when someone is suicidal others always ask 'why die' 'why do you want to die, are you unhappy?'
they don't realise sometimes people think like that not because they want to die but because they don't want to live.
because some peoples don't believe their lifes are worth living or maybe because their lifes have been filled with so much pain they rather to never feel pain ever again and if the only answer to that is death, their gonna take their pounce at it every chance they have.
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Here i am again in the same bathroom lifting up my sleeve to reveal my scarred and scabbed arm
I am not proud and I am not ashamed but at the same time, I am ashamed?
I just want to stop, I want to stop myself and my brain but when the blade hits me delicate pale skin all the pain in my head dissapears because pain in the body silences pain in the mind.
when I'm obedient to the urges everything feels better again, I feel alive again and I never want to quit this feeling again.
if you or anyone you know is struggling with self harm please try to find strategies to step up and help them or yourself whether it be distracting yourself or them from the urge, talking to them or someone, etc. everyone's bodies are beautiful and deserve love from you and you should know that no one deserves pain and there's always someone out there you can relate and talk to so please don't feel isolated and alone. I love you all stay safe 馃エ
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at first it starts harmlessly but after awhile, you start to crave for that euphoria they give you, that nothingness you feel even if its only for two seconds. at first everything is perfect, life is perfect but that's only because you don't realize its too perfect to be true. you're too caught in the moment and the substance to realize. it slowly starts to become an addiction and your life falls into this never ending loopof relapsing and no matter what you do it seems to never break. you start to become a completely different person whether its the life in your face and the spark in your eyes disappearing, no longer seeing the point in anything if not on drugs, becoming angrier and short tempered aswell as violent and overall the substances just ruining and taking over your life and destroying all of the relationships you have around you. but the feeling you get every time you take a new dose diguises all of those problems and suddenly your back to square one where you feel nothing, nothing at all and you start to crave and yearn for it to last for longer than a few seconds but instead for your whole life.
people with drug addictions your not alone in this i promise. drugs won't get rid of all of your problems instead they will create them, I promise you can quit and change for the better and put all of it behind you and I believe in you all. stay safe 馃エ
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everyone and everything around me is drifting away like a leaf in the wind
I feel sad and my eyes are like broken facets because even tho they are turned on no water comes come out of them
I feel numb even tho I feel sad, I feel like all of my emotions are getting drained out of me like a strainer or a sink drain
time ceases to exist and I feel like Im running out of time, like my clock will stop ticking soon.
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