#⚡ answered.
starwardsword · 2 months
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"Rumor has it you have warmed a certain cryo user's heart. Or perhaps it was the other way around? ~ "
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"Rumors like this are incredibly juvenile! What is this, a schoolyard?" She's used to being the subject of gossip, though it's rarely delved into her personal life. She isn't outright denying either statement, though she only knows that one of them are true...
send 💬 + a rumor and my muse will react to it
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st4rfckerz · 3 months
anakin would eat you out while you are standing just to see your knees buckle
yeahhhh he'd get so cocky because of it too. maybe even have you rest your leg on his shoulder too just so he can see you lose your balance.
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if only to counter balance some of the high key femme Virgil hcs. Remus running around in a skater dress with tentacles on the skirt, just being a chaotic mess. Virgil is tired and wants some peace and quiet, until he sees Remus go spinny with the skirt. What's underneath? Not important. Remus is giggling and blushing and happy and Virgil is so fucking gay for that disaster -⚡
Y E S!!! Ree rocked the hell out of the tutu for his skirt look and a skater dress is just flowy enough for his chaotic spinning needs... The Emo may want some peace and quiet but seeing his hot Dukey in the dress is more important than sleep (It definitely woke him up and he won't be sleeping for a while)
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hyuuukais · 2 months
lino bubble pic for u
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OH MY GOOOOOD HE'S SO !!!!!!!!! i wanna bite him.
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ask-emo-raiden · 1 month
kill yourself faggot, do the world a favor and slit vertical for once in your patheitc life
ok look i've been sitting on this one for awhile and i finally decided to humor whatever poor dipshit decided to send this
you don't know me
you don't know my life
you only know what i put on the internet, which is just a fraction of what actually happens
you don't know what i have to put up with because you're not me, you're not in my shoes, you don't have to deal with what i do on a daily basis
if you knew, then you wouldn't be saying this kind of shit
you'd be begging and pleading to whatever gods decided to switch our places, to switch us back
because i bet my life is a lot harder than yours is buddy
you don't have anything better to do than send hate mail to a stranger on the internet?
fuck off (-_-)
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videokilled · 2 months
If anyone needs him no you don't. He's staying in bed hungover.
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Lambo pops from Olivine's side with a smile (not the innocent kind). "May I ask what your mind went when I said 'strap-on'?"
Olivine blushes and looks away and tries to ignore the question. "Nothing.. I was just thinking along the same lines as miss Yuki. Being romantic and cuddling is not a bad thing..." he gulped nervously. He hated to lie and avoid the truth. "Your mind is definitely thinking something though..." he said in regards to the smile.
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mrs-bluemarine · 1 month
God. He is
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Older than my father
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zgvlt · 2 years
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hello i'm on vacation
his shirt got dirty 😅
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starwardsword · 2 days
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@nagareboshiko sent🌼 to give Keqing a piggyback ride (or at least Lumine can try - if not princess style all the way)
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Keqing's landing on her foot from dodging a cluster of exploding mushrooms hadn't been proper. Her ankle is definitely bruised now, the dark blue color hinting that the last thing she should do is walk on it. However, Lumine's offer of a piggy-back ride is met with protests.
“Traveler, please, I’m fine!” She argues with a shake of the head. "It's just a little bruise."
The throbbing of her ankle when she sets her foot down says otherwise, but she bears it with a grimace and attempts to charge on.
It’s not that she doesn’t appreciate the support from someone she considers a close friend... far from it. However, she didn’t ask Lumine to accompany her to the depths of the Chasm just so she could be her caretaker. The last thing she wants the traveler to think is that she can’t rely on Keqing as well.
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 A muffled yelp slips past the Yuheng's lips as Lumine suddenly scoops her into her arms, princess-style. The relief that comes from getting her weight off her injured foot is quickly displaced by flustered distress. 
"Traveler? What are you doing?" she cries out, her voice about an octave higher as pink overcomes her face. While this is perhaps more dignified than a piggy-back ride... Lumine? Carrying her for miles until they return to civilization? Absolutely insane! 
"I can still walk! Just put me down right now!"
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st4rfckerz · 3 months
anakin would deffo eat you out on your period
yes. a million times yes.
i think i've said this before but i'm a very firm believer that anakin has at least a tiny blood kink. he'd say he wants to do it because it'll help ease your cramps, but he really just enjoys the warm metallic taste covering his tongue
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sepiamestus · 2 months
how do you have 2 of the same boop badge btw, waz there a boop milestone i missed? :>
I have no idea. I think I booped my friends so many times I broke the meter
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hyuuukais · 2 months
i hope this formats correctly on mobile but please look at him
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and if i say i genuinely cried a bit then what 😭 he's so cute i can't handle this 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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ask-emo-raiden · 2 months
U should totally, like, talk to those cool college kids!!!! I heardz one of them mite b related to u O_o zomg freakyzzzz
(e_e) that would b rly weird if that was true...
don't think any of them are though, they don't look the type
they're all too cool to be related to my family LOL
one of guys even has silver hair which is rly cool, and then there's a girl who has red hair, and then another guy with a totally buzzed head and sometimes at the right angle when the sun is going down it hits his dome and gets me in the eye (>A<)
i've been seeing this new guy hang around with them tho, he looks younger a bit so maybe he's from a different school or something, and he's got super long dark brown hair that he keeps in a ponytail which is kinda gay but it looks fine on him i guess
maybe i'll try talking to them once i get to senior year...
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curseofbreadbear · 1 month
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ASK ME ANYTHING || ALWAYS ACCEPTING! || @jellycreamjammedart
jellycreamjammedart asked: How would Glamrock Freddy and Prototype Freddy react and feel if both ever met personally?
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EXACTLY like this. /hj
In reality, I think it'd be an extremely confusing encounter for both of them; Glam Fred already has a history of existential crises, some of which might be related to memories carried over from his proto-self. Seeing Prototype Freddy is a confirmation of everything Glamrock Freddy has feared, except HE is the replacement (plot twist!).
On Proto Fred's end...well, The Boy doesn't remember even getting scrapped. Like the other animatronics, when he reactivates in RUIN, he is under the assumption that the Pizzaplex is still open and that he is still functioning. He doesn't fully process the condition he's in. He knows he can't see, but that could be a result of anything; it doesn't occur to him that hey, he doesn't have a head.
All this to say: Prototype Freddy would be slowly hit with the realization that he isn't "real." His damage could be a result of RUIN, sure, but it could also be because he was literally scrapped. He shouldn't be "alive." It'd literally be a moment of crisis for BOTH bears that would probably scar them for life.
They could PROBABLY co-exist if given enough time, but that'd still be a lot to ask from both of them. Who wants to face their own "mortality," y'know?
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 ‘Heated Hot Springs’ (For fem!Lambo)
Quincy was the one who had found these magical hot springs in the first place. He had brought Eiden to them and hadn't realized that Eiden had invited someone else to them. The big blonde had Eiden on his lap and was making out with him while teasing his body.
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