#“The Titan commands me” “We killed all of them lol” “...Right”
collectors-tablet · 7 months
Hi, how would your Archivists react to Belos?
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Everyone say "best siblings ever"! 📸
I like to think the star children all collect different objects. Our Collector collects puppets, Yellow Moon collects scrolls, and the ringed-planet one collects music disks. Or, more specifically, vinyls. (Secret: When they were collectors, before they were archivists, they collected picture books and stupid kiddy mp3 players instead).
Here's a picture I made of this one when I was designing them and their siblings 👍
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madraleen · 10 months
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Attack on Titan - Hajime Isayama Vol.32-33: The Torture Continues - A Commentary
-i like how we know these people so well and they know each other so well that they take cues from each other. like, if even mikasa wants to stop eren, then how can anyone else think otherwise, you know?
-FINALLY SOMEONE SAID IT, FUCKING THANK YOU HANGE, "GENOCIDE IS WRONG" IT'S THAT SIMPLE SOMEONE SAID IT, THE REAL MVP AS ALWAYS. finally someone with common sense and resolve, someone not speaking in ifs and buts, finally, HANGE FINALLY!
-this is such a random group of allies i love it, it makes me smile
-i feel so safe with hange, a voice of logic, oh my god.
-listen, i'm not even joking, eren's VERY CONSPICUOUS ABSENCE makes me so much less emotionally unstable that i can actually enjoy these conversations, like i'm happy to be here again
-i'm sorry, i know it's a tense moment, but lmao at levi's zzz panel
-part of me thinks that if we just don't see eren again, if we just randomly hear that he was stopped, i'll be fine. it would be terrible storytelling ofc but it hurts so much seeing eren like that, seeing his face and have him say and do these things
-what the fuck are you talking about, jean? armin has been saying that everyone should talk it over with everyone a hundred times over.
-jean's 'i can't forgive you' to reiner while they're still allied for their goal, i love this.
-the panels of levi sleeping with the zzz i cannot
-no offense, is armin going to do any impressive thinking post-time skip or...
-it's nice how everyone apologizes to everyone (before rocks fall and everyone dies courtesy of eren, lol. lol?)
-armin and connie acting their little hearts out to the yeagerists, bless
-aww seeing armor titan and female titan fight together
-this is the second time connie's saving armin's ass
-i am actually happy to be reading this now that eren isn't hurting us by showing his face. like, if you put aside for a sec WHY this is happening... it's very  exciting to see what comes next
-does sensei want to kill everyone here on the port, bc he's taken out the colossus titan, he's taken out humanity's strongest soldier...
-ooooh falco's jaw titan looks different than galliard's!
-i don't want y'all to fight anymore either, annie, and not with eren either, what are we gonna do :'(
-oh no. oh no is this eren pov? am i about to get unhinged again? oh no. go back to your conspicuous absence, devil child, why do you hurt me so. i miss you. but you make me suffer.
-the fuck? ZEKE tells EREN there's no ingrained behavior to the ackermans?! so then...
-i hate this. i understand that it's all to protect them, but i hate this, eren. baby they can't live happy lives. WHY DID YOU SHOW YOU FACE, I WAS DOING FINE, I WAS HAVING FUN, YOU'RE IMBALANCING MY HOMEOSTASIS
-eren's new form, huh. god this makes me so sad
-'but i just can't accept an end like that' lmao me reading this manga
-okay clearly i should stop hoping right here, there's no redemption from this. there's no redemption when we're shown innocent deaths at eren's will. okay. this is it then
-see, armin is a person also disappointed with the outside world that DIDN'T choose genocide, wow shocker, right eren?
-levi i love you. stay safe
-what did mikasa want, armin to run after annie and kiss her or sth? mikasa you're projecting
-like, in what universe did eren think the gang would NOT be in danger, that there wouldn’t be a good possibility that his own titans would trample his own people
-heh. armin the 15th commander :)
-shine, my love. shine, hange. goodbye.
-"goodbye. hange. just watch us." who decided to give levi all the poignant lines, who. THEY HIT THE HARDEST BC IT'S LEVI!
-is there. is there an actual possibility that eren just... kills them all? surely not?
-a little quick it was, hange's death scene, but they did get the afterlife scene, so i won't dwell.
-oh! commander armin actually lets us in on the plan beforehand! that's unusual for stories! that probably means it'll all go to shit
-this is exactly what the founding titan looks like, but why does it look so funny in armin's drawing
-man, i want to give mikasa such a big hug. her face.
-the thing is. armin especially, and everyone, are trying to analyze eren's mindset, like 'maybe he's testing us' or whatever, and every time we SEE eren it's actually a simple "RAWR DEATH!"
-humanizing eren through reiner because we actually HAVE humanized reiner through endless chapters. that's interesting
-WE HAVE BEEN SUMMONED! ALL HAIL EREN! ALL SHALL LOVE/NOT-LOVE HIM AND DESPAIR. i don't want to see what happens, i'm sure it'll be nothing good :')
-mikasa's plea is the best. share the sins that they're all guilty of
-ah, what wouldn't i give for a simple ass-kicking from levi to eren
-eren will fight us? :’(((. i can't believe that. i know i said i'd renounce all hope, but i am so sad. i am so sad. mikasa what do we do? whatever you say, i'll follow your lead
-the plot armor is strong on the marleyan cast's families
-yes, cool, everyone wants world peace two seconds before they die
-all due respect, i don't see how the 104th can do anything about this now that the power of friendship failed
-'We'll use all our (seven) forces to destroy him!" rocks fall everyone dies - in the literal sense.
-eren be like, feel free to fight on my skeleton back y’all
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m-jelly · 2 years
Heyyyy requests are BACK OPEN! How are u girl?? I missed causing anarchy in you inbox lol.
I wanted to be the first to ask, dunno if I made it but it's the intention that counts. I really love your writing and I can't get enough of it,,,, so I have an ask 😁
As you may know now, I love an angst, so how about when reader is kinda gossiping w her friends she finds out Petra likes Levi and her father think they should get married soon, so she just like shuts out from the world, get more quiet to try to get rid of her feelings for Levi.
And when he confesses to her (or tries to get her on a date, if that's more like him), she is just like "I want to buy I can't" so his reaction is ??????
And maybeee a bit inspired by "Slow dancing in the dark" by Joji, kinda like "u should be w her, I can't compete" "don't follow me, I'll end up in your arms" vibe.
I hope Ur okay w it my sweet queen and favorite author in the entire tumblr 💗 💓 💖
Well, well, well, who do we have here. Hello there. All my love to you too! You're incredible and wonderful <3 Thank you for being here.
I wish I was her.
Pairing: Levi x Reader
Genre and tags: Romance, love, hidden feelings, canon world, confessions, Levi confesses, emotional, angst, happy ending.
Concept: You've fallen for Levi and have loved him for a long time. You're ready to confess, but you hear Petra talking about her Captain and how she loves Levi and her father approves. You like Petra and believe she deserves happiness, so you shut down emotionally and pour yourself into work. Levi notices the change and decides now is his chance is to ask you on a date. You refuse and admit you'd love to. You both talk and you finally tell him why you're holding back.
No Petra hate in this story. Please no Petra hate in the comments, this story is simply falling in love with someone and your friend loves the same person and how hard it can be.
You sat on the training grounds with your books and papers. You were a top researcher for the scouts and never went out to fight titans, you just stayed behind and tried to make improvements to the scouts in all aspects.
You frowned when you heard talking getting closer. You looked up to see the cadets coming over. "Hello, ladies."
Nanaba sat down and smiled. "Hey. You are lost in work again."
Petra picked up some papers. "You're amazing! Look at all of this."
You blushed. "Oh, I'm nothing compared to you ladies. You kill titans and I just sit on my ass all day."
Nanaba frowned. "Your research helps us."
Petra nodded. "She's right. You've helped us improve so much." She smiled a little. "Must be nice seeing your hard work pay off. Plus, you get to work closely with all the commanding officers."
You thought about how much Levi wanted to work with you and how that led to you falling in love. "Yeah, it's nice, but you get to fight with them."
Nanaba groaned. "Mike isn't that fun to work for. He teases me all the time."
"Maybe he likes you."
She blushed. "Oh, I dunno."
Petra smiled. "I agree, he might." She nibbled her lip. "I know someone I'd like to have feelings for me."
You looked at Petra. "Who's that?"
Nanaba smirked. "I think I know. A certain cleaning obsessed Captain."
Your stomach dropped as Petra blushed. "You're in love with Levi?"
Petra nodded. "Yes. I'm in love and I've told my father about him. Father said we should hurry up and marry because Levi is a good strong man."
You smiled a little as you held back tears. "I think you two would make the perfect couple. I really do. You both enjoy cleaning, and tea and you're both skilled soldiers. It's a perfect match."
Nanaba hummed. "It seems so."
Petra laughed. "Oh, well I don't know, but I wouldn't mind being with him."
You slapped your book closed. "Wouldn't mind? Petra, clear your head of all the mess and answer fast. Do you want to be with Levi?"
"Do you love Levi?"
"Yes!" She gasped. "Oh, I didn't...huh...you're amazing."
You smiled at her as you cried inside. "It works so well." You hummed a laugh. "When it comes to love and wanting someone, we hesitate. Just go for it. We live a life where we can die any day. Don't die with regrets." You gathered your things up. "It's lunch. We should head inside."
Nanaba walked with you. "You're pretty smart."
You hummed. "I'm not smart in the sense most people think of, but I am people smart." You smiled at both ladies. "I just have this click in my head."
"That's kind of useful."
"Not when titans are the threat. Maybe if it were humans."
Petra opened the doors to the mess hall. "Oh, Levi's here. You joining us for food?"
You shook your head. "I have a paper to finish, but you go ahead."
She frowned a little. "But you always eat with Levi and the others."
You looked over at Levi to see he'd noticed you. "Ah, not always." You looked back and smiled. "Maybe you should join him Petra." You backed up. "I'm going to be in my office finishing work. I have food in there, so I'll be okay." You waved. "Bye."
You kept smiling as you walked away from them. As soon as no one could see you, your smile dropped as you felt your throat close up from holding back sobs. You held kept it together as you ran to your office. You slammed the door shut and held back making your head and chest burn.
You controlled your breathing. You closed your eyes and took in deep slow breaths until your body had calmed down fully. You approached your desk and put your things down. You slapped your cheeks and focused. You knew Petra deserved happiness because she worked so hard. Petra was the most wonderful person you knew and she was so very strong.
You sat down and felt the world close in around you. You knew that to give Petra her happiness, you had to throw away your feelings for Levi. You were going to stay in your office as much as possible. People wouldn't bat an eye at it because you were often in your office working hard.
You lost track of time and days because you threw yourself into your work. You didn't socialise with anyone. You avoided your friends and colleagues and just told them that you were working on something big and you were on a roll with your work.
You worked so hard that you lost weight, slept at your desk and even had a small nosebleed one day. You got so weak and tired from overworking, that one day you passed out making your head slam against your desk. You passed out and fell into a deep sleep with your head on the desk.
Levi had been worried sick about you. He knew something wasn't right when you stared at him in the mess hall, then ran off. He hadn't seen you for almost a week and it scared him. He cared about you so much that spending a day without you was torture.
He tried to see you and whenever he did, you were either in your bathroom, in your bedroom or out getting food. Levi was beginning to suspect you were avoiding him. He'd had enough and his heart was screaming your name.
He opened your office door and saw you lying on your desk. He called your name softly, but you didn't respond. He closed the door behind him and walked right over to you. He said your name again, but still nothing. He panicked. He ran over to you and checked your pulse.
Levi let out a sigh of relief. "Tch, shit brat. You are sleeping like the dead." He lifted you up to sit back. "Brat...you look like shit." He picked you up like a bride, and then carried you into your bedroom. "What the hell is going on with you?" He lay you on the bed, then tended to you and made sure your head was cleaned up because you banged it badly. "Silly brat."
You inhaled and opened your eyes. "Where am I?"
"In bed in your room."
You blushed when you registered who was with you. "Levi?" You sat up. "Wh-what are you doing here?"
He held your shoulders. "You should lie down."
You shook your head and pushed Levi's hands off you. "I'm perfectly fine. I don't need to."
He let out a long sigh. "Do it for me, please. I'm worried sick about you."
You welled up. "Don't say things like that."
You rubbed your tears. "Because you give me hope."
"Hope?" He lightly touched your cheek. "Speak brat. Don't act like you can't shit."
You looked away. "Hope that you like me more than a friend."
He blushed at your words. He ran his thumb over your bottom lip. "But I do like you more than a friend. I have been dying to ask you on a date, but you locked yourself away. So, do you want to go on a date? I'll set up a nice dinner under the stars. I've planned it all."
You welled up. You gasped and shook as you fought emotions. "I really want to, but I can't."
"Can't? What do you mean you can't?" He cupped your neck. "Are you sick or something? That's okay I'm happy to wait."
You pulled his hands off you. "I can't because of Petra."
You nodded and sniffed. "She's a dear friend to me and she confessed that she's in love with you and her father approves. Her father even wants you both to get married."
"M...m..." Levi groaned. "Tch, shit. I didn't know she felt that way."
You rubbed your tears. "You and her are a wonderful match. You should get together. You'll be happy and good."
He frowned. "But I don't want her. I respect her as a soldier. She's an impressive woman, but my heart belongs to you. I'm in love with you."
You blushed. "You shouldn't love me."
"Because I love you so deeply. I've loved you for a long time!" You shook a little. "I can't betray my friend! She wants you and no one knows I love you. People will think I'm a terrible person. I am terrible for wanting you and loving you."
Levi pulled you into a hug. "No, no you're not. You can love whoever you want, okay? You're allowed to love me. I love you so deeply." He pressed his forehead against yours. "My heart beats to your name. My body aches to be held by you. I can't let you go. I need you. I want you. Allow yourself to love me. If you don't, you'll keep doing this for the rest of your life. People fall in love and get crushes all the time. I love you and I'm sure as shit that someone else in the scouts loves you as well, but I'm not going to hold back because I can't predict who you love. I love you and you love me, so we should be together. I'm sorry to the people who love you and me, but we have a shot. Don't throw it away by being selfless."
You panted as emotions surged through you. You wanted to hold back and let Levi be Petra's, but it was so hard when Levi was talking about loving you and not Petra. You didn't want to be selfish and put your love for this man first, but you did.
You pressed your lips against Levi's and hummed in happiness. You let the tears flow as Levi cupped your face and kissed you with fire in his heart. His kisses were possessive, desperate and loving. You were both breathless in the moment. You lost all strength when Levi's tongue slipped into your mouth. You clung to him and moaned as his hot tongue moved with yours. Your head got fuzzy as your heart raced in your chest.
You pulled back and panted. "Dizzy."
Levi lay you down. "Sorry, I got carried away." He moved the hair from your face and smiled a little. "You're so pretty."
You blushed. "I look like hammered shit right now."
"Still beautiful." He got up and pulled his boots off, then he yanked yours off. He took off his jacket and cravat before climbing onto the bed. He tucked you and him in, then he held you. "I'm going to take great care of you, brat. You'll be protected and loved."
You clung to Levi's chest. "Wh-what about Petra."
"I'll have a chat with her. I'll be nice, don't worry." He rubbed your back. "As for you. I'm ordering you to have two weeks off and in those two weeks, we're going on a date every day."
You blushed. "A date a day for two weeks? I can't wait."
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saeransangel · 2 years
Downhill Together
areihachi asked:
i love ur writing like it’s so refreshingly good,, i was wondering if you could write something where armin’s s/o gets injured in the field and it starts looking really bleak for them but he stays by their side no matter what and they pull through 🤞🏾
Canon Verse Armin x Reader
A/N: I love me some Armin angst + comfort:))) Poor bby deserves only the best. Enjoy!
Summary: In the heat of battle, Y/N makes a desperate attempt to save a fellow comrade. In doing so they seriously injured themselves. Armin has to make tough decision. Stay alive or save Y/N?
CW: Canon violence, swearing, angst + comfort
WC: 1.6k (not proofread yet. lol it's 3:00 a.m. and i'm too high for that rn)
I listened to Black Out Days (Future Island Remix) while writing this <3
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Today was like any other mission outside the walls. Each venture was dangerous but it was a danger each and every soldier was used to. You were saddled on your horse, riding in stride with you squad. You were in Armin's squad, flanked on the back right of the commander.
You smiled at your boyfriend, seeing his blonde hair flow behind him as he rode forward with everyone.
"Hey Armin?" You called ahead to him.
He looked back at you before turning his head back towards to woods you were impending on. "Yeah?" He called back.
"I love you." You giggled, making sure to say it extra loud. Some of the people in your squad laughed and threw a few light teases towards both of you. Even with him a ways in front of you, you saw the pink blush rise up his neck. He was not a fan of affection like this in front of people. It's not that people made fun of the two of you. Everyone loved that you guys were together. He just always got embarrassed being the center of attention in times like that.
"Hey, cut it out, Y/N." He whined.
"Hey! At least say it back." You called out again, a stupid smile plastered all over your face.
"No." He pouted. You gripped the reins of your horse and rode up so that you were side by side with Armin's horse. Breaking formation for a second wouldn't hurt.
"Ohhh okay. I see. You're gonna regret that later on, Arlert." You laughed loudly.
"Uh huh. Yeah, we'll see." He says, throwing the playful banter back at you. He turns back to face forward and rides up so he's now back in the correct formation.
You loved moments like these. You felt so euphoric riding through the stretched out fields, just being able to have a moment of fun on a mission so dangerous. So far everything seemed peaceful. But in that peace you found yourself feeling uneasy. You knew moments like these were usually the calm before the storm.
As your squad ventured deeper into the woods, you heard the ground begin to shake. Your heart drops, any feeling of euphoria leaving your body as you realize the reality of the situation. Your head snaps to the right as you see a 10 meter titan approaching.
Your hand immediately flies to your side to grab your flare gun, firing a red flare into the sky.
"Ness, Siss, L/N, Ride a few more meters ahead and then we attack." Your squad leader hollars.
A collective "Yes Sir!" Is called out.
Just like ordered, after a few meters, all three of you shot your hooks into the trees and starting swarming the titan.
Armin could hardly keep his eyes forward, his head craning to the right trying to get a clear view of you swinging from tree to tree through the air. He saw you swing yourself behind the titan, blades held above your head. You were about to go in for the kill when a horrifying scream tore through the air. Your deadly gaze faltered.
That's when you saw your comrade, Luke Siss. The titans giant hand swung down on his wire, causing him to plummet downwards.
"Luke!" You screamed out. You shot out your hooks again, hurdling yourself through the air. Your mind was racing as you tackled Luke away from the large hand that nearly crushed him.
Before you had the chance to be relieved or even rehook yourself and glide away, you felt yourself snap backwards. In your fright you ended up dropping Luke practically from mid air. It wasn't that far, just far enough to leave some bruises from the impact. A scream left you throat as you realized what was happening. The same titan you just saved Luke from, had decided to tug on your wire. It used the wire the pull you in, giant teeth waiting to clamp down on you.
"Shit!" You yelled. You tried to think quickly on your feet. Taking your right hand, you raised your blade and as hard as you could, you sliced through your wire. Thankfully it snapped, but it wasn't over yet. Your left hook was still sunken into the top of a tree. With the momentum of your blade slicing through the thin metal on the right, your free hanging body swung to the left. With a loud smack your body slammed full force into the tree.
Your vision was spotted with black when you tried to open your eyes after the impact. Your chest felt tight and you started to panic, trying to remember what it felt like to breathe. As your eyes adjusted your stomach flipped. You were still hooked into the tree and swinging upside down.
Armin, still on his horse, watched with wide, terrified eyes. His heart was beating out of his chest and anxiety coursed through him making his blood run cold. Seeing the helpless and horrified look on your face made him want to curl into a ball and cry.
He squeezed his eyes shut. "No." he thought. "This can't be happening right now." When he opened his eyes, you were still there in that vulnerable state. God, he was absolutely terrified. He didn't even know if he could help you. But as the titan slowly wobbled towards you. He knew.
He launched himself from his horse and flew to you with such speed that you almost didn't recognize him. With one clean swoop he grabbed you and pulled you out of the way. Hard enough to unhook your other hook. You clung to him as hard as you could as you both tumbled to the ground.
You cried out as you felt a snap in one of your ankles. "Fuck." You both untangled from each other and gripped each others arms for support, trying to sit up.
"Holy shit are you okay?" Armin yelled, grabbing your shoulders.
You could tell he was scared by his shaking frame and sweat beading down the side of his face. His grip on your shoulders tightened as he looked at you with big, teary eyes. Your nose was bleeding and you had fresh bruises blooming all over your soft skin.
"Just a few scratches." You laughed trying to hide your wince with a shrug. You hated seeing Armin so scared, especially because of you.
"Y/N, stop messing around. You almost died!" He shouts, tears freely falling down his face now.
"But I didn't." You smile weakly.
Another loud thump rang out. You both turn your head and see the titan that nearly annihilated your squad falling to the ground, Dina Ness in midair behind it. Her blades drawn back from the follow through of the kill.
"Oh my God, is everyone okay?" She called out.
One by one, your squad members yelled out a series of "yes's" and "yeah's".
Armin let out a shaky sigh of relief. One hand coming up to cup your face. His deep blue's boring into yours.
You blush under his gaze and let out a loud sigh of your own. Even in the midst of a near death experience, he still gave you butterflies.
"Hey, remember when I said 'you're gonna regret that later on'?" You asked.
He was silent, eyes still looking you over. He was scanning every inch of you, making sure you didn't have more than a broken ankle and some bruises. He finally met your eyes again. "Yes?" He questioned.
"I bet you almost regretted it, huh?" You teased. He stared at you, confused. But then it came back to him. The conversation from before.
"I love you more." He said as he crashed his lips onto yours. You were taken aback by the sudden movement. His teeth accidentally clashed onto yours but you didn't care. You melted into the kiss, wrapping an arm around him and pulling him closer. You leaned back against your other hand to hold you up as he hovered over you.
"Okay, love birds. Pack it up." Dina calls out.
You smile into the kiss, feeling Armin's face heat up with embarrassment.
Armin helped you to your feet. You tried to limp back over to your horse, but he insisted on carrying you.. and riding with you back to the walls...and you not being allowed out of his sight for the foreseeable future.
Once your back at HQ, you tried to get him to go to the infirmary to get his injuries checked out. But he refuses. "You're injured too." You whine. "Let me take care of you."
"No." He states firmly. Wrapping his arms around you, snuggling into your neck. The two of you are currently laying in his bed. You had come by his room to make sure he was seen by a nurse. He wasn't.
"Armin, I'm being for real." You said.
"Just let me be here with you for a while. I just need to know you're..." He his voice trails off into a quiet whimper and his shoulders begin to shake.
You hum in response and place a hand on his head, softly running your fingers through his blonde locks. You gently pepper kisses on his face. All over his cheeks, his forehead, his nose, and his eyes. Kissing away any stray tears.
"I'll always be right here, okay?" You whisper. "Always right by your side."
"And I'll always be by yours." He says quietly, holding you a little tighter but not too tight. He didn't want to hurt you.
The two of you stayed like this and eventually you both drifted into a peaceful sleep, wrapped in each other's loving embrace.
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alrightberries · 4 years
Hi! So like what if Levi & F!Reader are like cuddling, and Levi over slept (maybe misses a meetings?) and Eren and his squad have to go find him and they see Reader and Levi all cuddly and stuffs. AND THEN Levi become super pissed bc they went into his quarters without permission and blah blah blah (you can decide the rest lolll) basically crack, fluff and humor lol. Please& thank uuu
the short end of the stick
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❈ pairing: levi ackerman x reader
❈ genre: fluff, semi-crack ❈ word count: 3.3k
❈ summary: In which the 104th cadets were not prepared to find out that the terrifying and ever-intimidating Captain Levi... is a little spoon.
❈ trigger warnings: implied sex. brief mentions of blood and death. profanity
a/n: i made the reader gender neutral, hope y’all don’t mind. i had too much fun writing this and got kinda carried away. this is my first request ever and i’m glad that i finished it. enjoy!
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Eren was shaking.
Sweat dripped down his forehead and his knuckles turned white from how hard he was clenching his fists, nails piercing his skin so harshly he swore it would draw blood. His heart angrily pumped inside his chest, every beat so strong he nearly anticipated for it to jump out of his ribcage at any given moment.
He felt fear.
He puts a name to the feeling and it doesn’t make him feel any better. Ears ringing, lungs breathing rapidly as he tries to steady his fear-induced heart. He was hyperventilating. His eyebrows crease from his anxiousness and he feels his knees weaken, daring to give out beneath him. Was he actually shaking right now? He couldn’t even tell.
He felt vulnerable.
Eren had seen many horrors throughout his short lifetime. He saw the colossal titan rear its ugly head over Wall Maria as its foot smashed into the wall’s gates, debris flying throughout the district as a boulder crushed his home with his mother still inside. He saw his mother get snapped in half and eaten by a titan right before his very eyes at a tender age as he sat by and could do nothing but watch.
He was orphaned. Forced to grow up too soon, too fast just so he could say he survived. His entire district was left homeless, forced to become refugees as titans rampaged throughout the outer walls, forced plow the fields to combat the famine and hunger, forced to have 250,000 people go on what was essentually a suicide mission to appease the growing population.
He trained in the military. He trained for three gruesome years and had his physical and mental psyche crushed into dust beneath the boots of the commanding officer, only to be thrown into a battle—completely unprepared— with the titans once more before he could even graduate.
He saw his friends, his family, his brothers and sisters in arms get eaten. Killed. Murdered. Swatted away like flies by the very beasts he swore he’d kill.
And yet, nothing could prepare him for this.
Nothing could prepare him for the blood-pumping, adrenaline-induced terror at the mere thought of having to carry out his mission.
Nothing could prepare him for having to wake up Captain Levi from his nap.
Jean groaned. “Dammit, just fucking do it already.”
Eren is snapped out of his reverie, suddenly reminded that he wasn’t alone. His fellow soldiers stood behind him.
“Well if you’re so brave then why don’t you do it, horse-face?” He grits back, turning around and clenching his fists at his side.
He glimpses around the hallway and his eyes loom over his teammates’ amused faces, each painted with a shit-eating grin. Everyone was relieved that they weren’t the ones tagged with waking up the Captain from his nap.
Rumor around the base is, the last person from his original squadron (may they rest in peace) who had to wake up Captain Levi almost had his ear sliced off. Levi wasn’t even carrying any gear or anywhere near a knife.
One look at Mikasa told Eren that even she was glad she didn’t get picked for this task, and he shudders at the thought of being the poor bastard who had to lose his ear just so the Captain wouldn’t be late for his meeting. He quite liked having both of his ears attached to his head, thank you very much.
“It’s your task.”
“Yeah but why is it my task?!”
“Because you drew the short end of the stick, genius.” Jean replies easily.
Oh. Right.
“There has to be something we can do! Another plan. One that doesn’t involve waking up Captain Levi.” His eyes are pleading as he looks at his fellow soldiers, yet none of them seem willing to switch places with him.
Dammit. They were really going to make him work for it.
All his dignity is thrown out the window as Eren quickly gets on his knees and starts begging his friends, the shit-eating grins on their faces turning into wicked smiles as they watch him beg for mercy.
“Mikasa? What about you? Are you seriously going to let them send me to my death?” He asks, but Mikasa simply turns her head the other way as she speaks.
“He won’t kill you. Just sever your ear.”
Eren’s eye twitches.
She looks at him once more. “I’ll pick up your ear and ask the medical unit to sew it back on you. I’m sure they’ll understand.”
As proof, she holds up a glass jar and some tweezers. She had gloves on her hands.
God, he was going to kill his teammates.
Jean, apparently fed up with Eren’s incessant whining, marches towards him and grabs him by the collar, forcing him to stand up.
“Yeager, you trained in the military for three years. You’re a goddam titan shifter. You got kidnapped and held hostage. Three times. Waking up a growth-stunted man won’t be the last of you.”
Jean’s words are reassuring but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. No, his eyes are still amused. Very amused.
Scratch that, he wasn’t going to kill all his comrades. Just Jean. Jean and his extremely punchable horse-face.
Before he could even reply, Eren is shoved inside the Captain’s office with a quick “Off you go!” and the door is quickly shut behind him.
This was truly fear.
Captain Levi’s office is empty, Eren notices. It’s spotless as always and tall shelves line every wall, each filled to the brim with books and documents. A lone door sits at the far right wall.
The Captain’s bedroom.
Slowly, with bathed breaths, he forces his legs to walk closer to the door that held his fate. Briefly, Eren thinks about getting some protective ear covers (just in case) but he quickly shoves that idea aside when he realizes that Jean and Conny were likely blocking the door from the outside.
That, and he concludes that the Captain would just break another part of his body. Maybe his hands. He didn’t need ears for handling ODM gear but he did need his hands.
“Captain?” Eren’s voice is weak but clear as he knocks on the door. “Captain Levi, you’re late for your meeting.”
He holds his breath for a few seconds, and there’s no response. He tries once more.
“Captain,” he repeats, louder this time. “Captain, you really need to wake up. Commander Erwin says your attendance is required for the meeting to start.”
But there’s still no response.
His hands are shaky and he’s still extremely nervous, but he knew Captain Levi’s presence was urgent to the meeting. Classified, Commander Erwin had said when he asked what it was about. 
The third time Eren repeats his fruitless endeavors, he realizes that Captain Levi really wasn’t waking up any time soon.
He runs back to the door he came in from.
“Let me out!” He yells, hands throttling the doorknob as he tries to pull the door open but just as he suspected, Jean and Conny are sealing the exit and pulling at the doorknob as well.
“Let me out, dammit! Captain Levi won’t wake up, I don’t wanna die— just let me out!”
His feet are pressed up against the wall at this point and he manages to yank the door open by a few mere inches. A quick glimpse outside confirms his worse fears: all his friends are holding onto the doorknob as well, trying to keep the door closed. Even Mikasa.
He’d never felt so betrayed.
“You got this Eren!” His eyes drift to the back of the group where Sasha was smiling at him with a cheeky grin. “I’m sure the Captain won’t hurt you too badly when you wake him up.”
“No, fuck that! He’ll murder me and say it was because I went ape shit in titan form. He won’t even get arrested!”
It was when he made eye contact with Mikasa when he realized what true betrayal felt like.
“Good luck, Eren.” “No, don’t—!” Mikasa yanks the door close with one strong pull and he falls to the floor, on his ass.
The room is quite once more (save for the cheeky giggles on the other side of the door) and Eren brushes himself off as he stands up. He eyes the door to the Captain’s bedroom and he breathes in deeply when he comes to terms with what he has to do to wake the Captain from his deep slumber. He has to go inside.
He finds himself in front of the door once again, and this time his knocks are a little louder, a little more unsure, as he speaks. “Captain? I don’t think you’re waking up soon. I’m coming in.”
Slowly, he tells himself. Slowly.
Eren wasn’t sure what to expect when he opened the door to Captain Levi’s quarters. Maybe a torture chamber. Maybe swords and skeletons on the wall. Maybe a book on How To Murder With One Glare on a coffee table. He didn’t know.
But oddly, he thinks as he glances around, the Captain’s bedroom is... normal. The room’s dark, with its curtains drawn and the candles unlit. Tall shelves holding an impressive collection of books still line a portion of the walls. A bed is pressed up against the wall opposite the door, and there are two lumps underneath the blankets—
Two lumps.
Captain Levi’s in bed with someone?
“Captain Levi,” Eren quietly calls out. He wonders who the hell managed to catch the Captain’s attention... or if someone even caught his attention at all. Captain Levi could just be hugging a pillow, he reasons. But Eren’s curiosity overtakes his fears and his legs start to walk closer towards the bed. “Captain?”
The blanket was pulled over the two sleeping lumps, and Eren gently tugs it down to reveal their faces.
No way.
No fucking way.
Briefly, Eren is speechless. His words get caught in his throat, hand frozen mid-air as he marvels at the sight of Humanity’s Strongest Soldier cuddled up within the arms of his lover. His normally stoic face is gone, replaced by relaxed eyes and a slightly ajar mouth, one cheek puffed up as it’s squished into his lover’s chest and his head is nuzzled into the crook of their neck. His arms disappear underneath the blankets, but judging by the fact that his lover’s arms were around him, Eren surmised that the Captain’s arms were most likely wrapped around his lover as well.
He looked innocent— cute, almost, and if Eren didn’t have to train under him everyday he might have actually believed that the Captain’s innocent sleeping face could be taken at face value.
Eren recognizes you, as well. He’s seen you around the base with your own squadron, an elite soldier with your own team of other elite soldiers. You’re known around the base as the squad leader who works their team to the ground, training your members so hard that they genuinely considered going to Captain Levi for comfort. But it wasn’t for naught, of course. Your squad’s survived longer than Captain Levi’s (again, may they rest in peace), barely making it out complete when the fiasco with the Female Titan occurred.
“Oi, Eren.” A voice behind him speaks, and Eren is briefly caught off guard as he turns around and makes eye contact with his comrades. Most likely, they got impatient with waiting for him and decided to see if he’d been murdered already.
Great, so now they decide they weren’t scared of going inside the Captain’s room.
“What’s taking so long?” Jean asks.
Eren is still speechless, opting to instead shakily point his finger towards the bed where Levi lay wrapped in your arms.
“H-he’s... he’s—“ “He’s what?”
He gulps and sighs deeply, speaking out so quietly his friends almost didn’t hear, speaking out in a mere shaky whisper as he utters his words.
“He’s a little spoon.”
Chaos is what Eren would use to describe what happened next. His comrades immediately jumped to stand next to him and take a look at the sight on bed, crowding around them as if they were a soap opera.
“Oh my god, he looks so...” Sasha starts in awe, hands on her cheeks and stars in her eyes but unsure how to finish her words.
Eren nods his head, understanding her speechlessness. “Innocent.”
Silently, his friends nod as well. But he couldn’t just stand here and gawk at Captain Levi’s sleeping form, he came here with a mission. “We need to wake him up. He’s already really late.” He says, more to himself than to his friends. He doesn’t wait for his comrades to exit the room as he gently places a hand on the Captain’s shoulders to shake him awake.
“Captain Levi—“
Eren learns his mistake too late as Levi’s eyes immediately snap open, hand clamping down on Eren’s and twisting it behind his back to disarm him.
“Eren!” Mikasa yells behind him, making a move to free him from Levi’s iron clad grip. From the corner of his eyes, Eren sees the person lying down next to Levi quickly sit up and throw something silver, flying past his comrades and towards Mikasa’s head, embedding itself deep within the wood next to her face.
Eren stares at his friends, all silent, frozen with fear, and rooted to their spots as their mouths hang open.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Levi sneers, pushing down on Eren’s arm.
“C-captain, you’re late for the—“ “Holy shit, we’re late for the meeting.” You cut in, eyes wide in realization.
The Captain briefly glimpses at you and clicks his tongue as he releases Eren from his grip, the young soldier immediately slumping to the ground in relief. His arms and legs felt like jello and he could already feel himself melting into the wooden floor.
“Can someone explain to me why you brats thought it would be a good idea to enter my private quarters?” Levi glares. “Without my permission?”
Oh shit. They didn’t think this through.
A cold shiver runs down the soldier’s spines as they unanimously realize their mistake, something that Eren undoubtedly would’ve felt as well if he wasn’t too busy gawking at the realization that Captain Levi was shirtless (probably naked underneath the sheets), and you were shirtless as well (also probably naked underneath the sheets).
Levi catches Eren’s eyes staring at you, and he silently pulls the blanket over your chest and up to your collarbones without breaking his glare at the cadets.
Fuck. Eren thinks, eyes snapping to the ground as a blush creeps up his neck. Captain Levi’s definitely going to cut off both my ears now.
Conny, apparently already cracking under the pressure, flails his arms and yells as he tries to make a run for the door. Before anyone could even blink, another silver blur whizzes through the air, stabbing the wood directly in front of Conny as he freezes.
It was a knife. A fucking butter knife. Why the hell the Captain and his lover keep a butterknife next to them on the bed is something Eren doesn’t want to know.
“Since none of you lot have tongues,” Levi speaks. He’s not going to get an explanation soon. “We’ll discuss punishment later. For now,” He stands up, grabbing a still flustered Eren by the collar and dragging him towards the door, pushing out the rest of the team as well.
Eren doesn’t have time to be relieved about the fact that Captain Levi was not, for a fact, naked and was wearing black boxers. He was too busy getting pushed out the Captain’s bedroom and dragged through the office before finally getting thrown out into the hallway.
“For now, you leave me alone. I have a meeting to attend to.”
Levi slams the door shut at his awestruck soldiers, breathing in a frustrated sigh as he rests his hand on his forehead. He was getting a headache. He feels arms wrap around him from behind, hands resting on his chest. He sighs once more, this time in content, as he leans into your touch.
“Hey,” you kiss neck. “Thought you said you locked the door.”
“I did.” He turns around, still in your arms, and gently places his hands on your face as he kisses your nose. “Someone must’ve accidentally unlocked it when they were trying to grab onto something. Y’know, when they were getting fucked from behind.”
You chuckle. “Well, I’m sure that someone probably got sweet talked into getting fucked against the door.”
You break away from his arms after giving him a kiss, making your way back inside Levi’s bedroom, no doubt to get dressed for the meeting.
He stares at you as you walk, still naked and looking gorgeous. His face may be stoic but his heart was leaping, the gold ring on your left hand that matched his own glimmering in the light.
Your head peaks out from behind his bedroom door. “Round two before the meeting?” You ask cheekily.
Levi rolls his eyes as he makes his way to the bedroom as well, patting your bum as he passes by. “No. We’re already late.”
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Eren clutches the pillow to his head, exhausted from the laps he’d done. He glances around the room, eyeing the tired faces of his comrades.
As punishment for invading your privacy, Captain Levi assigned them laps around the base until sundown plus two weeks of stable duty. As punishment for invading his privacy, Captain Levi deemed them unworthy of having their own private space and made the entire squadron bunk together in the small room beside his own. 
Well, the entire squadron except for the Captain himself, at least.
Eren was pretty sure the room they were made to sleep in indefinitely was supposed to be a supply closet of some kind, but it fitted enough bunk beds for the entire team and was deemed a worthy location to carry out the rest of their punishment.
“How long do we have to sleep here?” Sasha asked dreadfully, hands covering her ears in attempts to block out the noises coming from the other room. The sound of a squeaky mattress and a wooden bed slamming against the adjacent wall continued.
“Until we learn our lesson,” Jean quotes the Captain. He himself looked extremely tired but he wasn’t trying to cover his ears like the rest of them were, undoubtedly because he’d already given up on getting a good night’s rest if the bags underneath his eyes were anything to go by.
“I don’t even care how long we have to sleep here anymore.” Conny interjects tiredly. “I just want to know when they’ll ever stop.”
As if to prove his point, a moan is heard through the walls. The soldiers flinch, still not accustomed to the sound. Mikasa silently runs her hands through Eren’s hair to calm him down.
“They’ve been at it for hours,” Jean whispers in horror. “How much stamina do those two have?”
Armin sighs, the bags under his eyes feeling heavier by the second. “They’re elite soldiers who’ve trained for years. They have more stamina than all of us combined.”
The whole room heaves out a collective groan, finally accepting that they weren’t getting any sleep tonight. 
In the other room, Captain Levi bangs his fist against the shared wall. “Oi,” he calls out. “Shut up, you brats. We can hear you.”
Levi thrusts his hips, eyes glancing down at your pleasure-struck face as he grinds into you more. The action causes you to throw your head back and let out a desperate moan, finger nails scratch down his back. He grabs your hands to pin them to the sides of your head, leaning down to whisper “Not too harsh, darling. We don’t want you leaving marks now, do we?” He continues his pace, the bed’s wooden frame slamming against the wall as he once again speaks to his soldiers.
“We have thin walls, y’know.”
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alrightberries © 2020. do not modify or repost.
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ourmondobongo · 2 years
Hi, can you answer the questions from ppl who say that Hange just gave up her duties to Armin and passed her burdens on to her comrades, and then she's committed suicide. Though i think it's completely non make senses that how Hange isn't someone who lets go of something just her own feelings, she has principles that if there's no way it doesn't matter to her. Thanks in advance!
Thanks for the ask!!
Let's dig into this wasp lair...
First, the suicide take is horrible. Let me reference you this analysis Ness made explaining why affirming this is absolutely wrong here.
Second, Hanji DIDN’T give up her duties! If she did: 1. that would have happened in 126, but Levi Ackerman expressedly stated that he knew who Hanji was, and she wouldn't be able to stay out of the action; 2. Hanji in chapter 127 tells more about this; 3. Hanji in chapters 128-132 is ALWAYS guiding and pushing and coordinating everyone to fight!; and more importantly, the situation in chapter 132 was IMPOSSIBLE to be saved by anyone but her.
Why is that?
1. The one who would fight the Colossus Titans was 100% certainly going to die or, if Titan Shifter, be left behind as they couldn't risk the plane safety and fuel;
2. Obviously, in such predicament, Armin, Reiner (nor Pieck) couldn't stay behind and fight them;
3. So it would be needed someone in top shape to withstand the hotness and strength draining tool to keep flying from one Colossus to another without stopping for Yams know how many burning alive minutes until the plane was ready to fly;
4. This excludes Levi right of the bat because the manga explicitly shows that he, at that point, could barely hold his blades right, or walk properly; so he himself probably knows he can't take Hanji's place in this burning to death fight - if he couldn't take it and died before the time, another person would also have to die or stay behind to cover up after him in the Titan fight; it would be unacceptable, they had very few people already!
And even if Levi verbally expressed this desire (what I'm sure he would have done if he was in top shape as it happened in chapter 80 against the Beast Titan), there was no way Hanji would allow this too - her type of Commanding tried to ensure her soldiers' lives as best as they all could afford, not sending them to certain death missions; it was not Levi's time to die nor a mission only he could finish, because Hanji, as a long SC veteran soldier and Titan Specialist, was FULLY mentally and physically capable of killing those tremendous Colossus Titans; this battle she was perfectly capable of taking!
5. Yes, Hanji knew her other subordinates - Connie, Jean, Mikasa, Armin - were highly skilled. Connie made top 10 soldier in Training Corps time, and it was for a reason, despite his character be shadowed by his comical and dumb highlights; Jean had all potential to be great a Commander; Mikasa Ackerman; and Armin knew Eren better than anyone, was a great strategist especially when pushed into despair lol, and had the Colossal Titan.
However, equally or more importantly than what they still had to offer later on in the Rumbling, there is no way Hanji would send her 19 years old subordinates to their certain death if it was avoidable.
And even if they weren't capable of doing much in the Rumbling (for those thinking about Connie most probably), then it would also make no sense to send one of them to fight the Colossus. They would fail without even having a chance to reach Eren.
6. The deadly power of the Colossus Titan is highly underestimated by the fandom. And the perpetual misunderstanding that Hanji only killed 04 Titans is a curse to her character...
Let's look at these pictures:
The Wall of Titans is nearly aligned when Hanji kills the first Colossal...
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And this is what we see MANY MINUTES later:
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And Hanji was cleaning at least* 03 lines of Colossal Titans at the same time!
And for her to ask "still nothing?!" after the engineers saying they would need around 01 hour to fix the plane and fly, I'm sure a considerable time passed.
So Hanji definitely killed more than just 04 Titans, and I hope the movie or whatever makes this clearer! 🙏
7. Lastly, Hanji Goddamn Zoë was a Veteran Titan Killer, the Commander of SC, and absolutely true to the ideals and values she held. She was entrusted with the role of "guaranteeing the path to their victory" - and in 132, it was only her strength and willpower that could ensure both the path and other people's lives (whom she also CARED A LOT!)
So this doesn't mean that Hanji felt disposable, or inferior to any other, or wanted to run away from duty by throwing it into the survivors' hands and with a suicide act of all things!!!
Instead, it shows how much Hanji did believe and act according to her strong beliefs, ideals, and responsibilities.
They had ALL fought so much to ensure humanity would find freedom: the dead comrades died devoting their hearts to free and save others; the Alliance killed some of their own people to stop Eren. Hanji carried the weight of that. And Hanji blamed herself for being powerless to find a solution for a infernal 2000 years old story of hate (chapters 127, 132) - BUT despite this heavy, unfair and why not to say unbearable burden placed upon her back, Hanji STILL pressed forward in hopes that "It might not work out today, but maybe someday..." .
And EVERYONE in the Alliance agreeded by their OWN choice with the thought that they needed to stop Eren's massacre.
So, srly, how was Hanji giving up her duties and passing them to Armin and her comrades by running away from reality through suicide in this situation?!
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arlert-angel · 3 years
love fast, die young ☪
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♡ jean x fem!reader
❥ you know that at any moment your life could be cut short as a scout, and the last thing you want is to die a virgin, so why not ask your best friend that you’re in love with for some help?
❥ wc: 5.8k
❥ cw: near death experience (reader), virgin!reader and virigin!jean, cannonverse but no plot, loss of virginity, slight size kink, cream pie, aftercare, fluff
❥ note: i was invested in the story of this one lol, it's a lot more romantic than i initially intended. they’re aged up, but the cannonverse details don’t make sense for the plot, so let’s pretend it does yay.
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Arriving back from expeditions was always an exhausting feat within itself, sometimes more so than the actual expedition. 
Commanding officers had to count their losses, healers had to tend to the wounded, and everyone who was good enough to stand had to report their kills and assists. Of course that was the immediate tasks that needed to take place, but then came the grief. Friends looked for one another, many people cried, and names could be heard shouted all around as everyone arrived at headquarters. 
You weren't that different, but you were silent as you scanned the crowd looking for your tall best friend. You knew he was with the best of the best in Levi's squad, so you weren't too worried. However, you also knew the previous best had been wiped out before the new group came. 
Anything could happen which made you all the more anxious. 
You and Jean were not on the same squad. You first were offered a position on the Levi squad with the rest of your friends, but then Hange handed picked you to help them with their experiments, claiming they needed your mind to work with them. Hange is very likeable and now one of your closest friends, and at the time it seemed impossible to say no to them.
Hange's and Levi's squad tended to work together a lot and definitely trained together, so you didn't miss your friends too much. It was only when expeditions approached and new formations were made, when you had to be separated from the rest of your 104th pals. 
You never complained about the separation. It wouldn't last forever, maybe a couple days at most, and then you return to laughing and working with the rest of your friends. You had no complaints until this particular expedition.
You had a close call.
In fact, so close, you might as well have kissed Death on the lips while you were so close to the afterlife. 
The mission was going according to plan. It was a simple scouting mission in the mountains that were, for the most part, titan free. Your squad was on the left flank of the formation, near the edge of the mountains. The cliff sides surrounding you guys held a beautiful, yet slightly scary view. The drop had to be at least 300 feet.
You should've known something bad was going to happen as soon as Hange called out, "Hey, Y/N, check it out!" But you weren't thinking that hard, for the day had been so peaceful. 
The path you all had taken was so close to the cliffs that the squad was riding single file for safety. There was enough room to pass one another, but you had to do so very carefully. 
You rode ahead, passing Moblit. You sent him a questioning look as went by, but he only shrugged, not knowing what Hange was raving over. When you slid off your horse and next to Hange you saw what they did.
A very large cave.
"Should we go inside?" Hange looked at you, clearly excited, but it was an awful idea.
"No!" You tried to sound stern, knowing how they needed a firm rejection or they'd always get what they wanted, "Do you see the size of the thing? This looks like a comfy home for a 10 meter titan, maybe even 15 meter class if they hunched over."
"Do you think they'd crawl around in there?!" Their eyes widened and the familiar look that you've seen so many times on their face appeared. It was their usual expression they had when you conducted experiments with them. You swore to yourself how you fed their curiosity on accident.
"What's going on?" Moblit now arrived, wondering what the hold up was about.
"They want to go inside that death trap," You pointed at the ominous cavern in front of you all. 
"You cannot be serious!" Moblit exclaimed in surprise, the volume echoing down the stone and dirt walls. Moblit continued his rant, stating the obvious, but you tuned their debate out. You just stared into what looked like an abyss. 
There was no movement, no noise, not even the breeze seemed to reach here.
But for some reason you had a gut feeling. A gut feeling that saved all of your lives.
"Move!" You shoved Hange into Moblit which effectively knocked them both to the side of the cave and used your ODM gear to swing yourself to the opposite side. 
The large hand reached out as you tried to get out of the way, but because you helped the others you weren't quick enough.
Luckily, the titan's grasp only managed to get tangled in your ODM wire and couldn’t quite reach your actual body. 
Unluckily, the titan was managing to drag you like a ragdoll and if you didn't do anything quickly you would be engulfed in the darkness where it was hidden, and then probably engulfed in it’s stomach. 
You had to think quick on your feet and so you drew your blades and slashed the wire on your gear all together. You could've attempted to slash at it's hands, but that was no guarantee. The wire was sliced with a clean snip.
Now you were free, you stumbled back at the loss of momentum. You took one two many steps back, and that last step didn't hit the gravely earth that the others had. 
Your foot didn't hit anything at all. 
You were about to fall off a cliff. 
Ironic to escape death one way only to quite literally fall into its clutches another way. 
But, you didn't fall. 
Your eyes were squeezed shut in absolute terror, and when you opened them at the lack of free fall, you saw Hange.
They had managed to save you by the front of your shirt, yanking you back on solid ground. Moblit had been keeping the titan at bay, and continued to do so as you and everyone else turned their horses carefully around. 
Thanks were shared by yourself, Hange, and Moblit at the different lucky saves. They praised your quick thinking and response. None of you actually saw the titan coming. You just knew. You seemed to recognize the familiar feeling of dread from the presence of a titan that wanted to eat you. Even if you couldn’t see it. 
Hange continuously apologized on the way back, but it wasn’t really their fault. It’s not like you actually entered the cave like they wanted. And it was probably a good thing you guys stopped when you did. If the group rode past the cave something worse might have happened.  
After that close call you wanted nothing more to find your best friend and have his familiar comfort.
"Y/N? Whatcha still doing out here?" You spun around quickly and saw Connie. 
“Oh, hey! I’m just looking for Jean, have you seen him?” You didn’t want to panic, but it was weird to see Connie without Jean. 
“Yeah! Mikasa killed this titan that had snuck up right above us and it’s blood got all over Jean it was so funny he screamed like a girl. But yeah, he went to the showers immediately,” Connie explained laughing at the memory. You laughed along and wished you could see it yourself.
“That’s funny, I should probably shower too, this mission felt particularly long,” You grumbled more to yourself than Connie, but he picked up on your off tone.
“Did something happen?” He asked genuinely concerned. You might’ve been closest to Jean, but Connie and Sasha were also very close to you. The four you always had the most fun together, and got in the most trouble. 
“Kind of, a titan snuck up on us too, but we were near the cliffs so there wasn’t all lot of room to work with. I almost fell, but on the bright side I overcame my fear of heights,” You laughed, but it was more anxious than joyful.
“Oh shit, that’s awful!” Connie’s eyes widened in horror, “I'll tell Jean to come find you when I see him.”
“What why?”
“You were looking for him right? He’d definitely want to know that you’re okay after that. He worries a lot, you know? It’s always: I hope Y/N okay, where’s Hange’s squad again, I wish Y/N was here, Y/N would love this view. Someone has to tell him to shut up at least once every expedition.” Connie actually did an okay Jean impression as he ranted to you, but you didn’t comment on it. 
You were too surprised. You didn’t know Jean worried about you. He never once came to you with any fears about expeditions. He always asked you what happened, but that’s just a normal conversation. It wasn’t too strange for someone’s best friend to think about them when apart. What was strange was the happy feeling you got knowing that Jean couldn’t shut up about you. A weird fluttery feeling danced in your stomach and you felt almost giddy.  
Connie noticed your lack of response and noticeably paled. 
“Fuck, wait, I didn’t tell you that! Jean’s gonna kill me, Y/N please don’t tell him I told you!” He grabbed onto you, begging. He shook you enough that it got you out of your confusing thoughts.
“Um, okay? I don't see what the big deal is. I think about Jean on expeditions too, that’s not weird right?” You smiled reassuringly and Connie’s whole body sagged in relief.
“Not at all! Have a nice shower!” Connie ran away, actually ran, trying to separate himself from that conversation. He thanked the Walls that you couldn’t read between the lines. 
After that odd conversation you got a change of clothes and towel, and then headed towards the showers. You passed Sasha and Mikasa on the way in and they both gave you pleasant greetings, all parties glad to see each other alive and well.
You tried not to overthink, but the hot shower gave you all the time to do so.
Your thoughts jumped from almost dying, to Jean, to these overwhelming feelings you seemed to harbor.
You knew you loved Jean. You both even told each other sometimes. Your mind never wandered further than viewing Jean as your best friend only because you didn’t think that’s what he’d want. 
When you first met Jean you had a small crush on him, admiring him from afar until Marco introduced the two of you. Once you grew closer and noticed his infatuation with Mikasa your feelings sizzled out in a bitter simmer. Your bitterness didn’t last long though, you were happy you had someone to rely on no matter what. After Marco passed, Jean was your crutch and vise versa. Romance would only make things confusing and besides you didn’t have any experience in the matter. 
But now as you think more and more about him you wondered if those feelings ever went away. You thought about his laugh and stupid tone he gets when he tries to act cocky. You thought about his eyes and how pretty they look in the sunlight. You thought about his ability to read your mind without you having to tell him something’s wrong. He was your person. 
You came to the conclusion that there definitely was something more than platonic there, but there was no certainty he felt the same. He would’ve said something by now. When he liked Mikasa he was so obvious, openly talking about her to everyone. You would’ve known something by now if it were the case, right? You knew he didn’t like Mikasa now, he told you explicitly for some reason, stating you needed to know. He also didn’t talk about liking anybody new. 
Sighing in frustration, you turned off the shower, now squeaky clean. What was supposed to be a relaxing shower just stressed you out because of your stupid brain’s overthinking. 
And it didn’t stop. As you dropped your messy uniform in the laundry, it reminded you of the day.   
Today proved that any moment could be your last. Being in the scouts has always been dangerous, and you knew you were a disposable soldier. You didn’t mind it much, but now you realized how little you had experienced. You had never been drunk, your only kiss was with Marco in a game of truth or dare, and you were a virgin. 
You didn’t want to die a virgin.
You thought of Jean. You wanted to be with him at least once before you died. You didn’t want to die without knowing how it felt to have everything with Jean. Your love for him definitely wasn’t platonic. You didn’t want to die without him knowing.
Your mind made up, you walked the halls with a little more determination than usual. You wandered around for only a couple minutes before running into Eren.
“Horseface is looking for you,” He pointed around the corner. You gave a quick thanks before quickly going in that direction only to collide with the person you were searching for.
“Y/N!” Jean surprised you by pulling you in a tight hug. As he pulled away he took note of the blush that was now on your cheeks, but didn’t comment. He also didn’t let you go completely, leaving his hands on your shoulders. Unable to help himself.
“Hey, I was looking for you,” You smiled genuinely, only slightly nervous now. Even with the giddiness he gave you, he still managed to calm you down.
“Me too, Connie said something happened with your squad, so I asked Hange about it and they told me everything,” His eyebrows were pulled into a worried furrow, “I wish you were in our squad.”
“Me too, but I like being with Hange too,” You stated honestly, “But it’s alright, everything worked out in the end.” 
“Yeah, but you almost fell off a cliff! Y/N if I lost you I’d…” He cleared his throat before shaking himself out of his thoughts, “I’m just glad you’re okay. You said you were looking for me, what for?”
“Oh! Um…” You looked around and saw Eren eavesdropping blatantly with a knowing look, causing you to quickly turn back around, “Can I talk to you in my room about something?” You shift your weight from side to side, visibly jittery. 
“Sure?” Jean was confused and noted you looked more flustered than before, but he couldn’t pinpoint what was wrong like he usually could. 
You walked side by side, passing Eren along the way who gave you both a smug wave. When Jean wasn’t looking you turned around and gave him the finger. The walk was silent and your hands brushed each other softly.
Once you were behind closed doors you felt yourself relax a little more. It was just Jean, you hyped yourself up. Even if he did reject you the worst thing that could happen is him make a stupid joke out of everything, but you doubt he would. You knew he at least respected you.
“So, what’s so serious that you needed to be away from nosy Yeager?” So he did see that ass listening, you thought. 
“Well… You know about my close call today… It got me thinking,” You started safely.
“You can think? Like, there’s a brain in there?” Jean acted surprised and grabbed your head teasingly.
“Shut up,” You laughed and slapped his hands away before adding, “It’s serious.”
“Okay,” He took a seat on your bed comfortably, an action that was not unusual, you hung out in each other’s room all the time. He gave you his full attention, no longer joking around.
“I thought about how at any moment we can die, that sounds morbid, but it’s true. And then I thought about all the stuff I haven’t done and all the things I haven’t said,” You explained further, still not getting to the point. 
“So, you want to make a bucket list?” Jean tilted his head, trying to follow, “That’d be fun.”
“No,” You rolled your eyes lovingly, “I, more specifically, thought about all the stuff we haven’t done together.” 
“Oh, you want to make a bucket list together!” Jean perked up.
“Jean stop trying to guess and let me explain,” You laughed and he complied, pretending to zip his lips shut.
“Jean,” You approached the man, invading his personal space, “I don’t want to die a virgin, do you?”
“No…” Jean blushed at the sudden topic change, wondering why on earth you were bringing that up right now.
“And…  I love you, and I know you'd treat me right,” You cupped his cheeks in your hands. You were standing in between his legs now, him leaning back on his hands looking up at you. He was tall, so he didn’t have to tilt his neck that much. 
“I love you too, what are you going on about?” His face was drawn in clear confusion, a cute expression, if he wasn’t being so frustrating. 
“No, Jean,” You leaned impossibly close, your face right in front of his, “I’m in love with you.” 
Then you boldly straddled him before you planted your lips on him.
You were shy, unsure if he would reciprocate the kiss, and it seemed like he wasn’t.  You panicked instantly. Your heart was pounding and you pulled away. You were terrified you screwed everything up. You looked at him and he seemed to be frozen.
“Jean?” You worriedly looked at your catatonic friend whose eyes were wide in shock, “I made you uncomfortable, I’m sorry! Please don’t hate me!” You began to try to climb off him, but his hands shot to your hips, holding you in place.
“Y/N, you’re in love with me?” He still seemed to be stunned, or maybe he didn’t believe you, but he held your gaze with serious eyes. 
“Yes,” You made sure to keep eye contact despite the heat that rose to your cheeks, to make sure he knew you were dead serious. 
“Good,” One of his hands left your hips to your cheek. He guided your mouth back to his.
He was kissing you. He was actually kissing you. It was slow and sweet at first. He stroked your cheek lovingly and your lips slowly moved in sync. It was when you repositioned yourself on his lap, accidently grinding into him, when the kisses started to become more feverish. He groaned into your mouth and the hand left your face and found it’s new home on your ass. He squeezed it harshly, making you gasp. He took the opportunity to introduce his tongue to yours. He surprised you when he sucked on your tongue, making a small whimper escape you. 
Jean pulled away, taking in your flustered state with blown pupils of his own. Both of your lips were swollen and you both needed to catch your breath. 
“I love you too, you know?” Jean pushed some of your hair out of your face with a soft smile, “I figured you didn’t feel the same and wanted to just be friends, so I didn’t say anything.”
“I thought the same, or that you might still like Mikasa,” You admitted shyly, looking down where your bodies met.
“Hey,” He tilted your chin so you held eye contact again, “That was a stupid crush when I was kid, and I told you that ended a long time ago, didn't I? I’m in love with you.”
“We were so stupid keeping it to ourselves,” You laughed and Jean openly admired you in what looked like awe. His gaze made you feel bashful, almost wanting to hide your face with your hands.
“We were, I could have been kissing you so much sooner,” Jean mumbled, already leaning back to you. This time when your lips met your tongues danced together immediately. You knew Jean also didn't have much experience, but with the way he kissed it seemed like he did. 
"Did you mean what you said?" Jean pulled away only for a moment to ask before returning right back to your lips. 
You pulled away, trying to decipher what he was referring to. "Wha–" Your breath hitched when you felt Jean kiss your pulse on your neck. He began sucking on a particular spot that made you moan, surprising both of you. 
"You're so beautiful," He commented then explained, "Did you mean what you said about that virgin stuff?" He seemed shy all of sudden, his hands were sliding from your hips to your thighs, almost like he was trying to soothe himself.
"I meant every word," You said honestly, "I want to experience all of you."
"God," Jean seemed to like that statement, "I don't know what I'm doing, so just know I'm learning as I go. Just tell me what you like and don't like."
"Of course," You gave him a reassuring smile, "I'm not worried, I trust you."
"Good," He said again before spinning you around and lightly throwing you on your bed. He hovered over you, not putting much, if any weight on you. He resumed the make out session, but this time letting his hands wander.
He first tugged at your shirt, which you helped him quickly pull over your head. You hadn't worn a bra, assuming your plans for this evening were eating then just passing out. 
Jean seemed to drink your body in, just staring in lust and awe. 
"You can touch me," You tried to sound reassuring, but it sounded more like a beg. 
Jean took your breasts in his large hands and just felt you. You almost laughed at how mesmerized he looked, but that was when he latched his mouth on your nipple. That action seemed to send a current of electricity straight to the heat in between your legs. You arched your back and let out a surprised moan which made Jean quickly pull away. 
"Did I hurt you?" He looked scared.
"No, it feels good," You murmured as you unconsciously rolled your hips wanting friction.
"Oh, that's good," He shot you a grin before throwing his own shirt to the side. He went back to kissing your chest, this time his hand tweaked the nipple he wasn't sucking on, causing even more pleasure. You bit your lip only letting out whimpers, a little embarrassed of moaning so loudly again. 
"J-Jean," You stuttered out, gripping his broad shoulders.
"Hmm?" He hummed, he had been having fun leaving purple marks across your tits.
"I-I need…" You didn't finish.
"What do you need, princess?" He asked genuinely, but his deep tone sent shivers down your spine.
"More, I don't know," You admitted.
"Okay, don't worry," He gave you a peck, "I'll take care of you."
He began taking off your pants, helping you get them off your ankles. He stood to take off his own pants as you admired him. His body was so toned from the life of being a soldier. As you took him all in your eyes landed on the bulge that was very prominent in his briefs and for the first time you felt nerves about having sex with him. 
"Jean, how the hell is that supposed to fit in me?" You didn't even see it out of it's cage, you couldn't imagine that monster in action. 
"It has to fit right? People have sex all the time," Jean looked down at his own dick before looking at your panties with a frown, "I'll make sure to stretch you out with my fingers to help."
"What do you mean?" You blushed as Jean returned his body on top of you, giving you warmth again. This time putting a little more weight than last time. You could feel his restrained cock against you this time. 
"You know, fingering, you've done it to yourself before right?" Jean asked curiously. 
"I've tried, but I couldn't reach any particular spots that made me feel good, so I mostly just got off with my clit," You explained, a little embarrassed. 
"Well, I have long fingers," Jean began to slip off your last item of clothing. You gulped nervously, you now were exposed completely to him.
"So pretty, and you're wet," He groaned and looked back up to you, "Open your mouth."
You almost asked why, but you didn't want to kill the mood, so you complied. Jean slid two fingers into your mouth and you got the message. You wrapped your lips around his fingers and hollowed your cheeks, sucking on them. 
"Fuck," He sighed out and you felt him twitch against you. 
He pulled his fingers out and moved them back between your legs. He first slowly thrusted one finger inside you, to get you used to the unfamiliar feeling. The stretch wasn't too painful, and he was definitely right. His fingers were longer. 
He moved the one finger in and out of you slowly at first, picking up the pace as he continued. When he felt you relax completely he added a second finger. This time the stretch was a little more, making you tense.
"You're so tight," Jean was watching your pussy in wonder and slid his body down, so his face was near it. 
"What are you– Oh my God," Jean's lips sucked on your clit softly, then continuously kitten licked it, all while maintaining his finger thrusts.
"You taste good," Jean said it so casually, you'd think he was talking about the weather. He removed his fingers for a moment to get a better taste. He kissed you directly on your cunt before penetrating you with his tongue. He moaned against you, sending vibrations into you. You tried to unconsciously escape the pleasure, your thighs attempting to close, but Jean's large hands held you down. 
He returned his fingers inside you and this time adding a third. It stung more than before, but Jean's mouth on your clit made you forget all about the uncomfortableness. He began curling his fingers inside you reaching a spot that instantly had a knot forming in your stomach. Your hands shot around you, one gripping the sheets and the other in Jean's hair. 
He latched onto clit again and you gave up on trying to quiet your moans, embarrassment be damned, it felt too good.
"Jean," You moaned his name, which only made him moan back in return, "I-I'm going to…" You whined a little, not quite there yet, but right on the edge.
"You're going to cum?" Jean asked, not even completely pulled away from your clit to do so, "Go ahead and cum on my fingers, baby." He quickened his strokes and returned to your clit. It was just enough to send you over.
You grinded into his hand and cried out. Jean moaned too as if he was being pleasured just at the sight of you or maybe it was because of the sensation of your tight pussy clamping around his fingers. He couldn't help himself and licked up some of your release, making you jump. 
He moved back up to you with a content smile, "Did that feel good?" 
"Yeah," You smiled back through half lidded eyes, still buzzing from the pleasure.
He gave you a deep kiss and you could taste yourself on him. Tasting your own saccharine flavor was strangely erotic. 
Jean pulled away, "Is it alright if I take my cock out?" He asked beforehand just in case you changed your mind. 
"Yeah, of course, I want to see the monster that's going to destroy me," You joked and earned yourself a cocky smirk.
Jean took off the only clothing that was separating the two of you. You glanced down and saw his size more visibly now. You were right to be intimidated before, he was huge. Jean seemed to take note of your apprehensive expression so he returned to giving you some kisses in order to soothe you. 
“We’ll take it slow and if it’s too much just tell me,” Jean assured you which helped calm you down. 
“Okay, I’m ready,” Your eyes met as he began to rub the head up and down between your folds, collecting its wetness. He rubbed it over your clit and back down, making you feel particularly tingly. When he started pushing the head inside you had to remind yourself to not tense up, but it was hard. He was stretching a lot more than his fingers did. His cock added an unfamiliar pressure inside you that his fingers didn’t.
“God, that’s just the head and you're already squeezing me,” Jean threw his head back trying to regain composure. It was also his first time and he did not want to embarrass himself by finishing quickly. Also the gentlemen inside him wanted to feel you cum around him first.
He slowly continued to push further in as you grabbed his arms to brace yourself. When he finally bottomed out you swore you could see the bulge on your tummy. He kept still and waited for you to give him the go ahead even though he had the incredible urge to just thrust forward.
“You alright?” Jean's voice was more strained than usual.
“Yeah, why the fuck you gotta be so big, Jean,” Which only made Jean smile and give an apology kiss. You took a few more moments getting used to the stretch when the pleasure overtook the pain. You felt the veins on his cock inside you. You felt so full, but so good. You grinded into him trying to feel more and Jean noticed.
“I’m going to start moving now,” Jean warned and began pulling back before snapping his hips forward. You both cried out how he filled you up, your walls fluttering around him.
The pace was unrushed and steady to begin with. He withdrew his cock only to plunge it back into you, hitting you deep, in a repetitive matter. You felt the pleasure everywhere, all the way in your toes. 
You started meeting his thrusts, moving your hips in order to do so. Jean hitched your leg higher which only made you feel him deeper, hitting a sweet spot that caused you to gasp.
“You can go faster,” You said breathlessly, “Please, Jean, it feels so good.”
“Fuck,” Jean moaned back, his slow deep thrusts turned into a quick pounding. He continuously hit that new spot every time. Your whimpers turned into uncontrollable moans. Not wanting to make too much noise you buried yourself into the crook of his neck, sucking and biting his skin. 
You briefly looked down where your bodies met and saw him pumping out of you, your slick covering his cock and your thighs. The sight made your eyes roll back into your head.
“Please,” You moaned into Jean who brought his hand to your chin, forcing you to look at him.
“Please, what? What do you want, princess?” He grunted a bit after, not once did he lose his pace.
“I want… Ah… Please, I don’t know,” You felt like you could cry, you were right on the edge. You didn’t know what you needed, but you felt too good to try to figure it out. You figured he was close too by the way he was twitching inside your pussy and his thrusts became a little more desperate. 
“Open,” Jean brought his fingers back to your mouth, groaning at the sensation. He kept them there for a few more moments than necessary, just enjoying the way you looked with your pretty lips wrapped around him. 
Then he brought them between your legs and began rubbing your clit at the same pace he was thrusting into you.
“J-Jean, I’m gonna cum,” You grabbed his wrist, almost overwhelmed by the feeling. 
You cried out his name as your pussy milked him, triggering his own release. He groaned your name as he came. You felt the warmth of him spill deep inside you and it made your pussy tremble all the more. He gave a few final thrusts before slumping on top of you.
“Look at me while you cum, princess, come on, cum on my cock,” He encouraged you. You held eye contact for as long as you could, but when that coil in your tummy snapped you had to squeeze your eyes shut in absolute bliss.
“We definitely should’ve done that sooner,” He mumbled into your hair, making you giggle.
“Definitely,” You echoed back.
He slid out of you after that, making both of your bodies shudder at the loss of connection. You pussy still trying to pulse around something.
“I just showered,” You commented with a frown, looking at the mess between your legs. 
“I’ll go get a towel?” Jean offered, and you gave him a nod. He redressed quickly, kissed you deeply, then stated he would be back soon.
You threw your shirt back on while you waited. You felt so sleepy after that. Even though you wanted to feel clean, you wished you cuddled with Jean some more, already missing him.
After a couple more minutes the silence was broken.
 “I knew it!” You heard Eren’s familiar voice shout from outside your door and you sat up confused.
“Shut the fuck up before I hit you!” You heard Jean’s voice shout back and then a few more quieter exchanges that you couldn’t make out from the two men. Then your door opened fast, Jean slipping quickly inside, locking it behind him. In one hand he had a warm towel and in the other he had a new set of sheets. 
“What happened?” You pointed at the door and Jean scowled.
“Apparently those assholes bet on when we’d finally hook up,” Jean explained before cleaning you up. You blushed as he took care of you. Despite what just took place you still felt embarrassed. Jean noticed and just pecked your cheeks.
“That’s kind of funny, we should’ve placed our own bets,” You hummed and stood shakily, grabbing a new pair of underwear as Jean changed your sheets for you. 
“I can’t believe Eren won,” Jean frowned, but when your arms wrapped around him from behind he couldn’t help but smile.
“Will you stay with me? I kind of want to nap,” You mumbled into his back.
“Of course,” You both returned to your bed this time with more innocent intentions.
Jean laid on his back and you threw your arm around his chest and your leg over his, snuggling up into his side.
“I don’t want to die,” You murmured sleepily.
“You won’t,” Jean stated firmly.
“How do you know?” You looked up at him.
“Because we both have something to live for,” He met your gaze softly, before kissing your head again.
You told each other you loved another once again before you both fell asleep. It was a sleep where neither of you had the common nightmare about your untimely deaths. 
Instead it was a sleep where you both dreamt of the future you now could have with one another.
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unloved-cadillac · 3 years
Levi’s little girl is a young lady at 21. She’s strong, capable and beautiful. She’s also a top soldier in Mike’s squad. That said, both men are very protective of her, ESPECIALLY Levi. Also Reader should be taller than him now lol. One night Erwin sees her coming out of a room that isn’t hers. In fact it’s a GUY’S room. She has messy hair, smeared lipstick and ruffled clothes... “Please for the love of God don’t tell them, Uncle Erwin”. Up to you how it ends!
C/n: oh Y/n. Whyyyyyy? Lol. Thanks for requesting and I hope that you enjoy🤍
Caught. (Levi x Reader; Uncle Mike; Uncle Ervy)
If you wanted real life proof that you were becoming old, look at your kid.
Y/n was already 21 and all of her protectors hated it. Especially Levi. Not that he wasn’t happy that she’s a strong, young woman who can fight just like him, she just wasn’t his baby anymore. Although she was a great fighter, the Levi squad was filled so she went to her Uncle Mike’s squad. Needless to say, Mike got an earful from Levi the day before she got registered with him.
“You don’t let her out of your sight, you giant. If she gets hurt under your command, I’m coming for you. This isn’t the Underground anymore, I’ll make sure I kill you this time.”
Mike wasn’t scared, he would rather die then let anything happen to young Y/n, but Levi’s words did sit on his mind for a while. Even though Y/n was in Mike’s squad, she always had dinner with Levi. She’s talk about her day and tell him all the things she did while he listened to her.
During assemblies, Y/n stood next to Levi and he absolutely hated how tall she had become. To think she out of all people would betray him like this. She was so tall, she sometimes rested her chin on his head. “Get off, Y/n.”
“But you’re so comfy. A perfect height to rest.” She smiles and closes her eyes and he scoffs but lifts up a hand to ruffle her hair.
It’s been a full six months since Y/n was in a squad and she was doing amazingly well. Top of her squad and if she worked a bit harder, she’s make second-in charge. Erwin was reading her file and smiled. Little girl Y/n wasn’t a little girl anymore. Sighing, he gets up to stretch and heads out to get a warm cup of coffee before heading to bed.
He walked into the kitchen, made his special sleepy blend coffee and headed back to his office. But as he did, he saw a figure, similar to Y/n’s, come out of a room and walk towards him. Weird. Y/n’s room was in the other side next to Levi’s. When the figure came into view, it was definitely her. But not normal.
Her hair was all messed up, her lips bruised and purple marks all on her neck. She was too busy fiddling with her shirt and she bumped into his chest. “Oof. Sorry about tha- Uncle Ervy!” She shouts and quickly covers herself. “Y/n. What are doing here?” He asks as he inspects her face. “Did you get hurt? Why are your lips bruised? And what are these marks?”
Y/n bites her lips and turns around to look at the room she came out of. “Oh please let a Titan eat me right now.” She mumbles to herself and faces Erwin. “I..have been kinda..seeing somebody. I just came out of his room.” She shyly says and Erwin’s eyes widen. “Oh.” He says and Y/n looks up at him.
“Please don’t tell them, Uncle Ervy. They’ll kill me!” She begs and holds onto his shirt as she cries. “No. Oh dear. Y/n, hey don’t cry. There’s nothing to be ashamed about. Look at me.” He tilts her chin up and wipes her tears away.
“It is completely normal for this to happen. Yes, it’s weird seeing our little Y/n all grown up but that’s life. And I won’t tell Mike and Levi, especially Levi, but you are going to have to tell them some day. What if Levi wants to talk to you and finds that you’re not in your room? He’d turn the whole castle upside down!” That finally made Y/n chuckle.
“And listen to me. Remember that talk we had when you were younger? About…sex and consent?” She nods. “Make sure that whoever this guy is respects you. Don’t forget, Y/n. I’m the commander and I’ll make him magically “disappear”.”
“Uncle Ervy!” She giggles and Erwin hugs her. “Now go to bed. You got a big day tomorrow.” He kisses the top of her head and sends her to her room while he goes to his office. “Just why does Y/n have to be so grown?”
The next day, Y/n told Mike first. He was understanding and gave her some life lessons. Typical. But Levi. He was a whole different situation.
She sat with him in his office, waiting for him to finish with the paperwork he got earlier. Once he finish write, he dropped his pen and looked at her. “What is it, brat? You look constipated.” Levi notes and Y/n chuckles softly, Levi seeing the tension disappear from her shoulders.
“I’m not. My bowel movements are quite fine, thank you very much.” She says back and he smiles. “Now what’s been having you so tense lately?” Y/n rubs the back of her neck.
“Caught that huh?” He nods.
“Well, Levi. I…” she sighs and thinks. “I..have been seeing someone. He is in Hange’s squad and he’s really nice. Uncle Mike and Uncle Ervy already know since I wanted to tell you last. But, he’s a really good guy. He likes me and I like him too. I- Levi?” She stops to see him get up and go to his door.
“Where are you going?”
“What’s this boys name, Y/n?”
Y/n widens her eyes. “No, Levi. Don’t do anything! See this is why I was scared of telling you.” She sighs and looks away. Levi looks back at her and leaves his hand that was on the door-handle. He walks over to her and hugs her, placing her head on his chest. “Sorry. I overreacted.” He whispers and kisses her head. “Yeah, you did.”
“Levi, I’m not a kid anymore. I can handle myself. But I have respect for you so you needed to know. Trust me, okay?” He sighs and holds her tighter. “Yeah. I do trust you. But if that boy does anything, I swear-“
“I know. You’d kill him.”
“Not so easily. Gotta get Hange involved too.”
“Sing me a lullaby.”
🖤🤍Thanks for reading🤍🖤
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oi-loverboy · 3 years
33 + 45 angst with any aot character of your choice!! i just wanna cry in the club tbh
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Prompt List
Hi! Oh my, this was a tough one. I had a few ideas and I couldn’t choose which one I wanted to go with lol but this is what I came up with. I hope you enjoy 😊 I also took this chance to write about Erwin
Pairing: Erwin x Reader
33. “Gimme a second, I’m not drunk enough to listen to this yet”
45. “No wonder they left, who could love you.”
CW: angst, some language, alcohol mention
When you joined the scouts regiment you knew you would have to risk your life to protect the people, your cadets, and to reach the end of this catastrophe. What you didn’t expect was that you would be a sacrifice but what pained you the most was that everyone was so willing to let you go, almost as if you were nothing.
Eren had been kidnapped again, most likely bu the damn Military police so of course the scouts got together to find one of your most valuable assets. Once Eren was found, his arms tied together behind his back and some of the rope being tied around his head and put in his mouth to keep him from biting himself. You quickly ran to Eren along with Mikasa to help untie him until you felt a cold barrel placed on your temple. Your movements halted as you glanced at the gun pressed against your head before looking back at the group with a look of bewilderment.
“Do not move or I will shoot them with no hesitation,” the unfamiliar man mumbled, probably an asset of the military police just like Kenny was.
Your breath catches in the back of your throat as you tried to stop your shaking hands. You kept your eyes on Erwin, knowing that he was your commander and your boyfriend of 5 years. You didn’t believe that you could find love in a world like this but the way he spoke to you, showed that he cared and went an extra step to make sure you were safe you quickly fell for him.
“Let’s make a deal, ok?” Erwin challenged, gently raising his hand to tell the man to lower his gun. The man clicked him tongue, smirking at the idea before pulling away from you. He sat on a stool that was placed beside him, scratching his chin as if he were thinking.
“Ok commander, we’ll make a deal over a drink.” The man responded, pulling out a bottle of liquor before he poured it into two shot glasses. Erwin looked at the cadets, giving them a small nod in a way of telling them to leave it to him.
After a few minutes of the men talking and drinking, mostly Erwin trying to encourage the man to let Eren go and making gambles, the man gave Erwin a big toothy smile.
“I know what I want, commander.” The man speaks, almost cautiously.
Sighing, Erwin looks at the bottle in front of him, “gimme a second, I’m not drunk enough to listen to this yet.” Erwin grabbed the bottle, chugging down a big gulp of liquor. He gave the man a small nod as a sign to him proceed.
“I’ll let you take the Titan boy if you leave behind one of your soldiers,” he mutters after taking a sip from his drink, “but it’s either Levi or Y/N, I know they’re your best cadets.” The man smirks, giving Erwin a smug smile.
Erwin glances between you and Levi, “you can keep Y/N” he speaks with no hesitation. Your eyes widened as you looked at your boyfriend in shock, you felt betrayed. You didn’t want anything to happen to Levi but Erwin had no hesitation and he didn’t even try to fight against the man.
“I can’t lose humanity’s strongest,” he continues as he looked at you but you were too busy staring at the ground trying to comprehend what was happening, “and it’s a risk I will take even if I lose the person I’ve been the most intimate with.”
The man nods and stands up, taking the ropes off of Eren and shoving him towards the group in which Mikasa and Armin were quick to catch him.
You dropped your swords when you felt your arms getting weak. You were too zoned out to hear Erwin’s footsteps approaching you until he was right in front of you. You slowly looked up at him, your eyes filled with tears but holding a coldness Erwin hadn’t seen before.
“I hope you forgive me, Y/N, somethings are just more important than others,” he mumbled, cupping your cheeks in his hands before slightly bending over and pressing a kiss to your forehead. Once he stepped away you looked around at the cadets you spent so many years with, the people you learned to trust and love land yet none of them moved a muscle, giving you pitiful looks. They all walked out without glancing at you, they knew that they probably had a chance in saving you but Erwin had caught a glimpse of the MP’s surrounding the building as they hid in the shadows. He would rather risk one than lose his most valuable soldiers.
You dropped to your knees, your body feeling weak and heavy. You felt two hands gripping your arms harshly, tying them behind your back which you didn’t have the energy to fight them.
“You know, that was cold from your friends, leaving you here all alone. Your life is in our hands but before we kill you, we’ll make sure to get some answers from you,” the man hums, bending at his knees to be face to face with you as he cupped your cheeks roughly, “no wonder they left, who could love you? You’re so weak and yet you don’t want to show it. Seems that even the commander was tired of you.” He laughs as he lets go of your face.
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fanmoose12 · 3 years
So... Was it eruri or levihan in the end??? I'm hella confused tbh
What.... Happened? We get 126, 132 them switch on eruri on 136/7 then.... What in the dingly dang was 139?
Most of all I'm frustrated bc of what the fuck yams did to Hange, they were a genuinely incredibly interesting character with fuckton of potential and character development and he threw it out of the window for what... Sometimes, I believe yams doesn't realise what a great character Hange was despite being the one that created them. And literally no point in them dying when Falco could fly. Me thinks lowkey bc of the implications that if they lived it would mean them and levi got an ending together and it would piss people off.
But here's the thing, Levi shouldn't have to live the rest of his life alone. No one in their right mind can deny the relationship he had with Erwin (though I do doubt it was reciprocated in the same way from Erwin's end), but it doesn't have to be the only relationship in his life? The fact that he fullfilled that promise and remembers him fondly still is touching and it's important that he got closure after all this time.
But taking away the last person in his life who was the closest with now leaves him with no new purpose? He killed Zeke and saved the world, now what?
This is why imo, Hange should have lived. They would have given him a new purpose: live happy and in peace. It could be that together they heal, travel the world and relax for once. Have new, mundane dreams such as get a house and just domestic bliss which would be a whole new thing for them, to once live in normalcy.
And they both NEEDED that. Levi no matter how stoic he seemed we know he's been broken on the inside his whole life. Consistently getting beat up by life and having everyone he cared about dying on him. Especially after Erwin's death, he needed desperately a break and time to pick up the pieces. And who better to do that with than Hange who's stood by him since ever and is the only one who can understand his pain. They had one of the deepest bonds in the series and it was a shame yams didn't put more focus on it towards the end where it was needed the most.
They should have found solace in one another and why is that such a bad thing? Best friends falling in love and together work towards healing? Moving on doesn't mean forgetting the past or diminishing relationships and past love.
And both of them needed that move on. It was like their lives and dreams were on hold all this time. Fighting titans, fighting Marley, being commander, being the strongest soldier, the rumbling, always on the run, always fighting.
But after it was all done why would it be bad if a new chapter opened up? Where they discover their true dreams and desires. Where they selfishly strive towards their own happiness for once with no other obligations attached.
I know yams doesn't write a happy story and wants to be all darl and edgy, but their endings were almost insulting and forced.
I'm terribly sorry for the long post.... We fans got to stay together though right? Otherwise we'll lose it
anon, you said all of it so well.......
like it's my personal opinion that hange was killed off simply because isayama didn't want for levi to stay with someone and offend other shippers since levi is so popular.....
i can't honestly think of another reason for hange to die and in a such stupid and easily avoidable way. i was sorta comforted after 138? you know, i thought that "hey..... hange died but it was a heroic end....." but then everyone returned to their human forms without any consequences whatsoever and i was so upset. hange is the only member of alliance that died and, idk, it makes me kinda bitter lol. they struggled for so long and they really deserved that happy ending. another thing that bogged me is hange calling armin their successor? it wasn't brought up even once after that, what was the purpose of it? just a nice gesture?
and another thing that bothers me considering the ending is that i don't quite understand the message isayama wanted to give us? the ending is kinda hopeful but then it really isn't? they're still at war, and now, without their only advantage in a form of titans, paradise can easily lose, and the fight for the characters isn't obviously over. also everyone thanking eren but no one mentioning hange bothers me too.....
levihan truly is one of the best written relationship in the series and it's a damn shame it was destroyed because yams didn't care for hange or whatever the reason for their death was
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marsbutterfly · 4 years
hi!! just saw that you're taking requests, and i would like to ask for an eren x reader one, in which his female s/o has been bottling up her own issues because she feels like he has too many problems of his own to worry about her too, and he walks in on her crying from pressures, and he confronts her about it and cuddles. it's rather oddly specific, but i would love if you could do it! i've read your writing and it's INCREDIBLE to say the least. take care please, and stay safe!!
Feelings Can't Be Ignored
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Note: In my opinion, this is actually one of my best works so far. Angst and cuddles? Right up my alley lol. Thank you so much for your compliment, it makes me so happy to know you enjoy my writing 🥺! Let me know if you like your request! 🤍
AO3 Version! | Wattpad Version!
Summary: "Y/N, are you sure you would like to transfer onto the Garrison?" Erwin's voice echoes through the half-empty room. You try hard to fight back the tears forming in your eyes - the truth is you don't want to leave the Survey Corps but nothing you do seem to be right: your combat skills seem to be getting worse and you are almost getting killed way too often during expeditions.
Before you have time to form a sentence in your head and reply, he speaks again.
"I'll give you 48 hours. If by then you still want to transfer, I will personally hand your paperwork over to Commander Pixis." All you can do is nod.
You run out of the Commander's office as fast as you can, not carrying if anyone sees you crying. Your legs can't support your body anymore but you don't stop until you can't see the buildings behind you. The pain in all of your limbs forces you to finally come to a stop.
The grass against your feet seems to invite the rest of your body down and soon you are sitting by the calm waters of the city's river. Tears flow down your face like the stream that helps the fish swim. You bury your face in your hands and allow several hiccups to come out at the same time.
"I can't do this anymore." You let a painful scream burst out of you. Your throat burns from the effort but that doesn't stop you from yelling once again. "Why is this happening to me?"
You hear footsteps coming closer to you but choose to ignore them. As you gasp for air you feel someone's presence behind you.
"Leave." You say, not bothering to check who is the figure standing so close to you until a hand is placed on your shoulder.
"Y/N, what's wrong?" A gasp escapes your lips and somehow you find yourself with more tears running down your face than before.
"I thought you left for the training weekend in the mountains, what are you doing here, Eren?" You say as he removes his hand from you and makes a small gesture, silently asking you if it's ok for him to sit by your side. All you do is quietly nod and turn your face in the other direction, not wanting him to see you in such a state.
"I was about to, but Armin saw you leaving the Commander's office in tears and there was no way I would leave you alone." He puts his left hand around your shoulder and pulls your body closer to his. You rest your head on the crook of his neck as Eren strokes your hair gently.
You cling onto his shirt for dear life as sobs erupt from you. You didn't want your boyfriend seeing you like this.
"I'm sorry." You whisper against his skin, but before you have time to start your follow-up sentence, he squeezes you tight.
"Why don't we sit against that tree, and you can tell me what's going on."
Eren adjusts himself before giving you his hand, trying to help you sit down comfortably. The grass against your skin leaves gentle, red marks but you try not to think about it. The two of you sit in silence for a few minutes, you don't know if it's because you can't seem to tell him what's wrong or if you just like enjoying each other's presence. You end up being the one to break the silence.
"I was planning on leaving the Survey Corps." He gently shifts his head, making sure he can see your eyes. His sadness is evident in his look, but he tries his best to hide it so he won't upset you.
"Do you mind if I ask why?" He asks, the tone of his voice covered with worry.
You take a deep breath, trying to fight back tears that once again rebel against your wishes and roll down your cheeks. "I was almost killed three times in the last expedition and, if not for Mikasa, I definitely wouldn't be here."
"Then I'll help you train, no, WE will help you train."  He says enthusiastically. You know he's trying his best to cheer you up, to make you feel like you belong here, but it isn't working.
Not knowing what to say, you simply fall quiet for a few moments until you feel something warm drip on your face. Quickly lifting your head, you have the impression that he's crying but once you touch your cheek, you realize it's blood.
"Are you alright??" You ask, taking a small piece of cloth from your pocket and pressing it against Eren's nose. He looks a little paler than before and you can feel your heart beating slightly faster.
"Yeah, the hardening experiments have been taking most of my energy lately." He stops talking for a second and proceeds to widen his eyes as he looks at you. "Is that why you've been hiding all of this from me?"
The sadness in his voice shatters your heart almost instantly, especially since he's right. You didn't want to bother him with your problems because he already has so many of his own. How you're feeling doesn't matter, you just want him to be the best version of himself. For all your fallen comrades, for his friends and for you.
Even before he knew about his ability to shift into a titan, Eren has always been an exceptional soldier, but now he carries the weight of being humanity's ace card on his shoulders.
"You already have so much pressure on you!" you start talking, your voice shakes slightly, "I didn't want to.." but before you can finish your sentence, he pulls you in for a tight hug. His hands going through your hair to your back and finally resting on your hip bones. It takes you a few seconds, but finally, you wrap your arms around his neck. The smell of his skin soothes your sadness and helps you calm down.
"I don't want you to ever feel like you have to hide your feelings from me again." He whispers in your ear. His voice is as gentle as ever for he doesn't want you to feel like he's angry. "I didn't choose to be humanity's hope but I did choose you, Y/N." He takes a short break, putting his hands on your shoulders to push you away, enough for you to be able to stare into his bright green eyes. "I will always choose you."
A smile appears on your lips for the first time in days. There is no one else in this cramped world behind the walls that can make you feel the way Eren does.
"There is it. The smile I've missed so much." He lets out a smile of his own before hugging you once again. "Let's make a promise right here."
"What is it?" You inquire eagerly.
He extends his right pinky, waiting for you to do the same. "From now on, let's bother each other with our feelings and always be there for one another."
You let out a laugh as you shake your head. "You are an idiot, but there is nothing I want more than that."
The two of you lace your pinkies together as the dark-haired boy pulls you in for a kiss. His lips feel as soft as ever and his warm breath against your mouth gives you a boost of serotonin. You smile against his lips and gently pull away.
"I love you." He says before leaning his back against the tree once again, pulling your head to his shoulder as you lace your fingers together.
"I love you too." You say as Eren kisses the top of your head gently and closes his eyes. You feel the cold air against your skin and the chills going up and down your body remind you of how lucky you are to have been born into this world.
You check the small clock in your pocket and your eyes widen in fear. "E-Eren, we are late for training...."
It takes him a few seconds to fully realize what you mean. You can sense fear emanating from his body. "Captain Levi is going to kill us."
Both of you stand up as quickly as humanly possible. Eren grabs your hand and starts sprinting towards the city and all you can do is laugh. If it's from happiness to be with him or because you're nervously terrified of what the Captain will do to you - you'll never know.
No matter what the consequences are, you will face them all by his side, as it always should be.
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hanjo-love · 3 years
Now I became selfish and I hope the shard is showing Hanji being saved by Kiyomi or something. She go the worst treatment and if Isayama was afraid of the backslash like you said why make it even worse with those parallels with eremika? Is he preparing the Fandom for another levihan moment? I'm tired of EVERYONE surviving but her, Kiyomi's kindness really??? And Onyankopon, while I don't hate him, he survived a plane crash and he doesn't add much yet he is there for being the editor's favorite, Yelena is there after all she did and she adds even less, and the people titanized will revert to human (or at the very least Isayama's favorites will).
Oh anonie, you and me both my friend, you and me both 😔 Beware, a long rant-ish meta is ahead of you lol
I have absolutely no fucking idea why Yams decided to treat Hanjo like shit. You know, after a long time of denying her death, I was starting to accept it, because she was finally free, free of the burden and pain and finally reunited with the people she missed and longed for the most. But then Yams decided to slap us all in the faces saying there's no happy & peaceful afterlife in snk and Hanjo was probs only hallucinating because of her 4 years long depression? Well then, fuck you Yams! What was that even for? Isayama never backed off of showing us the horrors of death in snk, no matter how important the characters and how brutal their deaths really were. Still, he never showed us Hanji's actual death or dead body. He kept it misterious and his vague answers only made it worse. So it's only natural for us to expect a plot twist, right? That's the reason all of us gathered various hints in the manga, anime and his interviews. And lemme tell you, these theories are far more logical, better explained and have less plot holes than the entire final arc smh (yes I'm salty, fight me lol)
I hate to admit it, my inner self is still in denial and fighting, but Hanjo ain't coming back folks. We won't get any background story and the misterious shard will never be explained to us either. Yams had more than enough time to bring Hanjo back, if he truly wanted to. But he didn't. And now with only one chapter and so many unanswered questions left, there's no time for Hange's return. Why would he even do that anyways? Hanjo isn't important to him or to the story anymore. To us she is, always was and always will be ❤️ You know, I'm so fucking desperate to see her again, I'll even take one last panel of Levi remembering her, just like in ch136. Yams just let us see Hanjo one more fucking time 🙏🏻 I need to say my proper goodbyes to my one&only comfort character, who's influenced my life like no one else ever did ❤️
Back to Levihan (I don't think I can answer an ask without my biased and trashy shipper ass butting in lmfao): the question why Yams confirmed Levihan as canon if he didn't intend to bring Hange back and reunite her with Levi to make us him happy again? Well, isn't it obvious? This man is the devil incarnate. THIS MAN HAS NO FUCKING CHILLS lmfao JK y'all before someone declares war on me and my blog haha Well anonie, I feel like Yams really wanted to confirm his initially planned ships as canon, before the manga ends. And he chose the safest way possible. Easy as that. Also he said he is going for a bittersweet ending and what's more tragic (in this literal hell) than separating lovers, ergo Eremika and Levihan.
Now to something else, that's been bothering me for a while now and I'll use your ask anonie to share my thoughts with the world even though nobody asked lmao tbh I'm a bit disappointed with Armin. I love him, I really do. He's my precious cinnamon roll and my fave 104th kiddo. But honestly, I was expecting a bit more of the alleged "hero who will safe humanity". In fact, I'm sure Hanjo only died for Armin to become the new commander. That's it. That was the reason she had to die. Yams glossed over her to make Armin shine. But in fact, Levi's the one who's giving orders ever since Hange has left them. I might me salty, but I really hope the talk with Zeke (and probs Ymir as well, we still might have a chance to see the dialog that made Ymir change her mind) and his titan nuke weren't the only things he did as "humanity's hero" in this final arc. For some people this might me enough, for me it isn't. It wasn't worth Hange's sacrifice. Also what made me really sad was Armin himself glossing over Hanjo when he remembered Erwin Danchou, but not her. Like she didn't just pass away an hour ago to save their pathetic asses. Ugh this is making me hella mad, ngl. Hanjo didn't deserve this treatment! She gave her all for this! To save the alliance, to "pay the price" for her "sins" as the SC commander and to save humanity. I can't deal with how all of them and the fandom apparently forgot about that.
Now on to "Kiyomi's kindness" lol I wasn't really mad at Gabi for saying this as most of the fandom was. I won't go into detail why she isn't really a rationally thinking character (yo guys, you do remember she's a 12 year old kid, right?), but it's a fact that she didn't care for Hange enough to mention her. I mean, why would she? She barely even knew her. Also we don't really know what's gonna happen with Yelena, Kiyomi and her delegation. I don't know if I'm reading too much into it, but I feel like Kiyomi accepted her death with saying "that's not enough atonement for what I did anyway". I mean they don't know if the alliance will win (they probably think they won't) and they're in the middle of literally nowhere. So I feel like Gabi said that because Kiyomi sacrificed herself (and the others on that ship) willingly, for Gabi, Falco and Annie getting a little chance of surviving and helping the alliance. But I get the rage of the fandom. Especially because no one, except for Levi, remembered Hange after her noble sacrifice.
As for Yelena and Onyankopon, there obviously has to be someone from outside of Paradis to survive the rumbling, otherwise it wouldn't make a lot of sense, I guess. I like Onyankopon a hecking lot ❤️ precious boi was literally crying for Hanjo 😭 Yelena on the other hand deserves what she got. Death would be too easy and kind for her tbh. She has to live with the consequences, just like Kiyomi, so I'm actually glad they survived. So my guess is, it's not really about who's Yams' favorite and what these people are contributing to the story, but it's rather about a logical ending and a good conclusion of the story.
I agree with you about the ones who have been titanized. They'll for sure revert back to humans. It's not really Yams' style to kill of an important character like Gabi, whose character development he's been forcing on us for quite a while now lol. I'm pretty positive about an ending with the titan curse being broken and bringing the titanized people back to human beings (probs also the millions of colossal titans?). It's only natural for Yams to end the story with the titan curse being lifted. Otherwise it wouldn't make sense to end his story at this point. But let's not forget what a big ass troll Yams is lmao you never really know what he's up to, so let's prepare for the unimaginable lmfao
I'll probably never forgive Isayama for what he did to Hange, his best written character, how he completely ruined her and threw her away as disposable, just to make other characters "shine". HER DEATH WAS POINTLESS AND IT DID NOT FUCKING CHANGE ANYTHING! That's the harsh truth y'all. Yams betrayed Hanjo and us AND FOR WHAT?
Thanks for the ask anonie and sorry I turned this into my personal rant lmao hope you still enjoy reading my thoughts on this ❤️
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free-pancakes · 3 years
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couldn’t sleep last night and decided to elaborate more on this prompt! thanks again for the ask, @agoldenheartedsnkfan​! i ended up changing my original answer a bit as i kept writing
it’s a bunch of levihan fluff and banter and it’s not very exciting, so you are officially forewarned lol
Summary: Levi confronts his feelings about Hange after the Sawney/Bean incident
cross-posted to ao3
“Levi, do you mind holding these for me?” Hange shoved her papers into Levi’s hands and ran back into her office. “Moblit couldn’t carry all my stuff, so this is a huge help, thanks Levi!” “Oi, four-eyes, what’s all this shit for?”
Hange ran back out of her office holding more tools and notebooks. “I’m doing some more experiments on Sawney and Bean tomorrow and I’m setting it all up! Remember, I’ll be meeting up with your squad and Eren later!”
“Hmph. Well you might as well just move your entire office out towards those damn titans, then. Carrying this stuff back and forth is a waste of time.” Hange threw her head back and laughed. “It would take ages to move my entire office out here, shorty! And THAT would be a waste of time!”
Levi rolled his eyes at her comment, and they started walking together to the tents outside the compound where the titans were held captive.
“Thanks for your help, Levi!” Hange smiled widely, and dropped half the things she was holding just to hug him, causing him to do the same.
“Oi four-eyes, we just got here and you’re already making a mess,” he muttered as he immediately started tidying up all the papers strewn across the floor. “Wow Levi, you can’t let a mess sit for even a second before you have to clean it up!” As she bent down next to him gathering the notebooks on the floor, the sweet scent of lavender reached Levi’s nose. “Yeah well good thing you started using the shampoo I bought you, because then this shit wouldn’t be the only mess on the floor I’d have to clean up.” Hange let out a small giggle, “Aw Levi, stop being so uptight! That’s why you have that permanent, constipated look on your face all the time!”
Nifa looked at Moblit. “God you were right, their weird little banter and bickering really doesn’t end, does it?”
“SHHHH NIFA they might hear you! I’d be caught dead if Levi finds out I’ve been ranting to our squad about the two of them! I’m glad Hange’s happy when Levi’s around but honestly I’d like some peace and quiet sometimes,” Moblit sighed.
Nifa whispered, “Hm, well if we said something, maybe they’d finally realize they actually do like each other, maybe they’ll stop fighting all the time!”
“Oh Nifa, with my luck, their banter will never end no matter what happens. Come on, we have a lot of work to do.”
“Ughhh fine,” Nifa said, defeated.
Levi stood with his arms crossed in front of Erwin’s desk. “Moblit said you wanted to see me?”
“Yes. I’m a bit, concerned about Hange. I haven’t seen her since we completed the ODM checks. I’m not entirely sure who really killed Sawney and Bean at this point, but I have some feeling that Hange is still blaming herself over it. I haven’t heard or seen her for the past couple days—I know it’s your day off, but do you think you could find her and see how she’s doing, Levi?”
“Sure.” Levi turned to walk out the door.
“And Levi?”“Yes?”
“I asked you because well…I know you’d be able to bring her spirits back up. It’s been awfully quiet without her around.”
Levi nodded, and left to find Hange.
Levi searched all throughout the barracks—the lab, Hange’s office, the mess hall, and all her usual spots he’d find her sitting and scribbling notes. He checked with his squad and Hange’s squad, and no one knew where Hange was.
It was getting late, and the sun began to set lazily in sky. Levi was about to leave to look through their usual hangout places in town, when he heard Nifa jogging to catch up to him. “Hey Levi! I did notice one thing—Hange’s ODM gear is missing! She must have it with her!” Levi was grateful for how observant Hange’s squad members were, because now, he knew exactly where she was. He reached out to ruffle Nifa’s hair, and headed out.
Levi scaled the wall with his ODM gear, and started walking through the path of walkway around all the supply boxes and materials stored up by the center looking post. He wandered around for a few minutes until he turned around a tall pile of supplies and saw Hange, sitting with her legs dangling off the side of the wall, holding her face in her hands. He was entranced by her appearance, tears streaming into her hands, traveling slowly down her arms. He had seen Hange cry before, mourning over dead comrades and failed experiments, but this was different. Hange was sunshine personified—a fierce fire ever present in her eyes, a person radiating energy and self-confidence every minute Levi had known her. But in that moment, it was nowhere to be found, and it made Levi feel so cold that he shivered where he stood. He woke himself out of his trance, and stepped silently towards Hange. As he got closer, he heard Hange muttering to herself—
“God, Hange. It’s all your fault, you’re such an idiot. You just keep on letting everyone down don’t you? Why can’t you just stop being so goddamn useless?”
Levi stopped at hearing those words and felt nothing but anger—“How could she even think that?” he thought to himself. He was overwhelmed with fierce feelings to protect her and wanted nothing but for her to know how important she was to the survey corps, to those 104th brats, to his squad, to their friends, and more importantly—to him. His chest swelled with emotion, overwhelming his senses. He closed his eyes, took a moment to breathe and calm himself.
He avoided dwelling on these types of feelings, but to his annoyance, he was constantly pestered with comments and questions on the nature of his relationship was with Hange. However, the more Levi let himself simmer in these thoughts, the more he realized that he couldn’t just keep denying how he truly felt. Three years was long enough.
He walked towards her until he was standing directly behind her, looking down at the top of her head, mesmerized by the purple-orange glow of the sunset illuminating the tears on her face, and her flowing locks of hair draping softly over her shoulders—he rarely ever saw it out of a ponytail. “God, even when she's sad, everything about her is still beautiful,” Levi thought.
Hange didn’t notice Levi until she suddenly felt his hands gently cupping her cheeks, which then carefully pushed her chin upwards to look at him. She was startled at first, as she thought she was alone, but she recognized it to be Levi fairly quickly. She found herself staring into Levi’s face, his bangs barely brushing the tip of her nose. She was angry at first, upset that anyone would find the scout’s section commander crying and doubting her own abilities. But as she frowned and opened her mouth to yell and project her frustrations onto him, Levi wiped away the tears on her cheeks with his thumbs and sat down next to her, his actions calming her sudden surge of anger. They made eye contact, and Hange knew exactly what was on Levi’s mind—he didn’t need to say a word.
Hange laughed, and placed her hand on Levi’s shoulder. “You always know what to say… without even saying it, don’t you Levi?”
A few moments of silenced passed.
“Hm. Well, your eyesight might be trash, but other than that, you do know you’re not useless, right?”
Hange looked down with embarrassment, surprised he had heard her talking to herself. She opened her mouth to speak in protest, but Levi gently placed his hand on her head and pulled her into his gaze. “I don’t want to hear any of that nonsense ever again, Hange. Focus on what lies ahead, and I’ll be right here by your side to hold your shit, or whatever you need. Okay?”
Hange’s eyes widened. Levi might not be great with words, but Hange was always good at “translating” for him, or at least understanding what he really meant. “Levi, are you saying… what I think you’re saying?”
Levi was at a loss for words, and beads of sweat instantly started forming on the side of his brow. Hange noticed this immediately and laughed so hard that tears started welling up around her eyes. “Oi four-eyes, this isn’t funny!” Hange kept laughing and laid her head on his shoulder. It took all of Levi’s energy to suppress a smile—he hated to admit it, but her laughter was contagious. “Hange I’m serious, okay? I—“
“I love you too, yknow?” Hange whispered.
Levi’s expression softened at her response. Minutes passed before either of them could say anything. They sat, dwelling on the words they just exchanged, staring out to the vast land in front of them, the last rays of sun peaking over the horizon.
“…How long have you known?” Levi asked curiously.
“Well Nanaba really just pulled me aside the last time we all went drinking about a few months ago, and pushed me in the right direction, I guess. It’s funny, in retrospect, I think the moment I knew that you might be a little more than just my best friend was—“
“At the Sina military ball 3 years ago,” Levi and Hange echoed simultaneously.
“W-wait, you started having feelings for me the same night I did for you?” Hange exclaimed.
“Pfft, pulling those pranks on all those dumb military police morons with you wasn’t bad.” Hange smiled as she reminisced over the trouble they got into that night, the laughter they shared, and… their first dance together. “Hey Levi, the two of us make a pretty good team, don’t we?”
“Yeah, all 3 of us.”“Oi what do you mean by 3 of us? What are you talking about??”
“Yeah, 3. You, me, and your shitty glasses.”
Hange laughed heartily, and kissed Levi on the cheek. He immediately blushed and she giggled more at his embarrassment. She stood up, and said, “Hah, well I guess it’s time to head back. Erwin’s probably wondering where we are, and the debrief meeting is gonna start pretty soon.” She excitedly held her hand out towards Levi to help him up. He couldn’t help but smile at her goofy grin, and grabbed her hand.
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Okay so, I literally just finished binge-reading like 90 chapters of the AOT manga and wow.
I am so so so so pissed
Okay so—
Why was that so short fucking lived bro. They literally looked at the rumbling and were like,” mhm, yeah, I’m definitely gonna be able to stall for time here.” And fucking yeeted themself. that Wasn’t logical at all. There was no logic there. Helloooo hange wtf is wrong with your head, did you fall on it like wtf happened ur supposed to be smart.
Im sorry I’m just salty cause they were literally my favourite character But still, I can’t be the only person that was like,” hold up why the fuck do they need to sacrifice themselves right now like—“
And the ending to the whole thing???? Idk how I feel about it like
I was a bit confused cause Armin was literally like,” thank you for committing mass genocide for us, Eren.” bruh—
okay so let me get this straight.
Eren wipes out fucking 80% of the population and you expect me to believe that Armin would literally be like,” yeah eren thx bro I forgive you for everything.” NO????
I also grew so attached to Falco’s character too, ngl. So when Zeke fucking SCREAMED to change everyone into titans—
Also I don’t exactly hate Gabi but I don’t like her either. People are being so toxic towards her character tho, like y’all need to fucking chilll with that shit, she’s literally a kid who was manipulated into thinking killing her enemies was a good thing for her country. Like you think it’s her fault that she killed Sasha?? Gabi is a fucking victim too, leave her the fuck alone
honestly I’m so happy that Reiner had a whole ass redemption arc going for him, I was all for it. and the way they were all working together bro... that was pretty cool.
but still
fuck eren
i hate him and I like him.
That ending where Mikasa kissed his fucking severed head... like okay, good for you mikasa but also like... kinda gross. Idk I always saw them as siblings but I guess that was more up to the audience’s interpretation. I knew that they were shipped together a lot before Isayama made it canon so, idk I found it low-key kinda weird that they had feelings for each other despite Mikasa being adopted into Eren’s family. But again that’s just a personal opinion lol I understand why they were shipped together now tho
also rip Commander Pixis. i had a dream once where I played chess with him and drank tea that’s an F to pay respects for him.
moral of the story? yelena supremacy.
what did you guys think of the final chapter of the manga lol
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hatsukeii · 4 years
okay i haven’t finished aot yet but i would simply die if you wrote an x reader one shot with the prompts “you can’t die, i won’t let you” + “this is all my fault” for levi 😌 i’m a simp for him and i need some angst hehe
I’m about to make myself cry>:))
(Not really but you get the point)
Also this is set when they encounter the beast titan and commence the suicide charge, but I’m gonna be changing quite a bit of stuff so it fits this angst a liiiiitle bit more:) That includes changing out the part where he has to choose between Armin and Erwin. I’ll keep both of them alive and replace it with this instead because it’s easier for me to make sense of everything that way lol
Let’s goooooo
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You were good to me//Levi x Reader
Word count: 3000+ (New record!)
Warnings: Mild swearing, a shit load of blood, minimal violence, character death (This is a warning it’s not gonna end well)
Summary: Your mission with Levi does not go according to plan.
“Are you out of your goddamn mind? You really went ahead and requested to be a part of this mission without telling me? You are absolutely not going with us. It’s too dangerous for you, I can’t put you under that much risk. Whatever you say, it’s a no. Don’t even try and change my mind.”
You didn’t like arguments with Levi. They were rare, but they managed to break your heart every single time. You were one of the older cadets from the 104th training corps, but you still managed to make it into Levi’s squad. You would’ve thought he trusted you more than this now that you two were in a relationship, but you were wrong apparently.
“Seriously Levi? I’ve been on countless expeditions with you. I’m going to be fine. We’re not even going out of the walls properly, we’re literally just reclaiming lost land. Erwin’s already confirmed that I’m going with you guys tomorrow, there’s no stopping me. Plus, I want to be there when we finally see the basement. I’m going with you guys. If you’re so scared then just tell Erwin to put me next to you in the scouting formation or something. It’s not that hard.”
Levi raked his fingers through his hair in frustration. It was at times like this he absolutely hated your persistence. It was hard to deal with when he was trying to keep you safe, considering you have such a huge desire to contribute something to the victory of mankind. Almost all your arguments have been about not letting you join in on an expedition or mission. He knew fully well you’re a perfectly capable soldier, and that you could handle tricky situations well. However, his old squad was also capable of that. Isabel and Farlan were also outstanding soldiers. He shuddered at the thought of their dead bodies laying on the battlefield. He couldn’t afford to lose anyone else. He swore on his life that he would continue to protect you, whatever the cost, even if it meant keeping you from doing what your heart desired. Don’t think he feels good about this. He knows just how frustrated you feel. He knows you tend to feel useless if you don’t get to fight alongside everyone else, but this was for your own good.
“Why can’t you just listen to me? I can’t lose you-”
“And you won’t, silly. I promise.”
“Who’s to say you won’t get eaten tomorrow? Even worse, trampled by that buff piece of shit titan? Hm? Answer me, how are you so sure?”
“I’ve fought them before, I’ll be fine.”
“No, you won’t. They have backup this time. Half of us probably aren’t even gonna come back alive. Even I couldn’t take down Reiner and Bertholdt the last time they struck, you still think you’re gonna be fine?”
You were getting more and more irritated by the second, your usually calm voice raising to a shout. “Why can’t you just trust me more? Are my skills not enough for your liking?”
“They’re plenty enough. You’re a proficient soldier, and I know that. But that doesn’t change the fact that this is a dangerous operation, and that by joining us you are putting yourself in grave danger.”
You rolled your eyes, completely done with Levi’s bullshit. You liked the protective side of him, you really did. However when it came to denying your requests to go on expeditions with him, it eventually appealed to you as one of his negative traits far too easily. Sighing, you turned on your heels and headed for the door, looking back at him as you grabbed the doorknob. “You can’t stop me. I’m coming with you tomorrow. You can try defying your superior if you have any objections.” You twisted the metal, slamming the door in his face as you walked back to the dorms. “Jesus, and I thought he would’ve been fine with it. He really thinks I’m that weak? I can still knock him down while sparring. He’s really gotta stop underestimating me.”
“Erwin, are you serious right now?” Levi was fuming. He didn’t expect his superior to actually permit you to come with. “I specifically told you to keep her safe. What do you do? Exactly the opposite.” Erwin’s head hung low as he contemplated his decision. “I had to. She’s a valuable asset that can benefit us in battle. Plus, she refused to give me my hair gel back until I approved of her request.” The shorter man’s mouth hung open. “COMMANDER WHAT THE HELL?-” “Calm down Levi. I assigned her to a spot right next to you. That way you can keep an eye on her.” The soldiers were slowly starting to mount their horses. “This better be worth it Erwin, or you’ll never hear the end of it.”
“I told you you couldn’t stop me, I was gonna come regardless of what you said.” Levi let out a low growl, glaring at you from his horse. “We’re having a very, very serious discussion about this when we get back.” You dryly chuckled, speeding in front of him as you yelled. “PERSON WITH LESS TITAN KILLS HAS TO CLEAN THE OFFICE!” Levi’s mouth curled up into a tiny grin. Still enthusiastic as ever, eh? “We’re still having that discussion, but with the addition of your devastating loss to me.” From the front, Erwin fired a green smoke signal, before yelling to everyone behind him. “ALL SOLDIERS BEHIND ME, SWITCH TO THE GEAR! LEFT AND RIGHT WING, STAY ON YOUR HORSES!” Wires zipped through the air, attaching themselves to buildings. You and Levi landed on top of a roof. “What the hell is that...?” A few miles away from you, a hazy image of a hoard of titans was enough to make your eyes widen with rage and confusion. “Why aren’t they charging?”
Everything that went down in the next few moments happened too quickly for either of you to comprehend. Sickening crunches rang throughout the battlefield as blood splattered on your face. Red painted over the buildings within a three mile radius, the air going a sickening shade of red. A look of terror washed over Levi’s usually stoic face as he pushed you behind him, shielding you while he braced himself from the pieces of debris and the rocks that were thrown towards the troops. “SHIT, GUYS FALL BACK!” You crouched down, covering your head as you curled up. “What’s up with that thing?” The raven haired man clicked his tongue, looking up carefully once the rocks stopped coming. “That piece of shit furry titan is pitching boulders like no tomorrow. We’ve gotta get out of here, fast.” You and Levi made it off the building just in time for the second wave of boulders to hit, the rocks sending even more scouts flying as blood went everywhere, strained screams and sobs echoing in the air. This wasn’t just a bloodbath. This was a massacre.
“Erwin, you can’t do this to them. Half of them haven’t even finished training. By conducting a suicide charge, we’re talking about bringing at least 200 soldiers to their graves. If you’re leading it, chances are you won’t survive either. You’ll never get to see the basement. There has to be another way.” Erwin shook his head solemnly. “This is the best plan I can think of. I’m sorry my friend. I guess I’ll go out fighting today.” Levi shook his head as you teared up, covering your mouth with a bloody hand. “Soldiers! We will be conducting a charge. Scream as loud as you can, fire your green signals towards the titan. In the meanwhile, Captain Levi and Squad leader (Y/N) will take out the rest of the titans. Am I clear-” “There’s no way we’re gonna make it! Everyone’s gonna die!” Your head hung low, a stoic expression plastered on your face. “Yes. You’re right.” The scouts looked at him in shock and horror. “You’re telling us to let go of everything we care about and die?” “Yes. Give up your dreams, and die. Die fighting for humanity. Die fighting for a better future. For your children. For your family. For your siblings. Devote your hearts, and die doing just that. Levi, (Y/N), go now while we still have time.”
“Cmon (Y/N), let’s go.” You nodded, firing out your gear towards the wall next to Levi. “Race you to the titans!” You flew towards the first titan, slicing its nape, before looking back to see how your boyfriend was doing. His brows furrowed as he wobbled on his gear, clearly struggling to balance. “Levi?” You screamed as his gear gave out and sent him tumbling towards the ground. You audibly gasped, turning back and rushing down to him. “Shit, just great. My gear’s broken.” You sensed something towering above you. From afar, an unfamiliar voice boomed. “You really think I wouldn’t have noticed? Titans, kill them.” You looked up as the gruesome being above you, as well as the other ones, snapped their heads towards you two, bloodlust clouding their eyes as they advanced towards Levi first. You tried your best to clear out the titans, slicing off nape after nape. You heard a yell, turning your head toward the sound. There Levi was, being picked up by one of the titans as it slowly brought him to its face. The man was thrashing wildly, desperately trying to wiggle his way out of the thing’s hand. It’s grotesque eyes examined the raven haired soldier, before raising its arm to lead him into its disgusting mouth. “OH NO YOU DON’T.” You screamed, zooming towards the titan at an inhuman speed. You pulled a slippery Levi out of its mouth, landing him safely onto the floor as you headed back up towards its nape, slicing up everything you could, before sending a devastating blow towards the back of its neck, blood spraying everywhere.Levi was obviously terrified, breathing heavily as his eyes widened. “Holy shit, thank god... oh Jesus, you could’ve died.” You made your way towards him, about to wrap your arms around his shaking figure, when your breath hitched in your throat. “(Y/N) NO!” You looked down, blood dripping from your side as you fell to the floor. You looked down at your uniform to see blood pooling around your body, staining your shirt crimson. You looked in front of you, to see a boulder, dried blood coating it. “Ah, it was that.” Your partner snapped out of whatever trance he was in, now running as fast as he could towards you. “No... NONONONO PLEASE DON’T!” Levi was a complete mess, screaming while he tried to take your gear off. Finally succeeding, a weight lifted from your hips, and a pair of strong arms hoisted you up and onto their back. Cool air grazed your face as you felt yourself being lifted off the ground and into the air, your consciousness slowly fading as you laid your head on his shoulder.
Meanwhile, Levi was about to break down. “No, please, (Y/N) please stay with me.” He saw your eyes flutter open, your mouth now bloody. “Huh? What’d you mean? I’m right... he... here...” You coughed a little bit, clotted blood landing on Levi’s cloak. “Shit, please stay awake. You have to. Don’t close your eyes even when it hurts like hell. Keep them open.” You nuzzled your face into his shoulder. “But I’m tireeeed-” “You are staying alive on my watch. Please, you can’t die. I won’t let you. Keep your damn eyes open. We’re almost at Hange...please, don’t leave me now. This is an order.” He knew the blood loss was getting to your head, judging by your dopey smile and idiotic statements. The stench of blood now filled his nose, the crimson liquid dripping off his boot. Normally he would’ve wiped it straight off as soon as possible, but he didn’t care right now. He didn’t care if amateurs were being slaughtered down there. He didn’t care how Erwin was. He didn’t care about what was happening on the other side with Eren and his squad. The only thing he could focus on, was your body that was relaxed against his. The peaceful expression you had despite being on the brink of death. A whimper left his throat, tears spilling out like a waterfall as he made his way up the wall. 
“SHITTY GLASSES! OI! HANGE!” The tall woman turned towards you two, her eyes widening in shock. “Levi, put pressure on the wound, I’m gonna go get help.” He frantically, but gently let you down, taking his cloak off and pressing the fabric onto your wound as you screamed, blood sputtering out of your mouth and onto his face as his tears mixed with the red liquid. “STAY AWAKE... please-” Your hand went up to his arm, grabbing onto him tightly. “Levi... I’m sorry....” The man shook his head, tears flying off his face. “No... don’t be. You can’t die on me. Please don’t die on me today....” You felt your vision go hazy, the once clear image of your lover becoming all but a blurry mix of colours. “I-I’m not gonna make it-” A loud sob resonated through the air. “YOU HAVE TO MAKE IT... please! For me, for your squad, for everyone....” You smiled to yourself, black dots making their way into your vision. “(Y/N)! Don’t you remember? We still have that discussion about you coming with me! We still have to go home! You killed more titans, I have to clean the office, remember?” You chuckled, one single teardrop finally leaving the corner of your eye, before coughing vigorously. “You... you were good to me, Levi.” Those were your last words, before your body gave out and your eyes shut completely. “No... NO! SHIT! WHY? IF YOU WEREN’T IN FRONT OF ME... YOU COULD’VE JUST LET ME DIE! IT WOULDN’T HAVE MATTERED! YOU PROMISED ME YOU WOULD BE FINE! YOU PROMISED!” Hange jogged towards Levi, bandages and cloth in hand. “I got the ban...dages.” Her face darkened when she saw your motionless figure and Levi’s bloodshot eyes. His face was now terrifyingly stoic. He felt numb, tears rolling down his cheeks as he tried to keep his sobs in. “Levi....” Grabbing onto his comrade’s shirt, he shoved his face into the fabric, screaming and sobbing until his lungs gave out. His tears mixed with the blood on his face, staining her jacket a dirty red. Hange let out a shaky breath, patting her best friend on the back as he continuously punched her shoulders, fists clenched so hard they started to go white.
That evening, no one dared say a word to Levi. Not even Erwin. The short soldier walked along the graveyard, knowing he was going to see your name on one of the tombstones. How he wished for some life changing miracle at that moment. Maybe this was all just a twisted fever dream. Maybe he was in bed, and you were sound asleep in the dorms with the other girls. He knew it was impossible, but it didn’t hurt to imagine how it would be like if you didn’t sacrifice yourself out there for him. He should be the one that was buried underground, bloody and all. It shouldn’t be you who was in the dirt. Other scouts that were mourning their comrades’ deaths moved over to give him a path, not wanting to get on his nerves. His demeanour was way darker than usual. His bored eyes were filled with sorrow and rage, his grey irises dull and glossy. Just the mention of your name from another soldier’s mouth was enough to drive him over the edge at this point. He blamed himself for what happened. He should’ve checked his gear more thoroughly. Maybe then you wouldn’t have had to step in. He should’ve been more aware and shielded you from the boulder. He should’ve been able to see it. He should’ve removed your gear quicker, maybe that would’ve bought you more time to get treated. A million possibilities circled through his head. There was so much he could’ve done both before and in that moment, that would’ve prevented all this. His footsteps stopped in front of a tombstone. There was nothing there. No one has even realised you went out yet. Levi bit his lip, trying to suppress the tears that threatened to leave his eyelids. No. He wasn’t going to cry in front of the other scouts. He dropped the flowers in his hand in front of the stone plate, kneeling down to its level. “You didn’t have to shield me from that boulder, brat.” Jean and Connie, who were next to him stared at him in shock. Never have they ever heard their captain say the word brat in such a soft tone before. Levi sensed the weirded out looks he received, but proceeded to ignore them. His knees hit the grassy floor as his head hung low, his bangs covering his eyes. “Shit....” He couldn’t hold it in anymore. His body shuddered as the waterworks came. Hot, salty tears spewing out of his eyes as he sobbed. Everyone around him was properly shook, staring in disbelief as their no bullshit captain broke down in front of your tombstone. “It’s all my fault! You could’ve just left me there! Why? Why did you have to go out instead of me? Why does everyone I care about have to meet a cruel end? Why?” Hange glanced at her friend from across the field, a bunch of flowers now presented in front of Moblit’s grave. She trod over to where Levi was, pulling him up and giving him a pat on the back. “Calm down Levi. You can’t change anything now. Might as well accept it.” That didn’t stop the tears from falling. His loud sobs reduced to strained whimpers, his hand going up to cover his mouth in a pathetic attempt to silence out the noise he was making. The younger scouts stayed silent as they watched their captain, slowly letting some of their tears out too. Levi thought back to your argument the night before. The little competition you started in the middle of the field. The rage you showed when you completely mutilated the titan that threatened his life. The last words you spoke before dying with a smile.
“You were good to me too, love.”
Three hours of nonstop writing for this piece of shit-
I’m sorry I just think this is terrible idk why ahsgdhsge I spent so long on it but I don’t know if some parts are boring im so sorry if it’s bad feel free to tell me🤡😔
Okay but I still hope you liked it🥺
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This goes into the short kings clan oop
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pretty-sweet-plums · 5 years
allow me to ramble for a moment. im sure everyone's talking about it already but i wanna say my own piece.
In regards to my Eremika post where I sorta tried to talk about why Eren would possibly say he hated bby Mikasa...
I could actually be partly right
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Okay so I said it could be that Eren felt betrayed--but also apparently my son is just brokenhearted.
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Hot damn. My son raged and allowed himself to drink away the heartbreak for one night before he let that bit about having feelings go.
Anyway so here's the tea. We're now all obviously and painfully aware that Eren was pretending the entire time. We need to be constantlt reminded that Eren admitted he cared about them very much, vocalizing that he did not intend to leave the Founding and Attack Titan to any of them because he wants them to live long full lives that he planned to give them.
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Eren took this mission upon himself, to deceive everyone else because there simply is no other way but to do it alone. Not if he wants the closest people to him to survive. That's why he had them imprisoned. He didnt want them in the way. He wanted to protect them. And if he could hurt the two most most important people to him, then they would believe the lie. (Sadly for Eren, he's not as smart or lucky as he hopes to be because they practically see through it anyway)
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But the thing is, Eren's learned the lesson the hard way. If he let someone else in on it, or trusted that his friends and allies are there for him no matter what, he would be responsible for losing them or them getting hurt. It has happened over and over again. It started with the chapters aptly named The Easy Way and Choices & Consequences back at the Female Titan arc. It happened again when Reiner and Bertholdt got ahold of him.
Look at what happened then.
Levi's entire squad was eliminated. The Survey Corps was practically decimated trying to rescue him. Mikasa got her ribs crushed. Commander Erwin lost his arm.
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He isnt eager for that to happen again. Eren is wholly committed to freeing Eldians, because their freedom had been stolen from them even if it was unknowingly. He knows he won't probably survive this. But he is ready to take the gamble for the sake of all their futures. He was ready to take on the world's rage if it meant the future he saw.
He wasn't making the same mistake again. Levi's words have taken hold firmly in Eren's heart and mind.
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He would rather he hurt them all, emotionally at least, and detach himself from them, rather than lose them altogether.
He couldn't save Sasha. He laughed when she died. But. Remember the last time Eren laughed that derisively? When the Titan version of Dina ate Hannes. He wasn't laughing just for the lols. He couldnt do anything and he was at loss at how to react. All these powers and he cant seem to save the people that mattered. (He even just gained the Warhammer Titan too. Which was like the toughest armor you could get.)
For all the knowledge he has of the future that awaits them all, he still cannot control everything. So like any sane person who knows how to love someone, he tries his best to control what he actually can. (i.e, imprisoning them, making people think he's under Zeke's control, killing innocents, making Mikasa think he hates her, you know that whole bit.)
He can't allow himself to hesitate or doubt his plans anymore.
Except apparently this one time.
Im taking us back to Eren asking Mikasa what he is to her.
(sidenote: this was your chance Mikasa. I get that you dont want to be rejected and you're saving your feelings because you've been so used to Eren being so dense and not seeing you as a lover but as family but maaaaan you shoulda told him. but now its too late.) (And now she feels like she could have stopped him. But she couldnt. Even if she did. He had his mind made up. Have you seen Eren change his stubborn mind about anything yet?) (Im just saying she could have confessed so at least it was out in the open already.)
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Im sure that Eren wanted to hear those words from Mikasa but Im also sure he wished she had said otherwise. This was the one moment Eren allowed himself to want the love Mikasa had been nursing for him all these years. That sombre look during his and Zeke's trip to the past, its because he missed her dearly. He wished he could tell her he lied. He wished he could talk to her one more time. Make do with his promise to wrap that scarf around her, over and over and over again. He finally understood her love and wanted more than anything to reciprocate. But he can't. Not now. He only had a few years left. Could only protect her and her future with this one last shot. And he couldnt let her get in trouble in the process.
Look at the sorrow in these eyes. Look at the blushing, shy woman who feels vulnerable and exposed. Look at those eyes. The truth reflected in them.
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"Perfect timing," he had said, when the man comes to them bearing gifts. He knows the others are close by too.
Perfect timing because this saves him from having to explain why he asked. Saves him from himself blurting out he loved her too. Saves him from the need to tell her his plans. So that no one can stop him. Not her. And most importantly, himself.
One last dinner. One last hurrah with the rest of the family they both, as orphans, have made. Because love, in the end, was about the bonds they created with Armin and the other 104th. Their love is a bond with these other child-soldiers who carry the burden and weight lives of their small world--the world they were born into. Their love for each other that would have made them a real family.
If only he had 'more time'.
(I know that last bit turned into a romantic prose but i did say let me ramble. Anyway, it seems like we'll always have angst is the motto we shall carry for Eremika. At least they got to share that ice cream. That counts for indirect kiss, people! You'd count it too if your crush shared your food!!!)
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