#//like teaser trailers or w/e
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I think I audibly screamed when the release date for Nancy Drew: Mystery of the Seven Keys was unveiled. I’m so used to companies releasing teasers and trailers for products that’re at least months, if not over a year, away. I usually end up forgetting about them, so lately I’ve basically just reacted to that type of thing like “well, that’d be nice if it was coming out soon, but I’ll probably forget about it by then, so I don’t really care.”
And for Nancy Drew, specifically, we got to the end of the trailer, and I was like “oh well, I guess we’re not getting a release date. Guess I kinda expected to be strung along by HeR Interactive, so I’m not really surpri-”
And then the “releasing” appeared, and I literally just froze like “👁️ 👄 👁️ …no”
And then for it to be weeks, not months. W E E K S away. I screamed. I got up and left the room. I didn’t know how to take it. Yes the graphics are chopped, but I have a feeling this game is going to be what Midnight in Salem was intended to be, and the rumored dual gameplay systems is just, ugh; Chefs kiss. I’m so excited to, at the very least, give it a try.
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thelegendofmrrager · 3 years
Just had the worst thought the WORST fucking thought
Ed edd n eddy reboot with clean character designs no squiggle animation and the eds end up w the kanker sisters.....
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linogram · 4 years
im trying to figure out the key GO生 is in and ive narrowed it down, but i dont have enough info to decide between the two, gah!
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caffernnn · 3 years
hiiii what's the deal with the posts abt makoto getting hit by a car or w/e? is it just joking abt that ominous shot of him in the final stroke trailer or did i miss something?? worrying abt my boy
Okay I’ve gotten a few questions about Makoto now (too many jokes I know I’m sorry) so I’ll try to explain where it’s all coming from, as least from how I understand it. There was a nice twitter thread posted recently explaining it pretty succinctly but I can’t find it again 🧍🏻 so here’s what I’ve gathered!
The biggest source that spawned the theories of Makoto’s demise comes from Ryuuji’s personal backstory and advice/warning to Haru revealed in the last few episodes of DttF. He states that you can’t make it to the top unless you’re prepared to give something up, even if that something could be someone, which we later learn was partially the case for Ryuuji. The stage is set in those last few episodes for Haru’s journey to include a dire choice and possible sacrifice, and it’s hard to look at Ryuuji’s own story (losing a friend, giving up swimming) and not see it as possible foreshadowing. During my first watch of the season, I thought the “making a sacrifice” arc was wrapped up with Haru’s declaration of taking on the world without giving up the things that let him dream in the first place (his connection with the water, his connection with his friends/teammates/rivals), but it was really just a promise for the remainder of Haru’s story: now that he’s promised to take on the world without losing the things/people he cares about most, how will he follow through?
Here is a post from 2018 that summarizes some fan reactions to Ryuuji’s story and the possible foreshadowing — this line of thinking has been around since the episodes aired pretty much!
As that linked post shows, taking Ryuuji’s words as foreshadowing can spell potential doom for anyone close to Haru, but the biggest contender of it all seems to be Makoto. Haru has always been able to use swimming as a way to reach his friends again whenever something happens to them or they lose their way (Rin, Ikuya), but who is a person close enough to Haru’s heart and removed enough from his current path that potential tragedy could pull Haru away from swimming? Makoto. Even without a shipping lens, the show has shown time and time again just how deeply embedded Makoto is in Haru’s life and journey as a swimmer: he was there at the very beginning of it all, and he’s found a way to be there through every triumph and hardship ever since. We know Haru’s bonds mean the world to him, and we know that losing Makoto specifically is one of his biggest fears (evidence explicitly after the training camp incident, but plain enough to see after the fireworks fight as well)… So, if something happened to Makoto that put Haru at a crossroads between one of his most important bonds and his professional career, what would Haru choose?
The theories moved into more specific statements (“Makoto might get hurt” became “Makoto is going to get hit by a car”) when fanfic authors played around with the concept. There are a few out there, but a specific one a lot of us have talked about before is The Sun That Didn’t Set by ironfamjam, which gives life to the car accident theories. Fics like this aren’t necessarily prophetic and are at least sort of common in the makoharu tag on Ao3. There are a number of fics that reimagined the training camp incident as well (Makoto needing full CPR, more lasting trauma from the whole drowning thing). It’s a prime opportunity for angst-lovers and hurt/comfort fans to explore Haru’s character and how important his friends really are to him.
It seemed like the theories faded and stayed dormant for awhile but hiked back up again as soon as the announcements for the Final Stroke movies started rolling out. I think something about the finality of it all brought back the angst theorists, and now people look at the potential plot as either a glass half empty or glass half full: will the final movies show Haru’s success in starting his journey, or will something happen to make him quit and become “ordinary” once and for all?
A lot of the people I see talking about it are making light-hearted jokes about it because “it’s a sports anime, they can’t hurt Makoto!” Most of my own posts are really just jokes as well, but with how many times kyoani has tried to drown their characters before, and Makoto’s look in the recent teaser…
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I’m sitting on the edge of my seat until both of these dang movies come out.
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thequarrelsome · 3 years
I guess if you don’t want to know about the teaser trailer, don’t click below. 
( i only concern myself with kaer morhen at this point if that hasn’t been clear )
So.......... at least 6 witchers in the hall when Ciri and Geralt arrive..... already not okay with it
I WAS LIKE...... W H E R E  I S  H I S  S C A R ? ?
as someone so wittily tweeted at me... ‘are you triggered?’
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felassan · 4 years
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None of this is particularly new but w/e, it’s sleepy midnight wonderings o’clock, having been thinking about the new WIPs in relation to TN and the DWR teaser (Cut for length). The images are messy caps and a random assortment of sizes and so best viewed individually because the thumbnail doesn’t always focus on the bit/all of the bit that I was trying to point to.
In the EA Play WIPs, the tree in the first shot recalls the tree depicted in the 2018 DWR teaser trailer - both are elfy, dark-barked and have spreading branches devoid of leaves. I feel that this was an intentional callback and contains potent symbolism.
Back to some old hat mural burbling for a sec: The mural is interesting, as depending on how you look at it, the tree is ruined by flames ("burning in the raw chaos" indeed) and is on fire, and the Solas-y figure has passed by it on his way to do his thing (unfortunate unavoidable damage/casualties). Alternately, it’s standing untouched among the flames despite the fire, the rest of the land is burning in the chaos and the Solas-y figure is protecting the tree (placed himself between it and the rest) which is likely representative of the elven People by doing what he’s doing wiith the Veil and standing there w/ that ‘Gandalf you shall not pass’ shtick. What’s interesting is that in this series it’s probably both or a combination of both interpretations which is the truth.
In Tevinter Nights, we of course learn that Solas is in the process of, or intends to soon begin the process of, carrying out a ritual of some kind which will bring down the Veil. With this in mind, looking back at Nick Thornborrow’s mural, the circles don’t just represent the Thedosian ‘layers of creation’ and things associated with these (the barrier of the Veil, the separation of the different worlds, black-and-gold banding [Black City/Golden City], the 7 hemispheres [7 old gods? 7 remaining Evanuris?] and so on). I think they also represent a ritual, or ritual-in-progress; they remind me of the concentric rings and similar sigils often found in old alchemical symbols (alchemy being a practise where people tried to change the nature of materials), and the concentric rings in our world which are sometimes found at places which are often held in popular culture to have been sacred ritual or ceremonial sites (2) in ancient times.
Regarding the mural, there are interpretations that the figure on the left is warding off the encroaching Dread Wolf, or rather, protecting creation - the world - from what the DW is doing. There are also interpretations that the figure is not Solas, and others. These are valid ideas, and the beauty of DA material is in the fact that it sets folk to guessing and generating several different takes on what we’re presented with. For me, given that the figure was confirmed to be bald by the artist and that it appears to have the distinctive pelt slung on its shoulder, I read it to be Solas (I do accept tho that in-game art often depicts ancient elves in general as bald). I also read the whole thing as being both aspects of Solas (Solas the person and Solas the DW) approaching creation/the Veil from both sides in a sort of ‘pincer’ movement (this is not to say that he’s “evil omg”; his designs are intended to save the People, the world that was, and/or maybe the entire world). Lastly, it’s popularly assumed ofc that the mural depicts Solas trying to take down the Veil. 
This particular reading of the mural is old ground and an 0.2 I’ve posted before. I mention it because it brings me to the ritual. Post-TN I wondered about the specifics involved in his ritual, agreeing with the Mortalitasi’s summation that it will involve a lot of lyrium. Here I was struck by the spread and presence of red lyrium in the WIPs. In the mural, you have the figure with red eyes and en-haloed by a sphere of red. You also have the DW, red-eyed and with crackles of red emanating from it. The red lyrium idol is obviously present right in the middle. It’s the very center of everything, and from TN clearly the major key to Solas’ plans. In the teaser, red lyrium crackles all over the idol, but the bit that always gets me most is the part where the camera pans over the spread of red lyrium crackles up the spine of one of the figures depicted in the idol. That figure is bald, and the one being comforted by the other which has the Mythal-esque crown. If the descriptions of the idol and Solas’ supposed-reaction to it in TN are anything to go by, the idol ofc looks to be depicting Mythal, crowned, with Solas.
This is going to sound stupid, but the spine is a key structure in the human body, that encloses and protects a major component of the CNS (which controls a heck of a lot of what we do). This isn’t the first time people have worried about whether Solas is or will be affected by red lyrium. The whole thing interests me because of the nature of red lyrium (ex. veins) as revealed by Bianca; that it’s alive, since Blight only infects living things. Its spread across Thedas is kinda (fantastically) quasi-biological in nature, like cancer in an organism or mold through old food.**
Back to the ritual (all sense of structure in this post is non-existent lol), maybe the Mortalitasi’s assumption needs to be revised or made more specific. Given all the red.. mayhaps Solas’ ritual doesn’t just require lots of lyrium in addition to the use of the idol, it specifically requires lots of red lyrium..? This might make sense in light of all the red in the mural, and considering the fact that red lyrium is more potent and therefore more powerful than the normal form of the substance. Red lyrium like normal lyrium is also noted to be able to thin the Veil. It stands to reason that lots of it might be able to bring the whole thing down. Taking this back to the mural, the red crackles emanating from the DW look to be what is causing the cracks through the circles - which are representative, remember, of a ritual-in-progress as well as the Veil itself - into the inner sanctum. Is red lyrium is what’s breaking the Veil, what’s fuelling and catalyzing the ritual to bring it down? Solas! What are you doing (obviously yh he has his reasons for doing it, to save his people/restore what used to be, and potentially more). What grabs me here is that red lyrium is a double-edged sword. An idol made of red lyrium is key to his plans to bring down the Veil, but the rampant unstoppable spread of red lyrium across modern Thedas also simultaneously appears (and is widely noted by fandom to be) to be one of the serious problems facing the modern world that Solas is implied to be trying to save it from. (desperate times, desperate measures indeed)
** the spread of red lyrium and its effects on people and the land is a whole topic in and of itself
Alt take (equally plausible): the red lyrium crackles in the mural = just the destructive spread of red lyrium across the world of Thedas in general (which is a big threat to everything, including ‘creation’ itself. Solas is concerned with protecting the “sea of dreams”, for instance) and the red coloring in the figure and the DW is the effects on Solas of his using of the idol to stop this (by taking down the Veil and ‘resetting’ reality).
Alt takes on the mural (also equally plausible): It’s Solas vs the DW in that he’s conflicted and at war with himself over what he’s doing; it’s Solas vs the DW in that he’s protecting the world or the People from it or from a threat; it’s not Solas and represents someone else such as the Ink or next PC facing off against the DW; the idol represents the Black City in the center of the Fade; the idol represents the ‘center’ of the red lyrium that’s spreading across Thedas threatening everything / the Origin of the Blight itself [I don’t mean a literal center of it so much as it’s a core problem, although.. maybe that’s the beating mass of red lyrium in the WIPs?] and the mural depicts Solas protecting the world and/or the People from the threat of it; the idol doesn’t represent the physical item but rather the circumstances depicted by the idol (the couple, or the god mourning her sacrifice, or the crowned figure comforting the other - so it’s about the individuals these are, and the event commemorated by it, thus centering them in the plot of the upcoming game and showing that this interaction that transpired between them was a key moment in everything that happened before).
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spideycentral · 5 years
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*****UPDATED AS OF 07/10*****
As you all may know, the premier for the next Marvel movie is close,              Spider-Man: Far From Home premiers on 07/02!
On this list you will find some the of interviews, trailers, tv spots, and behind the scenes videos from Spider-Man: Far From Home. If you find any videos that are not included on this list or are of a higher quality, please feel free to message us and we will add it to the list.
This list is not complete. Videos will be added as they are released
SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME - Official Teaser Trailer #1
SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME – International Teaser Trailer
SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME - Official Trailer #2
Spider-Man Meeting Mysterio - SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (2019)
SPIDER MAN FAR FROM HOME All Movie Clips + Trailer (NEW 2019) 
SPIDER MAN FAR FROM HOME Peter Parker as Tony Stark Trailer #2
SPIDER-MAN FAR FROM HOME Peter Destroys Mysterio With New Glasses
SPIDER MAN FAR FROM HOME Peter Makes His Own Suit Scene w/ BTS
Spider-Man: Far From Home Chinese TV Spot
Spider-Man: Far From Home International TV Spots
Homem-Aranha: Longe de Casa | Spot: Suit Kids
Homem-Aranha: Longe de Casa | Spot: Int´l Tr H
Homem-Aranha: Longe de Casa | Spot: Witness
Homem-Aranha: Longe de Casa | Spot: New Team
Homem-Aranha: Longe de Casa | Spot: Swing Kids
Homem-Aranha Longe De Casa | Spot: World
Homem-Aranha Longe De Casa | Spot: Mysterio Suit
Homem-Aranha Longe De Casa | Spot: Mysterio Followers 
Homem-Aranha Longe De Casa | Spot: Trip Cutdown Kids
Homem-Aranha Longe De Casa | Spot: Skills Glasses Bar 30″
SPIDER MAN FAR FROM HOME Aunt May ask Peter About MJ & Mysterio 
SPIDER MAN FAR FROM HOME MJ Finds Out Peter is Spider Man Trailer 
New Spider-Man: Far From Home TV Spot 
Spider-Man: Far From Home - Team Up - At Cinemas July 2
Spider-Man: Far From Home - Superhero Heart To Heart
Spider-Man: Far From Home - TV Spot #14 | Peter Has A Plan
Spider-Man: Far From Home | Need An Avenger For This Job 
Spider-Man: Far From Home | Action Adventure
Spider-Man: Far From Home E3 Teaser
Spider-Man: Far From Home | Welcome to the Avengers
Spider-Man: Far From Home | Swing
Spider-Man: Far From Home | The World Needs Him
Spider-Man: Far From Home | Hijacked
Spider-Man: Far From Home | Peter Has To Buckle Up
Spider-Man: Far From Home | New enemies, New team
Mysterio Explains the Elementals
Peter Meets Mysterio
Hydro-Man Attacks
Mysterio and Peter Talk
Water Rises
Opera Overtures
SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME Travel Vlog - Mexico
SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME Travel Vlog - London
United — Fly Like a Superhero (#SpiderManFarFromHome 7.2)
Spider-Man: Far from Home Cast Surprises Guests at Disney California Adventure Park | Oh My Disney
Spider-Man: Far From Home Funko Trailer!
Homem-Aranha: Longe de Casa | A venda de Ingressos já começou
Tom Holland & Jimmy Kimmel in Exclusive Scene from Spider-Man: Far From Home
In anticipation of @SpiderManMovie’s release starring @TomHolland1996, IGN teamed up with Sony Pictures and legendary artist @Bosslogic along with the STP Foundation to create a massive custom art mural at the famed Venice Beach California Art Walls.
Audi Presents: The Science Fair
SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME - Donovan Mitchell (ESPN Spot)
Ni hao! 👋 The #SpiderManFarFromHome# promotional tour has begun... @TomHollandOfficial ​
So sad to be leaving BALI. It’s honestly been the trip of a life time. I can’t wait to come back and miss you already. #wesawthemantas
Ni Hao, Beijing! @TomHollandOfficial and I learned how to say Mysterio and Spider-Man in Chinese. How did we do? #SpiderManFarFromHome#
China! 🇨🇳 #spidermanfarfromhome
Thank you 🇬🇧. #spidermanfarfromhome.
London it was real. Next stop The big Apple! @harryholland64 I think this is the best video yet.
Tom Holland, Jake Gyllenhaal, and Jacob Batalon CCXP18 Interview
Spider-Man: Far From Home Panel at CCXP18 Tom Holland Jake Gyllenhaal HD
Tom Holland and Jake Gyllenhaal Talk SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME
Spider-Man: Far From Home | first look at CCXP (2019)
Spider-Man: Far From Home CCXP in Brazil (Tom Holland, Jake Gyllenhaal)
Jake Gyllenhaal’s Response To Being In Spider-Man: Far From Home
Jake Gyllenhaal: Indie Films Vs. Marvel Movies
Guillermo vs Spider-Man Tom Holland
Jake Gyllenhaal Is Obsessed with Tom Holland as Spider-Man
Tom Holland and Jake Gyllenhaal Mexico press tour video! #Tomholland #Spidermanfarfromhome #MCU
Tom Holland and Jake Gyllenhaal at Conque for spider-man:far from home
Spider-Man en la Conque Conferencia ★JJyC★
Jake Gyllenhaal Talks About Entering the Marvel Universe and Gushes Over Ellen
Tom Holland and the Cast of Spiderman: Far From Home surprise guests at Disneyland!
Spider-Man Cast on Spoilers & Avengers: Endgame 
Spider-Man Cast on Traveling Together, Mysterio & Samuel L. Jackson
Spider-Man Cast on Tom Holland & Zendaya’s Air Hockey Rivalry
73 Questions With Zendaya | Vogue
Spider-Man: Far From Home Exclusive Interview with Tom Holland
Tom Holland, Spiderman: Far From Home, Injuries, Unfit, Spidey Costume changes he requested
Spider-Man: Far From Home Exclusive Interview with Tom Holland New Spider-Man: Far From Home TV Spot
黑皮訪問Spider-Man! 人生無憾啦!圓夢之旅 [上集] 
Entrevista con el elenco de la cinta “Spiderman”
¡Los mayores secretos del talento de #SpidermanLejosDeCasa!
De frente com Chris Hemsworth e Tom Holland
De frente com Chris Hemsworth e Tom Holland | O que Chris diz sobre #MIBInternacional?
Spider-Man: Far From Home press conference in China
Spider-Man: Far From Home press conference in China part 2
Tom Holland: Iron Man death sequence was UNSCRIPTED I Spider-Man: Far From Home
Iron Man Will Be Missed By All: Tom Holland
蜘蛛人高爾夫打輸神盾局局長 曝漫威這樣防止腳本外流
SPIDER-MAN FAR FROM HOME Jake Gyllenhaal Interview
SPIDER-MAN FAR FROM HOME Tom Holland, Zendaya & Jacob Batalon Interview
Tom Holland Project TV Interview
Tom Holland Exclusive Interview On India Today, Answers Rapid Fire Questions
SPIDER-MAN FAR FROM HOME Interviews: Tom Holland, Zendaya, Jake Gyllenhaal, Samuel L. Jackson 
Jake Gyllenhaal & Sam Jackson Raw Interview Spider-Man: Far From Home
Jacob Batalon & Tom Holland & Zendaya Raw Interview Spider-Man: Far From Home
Tom Holland accidentally ghosted Robert Downey Jr. - Spider-Man: Far From Home interviews
SPIDER-MAN: Far From Home: Zendaya "MJ" Behind the Scenes Movie Interview
SPIDER-MAN: Far From Home: Tom Holland "Peter Parker" Behind the Scenes Movie Interview
SPIDER-MAN: Far From Home: Jacob Batalon "Ned" Behind the Scenes Movie Interview
SPIDER-MAN: Far From Home: Director Jon Watts Behind the Scenes Movie Interview
SPIDER-MAN: Far From Home: Jon Favreau "Happy Hogan" Behind the Scenes Movie Interview
SPIDER-MAN: Far From Home: Samuel L. Jackson "Nick Fury" Behind the Scenes Movie Interview
SPIDER-MAN: Far From Home: Jake Gyllenhaal "Mysterio" Behind the Scenes Movie Interview
Who ghosted Spider-Man Tom Holland?
Tom Holland Talks Spider-Man/Deadpool Movie (ComicsExplained Interviews Tom Holland)
Jake Gyllenhaal Talks First Day on “Spider-Man: Far From Home” | E! Red Carpet & Award Shows
Tom Holland Ft. Omair Alavi - On Air With Omair Interview with Tom Holland Spiderman
Jake Gyllenhaal Talks Hardships of Playing Mysterio in ‘Spider-Man: Far from Home’
Spider-Man: Far From Home Interviews: Tom Holland, Zendaya, Jake Gyllenhaal & Samuel L. Jackson
Tom Holland, Zendaya React To ‘Spider-Man’ Romance Rumours | EXTENDED
Tom Hanks tests Tom Holland’s acting! | The Graham Norton Show - BBC
Gwyneth Paltrow & Tom Holland On How Being Famous Makes You An A**hole | The Graham Norton Show
New ‘Spider-Man’ a 'breath of fresh air’ after 'Endgame’
“SPIDER-MAN: Far From Home” Director Jon Watts Interview
Spider-Man: Far From Home, Peter Parker se va a Londres | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo
Jake Gyllenhaal revela detalles de la nueva Spider-Man | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo
GlobalTimes Interview with Jake Gyllenhaal, Tom Holland and Jon Watts
《蜘蛛侠:英雄远征/Spider-Man: Far From Home》红毯采访特辑(汤姆·赫兰德 / 赞达亚 / 玛丽莎·托梅)【预告片先知 | 20190620】
Promo Spider-Man Far From Home di Bali, Tom Holland Kepincut Indonesia
AP Entertainment | Jake Gyllenhaal
Jake and Tom on BBC Radio
SPIDER-MAN: Far From Home || Samuel L. Jackson Junket Soundbites || #SocialNews.XYZ
Interviewing Samuel L Jackson, Jake Gyllenhaal & John Watts | Comics Explained
Ozzy Man & Tom Holland Interview + GUESS THE AUSSIE SLANG
Tom Holland and Jake Gyllenhaal spider-man:far from home interview
SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME with Tom Holland, Zendaya, Jake Gyllenhaal & Samuel L. Jackson
Tom Holland Knew I Was Irish?
กอล์ฟ พิชญะ ควักสิ่งนี้โชว์ Tom Holland !!
Tom Holland, Zendaya and Jacob Batalon Talk SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME
Jake Gyllenhaal and Samuel L. Jackson Talk SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME
SPIDER-MAN FAR FROM HOME | Interview with Marvel Mastermind Kevin Feige
Spider-Man Reunion + Cooking Challenge (w Tom Holland)
Tom Holland’s Memorable Workout With Jake Gyllenhaal
Rescue Dog Rescue With Tom Holland: Superhero Edition
Tom Holland, Jake Gyllenhaal & Zendaya Talk ‘Spider-Man: Far From Home’ | Studio 10
Marvel’s Interview with the Cast
Tom Holland & Zendaya’s Date Scenes Were Difficult to Shoot | ‘Spider-Man: Far From Home’ Interview
‘Spider Man Far From Home’ Zendaya, Tom Holland and Jacob Batalon Full Interview
Zendaya on her new 'Spider-Man' role
Tom Holland, Zendaya & Jacob Batalon Answer the Web's Most Searched Questions | WIRED
《蜘蛛侠:英雄远征/Spider-Man: Far From Home》曝“混战”版预告(汤姆·赫兰德 / 赞达亚 / 玛丽莎·托梅)【预告片先知 | 20190624】
Jake Gyllenhaal Backs Chris Hemsworth As 'Hottest' Avenger | EXTENDED
Tom Holland, dream come true na makasama si Jake Gyllenhaal | UKG 
Spider Man Far From Home Jake Gyllenhaal and Samuel L Jackson Full Interview
Interview Jacob Batalon & Zendaya SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME
Interview Samuel L. Jackson aka Nick Fury SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME
Interview Tom Holland & Jake Gyllenhaal SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME
Tom Holland's Fav Spider-Man Scene & Nude Spidey, Sam Jackson's Fav Comic! | Comicstorian
Tom Holland and Jake Gyllenhaal spider-man:far from home interview
Spider-Man: Far From Home Cast on Their Favorite Movie Theater Memories
Tom Holland and Zendaya discuss "serious romance" in 'Spider-Man: Far From Home' | PopBuzz Meets
Zendaya Lifts the Curtain On Her Spidey Stunts 
Tom Holland Got Recognized While Helping a Sick Airline Passenger
Tom Holland Accidentally Ghosted Robert Downey Jr.
Samuel L. Jackson wants John Wick to join the MCU
Cast of Spider-Man: Far From Home reveal which MCU character they want for the threequel
Spider-Man: Far From Home stars @TomHolland1996, @Zendaya and Jacob Batalon play ‘Guess The Marvel Character’
Spider-Man: Far From Home Cast on Their Favorite Movie Theater Memories
Spider-Man: Far From Home - What Lured Jake Gyllenhaal Into The MCU? | SYFY WIRE
Zendaya finds inspiration for MJ at the Spider-Man: Far From Home world premiere
Director Jon Watts on picking up Spider-Man's story after Avengers: Endgame
Samuel L. Jackson talks about Nick Fury's return in Spider-Man: Far From Home
Angourie Rice answers fan questions LIVE from the Spider-Man: Far From Home red carpet
Raising Spider-Man with Marisa Tomei LIVE from the Spider-Man: Far From Home red carpet
Jon Favreau on his role of a lifetime in Spider-Man: Far From Home LIVE on the red carpet
Spider-Man star Tom Holland avoids spoilers on the Spider-Man: Far From Home red carpet!
Jake Gyllenhaal adores Tom Holland and wants everyone to know it
Kevin Feige reveals the secret connections of Spider-Man: Far From Home and Avengers: Endgame
Writers Chris McKenna and Erik Sommers reveal the creative process for Spider-Man: Far From Home
Executive Producer Eric Hauserman Carroll LIVE from the Spider-Man: Far From Home red carpet
JB Smoove on joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe in Spider-Man: Far From Home
Spider-Man: Far From Home Red Carpet | FULL STREAM
"Sean Paul is MASSIVELY OVERRATED!": Tom Holland and Jake Gyllenhaal Unpopular Opinion
Spider Man: Far From Home - Jake Gyllenhaal & Tom Holland
Jake Gyllenhaal on Tom Holland: 'I really, truly do love the kid' | British GQ
Tom Holland, Zendaya, and Jacob Batalon Take the Ultimate Spider-Man Trivia Quiz
Tom Holland Will Have Surprise For Fan He Rescued From Near Panic Attack
Jake Gyllenhaal And Tom Holland Call 'Spider-Man' Bromance 'A Straight-Up Romance!'
Spider-Man: Far From Home Jake Gyllenhaal's Bromance With Tom Holland | Good Morning Britain
Tom Holland Dishes on Which Marvel Bromance of Spider-Man's Has Been His Favorite (Exclusive)
Spider-Man Far From Home Los Angeles World Premiere - Itw Remy Hill, Tony Revolori (official video)
Spider-Man Far From Home Los Angeles World Premiere - Itw J B Smoove (official video)
Spider Man Far From Home Los Angeles World Premiere - Itw Numan Acar (official video)
Spider-Man Far From Home Los Angeles World Premiere - Itw Marisa Tomei (official video)
Spider Man Far From Home Los Angeles World Premiere - Itw Jon Favreau 'official video)
Spider-Man Far From Home Los Angeles World Premiere - Itw Jacob Batalon (official video)
Spider-Man Far From Home Los Angeles World Premiere - Itw Eric Carroll (official video)
Spider-Man Far From Home Los Angeles World Premiere - Itw Angourie Rice (official video)
Spider-Man Far From Home Los Angeles World Premiere - Itw Cobie Smulders (official video)
Spider Man Far From Home Los Angeles World Premiere - Itw Jon Watts (official video)
Spider Man Far From Home Los Angeles World Premiere - Itw Tom Holland (official video)
Spider Man Far From Home Los Angeles World Premiere - Itw Kevin Feige (official video)
Spider-Man Far From Home Los Angeles World Premiere - Itw Martin Starr (official video)
Spider-Man Far From Home Los Angeles World Premiere - Itw Jake Gyllenhaal (official video)
Spider-Man Far From Home Los Angeles World Premiere - Itw Victoria Alonso (official video)
Spider Man Far From Home Los Angeles World Premiere - Itw Zendaya (official video)
Spider-Man Far From Home Los Angeles World Premiere - Itw Samuel L Jackson (official video)
You'll never guess what Samuel L Jackson is scared of!
Zendaya: I Was Awkward and Shy Meeting Samuel L. Jackson
Marisa Tomei Explains How They Secretively Filmed 'Spider-Man: Far From Home
Jake Gyllenhaal Hilariously Reacts To Mysterio And 'Bubble Boy' Similarities
Jake Gyllenhaal Breaks Down His Most Iconic Characters | GQ
Tom Holland Pokes Fun at James Bond Rumors
"Spider-Man: Far From Home" Cast Reacts to Meeting WatchMojo - FULL Interview
Jake Gyllenhaal & Samuel L Jackson talk Spiderman Far From Home and working with Tom Holland
Tom Holland, Zendaya & Jacob Batalon discuss Ned's EVIL TURN in Spiderman Far From Home!
Zendaya on Her Career, Euphoria, Spider-Man: Far From Home | Extended Interview | DESUS & MERO
Spider-Man: Far From Home Director Jon Watts Exclusive Interview [ComicBookMovie.com]
Tom Holland Wants To Play 'Spider-Man' Forever 
Zendaya Loves Being A Red Head, Talks 'Little Mermaid' Rumors
Tom Holland, Zendaya and Jacob Batalon draw each other | Cineworld Interview
Jake Gyllenhaal Says the ‘Spider-Man: Far from Home’ Mysterio Is Different Than in Comic Books
Samuel L. Jackson Predicts What Would Happen If Nick Fury Met Shaft
@TomHolland1996 says the Peter Parker & MJ romance is on in #SpiderManFarFromHome! (And so is the Tom & Jake Gyllenhaal bromance in real life!)
@Zendaya dishes on the "sweet" and "awkward" MJ and Peter Parker romance in #SpiderManFarFromHome!
Jake Gyllenhaal talks hitting the gym with @TomHolland1996. Plus, his message (or lack thereof) for #Deadpool, aka @VancityReynolds!
SPIDER-MAN’s Tom Holland, Zendaya, and Jacob Batalon Talk FAR FROM HOME (Nerdist News Edition)
Ashish Chanchlani With Tom Holland | Spider-man : Far From Home
Tom Holland, Zendaya, and Jacob Batalon Play with Therapy Dogs
Meet Your Heroes: Spider-Man Far From Home
Tom Holland attempts to trash talk Anthony Mackie
SPIDER-MAN: Jake Gyllenhaal & Samuel L. Jackson’s dating advice for Peter Parker
Tom Holland On Why He Misses Working With Robert Downey Jr. | SAYS Celeb Chat
'There's only so much shirtless I can handle': Jake Gyllenhaal talks Love Island and ghosting calls
987 Interviews Spider-Man (Tom Holland)
What did I just say to Spider-Man??? - feat. TOM HOLLAND
Spider-Man: lejos de casa / a solas con Holland y Gyllenhaal
Samuel L. Jackson - will he be next to pay off Morehouse student debt
Tom Holland and Jake Gyllenhaal Respond to IGN Comments 
Tom Holland still wears the same old THONG for Spider Man Far From Home~
Tom Holland and Jake Gyllenhaal Introduce an Exclusive Sneak Peek
Tom Holland and Jake Gyllenhaal Answer Fan Questions
Tom Holland and Gyllenhaal pranking each other
Tom Holland and Jake Gyllenhaal's Favorite Superhero Movies
SPIDER-MAN-Jake Gyllenhaal & Samuel L Jackson Talk About Their Most Challenging Roles! - Myra Ali
How Tom Holland and Zendaya Became Fast Friends and High School Role Models
'Far From Home' Stars Reveal Their High-School Movie and TV Obsessions
Meet Guest Editors Tom Holland and Jake Gyllenhaal
Tom Holland and Jake Gyllenhaal's Summer Travel Movie Suggestions 
¡Reto Marvel con TOM HOLLAND! ¿Qué tanto sabe del UCM?
Tom Holland with Rajeev Masand I Spider-Man Far From Home I Avengers Endgame 
<스파이더맨: 파 프롬 홈> 내한 팬페스트 생중계
톰홀랜드&제이크질렌할, '한국 팬 들과 함께 인싸하트' [NewsenTV]
SPIDERMAN Lejos de Casa con Tom Holland y Jake Gyllenhal. Entrevista exclusiva
Tom Holland, Zendaya and Jacob Batalon in first Brothers Trust Interview
HAASTATTELU: Spider-Man: Far From Home -elokuvan päänäyttelijät haastattelussa
Making Mysterio's Costume Work In Spider-Man: Far From Home
Spider-Man: Far From Home interview - hmv.com talks to the cast
SPIDER-MAN’s Jake Gyllenhaal and Samuel L. Jackson Talk FAR FROM HOME (Nerdist News Edition)
สัมภาษณ์พิเศษ Tom Holland เจาะลึก Spider-Man : Far From Home | ดาราแลนด์
190629 톰 홀랜드X제이크 질렌할, 보드게임으로 팬과의 소통 (영화 '스파이더맨 파 프롬 홈' 팬 페스트)
톰홀랜드·제이크질렌할 스파이더맨 파 프롬 홈 제작발표회 [풀영상] 
Spider-Man: Far From Home – Interview: Tom Holland & Jake Gyllenhaal
SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME Interview (Tom Holland, Zendaya, Samuel L. Jackson) | AMC Theatres (2019)
Which Spider-Man Far From Home star is the most responsible?
Spider-Man: Far From Home | Tom Holland talks about Marvel's newest movie
Spider-Man Cast Tom Holland, Zendaya, Jake Gyllenhaal Surprises Kids at Children's Hospital LA
Tom Holland & Jake Gyllenhaal Interview Each Other | Digital Cover Shoot | Entertainment Weekly
'Spider-Man: Far From Home' Cover Tour | Digital Cover Shoot | Entertainment Weekly
Tom Holland hates Jake Gyllenhaal's impression of him! | First Impressions
Spider- Man: lejos de casa. Entrevista con Tom Holland y Jake Gylenhall
Zendaya & Jacob Batalon on 'Spider-Man: Far From Home' | MTV News
Jake Gyllenhaal Breaks Down a Scene from 'Spider-Man: Far From Home' | Fandango All Access 
Zendaya And Tom Holland Give Love Advice - mitu
What are Zendaya's most favourite and least favourite things about Tom Holland?
LA INTERVIU - SPIDERMAN LEJOS DE CASA - Tom Holland y Jake Gyllenhaal
SPIDER-MAN: LEJOS DE CASA - Entrevista a Tom Holland y Jake Gyllenhaal
Tony Revolori on Bonding With Paul Rudd About the MCU
Tony Revolori on Going "Too Far" on a Joke in 'Spider Man: Far From Home’
Tom Holland y Jake Gyllenhaal nos preparan para Spiderman: lejos de casa
New Spider-Man Film Stars Tom Holland and Jake Gyllenhaal reveal #FarFromHomeSpecial FX
Tom Holland reacts to Benedict Cumberbatch's impression of him plus Zendaya on her indifferent face
Jake Gyllenhaal Talks Spider-Man: Far From Home While Going Comic Book Shopping
'Spider-Man: Far From Home' Cast on Migos and Judge Judy
"He's a lovely soul!" Jake Gyllenhaal on his Tom Holland bromance in Spider-Man: Far From Home
Jake Gyllenhaal on 'Spider-Man Far From Home' and Tom Holland [extended interview]
Samuel L. Jackson Talks Toronto Raptors, 'Spider-Man: Far From Home' And More | EXTENDED
Jake Gyllenhaal & Samuel L. Jackson Interview: Spider-Man: Far From Home
Tom Holland, Zendaya & Jacob Batalon Interview: Spider-Man: Far From Home
Spider-Man: Far From Home Spoiler Talk with Tom Holland, Jake Gyllenhaal and More
SPIDER-MAN: LEJOS DE CASA | Entrevista a Tom Holland y Jake Gyllenhaal
Entrevista / 'Spider-Man: Lejos de Casa': Jake Gyllenhaal - Tom Holland
'SPIDER-MAN: Far From Home' Cast's Worst Travel Disasters | The Ms. Moviefone Show
Spider Man: Far From Home - Le cast balance des doss !
Tom Holland & Zendaya Interview
กระทบไหล่ไอ้แมงมุม ‘ทอม ฮอลแลนด์’ ทักทายแฟนชาวไทย ชวนดูหนัง Spiderman : Far From Home
Spider-Man: Far From Home’: Tom Holland Interview & First Impressions
Spider-Man vs. Deadpool: Tom Holland has no reason to fear Ryan Reynolds, says Jake Gyllenhaal
Tom Holland reveals if they also hid the secrets of ‘Spider-Man: Far from home’ from him
J. B. Smoove Says We Have To Give Tom Holland a Break | TMZ TV
Spider-Man Far From Home Interviews: Jake Gyllenhall & Samuel L Jackson
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Spider-Man: Lejos de Casa | Entrevista a Tom Holland y a Jake Gyllenhaal
'Spider-Man: Far From Home': Tom Holland Interview & First Impressions
Tom and Jake on Yeonyegajoonggye
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Spiderman Far From Home cast plays SAY WHAT!
Entrevista TOM HOLLAND y ZENDAYA en 'Spider-Man Lejos de casa' | FOTOGRAMAS
Los villanos de Spider-Man con Tom Holland, Zendaya, Jon Watts y Jacob Batalon | FOTOGRAMAS
專訪《蜘蛛人:離家日》淘氣秀中文🕷️荷蘭弟又差點爆雷啦【電癮好選喆Top movie picks】
Entrevista con Tom Holland y Jake Gyllenhaal
Spider-Man: Lejos de casa | Entrevista a Tom Holland y Jake Gyllenhaal
Spider-Man: Far From Home’s Tony Revolori Talks the Sequel and the MCU
SPIDER-MAN: LEJOS DE CASA | Entrevista a Samuel L. Jackson, Zendaya, Jacob Batalon y John Watts
(Spoilers) How Jake Gyllenhaal Became Mysterio for Spider-Man: Far From Home | Rotten Tomatoes
Tom Holland on wearing a thong for Spider-Man 🙊 | Interview | Heart
Face it Tiger: Zendaya and Jacob Batalon talk making Spider-Man's romances work
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It feels like it’s a trend to see some form of media and then immediately hate it.
Usually there’s little to no information on story or w/e yet, no promo material to judge, no trailers or teasers or anything. There’s nothing much to truly look at something and say “I hate it, and here’s why:...”, yet people do.
It worries me a bit
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yellowmagicalgirl · 5 years
Steve, Eli, Draal for 'send me a character'
Please note that I’m nowhere near finished w/3Below
First impression: Ugh another blonde bully character; I hope that he’s better written than Chloe Bourgeois
Impression now: Pretty cool dude, though he really needs to be nicer to Eli
Favorite moment: When he realized that Jim is actually trying to protect Arcadia as opposed to conquer it.
Idea for a story: Uhhhhhh I guess him bonding with Coach Lawrence?
Unpopular opinion: His voice isn’t annoying? I remember hearing complaints about Steve’s voice and, to be frank, Steve isn’t the Creepslayer with an annoying voice but more on that below.
Favorite relationship: Him and Eli. Platonic or romantic, I love their dynamic.
Favorite headcanon: He actually enjoys acting.
First impression: Is this a freshman? He’s so small!
Impression now: I love this nerd but I hate his voice
Favorite moment: Whenever he unveils his conspiracy board, which is technically two moments but w/e
Idea for a story: Roleswap au where Eli sneaks into Trollmarket trying to figure out what’s going on with Jim and Toby, only to end up wielding the Shadowstaff. (On a different note, Creepslayer!Claire is a thing in this universe)
Unpopular opinion: Um… his voice is really annoying? Especially when he’s afraid, because then it gets high-pitched and whiny.
Favorite relationship: other than his relationship with Steve, I would like to see Eli’s relationship with Toby explored more. I liked the dynamic displayed in the trilogy teaser trailer
Favorite headcanon: Eli had watched the fight between Kanjigar and Bular.
First impression: Fuck this dude
Impression now: He deserved so much better
Favorite moment: When Blinky asked “Who could be so careless as to lose an arm” and the scene cut to Draal
Idea for a story: Draal and Angor ditch Gunmar and go on a weird journey of redemption in which Draal doesn’t die and neither does Angor. Along the way (or even in the epilogue) Draal gets to meet Varvatos Vex.
Unpopular opinion: He should not be brought back to life. It would feel contrived. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like that he died, but if the Morgaaron and the other writers bring him back to life they’re going to really need to justify it.
Favorite relationship: Him and Jim, I love how they go from enemies to mentor-mentee to friends. Now if only Angor hadn’t killed him and we got to see Draal and troll!Jim be like brothers.
Favorite headcanon: His prosthetic required a fair amount of maintenance as well as getting used to.
Send Me a Character
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grammarkid · 6 years
What if ellie has dina's bracelet because during the attack on their home or w/e, instead of dina dying, it's Joel that dies and ellie goes off with dina's blessing (bracelet) to get revenge?
dude, i can’t express to you how happy i am to get random asks like this!! 
regarding your theory though, and forgive me bc this is going to get a little wordy, i have actually thought about that exact thing myself! although, in my opinion, that wouldn’t necessarily make sense? my reasoning is as follows: in the first teaser naughty dog released, they open with ellie playing the guitar in a house near a firefly insignia. (which leads me to believe that fireflies are still around, even though they haven’t been mentioned directly by nd yet and they seem to be focusing on the seraphites as the main in-game enemies.) at this point, ellie’s already killed a few people, and when joel walks in the door and asks her what she’s doing, she says that she’s going to find and kill them all, which implies that her quest for vengeance has already begun. so, assuming that joel isn’t an illusion via grief, his death isn’t the catalyst for her quest. (the possibility that joel is, in fact, real is hinted at by him entering the house away from ellie’s view, not simply appearing at the door.) BUT – and this is mostly why i don’t really think dina’s death is what makes ellie go after them – while ellie’s playing guitar, she’s not wearing dina’s bracelet. ellie’s already started on her quest; she’s already killed multiple people and is ready to kill more. if dina had died and that’s why ellie went off to kill these people, it’s likely that ellie would already have her bracelet, right? my hope is that there was some sort of attack on jackson, and tons of people got hurt, etc., and ellie finds out something else that causes her to go after them in retaliation. optimistically, dina is alive at the time of the teaser trailer, and when ellie makes a last stop in jackson for supplies, dina gives her the bracelet as a gift to protect her.
OR – and this is me speculating – ellie’s quest has something to do with this:
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this has caught my eye every time i watch the trailer, even though i haven’t seen anyone mention it. the mural seems to be a painting of a young girl with the words ‘may she guide you’ painted beneath her. now, i have no idea what this means or what exactly the seraphites’ beliefs are, but we know that they are a cult-like religious group, and it seems that they engage in some sort of ritualistic sacrifice as part of their religion. (there are several dead bodies ellie passes by in-game, hanging by the neck from street lamps, disemboweled – like the man she herself witnesses them kill.) so my best guess is that the girl in the mural is something of a christ-figure to them – one that, in my personal opinion, may actually end up being an extrapolation of ellie herself. i mean, it’s not hard to imagine that, after the events of the first game, word spreads of a young girl, supposedly immune to the cordyceps virus, possibly capable of saving humanity with a cure… and that sounds like the type of ‘miracle’ a cultist religious group would latch on to, don’t you think? 
of course, it’s possible that dina is captured by them as a potential sacrifice. also possible that they get their wires crossed and assume that dina is the girl they’re looking for, not ellie, and rather than kill her, they hold her hostage for some big-time ritual or to pray to her or something. honestly, i’m just looking for an indication that this quest ellie’s on could be a result of something other than dina or joel’s death. i’ve already discussed most of it in other posts, so i won’t go over all that again, but… the fact is, we don’t have all the pieces yet. it’s easy to jump to conclusions and say that dina will die because there is still a lot that’s unknown and it seems to make an immediate kind of sense, but i’m holding out hope that naughty dog will take things in a different direction. 
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villainelle · 2 years
I agree that the rest of the teaser is kinda meh. But JANE and also VALKYRIE. I hate when they give you a trailer that tells you absolutely nothing about the plot. And I'm kind of annoyed that they were like "we have no idea what Thor is up to" as if it was a gimmick and you're supposed to want to be surprised. Hopefully we get a better trailer soon 😬
a couple of my thoughts:
1) i hope there's more to valkyrie's plot than being bored of ruling. i feel we already did that in thor3 yknow with the whole loki joking around and not actually caring about ruling ig?? marvel doesn't seem to know what to do with the concept of monarchy within the mcu itself and i hope this isnt like. the FOURTH movie where we just pass the reigns on to someone else for w/e reason
2) obvs the cgi is massively unfinished so it will look much better in the final product. that being said im a bit disappointed with the cheap costuming for zeus(?). i really wish the costuming was on par with thor: the dark world, the more naturalistic look of the costumes there was a really nice touch ngl. im a clothes whore what can i say besties, and im tired of marvel skimping on costuming to do poor cgi on top of it <3
3) there's obvs very little sense of plot in the acc trailer. we haven't really had an introduction to the villain, so i hope we get to see that next! *fingers crossed its as good as hela*
4) im a little bit hm. worried about how screen time will be shared and also how they'll manage to carry thor's dynamic without loki there. not that i think loki needs to be in the movie, in fact i'm hoping that jane/natalie portman manages to fill the dramatic aspect of the movie, im just worried it might not let hemsworth have the potential depth his character deserves?
5) a little??? bit concerned with the humour tbh?? infinity war! thor is still my fave thor of all i think, i hope they manage to balance this out with the characterisation they chose for a thor, esp after endgame :///
6) jane costume big sexy. i appreciate seeing a mask in the mcu that actually is a great costuming detail and doesn't just look plain ugly (im sorry steve ily but that dumbass helmet is SO ugly).
all in all, its just the teaser, so hopefully the trailer will be better, but i have to say im waaaay more hyped for multiverse of madness tbh, i have a feeling that one will be the real winner this year for marvel.
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halekingsourwolf · 7 years
[1] Okay so I had this headcannon about how season 5 was going to go waaay back when the teaser trailers first came out, and you seem like a good person to share it with. So basically the little comment that the Sheriff had made about time travel and the ticking clock in the trailer had me totally convinced that there was going to be time travel, more specifically the pack would be travelling back in time from the future to stop some adverse timeline before it developed. That's what I thought
the mysterious “doctor” things were, I thought it was the future versions of the pack, disguised to hide the fucked up effects from whatever future they were trying to stop (I always kind of imagined it being a future were werewolves were discovered and the supernatural was outed to the world and they were captured/ had to go into hiding w/e), as well as hide their identities from their past selves (bc the future them didn’t know what effect seeing themselves might have on the timeline).
I was honestly so disappointed in that season that I stopped watching, my prediction for what was going to happen was pretty sloppy, but even that was better than the mess they had instead. I had a bunch of little details about it in my mind (Parish being a pheonix instead of a hellhound or whatever they revealed him to be, and that combining with Stiles’ spark to make the time travel possible, just a bunch of little things), and I figured they’d resolve the the threat and the timeline would right itself at the end of the season and everything would kind of go back to normal, with the pack forgetting they had even had to deal with that particular threat (I honestly thought that seeing their future selves was blocked from their memories and that was why they couldn’t remember meeting the doctors). Sorry for spamming your askbox with my ramblings, I’m just a huge fan of your headcannons and wanted to share/ discuss
No, anon, no apologies at all, this is an amazing idea. I am so down for time travel plots and this sounds like such a clever (and well thought out) one. I love the idea of the pack disguising themselves to keep from being discovered by their past selves, and their past selves thinking they’re villains.
My only thought or concern for that would be the idea of everything just resetting at the end of it, and the entire season being lost. The idea of traveling with the characters through twelve episodes and then it just having whatever they did and learned and sacrificed being wiped out of existence just doesn’t sit right with me. Something would need to come away from it, you know? Knowledge or character development or relationships, etc. Or viewers could feel like they’ve just wasted a season.
So I’d maybe change that so that either just one of the characters remembered, or maybe if just one of the characters learned who the Dread Doctors really were –– let’s say Stiles’ future self just couldn’t deal with the possibility of some future mistakes being repeated, or maybe he sees how things are going and realizing they won’t be able to succeed without some past people help, so he grabs hold of his past self at some point and drags him away, warns him about what’s really going on.
And then we go into the next season with most of the pack writing off the adventure as “those evil dread doctors, good thing we defeated them” or whatever, with only one person knowing who they really were –– or, if the timeline resets, everyone forgetting except one chosen person, Stiles for reasons stated (or because of his spark!) or maybe Lydia because her banshee powers would protect her from the “reset,” or even Scott if his True Alpha status somehow offered him protection. And then we’d head into the next season with just one person knowing what’s coming next, or what really happened, and that insight for just that one person would be the payoff of the season.
With that little addition, I think that would have been an absolutely epic season arc. I love twists like that, villains secretly being some sort of ally. I love the idea of incorporating time travel –– especially traveling back from some sort of dystopian future to fix what went wrong. It’s so clever (and so much more clever than what that season really sounded like) and something we could be really invested in because it’s our characters but not. And that moment, that reveal, when we first see their faces, after thinking they’re evil for a handful of episodes and suddenly everything thing they’ve done or said takes on an entirely new meaning… I would love to see that (or *cough* read it hint hint)
Thanks so much for sharing! I’d love to hear any other details or ideas for this alt!season.
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dbcreepr-blog · 5 years
Artwork Development, Project Announcement & Marketing
Part 1: Artwork Development & Project Announcement.
The past week was initially dedicated to completing artwork for the project, so that promotion can officially begin. While there has been a been mild teaser in the form of a promo video that was posted around a month ago, The name and release date of the project had not been publicly announced.
As stated previously, the decision was made to collaborate with a friend on designing the albums Artwork alongside an artist logo, both of which were completed in a weekend. The design and assembly of the artworks images were done in person, which allowed both of us to communicate creative decisions and ideas as work was being done.
The artwork was made by combining a mix of various public domain Retro futuristic and sci-fi images, and putting them together in photoshop.
Below is an example of some of the images used: 
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The process only took a few hours, as the workflow was incredibly smooth, we both listened to some tracks of the album while designing the cover in order to maintain a clear image of what we felt was needed, the final product can be seen below.
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Designing the artist logo was a simple process  that combined by my own face with the famous hijacker D.B. Cooper’s, which can be seen below: 
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I was very pleased with the end results of the album artwork and artist logo. 
To announce the project, I made a trailer by putting a 1 minute skit from the album over the albums cover art in iMovie. As the project has not yet been mastered I ran the premaster through an ozone mastering preset. As the only format the trailer will be in is an MP4 on Facebook and Instagram, It seemed suitable considering both websites compression rates (Bossetta, 2018). The trailer can be seen here:
Album announcement
The trailer was uploaded to Facebook and Instagram  and The project was announced on Thursday the 21/03/2019 at around 5.30pm. The choice of date was based on the day being a Thursday a day that studies have shown Facebook engagement rates are 18% higher on (Pagoto et al., 2016). I applied the same logic to Instagram due to the face of them being owned by Facebook
While the Facebook Post was posted on my private profile, and the video was set to ‘public’, the  Instagram video was uploaded to on my artist page alongside a higher resolution image of the album artwork as a seperate post.  and I made the decision to implement paid promotion on Instagram for 48 hours, which cost just over £15. The promotion was fairly successful, with the post garnering 150 likes and over 9,000 views. Screenshots of Facebook and Instagram Posts can be seen below: 
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The reception of the announcement of the album has been extremely positive At the time of this post, the Facebook video has almost 600 views whilst the Instagram Video has almost 9,100. Two artists who are rappers and producers have also reached out to me asking to collaborate once the album has been released. 
Over the next month until release promotion will involve the release of a music video, and other teasers that will be made from material that won't make into the full album, and will be posted to Facebook and Instagram.
Production Analysis 3: Sampling
Although Sampling is often utilised and associated within the Hip Hop scene, Its practice is an often divisive in the music industry in regards its use as production technique throughout the music industry, and its integrity has often come into question (Behr, Negus and Street, 2017). Due to some of these concerns, the samples implemented throughout the album are heavily manipulated in order to greatly differentiate from the original sound. 
In this post I will be breaking down how I utilise sampling in two examples, displaying the original sample, then discussing the processes that lead to its use in the end product. One will focus on vocal manipulation whilst the other will focus on the use of a melodic sample. 
The chorus of the track First Contact is comprised of a distorted and manipulated vocal sample which was taken from a short excerpt of a song called ‘This Guys In love With You’. the clip was then pitched down by 6 semitones and the audio was chopped up and rearranged in in Ableton, resulting in a sample with a disjointed uncomfortable feel, when compared to its original format.
After I was happy of how the sample now sounded, I routed the audio through my SP and used its vinyl sim and pitch effects. The Wet audio then had sidechain compression to the drums applied. Its evolution from dry sample to i implementation into the chorus of  the track can be heard here:      
The use of vocal manipulation  in this example took partial inspiration from how  Flying Lotus implements into his tracks, by ‘chopping’ the samples up drastically, and then using heavy sidechain compression to cause the vocals to duck under the kick drum every time it hits, providing the track with additional dynamic edge that is intended to complement the overall head bopping sound associated with Hip hop (Hodgson, 2011)
The main melody heard throughout the track solace is of a Rhodes sounding instrument, consisting of a two bar loop playing a few keys. While on a superficial level it may seem like a relatively simple melodic implementation, the tone the sample relays thoroughly reflect where the journey of the album is at, as this is the last full length track before the album's final skit. Once the sample was edited into a two bar loop it was routed through the SP-404’s Compressor and Vinyl Sim, which consisted of flutter and vinyl crackle sound effects, the timbre of which added a considerable difference to the original sample. The stages of the samples processing can be heard here:   
The warmth and texture of the sample after it was processed can be seen within the DAW, when both images are compared:
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The role of this melodic sample is to serve as a focal point for the rest of the composition to build upon, and work around in various ways for example adding progressive elements throughout that accompany the original melody in a way that adds to the intended atmosphere of the song, which will be heard in the full track.
The next step in the progress of the project is getting each track finished and mixed down so that the pre-masters can be sent off to Imperial.  As the pre-masters for the album have been agreed to be ready by the end of March/start of April. The rest week and a half will be solely focused on finishing the project. Once the pre-masters have been sent future posts will be discussing putting the album onto tape, promotional activity and further analysis of techniques used throughout production, alongside how some of the main concepts have been realised. 
Behr, A., Negus, K. and Street, J. (2017). The sampling continuum: musical aesthetics and ethics in the age of digital production. Journal for Cultural Research, [online] 21(3), pp.223-240. Available at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14797585.2017.1338277 [Accessed 25 Mar. 2019].
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Hodgson, J. (2011). Lateral Dynamics Processing In Experimental Hip Hop: Flying Lotus, Madlib, Oh No, J-Dilla And Prefuse 73. Journal on the Art of Record Production, [online] 1(5). Available at: http://www.arpjournal.com/asarpwp/lateral-dynamics-processing-in-experimental-hip-hop-flying-lotus-madlib-oh-no-j-dilla-and-prefuse-73/ [Accessed 26 Mar. 2019].
Pagoto, S., Waring, M., May, C., Ding, E., Kunz, W., Hayes, R. and Oleski, J. (2016). Adapting Behavioral Interventions for Social Media Delivery. Journal of Medical Internet Research, [online] 18(1), p.e24. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4752690/ [Accessed 25 Mar. 2019].
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friedesgreatscythe · 7 years
ok @alien-leftist ubi’s conference
hype french guy announces a cross over between their crazy rabbits and mario. idek who or what these rabbits are
oh okay it’s mario x RABBIDS kingdom battle, which is an ubi thing. they've been working on the mario/rabbids game for about three years btw, so it seems to be something of a labor of love for em. the creative director was in the crowd and he actually had tears in his eyes it was very genuinely sweet (though i thought it was rude that they kept showing him lmao let the dude have his moment in peace!!)
honestly this game does look cute and goodweird, it has the rabbids dressed up like mario characters in bad cosplay trying to interact with real mario ppl and it's charmingly awkward bc they gotta work together to solve PUZZLES and shit. it's a turn based tactical/adventure game with combat mixed in, and it honestly looks like something from xcom. this is DEFINITELY the coolest shit ubisoft has had a hand in in years.
giantbomb calls this "this is a FEVER DREAM!! WHAT ARE YO DOING?!!!"\
ac origins i'm not really that interested in this but i ain't gonna hate on it. i'm just sitting here politely disinterested bc my main man desmond is dead and this series was supposed to be his story!!!!!!!! but w/e ubi
they're talking to producers of ac origins and it's live gameplay (allegedly) that is also what they're showin on the floor. so i guess ppl can attest to that if they're there.............the eagle is seriously your drone in this btw
they aren't going full screen on the gameplay feed lmfao so it's just a camera shaking over a dude's shoulder all lo fi style it's gr8. they're gonna show off the gameplay after the showcase so this is just a teaser or smth
"i can't believe it's exclusive to those five consoles" LMFAOOOOOOOOO
car game. for the people who liked the fast and the furious ig. i don't get car games. i don't get cars. they're very much a realm of machines and tech that i have no interest in and i don't.. get it.
there's also dirtbikes. and planes???????AND HORSES???????/ idk this flies right over my head and it's takin off without me.
this man is SO very french, it's soothing to listen to him talk. he has such a deep voice but it fills the room and i feel like he is the dark priest of an elder god. his name is stephane beley. they're using lorde for their trailer music idk why 'yellow flicker beat' doesn't really fit anything with cars........... it's a good beat tho
lorde's comin out with new music soon, ain't she? goddamn, gimme my life, queen
"TAKE THE LEAD ON MODERATIONNNNNNNNNN" god i love this dude's voice i can't get enough of it. he's comforting but vaguely menacing.
south park game stuff yadda yadda don't rly care. does anyone really like south park anymore?????? this game is based on the worst episodes in a shitty era of an already dwindling show........GET READY FOR THE EDGELORD PART OF UBI'S CONFERENCEoh thank god it's over.
elijah wood is talking?? what are you doin here hobbitman
oh it's VR yawn bye"we want you to take off the gear and still feel unsettled." i'm unsettled by VR ubisoft, go away."NEUROSCIENTISTS HAVE FIGURED OUT HOW TO UPLOAD BRAIN MATTER. TRAUMA." wow okay so that ep of black mirror and basically soma and..........t he plot to most cyberpunk dystopia ig? i think even fallout 4 touched upon this w/ nick valentine. but it's VR so they're trying to fuck with ur head in real time.the look of this game looks a lot like an early 90s thing. fuzzy and weird and grainy like a distorted VCR tape. it's called Transference. spring 2018.
back to very happy french guy. his name is yves! that's it, i forgot it for a while.ubisoft's got a pirate game. like, a new pirate game. bc they figured out everyone liked that one pirate game. the start of the trailer has some cool water effects that remind me of ophelia. pirate captain is a lady sinking a ship full of white men.there's some other pirate dude in another ship tryin to take her down tho. the trailer theme is a weird slow cover of seal's "crazy" and it makes me miss the original.
game's title is "skull and bones."
it's basically a pirate pecking order game in the late 1700s/18th century. you can play solo or play with your other pirate friends, also has pvp or "pvp trade routes" lmfaoooo
"YARR THERE BE LAG SWITCHES OFF THE MIZZEN MAST!" god i'm mcfreakin dyin over here. there's sea shanties tho, so that's really neat! combat seems to be sea-only/on the ship with targeting and canons and whatnot.there seems to be creepy kraken shit implied too so it might not just be all typical action/adventure combat.
just dance. time. jamiroquai music is playing. also now hyuna??? that's some kpop shit, hello!!now someone is dressed as a panda and he's kinda terrifying."did that bear dab on his way out?"i don't get just dance either tbqh
"phone destroyer." south park mobile game that is about them playing cowboys and indians. and pirates and knights and princesses and bards. idk what this is tbqh. i don't know why it has to exist. but that's me about south park.
space game. seems to involved putting real life spaceship toys onto your controller and the game will then replicate the ships you have??? it's called "starlink: battle for atlas." looks like a huge merch cashcow.
you explore a star system and play as a member of a team. you can build your own ships and then deal with all the terrible problems that happens lmfao idk
rebecka coutaz, a french lady with a cute denim coat with a smiley face and a heart patch, is talking now. she's involved w/ "steep." idk what that is, besides a game. i think it involves skiing and snowboarding or some shit idek i guess that's big in europe where mountains are fuckin everywhere.this looks like an expansion based on the winter olympics
far cry 5 now THIS i actually care about bc it's concept is really creepy and i hope it is a great scathing take down of all the bullshit that exists in and IS american culture. it's rednecks singing amazing grace and holding up semi automatic guns in church lmfao
dude walks out on stage and says some backstory about the game. "PEOPLE ARE FUCKING SCARED" and that's a direct quote.you seem to be part of a group of ppl trying to take the cult down and i am also ok with that.YOU GET A DOGGO FRIEND
gb brings up a good point that says fc5 could have approached this with a bit more gravitas, especially considering the current climate in america, instead of just making it so... over the top exaggerated explosive foolery.
new trailer with weird talking anthropomorphic animals. i'm grossed out by that already, ew. it looks so weirdly gritty but there's humans????????/ and talking animals?????????????? i don't understand anything but i'm not enthused.
"this has too much cussing."
"e3 2017: everything is a skull"
this is weird and also involves space and shit everyone on the panel is confused.
it's "beyond good and evil 2"
AWWWWWWWWWWWW the director for it is tearing up, he's so happy and grateful. honestly that warms my heart, when creators show genuine emotion and remind us that they are people lmfao
it's a prequel to the first game about shitty corps (so this game gets cyberpunk) and ppl fighting to create freedom in the stars~*~*"JOIN OUR SPACE MONKEY PROGRAM TODAY" omg that's so cute, this guy is kinda lost for words he's just so touched to have made this game again. he actually brought yves up on stage
yeah ok it's over, yves' thankin us and that's that.
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