ask-icedouma · 1 year
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@eyes-like-obsidian thank you for the tag on the dash game!
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spookyowlman · 6 months
Barnaby has appeared! What to do?
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*sniff* ”Please don’t touch my butt… it’s been through a lot…”
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“Haha im here~”
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onlywrath · 25 days
Satan has appeared! What do you do? Act cool Ask to leave Punch Confess
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"You heard them partners....make move."
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mothvalentino · 12 days
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ཐིཋྀ "Now, while the mommy vote is still going, I have another urgent question..."
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mundmutter · 3 months
Miss Qistina has appeared! Wyd?
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" I suppose these are better than the last ones. "
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astrxlfinale · 15 days
Pure tests exist??
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Now that couldn't be right. Here this highly illogical test was deeming him the degenerate of degenerates. Now to admit there wasn't some space to his life would just be plain silly. This however?
"Nah nah nah, see, I know there's more angles to this. I've seen on forums there's this trick to see the other sides of you. Capital C Caelus might've just fucked up."
"Let's put in lower c!"
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69% in particular?! Naturally his eyes can't resist narrowing towards such results. Here this would have the world thinking he'd be off into the realm of face sitting! Why. He'd. Never. This damn test isn't that good at knowing him!
There is no damn criteria to begin with! Is this like that damn rating pistol that love to make weird as hell judgements?!
"You little fucker.. I heard Titles can go perfect with that! You're gonna see the pure bone I got tucked deep down in this wild form of mine!"
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steel-and-fire · 16 days
in battle your muse,
bold what applies - italicise sometimes. repost, don’t reblog.
fights honorably / fights dirty
prefers close - quarters / prefers range
chats during / goes silent
low pain tolerance / high pain tolerance
attacks in bursts / attacks steadily
goes for the kill / aims to disarm / fights defensively / strikes first
is provoked easily / provokes their opponent / teases
gets visibly frustrated / shouts while attacking
uses strategy / focuses on the battle / experiences conflicting thoughts during battle
rushes in recklessly / tries to read their opponent before engaging / fights wildly / fights calmly / fights apathetically / fights with anger / fights with excitement
fights because they have to / fights because they want to
fights without regard to wounds / runs away when wounded / hides wounds / takes a blow to protect another
prefers a blade / prefers a gun / prefers hand-to-hand combat / prefers a bow / prefers a shield / prefers a personalised weapon / prefers magic alchemy or spells
their greatest weakness is physical / their greatest weakness is mental / their greatest weakness is emotional
transforms for battle / fights as they appear
relies on strength / doubts their strength / relies on speed
uses everything they have / proceeds with caution / hides their full potential /
exhausts quickly / has high stamina
behaves arrogantly / brags after landing a hit / belittles their abilities
uses psychological tactics / uses brute strength
avoids civilians / strikes down civilians
damages surroundings / avoids damaging surroundings
signature fighting style / makes it up as they go
mastered skill-set / learning their skill - set
messy fighter / elegant fighter
accepts defeat / refuses defeat / begs for mercy
compliments their opponent / insults their opponent
uses unnecessary movements / moves efficiently / barely moves
prefers to dodge / prefers to block
defends their blindside / has no blindside / leaves blindsides vulnerable
uses all available advantages / strictly uses one main method
plays around / holds back / fights ruthlessly / shows mercy
waits for an opponent to be ready / strikes when opponent isn’t ready
fears death / fears pain / fears killing
has ptsd / avoids fighting
has lost a fight / has won a fight
has killed / refuses to kill
wants to die standing / would succumb slowly
tagged by: @draklorn (thank you~)
tagging: @belost-the-watcher, @llixulia, @the-faramir, @seekslight, @undyingmedium, @tribus-semitae, @pvremichigan, @poisonflowrs and whoever wants to, steal it and tag me~
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djsangos · 2 days
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saw this posted like 10 hours ago but i wanted to do it
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ultfan · 7 days
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battle stats.
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★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ — strength ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ — offense ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆  — defense ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆  — speed ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆  — durability ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆  — accuracy ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆  — agility ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆  — stamina ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆  — teamwork ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆  — stealth
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★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆  — close combat ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆  — bladed weapons ( swords, daggers ) ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆  — blunt weapons ( clubs, staffs, axes ) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆  — ranged weapons (archery, guns ) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★  — superpowers / abilities ( magic ) luck ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★  — traps / setups ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆— medic
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any lasting injuries from combat ?    less from combat and more from incidents he's gotten involved in. burn scars, cuts, scratches, etc, etc. his body his covered in a myriad of scars. and, of course, his left hand.
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fighting style ? ( bold any that apply. )
commander / duelist / honorable / dishonorable / would have others do their fighting / stealthy / long-ranged / melee / technological / sorcery / superhuman abilities / has fought in a tourney / a lover of fighting / a hater of fighting / cowardly / reckless / strategic / uses underhanded tricks / renowned for their skill / trained / untrained / keeps skills a secret / won a battle / lost a battle  / ruthless / merciful
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undyingmedium · 7 days
🥀 romance headcanons
Stolen from: @dxnse-macabre Hi~ Tagging: @steel-and-fire @witches-and-weirdos @aquatic-hybrid @deepseawarlock @deaddoveadventures @sanguine-law @windwithinmyveins and whoever else wants to do this!
name: Anika Fuhe
nickname: Someone called her Ani before
gender: Female
romantic orientation: Bisexual
preferred pet names: Darling, dearest, sweetheart
relationship status: single
opinion on true love: *Insert Harleep laugh here* "Love. What a sweet poison, and what a trap it can be. Love among family is the only one that never got snuffed out before to me; one I never got betrayed for. I tried friendships, I tried romance, more or less deep. It never lasts, and sometimes it leaves void behind when it goes. It was also my fault, sure; but not only mine. So, does true love exist, really? I have my doubts, and I certainly don't believe in it. But alas, everyone can have their own honeyed opinion about it."
opinion on love at first sight: "Oh dear, that's not love. That's attraction, and it's usually the surface cover for the call of flesh!"
how ‘romantic’ are they?: Despite her bad experiences and twisted opinions, she's actually pretty romantic. She likes to make those moments special, she likes to leave marks that her partner won't forget - and hopefully stay marked herself. Some old memories still make her sigh, and she will pursue romanticism even in lesser occasions. She can never know if she's going to have another chance at playing like that again.
ideal physical traits: Clean, lively eyes, intriguing smiles. Bonus points for stronger builds than hers and taller people, so that they can carry her around. Extra bonus points for wings, horns and exotic ancestries - from nephilims to genasi (to eclysians *COUGH*) - as long as they keep mostly humanoid traits, or at least visages. Extra extra bonus points for long hair.
ideal personality traits: Discreet when it counts, otherwise outgoing, confident, ambitious - even arrogance can be interesting to a degree. But to her? Protective, respectful, reliable, trustworthy, patient. There has to be a strong chemistry, or she won't budge beyond the physical benefits.
unattractive physical traits: Dirty/smelly, too disproportioned builds, extreme wrinkles or moles, small and inexpressive eyes. She's not against the undead, but rotting bodies are a no-no for multiple reasons. There would have to be an exceptional relationship with someone that is a zombie or a skeletal someone for things to work despite that.
unattractive personality traits: Too self-centered or narcissistic, too shy or insecure, too proud. They can go kiss a mirror.
ideal date: Dinner in quiet, private places; candlelit rooms with soft pillows and some exotic incense burning; strolls through the night, out in the midst of nature or isolated town neighborhoods - somewhere where not even ghosts may reach her and her partner. Secrecy and intimacy give her enough space to bloom, to not worry about the rest of the world and make herself a little more vulnerable. Assuming it's worth it.
do they have a type?: Not really, but she's got a strong tendency towards women.
average relationship length: I doubt her relationships ever even reached six months... Maybe one or two at max?
preferred non-sexual intimacy: Hand holding, complicit looks, occasional pecks and hugs. Nothing too flashy, but meaningful nonetheless.
opinion of public affection: It's okay as long as it's not something exaggerated. Too much sugar, involving her or other couples, and she may start to spit acid.
past relationships?: Her first was with an aviari woman, Xilla, but it was obviously not meant to last due to her strong tie to her nomad tribe and Anika's mission leading her elsewhere. Ferenir was her second and last; they had something she believed in more, but complications arose pretty quickly, then he decided to leave her and she lost faith in others on a much deeper level.
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spookyowlman · 2 months
The meaning behind your name!
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The hell can he even say to that....
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peppy-jester · 13 days
Waifu Meter
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"Damn, anyways... Who wants to marry me!? I shall cook you every day and keep the whole house clean and do all the daily housewife crap" Do not fall for this shit.
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fourthclone · 13 days
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❝ quite frankly , i firmly believe that i must be a 100 , at the very least , in virtually all areas , but ESPECIALLY beauty . ❞
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mothvalentino · 12 days
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ཐིཋྀ "Alright, since you guys are on that whole parent jam, here's what I wanna know..."
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mundmutter · 3 months
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qistina's waifu stats.
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" a tasteful waifu known for the ability to crush a watermelon between their thighs. "
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" Well I've certainly never tried with a watermelon but I expect it'd be easier than a head, yes? "
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