suhelsrandhawa · 3 years
"Dear friend, those times are over and done,
Love's web is spun."
Her Voice, by Oscar Wilde
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suhelsrandhawa · 3 years
And then I saw her again
I tood there waiting,
as people walked right by me.
A warm summer afternoon,
sunshine falling around gently.
And then I heard a familiar voice,
calming like the first monsoon rain.
A smile spread across my face as I turned around,
and then I saw her again.
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suhelsrandhawa · 3 years
As I lie in my bed,
alone at night
with no one to fill the crevice in my heart.
I think, I think, and then I think some more,
and I end up breaking my own heart.
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suhelsrandhawa · 3 years
for the night is young, and so are you and I
come along with me, sit nigh
lets laugh thinking of the times passed
and for the people we miss, lets cry
lets talk about the universe, the stars and the moon
while shovelling ice cream into our mouths with a spoon
lets talk about movies, about comedy and romance,
and look dreamily into the distance, as our hearts do a little dance
let our fingers intertwine,
as we sit close by.
for the night is young,
and so are you and I
lets talk about life, then perhaps about death
how mysterious it is, and how we inch closer to it with every taken breath
lets talk about love, how splendid an emotion,
for it is the calm, and it is the commotion
let our eyes meet
as we sit beneath the starry sky
for the night is young,
and so are you and I
as we talk about things we think are dear
the end of the beautiful night lingers near
as dawn breaks, and the sun's faint glow appears in the sky
i realise, that to you, ill soon have to bid goodbye
as your eyes follow mine, and fall on the glow,
they sadden, showing you dont want to go
we turn to each other, and I'm struck with love
i look at you, a blessing from the heavens above
i make a silent promise to myself, that together we'll grow old
we'll enjoy our joys together, and in adversities, we'll be bold
i tell you that i love you, and you say you love me too
I listen to you say that, and my heart goes cock-a-doodle-doo
that might've been the end of a night,
but it was the start of something true
as i see you smile looking at me,
stronger feelings within me begin to brew
as we walk and then part ways,
after bidding each other goodbye
i know we'll see each other, once again
on another beautiful night, just you and i
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suhelsrandhawa · 3 years
these moments that we could have
we lose them forever with every passing day
as the sands of time escape through our fingers
for them to stop, i pray
i want them to stop and to let me see
in the little moments we have together, what our love could be
what colours to our lives it would bring
out on what happiness we will be missing
for i know you cannot be mine
no, not in this life you cannot
but I promise you we will be together in another life
and on a path of joy and love, together, we'll trot
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