#<- kris's responses to asks
angelsgame-au · 1 month
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♥ Welcome to ANGELtown!!
♥ What is this blog about? ♥
This is a simple little ask blog for my Deltarune Angel!Player AU. Most of this blog will be silly and fun, but there may be some lore sprinkled in here and there.
Click here for the masterpost for the comic and asks
♥ Characters ♥
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The main characters of this ask blog are Angel and Kris. Other characters may show up from time to time but most asks should be directed to Angel and Kris.
Kris uses they/them pronouns ONLY in this AU
Angel uses any pronouns but typically goes by they/them
Most asks will be answered in character. It's important to note that Angel's dialogue will always have a little heart at the front of it and will typically be written in red text.
♥ Like this!!
Kris however does not have the little heart. (So if you see them talking with a heart, that's not them speaking)
♥ Rules and Boundaries ♥
I accept in character and out of character asks, however there are some rules about the content of said asks.
Please keep topics light. Yes there may be some darker themes in the lore/story but I don't want to delve too deep into that kind of stuff.
Please do not spam the ask box. I may be slow to respond sometimes but I promise I will get to you eventually, so please be patient
I have the right to reject an ask if I feel that it's inappropriate
♥ Fanart ♥
If y'all make fanart you can send it by:
tagging this blog or my main @marshiemonarch
Sending it via the ask box
using the #angels game au tag
I’m more likely to see the first two options
♥ Other Info ♥
More info will be added as time goes on.
This blog is run by @marshiemonarch
Important tags below vvvv
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calibabii21 · 4 months
Ok requests open?
Stoner Hyuck and his thick and pretty nerdy girlfriend fucking like crazy. Like how would he do it?? I wanna knowww
Do what you want with this Z🫶🏿😩
pairing: stoner!hyuck x nerdy gf!reader
genre: smut.
warning(s): just..smut.
a/n: not me deadass writing this at 7:30 this morningggg. hope I met your expectations fren🤭
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you never thought he had it in him to be so ruthless. the ever so easygoing attitude? out the window. any chance of you taking the lead? gone.
and all because you made one bad joke.
"Care to repeat that for me?" but the intentional thrust that follows only allows a pleading moan to escape you. he lets out a bored sigh as he takes another drag, "You're letting me down sweetheart."
suddenly getting a spark of determination, you lift yourself onto your hands and begin fucking back against him. "Ahh haha, there it is." you feel pride surge through you at his tone as you squeeze around him.
you feel him caressing your flesh before he lands a harsh smack on your ass, head tilting back to release more smoke. "Fuck look at these thighs, pretty girl." your moans have yet to cease as you look back at him, glasses hanging off the edge of your nose and slightly fogged.
through the sound of skin clapping with your natural wet sounds you hear him groan, "God, just seeing the ripple of your ass is enough to make me cum." you feel a little arrogance "looks like I was right that you-" but your words are muffled the second he grabs you by the back of the neck and shoves your face into the pillow. "Princess, you're gonna blow my high if you keep saying stupid shit."
any comeback you had flitters from your brain as your eyes roll back, "oh, f-fuck." his smugness is felt as your voice raises in volume once his lips meet your ear, "t-too deep." which only feeds his ego as his hips begin moving in a 'J' motion, mercilessly slapping into yours.
"you gonna cum baby??" your lack of response annoys him and he changes his hold to the front of your neck from behind- making your back arch more as you look into his eyes from below. "I said, are you gonna cum for me, Gorgeous?"
without the ability to nod, you force yourself to have a thought and respond, "y-yes p-please." your pleading is too delicious to give you what you want so he slows his strokes down, ruining your orgasm at the very brink, but still prolonging the pleasure.
"nooo no-no, fuck you." but he only laughs at your crying, pressing down on your back to anchor both him and you for what's to come. "Your wish is my command."
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burninblaze · 9 months
oh my god i absolutely love ur little krusie drawing- susie giving kris her jacket is something i never knew i needed im on the floor
i would absolutely adore seeing them just being a little nervous around each other in ur style. just two teens with a crush and feeling awkward about it. just bashful sillies i would die
Thank you soo much!! Here you go!!!
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ask-the-rpg-3 · 1 year
♥️ Proceed
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Saving the fight for hopefully tomorrow! Drawn a lot tonight lmao
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bigshotspambot · 1 year
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what if I....... made fanart >:) (I'm the sneo head scritches anon hee hee >:D /lh)
Oh my GOD im CRAZY how have I not answered this yet WAAAAAGHH THANK YOU 🥺🥺 :)) HES SO GOOFY ..
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thepilotdogee · 10 months
Heya. I wann to know, what's Asriel's most embarrassing moment?
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Kris is up to their shenanigans again! Notes: -Not sure if Kris would actually pull pranks on Asriel in Deltarune canon, but figured it be funni if they did. -Might as well give it my best shot at drawing my own take on Dess Holiday. (Can't wait for this design of mine to age terribly, lol) -Not sure if Dess truly have antlers or not. Saw some dialouge in UT's xbox version that implies that she may not have em. If thats the case consider those antlers I drew on her fake and just part of her Ness styled baseball cap. THIS WILL BE THE LAST ASK RESPONSE POST FOR A WHILE, AS I PLAN TO CONTINUE DEVELOPING MY UNDERTALE AU. (Hopefully I can open them up again sometime in the future) See the rest of my Undertale arts here: [LINK]
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a-fate-fractured · 2 months
⏰ +👤 (... Him.)
Ah, it seems like a memory from when she was still alive.
She seems to be worried. Her eyes were baggy from a lack of sleep.
She's never rested easy for the entire week, ever since she's found out about the disappearance of her best friend.
And now, she was busy putting up missing posters so that they might help with getting him back... somehow.
She wasn't exactly sure how it'd help, as he'd always been returning mostly unscathed in most of his travels.
She was taking a break, leaning back on the bench.
Someone sits next to her. She couldn't clearly pinpoint the age, but he seems like he'd be around the age of her mom. He notices how worried she looked. He speaks up, understanding what was wrong.
???: You're co-champions with him, right?
He gestures to one of thd missing posters Kris was holding in her hands. She nods, before speaking with a tired tone.
Kris: "Yes. Friend and co-champion."
???: I see.
Kris looks up to him, her eyes red from either exhaustion or tears.
Kris: "...I'm scared. What if he's dead? I'm not sure if I could ever see him again, and I don't want him to die!"
She starts to sob. The person places his hand on her shoulder, letting her cry a bit. As soon as she calmed down, he spoke.
???: I understand how you feel. You must be so worried about him.
???: I've lost someone in my life too, just a while back. I didn't know how to deal with it, even at my age. I couldn't imagine how hard it must be for someone as young as you.
Kris: "...You've lost someone too?"
???: Yes.
Kris: "Oh..."
She fell silent after that for a minute, looking down at the missing posters. She then looks up at him again.
Kris: "Does it get better?"
???: I.... don't know.
Kris: "Is there a chance we'd find them alive?"
???: ...
Kris: "Please tell me... is there?"
???: I'm not so sure, but I hope so.
Kris: "..."
She sighs, falling silent again for two minutes. After that, she stands up, preparing to set the posters up again.
She looks back at him.
Kris: "I hope you find whoever you're looking for, sir."
???: You too.
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kooki914 · 2 years
I LOVE YOUR FIC SO MUCH! If you can share Ralsei's and Susie's designs of the dance I really will appreciate bc I want to draw something inspired by your fic so bad!
My original idea was to reply to this ask when I had the art ready but now I realised it's been sitting in my inbox for an unreasonable amount of time, and I'm genuinely sorry about that! Hopefully I'll finish the full coloured image soon, but until then, I can offer the uncoloured lineart for it, I hope it will suffice.
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corals-corner · 2 years
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This sounds less like actually enjoying the moss and more like being a dumbass
It's Kris, what do you expect. Honestly it probably both
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dreamsy990 · 2 years
okay, quick, Headcanon time!
Among the deltarune cast, who listens to what bands? Go!
ok hear me out i dont listen to specific bands and you can really probably tell a lot about my taste in music by this but ill try my best lol
kris likes lemon demon. their favorite song is probably touch tone telephone and i like to think that when they met spamton they were just like ‘ah shit touch tone telephone vibes’ lmao. not much more to it theyre a simple kid they hear lemon demon they happy
noelle gives me the vibes of the one person in the friend group who listens to music just. for fun. on its own. like not while doing something else she just sits there and listens like a maniac. she says she doesnt have a favorite artist or band but her whole spotify liked songs list full of paramore songs says otherwise. shes also probably partial to cavetown. probably also has a playlist just called ‘susie <3′ filled with the most wholesome sappy love songs youve ever heard. like pull out ‘something entirely new’ and ‘despair’ for this playlist because she is dying on the floor crying in the club w/ this one
if you ask susie she’ll say she listens to penelope scott which is. true. she probably says her favorite song is cigarette ahegao but its actually hammerhead
berdly likes lemon demon also but his favorite is cabinet man and kris and him will get into a fist fight over which is better one day just you wait. he also likes really shitty boybands and kris is the only one who knows and its very good blackmail material. his favorite song is bye bye bye but he is in denial. i think he listens to game osts in public tho. especially persona because the music is just that good. but he can and will fight you if you dare say the correct opinion that the persona 5 the animation intro is a fucking banger because ‘its not in the same style as the game and is a disgrace to the game’s legacy’ shut the fuck up berdly
ralsei probably likes lilina flores. good vibes all around. rises the moon is a vvv nice song to him but he also maybe likes devil town. i also think he listens to the hamilton soundtrack on the side and he knows all the words to my shot and one day he’ll just sing the whole song in front of the fun gang and theyll be horrified by his sheer power
queen likes bo burnham no elaboration necessary
spamton also likes bo burnham but has exponentially worse taste and his favorite song is repeat stuff.
jevil doesnt have a favorite artist or band but he does think his spotify playlist is top tier despite it being a disjointed mess with no theme or vibe and one second youll be listening to lofi zelda music and the next youre hit with fucking bye bye bYE AGAIN WHY DOES THAT SONG KEEP COMING UP-
sweet cap’n cakes get into fist fights over music frequently because nobody there has good taste according to everyone else there but if you asked them what specifically the others listen to none could give you a straight answer
seam doesnt have a specific favorite artist and they to whatever they feel lie. although they have been humming passing through for the past week because damn that songs catchy so. yeah.
rouxls likes pretty much any musical and his current favorite is 36 questions but it changes every 8 minutes. my man really be singing ‘ONE THING, I CAMETH OUTETH HERE FOR ONE THING, AND THAT ITTY-ETH BITTY-ETH ONE THING WAS TO FORGETETH ABOUTETH YOUUUUUUUUUU’. thats not a joke he edits the lyrics to fit him better.
lancer likes splat noises
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honeyteacakes · 8 months
19, 26, 29 🎃👻🍭
From this ask game 🖤🧡🖤🧡🖤
19. what’s the soundtrack for your fall?
Ohhhh. Sometimes I listen to the instrument soundtracks for The Nightmare before Christmas and The Corpse Bride, but at the moment I'm listening to the Lockwood & Co. soundtrack a lot!
26. how old were you when you stopped trick or treating? (or are you… still?)
Probably 15 or 16, which may be on the older side but in my defense I'm short and have a baby face so I knew I could get away with getting free candy kdjshgkfjahsdgkf
29. have you ever seen a ghost?
Nope! Though I do know people who have claimed to have seen ghosts.
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unicornlovers10 · 1 year
For the Artist ASK!
4. 14. 22. 27!
4: I have a bunch of favorite characters, I'll list off a few. Hunter Wittebane and Lilith Clawthorne from The Owl House, Kris Dreemurr and Ralsei from Deltarune, Chara and Asriel Dreemurr from Undertale, Springtrap from FNAF 3 (I don't condone his actions BTW, he just has a really cool character design), and Link and Zelda from the Zelda series. If I tag a character as a blorbo, then chances are that they're one of my favorite characters. Unless I say otherwise.
My favorite subject to draw are people (and furries), but there are a few areas that can be quite a pain to draw. Mostly hands, and specifically stylizing them. Along with legs, hair, fabric folds, guys and enbies in general (No offense, I've had more practice drawing girls and AFAB enbies). I think I'm improving quite a bit, but I know that I have quite a ways to go. Especially considering that I'm in the process of changing my art style (I might actually post my progress later. I haven't posted any of my practice sketches yet because I'm incredibly self-conscious about it.).
I'm also still trying to figure out how to draw my favorite characters in my art style. Mostly Kris Dreemurr, Hunter Wittebane, and Lilith Clawthorne at the moment. But mostly Kris and figuring out how to draw their hair.
Another thing that I really like drawing are Mandalas. I can't tell you much right now, but I'm making a bunch of Mandalas that correspond to Pride Flags. I'll be making separate dedicated posts to them later, along with a dedicated tag for them.
14: My favorite motifs to draw are hearts and stars. Along with anything celestial, pentacles, my custom sigils, Ying Yang symbol, paisleys, sparkles, and stuff related to my Fandoms. One example of a Fandom motif that I like drawing is the Triforce, along with a variation that includes Lorule's missing Triforce (Official examples of what I'm talking about here and here).
There are other motifs that I like drawing, but I forgot to mention them here. And it's something that you can spot easily, but sometimes I like hiding them as well.
22: I do a quick walk around in my home, mostly the corridor outside of my room just to get the blood flowing and keep myself awake. If I start to fall asleep while working, I get up and do this. Also, I do some stretches right before I start drawing. Mostly in my right arm, neck, and back. I also do these when I start to get stiff as well.
27: Sometimes I draw Warm-up Sketches, or sometimes I forget to do so. Sometimes I get so into drawing a certain thing, that becomes my Warm-up. Even if it goes beyond a sketch.
But when I do remember, I draw a few different things. Mostly the motifs listed in the answer to #14. Along with anatomy practice, thumbnails, shitposts, Fandom related doodles, art style practice, or anything else that comes to mind.
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calibabii21 · 5 months
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thank you frienddddd
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burninblaze · 8 months
Thanks for great art. If you take requests, I'd ask for something heartwarming with krusie. Something cute, could hurt/comfort, could be just fluff. Could be them as established adults even...
Sorry for not answering this sooner because ive had a buuuusy day so heres a few sketches of stuff like this
i love fluff
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ask-the-rpg-3 · 1 year
man, they're sparing you and you continue threatening them anyway, not cool
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milks-thoughts · 1 year
Pillsbury Doughboy...?
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