studyingwithale · 4 years
Los saluda un fantasma
It’s been a while...
¡Hola a todos! ¿Cómo les ha ido?
Creo que tengo muchas cosas que actualizar, puesto que deje de publicar para enfocarme un poco más en mis estudios pero quiero retomar un poquito de inspirarlos y compartir un poco más de mi vida, aunque será mas bien como un hobby porque debo enfocarme en mis metas...
So... Qué hay de nuevo se preguntaran, pues bueno, ¡Ya termine la universidad! Así es, ya soy Nutrióloga, aunque bueno, me falta titularme pero estoy en ese proceso que el covid ha retrasado, pero si, 10 de 10 terminado (ire actualizando la info de mi pagina) 
¿Ahora qué sigue? Adivinen quien se esta preparando al estilo Elle Woods para ser admitida en la Especialidad de Nutrición Clínica, literal me siento como si estuviera viviendo mi propia película de Legalmente Rubia, estudio todo el día y toda la noche pero valdrá la pena, los mantendré actualizados.
Cuentenme ustedes como han estado, como les ha ido en su vida academica y personal, pueden mandarme mensajes a mi ask siempre estaré dispuesta a hablar con ustedes y motivarlos💗
¡Los quiere!
Ale xoxo
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studyingwithale · 4 years
Esta soy yo ahorita porque quiero ser aceptada en la especialidad🥺💗
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Elle woods inspo because my classes just started and I’m back on my shit 💓
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studyingwithale · 5 years
it’s not healthy if you are skipping your meals to study it’s not healthy if you are not sleeping to study it’s not healthy if you are drinking tons of coffee to stay awake and study
your mental health is as important as your success. you can’t have one without the another 
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studyingwithale · 6 years
Presentaciones efectivas
Mi primer publicación de este tipo, espero les sea util.
Consejos y notas sobre presentaciones, exposiciones, ponencias, seminarios que se realizan, con ayuda visual o simplemente exposiciones orales.
Errores más comunes.
Colocar cada palabra que se dirá durante la exposición o seminario.
Uso excesivo de viñetas.
Demasiados niveles.
Letra cada vez más pequeña.
Fuente / Tipo de letra
Usar una fuente cursiva o “divertida”
Pueden ser difíciles de leer.
Usar un tamaño muy pequeño.
Uso excesivo de negritas
Uso excesivo de subrayado
Uso excesivo de itálica
Estas herramientas ayudan a enfatizar algunas ideas no es bueno abusar.
Paleta de colores
Mala elección de los colores y temas.
Muy vistosos.
Provocan distracción del tema central.
No permiten ver alguna imagen o tabla.
Gráficos comparativos pueden confundirse al no distinguirse los colores entre diferentes datos.
Colores fluorescentes pueden cansar la vista del público y expositor.
Limitar las diapositivas
Si bien en ocasiones los profesores piden un numero limitado de diapositivas no es bueno resumir un capitulo en 10 diapositivas.
Consejos útiles.
Letra normal 
Negritas, itálica, subrayado, tachado.
Son herramientas que ayudan a enfatizar ideas o puntos clave.
Puntos clave
Resalta palabras o pequeños enunciados que ayuden a comprender la idea central.
No deben ser palabras consecutivas 
Utiliza el color y el tamaño de la letra para enfatizar ideas o puntos clave del tema, ademas para facilitar que el publico lo entienda y recuerde.
Existen muchas herramientas, la mayoría ya pre instaladas en los programas que permiten realizar presentaciones, las cuales pueden ayudar a enfatizar los puntos clave.
Mapas, diagramas, incluso imágenes.
Una idea por diapositiva.
No es bueno colocar mil ideas en una sola diapositiva, es mejor dividir y vencer.
*Si bien algunos profesores o supervisores solicitan un numero limitado de diapositivas para evitar que se alargue una presentación, no es bueno escatimar en las mismas ya que puede causar que la calidad de su presentación decaiga y tener repercusiones en su evaluación y si dan una clase puede no ser muy clara.
No exageres con ellas.
Muchos niveles pueden causar que se reduzca el tamaño de la letra haciéndola ilegible.
Usa solo las necesarias.
En una lista, indice, numeración, etc.
¿Quieres que recuerden tu presentación?
No aburras a la audiencia.
Interacciona con ellos, busca captar su atención.
Cuéntales todo. No recites el libro, articulo o pagina que consultaste, pero cuenta los datos curiosos que encontraste durante tu investigación o bien los que conoces.
Cuenta una historia.
En ocasiones las historias sobre experiencias, propias o incluso ajenas que se relacionen con el tema son útiles para que el publico se relaje y se interese en el mismo.
Si no tienes ninguna experiencia en el tema o no conoces a nadie que la tenga investiga un poco en Internet, puedes encontrar datos curiosos o relatos de experiencias que pueden enriquecer tu exposición o bien pueden ayudarte a mostrar un punto.
Si vas a contar una anécdota debes hacerlo de forma ordenada, no divagues, recuerda que una historia tiene.
Utiliza analogías.
Esto puede facilitarle a la audiencia a entender tu tema.
Motiva a la audiencia.
Si notas que están distraídos o se comienzan a aburrir habla con ellos, motivarlos a que pregunten o pregúntales su opinión sobre le tema.
Solo busca captar su atención no te desvíes demasiado tiempo del tema o puedes perder el ritmo.
Se expresivo.
No eres una estatua, puedes moverte, usa tus brazos y manos para enfatizar.
¿Puedes ejemplificar una acción? ¡Hazlo!
Tu cuerpo puede parecer tenso si te encuentras inmóvil en una posición, y eso ademas de proyectar tensión de tu parte a la audiencia causa que ellos se sientan cohibidos o incómodos, relájate muévete un poco, cambia de lado o posición, siéntete cómodo con ellos y ellos se sentirán cómodos contigo y el tema.
Utiliza tu voz.
Aprende a modular tu voz.
Es tu herramienta mas valiosa.
Usa el silencio a tu favor.
Pequeñas pausas pueden ayudar a cambiar de una idea a otra o bien enfatizar algo. de igual forma puede permitir que la audiencia pregunte algo.
Por ultimo
Prepara con tiempo tu material.
Si en verdad conoces tu presentación te ayudara a sentirte cómodo con el tema y la exposición.
No es necesario memorizar cada palabra que se dirá.
Las mejores exposiciones se desarrollan orgánicamente, coloca términos clave, enunciados que engloben tu idea o un resumen o síntesis de la idea que explicaras en la diapositiva, esto te ayudara a recordar lo que dirás en ella.
Las diapositivas son tu apoyo, no temas mirar de vez en cuando la diapositiva para recordar una idea o algun punto.
No leas las diapositivas.
No hay nada peor que alguien que solo esta leyendo en voz alta lo que dicen las diapositivas.
No te tomes tan enserio.
En ocasiones es bueno relajarse, equivocarte con un termino, no es la muerte, puede ayudarte a relajarte un momento y puede relajar a la audiencia, todos somos humanos y podemos equivocarnos al pronunciar una palabra, así que tranquilízate, respira y continua.
Gracias por haber leído esta publicación, es mi primer publicación “grande” y lo hice con el fin de ayudar, compartir algunas cosas que he aprendido de los comentarios de profesores y algunos compañeros durante los seminarios o presentaciones que se realizan.
Espero que les sea útil y puedan aprovecharlos, si tienen algún consejo o algo que agregar adelante, no hay nada mejor que la retro-alimentación
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studyingwithale · 6 years
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8.08.18 // guess who’s in Pret again 😇
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studyingwithale · 6 years
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¡Excelente idea de comida o cena! ✨
Les compartí la receta de esta deliciosa ensalada en mi instagram, elpuntosaludable
Ahí podrán encontrar más recetas e inspiración para comer saludable y delicioso 💚
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studyingwithale · 6 years
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Rainy days mid July call for pumpkin tea and fall course materials… right?
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studyingwithale · 6 years
write down every deadline!
get someone’s number in every class, in case you have to miss a class or need a study buddy
don’t buy textbooks before you go to the first class – you might not even need them
same with notebooks, binders, folders, etc
live on campus for at least a year if you can – you’ll make more friends and get more involved that way
apply for a work study job  – your boss will be way more understanding about taking time off to study than if you work off campus 
put yourself out there, especially in the first couple of months. go to club interest meetings, hang out with people from class, introduce yourself to your hall mates
if you don’t like the free t shirt, don’t take it. you’ll never wear, no not even to sleep, and you’ll just end up stressed out about your lack of closet space
don’t go straight back to your dorm after class – study in the library, hang out in union. don’t coop yourself up in your room all day!!
start your work as soon as you get it
always carry a water bottle
don’t leave the dining hall empty handed! grab some fruit or cookies for a snack later
keep a travel mug in your backpack so you can get free coffee from the dining hall instead of starbucks
coordinate with your roommates on big stuff – fridge, coffee maker, etc
apply for fafsa the day it opens!! if they need any extra info you’ll wanna know asap 
lay out your clothes the night before, so you can sleep a little later
use the resources available to you!! go to the gym, the campus clinic, etc because you’re already paying for it!!
go to sporting events even if you don’t like sports, it’s a chance to really appreciate your school + get away from homework for a bit
start your work as soon as you get it!!!
take classes that interest you!! even if they’re outside your major
study hard but don’t forget to take a break!! spend time with your friends and make memories!!
always keep $20 in your car for emergency gas or food
you’ll probably switch majors. that’s okay.
if you decide you want to ~party~, take it easy. always go with people you trust, and don’t be afraid to leave early if you’re getting a bad vibe
don’t wear a lanyard. sure, they’re convenient, but at what cost?
speak up in class, but don’t be a know-it-all. if you’re speaking over all the other students or acting like you know more than the teacher your attendance grade is going to be the same as if you hadn’t talked at all
don’t sweat your gpa too much. it’s not like high school, and unless you have to have a certain gpa for a scholarship it doesn’t really matter what it is
keep your room clean. seriously it’ll make your relationship with your roommate much better and will keep your space from stressing you out
avoid all-nighters like the plague
enjoy it!!! 
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studyingwithale · 6 years
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studyingwithale · 6 years
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sunday, 13/05/18 — 20:19 (23/26)
oh my gosh we are so close to ib exams being over …..!!! 🍵 biology 1 & 2 and psychology 2 tomorrow, which is the heaviest day i have - not looking forward to it at all but really can’t wait for it to be over.
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studyingwithale · 6 years
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Diabetes, diabetes, diabetes... 👼🏻📘
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studyingwithale · 6 years
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Hola chicos, hoy estoy muy contenta, porque tras intentarlo e intentarlo, he conseguido hacer este sencillito mapa mental sobre cómo hacer un mapa mental. Espero que les guste, intentaré hacer más cositas de este tipo.
¿Te gusta? ¿Qué consejo añadirías para hacer un mapa mental?
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studyingwithale · 6 years
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I have been so incredibly busy since Monday, and finally have a morning free. I’m using this time to try to finish up on some analysis so that I can work on a different module later today.
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studyingwithale · 6 years
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19.03.18 // working on some stats questions in a cafe with @grace1008 ☕️
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studyingwithale · 6 years
bad study/school habits to drop
like seriously, drop them now. 
they’re toxic and prevent you from being productive and doing your best.
comparing yourself to others. in anything, we tend to compare ourselves to others even though we know how unhealthy it is. stop comparing yourself to your friends and classmates because everyone works in different ways at different paces.
complaining. i get it. nobody wants to write multiple essays or do fifty math problems. it’s either you do it or you don’t. if you don’t do it, there’s nothing to complain about. if you do the assignment, why complain if you know you’ll finish it anyway ? complaining is counterproductive and honestly quite annoying.
being negative. “i’m gonna fail this test.” “i can’t do it.” everyone says these things to themselves, including me. sometimes i’ll say “i don’t understand anything” even though i’ve barely tried. have a positive attitude and try to believe in yourself. i think, therefore i am. speak your success into existence and put in the work.
cramming. if you know you have a test on friday, start studying a few days before. rather than spending a whole 3 hours studying the night prior, study in smaller increments several days beforehand. take your time to understand the concepts. cramming stresses the body by trying to force memorization which usually doesn’t end up well.
going out when you have homework. i get it. you want to hang out with your friends, but you really should get your work done. make an effort to finish most/all of your work before you go out. personally, the fact that i have work to do lingers in the back of my mind which lowkey stresses me when i’m trying to have fun. who wants that ?
procrastinating. you all know why you shouldn’t do it so there’s really nothing to say. it’s one of the worst habits to have, and i hope all of you can work towards getting rid of it.
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studyingwithale · 6 years
little things not to put off 🌻
Hi everyone! I thought I would make this little list because I think my life would be a little more productive if I were reminded of these little things. This may not be very helpful to others or come off as random but I hope this helps. It’s my first time doing something like this so I hope it isn’t awful! 
Don’t put off…
-Showering & washing your hair I know sometimes when you’re just so exhausted and lazy and you have so much to do you just put off showering… go take a shower and wash up, it’ll be really worth it -Filling up your drink bottle  Personally, the closest water dispenser for me is like outside my dorm room in the common area, and sometimes I don’t want to go out! But! Seriously, don’t put off water ever, and bring a big jug, fill it up too -Cleaning up your work space I know you might want to continue tomorrow, but just take a quick minute to tidy everything up, close your books, straighten your items, you’ll feel much fresher starting work on a clean space. Also, clear your bin as often as you can. -Doing your assignments and revision Seriously, don’t putt of work until the last minute, that sucks. At least come up with a draft to work off of, and revise when you have time! Don’t keep putting it off! You can do this!  -Making a call/answering messages If you’re more introverted like me, calling people might just sound absolutely exhausting and tiring. But personally, I get kind of restless when I know I have a call to make, or a message to reply; so if you have someone important o call (lecturer, classmate, etc), get it out of the way. It’ll be fine. -Eating your meal (before it’s too late) Sometimes when I’m not too hungry yet, I put off eating or ordering food, but seriously, eat during mealtimes, or make sure you have food in your room. Once I got really hungry at 11 pm because I skipped dinner, and there weren’t exactly stores open, and I had no food, and no car, so I was just… really hungry. It’s not fun. Especially when you have a test and your stomach’s just growling. -Making your bed It really just helps you feel more productive and getting it done.  -Brushing your teeth Fresh mouth, fresh mind. It just really makes you feel a lot fresher -Morning routines and night routines If you don’t have one, establish one. When you wake up, getting all that done will make you feel like the day has started. For me, I change out of my PJs, do my makeup, draw the curtains. Some people work out, go for a jog, or have coffee. Wake up, turn on the lights, get it on! And at night it helps you sleep and get into your nighttime mood too!  -Starting something new It can be a new studying habit, a new diet, a new exercise, a new skill you want to learn; don’t put it off and say things like, “I’ll start next month!” Start it now! You can do it! This includes stopping old habits too! -Confrontation I know this can is kinda like different strokes for different folks, but what I mean is: if you have something that’s pent up inside you, like a disagreement with a friend or anyone, you should really just get it over with, talk to them about it, express your opinions honestly and respectfully. I feel like this gets stuff off your chest and if you’re like me, I hate leaving things unresolved. So. Yes. Take this however you will, but I just think you should confront someone you have a disagreement with before it gets too late, or just to give yourself a little more peace of mind. Take it from me, oftentimes, the worst case scenario is really just in your head and things go better than you would expect! 
So this is all I have right now, but I hope at least a small bit helped anyone at all! Thank you if you read all of this! Positive vibes to everyone  ✨
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studyingwithale · 6 years
this week was very rainy and stormy over here
thankfully I’ve been able to work well and stay on track and ahead with most of my work. there’s still a few chapters I’m behind on my bio development class, so I’m looking forward to easter break, which is just one week away at the moment i’m writing this, to catch up on that optional class. but other than that i feel like the semester is going very smooth!
here is me very consistently attending lecture, going to class and studying ahead on multiple spots around campus.
(one thing to note though is I’ve been drinking more coffee than usual so I’m gonna work on that next week :3)
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