meiko-on-puzzles · 1 year
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ギャラクティックリモート敬老の日 まちがいさがしパーク2020年10月号 大洋図書さま ※ @meiko_a_gogo はTwitterアカウントです
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plakids · 21 years
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プラレール 小田急ロマンスカー 小田急箱根の旅セット
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kuroneko-tokio · 3 months
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tokidokitokyo · 23 days
My Favourite Japanese Children's Shows
My son is 3 and I have watched a lot of Japanese children's shows with him (screen time is family time!). Here are some of my faves and why. These shows are all from NHK E-TV. Would I recommend to use these for personal study? I am using them to help teach my son Japanese, and for this it works doubly well as I learn how children's society operates in Japan and how Japanese people learn Japanese as well as social etiquette. If you don't have a child, you might get bored easily from these as they are not designed with an adult audience in mind, and you can find much better resources online. You also need a subscription to NHK somehow to watch them, which could be difficult or costly to obtain overseas. However, I like the stories and the characters, as well as the little things I learn from watching them. If you are thinking of teaching your child Japanese this might be a useful resource.
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いないいないばあっ! Inai inai baa! (Peek-a-boo!) This show is designed for very young children and features the beloved dog Wan Wan, played by the same actor since it first started airing in 1996. Wan Wan is accompanied by a young girl, played by various actresses in a succession over the year, and other fun characters. There is singing and make-believe and crafts, as well as short segments featuring nature (animals, plants) or short animations. It's very slow as it is made for infants and toddlers, but that makes it very cute. A group of specially selected young toddlers appears for the dances and songs. Why I Like It: The animation is fun and visually appealing, the activities are play based and you can do them at home, and you learn some new vocabulary. Age: Infants to young Toddlers Clip: DVD Advertisement
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おかあさんといっしょ Okaasan to issho (With Mother) This show is designed to be watched with mom (it comes on in the mornings and evenings on NHK E-TV). There are a male and female singing talent, and a male and female athletic talent, who participate in singing and acting clips. There are also a group of costumed characters that have a short story that is continued each week. It has a variety of songs, short skits, a collection of human and costumed actors, and a predictable flow that changes slightly based on the day of the week (e.g. teeth brushing days, story days, etc.). It also shows real kids doing real activities, which kids like to watch. Why I Like It: The songs are easy and catchy, the stories are easy to follow and the words are spoken clearly and precisely. Age: Infants to Toddlers/Preschoolers Clip: DVD Advertisement
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アンパンマン Anpanman (Anpanman) This cartoon is a long running cartoon for children (since 1988!) with an incredible line of every toy imaginable to supplement your love for the red-bean bun man (anpan = red bean bun pastry). The story lines are simple and predictable, there are a variety of "fairy" characters that are composed of different Japanese food items, plants, utensils, and animals; and in the end the villains are just really hungry. Anpanman works to help people who are in trouble or hungry (sometimes even the villains), or being bullied by the hungry villains and the story always ends well. Why I Like It: The plot is easy to follow and you can learn about Japanese food and drink specialties via the endless supply of characters, and the songs are catchy. Age: Infants to Toddlers/Preschoolers Clip: Ending TV Theme Song
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ピタゴラスイッチ Pitagora Suicchi (Pythagora Switch) Pythagora Switch is a 15-minute long show involving devices (Pythagora Switch) that are equivalent to the American Rube Goldberg machine and the British Heath Robinson contraption - basically, a sequence of events made from household objects that end with (usually) the words ピタゴラスイッチ being revealed. The idea is to encourage children to augment their way of thinking and to solve or understand what the machine will do before they see the movements happen. There are also other segments in which mechanisms are explained and shown visually. And usually there is rock-paper-scissors via a Pythagora Switch where you work out what the device will throw and try to beat it! The language in this show is more complicated because it is geared to a wider, older audience. Why I Like It: It helps me to think and enthralls my son with the moving parts. It's puzzle solving and sparks interest in the way the world works. Age: Toddlers to Elementary School Students Clip: 4 3 2 1 2 1 そうち
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menonomenome · 5 months
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@ハイパーチキン野郎 別館
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uyax · 28 days
【 www.uyax.jp 】2024/04/01 色々お知らせだん( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
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sesameandsalt · 1 month
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鳥山先生のことが頭から離れずにお参りした日に引いたおみくじ 突然こんな日がくるなんて、 こんなにでっかく空いた胸の穴を実感するなんてと、 よろよろ歩きながら、ひいた。 半吉とあるが励ましてくれるような良い(優しい)内容だなと感謝しながら結ぼうとしたときに、挿絵におどろいた こんなことってあるのけ・・・? まさかの鳥と、山の絵、 よく読むと文章に”明”の文字🐦⛰️ 神さまが慰めてくれたとしか思えない 神の愛を、めちゃくちゃ感じたし やっぱり鳥山明は神様なんだとおもった。🐦😇ノ"(っ <。)  思えば88番という数字も、 縁起が良いし無限と∞がふたつある。 鳥山明が永遠に続く気がした ∞∞
鳥山先生、 残りの人生 心臓はとっくに捧げてますが 最大の愛と尊敬と感謝をささげ続けます 最初から最後まで鳥山明だったそういう人生にします 本当に長い間、お疲れさまでした 有難うございました!
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hashy · 7 months
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mr-spice · 10 months
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zion0430 · 11 months
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lurkingteapot · 4 months
it's a words get stuck, throw beans can lid (metal) into the organic waste bin instead of the recyclables one, anxiety buzzing for no good reason, why are bodies, why are thoughts, how to type, kind of day
I asserted myself by calling off a social thing (the fourth week in a row) and feel vaguely bad about it but otoh ... see above
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yoooko-o · 2 years
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Am I still valid? 🤣 I rly wanna read it and this is the only way- 7 for 700yen also! Dirt cheap! 😭🙏💕
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Guehehe ~ the silly <3 ft her unamused brother haha
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momokuri-sannen · 11 months
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amumate · 2 years
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