#not an ask nor a rp
lower-management · 2 months
Having a @the-metatron zcare iz worze than dealin' with my employeez
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themagisterprotocol · 3 months
The monster, yes. Better keep him safe and restrained, won't we?
Oh, don't listen to Miss Vera. She's far too tired to think straight. She has not rested for a while. I merely wanted to ask about that drum-quieting strategy of yours... They're deafening.
( @tremastersweb )
I mean, I don't really need to do anything with him, he's in a crystal, the worst he's doing is showing me images of what he intends to do with Vera once he's out, and that's why he's a monster...
The- Oh, yeah, that, I go into my mind and build a room around them, it makes them a bit quiter, I have several layers of rooms around them, like an onion, they're still there, but they're very muffled, why?
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flatfuckfridays · 4 months
Gay, do i need to say anything else?
[Bi, actually💙🩷💜]
Also I found this lovely gif and I couldn’t NOT
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piningpercussionist · 24 days
One day you will feel remorse. One day you will regret the notion of willingly purchasing an object containing sentience, and afterwards doing nothing but brutalize it with sticks.
-the kit[kimpinesdrumset]
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@kimpinesdrumset (ooc: for easily running over to the blog 👍)
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askwalmartniko · 4 months
Hey, have you ever talked to a fox?
"technically, yes" — entry 11
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a tiny bit embarrassing but i remember i was playing pokeymans, and i was so upset that i couldn't get this shiny eightails that i started talking to it like it was real.
other than that? no. not to my knowledge, at least.
do you talk to foxes?
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i think thats the point
Fair enough 😀
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trust me, I would like to see that too...looks like everyone's a bit delusional over there...Sherlock even agreed with the idea of drugging him...you've convinced me, I'll do a few warning shots
Drugging him? Fucking Christ. How the fuck does he keep a job in law enforcement?
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pinkhairandpokemon · 6 months
Do we know if any of Team Plasma has a Zorua or Zoroark? It could’ve been an illusion. Are there any Psychic Pokémon you could try to get to sense for them?
Anon. I am in GALAR right now. I have absolutely zero means of checking, Psychic-type or not, because I AM NOT THERE RIGHT NOW. All flights to Unova have been closed. Even if I WAS there or COULD get there by some means- it’s not like I can just waltz right up to wherever Team Plasma’s base is and have an Alakazam scan for Zoroarks or some shite. If you’re gonna pass these crazy ideas to anyone pass them off to the fuckin’ authorities
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adventureswithdipplin · 5 months
I know you wouldn’t want to talk about it but was there at least one moment ‘it’ was in control that you could remember? In the slightest?
..don’t know. sorry.
please quit bringing it up. it’s stressful and i fear it wants me to be stressed.
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Vel, may I ask you for an autograph? Big fan of the one and only Sinstagram Queen~
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Oh ho ho don’t waste my time babe, all you gotta do is go to my linktree on my Sinstagram, press merchandise and you’ll find loads of different prints there with my autograph! You gotta pay if you want to see my beauty and radiance everyday!
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drmindflowers · 9 months
What do you think of Gaster?
Gaster? I haven't quite been able to play Undertale, yet, but to answer your question: I have always been cautious in my work, but to hear tales of other vases, now shattered pieces floating among the Cosmos reminds me that I need to not become cocky and reckless. Even the wood path of a bridge you've walked on countlessly can break apart if you do not tread carefully. A fascinating idea, yet it paints a fearful harmony within my heart. If I was in that frame, to see the shattering of my very canvas and lose the threads of people I care for would tear my mind into little petals.
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 1 year
i'm in tmcblr as ruth and i say if you havent been there since the start you won't get anything-
so much shit has happened and there r so many ocs interwoven in too. it's really cool and i love it but i know its so fucking confusing- /lh
Ah okay.
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//Merry Christmas!🎄🎁
~ Mod Rosa
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burdenedwithfaith · 1 year
How much guilt is a normal and healthy amount of guilt? Asking for a friend.
Oh, yes, well that's easy.
Constant guilt. Hope that helps.
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tacitusauxilium · 9 months
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@infinitexmuses sent: “this is the only time i’ll condone having ice cream for breakfast.” (From Futaba) // from a meme ask long ago
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She chuckled, relieved that Futaba was perfectly fine with trying something...so random that if the members of the Shadow Operatives saw Fuuka putting ice cream on top of waffles, they would probably think she was ill. But, Fuuka could have sworn this was perfectly fine. And it DID look delicious.
"Good--because the ice cream was going to expire in two days and I saw a small case of freezer burnt in it." She stated, knowing that vanilla ice cream would be delicious with chocolate chip waffles. Fuuka put a fingertip to her chin and tapped it a few times. "Though, would this be too much sugar for you? Maybe I should have done plain waffles?" Fuuka whispered to herself. The idea was slowly backing up in her mind, wondering if she should have just whipped cream instead... ...but, too late to go back now.
"Why not give it a shot? I could make more if it's a success!"
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Dinner today? If you are single
I'm taken.
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