#⊱   ❛  you can check out any time you like  ❜   au: hotel verse .
redfurrycat · 5 days
🤠🍺🍽️🐓Chef, Bartender & Waiter Fic Recs🐓🍽️🍺🤠
GIF by @unicornships
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Check the Top Gun Masterlist post for the latest updated version. 💕
Ao3 Authors: Coconutcordiale, Hangmanbradshaw, Haridwar, MacMonkey, ReformedTsundere, Saturn, SunMonTue, Xo_em, Youlookgood.
Flower Shop & Tattoo Parlor AU > Mechanic AU > Bakery & Coffee Shop AU
we're not finished here by haridwar {T}
Jake finds out Maverick has a son in the middle of dogfight football.
Overboard by MacMonkey {T}
“Do my eyes deceive me?” Bradley snapped his eyes up the moment he heard the voice, dropping his phone onto the counter in shock. There was no way. Jake Seresin stood before him with a sharp grin, an apron, and an empty glass. “Bradley Bradshaw. As I live and breathe.”
It’s Autumn In New York by xo_em {M}
Everything's Waiting For You (Downtown) When Bradley’s breath catches, in a way it hasn’t in literal years of bartending, he’s a tad shaken.
IWTBY Verse by hangmanbradshaw {E}{_}
 muse by youlookgood {T}
Lately, it's like the spark that would keep driving Bradley forward each night, the fire on his fingertips hot and blazing just like the sweet burn of the drink that comes between and after sets, has been snuffed out. He sees his half-steady gig work and instead of a semblance of comfort and that sun-bright thrill, he feels... ...a little empty. Then, "Can I get you another?"
Cuddle Bug in Training by ReformedTsundere {T}
"I'm not dating any psychopaths this time, Nat, promise," Bradley says, trying for lightness but only managing something so tired he's surprised he hadn't yawned the whole way through. Natasha snorts, her arms unfolding, but the look on her face remains painfully unimpressed.
after this I'm never gonna be the same by haridwar {M}
Bradley had always been an intense man. Prison, it seemed, hadn’t done anything to change that.
Bird on a Wire by SunMonTue {E}
Hangster AU Meetcute. Jake tries to make a good impression on one of the servers at a restaurant. Except he turns out to be the head chef. Who in turn tries make a good impression. Their families try and help.
Mercury & Manganese by SunMonTue {T}
An AU MeetUgly (where I failed to meet the assignment as it feels too soft, nice and gentle to really be a MeetUgly? Maybe?). No one is in the Navy. This centres around chefs and restaurants and drinks, but it's all very background. Background established IceMav.
waiting on the other side by Saturn {E}
Mouth agape, Bradley stood there dumbly as his brain tried to calibrate the dissonance of seeing Hangman in a food truck. “You work here?” Bradley asked, incredulity laced into the question. He supposed bumping into Hangman at an airshow wasn’t entirely unlikely, but the sight of the former aviator—pad in hand, ready to take Bradley’s order—was a shock. “Even worse, Rooster,” Hangman said easily, and Bradley tried to avoid flinching at the use of his callsign, “I own the place.” Post-retirement, Bradley is struggling to find his place. He gets help from an unlikely source.
dancing in convertibles by coconutcordiale {M}
“He’s not that great,” Jake mumbles. “You’re only saying that ‘cause he’s your ex,” Charlotte accuses, but it’s without malice. He thinks. “I’m really not.” It’s not a lie, since they never actually dated, but it’s not like he’s going to admit that out loud. + aka the hotel staff au
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Hazbin Hotel Beach Week FAQ!
Yes that's right! The Hazbin Hotel Beach Week! All are invited to spend a week at the newly renovated beach resort on a private beach at the edge of the Pride Ring! This is the FAQ page. I'm starting off with several questions now, but will update this as I get more. Though I will reblog this every few additions and right before the start.
When is it?
It will be held the week of June 16th through June 22nd! As I learned about more summer activities, I did my best to make sure to find a week that not only doesn't conflict with any of them, but also works for my own schedule. My apologies if I missed an event, it is not intentional!
What if I can't make it the whole week?
That's perfectly fine! This event is structured so anyone can jump in and out whenever they please! I'm not going to kick anyone out of the event or bar entry. We all have lives outside of RP and only have so much energy. It's totally fine!
I don't want to have to choose between yours and another event!
No sweat! I totally get it! I won't be offended at all if you choose one of the other events going on this summer. Again, I did time this so it won't conflict with them so at least timing-wise you won't have to choose, but I also get it if you only have the energy for one of them. I'll list and link the ones I'm aware of here.
Lucifer's Beach Day Balooza - July 5th - July 7th Hell's Summer Camp
Who can participate?
Anyone in the Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss RP community. Sinners, Hellborn, Sins, Angels, Fallen Angels, or pretty much anyone with a verse in this community! You can also do AU versions of your character (whether already an existing character or not). You just may want to make it clear you are using an AU version or a specific verse for clarity, but absolutely fine to play with! You can use as many characters as you personally can keep up with! However, because of the nature of the source material and that it is a rule among quite a lot of muns, I do ask that all participating muns be over 18+. This is to keep everyone safe.
How does this work?
I will be making at least one themed open each day. A couple of them will be events within the week, but there will be no contests or anything that have any kind of time frame. Take as long as you need and you can even reply to a different day's prompt if you'd like! For example, on the first day I will make a check-in post. You can reply to this at any time, even after the first day.
What is there to do?
Think of the event as a giant sandbox. A setting that you can in however you want. All you need to do is arrive and decide how you want your character to enjoy their time? Light-hearted fun? You want angst and drama to play out? Go ahead! As far as actual activities, pretty much anything you can do on a beach! Sunbathing, swimming, seashell collecting, sandcastle building, there's a rental shack with things like surfboards and kayaks, or equipment for volleyball and other games, a pier for fishing, a pool if you want an easier time swimming without sand, you can even choose to stay in your hotel room or on your room's balcony! The possibilities are endless! I've intentionally left it open to interpretation so that you can takes things how you want them! But if you do want details, I can provide any you want upon request.
What if I don't know anyone else participating?
One of the nice things about this event is that it gives you the chance to RP with people you may not have played with before! Of course always be mindful of each other's rules. And if you're still nervous, you can always interact with me!
Are there certain tags to use?
Yes! Please use hazbin hotel beach week as the tag so I can find it! You can also @ me too but it's not required.
What will the setting be like?
I'll post a rudimentary map. Additionally, I'll also make a drabble that will help set-up the event in-character from Charlie's perspective.
Can I post what my character(s)'s going to wear?
Absolutely because I want to see all the fun clothes! Be sure to tag them so I can see them!
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mrstsung · 2 years
My self ship with shang in a nutshell
*may be subject to change because im still working on it fully*
In my au. Shang after a certain amount of times he got his ass kicked by liu kang (my hc verse the whole thing in aftetmath did happen but things got "reset" and everyone sorta lived but don't remember shit cept in vague dreams n visions well the gods do at least. Therefore i can keep some things while rearranging the furniture so to speak. The crown is rewritten as an elder god artifact and shang only added to it not created it. And kronika gets killed off waaaaay before any of that shit. And is rewritten to be an elder god of time(of future) and geras(of past) because f that stupid titans bullshit. Cetrion is rewritten to be a main antagonist and more important. And basically I'm making this way better than canons shitshow of a so called "plot" ). He got sent to gay baby jail . And now is fighting for his freedom. Many years go by. Every 10yrs or so he can challenge for his freedom. In a minor tournament of mortal kombat. No fatalities,no powers,only fists. Basically a normal martial tournament however fatalities are not required,only suggested. However you still only get 3 mercys/friendships/sparings. Because rule of 3. Anyways. Basically shang is lonely,desperate and tired.
So....here comes me. Washed up randomly on his beach. (I haven't come up with any true background before yet. So go easy on me.) And shang's like owo whats dis?! Because look this binch aint got none in how long? And also is hella desperate to get free like i said. Theres more to it but I'll leave it at that for now.
At first he's like
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You can check out any time you like,but you can never leave. Hotel California head ass.
Then he's like
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I would be happy to train you. Because he needs help. He definitely at first tho before this plays the "cute helpless old man" because of course shang would. -_-
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But I'm not gonna make it easy on you.
Then i train hard. A few years go by. Things heat up between me n shang. And well feelings develop. And he's not sure if he wants me in a tournament. Because he's scared of actually losing me.
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Cute ol man. Look don't judge me. Old man shang is hella cute too. Like i love all shang tsung ok? Im a shang tsimp.
And then somehow,some way anyway. Entered into a minor tournament. Either snuck in or he gave in. Either way.
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Shang isn't happy. But he allows it,under close supervision.
But somehow. By a miracle. I win
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This pleases shang. Now he has his freedom. Lucky for them thats all he got. And nobody truly died. But shang is now a free dude. And no longer bound to his island.
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But of course shit dont stay so sweet because its mortal fuckin kombat.
This asshole gets resurrected somehow,and kidnaps me because reasons.
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Bald ahh binch.
Shang isn't happy
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But it's ok because he saves me. And that's when things get super serious for me n shang. And he of course gains his youth and vitality more back(which would be jarring for me ngl but its all good). And of course after that close call he trains me slightly in magic,only enough for defense of course. Nothing major. As he doesn't want me to not only surpass him.(its shang ok you knew this was gonna be a problem) but also because he wants me to not end up like him. The one pure soul he cares for. That and some dope ass magic armor.
And after that pretty much we live on the island for the most part in peace.
Minus the occasional outside problem or two
(Srry for the mk legends shang tsung spam tho. Because bruuuuuh. He is hella cool in that movie. Nothing beats tagawa,he's the og after all. But mk legends BOTR and SR shang tsung is dope af design. The voice is ok. I always imagined shang to have a lower set voice tho. Mellow and snakey and almost hypnotic. Like fr. Smooth like butter. Because how else can someone so notoriously snake tongued be not having a voice that sound delicious? And also knows Exactly how to treat someone? Or exactly what to say or comfort. Like fr. This is basic 101. (I do believe shang tsung can love deeply. And genuinely. Its just been a hot ass minute since that and he dont trust easy due to a lot of factors but a majority of that is when he was in service under shao Khan)
But yeah that's basically it.
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dementedspeedster · 2 years
💍 --- match :3c
Accepting || Send me ‘💍’ for our muses to wake up married after a night of heavy drinking
General Note for this Prompt: all of these exist separate from the main verse. Pretty much AU/for fun.
The speedster let out a groan as he rose up from the comfort of his pillow and the warmth of the bed of his and Match's shared hotel room as he rubs the sleep from his sensitive eyes that refused to fully open. Numerous bottles of wine, whisky, and the like clattered and knocked against one another as he set his feet on the floor. While the hotel room wasn't any better as more bottles and glasses, plates of food and trash were scattered everywhere else as Thad took it all in as he managed to pry one eye open as he stretched out his arms and his legs languidly like a cat.
He'd take care of all of it in a bit. This place will be spotless before anyone can question what happened here. Not that Thad was certain himself either. It looked like a good time though.
"Ugh, we really over did it last night didn't we, Match? Looks like it was fun though." He called out to him over his shoulder, expecting Match to still be asleep in his own bed, but instead he receive a grumbling response from right behind him in the bed.
"Oh, wow." He chuckled, "I really didn't make it that far. Sorry man." He apologizes only half truly sorry as he falls back down onto the back and lands partially atop of Match hoping to wake the other, his head landing on his side as the other was curled up in the sheets, but boy did he not want to wake up. Though as Thad laid their the appeal of sharing a bed with his friend and his drunk self's reasoning for doing so becoming incredibly apparent in an instance. It was like sleeping with a space heater or an electric blanket. Incredibly warm and incredibly cozy. If he wasn't careful he could really get used to this.
"C'mon, Match." He grumbles flipping onto his stomach, partially stretched over the other clone's side as he shook his shoulder and body back and forth, "We've got to..."
Then he sees it.
"...check...out." It's the glint of the gold band on his left ring finger that sobers Thad up in an instance. Any languid ease he still held from the previous night dissipated just like that.
Oh no.
A nervous laugh escapes Thad's lips. He did not get so wasted last night that he ended up doing the stupidest thing a person could do in Vegas, had he? He was better than that. He was so much better than that.
Grife. And then there was also the question of who. Who the hell could have been so goddamn appealing that he'd drunkenly say yes to them?!
"Match." He hisses out shaking him harder now, "Wake up! I've got an issue here and I need you to wake the hell up." He rambled off as panic filled his voice as he dug his knees into the mattress, pulled at Match's arm, tugged on the blanket held in the other's tight grip, and did everything he could to wake up the other clone, which only seemed to annoy him as he rolled onto his other side in his sleep and swatted at the speedster in his sleep and mumbled something.
Thad had some choice words for the clone in his moment of panic, but as he grabs Match's hand ready to renew his efforts of waking him up his breath catches. He sees a gold ring matching his own around Match's own ring finger.
Oh. So that's who.
Thad drops Match's hand and sits back on the bed hugging his knees up to his chest and his rests his chin atop of them as he watches Match peacefully sleep.
"This could be worse. This could be terrible. It could be a stranger. It could be someone I didn't like--" No, no. no he was not going to get into his utterly confounding feelings for his friend now of all times. This was a mistake. A drunken mistake. Not only was he not going to get into his feelings, he wasn't even ready for marriage, and he wasn't going to get into this because it was simple. It was a mistake to be rectified and that's it.
Thad buries his head against his knees and lets outs a desperate groan before he lapses into Interlac, "Fuck me. Fuck my life."
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verse tag dump.
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killherfreakout · 4 years
do you have some elu fic recs?
oh yes i do!! so, as promised, here is my extensive elu fic rec list ✨
i’ve really tried to find some hidden gems - ones you might not have read yet or ones that are so so good that may not have been recognized, so there should be a bunch of good reads for you!! and if you enjoy them please remember to reblog, kudos, comment, and show the writers some love 💖!
i’m sorry if i missed some but i will likely update this list / make another rec list when i have more! you can also check my misc skam fic rec tag as i am always reblogging fics!
also: i know a lot of these writers have many other pieces i haven’t mentioned and have lots of things in the works, so make sure to follow them / read their other stuff and upcoming fics too!! :)
and if you know the writers’ tumblrs that i missed, please let me know so i can tag them!
from @katzen-kinder - some s6 canon compliant/fix its i love: the walls between us and throw me into the flames ! + this post s5 elu: midnight mistake and this drummer!lucas AU: date with a date
@oceanicinception has such a way with words!!! i cursed the breath of sea (spelled as poetry) and you’re my favorite work of art are so wonderful!!
social media fic incoming!!!! all mixed up by @let-them-lovexx here on tumblr !
I am NOT afraid of the f***ing dark by @mdrskam is so sweet and exactly like the title suggests hehe
break room by angelboygabriel on ao3 - aka before the ‘storing dvds’ clip! so sweeeet
words and other weapons by WhoWhatWhereWhy on ao3 - fight/makeup fic that has perfect angst with such a sweet ending!!
when we collide by lallemvnt on ao3 - some high school enemies to lovers!! in a really cool writing style!!
this series of elu post-canon shorts by theagentshade on ao3 - o m g!!!!!!!
that’s lighter than any other by natoureuse on ao3 - a soft lucas bday fic :’)
fake it till you make it by xJane on ao3 - it just finished and it was great!! I know she has a lot more stories i can’t wait to read too!
the amazzzing @pinkplanetaries is not only a phenomenal writer but always has recs of her own and is always sharing fics!! some of my fav oneshots of hers are: close to you and automatic, kiss-o-matic ! annnnd (im)patiently waiting on the rest of ddd ahhh!!
@rosesunrise fics are pure sunshine!! i want to sit down in your arms (wrap me in wonder) is 5 times lucas tells eliott he’s beautiful ! + such a soft neighbors au: between the houses + this coffee shop au !!!
by the lovely @kritiquer - cutest strangers to lovers: the colors are different (foreign and beautiful) and the softest established elu oneshot: forever in my mind (be my gold sunshine) 
@eliotts-eyes has some cuuute fluffy one-shots!! including my favs: make out in my car and my youth is yours !
@demauryss has a range of amazing fics! i love this skam-verse crossover with speed dating elu: slow motion (i’m watching our love) and of course the iconic multi-chap enemies to lovers matchmaking au, and one of my fav wips rn: sail the wildest stretch !
from the incredible @blanxkey - one of the best friends with benefits AUs: they’ll hang us in the louvre !!! seriously one of my fav fics ever!!!
@lumierelovers wrote one of the sweetest one shots: in the morning when i wake - i lovvvve this one :))
@lallemanting wrote soft quarantine elu feat. astrology: to me you’re everything that exists ! plus the pirate AU of my dreamssss wandering tides !!
ok i haven’t read these longer fics yet but they are next on my list:
greek god by MoniLikesReading on ao3
i should infinitely prefer a book... by historien_vil_huske_oss on ao3
you need me, and i’ll be here by Book_Lover2001 on ao3
meet me (in the hotel room) by eliottlallemants on ao3
ahh that’s all for this post but please don’t hesitate to ask for more, i would be so happy to make another rec post / find more great fics to share!!! i hope you found something interesting and remember to show the writers how much you enjoy it!!! 💖💖💖
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justalarryblog · 3 years
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🖐And I know he’ll be the death of me, at least we’ll both be numb by @capturethesunset (3k) | Not Rated
Louis getting wrecked by jealous Harry.
🖐When I hear your cries, praying for life. (I will be there) by @brokenbeauty (5k) | Explicit
Well, I figured we needed Larry birthday sex, soooo….. ;))))
🖐hop hop hop by orphan_account (3k) | Explicit
Suddenly, Harry’s slipping down his jeans, and Louis gasps as he’s met with a very unexpected but delicious sight. A mass of fur nestles between Harry’s cheeks, matching with the pink of the inner part of his bunny ears.
Or, the one in which Harry wears bunny ears and a bunny butt plug and Louis proceeds to fuck him.
🖐St. Austin’s School for Boys by @domtommo, @winsomefreak (100k) | Explicit
St. Austin’s School for Boys is a correction school for young men that uses corporal punishment as their means of discipline. After one too many infractions, Harry Styles is sent there till graduation. Upon arriving Harry meets his dorm advisor who also happens to be the first year sex-education teacher and footie coach, Louis Tomlinson. Harry falls in absolute adoration for the teacher and is all too ready to drop down onto his knees for him. During his stay he learns some very interesting things about himself… Welcome to St. Austin’s School for Boys, where the hallways are filled with love, drama, and sex.
Part 1 of St. Austin’s School for Boys
🖐jump in the deep end by @istajmaal (4k) | Explicit
Louis’s stomach lurches as he closes the last bit of distance, Harry’s nose settling between his arse cheeks and pushing them apart. Harry’s lips brush against the puckered skin around Louis’s hole in a kiss and Louis lets out a whine so high-pitched he barely recognizes it as coming from himself—what if I’m not clean enough, what if Harry hates it, what if Harry pushes me away—but then Harry’s long, wet tongue swoops in a circle around Louis’s rim and Louis feels like all the breath is knocked out of him. He grabs for Harry’s hand, still digging into his thigh, and squeezes over it, until Harry releases his vice grip on Louis’s thigh and laces his fingers through Louis’s.
or, Louis’s arse is a sensitive subject, so Harry approaches it gently. With his tongue.
🖐Yes Daddy, I Will by @recklessandbrave (9k) | Explicit
Louis smirks, arms crossed while admiring the scene in front of him. He had Harry exactly where he wanted him; desperate while blindfolded and tied up, and he was loving it. He feels drunk off the sight of his boyfriend spread out for him, naked, hard, and needy.
Or the one where Harry distracts Louis while he works and gets the punishment he deserves, and so badly wants.
Part 1 of Pastel
🖐strawberry milk fic by @Wankerville (158k) | Explicit
“So here’s the thing,” he starts. “I didn’t mean what I said a few weeks ago to like, hurt your feelings or anything. If you like painting your nails, then you should do that, and not like, care if anyone else doesn’t like it because their opinions shouldn’t matter, you know?” Louis takes a breath, finally glancing over to see the boy wide-eyed and pink-cheeked. On a whim, he adds, “And like, I noticed you scraping it off and you haven’t been wearing any and I think you should because that’s what you like.” or an au where harry paints his nails and drinks strawberry milk and is too nervous for it to be nothing and louis’ just trying to figure out whats wrong with him
🖐One for Luck by @leavingonatrain (96k) | Explicit
The very first time Louis remembers hearing Harry Styles’ deep, deep voice, he’s just won gold at the World Equestrian Games and he’s officially back on Great Britain’s Olympic team. He’s also three sheets to the wind, drunk on victory and champagne, and there’s a gorgeous boy whispering in his ear. Life’s grand.
(AU: Louis and Harry are professional riders on the British Olympic team.)
🖐driving instructor fic by @LoadedGunn (104k) | Explicit
AU where Louis is a 25-year-old driving instructor and Harry is a 17-year-old virgin who’s really awful at seduction, except for the time he gets Louis to fall for him and fuck him senseless and take him on kinky adventures.
🖐His Submission Series by tonystankyall (orphan_account) (152k) | Mature
Louis Tomlinson lives in a world where Domination and Submission is a norm. When you are born you are either branded Sub or Dom. Subs get a little pink or blue, depeneding on gender, series of swirls on the back of their neck. Doms get Red or Black, depending on gender, series of swirls on the back of their neck.
Louis Tomlinson was branded with a Blue tattoo and his day has finally come. The day of his 18th birthday where he will be randomly assigned a Dom. This dom could range from younger to older, poorer to richer, and male to female. You never knew what you were going to get. Some Doms were more harsher and stricter than others. Louis didn’t want a harsh Dom to submit to.
Harry Styles was branded with a Black tattoo and he just recieved in the mail that he was finally getting a submissive. Harry was a 32 year old man, settled in, and very very rich. He’s been waiting for an assigned submissive to be chosen for him for a very long time. His Dom friend, Zayn, has gotten his submissive two years prior, a little spit fire irish boy, Niall.
*The rest is in the note*
🖐Loving You Is Free by @littlelouishiccups (91k) | Explicit
Louis is a workaholic record label CEO who hasn’t been on a date in nearly a year. Niall and Liam make an account for him on a sugar dating website as a joke. And then Louis meets Harry.
🖐sex shop fic (dildornado ‘verse) by @istajmaal, @LoadedGunn (96k) | Explicit
AU where Louis is the most helpful sex shop salesperson in the history of sex shops, and Harry really was just looking for a vibrator with simple instructions (yet ended up getting a hands-on demonstration).
🖐connoisseurs of comfort by @sky_reid (45k) | Explicit
louis has only really had his flat to himself for a few weeks when liam knocks on the door and brings him a new flatmate. this one turns out to be a bit different though.
🖐Dance Floor Whore by @ropewithnoanchor (7k) | Explicit
Louis and Harry go to a club while on tour to blow off some steam, but Harry gets too drunk and lets another man dance up on him in front of everyone. Louis takes him back to their hotel and spends the next morning punishing Harry, making Harry work to make it up to him.
🖐Give It Up To Me by @krisstylinson (8k) | Explicit
“You’re going to end up making me come with all the boys in our lounge,” he finished, his tone softening the longer he spoke.
“And?” Harry murmured, placing his palm over the crevice of Louis’ arse, keeping the plug nice and tight inside of him. “What if I wanted you to?”
Or the cliché where Louis isn’t supposed to come but he does, and that can’t go unpunished in Harry’s eyes.
🖐Hold On To The Words You Spoke (Anchored Down In The Throat) by @justletmegohome (13k) | Explicit
“No, no. Louis, just stop. It’s not stupid, it’s never stupid. Believe it or not, I care. I care so much. Do you honestly think I’d still have my dick in your ass if I didn’t?”
Louis chuckles at that, but it’s sad, Harry notes it’s not right. “That will change when I tell you.”
“Never.” Harry kisses every bit of his face he can reach, he has no idea how that can help but he’s going to do it anyways.
“I don’t like the way I sound. ’S all,” Louis says in one breath, going coy as soon as he’s done speaking, his eyes casting downwards.
For a moment, Harry can’t believe his ears. Or the words Louis just said even if he can see them hanging in the air between them. Harry is not even sure if he listened He doesn’t want to believe them, maybe that’s why he’s having a hard time coming up with his own words.
*** Basically, Louis is loud. And then he isn’t. Harry ties him up to find out why. ***
🖐I’m Tired Of Using Technology, I Need You Right In Front Of Me by @Phillipa19 (6k) | Explicit
Louis goes away on yet another business trip, but when he stops calling Harry to check in, Harry decides to take matters into his own hands.
OR- Louis is Harry’s sugardaddy who has gone away on business and Harry feels neglected. Louis is possessive and gets a camera installed in their bedroom so he can check up on Harry, so Harry decides to use the camera to his advantage.
🖐leave you drowning until you reach for my hand by orphan_account (16k) | Explicit
If Louis told him to do something that he really didn’t want to do, it would be different, but Louis’s never done that, never asked anything of Harry that he couldn’t handle. Except—except maybe this; to obey him without praise, reward, approval, or even mere acknowledgement.
🖐let’s talk about making love by @istajmaal (25k) | Explicit
“That’s my name, baby, I’m Louis.” The voice on the phone inhales sharply, then says, “Gonna take my cock now, princess?”
Harry lets out a high-pitched mhmm and shudders as he pulls his fingers out of his hole, groping for the vibrator. “Nice to meet you,” he says, feeling a bit dizzy with how hard his untouched cock is.
Louis is just a simple phone sex line operator, but to Harry, he’s Daddy.
🖐smile in slow motion by @istajmaal (24k) | Explicit
“It’s 2011, Niall. People can fuck their friends’ faces without it meaning anything more than that.”
or, Louis is Harry’s dom and maybe also his soulmate.
🖐so defiant, little one by orphan_account(4k)| Not Rated
Louis refuses to talk to Harry when the older man doesn’t buy him the necklace he wanted, and in return Harry teaches him to be grateful when they get home.
🖐To Be Loved To Be In Love by @Angel_Dust (129k) | Mature
At 18, every Sub must take a Match Test to find their Dom.
Poor, Farm kid Louis Tomlinson is matched with Rich, Businessman Harry Styles.
Or, where Harry thinks giving Money, expensive presents and luxuries proves how much you love someone, but Louis is about to turn his world upside down.
🖐turn you on, make you radiate by @ballsdeepinjesus (15k)| Explicit
When he presses inside for the first time in weeks, he’s pretty sure he sees stars behind his eyes at the staggering sensation of Harry’s body squeezing every inch of him. When he bottoms out, he stays buried inside for a minute just to catch his bearings, listening as Harry takes sharp breaths beneath him. When he finally feels like he’s under control, he presses his lips against Harry’s ear and whispers, “Are you ready husband?“
Harry throws his head back and groans. “Call me your spouse.”
[…or, a self-indulgent snapshot of hl’s sex lives over the course of 10+ years]
🖐Untitled sugardaddy fic by orphan_account (2k) | Explicit
Harry comes home from a long day at work and has his way with his baby. (That’s Louis.)
The one with all the daddy kink sex and spanking. It’s pure pwp.
✨You can also check My Fic Tags for more fics! ✨
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Happily Ever After
Dean x Cas
Word Count: ~1090
Warnings: Fluffy as heeeeeelll. 
A/N: This is part of the Rockstar AU, but the only piece of that that’s really relevant to this “plot” is A New Song. It’s straight up rom-com fluff y’all. Plus cameos from the BAU and Harry Styles. 
This scene was 100% @stunudo​‘s idea, I just typed it out real quick. @fookinghelljensensthighs​ is also partly to blame, as usual, because... idk, handcuffs and fruit. 
More fun shenanigans in this ‘verse coming soon! 
(New header in the works, don’t mind me.)
“I dunno, Sammy, I think this was a fuckin’ awful idea,” Dean mutters under his breath, barely audible under the cheers of the audience as they start chanting for an encore. “Jesus fuck, what if -” 
“Dean,” Sam says firmly. “We’ve gone over this a million times.” 
“What if they…” He gestures around at some of the members of Business As Usual, who have been watching the whole show from sidestage. 
“If Bobby trusts their manager, so do I. This way at least we know before we invite them on a real tour,” Sam points out.  
“Sammy, I don’t think I can do this.” Dean looks shaky and anxious, now, and his eyes keep darting over to where Cas is checking on the guitar he usually uses for their encore. Charlie is next to him, looking furtively back at Dean every few seconds.
“Bobby pulled every string he’s got to make this show happen on short notice. If you don’t follow through, he’s gonna be pissed.”
“Yeah, but -” 
“What did I say?” 
Dean takes a deep breath. “Cas is worth being brave for.” 
“Yes.” Sam gestures to Charlie, who starts to tug a confused Cas in their direction. “Go on. I gotta get Harry on Facetime.” 
“Right,” Dean says, with one last deep breath, and then he turns and marches back out onto the stage, alone. Sam pulls out his phone and FaceTimes Harry, who picks up right away, even though it’s some ungodly hour of the morning where he is. His hair is a wild snarl of bedhead and he’s trying to peel an orange while also holding his phone steady. 
“What is Dean doing?” Cas hisses, alarmed, and Charlie has to keep a tight grip on his arm to stop him from following Dean onto the stage. “I’m not ready, I need -” 
“Just listen,” Sam tells him. Cas looks dubious. 
He gives Harry a quick smile and then turns the camera around, pointing it so that he can see Dean, who has gotten himself set up with a stool and an acoustic. Sam keeps the phone close to his chest, making sure that nobody will catch a glimpse of Harry’s (regrettably recognizable) face. 
“So,” Dean says into the mic, and the crowd quiets. “Um… I’m doing something a little special tonight. I want to play you a new song I’ve been workin’ on.” He clears his throat anxiously. “It’s for someone… someone I’m crazy about. These are some things I should’ve said a long time ago, but I’m not great at talking about my feelings, so I wrote about ‘em instead. Here goes.” 
Dean sneaks a quick glance over to where Cas, Sam, and Charlie are watching from the side of the stage, and Sam can see him take another deep breath before he starts to play the soft, wistful melody. 
Cas’s profile is illuminated by the harsh blue stage lights, and Sam can see the moment it all clicks; Cas’s mouth drops open, and he sways slightly on the spot. As Dean starts to sing about waiting and missed opportunities, a smile spreads over Cas’s face, bright and dazed, until he’s completely lit up with it. He looks happier than Sam has ever seen him before. 
The crowd is so silent you could hear a pin drop. Everybody’s completely transfixed by Dean’s voice, his usual growl gone shaky and raw with emotion. 
Charlie moves in closer, wrapping an arm around Cas’s waist, so that she and Sam are flanking Cas: her on his left, Sam on the right. Sam drapes his free arm over Cas’s shoulders and squeezes him tight. 
He glances back to where Spencer, Penelope, and JJ are watching, a little bit behind him, and wonders how they’ll react. Penelope’s dabbing away tears and Spencer’s watching with rapt attention, but JJ is looking right back at him, or rather, at Cas… so one of them, at least, has already figured out who Dean is singing about. There’s this sharp, knowing expression on her face that makes Sam nervous, for a second, until she flashes him a warm smile and a discreet thumbs up. He feels a little bubble of relief swell and pop in his chest. 
He’s feeling a little misty-eyed, but he doesn’t want to let go of Cas to wipe his eyes; Cas doesn’t seem totally steady on his feet, and Sam thinks he might need the support. 
On stage, Dean is strumming the bridge, and just before he launches into the last verse his gaze darts back to Cas, taking in the way he’s beaming. Dean grins helplessly too, when he sees it, and the last of the anxious shake disappears from his voice as he belts out the final chorus. 
Sam’s so fucking proud of his brother it feels like his ribcage might burst. 
When Dean finishes, the applause is deafening. 
“Thanks,” he says gruffly, with a little wave, as he gets to his feet unsteadily. “We’ll see you again real soon.” He looks wide-eyed and scared as he starts to walk offstage, eyes locked with Cas’s the entire way. 
Sam takes a couple steps back, giving them space, and Charlie does the same, after checking to make sure that Cas is still well out of sight of the audience. 
Dean stops, face to face with Cas. They both look stunned. Dean’s hands twitch up like he wants to grab Cas’s, but he can’t quite make himself reach out, and for a moment neither of them move. Sam’s holding his breath. It feels like everybody backstage is holding their breath, even the near-strangers in B.A.U.; they’re all watching, hope and anticipation written all over their faces.  
“Please just kiss him already,” Penelope blurts out, and that finally breaks the spell. 
Dean doesn’t hesitate any more. He steps in, pulling Cas close, and smiles into the kiss with his hands fisted tight in the back of Cas’s t-shirt like he never wants to let go. 
“Fucking finally,” Sam says, exhaling, and Charlie’s practically bouncing next to him, letting out a little cheer. 
“It’s like a fucking rom-com. Who does that shit in real life?” Emily is saying, but she’s grinning. Everyone is. 
On Sam’s phone screen, Harry is drying his eyes with the edge of a massive white hotel comforter, and Sam misses him fiercely for a moment. He turns the camera back around to mouth a silent “talk tomorrow.” Harry says something that Sam can’t quite make out. 
“What?” Sam asks, and holds the phone close. 
Harry repeats, “And then they lived happily ever after.” 
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earnestly-endlessly · 4 years
Could you please rec cherik fics where they still have powers but being mutant is well accepted? (Kind of like the Daycare Verse by brillingspoons) THANK U SO MUCH YOURE INCREDIBLE
Hi anon, of course I have a list for you. I am so sorry for the delay. I have been super busy lately with work and home renovations, but I’m back and I have a looong list for you. Now, the nature of x-men as a parallel of the very real fight of minority groups for civil rights makes it pretty hard to find fics where everyone accepts mutants.That’s actually why I love the x-men, because they represent the fight of those who are ostracised. So, some of these might have some social commentary, but the main focus does not lie there. Also, if you love the Daycare Verse check out pocky_slash’s fics (who actually wrote the majority of the Daycare Verse). 
Cherik ´Still Have Powers Modern AU´ Fic Recs
irreconcilable differences (make for surprisingly good bedfellows) – pocky_slash
Summary: Tonight on The Evening Report with Malcolm Stevens, noted geneticist and mutant equality proponent Dr. Charles Xavier faces off with the infamous mutant rights activist Magneto in a live televised debate over the Genetic Nondiscrimination Act.
(At least, if they can stop flirting long enough to stay on topic.)
Words and Pictures – pocky_slash
Summary: When Lorna's powers manifest early, Charles Xavier's mutant picture books are the perfect teaching tool. Erik just hadn't expected the author to be so young. Or attractive. Or available.
For the Record – endingthemes
Summary: As prominent figures in the mutant rights movement, activists Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr are pretty much household names. When a romance scandal between them breaks, their celebrity reaches new heights, and though the increased exposure is great, there’s a big problem -- the two of them are just friends.
Too bad no one believes them.
Runs in the Family – Anonysquirrel (chibirisuchan)
Summary: Alex knew his own reputation. Hell, he'd started some of his own reputation, because it kept some of the smarter thugs off his back. Everyone knew Alex's reputation. There was no way Hank didn't know his reputation, but he'd brought Alex into a house with some really expensive things and a lot of innocent little kids and his too-friendly, too-harmless dad.
But clearly Hank hadn't told his family anything about Alex, just like he hadn't told Alex anything about his family. At least, not about the brain-breaking parts of his family.
"I didn't know where to start," Hank said, for the dozenth time.
Featuring mpreg!Charles in a Kiss The Cook apron, overprotective!Erik in wet black leather, and baked goods. Lots and lots of baked goods.
(Another segment of this series is posted under the Cookie Cutter fic collection - thanks again, Takmarierah!)
Impulse Decisions – listerinezero
Summary: Erik wakes up in Las Vegas with a hell of a hangover, a telepath in his bed, and a ring on his finger. Now what?
You Show Me Yours - endingthemes
Summary: When Erik receives nudes in the middle of the night from an unknown number, he's confused and mildly amused. He doesn't expect it to turn into an actual conversation...with feelings.
As if that's not baffling enough, his friend's brother ends up crashing at his place, further complicating everything.
Some Such Place (The Big Screen Classics Remix) - Pocky_Slash
Summary: Erik's spent the last eighteen months having lengthy socio-political conversations and casual sex with Charles Xavier after seeing Monday matinees at a dingy little independent movie theatre in the Village. That doesn't mean they're friends. Or that Erik should have any say in what Charles is going to do with his future.
(At least, that's what Erik keeps telling himself.)
Into Your Tar, Honey  - tomato_greens
Summary: Really, Alex doesn’t know why he’s in the damn class.
(Or, the one in which Charles teaches an online Introduction to Biology course, and Alex reads more than he expected to.)
Heli Cases - Black_Betty
Summary: "Heli Cases" is a program on PBS whose aim is to educate on the rapidly increasing occurrence of genetic mutation in the general populous by breaking the complex science down into palatable, easy to digest pieces.
It is also the only thing that helps Erik get his fussy daughter to fall asleep.
(Featuring Dadneto, baby Lorna and the struggles of single fatherhood, and Charles as the host of a late night show about genetics.)
Bound - FuryRed
Summary: Is there anything worse than someone else’s wedding? Well, perhaps your sister’s wedding- where the groom just has to invite his boss and that man just happens to be your ex-boyfriend; a person you had an extremely passionate and tumultuous relationship with that ended badly.
Charles hadn’t seen Erik for a year by the time Raven had told him about the wedding. He wasn’t looking forward to the occasion, particularly when Raven explained that they would be celebrating the event with a two-week extravaganza at a luxury hotel, meaning that Charles would be forced to spend a whole fortnight with the man who he’d given everything to; the man who had ultimately broken his heart…
An Exercise in Frustration – ikeracity
Summary: Erik Lehnsherr's latest critically-acclaimed film Shame features a full-frontal nudity scene. His long-suffering husband Charles is really very peeved about it.
Eyes on Fire - Black_Betty
Summary: Every once in a while, fashion tycoon Emma Frost invites her favourite male models over to entertain her. And by "entertain", I mean she makes them have kinky consensual sex in front of her....Emma never touches herself when she watches, but she always has a glass of wine with her. Emma likes it best when they eventually forget that she's watching.
Charles and Erik meet each other through Emma...
(I've taken some liberties with the prompt, but all the sex is still there, and it's wholly consensual...and gradually, becomes more than just sex...)
Order Up - ikeracity
Summary: Charles has a terrible habit of multitasking, and that is probably why he absentmindedly tells the pizza man that he loves him when hanging up.
Then the pizza man says it back. And Charles is pretty much smitten from there.
Some Assembly Required - manic_intent
Summary: "Alex and Hank were two teenagers who frequently fight in school. One fight got so bad that the principal called in their fathers (as both came from single-parent families)/ guardians for a conference. This was how Charles and Erik meet."
Limited Release - rageprufrock
Summary: When Alex Summers broke out of supermax to rescue his stupid kid brother, he had no idea it was going to be so fucking complicated.
Math Reasons – pearl_o, pocky_slash
Summary: "Mom says Erik always knows what he wants, it just sometimes takes him a little while to actually realize it," Ruth said.
Charles fell in love with Erik the first night they met, the first week of freshman year. Two years of friendship, adventures, arguments, hijinks, secrets, and summer visits later, Erik is starting to catch up.
It’s kind of our whole thing – pearl_o, pocky_slash
Summary: After two years of best friendship, Charles and Erik thought they knew everything there was to know about each other. They're surprised, then, when their first summer as a couple reveals that they have a lot to learn about each other and themselves.
PART 2 of Math Reasons
A Nice Boy (The Family Matters Edition) – pocky_slash
Summary: Erik's not sure whether the problem is that he doesn't want his parents to meet Charles or that he doesn't want Charles to meet his parents. Either way, he never invites Charles to brunch. Why should he? It's not like they're dating.
apple season – pocky_slash
Summary: "You know," Charles says while they're sitting around the kitchen table reading the paper, "You should take Anya apple picking."
"Don't you mean 'we?'" Erik responds. The silence that follows is enough to make him re-examine his own apple picking memories a little more closely. Uneven ground littered with apples, tree roots, holes, and narrow passage between rows of orchard trees. "Oh," he says.
rooms/shares – pocky_slash
Summary: Erik is single, working a cube job he hates, letting his master's degree in mutant studies collect dust, and living on his best friend's couch. When she kicks him out, he's forced to trawl Craigslist for the least-offensive rooming option within his meagre budget. He never expects a response from the persnickety, high maintenance ad he replies to as a joke, but it's possible this too-nice apartment and mysteriously absent roommate might be the answer to all four of his problems.
Continue firm and constant – aesc
Summary: Moira hasn't seen her old partner in saving the world from threats human and intergalactic, Erik Lehnsherr, for a few years. When she finally does see him again, she finds a man different from the one who's been with her down in the dark and the dirt and the blood... or maybe he isn't so different after all.
Tough little baby telepath – aesc, pearl_o
Five Part Series
Summary: Teenage telepath Charles Xavier takes a job as a consultant, working with prickly police detective Erik Lehnsherr. Charles is used to being on his own and taking care of himself; he has no reason to think that his relationship with this stern, icy man is going to change any of that.
Frosted hearts – aesc, palalife
Summary: Emma Frost has 99 problems, but a date ain't one. Specifically, she has no time to play the dating game--which is fine with her, because she'd much rather run it instead. From a set of sleek, silver and white offices on Fifth Avenue and with her trusty, stylish, and silent partner Janos Quested, Emma has built Frosted Hearts into New York City's premiere dating service, built on the principle that money, and a sufficiently rigorous psionic scan, can, in fact, buy you love.
Somewhere in Frosted Hearts's server is one Charles Xavier, genius and geneticist, with the kind of nicely-starched good looks that sell well on brochures for New England prep schools. He's also a telepath who's decided to give up pursuing serious relationships and instead spend his thirties doing what he should have done as a teenager: have a lot of sex with random people. Fortunately for him, Erik Lehnsherr, metallokinetic and engineering executive, has absolutely no time in his heart or his schedule for anything more serious than... well, absolutely nothing romantic at all.
Mercy of the Fallen (the AirDrop Security Update 2.0) – pocky_slash
Summary: Erik Lehnsherr feels defined by his past sins and after years of acting against his own moral compass, he's finally struck out on his own. He's his own boss now, and determined to work hard to help the mutant community and make up for years of doing someone else's dirty work.
Complicating this is Charles Xavier, mutant advocate, genetics professor, unfairly attractive telepath, and owner of the coffee shop below Erik's office. Erik may not think he deserves to be a part of the community he's thrown himself into helping, but Charles has other ideas on the matter, and he's determined to do everything in his power to make Erik see himself as a force for good.
you follow and i’ll lead – pearl_o, pocky_slash
Summary: When Charles discovers how frustrated and self-conscious his best friend Erik is about his ignorance about sex, he's eager to volunteer to help teach him and practice. Charles might not have any more direct experience than Erik, but he does have a telepath's mind full of accidentally picked-up fantasies and memories, as well as knowledge of a few dirty books - and more importantly, he's been madly in love with Erik for years. This seems like a brilliant, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that he can't pass up.
Now he just needs to manage to keep his feelings in check, and not ruin their friendship forever.
Snail Mail – pocky_slash
Summary: Alex isn't thrilled when his boss, Erik, starts sending him to hand deliver notes to Erik's husband up at the university--that is, until he sees the Professor's hot new TA, and suddenly, the notes can't come fast enough. If only Alex could work up the guts to ask him out....
this is life (and everything’s all right) – pocky_slash
Summary: Edie Lehnsherr came into Charles' life long before he ever heard Erik Lehnsherr's name, and her death left a gaping hole in the lives of everyone in Charles' family. As the first Purim without her approaches, he begins to get creative in his efforts to bring everyone out of their grief. Kitchen creativity, however, is not quite his strength....
Watching the Detectives – Clocks
Summary: Detectives Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr are good friends and colleagues. However, when they go undercover at a Christmas party to nab a prime suspect, Erik keeps reminding himself to stay professional and ignore feelings of unexpected jealousy.
Student/Teacher Relations – PoorMedea
Summary: As a TA, Charles knows he can't get involved in all his students' lives. He needs to keep professional boundaries, to make sure that he's an authority figure. But when he accidentally finds out how complicated Erik Lehnsherr's home life is, he suddenly finds that distance hard to maintain.
Fill for the prompt: Erik is the teen dad of adorable baby!Lorna. I just want teen!Erik being a dad, with adorable interactions between him and his baby. Angst is good too since there's always going to be some in such situations, but mainly I want to see teen dad Erik being an awesome dad who loves the hell out of his daughter despite whatever else may be going on.
Conspiracy of Kisses – Alaceron
Summary: Seven-year-old Erik needs to keep his telepathic best friend Charles from finding out that he wants to kiss him. But that's okay, because he has a plan - he'll put on a tinfoil hat.
Favorite Mistake – endingthemes
Summary: Charles Xavier doesn’t think anything of it when he sneaks out without even saying goodbye to his latest one-night stand. What he doesn’t expect is to walk into his new position in the Xavier Industries marketing department and find that his latest hook-up is now his new boss.
Never Take Biology for Granite – ikeracity, pangea
Summary: Charles is an internet celebrity who garners his fame from posting educational, in-depth videos about a different animal every week, though for some reason his viewers are always more interested in his sex life with his geologist husband, Erik, who happens to frown heavily upon all living things.
Except for Charles, of course, whom he's missed these past couple days while attending a geologic convention--though considering the subject material of Charles' newest video, he's wishing he would've stayed away longer.
This Is Not Comedy – baehj2915
Summary: Written for amarriageoftrueminds' prompt for a Cherik version of Louis CK's tangent about the fuckability of Ewan McGregor.
Naturally the similarities end there. I made this about Erik's full on public lust-filled gay revelation, and the chaos that spirals from there.
Snowed In – dedkake
Summary: Charles and Erik have a one night stand, but a blizzard traps them in Erik's apartment afterward.
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Author Spotlight: Coffeegleek Day 3
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Author : @coffeegleek​
How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
At least a few revisions. Then multiple editing passes, and even with my spouse as my proofreader for the past 25+ years, and doing more editing passes before posting to AO3, I still find annoying little typos, sometimes large ones.
If you were to revise one of your older fics from start to finish, which would it be and why?
There was a crack fic I stopped writing years ago. It was a self-challenge during one of those tumblr trope challenges. I was trying to combine all of the tropes into the same fic as they were announced. It got zero traction though so I gave up. I'd love to go back and complete it, make it better. I had the whole thing outlined too.
What do you look for in a beta?
My spouse. We've been together for decades. He's been proofreading my original science fiction work and various fandoms' fanfics since before we were married. He even proofreads my Klaine smut and doesn't blink an eye. (He's a Glee fan too and on tumblr.) He knows what I'm trying to say when I can't find the right words and supplies them. He catches things I don't. What I love the most is for my original work, he's written his own fanfic. It's BAD. It truly is, but it's so heartfelt and earnest. He even came up with a soundtrack should I ever publish my sci-fi novel and the movie or show rights be bought. You really can't get a better beta than that. <3
There’s a number of friends on tumblr that I bounce ideas off of and who give me advice for topics they know far more about than me and google. I try to thank them in my fics.
If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
I’m going to steal another author’s recent answer and say that I could never do someone else’s work justice. However, I would love to see the author’s ideas for their fics even if they couldn’t write a prequel or sequel.
I suck at remembering titles and author names. There were two political fics that I would love to read more of should their authors ever decide to write in those verses again. One was where Kurt and Blaine's dads were running for president and Kurt and Blaine were along for the ride, staying in the same hotels at time (where they first met,) having to do school remotely, having to be the perfect sons for the press and Blaine being fed up because his parents were conservative Republicans. Then there was another fic where Burt was president and Kurt was the First Son living in the White House, along with Finn, and it was hard to date when your every move is watched by the press.
Do you take liberties with canon or are you very strict about your fic being canon compliant?
I write AU, so canon is only a word often misspelled by me. :) Seriously though, I try to incorporate as many canon elements and characters into my AU fics as I can. It's the kind of AU I like to read as well. What draws me to read and write AUs is taking canon characters, putting them into a different setting, and seeing how they'll react. At their core, they still need to remain the same in principle and have many of the same traits. Like Kurt will always love fashion and be headstrong no matter what. Blaine is always going to have that spark within himself, no matter how depressed or oppressed he gets. Burt and Carole are always going to be loving and nurturing parents at heart. Even in fics where Burt isn't woke, there's a part of him that means well. (Not one of my own fics, but one I read a long time ago.) Different circumstances will change the canon characters and make them react in different ways though. Like, Kurt could end up more withdrawn and hide his love of fashion as a matter of survival and self preservation. He or Blaine could turn into "bad boys." Coach Beiste will always have a heart of gold. Miss Pillsbury will always have a problem with messes. Things like that. I know canon. Give me all the alternate universe versions of it and I will be a happy camper.
Talk about a review that made your day.
I haven't checked for reviews on my fics in ages (because I'm an insecure chicken) so I don't remember any specifically. I do remember there were many that made my day. There are those who take the time to review every chapter. Ones who write only a short note to thank me for writing the fic - both the angsty ones and the cracky fun ones. I love it when someone mentions something that no one else has that I was hoping someone would notice because I was proud of it. I'm not a popular author and don't get a lot of kudos or comments or reblogs compared to many. So each comment and kudos means a lot to me and I'd like to publicly thank every single person who wrote one or hit that kudos button.
Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?
I once got a troll who decided it was his job to complain that I had misspelled hors d'oeuvres in one sentence out of an entire verse where the word was written multiple times correctly. It was a series of Klaine Advent one shots for the Empty Nest verse. At first I was shocked and replied with an apology. Then I was, "F this. The person is a troll who didn't read any other part of the fic or verse, just this one quickly written one shot entry, and if all they had to say was that I'd misspelled a commonly misspelled word, then they aren't worth my time." I deleted the comment. There's concrit and trolling. It wasn't concrit.
What advice do you have for people just starting to write?
Have fun writing, even the hard stuff. Know that it's okay to take breaks. Try your best and know you'll get better the more you write and the more you read. Pronouns are your friend and free. Don't put, "I know this is going to suck, so whatever," in your fic description. We all suck at times. It's a part of writing. But if you want folks to read it, using that as your fic's summary isn't the way to go. Just my opinions, which won't even buy you a cup of coffee.
Which fic do you most like to discuss with other people? Why?  
I think it’s pretty obvious from all of my rambling that I enjoy talking about both of my series - Empty Nest verse and A Very Hallmark Christmas verse.  I'm not a popular author and I know my fics, especially the Empty Nest verse ones, aren’t everyone’s thing, so I never get to really discuss them except with friends that I bug to death in private and via long replies to comments on AO3. (You all are saints blessed by all of the good and patient gods.) I have so much to say about them - the process of writing them, the world building, research, and character decisions that went into every single one. I know they’re not perfect. I know the Empty Nest verse grew miles beyond the ficlette about Burt and Carole that it was meant to be. I know my sense of humor in the Hallmark verse isn’t everyone’s thing either. I still worked really hard on them and am glad that I did. Empty Nest let me release a lot of the fear and anxiety I had for my Hispanic and gay son after the 2016 election. The Hallmark ones were a needed break to put some humor into my life. If others enjoyed them, great. If folks want to know more, my inbox is always open.
What's one aspect of writing fic that gets you really excited?
Writing humor even if I'm the only one that finds it funny. As I said above, writing the Hallmark Christmas movie dialogue and plot and the actors as they were filming it was a blast. Writing the commercials was fun and exciting. In my angsty fics, knowing I wrote a good scene, line, or moment that brought out all the feels. That's more of “satisfaction of a job well done” than excited.
Check out Coffeegleek’s Fics
Humorous Spooky Drabbles -  Humorous drabbles to spookish type prompts based on a tumblr post called October Drabble Prompts #1 by hallofceleano. The parts in bold and italic are from those prompts. Characters include Kurt, Blaine, Burt, Carole, and Finn. All fun; only #4 has some mild angst. #4 is for snarkyhag and regarding #5 - I know next to nothing about Twilight and had to look up Taylor Lautner on imdb. The liberties I took are my own.
A Very Sloppy Christmas - lucy8675309 posted to tumblr a series of gifs with Kurt dressed up as an elf. It inspired me to write the following prompt, which CoffeeAddict80 encouraged me to write as a fic:
I now want a fic where real Santa’s elf!Kurt gets drunk and vents to Blaine about all the woes of working for Santa. He’s over 100 years old and the outfits are terrible. Why couldn’t they wear clothes like the elves did in that one movie? Drunk elf Kurt has no idea he’s venting to Santa’s son.
Bonus if he wakes up and realizes he just had a drunken one night stand. He isn’t sure who it was with. Only that he’s naked, the guy in the bed beside him is naked and showing off a really great ass. Then said guy turns over and after Kurt’s done staring at his dick, he looks at the guy’s face and realizes who it is.
It’s a Twisted World -  I decided to challenge myself by combining the posted 5 weekly Klaine AU Friday themes and adding another one of my own. So that means: Farm, Fairytale, Vintage (1900’s,) Super Powers, Zombie Apocalypse, and Harry Potter World Klaine with a splash of a fic idea I thought of while in the produce section of the grocery store. Each week, the story will continue, though each part stands alone. This is not a brilliant work of perfectly composed fan fiction. What it is, is fast-paced, cracky fun, with a large dose of innuendo. At least it had my son laughing his ass off. I hope y'all enjoy it too. :)
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brooklynislandgirl · 4 years
☼ ♀
Munday Munday ||Accepting {{also @mynameisanakin <333 for the same question}}
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☼: Which tropes do you find overused/boring?
Inherently, I don’t think any single trope is bad/overused/boring. I think it really depends on how it’s utilised, what spin you put on it, how you choose to incorporate it into your canon. Sometimes, depending on the involved muses, it’s just enough to see it played legit straight off the page.
I think aspects bother me though, like... I am never going to shame someone for their craft or how they find joy in their hobby but sometimes...sometimes... my eyes cannot roll further back into my skull without threat of my retinas detaching. So without further ado, allow me to give you a curated list of shit that drives me up the fricken wall:
1. Child characters that are written waaaaay younger than their age, or way older than their age. By that I mean 5+year olds who still baby-talk and can’t construct sentences that are developmentally common for 2/3 year olds. Ten+ year olds who act/talk like 70 Year Old Viet Nam veterans, chain smoking and drinking more than anyone I know in real life.
Children who are perpetual little shits and snark-monsters. Like I do not advocate violence against children at all, and I certainly didn’t spank my kid after around the age of six or so, because I discovered it was far more effective to have Rabbit give her Lectures, but goddamn. Kids on tv but especially in written RP... I am surprised someone else hasn’t punched them dead in the face for being snotty little assholes.
2. Unrealistic family dynamics Your parents had 2861 children. Your muse is 26 years old and has 23863 children, just to one up Mom and Dad. I mean yes, eventually your muses might want kids, but in this day and age there’s not a lot of call to compete with Octo-mom. And also, while my muse loves children and babies, and all things soft and cute, please understand I would prefer to remove my own spleen with a can opener and a rusty spork than play it out in real time, thread after thread, after thread...
Also, yes. In real life, parents are shitty people, and a lot of writers come from abusive homes or broken ones, or a combination of both. This has long ranging ramifications psychologically speaking, but also remember...there’s good parents out there too.  If your muse is gonna be an asshole because of their upbringing, well that’s up to you. But show, don’t tell. Show how their trauma affects them, what they do {and maybe fail at} to overcome these difficulties.
3. Always knowing EVERYTHING your partner-muse is thinking/feeling/doing. This is by-far my biggest pet-fucking-peeve in literally 30 years of rping/collaborating with  partners.
Especially on Tumblr, there’s a lot of internal monologue; the muse’s feelings and thoughts about things happening in any particular scene. These are not spoken aloud, though body language might be used to indicate the muse’s emotional or mental status. Sometimes a character is injured, hungry, horny, you name it. And they might exhibit behaviour that indicates this to be happening.
However, if the person you’re playing with always knows everything your muse is feeling and thinking and doesn’t try to work that out in an in-character way...it becomes flat, unimportant, and you’ve wasted minutes, hours or even days crafting a response. It’s just not fucking polite. For example...
Beth is aware there’s a Spectre hanging out in her closet judging her wardrobe choices, because she used spirit sight to check out the hotel space as one does when one is a Mage, but doesn’t say anything to Alan, who’s tagging along for the ride. Alan is just a normal human being, unaware of the supernatural. Beth chooses to maybe Ward the door while Alan is out getting food from the Waffle House that is right next door, and doesn’t leave any evidence of having done so. Instead, she’s lounging around on the bed, because she’s exhausted. Alan then comes in with the food, and asks her if she’s going to deal with the spook in the closet who may or may not be parading around in her especially pretty underwear, or if it’s cool with her. That is a case of meta-gaming. DO NOT DO IT.
4. Muses that have no fear of anything, at all, ever. A lot of people show NO kind of FEAR in RP because nothing can be done to them without consent. But come on, it’s not even remotely realistic, and really takes a reader or partner out of a scene. 
You are facing an enormous Garou {werewolf/lycan for most people} who is dripping blood from his jaw and trying to nail your face with bloody claws the size of butcher knives. What would you do in real life? Checking your phone and leering at him before winking at the Garou and say “Hey, what’s up?” Or are you dead scared and running away like a teenager caught at Camp Crystal Lake? Or pissing yourself and cowering in terror.... Or....
Your muse may be very brave and try to fight back but there should still be fear or at least a massive amount of respect for his Lord Mighty Scariness. Substitute the word Garou with Alien, God, Immortal, etc.  Please, please, please make an effort in your RP to work with others. I mean, I know EVERYONE likes to win, but what’s better than winning? Good, intensive, intriguing RP. 
♀: What is an AU, you really want to play with your muse?
Not EVEN gonna lie, I miss my villains Antiheroes from the DC universe: Lex Luther and John Constantine. But also the Endless, which also rightfully belong to DC from the Vertigo days. I am terrified that once Netflix releases their Sandman mini-series that people are going to flock to the Endless and muck about the stories without having experienced Neil Gaiman’s lush, evocative and dark fantasy prose.
I would specifically with YOU want to write more of the Fae backstory, and history that leads up to Immortal and Reiltin/Mael Muire/Beth and Lorcan, with its insane cast of characters, and delve more into the mythology of your muses.
And I dunno. I think I may love to see a verse somewhere....where Beth is the one that joined the military, and Andy was the one who went to Med school.
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hecohansen31 · 5 years
Gurl if you got more ideas for them please dish! Lol that's my request, just more of that, whatever your ideas are for them lol
(A/N): Hello sweetie!
I know that I have already started a story about those two, but hey… I literally wrote this supernatural AU (although I don’t know if this could be properly called AU, since Roman is already a supernatural being) a few months ago and it was supposed to be about an OC insert (so if you see Heco, sorry it’s reader) and it was supposed to be actually MichaelxReaderXIvar… but I feel like Roman is just more fitting, so…
I really hope that you’ll enjoy it and if you like this verse please let me know because I literally finished the first chapter of the other fanfic I was working on so I will be working on the smutty continue of this…
Thank you, again for your support lovelY!
(Also I am tagging @walkxthexmoon, since she expressed her love for it, if you want to be tagged into something else… let me know!).
Also, since it is implied but not explained: Ivar is a werewolf, whereas Roman is a vampire (actually a “upir” but both Ivar and Reader tease him calling him “vampire” so I am here doing the same thing!).
WARNINGS: Bad Friends (I literally have to say that each time I am wirting about shitty friends I am like “No, my friends are not like this”, and then they make something… and I am like “this is karma for being assholes), Bitchy Reader, Heavy Flirting and Mentions of Sex and Threesomes.
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She couldn’t help but feel a bit betrayed when her friends had sent her into that demonic village, as a birthday gift.
She was almost wondering if they hated her that much
(Was it the fact that she was more successful than them, or the fact that she was the only single one of the group, ruining with her mere presence the life of all its components…).
Because there was no way that journey was a vacation, it was absolutely a punishment of some kind, starting from the fact that her freaking car had stopped working an hour before arriving to the hotel, on a full bus, with her heavy luggage.
She was supposed to spend a weekend as a single lady with her newly broken-up best friend, except…
Except her ex-boyfriend appeared a few days ago, proposing to her and basically blowing off her plans.
If you could call “plans” something which had been thrown on your way.
She still regretted all the books she might have received, instead of being sent in this shithole.
She didn’t mean to judge a book from the cover, or better by the shitty phone reception, and the shitty appearance of the hotel where she was staying for two nights and three days and the shitty shops.
She hoped she might find some kind of bookshop… because that’s where she hoped to spend the days… although there were a lot of bar and liquor shops, maybe people liked to get drunk enough to forget about this shithole.
No, she wouldn’t be judging, not even as it started raining just when she stepped off the bus and reached hurryingly the hotel, almost slamming herself on the closed door, that thank God gave out under a little pressure, allowing her inside and in the warmth of the hall, for which she was thankful.
She spent a few minutes trying to recollect herself and thanking whatever make-up goddess, she hadn’t worn any, alongside collecting from her bag the vacation’s document and her wallet.
She approached the receptionist, a man, bigger than her of a few good inches, and turned around fixing some documents, till she coughed, more because of the cold she had been in than anything else, gaining his attention, or better a very pissed glare.
She almost though about fleeing the scene and checking the buses station, but the glare dissipated as soon as he took her in: she was sure she looked a mess enough to pray for his pity.
-Well… it is raining outside, isn’t it? – he mused almost shyly, immediately leaning on the table of the reception hall, almost as if to be closer to her, making her squeak lightly and in response her social anxiety kicked in, making her shove her folder with the payments and bookings in his face.
He smiled, with his shining blue eyes, taking (very gently for a man of his stature) the documents and setting down his eyes on them, and she almost whined to be robbed of those two spots of ocean, but she tried again just to readjust her appearance, wanting to seem calm and at ease, although she hated doing anything that remotely made her have contact with strangers.
-(Y/N) (L/N)? – he asked and she had to stop herself from saluting him as a freaking soldier, but the voice raspy and rough made him seem like someone who wanted everyone to stand at attention when he spoke to them, so she tried her best, although staring right into the ocean was a bit scary -… but I don’t see any Annie Howin, are you waiting for her? -.
Here came the hard part: explaining her friend had balled out of this “magical adventure” and if she could use a single room, instead of a double…
-… nope…- she almost wanted to slap herself for the childish expression, but the guy looked at her wolfish, clearly amused by the way she had rolled the word, which made her blush (wasn’t it too warm here? Or was she just burning from embarrassment?) -… you see… we were supposed to spend a weekend as singles…-
-You are,,, single?- he seemed  almost surprised by the way she said it, but she tried not to mind the comment too much, spitting out the discourse she had rehearsed for two days.
-… but her ex-boyfriend came back in town and… he proposed…-
-… and she accepted? – he commented as if they were in some kind of cheap telenovela, bringing a smile on her lips, while his own mimicked it in a smirk, a very sensual smirk (part of her thought it was the one lovers offered when they were teasing the other, as if humoring them but also trying to get them out of the shyness shell).
-Yep- again the childish expression and again the wolf-like smirk, which honesty made her wonder if his teeth were freaking sharp or it was just an impression -… and after he cheated on her… the dude kind of sucks…-
-Well, he must have other talents- the innuendos made her start out a laugh, mostly because of the absurdity of the situation: shy little (Y/N) gossiping with a gorgeous receptionist, who seemed into her.
(Key-word: “seemed”, she was pretty sure he was just flirty by nature, with those good looks and arms that could carry her everywhere, no she wasn’t totally imagining herself clinging at them, meanwhile he whispered naughty things, before dropping her to their shared bed…).
-I don’t know, I wasn’t the one he cheated her with…- and then she went back to the straight discourse, gaining a little laugh from the receptionist -… so she is not coming… and I am all by myself…-.
She didn’t meant to appear that pathetic, but it must have seemed that way to the guy, who rose his head, as if his ears could stand at attention as a well-trained dog, before giving her a sultry look and in that moment she remembered how stuck to her body her clothing was, nothing too transparent but… she was definitely vulnerable and that guy was checking her out as a piece of meat.
But not in the “sexual harassment” way, the “I really want you in my bed” way, and she was sure she was just mistaking the signs.
She was not ugly, but not a boy magnet: she just eased the “feminist who won’t put up with your shit” attitude, and it didn’t help to have social anxiety and shyness.
-So, you are all alone in a wedding suite… that’s honestly sad…- he mumbled but he didn’t seem sad for her, he was still leaning, and although his head was at the same level of her cleavage he was being a gentleman and still staring at her eyes.
-Yep, that’s why I would like to change it to a single: wedding suite is definitely too big for me…-.
-Sorry, lovely- she almost jumped at the nickname but he just smiled at her sweetly, letting the flirty persona behind -… we can’t change, but I am sure you will find the wedding suite to your liking, it is one of our best-.
Oh, just her luck.
She must have shown her disgust on her face (not a difficult thing, since she couldn’t hide anything) because he smiled apologetically to her:
-I swear it is a lot better than it looks, and we have warm water-
-But no wi-fi- she mumbled sadly at the sign on the window.
He scratched his head nervously, nodding.
-That sucks absolutely, but you can find an amazing wi-fi connection at “Shiny Moon”, it’s a bar near here, if you want, I can accompany you later-.
She seriously was flattered by the offer, but she didn’t know this guy and although he had been a gentleman (still sending her a few glance that made her feel hot and bothered, but maybe she was imagining them) she didn’t want trouble, mostly with hunks.
-Thank you, but I am sure I will find it, also I wouldn’t want to disrupt your work- she tried to push the “don’t want to bother you” excuse and he clearly didn’t believe it, but nodded as if he was used to that rejection and she thought for a moment to tell him, that maybe he…
But a beautiful blond-haired woman appeared catching the receptionist’s attention.
-Ivar! – she shouted, the name probably written on the little thing on the man’s tight t-shirt, which she couldn’t read because her glasses were a mess.
Ivar didn’t seem happy to be called and (Y/N) honestly didn’t get why: the woman looked like she came straight from a Swedish version of “Sports Illustrated”, definitely a model, who had unluckily chosen a shitty hotel.
-The water in my room isn’t working- she didn’t acknowledge (Y/N) as soon as she stepped near the receptionist table, locking eyes with Ivar, who turned his head down, avoiding categorically her gaze, but grunting a “ok” -… it needs to be fixated immediately, so come to my room-.
The last part of the quote seemed a clear invitation and it was what made Ivar snap, turning around abruptly and sending a glare at the woman, before recognizing her presence and softening his grim grin.
She didn’t know why, probably for empathy, but she smiled straight back at her, before coughing to make the rude model acknowledge her presence and whisper, trying to appear sultry.
-Ivar was minding my case, give him five minutes and he will solve your problem…- she wanted to add “your attitude problem” but she didn’t dare, already having said much more than the model expected, from her smiling face which sent her way a venomously sweet smile, nodding.
She didn’t answer to her, just turning to Ivar again and mumbling in a languid voice.
-Be swift, I don’t think it can wait much longer-.
Ivar just nodded, eyes fixed on the desk, and raising just when (Y/N) whispered a “she is gone”.
-She is a…- he tried to mumble, clearly numbing his rage to her benefit, meanwhile she shot him a compassionate look.
-Some people should just get a kick in their beautifully shaped butt- she mumbled and laughed honestly, as if releasing all the tension, something which was truly heartwarming for her, and made her smile to him as genuinely as she could do.
-I mean I would, but I am scared it would get just stuck there…- he made her laugh brightly and for a moment she thought about how embarrassing she must have sounded: nobody liked her voice or her laugh, too high-pitched, childish and definitely creepy but he looked at her as if she had just told him she was the freaking Virgin Mary, before turning around and catching a key.
-I am supposed to photocopy your document, but since you seem pretty cold and have dealt with an assholish receptionist, I’d say you can go to your room and warm up, it should be done by now- he put the key in her hands, reaching out for the physical contact.
He could have thrown them at her, made them dangle in front of her, but he straight up waited for her to offer her hands, gently putting the keys into them, covering them with his: that freaking contact was not accidental.
But she enjoyed the warmness of his hands, smiling thankfully at him, before trying to take everything in her hands.
And just when she was going for the elevator, she felt herself being called out.
-I know you might already know, because Fredys gave it out, but I am Ivar-.
She got into the elevator and she faced him smiling brightly before offering her hands as if she could grip his.
-I am (Y/N), but I think the documents gave it away-
-… unless they are fake, (Y/N) a pretty common name…- he made her laugh so easily she forgot to push the button, thankfully somebody else called the elevator and she made it in time just to smile at him and start her phrase.
-… parents- she mumbled meanwhile she reached her number, forty-eight, she low key liked it and the place looked much nicer inside, the old style that made everything seem “vintage” although it was a step from destroying itself, which might happen with her luck.
The key actually worked and she slipped swiftly inside the room, smiling at the clean smell and the warmth of it: a shower and a change of clothes would do her good, but firstly she moved around the room to check everything was alright and was surprised to find out how luxurious it actually looked, with even a bathtub, with hydromassage and a long plump bed where you could roll around in silk sheets.
The architecture was old and there was the much hated and anti-hygienic moquette, alongside with a horrible fantasy on it but everything looked in a classy way, much better than the motel she expected to find and much more than for what she had paid for her.
The place didn’t cost too much, according to her last research but it looked like it was worth every penny, if you ignored the fact that it was in the middle of nowhere with no wi-fi.
It was perfect if you looked for the perfect place for a “Shining” replica.
She tried to focus on positive thoughts, such as the fact that she shower water was immediately warm and she was happy to sing a little meanwhile relaxing her tights muscles from carrying her luggage every freaking where.
She then blow-dried her hair with the hair-drier that was there working perfectly, meanwhile slipping in a more comfortable attire: she had mostly short dresses, since she thought she would be out partying, a few sweater and her beloved high-waisted skinny jeans but she had managed to slip some ugly leggings and an old ruined university sweater.
It was barely three p.m. but she was tired for the long journey, which should have been a very short one, but the breaking of her car didn’t help (she had thought for a moment it was a sign that she should have just gone back home); she had had to deal with the police, coming to help her.
She had thought that maybe luck would be on her side, when she saw the bus coming on her way.
Unluckily the freaking bus journey sucked, so… she was tired AF and the cheap reality show she had chosen didn’t help and she ended up falling asleep on the plush bed, mumbling something about how bitchy bridesmaids could be…
She woke up because something on her head was vibrating and scared her into thinking about a possible earthquake, but it was just her phone.
It was Annie, from whom she had missed five calls and thousands of messages.
But she was so tired, that she actually thought about not answering her back and going back to Tom Hardy’s muscled arms.
(She had dreamt for a minute about the reception boy… Ivar… but it low key felt wrong; he wouldn’t definitely be involved into the situation she was dreaming, alongside the fact that it would be low key disgraceful to see him and blush after what she had seen in her dream).
-Hey Annie… I was sleeping- she even yawned, trying to tell her friend to make it quick.
They had never really been best-friends, forever competitors in everything and at the social level it seemed Annie was winning.
-Thank God you answered! I was getting worried…- she mumbled, clearly chewing her lips, she was also probably staring at her elegant diamond ring, part of (Y/N) wanted to tell her it was as small as her boyfriend’s dick, or so the rumors said, but she had stopped herself from doing anything, she had just “awed” stupidly alongside her other friends, when Annie had shown it to them (the ring, not her boyfriend’s dick)-… did you arrive? -.
-Yeah- and she watched her watch, apparently it was late enough that she might have missed her dinner, because of her little nap and outside it was pretty dark.
She put her friend on speaker, trying to put on a decent outfit, nothing too much to go to the “Shiny Moon”, which she highly hoped wasn’t some kind of exclusive club or a strip-club, because she had no intention to stick her tired body in a skirt, so she ended up in her comfortable jeans and an even more comfortable sweater.
-… so I am still sorry, but I felt like me and Gerry had to have our space and time, after the proposal… did I tell you he took me out to the “Sinatra”…- the most expensive place in their hometown, Heco remembered how it was something Annie always wished to do, and she was low key happy her friend could cross that off the list.
-Oh, it’s beautiful! – she commented, grabbing in her hand the sheer lace of her mini-black dress, the sexiest dress she owned and definitely the one she used to go out to clubs, but she immediately put outfit down, not feeling confident enough for that look -Hope you two had fun! -.
-I hope you will, too, (Y/N), is the room nice? -she asked, quitting the chipping about everything else.
-Oh, yeah, I have a jacuzzi- she heard her friend “owww” and mumble “maybe I should have come” -… and I am going out to get wi-fi, that’s why I haven’t been answering your messages because my 3G is not working so well…-.
-Yeah, I can’t hear you well…- mumbled Annie, but this didn’t discourage her from keeping up the conversation meanwhile (Y/N) adjusted her head in a high ponytail -… so I was thinking about the maid of honor: my sister or my cousin? -.
She low key didn’t expect to be the maid of honor, but not even being considered?
They hadn’t been best friends but (Y/N) had tried to play the part, remembering her friend’s birthday and gifting her lavish gifts, consoling her when asshole Gerry had left her and helping her build her confidence.
Annie had always left (Y/N) behind, after she was alright, and (Y/N) had been ok with that, she had stopped expecting people to do something for her, but still, it stung…
And to avoid confrontation, she started making horrible sounds and stumbling on her words as if she was seriously having a shitty phone reception, hearing Annie trying to scream and give up in the end, telling her to call her when the phone reception would get better.
She threw the phone on the bed, huffing and breathing heavily before adjusting elegantly her appearance and attempt to go out.
She stalked the reception hall and found a woman instead of Ivar: a beautiful blonde woman who seriously made her wonder if everyone there was a model.
She chatted a bit, asking for directions for the “Shiny Moon”, meanwhile the woman photocopied her ID, but clearly as disinterested as Ivar had been flirty.
She thanked the woman and adjusting her light coat she moved outside.
It was November and it was definitely cold but not as cold as in some  other states: the sweater and the coat kept her warm for the ten-minutes-journey to the “Shiny Moon” a dark and grimy place.
Still from the window she saw that there were many people dressed just like her, just with their computers or chatting up.
She entered and although the main colors of the club were golden and black, in a very tacky assemble that mixed a sex-club with a diner, the atmosphere was peaceful, alongside almost empty.
She sat at the bar stool, immediately making eye contact with a pretty girl of her age.
-Hi, welcome to the “Shiny Moon”! What can I get you? – her voice was emotionless although she showed off a smart smirk.
-Whatever can get me the wi-fi password?- she asked, trying to get straight to the point and gaining a sincere smile from the girl, who took a little piece of paper and offered it to her, before asking if that was all.
-Can I get a menu if I am not too late for dinner? – she asked, feeling her stomach grumble miserably, since she had avoided lunch.
-You are lucky, the kitchen is open for another hour and in the meanwhile can I bring you some kind of drink? – she said, putting out a white notebook and offering a plastic menu.
-Oh…- she didn’t know what to say -… coca cola? -.
-With rum? – added the girl, smiling at her teasingly and making her blush.
-No, no alcohol- she liked alcohol, but only when she knew she would make a fool of himself between people who did know her, not a strange grimy place, where she knew nobody, although if they looked all like models she could make an exception -… I need to go back on my own, so…-.
-If you can wait till my turn is over, I can accompany you- offered the girl she had just met and this brightened (Y/N)’s heart, but also she didn’t understand why a stranger might offer her help, after a few minutes of knowing.
-Oh, no I don’t want to bother you- she mumbled, using again the excuse she loved, since she constantly felt like a bother for everyone, even strangers she just met in a bar.
-Oh no bother, sweetie- the girl cheered sweetly -Us girls must stick together-.
And she sent a wink her way, worsening her blush, but she was immediately distracted by a blonde ghost appearing beside her.
-What have I said about talking with clients, Destiny? We have a full night.. we have no time to…- and then she met the ghost bluish-green eyes -… well I think I can make a little time for you, doll-.
Ivar adjusted the hydraulic tools back again on their shelf, fixing his appearance.
He had managed to avoid Fredys’ advances this time, although he hadn’t minded the flirty attitude of the new guest.
It wasn’t a typically flirty, more like he was the one doing all the flirty parts and she was just batting her long eyelashes, smiling shyly and worst of all: her freaking hips…
They looked like a freaking goddess’ hips, large and he wanted to see them in his hands, meanwhile he pushed them down on the bed, reassuring her with kisses on them.
Shit, the little girlie had done just a few steps in his direction and he wanted to bed her already, something he couldn’t do, but still nothing made him avoid the pleasure of making her blush and maybe if he played his cards right he would get to feel those hips.
He had a serious problem, worse than Hvitserk and food.
Talking about Hvitserk, he was coming up the stairs just when Ivar was going down on them, swiftly.
-Oh, hello there! – saluted him cheerily his brother, meanwhile he stopped alongside Ivar -Going out? -.
-Yep, I am going out for a few shots at the “Shiny Mood”, want to come? – he proposed.
-Sadly not, me and Ubbe have clan thing to do, but maybe I can join you later…- he knew he had lost the faith of his brothers and it hurt every time they reminded him of that but he tried to rein in his anger.
-Ok, have fun at the clan meeting- he tried not to sound bitter, but he knew he had failed when Hvitserk failed to keep his own straight face.
-You know we would absolutely love for you to be here with us, but… the clan is still not trusting you…- and he patted on his younger brother’s back -… you’ll be back soon-.
-I hope- he mumbled closing the conversation, and moving down the stairs, meanwhile his brother stuck there, but got a last look from Ivar -Oh… and we have a new guest, room forty-eight, she is mine, don’t try anything funny-.
If with Ivar, the flirting was strangely comical and harmless, with the green-eyed bartender she felt dangerously exposed even in her turtleneck and her full fitting jeans.
-Just cola, so, beautiful? – she just nodded, avoiding the bartender’s gaze.
Men weren’t usually that blunt with her and not having the control made her feel definitely vulnerable.
-… Destiny you can go to deal with other clients, I got this one- he ordered to the gentle girl and (Y/N) shot her a glance as if to ask her not to leave her with the hot bartender.
But the girl just sent her a sorry glance, before moving off to the other clients.
-You are new in town- it wasn’t a question, but she still nodded again, just to feel a hand under her chin, gently raising it up so that her ink eyes could meet the bluish and greenish of the bartender, who sweetly stare into her making her feel as if she was showing him her soul.
And she was thankful he liked what he saw.
-Much better, doll, look at me in the face while we speak, you have pretty eyes and even a prettier mouth-.
-I have never been told that- she mumbled but kept her eyes up.
-Oh, what a shame- he replied, moving his hand, which was still resting on her chin, to her hair, caressing her as if she was some kind of dog, something which made her roll her eyes but also lean into the touch -… women like you need to be cherished each day-.
-Aren’t you the flatterer…- she mumbled and he laughed sensually, dropping his head and turning around, thing that made her almost drop a whine, being robbed of the beauty, but he came back immediately, with her drink, and exactly like Ivar, he handed it to her with extreme physical contact, thing that made her almost wink at him.
-Just the truth, lovely mystery lady- he replied, before dropping on his elbows so he could stare at her at the same height, making her blush and cough out her cola.
-You didn’t tell me anything about yourself also, mysterious bartender- she sassed him and it got a pretty smile and an hand offered to her.
-Roman- and she accepted it, offering her own name.
-Pretty strange name, (Y/N) look more like a tequila girl- he humored her making her cackle a laugh.
-I do like tequila, but I am in the middle of nowhere and I don’t want to be kicked out of my single night out-.
-Ohh… single night out…- Michael almost whistled, clearly focused more on the single part than the ladies night -We host a thousand of ladies night, but don’t they involve another friend? - .
-Didn’t I tell you I am nothing like ordinary? – she said, with a bitter smile, drinking her sorrows away in the sugary drink -My last single friend got engaged a few days before, so I am all out of single friends, that was why I was trying to talk Destiny to join my night out… you literally ruined my night-.
-Oh, did I? – and he did a thing with his tongue that made her almost faint.
-Yeah, you are obviously not a single lady- she mumbled, trying to regain the upper hand in the conversation.
-I am not a lady- he appointed -… but I am single, sweetheart-.
And the hand was back on her cheek, coaxing her nearer, till she felt somebody occupying the bar sit next to her…
-…well I am single too, so can I join the single train? -.
Shit, flirty! Ivar was back again.
Roman had had a tough night, a full night at the “Shiny Moo” and Roman had wandered off, meanwhile Destiny was chatting up clients, making others wait, and he had immediately moved to tell her to move her ass, till he saw the pretty girl she was talking to.
Clearly the type of girl who didn’t care to walk in a bar in simple clothes and she still managed to be the most stunning girl in there, and she was just wearing jeans, jeans that looked like they were painted on her perky butt, and a mickey mouse sweater, he honestly thought looked deviously innocent.
Part of her looked like she could have just come out of a fairy tale books, but the way she talked and once the shyness went away… she seemed to come out straight from an erotic novel, the well written kind.
She honestly made his night better.
Ivar, a little less.
The fact that they wanted to bring the same girl in their beds made it… interesting.
-Hello there, lovely, saw you found the “Shiny Moon”-.
The girl smiled more at ease, than with him; Ivar was a people-charmer, whereas Roman was more sensual and the girl looked like she was entirely scared by her sexuality.
So, Ivar clearly had the advantage, but Roman knew how to get everybody on their knees for him.
-… yeah, I mean I am not amazing with directions, but this place is basically in front of the hotel so…-.
-So, you are staying at the old “Kattegat”? – asked Roman, trying to get more info than Ivar, also because he was honestly mesmerized by the girl, utterly smitten and curious to know more.
-Yeah, just for the weekend- and then she moved her little chin to Ivar, smiling slightly and asking -Oh by the way the room is beautiful-.
Ivar looked like a puppy who got a treat after the compliment he had received, nodding immediately meanwhile he mumbled lowly a few words.
-… that place might seem a terrible on the outside, but believe me, it’s very much worse inside, alongside the fact that his owners are all assholes- replied Roman, wanting her eyes back on him and getting them, alongside a shocked expression and a grunt from Ivar, which was immediately suppressed by something that said “do you want war? I will bring it to you”.
-People only come here for the free wi-fi- replied swiftly the other man, sparking a little fight.
And immediately (Y/N) came between those two, touching Ivar’s chest.
-Woah woah… your places are equally broken on the outside, but they are prettier on the inside, and yeah the wi-fi bonus is amazing- she laughed lightly, but her intention was clear: she wanted no riot or brawl in there, cocking an eyebrow at Roman, in a little show of dominance.
He, instead, licked his lips, a little aroused by a girl that could handle two extremely territorial males, without and ounce of fear; Ivar was thinking the same, looking at the hand on his chest with wide eyes.
-You are definitely all over men’s bullshit- mumbled attentively Roman, making her drop her hand from Ivar, who looked a few minutes from crying for the loss.
-Oh, all over every person’s bullshit, but you men are just the absolute worst- she laughed timidly, before downing again her drink, as she tried to avoid thinking about the two men looking at her smugly and intensively.
“Well you are lucky, we are not men, sweetie” that’s what he wanted to tell her, but seeing through all  the confidence she was faking, that she was pretty shy, it wasn’t the time to tell her they were supernatural beings.
Although she seemed smart to figure that out on her own.
-… men disappointed you, lovely? – Ivar asked, tried to sound compassionate, meanwhile he adjusted himself on the stool, probably because of his legs bothering him.
-It’s just…-.
-Are you a lesbian? – asked again Ivar and Roman sent him a death glare, knowing perfectly from the adorable blush she was wearing that they had just burned a chance to talk with her.
-No, I mean girls are beautiful, but not interested into them, although maybe I should, men are…-.
-… the worst- mumbled Roman, sending a straight up glare at Ivar, as if to let the sweetheart know that he was indeed “the worst”.
Ivar clearly looked embarrassed by the way she mumbled back, and moved near to get her attention, offering and half-hearted apology, helped by his sweet and dramatic blue eyes.
-Sorry, didn’t mean…-.
-Don’t worry- she mumbled leaning towards him -… a lot of people assumed it the same: no dates, no guys out of my house and I frighten every boy who comes my way-.
She tried to laugh it off but Roman could find how much it actually pained her: the loneliness and the sadness made her feel as if she was not enough.
But she was so so much more than enough and sweet, and she had already two men courting her.
-They were all boys to be frightened by such a pretty and powerful girl- replied Ivar, immediately gaining points by the pretty compliments, she leaned back into him, not enough to touch but… Ivar helped the contact by putting a hand over her shoulders, making her blush even more and sending Roman a winning smirk.
But he hadn’t lost.
-So, pretty girlie, do you have any plans for this weekend? – he asked, taking away the attention from Ivar and leaning forward, thing that was made by (Y/N) herself.
-Just to relax and do anything else-.
-Never thought about a threesome? – and the look of shock was enough to be a win for him.
Ivar seriously couldn’t be the prouder guy in the entire bar with the prettiest girl in town under his arm, smiling sweetly and with red shadows on her cheeks he wanted to kiss and maybe he would get to if he accompanied her back to the room.
Also, it was a little win over Roman, who instead of him, just needed to look at a girl to have her in her bed, and he also had had another little advantaged over him.
But he ruined anything as soon as Roman spit out the “threesome” proposition; it wasn’t rare for them to share a girl, mostly because of Ivar’s “little problem”, but this girl so sweet and pure… he felt like the sharing option was crazy.
She looked shell shocked in her expression of true shock, even worse than the one that she had on her face after his “embarrassing question”, but she almost laughed out, probably expecting it all to be a little joke.
Michael looked at her like a cat with a mouse, clearly trying to stay serious, although he laughed it off as if it was joke before going back to being serious.
-But seriously sweetie… if you want to do something more than just relax, we are more than willing to help you with a little fun-.
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emospritelet · 5 years
Last Man Standing
So, you guys really wanted 14,000 words of pointless Golden Lace pron, right?  No?  Well, tough, you’re getting it anyway.
An AU of the Neverland verse, in which escort!Gold and Lacey try to bang each other senseless
AO3 link
Alistair Gold reflected that of all the things he could be doing that evening, walking to a hotel to meet someone who had paid for three hours of sex wasn’t high on his list of favourite activities.  He supposed he should be grateful for the work; his son Neal had two years of college left, and selling his body was the best way he knew to pay for that, but it was soul-destroying.  It also had the potential to be dangerous, although it had been months since he had been in a bad situation.  He had learned the hard way to recognise clients who took their pleasure from pain and humiliation.
The Arendelle Hotel was one that Gold had visited before.  It was a mid-price boutique establishment over twelve floors on one of Boston’s nicer back streets, and he looked it over as he drew to a halt, taking in the old-fashioned frontage with wrought-iron railings at the windows.  He had been waiting on the details of the client he was due to meet, and was surprised not to have received them; Tink usually sent them through at least an hour before the agreed time of his appointment.
He set down the black leather bag that carried the tools of his trade and dug out his phone, thumb flicking at the screen to call the agency.  It rang several times before being answered.
A bright, cheerful voice chirped at him, and Gold blinked.
“Oh!” she squeaked.  “I meant to say ‘Good evening, Blue Star Escort Services’!  Please don’t tell Blue I screwed up again!”
“Where is Blue?” he asked.
“Networking,” she said.  “She had some sort of drinks party to go to.  She took Tink with her, so it’s - it’s just me tonight.  Sorry.”
Gold refrained from sighing with great difficulty.  Astrid was adorable, with a heart of gold, but somewhat on the ditzy side, and he wasn’t all that convinced of her computer skills, having overheard her conversations with Leroy, the handyman.  Of course, she could simply have been pretending not to know anything to let Leroy show off his own knowledge.  It was the worst kept secret at Blue Star that the two were in love with each other.  Gold decided to think positively.
“Right, I need you to send me the details of my client,” he said.  “It was all kind of last minute.  Tink left a message to turn up at Hotel Arendelle, but I don’t have a name or room number.”
“Oh no!”
“Well, I’m sure we can get to the bottom of it,” he said.  “Everything will be on the computer system under Danny Devine, okay?  I’m at the hotel now.”
“I remember Tink telling me about the bookings,” she said pensively.
“Yes, and they’ll be on the computer,” he said, figuring that repetition was his friend in this situation.  “I need the name and the room number.”
There was silence, and he shook his head.  He could hear her muttering in the background.
“Astrid,” said Gold patiently.  “The name?”
“Oh yes!”  There was a crackle of paper.  “I have it somewhere!”
The was an ominous clink, and a muffled “Oops!”
Gold pinched the bridge of his nose.  Hard.
“Okay, look, never mind about the name,” he said.  “What room number is it?”
She didn’t respond, and he raised his eyes to the sky.  “Astrid!”
There was a scrabbling noise, and she came on the phone again, sounding breathless.
“Yes!  Sorry, it’s just - just - I spilled my tea all over the computer, and - and there was kind of a mini-explosion, and now it’s - it’s not - working...”
Her voice trailed off lamely, and Gold sighed.
“Is there anything you can remember about this client?” he asked.  “I don’t want to have to knock on every hotel room door asking if anyone paid for sex, understand?”
“Oh, I think I remember that!” she said brightly.  “It was room 402, I’m sure of it!  I remember because that was the number of my first booking!”
“Well, that’s something, at least,” he said.
“Yeah, he was a Senator,” she said pensively.  “Not the nicest man, but he tipped well.  I remember he enjoyed spanking—”
“Yeah, I don’t think we need to go into that right now,” said Gold hastily. “You’re sure about 402?”
“Oh yes!”  She let out a squeak of alarm, and he shook his head.
“Are you alright?”
“Fine!” she said, in a too-cheerful voice.  “Well no, not fine, there’s - there’s a lot of smoke coming out of this thing...”
“Oh my God…”  Gold ran a hand over his face.  “Look - just get out of there!  Get a bloody fire extinguisher!  Not the water one!”
“Oh, I’m sure Leroy will be able to help me fix this,” she said, sounding confident.  “What about you?  Are you sure you’ll be okay?”
“I’ll go and knock on 402,” he said.  “If there’s a problem, I’ll call back.”
“Okay!” she chirped.
He rang off, turning the phone to silent and shoving it into his pocket with a sigh of despair, then picked up his bag and trotted up the steps into the hotel lobby.  It was decorated in a modern style, the walls in shades of ice-blue, white and lilac, the staff in blue livery with silver buttons.  He walked through the lobby to the elevators, pressing the call button.  The elevator, when it came, had mirrored panels all around, and he gave himself a final once-over, his suit a spotless three piece in charcoal grey, his shirt midnight blue silk with a silvery-grey tie.  He was clean-shaven, no nicks on his cheeks, his hair cropped short, shining gold and silver in the light.  He nodded curtly to himself. As good as it got.  Clients always liked the suits.  Hopefully this client wouldn’t want an extension of their time together; he had already worked two nights that week and was tired.  He pushed the button for the fourth floor, and sighed as the elevator made its way up.  Three hours, and he could be out of there.
Lacey French was nervous, and she didn’t like the feeling.
She had heard good things about Blue Star, and for the most part they had all turned out to be true.  Miss Blue seemed a kind and gracious employer, the pay and benefits were excellent, and the escorts she had met thus far had all been very welcoming.  She even had the option to let the client book the accommodation, but for her first assignment she had preferred to let the escort agency do it. The Arendelle Hotel was clean, modern, and the room she was currently pacing back and forth in had a large king bed, lounge area with a couch and coffee table, and a bathroom tiled in slate grey.  The hotel receptionist, when she checked in, hadn’t batted an eyelid as she had asked for the key, and she presumed that he was well aware of her profession.  To his credit, he hadn’t even looked down his nose at her.  All in all, the evening had started well.  But now her client was late, and she had heard nothing from Blue Star.
She pulled her phone from her bag, swiping at her contact list to call.  It rang for a long time before someone picked up, with a hurried greeting that she was certain wasn’t the one the agency used.
“Hey,” she said.  “It’s Lacey.  I’m on my first job, and I’m not sure if we’ve met. Who’s that?”
“Astrid,” came the voice, sounding flustered.  “Um - I’m kind of having a situation here…”
“It’s cool, I’ll let you go in a second, I just need some info,” said Lacey.  “Who’s my client?  I was sure we said seven o’clock, but he’s not here.”
“I - I can’t get into any of the records,” said Astrid.  “The computer kind of went poof and now nothing’s working!”
Lacey rolled her eyes, pacing back and forth beside the bed.
“So you can’t tell me who I’m supposed to be banging tonight?” she asked. “Whoever he is, he’s fucking late.  Like an hour.  At least tell me he paid in advance.”
“Um…”  Astrid’s uncertain tone made Lacey sigh.  “I - guess?”
“I don’t believe this…”
“I’m sorry!” said Astrid wretchedly.  “This evening has been a nightmare!”
“Astrid, come on!” Lacey threw up her hand and let it fall against her leg with a slap.  “I could be losing money here!”
There was a knock at the door, and her head whipped around.
“Hey, never mind,” she said quickly.  “I think he’s here.  Maybe it was eight, not seven, my brain’s gone to crap!”
“Yes, but—”
“If there’s a problem I’ll call, okay?”
Lacey rang off, turning the phone to silent and shoving it in her bag before going to the door.  She glanced at herself in the mirror as she passed, tight black dress that showed off every curve, hair piled on top of her head, makeup on point…  She took a deep breath, and nodded to herself.  You got this, girl. Just remember to stay in character and keep your bloody wits about you.
She opened the door, and blinked.  A man stood there, gazing at her with a calm, somewhat flat expression in his dark eyes.  He was maybe in his late forties, possibly early fifties.  Short for a guy: perhaps five-eight, and thin.  He wore what looked like a very expensive three-piece suit with a dark blue silk shirt and grey tie, and his light brown hair was cropped short and scattered with grey, shining silver at his temples.
“Good evening,” he said quietly.  “I believe we have an appointment.”
Lacey started, remembering what she was supposed to be doing.  His accent was Scottish, though somewhat softer than she had heard from others.  There was a pleasant warmth to it, a low roundness that made the words flow out and wrap around her.  She licked her lips.
“Yeah,” she said, and then smiled.  She made her voice a little lower and softer, more sultry and inviting.  “Yes, we do.  Come on in.”
She stepped back, and he moved past her into the room, a black leather holdall swinging from one hand.  She pushed the door shut and locked it, turning to look him over as he glanced around the room.  He had an angular face, with high cheekbones and a slightly crooked nose.  Silvery wisps of hair brushed the pointed tips of his ears, and she wondered what he did for a living.  A company chairman, perhaps, or an investment banker.  It must be something that paid well enough to get him that suit and three hours of her time on a Friday night.  He wasn’t wearing a wedding ring, so maybe he was too busy to have a proper relationship.  Or maybe he just liked sleeping with strangers where he could set the terms and avoid emotional entanglements. Either way he looked pretty good, and his money would spend just as well as anyone else’s.
“Three hours, right?” she said, and he glanced over his shoulder.
“What’s your name?” she asked.
He set down the bag on the arm of the couch, adjusting his cuffs as he turned to face her, then inclined his head, and smiled, showing white teeth.
“Danny Devine, at your service.”
So did your parents hate you, or did they give all their kids stripper names?
“I’m Belle,” she said, keeping the amusement from her face.  “Belle Delacoeur.”
His mouth twitched a little, as though he knew that wasn’t her real name.  She reasoned that perhaps Danny Devine wasn’t his, either.  Clients often gave fake names, she had been told.  He opened up the bag, lifting out a bottle of champagne and holding it up.  She wondered what else was in there.  Work stuff, maybe?  Papers?
“Well, Miss Delacoeur,” he said.  “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Would you like a drink?”
She hesitated, but the champagne had very obviously not been opened, and she couldn’t see any way he could have tampered with it.
“I’d love one,” she said.  “There are glasses on the drinks cabinet.”
He nodded, and proceeded to open the champagne, which was clearly something he was used to doing.  She watched with interest as he fetched a hand towel from the bathroom, removed the foil and the wire cage from around the cork, then wrapped the towel over the top and twisted the bottle, the cork coming free with a low phut sound.  He removed the towel with a flourish, and she heard a fizzing noise, but the champagne remained in the bottle, which was more than could be said for the few times she had opened one.
“Hey, you managed not to spurt everywhere,” she said.  “Good job.”
He shot her a look, and she wanted to clap a hand over her mouth as she realised what she’d said.  Lacey would happily say such things, usually with a wink and a suggestive snicker, but Belle Delacoeur was more refined.  Or so she had decided when she created the character she would use for her assignments.  A blush rose in her cheeks, but she decided to just run with the innuendo, and raised her chin, swinging one hip outwards.
“Guess that bodes well for me, huh?” she said.  A little flattery never hurt.
“The night is young,” he said, a glint of amusement in his eyes.
He poured two glasses, and handed one to her.  Lacey cradled it in both hands, breathing in the light scent and waiting until he took a drink before she did the same.  The champagne was crisp and clean, fizzing on her tongue, and she watched him over her glass, at the way his throat bobbed as he swallowed, and the light glinted on his hair.  Definitely attractive.  She ran her eyes over his body, realising that she was intrigued about what he was hiding under the suit, and he swilled champagne around his mouth before swallowing, dark eye studying her as carefully as she studied him.
“May I call you Belle?” he asked.
“Please do.”  Maybe it’ll encourage me to keep in fucking character.
He nodded.
“Well,” he said.  “Let’s discuss terms.”
“What you want,” he said patiently.  “And more importantly, what you don’t want.”
Lacey stared at him for a moment.  He was offering her a choice?  
“I guess - I guess communication’s the most important thing,” she said.  “I don’t want any nasty surprises.”
“I understand.”
“And - and I really didn’t sign up for a world of pain, either.”
“Good,” he said briskly.  “I have no interest in causing you pain, Belle.  And if there’s something I do that you don’t like, I want you to tell me to stop, alright?”
Wow.  You are not what I was expecting.
“What about you?” she asked, and his eyebrows twitched.
“Yeah,” she said.  “What do you want?”
He stared at her for a moment, as though he didn’t understand the question, and then blinked.
“I’m already getting everything I want from this evening, I assure you,” he said quietly.
What the hell does that mean?  Guess it doesn’t matter.  He’s paid already. Doesn’t seem to be a creep.  Let’s go.
“Well, okay then,” she said.  “I guess that’s it.”
“Very well.”  He took another drink, and set down his glass.  “Shall we begin?”
She took a final swig of the champagne, and set the glass next to his, her heart thumping with a small amount of trepidation.  You’re Belle, you’re Belle, you’re Belle...
“Yes,” she said.  “I’m ready.”
He stepped closer, moving until he was almost touching her, and Lacey felt her breath quicken a little as he reached up to cup her face with his hands. They were smooth and cool, the scent of cologne on his fingers, and she was surprised to feel arousal tug at her abdomen.  His eyes were very dark, gazing into hers as though he could see into her soul.
“Shall I kiss you?” he asked, and his voice was low and rough.  The gentle tug in her belly became a clench.
“Please,” she whispered, and he lowered his mouth to hers.
His lips were warm and soft, and he gently slipped his tongue into her mouth, causing her to rise up on her toes with a tiny moan.  His tongue stroked against hers, and she slid her hands up his chest, feeling the warmth of his body through the suit he wore.  He tasted good, and she let out a hum of pleasure as they kissed, his fingers sending tiny shivers through her as they stroked over the nape of her neck.  He broke the kiss, lips pulling at hers as they parted, and pressed his brow to hers, his dark eyes flicking open.
“What would you like me to do to you?” he murmured, his voice a low rumble, and Lacey licked her lips as she shivered deliciously.
You want me to guide you, huh?  I can do that.
“Undress me,” she whispered.
He moved around her, his body brushing against hers, and she shivered again as she felt his fingers at her back, taking the zipper of her dress and slowly pulling it down.  She gasped as he pressed his lips to the nape of her neck, and his fingers slipped beneath the opened back of the dress, pushing it from her shoulders and down her arms.  It fell to her waist, and she slipped her arms out as he pushed the dress over her hips, leaving her in her underwear and stockings.  Moving around to face her again, he pulled pins from her hair, unwinding it and letting it fall, his fingers stroking through it to separate the strands.  There was a calm softness in his face, in his eyes, his gaze running over her without any of the lust or greed she had expected.  It was something like reverence.
“Beautiful,” he whispered.  “You’re beautiful, Belle.”
Lacey shivered as his hands stroked over her bare shoulders, wanting to take her lower lip between her teeth, the way she always had when she was nervous. She thought she had gotten over that.  She thought she had closed herself off enough that nothing could touch her.  And yet the way he was looking at her, as though she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, as though she mattered, was making her breath catch in her throat.  She decided that she trusted him.
“Now the bra,” she said softly.
His thumbs gently slipped under the straps at her shoulders, drawing them down her arms, and he reached around to the back to unhook it deftly.  The bra fell from her, and she licked her lips as he looked her over, a low appreciative murmur coming from him.  It gave her an unexpectedly good feeling to know how attractive he found her, and she sucked in a breath as he bent his head to kiss her neck, shivers running through her as his lips pulled at her skin.  She let out a moan, hands sliding up his arms to rest on his shoulders, and he bent his knees a little, kissing down her throat, mouth trailing over her chest until he reached her nipple.  Lacey moaned again as he sucked it in between his lips, the feel of his tongue against her sending jolts of sensation through her body.
She rose up on her toes, fingers stroking through his hair, her breath coming hard as his hand cupped her other breast and squeezed.  Her head rolled back, hair tickling between her shoulder blades as he sucked at her, and he slid his hand around to the small of her back, pulling her closer.  The fine wool of his suit was soft against her skin, and she felt a tiny thrill at being almost naked while he was so buttoned up and immaculate.  He let her nipple slip from his mouth, kissing back up to her throat to suck at the place where her pulse throbbed, and Lacey let out a moan of pleasure.
Gold let his hands slide down her back, cupping her small, pert rear end. Belle Delacoeur - he doubted that was her true name, but it suited her nonetheless - was certainly lovely to look at, and very pleasant in his arms, being just the right height and build to suit his own small frame.  She seemed nervous, and he felt that familiar urge to protect, to reassure.  He brushed his lips against the soft skin of her throat, reaching her ear as his thumbs slipped under the waistband of her underwear.
“Shall I take these off?” he murmured, and she nodded.
He pushed the underwear slowly down over her hips, letting it fall around her ankles, and she stepped out of it with one high-heeled shoe, then the other. Sliding her hands to his shoulders, she reached for the knot of his silk tie, and began tugging it open, drawing the length of silk through until she could pull it from around his neck and toss it aside.  She plucked open the first three buttons of his shirt, exposing the top of his chest, then her hands dropped to flick open the buttons of his jacket, and she pushed it from his shoulders.  Gold let it fall, snagging it with one hand and draping it over the back of the nearby couch.
“You want to get on the bed?” she asked.
He smiled a little, nodding, and she stepped away from him, walking to the bed with a swing of her hips.  He wondered what had brought her here, why a creature so lovely would feel the need to pay for sex.  There could certainly be no shortage of men who would be willing to oblige her for free, but perhaps she had been hurt or disappointed in the past.  She sounded Australian, so it was possible that she was only in the city for a short time, and had therefore chosen guaranteed pleasure, with the certainty of no strings attached.  Either way, it was none of his business.
He took the gold cufflinks from his sleeves as he watched her, slipping them into his pants pocket and letting the cuffs hang loose.  She had kicked off her shoes and climbed onto the bed in nothing but her lace-top stockings, and was sitting up with her hands braced behind her and her knees bent.  Her breasts were pushed up, the dark cleft between her legs glistening with promise, and he felt himself twitch with interest.  He turned to his bag, reaching for some condoms and throwing them onto the bed, and Belle picked one up.
“A moment,” he said, as she made to open it.  “Let’s see to your pleasure before we open that, shall we?”
Her eyes widened, and he nodded to himself.  Definitely disappointed in the past, then.  Well, she had paid for him to put her needs first, and he intended to.
“Lie back,” he whispered.
For a moment he thought she was about to say something, but then she slowly lowered herself back on the bed, knees still bent.  He knelt at her feet, hands on her knees, watching her chest rise and fall with her breath, red lips parted, her dark curls spread out on the pillows.  God, she’s gorgeous!  The prettiest thing I’ve seen.
He slid his hands up one thigh, fingertips tucking under the edge of her stocking, and he slowly peeled it down, baring her leg.  Her skin was as smooth and pale as the rest of her, and he pulled off the stocking at her foot, letting it flutter to the floor.  Her toes were painted dark red, the same colour as her fingernails, and he lifted the foot in his palm, bending his head to press a kiss to it.  Belle gasped as his tongue pushed between her toes, stroking against delicate skin.  He drew a toe into his mouth, sucking at her, and she let out a tiny moan.  His tongue flickered over her, and he sucked each toe in turn before running his lips along the underside of her foot.  She jerked a little, ticklish, and he briefly smiled before lowering her foot onto the bed.
He repeated his actions with her other leg, rolling down the stocking and tossing it aside, letting his tongue explore the curves and hollows of her foot before dropping it to the bed.  She was fully naked, chest heaving and lips gleaming, and he bent his head to press kisses to her knees, gently pushing them apart to kiss her inner thighs.  Belle sucked in a breath as his lips moved upwards, her skin as soft as silk.  He could smell her scent in the air, arousal making his cock swell in his pants.  There would be no need for chemical assistance on this occasion, it seemed.  At least not for the first time.  She had paid for three hours; it was likely he would be asked to perform more than once in that time.  It looked as though it was going to be as much of a pleasure for him as for her.  Which made a change.
He could hear her breathing quicken as his mouth trailed higher, the tip of his tongue gently tracing over her skin and making her start.  Her scent was intoxicating, sweet musk in the air around him, and he nosed the soft skin of her nether lips, letting his breath wash over her before pressing a kiss to her.  Belle moaned, and slowly, gently, he let the tip of his tongue part her soft folds, drawing upwards.  Her moan became a cry, her hands dropping to stroke his hair, sending shivers through him, and her flavour spread across his tongue, causing a low growl of appreciation to rumble up out of him.  He licked her again, achingly slow and deliberate, and Belle moaned and lifted her hips, trying to push herself closer to his mouth.
“That’s so good!” she whispered.  “Oh God, that’s amazing!”
He swept his tongue over her, feeling the hardened nub of her clit, tasting the salt of her arousal on his tongue, breathing in the scent of her.  One hand pushed her thigh down a little, so that he could reach more of her, and his other hand crept up between her legs, beneath his chin, gently stroking her flesh as his tongue swept and circled.  Belle continued to whisper how good it felt, and he got the strange impression that she was trying to encourage him, to reassure him.  An odd thing for a paying client, but he certainly wasn’t complaining.  It showed she was a good person.
He let the tip of his tongue tease her clit, stroking around it in slow circles, and Belle let out a whimper, back arching upwards before falling back against the blankets.  Her hands were still carding his hair, nails scraping his scalp, a pleasant sensation, and he let a finger tease her entrance, her flesh slippery with saliva and her own juices.  She moaned, fingers tightening on the few strands of his hair that she had managed to grasp, and he pushed the finger inside her, sliding deep and feeling soft, wet flesh close up around him.  It made his mind stray to how good it would feel to slide his cock deep inside her and fuck her, long and slow.  He shoved the thought away, trying to concentrate on the task at hand.  First I make her come.  Then I make her come again.  Then we’ll see what else she wants.
“God, that’s good!” she breathed.
He began to slide the finger in and out of her, his tongue sweeping over her in a steady rhythm.  Her body was starting to grow taut, her muscles stiffening, and he quickened the pace a little, thrusting and licking, her juices spreading over his nose, his chin, her scent covering him.  Belle let out a high, whimpering moan, clutching at his hair, her back arching upwards as his tongue flickered back and forth over her clit.  She came with a loud cry, her body jerking, and he drew out the finger, licking up salty, whitish cum as it leaked from her.
“You taste delicious!” he growled, and she murmured something in response, her body still twitching.
He ran his tongue over her flesh, pushing inside her, and finished by pressing kisses to her, sticky fluid on his lips.  Shifting onto his knees, he began kissing up over her belly to her breasts, his mouth fastening over a nipple and sucking at her.  Belle’s hands stroked up his arms to rest on his shoulders, and he pushed up on the heels of his hands to gaze down at her.  She was smiling a little, her eyes heavy-lidded and sleepy, but they latched onto his, and her smile widened.
“That was amazing!” she purred, and her forefinger stroked across from his shoulder to the hollow at the base of his naked throat, tracing a line down his chest to where the shirt was buttoned.  “But you’re overdressed.”
She went to work on the waistcoat, getting it open and pushing it from his shoulders, and he knelt up to shrug it off and toss it towards the chair.  His hands dropped to the buttons of his shirt, and Belle pushed up on the heels of her hands, watching as he tugged it from his pants and peeled it off.  She ran her hands over his body, eyes flicking over his skin, fingers running over his nipples and sending jolts of sensation through him.  The palms of her hands slid down over his belly, thumbs brushing against his belt, and he held her gaze as she slowly pulled it open with a clink of the buckle.
“I like your suit,” she said, and his mouth twitched a little.
“Most of it seems to be over on that chair.”
“I like what’s underneath it more.”
She unhooked the clasp at the top of his pants and drew down the zipper, pushing the pants over his hips to reveal black silk boxers.  A finger traced the rigid line of his cock, and she smirked a little, eyes gleaming.
“Well now,” she murmured.  “I think it’s high time I gave this some attention, don’t you?”
“We can wait a little while, if you like,” he said.  “There are many more ways I can give you pleasure, but it’s your decision.”
She put her head to the side, looking curious.
“Many more ways?”
He smiled, stroking a wisp of hair back from her cheek.
“Let me up a moment, and I’ll get some things from my bag.”
Lacey sat back on her heels as he got off the bed, bending to take off shoes and socks and slipping out of his suit pants, which were carefully folded and draped over the back of the chair.  He seemed very meticulous.  She wondered if he was like that in every area of life.  Perhaps he was one of those men who liked everything just so - a spotless house with everything in its place.  She imagined he had cleaning staff to take care of that sort of thing.  Unlike her tiny one-bed apartment with its piles of books, collection of used coffee mugs and the ever-present basket of unfolded laundry.  She imagined he’d curl his lip in disgust at the way she lived.
She watched curiously as he opened up the black leather bag and reached inside, rummaging around a little before bringing out what looked like a selection of vibrators in various sizes and stacking them on the dresser.  Lacey blinked.
“You - you brought your own toys?” she asked disbelievingly.
“Of course.”
“Oh.”  She brushed a curl of hair out of her eyes, tucking it behind her ear.  “Yeah, I have a bunch with me, too.”
“Perhaps we could compare notes,” he suggested, with a wicked grin, and she giggled.
“I say we try a few of them out first,” she said.  “Do you have lube?”
“Of course,” he said again, a faint look of puzzlement on his face.  “A moment, let me get some.”
“I’m not allergic to any of it, so it doesn’t matter which kind.”
“I have several varieties,” he said, reaching into the bag again.  “But this is excellent.”
He held up a plastic bottle with a pump dispenser, and Lacey nodded with a smile as she recognised the brand.  That would do nicely.  She held out a hand to him.
“Come here,” she said softly.  “Come to bed.”
He smiled faintly, and tossed the toys and lube onto the bed before taking her hand and climbing on beside her.  His mouth found hers, and she moaned a little at the taste of him as his tongue slipped inside, a hint of her salt still on his lips.  He pushed her slowly back onto the bed, and Lacey ran her fingers through the short strands of his hair as she settled back against the blankets, hs body a pleasant weight on her.  Their lips parted as he broke the kiss, lifting his head a little, his breathing heavy and his eyes dark with desire.
“Would you like me to use one of the toys?”
His voice was low and rough, making her skin tingle with anticipation, and she nodded.  He seemed to get his kicks from giving her pleasure, which made a surprising change, but she was well aware she would have to return the favour at some point.  She thought it over as he reached above her to grab the bottle of lube.  Perhaps she could ride him hard, make him lose his mind.  That could be fun for both of them.
He pushed up onto his knees and squirted a little of the lube onto his hands, warming it between his palms before he lay back down by her side and reached between her legs.  Lacey moaned as he touched her, gently stroking slippery fingers through her sensitive flesh.
“That feels so good!” she whispered.
She felt him smile against her ear as he slipped a finger inside her, and she moaned, pushing up against his hand as his thumb rubbed over her clit.  It felt good, and she was almost certain he could make her come just with the touch of his hand, but then he withdrew the finger from her and after a moment she heard the low, insistent buzz of one of the vibrators.  She licked her lips, breath catching in her throat in anticipation.  The first touch of something smooth and firm against her clit made her cry out in pleasure, and then he began moving it slowly, stroking against her flesh, sending waves of sensation through her body.
She opened her legs a little, arching her back, moaning as she pushed her hips upwards, and he continued to move the vibrator over her.  It felt incredible, and she let her head roll back against the pillows, her moans growing louder.  She could feel a tide of pleasure rising up through her body, making her cheeks flush and her heart pound, and she closed her eyes, lips parted, holding her breath before letting it out in a wailing cry as she came.
Bliss poured over her in a wave of heat, her body jerking, and he pulled the vibrator from her just before it became too much for her sensitive flesh.  She moaned and writhed, almost purring in pleasure, her whole body feeling heavy and loose and relaxed.  He was kissing her neck, soft lips trailing over her skin, and she let herself sink into the blankets with a contented sigh, her body tingling.
He pushed up on one elbow, looking down at her with a tiny grin on his face, as though he was pleased with himself, and Lacey shook her head a little. Okay, I gotta earn my money here, this is insane!
She pushed him onto his back, kissing him hungrily, and he slid a hand into her hair, fingers twisting around her curls as his tongue slipped into her mouth. Lacey hummed in appreciation, hands sliding down over his chest, and he let out a brief exclamation as she teased his nipples with thumb and forefinger. Her hands worked lower, finding the waistband of his boxers, and she began gently working them down over his hips.  He lifted up off the bed to help her, and she shuffled lower, drawing the black silk down the length of his legs and off at his feet.
Turning back to him, she ran her eyes over him for a moment.  He was perhaps a little thin, but in good shape for a guy his age, and very noticeably aroused, which made her smirk.  She dropped onto the palms of her hands, walking her way up the bed to gaze down at him.
“I think it’s your turn,” she said softly.
Gold closed his eyes at her kiss, and relaxed into the pillows as she pulled her mouth from his and began kissing down his throat.  Her dark, silky hair tickled the skin of his chest, the pull of her lips sending tiny bursts of pleasure through him.  She glanced up, holding his gaze for a moment, and then moved down the bed, kissing over his belly, her lips brushing against his skin.  It felt good, and he wanted her to continue, to kiss down between his legs and suck his balls in between those perfect lips.  He wanted her hot, wet mouth to close up around his cock and suck him hard.  But he had learned the hard way never to allow someone that kind of power over him, and as she kissed along the crease at the top of his thigh, his hands tightened on her shoulders, pushing her up and away from him.
“That - that won’t be necessary,” he said, a little breathlessly, and she sat back a little, looking puzzled.
“You don’t want me to?”
He shook his head.
“I’d prefer it if you didn’t, thank you.”
She shrugged, as if to say it didn’t matter to her, and moved up his body again to kiss his chest, sucking on his nipples and making him groan before pushing up on her hands, dark curls falling around her face.
“Are you ready?” she whispered, and he nodded.
She wriggled back down between his legs, and he heard the crackle of the condom packet as she got it open.  Her hair was hanging in front of her face, hiding what she was doing, but he felt her grasp his cock, and he sucked in a breath as she gripped him hard, pulling him upwards to roll on the condom.  He reached for the bottle of lube, squirting a little onto himself and spreading it with his fingers, and Belle crawled back up the bed a little, straddling him, her core pressed against the hard length of him.  Her hands slid slowly up his chest, thumbs rubbing over his nipples and making him jerk in response, and then she reached between them, taking him in hand and gently guiding him inside her.
Gold groaned as she sank down onto him, her heat surrounding him.  She straightened up, sweeping her hair out of her face, her breasts pulled high as she arched her back a little, gently rolling her hips as she settled herself.  It felt incredible, and he reached up to take her hips and hold her in place, knowing it would increase the friction for her, increase the pleasure.  She braced herself with her hands on his belly, and began to move her hips with a slow, rhythmic, circular motion, grinding against him.
He let his head roll back with a groan of pleasure, pushing his hips up to meet her, tugging her against him, and Belle moaned in response, shaking back her hair.  He reached to the side, grasping at one of the bullet vibrators, and caught her eyes for a moment, getting a nod from her before flicking it on with his thumb.  She was breathing hard as she moved, eyes fixed on his, and he slid the vibrator down over his belly and between her legs into the wet heat where their bodies joined.
Lacey threw her head back with a moaning cry as the slim, firm shape slipped over her clit, the vibrations sending waves of pleasure through her.  She tried to keep her concentration, to keep her rhythm, letting him slide out almost all the way before sinking back down onto him, but it was hard not to fuck him hard and fast and take them both over the edge.  She shook her head, fingers digging into the skin on his belly as she quickened her pace just a little, hips moving in time with the thrusts of the vibrator.  His cock felt good inside her, hard and deep, and she arched her back a little, wanting to take as much of him inside her as she could get.  He seemed to sense her need, gripping her with one hand as the other thrust the toy in and out of the space where they met, hot and slick with fluid.  His hips pushed upwards, thrusting deep, and a low groan rumbled out of him, making her belly clench with need.
“God, that’s good!” she gasped.  “You feel so good!”
He groaned in response, thrusting upwards, one hand holding her in place as the other rubbed the vibrator over her flesh, and she leaned back a little further, increasing the friction, clenching her inner walls around him and tugging hard.  His eyes rolled, his head pushing back against the pillows, and she could see the muscles of his neck and arms growing taut with the effort.  She kept up her rhythm, squeezing him, pulling him, feeling the head of his cock rub against her, deep inside her body.  She rocked her hips, knowing it would excite him, and he arched upwards with a groaning cry as he came, cock pulsing inside her.
Lacey straightened up, shifting her hips forward a little and rocking against him over and over until pleasure burst through her once more.  She let out a loud cry, hands braced on his belly, and let her head drop as she tried to catch her breath, sweat beading on her lip and trickling down between her breasts.  The vibrator was still tucked between them, its buzzing too much sensation against her tender skin, and she plucked it out and tossed it aside.  Gripping the base of the condom, she eased up off him and rolled onto her back with a sharp exhalation of relief, and for a moment there was only the sound of their ragged, uneven breathing.
Gold ran a hand over his face, his heart thumping hard and sweat cooling on his skin.  He glanced to the side, where a clock sat on the nightstand.  Plenty of time left.  Turning his head, he saw that Belle was still gulping in air, the tip of her tongue sweeping over her lips.
“Would you like a drink?” he asked, and she nodded.
He got up, grasping the base of the condom and heading for the bathroom to dispose of the thing.  Once he had washed his hands and returned, he refilled their champagne glasses and carried them over to the bed.  Belle had pushed up against the pillows, dark curls falling over flushed cheeks.  She smiled as he handed over her glass, and let out a groan of approval as he went to pour a glass of water.  The champagne was set down at once, and she cupped the glass in both hands, drinking it down and licking her lips.
“Thanks.  God, I was thirsty!”
He refilled the glass, but she shook her head and reached for her champagne, so he drank the water himself, taking a moment to pop one of the pills that he carried in his bag before climbing onto the bed beside her and sitting back.  She turned onto her side a little, eyeing him pensively.
“You want to take a shower?” she asked, and her voice had taken on that sultry tone again.  He smiled.
“Let me go and turn it on.”
“Mmm.”  She took a sip of her champagne.  “I bet you’re good at that.”
He grinned at her, then took a swig of his drink and got up, heading for the bathroom.  It was tiled in dark grey, and the shower was just the right size for two people to share, with small bottles of shampoo, conditioner and shower gel lined up in a chrome rack to the side.  Turning on the water, he let it run until it was hot, and started at the feel of hands creeping around his waist.  Soft lips found his ear, making him shiver.
“Sorry if I made you jump,” breathed Belle.  “Is it ready?”
He turned, smirking a little at her grinning face, her blue eyes sparkling with mischief.  Really, she was very lovely.  This was turning into the most enjoyable assignment he had ever been given.
“Ready to go,” he confirmed.  “Shall we?”
“You get in, I’ll be there in a second.”
She slipped out of the room, and he got into the shower, closing the glass door behind him and stepping under the hot water.  He ran his hands over his face with a deep sigh, letting the water course over his skin.  Reaching for the shower gel, he began to wash, smiling as he heard the glass door open behind him.  He turned to face her, and Belle stepped close, lifting her head to kiss him and pressing her body against his.  Their skin was slippery with water, lips sliding, mouths soft and wet.  He could feel something cool and hard against his hip, and broke the kiss, glancing down. She was holding a large vibrator and a bottle of silicone lubricant, which she placed on the rack, next to the miniature bottles of toiletries.
“You’re very well prepared,” he observed, and she shrugged.
“Ready for anything.  Within reason.  I’m a regular Girl Scout.”
He grinned at that, and grabbed her hand, gently pulling her under the water with him and reaching up to cup her face as his mouth found hers.  Belle pulled the glass door shut, sealing them in as steam rose.  He deepened the kiss, and she moaned into his mouth, water cascading over them, making their lips slippery as he pushed her back against the tiled wall.  One hand slid down between them to cup her mound, and Belle shifted, rubbing against his fingers.  He gently stroked through velvet flesh, making her moan again as a finger entered her.  She was scalding hot, soft and wet, and he fingered her with long, slow thrusts, his thumb rubbing over her swollen clit.  She moaned, nails digging into his shoulders, one leg lifting to hook around his hip.
He could feel his cock already beginning to twitch with interest, although he knew it would take a little while for him to grow hard again, and so he broke the kiss and drew his fingers from her.  She began kissing his chest, lips and teeth gently tugging at him, and he pulled away, circling around until he was behind her, his back pressed against the cold tiles.  Slipping his arm around her waist, he drew her back against him.  Belle moaned, shifting her hips so that her buttocks rubbed against his cock, and making him grin.
He reached to the side, grasping the bottle of lube and squirting a little into his palm before setting it down and taking up the vibrator.  He spread the lube over the end, flicking it on to feel a strong, insistent buzz.  Belle sucked in a breath as if in anticipation, and he bent his head to kiss her neck as he slipped the vibrator between her thighs.  Belle moaned as it brushed against her, and he trailed his lips around to her ear.
“Open your legs,” he rasped.
Belle moaned again, head rolling back against his shoulder, feet shifting on the floor of the shower as she opened her legs wider.  He began to tease her with the head, rubbing it in slow circles over her flesh.
“God, that’s good!” she breathed.  “Oh, that’s amazing!”
His lips brushed her ear, sucking at the lobe, and he gently pushed the head of the vibrator into her.
“Can you take it, Belle?” he whispered.  “Can you take it all inside you?”
She nodded, arching her back a little as he slowly pushed the vibrator inside her, the thick plastic shaft sinking into her flesh and making her rise up on her toes with a gasp of pleasure.
“Very good,” he said softly.  “That’s very good, Belle.”
Gold kissed her neck, his other hand sliding down over her belly, a finger gently circling her clit as he thrust the vibrator in and out.  She moaned, reaching up to run her fingers over his scalp, legs opening wider as he pushed and pulled, fingertips flickering over slippery flesh.  She let out a tiny cry, and he drew his tongue up her throat, water droplets spattering against his skin.  He was growing hard, his cock pressing against her rear, and she pushed back against him, moving her hips a little to send jolts of sensation through him.  Steam was filling the shower, blurring his sight and damp in his lungs, and he ran his tongue over her pulse point, feeling the heavy throb of it.
“Harder,” she breathed, and he pushed the rigid shaft deep, making her roll her head back with a moan.
“How’s that?” he asked.  “Is that good?”
She nodded vigorously, and he slipped the vibrator in and out, fingers flickering, feeling her body grow taut as she neared her peak.  She came with a shout, her body shaking, and he kissed her neck, holding her tight around the waist as she jerked and moaned.  Slowly, he drew out the vibrator, watching glistening strands of cum wash away in the water.  She took it from him to wash it, her hands shaking a little, her breathing heavy.  Water ran into his eyes, stinging, and he squeezed them shut, wiping his face and stepping back a little out of the torrent.  Dark hair was plastered to her skin in curling strands, and he brushed it from her shoulders, kissing her gently as she set the vibrator in the chrome rack again.  His cock was still hard, and he felt a powerful urge to be inside her, a need to feel her come.  He wondered how much time they had left.
“What would you like me to do to you?” he murmured, and she twisted in his arms, twining her arms around his neck as she nuzzled his nose with hers.
“I want you inside me,” she breathed.  “Are you ready?”
She slipped a hand down between them, gripping his cock, and her lips curved upwards in a grin.  Her eyes flicked open, clear blue pools meeting his gaze, her cheeks adorably flushed and her mouth full and dark and wet.  Her fingers stroked him, sliding up and down the shaft, tracing around the head and making him shiver.
“Feels like you’re ready,” she whispered.  “Feels like you want to use this hard cock on me.  Push it deep until you’re all the way inside me.  Is that what you want?”
“Yes!” he rasped.  “Yes, I want you!”
She leaned in a little, lips gently brushing his ear.
“Then take me,” she whispered.  “Take me to bed and fuck me hard, Mr Devine.”
She squeezed him, and he felt a surge of desire go through him, his body responding instantly to her touch, to the feel of her against him, to the self-satisfied smirk on her beautiful face and the gleam in her eyes.  He kissed her hungrily, and she released him, stepping back and opening the shower door, hips swinging as she left.
Lacey towelled herself dry swiftly, rubbing water from her hair, and heard the shower cut off as she went into the bedroom.  The air was cool against her damp skin, and she tossed the towel aside, rummaging in her bag for a set of anal beads.  She had a pink plastic set, grouped in a curved, rigid line in increasing sizes, and she threw it onto the bed along with a couple of condoms and some more lube.  She had thought of a way they could both get some pleasure.  After a moment, she dug out a hollow butt plug and a bullet vibrator, and tossed those onto the bed.  Never hurt to be prepared.
Her skin was tingling, her hands still trembling a little, and she could feel excitement and arousal tugging at her, making her belly clench and her heart thump.  It was the most incredible night she had ever had, and to be paid money for the pleasure seemed to good to be true.  
Crawling onto the bed, she heard soft footsteps, and turned to face him as he entered, a towel snagged around his waist and his hair damp.  Her eyes dropped to his crotch, a telltale bulge in the towel proof of his arousal.  It made her grin, and she held out a hand to him.
“Come here,” she said softly.
He smiled a little, getting onto the bed on his knees, and she shifted onto her own, kneeling up and reaching for the towel at his waist.  Her fingers pulled slowly at soft cotton, opening it up and throwing it aside, and she let out a hum of pleasure as she ran a finger up the length of his cock.  He was hard and ready, his chest heaving, and she traced a winding path around the head and down the shaft, stroking over the soft sac of his balls.  Flicking her eyes up to meet his, she smiled, and reached to the side for a condom.  He watched as she rolled it on, his breath quickening a little at her touch, and Lacey licked her lips before leaning in to kiss his chest, sucking at a nipple and making him let out a low, rumbling growl.  She drew back, catching her lower lip with her teeth as she met his eyes, knowing that it made her look adorably coy and infinitely corruptible.
“Here,” she said, and reached for the set of beads, holding it up.
Gold raised an eyebrow, but took them from her, along with the bottle of lube she passed him.  She turned around onto her knees, spreading them wide and lifting her rear to reveal the deep pink petals of her sex, glistening with her juices.  He licked his lips, wanting to touch her, and she looked over her shoulder and winked at him, lips parted in a soft pout.
“Give it to me,” she purred.
Gold smirked to himself at her play-acting, but squirted some lube into his hand, warming it between his palms before spreading it between her legs.  She moaned, rocking back a little, and he squirted more onto the beads, spreading it with his fingers and making them slippery.  Hooking one finger through the plastic ring at the end, he pushed the first, smallest bead inside her, and she gasped, tossing her head, dark strands of damp hair whipping across pale shoulders.  He pushed against her tight entrance, letting a larger bead slip into her, and she moaned, fingers curling into the blankets.  Another push, and a third was inside her.
“How is that?” he asked softly.  “Can you take another?”
“Yes!” she whispered.
He pushed again, feeling it stretch her, hearing her tiny cry as it entered.
“Again!” she gasped.
She moaned as he pushed another inside, and the sound of it went straight to his groin.  He shifted closer, his cock pressed against her right buttock, and she glanced over her shoulder again.
“Fuck me!” she breathed.  “I want you inside me!”
He shifted position, sliding two fingers wet with lube inside her, and she moaned, pushing back onto his hand.  Sliding the fingers out, he took himself in hand and eased into her, grasping her hips and pulling, sinking all the way inside her.  She let out a cry, throwing her head back as he filled her.  He could feel the beads inside her, pressing against his cock through her slick walls, and he grasped the plastic ring.  There were two beads remaining, the two largest, and he gently pushed against her, watching as she spread her knees a little further apart, feeling the pressure against his cock as the bead slipped inside.  He slowly rocked his hips, letting himself slide out almost all the way before thrusting back inside, and she cried out.
“One more,” he whispered.  “Can you take it?”
He pushed again, and she moaned as the bead stretched her, her breath catching as it slipped inside.  Releasing his finger from the plastic ring, he stroked his hands over her hips, and let himself slide out again before pushing back in, the feel of the beads an exquisite ripple of sensation against his cock.
“That’s good!” she gasped.  “You feel so good!”
He started to move with a slow, even rhythm, sinking deep inside her with every thrust, watching the muscles in her back and shoulders twitch as her hands grasped at the sheets.  Glancing to the side, he grasped the bullet vibrator, pressing the button at the end to turn it on.  He reached around her hip and between her legs, and Belle moaned as the smooth tip of it rubbed over her clit.  He could feel the sensations where he was buried within her, and he kept up the rhythm, long, slow strokes, the bullet circling her clit as he pushed and pulled inside her.  The feel of it was incredible, and he found himself trying to run through all the Shakespeare sonnets that he knew by heart, to list the plays in order of date, anything to distract his mind from the way she felt and the sounds she was making as he sank into her hot flesh. Her muscles were stiffening, her breath coming in pants, and he could sense she was as close as he.
“Oh, please!” she gasped.  “Please!”
He sank into her again, letting out a guttural groan of pleasure at the feel of the beads against his cock, the sensation almost too much to bear.  She was whimpering, her body shaking with the tension, and he groaned over and over, fucking her with short, rapid thrusts, the bullet rubbing over her clit as he worked them both to the edge.  Coloured stars burst behind his eyes as he came hard, and she followed him with a high-pitched cry, her flesh squeezing him, her hips bucking.  He pushed deep into her one last time, dropping the bullet and moving his hands to her hips to hold her steady as he tried to catch his breath.
Lacey let her head drop, gulping in air, sweat beading on her upper lip and her damp hair sticking to her cheeks.  She could still feel him inside her, although he was starting to soften, and she licked dry lips, wishing she could reach her drink.  She felt him grasp the base of the condom and pull out of her, and then there was a gentle tug at the beads inside her.  He drew them out slowly, and she sighed as the last one left her.
“I’ll just be a moment,” he said.
She felt the bed move as he got up, and a moment later heard the sound of running water.  Her heart was thumping, her cheeks on fire, and she stayed where she was, on hands and knees, chest heaving.  She was pretty sure she’d collapse if she tried to move, anyway.  The bathroom door closed with a click, and she heard the sound of soft footsteps.
“Are you alright?” he asked.  “You haven’t moved.”
Lacey wanted to roll her eyes.
“Oh my God!” she panted.  “Just - just give me a minute!”
She turned onto her back, huffing out air as her heart thudded in her chest, and he crawled onto the bed and lay on his side next to her, propped up on one elbow.
“We can just rest for awhile, if you like,” he said soothingly.
Oh, you think you beat me?  Not even close, buddy!  Damn, this guy has some stamina!
“I’m fine!” she insisted.  “Just let me catch my breath and I’m gonna climb you like a bloody tree!”
He chuckled, eyes twinkling, and she wanted to kick herself for letting her persona slip.  She turned to face him, pouting a little, and ran a fingertip over his chest.
“What I meant was, I think I need a moment after that,” she purred.  “And perhaps a drink?”
He looked amused, a tiny twist to his mouth, and she wondered if it was her swift change of tone from Lacey French to Belle Delacoeur.  To his credit, he didn’t mention it.
“Let me get you something,” he said instead.
She watched as he got out of bed and poured champagne into their glasses before rummaging in that black leather bag of his, the crackle of plastic reaching her ears.  He had his back to her, but she suspected he was taking some sort of chemical stimulant to let him get hard again.  That was fine with her; they still had time, and she had already had more orgasms than she had ever expected, so if he wanted to go again, she was ready for him.  In every sense.  Just as soon as she had recovered, of course.
Her heart was still thudding, but she was breathing more evenly, and she sat up and took the glass of champagne from him, smiling as she settled back against the pillows and brushed stray wisps of hair from her flushed cheeks.  He got onto the bed, sitting back next to her and taking a sip of his drink, and they lay in comfortable silence for awhile.  Lacey let out a contented sigh, wriggling a little in the blankets.  Her skin had stopped tingling, her limbs feeling pleasantly heavy and her muscles loose.  It would have perfect to slip beneath the covers with him and spoon up together for a nap, but she was well aware that sleep would have to wait until she was back in her own apartment.  A thought occurred to her, and she turned her head to face him.
“Do you live in Boston?” she asked.  He eyed her, eyes narrowing a little.
“No,” he said at last.
“Oh.”  She thought for a moment.  “You have family here?”
“I’d rather not discuss my private life, if that’s alright.”
“Right.”  She sipped at the champagne, wanting to kick herself.  This was a job, not a date. Tink had reminded her not to raise anything personal unless the client did it first. “Of course not, I don’t know what I was thinking.”
“That’s okay.”
“I’m sorry,” she added.  “I shouldn’t have asked.  Not my business.”
“It’s fine, really,” he assured her.
Lacey sensed that he meant it, that he was trying to make her feel at ease, but she still felt like an idiot for asking, for bringing the spectre of his real life into the bedroom with them.  For all she knew he had a wife and kids.  She didn’t think so, though; she got the impression that he was as lonely as she, for all his smooth ways and soft smiles.  She realised she felt safe with him, that she was relaxed in his presence.  It was a rare feeling, and she told herself firmly to liven up and be on her guard.  Just because a guy seemed like a decent person didn’t mean he couldn’t turn into an abusive piece of shit at a moment’s notice.  There had to be a reason this guy paid for it, after all.
The thought made her sad, because she wanted to trust him, wanted him to be the person he seemed.  It was as though two halves of her brain were in conflict; the more sensible part was telling her firmly to stay in character, use up the three hours, give him a good time and show him out the door when it was over.  And the part of her that was Lacey, the real Lacey, wanted to have a drink with him and ask him what books he liked and how he took his coffee.
The silence continued, but it wasn’t unpleasant.  Time was passing, though, and he would want his money’s worth.  They all did.  She took a deep, calming breath, and a fortifying sip of champagne.  Condensation had formed on the glass, running down it in thin streams, and she set it down on the nightstand, turning back to face him.
“Well then,” she said. “Now that I’ve got my breath back, I think it’s time for me to make those pretty eyes of yours roll back in your head, what do you say?”
He grinned at that, dark eyes gleaming.
“I thought that’s what I was trying to do to you.”
“Yeah, well, mission accomplished,” she said bluntly.  “I’m tingling all over and if I have another orgasm I’ll break something.  Just lie back and let me get a kick out of pleasuring you, how hard can that be?”
His grin widened, and he set down his own glass.
“Well, as long as you enjoy yourself, that’s fine with me.”
Oh my God, who is this guy?  And why the hell is he paying for it?  Damn!
Lacey shifted onto her knees, lifting her chin to stare down her nose at him.
“Hang onto something,” she announced, and swooped in to kiss him.
Gold kissed her back, fingers sliding into her damp curls, his tongue stroking against hers.  Her breasts were brushing against his chest, a pleasant feeling, and as she began to kiss down his neck and over his chest, he let his head roll back against the pillows, eyes closed.  She sucked on a nipple, tongue swirling over it and sending ripples of pleasure through him, and he smiled at the sensation, surprised that she wanted to try to see to his pleasure rather than have him concentrate on her own.  It made a refreshing change, and he wondered if this was her first time paying for sex.  It didn’t seem to be; she certainly had a collection of accessories that he hadn’t expected, but she also seemed vulnerable and a little awkward, hiding her true self behind an image that she had created and was finding it difficult to maintain.
He had noticed that her voice had changed, and was no longer the sultry, throaty purr she had used when he first entered the room.  He suspected that whomever she had been pretending to be for the night, she had given up on it.  Idly, he wondered who she really was, and what she did when she wasn’t in hotel rooms with escorts.  She was too young to be a lawyer or banker, as many of his clients were.  An heiress, perhaps?  One of those internet celebrities he’d never heard of but that Astrid was always reading about?  He supposed it didn’t matter, but a part of him wanted to know who she truly was behind the false name and the honeyed voice.  She seemed to have a good heart.
Her breasts were rubbing against his cock, making it twitch with interest, and he groaned a little, reaching up to stroke his fingers through her hair as she kissed over his belly.  He was thankful for the chemical assistance he carried; he would never have coped otherwise, and he knew he was going to feel like death the next day as it was.  Belle raised her head, and he opened his eyes to meet hers.  Her mouth was dark and full, lips glistening with saliva, and for a moment he wanted to break his own rules and ask her to suck him.  A wild notion, and a foolish one.  Besides, it was her night, not his.  She licked her lips, and reached to the side, holding up a butt plug and raising an eyebrow as she glanced back at him.
“I thought we might use this, if you’re okay with that,” she said.  “It’s hollow, you can put the bullet in it.  It’ll make your toes curl, trust me.”
“Oh, I do,” he said, and realised that he meant it.  He nodded.  “Alright.”
“It’ll be easier if you get on your knees.”
Lacey straightened up, shifting to the side so that he could roll over and push up on his hands and knees.  She reached for the lube, spreading plenty of it over the plug, and then onto him, before shifting position to kneel up behind him.  She pushed the plug into him slowly, gently, taking time to let him adjust to it, and he let out a low groan as it slid into him.  Flicking the end of it with her finger made him jump and chuckle richly, and she grinned, reaching for the bullet and turning it on.  She slipped it inside the hollow core of the plug, and he groaned deeply.
Lacey smirked, one hand moving between his legs and gently stroking his balls before sliding up to grasp his cock. She began fondling him with long slow strokes of her hand, and he groaned as he rocked his hips in time with her, the muscles of his arms growing taut.
“How’s that?” she asked softly.  “Is that good?”
“So good,” he said, between gritted teeth.  “You’re so good at that.”
She drew the bullet out and let it slip back inside again, and he threw his head back with a low groan.  The sound of it called to her, made her want him again, and she licked her lips, uncertain whether he would want her to stop what she was doing.  She bent to kiss his back, the faint salty taste of perspiration on her lips as she rubbed him.
“Do you want me to keep doing this?” she murmured.  “Or do you want me to fuck you?”
He glanced over his shoulder at her, his breath heaving, and jerked his head towards the nightstand where the clock sat.
“Time’s against us,” he gasped.  “Your choice.”
She should have done the selfless thing and brought him off, but she wanted to feel him inside her again.  If it was to be their last time, she wanted to see his face and feel him fill her up once more.  His cock was hard and thick in her hand, and she fumbled around in the sheets, hunting for one of the condoms. Getting it out of the packet and onto him was difficult when her hands were covered in lube, but she managed it in the end, and he growled in pleasure as she rolled it down his length.  She moved, taking the bullet out of him and turning onto her back, and he got between her legs and guided himself inside, sinking into her with a cry.  She slipped the bullet vibrator inside again, and his eyes rolled back as he let out a deep groan of pleasure.  Lacey lifted her hands, pushing them up above her head against the cool pillow, and he bent his head to kiss her, tongue pushing into her mouth as he fucked her hard.
His movements grew harder, deeper, hands sliding up her arms, fingers lacing through hers, pushing her hands down into the pillows as he thrust inside her. Lacey drew up her knees, wrapping her legs around his back, their bodies slippery with sweat and lube, tingling with vibrations, flushed with passion and their shared heat.  She could feel herself nearing climax, her limbs growing taut as she chased her pleasure, and he thrust inside her with a low cry, pumping his hips as he came.  His cock pulsed, and the feel of it made a tide of bliss wash over her, her cries drowning out his.  She bucked against him, flesh tugging at him, goosebumps rippling over her skin as pleasure took her.
Gold tried to calm himself, slowing his thrusts as she writhed and moaned beneath him.  Her flesh was still clenching around him, pulling the cum from him, sending ripples of pleasure through his body.  He drew to a stop, releasing her hands and pushing up on his palms, head hanging as he tried to catch his breath.  She was panting, her chest heaving, eyes closed and full lips parted and shining.  He let out a final, shuddering breath, and reached between them to grasp the base of the condom before pulling out of her and rolling onto his back with a groaning gasp.  The plug was still firmly inside him, but the vibrator had fallen out; he could hear a muted buzz from somewhere on the bed, but didn’t have the energy to look for it.  Glancing to the side, he could see that the three hours were almost up.  Just as fucking well, I might die if I have to go again.  He ran his hands over his face as he tried to steady his breathing, and Belle let out a heavy sigh.
“Whoa!” she gasped, letting an arm fall over her eyes.  “That was fucking amazing!”
He couldn’t say much more than that.  It felt as though he’d been beaten up and then turned inside out, and he was sure he’d ache like hell the next day, but his body was still humming with pleasure, and he wasn’t sure he’d ever forget how good she had felt beneath him.
“Best night of my life, no question,” she added, her voice shaking a little as she tried to catch her breath.  “I mean seriously.  Usually I have to spend my time stroking egos and faking orgasms.  That. Was. Awesome!”
“I aim to please,” he said.
“No shit.”  She lowered her arm and turned on her side to face him.  “Hey, have you ever considered doing this professionally?”
He smiled lazily.  “Very funny.”
“I’m serious!” she insisted.  “I have no idea what you do when you’re not having sex, but I’m telling you it’s time wasted.  The money’s really good, you know.  You could make a killing.”
Slowly, very slowly, Gold lifted his head up off the pillows.
Saturday morning, and a fine day had brought gulls in along with the fishing boats that went in and out of Boston harbour.  Gold glanced up, watching them dance and wheel in the air above as he made his way along the street. Wailing, mewing calls filled the air around him, making it sound as though they were having a laugh at his expense.  As they should.  Sighing to himself as he came to a stop, Gold rolled his shoulders, gazing up at the building which housed, amongst other businesses, Blue Star Escort Services.  He was tired, his limbs aching, and despite having stayed over in Boston the night before, felt as though he needed about twelve hours’ extra sleep.  He wondered how Lacey was holding up.  Probably far better than he.
Once they had both worked out what had happened, they were able to find the humour in the situation, although Gold had to admit it wasn’t an ideal way to meet a colleague.  Lacey had laughed about it even more than he had, but she had grown shy afterwards, and had dressed and made her exit quickly. He had been perhaps five minutes after her, heading to the motel he had booked just outside town to get a night’s sleep before going to the agency for his regular medical, and for an explanation of how he had ended up screwing a fellow escort instead of his client.
Much to his relief, Tink was back on duty at reception, grinning widely at him from beneath a loose bun of messy blonde curls.
“So, here’s the man of the hour,” she drawled.  “Who’s been a bad boy, then?”
“It wasn’t my fault,” he said patiently.  “A mix up in the bookings, that’s all. Could happen to anyone.  How did the client take it?”
“She called up, screeching about being stood up,” said Tink, with a shrug. “Astrid couldn’t calm her down, so Blue had to take the call from the networking function.  It’s cool, she smoothed some ruffled feathers, offered a discount, and sent Graham out on a rescue mission.”
Gold sighed.  “I owe him one, in that case.  I haven’t seen this client before, but I hope she wasn’t too difficult.”
“He managed to win her over,” said Tink.  “She says she wants you next Friday, though.  No excuses, in her words.  Sounds the demanding type.  You up for it?”
“Given the right chemical stimulants,” he remarked dryly, and she snickered.
“Great, I’ll confirm the booking,” she said.  “Oh, and don’t worry.  Astrid isn’t handling anything more technical than the takeout order in future.”
“Is she alright?”
“Just embarrassed, really,” said Tink.  “Everyone knows, by the way.  If it’s any consolation, Lacey gave you a gold star.  Actually, I think she gave you five.”
“Right.”  He glanced towards the coffee room, where he could hear the murmur of voices.  “Well.  I guess I’d better go and face them.”
Tink grinned at him, and he sighed and turned on his heel, heading for the door and pushing it open.
“And here he is, the man himself!” announced Jefferson, waving his hand in an elaborate gesture.
Lacey, Astrid and Graham were slouched in the chairs around him, grinning.  The man who called himself Hook was sitting apart from them, apparently engrossed in a magazine, although he glanced up as Gold entered and scowled slightly before looking away.  Was he wearing eyeliner?  Gold supposed it went with the leather outfit.
“Devine, take a seat!” said Jefferson eagerly.  “The lovely Miss Delacoeur has just been telling us about how the two of you tried to fuck each other into a coma.  It sounds like a smutty version of Thunderdome!”
“Only one man entered, though,” said Lacey, with a grin, and Jefferson snickered.
“It was a simple case of mistaken identity,” said Gold evenly.
“It was the shag of the century as far as I was concerned,” said Lacey bluntly. “Most fun I ever had with my clothes off.”
“God, I’m so jealous!” sighed Jefferson.  “My evening consisted of convincing a finance manager that I really wanted a threesome with him and his mistress, so all I have to say to you is—”  He stuck out his tongue, and Lacey smirked.
“Put it away, Sparkle-Pants, I ain’t riding that face.”
“Hey, I’m not jealous of Devine, I’m jealous of you!” protested Jefferson.  “Not that you aren’t a total goddess, of course, but I always wanted to know why he gets so many repeat bookings, and you were the one lucky enough to find out!”
“Perhaps you need some pointers on technique,” said Gold, with a grin, and Jefferson winked at him.
“If you want to pass on your extensive knowledge, I’m ready anytime.”
“Stop flirting with your colleagues,” said Graham, with mock severity.
“That’s not what you were saying last night.”
“Yeah, well, there’s a special exception for boyfriends.”
Jefferson spread his hands.
“I just want to excel in my chosen profession!” he protested.  “You’re always saying I should take more pride in my work.”
“I’m always saying you should clean the kitchen after you cook breakfast, but you never listen to me about that,” said Graham, with a grin.  “Suddenly you’re the next Employee of the Month?”
“Well, if boinking each other is our new way to build team spirit, I’m in.”
“In your dreams,” said Gold dryly, and crossed to the coffee machine.
“Oh, every one of my dreams.”  Jefferson pressed a hand to his heart, batting his eyelids.  “Especially the dirty ones.”
Gold couldn’t help grinning at that, but busied himself making coffee as the conversation thankfully moved on to topics other than his sexual prowess. Lacey appeared at his elbow, chewing her lip nervously.  She had tied up her hair, and was wearing a black top and booty shorts over tights and high-heeled boots.  She smiled a little tremulously.
“Hey,” she said.  “Sorry about that.  Everybody already knew, so - so I thought I’d better sing your praises.”
“It’s okay,” he said, and she wrinkled her nose.
“Yeah, I probably shouldn’t have told Leroy,” she added thoughtfully.  “That guy couldn’t keep a secret if his life depended on it.”
“No matter,” he said.  “My only regret is that I lost a night’s pay.”
“Oh, crap.”  She frowned.  “Hey, my guy was a no-show, but I still got paid. Want to split it fifty-fifty?”
Gold shook his head.
“That’s your money,” he said.  “You keep it.”
“But you didn’t make anything!”
“I’ll speak to Miss Blue,” he said.  “She’s always very reasonable about mishaps.  I’m sure I won’t lose out completely on the financial side.”
“Oh, okay.  Cool.”
She chewed her lip, bouncing on her toes a little and looking uncertain, and he raised an eyebrow.
“Was there something else?” he asked gently, and she inhaled deeply, fixing him with a stare.
“I - I just wanted to say thanks,” she said in a rush.  “I wasn’t kidding when I told the others how great you were.”
Gold looked away, unsure how to react to her admission.  He knew he was good; he’d worked hard to become so, but she had made it easy for him too.
“Well, that’s my job,” he said.  “Just as it’s yours.”
“Oh, I know all about technique and all that crap,” she said impatiently.  “I can make a guy lose his mind in a hundred different ways, and I guess you can do the same with a woman, but that’s not what I meant.”
“What is it, then?”
She hesitated, as though she was unsure how to express herself.
“I - I didn’t have to pretend with you,” she said.  “Does that make sense?”
He eyed her for a moment, then nodded.
“I understand.”
“I just - I felt that I could be myself,” she added.  “That I could be Lacey.  I never want to be Lacey, you know?  Not at work.  Sometimes not even outside of work, to be honest, but that’s a whole other story of self-loathing I won’t bore you with.”
Gold stared at her for a moment.  He understood that very well, and he felt again that urge to protect her, to shield her from the world and anyone that might want to harm her.
“We all have our personas,��� he said neutrally.  “Sometimes it’s easier to pretend to be someone else.  Someone who can handle what we do.  Even enjoy it.”
She nodded vigorously.
“Anyway, I started out being Belle Delacoeur, but a little way into our time together, I was Lacey again,” she said.  “And - and that never happened before.  I just - I wanted you to know.”
Gold smiled, giving her a tiny bow of his head.
“It was an honour to meet you, Lacey,” he said softly, and she sent him a wobbly smile.
“You too,” she said.  “And - and maybe I could buy you a drink sometime.”
His smile widened.
“Maybe you could.”
“Since we’ve seen each other’s O-face, small talk should be easy, right?” she added, and he blinked.
“You mean - you mean like a date?” he asked blankly, and she shrugged.
“Yeah,” she said.  “If you want.”
She was wavering, an uncertain look in her eyes, the expectation of rejection, and he felt it again, that rush of emotion, the urge to care for her.  He swallowed, nodding.
“I’d like that.”
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jcmorrigan · 4 years
Another f/o ramble...but this time, not a selfshippy one. This one’s more about ficfam, so I guess “ficfam” is another tag to block if you don’t wanna see my ridiculousness (and I do wanna come up with a weird name for our family unit as well for tags)
But lately, I realized I kind of...needed a certain type of parental f/o. Sometimes you just...feel there are parts of you the RL parents don’t get, even if the RL parents are extremely nice. And sometimes you just want somebody to tell you they’re proud of you in a very, very big sense at a time when it wouldn’t be convenient for RL parents to do so. Or maybe “you” is “just me.”
I’d kind of accepted Archibald Snatcher as a distant father-mentor figure a while back because I managed to pick up some of his silver-tongued manipulation skills to talk my way out of minor sticky situations and resolve work stuff, and I always imagine him thinking I’m just a wonderful little protégé...but I wanted some imaginary ‘rents I could rely on for affection anywhere, anytime, and Archie isn’t that.
So this time, I thought about Giovanni and what contributed to him being such a good romantic f/o, and realized a big part of that was that he was in a morally gray place - I like having someone around who’s kind and sensitive and fun, but also lets me do some BAD THINGS and allows me freedom. So I realized my ideal parental f/o’s had to be somewhere in that range. I had thought about Globby and Felony Carl, but it didn’t quite click (even though I think they have super Dorky Dad vibes). But then another idea hit me...and I think I have the answer? I’ve been liking it for almost 24 hours, anyway.
I think Moxxie and Millie from Helluva Boss are my parental f/o’s now.
They fit the moral gray spectrum - they have intense loyalty to each other and display the love of the sweetest family units, but they’re also trained assassins who solve problems with guns. And, just, thinking about it, giving myself an AU where I was an imp raised in VivzieHell (I imagined myself as a kiddo being raised by them from youth, so a lot of these will sound kiddish)...
-Millie is just a bundle of love. She’s always chipper and singing and dancing with me, playing games.
-Moxxie is a bit more straitlaced, and he’s not exactly the “fun parent,” but I can’t stay mad at him for too long, because he’ll personally come into my room and sing me a song he wrote especially for me on his guitar until I fall asleep.
-I was a very...emotional child, even more so than I am now. I had anger issues. Unfortunately, living with these two would not have solved that, as their resolution to problems is to 1. scream at it 2. kill it with fire, but in this AU, I kind of like being able to just get angry and be a loose cannon and just LOSE all decorum and get it off my freakin’ CHEST. Let me have some more meltdowns to achieve more calm-down time.
-Speaking of which, Moxxie and I would be cut from the same cloth in that regard, and if Millie can handle Moxxie’s mood swings, she can handle mine!
-I also think Moxxie being so neurotic would also give him some sympathy for having a hypochondriac daughter who thinks she has cancer every five months or so. (Even if his first reaction is always a very deadpan “You don’t have cancer.”)
-But during purges, we’re all three scared and just huddle in the back bedroom together.
-When I get a new crush, Millie wants to hear all about THE BOOOYYYYY and goes on a big old quest to get him and me on a DATE!
-They’re Viv characters, so I have no doubt they’re 100% A-okay with having an ace daughter...even if I have to be grossed out with constant reminders that my parents FUCK ALL THE TIME
-Anyone hurts me? Oh, they’re about to meet the business end of every single one of Moxxie and Millie’s weapons.
-That person’s double dead if it was a boy who broke my heart.
-(Shared universe? Giovanni is safe. They LOVE Giovanni. Actually, XR is enough of a “sinner” that Millie would think of him as a perfect bad boy, and Tony knows he’s gotta play the gentleman around these two or the Moxxie-bomb will explode. So I think all three of my romantic f/o’s have an in.)
-From the time I was small, both of them were so ready to praise anything I did creatively and mean it. “You drew this? This is beautiful! I’m gonna put this on the fridge!” Now that I’m older, they actually check my fanfiction word count. “THAT’S A WHOLE NOVEL! THAT’S SO GREAT!”
-When I was a child, it took me a LONG time to learn to swear because I thought it was Against the Rules and therefore a very bad thing. Growing up with these two, I would not have had that problem. Baby Rachel’s first word is “Fuck” despite their every attempt to make it “Moxxie”
-Actually, growing up in Hell might be a weirdly good thing for me? Because I could get exposure therapy for my fears and also see that The Rules aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. And this society doesn’t mind if I break a few.
-Basically, I grow up a lot more boisterous than I am now, for better or for worse. Maybe my character arc has to be about softening up enough to keep friends.
-But Moxxie and Millie would be loyal to me even at my loneliest and keep checking in on my emotional state. No way I get a depression spell they don’t notice.
-I feel like they would call me “Our little poison-dart frog!”.
-Also they teach me the art of murder and dismemberment. This is a dark AU. But I can finally exact REVENGE whenever I want REVENGE (note: I WOULD NOT WANT DEADLY REVENGE IRL)
-Blitzo is my weird uncle who Moxxie keeps trying to keep away from me because he thinks he’s being a “creep” but Blitzo means well and ends up taking me out to have some fun hang-out days because we all know he wants a kid of his own too if Loona is any indication
-Also, so long as I’m in VivzieHell, I feel like working concierge at the Happy/Hazbin Hotel would actually be a perfect fit for me so I can actually move OUT of my imp parents’ house? Charlie would need all the help she could get and is the ideal type for one of my BEST FRIENDOS. Also this would allow me to interact with people, get up and get moving daily, work unconventional hours, and be in the one part of Hell where a sense of morality actually matters.
-As for even WEIRDER crossovers...ever since Helluva Boss debuted, I’ve been dying to stick Moxxie/Millie and Nergal/Sis from Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy on a double date (and YES, Nergal would use his fourth wall powers to figure out that Moxxie has his nephew’s voice actor). Like, this is the subject of a whole other post, but you have Millie and Nergal skipping through the oceans of blood together while Sis and Moxxie make sardonic comments about passerby. Anyway, if I can blend these two ‘verses (or do something about giving my Twilight Town s/i to this crew for TBTC), then I get to have Uncle Nergal, Aunt Sis, and Cousin Junior (WE DON’T. TALK. ABOUT MY CRUSH-ON-NERGAL PHASE. HE’S MY FICFAM NOW). And I just love all three of those prospects so much.
I don’t know if I’m going to flesh out a full impverse for myself (anyone got a demon-maker Picrew that will let me have crimson skin and horns on hand?) or if I’m going to find a way to shoehorn this into TBTC with Rachel Inlustris, but right now, I just like imagining that at the end of a hard day, Moxxie comes up beside me, puts an arm around me, and says, “You did so good, little poison-dart frog.”
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kegareki · 5 years
tbh i'm always curious about the kaguya causes the apocalypse au, but rarely have concrete questions to ask. so um, what are sakura and obito's abilites like? how powerful are they, both as a team and individually? sakura canonically had healing and super strength, which are great, but I'm also a fan of aus where she branches out and learns other things, so i gotta ask. does she learn genjutsu from obito? also they survived a WHILE in the apocalypse, right, presumably they got even better (1/3)
and learned new stuff from each other? and/or from other survivors in their group? what are their go-to weapons? how does their power level now compare to people in the past? (2/3)
(3/3) ALSO! they travel to other dimensions using kamui, right. where does the kamui spit them out when they go a new dimension? somewhere randomly? (if so, how many times have they ended up dumped in a swamp, or in the middle of nowhere?) some fixed place every time? wherever obito wants? where? and can they choose when they arrive in a new dimension, or are they also just randomly spit out whenever and good luck figuring out in what time and place they are?
these are really good questions!!! i apparently wrote 1100 words in response, so: under the cut!
sakura and obito did survive a while in the apocalypse, yeah. people survived in groups–konoha especially espouses teamwork–and people took positions well-suited for them, at first, like they have been trained to do. hyuuga, inuzuka, aburame, yamanaka, and sensors were good at keeping track of people and directing the groups to safe spaces and such, for example. but people die, and at some point you stop being able to replace them
so people learn to cover those positions in any way they can. enhancing their senses with chakra; trying to recreate barrier seals that you’ve only seen and never studied; etc. people share information about what they remember. people go off and come back with clan scrolls, because there’s no point in hoarding clan information if that information will help keep them alive.
obito and sakura learn together, and what they teach other is–incidental, at first? sakura is healing someone, and she nabs a passing obito into helping her. obito can heal himself just fine, thanks to hashirama’s DNA, but–well. he has deep chakra reserves, as well as the ability to absorb and transfer chakra, so he might as well learn how to heal other people, because at some point they’re going to run short of medics, and it’s better for everyone if most people have even rudimentary medical skills
obito… okay i’m going to be entirely honest here: obito is fucking HORRIFIED at how sakura was treated as a genin. obito’s already complicated relationship with kakashi is complicated even further because he cannot BELIEVE that kakashi didn’t teach her SHIT, didn’t CULTIVATE her OBVIOUS TALENTS, didn’t direct her to anyone who WOULD. kakashi failed sakura, and obito is pissed off on her behalf, because that shouldn’t have happened!!!! obito offers sakura his knowledge Readily and Gladly because she should never, ever feel useless again. she should never, ever be given less than what he or anyone else can offer.
it had been noted in canon that sakura would have been adept at genjutsu, and he gives her techniques. they have to be adapted some, because genjutsu with a sharingan is formed differently than genjutsu without a sharingan, but sakura figures it out. she’s quick and eager to learn! and she’s GOOD at genjutsu! she learns how to conceal people and things; she learns how to subtly redirect a person’s attention so that their eyes skip over something without truly seeing it; she learns how to muddle a person’s sense of balance, of temperature, of pain.
and obito teaches her some ninjutsu, because that’s ANOTHER area where she was failed! why the FUCK did kakashi skimp out on even THIS?!!
sakura has water and earth release, so obito basically goes: okay, cool, here’s some mist techniques. here’s a few iwa techniques that i saw when i was 12 and that i picked up from deidara. you’re going to be so badass, i’m so proud of you.
sakura especially becomes more well-rounded than she was previously, and honestly kind of terrifying because she’s ENJOYING being versatile which means making use of her new techniques, but obito’s pretty happy with his end of the deal, too. his self-healing is passive rather than active, so learning how to use medical techniques and gaining medical knowledge is Actually Helpful because, hey, now he knows what the fuck is going on and now he can actually heal other people. AND now he knows how to do stuff like making blood clots! while that may not help much against kaguya, he’s not going to NOT appreciate new and interesting ways of killing people!
in terms of power, it’s hard to tell when your opponent is a Literal God, but by the time everyone else is dead and they abandon this world, they’re kind of stupidly powerful. like 12-year-old sasuke would eye them warily and challenge them to a fight in a hotel hallway because he can Tell they’re powerful, maybe more powerful than even Bane Of His Life Itachi, and he needs to see how he matches up against them. like–they don’t really escape because they’re dying; they escape because there’s nothing left for them, and staying would just mean dying meaninglessly.
weapons like shuriken, kunai, and senbon had become, increasingly, a scarcity, because making more becomes difficult and then impossible. they picked over past battlefields for weapons that they’ve thrown. not a lot of people had Many Throwing Weapons after a point
but when obito and sakura hang out in kamui, it’s not like THEY’RE going to lose weapons now, so obito pulls out some from his Long-Discarded Weapons Stash and they sort of idly brush up on their bukijutsu. is sakura likely to ever have need of a gunbei? no, but obito’s going to show her how to use it, anyway.
the mechanics of kamui in this ‘verse are like–
the sort of “neutral ground” is the space that obito is used to, the grey landscape of blocks where everything he puts inside of kamui shows up. in order to access anywhere else, kamui needs a set of parameters, conscious or subconscious.
in the beginning, the only parameters are the conscious “not our world” and the subconscious “please be empty,” so the destinations were random and without people. an empty forest; an abandoned cabin; a peopleless island.
obito isn’t USED to making use of this aspect of kamui, so at first, aiming for particular places and times would be difficult. he’d overshoot or undershoot, or get there at the right time but not the right place. but he’d get more precise about it and learn what sorts of parameters work best with what he has in mind (ex. events can come quicker or be delayed or happen somewhere else, depending on the circumstances! some events are sort of fixed in time and place–october 10 in konoha for the kyuubi attack, for example–whereas others shift–like who kumo takes to make a jinchuuriki). if he isn’t clear on a specific variable, what comes out will be random–like if sakura was like “i miss hashirama trees. can we go check that out” and obito’s parameters were just 'hashirama trees around konoha’, they could drop ANYWHERE in that particular forest and at any time where those trees exist
obito and sakura kind of–tend toward peaceful times and places, at first. they gather themselves up and put themselves back together as much as they can. they’re tired.
but then one day sakura makes a comment, like i wish i’d known you sooner, and obito thinks: but you could.
not this sakura, of course, but another one. a different one.
they find an obito crushed under rock, still alive, and obito can use his mangekyo to take him into kamui, and sakura can heal him from there–at least enough to keep him from dying, at least enough to take him to konoha.
being able to help–that goes a long way, after such a long period of helplessness and hopelessness, and when they think about it, there are so many things that they could help prevent, so many lives they can save with the information that they have now.
so they basically become S-class dimension-hopping superheroes just because
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Wardog’s Fic Masterpost
You can find nearly all fics through my AO3 account, but here’s a list of links!
The Old Guard
Immortal Husbands- Nicolo di Genova x Yusuf al-Kaysani 
A Hunting (We Will Go); Part of Moonrise In The Hallows
Halloween Oneshot (Within a Larger Verse); Teen & Up- The Guard is a Shifter Pack, led by the fierce wolf Andy. Her fellow wolves Sebastian & Nile, along with the hyenas Lykon and Yusuf are fierce and far-ranging. To say nothing of the vampire, Nico, that is somehow one of them. When their youngest wolf goes missing, the Guard hunts down those responsible and will terminate them without hesitation. The fact that there's another prisoner being held in the basement probably isn't important...
Reluctantly Making Art 
Ongoing; Teen & Up- While Yusuf al-Kaysani would prefer to be a hermit in his apartment and get over his recently ended bad relationship (and subsequently worse breakup), he has friends that have decided that is not his decision to make. He might ignore them, except for the fact that they're his best friends AND the most terrifying women he's ever met, so he doesn't have much choice. He goes to breakfast, he goes to art class, and he falls head over heels for the beautiful Italian man sitting as the model. Because of course, he does; that was the plan all along. (Joe has to admit... it's a pretty good plan.) 
IronStrange- Tony Stark x Stephen Strange
Wishes (Better Left Ungranted)
Complete; General Audiences-  Tony makes a few wishes, but some are better left ungranted.
‘Till Then
Complete; Mature- Stephen Strange is trying to work at Kamar-Taj when his boyfriend texts him... from his Malibu bed. Stephen opens a portal to talk to him about it and they wind up, not really talking about it. ( Tony Stark Bingo Explicit Card A4 KINK: Masturbation)
The Theory of Magic 
Ongoing- Open for Expansion; General Audiences- A get together series in which Stephen Strange has a crush and actually makes a movie. Stories are Complete but the Series is Ongoing, available for expansion via prompts when open. 
 Remind Me
Study and Practice
Burden of Proof
Absence Makes the Heart
Time Heals All
Ongoing- Open for Expansion; General Audiences- Stephen Strange and Tony Stark are married. A little Team Cap antagonistic. Part 3 is a little Dark!IronStrange. 
What the Doctor Ordered
Cloak and Dagger
Break Rules (Not Oaths)
IronPanther- Tony Stark x T’Challa
Hot Chocolate
Complete; General Audiences- (Fluff and Flirting)- So a combination of a prompt and a ship. From jacarandabanyan "Hot Chocolate" and bash-it-all's "IronPanther".
WinterHawk- James Barnes x Clint Barton
Well-Armed (To Hold)
Complete; Teen Audiences- Tumblr Prompt: "Would you ever write WinterHawk? <3"
A Meddling Affection
Complete One Shot; General Audiences-  A belated Birthday ficlet for the lovely Ru! Combined with Tumblr Prompt: All Avengers, clock, poking (Heading toward WinterIronHawk)
WinterIron- James Barnes x Tony Stark
Children of Light
Ongoing Series; General to Teen- Slowbuild to WinterIron. Deals with the Death of JARVIS, the first activation of FRIDAY, and JARVIS’s eventual resurrection. (Note that J is the “Major Character Death” referenced.) This is angsty because I have FEELINGS about the loss of JARVIS and the fact that we never mourned him in MCU. Stories and Series ongoing. 
Son of Stark
To Lose a Child
A Child’s Initiative
I Will Always Find You
Complete; General Audiences- Tony as Snow White, Bucky as Prince Charming in an AU snippet of OUAT. 
Collision With a Dream
Complete; General Audiences- Bucky's walking along arguing about Russian Lit when he literally runs over his dream guy. Tasha does what she usually does, she makes it worse. That's alright, Tony's apparently the forgiving sort.
(You Wanna) Date My Dad
Complete; General Audiences- Featuring Harley Keener! "Would you ever write a fic where Bucky meets Harley?"
To Cure a Hangover (You Need Espresso and a Date)
Ongoing; General Audiences- Prompt: "Would you ever write: WinterIron with age difference? Like teacher!Bucky with Student!Tony? :P"
I Was Promised a Flying Car
Complete; General Audiences- Prompt: Would you ever write a fic where Tony and Bucky is bonding over being nerds/loving science? (And doing all kinds of wacky, mythbuster-esque experiments that Tony whips up any time Bucky begins a sentence with "I wonder what would happen if...?")So it's not "science" driven, but science nerd Bucky did spend his last night before deployment at the Stark Expo, staring at a flying car...
Mechanics, Millionaires, Models & More
Ongoing Series; General Audiences- Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne are friends from childhood. When Tony as a single dad catches the eye of the model James Barnes, there’s some mutual Instagram-Stalking and a lot of flirting. 
Tony’s First Friend
Coping for An Age
(Walk Walk) Fashion Baby
Milkshakes and Motorcycles
Ongoing; Teen Audiences- Bucky, second to the Captain for the Howling Commandos, hears a scuffle around the corner and finds himself with an armful of just about the prettiest little lost lamb he's ever seen. Since Tony don't seem too keen on his now-ex, Bucky's gonna buy him a milkshake, wrap him in a leather jacket, and hopefully show him a good time.
California Dreamin’ A Beach Bums Verse
Ongoing; Teen Audiences- Note: A Special Collaboration Series! This is a WinterIron get together with puns, angst, fluff and more! Make sure to read my partner maevee’s stories!
Don’t Tell (Secrets)
(Everyday Is A) Winding Road
Mai Tai (Offer You A Drink)
When You Wish Upon A Stark -Maevee!
We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Bucky -Maevee!
Ongoing; James Barnes, the Winter Soldier, has been out of the ice and Hydra’s hands for a month the first time he hears a familiar voice. (A SoulMate AU)
True, Strong and Brave
Ongoing; Teen- Bucky Barnes moves into the tower and receives help from an otherwise elusive Iron Man. But when the team gets called out and things go wrong, Steve gets a reality check as to what has been done in his name. Bucky steps up, he's one of the few who can. (Team Cap Critical; Anti-Wanda)
Complete; General Audiences- From a Prompt on Tumblr: Random Sentence- “I’ll do it for you.”
(Were) Whisperer
Ongoing; Mature- In a world where Aliens rain destruction from portals through space, ancient Gods arrive on beams of light, and a certain Billionaire Philanthropist darts around the world in a metal suit: there really is a very high bar for what is considered "weird". Shapeshifters hardly register, having been long known. You’re either a Human, a Were, or a Whisperer. Most people can prove whether they’re the first or the second, a few will lie about being the third. Alternately, there's Tony. Tony Stark is one of the few people pretending the first and burying the third, and he’s more or less in the clear with it until Steve Rogers catches up with the Winter Soldier, and brings him home to Avengers Tower. Tony doesn’t have to say a word, the Wolf knows differently.
An Attraction
Complete; Jurassic World AU-  Write... a crossover/au of the last non-marvel movie you saw and marvel (if ships, winteriron?). Essentially Jurassic World & Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Snippets with WinterIron. Originally Posted on Tumblr: Expansion Pack for AO3!
The Continental
Teen- From the Prompt: “ Would you ever write: Winteriron as a John Wick!AU?” James "Winter" Barnes has been accepted into The Continental Hotel's exclusive clientele. While preparing for a job he visits the Hotel Lounge and meets the gorgeous singer, Tony Stark. The Owner's Son, the New Manager... Maybe the love of his life.
Ongoing; General Audiences- So my adorable FandomNiece made me a beautiful Moodboard for True, Strong and Brave. I offered a gratitude fic for her pairing and trope of choice! This is a WinterIron Identity Porn story!
New Hire
Complete One Shot; General Audiences- In reaction to the Prompt: "Actually totally WinterIron and Peteypie, with...sitter or teacher Bucky???" (And things got out of control as they do, I guess.)Essentially: Pepper hires a Bodyguard/Babysitter for Peter out of SHIELD's ranks. Tony is spiky about it, at least until he gets a look at the guy. (Yeah, he wants to climb that like a tree.)
(Let’s Go) Dancing
Complete One Shot; General Audiences- This is a Marvel Universe-Center Stage Fusion AU that no one asked for and everyone is getting anyway. Tony dances for the American Ballet Company as their featured ballerino, performing under the name Antonio Carbonell. James and Steve are two of the ABC's newest students, and James gets a chance to meet his crush on his first day. Just his luck, Tony is even better in person. (Natalia may have been setting them up all along.)
Next Year Will Be Better
Complete One Shot; General Audiences-  Just a quick story for Tony's birthday. Pre-Slash Tony Stark/James Barnes, and Tony acting as IronDad to the Spider Son and his Potato Gun Son.
The Most Powerful (Pillowfight)
Complete One Shot; General Audiences- In which Carol and Tony (aggressively) support each other and then do battle (with pillows) for their honor. Or each other's honor? It's unclear, things got out of control. (James Rhodes loves these idiots way too much.) This is a fill for the TSB 2019 Square: T2: A BATTLE/FIGHT/CONFRONTATION
Coffee, Curses, Kisses
Complete; General Audiences- Tony Stark drags himself out of his workshop on a regular Thursday morning. Well, mostly a regular morning. Except for Clint Barton lying on the breakfast bar in themed underwear. The theme is new, the rest is depressingly familiar. Ok, so maybe the rose petals are new too. (What the hell, Clint?) It's enough to make a billionaire grateful for the Avengers Alarm. Wait a minute, magic too? Fuck, this is just not Tony's day. (Until it really, really is.)This is a Fill for Tony Stark Bingo 2019 S4: FIRST KISS
Riding Roughshod
Ongoing; Teen & Up- The Heroic Captain America wakes up in a world that is integrated far beyond what he would have dreamed of when he went into the ice, though he never expected to be a part of it. A pioneer of mixed-race teams back in his own day, the last thing he expects is to be called upon to do so once again, this time gathering a group of heroes from some rather unlikely places. If that weren't enough to worry about, there's a wild-card Soldier with a familiar fighting style making trouble at top-security bases all over the world... and a shiny red and gold suit that doesn't seem to answer to anyone. That's to say nothing of the kid genius that's supposedly behind it.This is a Fill for Tony Stark Bingo 2019 R4: CentaursThis is a Fill for Bucky Barnes Bingo 2019 K3: Tony Stark/ Iron Man
Love Like Knives
Complete One Shot; Mature- Winter wakes up Tony when he wants someone to play rough with.This is a Bingo Fill for Bucky Barnes Bingo 2019. U4: [Image: Winter Soldier holding a knife.] 
(I Will Try) To Fix You
Complete One Shot; General Audiences- Dark Fic; An Extremis-modified Tony Stark decides he could run the world better than those currently in power, but he needs his pliable boyfriend James to go away and the Winter Soldier to come back...
WinterIron Week 2019
Day 1. The B Team  First Meeting/“Are we really gonna do this here?” 
Day 2. Done  “You done yet?” 
Day 3. A Second Take, A First Impression  Bed Sharing / “I’m not drunk enough for this.” / Soulmates
Day 5. Hunting For (You)  Celebration / “Bad timing?” / Prosthetic Arms
Day 6. Give It Away  Identity Porn / “You should shut up now.” / Proof that Tony Stark has a Heart
WinterWidow/RussianRoulette- James Barnes x Natasha Romaova
No Fics Currently
Stony- Steve Rogers x Tony Stark
A Guardian of Light
Ongoing; Teen- a.k.a. that time Steve sank the Valkyrie in the Arctic and became a spirit-walking wolf to guide Tony, at Frigga’s suggestion.
Shield Studios Ltd. 
Complete- Open for Expansion; General Audiences- All the Avengers in a non-powered voice-acting AU for an animated show called "Assemble" staring their Marvel counterparts. Tony/Steve have a mutual admiration/crush but it's not actually romantic and can be read as gen.
Phil’s Failed Plan
You’re Welcome to Try
The Vague & The Unmistakable
Complete; General Audiences- Looking back on it, there are several things that should have tipped Steve off that today was his Birthday. (Starting with the fact that it's suddenly clear Tony engineered every one of them.)
Stucky- Steve Rogers x James Barnes
No Fics Currently
Stuckony- Steve Rogers x James Barnes x Tony Stark
On The Wing
Complete- Open for Expansion; Teen- A Wing AU for Stuckony. Stories are Complete but the Series is Ongoing, available for expansion via prompts when open.
(I’ll) Be Good
Complete; Mature- So when the tumblr prompt "Would you ever write...ABO winterironshield with alpha Tony?" meets my Kink Card S2 Square "Alpha/Beta/Omega Society" this is where we end up.
Allergic to Coddling
Complete (But Possibly Ongoing); From the Prompt: "Would you ever write Tony Stark having an allergic reaction to something and the rest of the Avengers babying him to the point of ridiculousness because they just love him so much?" Sort of Stuckony, sort of Everyone is Poly Because Avengers? Your choice.
Poly Avengers- Everyone Loves Everyone 
Everybody Loves Me
Ongoing; From the Prompt: "Would you ever write a TonyXEveyone fic? Not exactly everyoneXeveryone, but everyone *in love* with Tony only?" Note this is a Partial Fill which may be expanded on later. Featuring Tales of Suspense Hawkeye/Comic Clint Barton, aka deaf and a dumpster kid until the end.
Non Romantic- No Shipping
Shut UP, Bucky!
Complete; Teen-  From the hellscape of Discord Discussions I bring you: QueenWuppy: "During World War II condoms were not only distributed to male U.S. military members, but enlisted men were also subject to significant contraception propaganda in the form of films, posters, and lectures. A number of slogans were coined by the military, with one film exhorting "Don't forget — put it on before you put it in." "guys i was doing research and and steve and bucky were subjected to this". AKA Bucky makes SO MANY COMMENTS about Super Soldier Sized Protection. So many.
We Can’t Plot Murder All The Time
Complete; General Audiences- From the Prompt: "Would you ever write Deadpool/Tony (IronPool? DeadMan? IronDead? Dunno their ship name :b)" AN: I don’t ship them so this is a non-romantic. 
Video Games and Phoenix Metaphors
Complete; General Audiences- Pepper plays Pokemon GO for SI Employee Morale... But she thinks the boss should be in on it too, and the best way to get Tony to do something is to get Rhodey to do something, and then clue Tony in. (Hint: It works.)
(The Upgrade) You’re Missing
Complete One Shot; General Audiences- Riri Williams is having a bad day, and though her AI TONY can't fix it, he can call in reinforcements.
The Losers
A Touch of Grace
Ongoing Series; Gen to Teen- Cougar has a bad feeling right before the Fadhil operation, and he admonishes Jake to be careful. Jake mostly pays attention, but Cougs is pretty distracting. (Slight D/s tones and Subspace.)
If I Touch You, Will You Listen? (Cougar’s POV)
If I Listen, Will You Touch Me? (Jensen’s POV)
You and Tequila (Make Me Crazy)
Ongoing; Teen & Up- Fortalvarez Tequila is a family business that's been in operation for a hundred and fifty years. Currently, under the management of the family matriarch Constanza, the business will soon be passed to her beloved grandson Carlos. The problem is, Constanza does not care for modern technology or the fact that all of her grandbabies (but especially her favorite) are single. Her solution is a single advertisement for a new Social Media Expert, which is about to be answered by the very handsome (and rather impulsive) Jake Jensen.From the Prompt: "Cougar's family runs a tequila distillery in Mexico. A luxury one. But his abuelita is getting too old to run the place with the firm hand that's required and someone has to take over. Jensen? Jensen is GREAT at social media management. SOMEONE WRITE IT SO I DON'T HAVE TO."
Tag (You’re It)
Complete One Shot; Teen & Up-  Jake hacks a new system for the express purpose of getting the Losers prank dog tags printed and delivered. Mostly because his Unit is full of people that make bad decisions, himself included. And also? To flirt with Cougar. Jake is willing to do stupid, stupid things in order to flirt with Cougar.
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