scaryseabiscuit · 3 years
Dark Corners of the Room
It’s staring again. You can feel it. It isn’t that far away, but it isn’t close enough to touch. It is just out of your direct line of sight. You can see it in your peripheral vision. If you were to turn and look though you know what would happen. It would vanish and you would see it on the other side, just out of your line of sight again. You know exactly what it is doing, it is toying with you. It wants you to question yourself. You did a lot of that at the beginning. You could feel its eyes glaring holes into your very being. You want to turn and scream! Yell at this thing for disrupting your sleep, changing the way you move and feel. That consistent feeling that someone is watching all the time. Even when it isn’t there. You’ve been completing the same steps for months now, almost like a dance. One step, two steps, three steps, repeat.
You know the routine, you feel it staring you turn away and close your eyes. Eventually, your lack of sleep takes over and your body passes out. You’re starting the end of this dance, loosing your balance on the final moves. Eyelids are getting heavy. You’re going to pass out. Wait. Don’t close your eyes, not yet it moved. You didn’t look over there, It shouldn’t have moved. It couldn’t have moved. No it didn’t it is still in the corner. Why does it seem closer. i You close your eyes, your eyes are playing tricks on you. They have to be. No, you just need to stay awake a little longer. Time is almost up. Wait, it is moving closer, you were right. Not to another corner, but closer, closer to you. Your eyes are going to close on you. You open them again. It has moved it is now closer to the window of your room. Why is it moving this way? Why can’t it just go away? No, don’t let your eyes close again, but you can’t stop it. 
They closed, and in your sleep-deprived state you pry them open again with everything you can muster. You weren’t fast enough. It is now gone. You shoot up in your bed. Frantically you turn, looking around your room. Where did it go, is it hiding? Breathing, you can hear it, feel it, on the back of your neck. Before you can muster a scream out of your throat, and large ice-cold clammy hand wraps around your face. Covering your mouth and nose and the foul smell of rotting flesh invades your senses. Out of your peripheral, you can see parts of its legs. Your eyes feel even heavier, even though your body is filled with adrenaline and terror. As your eyes fall closed, you feel breath upon your ear. A deep, raspy voice whispers in your ear, “I win this game.”.
I hope you enjoyed this!
All Rights Belong to ©ScarySeaBiscuit
Reblogs are appreciated!
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scaryseabiscuit · 3 years
She is stirring again. She is readjusting her blankets again. She is wide awake now. She hasn’t noticed me. She knows someone is looking at her. She can’t figure out where I am. This is a fun game. It is like our own game of hide and seek. Although she doesn’t know she is playing. No, she knows that she is playing. She has to know she is playing the game, otherwise, she wouldn’t have left her windows open. She is getting up now, where is she going? She is moving towards the door. She has left the room now. I wonder where she is going. Is she going to get something? She is back now. She has a glass of water. She is heading back to bed now. She has stopped she is looking at the window. Oh, she has spotted me, I can’t let her scream. I can’t let her tell others about me. Oh well, this was a fun game. This was the longest game I have ever played. I enjoyed this, sad it had to come to an end. While I will feel sorrow for a short while I will find another to play this game with. Just like I found the ones before her.
I hope you enjoyed this little drabble! This was literally a nightmare I had and here I am turning this into a drabble.
~~~~~~~~All Rights Belong to ©ScarySeaBiscuit~~~~~~~
Reblogs are appreciated!
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scaryseabiscuit · 3 years
The Hunt
It’s quiet, there is no sound other than the crickets chirping, and the occasional owl hooting. The crunching of leaves under heaving boots can be heard. He can see his breath in the crisp autumn air. He doesn’t mind the quiet, he likes it. It gives him a chance to think and clear his head. Although he doesn’t have time for that now, he needs to keep moving. He has to carry out his mission. He knows he is getting closer. He can see the glow of the moon peeking through the treetops. He keeps moving he knows these woods like the back of his hand.
Nobody should be here. Especially this late, who in their right mind would be here, other than him. This doesn’t make any sense, he is getting closer to his destination. He just needs to move just a little bit faster. He picks up the sound of the river. He is getting closer. He moves faster in the direction of his prey. The sound of leaves crunching is getting louder. He won’t stop. He had heard the stories people told. He never understood why they came here anyway. He saw the look of panic on people’s faces when he came around corners. It didn’t bother him. It made him giggle a little. He will admit he enjoyed it.
Although right now he didn’t have time to rejoice in those memories now. His prey was speeding up yet again. He had to focus on this hunt now. The moon is still high in the sky. The trees are becoming denser, they are further away from town now. Now nothing can interfere with his hunt. These are his hunting grounds most know better than to come out here. Although the occasional teenager on a dare or a person who didn’t believe the stories would come out here. Right now it was the latter. He continued chasing, although now the chase was becoming boring. He was now running at full speed the man in front of him, could never outrun him now.
He’ll admit he was messing with the man before, he wanted to enjoy the chase. Although now he was becoming rather bored with the human man. He extended his claws moving now moving with inhuman speed. Lunging forward claws pounding into the ground, disrupting the leaves in the process. With the way the leaves were moving, if he was human this would have been a beautiful sight to behold.
He was closing in on the man now. He had a look of crazed excitement blossoming across his inhuman features. Even though his eyes weren’t gazing upon the male's face, he knew his face was filled with fear. His smile stretched even further at the thought. The corners of his smile now past his wide eyes. He lunged forward now directly behind the man. He grabbed him up by his neck. Picking him up bringing him up to his face. The man now had a look of absolute terror, it was even better than what the creature had imagined. The man's legs were now dangling six feet off the ground, with the creature's clawed hand around his neck. With a quick snap, the hunt had officially ended.
It was now dead silent. Not even the crickets can be heard. That’s not true a few miles away, a pair of footsteps can be heard. They have taken up the path the first had taunted, and mocked the creature, not believing the stories. Their footsteps were light, it was a woman. The monster dropped the man's body, leaving it to the forest. It turned moving quickly towards the sound. Two in one night what could be better than that. He was glowing more excitement, than before. He looked even crazier than before. The hunt has begun for a second time tonight.
Thank you for reading my story! I hope you enjoyed it! Reblogs and likes are appreciated they really mean a lot to me. If you have any prompts for scary stories for me to write let me know.
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scaryseabiscuit · 3 years
The Door at the End of the Hall
“You were trying so hard to get my door open, don’t you want to take a look inside?”
Moving has always had a slight fear that comes with it. Will the neighbors be nice? Will I have a good view from my room? In some cases, it might be a new school and meeting new people. That’s not my case. I am moving into a new neighborhood, yes, but still in the same town. I will go to the same school and have the same friends. My Father and I are just moving from the apartment I grew up in, into a house about 25 minutes away. I passed that house all the time. I passed it on my way to and from school. I passed it when I would go shopping with my friends. It was old and decrepit. The windows and door have been boarded up for as long as I can remember. The old sandy brown paint chipped off, in the few places it still remained. The windows that had boards fall off, had their windows broken, at some point. The entirety of the house was in complete and utter shambles.
Although at some point last summer, the guy who owned the property came back to renovate it. He finished a month and a half ago. Everything is brand new. The house has been repainted an off-white color. The broken windows have been fixed and their panes were redone. The owner had been trying to sell the house, but nobody in town took his offers. Except for one person my father. He had been looking into a house. Although he hadn’t found one close enough that he could keep his job. He thought it was a lost cause until his friend brings up this house. This house had always given me the creeps. It never sat right with me. I voiced these concerns, he simply told me that it was just jitters from leaving the apartment I grew up in. 
We had that conversation three weeks ago now. We have officially moved into that house. He took the master bedroom, on the second floor. It had its own bathroom with two sinks and a walk-in closet.  I took a room downstairs, which also had its own bathroom, but with a regular closet. Across from my room was an empty room. My father said he was going to set up his office upstairs, so I could have the room across the hall. That sounded good to me, except for one thing. In this hall, there are three more doors. A guest bathroom, the laundry room, and the one at the end of the hall. All of the doors in this place have been replaced except for that one, at the end of the hall. It wasn’t new like the rest of the house. It had the same color paint on it as the others, but the door handle was different. It was also the only door that had a keyhole. This door would have fit perfectly with the house before it was redone. Now it just stuck out like a sore thumb. I pointed it out to my father, but he laughed it off. Saying the previous owner couldn’t have done everything.
I didn’t accept that as an answer. One day my curiosity got the best of me and walked down the hall, to open the door. It was locked, I should have expected that. I asked my dad if he had the key. He chuckled and told me he had a series of keys for this place, he was sure he had used all of them though. He gave me the keys; he wasn’t kidding when he said he had a series of keys. All of them were different shapes and sizes. Although none of them exactly screamed, “I open a creepy door at the end of the hall!” With the now plethora of keys I had, I went back to the door and tried every single one. None of them opened it. It doesn’t make any sense. Why was it locked? Why was it the only door that hadn’t been changed? What was this door hiding? I wanted to know so bad it was eating me alive from the inside. At some points, I had even pondered breaking down the door. Those thoughts were quickly left behind, knowing my dad would kill me if I did. 
A few weeks had passed since I tried the keys in the door. I started to ignore it though. My dad just told me to forget about it, so I did. Earlier he had asked me for help in cleaning out the attic. Apparently, there were still boxes, old furniture, and clothes up there, that the previous owner had left behind. Why they decided to leave them behind doesn’t make any sense. We called the owner wondering if they wanted them shipped out to them. Only for the previous owner’s family to pick up the phone. He had been murdered. I felt sorry for them. He seemed like a nice guy. I hope they catch the sick jerk who did this. 
I was prepping to make dinner when my phone rang, it was my dad. Answering the phone, he told me he was going to be staying late at his office, and not to wait up for him. I asked him if he still wanted me to cook something for dinner. He told me he was going to pick something up on his way home. I told him I loved him and he did the same, before hanging up. I made myself a sandwich before heading down the hall to my room. Nearing the door of my room, I heard a click. It sounded like, no that can’t be right. It almost sounded like a door unlocking. Then there was a creaking sound. I turned the door at end of the hall was wide open. I dropped my sandwich plate and all. It shattered upon coming into contact with the floor. I didn’t drop my sandwich out of shock or surprise. I dropped it because the shadowy figure in the doorway that looked like they were made of mist, was waving at me. I couldn’t see any visible facial features, other than the way to widely stretch smile. Its mouth started to move; it was speaking.
“You were trying so hard to get my door open, don’t you want to take a look inside?”
Hey! Thank you so much for reading my story! It really does mean a lot to me.  If you guys have any prompts you want me to write, let me know! 
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scaryseabiscuit · 3 years
Hospital Horrors
It’s loud, that beeping noise. It isn’t that far away. It sounds so close if I can just reach over and shut it off. I can’t feel it, it is so close. I need to open my eyes, they feel so heavy. I’m almost there, I just need to try a little harder. There I can see now. The beeping is a monitor, it is counting my heart rate. Why am I here? That’s right, I hit my head. I fell from a tree in the back yard, I was getting my sister’s kite. I remember mom screaming. Where are they now though? The last time I hit my head mom was hovering over me for a week and a half. It doesn’t seem likely that she would leave. 
Why is it quiet? Hospitals are noisy. People going up and down the halls. People crying and yelling. Monitors like the one next to me, beeping.  I pull it off. It is now playing single tone. It is just as annoying, I unplug the monitor entirely. It isn’t making any more noise, good. I didn’t like that noise. It’s deadly quiet. If I were to drop a pin, it would be the loudest thing in the room.  Why is that? I can’t see any lights on through the slits at the bottom of the doors. It doesn’t make any sense. Hospitals have multiple generators, why would the lights in the hall be off. If the hospital lost all of its power, it would definitely be ten times louder than normal. It shouldn’t be this quiet, it shouldn’t be this dark. 
I should go and look for someone, a nurse or a doctor should be nearby. Although that’s how people die, they go and explore. That is a stupid choice, but I shouldn’t wait for a problem to come to me. It is way too dark, to go down there without a light. Hospitals have emergency bags right? It might have a flashlight or something of the like. I just need to find it. There under the desk across the room. I move the chair out of the way and pull the bag out. It has the usual stuff band-aids, water pouches, bandages. Got it, it was resting at the bottom. The flashlight feels heavy in my hand. 
Tap, tap, tap, heels, someone is walking down the hall. They are getting closer. The person is moving quickly. They are moving with a purpose. I can hear the creaking of doors, they are looking in each room. What or who are they looking for.  I should go look in the hall, maybe they work here? What if they don’t though? That would be quite the problem. I won’t get back to the bed in time. They will be here when I am halfway through the room. The desk is the only option. I curl under the desk and pull the bag in front of me. I grab the leg of the chair and pull it in, it squeaks across the floor. 
The tapping of the heels stopped, why? The door to the room is being pushed open they are here. They let out a screech, that could only be described as someone slamming on their brakes while scratching a plate with a fork. I don’t like that noise. I hate it in fact. Click, they turned off the lights. The room is now as dark as the rest of the hospital. That must have been why the rest of the lights were off. They don’t like light. The tapping is getting louder. They are moving towards the bed. They are only a few feet away from me. I push myself against the wall as close to it as possible. Any further and I would have gone through the wall. Something touches my hand, it’s the flashlight. I pick it up, if they don’t like light, they have another thing coming. I hold it in my hand, ready to click on the light. They yank back the chair and stick their head down under the desk. Her neck is stretched and crooked, that is all I can see before I turn on the flashlight. 
They let out that screech again and pull back from the desk. I shoot out from under and bolt past them to the door while keeping the light on them. Once out the door, I point the flashlight in front of me. I run down the hall, A few feet away there is a sign that says stairs in red. The elevator would take too long, the stairs are the best bet. I can hear the thing behind me. I flash the light over my shoulder. They screech again as I throw open the door to the stairwell and start quickly down the stairs. They are behind me, and they are moving faster than before. I flash it again I am making them angrier. Descending floor after floor, its footsteps pounding against the ground behind me. My breath is ragged, it is gaining on me I bolt through the door of the stairwell, I have reached the bottom. I run through the hospital’s front doors. 
It is all white outside and my eyes fall closed. I wake up with a start, my mom is standing over me with a panicked look. I shot up and look around. The hospital, it’s noisy. Nurses are walking in and talking. I am okay. I made it out, away from that thing. I am safe. I usually hate noise but this time I don’t mind it as much.
~~~~~Let me know if you want me to continue this story~~~~~
All Rights Belong to ScarySeaBiscuit
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scaryseabiscuit · 3 years
The Decaying Library
Pick your poison 
Hospital Horrors 
The Door at the End of the Hall
The Hunt 
Dark Corners of the Room
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scaryseabiscuit · 3 years
Welcome to the Hall of Horrors!
Welcome one and all to my hall of horrors!  
Hello, my name is Biscuit! I am someone who enjoys writing horror stories for fun, and I decided to share some of them. 
Majority of the stories are short quips that came to me on a whim. I am willing to make the longer if people like the story. 
Keep in mind that this is a side blog. I will keep it up to date as often as possible. 
I do requests, I would love some prompts from others, that might give a me new idea. 
If you have any monster you want me to create a story about send me a request! I don’t do OC monsters though as I don’t want to mess up anyone's OC.  
Here is the current link to my masterlist ↓↓↓
The Decaying Library (watch out for spiders ⊙ˍ⊙)
Want to be added to the taglist? 
I hope you enjoy your visit here, and stick around. 
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