#❝bella’s works❞
southpauz · 3 months
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POV: You're Bella and you sat next to Edward in biology class
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bitchthefuck1 · 1 year
Something about how physically small Ellie looks in this episode just makes it all so much more intense. How little she is curled next to Joel, how big the rifle looks when she holds it, the way David is able to pick her up so easily. The contrast in the size of their hands when he's telling her that she, a 14-year-old, is his only equal, and how tiny hers look when she wraps her arms around Joel; the way his coat reaches her knees when he drapes it over her. Every second the camera spends on her is forcing you to look at how young she is and it just makes it all so much more awful.
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aithusarosekiller · 3 months
Regulus definitely does the thing where he'll be talking to someone and James will come over and silently nestle up to him so he just puts an arm around him and strokes his hair without breaking the conversation at all but if he senses ANYONE else coming within 5 feet of him he'll stare at them creepily until the go away
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dr-paint · 1 year
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It doesn't matter how much you push the envelope, it'll still be stationary!
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omaano · 6 months
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“How’d you get stuck with babysitting duty anyway?” Boba asked one day during dinner. “Oh, I volunteered for this,” Fox told him. “Why the kark would you do that?” “Language,” Fox admonished. “Well, I was just living my normal boring life and I thought to myself, ‘I don’t get called an ugly piece of banthashit often enough.’ So I decided to adopt you.” Boba snorted. “You’re a psychopath,” he told Fox. “I’ve been called worse,” Fox replied breezily. Boba doesn’t find a new family and Fox doesn’t become anybody’s dad; an adoption story.
@bilbosmom-belladonna commissioned me to illustrate a scene from her delightful fic Trying to Escape What You Can't Let Go. She was amazing to work with and you should absolutely check out her fun little found family story!
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verkomy · 1 year
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don’t think I’ll finish them on time for today but I still want to celebrate the The Last Of Us premiere somehow so here’s a WIP of Joel and Ellie
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slvthrs · 26 days
can you do a vinnie x fem reader smut where she (reader) is stressed out and vinnie fucks her good on the balcony and they didn’t care anymore if they get caught of what 🙈
ofc my lovesss
BREATHE BABY | v.hacker
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stress never stood a chance against a tall blond with an unyielding love for you.
WARNINGS: NSFW CONTENT MINORS DNI, fucking in a pool over the city, vinnie LOVES u, praise kink, hickies n love bites
word count: 2.5k <3
a/n: idfk if vinnie has a pool in his apt, i added one for the plot 😭
Stress was one of the most constant presences in your life. University, friendships, family relationships. It was as if stress was an obsessive ex that you couldn’t get rid of creeping back into your life once it got good. 
The only thing that could keep it a bay was Vinnie, your best friend of 12 years, ever since you were nine years old the boy was like a walking calmer for you. His presence made you relax and he always reminded you when you needed to take a break.
Ever since he moved out to LA at 18 the stress slowly crept back into your life, and you had to adapt again. More friends in uni and new found appreciation of swimming. 
If you weren't studying or with your friends, you were swimming. Sometimes the water made you calm down, it felt as if all your stress floated away as the water touched your skin.
That’s where you were again, the pool attached to Vinnie's apartment. 
It was so odd, the lanky scruffy boy who you became friends with grew into the type of men you would see modeling- and you did.
Everything was so much more intimidating about the boy. His height, the tattoos littering his skin which make your skin turn hot. 
His new found fame which made your head dizzy the longer you thought about it. The idea of the boy you first became friends with turning into this man who had girls falling over him left in right made your stomach flip and you had no idea if it was good or bad. 
You had kept an eye on what he was up to in LA, his friends, his business, that one fight that made you nearly throw up out of fear. 
And of course who he was dating.
It always said he wasn’t seeing anyone but you were never convinced, no one looks like that and is single, you always thought to yourself.
But it wasn’t just him who had changed. 
Looking back, being stuck to one boy's side for all of elementary, middle, and high school was a hindrance.
Once you branched out in university you flourished.
You grew into a new woman.
Your features were sharper, your curves more defined, your entire face had what your friends called, ‘a glow up’. 
Regular visits to the gym and taking care of yourself made you stand out.
Also being more active in your sex and love life made you more in touch with your body. Your last ex boyfriend taught you so much about what you did and didn’t like, you got better and sex and the burst of confidence helped you in tremendous ways.
You walked with more purpose in your steps and it really did seem like you left Seattle and turned into a different woman.
But this new Vinnie made you feel like a little girl again. Floundering in the big kids pool, kicking your tiny legs for a chance to come up and breathe again.
All of your confidence was for show as when Vinnie walked in you returned into that stressful anxious girl again.
You relaxed lackadaisical at the edge of the pool looking over the edge. 
Everything looked so small, everyone down there had their own lives, your worries seemed miniscule compared to what everyone else down there had to go through. 
An ambulance rushed by and the only thought you had was someone was about to get the most devastating news of your life.
It was like a trance the city of LA put you into.
The city of angels. 
“You look deep in thought.” The velvety voice of the boy who the house belonged to piped in.
You turned and saw Vinnie resting against the sliding door of the balcony. His hands were in the pockets of his swim trunks whilst he had an unbuttoned linen shirt barely converting his ink filled torso. 
“I’m always deep in thought Vinne, you know that.” A small huff left your plump lips as you turned and said that.
“I know but especially today.” He explained whilst walking over to dip his feet in the pool, “Is LA freaking you out? I felt like that for the first year I was here.”
He always did that. Trying to figure out what made you uncomfortable and trying to fix that. He was always kind like that.
“No Vin, it’s everything. It’s so weird. You left Seattle as a scared boy and now you seem like someone I’d see plastered on magazines talking about how many girls he sleeps with in a year.” The crude stereotype aside, Vinnie laughed at your remark.
“I’m still the same guy, you know that.” He said and continued a second later, “Besides, look at you. You're like a different person.”
It was your turn to laugh now, “You can come in you know that? It’s like you're trying to stay away from me.”
He smiled, “Thanks for the invite into my own pool.”
Despite the sarcasm he took his shirt off and entered the pool, walking over to where you were floating. 
He towered over you.
“I don’t think I’ve changed that much.” You toyed with your bikini strap, “I’m still the same anxious girl you met.”
His hands rested on your waist, “Sure, but you're more confident, you're more talkative, plus you look so different.” 
It’s quiet until Vinnie breaks the silence again.
“I kept checking on your Instagram now and again. You seem happier.” You both know what he means when he says that.
“I am. Moving out of Seattle was hard but in the grand scheme of things I couldn’t stay there after you left, it felt empty.” You tell him as he pushes a strand of hair away from your face.
“M’ sorry, I had to leave but my biggest regret is that you couldn’t have come with me.” 
You laugh pulling away from him and turing back around, facing the city again, leaning over the edge of the pool.
“Even if you have asked I wouldn’t have come. I love you Vin, but I was always was gonna go to university. You were the unconventional one out of the 2 of us.” You sigh pulling you hair to one side and playing with the ends, a sort of nervous tick you developed after your first months in university.
“I know.” He breathes out, “That’s why I didn’t ask but a part of me always hoped you would come.” 
He comes closer to you, his hands wrap around your waist and now your back is hitting his chest. His head practically rests on top of yours.
You nearly start crying. 
You don’t know why. 
“You think anyone down there is going through the same thing were going through?” It’s a dumb question on your part but you like talking to the blond.
“Are any of them dealing with 2 friends you love each other and have been apart for so long that they don’t know what to do,” He pauses, “Also one of them if famous and the other is the most amazing person on earth? Nah I don’t think so.”
“Mhm that makes sense.”
It goes quiet again.
The wind rustles against the palm trees and if you really focused your ears you could hear the waves crashing along the shore.
“You keep tabs on my insta?” You ask with a smile creeping up on your face
He smiles him self letting a huff of laughter out, “Yeah, I was hoping you forgot I said that.”
“Why, whatd’ya see on there?” Another dumb question, you know exactly what he saw on there.
“You look happier, also you have new friends, ones I would like to meet,” His heart skips a beat, “Also y’know that guys on there.”
You laugh internally and turn around so you can see his face.
“Their some of my friends, I think you would like them.” You know he wouldn’t.
“What about Tyler?” 
Your ex-boyfriend, the one you meet during finals week of your sophomore year. You had dated for nearly 9 months before you broke it off. 
It wasn’t anything serious, he didn’t cheat, he didn’t lie- your lives were too different and you both knew that.
It was a mutual decision but Vinnie didn’t care. Anyone the broke up with you or even hurt you in anyways was evil in his eyes, how anyone could do that to you, he couldn’t explain to himself. 
“Tyler’s Tyler it doesn’t matter.” 
He blinks at you.
“What you want me to bring up all the girls your rumored to be dating?”
“Fuck off you know that isn’t the same thing. Half of those girls I only follow on tiktok and I haven’t been in a single committed relationship with any of them… Why the fuck did I find out about your long term relationship over fucking INSTAGRAM, I’m your best friend what hell?”
He steps back, with his hands in the air like he’s being accused of something.
“I don’t know Vin I just didn’t know how to tell you, everything was too much. I was so worried what you were gonna think and then it got to late. I felt like there was no point in telling you-” 
You ramble and he cuts you off.
“It’s fine, breathe pretty girl, just relax, I’m right here.” 
He pulls you closer to him and the moment you look into his eyes that calming effect he has on you just corses through your body.
Something just clicks inside the both of you and he’s kissing you so gently it’s like hes afraid of breaking you. 
His lips slot perfectly into your’s, it’s like you were made for him, his hands fall onto your ass as he pulls you closer, his eyebrows are knitted together in focus and he’s holding you as if he’s afraid to lose you.
It feels so fucking right. 
You the one that pulls him harder into you, your hands tangle into his hair, deepening the kiss.
Your nails rake the back of his neck and he hums in content. 
Your the one that pulls back, a trail of saliva linking the 2 of you and he looks at you so intently as if he’s studying you.
“Your so beautiful. I don’t think I tell you that enough.” And his lips are back on yours.
Your the one who pulls the strings of your bikini of and his lifting you up so your flush against his body, most likely so he can feel your tits pressed up against his chest. 
He’s grining in the kiss, as his hands grope your thighs and ass trailing up towards your hips. His hands are all over you and your ecstatic they are.
“More” you whisper into the kiss like it’s a secret only the two of you can share or else yoru lives would ruin.
“Please Vinnie I’m begging you.” You know your not telling him what you wnat but you pray he’ll save some of the embarrassment for you.
“Tell me what you want, I’ll do anything for you.” It’s like a prayer or promise of worship.
“Fuck me please, do whatever you want, I just need you.” It’s desperate and it turns Vinnie on so much more.
His fingers link around the straps of your bottoms and he pulls the down, your fully nude under him as he fiddles with his own shorts.
Your legs link around him as he slowly slides his dick in letting you get used to the size if anything. 
You head falls onto his shoulders as you sigh out, your eyebrows knit and you nearly loose your shit. 
He feels so much bigger than anyone else you’ve ever had sex with and your entire body feels like its getting shocked.
The sensation to crynearly hits you before you pull your self together, latching you lips onto Vinnie’s neck as he starts to move you.
It’sa rhythmic pace and it’s a kind one faring his size but you want more. You’ve waited years for this and you want more than him just being kind. 
“Vinnieee,” It comes out as a needy whine as you cry out his name, “More, harder, anything just please needa feel you everywhere.” 
You ramble but he knows what you want. He knows your body, he knows you better than you know yourself. 
His pace speeds up and he tries to keep kissing your but you keep writhing. He finds it adorable but your trying not to cum as quick to draw this out. 
You wanna feel him everywhere, you wanna be able to only see him.
“Vin,” You words are loosing power as he keeps thrusting into you, your thighs are sore and your mind is clouded with the thought of yoru impending orgasm. 
“Choke me please, need to feel you.” His pace falters as he tries to grapple with what you just admitted to him.
The look on your face proves your not joking but he swears he nearly came just by the sentence alone. 
His dick twitches inside you as his hands wrap around the base of your neck, he pulls yoru face up and you look into his eyes. 
You look drunk and delrious and he wants you to have his kids right there on the spot. 
He can’t even tell you what it is, he’s just so much more in love with you.
As his hands add pressure your hands comes to weakly wrap around his, not realy doing anything, just an unorthodox way of holding hands.
Your sense are flooded with just, Vinnie. 
The same boy practically trained to teach you how to breathe when your mind rabbles, cutting your breathe off, and the way he looks while doing it.
His pupils are blown out and his face looks like a mix of lust and love. The whole scene out of a porno but even his eyes can’t hide how deeply he’s in love with you.
When he lets your neck go you inhale so deeply you nearly start coughing and he pulls you closer to him as his thrusts become sporadic. 
Your forehead rests against his as you both cum, nearly blacking out as your vision goes white.
Your panting as he puts you down on the edge of the pool as he finds you a towl and the rest of your clothes floating around in the pool. 
You end up in the bath making sure the get the chlorine off and the residues of sex off the both of you.
Your lying ontop of his as his hands rake through your hair.
“Just breathe baby we’ll take about it tomorrow.” And thats what you do, breathing to the sund of his heartbeats. 
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luminiciant · 7 months
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🖤🖤 🩷💜💙 🌸🌼
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darkmagiciang1rl · 2 months
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"yeah bro my dogs don't bite"
the dogs:
pls reblog...
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introspectivememories · 4 months
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sweetcherrywish · 2 years
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CHERRY HILL !! masterpost🍒
summary: stiles is suppose to be the guy with a plan but ever since the sweetest girl to ever step foot in beacon hills moved into his house, he couldn’t stop thinking about the sweet smell of cherries !
warnings: light dd/lg, darcyphilla, crybaby!reader, light somno, virgin!reader, innocent!reader, bimbo!reader, pervert!stiles, daddy kink, innocence kink, naive!reader, masterbation (mostly m + f), oral (m+f) cockwarming, etc
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maybe i’m a fool, maybe i’m a fool for you
characters !
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ear-motif · 3 months
idc what the actual definition of side character is I’m defining it as characters that only appeared in a couple eps and/or didn’t make a huge difference in the plot
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tightjeansjavi · 5 months
TLOU quite literally ripped my heart out, stomped on it, stitched it back together, ripped the stitches out, and then glued it back together by the end (this is the only way I can describe my emotions for this show because I truly have not stopped thinking about it since it aired)
Some of my favorite scenes still live rent free in my head.
Joel’s love for Sarah and the dynamics between him, Tommy and Sarah. The real domestic fluff that we all feel touched by.
Tess’s sacrifice. The moment she realizes that she’s bit and she’s never going to see Joel again? CHILLS
Bill and Franks episode (I will cry so don’t get me started, PLZ)
The silent communication between Joel and Ellie as Joel snipes out any infected that try to harm her. (How about his facial expressions when that kid clicker climbs into the back of the car?)
Ellie’s face and her cry when Henry takes his own life after killing Sam.
Tommy and Joel reunion (Joel’s face specifically in this scene kills me)
Ellie and Joel’s argument and the rawness that Pedro brought to the deliverance of Joel’s lines
Tommy and Joel’s conversation and JOELS TEARY FUCKING EYES
“I don't know where the fսck I'm going, what the fսck I'm gonna do.” This scene in particular reminded us that Ellie is literally just a kid
The interrogation scene
Ellie obliterating David and her screams still haunt me.
baby girl.
Joel taking out the fireflies and the dead look in his eyes because he knows that no one is getting in the way of him saving Ellie. He refuses to lose another
The entire fucking show, okay? It was a masterpiece. All of it.
I know next season they’re gonna sweep, but tonight and the past award nights they have been snubbed.
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passionartx · 13 days
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A few days ago I got cast as Dorothy in my local theatre company’s production of The Wizard Of Oz and I just know this means I’m gonna be hyperfixating on @whotfletamothhyperfx’s @sonicwizardofozau 10 times harder! So I decided to draw their AU Tails design + T-Pup
!Defo check their au out if you haven’t already cause ahhh it’s so, so good! The world building, the character designs, the art, the everything!✨!
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bella-swans · 1 month
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i made a terminally cringe header for my desktop header
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greatestrival · 2 months
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Yuki Tsunoda: 10 Things I Love for GP RACING MAGAZINE APRIL 2024 ISSUE
scanned by me (please credit if you repost lmao these took so loooong)
text under the cut
RB's Japanese racer on his love of saunas, good coffee and - well, food, of course
I like fashion. I like to choose my outfit according to my mood or where I'm going. And I like to show my colours, if you like. In short, it feels good to look good.
There's no particular cuisine I like, but for me a good meal is a kind of tool to reduce stress and feel happier. It doesn't matter what kind of food it is - if it's good, I enjoy it, whether it's tacos or sushi. I really like pasta. When I'm in Italy that's what I usually eat. But it's important for me, wherever we go, to find a good restaurant so I can enjoy the food. Because in a way, as strange as it may sound, it gives me the same feeling as driving a Formula 1 car. When I drive, I just concentrate on that. It's not that I don't think - of course I do, especially during the race - but when it comes to driving, it's more about the senses than thoughts. When I'm driving I don't think about anything else. And it's almost the same with food. You just enjoy the taste and flavour - and I really like that!
We travel a lot and are surrounded by electronics and computers, Laptops, telemetry, data is our world - and sometimes it's just too much. So I like to get away from it all, to go hiking, for example, or just get out into nature and experience a different environment to Formula 1.
Jason Statham
Definitely my favourite actor, especially after meeting him in Abu Dhabi last year. I've always liked his films and Transporter is my favourite - but sometimes when you meet your hero and get to know the person better, you can be disappointed, can't you? It wasn't like that with Jason. He is such a great guy, really nice, talkative, very respectful and really, really strong! He's got everything you need. He's strong, he looks cool, he's bald. I might go bald in the future to look more like him...
I'm not the one who sings in the shower, but I do sing in the car. I just feel like it, to feel the rhythm, to have fun. And when I'm singing, I feel like a real singer.
It's something I like to use to reset. 20 minutes in the sauna, then a cold shower and lying down - at that moment I feel like I'm in space. And it is an incredible feeling. It feels like your body is resetting itself. It feels like all the stress I have, it just comes out with the sweat, so after the sauna I feel fresh. Like a brand new me. It's funny, I didn't really like it before, but my friends kept telling me how great it was. So one day I just decided to give it another try and finally understood what they were talking about. Now it's one of my favourite things to do: just go to the sauna and relax.
I have a good coffee machine at home. I like to grind coffee beans in the morning and make myself a good cup of coffee. Good coffee makes my day.
I don't drink alcohol very often, to be honest. And I'm not a guy who knows a lot about wine, about different types and varieties of wine. I'm not an expert, if you like. But it's nice to have a glass of wine with good food. It helps you enjoy it even more
Apex Legends
I used to play a lot more when I moved to Europe from Japan - and Apex Legends was my favourite game. I don't play as much now, but during my junior career it was a way to keep in touch with my friends in Japan because we were so far apart. Of course you can call and chat, but doing something together, playing and talking at the same time, is a lot more fun.
I sometimes play football with the mechanics, engineers and other guys from the team in Faenza. And I love it. Because first of all I like the game itself, but then it's also good to hang out with the guys from the team - especially considering that it's usually the guys who don't go to races and stay at the factory, so it's also a good opportunity to bond with them.
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