#<<<definitely drawing more mermaids in the future
metrixnos · 10 months
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Seagrass meadows
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these should all have one place, instead of being a whole lot of rbs and individual posts, so.
Sage, during the season break earlier this year, compiled a list of (nearly) every wacked thing (and every little thing said that was *definitely* (probably) a character thing and not a cc!sherb/irl!sherb thing) during the streams between the break! Notes in parentheses beginning with 'future sage' were written like. ten minutes ago while I was looking back at these. anyway-
everything is under the cut bc this shit *long*
[ALL FROM SHERBERT STREAM "Talking about the finale! and pirate fest!"]
- Yellow light background
- Blue Eye
- Beginnings of blood under said blue eye
- Blue eye/Blood is opposite to C!Sherbert's. (So, rather than being on the right, it's on the left)
- Faint-Faint Scar akin to C!Sherbert's one from S1
- Talking about potions/making potions IRL
- Referring to C!Sherbert's desk as "My Desk"
- Facecam border changed, Now White and Yellow
- Saying that they didn't do anything to the portal
- Trying to remember what the portal + Haley looked like
- "I'm pretty sure this is the same thing that showed up when I was at Haley's grave when I ran away, But I don't really remember."
- "I wasn't really looking at pants"
- "No idea what was going on with shoes, didn't really look."
- "I'm pretty sure you're on my screen," didn't quite exactly catch what they said, but they then asked if we could have been objects, or something along the lines- (Did conform that we *were* on the screen. And not in fact objects.)
- "What shoes were you wearing?" Sherbert to Haley, Haley then asking "Where?", Sherbert then going "When you came out if the portal?"
- Sherbert acting as though this is the first/one of the first time their hearing Syndicate ("I don't know why I know this song so well")
- Seemingly forgeting that they did a cover of Syndicate ("You did a cover of it. Oh, Yeah! I did.")
- "No I'm pretty sure that's a Q," not knowing how we got a bleeding eye from that
[ALL FROM CENTROSS' STREAM "Mermaid times!!!!!"]
- Blood is more obvious, further down their face (More akin to C!Sherbert's blood drips than they were earlier, only more faint and smaller)
- "you still have blood on your face" "Yeah it's kinda been there, not gonna lie" "it just doesn't leave" (Centross and Sherb talking about the blood. While not necessarily a wack thing - we know its bleeding - its definitely a little thing to point out)
- "I don't remember most things, actually," Centross then tells them how weird that is, and how he feels to constantly re-tell them things. ("It's weird, It's like I have to re-tell you everything")
- "I went to school, it was weird, wasn't used to that one."
- "Rae put us in box," when questioned on 'Rae' (Because Centross was on Mer, So it would've been Theo), "Yeah, Rae." (Rather set on it being Rae and not Theo.)
- (Don't know when this Happened) Chat asked about Sherbert's Blue Eye and what was up with it, and Centross then responded "What do you mean? That's their normal eye."
- During when Heyhay is showing off the burned old Ominous Bane base, Sherbert (In chat) say "yeah I burned it after everything" which. once again talking about C!Sherbert in the first person as though they *are* C!Sherbert
- When Heyhay shows off Perix's lab, Sherbert (In chat, again) says "oh so thats what those looked like," referring to the big brewing stands. this is despite the fact that Rae drew C!Sherbert a picture of them, and gave it to C!Sherbert. (Tho, Could be in reference to the materials.) [A very in character thing to say.]
- In response to a question about that (I couldn't watch the stream live, to look at chat, and heyhay doesn't put the chat up, so I don't know what the question was-), Sherbert responds, "well i never went to the alchemy lab so-" again, despite Rae drawing them a picture and givving it to them (Again, could ve in reference to material) [Also again, Very in-character thing to say. Using 'I' in reference to C!Sherbert.]
- Blood seems to have decreased since Centross' stream where it was further down. Either that or it's extra-extra faint and was just more noticeable in Centross' stream.
- The faint Scar that was there previously is no longer there
- Few Minutes In, right when they open minecaft, The Background light changes from yellow to green. (Presumably connected to the fact that Krit's not bleeding eye is Green and/or the Rave room)
- Among us are not yellow and purple, Now Orange and Green (Also corresponding to Krit's eye colors)
- Kirt acknowledging things IRL. Specifically the Among Us, and saying how 'They've always been those colors' [Put In this list because while *in* character (I think. They seemed in character) they most definitely acknowledged things IRL]
- After they leave Minecraft, Light changes back to yellow.
- Blood still really faint, but going a little further down their face that last stream (Though, it is to be noted that it is not as far down as in Centross' stream the other day)
- Among us are orange and white (? Could be light blue. very hard to tell with the lighting)
- The maniquine that holds C!Sherbert's coat, goggles, and scarf (the one that hangs on their belt) is now infront of CC!Sherbert's Non-Binary flag.
- Few Minutes In, once they open minecaft, the light in the background changes to purple. (Seems to be the usual (before the whole irl lore stuff) shade)
- "I geuss I cosplayed me a bit ago-"
- They care a lot about *this* hardcore world (Could Jist be Hardcore Lore, Could Be CCC! Lore. Don't know which one.)
- A Jack Stauber song started playing (C!Sherbert canonically only listens to Jack Stauber)
- Syndicate started playing after, They got excited about it
- *Another* Jack Stauber song. (Outside of this, Music seems to be going through its normal rotation)
- A fucking 'nother one- (Another Jack Stauber song started playing)
- ...Another one. We are on. #4 I do believe. (Another Jack Stauber song started playing)
- "Why do I know this music-?" (They say, lipsinking and dancing like they *know* the music)
- ....#5 now. (Another Jack Stauber song started playing. Though this one was significantly shorter than the rest.)
- A soul shrine showed up in hardcore, when going to look at it, the Nether star had a message in Quixian presumably connecting to the whole IRL lore stuff going on (Tranlation - ⏁⏅ṽ⏇⏅ ⍉⍔⍉ ⍒⌭√ ⌭⍭, UHZKH GLG BRX RJ, (Shift 4 Backward) REWHE DID YOU OG, WHERE DID YOU GO)
- *Another* (#6) Jack Stauber song started playing (It also ran shorter)
- Another (#7) Jack Stauber song started playing (Whole song plays through)
- Another (#8) Jack Stauber song started playing (Whole thing plays through)
- After they close minecaft, light changes back to yellow/white
- Their Pride flags swapped (They're on the opposite sides)
- Sherbert doesn't introduce their character ('I'm Sherbert and I use They/Them pronouns' when questioned, 'Nothing else')
- Characters glitching on the couch (Haley glitching to late s2, and Chaos glitching to a ghost) [Stays that way for the rest of the stream.]
- "A bunch of you started drawing me with wing ears cause I want to be birb." (Once again referring to C!Sherbert in the first person.)
- Everytime Sherbert's answered so far, it's gone back an forth between 3rd and 1st person.
- "It's a weird memory feeling" (And then Centross going "Yeah?")
- When they said their favorite god was Quixis, their light started to change rainbow. They did go back to white/yellow after.
- "Uh. Me." (Seemed very unsure, did not elaborate.)
-Blood is still faint, but further down their face
- Maniquine (The one with C!Sherbert's fit) is gone from frame
- They open minecaft, light doesn't change
- Among Us are white and red
- Wack Music #1 (A Jack Stauber song started playing)
- Wack Music #2 (Another Jack Stauber song started playing)
- Wack Music #3 (Another Jack Stauber song started playing)
- "It's *my* music, nice." (The only music C!Sherbert listens to is Jack Stauber. Presumably this is why CCC!Sherbert refers to it as "My Music," once again referring to C!Sherbert in first person.)
- Searching up "NETH", really quietly they went, "Netherum?"
- Wack Music #4 (Another Jack Stauber song started playing)
- "I love these songs, they're my songs. I listen to them all the time."
- "Which look most like my converse?" (Refering to C!Sherbert's Yellow/Purple converse as 'my converse')
- "I can make my armor at some point" (Referring to C!Sherbert's armor in 1st person)
- Wack Music #5 (Another Jack Stauber song started playing)
- Wack Music #6 (Another Jack Stauber song started playing)
- Sherbert going "Don't take this as Canon" when trying to remember their wings name. (Implying the rest of this whole bit *is*)
- Wack Music #7 (Another Jack Stauber song started playing)
- "I won't lie, my favorite flower is a blue orchid, but it may change to this."
- Wack Music #8 (Another Jack Stauber song started playing)
- Wack Song #9 (Another Jack Stauber song started playing. This one ran shorter.)
- "Rae is gonna- Rae is gonna ascend." (Talking about the new bookshelves.)
- "Rae is gonna love these. I gotta make him some whenever I- whenever I see him again." (Again, talking about the new bookshelves.)
- "I've never speedrun before." "I've only been to the end once." "I have no idea what I'm doing."
- "It's been a long time since I've had to, I dunno, start over."
- "It's been about a year or so." (Season 2 of Fable went on for about a year before the finale.)
- "I don’t know I’ve never done this before"
- "I guess I killed the dragon that one time but I don’t know."
- "I am birb, I got my little wing ears and everything"
- "Yeah, I'll be used to the thunder, I'm not worried about that."
- "'Funky eyes,' I already have a funky eye, i cant handle more."
- "I am not used to being in a new world, kinda forgot this was a thing."
- "I guess if Momboo’s not here then it won’t rain, huh."
- "Always thunder is a lie. I geuss Momboos not here to do that, so I guess that's fine."
- "We gotta go to the moon again."(Refering to the time they played portal. (Portal!Sherbert))
- "'Turn yourself into a warden,' Uh, that's trauma."
- "I guess we're going to the moon again. I wasn't on the moon for a very long time last time, but i definitely was up there." (Portal!Sherbert)
- Sherbert seems a tad stressed (While trying to get to the moon.)
- "Last time I was here I was just kinda getting rid of a robot." (Portal!Sherbert)
- "Well I guess the dude I left up here is doing pretty good for himself." (Portal!Sherbert)
- "Honestly not the weirdest thing that has happened to me. I wont lie, I've had way weirder things happen to me. Objectively. "
- "Giant warden? But this is just going to give me trauma."
- "I got to go to the moon again." (Portal!Sherbert)
- Goes to sleep at the end, same way they end lore.
- Blood a little further down their face
- Blood around their eye a little darker
- Scar (C!Sherbert's scar) is back
- When asked what crimes they commited, they listed some thing that C!Sherbert did.
- "Jerold where are you? I thought you left me too..." (..so many things. So many things about that sentence.)
- "At least this box is grey, i think I would be a lot worse if I was in another one of the black boxes." "'No obby.' Yeah, exactly."
- "How long is my sentence I’m not necessarily saying I want to get out."
- "I've spent time in boxes before."
- "Might rip up my clothes a little, but it's okay."
- "At least I have something to do in prison this time."
- "You know. This isn't - This isn't to far off from my communicatior.."
- "'Are things talking to right now?' I mean, sure, yeah. I'm in a prison, not sure how else you would be talking to me."
- "'Charles did it,' Yeah, probably."
- They sound nervous. Very akin to how C!Sherbert sounded when they got put in the prison
- Light Blue and Green/Lime Among us.
- "You don’t have to spend your money on games, I’m okay."
- "I've done this before."
- "Do I get out ever?"
- "Atleast not in the ones I've been in, isn't there supposed to be an outside area?"
- "I'd like to get out I probably have some people I'd like to see, maybe… Maybe…"
-"'You remember the prison?' Yeah I remember a lot of things."
-"I'm pretty sure I have people waiting for me on the outside."
-"'Time seems to go slower when in prison,' Yeah. Something like that."
-"Is that an eye? Ugh….Illuminati confirmed."
- "I'm sure they don't want my eye."
- "'What's you eye doing?' Bleeding like always."
- "You know, my communicatior didn't have games."
- "Me and a significant amount of objects that can speak-"
- "I've done things in the past, but I'm pretty sure in the past - 8 days, not the ones in here, i havent done anything that warrents prison." (The finale was 8 days ago.)
- "'Another almost happy ending.' Yeah."
- When Sherb closes the game, they sorta do their thing they do at the end of lore. (You know what I'm talking about-)
- Blood seems a tad darker
- Scar (C!Sherbert's) is still there
- Among Us are Red and Orange (Differing from the last time they were on Mer - Which was Orange and Green.)
- They opened minecaft and the light changed to lime green
- "'What happened to the purple and yellow Among uss?' These are the Among Us? This is what they've always been."
- Krit finds an emerald with Quixian written on it, Translates to 'MAYBE THIS ONE?' (Ψ⦚⍔⏚⏅ ṽ⌗⌘⏄ ⍕⍔⌮ - FILTH ZAOP ULV - YBEMA STHI NEO - MAYBE THIS ONE) Presumably Quixis attempting to figure out where Sherbert went after they went through the portal. (Though, if they are in charge of the Rave-Room, presumably they do know where the portals go, and would know that they didn't go through the one to Mer after tye Fable one went out.)
- Centross walks into their room, They have a little crab-claw thingy. They click it. A lot, and Sherb goes 'It's like me, Ahhh-' (Acknowledging things IRL while also in character.)
- "'Little Itty Bitty Bell,'" Yeah, for the Bits!" (Acknowledging things IRL things in character.)
- They close minecaft, Lights change back to yellow.
- MER SMP thumbnail for this stream - The Quixian on the thumbnail is different than what it is in the vod, it Translates to "HELP ME REACH THEM" (⍭⍹Ψ⌆ ⏇⌆ ⌗Ψ⏄⌆⍅ ⌆⏇⌭Ψ - JNFC KC AFPCY CKRF - LPHE ME CHREA EMTH - HELP ME REACH THEM)
- On Plush Shelf - Among Us swaped with purple blob, Techno and Jshlatt swapped, and Techno then swapped with Cubone
- Scar (C!Sherbert's) is gone (Again)
- Light changed to a green-Blue, Teal, Cyan if you will. (Not the same as the Mer green)
- 'Among Us' code cover Changes, Translates to 'ARE YOU HERE?' (⍋⍱⌬ ⏚√⍹ ⍋⍉⍋⌬ - DZQ TXN DGDQ - EAR UYO EHER - ARE YOU HERE? (1/2 Right)
- 'Among Us' code cover changes back
- "It's been a while since I've just gotten to do this."
- "That's inevitable. In every world and this one."
- "Even though she's.. back. When did she back?"
- "'Your name is Sherbert, Right?' No, It's a.. Nickname that I got."
- Light changes back after they close Among us.
- The Among Us are Orange and White
- Blood is further down
- "It's gonna be a *me* CMV." (Refering to C!Sherbert in first person.)
- Lights changed to green when they opened minecaft
- They have to restart minecaft and light changes back to Yellow
- Lights do eventually turn back to green after they open minecaft
- They close Minecaft light goes back to Yellow
- Blood Is darker and further down
- Scar (C!Sherbert's) is back
- Light does not change as they open the game
- Among us are Red and White
- "Waking up places, Going through stuff, Kinda my bit."
- "Hey Charles, you wanna talk to me in an odd dream sequence again and really show everybody why I hate you so much?" (Excuse me. What.) (okay no future sage here, i feel like we need to acknowledge this??????)
- "He has a higher kill count than me, guys. Sure my kill count is only one.."
- "I don't think he's gone."
- Charles is not in the basket, now on the desk.
- Blood Is slightly further down (A little paler than prev. stream.)
- Scar (C!Sherbert's) is there but extra faint
- They open Minecaft, Light change to pink (Event Skin eye is pink, this is an event. Hence the pink.)
- They IRL stretch (future sage here. what??)
- While the were drowning, They say "..here again.." really quietly. (Raft!Sherb)
- "I've spent a lot of time practicing for things like this." (GMS!Sherb???????)
- Wack Music #1
- Wack Music #2
- Wack Music #3
- "This is my first time here though.." (Refering to the Mansion. Which is a direct contradictory to canon.)
- Wack Music #4
- Wack Music #5
- "What's this music playing? This is not my fighting music."
- Wack Music #5
- "It's nice to finally win one of these for once, competing in enough anyway."
- While downing (Again) they go, "I've been here before." (Raft!Sherb)
- Near the end of their drowning, They go, "Bye ship." But they look very confused after. (Raft!Sherb)
- Wack Music #6 (Not Jack Stauber, But it is the sad lore music.)
- Wack Music #7
- After they shot and killed Haley in dodge bolt, they go, "In every world. In this one and the next."
- Wack Music #8
- "No idea where the next one of these will be, but hey."
- "Nice to win one for once."
- They close minecaft, Lights change back to yellow
- Blood is Darker
- Scar (C!Sherbert's) is gone again
- Music is not usual music (On starting screen)
- Eyes are now Purple and Yellow, but now in a C!Sherbert way, Purple eye was the blue one
- Other eye, was brown, now yellow, is also beginning to bleed
- Scar (C!Sherbert's) is there again
- Charles in background is now Yellow Among us
- Red and Green Among us
- Crab rave not Crab rave
- Chuck is not Chuck. He is Ralph. (Who is a Turtle. Not a Crab)
- Quixis writing on note on desk, Translates to "I THINK I GOT TO YOU" (⍉ ⍔⦚⌭Ψ⍉ ⍉ ⭗⌭⍾ ⌭⭗ ⭗⍩⍬ - G LIRFG G MRE RM MSW - I NKTHI I OTG TO OUY - I THINK I GOT TO YOU)
- Blanket on chair is Light Yellow and Light Blue (Not Normal Yellow and Purple)
- Open Minecaft, Light changes to light purple (Not usual purple)
- "I feel weird." "I feel like I'm wrong."
- "I don't feel like I'm supposed to be here."
- IRL touches purple bleeding eye, gives a weird look
- "Something's wrong. Somethings wrong today."
- "He doesn't belong here, then again-"
- They stretch for a moment, Light momentarily changes yellow.
- Song time, Lights change back to yellow
- "Guess this is where I can die, just one and done."
- They go back to playing Minecaft, Light changes back to purple
- Ears are switched around (White and Black in front, Yellow and purple in back.)
- "'Just like normal?' Yeah just like normal."
- "I have... I don't know what I've been doing."
- Wack Music probably not #1
- "I was sleeping. Maybe. When's the last time I slept?" Quieter, "It doesn't matter."
- "Ahh, My brain feel fuzzy."
- Wack Music #2 (Probably.)
- "'Well what happened before you woke up might contribute to how you feel, What is the last thing you remember before you wake up?' Um. What was- I was finishing the- I went to the- And then I- I- was like.. crying.." (Context wise, No idea, but. In Sherb's most recent C!Sherbert tiktok, They were crying. I assume this is in reference to that.) (future sage again, i think about that tiktok *often*)
- "Yo, I wanna see, I think it is neat when you are.. me.." (Refering to C!Sherbert in first person)
- Wack Song #3 (Probably.)
- "This is my Music." Light changes to yellow as they say that, changes back to purple just as quickly
- "I'm doing okay. Ish. Maybe."
- "That's Ominous." They pause, light changes to yellow, once again changes right back
- They spot the DER, "..Rae.." (technically a HC!sherbert thing. Putting it here for ease. Also because sad.)
- Wack Music #4 (Probably.)
- "I see you guys cosplaying me. Is cool." (Refering to C!Sherbert in first person.)
- "I wanna learn a couple languages, Cause it's hard to figure out what things are saying sometimes."
- "'What languages do you wanna learn?' Well there's a lot of them I don't understand."
- Wack Music #5 (Probably)
- "'Is everything okay Sherbert? I DONT KNOW!"
- They then do a small rant about how they feel weird and not right.
- "Maybe I'll feel better tomorrow.."
- "My outfit for stream tomorrow." (Refering to C!Sherbert in first person, refering to C!Sherbert's outfit as their own.)
- "Every once and while we get some of my music" (Refering to C!Sherbert in first person.)
- "It's doesn't feel like hardcore."
- "Is that I no longer have a Fire Res potion on my belt." (C!Sherbert has a potion belt. I don't believe HC!Sherbert does.)
- Another Music time, Light changes to Yellow
- They go back to Minecaft, Light goes back to Purple
- Wack Music #6 (Probably)
- "I should try them in a potion, that's one of the few things i haven't done."
- "They've only caused damage in the past." (Refering to the Blue Mushrooms)
- "And also what happened with the. With the. The. With the potion."
- Wack Music #7 (Probably)
- During singing to said wack music, light changed to yellow. They change back to purple after.
- Wack Music #8 (Probably)
- While dancing along to said wack music, light changes to yellow, it stays like that even after the music changes
- "'Opinions on frogs?' I had so many- I had so many... I haven't even been to a swamp." Lights change back to purple
- Wack Music #9 (Probably)
- "'We need a doctor, Oh!' but we don't have one!"
- "'I just might drive me crazy~'"
- "I think it makes sense to put the potions underneath."
- They touch both eyes, specifically the blood, pulling their hands away to give them a look. They don't acknowledge it.
- "I'm okay. I'm okay, really." Pause, before the light goes yellow. It quickly changes back.
- "I am not supposed to be here." Light changes yellow. "But I am. But I'm not supposed to be here." Light does not change back.
- Wack Music #10 (Probably)
- "I'm gonna go to sleep. I'll see you. I'll see you." Pause, after yhey close minecaft, "I'll see you tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow. I think."
- "I'll see you tomorrow. Bye." They do a little salute before spinning in their chair. They stare at their desk, presumably the note there, for a moment before turning back and ending stream.
[FROM SHERBERT STREAM "The Beginning of the End."]
(future sage for note - this was a noting down what happened and what was back to normal and stuff, bc it technically concluded the break, so.)
- Starting stream frame different, On of the Rave room portals, looks to me brown
- Adding to that, Music is different, similar to the music used in rave room cut scenes
- With that, The Camara is slowly zooming out from the Portal (Quixis is there???)
- Border around the facecam is back to normal (Yellow and Purple)
- Light is back to Purple
- Flags are back to normal
- Eye is not bleeding
- "But like, Everything was like way more detailed." "Things could be round."
- They've rubbed at their eye a couple times
- They've also scratched at where C!Sherbert's scar would be
- Lights are switching color between Purple and Pink (Fading. (Just noticed that.))
- Among us are Yellow and Purple
- "Haley was like there. And Centross-"
- "I do not think Centross would ever chose to live with, especially after everything we've done to each other."
- "Sever reset make me cry." (Is that why they were crying in that one Fable tiktok??) (future sage again, please i want to know what the fuck that tiktok was about i think about it way to often-)
- "'No advancements?' Because I’ve done this all already? It’s a world reset not me."
- Kitty Quake ears are back to normal
- "'Are you still in Character..' Yeah, I'm still me!"
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emry-stars-art · 10 months
I bought your mermay '23 zine a while back, and it's just so fucking delicious.. But I was wondering if there's an actual fix of it, or?
The way you take notes and utilize different mediums and develop the mer and pirate designs are really inspirational to me! makes me wanna start doing more creature designs!
THANK YOU SO MUCH I’m incredibly happy to be inspiring that hehe
There’s no actual fic, actually every bit of writing I have about that au is in that pdf. It’s pretty much like the royal au - I work on it when the mood strikes me and when I have time. Right now all my free time is going toward the royal au obviously, but I can still definitely see myself circling back to these mer aus before next May! It might be fun to do a similar style of collab/sharing asks 👀👀 I dunno though we’ll see how it pans out
I really love brainstorming and world building like that, if you couldn’t tell by now 😂 and with mermaids and stuff it’s even more freestyle than a royal au! (Actually I may currently be drawing smth for Crow’s merDrew/aquarium worker Neil au fic Into The Deep because I love any and all mer designs and it’s so so fun :D )
TLDR: no there’s no actual fic, all the info I have is in that free zine, but I intend to expand that universe in the future! Thank you for the ask, I love it when your url pops up in my notifs 🥰
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prosekaipng · 2 years
Transparents Masterlist
Warning: Nothing here belongs to me. VOCALOID & CiA belongs to Crypton Media & Colorful Palette. This blog is made for non comercial use. This blog is no longer active! Thanks for all the support!
>> Another blog for proseka transparents: Sekai Transparents
By star: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 By set: Initial - Birthday - Colorful Festival - 3RD ANN By year: 2019 - 2020 - 2021 - 2022 - 2023 Special: Deadly Sins of Evil Stickers: EN - JP  Others: gif card - PROJECT VOLTAGE - SANRIO COLLAB
>>> Groups:
Virtual Singer  > [ Miku - Luka - Rin - Len - Meiko - Kaito ]
LEO/NEED > [ Ichika - Saki - Shiho - Honami ]
MORE MORE JUMP! > [ Minori - Haruka - Airi - Shizuku ]
Vivid BAD SQUAD > [ Kohane - An - Akito - Toya ]
WonderlandsxShowtime > [ Tsukasa - Emu - Nene - Rui ]
25-ji, Night Code de. > [ Kanade - Mafuyu - Ena - Mizuki ]
>>> Events:
Stella After the Rain
Imprisoned Marionette
Full Power! Wonder Halloween!!
Run! Sports Festival! ~The Executive Committee is Very Busy~
Let's RE:START from Here!
Someday, with Our Lyrics Joined Back-to-Back
On a Holy Night, with This Singing Voice
Sekai's Happy New Year!
Through Wavering, You Continue Moving Forward
Color of Myself!
Period of NOCTURNE
Resounding Twilight Parade
Unsatisfied Pale Color
Smile of Dreamer
The Tenma Household's Hinamatsuri
Let’s Deliver! HOPEFUL STAGE♪
Singing With You in A World Where Cherry Blossoms Dance
Secret Distance
Resonate with you
Tell me your problems! Exciting Picnic
Break Time for the Hardworking You!
A Song of Vows For You, Dressed in Pure White!
Wonder Magical Showtime!
Carnation Recollection
Unnamed Harmony
Awakening Beat
Ringing Sounds at the Summer Festival
This’ll Definitely Be the Best Summer!
Happy Lovely Everyday!
Mesmerized by Mermaids
The Two Moon Rabbits
Knock the Future!!
Mirage of Lights
Scramble Fan Festa!
Bout for Beside You
CW: Revival my dream
My Footprints, Your Destination
Unwavering Feelings, Now Put Into Words
Buddy・Funny・Spend Time ♪
Intersecting Melodies, Glowing Warmth
Same Dreams, Same Colors
Beyond Prayers, the Tomorrow We Wish for Is...
Someday, From the Depths of Despair
Operation ♡ Secret Valentine!
Legend still vivid
That Day, the Sky Was Far Away
The Gentleman Thief's Thrilling White Day!?
Cast Spell on You
On This Blank Canvas, I Paint ...
Cherry Blossoms Across Sekai, Interconnecting Our Feelings
On the stage of dazzling light
Live with memories
Connecting Painful Hope
Incandescent! Kamitaka cheering party!
Wishing for Your Happiness Upon the Blue Sky!
Guiding a Lost Child to What Lies Beyond
A Desperate Situation!? Island Panic!
Let's Enjoy Together! Spojoy Park!
The Vivid Old Tale
NO Seek NO Find
Close game/OFFLINE
Chasing the Radiance Beyond the Blue Sky
And Now Tie a Ribbon
Don't lose faith!
Paint What You Love ♪ Rainbow Canvas
Walk On and On
The Twilight Color on this Festival
Dear My Past Self
A Sorrowful Farewell at the Curtain Call
Scream!? Welcome to the Wolf Forest!
Someday, this Wish will Transcend the Morning Sky
Beyond the Dream on That Day
Find a Way Out
Draw Your Bow in This White World
A Brand New Year! Lion Dance Robot's New Year's Show!
Amidst a Dream, Towards the Shining Stars
Little Bravers!
Memories Carried by the Scent of Candles
At the End of the Unraveled Threads
Kick it up a notch
Never give up cooking!
Towards the Phoenix at the Sky’s Edge
Immiscible Discord
In the Corner of a Resonant Town
Get OVER it
Re-tie friendship
Our survival escape
One-Day Trip Before Setting Sail
The Canary Sings in a Quagmire
Standing Next to the Kind and Gentle You
Light Up the Fire
A Once-In-A-Lifetime Pandemonium!?
Saying Goodbye to my PERSONA
Connected by our STELLAR Song
Hectic Cafe ●REC!
On Your Feet
Our Happy Ending
Let Your Song Resound Throughout the SEKAI!
Weaving Precious Memories With You
Let's Study Hard!
Stick to your faith
the warmth that guides us
Searching for a Reflection Beneath the Waters
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ninacchis · 5 months
HI hi Nina!!! Can I ask you about your Rinharu AUs??? 👀💙❤️ I want to hear about them!!
hiii dragon, thanks for giving me an excuse to ramble hehe >:3c
a lot of the aus i have in mind are just broad ideas like several mermaid aus, rinharu as parents, an idol/celebrity au and so on. these one’s are a bit more in depth (the violet au especially) though, so i’m sorry if this is kinda lengthy lol
breaking bad au - the tachibanas are struggling financially so haru who wants to help them (and is pestered by rin) turns to cooking meth. it’s been a while since i last watched the show but i imagine haru starting out bored with his life and feeling stuck. it’s after he begins cooking with rin that he feels a sense of accomplishment and he wants more. this one’s not too focused on romance, but there’d definitely be moments between rin and haru if i ever decide to do anything with it.
grey’s anatomy au - instead of swimming everyone is a surgeon with haru specializing in general and rin in neuro. they’re some of the best in their field and have built a name for themselves as well as their hospital. they’re constantly pushing one another when it comes to their work, sometimes get into heated arguments when discussing what’s best for their patient, and spend a lot of time in the on-call room together 😏
pokémon au - again, pretty much the same but instead of swimming, it’s all about pokémon. rin convinces haru to become a trainer like him with the goal of one day being the regional champion, he leaves to get stronger, hits a wall and quits after losing to haru. of course they reunite and after they’ve reconciled, the two work toward their shared dream of becoming champions. i don’t know too many pokémon so i can’t say for sure what their teams would look like but for haru i like to imagine that he had an eevee as a kid that eventually evolved into a vaporeon. also he has a thing for the ugly and/or useless pokémon like feebas and magikarp.
maid dragon au - haru works a typical office job and on his way to work, he’s greeted by a dragon outside his apartment named rin who is shamelessly head over heels for him. the two start living together with rin taking care of all the household chores and smothering haru with his affection. as time goes on and other dragons from rin’s world come over, haru finds himself enjoying the company and even begins to return rin’s feelings. while they’re adults in this au, their dynamic is similar to when they were in elementary school and over time becomes what it is now.
violet evergarden au - ever since she was young all haruko has ever known is to kill. as a young adult she’s given to rin to use as a tool and nothing more, but he wants more for her and dreams of showing her a life outside of the military. after the end of the great war and losing both arms, haruko is taken in by the nanase family and begins working as an auto memories doll at a postal company owned by makoto. it’s through writing letters for others that haruko slowly learns the meaning behind the words “i love you” and begins to better understand rin’s feelings as well as her own. debating if i want their reunion to follow the light novels or the movie, either way the two do end up together in the end. this one’s my personal favorite so i’d love to draw out some more stuff for it in the future! i’ve even gotten somewhat into floriography because of it and have a list of flowers to associate with each character for this au
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allthefujoshiunite · 7 months
hey there! may i request some recs? i’m looking for sweet, fluffy stories with a lot of pining, whether or not they realize their feelings. high school stories are preferred.
fav manga include: sasaki and miyano (love love love this one!!! the way sasaki will make a bold move and then secretly get really embarrassed…it’s the best (๑>◡<๑) ), hidamari ga kikoeru, the two lions, never understand
Hiii! Except Never Understand, I'm familiar with the rest of your favorite series and LOVE them! And if you liked The Two Lions by Furuya Nagisa, I'm sure you'll love the rest of their works as well. The Summer Of You and its continuation (Kodansha) is already out, and Number Call is finally picked up by Kodansha again! Not sure if it's out yet though. I think Suzumaru Minta has a similar tone to their works, you might want to check their releases in English.
You can find some other works that I love after the jump!
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I don't do single volume purchases of manga as much as I did in the past, so most of my recommendations will come from Manga Planet! I'll mention if it's from a different publisher/platform. Starting with *drum rolls* high school sweethearts!!
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Advice for Mutually Unrequited Love (Aniya Yuiji): Cute and quite different from the usual childhood-friends-turned-lovers story!
Hello (Kouda Miu): Anything Kouda Miu draws, I read. Another friends-to-lovers story full of future worries, insecurities, and questioning sexualities.
My Best Friend♂ Confessed to Me in a Dating Sim (Fujitobi): Two best friends find themselves transported into a dating sim. Fujitobi is another artist I like and their works always contain a supernatural/fantasy element. Super cute!
We Aren't Secure (Sojima Yuco): Omegaverse. Two close friends (one omega and the other alpha). I think the dynamic was included responsibly into the story and I enjoyed the conflict it brought.
Welcome Back, Aureole (Takatsu - TOKYOPOP): From the artist of Skip and Loafer. More soul-searching than the usual romance tropes but definitely worth the read!
Super Morning Star (Aomiya Kara - Kodansha): How can I NOT recommend a title that's dear to my heart and is finally in English??!! While it isn't really out of your ordinary high school BL, I don't know, I just have a really soft spot for this one!
I have additional titles that are, again, all works that I have reread again and again. The childhood friends trope is still here, but the stories are set in adulthood (college/working). All from Manga Planet, all highly recommended!
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See You Later, Mermaid - Hayane Dento
Paint Love and the Colors Will Bloom - Shota Kon
Perfect Propose - Mayo Tsurukame
Aaand that's it! Hopefully these recommendations will be to your liking and don't forget to let me know what you think if you pick either of these series up. See you around ~
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What are your thoughts on rotg Pitch black and the other characters?
Thank you for your question! I enjoyed sitting down and writing this out. My initial response was “They are Awesome! I adore them and drawing them brings me joy!” But I decided to go more in depth!
Please note these are just my personal opinions, as of May 2023. I judged everyone on three categories: Character, Design, and Drawability.
Nicholas Saint North
My Opinion on his Character: 10/10.
How could anyone not love this guy. He has infectious energy and is one of my all time favorite versions of Santa. I both enjoy his character in the books and the film. I love how he is a strong leader with a big heart who isn’t afraid to stand up for what he believes in. He is so cool and I love his competitive nature.
My Opinion on his Design: 10/10
North’s design is so full of geometric genius. I love how square he is. I also love all the Russian elements like the coat and hat. This is one cool Santa. I adore the tattoos and the swords he wields. I also like his younger self, very pirate adventure vibes.
My Opinion on his Drawability: 8/10
As much as I love this guy he is sometimes a bit hard to draw. He has a lot of tattoos and a large coats and a beard that covers a lot. I need to practice drawing him more. It is a bit fun to draw him in more exaggerated styles, but I definitely need more practice.
E. Aster Bunnymund
My Opinion on his Character: 7/10
Bunny probably scores the lowest on my favorite character scale. I adore movie bunny but book bunny kind of ruins the experience… he is so snooty and his rants get a little tiresome to read. I also don’t personally vibe with the whole alien backstory. I would of preferred him to be an actual bunny. More fantasy less sci-fi. I do love the drama he brings to the group. He is always first to speak up and question things as opposed to just going with whatever plan was proposed.
My Opinion on his Design: 9/10
Both book and movie designs have something different and unique to offer. I adore them both. I love the book bunny little glasses and long robes and staffs. I love movie bunny more tribal warrior rabbit look. Both designs do well capturing a unique look for the Easter Bunny.
My Opinion on his Drawability: 4/10
Bunny may have a great design for me he is extremely hard to draw. I don’t know how to draw animals too good (yet haha). Especially if it’s not stylized for a goofy doodle. He has a lot of elements I need to still learn. Like fur and animal proportions. Sorry bunny maybe in the future I will be better.
My Opinion on her Character: 10/10
I love this fairy so much. She is so adorable and responsible and is a true guardian. Her book backstory is one of the saddest things I’ve read in children’s media and although she put up walls becoming a sort of workaholic she still finds joy and excitement.
My Opinion on her Design: 10/10
She is what I want to think of when people mention a fairy. Not a shrunken down human with wings but something that would exist in nature. Something you wouldn’t bat an eye if you saw. I love the hummingbird design. I love her feathers and her face/eye shape. I just adore her.
My Opinion on her Drawability: 9/10
I do adore her design so much and I love drawing it too. It’s so relaxing drawing all the feathers. I do have a bit of trouble with the wings but I love drawing tooth. She has such a fun color pallet.
My Opinion on his Character: 10/10
Sandman is so cool. I love how sassy and laid back he is. I love how he is a friend of the world but is chaotic enough to threaten to knock out a child with his bare fists. He is one of the few characters I don’t mind having a fake out death scene. He steals the show. Also his mermaid sand island should of made it into the film. We got to see everyone else’s homes.
My Opinion on his Design: 9/10
Oh I adore his design. It reminds me of the rankin-bass stop motion designs. He is so adorable and shaped like a star you can hug. I love how he appears to actually be made of dream-sand.
My Opinion on his Drawability: 9/10
Sandy is so fun to draw. I think his design works great in both 2D and 3D. I love giving him goofy expressions.
Jack Frost
My Opinion on his Character 10/10
Jack is an amazing and complex character. He is mischievous and childish he is yet wears his heart on his sleeve. He has this haunted sadness that lingers through him and yet always tries to get others to have fun. I love how much he cares for people despite putting off the cool loner persona. He will do anything to protect the kids, despite being a kid himself!
My Opinion on his Design 7/10
Jacks design is cool but I feel like it needs something. I understand his current look is supposed to be relatable teen but I feel like it’s missing something to help him blend further into the world. I love his outfit as a human. And nightlights armor is neat but I feel like Jack needs just something more then just a hoodie? Just a personal taste thing… I do see what they were going for.
My Opinion on his Drawability 10/10
Jack is so easy and fun to draw. I like drawing him in new outfits and styles. He is also fun drawing as his nightlight book self. Overall a really fun character to doodle and stylize. Especially since there is this constant movement to him.
Pitch Black
My Opinion on his Character 10/10
An amazing villain with a tragic past. I love how cunning he is yet is pretty blind by his own greed. I love how much joy he gets from spreading fear. I love the arrogance to his character and how he gets playful when trying to manipulate and or fight someone. A great villain who enjoys being evil. There is that element of longing for a family to him that is probably left behind from his days as Kozmotis which adds a good amount of drama to play with.
My Opinion on his design 9/10
While the guardians are complex and maximalist in there design pitch is sleek and minimalistic. His pirate aesthetic from the books are cool and his movie design has him move seamlessly in the shadows. I adore his face shape and demeanor. Overall a great simple design that brings contrast to a colorful cast.
My Opinion on his Drawability 10/10
Although simple Pitch is pretty fun to give added design elements too. Especially gold based accents. He is fun to draw in different outfits as well since he doesn’t have a lot to his design. It’s always fun to color him when I’m done drawing the others who have larger color palettes.
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asexual-spongebob · 11 days
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The Waves That Lap The Shore - Chapter 30 - Closing Time
I can’t believe this fanfic is actually coming to an end- it feels like just yesterday this was just a concept. Just a thought. Just an idea. Just a drawing. But now here I am, many months later. Posting the last chapter… But don’t worry! Our beloved fish dudes aren’t going to be completely gone after this! I have a feeling I’m still going to think about this AU quite a bit. Who knows, maybe in the future I’ll post some one shots of them. And I know for a fact I’ll probably still make animations or pmvs with them most likely. I have actually made some pmvs of this au already if you’d like to watch them For yourself:) https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLW7sHfzMCSsxyuwvZ9RvFfwjukOMHv1_3
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Hey it’s Shellington! It’s been many years since the “Kwazii was bitten by a cobra”  incident. I still can’t believe that was 11 years ago! 
I’m thankful that he survived!
Now Kwazii’s the captain of the Octopod, Barnacles retired a few years ago and now lives up in the Arctic near Pearl and Bianca. 
Inkling is still here, somehow. Koshi helps ink out in the library. 
Me and Peso are happily married and have been for almost ten years! Our anniversary is coming up. 
Kwazii and Paani and Dashi and Tweak also got married many years ago. 
After the “Kwazii was bitten by cobra” incident Kwazii and Paani found a newborn kitten (which they named Kai, as it means ocean or sea in several languages.) and took her in. Kai is 11 years old and they are quite intelligent, they like watching me do my experiments. 
Me and Peso also have a child  as well, their name is Lucia and they are almost 11 years old, she’s an albino sea otter and I saved her from being eaten by a predator. 
Periwinkle is now in college and is majoring in Marine Biology, we still talk quite often. 
We look back fondly (or… not so fondly) on our adventures (and misadventures) together. 
Like that time Peso got moonstruck and through that party, or our crazy times in the Amazon! Or the time Paani forced us all to watch (or in me and Dashi’s case, rewatch) Invader Zim. We all became fixated in the process-
Anyway. Thanks for reading our story :) 
~ Shellington Sea Otter.
Holy shit that was a wild ride. I just want to thank everyone for reading this fic, leaving a comment, leaving kudos, likes or upvoting, it really means the world to me. I genuinely didn’t think so many people would want to read this kind of fic, but boy was I mistaken. I’m honestly very proud of this, this is the first ever long fic I actually finished and didn’t abandon. How I even thought of this AU was I saw my dear friend, Midori’s Octonauts Mermaid AU “Reclaimed By Nature” (which by the way, is a very good fanfic, I’d definitely recommend giving it a read! Especially if you’re a fan of Kwazton and Pearlanca! You can read it here: https://reclaimed-by-nature.carrd.co/) And I thought that was pretty neat. So I wondered to myself “huh… what if I made a H2O x Octonauts AU?” So I started to think of concepts. I had a couple in mind, one of the first being that Shellington would keep the secret much longer (he didn’t even tell Peso for awhile, which he would’ve felt very guilty about) and that he would’ve been very stressed about keeping it hidden from everyone. (Which, was inspired by a merman Lewis h2o AU fic I read, called H2O: A New Tail) Another one I had was basically the same as the first, but Peso would’ve found out sooner, as he would’ve gone after Shellington after got splashed while they were cleaning the beach, and he would’ve found him in the kelp forest. Shell would’ve tried to tell him that it was just a costume but Peso wouldn’t have really bought that so he would’ve told Peso the truth and Peso would’ve been like “it’s okay I still love you :) <3” One of the things I originally planned for this fic was that it’d be short, around 12 or 13 chapters, and that It’d just be about the lives and times of Peso and Shellington after Shellington became a merman. But now here we are, many chapters and scrapped concepts later- I actually even have an AU of this AU, it’s basically where I put all my scrapped concepts (one of the being that Paani was always a merm, I even wrote a short one shot about it, which I’ll probably post sometime soon) I named it “The Sight”. I originally planned for this fic to have 40 chapters, but I realized that many of them were unnecessary, so I scrapped most of them, other then my concept for chapter 35, which I kept and incorporated into chapter 29. Also I might make a story about Kai and Lucia??? If y’all really want that… It’s probably not gonna be anything big, just one shots or something but I mean maybe? If that’s what y’all want? Like I’d be happy to write a short fics on their origin story’s. After this fic, I might write a fic for another Octonauts AU I came up with that ive nicknamed “Invader Kwazii”. It’s an Invader Zim x Octonauts AU where Kwazii is sent to conquer Earth by The Tallest (who are Barnacles and Inkling) because they think he’s worthy of it. And it’s basically the plot of Invader Zim after that, there’s a few differences (like how it takes place in high school) tho, but other then it’s very similar to the plot. It also has Kwazini. It’s a little passion project for me, not to mention I’ve got plenty of ideas of how I want it to go. Another AU of mine I’ve been thinking about writing is my “Vampire Kwazton AU” it’s basically a AU where Shellington is a vampire and it takes place during the early 1990s when Grunge music was the big thing. It’s still a w.i.p but that might be a fic I write in the future, if I do I might just be a ficlet collection or something of the sort. Another fic I have I in mind is for my “Shellinoir” AU. Which will probably be a series of one shots. I came up with it after watching the SpongeBob episode “Squid Noir” which is where I got the title. It’ll likely be just a series of one shots. I also am currently pre writing an Invader Zim AU fanfic, it’s an AU where Dib and Gaz are sirens. I’ve currently got some chapters of it already written, however I want to finish it before I post it. I feel like this fic has taught me a lot and I’m glad.
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ekakikaart · 1 year
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Another mermaid for @little_alfard mermay
I really like how this one turned out to be, it’s definitely one of the best mermaids I’ve ever drawn 😩 I hope I will be able to draw more art like this in the future 🥲
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dragongutsixofficial · 4 months
for oc ask game 3, 15 and 24?
Thanks for the ask, my friend !^^
3- Biggest self-insert OC ?
Oooh that is a tricky question. I have so many OCs from so many fandoms and even some who are not tied to any existing piece of media !^^
I have to say though, probably the ice mage I played (and still do sometimes !) with my sister after we got The Best Videogame Ever: Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies. She holds within her characterization a lot of who I was as a young kid- some of which I'd like to get back. I was so confident as a kid, it's pretty incredible !
I can also tell you about the biggest fail to make a self-insert OC: Siyn Eisner, my beloved Bylethsona. The idea behind her creation was simple: I wanted an avatar who would represent me as a player the same way people created their Linksonas. At first, she was just an idea in the back of my mind, and not very developed- and that's the way she stayed until I started a fe3h roleplay with my dear friend.
And Sothis be damned, Siyn went way out of my control. She became her own, beautiful character. Of course, there are always things that she gets from me: but no more or less than any other OC of mine. And she inspired me in turn !
In general though, every OC of mine has some elements of my personality woven into theirs, even if I don't do it consciously. For instance, with my new Seven of Hearts OCs (OCs I created for a future webcomic, hopefully):
Heilig (he/him) is sarcastic and drags his feet. He doesn't do well when he's taken out of his comfort zone and hates taking risks. He sticks by the rules and is a bit tunnel-visionned. That's how I can be sometimes: and while there's nothing wrong with it, it can quickly become unhealthy: his character arc will partially be around him learning how to take a chill pill.
Keuse (she/her), Heilig's little sister, has more of that rebellious streak: but most of all, she wants the best for her brother and he wants the best for her. She wants him to understand that although she might be younger, it's just as much her responsibility to protect him in her eyes. I'm a younger sibling who wants my sister to know I'll always be here to protect her, just as she does me.
Same goes for Camille (he/she), who has that very naive side to him, and who definitely has undiagnozed ADHD. And so it is for every one of my OCs !
14- How many projects do you have going on right now? Are there any that you doubt you’ll ever finish?
When I received your ask I was like, "No prob, Imma make a google sheet and write everything down" and that's why I took some time to answer your ask. I have already given up on that. I don't even know where to start. I have so many WIPs. So many animatics living rent-free in my head. Some of which I am sure will never get done.
For instance, when the live-action version of The Little Mermaid came out, I was incredibly hyped by the new version of Part of your World and for weeks I was like, "I'M GONNA DRAW AN ANIMATIC OF A MERMAID TRANSMASC BYLETH WITH THIS SO BAD" and... yeah i'm still at the first frame.
I am pretty confident about finishing my first fic published on AO3 though, which I had given up on after one(1) chapter. But I got inspired by amazing writers @paracosmicat & @ninadove to pick it up again and I've entirely rewritten the first chapter + written two more chapters already (none of which are posted yet because I'd like to get ahead this time). I'm a lot happier with this version !^^ It's a fanfic delving into the dynamics of Edelgard/Zagreus (from Hades), which should eventually turn into a series exploring the Edelgard/Byleht/Zagreus/Thanatos polycule.
3- Do you have/want a career in your medium ? If not, what do you do/want to do instead ?
Drawing, as you will have noticed, is my passion and really the main way I get the wormbrains out. And if I don't draw for a while I will just want to bang my head against a wall repeatedly. So I definitely want a career in it. Being a video game designer would be a dream job.
For circumstances out of my control, I'm studying something else at the moment. On a good note, I just got out of two years of a formation which made me absolutely miserable and barely left me any time to draw !!! So there's that. But I do fully intend on finding a way to work in the art field someday ! >=D
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thecoolsquirrel · 2 months
Azul seems miserable...but Jade seems to find it entertaining lol
in all seriousness, I LOVE THIS AU and hope to see more of it :) <333
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definitely ! I'm really happy people are enjoying the au 🥺💛 I have some drawings in mind for it in the future and one already in drafts <3
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ateacupofchaos · 2 years
DrSquee's Fluttercord Fanfiction
Hey guys, DrSquee here!
Here's a list of my current list of my Fluttercord fanfiction, some which have been completed, some which are still in progress. Almost all of these are NSFW 18+, so please stay cautious and read the tags carefully!!
Of Hearts and Hooves, Cookies and Confessions - Fluff/Humour
[One Shot] (All Ages)
Its Hearts and Hooves day in Ponyville and Fluttershy is on her first date!
At least that's what Discord believes.
With the help of Spike and Big Mac, Discord is determined to make sure his bestie has "the perfect first date"....if he can keep a lid on his own feelings of course.
The Sand Beneath Our Feet - MermaidAU/Mutual Pining
[One Shot] (Teens & Up)
Twibra & Fluttercord Mermaid AU
Written for @gloomy-doom birthday!! A oneshot set in their Mermaid AU XD
Marine scientist Twilight struggles with her feelings for Mermaid Sombra.
Blood & Apples & Sweeter Than Blood & Apples - FlutterbatAU
(+18 NSFW)
Based on @lookoutlooseseal Flutterbat AU in which Discord cares for a newly turned vampire Fluttershy.
Peek-A-Boo - EQG/Modern DayAU
(2 Chapters) (+18 NSFW)
An interrupted moment of privacy opens up the door of progression for Fluttershy and Discords relationship.
Works In Progress
The God In The Forest - Dark Fantasy AU
(+18 NSFW) (Chapter Count = 7)
Fluttershy never expected to find a long forgotten Chaos God living within the Everfree Forest.
She definitely didn't expect to fall in love with him.
Equestria Girls: Ceremony of Chaos - EQG/Modern DayAU
(All Ages) (Chapter Count = 6)
Its almost time for graduation for the Mane 6!! Each one is looking forward to taking the next step into the future.... expect Fluttershy!! Riddled with anxiety, Fluttershy struggles to decide what to do with the next stage of her life.
As the Mane 7 fight new yet familiar faces, Fluttershy contends with her greatest challenge yet; following her heart.
Perhaps all it takes is friendship, kindness and a little....chaos?
I Can't Tell My Friends - Modern Day/NeighbourAU
(+18 NSFW) (Chapter Count = 9)
Neighbour/FWB AU.
Part-time model Fluttershy meets and embarks on a "no-strings attached" friendship with her eccentric neighbour Discord.
But neither realise that the more time they spend together, the more hopelessly entangled they become.
I'll try and remember to post on Tumbles when I next update. All my fics are slow to update unfortunately, as IRL is very strained for time and I also like to draw as well (I usually have to pick between the two ^_^;;)
I hope any new readers will enjoy what I've written so far! And thank you to any regulars, you're continued support is much appreciated!! <33
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charliesinfern0 · 6 months
PLEASE PLEASE DO AN ANALYSIS OF UR MUSIC CHOICES IM VERY CURIOUS!!!!!!!! i like the juxtaposition of stuff like toms diner with more poppy utaite work i think theres a definite through line w tone that conveys the overall intended consistent ship feel but its still very neatly diverse ^^ INTERESTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY
HI OMG IM SO HAPPY YOURE INTERESTED!!!!! :D hehehe ok um im super excited to do this, im sorry if it takes a while to answer i just have a LOT of thoughts about Aichi ^^
ok lets get into it (under the cut bc its long :3)
So Drop Pop Candy is THE quintessential Aichi song, like she's represented by the girl singing, and she's optimistic about moving forward and spending the days with Ichi, while Ichi is represented by the guy singing (and also the cat), where he's nervous about the future, but Ai encourages him to move forward with her. Also the translation im using mentions the moon and stars, and how the girl wants to reach them, and i think that fits really well with Ai and her connection to the moon! i could just copy paste the entire song here and be like "just read this its literally Aichi" lololol (also i really want to draw Ai in the outfit that the girl in the music video wears >u<)
When We First Met also just fits so well with the idea that i had that Ichimatsu loves Ai's hair, and how when Ai was younger/in highschool her hair was short, but now its really long.
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I think that Ichimatsu is very perceptive of the changes in people that he's close to, so it also represents how he sees that Ai has changed since he last saw her, and his love for her has grown since then (also! in the art i made of high school Ai she has a little bunny hair clip, and Ichi is the one that gave it to her :) he won it from a crane game and immediately thought "i have to give this to Ai, she would love it." and she did ^^)
Always Like This and Who Said Anything (About Falling In Love) are low points for Ichimatsu before the start of their relationship. He is so scared of his feelings for her, because he doesnt want to mess up their friendship, he doesnt want to push it and risk it. He also feels like he's holding her back from experiencing life and following her passions, since she told him that she moved back to Akatsuka from college because she missed him and all of her friends there. He thinks that she would be better off if she moved back to her college, and that its selfish that deep down he really wants her to stay with him. BUT AI CAME BACK BECAUSE SHE REALLY DID MISS HIM AND ALL HER FRIENDS AND SHE FELT AWFUL FOR LEAVING AND SHE REALLY DOES CARE ABOUT HIM!!!! T_T
Sunburn is such a cute song that i think represents the sort of beginning of their relationship, and like Ai loves the beach so they would definitely go there for a date.
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Its like the giddiness and nervousness Ichi feels, and just how intensely he loves Ai.
Love At First Sight makes me think of before their relationship, but a good amount of time has passed since Ai moved back, and theyve gotten back to being close friends again.
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Theres a scenario in my head where Ichi is out at night bc he just needed to get out of his house for a while, and he ends up at Ai's place and they hang out and she's like "if you want to spend the night you can, i cant imagine living with five other people like your brothers haha" and while she's talking hes zoning out and in his brain hes screaming but then hes just like "ok. that, sounds good. thank you" and then hard cut to him laying on her couch wide awake thinking 'im in love with her im in love with her oh my god im in love with her. i need to kill somebody' lololol ^^ the song just really reminds me of him, especially these lyrics:
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Beings is on the playlist mainly because of the nostalgia it gives me of when i first got into Osomatsu-san because thats when i first heard it ^^
Mermaid mainly represents how Ai feels when she realizes her feelings for Ichimatsu. There's a lyric that says "This tiny world, when you totter with the screw, it will begin to loosen up!", and it reminds me a lot of Ai in the fact that shes a robot and has screws, but also that her world is held together by screws, and they get rusty and weak when theyre in the water. She feels like her world changes when her feelings for Ichimatsu flood her heart ("The tiny world is flying out, as her heart floats on cloud nine. The boy must be aiming at the sea. Unable to shake off this wobbly feeling, she already knows, it is nothing but fascination!") The lyric "Her real face is shown" makes me think of how Ai sometimes thinks that she is nothing but a machine, her "true face" only being the screws and wires that she is made up of. Then, the lyrics "Knowing that nothing else will happen, he goes on chasing something as if motivated for some reason. It is nothing but fascination!" are more from Ichimatsu's point of view, about how he wants to understand Ai and her feelings when he sees a shift in how she acts (because of her feelings for him), but he knows that nothing will really happen because hes scared of finding out how she truly feels about him, because he doesnt want her to hate him, but hes also scared at the fact that she likes him.
Sweet Little Kiss is a bit of a pick-me-up from the previous song, just a sweet little love song that makes me think of a cute date where Ai and Ichi walk in the winter snow, feeling warm from the sweets they eat and their love for each other, and they share a sweet kiss in the snow :)
ツキ (Tsuki) is the namesake of the playlist! :D Tsuki means moon, which ties into how Ai is connected to the moon.
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Its sung from Ichimatsu's perspective, about how he doesn't really think he's the right person for Ai, but as long as she's here with him, he'll do his best to comfort her.
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These lyrics are just so him ;_;
Hibikase is leaning a bit into AU territory, mainly it makes me think about the merch line where the brothers are hackers. Like Ai is a vocaloid/robotic idol in their world and they fall in love despite her being a computer. it just fits to me, also its just one of my fave songs ever ^^
6つ子の魂ナユタまで (Mutsuko no Tamashi Nayuta Made) is the op that i connect to Ai and Ichimatsu the most (though it can also extend to the other brothers considering what the song is about).
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Ai sees the many different sides of Ichimatsu, and even though she knows how shitty he and his brothers can be, she cant help her feelings.
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Its a more lighthearted version of Ai figuring out her feelings for Ichi, but she still does feel like it would be too good to be true if Ichi did like her back.
Love At First Sight (2011 Fancy Studio Version) ITS THE REPRISE!!!! Its a contrast to the much quieter original version, where Ichi was trying to push his feelings down and not let them take over, but in this version its a lot more upbeat and theres more going on, showing that Ichi is fully realizing his feelings and they blow up inside him, filling his heart with love for Ai.
Tom's Diner is specifically for the Phantom Thief AU, taking place in this pretty city that Ai lives in. She's at a coffee shop during a rainy day, with a bunch of small things around her that remind her of Ichi (a black cat walking by outside, cat paintings inside the shop), because she had previously encountered him during one of his heists since her father Dekapan is the owner of the biggest museum in their city. All that he left behind was a purple handkerchief with a black cat paw on it, which she kept and is now studying as she sips her coffee. She feels someone is looking at her, but when she turns, there's nobody except a cute black cat meowing at her from outside.
Celeste makes me think of the Denki Mystery AU, and its from the perspective of Hajime (Ichi).
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Instead of new years, Hajime reminisces on the summer festival he, Akimi (Ai) and his brothers went to when they all first came to the village, and he remembers how she looked in her yukata covered in red flowers.
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Hajime feels as though he's seen Akimi before, and he wants to find out the secret she seems to be wrapped up in. He's not sure what his feelings are for her, he always feels like hes chasing after her, trying to understand her. But, he also feels like he shouldnt be getting so close to her, despite his beating heart signaling otherwise.
サリシノハラ (Sarishinohara) and Sexy Sunshine being right next to each other is a bit of whiplash considering the tones of each song, but i put them together because theyre songs that i connect to the Fujio Rock AU. Sarishinohara i think is a song that Ai would sing during the festival, since in the AU she's an underground idol who is also a fan girl of the Matsuno brothers' band. She catches the eye of the brothers, and after that she becomes a regular feature for their songs and when they perform live (in actuality they all knew each other when they were younger, and dont recognize each other now, but when Ichi saw her first perform on stage, he thought her voice sounded familiar). Sexy Sunshine reminds me of the Feat. Matsuzou set from the AU, since it takes place at a music festival on the beach, and i think its a song that Ai and Ichi would perform together with the rest of the band.
and yeah! aichi is very real to me ^^
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one-and-lonely16 · 2 years
You haven’t been active today and i was concerned caz i thought maybe that six form thingy made you sad or something 😭 anyways im glad ure okay and just drawing :D tell us a bit about ur ocs? :D
im glad u asked >:)
SO! blondie in the middle is called andi. she is captain of a ship called the black beauty. she ran away from home at the age of 19. her brother died when she was 15. girl got buckets of trauma. loves her crew. was voted queen of the seas a while back. pansexual. bit of a whore but we love her
the one kissing her head is ryka. she is the princess of aeria and she joins andi's crew for a brief time bc she wants to find the heart of the ocean (theres so much more lore but its like i dont wanna give too much away). the reason she's the only one really interacting with andi properly in the drawing is bc they are endgame. shes a lesbian but was arranged to marry a man (not bc the world is homophobic, its just she hated the rest of the suitors her parents approved of)
next to ryka is lukas. he was andi's childhood friend and first love. they were together at the age of 13-14, but eventually broke up bc best if they were friends (loved each other platonically not romantically. thats why hes further away than the others). however, when andi gets with iris and aria leaves, they fall out and he eventually goes to find aria. at the timeline in the story, he is dead
laying on andi's lap is rosa. she is actually one of my favourites to write. a girlboss. an icon. she is a prostitute, but like shes knows what shes worth and wont take shit from anyone. her and andi don't love each other (hence the reason u cant see her face), but andi is like her fav client and shes andis fav whore i guess (that sounds fucked up but like they genuinely are friends and care about each other)
on the floor is syrena. shes a mermaid. and like she is completely and utterly in love with andi (they have slept together) but it is one-sided. andi cares for her as a friend, but isnt in love with her. thats why shes on the floor and looking up, showing her devotion as such, but how unrequited it is. the definition of the other woman. shes actually really sweet (despitr always suggesting to eat ryka so andi doesnt have any problems)
the one looking up at andi is aria. she wasn't friends with andi as long as lukas was, but was still a childhood friend. she met lukas through being andi's gf at the time. they went out for a few months when they were 14, but then aria said she wanted to focus on training and they broke up (andi was starting to fall in love with her but understood and was ok being friends). after andi started spiraling, she left and joined the navy for where they are from (i cant remember what i called the place and my notebook is god knows where)
then last but certainly not least is iris. she is a priestess for the deities. she got with andi just after her brother died (andi doesnt have the best coping mechanisms) she knew of this prophecy about the heart of the ocean and whilst she did care for andi, she was kind of manipulating her for the deities so this prophecy could be fulfilled. andi worshipped her. i wouldnt say it was love bc of unhealthy it was but she was obsessed. when andi ran away, they said goodbye and broke up but yeah. shes really powerful. she does care for andi and then in the future helps them find the heart and fix all the problems that come with the heart
thats all of them in the photo, soz for the long post i could go on for hours
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lilliancdoodles · 2 months
I was honestly looking forward to the distraction of a Fit stream, but I fully understand and support the temporary closure of the QSMP server for the investigation.
All the love to Q and the team. They’ll find a way through this and come out the other side better for it. Looking forward to the future!!
Me, I’ll probably keep drawing stuff. Might go back into doing design ideas for my Mermaid/Pirates AU cause that’s a lot of fun for me. So if anyone is interested in that feel free to ask questions! I have a few designs done already but I definitely have more to do. Mermaids are one of my favorite things to draw and combine that with QSMP and it’s pretty fun and calming.
I personally hope the server opens before the twelfth, if not so fit and pac can talk to each other, so that we can get a cinematic from Fit on him getting yoiked. But if it does open till after that’s fine by me.
If you need to take a break or a step back, do so! Big love 💕
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bunny-uninterrupted · 3 months
=0, T.T, ;^), >:3c, and :^* for the cringe edition ask game!
( - postallady)
I'll be answering for alast0r!! ^^
=0 - If you and your f/o were mermaids, what would your tails look like?
i wanted to draw them!! i gave myself two designs bc i couldn't decide xP i might remake them in the future bc i have more ideas but this is it for now!!
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T.T - What show/book/etc from your childhood would you be most excited to show your f/o? What do they think?
hmmmmm.. OOH i'd love to show him the series wings of fire!! and the show little bear!! he probably thinks wings of fire is cool because it's about dragons, but he might not totally understand bc it's a kind of recent series (started 2012 and there are still books being released). he doesn't like TV, so that makes little bear automatically less appealing. but it has a slightly older feel to it, so he might warm up to it, especially because i love it so much :3 my favorite episode is the ghost raccoons episode god the vibes..... he'd appreciate the jazz raccoons for sure and he'd soooo watch it with me :3
;^) - What does your f/o do that makes you melt? What about vice versa?
AUGHH so he has a constant smile regardless of how he feels, so you can see emotion more in his eyes and eyebrows, and when he looks at me his smile stays pretty much the same but his eyes soften so much...................... >_> also when he calls me darling or kisses my hand or cuddles with me or swing dances with me or sings HE HAS SUCH A NICE VOICE :]
he melts when i pet his ears or hug him (with his permission of course) bc you know he's touch starved xP or when i initiate a dance with him, or when i watch him cook or listen to him sing and just hang out there while he does his thing <3 and just when i'm genuine with him :3 and that i respect his boundaries and needs, bc being a terrifyingly powerful overlord tends to make people forget that he has needs :[
>:3c - Do you have any particularly silly headcanons for your f/o?
HMM well it's not confirmed in canon but i think he definitely has a deer tail :3
i also hc that he has ASPD (at least by human standards, im not sure if hell has a DSM) :]
:^* - Who would be your f/o’s favorite character from My Little Pony and why? What about yours?
HEEHEE i haven't seen MLP for a loong time so i cant promise it'll be accurate but i think he'd be fond of discord and fluttershy xP my favorites are rainbow dash and pinkie pie!!
thank you so much for the ask!! <3 ^^
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