venmotif · 9 months
HII omg?? could i request kohaai? and bc i have an agenda... kohaku in a ponytail pretty pretty pretty please
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kohaai but my brain lagged a bit and completely forgot abt the ponytail part lol. I'll get to it someday
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magufillet · 1 year
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mofucha28 · 1 year
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modernheavy · 9 months
今日読んだ漫画 2023年8月4日(金)
✨『はじめまして あなたが好きです』杏野まこ
LaLaDX 2023年9月号
ジャンプSQ. 2023年9月号
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naganumapiano · 1 year
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京都色々 #京都 #伏見稲荷は山だったのね #トレラン並みにキツイわ〜 #東福寺大伽藍は凄い迫力 #舞妓さんに出逢えた〜 #重要文化財の中でお嫁さんを撮る! #アオサギの餌付け? #こやつ1時間後もずっと待ってた #さっき餌食ったろ〜 #京都面白いですね #また来ます (祇園) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck-uX-fp_lL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wwwwwwwwwwww123 · 10 months
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kohanakonohana · 10 months
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I've just finished weaving the second shawl because It's so hot and i do only my favorite things this weekend(we have an extra holiday in Japan) so it is fast to finish...this one has two colours the uneven indigo and uneven dry grass colour dyed with fish mints a month before!
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koch-snowflake-blog · 3 months
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十味は、日本のモデル、グラビアアイドル、アイドル、タレント、ダンサーである。2020年12月からは女性アイドルグループ・#2i2のメンバーとしても活動している。長野県出身。 名前の由来は、地元長野県にある東御市にちなむ。キャッチフレーズはヤングジャンプ誌で名づけられた「平成最後の奇跡の原石」。 ウィキペディア
出生地: 長野県
生年月日: 1999年2月8日 (年齢 24歳)
身長: 149 cm
映画: 放課後アングラーライフ
デビュー: 2018年
モデル内容: 一般、水着、
事務所: ゼロイチファミリア
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uraharashouten · 2 months
From Klub Outside:
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Q583. 千年血戦篇で空鶴が一護を霊王宮に送り出す際、『たとえそれで、叔父貴が悲しむことになったとしてもな』と一護と一心の繋がりを知っている様子でした。これは空鶴がなんとなく勘づいていたのか、それとも藍染との決着後など作中で描かれていない所で面識のある死神や志波家とのやり取りなどがあったのでしょうか? A583. 空鶴は最初(9巻)から霊圧で気づいていました。 だから岩鷲を一緒に行かせています。 勿論後日喜助からの連絡も入っています。
Q583. When Kūkaku sends Ichigo to the Soul King Palace in the Thousand-Year Blood War arc, she appears to be aware of the connection between Ichigo and Isshin saying "even if it means making uncle sad." Did Kūkaku somehow sense this, or was there some interaction between her and the Shiba clan or Shinigami she was acquainted with in places that are not depicted within the story, after the situation with Aizen was resolved, for instance?
A583. Kūkaku has been aware of this through Ichigo's Reiatsu since the beginning (volume 9). That's why she let Ganju go with him. Of course, she also received a message from Kisuke at a later time.
Translation: reikorun
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In chapter 78, at their first meeting, Kūkaku's looking directly at Ichigo, knowing he's Isshin's son. Shiba men tend to be fools that rush in... and that's worked out great for Isshin and Kaien, hasn't it? Let's not have a repeat.
But she's still willing to go along with this plan because 'Urahara's involved.' I've been puzzling over that line for years, wondering what sort of history between Kūkaku and Kisuke was implied there. But when I went back to the original Japanese panels, something stood out to me.
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Kūkaku is actually saying: "If Urahara's also involved, how could I possibly say no?"
First of all, her reluctance is evident in the wording, so it's not the enthusiastic "Kisuke's involved? Well why didn't you say so?!" that I've imagined in the past. But more to the point, it's that Kisuke's also involved. He and Yoruichi are cooperating and think this is a good idea. The nuance is much more: "If both of you are in agreement, I guess I'll have to go along."
This puts a different spin on the situation, painting Kūkaku as the third musketeer who's outvoted here. Perhaps she'd prefer not to risk any more foolhardy Shiba men, just as she laments as she's sending off Ichigo to the Soul King Palace in TYBW, but it's enough to know that Yoruichi and Kisuke agree. Which, I think, they do because backing Ichigo in this plan is the best way to honor everything Kaien stood for. By chapter 518, Kūkaku believes it, too.
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*I noticed this after posting the video, Bouquet of Heather. "OH MY CAT!!!! The video was silent!!!!" I've re-uploaded it, sorry.
昔つくった曲「ハビービー」の再々修正版と、「ハビービー」の英語+サイケ/エレクトロニカなアレンジ版「Bouquet of Heather」を公開しました。Bandcampから無料でダウンロードできるよ。
I released both the revised mix version of the song "ハビービー: Ḥabībī" that I made a long time ago, and the English + Psychedelia/Electronica version of the song "ハビービー" = "Bouquet of Heather".
Both songs are available for free download on Bandcamp. https://isuzu-akatsuki.bandcamp.com/album/modal-fetter
Below are the lyrics for each.
+++ ハビービー (The lyrics have changed slightly compared to the first version) +++
“愛していたわ”  今の今までもずっと、変わらずに “愛しているわ”  今後も何があろうと、変わらずに
解けない魔法のような愛を誓い合った― 私とあなた、それはまるで月蝕のようで 真昼と夜闇 あなたは月で私が太陽― 照らし続けなければ消えてしまう そんな脆くも必然な恋でした
互いに惹かれ合うままに近付いては あなたの闇に触れ― 荒れ地のようなその心に、 私までもが寒さに震えてたわ 荒涼とした風が吹く― あなたという名の渓谷に 一条の温度を差したかっただけなの
過ぎ去った時間に あなたは何故怯えているの? 昔むかしの幻影は あなたが生み出した幻なのに― 暗闇の中でもがいてる 自ら作り出した牢獄の中で ねぇハビービー、私を見てよ―
“愛していたわ”  今の今までもずっと、変わらずに “愛しているわ”  今後も何があろうと、変わらずに
 だけど、  どうか私のことを忘れて欲しい  それで、  あなたが暗闇から抜け出せるのであれば―
解けない呪いのような人生だと呟いた あなたの声は、それはまるで月蝕のようで 夜闇と吹雪 あなたは月で同時に藍影― 覚めぬ眠りを願い続けてた そんな脆くも儚い人でした
互いに惹かれ合うままに近付いては あなたの闇に触れ― 荒れ地のようなその心に 私までもが寒さに震えてたわ 荒涼とした風が吹く― あなたという名の渓谷に 一条の温度を差したかっただけなの
襲い来る幻影は どうやら今は私の姿で― 今もあなたの心を 罪悪感の中に縛り付けていて― 暗闇の中でもがいてる 自ら作り出した牢獄の中で ねぇハビービー、私を忘れて―
+++ Bouquet of Heather +++
Characters entwined, Beaten pages in the book; A story, fate forsook. The chapters now closed, But still echoes endure; A dear, remains pure.
She's worried, Watching him trapped in the past — Buried in memories of agony. He's haunted by ghosts of the way things were, She feels his pain.
They're like a lunar eclipse, Both shining brightly, But not at the same time. In his heart, She's lost, Like a relentless night. Midday replaced by shadows, Covered in fright.
in the fading evening twilight anxiously wandering i loved you deeply a fire in my heart but now apart worlds apart in solitude often shed many tears bereaved by the absence the emptiness inside i trying to turn the tide maybe it's a waste of effort but —
Gone from the glow Like a lunar eclipse With each passing day As the days go by Something is fading From the shadows that haunt No one be able to escape? Slowly revealing Emotions start to fall
why do you fear the ghosts that have passed away? all their whispers they make you sway haunted by memories the chains won't let go i feel your burden now
We're like a lunar eclipse Both want to snuggle Both want to walk together Why couldn't we do those things at that time? In your heart I'm buried in pain and despair
In the fading evening twilight Anxiously wandering I loved you deeply A fire in my heart But now apart Worlds apart In solitude Often shed many tears Bereaved by the absence The emptiness inside I trying to turn the tide Maybe it's a waste of effort But —
+++ 余談:Just a side note +++
The song "ハビービー: Ḥabībī" is derived from my novel "Water Under the Bridge". And I hate this song. Out of all the songs I've written, it's the only one with lyrics that I can definitely say I hate.
Only one person in the novel utters the word "Ḥabībī". However, she only speaks with the nuance of "hey, bro!"
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… And she's not the motif of this song; The motif is another woman named Erica.
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The lyrics of this song in Japanese are, to put it mildly, "seriously shitty", so translating them into English was a real challenge.
Actually, the English version is almost completely different. I can't just ship shit as shit. In that case, it would be faster to rewrite it from almost zero. And this time I did.
And since the English version is linked to this one (the Japanese version is the same, but it's hard to understand where they connect), I think if you listen to them together, you'll be able to see a creepy world.
Then the flow continues, those songs.
The novel it is based on is a story that depicts the quagmire of a man who is confused after losing the woman he loved, until the female protagonist mentally destroys and brainwashes him.
I'm planning to publish the second part of that story in print at the end of this month or next month.
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01-08-m-n · 11 months
2時間くらいかかる電車に乗って次の場所へ。ぬいぐるみを掴みながら、イヤホンを片方ずつつけながらお笑いのショーレースを見た。吐いてる人がいたり電車を降りてお水を買ってきてくれる人がいたりなんとなく忙しい時間だった。 ホテルについて夜中までやっているアイス屋さんへ行くと長蛇の列。若者が多くてびっくりした。彼の好きなラーメン屋へ行って深夜1時に中盛りという名の大盛りのまぜそばを食べた。おいしかったね、わたしは眠すぎて食べながら眠りそうでしたけど。お酒を買ってもらったのにホテルに帰るとすぐ就寝。ほんとうにありがたい恋人。翌朝シャワーを浴びて彼にバトンタッチすると時間が足りないことに気付く。ゆっくりしたかったからフロントに電話して1時間延長、支度が大体終わったあとまだ終わらないでしょみたいな感じになってもう1時間延長。この1時間がなかったら帰るのが惜しいくらいだったと思う、会えているときくらい君に触れていたいよ
この日は急遽彼の友人とバーベキュー。正直めちゃくちゃドキドキした。めちゃくちゃかわいい彼女って思われたいじゃん。それが彼を立てることにつながる?みたいな私の筋の通らない理論。駅まで彼の友人が迎えに来てくれてわーってなった(表せない感情)。車がお兄ちゃんがこの前買った車でこの年代の人ってみんなこれ乗るのかな?とか思った。そういえばお母さんがこの車見ると毎回遊んでそうな若い男の人が乗ってて助手席に女がいるって言ってた。うちのお母さん調べ。友達と話してる彼氏を見るのが変な感じだった。嬉しすぎてtwitterにも書いたけど、彼氏の音楽の趣味が良いのは勿論で、彼氏の友達も音楽の趣味が良いのたまらんすぎた。3人で乗ってた車でボーイズ・オン・ザ・ラン流れてたの一生忘れないと思う、ほんとに。酔った彼氏が友達とアジカン歌ってたのも音だけ覚えてる、私も酔ってたから音だけ。それからふたりとも記憶がないままなんか電車に乗っててなんか駅にいてなんかトイレに行ってなんかベンチで介抱してなんか母親を怖がって急いで電車で戻って結局新幹線遅らせて酔いが覚めた彼に飲み物買ってもらってマックで爆泣きした。「君が笑っていられるように頑張らなきゃな」 みたいなことを言われてこの人が救ってくれるんじゃないかって思った。 前ここにも書いたかな?女子高生のわたしのインスタの裏垢に書いたの。 「君の生きる場所はここじゃないと 君が手を引いてくれ」 ずっと忘れてないわたしが書いた言葉。久しぶりに開いたけど綺麗で儚くてさいこうだった。なきそう。非公開から解放したのであなたもあの日のわたしのこと忘れないでいて。
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mamedorilabo · 1 year
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all the time.
I like white clothes even though I often accidentally spill coffee and other things on them.
I like old white fabrics as much as I like new white fabrics.
Perhaps it is because the absence of color makes the threads stand out.
In old Japan, work clothes were dyed with indigo. This was because it was highly effective in repelling insects. Also, in olden times, most people in Japan were farmers, except for merchants, warriors, and craftsmen, so their everyday clothes were work clothes.
I think it was the same in all countries where daily clothes = work clothes.
The more one traces the history of clothing of different countries and ethnic groups, the more interesting it becomes. I am particularly fascinated by French work clothes.
Was it necessary to gather so much for work clothes? I am in love with the beautiful handwork that is so detailed and beautiful that it makes me feel faint.
My favorite white and work clothes. I love white and work clothes, what's not to love?
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Perhaps it is because it is something you wear every day that you were particular about it.
White and navy go well together.
Japanese and French fabrics from the same period are matched and repaired where they were tattered.
Antique white linen used as sheets and old Japanese plaid yukata fabric were combined to make an apron dress. Of course, it was gathered generously like French vintage wear.
Japanese yukata = pajamas. Many are not dyed with indigo.
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Recently, I am in the mood to wear it with casual outfits such as old T-shirts, denim, and military pants.
I'll keep one for myself.
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mofucha28 · 1 year
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♡𝗛𝗮𝗽𝗽𝘆 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀𝗱𝗮𝘆♡
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modernheavy · 10 months
今日読んだ漫画 2023年7月4日(火)
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ジャンプSQ. 2023年8月号
🦊『怪物事変』19巻 / 藍本松
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putschki1969 · 1 year
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Parade - FictionJunction Album Random Thoughts
Just got to listen to the full album so I thought I would share my initial reaction to the songs. I am not too invested in most of the collabs but I still wanted to check out all of them at least once.
FictionJunction - ALBUM「PARADE」 - 【Release date】 2023/04/19 Check out the official website for the album which contains some self liner notes by YK.
First Press Limited Edition (CD+Blu-ray) ¥ 6,600 VVCL 2147~2148
Regular Edition (CD) ¥ 3,300 VVCL 2149
Order link:https://fictionjunction.lnk.to/0419AL_parade Stream link:https://fictionjunction.lnk.to/PARADE
【Tracklist】 01. Prologue: Smitten. Very beautiful. It’s nice how some of the main melodies of the album come together here to create the most perfect prologue. 02. ことのほかやわらかい (Koto no Hoka Yawarakai): I certainly expected something else based on the title. The beginning got me super excited because I typically love this type of song from YK but then the whole thing just lost its structure for me. Can’t really get into it 03. 夜光塗料 feat. ASCA (Yakō toryō): Nothing to write home about 04. Beginning: I really loved the live version so I had high hopes for this. How does Keiko manage to sound even more cutesy here? It fits the song though so I am fine with it. Yuriko’s lalala part is somehow not as chill-inducing as it was for the live performance but when everyone joins in, the harmonies are gorgeous, it sounds really well put together and beautiful. 05. もう君のことを見たくない feat. rito (Mō Kimi no Koto wo Mitakunai): Still very fond of this. While I am not 100% sold on rito’s vocals, I do really appreciate the sorrow she is able to convey with her singing. 06. 櫂 feat. Aimer (Kai): Wow, this is literally an exact replica of “Mizu no Akashi”. Or I guess it would be more accurate to say that “Mizu no Akashi” was ripped off from "Kai” because apparently that song was written almost 30 years ago. It’s a nice ballad obviously but Wakana’s version of “Mizu no Akashi” is so much more beautiful in my opinion. 07. 蒼穹のファンファーレ feat. 藍井エイル&ASCA&ReoNa (Sōkyū no fanfāre): Decent song but none of the included vocalists do anything for me. 08. 八月のオルガン feat. LINO LEIA (Hachigatsu no Organ): My opinion didn’t really change on this. Quite a solid song. Absolutely adore the chorus. The dynamics in this are very old-school. I know that Keiko mentioned in one of her FC magazines that the structure and harmony distribution reminded her a lot of Kalafina and yeah, that’s something I definitely agree with. Although I still don’t think LINO LEIA sounds like Wakana (which many fans seem to believe). 09. それは小さな光のような feat. KEIKO (Sore ha Chīsana Hikari no you na): I know I wasn’t impressed with the live version so I was hoping for a different reaction when listening to the studio track. Alas, it wasn’t meant to be. I am so sorry Keiko!!! I realise that this is some great work from Keiko but the melody of the song just falls flat for me. 10. from the edge feat. LiSA: Nope, not my cup of tea. Next 11. moonlight melody: Always a tremendous joy to listen to this but I feel like the live versions are so much more precious. 12. 世界の果て feat. 結城アイラ (Sekai no hate): Meh. Normally I’d be all over the gorgeous piano and strings but the song as a whole is just not particularly memorable. And I will never like Asuka’s voice. 13. Parade: As I’ve mentioned before, I am not the biggest fan of Joelle as main vocalist but that hasn’t stopped me from falling in love with the song. It’s just so lovely. Some people have compared it to “Homura” and yeah, I guess both songs feel similar to me, especially in terms of really enjoying the song itself despite not liking the vocalist. I have no idea if I am still too biased towards Wakana but I don’t even think that’s the issue here since I have no reference of Wakana previously singing. But I guess subconsciously I still kinda miss her in songs like this.
M 01,02,04,11,13 feat. KAORI/KEIKO/YURIKO KAIDA/Joelle
So yeah, “Parade” might actually be my favourite song on the album, what a surprise XD And “Prologue” is just such a great intro. Maybe I will appreciate “ことのほかやわらかい” more once I get to hear it live. It certainly has potential to become something I like. I do think that the collabs with rito and LINO LEIA are much better than any other tracks on this album which feature guest artists. Maybe it’s because YK put more effort into writing the songs specifically for them after the audition? I hope “それは小さな光のような“ will eventually grow on me because I really wanna like this song for Keiko’s sake...We’ll see.
FJ Radio Special Broadcasts to Celebrate the Release of 「PARADE」
【Broadcast Schedule】
For those who are interested, I added a download link for the newest episode. YK talks about the first half of the tracklist of the new album and then spends the rest of the episode making one announcement after the other regarding all of her upcoming events. 4/18  21:00 ~ 4/24 23:59 「FictionJunction Radio vol.#16」
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respectjaco · 4 months
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今年はいつまでも暑い日が 続いてきたが、 11月を過ぎた頃からは さすがに冷え込んできた。 ようやく外をジョギングできる。 週末の午後、いつもの公園に行き、 腹の脂肪を燃焼すべく走り始める。 銀杏の大木は今だに 艶やかな黄々しさを魅せていたが、 紅葉はもう落葉に変わりつつあり 冬の気配を感じさせていた。 冷たい筈の北風も熱く火照った身体を 程よく冷やしてくれるので 寒さよりも心地良さを感じる。 だから今の時期は外の方が ジムで走るよりも長く走れる。 夕方の4時から5時にかけては 陽の落ち方が尋常でなく早い。 僅か1時間の間で昼から夜へと 空の色が藍���に変わっていく。 夕闇の中で頬を撫でる風だけが ずっと変わらず気持ちいい。 そうは言っても 足元も見えないくらい暗くなったので さすがに家路についた。
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とにかく買ってから 読んでない文庫本が沢山有って 幾つもの山を形成しているのだ。 腹が出てくるまでは読書と音楽鑑賞が 私にとっての至上の趣味だったが、 しばらく興味が遠ざかっていた。 それを少しずつでも片付けたいので 最近は家に居る時、 意識して本を読むようにしている。 今は片岡義男のエッセイ集 『すでに遙か彼方』を読んでいる。 だいぶ前に古本屋で見つけた 昭和60年の初版本だ。 雪印のアイス『リーベンデール』の 広告のしおりが時代を感じさせる。 すっかり陽に焼けて薄っすらと 茶色くなった頁をめくると私は 不甲斐無い今の時間を抜け出して、 まだ将来を見据えて 上を向いて生きていた 若かりし頃の時代に 逃避行をしている。
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【蛇足】 2023年は13篇の乱筆を 描くことができた。 期せずして乱筆活動復活の年になった。 その理由はTwitterがバカCEOのせいで 実名登録制になるかもしれない という報道を観て、 昨年末にMastodonの垢を作って そのまま放置していたのだが、 使わないのは勿体無いと思って 乱筆の元ネタになりそうな さらに短い乱筆を そこに書き残すようにしていたのだ。 そしたら執筆活動が 久々に楽しくなってしまった。 報われない人生だがこんな感じで まあまあ楽しく生きていられるのを 先ずは良しとしよう。 それでは皆さんも良い年を!w
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