[ Secret Admirer ii. ] : Eddie Munson : fluff
Warnings: 16+ pls, Male!reader(being called husband and he/him),
A/N: changed my title setup subtly but that's irrelevant . This turned out longer than it needs to be. Think I spelled Erika's name wrong but I couldn't give two shits lmaoo
Pt 1
"Eddie!" Dustin yelled after no answer came when he knocked at the door. "It's Dustin! I need another shirt!"
The door swung open, startling the boy. "Really, Henderson?" Eddie turned into the trailer, Dustin following close behind him. "This is the last one-"
"who was it, Eds?" You called, wandering out of the bedroom.
"Just Dustin. Kid needs another damn shirt. You know, this is like the tenth one! He needs to be more careful-"
Dustin cleared his throat, earning your attention. "Can you stop talking about me like I'm not here?"
Eddie finally pulled a hellfire shirt from the pile of clothes. "Here, Henderson."
"wash it before you wear it. Only god knows what's in that damn pile, or what's been done with them, for that matter."
Eddie glared at you, earning a laugh. Dustin stared, wide eyed and in shock. Eddie was telling the truth.
Prettiest guy he's ever seen. Prettiest guy he's ever seen who's actually married to Eddie, of all people.
"wait, what the fuck?" He finally said, everything catching up to him. He pointed at you two. "You're actually married?"
You giggled, turning to pull a picture frame off the wall, and handing it over to Dustin. It was of your wedding day, you both in suits, staring at each other with the biggest smiles and heart eyes.
"March fifteenth, of '85," you said. "We were gonna do it sooner, but Wayne made us wait another year to make sure we were serious about it."
Someone pulled into the driveway, a Bowie song playing loudly. Eddie rolled his eyes, while you only laughed. "Steve," Eddie cursed under his breath, remembering he promised the boys- and Erika- a dnd session at his place that week.
Steve knocked a couple times before entering, but his movements were soon toppled by Mike and Lucas, alongside Erika. "Hey, watch it!" He yelled.
"Well, quit moving so slow, grandpa," Erika replied.
Steve only rolled his eyes. "They didnt have a ride," he explained to Eddie, who only scoffed. "What? Did we interrupt something?" Steve asked.
"Yes! This is Eddie's husband." Dustin handed the picture back to you, a heavy silence taking over the room.
"So, he wasn't just bullshitting us?" Mike spoke up, earning a laugh from you.
"No, he wasn't. Sorry, boys, but he's taken." You pressed a kiss to his cheek.
"wait, you didn't know he's married?" Steve asked. "How do I know more about the freaks life than you?"
"Thanks, Harrington, that's a wonderful compliment," Eddie retorted.
Erika made a ha! sound, finally getting the tv remote to work. "Oh, nevermind, y'all get the shit channels."
You laughed, Eddie groaned, and Steve felt like he was overstaying his welcome.
"I need to get to work," he said, turning out the door. "So, you owe me, Munson. Friday's they're supposed to be your responsibility."
"Thanks for the ride, Steve," Lucas yelled after him, searching through the tv channels with his sister. "Yeah, yeah, whatever," Steve called back.
"Anybody want any snacks while you play?" You asked. "We have some leftovers from last night. Might not be enough for everyone, but I can make more."
A mix of yes's and no's came from the group. Erika being more polite than the rest of them. "No, thank you, I'm good."
She picked up a picture, examining it before setting it back down. "Better place than I expected, Munson."
"what is this, 'pick on Eddie Munson' day?"
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I'm going to edit/rewrite my eddie x reader fics. I'm going to delete the fic I'll be working on then post it again :)
Till then😎
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Honestly, I cannot count how many times I've read a top!malereader fanfic when I'm expecting it to be a bottom!malereader fanfic 😭😭😭
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Eddie x reader but Howl's Moving Castle au?
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blood sucker | prologue
steve harrington x vampire/demon!m!reader x eddie munson
a/n: im obsessed w them so enjoy
t/w: stalker-ish behavior from reader
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Hawkins, Indiana was boring.
Everything about the town seemed lackluster. From the high school, to the shops, to the very residents. On the surface, it looked like nothing more than a rural, middle-of-nowhere, hick town.
But what brought you there, was the pull from the upside down.
The upside down wasn’t new. Far from it. But human access to it was new. And somehow, this nowhere town had managed to figure it out.
You’d watched the residents from a distance, paying close attention to Eleven, an escaped experiment with notable powers.
The monster they’d chosen to call the demogorgon, chasing down and hunting the residents of the town. Only to fall when faced with some middle aged parents, a bunch of kids, and their babysitters.
It was admirable, really.
Of course, one of them had made the idiotic choice of keeping a baby demogorgon, but they figured that out quickly.
No, what truly fascinated you, was when Vecna began to sink his claws into them. Well, at least that was the name they knew him by. You weren’t a big fan of his, though you supposed in some ways you were similar.
You weren’t sure what name the small group of kids would chose for you. Maybe demon? Wendigo? You weren’t even sure there was a term for you.
But one they’d most certainly agree on would be “Monster”. Not that you could blame them either.
Frankly, you didn’t care what a bunch of kid mortals had to say about you. You’d eaten tougher people than them for breakfast. Well… actually… they were fairly tough.
The only person you wanted to hear the opinion of was Steve Harrington.
He was well respected within his school. Though it was originally for being a complete asshole, he’d shifted over the last months. He was more compassionate now, taking on a role he didn’t really want, but had come to love.
You’d watched him fight off monsters for them, step into danger, and (attempt to) beat the shit out of Billy Hargrove for them.
Originally, you thought you’d only care about Steve. You’d shown up to him, appearing as a random classmate at parties, making idle chatter and trying your hand at subtly flirting. Considering the mortal view on same sex relationships, you didn’t think he caught your hints. But you were fine just keeping an eye out for him.
You were sure Steven was the only mortal you’d ever remotely care about.
And then Eddie came along.
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letters to stranger things
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eddie munson
blood sucker [series] (x vampire/demon!m!reader)
steve harrington
blood sucker [series] (x vampire/demon!m!reader)
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Sharing is Caring 
Summary: Shotgunning with Eddie leads to a little bit more
Pairings: Eddie Munson x Male Reader
Words: 714
Warnings: Drug Use, Handjobs, Praise, Overstimulation
A/N: Sorry this is so short
Keep reading
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Omg has anyone wrote about doing a shotgun kisss with eddie???? I would love to read it
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happy birthday
Hey guys! I've been waiting to post this for a while, I'm literally at work posting this rn cause I'm so excited.
p.s. I have dyslexia. so when im re-reading my own stuff some typos will fly over my head, so if you see one please let me know so I can fix it!
Word count: I have no clue
“Eddie…”Eddie felt hands on his back, rubbing in soothing circles, in an attempt to wake him up. The sleepy Eddie quietly moaned in protest. “Eddie baby…” a voice called again, hands traveling up to his head, fingers getting lost in his long locks of hair, softly scratching his scalp. Eddie smiled in his sleep, loving the pleaser he was getting from the hands-on his body. One hand left his head and traveled down to his shoulder, the light touch of the fingertips dragging against his skin leaving goosebumps, Followed his arm that went under a pillow where his hand was found. Eddie could feel the fingers on the back of his hand as they pushed between his fingers, intertwining them. “ …Baby boy, you gotta wake up,” the voice said into his ear, he could feel breath on his face. The metal head knew the voice's owner calling his name and recognized the hands on his body.
Sleep still fogging his brain, Eddie quickly turned around and opened his eye, and saw nothing but the dark, cold, emptiness of his room. The metal head looks around his room in confusion “sweetheart?” he called, his voice dripping with sleep. Eddie sat up and swung his left onto the side of the bed, his feet flat against the floor of his room. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes Eddie looked around the room again “what the fuck..” then as the fog cleared his mind, the realization set in. He had been asleep and he had been dreaming. Eddie sighed and dropped his head into his hands. Disappointment had brewed deep into his heart.
The metal head had been dreaming of his long-term boyfriend, Y/n, who was currently 1000 miles away from Eddie, attending the college of his dreams. He was happy for his boyfriend, but he missed him more than anyone could understand. “Come on birthday boy wake up!” a voice called on the other side of his bedroom door and then a very loud knock followed right after it. “Birthday boy?”The metal head looked over the calendar to confirm that today was indeed his birthday. With a huff, he stood from his bed and made his way to the door, but it was opened before Eddie was anywhere near it. 
On the other side was Steve and Dustin with party hats on their head that said “happy birthday!” with confetti printed all over it. Eddie stared at the two with a ‘really?’ look, and grabbed the shirt closest to him, which happened to be his hellfire shirt. Slipping it over his head he then saw Dustin and steve on one knee and Dustin presenting a crown to Eddie. The metal head looked at the crown in the younger boy's hands, the crown read ‘birthday boy’ on it in a fancy font.
“Your highness,” Dustin said as he moves the crown closer. Eddie rolled his eyes and grabbed the crown, placing it on his head, and smiled. Both boys stood up and smiled at the metal head “ok Eddie I got the whole day planned” Dustin started and grabbed Eddie by his wrist, pulling him out of his room and into the living room. Dusten sat the metal head on the couch, steve sitting right next to him. The youngest of the two stood in front of both of them and started to reveal his plan “ first: we are going to mikes house to get Lucas, mike, and max. then go to the family video and pick out the scariest movies to watch tonight……” the metal heads mind started to drift as the boy pased in front of them.
Eddie wondered about his boyfriend that was oh so far from him ‘i wonder when he's gonna call me ‘maybe he is still asleep, I am a few hours ahead of him’ Eddie mentally decided that that was definitely the reason…’ it been a few days since he last called me’ now he was digging himself in a hole. y/n usually called every other day and would call every morning on the weekends to tell Eddie good morning and have a small chat. ‘It's been about what… three-four days?’ Eddie was almost consumed with worry until he remembered the last time they talked “baby, I have exams, so im not gonna be able to call this week. But ill make it up to you…” Eddie nodded to himself as the worry drained out of his system.
y/n was in his bed, laying on his stomach, with a trail of droops in between his mouth and pillow. He was exhausted from the amount of studying he had to do to pass all his tests. Eddie could see it in his mind's eyes, thinking how cute he would be if Eddie saw it in person “...ending the night with the coolest movie and some awesome presents! Doesn't  that sound like the most metal birthday party ever, dude!” Dustin finished, looking at Eddie with a wide smile and excitement plastered all over his face.
The metal head stared at the boy in front of him with blank stair and then glanced at Steve, who was already looking back at him, mocking the younger face, with his arms raised in the air, making jazz hands. Steve and Dustin both dropped their hands down “he wasn't even paying attention” Dustin announced as he looked away from Eddie, rolling his eyes with his whole head. “I can't believe he wasn't paying attention!” steve responded slightly louder than the other 
Eddies eyes widen “What no guys!” Eddie looked back and forth between the two, his hands up in defense “i-i was paying attention I don't know what you're talking about!” he lied through his teeth., his voice going an octave higher “oh yeah? What did I say” Dustin challenged, his hands on his hips. The metal head's jaw dropped and he whipped his head to the side to look at the hair, his eyes wide. “What did he say?” steve echoed the other words 
Eddie laughed and moved his gaze back to Dustin, who was still in the same pose as before “pssshh…you said…that were going to family video to get some cool movies!” he announced. When Dustin still didn't move, Eddie continued “then…then all of us are going to go…..” Eddie glanced at steve, silently begging him for the tiniest of hints. Steve caught the hint and sighed, closing his eyes and dropping his head, shaking it in disappointment “...we’re going to meet nancy and robin at the mall and go to scoops ahoy-” something clicked in eddies brain as steve spoke, maybe he was paying a little attention “and the arcade, then bolling!” Eddie cut steve off, arms his arms in the air, and looked at Dustin with a smile.
Dustin sighed and looked at Steve, shaking his head “so ungrateful, right?” steve asked, also making looking a Dustin, shaking his head “I know right” the younger boy agreed, then looked at Eddie, staring at him, thinking. The metal head, almost on cue, widened his eyes and pouted, making a puppy dog face like a child “fine! I guess you're off the hook! Only because it's your birthday” Dustin snapped and looked away from him. Eddie cheered as he stood up and laughed, clapping his hands.
Steve stood up as well, patting his pants, and grabbing at his pockets, feeling for his keys. “Okay, use the bathroom, do some last-minute things, grab your stuff so we can go and grab the kiddos!” the hair said as he fished his keys out of his pocket. The metal head nodded, he used the bathroom, put his socks and shoes on, and grabbed his leather jacket and his custom denim vest. The other two had already exited the trailer and were in the car, chatting as they waited for the birthday boy. Eddie had made his wait to the door and glanced at the phone and stopped. Looking at it again he contemplated calling his boyfriend, just to hear his voice once on his birthday. He decided against it and he remembered that he was most likely catching up on lost sleep.
Eddie had dropped into the back of Harrington's car and closed the door once he was comfortably seated behind Dustin, patting the sides of his seat as he smiled. Steve started the car and put it in gear, speeding off to the wheeler household. 
Eddie had a blast! He was able to get his favorite ice cream, that's usually out of stock, from scoops ahoy, he had won a lot of tickets and played a fuck tone of his favorite games, then to his favorite pizza place as a surprise before they when bowling. Eddie was having the time of his life with his friends, everything felt right. Being surrounded by people he loved and he knew loved him just the same made his heart feel full. Sadly, Eddie couldn't help but think of y/n, wondering if he called for him. If he did, Wayne would have answered and would have taken a massage, then would tell Eddie when the group showed up to spend the rest of the day.
Yup, that's what was going the happen, the metal head could feel it in the bones. 
The birthday boy had a hell of a time bowling, they managed to squeeze four rounds of bowling, and Eddie had only one round of matches. First round, nancy won. seconds round, Eddie won. Third and fourth rounds, max won. After winning two rounds in a row Eddie declared max “high lord of bowling” and gave her a high five and hug “ nice job, red” the metal head complimented the girl “don't you mean ‘high lord of bowling’?” max mocked and Eddie laughed with her.
Now the group of teenagers had finally arrived at the trailer, they had Eddie walk inside last, when he was finally at the door frame, Eddie found the living room decorated, a cake and his uncle on a ladder holding a sign that read ‘Happy Birthday!’ “surprise!” everyone yelled and Eddie slightly jumped, laughed with excitement, and smailed “you guys…” he looked and everyone and opened his mars wide “come here” he beckoned. Everyone smiled and laughed as they crowded him into a hug.
Everyone dispersed from the hug “alright! Dustin? Can you pop in Friday the 13th?” Eddie asked, making fingers guns at the boy. Dustin made finger guns back and turned to the tv, getting the movie set up and ready. “Let's get this party started!” Eddie yelled as he made his way to the couch, everyone following suit. Dustin had got the movie started and found a comfortable spot in the group, “alright, im going to my room. call me when you'll wanna do a cake. I want pictures” Eddie's uncle instructed as he made his way to the hallway “Hey wait!” Eddie called, stopping Wayne in his tracks, looking back at the metal head. “Did y/n call?” he questioned, a hopeful look on his face. Wayne's shoulders dropped ad he looked at the boy's face and shook his head. Eddie's heart sank but nodded, putting a small smile on his face “okay. Thank you, Wayne, love you” “love you too, son. Happy birthday,” Wayne said before disappearing down the hall. 
After finishing 3 of the 6 movies they rented they did cake, calling Mr.Munson before lighting the candle so he can pull out his camera and snap some photos “...Happy birthday to you!” everyone finished singing to Eddie, clapping and laughing. The birthday boy smiled and looked down at the cake. He closed his eyes and made a wish, blowing out the candle. His friends cheered for him. “Alright, let's eat some cake and you, my boy” Wayne started, painting at Eddie at the end “are gonna open some things we got for you” he finished, handing nancy the knife to cut the cake.
After opening gifts, Eddie loved every single gift he got, everyone started to steal down, getting compatible in different parts of the living room, but one by one everyone fell asleep, muttering a ‘happy birthday eds’ before drifting to sleep, but they waisted thi=eir breaths, Eddie was the first one to fall asleep.
The metal head jolted up when he felt a hand make hard contact with his chest, sitting up and frantically looking around “Eddie the door” a voice said from next to him. Eddie looked to see steve with one eye barely open. There was a soft knock coming from the front door. Eddie grunted and shoved steve “ you get it, it's my birthday” Eddie fell back down on his pillow “no it's not Munson… it's 1:43 am, making it not your birthday.” Harrington said and patted Eddie's shoulder. 
The ex-birthday boy whined and got up off the couch, making his way to the door, another soft knock coming from the other side of the door. Eddie opened the door and looked outside on his front porch. It was raining, and it was coming down hard. The metal head stared at the boy with a balanced face, eyes showing off, and a number of emotions, his mouth ajar. 
In front of Eddie had been the boy he was hurting to see. The one person that could have made his birthday better than it already was. Breathing hard and socked to the bone stood nonother then Y/n L/n, eddies boyfriend. “Happy Birthday,” the sopping wet boy said in between breaths, Eddie didn't move. “Im so sorry im late” the metal heads heart skipped a beat hearing the others voice clear as day. It made him feel like he was talking on air. Y/n brushed his hair back, eddie blushed at the sight.
“I hade this own plan to be here, on time, for your birthday. But my tire popped when I was just a town away." The boy continuedI had already used my spare a few months ago so I had to find a shop that had time to work on my car on short notice. When my car was ready, I was still 5 hours away and it was already 8.” y/n explained, guilt dripping from his words. The boy stared at Eddie, but the metal head said nothing. Eddie was so overwhelmed wish joys as he stared at the boy infront of him, frozen in place, terrified that this is just another he dream. So Eddie just gave a blank look.
y/n started to squirm under Eddie's gaze, fighting with his own hands. y/n couldn't read the emotion on the other face and it was driving him crazy. The boy had driven from California, across multiple states, for days just to end up right here, on Eddie's doorstep, to celebrate the birth of the one person he held so close to his heart. Eddie finally did something, letting out a very long exhale, like he was holding his breath. He opened his mouth to speak “I understand if you're mad” y/n had beaten the other to speak, his gaze moving from his boyfriend's blanc face to the ground  “I didn't call” his voice had a quiver in it, but if the socked man was crying, was hard to tell from the rain. “I lied to you” Eddie moved forward, into the rain, letting the water fall onto him without a care in the world. y/n didn't notice as his gaze was still fixed on the ground. 
“An I missed your birthday of all days and I…” y/n trailed off as eddies feet came into his line of sit, and looked back up. Before he was able to take in the view that is Eddie Munson, he felt arms around his waist, pulling him close, and lips on his own. The boy reacted by kissing back, wrapping his arms around the metal head's neck. 
Eddie could feel the rain getting absorbed by his hair and clothes, but right now that was the least of his worries right now. All that mattered was the boy that was in his arms, the one person he craved, and he new it wasn't a dream, a dream never feels this real. When Eddie's lungs burned for air he, reluctantly, pulled away, resting his forehead on the others. They stayed silent, wrapped up in each other's arms, just soaking up each other's presence, not caring about the rain….well that was until y/n shivered. Eddie let go of the other and realized that they were still outside, in the freezing rain “come on” the wet metal head muttered, a big grin plastered on his face as he dragged the other inside.
Finally, inside the warm trailer, in Eddie's room so they don't wake any of the sleeping children, sat y/n and Eddie, in dry clothing, wrapped in each other's arms again “so you drove all the way here?” Eddie questioned as he ghosted his hand up and down the other arm. y/n nodded, playing with a strand of Eddie's hair, sitting on his lap." And I'm gonna have to drive all the way back" the boy yawned at the end. The metal head frowned and stopped the movement of his hand. That was right, the boy in his lap would have to go back to school in a few days "but I have a month and a half off of school, and I'm spending all of it" y/n paused and grabbed Eddie's cheeks, pulling his face toward his own, noses touching. The boy in Eddie's lap smiled at him and gave him a small kiss on the lips "with you" he whispered when he pulled away.
Hearing y/ns words Eddie squeezed his partner in a tight hug and fell down onto the bed. The metal head then proceeded to kiss all over the other face, making him squeeze and giggle. Landing one last long kiss on the other's lips; smiling into it. Pulling away Eddie whispered, "best birthday ever!"
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No thoughts just ♡~him~♡
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Making audition tapes us annoying as fuck
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Request for Eddie Munson x Reader (any gender). Werewolf Eddie who always wants to be near reader/is a sweet puppy around them. Feel free to delete if that's not your jam.
Big Bad Wolf (AO3)
Requests Are Open
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When he’d set eyes on them, he knew. He knew he wanted to be around them, just by looking at them. When they were seated next to one another and he was able to talk to them, his suspicions had been confirmed.
They were amazing. Just the type of person he wanted to be near. However, he was the freak. He didn’t know how to approach them so maybe he found ways to hang out with them without them knowing. That was fine, totally not weird at all. . . Yeah, he knew it was kind of creepy but he really didn’t know what else to do. It was like they were calling to him so Eddie would hang around their work in wolf form.
He startled them when they came out the back with trash. They stumbled back and when they gripped the door handle to yank it open, he did something he rarely ever did, he whined. They stopped and slowly turned. Their wide eyes staring into his soul.
He crept out of the shadows and towards them. They were still tense, still wary and he couldn’t blame them. However, they seemed to ease just a bit when they saw his full form.
He looked up at them and whined. They turned the doorknob and went back inside.
He laid down in defeat. Only, a few minutes later, they came out with a plate. They took several steps towards him. With several feet still between them, they placed the plate on the ground.
“There you go, big guy,” they said as they raised up and slowly backed away.
When they disappeared back into the building, Eddie walked up to it. On the plate was a large piece of steak and. . . well, maybe it’s not why Eddie came but steak was a luxury he couldn’t often afford.
“Where have you been?” Wayne asked.
Eddie shrugged. “Out, practicing with the band.” It wasn’t often Eddie lied to his uncle and his uncle was smart enough to always figure out when he did.
He raised an eyebrow and looked him up and down. “And practicing your guitar with your hand calls for a change of clothes?” Eddie opened his mouth to explain but shut it quickly and at least had the decency to look down at his shoes. “Listen, just be careful with whatever you’re doing and try not to rip your clothes while you’re at it.”
Eddie nodded and Wayne grabbed his keys as he went outside. The sound of his car starting could be heard from inside but Eddie’s thoughts were simply filled by them.
It became almost routine for Eddie to go to their work after school and wait for them to come out the back. Each night he was able to walk just a bit closer.
One night they reached their hand out hesitantly. He sniffed it and almost melted. He nudged his nose against their knuckles and leaned into their hand. They sighed and relaxed.
“You’re not so bad after all, huh?” they said as they scratched the underside of his chin.
The moment didn’t last, they had to go back in. He was left outside.
The next day at school Eddie saw them. They were at their locker alone and their locker wasn’t that far from his own. He took a chance. He walked over to it.
“Hey, you’re in my physics class, right?” he asked.
They turned to him. “Um, yeah, yeah, I— I am,” they answered.
“I’m Eddie,” he said, stretching his hand out.
“I know,” they said, taking his hand. His fingers tingled at the feeling. “I mean, you’re kind of hard to miss.”
He smiled and looked down at their intertwined hands causing them to slowly let go of his. “Listen, are you passing the class?”
They let out a huff of air. “Barely.”
“All I need is barely,” he told them and they laughed, causing his heart to swoon.
Day by day his relationship with them grew, in both his human and wolf form. Soon they were staying after work and letting him place his head in their lap. Their fingers threading through his fur was the best feeling in the world.
“I really like him,” they said suddenly, causing his eyes to snap open. “I mean, he’s really smart just not school smart and he’s funny and kind and he has the most gorgeous eyes and he plays the goddamn guitar. I mean, the guitar is sexy as hell. I just— I just. . . .”
Their voice trailed off while jealousy sparked in Eddie’s chest. Was he too late? He nudged them with his snout, trying to prompt them so maybe he could know.
They took his hint. “I mean, he’s Eddie goddamn Munson! He’d never go for someone like me. Only in my wildest fucking dreams.”
Eddie felt his heart racing. He rolled over onto his back. Their hands scratched at his chin and ran over his stomach. His tail wagged back and forth.
He waited a week, a very long week. He tried to come up with the best thing to say. He didn’t want it to go wrong but instead what came out of his mouth while they were correcting some of his work was, “Do you wanna go on a date?”
They halted their movement with their pencil. “I— what?”
Well, he’d already committed. “Do you wanna go on a date sometime?”
“Um. . . Yeah. Yeah! Yes. Yes, that sounds like fun.”
His heart thumped in his chest.
If you like it, please, reblog it. With or without a comment it’s very much appreciated.
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The secret
Okay, guys…. I came up with this after I listened to glimpse of us from Joji and heather from Conan Gray. I wrote all this in one sitting and im kinda proud of it. I do have a part two idea, so if you want that lemme know and i write it :)
Also, just an FYI…reader and Eddie are NOT brothers, just close friends. Enjoy 
p.s. I have dyslexia. so when im re-reading my own stuff some typos will fly over my head, so if you see one please let me know so I can fix it!
Warning: angst, internal homophobia, talk of drinking.
words: 2382
Y/n L/nwas best friends with the one and only; Eddie ‘the freak’ Munson. They have known each other since birth. Grown-up together and called each other brothers. They were family and nothing would ever change that. Eddie and Y/n have been together thrown thick and thin, nothing can break that bond, they even have matching (insert tattoo here), same spot, same color. Brothers forever.
But Y/n was keeping one teeny tiny….huge ….secret ....he had fallen deeply and helplessly in love with the freak.
 The first time Y/n noticed that he may have feelings for the metal head, it was just like any other time that they hanged out.
 Eddie was practicing his current favorite song on his guitar and roman was doing his homework. The metal head was making amazing progress on his guitar “Y/n watch this” he said excitingly and he began to play the song almost perfectly. Eddie's fingers shift into cords and flawlessly move to different frets of the guitar. when he played the wrong note he ignored it and powered throw the song, pride, and joy displayed on his face as he played the final notes.
“You see that!” Eddie laughs in triumph, pumping a fist in the air. Y/n stood up and put his hand up for a high five “hell yeah dude!” Eddie high-fived the other “that was badass!” Y/n finished with a laugh. “It's almost perfect! Give me a few more days and ill have that bitch in the bag!” Eddie said with so much excitement in his voice that he sounded like a child on Christmas getting the toy he asked for. the metal head almost immediately went back to practicing and Y/n sat down to resume his homework. Every few minutes, a roman would find himself gazing up at Eddie, watching him strum on his instrument, focusing hard on the notes he was playing that Eddie himself didn't notice that his tongue had started to peek from between his lips.
Y/n smiled at the sight of Eddie ‘ he's so cute’ he thought to himself and shook his head softly and looked down at his homework……wait a fucking minute WHAT! Nah, Y/n was just kidding, Eddie wasn't cute, Eddie was….well Eddie. Eddie was his best friend, his brother,…. And that's just…not normal. Y/n shook himself out of his thoughts and finally paid attention to his homework. 
Sadly for Y/n, that wasn't the only time that he had those thoughts. There was a time Eddie was telling Y/n about his campaign plan for D&D and all Y/n could think was “man I wanna know what his lips would feel like” and many many more incidents just like that that made him realize that he was fucked.
Y/n remembers when Eddie broke his heart. 
The metal head had practically skipped into his own room, and flopped into his bed, a soft smile resting on his lips. Eddie let out a soft sigh. Y/n looked at Eddie, and scoffed, resetting a hand on his hip “ what had you so breathy and soft?” he asked. Eddie sat up and smiled wide “I have a date” Y/n’s heart dropped to his feet and his soul left his body. Y/n was stunned and his eyes were wide “um… What?” he asked and instantly collected himself “ with who?!” he faked the enthusiasm and plastered a fake smile on his face.
Eddie beamed at his best friend “Cindy Whitmore” he said with a smirk as he watched Y/n’s reaction. At first, all he did was nod until the name finally registered in his brain. Cindy Whitmore. The prettiest girl in town. Y/n gasped in surprise and Eddie just smiled and laughed, having no clue that he just shattered his best friend's heart. “C-Cindy?” he said, letting it all sink in as Eddie nodded. Cindy fucking Whitmore. Y/n kept that fake smile up “holy shit dude, when!?” the boy asked trying his hardest to push his feeling aside and be happy for his best friend. But all Y/n wanted to do was curl up in a ball and disappear.
Eddie excitingly opened his closet and started to shuffle his clothes around “We’re meeting up tonight! I was actually hoping that you could help me pick out an outfit. I wanna look my best! And who better to help me than my brother!” Y/n mindlessly agreed and spent the next few hours helping Eddie pick clothes and planning what to do for the date. Spending the whole time in his thoughts, not really paying attention to the metal head, just letting him ramble as he talked about Cindy. The time came when Eddie dropped the boy home and sped off to his date.
When safely inside his room, Y/n broke down in sobs in his bed. The funny thing is, Y/n wasn't even sure why he was crying. Cause his best friend, his brother, had a date with the girl of every guy's dream? That's the dumbest thing he's ever heard. He should be happy for him, why wasn't he happy for him? Y/n tangled his fingers into his own hair and gripped it hard and he struggles to swallow his sobs to not alert his parents. 
And Y/nremembers when he fucked up everything. Eddie and Cindy have been going out for a few months now and roman and eddies' friendship……didn't change one bit. They were still as close as ever, and Eddie would tell Y/n everything he did with Cindy ….everything….and Y/n listened to it all, being the friend that he had always been, even with he discover feelings. But Y/n was determined to change that tonight. 
Eddie and roman were having a movie binge of three of each other's favorite movies to ‘widen each other's movie tastes’ while drinking a few beers. As the last movie came to an end Eddie clapped “phenomenal movie! 100% one of my new favorite movies” Eddie smiled at the other male. Y/n smiled back “I knew you would like it! Did you like that part where-” Y/n and Eddie spent the next few hours just talking about the last movie, laughing and cracking jokes. 
Silence fell on the two as they calmed down from their high-energy moment, they stared at each other. Y/n took his chance and leaned in towards the metal head's lips, before they could touch Eddie pushed the other away in a panic” w-what are you doing, Y/n!” Eddie asked as he also stood up moving away from the other staring down at the other in shock. Y/n stared at Eddie in disbelief, covering his mouth with both hands, he looked down at the couch, away from the metal head. Roman shot up off the couch and stared at Eddie again, tears starting to sweal in his eyes “oh my gods i-” Y/n choked on his words “Y/n  what was that?” a tear ran down the boy's cheek “I don't-” another tear ran down his face.
“Y/n I don't- I have- I'm not-” Eddie shook his head and ran a hand through his long curly hair. Y/n nodded and quickly whipped his face “pshh, no yeah, I mean like” Y/n started to rush through the living room, searching for all his things” Y/n please don't-”  “you’re like my best friend.” Y/n ignored the metal head and struggle to get one shoe on “Y/n will you just-” “ we call each other brothers”  Y/n found his jacket and struggle some more. Eddie took a step forward to help “don't” Y/n said before he could get closer, giving the other male and look full of sorrow and embarrassment. The male finally got the jacket on and started to grab his movies “and that's not normal, on top of that your dating like the prettiest girl in the town so like” Y/n held his three movies in his hands and moved to get passed, Eddie.
Before Y/n could get behind Eddie, he grabbed the tapes out of his hands. Y/n whined and turned towards Eddie, but did not look him in the eyes. “Y/n  will you please let me talk” the metal head pleaded as he sat the tapes on the couch arm behind him. “What was that? Please tell me the truth” Eddie begged as he moved to grab his best friend's shoulder. Y/n moved back from eddies reach, making his arm drop to his side. “What going on, Y/n? I'm so confused! I have no clue what's going on with you, you don't talk to me anymore” Y/n scoffed “I always talk to you-” “ not like you used to. You used to tell me everything that going on. You used to tell me how your feeling!” Y/n glanced up at Eddie, seeing the worry written all over his face, Y/n quickly looked away.
“I tell-” “don't bull shit me Y/n !” Eddie warned and Y/n flinched from the rise in his voice. The metal head realized he was getting heated and took a deep breath “when I can see that you are upset or deep in thoughts that are bothering you when I ask what's wrong. You always tell me that you're fine.” Eddie said calmly, sitting on the armrest of the couch, knocking the movies over. “That's because I am” Y/n lied “but I know your not” Eddie sighed and looked down on the floor “we've known each other for years, you think I can't tell when your lying?” the metal head paused, so the other male shrugged, not knowing if he was asking a question.
“Please just talk to me… I feel so disconnected from you” Eddie pleaded, a treat running down his face. Y/n nodded and took a deep breath “Eddie…okay…ill tell you everything..just please don't say anything till I'm done... Please?” Y/n asked, choking out the last word as he held back a sob. Eddie nodded, making the zip and lock motion with his hands over his lips, earning a small chuckle from the other male.
Y/n nodded and took in another shaky breath “ okay… Eddie Munson..” he nervously laughed and whipped his hands on his shirt. “I think...that I'm in love with you and-” Y/n tilted his head back and blinked away his tears as another sob threatened to except his lungs. Eddies eyes widened and covered his own mouth with his fingertips “and I've been hiding it from you for months because what I'm feeling isn't normal” Y/n balled up his fist and laughed “you're my best friend! we grew up together. we’re practically brothers! I'm not supposed to fall in love with you” Y/n started to laugh and cry at the same time. Eddie had started to grow increasingly worried as he watch the person before he unravels. The metal head reached out for the other hand to anchor him before he completely lost him to his unwinding thoughts.
Y/n stopped crying and pulled his hand away, staring blankly at Eddie without stretched hand. They both stayed frozen for a few seconds, Eddie staring at roman and roman staring at the floor. Everything seemed to hold its breath as if waiting to see what would happen next. “I need to leave” Y/n blurted out and turned around gripping the front door handle. Eddie sparing into action and grabbed the other wrist “wait please” there was another pause, and no one moved. Eddie spoke again “let me at least drive you home?” Eddie pleaded again, Desprit to talk this though, he felt like he was spirling with all this new information.
Y/n shook his head, and pulled his wrist out of eddies hand, opening the front door. Cold wet air rushed into the trailer, causing a shiver to run down Y/n spin. it was raining outside and it was coming down hard “I'm sorry Eddie,” Y/n said before walking out of the warm comfort of Eddie's trailer into the cold downpour, closing the door behind him.
Y/n rased home, running as fast as he can without slipping and falling in the rain. When he finally reached home, he rushed inside, slamming it shut behind him. The male leaned against the door and slide down it till his butt made contact with the floor. Y/n sobbed into his hands as he realized that he just told his best friend everything and now… Eddie might hate him. “Honey?” he heard his mom call from her room “baby is that you” her voice sounded closer as he neared the crying boy. Seeing her son huddled against the door crying she rushed to be by his side to help him “honey-bunny what's wrong?” she asked as she rubbed soothing circles on his back. The male sniffed the snot back into his nose
 “i-i’m okay mom please,” he said and stood up, his moms standing up with him. She didn't believe him “mama please I'm okay” he chocked out and whipped his eyes “I just want to go to bed” she looked at him with concern, but seeing that he wasn't going to crack, she nodded and watched him walk to his room before returning to her own. That night roman cried and cried till he was out of tears then he stayed up till the sun started to peek over the mountains. Then he passed out. 
The metal head on the other hand stared at the spot that his best friend stood in only a few seconds ago. Hundreds of different emotions swelled in his chest and tears flooded his eyes and he collapsed on his knees and whaled. Having closed the closes person in the world to him he didn't know what to do or how to feel or how to act. Eddie sat there for what felt like hours till he had the strange to get on the couch and cry some more. Eddie would then be woken up by his uncle, tear stains on his face. Eddie would just look up at his uncle and start to cry again as he remembered last night's events. His uncle would hold him till he calmed down and fell asleep again. Wayne would drag the sleepy male back to his room and tuck him into bed, ready to talk when Eddie woke up again.
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ask for eddie fic requests and you shall receive:
literally just him sitting in readers lap just going on about his day and rambling and reader just sitting there all big eyed and in love because how could you not when you have the cutest man alive right in front of you
i am so down bad for this man
Bronchitis (AO3)
Requests Are Open
If you like it, please, reblog it. With or without a comment it’s very much appreciated.
Eddie was clingy in general. He loved physical contact but when he wasn’t feeling well, it was something entirely different.
He had bronchitis but no fever. He still had to go to school and it was Hellfire night. He wasn’t going to miss it, not if he could help it.
So, swaying just a bit and with a sore throat his grabbed his partner’s hand and he dragged them down into his throne. He sat on top of their lap and wrapped his arms around their shoulders, resting his head against theirs.
“I’ll be honest, I had big plans for tonight,” Eddie told them in a rough, raw voice. “But I think I’ll leave them for when I can do them service.”
They hummed with a small smile on their lips as they waited for everyone to file into the room.
“They were going to figure out Vecna still lives,” he said, “but tonight we’re probably gonna do a shorter session. I might actually give them a chance at winning.”
“Were they not going to win?” they asked him.
“Well, I mean, there’s no real winning or losing in D&D but I have been trying to set it up so they all die at the end,” Eddie admitted. “You know, Jeff is a great Dungeon Master, don’t get me wrong, but his campaign was a little easy so I’m giving the newbies a challenge, see if they can really pull their wits together.”
Eddie looked down at their lips for a moment, like he was contemplating kissing them. A bout of coughing prevented him from doing that. When it was over, he settled on kissing their jaw instead.
“Do you wanna come home with me tonight?” he asked, looking at them with big, wide, hopeful eyes.
“There’s no place I’d rather be,” they told him.
“Even if all I do is try to learn the new Metallica album and hack my lungs up?” he asked.
They placed a kiss on his forehead, a bit warm but not warm enough to be feverish. “Especially.”
If you like it, please, reblog it. With or without a comment it’s very much appreciated.
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yooo welcome to my first Eddie fic! this one is a little rough. I kinda pulled this one from my ass and was stoned writing this whole thing. kinda an abrupt ending cause I didn't know to really end it but I really hope you like it :)
p.s. I have dyslexia and when I re-read my stuff some typos will fly over my head, so if you see one, lemme know so I can fix it.
Eddie x male reader
warning: drug use (marijuana)
Stale smoke hung in the air making a thick fog in the room. Laughing could be heard coming from two very stoned boys; Eddie 'the freak' Munson and Y/n L/n. These two have been best friends for what seems like forever, meeting when they were both 10 years old, and from that first day, they have been Eddie and y/n. Y/n has been there for Eddie through everything and Eddie would do anything for Y/n, and today, they were celebrating their 10-year. friendaversary!  To celebrate this day together, they both shut themselves in Eddie's room, smoked pot, drank beer, and laughed over old stories of their shared childhood.
The sound of bubbling could be heard as one of the boys, Eddie, took a ripp from a bong. The metal head then exhaled all the smoke he took into his lungs. Y/n giggled at the other boy and reached for the bong sitting in Eddie's lap, taking it from him. "You know" Eddie started as he scooted closer to the boy that was taking a rip of the bong just as Eddie did earlier " we've been like, best friends, for 10 years now" Eddie finished, staring at his friend in dazed awe. 
Y/n nodded and he exhaled smoke from his mouth" that makes us like….super best friends" the male added, making Eddie laugh. The metal head laughing cause the other male to laugh even harder, almost spilling the bong water all over his bed. Eddie quickly grabbed the bong before it could spill " bro be careful" he said in between giggles " your gonna make my room smell like bong water" he finished, setting the bong on the floor next to his bed.
Y/n kept laughing harder. He bent over his closed legs and laughed into the other bed, smacking it as he laughed. Eddie had a huge smile on his face with pink dusting his cheeks. Eddie couldn't help but think how….fucking adorable his best friend was.
Truth be told, Eddie had the biggest crush imaginable on the laughing boy next to him. Everything about Y/n was captivating to Eddie. The way he dressed, smelled, walked, talked, laughed, everything! Everything and anything you can think of Eddie loved it if it came to his best friend. 
Eddie was like a love-sick dog and it killed him. The nights he would spend dreaming of- " oh god I haven't laughed that hard in….well never" y/n interrupted Eddie's thoughts and he finally sat up, massaging his cheeks as they burned from smiling and laughing.
Eddie chuckled at the other as he calmed down from laughter. A comfortable silence settled upon the two. Eddie sighed and leaned his head on the wall behind him, closing his eyes. Y/n stared at the metal head, thoughts fuzzy, full of thoughts that he maybe shouldn't be having of his ‘super best friend’, and feeling like his nerves were buzzing. y/n had no control over his tongue. "You're so pretty" y/n mindlessly mutters, Eddie opened his eyes and turned his head, a puzzled look on his face" are you flirting with me, sir y/n l/n?" He asked, a smile creeping onto his face
Red exploded on the boy's face as he looked dumbfounded by his own words. Flustered the boy let out a series of noises trying to make a full sentence " well- i- you- I meant-" y/n whined in frustration and covered his face with his hands. Eddie laughed at the other boy and placed a hand on y/n knee, a smirk on his face and a glimmer of  Mischief in his eye. Y/n whined again and shook his head in his hands "nooooooo, I'm too stoned to unpack all that right now" the boy cried and slid down the wall, till he was laying on the bed. Eddie laughed some more and laid right next to the flustered male, staring at the side of his face.
Y/n moved his hands from his face and turned his head, locking eyes with Eddie. The tension between them was thick and suffocating.  Usually, y/n would crack a joke to break the silence, but with his mind running 20 miles a second and his throat dryer then a deserted; he froze. As Eddie stayed silent, eyes still locked onto the others, panic started to rise in y/n's chest.
' I fucked shit up didn't i' he thought to himself 'I should have kept my mouth shut' 'now Eddie's grabbing my hand and i- ….wait–' y/n finally got out of his head and focused on Eddie then he felt a warm hand squeeze his. Y/n squeezed back and took a deep breath " where did you go?" Eddie asked, concern laced in his voice, rubbing the back of y/n hand with his thumb " I don't know I just- I don't know" y/n whined again and squeezes his eyes shut " just today was gonna be the day" he started " I was gonna be brave but I'm such a coward that I'm panicking" Eddie was still confused but nodding and listening " and my mom got me so pumped about it too, you know? And I had this talk with my dog too and" y/n cut himself off with a gasp, eyes opening wide " I forgot to fill his water bowl!" And just like that y/ns train of thought was blown off the tracks and Eddie howled with laughter.
“Why are you laughing?! This is serious!” y/n yelled, sitting up on his elbows, and still holding on to eddies. Eddie laughed harder and kicked his feet “ok I'm sorry I'm sorry” the metal head said as he covered his mouth with his free hand, to stop his laughter. He nodded his head to the other, as a way to tell him to continue. With a huff, y/n looked away from Eddie, and took in a deep breath “I just think-” “let me stop you right there” Eddie interrupted and pulled on the sleeve, pulling back down on the bed. “Eddie you can't just-” lay down and then ill let you talk” Eddie interrupted again, looking up and the other with a smile. With an eye roll, the boy flopped back down onto the bed.
Y/n looked at the boy with a raised eyebrow “happy? May I speak now?” he asked and Eddie shook his head “ no not yet. I want to say something first” he stated as he started to move around, letting go of the other male's hand. y/n huffed again for the 100th time, “this better be important” he said as Eddie sat up and leaned over y/n. The boy looked up at Eddie in confusion. Before y/n could question him, Eddie leaned down and closed the distance between the two. 
Y/n's heart stopped and his brain powered down. He didn't know what to do, he couldn't think. y/n felt like he was on fire, and he loved it. Eddies lips felt like a dream and y/n didn't want to wake up. Eddie started to pull away, but the male under him pulled his head back down, connecting their lips again. Eddie smiled into the kiss as their lips moved against each other it started to grow desperate. y/n tangled his hands in eddies hair, eddies hand rested on the other cheek. The cold of eddies rings spreading throw his face pilled y/n to reality and realized what was happening. He pulled back from the metal head, and Eddie chased after his lips. Eddie opened his eyes and looked down at the other, noses ghosting against each other. “What was that?” y/n breathed against the other lips, his heart pounding like a jackhammer. “You were thinking too much” Eddie replied as he moved his hand down to cup the other jaw, running his thumb against his lower lip as he gazed down to y/n lips “ and your lips were just asking to be kissed,” he said, barely above a whisper, but it was still loud enough for the other to hear.
y/n breath hitched and bit his lower lip. Eddie started to lean down again “wait-” Eddie pulled away almost immediately “what's wrong?” he asked as he started to completely pulled away “wait no don't move,” y/n pleated as he reached for Eddie, the metal head listened and leaned back down, but not as close as he was before. y/n reached up and caressed his face, “I just don't want to ruin our friendship, even if it's too late, every time I think about this-” Eddie leaned down and kissed the other again, but it was quick “you're thinking too much, sweetheart” he chuckled and kissed y/ns cheek “are you just gonna kiss me every time you think I'm thinking too much?” y/n asked with a big smile “do you want me to stop?” Eddie replied with a raised eyebrow.
Y/n shook his head, the smile growing wider and his cheeks began to hurt. He leaned up and gave Eddie another quick kiss “how about we just smoke some more and make out till we pass out.” y/n suggested as he slowly sat up, pushing the metal head aside, reaching to grab the forgotten bong on the floor. Eddie nodded and moved off the other boy “that sounds like a wonderful idea” he agreed and took the bong from y/ns hands. “Promise we’ll talk about this tomorrow?” y/n asked worry dripping from his voice. The boy was terrified of the outcome of the upcoming conversation, but he knew it had to be done. Eddie, who had just taken a hit from the bong nodded “I promise” he said as smoke poured from his mouth till he exhaled “but I also promise this” he said as he passed the bong “ that conversation is gonna end our friendship” Eddie stated.
y/n looked at Eddie and opened his mouth to speak, but Eddie beat him to it “cause we’re gonna be boyfriends”
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Guess I gotta step up and write eddie stuff too. I have ideas but if somone wants to request somthing that would be *chefs kiss* amazing
I write male reader stuff just fyi :)
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