of you went exploring again, and got lost in each other's company.
Whenever Satoru looked at you, his eyes glittered with wonder. He looked so in love, so enraptured with you, that no one else in the world seemed to exist anymore to him except for you.
You were becoming his everything.
The three of you debated an interesting topic while getting lost in Tokyo; what is love?
Satoru was grumbling and making frustrated noises because he didn't know how to tell you what he thought in English, and he also didn't want Suguru to translate too much because he thought it might be overwhelming for him.
He got a little jealous when you and Suguru understood each other perfectly and seemed to reach a conclusion.
But actually, Suguru was saying something different to what Satoru thought.
"I think the two of you have the purest kind of love. Neither of you say almost anything to each other, instead you just feel love. Which is what you're supposed to do — love is not meant to be declared with words, only felt with hearts."
"Wow... Suguru, you're pretty poetic. But yes, I agree. Wordless love is very pure. Then again... it would be nice to understand each other, you know?" you said.
Suguru shrugged in response, "Enjoy it for what it is now. You'll understand each other one day anyways."
"Love is..." Satoru interjected, thinking hard.
You and Suguru looked at him expectantly.
He'd been preparing himself while you and Satoru had been talking.
"... love is small stuff." he said. "You know?"
"Love is... in small things?" You tilted your head at him, "I like that."
"Mhm. Small things... you know... like... uhhh... like... flowers." he said, and made the giving motion — from his heart to you, "Flowers, you know?"
"Yes, flower giving is a love language." you smiled, recalling the flower that he gave you. You'd pressed it into your Japanese pocket phrasebook to preserve it.
Suguru translated what you ha said to Satoru, and then the latter boy nodded and started blushing.
でも、桜の木全体では、私がどれだけあなたを愛しているかを表現することはできません。 But a whole cherry tree can't express how much I love you.
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© arminsumi
I do not permit the copying/reposting/translation/plagiarism of my works. Do not steal what I've worked hard to create.
This is fictional work.
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koch-snowflake-blog · 3 months
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大久保 桜子は、日本の女優、グラビアアイドル。オスカープロモーション所属。身長152cm。 神奈川県横浜市出身。暁星国際小学校・中学校・高等学校卒業。2017年4月から大学在学中。 ウィキペディア
生年月日: 1998年7月20日 (年齢 25歳)
出生地: 神奈川県 横浜市
学歴: 暁星国際小学校
身長: 152 cm
事務所: Wonderwave; (2012年 - 2020年); HI RANK INDUSTRIES; (2021年 - 2023年); オスカープロモーション; (2023年 - )
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monogusadictionary · 2 months
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moja-co · 27 days
「ピースで、ボーっと」な大学生のハナシ。「僕らはアジア諸国を旅しています。日本はアジアを侵略した悪い国です。みんなで謝罪しましょう!」  WWⅡにおいて、日本軍はアジア各国に破竹の勢いで進軍した。これは事実。そのとおり。でも、この学生さん、ふと、あることに気が付いた。「あれえ?香港やシンガポールで日本軍に降伏したのはイギリス軍だよ。どうして?」。「あれえ?インドネシアで日本軍に降伏したのはオランダ軍だよ。インドネシア国軍じゃないよ。どうして?」。「あれえ?フィリピンで日本軍に降伏したのは米軍だよ。フィリピン国軍じゃないよ。どうして?」。「あれえ?インドシナ(現ベトナム、ラオス、カンボジア)で日本軍に降伏したのはベトナム軍じゃないよ。フランス軍だよ。どうして?」。「(ついでに)あれえ?WWⅠで、中国の青島で日本軍に降伏したのはドイツ軍だよ。中国軍じゃないよ。どうして?」。  歴史の神様  「フォッフォッフォ。もっともなギモンじゃのう。むかし日本の天皇陛下がオランダを訪問されたが、そのとき、なんと、オランダの退役軍人たちが、卵を投げつけるなどの暴挙に出おった。第二次大戦中に、日本軍の捕虜となったときに虐待された恨みからの抗議だそうじゃ」。  「それはなるほど、もっともじゃ。が、日本はオランダまで攻めて行ったかのう?英国やオランダのように地球の裏側まで植民地分捕りに行ったかのう? いったい、彼らはど・こ・で・日本軍の捕虜になったのじゃろうのう? 若者よ、自分のアタマでしっかりと考えてみるのじゃ・・・・」。
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