#“main comedy show” haaa
blueberry-beanie · 2 months
yesterday's Die Anstalt episode got a bit of international fame and still lost against football
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Weil viele (2) gefragt haben: Christian Lindner spielen? Wie geht das?! Weiß ich nicht, aber hier, was ich versucht habe: 1️⃣ Für die Stimme: drei Wochen alle Interviews und Podcasts anhören, die es gibt. Dabei lernen, wie sehr er sich konzentriert alles unter Kontrolle zu halten. 2️⃣ Lindners Spezialdisziplin: Ähs werden durch Dehnung von Wörtern vermieden, um sich Zeit zu verschaffen. 3️⃣ Körperhaltung und Gestik sind ebenfalls von Kontrollmaximierung dominiert. Geholfen hat mir allerdings, eine mir sehr vertraute Figur zu „channeln“. Meine absolute (fiktive) Lieblingsfigur: Niles Crane. Bruder von Frasier Crane. David Hyde Pierces brillante Darstellung von Verklemmtheit. (Musste allerdings für Lindner die unterliegende Wärme rausnehmen. Aus Gründen.) Wer Lindner inhaltlich nachvollziehen möchte: die aktuelle #dieAnstalt gucken!
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chickenooodlehope · 3 years
comedy queens ryen @kithtaehyung and em @jinbestboy tagged me in this (longish) interview tag! hi sweets, i loved reading your answers <3 
tagging @bibillyhillsbaby @fakelovedotmp3 @namjoonssweetestthang @whatdoyouthinkmp3 @gimbapchefs @angelhobi @bisexualrapline @dinamitae @taehyungsupremacy @taejinnies @tae-bebe 💛
when is your birthday? december 26 (i am winter bear, hear me roar)
what is your favorite color? yellow 💛
what's your lucky number? pass, but my favorite letter is “s”
do you have any pets? yes a cat and she rules my life
how tall are you? 5’3”, aka the most common height of tumblr users in 2021 i believe?? hey shorties how’re we doin??
how many pairs of shoes do you own? mm i think about a dozen? but i wear my clogs almost every day because they’re my stompin shoes <3
favorite song? right now either “fever” by enhypen or “my” by youra!!
favorite movie? ahh i don’t really have one! maybe the goonies or the princess diaries?
what would be your ideal partner? LOL i gather from em’s response that the going answer is “kim seokjin,” and who am i to disagree??
do you want children? nope
have you gotten in trouble with the law? nope
what color socks are you wearing? nope
bath or shower? shower!
favorite type of music? jung hoseok <3
how many pillows do you sleep with? oh god, so many. two under my head, one next to me, several behind me, preferably one to clutch. also my cat usually sleeps on me, so maybe add a tally mark for her.
which position do you sleep in? hmm see previous answer
what don't you like when you're sleeping? LOL idk if this counts but i can’t fall asleep without listening to or watching something
what do you have for breakfast? when i’m being very responsible, i make a smoothie to bring with me to work, but i usually don’t eat anything until like 10am whoops
have you ever tried archery? no i am scared of arrows
favorite fruit? MANGO
favorite swear word? cunt <3
do you have any scars? i don’t think so?? the bottoms of my feet used to have all sorts of scars from getting torn up by oyster shells and things on the beach, but i think all of those have faded
are you a good liar? LOL no i forget that lying is a thing. honest or gullible?? the world may never know!!
what's your personality type? isfj last i checked
what's your favorite type of girl? LMFAO i can’t possibly answer this, u crazy questionnaire u!!! what’s that quote that’s like “i am a combination of every woman i have ever known?” i felt that 😌
left or right handed? right 🤙🏻
favorite food? unghhh this is also hard because i love cooking, but maybe just bread and cheese?? pesto??
are you clean or messy? spatially? clean :) emotionally…? hmm :)
favorite foreign food? uhh how do we feel about the phrase foreign food…? i would say thai food i guess?
how long does it take for you to get ready? like 40 minutes in the morning, but i’m typically not prepared to Speak Out Loud for a good hour or so
most used phrase? LOL helena @bibillyhillsbaby and i were just talking about this. probably “it’s fine” 🙃 or “ahh gotcha”
are you a good singer? HAAA no
do you sing to yourself? oh yeah, all the time
biggest fear? heights / bridges / falling
do you like long or short hair? short!
are you into gossips? yes i live for that moment when someone leans in and is like “u will not BELIEVE what just happened to me!!”
extrovert or introvert? I N T R O V E R T
favorite school subject? english/history
what makes you nervous? uhh i literally had to text the gc this weekend because i had a severe case of Gay Panic at work and could NOT calm down. also, climate change, ya know
who was your first real crush? LOL i don’t remember but it could have been pretty much any early 2000s disney channel tv show main character, including kim possible
how many piercings do you have? lol none because i’m a weenie and they all closed up
how fast can you run? NOT very fast
what makes you angry? entitlement 🤢
do you like your own name? yeah! except there’s a weird trend of really hateful characters named allison so that’s not great 🙃
what are your weaknesses? i CAN’T deal with confrontation and also i CAN’T reach the top shelf HELP
what are your strengths? i will make that phone call for u bestie!! no problem!!
what is the color of your bedspread? i have a cream colored duvet cover but i always sleep with a pink quilt and a yellow throw blanket on top, because this bitch likes to be cozy!!
color of your room? white because i’m renting, but if i could choose, the walls would be green!
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angeltears-writing · 4 years
The Brother’s and movies
v  Lucifer tells anyone who asks that he enjoys serious, dramatic movies set during the wartimes the type that get Oscar nominations but are quite intense and a little dull.
v  Lucifer however holds a dirty little secret that his prideful nature will not allow him to outwardly share.
v  He LOVES Christmas movies.
v  The end of year holiday movie’s just alleviate all the stress in him. He is so happy while watching that he can barely keep the grin off his face.
v  DO NOT watch Home Alone with him and Mammon. Lucifer every 2 minutes is mouthing off against Mammon stating that HE is the Kevin of the family.
v  His favourite holiday movie is the Santa Clause.
v  The holidays are so special to him and the movies just capture the atmosphere and joy he feels.
v  He loves Christmas because he finally gets a break from his duties, he can have a fun little party with his beloved brothers and friends, he receives and gives meaningful gifts and even Satan is nice to him on Christmas.
v  When you come to the Devildom you bet Lucifer is watching Love Actually with you and every single romantic Christmas movie so he can feel enjoy the warm fuzzy feelings assiociated with his favourite holiday with his beloved Y/n.
v  Before you came the Devildom Mammon solely watched hardcore triple X action movies. Unless on movie night with his brothers, then he’s forced to watch some boring artsy flick or some anime junk movie .*cough cough Levi*
v  He was a total dudebro and loved PointBreak.He owns the full collection of the Fast and the Furious. What’s not to love with the live fast, die hard law breaker lifestyle?
v  The man also lives for heist movies, Oceans 11? He has it memorised! He thinks about how HE would be a huge asset to the team and dreams about pulling off some high action super cool heist with you.
v  When Y/n comes to the Devildom it is like a flip of a switch for Mammon.
v  He says he can handle horror movies but you both know that’s a big fat lie so only insist on watching them if you wish to torture him.
v  He will complain and insult your choices of chick flicks and romantic comedies but he is enraptured.
v  HE LOVES it, he watches a couple of them in secret and daydreams about you and him as the main couple.
v  This man wants to pull a Heath Ledger and serenade you to “Can’t Take My Eyes Off You” in front of his brothers, Diavolo, RAD, heck even the whole Devildom.
v  He is living for these romantic comedies and constantly tries to recreate his favourite cutesy moments with you. (Did he get you “special wishing sparkles” and told you to close your eyes and make a wish? Did he then give you a shy blushy kiss when you opened your eyes and say wish granted? Who knows that’s between you and him.)
v  Oh and you bet he’s crying when the couple’s fight and cheering so hard when they finally get together. He can’t help it he’s a secret romantic. Don’t be so loud about it Y/n! He has a tough guy attitude to maintain.
v  Anime movies. Need I go on?
v  He has the Blu-ray special editions of Studio Ghibli movies and he loves watching them on rainy cold days snuggled under a blanket with you.
v  He loves Ponyo for obvious water and fish related reasons. You guys have defiantly done cosplay photo shoots, he was Ponyo, you were Sosuke and Henry was the fishy sisters.
v  Other than anime movie’s Levi is a 80’s movie aficionado. He has seen every 80’s movie. He particularly relates to the high school movies for the theme of the awkward nerdy guy getting the super cool, popular girl of their dreams.
v  He does enjoy the nerdier comic book, big budget action movies, like Kick-Ass. He and Satan have faced off against each other regarding whether DC or Marvel movies are better. (He prefers the funny antics associated with Marvel plus he’s a Peter Parker fanboy)
v  He also is a huge fan of any Edgar Wright movie since seeing Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. (He let out a Woaahhhh when he saw the comics)
v  May Lord Diavolo have mercy upon you if the movie is a book or tv show adaption because Levi will not shut up during the movie. (He will pause the movie he’s not THAT inconsiderate.) You will not have a moment of peace after the movie has ended. He simply must share every single thought he had on what the movie did right and what the movie did wrong. Then he has to show you his fan casting list of who would better fit the roles and then just when you think it’s over he pushes you to re-watch the movie with him to listen to the director commentary.  
v  Levi will generally save his commentary for after the movie if you got to the movie theatre with him. Something about the change of atmosphere and the excitement that comes from the movie watching experience just puts him in a calmer less frantic mood and you can enjoy a simple quiet movie date for an hour or 2 before your ear will be talked off.
v  Now that that fact is out of the way Satan is a mystery fan. He enjoys the cheesy who dunnit type movie’s especially if the detective solving the mystery is very cool and charismatic with a fun catch phrase.
v  One that caught him of guard and quickly became his favourite was Knives Out. A clear mystery with a wacky bunch of characters all with misleading facts and motivations. Additionally he was thrown for a loop on the ending so he really enjoyed it for its unpredictability.
v  Of course Satan enjoys DC movies I mean he and Levithan read the comics and he is a clear believer that the serious tone and consequence from DC makes them the far superior super hero franchise.
v  Contrary to popular belief Satan does not like documentaries, he gets restless and bored watching them, but you keep putting on those boring long documentaries because it leads to a very steamy make out session with a slightly huffy Satan who had been complaining that his movie choice would have been much more enjoyable. Hush hush Satan we are not watching the Blue Planet to sate our curiosity of the inner workings of the environment but rather to quiet your adorable little tuts and huffs with soft sweet kisses and gentle touches.
v  The double edged sword that comes from picking a documentary is that Satan will indeed make you suffer by making his pick a terrifying horror movie since he thinks you are oh so adorable when you’re frightened. He thinks it’s really cute when you ask him to walk you to the bathroom because you’re afraid of the big scary monsters and it’s even cuter to him when you throw your face into his chest and refuse to look until the scary scene is over. Haaa he cannot resist and must pat your head and give you a small peck.
v  When one watches a movie with Asmo, one does not simply see it, one lives it.
v  Asmo loves 90s and early 2000s movies about the pretty popular girls because he lives to see their fabulous closets, outfits and their dewy supple skin. He’s a huge fan of Clueless, Legally Blonde and Bring It on.
v  He also simply dies for those cult classic like, Mommie Dearest, Troop Beverly Hills, Drop Dead Gorgeous, Marie Antoinette, Death Becomes Her and many more. You guys put on face masks grab a couple of tasty cupcakes and start reciting the movies line for line bursting into giggles every time, that’s how many times you’ve seen them.
v  Asmo gets the appeal of campy movie’s that have not been appreciated for their odd charm so when you come along you bet he’s going to be shouting out his favourite one liners and you fire the responses right back. He’s in love.
v  What he loves most about the campy movies is the fabulosity and authenticity that comes from the movie’s just wanting to tell a great story and celebrate the oddities and dramatics of the characters. His favourites are the ones with drag queens particularly Priscilla Queen of the Desert, To Wong Foo and The Birdcage. How is he not meant to simply adore the beautiful wigs, costumes, the attitudes of the queens and the sharp, dry, witty humour.
v  Big blockbuster wise Asmo is inclined to see any musical, and yes for 3 weeks straight he will sing the songs of the musical, much  to the displeasure of his brothers but to the delight of you and Solomon who cheer him on and request encores. (Yes you all went to see Cats together, yes you dragged Satan along. Yes everyone but especially Satan was traumatised and yes Asmo did drape himself across every available surface in the House of Lamentation and belted out Memory for practically the whole Devildom to enjoy. Enough with the questions!)
v  Asmo’s favourite musical is Rocky Horror Picture show, you have monthly viewings where Asmo dresses up as Frank en Furter and performs…well not for you more on top of you.
v  Movies with Asmo are always fun treats, you both have a great time with each other and walk away from the movie’s feeling more emotional and closer with one another.
v  Beel’s taste in movies is similar to his taste in food he is not picky and enjoys a wide variety.
v  He enjoys mafia movies of any variety He likes the familial bond and the trust between members but does not enjoy the double crossing, it makes him feel sad.
v  Other than that he lives for the lively mood, the Italian food, the dramatic situations and the action sequences.
v  He has seen a few animated movies and his favourite is Brother Bear, it reminds him of him and Belphie and makes him soft.
v  He does actually does like twin movies because the plots are always outlandish and funny to him at least.
v  When it comes to movies where food is central to the plot, do not get him started. The amount of times you had to pause Ratatouille so he could get his 20th snack in the last 10 minutes was astonishing. He get’s extra hungry watching the movie but generally enjoys chatting to you about the food making process of each dish rather than paying attention to the plot. (You: Would you prepare food made by a rat? Him: Well I ate Solomon’s cooking once so even a rat’s cooking would be better than that)
v  He loves to ask which dish would you eat when restaurant scenes come up because he’s curious of your taste while watching the movie and sometimes he’ll stop paying attention the movie and instead just watch your reactions.
v  Generally speaking any movie suggestion he’s fine with as long as he gets to spend time with you and can binge on delicious movie snacks.
v  The total opposite of Beel, Belphie is a total film snob and will harshly berate your movie choice and say ‘You really made me stay awake for this crap fest.’
v  He doesn’t mean to be mean (yes he does but he doesn’t like making you sad) he just has a very particular taste for movies and if he’s going to extend the effort to stay awake and pay attention he wants it to be worth his time.
v  He is actually the one in the house who does enjoy documentaries. What can he say some habits die hard and he’s still a total Earth nut even though he human-phobic.
v  Not to mention the gentle voice of David Attenbourough soothes him until he is just barely awake so when he finally drifts off he dreams of the wonderful parts of Earth and the miracles or nature.
v  He is a fan of Shakespeare movies particularly the rich dark one’s that are a bit more violent. The atmosphere surrounding them just fits and the plot is a classic so why watch a cheap knock-off of what he has dubbed perfect writing.
v  This man is an emo so of course he’s going to watch the slightly pretentious movies with poetry, his favourites are Dead Poets Society, The Crow and V for Vendetta.
v  On movie nights he is selfish! He insists that you watch his movie first then he immediately falls asleep after it ends. He feels no shame over this.
v  He hates twin themed movies, he thinks they’re cheap and over use the same gag of ‘Whoa they’re twins.’ (Sorry Mary-Kate and Ashley Belphie does not like you guys at all)
v  He watches brother themed movies with Beel and gets really soft because he loves his twin so much.
v  If you truly force him he will relent and watch your movie with you but he will make fun of it and bully you every second he is awake and the only way to silence him is to cuddle up close, let him lay his head on your chest or shoulder, massage his head or give him tons of kisses.  
v  Generally speaking a bad movie buddy but a great cuddle buddy for movie nights.
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Different fruk au every day for a week (3/7): Acting together in a movie or show
I like the idea of actors and actresses working together with their spouses on movies! Like Melissa McCarthy and her husband together in Bridesmaids! That’s funny shit!! Here we go!
They’re working on a comedy together! Art is one of the main characters, Mr Jackson, and Fran is supposed to just be salesman in one particular scene
Mr Jackson and his friends are shopping for a tv after they broke a rich guy’s tv whole house sitting and are hoping to replace it before the rich guy gets home. Salesman Fran just keeps flirting with Art the whole time they’re trying to find a tv and isn’t helpful at all.
Even when they’re shooting the scene, neither of them can keep a straight face!! They keep having to re-shoot over and over!!
“How much?” “Mm, usually I charge $20 per hour but for you I can work with less-“ “No!!! The television!! How much is the television!!” “Ooooooh~ Ok the television~”
“So we’re packaging it, right?” “Well Mr. Jackson I bet you’re packing~” “STOP IT!!!!” They’ve shot this part probably 15 times...The director is getting sick of it but the whole cast thinks that like is funny so they keep shooting it to get it just right!! Without everyone laughing in the background
They quote their characters at home and do interviews together promoting the movie. Their characters don’t end up together or anything but they’re a famous couple so...Of course they do interviews together!!!
When they see the movie for the first time together at the premiere theyre laughing so hard cause it’s funny!!!! And they remember how fun it was to film that!! So it’s even funnier!!
“I bet you’re packin’ mr Jackson” has become an inside joke between Fran, Art and the rest of the cast and they just say it so often that no one finds it funny but them lmao
When ‘Mr Jackson’ and his friends are taking the tv back to their car Fran was supposed to make lewd hand signals from the doorway of the tech store but they literally couldn’t keep that scene in and out it in the end credits because everyone was laughing too much. Fran’s stick on beard kept falling off too which only made it worse!!
Fran was only in that one scene but he was present for the entire filming process cause he just loves seeing Art in character! It’s so fun to watch!! But the director constantly had to yell at him to shut up or leave cause he just found everything so funny!! Having his husband run into a huge flatscreen tv and break it was the funniest shit hes seen in a long time!!!
They just love laughing together!! So when they’re cast in the same movie it’s just so wild they make it so fun for everyone involved just cause they’re such funny guys! :) :) :)
I wrote ‘funny’ like 100,000 times oh well HAAA
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lushscreamqueen · 3 years
THE VAMPIRE BAT …1933 on the Schlocky Horror Picture Show
OPENING: AAAAAAAAAAARRH (waving arms in the air in a spooky scary way) *COUGH, COUGH* sorry about that. Welcome to the Schlocky Horror Picture Show. I am your host Nigel Honeybone. Star of stage, screen and Halloween costumes everywhere. Tonight we discover the German countryside has scarier things than schnitzel night at your local RSL. A village in terror, people are dying and not in a fun way. Is it vampire bats? Is it something else? Perhaps it's just another mad scientist who needs blood for his experiments. Welcome to the 1933 Classic horror Film THE VAMPIRE BAT...Bwaaa haa haaa *Cough, Cough*
BREAK: Look out!!! An evil blood sucking beast has come to taunt you with its dark desires, and then after the ad Break, The Schlocky Horror Picture Show will return with….THE VAMPIRE BAT.!
MIDDLE: Welcome back to the Schlocky Horror Picture Show… So six deaths in six weeks and it looks like theresidents of Kleinschloss are getting jumpy. But then hey who wouldn't. Looking at this village I'd say 6 deaths is probably the entire female population. No wonder Hermann is a bit loopy. "Bats not bad, is soft Like Cat". But do they taste as good? Herman's eccentricity & simple-mindedness make him the only truly likeable character here. He's most ably played by the legendary character actor Dwight Frye, who played Renfield in the original "Dracula" (1931) & hunchback Fritz in "Frankenstein" (1931) as well roles in "Son of Frankenstein", "Bride of Frankenstein", "Frankenstein meets the Wolf man" "Ghost of Frankenstein" and "The People Vs Dr Kildare" There is a little comic relief provided by Canadian character actor Maude Eburne as Aunt Gusset sorry Aunt Gussie Schnapmann and while she lends very little to the story proper, & indeed, every time she walks on stage the story stops while she performs her shtick. But in a film as slight as "The Vampire Bat" these pointless interludes can be enjoyable, & it is entertaining to see Maude representing a type of stage comedy already old-fashioned in her day.
Burgermeister Gustave Schoen is played passably well by Lionel Belmore who also has a couple for Frankenstein credits to his name. And somehow academy award winning Melvyn Douglas manages to score a role Police Chief Karl Brettschneider. I will point out he won nothing for this role. Not even the respect of Fay Wray as Ruth Bertin, and she is only a few months away from dating the world's biggest Gorilla so being his girlfriend in this flick should be a step up, or is that down? The great Lionel Atwill is superbly cast as Dr Otto Von Neiman. Faye teamed up with Lionel Atwill a couple more times, in 1932's "Doctor X", and "Mystery of the Wax Museum" which closely followed this film. Produced by Majestic Pictures, one of the six Poverty Row studios that, in 1935, merged to form Republic Pictures, The Vampire Bat is one of the better examples of what those studios could do with no budget and when jumping onto a bandwagon. The bandwagon here was the runaway success of Universal's horror movies Dracula and Frankenstein (but not The Mummy, which was released a month after production on this movie wrapped). The inspiration of those two movies is readily apparent in various aspects of the story, as we shall see, not to mention in at least one casting decision. This is an odd little movie. But it's so it's very much worth watching. Lionel Atwill effectively ruined his burgeoning film career in 1943 after he was implicated in what was described as an "orgy" at his home, naked guests and pornographic films. Atwill "lied like a gentleman," it was said, in the court proceedings to protect the identities of his guests and was convicted of perjury and sentenced to five years' probation. After which he wandered off to B grade Broadway productions. And speaking of B grade productions… join me again as we enter the world of "The Vampire Bat"
CLOSING: This is clearly a Poverty Row picture in a lot of ways, and not just the limited number of locations. Filmed at night on Universal's European village set. The interior of Lionel Atwill's house is the set from The Old Dark House and nothing much really happens to advance the main plot. A large chunk of the movie is taken up with hunting down Karl, and The doctor's plan is not explained in a very comprehensible way. His discovery comes not as the result of Douglas's investigation, but more by chance than anything else. Still, this is far better than I'm accustomed to. The movie is moody and atmospheric, and it works hard to give everything a rational underpinning, plus, it gives you an excuse to stare at Fay Wray for an hour or so, which can be no bad thing. So, Thanks for realizing you having nothing better to do on a Friday night than to stay home and watch me, and join me again next week as we see what the postman set fire to and left on my doorstep. Toodles!
by Lushscreamqueen Nov 9, 2008
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