str8m82b8 5 months
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str8m82b8 5 months
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str8m82b8 6 months
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str8m82b8 1 year
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str8m82b8 2 years
I can cook and I give amazing BJ's. This is how I get with straight men, real talk.
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str8m82b8 2 years
馃懀Fetishes & Fantasies馃懀
Although I am bisexual, this is focused on men because that is a majority of my OnlyFans content and usually who I'm more interested in. There are exceptions to be sure. I am not a particularly kinky person as I've come to realize meeting many people who are, but we all have our kinks whether we are aware of them, willing to explore them, or not. I just posted on my OnlyFans account about one of my fetishes along with a photo I found here on Tumblr which I will share. Let's get to it shall we?
Masculinity: I am an androphile. I find certain perceived aspects of socially accepted norms of masculinity to be very hot. These characteristics can be found in anyone regardless of their gender or sexual orientation, but are most typically found in straight men. One trait that drives me wild is athleticism. Not to be confused with bodybuilding. I actually do not like people whose bodies are sculpted through rigorous gym time. Naturally fit bodies turn me on or people who are fit because of activity and not hours clocked in a gym.
Gamer Geeks: I am a gamer. I love video games and a straight guy who is a gamer immediately grabs my attention.
Gingers: Redheaded men and women are also a huge turn on for me.
Voyeurism: I enjoy exhibitionism and voyeurism. A straight couple having sex their car in a public place for example. I will most certainly watch and I have! I've also been the cameraman for couples who want a video. It's hot and sometimes I get paid.
Foot Fetish: I also love feet. A foot fetish is among the most common in the world but there are differences between those who have one. For example, I have no sexual interest in socks or shoes. Which for many people is the focus of their foot fetish. I also do not like foot odor. I'm attracted to clean feet and although I'm attracted to men and women of all races, my foot fetish is exclusive to white men. I'm not sure why but I've discovered this to be true. This fetish has also helped me weed out catfish and pic collectors on dating/hook up apps. Very few people have a picture of their feet. So I request one, knowing it must be taken in the moment. A foot pic taken in the moment can give away a person's age, weight, even location. So when I received the nudes of a 25 year old muscular guy and the same account sends me an old crusty foot. It's pretty clear what's happening there. Observation skills for the win.
If I were to sum up my fetishes into a fantasy (most of this has happened before so its more reality than fantasy) would be something like this:
I walk in to find a straight masculine geeky ginger man barefoot and sitting on the couch playing video games wearing only shorts and no underwear. I sit down next to him and begin watching him play. I comment on how good he is and how long his toes are. Teasing him about them. I ask to massage his feet, which he agrees, never looking away from his game. I massage his feet and my cock grows so stiff it hurts pressed against my pants. I slowly work my hands up his legs, massaging them and his inner thighs. Finally I make it into his shorts. He never looks away from his game but quickly reaches down to adjust his soft cock and huge balls, making it easier for me to touch. I pull his cock out of the bottom of his shorts and compliment its size. He laughs nervously, says "thanks man" and continues gaming. I then wrap my lips around it and remain still, allowing it to slowly grow inside my mouth until it's throbbing just like mine is. He lets out a slight moan, giving me the confidence to do more. I ask him if it feels good? He ignores the question. I ask him if he wants me to stop. He again ignores the question. So then I begin using my amazing oral skills on him. My mouth rising and sliding back down on his cock in sync with my firm but smooth and wet hand grip doing the same. I feel his balls begin to rise, a sign that he is preparing to cum. I slow down but continue. Stopping at brief intervals to lick his taint and nuts and kiss his inner thighs and feet when he is very close. Edging him almost to the point of frustration. He is absolutely throbbing hard in my mouth. I look up occasionally to see him gaming, but now his concentration is broken. He tries to focus on the game but his mouth is wide open and his eyes roll back in his head multiple times. Now, I'm ready for his load. So I tighten my grip, create a bit more suction around his cock with my mouth, and speed up. I have no gag reflex so I can also go from the tip of the head down to his nuts without him feeling teeth, facial hair, or the roof of my mouth. I use my other hand to gently massage his taint and his balls, which are now high and pressed firmly against his body. I come up from his cock one last time to give a simple command... "Cum in my mouth man, our secret." He pushes my head back down and thrusts deep and then...
He obliges.
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str8m82b8 2 years
Triggered! I've Actually Been in This Situation Before.
A Pansexual On Dating and Relationships :
Happy Holiday's, but don't do this!
Gay men, yes I understand that I am calm, confident, assertive, and attractive and that your insecurities can be debilitating. Yes I know you need reassurance and attention. Yes I know a lot of gay men writhe in anxiety like 13 year old girls. Yes, I am aware that I don't seem very compassionate, but I am done with all that on this issue. No more telling me I can't game, no more demanding we go out to gay clubs I hate, no more one-sided sex with bottoms who just lie there. Most gay men just want to date their twin. A sublime exercise in narcissism, which also more than suggests that the "G" in LGBTQ+ is not really a group of men who are as inclusive as they claim to be. Especially considering gay and trans POC made their lives possible. Jeffery Dahmer's victims were failed not only by the police, but also by the gay community. Too many white gay men use the word "preference" when in actuality, it is a prejudice. Gay men tend to have the egos of straight men and the emotional instability or insecurities of a lot of straight women. The result is often an insufferable, over-achieving, emotionally juvenile man with both mommy and daddy issues who wants to find an exact replica of himself down to the clothing to then marry and cheat on until death do they part.
And no, I'm not self-loathing nor homophobic. I just don't like attention seeking, overly dramatic, effeminate for attention, gay men OR women for the purpose of romantic relationships. Friendship is fine, but if you get annoying, know that imma head out. Be yourself, but if yourself is annoying, I will be somewhere else with other people. We have our limits, and we choose who to stretch those for.
Don't get me wrong straight people, you all aren't without a multitude of dubious, toxic and ridiculous behaviors in today's society. As a pansexual who has dated everything but an actual pan, I can say these things, but there's plenty of data to go over should you need references I will provide in the comments. For starters, straight men tend to be emotionally and platonically attracted to other men. Straight women tend to be emotionally and platonically attracted to other women. If it were not for sex, most straight people of opposite gender would want nothing to do with one another! You have nothing in common! And when you do, it's something trivial, toxic, or tasteless that is the the straight male's interest, such as watching sports. This is one of many reasons why heterosexual relationships not only fail more often than they work, but also fail more often than those in the LGBTQ+ community. I remain friends with, or at least friendly with all my exes. Straight people turn their lovers into enemies for life. Straight women have friend bases consisting almost entirely of other women and men's of other men. Although the men are more likely to have people they call female friends who are in reality either people they fuck, have fucked, or want to fuck. Lacking lasting, honest, strictly platonic friendships with the opposite gender is a life-altering, growth stunting mistake that has become the norm in society for straight people.
Sexuality is a spectrum. You choose the label that seems to be the closest to how you feel or behave, or at least the one everyone seems comfortable with. But, too many of you choose this prematurely and then follow it too rigidly despite feelings or behaviors to the contrary. When you are attractive, people tell you "no" less often. Including and perhaps especially when it comes to sexual experiences. I've made super macho masculine heterosexual men blush with a compliment. The type of men you would expect to want to fight another cis male for doing just that. I'm confident and not afraid to slug a dude in front of his boys if necessary. People can sense that. I've also had more sexual experiences with heterosexual men than gay men or women. And I don't mean closeted gay men either. I'm talking actual straight men who have no sexual attraction to me what-so-ever. But when you are attractive in general, very good at oral sex, and tell a straight guy you'd like to bob on his knob the number of men who will oblige might surprise you. After all, heterosexual men and women are generally awful at oral sex, if not sex in general. Straight women do all this shit: Makeup, lighting, candles, toys, lingerie, inviting a third (almost always another women) etc. for sex that lasts for a mere 10 minutes if she is lucky, and she often does not even orgasm! How sad that people go their entire lives never having had truly mind-blowing sex, unusual sex, or sexual experiences etc. They just be making babies missionary from the comfort of their orthopedic mattresses. No thank you.
You can be mindful, chill, and still be yourself. If you think you must always be the center of attention, you'll find that unless actually worthy of it, your audience will shrink. Don't marry the first asshole that makes you wet. Instead, actually become friends with people so that you can learn what you do and do not want in a partner. If ever there should come a time in which you feel the need to knock something gaming related from my hands, know that it will never happen again. You can go hit the club tomorrow and find your twin and the two of you can spread monkey pox and Covid-19 all pandemic long and beyond.
As for me, I am happily awaiting my first child with my amazing boyfriend, who is transgender. Two of my exes sent baby shower gifts. There are no hang ups as to whose job it is to do what concerning our home or child. No toxic gender norms to force our children to adhere to, just genuine love and acceptance from both people who had a hand in their creation. We aren't married, but we very well are considering it for the legal more than anything. It doesn't stand as a religious symbol of our love as it does for others. We make our own rules and will raise our children our way. If we want to invite someone into our bed or hearts, we aren't as hung up on monogamy and jealousy as you "heteros" either. As far as raising children, we will of course ask for advice, but overbearing relatives or friends will know the decisions are ours to make. Want to know what is more important than what you have in common with your partner? What you don't! Don't look for a twin, look for someone who picks up where you fall short and vice versa. Look for someone who challenges you, someone you grow with. My partner and I actually love each other, enjoy each other, share our feelings, have joys, pains, and much more in common, plus we have the right things not in common and we communicate. Catch up.
Sources/References (just a few to be polite)
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str8m82b8 2 years
So Billie Eilish is a beautiful young woman, and her brother, Finneas, is a handsome young man. Those toes...
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str8m82b8 2 years
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str8m82b8 2 years
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str8m82b8 2 years
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Charlie Puth has amazing feet and he likes showing them off.
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str8m82b8 3 years
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I wanna suck this guy's toes so bad, and look at those thighs... 馃憣馃槝
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str8m82b8 3 years
I am often asked about my sexuality. I identify as a bisexual or pansexual. I am also an androphile with sapiosexual and placiosexual tendencies.
Bisexual?Pansexual: I am attracted to both cis genders, wiith some attraction to transgender men.
Androphile: I am attracted to societal norms of perceived masculinity and gender expression regardless of a person's gender.
Sapiosexual: I am attracted to intelligence and personality over looks. (I've turned down beautiful people for being dumb.)
Placiosexual: Little to no reciprocation is needed or wanted, particularly when with heterosexual men and women. I am: Highly attracted to heterosexual and bisexual men. Highly attracted to masculine homosexual men. Highly attracted to masculine lesbian, bisexual and heterosexual cisgender women. Mild to Moderately attracted to feminine heterosexual women. Moderately to highly attracted to masculine transgender men. Little to no attraction to feminine men and only slightly more to feminine women, whether they identify as cis, trans, or gender queer.
I've had more partners who identify as heterosexual men and lesbian women, than partners who are gay men or heterosexual women... Wrap your head around that one!
I find people of all races attractive but have a preference for white and Asian men and black and Asian women.
Highly attracted to aesthetic extremes and chameleon-like aesthetics as well as personality types. I like tattoos and piercing's, but not at the cost of hygiene. On the flip side, I like clean cut preppy types, so long as they have a dirty side/badboy personality type. Boredom and stupidity are my ultimate turn offs. I am a Gemini, duh.
Kinks include: outdoors/public, filming, feet, small group (3-5) favorite being me and two couples or 4 guys 1 girl or 4 tops 1 bottom. Also into webcamming, voyeurism, oral focus,聽 titty fucking, Fleshlight play, rimming, throbbing/pulsing orgasm contractions, gloryhole, and pov.
It so much more complex than gay or straight. Anyone relate?
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str8m82b8 3 years
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str8m82b8 3 years
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str8m82b8 3 years
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str8m82b8 3 years
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