raincloudmayhem · 1 year
Y'all have been getting porn bots? Sucks for you lmaooo
I've just had some very pretty ladies following me recently :)
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raincloudmayhem · 1 year
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Teach about anything! There is always somebody willing to pay you for it. - By the makers of Tumblr and WordPress.com.
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raincloudmayhem · 1 year
Where did you get the name Pukicho
You'd never guess
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raincloudmayhem · 1 year
don't talk to me or my 300 pornbot followers ever again
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raincloudmayhem · 1 year
I was sitting in a crowded classroom when a kid wearing sunglasses walked up to the front. Everyone got quiet, and the kid whispered, “Fill my soul with healing…” and then floated up to the ceiling and exploded.
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raincloudmayhem · 1 year
Finn's Chest Binding Masterpost
Hello! I decided to make a post with information and tips on chest binding. I am trans myself and there's a lot of things I wish I had known before I got my first binder. This is for anyone who binds or wants to bind, whether trans, non-binary, genderqueer, questioning, or even just cis. Enjoy!
Buying a binder
Okay, so first of all you're probably going to want to get one from a reputable and trusted brand. Some examples are: gc2b, Underworks, and Spectrum Outfitters. That $18 dollar one with 3 stars on Amazon ain't the best choice.
Binders usually cost around $30-$40, but it depends on the kind and brand you're buying. There's half binders, tank binders, and more. It all just depends on what you want. (Also, try to steer clear of binders with clasps and zippers. They can sometimes cause damage and don't usually bind evenly.)
Sizing! Each website should have a sizing chart and instructions. You'll need to use a soft measuring tape (or whatever they're called), don't just guess. If you're between sizes, always choose the larger one. Never go down a size.
Wearing a binder
Yay, so you've bought a binder. Here's all the tips and safety things you need to know!
While it does depend a bit on the kind and brand, it most likely won't completely flatten your chest. This was a big shock and disappointment for me when I got my first binder because no one told me this. Binders aren't really supposed to make your chest super flat and smooth, but rather resemble pecs.
Don't bind for more than 8 hours! It can cause damage in the long term if you do it consistently, and short term it can cause pain, irritation, and breathing problems. Also, if you've never binded before, it may take a while before you can work up to wearing it for 8 hours.
If you feel any discomfort or have trouble breathing while wearing your binder: Take. It. Off.
Don't exercise, swim, or sleep (even if it's a nap) in your binder!
I feel like I'm forgetting a bunch of stuff so I'll probably edit this later with more lol.
Binder alternatives
Maybe you're in an unsafe environment, or you can't afford one, or you just need something asap. Well, there are some ways you can achieve a flatter chest without a binder.
Sports bra method! Put one sports bra on normally, and then another one on backwards. It's not the best, but it's something.
Layering clothes helps a bunch too! Wearing a tank top, then a shirt, then a jacket or hoodie is usually what I do. In the summer, this may be difficult. Don't overheat, and remember to stay hydrated!
Never, I repeat, never use tape to try and flatten your chest. I knew someone who insisted that using duct tape was fine, but it's not. It can cause damage, and we don't want that.
I hoped this helped a bit! I'll probably be adding more in the future, and feel free to comment or reblog this with some things I didn't have on here. I'll try to add them when I can!
Take care, keep hydrated, and bind safely! <3
-- Finn
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raincloudmayhem · 1 year
I saw this again and it H U R T S
hey remember when hunter heard tweeting through the walkie and yelled “flapjack!!!” so excitedly, and said “stay safe, i love you” and everyone awed, and then absolutely nothing else bad ever happened at all?
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raincloudmayhem · 1 year
okay but consider- pockets ✨
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raincloudmayhem · 1 year
It's 2 am and I find this hilarious for some reason
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How do you feel about avocados, Mark?
Which one reflects yOUR FUCKING FEELINGS, MARK?
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raincloudmayhem · 1 year
It's 2 am and I find this hilarious for some reason
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How do you feel about avocados, Mark?
Which one reflects yOUR FUCKING FEELINGS, MARK?
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raincloudmayhem · 1 year
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he judges
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raincloudmayhem · 2 years
logic 100
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raincloudmayhem · 2 years
Ezran in “The Drakewood”:
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raincloudmayhem · 2 years
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raincloudmayhem · 2 years
re: your last anon, i think that kit (and a lot of the cast) reduced their social media presence after the show was renewed (with or without guidance, we'll never know). i don't think it's feasible to not be on social media when you're up and coming and promoting your show or movie.
kit even talked about it being overwhelming at times, saying he wanted to take a break from sm after promo was over, which he did.
recently, there was a coordinated campaign from a bunch of trolls who relentlessly tweeted alice and the show's producer, trying to get kit fired for 'queerbaiting'. this occurred after he hadn't been on twitter for a month, so regardless of whether or not he was given guidance about limiting time online, it didn't stop these terrible people from pursuing their goal. and now they claim victory for forcing him to come out. it's horrible.
Wow, I was not aware of the coordinated campaign... That's awful.
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raincloudmayhem · 2 years
This shows that Kit hasnt got the necessary support around him because it seems like was never advised to consider quitting or restricting his public social media usage if it ever affects him negatively. There is unfortunately no way to get rid of the trolls - young stars have been detailing their struggles for years - the best solution has always been to reduce any contact with the strangers of the internet to a level that is best for the individual.
Yeah, I agree. However I believe he did restrict it, and there were still people relentlessly attacking Alice Oseman and accusing her of queerbaiting as well. People are assholes.
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raincloudmayhem · 2 years
real people can't queerbait
Real People Can't Queerbait
Real. People. Can't. Queerbait.
That word was designed for MEDIA
People do not owe you information about themselves or their sexuality no matter their relationship with you or their audience
Don't be a fucking asshole oh my god
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